Course Plan
Course Plan
Course Plan
Course Instructor
Name Programme & Batch Email
Mani P. Sam PGDM A/B/C
Students will understand Banking & Insurance as a financial service. They will understand
the means adopted by corporates for raising short term funding as well as long term capital.
They will also understand the regulatory aspects of Mutual Fund Industry and the roles of
intermediaries involved
1. Develop and understanding and appreciation of the Indian Financial System and its
historical robustness
Start of Module 1
01-02 Financial services and Intermediaries. SEBI's NISM IX chapter 1, FMT chapter 11,SGC-
regulation and compliance requirements Part I
applicable to Intermediaries.
Stock exchange and clearing house NISM VII chapters - 3,4,5, MYK
03-04 operations (Trading, Clearing & Settlement), Chapter 16,
Risk Management by stock exchanges.
Securities broking operations
Credit rating & Financial Information HBR1 , HBR 2, MYK chapter 10
Start of Module 4
17-18 Venture capital and private equity. MYK chapter 5 & 15; NISM IX chapter 7,8
Leveraged buyouts,
19-20 Mergers (conglomerate merger, horizontal NISM XV chapter1-3, MYK chapter 17; FMT
merger, market extension merger, vertical chapter 7, NISM XV chapter 13
merger and product extension merger)
Mutual Funds (Concept & Role of a mutual NISM VII chapters - 3,4,5, MYK
fund) Chapter 16,
4. References/Books
2. NISM-Series-XV-Research Analyst Certification Examination Workbook - January
2016 (NISM XV)
4. SEBI (Merchant Bankers) regulations 1992
5. SEBI (Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents) Regulations 1993/
(Amendment) Regulations, 2006.
6. Making Sense of Corporate Venture Capital by Henry W. Chesbrough HBR
Reprint r0203g (HBR 1)
7. How Venture Capital Works by Bob Zider HBR Reprint 98611 (HBR 2)
8. Companies Act 2013, Chapter V Acceptance of Deposits by companies .Section
186 (MCA V)
9. M. Y. Khan ; Financial services 7th edition; McGraw Hill Education India (MYK)
10.Stephen g. Cecchetti; Money, banking & Financial Markets; McGraw hill
international edition (SGC)
11.RBI Reports, Guidelines and Master circulars on Banking (RBI)
12.IRDAI General guidelines and circulars on Insurance (IRDAI)
13.NISM Series VII Stock Market operations & Risk management (NISM VII)
5. Grading structure
Assessment Modality Weightage
6.5 Special assignment for those who score 21 marks or less in the mid-term
All those who score 21 marks or less in the mid-term examination will have to answer
the full mid-term question paper and explain the answers to the instructor on a one-
to one basis. It must be completed within a week of distribution of the mid-term
answer scripts. 20% of class participation marks will be based on the quality of
submission for such students.
8. Assignment/presentation…. Schedule
Date Assignment/presentation Due date
Start T=0 Individual Investment Assignments 8th week
Start T=0 Individual Written Assignment Session 8
Start session 6 Group Assignment Session 12
All sessions Class participation On going
As per RBS schedule Mid Term/End Term examination
Within one week
Special assignment for those who score
As per RBS schedule of answer script
21 or less in the mid-term examination