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American National Standard

Estimating Emission Factors

from Open Molding
Composite Processes


Copyright American National Standards Institute

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Copyright American National Standards Institute

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American National Standard

for Estimating Emission Factors
from Open Molding Composite Processes

American Composites Manufacturers Association

Approved August 20, 2004

American National Standards Institute, Inc.

Copyright American National Standards Institute

Provided by IHS under license with ANSI
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Approval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSI that the
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American National Standards Institute, Inc.

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Copyright © 2004 by American Composites Manufacturers Association (AMCA)

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Copyright American National Standards Institute

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Foreword ................................................................................................................ii
1 Scope and Purpose ...................................................................................... 1

1.1 Scope ........................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Purpose ........................................................................................................ 1
2 Referenced Standards and Publications ...................................................... 1
3 Terms and Definitions................................................................................... 1
4 Instructions and Examples for the Emission Factor Table ........................... 4
4.1 How to Find the Proper Emission Factor using EF Table 1.......................... 4
EF Table 1............................................................................................................. 6

Copyright American National Standards Institute
Provided by IHS under license with ANSI
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Foreword (This foreword is not part of American National Standard
From 1996 through 1998, the American Composites Manufacturers Association
(ACMA), formerly named the Composites Fabricators Association (CFA), conducted
styrene emissions testing. The ACMA testing program consisted of three test phas-
es, which investigated the effects of process parameters on the styrene emissions
from the open molding of composites. The test protocol used in the ACMA testing is
described in the November 18, 1998 ACMA report entitled "Styrene Emissions Test
Protocol & Facility Certification Procedures, Revision 2.1." The results of the ACMA
Phase I testing are detailed in the September 1996 CFA report entitled "Phase I -
Baseline Study; Hand Lay-up, Gel Coating, Spray Lay-up including Optimization
Study." The results of the ACMA Phase II and III testing are detailed in the report
"Technical Discussion of the Unified Emission Factors for Open Molding of Compos-
On February 28, 1998, Engineering Environmental Consulting Services (EECS) re-
leased a report entitled "CFA Emission Models for the Reinforced Plastics Industries"
that details a set of equations developed from the ACMA test data. These equations
predicted the styrene emission rates from typical lamination processes employed by

the reinforced plastics industry. The report was subsequently posted on the EPA
CHIEF website as a possible replacement for the obsolete AP-42 factors for rein-
forced plastics.
In 1997, the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) also conducted sty-
rene emission testing using the CFA test protocol. The results of this testing are de-
scribed in the August 1997 NMMA report entitled "Baseline Characterization of
Emissions from Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing." The NMMA report was also posted
on the EPA CHIEF website as part of the AP-42 replacement process.
In November 1998, the CFA and NMMA agreed to merge the data from their respec-
tive test programs. The merged data sets were used to develop a new set of equa-
tions and factors that unify the methodology employed by boat builders and non-boat
builders for estimating the VOC and HAP emissions from the open molding of com-
posite parts. These new emission factors have been named the "Unified Emission
Factors" (UEF).
The Unified Emission Factor Table is the base data for this standard.
ACMA is the registered trademark of the American Composites Manufacturers Asso-
ACMA does not "approve", "rate" or "endorse" any item or proprietary device de-
scribed in this standard. Participation by federal/state agency representative(s) or
persons associated with industry is not to be interpreted as ACMA, government, or
industry endorsement of this standard.
Requests for interpretations or suggestions for revision should be sent to Larry
Craigie, American Composites Manufacturers Association, 1010 North Glebe Road,
Ste. 450, Arlington, VA 22201.
This standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for
American National Standards. The list of canvassees that are reviewing this pro-
posed standard is balanced to assure that individuals from competent and concerned
interests have had an opportunity to participate.


Copyright American National Standards Institute

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Don Abel, Xerxes (Molder)

Kurt Anderson, Monaco Coach Corporation (Molder)
Ehtisham Ashai, Valspar (Material Supplier)
Perry Bennett, Molded Fiberglass Companies (Molder)
Ed Dotson, Byk Chemie USA (Material Supplier)
Bob Goldberg, Washington State Dept. of Ecology (Government)
Rob Haberlein, Engineering Environmental Consulting Services (General Interest)
Jean Hall, CMTI, Purdue University (General Interest)
Tom Hedger, Magnum Venus Products (Equipment Supplier)
Richard Higgins, HK Research Corporation (Material Supplier)
Mark Hollenbeck, Cook Composites & Polymer (Material Supplier)
Bill Holtzclaw, Holtec, LTD (General Interest)
Bob Lacovara, ACMA (General Interest)
David Lipiro, Environmental Compliance & Risk Management, Inc. (General Interest)
Chad Macer, Glas-Craft, Inc. (Equipment Supplier)
Charlie McClaskey, Norac Company, Inc. (Material Supplier)
John McKnight, National Marine Manufacturers Association (General Interest)
Susan Mitchell, Fusion UV Systems, Inc. (Equipment Supplier)
Ron Ryan, US EPA (Government)
Dewey Smith, ITW Industrial Finishing (Equipment Supplier)
Lynn Sours, GS Manufacturing (Equipment Supplier)
Jonathan Spaulding, North End Composites (Molder)
Phyllis Strong, MPAC (Government)
Laki Tisopulos, SCAQMD (Government)


Copyright American National Standards Institute

Provided by IHS under license with ANSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

American National Standard

for Estimating Emission Factors

from Open Molding Composite Processes

1. Scope and Purpose

1.1. Scope
The Emission Factors will include emission estimates from the open molding processes
used in the composites industry. They will provide the user with a mechanism to
estimate emissions based on the production process, materials being used and techniques
employed. The final emission estimates will satisfy state and federal requirements for
permit compliance and reporting emissions on Form R as required by the Emergency
Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act.

1.2. Purpose
Manufacturers are required to estimate their air emissions for permit application and
permit compliance reports and as may be required by local health officials. Also they
must report air emissions from their facilities mandated by the federal Toxic Substance
Control Act. Without these sanctioned factors, each facility may be required to conduct
cost prohibitive emissions testing to satisfy all these reporting requirements.

2. Referenced Standards and Publications

Technical Resources Section of

40 CFR 63, Subpart WWWW – National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants: Reinforced Plastic Composites Production
Table 1 – The MACT Rule
Appendix A – Test Method for Determining Vapor-Suppressant Effectiveness

SCAQMD Rule 1162, The Indiana Styrene Rule

3. Terms and Definitions
3.1. Atomized
Atomized spray is any kind of spray application that is not non-atomized spray, but
typically includes conventional air atomizing, high-pressure airless, air-assisted airless,
and high-volume low-pressure applicators.

3.2. Controlled Spray

Controlled spray is a specific set of three work practices that can be used to reduce
material usage, worker exposures, and emissions. The three work practices included in a
controlled spray program are spray gun set-up and pressure calibration, training in proper

Copyright American National Standards Institute
Provided by IHS under license with ANSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

spray techniques, and mold-perimeter containment flanges. A full program description

and training materials for controlled spray can be obtained from the technical resources
section at

3.3. Covered Cure

Covered cure means the use of vacuum bagging or other technology where a plastic sheet
is use to cover the mold after resin is applied. Covered cure techniques are typically used
where higher physical properties of the product are required. Vacuum infusion and other
processes where the mold is covered before resin is applied are not considered to be open
molding processes.

3.4. Filament Application

Filament application is an open molding process for fabricating composites in which
reinforcements are fed through a resin bath and are wound onto a rotating mandrel. The
materials on the mandrel may be rolled out or worked by using manual tools prior to
curing. Resin application to the reinforcement on the mandrel by means other than a resin
bath, such as spray guns, pressure-fed rollers, flow coaters, or brushes is not considered
filament application.

3.5. Gel Coat Application


Gel coat application is a process where a clear or pigmented formulated resin is applied
to the mold by mechanical applicators. The gel coat will become the visible side of the
composite part. If the gel coat resin is applied using a manual application method, the
resin is no longer considered a gel coat for emission calculations purposes and emissions
should be calculated using the manual application factors.

3.6. Gel Coat Non-Atomized Application

Mechanical non-atomized application means (a) or (b)
(a) the use of a device for applying gel coat that (i) has been provided by the device
manufacturer with documentation showing that use of the device results in HAP
emissions that are no greater than the emissions predicted by the applicable non-
atomized application equation(s) in Table 1 to Subpart WWWW of Part 63 [the
MACT rule]; and (ii) is operated according to the manufacturer’s directions,
including instructions to prevent the operation of the device at excessive spray
pressures. Non-atomized application equipment includes flow coaters, flow choppers,
low tip pressure spray applicators, and pressure-fed rollers.

(b) any spray application that meets the non-atomized definition in SCAQMD Rule 1162,
the Indiana Styrene rule, or the US EPA MACT rule. Non-atomized spray includes
both an equipment design requirement and certain essential work practice
requirements. The gun supplier and the applicable regulations specify the required
work practices.

3.7. Manual
Manual (application) is any non-mechanical application (without pumps or pressurized
material flow), and includes bucket-and-brush and bucket-and-roller.

Copyright American National Standards Institute
Provided by IHS under license with ANSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

3.8. Mechanical
Mechanical (application) means the use of pumps to deliver a pressurized stream of resin
or gel coat to a mold through some kind of application device. Spray and non-spray are

the two types of mechanical application.

3.9. Mechanical Atomized

Mechanical atomized (application) means application of resin or gel coat with spray
equipment that separates the liquid into a fine mist. This fine mist may be created by
forcing the liquid under high pressure through an elliptical orifice, bombarding a liquid
stream with directed air jets, or a combination of these techniques.

3.10. Mechanical Atomized Control Spray

Mechanical atomized control spray is the use of an atomized spray gun in combination
with a controlled spray program.

3.11. Mechanical non-atomized

Mechanical non-atomized (application) means (a) or (b)
(a) the use of a device for applying resin that (i) has been provided by the device
manufacturer with documentation showing that use of the device results in HAP
emissions that are no greater than the emissions predicted by the applicable non-
atomized application equation(s) in Table 1 to Subpart WWWW of Part 63 [the
MACT rule]; and (ii) is operated according to the manufacturer’s directions,
including instructions to prevent the operation of the device at excessive spray
pressures. Non-atomized application equipment includes flow coaters, flow choppers,
low tip pressure spray applicators, and pressure-fed rollers.

(b) any spray application that meets the non-atomized definition in SCAQMD Rule 1162,
the Indiana Styrene rule, or the US EPA MACT rule. Non-atomized spray includes
both an equipment design requirement and certain essential work practice
requirements. The gun supplier and the applicable regulations specify the required
work practices.

3.12. Open Molding

Open molding is manual resin application, mechanical resin application, filament
winding, and gel coat application. Resin transfer molding (or other processes where resin
is delivered in a closed or covered mold), pultrusion and compression molding are not
open molding processes.

3.13. Roll-Out
Roll-out is the process used to compact and remove entrapped air from a laminate after
the resin and reinforcement has been applied to a mold.

3.14. Spray
Spray means any material flow moving through the air to be deposited on a mold. Spray
can be atomized or non-atomized.

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Provided by IHS under license with ANSI
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3.15. Styrene Content

The styrene content of a resin or gel coat is the styrene content as applied, including any
styrene added by the user. For non-gel coat resins the styrene content is calculated before
any fillers or other non-styrene materials are added.

3.16. Vapor Suppressant

Vapor suppressant is an additive, typically a wax that migrates to the surface of the resin
during curing and forms a barrier to seal in the styrene and reduce styrene emissions.

3.17. Vapor Suppressed Resin, VSR

VSR is a resin containing a vapor suppressant added for the purpose of reducing styrene
emissions during curing.

3.18. Vapor Suppressed Resin Reduction Factor

The VSR Reduction Factor is a measure of the efficiency of a suppressant with a resin. It
is determined by testing each resin/suppressant formulation according to the test method
found in The US EPA MACT rule, Appendix A to Subpart WWWW--Test M.

4. Instructions and Examples for the Emission Factor Table

A simple tabular format has been developed to encapsulate the new Emission Factor
information on one sheet of paper. This tabular format is called the “EF Table 1.”

This section contains instructions for using EF Table 1 to find the proper emission factor
for a specific resin or gel coat material and application process.

4.1 How to Find the Proper Emission Factor using EF Table 1

Before using EF Table 1, the following information shall be obtained:

(a) Styrene content of the resin/gel coat material

The styrene content of the resin/gel coat materials can be obtained from the associated
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) information, the Q/A certification sheet sent with
most bulk resin shipments, or by calling the resin supplier or manufacturer.
Occasionally, the MSDS will specify a broad range for the styrene content, such as 20 to
50% styrene by weight. This is a shortcut used by the resin supplier to avoid listing more
specific information for each resin formulation. The average value for such a broad
range (average 35% for the example above) should not be used. Instead, the resin
supplier should be asked to provide more precise estimates of the actual monomer
contents for each material.

(b) Application process used to apply the material

The correct application process shall be identified from the following major types;
manual, mechanical atomized, mechanical non-atomized, filament, or gel coat spraying.

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(c) Vapor-suppressant data - The VSR reduction factor (if used)

Determine if vapor suppressant is added to the resin formulation. If so, the VSR
reduction factor for that specific resin/suppressant mixture shall be obtained from the
resin supplier, or shall be determined at the plant in accordance with procedures detailed
in the Vapor Suppressant Effectiveness Test (this test protocol can be found in Appendix
A to Subpart WWWW – Test Method for Determining Vapor Suppressant Effectiveness,
Federal Register Volume 68, No. 76.

(d) Special pollution prevention techniques (if used)

Determine if controlled spraying and/or covered-cure are used with any of the application

(e) With this information, refer to EF Table 1.

1 Find the correct application process in the leftmost column of EF Table 1.

2 Find the correct styrene content across the top row of EF Table 1.

3 Locate the cell at the intersection of the selected row and column. This cell
contains the correct emission factor that corresponds to the application process
and styrene content resin or gel coat selected. If the styrene content is below 33
percent, use the equation in the leftmost column to compute emission factors. If
the styrene content is above 50 percent, use the equation on the far right column
to compute emission factors. For both equations, the styrene content value
should be expressed as a decimal fraction, i.e., where the equation calls for
“52%” use “0.52”.

4 (For vapor-suppressed resins) If a vapor-suppressed resin is used, first determine

the factor as if the resin was non-suppressed. Then, the VSR reduction factor for
the specific resin/suppressant mixture and the corresponding non-vapor-
suppressed emission factor are inserted into the equation in EF Table 1.

5 (For non-suppressed resins that use the covered-cure technique) The appropriate
covered-cure factor depends on whether the covering is placed after the wet
laminate is rolled out or whether the covering is applied directly to the wet
laminate without any rolling taking place. The covered-cure factor is multiplied
by the corresponding non-vapor-suppressed resin application process emission
factor as shown in EF Table 1. Vapor suppressants are not used in conjunction
with covered-cure because the impervious cover takes the place of the film
formed by the suppressant.

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Copyright American National Standards Institute

EF Table 1 - Emission Factors for Open Molding of Composites

Emission Rate in Pounds of Styrene Emitted per Ton of Resin or Gel coat Processed

Styrene content in resin/gel coat, % (1) <33 (2) 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 >50 (2)

Manual 0.126 x %styrene x 2000 83 89 94 100 106 112 117 123 129 134 140 146 152 157 163 169 174 180 ((0.286 x %styrene) - 0.0529) x 2000
Manual w/ Vapor Suppressed Resin VSR (3) Manual emission factor [listed above] x (1 - (0.50 x specific VSR reduction factor for each resin/suppressant formulation))
Mechanical Atomized 0.169 x %styrene x 2000 111 126 140 154 168 183 197 211 225 240 254 268 283 297 311 325 340 354 ((0.714 x %styrene) - 0.18) x 2000
Mechanical Atomized with VSR (3) Mechanical Atomized emission factor [listed above] x (1 - (0.45 x specific VSR reduction factor for each resin/suppressant formulation))

Mechanical Atomized Controlled Spray (4) 0.130 x %styrene x 2000 86 97 108 119 130 141 152 163 174 185 196 207 218 229 240 251 262 273 0.77 x ((0.714 x %styrene) - 0.18) x 2000
Mechanical Controlled Spray with VSR Mechanical Atomized Controlled Spray emission factor [listed above] x (1 - (0.45x specific VSR reduction factor for each resin/suppressant formulation))

Mechanical Non-Atomized 0.107 x %styrene x 2000 71 74 77 80 83 86 89 93 96 99 102 105 108 111 115 118 121 124 ((0.157 x %styrene) - 0.0165) x 2000
Mechanical Non-Atomized with VSR Mechanical Non-Atomized emission factor [listed above] x (1 - (0.45 x specific VSR reduction factor for each resin/suppressant formulation))
Filament Application 0.184 x %styrene x 2000 122 127 133 138 144 149 155 160 166 171 177 182 188 193 199 204 210 215 ((0.2746 x %styrene) - 0.0298) x 2000
Filament Application with VSR 0.120 x %styrene x 2000 79 83 86 90 93 97 100 104 108 111 115 118 122 125 129 133 136 140 0.65 x ((0.2746 x %styrene) - 0.0298) x 2000
Gel coat Application 0.445 x %styrene x 2000 294 315 336 356 377 398 418 439 460 481 501 522 543 564 584 605 626 646 ((1.03646 x %styrene) - 0.195) x 2000
Gel coat Controlled Spray Application (4) 0.325 x %styrene x 2000 215 230 245 260 275 290 305 321 336 351 366 381 396 411 427 442 457 472 0.73 x ((1.03646 x %styrene) - 0.195) x 2000
Gel coat Non-Atomized Application (8) See Note 9 below 196 205 214 223 232 241 250 259 268 278 287 296 305 314 323 332 341 350 ((0.4506 x %styrene) - 0.0505) x 2000
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Covered-Cure after Roll-Out Non-VSR process emission factor [listed above] x ( 0.80 for Manual <or> 0.85 for Mechanical)
Covered-Cure without Roll-Out Non-VSR process emission factor [listed above] x ( 0.50 for Manual <or> 0.55 for Mechanical)

Emission Rate in Pounds of Methyl Methacrylate Emitted per Ton of Gel coat Processed

MMA content in gel coat, % (6) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Gel coat application 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 0.75 x %MMA x 2000

1 Including styrene monomer content as supplied, plus any extra styrene monomer added by the molder, but before addition of other additives such as powders, fillers, glass,...etc.
2 Formulas for materials with styrene content < 33% are based on the emission rate at 33% (constant emission factor expressed as percent of available styrene), and for styrene content > 50% on the
emission rate based on the extrapolated factor equations; these are not based on test data but are believed to be conservative estimates. The value for "% styrene" in the formulas should be input as a
fraction. For example, use the input value 0.30 for a resin with 30% styrene content by wt.
3 The VSR reduction factor is determined by testing each resin/suppressant formulation according to the procedures detailed in the ACMA Vapor Suppressant Effectiveness Test.
4 See the CFA Controlled Spray Handbook for a detailed description of the controlled spray procedures.
5 The effect of vapor suppressants on emissions from filament winding operations is based on the Dow Filament Winding Emissions Study.
6 Including MMA monomer content as supplied, plus any extra MMA monomer added by the molder, but before addition of other additives such as powders, fillers, glass,...etc.
7 Based on gel coat data from NMMA Emission Study.
8 See the July 17, 2001 EECS report Emission Factors for Non-Atomized Application of Gel Coats used in the Open Molding of Composites for a detailed description of the non-atomized
gelcoat testing.
9 Use the equation ((0.4506 x %styrene) - 0.0505) x 2000 for gel coats with styrene contents between 19% and 32% by wt.; use the equation0.185 x %styrene x 2000 for gel coats with less than 19%
styrene content by wt.

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