ANSI A14.1.1990 Escalera Portable Madera
ANSI A14.1.1990 Escalera Portable Madera
ANSI A14.1.1990 Escalera Portable Madera
With The Pennission Of ANSI
Under Royally Aueemenl ANSI A14.1-1990
for ladders - I
portable wood -
safety requirements
o ~
. . ..AIa!lll-----------1III!
~IV~I American National Standards Institute
11 West42ndStreet
New York, New York
ANSI A14.1 - 1990
\. /Preface
~ Over the years there have been a number of interpretations ordered by a label/marking buyer. Such text or verbiage
of various requirements within the A14 Ladder Standards. can be added to or presented more cogently as long as the
One which keeps reappearing and has required periodic broad general intent of the label/marking is achieved
revisiting is the LabelinglMarking requirements as these without changing the basic technical information thus.
relate to the illustrations of more detailed and apparently meeting the requirements of the standard for label/marking.
specific labels/markings in the appendix following
Appendix B. To clarify this issue as defmitively as possible Underscoring the above position is the description of
the following interpretation, reviewed and approved by labels/markings as illustrations. Use of the word illustration
the A14 Standards Committee, is provided: has been specifically chosen, based upon its meaning,
which is defined as an example and explanation. Coupled
Interpretation with this definition - and lending emphasis to it - is the
While the requirements in the body of the Portable Ladder placement of the label/marking illustrations in the appendix
Standards for labels/marking are keyed to specifically since appendices are not part of the standard but
numbered markings, the referred to labels/markings are explanations and elaborations of the standard and its
illustrations only and not intended to be exact renditions of applicable requirements. In the traditional structuring and
the labels/markings placed on portable ladders. As development of standards the use of the appendix was also
" illustrations the labels/markings. except for technical specifically chosen as a recognized means of stating
information in the text, are not required to be exact through illustration and explanation how requirements of
duplications of those following Appendix B. The graphics the standard can be implemented. The use of labels/
of the labels/markings including figures of users. arrows markings appendix and the illustrations contained therein
/~':\inting out locations or direction, fonnatting text with the is construed in the broadest sense as offering designers or
( 1of numbers or alphabet or both. and style of expression buyers general guidance, rather than dictating exact
Yeed not be followed exactly but rather is left to the duplication, in creating signs or labels/markings for portable
discretion of the developer of the label/marking or as ladders.
(AI4.1 • 1990)
Three (3) sentences are added to the end of the paragraph as follows:
While the effective date is 90 days from approval of the standard, actual determination is
based upon publication of the availability of the standard, which appeared in the August
10, 1991 issue of the ANSI Reporter. The aforementioned date would make November
10, 1991 the effective date. However, inventories and stocks of labels/markings warrant
an additional 90 days for reasonable usage of existing stock.
This paragraph becomes the 5th paragraph for the following new 4th paragraph:
An additional issue which has arisen is the requirement for the use of unwaxed vinyl tile
as a testing surface. Recent experience and evidence indicate problems in the use of this
material which requires suspension of the use of these provisions in the standard. At a
recent A14 Committee meeting (9119/91), the Committee appointed a task force to
research a more appropriate material.
Delete old Table 18 and replace with the following which corrects only the heading or
title of the test to Bottom Slip Test.
Table 18
Bottom Slip Test
Test Weight on 3rd Horizonlal Pulling
Highest Fly Rung Force
Duty Rating and Type (pounds) (pounds)
() Administrative Co-Secretariat
American An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope
and provisions. An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the
National consumer, and the general public .. The existence of an American National Standard does not in any
Standard respect preclude anyone, whether they have approved the standard or nOI, from manufacturing.
marketing, purchasing. or using products, processes, or procedures not confonning to the standard.
American National Standards are subject to periodic review and users are cautioned to obtain the
latest editions.
The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circumstances
give an interpretation of any American National Standard. Moreover. no persons shall have the
right or authority to issue an interpretation of an American National Standard in the name of the
American National Standards Institute.
CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any
lime. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be
taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of
publication. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on
all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute.
Published by
This standard is a revision of American National Standard Safety Requirements for Portable
Wood Ladders, ANSI A 14.1-1982. It is one of a series of five standards prepared under the
supervision of American National Standards Commictee on Safety in the Construction. Care.
and Use of Ladders, A 14. All five standards have been developed by subcommittees reponing
to American National Standards Committee A 14. The subcommittees are: A 14-1. Ponable
Wood Ladders; A 14-2, Portable Metal Ladders; A 14-3, Fixed Ladders; A 14-4, Job-Made
Ladders; and A 14-5, Portable Reinforced Plastic Ladders.
All five standards, with the exception of A14·7 1990, Mobile Ladder Stands. derive from the
original American National Standard Safety Code for Construction, Care and Use of Ladders.
A14, which was first approved in 1923. Revisions were approved in 1935. 1948. and 1952.
The earlier editions contained some treatment of metal and fixed ladders. Requirements for
these types of ladders were removed from the 1948 revision because rapid development in the
metal ladder field warranted special consideration and treatment of metal ladders and fixed
ladders (usually metal) in separate standards. In 1948, the code was revised and its title lind
designation changed to American National Standard Code for Wood Ladders. A 14.1. In 1952.
it was again revised and retitled American National Standard Safety Code for Portable Wood
Ladders. It was further revised in 1959, 1968, 1975, 1980, and 1982.
At the August I 1,1977, joint meeting of the Testing Task Force and the A 14 Advisory
Committee, 23 procedures were presented. These procedures, with an accompanying rationale
based upon statistical and human-factors data, were distributed lO the three portable-ladder
subcommittees for review and incorporation into the standards. Recommendations for nomen-
clature and for care and use of ladders, as well as the Ladder Use Survey Fonn and Bi-Level
Fall Victim Report Form that have been included in the Appendixes, had been previously
balloted in order that this more technical material from the Testing Task Force receive the
full attention of the three subcommittees.
Test procedures were developed for three different applications, namely, design verification,
quality control, and in-service testing. Design verification tests would generally be conducted
on a one-time basis during the original design development of the product and would usually
be destructive tests. Quality control tests would be conducted by the manufacturer on an
on-going basis; some of the tests would be destructive and some would be nondestructive.
In-service tests would be conducted by the user or a periodic basis and would be nondestruc-
tive in nature.
The A14 Committee adopted June 4, 1982*, as the effective date of ANSI A 14.1- 1981.
This was to allow the manufacturers the necessary lead time to evaluate their products for
confonnance to the 1981 edition of the three portable-ladder standards, to redesign and test
2. General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9
2.1 Rationale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9
2.2 Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9
2.3 Interpretation...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9
2.4 Mandatory and Advisory Provisions .............................. 9
2.5 Equivalent ................................................. " 10
2.6 Effective Dale ................................................ 10
7.3.6 Torsional Stability Test for Stepladders, Platform Ladders,
Trestle Ladders, Extension Trestle Ladders, and Step Stools ...... 40
7.3.7 Racking Test for Stepladders, Platfonn Ladders, Trestle Ladders,
Extension Trestle Ladders .............. ~ .................. 44
7.3.8 Front Rail and Back Leg Dynamic Drop Test for Stepladders,
Platform Ladders, Trestle Ladders, Extension Trestle Ladders,
and Step Stools .......................................... 44
7.3.9 Rail Torsion and Spreader Test for Stepladders, Platform
Ladders, Trestle Ladders, and Extension Trestle Ladders ........ 44
7.3.10 Stepladder Slip Test ...................................... 44
7.4 Labeling Tests ................................................ 45
8. Selection, Care, and Use ............................................. 46
8.1 ~neral ...................................................... 46
8.2 Selection ..................................................... 46
8.3 Rules for Ladder Use .......................................... .48
8.4 Care .....•...................•.................•............ 50
9. Labeling/Markiog Requirements ....................................... 51
9.1 Primary Hazard "Danger" and "Caution" Markings ................... 51
9.2 Product Data Information Markings ................................ 52
10. Revision of American National Standards Referred to in This Document ....... 53
Table 1 Classification of Various Species of Wood Acceptable for
Use in Ladders .............................................. 16
Table 2 Minimum Dimensions for Type-I and -IA Stepladders ............... 19
( Table 3 Minimum Dimensions for Type-ll Stepladders ..................... 20
\ '
''-.J Table 4 Minimum Dimensions for Type-Ill Stepladders .................... 21
Table 5 Minimum Dimensions of Side Rails for Single Ladders .............. 23
Table 6 Minimum Dimensions of Side Rails for Two-Section
Extension Ladders ...........................•............... 24
Table 7 Minimum Overlap for Two-Section Extension Ladders .............. 25
Table 8 Minimum Distance between Points of Bearing for Two-Section
Extension Ladders ....... : .................................... 25
Table 9 Guide Iron Dimensions for Extension Ladders ..................... 25
Table 10 Minimum Dimensions of Side Rails for Sectional Ladders ........... 26
Table 11 Minimum Dimensions of Side Rails for Trestle Ladders or Base
Sections of Extension Trestle Ladders ............................ 27
Table 12 Minimum Dimensions of Side Rails for Extension Sections of
Extension Trestle Ladders ..................................... 27
Table l3 Required Extension Trestle Ladder Overlap ....................... 27
Table 14 Minimum Dimensions of Side Rails and Rungs for Masons' Ladders ... 28
Table 15 Single and Extension-Ladder Inclined Load Test ................... 30
Table 16 Hardware Tests .....................•........................ 32
Table 17 Ladder Section Twist Test ..................................... 36
Table 18 Bottom Slip Test ............................................. 37
Table 19 Stability Test Loads .......................................... 39
Table 20 Maximum Allowable Racking Deflection ......................... 43
Table 21 Rail Torsion Test ............................................ 44
Table 22 Summary of Significant Accident Causes .....................' ... .47
Table 23 Ladder Size, Working Length, and Height ....................... .48
Fig. 1 Inclined Load Test ............................................ 30
Fig. 2 Cyclic Rung Lock Test Arrangement ............................ 31
Fig. 3 Rung Lock Testing Cycle ...................................... 32
Fig. 4 Single Lock Load Test ........................................ 33
Fig. 5 Standard Loading Block ....................................... 33
Fig. 6 Lock Tip Load Test .......................................... 34
Fig. 7 Side-Rail Cantilever Dynamic Drop Test ......................... 35
Fig. 8 Single or Extension-Ladder Twist Test ............................ 35
Fig. 9 Bottom Slip Test ............................................. 36
Fig. to Compression Test ............................................ 38
Fig. 11 Front, Side, and Rear Stability Test .............................. 39
Fig. 12 Torsional Stability and Rail Torsion and Spreader Tests ............. 41
Fig. l3 Racking Test ................................................ 42
Fig. 14 DynamiC Drop Test .......................................... 43
Fig. 15 Stepladder Slip Test .......................................... 45
Appendix A Fonnat of Design and. Color for Primary Hazard Danger
and Caution Labels/Markings ............................... 54
Appendix B Fonnat of Design and Color for the Safety First and
Notice Labels/Markings ................................... 55
Marking No. 00 - All Ladders .............. , ................ , ...... , ... 56
Marking No. I, 2 and 3 - Step Ladders ................................... 57
Marking No.4 - Step Ladders .......................................... 58
Marking No.5, 6 and 7 - Extension Ladders ............................... 58
Marking No.8 and 9 - Extension Ladders ................................. 59
Marking No. 10 - Extension Ladders .......................... " " ....... 60
Marking No. 11 and 12 - Step Stools ..................................... 60
Marking No. 13 - Trestle Ladders ....................................... 61
Marking No. 14 - Extension Trestle Ladders ............................... 61
Marking No. 15 - Platform Ladders ................... , .................. 62
Marking No. 16 - All Ladders .......................................... 62
1.1 Scope. This standard prescribes rules and estab- 2.1 Rationale. A rationale has been developed
lished minimum requirements for the construction, covering the specifications and performance require-
testing, care, and use of the common types of portable ments of this standard. I
wood ladders described herein in order to ensure
safety under nonnal conditions of usage. It does not 2.2 Application. This standard is intended for
cover step stools (furniture type), except ladder-type voluntary use by establishments that use or manufac-
step stools (see 6.4.4 for other exceptions), nor does it ture ladders. It is also designed to serve as a guide to
cover ladder accessories, including, but not limited to. federal and state authorities or other regulatory bodies
ladder shoes, ladder levelers, ladder stabilizers or in the formulation of laws or regulations.
stand-off devices, ladder jacks, or ladder straps and The methods employed to ensure compliance with
hooks, that may be installed on or used in conjunction
this standard shall be determined by the proper
() with ladders.
These requirements are also intended to prescribe
regulatory or administrative authority.
rules and minimum criteria for labeling/marking of 2.3 Interpretation. To secure uniform application
the kinds of portable ladders cited in this standard but
of this standard. it is recommended that sugge!;tions
exclusive of furniture type step stools and special
involving changes in the requirements or disputes
purpose ladders. These labeling/marking requirements
do not apply to those situations where user's training, over their interpretation be referred to the following
supervision, or documented safety procedures would organization:
duplicate, exceed or be in conflict with the label- American Society of Safety Engineers, 1800 E.
ing/marking requirements. Oakton SI., Des Plaines, Ill. 60018
In view of the different kinds of ladders and the
1.2 Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to pro- many different conditions under which they are used,
vide reasonable safety for life. limb. and property. In this standard should be liberally construed. In cases of
order to develop an effective safety program, the
practical difficulty or under special-service conditions,
standard should also serve as a basis for purchase re-
it is expected that the administrative authority will
quirements and for instruction in personnel training
and in the preparation of motivational/instructional grant exceptions to the literal requirements of this
material, such as safety practices, manuals, posters, standard or will permit the use of alternative designs
and the like. This standard is also intended to provide or features, but only if equivalent safety is thereby
the manufacturer. purchaser. and user of wood ladders secured.
with a set of specifications and requirements against
which a ladder may be compared. 2.4 Mandatory and Advisory Provisions. The
It is not the purpose of this standard to specify all world "shall" is to be understood as denoting a
the details of construction of portable wood ladders. mandatory requirement. The word "should" is to
The limitations imposed are for the purpose of provid- be understood as denoting a recommendation.
ing adequate general requirements and testing methods
2.S Equivalent. The word "equivalent" in this extension ladder. A non-self-supporting portable
standard means a construction. connection, Or material ladder, adjustable in length. It consists of two or
providing equal perfonnance. more sections traveling in guides or brackets or the
equivalent and so arranged as to pennit length
2.6 Effective Date. The requirements of this stand- adjustment.
ard shall become effective 90 days after the revised
A14.1 standard is approved by ANSI. extension trestle ladder. A self-supporting portable
ladder, adjustable in length, consisting of a trestle lad-
der base and a venically adjustable extension section
3. Related Standards with a suitable means for locking the ladders together.
This standard is intended for use in conjunction with highest standing level. The vertical distance.
the following American National Standards or latest expressed in feet and inches, from the uppennost
revision (See section 10): step or rung the climber is advised to use to the
horizontal plane of the ladder base support, with the
American National Standard Safety Requirements for portable ladder in the preferred climbing position.
Scaffolding, ANSI AIO.8-1988
inside clear width. The distance between the inside
American National Standard for Ladders - Portable flanges of the siderails of a ladder.
Metal - Safety Requirements, ANSI A 14.2·1990
ladder. A device incorporating or employing steps
American National Standard for Ladders - POJ1able or rungs on which a person may step to ascend or
Reinforced PI~stic - Safety Requirements, ANSI descend.
A 14.5-1982
ladder foot, shoe', or skid-resistant bearing surface_
American National Standard Nomenclature of Domes-
That component of ladder support that is in contact
tic Hardwoods and Softwoods, ANSI/ASTM Dl165-80
with the lower supporting surface.
American National Standard Methods for Establishing
ladder type. The designation that identifies the
Clear-Wood Strength Values, ANSIIASTM D2555-88
working load.
back leg (rear rail). The support members of a self- maximum extended length or maximum working
supporting portable ladder back section. The back legs length. The total length of the extension ladder when
are joined by rungs, bars, rear braces, or other bracing the middle or intennediate and top or fly sections are
to fonn the back section. fully extended (maintaining the required overlap).
combination ladder. A portable ladder capable of nail. A steel nail, unless otherwise designated.
being used either as a stepladder or as a single or
permanent deformation (set). That defonnation
extension ladder. It may also be capable of being used
remaining in any part of a ladder after all loads have
as a trestle ladder or a stairwell ladder. Its components
been removed.
may be used as single ladders.
pitch. The included (acute) angle between the horizon-
double front ladder. A self-supporting portable
tal and the ladder, which is measured on the side of
ladder. non-adjustable in length with flat steps front
the ladder opposite the climbing side. It is usually
and back that can be climbed on either side by one
person at a time. expressed as the ratio HIL, which is the horizontal
distance H from the base of the ladder to the support-
duty rating. The combination of factors, including, ing surface divided by the working length L of the
but not limited tO,ladder type and design features ladder.
which imply service capability.
platform. A landing surface that is used as a working
I An optional a~cessory. or standing location.
platform ladder. A self-supporting portable ladder shelf. designed so that the ladder top cap as well as all
of fixed size with a platfonn provided at the intended steps can be climbed on. The side rails may conlinue
highest standing level. above the top cap.
portable ladder. A ladder that can readily be moved step surfaces. The clear portion of steps or rungs on
or carried, usually consisting of side rails joined at which a person may step while ascending or descend·
intervals by steps. rungs. or rear braces. ing a ladder.
rail. The side members joined at intervals by either test failure. Damage or visible weakening of the
rungs or steps. ladder structure or a component, except where other-
wise defined by the leSI protocol.
rear braces. Crosspieces or diagonals (in the back
section of a self-supporting ladder) not intended for test load. The applied load used to demonstrate
climbing. which may be spaced at any interval. compliance with a perfonnance test requirement.
rungs or steps. Ladder crosspieces that are intended
top cap. The uppermost horizontal member of a
for use by a person in ascending or descending.
portable stepladder.
scaffold. A temporary elevated platform and its sup-
poning structure used for supporting worker(s) or top step. The first step below the top cap of a portable
materials or both. stepladder. Where a ladder is constructed without a top
cap, the top step is the first step below the top of the
section rails.
(1) bottom or base section. The lowest section of
a non-self-supporting portable ladder. trestle ladder. A self-supporting portable ladder,
(2) top or ny section. The uppermost section of a non-adjustable in length. consisting of two sections
non-self-supporting portable ladder. intended for climbing on both sides simultaneously.
(3) middle or intermediate section. The section with rungs or bars for climbing, hinged at the top to
between the top (fly) and bottom (base) sections of a form angles with the base.
slope of 1 in 12 means that in a distance of 12 inches, Splits. Splits that are not more than 2
the grain deviates 1 inch from the edge of the piece. inches in length shall be penniued in side rails and
The slope of grain shall be measured over a distance back legs.
that will ensure that the determination of the general Compression Wood. Occurrences of
sloper of the grain is not influence by short local compression wood, in relatively small amounts and
deviations. positively identified by competent and conscienlious
Location deviations of the grain from the general visual inspection of side rails and back legs, shall be
slope in the piece are usually associated with a knot pennined provided that no single streak exceeds 1/2
or other irregularity that mayor may not be present in inch in width and that the aggregate of streaks does nol
the piece. In addition to the limits on general slope exceed in width one-fourth of the wide face of the side
of grain, it is also desirable, in pieces of small cross rail. No streak of compression wood shall be allowed
on the narrow face of the rail. Borderline fonns of
section such as occur in ladder parts, to limit the
compression wood not positively identified by com-
occurrence of local deviations, except for those which
petent and conscientious visual inspection shall be
are associated with otherwise permitted irregularities
pennined. Those pans containing bow or crook that
appearing in the piece.
would interfere with the operation of the ladder shall Limited Irregularities. Black streaks
not be used. No streaks of compression wood shall be
in western hemlock shall not be considered an within 1/2 inch of the edge of the rail.
irregUlarity. However, chambers associated with
5.1.3 Permissible Irregularities in Flat Steps,
black streaks, when present in the part, shall be Rungs, and Other Ladder Parts
limited as specified for pitch and bark pockets. Cross Grain in Parts Other Than
5.1.2 Permissible Irregularities in Side Rails
Rungs. The general slope of grain shall not be steeper
and Back Legs than I in 12 in pieces for ladders 10 feet and greater Cross Grain. The general slope of the in length and not steeper than I in lOin pieces for
grain in side rails and back legs shall not be steeper ladders less than 10 feet in length. The slope of the
than 1 in 12, except for ladders under 10 feet in length grain in areas of local deviation shall be limited as is
and having flat steps for treads, in which the general the general slope of the grain. For all ladders. cross
slope of the grain shall not be steeper than 1 in 10. The grain not steeper than 1 in 10 may be pennitted in lieu
slope of the grain in areas of local grain deviation shall of 1 in 12 provided the size of the part is increased 10
be limited as above when occurring on the narrow face afford at least 15 percent greater calculated strength
or in the outer one-fourth of the width of the wide than in ladders built to minimum dimensions. Local
face. Local areas of grain deviation within the center deviations of grain associated with otherwise per-
half of the width of the wide face may be pennitted to missible irregularities shall be permitted.
contain a grain slope as steep as 1 in 8. Local devia- Cross Grain in Rungs. The general
tions of grain associated with otherwise pennissible slope of the grain and the slope in areas of local. devia-
irregularities shall be pennitted. tion shall not be steeper than 1 in 15. For all ladders. Knots. Knots shall not appear in a cross grain not steeper than 1 in 12 may be permitted
in lieu of I in 15 provided the size of the part is
narrow face of a side rail or back leg. Knots, if tight
increased to afford at least 15 percent greater
and sound and less than 1/2 inch in diameter, shall be
calculated strength than in ladders built to minimum
permitted on the wide face provided no part of the
dimensions. Local deviations of grain associated with
knot is within 1/2 inch from either edge and knots are otherwise permissible irregUlarities shall be permitted.
not more frequent than one in any three feet of length. Knots. Permissible knots shall be Pitch and Bark Pockets. Pitch and
sound and tight. Knots over 1/8 inch in diameter shall
bark pockets in side rails and back legs shall be
not appear in rungs. Knots shall not appear in the
pennitted provided that there is not more than one narrow faces of flat steps. Knots appearing in the
that is 1/8 inch in width. 2 inches in length, and 1/2 wide faces of flat steps shall not exceed 1/4 inch in
inch in depth. or the equivalent of smaller pockets, diameter. Knots in other ladder pans shall comply
on the b~sis of exposed area and depth, per each 3 feet with the requirements of
of length. Pitch and Bark Pockets. Pitch and Checks. Checks that are not more bark pockets shall be pennitted provided that there is
~han 6 inches in length or 1/2 inches in depth shall be nol more than one that is 1/8 inch in width, 2 inches in
(J pennitted in side rails or back legs. length. and 1/2 inch in depth, or the equivalent of
smaller pockets on the basis of exposed area and the wood. Holes drilled in wood parts for fasteners
depth, per each 3 feet of length. shall not exceed the diameter of the fastener by more Checks. Seasoning checks shall be than 1/32 inch.
pennitted at the time of manufacture provided that
5.5 Alternate Materials. When a wood ladder is
the checks are not more than 6 inches in length or
manufactured with a part or parts made of some other
1/2 inch in depth.
material (aluminum or steel steps, top cap, or rungs), Splits. Splits shall be permitted at time or species not herein specified, these parts shan meet
of manufacture provided that they are not more than 2 the requirements of this and other applicable American
inches in length. National Standards for ladders. A component part Compression Wood. Occurrences of made of other wood-base material may be substituted
compression wood, positively identified by competent if it has strength, stiffness, durability, perfonnance,
and conscientious visual inspection, shall be pennitted and weathering characteristics at least equal to or
provided that no single streak exceeds 1/2 inch in exceeding the solid lumber component specified in
width and that the aggregate of streaks does not this standard.
exceed in width one-fourth of the wide face. No streak
of compression wood shall be allowed on the narrow
face. Borderline fonns of compression wood not posi· 6. Construction Requirements
tively identified by competent and conscientious visual
inspection shall be permitted. Parts containing bow or 6.1 Basis of Requirements
crook that would interfere with the operation of the 6.1.1 Types of Ladders
ladder shall not be used. Type IA. Type IA is an extra-heavy-
duty industrial ladder with a 300·pound duty rating.
5.2 Classification of Species of Wood. Table I gives These ladders are for frequent extra·heavy-duty
a list of native woods, divided into five groups on the applications, such as industry, utilities, contractors,
basis of their mechanical properties, considered from and the like.
the viewpoint of use for ladder construction. Type I. Type I is a heavy-duty in·
5.2.1 Side Rails and Flat Steps. All minimum dustrialladder with a 250-pound duty rating. These
dimensions and specification set forth hereinafter for ladders are for applications such as industry, uti lilies,
side rails and flat steps shall be followed, except that contractors, and the like.
wood from species of group E may be substituted for Type IL Type Il is a medium-duty
wood from group D when the former is used in sizes commercial ladder with a 225-pound duty rating. It
that provide equivalent strength. (See Note 6 of Table is for applications such as offices, light maintenance,
I for suggested methods of size adjustment.) and the like.
5.2.2 Rungs. All minimum dimensions and Type III. Type III is a light-duty
specifications set forth hereinafter for rungs are based household ladder with a 200·pound duty rating:
on the species of wood listed in group A of Table I. These ladders are for light household use.
5.3 Hardware. Hardware shall be made of 6.1.2 General. The dimensions specified here·
aluminum. steel, wrought iron, malleable iron, or other inafter for wood ladders are the minimum dressed
material that is adequate in strength for the purpose cross·sectional dimensions for the types of ladders
intended and free from sharp edges and from sharp herein designated, based on the species of wood
projections in excess of 1/64 inch. The materials shall specified in 5.2, at a moisture content of 15 percent.
be corrosion and weather resistant. The dimensions for side rails are based on a mortise or
gain as specified herein for the various types of ladders
5.4 Fasteners. Fasteners shall be applied in a tight for step or rung attachments. Where the strength of the
and secure manner and remain so with nonnal use and side rails or back legs is reduced by a greater mortise
care, or be such that they can be field tightened. Rivets or gain than specified, or where it is desired to use for
shall be peened or set over the hardware or a washer. any wood part a cross section either dimension of
The washers shall be standard riveting bUlTs; that is, which is less than specified, the required dimensions
3/16 inch diameter rivets shall use a minimum 1(2 inch may be found as indicated in 6.1.3.
diameter bUIT, and 1/4 inch diameter rivets shall use a 6.1.3 Formula for Determining Dimensions
minimum 5/8inch diameter burr. The head of the rivet, For the side rails of single, extension,
when used against wood, shall be a wagon box, truss, and sectional ladders, the proposed section shall
or similar type head to afford adequate bearing against develop an actual stress per square inch not greater
than 2000 pounds for group A and B woods, 1875 standard for a corresponding ladder unless new dimen-
pounds for group C woods, 1600 for group D woods, sions provide a cross section that has a greater
or 1375 pounds for group E woods when computed by modulus (or equivalent strength and safety).
the following fonnula applying to rectangular sections, (3) Where both dimensions are different from those
with a maximum tolerance of 5 percent over these specified. the load-carrying capacity in bending of a
stresses: part will be equal to or greater than that of a part of
1.5 W(P + W/16) specified dimensions if the changed section modulus
(Eq. I) equals or exceeds the specified one: that is:
B(D -O.67)
Table 1
Classification of Various Species of Wood Acceptable for Use in Ladders (Note.l)
Table 1- Continued
Density (lb/W) Density (lb/ft 3)
Near Near
Species Average· Minimum Species Average Minimum
Group E (Note 6)
Sortwoods; Hardwoods:
Cedar, incense 26 22 Alder, red 29 24
Hemlock, eastern 30 25 Aspen. bigtooth 27 22
Pine, eastern white 26 22 Oak, bur 47 37
Pine, lodgepole 30 25 Poplar, yellow 30 24
Pine, ponderosa 30 25 Sycamore, American 35 29
Pine, western white 28 23 Tupelo, black 36 30
Spruce. Engelmann 25 20 Tupelo, water 35 29
*The formula in 6.1.3 includes the weight of the ladder involved in the calculation. For convenience in estimating ladder weights.
the average densities of the species listed in this table are given for a moisture content of 15%. Involved also in the weight of an
extension ladder are certain items of hardware such as lOCKS, guide irons, and the bolts and rivets anaching these to the ladder.
Other items of hardware that are attached at the ends of the ladder, such as safety feet and hooks. do not contribute to the bending
of the ladder; their weight, therefore, need not be included. The practice among different manufacturers with respect to hardware
varies considerably; no single value of hardware weight, therefore, can be given. For purposes of calculation, a weight in the
range of 4 to 8 pounds, with an average of about 6 pounds, may be used. Where it is known that specific items of hardware are to
be used, so that their weights may be measured or estimated, the weights so detennined should be used.
t Allowable stresses for this species cannot be calculated from data in American National Standard Methods for Establishing
Clear-Wood Strength Values, ANSl/ASTM D2555-88. Adequate strength data are available, however, and the species is accord-
ingly inCluded in this grouping. .
tNot listed in American National Standard Nomenclature of Domestic Harowoods and Softwoods, ANSl/ASTM D 1165-80.
§This species is now graded for structural purposes based on one of the four growth ranges from which it originated. The regional
description is given on pages 54-55 of the U.S. Forest Service Research paper FPL 27, "Western Wood Density Survey Report
No. I," available from U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Products Laboratory, P.O. Box 5130. Madison, Wis. 53705.
**Values for old-growth redwood are significantly higher than for ~cond-growth redwood. See ANSl/ASTM D2555-88.
(I) Species are listed alphabetically within each group. The position of any species within a group bears to relation to its
strength or acceptability. With few exceptions, the species names confol1Tl with the official common tree names as listed in
American National Standard Nomenclature of Domestic Hardwoods and Softwoods, ANSl/ASTM 01165-80. Species names are
sometimes preceded by the commercial name for lumber when the commercial name is significantly different or represents a
commercial species group. Botanical names for each species are listed in ANSl/ASTM 01165-80.
The fiber stress in bending of each species in each group is equal 10 or greater than the fiber stress for the group. Values were
calculated based on data and procedures presented in American National Standard Methods for Establishing Clear-Wood Strength
Values, ANSl/ASTM 02555-88. Near-minimwn strength values for each species at the 5% exclusion limit were calculat~d for
wood at a moisture content of 15% and divided by 4.1 and 4.5 for softwoods and hardwoods. respectively, to arrive at the allow-
able fiber stress. Average and near-minimum density values are for wood at 15% moisture content.
(2) Group A woods are used principally for rungs. Experience has shown that these species are satisfactory when of the re-
quired size and quality. No allowable stress is assigned for rungs.
The fiber stress in bending for the species listed here when used for side rails shall not exceed 2000 pounds per square inch.
These species may be substituted for group B woods.
(3) The fiber stress in bending for the species listed here when used for side rails shall not exceed 2000 pounds per square inch.
(4) The fiber stress in bending for the species listed here when used for side rails shall not exceed 1875 pounds per square inch.
(5) The fiber stress in bending for the species listed here when used for side rails shall not exceed 1600 pounds per square inch.
(6) The fiber stress in bending for the species listed here when used for side rails shall not exceed 1375 pounds per square inch.
These species may be substituted for group 0 woods on the following basis: The dimensions shall be at least 5% grealer for
each cross-section dimension, or the thickness may remain unchanged, in which case the width shall be al least 7-1/2% greater if
used edgewise (as in a rail) or 15% greater if used flalwise (as in a tread).
the front section shall not be less than 3-1/2 inches and feet above the lower support surface. When spreader
the slope of the back section not Jess than 2 inches for hooks are used in lieu of the lower spreader, they
each 12-inch length of side rail or back leg. shall be installed at sufficient heights so that they Step Spacing. The unifonn step spac- can be folded downward and secured when the ladder
ing measured along the rail shall not be more than 12 is folded.
inches (+1/4 inch, -I inch). Steps shall be parallel and _ Length Tolerance. When measured
level within ±2° relative to the lower support surface along the front edge of the side rails. all stepladders
when the ladder is in position for use. shall measure within 2 inches of the specified length. Bucket Shelves. When bucket shelves
NOTE: Stepladders with the top step 18 inches below the top
are provided. they shall meet the test requirements of
cap and the bottom step 6 inches above the base support are
pennined as an alternate means of construction. and in this 7.8.2 and shall be so fastened that they can be folded
case the top step may be used for stepping purposes. When up within the ladder when the ladder is closed. On
the top step is )8 inches below the top cap. provision should ladders 8 feet or less in length, the shelf shall be
be made to restrict inadvertent stepping into the opening. designed so that it must be partially folded before
the ladder can be closed, or during the closing of Width and Spread. The minimum
the ladder, the shelf shall fold so that it is at least 35
clear width between the side rails at the top step, inside
degrees from horizontal when the ladder is vertical
to inside, shall be 11-1/2 inches. The minimum base
and fully closed.
width shall be determined by providing an overall
increase in the spread of a minimu of 1-1/4 inch per Hardware. All hardware and fittings
foot from the top step to base, measured along the shall be securely attached by means of rivets. bolts.
side rail. screws, or equivalent means. Step Attachment. When side rails of Shoes. When shoes or other means are
minimum thickness are used, steps shall be closely needed to meet the performance requirements of any
fitted into the grooves in the side rails; the grooves of the tests ih Section 7. they shall be securely bolted.
shall be 1/8 inch in depth with a tolerance of±1/32 nailed, or riveted, or attached by equivalent methods,
inch and shall be firmly secured as hereinafter with the exception of elastic boot-types that are pro-
described. Alternatively, steps shall be closely fitted perly fitted.
into metal brackets of an equivalent strength, which Step Width. Step width shall be as
in turn shall be firmly secured to the side rails. The required in other sections of this standard, but in no
depth of groove specified herein may be increased in case be less than 3 inches.
proportion to the thickness of side rails as provided 6.2.2 Type IA and Type 1- Industrial Step-
in and ladders Top Cap. All stepladders shall have Dimensions. The minimum dimensions
a one-piece or multiple-piece top cap with wood or of the parts of Type-I A and Type-l stepladders shall be
metal brackets or fittings tightly secured to the top as given in Table 2 when these parts are made of group
and to the side rails or back legs, or both, to allow free A, B. C, or D woods.
swinging of the back section without excessive play The minimum thickness of the side rails provides
or wear at the joints. Rivet spacing shall be no less for the cutting of a groove 1/8 inch in depth with the
than 1-1/4 inches. On type-IA and type-I stepladders tolerance indicated in and shall be increased
there shall be a minimum of three 3/J6-inch-diameter when grooves of greater depth are used. The minimum
or two 1/4-inch-diarneter rivets. or equivalent thickness of the steps provides for the cutting of tread
fasteners. to attach each metal bracket to each grooves in the top surface not exceeding 1/8 inch in
front rail. if meta) brackets are used to provide width and 1/16 inch in depth and a rod-lock groove in
the top hingeing of the back section. the underside of the step not exceeding 9/32 inch in Spreader. A metal spreader or locking width and 9/32 inch in depth.
device of sufficient size and strength to securely hold
NOTE: The upper eleven steps on 14- through 20-foot Type·
the front and back sections in the open position shall
lA and Type-) stepladders may be dimensioned as those for
be a component of each stepladder. The spreader shall Type-lA and Type-II2-foot stepladders.
have all sharp points covered or removed to protect the
user. For the type-III ladder the pail shelf and spreader Flat Steps. Steps shall be secured from
may be combined in one unit (the so-called shelf-lock front-lo-back lateral movement with alleast two 6d
ladder). The spreader. or the lower set of a double set nails (minimum dimensions: 0.0858 inch in diameter
of spreaders when used, shall not be more than 6-1/2 and 1-7/8 inches long) at each end, or the equivalent
Table 2
Minimum Dimensions for Type-r and -IA Stepladders
Type-IA Stepladders
Side rails 1 3-1/4 1 3-1/2 1-1/16 3-1/2
Back legs 1-1/16 2-1/4 1-1/16 2-3/8 1-3/8 2-3/8
Steps 3/4 3-1/2 3/4 4-1/4 3/4 4-1/4
Top cap 3/4 5-1/2 3/4 5-1/2 3/4 5-1/2
Type-l Stepladders
Side rails 3/4 3-1/4 3/4 3-1/2 1-1/16 3-1/2
Back legs 3(4 2-1/4 3/4 2-5/8 1-1/16 2·1/4
Steps 3/4 3-1/2 3/4 4 3/4 4
Top cap 3/4 5·1/2 3/4 5·1/2 3/4 5·1/2
thereof such as rod-lock construction. When nails are The back legs shall be braced with
used, they shall be located at least 3/8 inch from the 1-1/8 inch diameter dowels made of group A woods
rail edge. Steps less than 30 inch,?s long shall be (see Table 1), or material of equivalent strength,
reinforced by a steel rod not less than 0.160 inch in having 7tg·inch diameter tenons or oval, square or
diameter, with standard commercial tolerances. Steps rectangular wood cross pieces of equivalent strength,
30 inches in lengths and longer shall be reinforced by spaced not more than 24 inches apart. The back legs
a steel rod not less than 0.180 inch in diameter, with shall be bored with holes extending either through the
supported by metal braces, the center bearing is not when grooves of greater depth are used. The minimum
required. thickness of the steps provides for the cutting of tread The back leg shall be braced with grooves in the top surface not exceeding 1/8 inch in
horizontal wood bars made of group A, B, C, or D width and 1/16 inch in depth and a rod-lock groove in
woods (see Table I), not less than 3/4 x 2-1/2 inches the underside of the step not exceeding 9/32 inch in
in cross section, and spaced not more than 24 inches width and 9/32 inch in depth.
apart. The ends of the bars shall fit into metal sockets Flat Steps. Steps shall be secured from
of not less than 24-gage (Manufacturer's Standard) front-to-back lateral movement with at least two 6d
steel, or other material of equivalent strength, or into nails (minimum dimensions: 0.0858 inch in diameter
mortises of not less than 1/8 inch ±1/32 inch in depth and 1-7/8 inches long) at each end. or the equivalent
in the back legs. A steel rod not less than 0.160 inch in thereof such as rod·lock construction. When nails are
diameter, with standard commercial tolerances, shall
used, they shall be located at least 3/8 inch from the
pass through the back legs and the bar, and at each end
rail edge. Each step shall be reinforced by a steel rod
through flat metal washers at least 1 inch in diameter
not less than 0.160 inch in diameter, with smndard
and of minimum 20-gage thickness or formed steel
washers of 24-gage minimum thickness to prevent the commercial tolerances, which shall pass through flat
rod from excessi vely pressing into the back legs. The metal washers of minimum 20-gage thickness and at
back legs shalJ also be braced by a metal angle brace least 1 inch diameter or through fonned steel washers
on each side, securely riveted to the bar and to the of 24-gage minimum thickness on each end to prevent
legs; one bar shall be so braced for at least each 4 feet the rod from excessively pressing into the side rails.
of length or fraction thereof, with braces required only A truss block shall be fitted between the steel rod
on bottom bars for ladders that are 4 feet or shorter. and the qenter of each step. Alternative construction
Metal sockets, when used, shall be attached to the may be provided by a metal angle brace on each end,
back legs by rivets, by means of a rod running through ftrmly riveted to the step and side rail, or by other
the socket, or by equivalent means. construction of equivalent strength. Antisplit Devices. Where a separate Where rod reinforced construction is used, the end
hinge is not used, the back legs shall be reinforced by of the rod shall be peened, and the bottom step shall
a rivet through the depth of the leg above the top hinge also be provided with a metal angle brace on each
or pivot point. by metal plates or collars at the hinge side. which shall be securely riveted, or the equivalent.
point. or by other means suitable for preventing split- to the bottom step and side rails. In addition, all steps
ting of the back leg from the hinge pin to the top. 27 inches or more in overall length shall be provided
6.2.3 Type n - Commercial Stepladder with a metal angle brace at each end, securely riveted Dimensions. The minimum dimensions to the step and side rails, or shall have construction of
of the parts of type· II stepladders shall be as given in equivalent strength.·The maximum projection on the
Table 3 when these parts are made of group A. B, C, leading edge of a step shall not exceed 3/4 inch at the
orD woods. top of the step.
The minimum thickness of the side rails provides Bracing of Back Section. The back
for the cutting of a groove 1/8 inch in depth with the section shall be braced by one of the methods given
tolerance indicated in and shall be increased in through
Table 3
Minimum Dimensions for Type-II Stepladders
AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD AI4.1·1990 The back legs shall be braced with angle brace on each end securely riveted 10 the bar and
cross pieces consisting of 7/8-inch-diameter dowels the back leg, or by construction of equivalent strength.
made of group A woods (see Table 1). or material of 6.2.3,4 Antisplit Devices. Where a separate
equivalent strength, having 5/8-inch~diarneter tenons hinge is not used, each back leg shall be reinforced by
finnly secured in the back legs and spaced not more a rivet through the depth of the leg above the top hinge
than 12 inches apart. The back legs shall be bored with or pivot point. by metal plates or collars at the hinge
holes extending either through the legs or to within point, or by other means suitable for preventing split-
1/8 inch of the outside face of the legs, and the size ting of the back leg from the hinge pin to the top.
of the hole shall be such as to ensure a tight fit for the 6.2.4 Type ill - Household Stepladder
dowel. The minimum length of the tenon shall by 9/16 Dimensions. The minimum dimensions
inch. The shoulder of the dowel shall be forced firmly of the parts of the type-III stepladder shall be as given
against the leg. and the tenon shall be secured in place in Table 4 when these parts are made of group A. B,
with a O.080-inch-diameter nail, or the equivalent C, or D woods.
thereof, to prevent turning of the dowel. At a mini- The minimum thickness of the side rails provides
mum. the length of the fastener shall be sufficient to for the cutting of a groove 1/8 inch in depth with the
pass through the tenon and at least 1/8 inch beyond tolerance indicated in 6.2. 1.4 and shall be increased
into the back leg. when grooves of greater depth are used. The minimum
A bar connecting two or more of the dowels shall thickness of the steps provides for the cutting of tread
be provided on all ladders of 6-foot length or more. grooves in the top surface nor exceeding 1/8 inch in
The cross-sectional dimensions of the bar shall be the width and 1/16 inch in depth and a rod-lock groove in
same as the cross-sectional dimensions of the back the underside of the step not exceeding 1/4 inch in
legs, and the dowels shall pass through holes at the width and 1/4 inch in depth.
centerline of the bar. The bar shall be attached at the Flat Steps. Steps shall be secured from
center of the length of the lower two dowels on a front~to-back lateral movement with at least one 6d
6-foot ladder and shall extend upward one dowel nail (minimum dimensions: 0.0858 inch in diameter
for each additional 2 feet of length. and 1-7/8 inches long) at each end, or the equivalent The back legs shall be braced with thereof such as rod-lock construction. When nails are
wood dowels as set forth in plus an inverted used. they shall be located at least 3/8 inch from the
V bracing of 3/4 x 1-1/2 inch material through which rail edge. Each step shall be reinforced by a sreel rod
the dowels extend; the length of the V shall extend not less than 0.160 inch in diameter, with standard
two-thirds of the way up the back. commercial tolerances. which shall pass through flat The back legs shall be braced with metal washers of a minimum 20-gage thickness or
formed steel washers of24~gage minimum thickness
horizontal wood bars made up of group A, B, C, D, or
and at least one inch in diameter on each end to
E woods (see Table 1) not less than 3/4 x 2 inches in
prevent the rod from excessively pressing into the
cross section, the ends of which shall fit into metal
side rails. Alternate construction may be provided by
sockets of not less than 24-gage (Manufacturer's
a metal brace at each end securely riveted to the step
Standard) steel, or other material of equivalent
and side rail, or by other construction of equivalent
strength, or into mortises in the back legs not less
than 1/8 inch ±1/32 inch in depth. The bars shall be
Where rod reinforced construction is used. the end
reinforced by steel rods not less than 0.160 inch in
of the rod shall be peened, and the bottom step shall be
diameter, with standard commercial tolerances, which
provided further with a metal angle brace on each end
shaH pass through the back legs and the bar, and at
each end through flat metal washers at least 1 inch in
diameter and 20-gage minimum thickness. or through Table 4
formed steel washers of 24-gage minimum thickness, Minimum Dimensions for Type.III Stepladders
10 prevent the rods from excessively pressing into the
Length 3 to 6 Feet
back legs. The spacing of such bars shall not exceed 3
feet, and there shall be at least one bar on 3- and 4-foOl Thickness Depth
Ladder Pan (inches) (inches)
ladders, two bars on 5- and 6~foOl ladders, three bars
Side rails 3/4 2-1/2
on 7~ and 8-footladders, and four bars on 10- and
Back legs 3/4 1-5/1 6
12-(00t ladders. The bottom bar shall be not more than
18 inches from the bottom of the ladder, and where Steps 3/4 3
Top cap 3/4 5
only one bar is used, it shall be braced by a metal
() 21
which shall be securely riveted, or the equivalent, to on 12-inch ±1{4 centers, except for trestle and exten-
the bottom step and side rails. The maximum projec- sion trestle ladders. (See
tion on the leading edge of a step shall riot exceed Rung Joint. All holes for wood rungs
3/4 inch measured at the top of the step. shall either extend through the side rails or be bored so Bracing of Back Section. The back as to give at least a 7/8 inch length of bearing to the
section shall be braced by one of the methods given rung tenon. In through-bored construction, the rungs
in and, or by construction of shall extend so that they are at least flush with the
equivalent strength. outside rail surface. All holes shall be located on the
centerline of the wide face of the side rails and shall Back legs shall be braced by
be of such size as to ensure a tight fit for the rung. The
diagonal slats made of group A, B, C. D, or E woods
shoulder of the rung shall be forced firmly against the
(see Table 1) not less than 3/8 x 1-15/16 inches, secure-
side rails and the tenon secured in place so a to main-
ly fastened to the back legs by screws (minimum
tain the rung position in the side rail and prevent it
length 1 inch). or the equivalent thereof. Diagonal
from turning. The minimum length of the fastener
sfats shall be joined at the point of intersection with
shall be sufficient to pass completely through the
a clinched nail, or the equivalent thereof. Six-foot
diameter of the tenon and at least 1/8 inch beyond
ladders shall also include a horizontal slat of 3/8 x
into the side rail. The fastener shall be a common
1-15/16 inches. located no higher than one-third the
nail of at least 0.080 inch diameter or one of
length of the back legs from the lower support surface.
equivalent holding power. Back legs shall be braced with Rung Dimensions. Round rungs shall
horizontal wood bars made of group A, B, C, D. or E be made of group A woods (see Table I). The dimen-
woods (see Table I) not less than 5/8 x 1-5/8 inches sions shall be as follows:
in cross section, the ends of which shall fit into metal
sockets of not less than 24-gage (Manufacturer's
Rung Length Minimum Diameter
Standard) steel, or other material of equivalent
strength, or into monises in the back legs not less Up to 24 inches 1-1/8 inches
than 1/8 inch ±1/32 inch in depth. The bars shall be 24-28 inches 1-3/16 inches
reinforced b)' steel rods not less than 0.160 inch in Over 28 inches 1-1/4 inches
diameter, with standard commercial tolerances. which
shall pass through the back legs and the bar, and at A 1-1/8 inch diameter rung may be substituted for
each end through flat metal washers at least I inch in a 1-3/16-inch diameter rung if it is reinforced with a
diameter and 20-gage minimum thickness or fanned steel rod having a minimum diameter of 0.160 inch.
steel washers of 24-gage minimum thickness to rung braces, or center bearing. 1-3/16-inch diameter
prevent the rods from excessively pressing into the rungs may be substituted for 1-1/4 inch diameter rungs
legs. The spacing of such bars shall not exceed 3 feet, on the same basis.
and there shall be at least one bar on 3- or 4-foot All rungs shall have tenons with a minimum
ladders and two bars on 5- and 6-foot ladders. The diameter of 7/8 inch. Rungs of equivalent strength
bottom bar shall be not more than 18 inches from the and bearing may be provided. All rungs more than 28
bottom of the ladder and where anI)' one bar is used. inches in length between rails shall, in addition. be
it shall be braced by a metal angle,brace on each end provided with center bearing or equiv.alent suppon.
securely riveted to the bar and the back leg or by con- Oval Rungs. Oval rungs or rungs of
struction of equivalent strength. any other cross section may be used provided they are
secured by a nail at each end as described in
6.3 Portable Rung Ladders. PonabJe rung ladders or the equivalent thereof. and have at least the same
as herein specified shall be of four kinds: (1) single strength and bearing as round rungs of the same length.
ladder. (2) two-section extension ladder. (3) sectional Hardware. ALI hardware and fittings
ladder, and (4) trestle and extension trestle ladders. shaH be securely attached by means of rivets, bolts.
6.3.1 General Requirements screws, or equivalent means. Base. The bottom or lower portion of Movable Parts. The construction and
a ladder may be designed with parallel side rails, with assembly of movable parts shan be such that they shall
side rails varying uniformly in separation along the operate freely and securely without binding or unneces-
length (tapered), or with side rails flaring at the base. sary play. Rung Spacing. Rungs shall be parallel, Length Tolerance. When measured
level, and uniformly spaced. The rung spacing shall be along the side rails, no rung ladder or section thereof
(~) 23
Table 6
Minimum Dimensions of Side Rails for Two-Section Extension Ladders
be securely attached to the ladder in such a manner as Width. Sectional ladders shall have
not to weaken either the rungs or the side rails. The either (I) straight sides slightly converging toward the
fastening means shall not be construed as weakening top of each section, or (2) flaring sides at the bollom
the rungs, provided the minimum diameter of the of the first (or bottom) section, with the top section
rungs with the fastening means attached meets the having side rails that converge to a width that shull be
requirements in The pulley shall not be less no less than 4 inches. Except for the top section. Ihe
than I inch in diameter at the base of the sheave. minimum width between side rails shall be 11 inches.
The rope used with the pulley shall not be less than a Connecting Joint. Adjacent sections
nominal 5/16 inch in diameter, shall have a minimum shall be joined by means of a groove in the bOllom
breaking strength of 560 pounds; and shall be of end of each rail of the upper of the two sections that
sufficient length for the purpose intended. sets firmly, outside the side rails, over extensions of
6.3.4 Sectional Ladder the topmost rung of the next lower section. and. at Length. Assembled combinations of the same time. a groove in the top end of each rail of
sectional ladders longer than the lengths specified in the lower of the two sections that sets finnly. inside shall not be used. The size shall be detennined the side rails, over the bottom rung' of the section
by the overall length of the assembled sections. The immediately above.
size of any individual section shall be delennined by The distance between the topmost rung of one
the length of the section, measured along a side rail, section and the bottom rung of the section immediately
not including the small amount of material at the end above it shall not be less than I foot. The fit between
or ends needed for attaching. Each section shall be the rail grooves and the rungs shall be such as to pro-
marked to indicate the maximum assembled length vide a good fit without binding or unnecessary play.
in accordance with Table 10. The grooved ends of the sections shall be rein- Side-Rail Dimensions. The minimum forced with a metal plate of not less than IS-gage
(Manufacturer's Standard) material, properly secured
dimensions of the side rails of type-lA, -I and-II
thereto. and a rivet adjacent to the groove, extending
sectional ladders shall be not less than those specified
through the depth of the rail, or the equivalent thereof.
in Table \0 when the rails are made of group B. C,
6.3.5 Trestle and Extension Trestle Ladder -
or 0 woods. Type I Size. Trestle ladders, or extension
Table 10 sections or base sections of extension trestle ladders,
Minimum Dimensions of shall not be longer than 20 feel. The extension-section
Side Rails for Sectional Ladders size shall not be greater than the base-section size.
Rail Dimensions
When measured along the front edge of the side rail,
Assembled Length no section of the trestle ladder shall be more than 3
of Ladder Thickness Depth inches shoner than its specified length.
(feet) (inches) (inches) Trestle Ladder. The size of a
Type lA - Group Band C Woods trestle ladder shall be detennined by the length of
Up to and including 21 1-1/8 2-7/8 the side rails measured along the front edge.
Over 21. up to and including 31 1-1/8 3-1/2 Extension Trestle Ladder. The
Type lA - Group D Woods
size of an extension trestle ladder shall be detennined
Up to and including 21 1-1/8 3
by the length of the trestle ladqer base along the front
Over 21. up to and including 31 1-1/8 3-3/4 edge of the side rail plus the allowable extended length
of the extension section measured along its side rail.
Type I - Group Band C Woods
The extension section of the extension trestle ladder
Up to and including 21 1·1/8 2-3/4
Over 21. up to and including 31 1-1/8 3·1/8 shall have parallel sides. Side-Rail Dimensions. The minimum
Type I - Group DWoods
dimensions of the side rails of the trestle ladder or of
Up to and including 21 1-1/8 2-3/4
the base sections of the extension trestle ladder, shall
Over 21, up to and including 31 1· 1/8 3-3/8
be as given in Table I I for group B, C, or 0 woods.
Type II • Group B, C, and D Woods The minimum dimensions of the side rails of the
Up to and including 21 1-1/8 2-3/4 extension section of the extension trestle ladder shall
Over 21. up to and including 31 1- 1/8 3- 1/8
be as given in Table 12 for group B, C, or 0 woods.
AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD t\14.1·1':l'lO Slope. Trestle ladders and base sections overlap the base section by the number of feet indi-
, / of extension trestle ladders shall. be so spread that cated in Table 13.
when in an open position, the spread of the trestle at Hinge Joint. The lOpS of the side mils
lhe bottom, inside-lo-inside, shall be at least 5-1/2 of the trestle ladder and of the base section of the
inches per foot of base-section side rail. extension trestle ladder shall be beveled. or of Width. The minimum width between equivalent construction, and shall be provided further
side rails of the extension section of the extension with a metal hinge to prevent spreading. (See 5.3)
trestle ladders at any point shall not be less than 12-1/2 Spreaders. A metal spreader or lock-
inches. The minimum width between side rails at the ing device (see 5.3) of sufficient size and strength to
top of trestle ladders and of base sections of extension securely hold the front and back sections in the open
trestle ladders shall be not Jess than 15-1/2 inches, and position shall be a component of each trestle ladder.
from top to bottom the side rails shall spread at least When double sets of spreaders are used, the lower
1-1/4 inches per foot of side-rail length. set shall not be more than 6-1/2 feet above the lower Extension Trestle Overlap. Based on support surface. On extension trestles where the
the size of the ladder, the extension section of the extension guidance system serves as the spreaders. its
extension trestle ladder, when fully extended, shall location may be more than 6-1/2 feet above the base.
Table 11 Rung Spacing. Rungs shall be parallcl
Minimum Dimensions of Side Rails and level. On the trestle ladder, or on the base section
for Trestle Ladders or Base Sections of the extension trestle ladder, rungs shall be spaced
of Extension Trestle Ladders not less than 8 inches or more than 18 inches apart; on
the extension section of the extension trest Ie ladder,
Rail Dimensions
rungs shall be spaced not less than 6 inches or more
Size of
Base Section Thickness Depth than 12 inches apart.
(feet) (inches) (inches) Overlap Control. Extension trestle
Up to and including 16 1-5/16 2-3/4 ladders shall be constructed in such a manner thaI the
Over 16, up to and ladder cannot be used with an overlap of less than the
Table 14
Minimum Dimensions of Side Rails
and Rungs for Masons' Ladders
Side Rails The minimum width between side rails of type-II stepladders (see 6.2.3), except for the
at the platform shall be not less than 15 inches. following: The back legs and side rails shall (I) The top cap may be omitted.
extend at least 20 inches of vertical height above the (2) A rope spreader may be substituted for the metal
top of the platform and shall be connected with the spreader required in The rope shall not be less
top cap to fonn a three-sided rail, or equivalent than No.6 sash cord or its equivalent.
construction shall be provided. 6.4.3 Mason's Ladder - Type IA. A mason's Platfonns shall be constructed so that ladder is a special type of single ladder intended for
they are capable of supporting a load of 1200 pounds use in heavy construction work.
for type-IA. 1000 pounds for type-I, and 900 pounds Masons' ladders longer than 40 feet
for type-ll ladders, when the load is placed on a 3-1/2 shall not be supplied. When measured along the side
inch wide block across the full width of the platfonn rail, the size of the ladder shall not be more than 3
at the center. The width of the platform is from side to inches shorter than the specified length.
side. The platform shall withstand the load without The minimum dimensions of the side
failure or permanent deformation in excess of 1/100 rails, when made of group B, C, or D woods, and of
of the length of the platfonn. The test unit shall be the rungs (group A woods) shall be as given in Table
destroyed immediately after testing. 14. A separate spreader may be omitted The width between the side rails at the
from type-Il platform ladders in which the height to bottom rung, inside to inside, shall be not less than 12
the platform is 6 feet or less. If the spreader is omitted, inches for all ladders up to and including 10 feel. Such
the platfonn shall be so designed as to function as a minimum widths shall be increased by at least 1/4 inch
spreader or locking device to hold the front and back for each additional 2 feet of length.
sections securely in an open position, with the connec- Rungs shall be parallel and level and
tion between the side rails and back legs being through
shall be uniformly spaced not less than 8 inches or
the metal pans of the platform. The wood pans of a
more than 12 inches center to center. When rungs are
combined wood and metal platform functioning as a
28 inches or more in length between side rails, they
spreader shall not be depended upon to contribute to
shall in addition be provided with center bearing.
the spreading or locking action. The spreader, or the
lower set of a double set of spreaders when used, shall 6.4.4 Other Types of Special Ladders. Other
not be more than 6-1/2 feet above the lower support types of special ladders, such as cleat ladders. trolley
surface. and rolling ladders, industrial tripod stepladders,
three-section extension ladders, fruit-pickers'ladders.
6.4.2 Painter's Stepladder - Type II
combination step and extension ladders, stockroom Painters' stepladders longer than 12
stepladders, aisleway stepladders, shelf ladders.
feet shall not be supplied. The length of a painter's
self-leveling ladders, double front ladders, and
stepladder shall be determined by the length of the
library ladders, are not covered in this standard.
front rail measured along the front edge from the
bottom of the ladder to the top of the top step. The 6.5 Step Stools (Ladder Type)
measurement shall be within 2 inches of the specified 6.5.1 Step Stool Size (32 Inches Maximum).
size of the ladder. Stepstool size shall be measured along the front edge Painters' stepladders shall be con- of the fronl side rail including the top cap and feel,
structed in accordance with the minimum requirements with a tolerance of ±1/2 inch. The front side rails may
continue around and over the top cap, but such side- 1'.1.2 The test requirements were developed using
rail extension is not considered as part of the size. statistical tolerances. Hence. where a single test result
6.5.2 Slope. Slope is the angle of the side rails or indicates noncompliance. the lest may be repeated
back legs with respect to the vertical, and is expressed utilizing a statistically justifiable number of test
as the horizontal deviation from the vertical per unit samples to ultimately detennine compliance or non-
length of the member. Step stools shall be constructed compliance with the standard.
so that when in the open position, the slope of the front 7.1.3 Many of the tests required by the standard
section shall be not less than 4 inches and the slope of are inherently dangerous. The American National
the back section shall not be less than 2-1/2 inches per Standars Institute, the Al4 Committee, the A 14 Sub-
foot of back leg length. committees, and the A 14 Task Forces neither assume
6.5.3 Width and Spread. The minimum clear nor accept any responsibility for any injury or damage
width between side rails at the top step shall be 10-1/2 that may occur during or as the result of tests.
inches. The minimum outside width at the top cap wherever perfonned, whether performed in whole or
shall be 12 inches. From top to bottom, the spread in part by the manufacturer, an outside laboratory or
between the side rails shall increase a minimum of consultant, the user or owner of the product. or any
1-1/4 inches per foot of side-rail length. other individual or organization, and whether or not
6.5.4 Steps. Excluding the interval between the any equipment, facility. or personnel for or in connec-
bottom step and support surface, the steps shall be
tion with the test is furnished by the manufacturer or
uniformly spaced at intervals of 8 to 12 inches.
by any other such individual. consultant. laboratory. or
6.5.5 Back Section. The back section may be
organization. Extreme care shall be exercised to avoid
designed with any type bracing covered in,
personal injury when setting up and conducting the
modified to cover a 2- to 3-foot section.
tests and when disassembling the test gear at the
6.5.6 Spreaders. A metal spreader or locking
conclusion of the tests.
device of sufficient size and strength to securely lock
7.1.4 Diligent effort and close attention to all
the front and back sections in the open position shall
details shall be exercised in setting up and conducting
be a component part of each step stool. All sharp
points or edges shall be covered or removed to the tests. Subtle varitions in test techniques may intro-
protect the user. duce significant testing errors that bias the testing pro-
6.5.7 Top Cap. The top cap shaH be not less than gram. Personnel inexperienced in ladddcr testing, even
12-inches wide, 5-1/4 inches deep, and 3/4-inch thick. though otherwise professionally qualified, should be
The top cap shall not be split for folding the ladder. especially careful to follow the preferred test methods.
6.5.8 Construction. Except as noted above, step 7.1.5 Design verification tests shall be conducted
stools (ladder type) shall meet the requirements of during the initial evaluation of a specific product
6.2.1. and 6.2.4 for Type-Ill ladders. design and thereafter whenever there is a change in
the design, method of manufacture, or material. It is
not intended that design verification tests shall be
conducted on ladders that have been in use or sub-
7. Test Requirements jected to prior damage, misuse, or abuse. Ladders
subjected to design verification tests are not intended
Ladders shall meet the specifications of the foregoing
for subsequent use.
sections and. in addition, shall pass the tests described
7.1.6 Quality control tests shall be conducted
in this section.
during the manufacturing process employed to
7.1 General produce the ladder. Such tests normally shall not be
7.1.1 The test methods depicted in this section rep- conducted on every ladder manufactured or on ladders
resent the preferred methods to be followed in deter- that have been in use or have been subjected to prior
mining whether a ladder confonns to the requirements damage, misuse or abuse. Certain quality control tests,
of this standard. Variations from the specific methods such as dimensional verifications. hardness. chemistry.
depicted in the various diagrdms shall be acceptable spectroscopic and mechanical properties tests may be
provided such alternate means provide equivalent conducted on ladders subsequent to their use when
results and comply with the intent of the applicable done with extreme care by properly qualified profes-
preferred test method. However, where the supposed sionals following applicable ASTM Standards for
equivalent test methods yield different results, the such tests, where proper recognition is given to the
preferred test methods shall determine whether or not influence on the tests results of prior use in the test
the ladder is in conformance with the standard. method itself. Except where the quality control teste;
Fig. 2
Cyclic Rung Lock Test Arrangement
Rung Lock Testing Cycle
Table 16
Hardware Tests
straps, each located next to a rail and centrally loaded engaged. For combination ladders in the extension-
through an equalizer bar over the climbing side of the ladder orientation, a slightly modified angle shall be
ladder. used so that the tread portions of the steps are hori·
The locks shall withstand this test with no penna- zontal (level). The bottom end of the ladder shall be
nent defonnation (set) or other visible weakening of prevented from slipping by a block or equivalent
the locks. Pennanent defonnation in other parts of the means: The top of each lock shall bear on the center
ladder structure including racking of the ladder struc- of a steel test fixture placed over the top of a rung, as
lUre due to the test is not a test failure. However, the shown in Fig. 6a and b. During the test, each lock shall
ladder shall still support the test load after the appli- be prevented from pivoting by means located adjacent
cation of the load, even if the rung assumes permanent to its pivot point, but which shall not affect that
deformation (set). portion of the lock under test in any way. Lock Tip Load TesL Note: This is a A downward distributed load, in accordance with
design verification test. The test unit shall be either the Table 16, shall be applied for a period of one minute
shortest full-size ladder manufactured or a unit only of equally to both side rails on the lowest fly rung above
sufficient length for test purposes. If a full-sized ladder the overlap, using two 3-l/2-inch straps, each located
is used, the fly section shall be extended a minimum of next to a rail and centrally loaded through an equalizer
one rung beyond the minimum working length of the bar over the climbing side of the ladder. Permanent
ladder. Short test units shall consist of portions of the defonnation in other parts of the ladder structure due
base and fly sections of the extension ladder, with the to the test is not a test failure. However, the ladder
locks attached. shall still support the test load after the application
The test unit shall be set at a 75-1/2° working angle, of the load, even if the rung assumes pennanent
as shown in Fig. 6a and b, with both locks partially deformation (set).
--- -- -- ------------- ------------------------------ -- --- ---------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(I) The fly section may be located either to the front OrlO
the rear of the base section.
(2) The angle of inclination shall be 75-1(2°, except that for
combination ladders in the extension-ladder orientation a
slightly modified angle shall be used so that the tread portions
of the steps are horizontal (level).
(3) This test shall be performed with one lock engaged and
the other lock removed.
Fig. 4
Single Lock Load Test
Standard Loading Block
o 33
( 1) The angle of inclination shall be 75-112°. except that for combination ladders in the extension-ladder
orientation a slightly modified angle shall be used so that the tread ponion of the steps are horizontal (level).
(2) A block or equivalent means shall be used to prevent the bonom of the ladder from slipping.
Fig. 6
Lock Tip Load Test Cyclic Rung Lock Test. Note: This is This test is not intended to apply to fixed-type locks
a design verification test. A machine equivalent to that used on extension ladders or combination ladders.
picrured in Fig. 2 shall be used to operate the rung lock 7.2.3 Side-Rail Cantilever Dynamic Drop Test
through the following cycle, as shown in Fig. 3. for Single and Extension Ladders. Note: This is a
( 1) One 6-inch upstroke to allow rung lock to design verification test. The test unit shall be the
engage rung longest extension ladder for each base section and the
(2) Full 6-inch downstroke to lock run lock on rung longest single ladder for each rail size. An extension
(3) Full l2-inch upstroke to disengage rung lock ladder shaU be opened I foot for the drop test.
(4) Full l2-inch downstroke to return rung lock (0 The test ladder shall be placed in a horizontal
starting position position, with the rungs vertical. The top section shall
Locks shall be tested with the ladder at a 75-1/2° be supported 6 inches from the very top of the top
angle. For combination ladders in the extension-ladder section so that the lower rail of the bottom section is
orientation a slightly modified angle shall be used so 36 inches from a concrete floor. (See Fig. 7)
that the tread portions of the steps are horizontal To perform the drop test, both rails of the base
(level). Spring locks shall be tested with the ladder section shaU be guided in a vertical plane during a
in the vertical position. free-fall drop. A ladder shall be considered to have
The rung lock may be manually lubricated prior to passed the test if there is no visual damage to the rail.
or during the test. The stroke speed shall be 6 to 12 7.2.4 Ladder Section Twist Test for Single and
inches per second. A minimum of 6000 cycles shall be Extension Ladders. Note: This is a design verifica-
imposed. Any malfunction of the rung lock or fracture tion test. The test unit shall consist of any length
of its components, including springs, shall be con- ladder base section supported over a 7-fool test span.
sidered as a failure to meet this requirements. The The ladder shall be placed in a flat horizontal position
presence of wear that does not effect the proper and supported at each end as depicted in Fig. 8. The
functioning of the lock shall not constitute failure. horizontal support for the ladder on one end shall be
--------------- ----
NOTE: This test evaluates the result of inward-cantilever dynamic loading of the ladder.
Fig. 7
Side-Rail Cantilever Dynamic Drop Test
(1) The test span is 7 feet, but any ladder base section, or single ladder, that is at least 8
feet in length may be tested.
(2) The torque may be applied alternately using a torque wrenCh. or a test load may be
applied a1temalely on each end of the arm.
Fig. 8
/,,-- .. ,.\ Single or Extension-Ladder Twist Test
Table 17
Ladder Section Twist Test
Maximum Allowable
Test Load Angle of Twist 0*
Duty Rating and Type (pounds) (degrees)
Extra heavy duty - Type IA 300 14
Heavy duty - Type I 250 18
Medium duty - Type II 225 20
Light duty - Type III 200 22
= =
*0 38 - O.08X, where 0 maximum allowable angle of twist
(degrees) and X = working load (pounds).
(NOTE 2)
('/. IN. MAX) - -...
( 1) The grain of the plywood shall be parallel to the direction of loading;
the grain on the vertical sheet under the upper end of the fly section shall
run in a vertical direction. and the grain on the horizontal sheet under the
base section shall be parallel to the direction of the test load_
(2) The dead load shall be applied on [he third highest rung.
(3) The angle of inclination shall be 75-1/2°, except that for combination
ladders in the extension-ladder orientation a slightly modified angle shall be
used so that the tread portions of the steps are horizontal (level).
Fig. 9
Bottom Slip Test
() Table 18
Bottom Twist Test
fixed. An initial preload of 600 inch-pounds, applied to the bottom rung of the top section. The maximum
in a clockwise direction, shall be used to establish a measured force that occurs during each pull shall be
reference for angular deflection, after which the ladder recorded. Three test pulls shall be done for each
shall be unloaded. A torque of 1200 inch-pounds shall ladder, and the maximum forces shall be averaged for
than be applied in accordance with one of the two the three pulls. This average maximum force shall not
methods shown in Fig. 8. The torque shall be applied exceed two times the weight of the ladder top section.
first in a clockwise and then in a counterclockwise
direction. The angle of twist measured from the 7.3 Tests for Stepladders, Platform Ladders.
horizontal position shall not be greater than the values Trestle Ladders, Extension Trestle Ladders, and
in Table 17. Attention shall be given to ensure that the Stepstools.
ladder is tightly clamped onto the test fixtures during 7.3.1 Compression Test. Note: This is a design
this test. verification test. A load test of the entire ladder or
7.2.5 Bottom Slip Test. Note: This is a design stepstool shall be made with the ladder in an open
verification test. Single and extension ladders shall be position, as shown in Fig. 10. A unifonnly distrubuted
tested for skid resistance as shown in Fig. 9. The test load, in accordance with Table 16. shall be applied for
unit shall be a 16-foot extension ladder in the fully a minimum period of I minute to the ladder top cap or
extended position. The test surface shall be A·C platform. Trestle ladders and the base section of exten·
plywood, which shall be presanded using 320 fine sion trestle ladders shall be subjected to twice the test
wet/dry sandpaper. The "A" side of the plywood shall loads in Table 16 by simultaneously applying the test
be placed in contact with the bottom of the ladder. The load to both sections of the ladder at the top ~ap or
surface that the top of the fly section rests against via a loading block or plate across the top of the rails
shall also be A-C plywood, similarly treated. when no top cap is used. For the extension trestle.
A weight, in accordance with Table 18, shalI be the load shall be applied via a loading block or plate
attached to the third highest fly rung. A horizontal across the top of the rails of the extended section when
pulling force, in accordance with Table 18, statically that section is extended a minimum of I foot above the
applied to the bottom of the ladder at I inch above the minimum working height. This test will also serve as u
test surface, shall not cause any noticeable movement design verification test of the locking mechanism. The
across the test surface. unit shall withstand the load without test failure.
7.2.6 Multisection Extending Force Test for 7.3.2 Bucket Shelf Test for Stepladders. Note:
Extension Ladders. Note: This is a design verifica· This is a design verification test. The bucket shelf shall
tion test. The test unit shall be a complete extension be constructed so as to support a distributed load of
ladder. The unit shall be set in a vertical position. at 100 pounds, applied to the shelf for a minimum of
the minimum working length of the ladder. The base I minute while the ladder is in an open position with
section may be braced or otherwise held to maintain the spreaders locked. The bucket shelf shall withstand
vertical alignment. A measured downward force shall the load without ultimate failure.
be applied to the rope if the ladder has a rope and 7.3.3 Front StabiJity Test for Stepladders,
pulley system installed. The force shall be smoothly Platform Ladders, Trestle Ladders, Extension
applied to cause vertical extension of the fly section of Trestle Ladders, and Step Stools; Note: This is a
2 feet or more, at a rate of 1/2 to I foot per second. design verification test. The ladder shall be set in the
For those ladders not equipped with rope and open position on a level floor. A uniformly distributed
C) pulley, the measured force shall be applied vertically load. in accordance with Table 19. comprising lead
Fig. 10
Compression Test
Table 19
Stability Test Loads·
(1) The pulling force shall be applied at a maximum distance of 1/2 inch above the top of
the stepladder.
(2) This test is illustrated for a stepladder.
Fig. 11
Front, Side, and Rear Stability Tests
() 39
weights or the equivalent to maximize the density of bucket shelf shall be tested with the bucket shelf in
the loading medium, shall be applied to the second the in-use position.
highest step, rung, or the platform (the highest proper 7.3.5 Rear Stability Test for Stepladders,
standing level), as shown in Fig. 11. (For an extension Platform Ladders, Trestle Ladders, Extension
trestle ladder, the load shall be applied to the second Trestle Ladders, and Step Stools. Note: This is a
highest extension-section rung.) design verification test. The rear stability of a ladder
The ladder shall then be subjected to a horizontal shall be measured by placing the ladder in an open
pulling force, in accordance with Table 19. applied at position on a level floor. A uniformly distributed load,
the geometric center of the stepladder top cap, at a in accordance with Table 19, comprising lead weights
distance of not more than 1/2 inch above its top or the equivalent to maximize the density of the load-
surface, towards the front of the ladder, as shown in ing medium, shall be placed on the second highest
Fig. I I. The pulling force shall be applied to the top step, rung, or the platform (the highest proper standing
horizontal guard rail member of platform ladders, and level), as shown in Fig. II. (For an extension trestle
to the apex of the base section of trestle and extension ladder the load shall be applied to the second highest
trestle ladders. Step stools shall be loaded with the extension-section rung.)
distributed load on the top cap. and the pulling force The ladder shall then be subjected to a horizontal
shall be applied to the top cap also. The test surface pulling force, in accordance with Table 19, applied to
shall be such as to ensure that the ladder does not slip the geometric center of the stepladder top cap, at a
or slide during the test. distance of not more than 1/2 inch above its top sur-
During this test, the minimum load that causes the face, in a rearward direction, as shown in Fig. 11.
ladder to tip over shall not be less that the value shown The pulling force shall be applied to the top horizontal
in Table 19. Ladders equipped with a bucket shelf shall guard rail member of platfonn ladders and to the apex
be tested with the bucket shelf in the in-use position. of the base section of trestle and extension trestle
7.3.4 Side Stability Test for Stepladders, ladders, and to the top cap or combination ladders on
Platform Ladders, Trestle Ladders, Extension the top step when no cap is used. Step stools shall be
Trestle Ladders, and Step Stools. Note: This is a loaded with the distributed load on the top cap, and
design verification test. The side stability of a ladder the pulling force shall be applied to the top cap also.
shall be measured with the ladder set in an open posi- The test surface shall be such as to ensure that the
tion on a level floor. A uniformly distributed load, in ladder does not slip or slide during the test.
accordance with Table 19, comprising lead weights or During this test, the minimum load that causes the
the equivalent to maximize the density of the loading ladder to tip over shall not be less that the value shown
medium. shall be applied to the second highest step, on Table 19. Ladders equipped with a bucket shelf
rung, or the platform, as shown in Fig. 11. (For an shall be tested with the bucket shelf in the in-use
extension trestle ladder the load shall be applied to position.
the second highest extension-section rung.) 7.3.6 Torsional Stability Test for Stepladders,
The ladder shall then be subjected to a horizontal Platform Ladders, Trestle Ladders, and Extension
pu lling force, in accordance with Table 19, applied to Trestle Ladders. Note: This is a design verification
the side of the front rail, at the geometric center of the test. The test unit shall be placed on a level floor, in
stepladder top cap, at a distance of not more than 1/2 the fully opened position, with the spreaders properly
inch above its top surface, as shown in Fig. 11. The set. A 200-pound distributed dead load, comprising
pulling force shall be applied to the top horizontal lead weights or the equivalent to maximize the density
guard rail member of platform ladders and to the apex of the loading medium, shall be applied to the ladder
of the base section of trestle and extension trestle lad- top cap, platform, or top step when no top cap is used,
ders. Step stools shall be loaded with the distributed as shown in Fig. 12. A horizontal force, in accordance
load on the top cap, and the pUlling force shall be with Table 19, directed to the rear of the ladder, shall
applied to the top cap also. The test surface shall be be applied to the ladder top cap at a distance of 18
such as to ensure that the ladder does not slip or slide inches from the vertical centerline of the ladder, as
during the test. shown in Fig. 20. The force shall be maintained per-
During this test, the minimum load that causes the pedicular to the moment arm, with a tolerance of±IO°,
ladder to tip over shall not be less than the value during the test. The test shall be conducted on a dry,
shown in Table 19. The test shall be run with the force unwaxed vinyl tile floor.
applied to both sides and the values shall be averaged Relative movement in excess of 1 inch of the ladder
to obtain the minimum load. Ladders equipped with a with respect to the floor, any damage or visible
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ . _ - - _.. _ - - - ----------------------
(NOTE 1)
(NOTE 2)
( I ) The test bar is clamped to the top cap.
(2) The clamp is used for the rail torsion and spreader tests in 7.3.6 and
(3) The test surface shall be dry. unwaxed vinyl tile.
(4) This test is illustrated for a stepladder.
Fig. 12
Torsional Stability and Rail Torsion and Spreader Tests
() 41
(NOTE 4)
DISTRIBUTED _--1-1--1_
I \ (NOTE I)
(NOTE 2)
Test Setup
(I) The lateral force shall be applied using a force gage or the equivalent. The force shall be applied
parallel to the bonom of the front section. The lateral displacement of the rear section shall be measured
parallel to the direction the lateral force is applied.
(2) Blocks fIxed to the test surface are used to resist rail rotation.
(3) This test is illustrated for a stepladder.
(4) The venicallifting force shall be applied by a member bearing against the rear center of the ladder
top cap, and shall be attached to a 5/16 inch minimum diameter rope at least 3 feet long with the rope
secured against motion in any direction at leasl 3 feet above the ladder top.
Fig. 13
Racking Test
Table 20
Maximum Allowable Racking Deflection*
Size Type-! and -IA Ladders Type-II Ladders Type-III Ladders
(feet) y= 1.35 X +.3.9 Y = 1.35 X +7.9 y= L35X+7.9
3 7.95 11.95 11.95
4 9.30 13.30 13.30
5 10.65 14.65 14.65
6 12.00 16.00 16.00
7 13.35 17.35
8 14.70 18.70
10 17.40 21.40
12 20.10 24.10
14 22.80
16 25.50
18 28.20
20 30.90
NOTE: This test is for cantilever in only. It is performed with the ladder closed.
Fig. 14
Dynamic Drop Test
weakening of the ladder structure or component, or 7.3.9 Rail Torsion and Spreader Test for
any significant visible major damage from permanent Stepladders, Platform Ladders. Trestle Ladders,
deformation(set) of the test unit upon release of the and Extension Ladders. Note: This is a design
test force, shall constitute failure to meet this require- verification test. The test unit shall be placed on a
ment. Minor pennanent deformation(set) of individual level floor. in the fully opened position, with the
ladder components. such as diagonal braces or rear spreaders properly set. A 200-pound distributed dead
horizontal braces, of less that 1/8 inch shall not con- load. comprising lead weights or the equivalent to
stitute test failure. maximize the density of the loading medium. shall be
Ladders equipped with a bucket shelf shall be applied to the ladder top cap. platfonn or top step
tested with the bucket shelf in the in-use position. when no top cap is used. A horizontal f.:>rce. directed
This test is not applicable to step stools. platfonn to the rear of the ladder, shall be applied to the ladder
ladders less than 3 feet in size. and other step-type lOp cap at a distance of 18 inches from the vertical
ladders less that 5 feet in size. centerline of the ladder, as shown in Fig. 12. The
7.3.7 Racking Test for Stepladders, Platform force shall be perpendicular to the moment arm, with
Ladders, Trestle Ladders, and Extension Trestle a tolerance of ±I 0°. when the test load is reached.
Ladders. Note: This is a design verification test. The The front side rail, opposite from the side where the
test unit shall be placed on a level floor. in the fully horizontal force is applied. shall be blocked from
opened position. with the spreaders properly sel. Both movement. The test shall be conducted on a dry,
front feet shall be individually blocked to prevent un waxed vinyl tile floor.
movement relative to the floor. as shown in Fig. 13a. The test unit shall withstand a horizontal force
A I OO-pound distributed dead load shall be applied to of not less that the value in Table 21, without the
the bottom step; no part of the load shall contact either spreaders locking. any damage or visible weakening
of the two front rails during the test. of the ladder or components, or any significant visible
A vertical pulling force shall be applied to the rear major permanent deformation (set) of the test unit
of the ladder top cap. top guard rail. or top step when upon release of the test force. Minor permanent
no top cap is used, so as to lift both rear feet and deformation (set) of individual ladder components,
provide a 3-inch clearance between the rear feet and such as diagonal braces or rear horizontal braces, of
the floor. A 4-pound preload. prior to the 6-pound less that 1/8 inch, shall nOl constitute test failure.
lateral pulling force shall be applied at the bottom of Ladders equipped with a bucket shelf shall be
one rear rail. using a force gage or the equivalent. as tested with the bucket shelf in the in-use position.
shown in Fig. 13b, and the lateral displacement of This lest is not applicable to step stools.
that rear rail shall be measured relative to its no-load 7.3.10 Stepladder Slip Test. Note: This is a
position. The maximum lateral displacement shall design verification test. Stepladders shall be tested for
not exceed the value given in Table 20. skid resistance as shown in Fig. 15. The test unit shall
Ladders equipped with a bucket shelf shall be be a 6-foot stepladder, fully opened. A uniformly
tested with the bucket shelf in the in-use position. distributed load of 200 pounds shall be placed on Ihe
This test is not applicable to step stools.
second highest step. A horizontal pulling force of 35
7.3.8 Front Rail and Back Leg Dynamic Drop
pounds, statically applied to the bottom of the ladder at
Test for Stepladders, Platform Ladders, Trestle
1 inch above the test surface, shall not cause any move-
Ladders, Extension Trestle Ladders, and Step
ment in excess of 1/4 inch across the test surface. The
Stools. Note: This is a design verification test. The
test surface shall be a dry, unwaxed vinyl tile floor.
test unit shall be the tallest ladder for each rail size,
with the same bottom bracing for each unit tested.
Stepladders shall be tested in a closed position, with Table 21
the ladder horizontal so that the steps are vertical. The Rail Torsion Test
top of the ladder shall be supported 6 inches from its
top so that the bottom of the lower rail is 24 inches Working Rail Torsion
Load Test Force
from a concrete floor. as shown in Fig. 14. Duty Rating and Type (pounds) (pounds)
To perfonn the drop test, the front rail and back
Extra heavy duty - Type IA 300 125
legs shall be guided in a vertical plane during a freefall
Heavy duty - Type I 250 tOO
drop. The allowable permanent deformation (set) of
Medium duty - Type II 225 75
the lower front rail or lower back leg shall not exceed
Light dUly - Type III 200 50
1/4 inch.
NOTE: The 200-pound distributed load shall be placed on the second highest step.
Fig. IS
Stepladder Slip Test
panel, is scraped across it. This rest shall be run climbing posture creating user clumsiness on the
on labels before and immediately afrer the water ladder may cause falls.
immersion test. 8.1.6 The safe useful life of the ladder is depend- Water Immersion Test. Applied ent upon its proper in-service care. While ladders are
labels shall be immersed in water, label side down, designed for extended service, it is necessary to
with the water level a minimum of 1/8 inch above the provide periodic in-service care and maintenance to
label, for 48 hours at 75~. No significant change shall ensure their continued safe use. Ladders are not
occur in the legibility of the labels or in their adhesion designed or intended to possess an infinite safe useful
to the ladder surface (as evidence by delamination or life.
curling) following the test. 8.1.7 The information provided in the balance Oven Aging Test. Applied labels shall of this section principally addresses stepladders and
be placed in an oven maintained at a temperature of extension ladders. The principles, however, are
158°F (700 q for 240 hours. No significant change applicable to all self-supporting and non-self-support-
shall occur in the legibility of the labels or in their ing ponable ladders.
adhesion to the ladder surface (as evidence by
delamination or curling) following the test. 8.2 Selection
8.2.1 Ladder Selection. Portable ladders are
designed fOT one-man use to meet the requirements of
the man, the task, and the environment. This section
8. Selection, Care, and Use covers the factors involved in making the proper lad-
der selection. Product information data necessary for
8.1 General proper ladder selection are found on the ladder rail.
8.1.1 For maximum serviceability and safety and Duty Rating. Ladders have been
to eliminate unnecessary damage to equipment, good
designed in four duty classifications:
safe practices in the use and care of ladder equipment
shall be employed by the users. The guidelines dis- Working Load
cussed in this section constitute the most appropriatte Duty Rating Ladder Type (pounds)
and proper procedures for the car and use of ladders.
8.1.2 A comparison of studies within A 14 juris- Extra heavy duty. IA 300
diction, by government bodies, by other researcher, Heavy duty 250
and in the ILO 4 Publication CIS-12, Ladders, Medium dUly II 225
indicates a close correlation between major accident Light duty 1lI 200
causes and the failure to follow guidelines like those
provided in this section. Loading and Service. Users shall give
8.1.3 The major causes of falls from self- consideration to the length required, the working load,
supponed portable ladders are lack of stability and the duty rating, and frequency of use to which the
sliding. Major causes of falls from non-self-supporting ladder will be subjected. Users shall not overload a
portal be ladders are lateral sliding at the top support, ladder.
and human Slip. Table 22 provides a summary of The following criteria shall be used when purchas-
significant accident causes. ing or using a ladder:
8.1.4 Proper selection of a ladder is essential (I) Extra Heavy Duty. For users requiring a 300-
for ensuring safety and reducting the potential for pound working load or duty rating, such as industry,
accidents. utilities, contractors, and the like.
8.1.5 Proper use of a ladder will contribute (2) Heavy Duty. For users requiring a 250·pound
significantly to safety. Factors contributing to falls working load or duty rating, such as industry, utilities,
include haste, sudden movement, lack of attention contractors, and the like.
during use, ladder condition (worn or damaged), user's (3) Medium Duty. For users requiring a 225-pound
age or physical condition, or both, and the user's foot- working load or duty rating, such a painters, offices,
wear. The likelihood of falls is not increased by the light maintenance, and the like.
user's excessive weight or size. However, improper (4) Light Duty. For users requiring no more than
a 200-pound working load or duty rating, such as
4 Availablefrom the Intemation Occupational Safety and Health
general household use. Light-duty ladders shall
Information Centre. International Labour Office. CH 1211. Geneva not be used with ladder jacks or scaffolds planks,
22. Switzerland. or both.
\ '
Table 22
Summary of Significant Accident Causes
C) Lateral
Uneven surface
Differences in
Not tied off
Not held at base
Getting on or off
ladder to roof
versus ~caffokl)
Too short or too
long (size)
(left or flmlness of Slippery Inadequate or Reaching OUltoo Not extended fur
right) at surface surface excessive ex- far laterally enough (too
top sup- Unstable surface Unstable tension above Applying side load steep)
port surface' top support Use of improper
(pole. (ree, Ladder not close equipment (fm
comer of enough to work example. ladder
building. location versus scaffold)
and the like) Pitch (angle) (00
\ce. snow. steep
or wet Feet unsupported
surface or unstable
Insufficient Extension locks
toe sUEE2rt nO! en~aged
Outward Unstable surface Overexten- Used unstable or Above "highest Wrong 1'01)( or
sliding at Low friction sian above insufficient standing level" skid-resistant
lower base Loose surface top support supports label bearing surface
support Ice, snow, or wet Pitch (angle) Sliding tendency Too long (size) or
surface 100 flat increases above extended too far
Slippery surface· Ladder not fOOled midpoint of Use of impropa
Ladder not tied ladder working equipment (for
off or blocked length exampk. ladder
Worn, missing or Careless climbing versus scu ffold)
slippery feet onto or off of
Improper selec- ladder (from aria·
tion of feet or roof. and the like)
skid-resistant Applying side load
bearing surfaces
Extension locks
(~-' ..\
( ,
\,. ...../)
Table 23
Ladder Size, Working Length, and Height* Self-supporting ladders shall not be snow. or slippery surfaces unless suitable means to
used as single ladders or in the partially closed posi- prevent slipping are employed. Ladders shall not be
tion. placed on boxes, barrels. or other unstable bases to Unless specifically designed for a obtain additional height.
cantilever operation, a non-self-supporting ladder shall 8.3.5 Top Support. The top ofa non-self-support-
not be used to climb above the top support point. ing ladder shall be placed with the two rails supported Combination ladders, when used as equally unless it is equipped with a single support
self-supporting stairway ladders shall not be climbed attachment. Such an attachment shOUld be substantial
on their back sections. and large enough to support the ladder under load. It A ladder jack system shall not be used should be used when the ladder top support is a pole.
by more than two persons (see 8.3.19). light standard. building comer. or in tree-type opem-
8.3.2 Climbing and Working Locations. The lions (pruning, fruit picking. and the like). When it is
user shall climb or work with the body near the middle necessary to support the top of a ladder at a window
of the step or rung. The user shall not step or stand opening. a device should be attached across Ihe back
higher than the step or rung indicated on the label of the ladder. extending across the window, to provide
marking the highest standing level of a ladder. The fU1l1 support against the building walls or window
user shall not step or stand on: frames.
(I) A ladder top cap and the top step of a step or 8.3.6 Side Loading. Portable ladders are not
trestle ladder, or the pail shelf of a self-supporting designed for excessive side loading, and such abuse of
ladder. the ladder shall be avoided. The ladder shall be kept
close to the work. The user shall not overreach, but
NOTE: This restriction is nOI applicable to lOp steps located shall descend and relocate the ladder instead. When
18 inches under the top cap.
using a ladder. the user shall never push or pull unless
(2) The rear braces of a self-supporting ladder, the ladder is properly secured.
unless these are designed and recommended for that 8.3.7 Climbing Ladders. When ascending or
purpose by the manufacturer. descending the ladder. the user shall face the ladder
(3) The top step of the extension section of an and maintain a firm hold on the ladder. The user shall
extension trestle ladder. not climb onto a ladder from the side, from one ladder
(4) The top cap or top step of a combination ladder to another, or front a swing-stage to a ladder. unless
when it is used as a self supporting ladder. the ladder is secured against sideways motion or had
8.3.3 Angle of Inclination. Portable non-self- been tied to the slructure. The user shall not climb a
supporting ladders should be erected at a pitch of broken or bent ladder or a ladder that does not comply
75-1/2° from the horizontal for optimum resistance with 8.4.1.
to sliding. strength of the ladder. and balance of the 8.3.8 Electrical Hazards. Users are cautioned to
climber. A simple rule for setting up a ladder at the take proper safelY measures when ladders are used in
proper angle is to place the base a distance from the areas containing electrical circuits. These precautions
wall or upper support equal to one-quarter the effec- should prevent any contact or possible contact with an
tive working length of the ladder (the "quarter length energized. uninsulated circuit or conductor in order to
rule"). Effective working length is the distance along avoid electrical shock or short circuit. Metal ladders
the side rails from the bottom to the support point of and wood ladders with side-rail metal reinforcement
the upper portion of the ladder. Combination ladders wires shall not be used where they would come in
should be erected so that the step surfaces are in a contact with exposed energized electric wires.
horizontal plane. All ladders should be kept away from electric
8.3.4 Footing Support. The ladder base shall be power lines unless they are specifically designed for
placed with a secure footing on a finn. level support that application. Ordinary precautions should be
surface. Ladder levelers may be used to achieve equal employed as would be taken when using any tool that
rail support on uneven surfaces. Devices such as may become a conductor of electricity. Users are
shoes, spurs, spikes. combinations thereof, or similar cautioned to be particularly careful when manipulating
devices of substantial design should be installed where any ladder around an overhead electrical power line.
required for slip resistance and bearing area. Where 8.3.9 Improper Use. A ladder shall not be used
ladders with no safety shoes. spurs, spikes. or similar as a brace. skid, lever. guy or gin pole. gangway. plat-
devices are used, a foot ladder board or similar device form. scaffold plank, material hoist, or for any other
may be employed. Ladders shall not be used on ice. use for which it was not intended, unless such use is
() 49
specifically recommended by the manufacturer. Lad- properly reassembled and that the interlocking guides
ders shall not be erected on scaffolds to gain additional or brackets are properly engaged between the sections
height, unless specifically designed for that application. before further use.
8.3.10 Access to Roof. When single-section or 8.3.15 Relocating Ladders. A ladder shall not be
extension ladders are used to gain access to a roof, the relocated while anyone is on it.
top of the ladder shall extend at least I foot and no 8.3.16 Bracing of Stepladders. The bracing on
more than 3 feet above the point of suppon at eaves, the rear rails of stepladders is designed solely for
gutter or roof line. The ladder should be tied down to increasing stability and not for climbing. This does
prevent slipping before the user ascends onlo the roof. nol apply to stepladders provided with steps for
The user shall take care when ascending from the lad- climbing on both front and rear sections.
der to the roof or descending from the roof to the lad- 8.3.17 Use of IndividuaJ Sections of Sectional
der to avoid tipping the ladder over sideways or Ladders and Sections of Extension Trestle Ladders.
causing the ladder base to slide. Middle and top sections of sectional or window
8.3.11 Fastening Together. Ladders and ladder cleaners' ladders and extension sections of extension
sections, unless so designed, shall not be tied or trestle ladders should not be used for bottom sections.
fastened together to provide a longer length. Ladders 8.3.18 Hooks. When service conditions warrant.
and ladder sections shall not have their length hooks may be attached at or near the top of ponable
increased by other means, unless specifically ladders to give added security. (Such hooks are used
designed for the means employed. for upper support in cable strand or rooftng applica-
8.3.12 Doorways. Ladders shall not be placed tions.)
in front of doors opening toward the ladder unless 8.3.19 Ladder lacks. Only ex.tra-heavy-duty
the door is blocked open, locked, or guarded. (type-IA) and heavy-duty (type-I) ladders shall be used
8.3.13 Setup and Adjusbnent of Ladders in conjunction with ladder jacks and stages or planks. Extension Ladders. Adjustment of Light-duty (type-llI) and medium-duty (type-II)
extension ladders shall only be made by the user when ladders shall never be used with ladder jacks. For
standing at the base of the ladder so the user may additional information on ladder jack systems, see
observe when the locks are properly engaged. The user American National Standard Safety Requirements for
shall check that the rope is tracking correctly in the Scaffolding, ANSI A 10.8-1988.
pulley. Adjustment of extension ladders from the top 8.3.20 Ladders Designed for Special Uses.
of the ladder (or any level over the locking device) is Certain ladders are designed specifically as two-man
a dangerous practice and shall not be attempted. working load products. Included in this group are
Adjustments shall not be made while anyone is trestle ladders, extension trestle ladders, and double
standing on the ladder. The user shall ensure that both stepladders.
upper and lower ladder support points are contacting 8.3.21 High Static Electrical Fields. Metal
firm support surfaces. Extension trestle ladders and ladders or other ladders specifically designed to permit
combination ladders used in non-self-supporting posi- grounding or dissipation of static electricity should be
lions require that the same procedures be observed. used around high static elecnical fields to assisting in Stepladders. The user shall ensure preventing shocks to the user.
that the stepladder is fully opened, with spreaders
locked and all feet contacting a firm level support 8.4 Care
surface. 8.4.1 Inspection. A thorough ladder inspection
8.3.14 Erection of Extension Ladders. Exten- shall be made when the ladder is originally purchased,
sion ladders shall always be erected so that the top received. and put into service. The ladder shall ~
section (fly sectiori) is above and resting on the bottom inspected periodically, preferably before each use.
section (base section) with the rung locks engaged. Working parts and runglstep-to-side-rail connections
The top section may be located in front of or behind shall be checked. Where structural damage or other
the bottom seclion. depending upon the design. The hazardous defect is found, the ladder shall be taken
ladder shall never be used in a reverse position where out of service and either discarded or repaired by a
the top end of the fly section becomes the lower end competent mechanic.
of the ladder, and the lower end of the base section Tipping Over, and Other Impact
becomes the upper end of the ladder. Where extension Damage. The ladder shall be in~pected for cracks and
ladders have been previously used as single ladders, splits on side rails and rungs and steps. All rungl
care should be exercised to ensure that the sections are step-to-side-rail connections shall be checked, as
AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD A14.1·1990 All markings shall be legible and Marking no. 7 shall be placed, in lieu of
readily visible. marking no. 8 on the inside of the right rail of the fly The preferred locations of the mark· section of extension ladders, with the arrow pointing to
ings, especially "danger" and "caution" markings, the second or third rung, depending upon which rung
should be approximately 4·1/2 feet to 6 feet from is 24 inches or more from the top of the top section,
the bottom of the ladder on the outside of the rails either of which location shall be the highest standing
(climber facing the ladder) with the ladder in the use level.
position. Marking no. 8 shall be placed. in lieu of For ladders less than 6 feet in length, marking no. 7 on the second rung from the top when
markings should be located as high as possible and the second rung is 24 inches or more from the top of
as close to the top as possible. the top section, or placed on the third rung from the Markings shall be positioned so that top when the second rung is less than 24 inches from
other parts of the ladder shall not damage the the top of the top section, either of which location shall
label/marking when the ladder is open, closed, or he the highest standing level.
extended. Marking no. 9 shall be placed below
marking no. 4 on both extension and single ladders. The labels/markings in the appendices Marking no. 10 shall meet the general
shall be considered as illustrations only.
requirements for all ladders including equivalent Modification of markings, within the wording in the text.
design or color principles, or both of these require· 9.1.4 Step Stool
ments including equivalent wording and symbols, Markings no. II and 12 shall conform
shall be permitted to accommodate material finish to the general requirements for all ladders.
and construction features. 9.1.S Trestle Ladder Marking no. 00 shall be placed on all Marking no. 13 shall confonn to the
portable ladders on the upper most marking on the general requirements for all ladders.
outside of the right rail (climber facing the ladder). Marking no. 7 shall be placed on the
9.1.2 Stepladders inside of the right rail of the trestle ladder with the Marking no. 1 shall meet the general arrow of the label/marking pointing to the second
requirements of location and positioning to avoid step or rung.
damage to the label/marking. Marking no. 8 shall be located on the For ladders less than 6 feet in second step or rung from the top of the ladder.
length, markings shall be located as high as possible Markings no. 7 and 8 may be used
and close to the top cap. together if so desired. Marking no. 2 shall be located on the 9.1.6 Extension Trestle Ladders
lOp cap of stepladders. When the extension section in [he Marking no. 3 shall be located on the trestle ladder is used marking no. 7 shall be used as
first step below the top cap when this step is 18 inches required for single ladders.
or less from the cop and may be omitted when the first Marking no. 14 shall meet the general
step is more than 18 inches from the top cap. requirements for all ladders. The placement of markings no. 2 and 3 NOTE: This does not include label/marking for separate
shall be such as to ensure best viewing position and to ex.tension (see ex.tension/straight ladder - Marking no. 10)
accommodate design, construction features. and
materials and finishes. 9.1.7 Platform Ladder Marking no. 4 shall meet the general Marking no. I shall meet the general
requirements for all ladders. requirements of location and positioning to avoid
9.1.3 Extension and Single Ladders
damage to the label/marking. Marking no. 2 shall be located on the Markings no. 5 and 6 shall meet the
top cap or highest cross member above the platfonn.
general requirements for location. Marking no. 15 shall conform to the Marking no. 6 shall be used on all general requirements for all ladders.
extension ladders and single ladders construction of
wood with wire·reinforced rails. 9.2 Product Data Information Markings Markings no. 7 and 8 may be used 9.2.1 The product data information markings
together if so desired. in 9.2.2 shall appear on the outside lower left rail
(climber facing the ladder). and. where possible. Month and year of manufacture
approximately 4-1/2 to 6 feet from the bottom of the ANSI Standard compliance
ladder. Warranty, if offered (optional)
9.2.2 Information Required. The following 9.2.3 Preferred Presentation. Product data
information shall be preceded by the word "NOTICE" information markings shall preferably be presented
in boldface and preferably shall be in the following as provided by the label/marking and instructions ill
sequence. Appendix B (See Marking no. 16). Ladder size Type or duty rating Maximim working length (if extension 10. Revision of American National Standards
ladder) Referred to in This Document Highest standing level
9.2~2.S Total length of sections (if extension When the American National Standards referred to in
ladder) this document are superseded by a revision approved Model number or name by the American National Standards Institute. Inc, the Manufacturer or distributor name (may revision shall apply.
be logo) Manufacturing plant (if multiplant
organization) (may be coded)
(These Appendixes are nota pan of American National Standard AI4.1-1990. but are included forinfonnation
Appendixes purposes only.)
Appendix A
NOTE: The following are the preferred design and color principles for the primary hazard "DANGER". and
"CAUTION" labels/markings for the kinds of portable wood ladders cited in this standard. These labels/markings
are illustrations of typical labels/markings and are not actual recommended size. The minimum recommended size
is 2 inches x 8 inches.
- - - - -- ------ - - -- ----------~-- - --------~-------------
Appendix B
NOTE: The following are the preferred design and color principles for "SAFETY FIRST" (safet)' instructions) and
"NOTICE" (product data infonnation) labels/markings for the kinds of portable metal ladders cited in this standard.
These labels/markings are illustrations of typical labels/markings and are not actual recommended size. The mini-
mum recommended size is 2 inches x 8 inches.
Marking No. 00
DO NOT Marking No.2
, •E Ut;) ~ i'
Do Not Stand On Or :
Above This Step •YOU CAN i
Marking No.3
C) 57
[ttll) it.HI
1. Select ladder 01 proper ieI1g1It 10 reach worXing heigh1.
2. IMPORTANT: Ladders are designed to support one INSTRUCTIONS.
person plus materials and tools not more than the
working load on the notice sign on this ladder.
3. Select ladders within the following: SECURE
1. Make sure ladder is fully open. spreaders secure. pall
shell in posnion.
2. Place on [[m level surlace wnh a secure footing. Do
not use on slippery surlaces. Do not pJace on boxes.
unstabte bases or on scaffolds to gain additional heiglll.
Do Not place in front oJ door opening toward ladder.
not let ladders of any material oome in <Xl!I1aCi wiUllive
eledJicaJ wires.
Marking No.6
Z. Make sure ladder is lully open. spceadBlS secure. pail
shell in posnion.
3. Place on firm level surtace willi a secure kloling. Do
not use on slippery surfaces. 00 not place an boxes,
unstable bases or scaHolds \0 gsin add~nal height Do
nol place in nonl 01 door opening toward ladder.
l! ~
S. Keep ladder clean and llee of aU foreign materials. INSTRUCTIONS
--- - --- ------ - --- -- - - -- - -- ---- ------- --------- --------~----- ~~~-
Marking No.8
I. SeleCi ladder 01 proper length 10 reach working
2. IMPORTANT: Laaders areaeslgned to suppon one
person plus malerlals and lools not more than the
workmo load on the nuice sign on Ihis laddel.
3 Stlecllaaders within Ihe tonowlng'
1. Inspect upon receipt and belore each use. never
INSPECTIOII climb a damaged. bent or brollen slep 51001. aU
1 InSP!tl ut\Q!\ leceip\ and belore eath \lSI!:. worlling parts must be in good working order.
2 Make sure all rivets and Joints. nuts an~ bOilS are 2. Make sure all rivets. and jOinlS. nuts and bolts are
lIon\. runos securt.laCldet ex.tensian locks 'unction. ligh!. steps and rungs secure, spreaders lunction
ing. and' if necessary lubricate.
3 Never climb a damaged. bent or broken ladaer. properly.
4, Keeplad'der tlean.lree !rom grease. oil, mUd. snow. 3. Keep step stool etean. free from grease. oil. mUd.
wei oalnl and Olher slippery malerlal. Keep your snow. wet paint and ol/ler slippery malerial. Keep
shOes clean. lealher soles should not be usea
5, N~'ie' make lemgOrary repairs of damaged or your shoes clean. lealher soles should nol be used.
missing parts 4. Never make temporary repairs 01 damaged or
6 AI! working pans must be in gOOd working order missing parts.
7. Destroy ladder it broken. worn or n exposed to lile
or '''emlcal corroSion 5. Oestroy step Slool if broken. wom or il exposed 10
fire or chemical corrosion.
ftllaOders ot any material come in Contact with \ive SPREADERS 1. Make sure slep stool is fully open and spreaders
eftctrical wires. secure.
2. Secure b;se when erecting \:addef. 2. !'lace on a lirm level surtace wilh a secure
3. Sel single or e",ension ladder 01 proper ~1/2
Goor.. 1l'1li10 by pl"~l'IIIladl1tr base a Gist'''''' equal fooling. Do not use on Slippery surfaces. Do nOI
10 1I41D1oh,orl<ing length oIladder away ~om bUeor place on boxes. unstable bases 01 scaffolds to gain
venieal ,uplIOn. II distance is less lIIan 3 ~. place addilional heigh!. 00 not place in Iront of door
Dase ol'aaa., a minimum 01 311. Irom YeII/calsupPOII.
4. Set I.dder on lirm ;round. 00 nollnnsid.ways. 00 opening loward ladder,
not use on ice or snow or slippery su~act wiIIlOUI non·
skid devices .r se(urin; leel. PROPER CLIMBING AND USE
S. Erect ladder 110 3~, •• "ndin; abOve roolliM or
working su~.ce: Ii. lOP alSuppon poinlS, 1. DO NOT USE STEP STOOLS il you tire easily.
6. EXlend top See1lon only Irom ground. never by are subjecl tD lainling spells. using medicine or
"bouncing" or Irom the roor. alcohol or are physicallv impaired.
7. 00 nol ov".. ,I.nd •maintain minimum o•• ~apol
seclions UP 10 and including 36 n.· 3 It. over 36 ft. and 2. To proieci children. do nOI/eave Slep 51001 sel up
includil'lll 481\.•• n.: wet 481\. ·511, and unaneMed.
S. Plac. on a firm surlace and asecure rooling. 00 nol 3. Face slep Siool when climbing up or down, Keep
use on slippery $uri~. 00 no' platt on bolts
unSlable bases Of scarfDlds or lie. ar faslen JafSderi body cenlered belween side rails,
logelller to Qai. additi.naI h<lQhl. 4. Do nol over reach. mova slep 51001 when needed.
9. Do n., place in Ironl 01 door openil'lll towara I.defer. 5. Do nol ''walk -or '10g" slep 51001 when slanding on il.
to Where ""..iilte"" ""'0. to hold ladder,
6, Do not overload. Step stools are meanl lor one
'ROPER CliMBINS AND USE person. Do nol use as a brace. plalform or plank.
7. Keep step 51001 close 10 work: avoia pushing Dr
I. 00 NOT USE LAOOERSiI you lir.easily. are suDie(l
10 .alntlno spells. are us/no medicine or alcohol pulling all til side lit step 510015.
or are physicaUy impaired.
Z To protect children. do nOlleavl ladder s"·up and
3 Stcurely eng";e ladder lOCk. llftare climbing.
ON FIRM LEVEL SURFACE 1. Store slep stool in safe and dry place.
2. Properly secure and support slep stooll\11i1e in lraJlsij.
Check Ihallop and bonom lnas 01 ladder rail. are
Ilrmly sUPPOl1ea WEAR SLlp·RESISTANT SHOES 3. Never stOIS materials on step stool.
4 Face ladder when Climbing up Dr down: clo nOI
Dver.reacn. 'w:t!P body cen1ered belwttn side rails. READ ADDITIONAL 4. Never painl a wood step stool. Ireat allrequenl
move ladder as needed inlervals with wood preservalive or clear tXlating.
S Mamtau.. a hIm orip. Use both hands in elimbing. INSTRUCTIONS ON LADDER 5. Keep slep stool clean and free ot aU tllreign
6 00 nol chmD enlo a ladder 110m lhe side unless materials.
laGOer IS secutf,1J iJ~1mS' Slde:·wlse motion. Of climb
Itom one taGder to ,nother Marking No. 11
1 OonOtSlaIldcl.." 10 tile lap than In. Irotl\tlletap.
nev!:. climb above the lOp SUppOr1 poinl.
8 00 not use ladder In hiQtI winds
Marking No. 12
9 Never use l,jader as a platform. olank or haisl
Hevel use ladder on a scaffold 00 nat overloid
ladders an m~nl lOt one person
!~I1:~~~:~~,'~n:d~~r work: avord pushino or
11 Never drop or allllly an Impaclload 10 lallder
12 00 no' "walk" 01 "snih""ddet while standing on il
Marking No. 10
1. Select ladder of proper lenglh 10 readlwoT'loing
1. Select ladder of proper lenglh to reach workIng 2. IMPORTANT: Ladders are designed 10 support
height. one person plus malerials and tools nCI mOre
2. IMPORTANT: Ladders are designed to support one than the wooong load on tile notice sign on this
person plus materials and tools per side not more Ihan ladder.
Ihe working load on the notice sign on Ihis ladder.
1. Inspect upon receipl and bafore each use. never 1. Inspecl upon receipt and belore each use.
dimb a damaged. bent or broken ladder, all working never dimb a damaged. benl or broken ladder. all
parts musl be in goOd ,,"ooong order. warlling parts musl be in good order.
2. Make sure all rivets and joinls, nuts and bolts are 2. Make sure all rivels and joints. nuls and bolts
light. steps and rungs secure. spreaders function are light. sleps and rungs secure.spreaders
properly. !unction property.
3. Keep ladder clean. Iree Irom grease. oil. mud. 3. Keep ladder clean. free from grease. oil. mud.
snow. weI painl and other slippery malerial. Keep snow. wet painl and o!her slippery mal",ia!. Keep
your shoes clean. lealher soles should nOI be used. your shoes clean. leather soles should nOI De
4. Never make lemporary repairs 01 damaged or used.
missing pans. 4. Never make lemporlll)' repairs of damaged or
S. Destroy ladder if broken. worn Dr if exposed 10 lire missing pans.
or chemical corrosion. 5. Destroy ladder it broken. worn or it exposed 10
Nre or chemical co~osion.
1. Make sure ladder is fully open and spreaders PROPER SET·UP
2. Place on a tirm level surface wilh secure looling t. Make suro ladder Is lully open and spreaders
Do not use on slippery surtaces. 00 nol place on sean I.
2. Place on a firm level surface with a secure
boxes. unslable bases or scaffolds to gain toating. Do not use on slippelY surfaces. Do not
addilional heigMI. 00 not place in frOnl of door place on bOles. unstable bases or scaffolds to gain
opening toward ladder. addilianal heigl'lt. Do not place in front 0' door
PROPER CLIMBING AND USE ope'ning lowafd ladder.
Marking No" 13
Marking No" 14
1. SeIed ladder 01 prcper length 10 reach YlCfl<ing
2. IMPORTANT: Ladders are designed 10 suppor1
one person plus materials and IDOls MI more !han
lI1e wot1<ing load an lI1e noliCe sign on !his Iaddat.
3. SeIed Iadde<,; "",,,n!he 1oI1cIwir9:
Ladder Size
IA INDUSTRIAL.flCTRA HEAVY 300 Ills. Type and/or Duty
I IlI1)USTRIAl·HEAV'I' 250tbs.
, 11\ HOUSEHOLD-LIGHT 200 Ibs.
Marking No. IS
The following data gathering forms were developed by the various factors surrounding the injury. These
the Al4 Testing Task Force to obtain meaningful infor- forms can be used separately or together. since the
mation for validating and revalidating the ladder stand- survey questionnaire identified fall victims for laler
ard requirements. Having used the forms with investigation.
remarkable success, the Al4 Committee wished to
share the beneficial results produced by the forms with These forms may be regarded merely as a starting
the users of the ladders. point or framework. Modification of the basic fom1s
to provide information more pertinent to a particular
operation is also suggested. They are offered nol only
The ladder use survey basically provides a profile of to assist in injury investigation. but to stimulale spin-
ladder user habits, so that incorrect practices can be offs or other, better investigative forms and [Ools 10
corrected by self instruction or be addressed in more learn more about the causes of ladder injuries.
formal training efforts. The second form, the bi-level
injury report. is used to determine from the fall victim
,. I use ladders:
___ once a week or more ___ once a month ___ seldom
5. Have you ever used a ladder with supports to make it taller or level?
___ yes, to make it taller
How often? ___ usually ___ occasionally
___ yes, to make it level
How often? ___ usually ___ occasionallY
___ yes, on soft ground
___ no
6. Have you used a metal ladder when doing live electrical work or near exposed wiring?
___ usually ___ occasionally ___ never
7. Have you USED a ladder horizontally or in another position for other than climbing?
___ yes, please explain:
___ no
8. Have you ever read the instructions on the label of your laddeds)?
___ yes
___ no
___ doesn't have a label
9. Have you ever fallen from a ladder?
___ yes, an extension ladder
___ yes, a stepladder: ___ indoors _ _ outdoors
___ yes, a combination ladder: ___ indoors ___ outdoors
___ no
11. Have you climbed the back of a stepladder?
_ _ usually ___ occasionally ___ never
15. How do you position an extension ladder? 18. Have you used an extension ladder to climb on the
___ yes
_ _ no
(--~'\ If yes, does it extend beyond the roof eaves a dis·
tance of "O"?
___ less than 1 foot
_ _ 1 foot
Other position, please sketch: _ _ 2 feet
_ _ 3 feet
___ more than 3 feet
17. How many feet (D) from the wall would you place
this extension ladder?
21. Do you tie the top of an extension ladder to pre- 24. Do you usually move an extended ladder along a
vent movement? wall by:
___ usually ___ occasionally ___ never ___ sliding it to the slide
___ standing it vertically and moving extended
22. Do you block or tie the bottom of an extension
ladder to prevent movement?
___ closing extension and then moving ladder
_ usually '___ occasionally ___ never
23. Do you stand on the top rung of an extension 25. How do you store an extension ladder?
ladder? _ _ floor
___ usually ___ occasionally ___ never ___ hang, please explain:
(con tinued)
4. Condition of base:
Yes No
5. Condition at top support (extension ladder only):
_ _ Gutter _ _ Tree _ _ Attic or 10ft
Wall: _ _ Wood _ _ Metal ___ Brick
2. Height of work area (ceiling. shelf. window. tree branch. etc): _ _ feet
3a. Stepladder:
When fall occurred I was:
_ _ Climbing down
_ _ Climbing up
_ _ Standing
_ _ Reaching up
_ _ Reaching to the side A
_ _ Coming down to A from above
_ _ Going up from A 10 above
on ladder:
__ A
____ 8
__ C
__ D
__ E
__ G
on ladder:
__ A
__ B
__ C
__ 0
__ E
__ F
__ G
Extension ladder used as straight ladder: _ _ FT
_ _ Taken apart OWALL
_ _ Fully closed GROUND
() _ _ Lost balance
_ _ Missed a step or rung
_ _ Ladder tipped
_ _ Step or rung broke
_ _ Ladder collapsed
_ _ Electric shock
_ _ Ladder slipped at top _ _ Extension lock failed
_ _ Ladder slipped at bottom _ _ Wind blown
\. lO.n,\I\<ot\on0'
E _ condition 01,,,olad
PI.'" tM 'olloW Oo
ladder ",,10," .ndIe<
.- fall ••tiOn ladOo'
_bi "h'·
""d " ,t<ol~dd")'
'd.ntme.tiC ...,,,,,., o. "<t,,h ••" to ,",o,oP"'"
i09S,o,.n; Ie) """i.': (0)
IA) s.nt; IS)
for1\\ S.'o"• "II:
,-., tn. (2) ,oot ",."",,,,,,.
,,'tAft" fall Ie) ",10" thO ,.11 1\\· ",a"". "e' ."
_ _ _ "n.\REE-P\ECE
\\t"t'::::::;:~~~--- REAR HOR\ZONiAL
2. 'd,ntifl",;on 0' "ten,;on 0' ",,;,h' "dd" d,,'"'' (0' ,o",b;n,,;on ,,,,de' wh'n ""d " ,,,,n,;on ',dd,<I'
p,,,, ,h' 'onow;n, ;dentl"",ion ",,'k' on ,k",h nex' '0 ,pp,oP,i'" oa<"
(Al Bent; (B) Broken; tC) Missing; to) Malfunctioning
Before fall; (2) After fall
il th",it 'oot w" '"i"in, (C \ b,'o" the "II (11. ",,,k i, ..c 1."
6 in OR 12 in EN o SPACINGt ~ ~
--- ----
~ - WEB
n ...... ~
..... PULLEY
r-r= RUNGS
CKS- ~
6 in OR I2 in ENe.
American National Standards
The standard in this booklet is one of more than 10,000 standards approved
to date by the American National Standards Institute.
The Standards Institute provides the machinery for creating voluntary stan-
dards. It serves to eliminate duplication of standards activities and to weld
conflicting standards into single, nationally accepted standards under the
designation" American National Standards."
Each standard represents general agreement among maker, seller, and user
groups as to the best current practice with regard to some specific problem.
Thus the completed standards cut across the whole fabric of production,
distribution, and consumption of goods and services. American National
Standards, by reason of Institute procedures, reflect a national consensus
of manufacturers, consumers, and scientific~ technical, and professional orga-
nizations, and governmental agencies. The completed standards are used
widely by industry and commerce and often by municipal, state, and federal
The Standards Ins~itute, under. whose auspices this work is being done, is the
United States clearinghouse and coordinating body for voluntary standards
activity on the national level. It is a federation of trade associations, techni-
cal societies, professional groups, and consumer organizations. Some 1000
companies are affiliatecs with the Institute as company members.
The American National Standards Institute is the United States member of
the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Interna-
tional Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Through these channels U.S. stan-
dards interests make their positions felt on the international level. American ~
National Standards are on file in the libraries of the national standards bodies
of more than 60 countries.