Cooler Cheesier
Cooler Cheesier
Cooler Cheesier
Item feats:
7th level Legacy Weapon or Armor = Devoted Tracker [special mount as animal companion]
11th level Legacy Weapon or Armor = Theurgic BondD
17th level Legacy Weapon or Armor = Theurgic Mount
Great, Great Super-Duper Uber Wrym Gold Dragon (+28 Base Saves) Enhance Familiar: can be permanency'd
nat 53
Colossal+ Fortify Familiar: can be permanency'd; +
32d10 Fire cone (reflex) or 16 Str Drain (fort) 51DC
SR41 (~19)
300' fly
Str53, con41, int&cha40, Wis41 (-4 it appears), still dex=10
Caster level 41
DR now epic, (not down 5 to get that thoough, right?)
Frightful presence 49 like other advances?
lf swim speed, -2dex, air&water breathing)
Selected Feats /
Abilities Class Abilities Class Ability Selection
unted Archery, Eschew Materials, Natural Bond Bonus sylvan, druid, infernal, celestial, abyssal
+10' Track, Wild Empathy, Favored Enemy, later Divine Spells, later Wild Shape
Familiar, Arcane Spells, Fighter Feat
Bonded Familiar (1/dAnimal Companion, +2Knowledge nature&survial, wild empathy
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Dragon Steed [cha13 special aqautic Mount by ECL (2 less nat than bonus HD not 2 more), +1 trident, trident charge (like lance
Appraise mounts, small divine spells
Mount [stackage], Alertness, +level to ride
Winter's Mount +2c Defensive Riding
Unbroken Charge
Stand on Mount
Flesh Grafter(Silthil Leap from Saddle
tiful Guardian & Constant Guardian [DotU51]= Immediate Action swap pos and take hit for ally
gment Familiar: +4 to Str, Dex, Con, 5/magic DR, and +2 to saving throws
rtify Familiar: can be permanency'd; +2 enhancement to natural armor, 25% fortification, 2d8 temporary HP (T&B)
elestial, abyssal
d a replacement is:
1 level->+6 special mount
ragon Mount
ater breathing