MGT 418
MGT 418
MGT 418
University of Gujrat
Course Information
Course Title Financial Markets and Course Code MGT 418
Credit Hours 3 Course Level Bachelors
Instructor Information
Name Adnan Bashir Office A209
Email Contact No. 03338422856
Course Details
1: Course Description
The overall objective of this course is to examine the nature, purpose and economic
functions of financial markets and institutions. The course is important to recognize how
domestic and foreign financial markets are increasingly integrated and that financial
intermediaries are evolving towards a single financial services industry.
2: Course Objectives
To examine the key characteristics, operations, and regulatory
aspects of depository and non-depository financial institutions, such
as commercial banks, securities firms and investment banks, and
insurance companies.
To define the various domestic and foreign financial markets and to
describe the special functions of financial intermediaries.
To understand and recognize the dramatic changes taking place in
the financial services industry, leading to a breakdown in inter
industry and inter country barriers.
4: Course Pre-requisite/s
Financial Management
5: Recommended Textbooks and Journals
Financial Markets and Institutions, by Frederic S. Mishkin and
Stanley G. Eakins, Pearson Hall, Fifth Edition, 2015.
Financial Institutions and Markets, by Madura, Jeff , Seventh Edition,
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat
6: Course Readings:
Harvard Business Review
7: Course Evaluation Criteria
Assignments: 10%
Project 10%
Quizzes 5%
Mid-Term Exam. 25%
Final Exam. 50%
Total: 100%
8: Plagiarism Policy
Students are advised not to miss any exam under any circumstances. A makeup exam will
be allowed only under very special circumstances and that too only after the approval of
the Chairperson of the department.
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat
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Department of Management Sciences
University of Gujrat
Signature Signature
Course Instructor Coordinator Specialization
Signature Signature
Chairperson, Department of Management Dean, Faculty of Management and
Sciences Administrative Science
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