CHEM 101 Syllabus F11v2
CHEM 101 Syllabus F11v2
CHEM 101 Syllabus F11v2
e atomic and molecular nature of matter; to understand that chemical reactions transform matter from one substance to to solve problems in the quantitative areas of chemistry, such as stoichiometry or to be introduced to elementary experimental chemistry; to understand the electronic structure of atoms and molecules. Lecturers:
mass balance, thermochemistry, and properties of gases; another;
Dr. D. King, Chemistry Department, Office: Disqu 509 [course coordinator] Lecture A: Wed., Fri. 9:00-9:50 AM, Disqu 103 Lecture B: Wed., Fri. 12:00-12:50 PM, Disqu 103 Dr. A. Addison, Chemistry Department, Office: Disqu 418 Lecture C: Tues., Thurs. 11:00-11:50 AM, Disqu 103 Dr. M. Ilies, Chemistry Department, Office: Stratton 414 Lecture D: Tues., Thurs. 1:00-1:50 PM, Disqu 103 Dr. F. Ji, Chemistry Department, Office: Disqu 507 Lecture E (honors): Tues., Thurs. 2:00-2:50 PM, Disqu 103 Dr. S. Rutkowsky, Chemistry Department, Office: Stratton 412 Lecture F: Tues., Thurs. 12:00-12:50 PM, Disqu 103
First e-mail contact for general course inquiries: Dr. Daniel King: email: First e-mail contact for OWL inquiries: Dr. Paul Deroo: email: Course Website: Bb Vista, CHEM 101
You will always find here the most current syllabus (supersedes this version), course schedule and announcements about changes in the course, labs and exams. Check it regularly. You can get there through DrexelOne (My Courses) or directly (
J.W. Moore, C.L. Stanitski, and P.C. Jurs, Chemistry The Molecular Science, 4th Ed., Thomson/Brooks/Cole, 2010. 1
The Online Web-based Learning (OWL) package is bundled with this textbook at the Drexel Bookstore. It is used for additional homework and credit. An electronic version of the textbook with OWL code can be purchased at the following website: Students are encouraged to purchase a simple scientific calculator for use on exams.
E. Thorne, Laboratory Manual for General Chemistry, Drexel University, CHEM 101/CHEM 102 Academic Year 2011-2012.
Safety glasses or goggles and a lab coat must be worn in the laboratory (both are available at the bookstore). A periodic table and other useful information will be provided as part of your test package at the time of each exam.
% Grade
Additional Information
Three 50-minute exams will be given starting at 8:00 AM on dates indicated on the course schedule (p. 8). A missed exam can be replaced by the make-up exam or averaged with the recitation grade. A recitation grade will be determined based on both attendance and recitation participation. The recitation grade will be averaged with the lowest exam grade.
10 35 20 100 2 You must score at least 45% on the final to pass the course. You must score at least 55% in lab to pass the course.
Grading policy: students who meet all the requirements will earn an A- if they score at least 90% overall, B- 80%, C- 70%, D 60%. If a question arises about
an exam grade, for instance, feel free to contact us with your concerns. Any questions about final course grades should be raised as soon as possible; dont wait until the Winter Quarter has started. Be aware that the course instructor(s) may contact you via e-mail if there are problems with your final grade or course components.
THERE WILL BE AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE UP ONE MISSED EXAM. During the last week of classes, a make-up exam will be given. The exam will include material covered after the third exam. To be eligible to take the make-up exam, a student must submit an application (available on the course website) by 11/25/11 that includes a reasonable explanation for missing the initial exam. Eligible students will be notified by email regarding the date, time and location of the exam.
The make-up exam can only be used to replace a missed exam; it cannot be used to improve a grade on an exam that was taken. There will be no opportunity to retake
the make-up exam, regardless of the reason for missing it.
8. Final Exam: The final exam will be held during final exam week. The date,
locations and start time will be announced in class and posted on the course website. NO MAKE UP WILL BE GIVEN FOR THE FINAL EXAM. STUDENTS MUST BE PRESENT FOR THE FINAL. After the commencement of the exam, no student will be allowed to leave the examination room without handing in the exam. Once a student leaves the examination room, he/she will not be allowed to re-enter it for any reason. Students arriving late to the exam, after any other student has left, will not be permitted to take the exam. The exam will consist of multiple-choice questions. There is no penalty for guessing. All students are responsible for bringing to the exam their own operational writing instruments and calculators - no sharing will be allowed. Be aware that active cell phones and the use of randomaccess devices (e.g., MP3 players, Palm Pilots, iPods) are NOT ALLOWED in exam rooms, and such may be confiscated if they are found. The final exam will cover material from the entire term. A student who does not score at least 45% on the final exam will not pass the course, regardless of his/her prior performance in the course.
Final Exam Week is Monday, Dec. 5th, through Saturday, Dec. 10th. Students should expect to be at Drexel the entire week. The final exam will not be rescheduled to accommodate travel plans.
attendance. If you cannot attend your regularly scheduled recitation, you must attend another recitation that same week and sign in, with that instructors permission, to earn credit for that week. You also must notify your regular
problems assigned are listed on the Course Schedule at the end of this syllabus (p. 8). Recitation grades will be determined based on both participation and
instructor to let him/her know that you attended another recitation. You may only make up three (3) recitations during the term. Recitations scheduled to meet on Mon., Oct. 10th (Columbus Day Holiday), and between 10 AM and 1 PM on Tue., Sept. 27th (Convocation), will be cancelled. Students are encouraged to attend another recitation that week, but will not lose points if they do not attend another recitation. The Oct. 10th recitations will be made up on Mon., Nov. 21st, but the Sept. 27th recitations will not be made up. It is expected that students in the honors sections will have fewer questions about the conceptual problems assigned for recitation, because they will have a better general understanding of the material presented each week. Consequently, additional problems will be assigned to these sections. These will include problems from the following end-of-chapter sections: "Applying Concepts", "More Challenging Questions" and "Conceptual Challenge Problems". The aim is for honors students to develop a deeper understanding of the chapter concepts and the application of the concepts to novel circumstances.
If you are more than 5 minutes late to lab, you will not be permitted to perform the experiment at that time, and must make up the lab at another time. You are
required to submit a legible, handwritten Procedure at the beginning of the lab period. This procedure should provide a brief summary of what you will be doing during the lab period. If you do not turn in the procedure, you will still be allowed to complete the lab, but you will forfeit the 5 points associated with that report component; late submissions of the procedure will not be accepted.
If you miss a lab, try to make up the lab in one of the other sections, with that instructors permission. You must let your regular instructor know that you have made up the lab. Your lab report is due to your regular lab instructor one week after the experiment was performed. If you are unable to make up the lab during the two weeks that it is running, you can try to make it up on the lab make-up day, held during the last week of classes. You can make up only one experiment in this make-up day. (Due to safety regulations, the number of persons allowed in the lab at one time is limited; you are advised to attend all of your regularly scheduled lab 5
sessions to ensure that you perform all of the lab exercises.) To get a passing grade for CHEM 101, you must obtain a cumulative lab grade of 55% or higher.
Lab 2
Exp. #2 Stoichiometry and Limiting Reagents Week of October 10
Lab 3
Exp. #3 Spectroscopy
Lab 4
Exp. # 4 Determination of Molar Mass by Freezing Point Depression Week of November 7th Week of November 14th
*Note that labs for sections 64H, 66, 68H and 70 will not be held on Monday, Oct. 10th because of the Columbus Day holiday. These labs will instead run on Monday, Oct. 17th. These rescheduled labs will meet in Disqu 302 at the same time as the originally scheduled labs. Similarly, the labs for sections 074, 076 and 126 will not run on Tuesday, Sept. 27th (University Convocation). Section 076 will run on Tuesday, Oct. 4th, in Disqu 302 at the same time as the originally scheduled lab. Sections 074 and 126 will run on Tuesday, November 22nd, at the same time and room as the originally scheduled labs.
11. Submitting Lab Reports: The data sheet from the labs must be signed
by your instructor prior to your leaving the lab. The data sheets may be photocopied and shared (with your lab partner only). For each of the four lab experiences, each student is required to submit an individual lab report. You may collaborate with your lab partner on the calculations, but the rest of the report must represent your individual work. Any lab reports that are direct copies of any other will receive zero (0) points. Your lab report is due before the building closes on the day one week after you do the lab. You should submit your lab report by placing it in your lab instructors slot box across from Disqu 304. Ensure that the cover page of your report displays your lab instructor's name as well as the other essential information (your name, course number, section number, exp. title). A blank cover page is available on the course homepage. Five points will be deducted for each day (not including weekends or holidays) that the report is late. Any report submitted more than two weeks late is worth zero (0) points. (See page 3 of the Lab Manual for more details.) 6
12. Safety in the lab: Everyone is required to wear safety glasses or goggles
while in the lab. Prescription glasses must be covered with safety goggles unless written documentation is provided to the instructor that indicates that their lenses meet or exceed the ANSI Z87 1-1989 standard and are equipped with side shields. All students must sign a form stating that you understand and will abide by this policy prior to being allowed to work in the lab. It is recommended that a pair of safety glasses is purchased from the Drexel Bookstore prior to coming to the lab.
GENERAL INFORMATION Disability Services: Students with disabilities who wish to request
accommodations and services at Drexel University need to present a current accommodation verification letter (AVL) to one of the instructors before accommodations can be made. AVL's are issued by the Office of Disability Services (ODS); Any student requesting special testing accommodations must contact Dr. King at least seven (7) days prior to the exam. Accommodations will not be made if the AVL is first provided on the day of the exam.
Course Schedule
Week 1 Component Date Lecture topic Recitation Lab Date Lecture topic Recitation Lab Date Lecture topic Recitation Lab Date Lecture topic Recitation Lab Date Lecture topic Recitation Lab Date Lecture topic Recitation Lab Date Lecture topic Recitation Lab Date Lecture topic Recitation Lab Date Lecture topic Recitation Lab Date Lecture topic Recitation Lab Date Lecture topic Recitation Lab Date Monday 9/19/2011 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9/20/2011 9/21/2011 9/22/2011 9/23/2011 Review Ch. 1-5 Review Ch. 1-5 Ch 1: 29,92 Honors: 102; Ch 2: 64,69,92 Honors: 127; Ch 3: 41,126 No lab this week 9/26/2011 9/27/2011 9/28/2011 9/29/2011 9/30/2011 Review Ch. 1-5 Review Ch. 1-5 Ch. 3: Honors 153; Ch 4: 19,124,125 Honors: 126; Ch 5: 45,49 Exp. 1, even-numbered sections except 74, 76, 126 10/3/2011 10/4/2011 10/5/2011 10/6/2011 10/7/2011 7:1-3 (atomic model) 7:4-6 (orbitals) Ch 5: 95,129 Honors 130,137; Ch 7: 11,15,25 Exp. 1, odd-numbered sections and 76 10/10/2011 10/11/2011 10/12/2011 10/13/2011 10/14/2011 7:9-12 (periodicity) NO CLASS 7:7-8 (orbitals) EXAM 1 Ch 7: 31,38,70,83,141 Honors 134,CP7.A Exp. 2, even-numbered sections except 64H, 66, 68H, 70 10/17/2011 10/18/2011 10/19/2011 10/20/2011 10/21/2011 6:1-3 (thermochem.) 6:4-7 (thermochem.) Ch 7: 97,127 Honors 145,152; Ch 6: 32,59,83,91 Exp. 2, odd-numbered sections and 64H, 66, 68H, 70 10/24/2011 10/25/2011 10/26/2011 10/27/2011 10/28/2011 6:11-12; 8:1-3 (bonding) 6:8-10 (thermo.) EXAM 2 Ch 6: 101,109,145 Honors 167,174a-c; Ch 8: 9,13 Exp. 3, even-numbered sections 10/31/2011 11/1/2011 11/2/2011 11/3/2011 11/4/2011 8:4-6 (bonding) 8:7-10 (bonding) Ch 8: 17,48,53,82,89 Honors 121,122,124 Exp. 3, odd-numbered sections 11/7/2011 11/8/2011 11/9/2011 11/10/2011 11/11/2011 9:5-6 (molecular struct.) 9:1-2 (VSEPR) EXAM 3 Ch 8: 68,93 Ch 9: 13,14,24 Honors 102,109,112 Exp. 4, even-numbered sections 11/14/2011 11/15/2011 11/16/2011 11/17/2011 11/18/2011 10:1-4 (gases) 10:5-8 (gases) Ch 9: 51,62 Ch 10: 2,18,42,75 Honors 133,135,CP10.B Exp. 4, odd-numbered sections 11/21/2011 11/22/2011 11/23/2011 11/24/2011 11/25/2011 Thanksgiving NO CHEM 101 CLASSES TUESDAY-FRIDAY Exp. 1, 74 and 126 only 11/28/2011 11/29/2011 11/30/2011 12/1/2011 12/2/2011 10:9-13 (gases) Review Ch 10: 60,99,126 Honors 137,141 MAKE UP LAB 12/5/2011 12/6/2011 12/7/2011 12/8/2011 12/9/2011 FINAL EXAM WEEK (12/5-12/10) 8