M.literacy Past Papers 2018-2022
M.literacy Past Papers 2018-2022
M.literacy Past Papers 2018-2022
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organized by Abutimalesela 0798975624
Mathematical Literacy 2 DBE/2021
Examination Guidelines
2.1 Overview 4
2.2 Time and mark allocation 4
2.3 Format of the question papers 5
2.4 Distribution Levels According to Taxonomy Levels 6
2.5 Weighting of topics 6
2.6 Distribution of marks according to taxonomy levels 6
2.7 Order of questions in the question papers 7
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organized by Abutimalesela 0798975624
Mathematical Literacy 3 DBE/2021
Examination Guidelines
The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) for Mathematical Literacy outlines the nature and
purpose of the subject Mathematical Literacy. This guides the philosophy underlying the teaching and
assessment of the subject in Grade 12.
Provide clarity on the depth and scope of the content to be assessed in the Grade 12 National Senior
Certificate Examination in Mathematical Literacy
Assist teachers to adequately prepare learners for the examinations
This document deals with the final Grade 12 external examinations. It does not deal in any depth with the
school-based assessment (SBA), performance assessment tasks (PATs) or final external practical
examinations as these are clarified in a separate PAT document which is updated annually.
The National Curriculum Statement (NCS) Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS):
Mathematical Literacy
The National Protocol of Assessment: An addendum to the policy document, the National Senior
Certificate: A qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), regarding the
National Protocol for Assessment (Grades R–12)
National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the National Curriculum
Statement, Grades R to 12
CAPS NEW 2021 changes
% 300-mark paper % 150-mark paper
Finance 35% 105 60% 90
Probability 5% 7 5% 7
Probability 5% 8 5% 7
TOTAL 100% 150 marks
Section in Finance: (Income, Expenditure, Profit/Loss, Income-and-Expenditure statements and
Budgets, Cost Price and Selling Price) can be included in PAPER 2 where there is direct link to
Measurement and Maps and Plans.
Growth Charts can be examined in Data Handling in PAPER 1, as it assesses application of
measures of spread.
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Mathematical Literacy 4 DBE/2021
Examination Guidelines
2.1 Overview
• Question papers for Grades 10 and 11 are set, marked and moderated internally, unless
otherwise instructed by provincial departments of education.
• The Grade 12 final end-of-year question papers are set, marked and moderated nationally.
TABLE 1 below shows the number of question papers, stipulated marks and time allocations of the
question papers (and control tests) for Grade 12.
TABLE 1: Number of formal tasks, control tests and examinations with marks and duration
for Grade 12
Control test 1
1 Minimum of 50 marks for each task
Assignment Minimum of 50 marks
2 Paper 1 Paper 2
2 hours 2 hours
(100 marks) (100 marks)
Control Test 2 Minimum of 50 marks
3 Paper 1 Paper 2
3 hours 3 hours
(150 marks) (150 marks)
4 Paper 1 Paper 2
3 hours 3 hours
(150 marks) (150 marks)
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Mathematical Literacy 5 DBE/2021
Examination Guidelines
No weighting is provided for Basic Skills topics (Interpreting and communicating answers and
calculations, Numbers and calculations with numbers, Patterns, Relationships and Representations)
Rather, they will be assessed in an integrated way throughout the Application Topics.
The table below shows a summary of the differences between Paper 1 and Paper 2.
Finance 60% (±5) Maps, plans and other representation of the
Data Handling 35% (±5) physical world 40% (±5)
Probability 5% Measurement 55% (±5)
Including Growth Charts assessing Probability 5%
Weighting of
application of measures of spread in
Including Finances ±5% (Income,
data handling. Expenditure, Profit/loss, Income-and-
Expenditure statements and Budgets, Cost
price and Selling price) where there is direct
link to Measurement and Maps and Plans.
Question 1: 30 marks ± 5 marks Question 1:30 marks ± 5 marks
Level 1 questions from Finance and Level 1 questions from Measurement and
Data Handling Maps, plans
Question 2 Question 2
Finance Maps and plans
Question 3 Question 3
Data Handling Measurement
Question 4 and/or Question 5 Question 4 and/or Question 5
Integrated context on Finance and Data Integrated context on 'Measurement and
Structure and Handling Maps and plans
scope of content Including Growth Charts assessing Including Income, Expenditure, Profit/loss,
and/or skills application of measures of spread in Income-and-Expenditure statements and
data handling. Budgets, Cost price and Selling price) where
there is direct link to Measurement and Maps
Probability will be examined in the and Plans.
context of one or more of the other
questions. Probability will be examined in the context
of one or more of the other questions.
Each question can contain more than
one context. Each question can contain more than one
NOTE: Each paper may have 4 or 5 questions.
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Mathematical Literacy 6 DBE/2021
Examination Guidelines
2.5 Contexts
The aim of Mathematical Literacy is to help learners develop the ability to use a variety of
mathematical and non-mathematical techniques and/or considerations to explore and make sense of
both familiar and unfamiliar real-life contexts. Therefore it is essential that assessment items and
examinations draw on realistic and authentic contexts. Learners should be asked to make sense of
newspaper articles, real bank statements, real plans and other authentic resources, rather than
contrived problems containing only a semblance of reality.
Contexts can include both 'familiar' i.e. limited to the listed in the CAPS document and 'unfamiliar',
i.e. not limited to the contexts listed in the CAPS document .
Unfamiliar contexts will only appear in Questions 4 and Question 5 or only in Question 5.
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Examination Guidelines
TABLE 4 shows the percentage of marks to be allocated to the different taxonomy levels for
Grade 12.
Paper 2:
QUESTION 1 (30 marks ± 5 marks ONLY taxonomy Level 1) Short context – mixed questions
(Maps and Plans and Measurement)
QUESTION 2 – Maps and Plans
QUESTION 3 – Measurement
QUESTION 4 – Maps and Plans and Measurement or integrated
QUESTION 5 – Maps and Plans, Measurement or integrated
Probability will be integrated in all five questions, where it is appropriate
Question 4 and 5 may include Financial calculations as pertains to problem solving in Maps and
Plans and Measurement.
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Mathematical Literacy 8 DBE/2021
Examination Guidelines
The intention of this section is to provide greater clarity about the types of questions, calculations, applications and/or contexts that fall into the different levels of the Mathematical
Literacy taxonomy. It is essential to emphasise that the tables below do not provide a comprehensive or definitive list of all possible questions, calculations and/or tasks
associated with the four levels of the taxonomy. They contain examples of a small selection of questions, calculations and/or tasks from the different topics in the
curriculum that can be associated with the different levels. These examples are meant to illustrate more clearly the difference between the demands of a question at the different
levels of the taxonomy.
Section Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine procedures Level 3: Applying multi-step Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
in familiar contexts procedures in a variety of contexts
Financial Read information directly from an Use a given formula to show how the Replicate the calculations/values Choose an appropriate strategy (e.g.
documents and electricity bill (e.g. date; name of account amount charged for electricity shown on the bill for a different tables of values, graphs, and interpreting
tariff systems holder; electricity consumption for the consumption shown on the bill has been electricity consumption value. points of intersection) to compare the
month). determined. Without any scaffolded or guiding electricity costs of two different
Show how the 'Total Due' on the Complete a table of values to show questions, draw a graph to represent the electricity systems and make a decision
electricity bill has been calculated by the cost of various quantities of cost of electricity on a particular about which system is the most cost
adding together all items listed on the electricity consumption. electricity system. effective for a user with particular needs.
bill. Use the table of values to construct a Analyse a newspaper article
Show how the VAT value listed on graph to represent the cost of electricity describing proposed increases in
the electricity bill has been calculated consumption. electricity tariffs and make deductions
when told that VAT is 15% of the value Increasing/Decreasing by a given about the implications of these increases
excluding VAT (that is, calculating a percentage for consumers.
direct percentage of an amount). Rework the answer if the initial
conditions change.
Income, Classify items on an income and Construct an income and expenditure Construct an income and expenditure Analyse a budget for a household or
expenditure, expenditure statement as fixed, variable statement for an individual or a statement for a business that includes a business and make recommendation as to
profit/loss, and occasional income and expenditure.* household. comparison of income and expenditure how the expenditure should be changed
income- Show how total income, expenditure and Construct a budget for a small values over a two-year period.* Construct to improve the finances of the
expenditure profit/loss values on an income and household project. a budget for a large fundraising event. household/business.
statements and expenditure statement or budget have Revise a budget if conditions change Compare income and expenditure
budgets been determined. values for a business or organisation over
Million rand = R1 000 000 a two-year period and describe
Billion rand = R1 000 000 000 differences and/or trends.
Analyse projected versus actual
budget values and explain differences.
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Mathematical Literacy 9 DBE/2021
Examination Guidelines
Section Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine procedures Level 3: Applying multi-step Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
in familiar contexts procedures in a variety of contexts
Cost price and Determine the cost price of an item Compare the difference between the Draw graphs, without scaffolded or Conduct market research on a group
selling price by adding together given cost values for cost and selling price of an item by guiding questions, to show the costs of people and use the results of the
the component parts of the item. calculating the percentage mark-up in involved in producing an item and research to defend a particular selling
Determine the income generated price of the selling price from the money generated from the sale of the price for a product.
from the sale of an item based on a given cost price. item. Interpret graphs showing the cost of
sales price and given sales volumes. Construct a table of values to show Investigate, through research, the production and income generated from
how the cost price of an item changes various costs involved in manufacturing the production and sale of an item, and
depending on the number of an item, and decide on an appropriate use the graphs to make decisions about
items made. selling price for the item. the business (e.g. how many items must
Draw a graph from a given table. Calculate profit if only one of be manufactured and sold to cover all
income or expenses is given and the production costs).
other still needs to be calculated.
Break-even Define 'break-even' in the context in Determine the break-even point of a Draw two or more graphs and Explain the relevance of the break-
analysis which a problem is posed (e.g. in the business from a given table of income identify the point of intersection of those even point of two graphs in relation to
context of a business, 'break- even' refers and expenditure values. two graphs in order to compare different the problem or context for which the
to the income that must be generated to When given two graphs that options (e.g. income vs. expenditure; graphs have been drawn.
cover all expenses). intersect, read off the value of the cellphone contract options; electricity Explain the meaning of different
independent and dependent variables at tariff system.). regions on a graph (that is, between
the breakeven point (point of different points of intersection) in
intersection) of the graphs. relation to the problem or context for
which graphs have been drawn. *
Rework the answer if the initial
conditions change.
Interest, bank Define 'interest' and the 'interest Perform simple interest calculations Perform compound interest Construct a model of a loan or
loans and rate'. manually (that is, without the use of a calculations manually (that is, without investment scenario without scaffolded
investments Identify interest rate values quoted calculator) over multiple time periods. * the use of a formula) over multiple time or guiding questions.
on bank statements. Read values off graphs showing simple periods. Investigate and describe the impact
and compound investment scenarios. Complete a table that models a loan of increasing the monthly repayments on
Calculate compound interest scenario and include consideration of a the total cost of the loan/investment.*
compounded annually. monthly interest calculation, monthly Investigate and describe the impact of
*Increase or decrease a given repayment, and monthly amount making a lump sum payment into a
amount by a certain percentage. outstanding on the loan. loan/investment during the first half of
Draw graphs from given tables of the loan/investment period on the total
values to represent loan scenarios. * cost of the loan/investment.
Calculate compound growth/decline Rework the answer if need be.
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Mathematical Literacy 10 DBE/2021
Examination Guidelines
Section Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine procedures Level 3: Applying multi-step Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
in familiar contexts procedures in a variety of contexts
Inflation Define the term 'inflation'. Show by calculation how the price of Calculate compound growth/decline. Show by calculation how the price of
an item might change if affected by an item might change if affected by
inflation (that is, increasing a value by a inflation over multiple time periods
percentage). Use knowledge of inflation rates to
argue and justify a particular salary
Rework the answer if the initial
conditions change.
Identify the name of the employee Read appropriate tax values from Use formulae provided on income Compare income tax tables over
listed on a pay slip and the month for given income tax deduction tables. tax bracket tables to calculate an different financial periods and explain
which the pay slip has been issued.* Identify the income tax bracket into individual's annual and monthly income how an individual's tax may have
Identify the employee's monthly salary. which an individual falls based on a tax. changed from one period to another.
State how the employees 'taxable given monthly and/or annual income. Investigate through calculation how Investigate the effect that an increase
Taxation income' has been determined by referring the tax rebate value is determined. in salary has on increased tax payments.
to the salary and deduction values shown Calculate compound growth/decline. Analyse graphs showing changes in
on the payslip. income tax over different time periods
Define the terms 'gross pay', 'net and explain differences
pay', 'deductions', and 'taxable income'
shown on a payslip.
Exchange rates Identify the exchange rate between Use a given exchange rate to Perform currency conversion Explain how the Big Mac Index'
two currencies from a given table or rate determine the value of one currency for a calculations, taking into account currency provides a tool for determining the worth
board. specific quantity of another currency. exchange fees charged by banks and of one currency in relation to another
other financial institutions. currency;
Explain why it is not necessarily
accurate when a South African tourist in
America exclaims that a can of cool drink
that costs $2,00 (R14,00) is much
cheaper in South Africa.
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Mathematical Literacy 11 DBE/2021
Examination Guidelines
Section Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine procedures Level 3: Applying multi-step Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
in familiar contexts procedures in a variety of contexts
Convert between mm, cm, m Convert from °C to °F (and vice Convert between different systems Compare solutions to a problem
and km. versa) using given formulae. using given conversion tables, where it is expressed in different units and make a
Convert between g and kg. Convert between different systems necessary to first identify and then use an decision about what unit is the most
Convert between ml and litres. using given conversion factors (e.g. appropriate conversion factor from the appropriate or useful for the particular
convert from m3to litres using the fact table. context in which the problem is posed.
that 1 m = 1 000 litres).
Measure accurately using appropriate * Perform calculations involving Use measured values in conjunction * Make decisions about the need for
measuring instruments (e.g. ruler; tape measured values (e.g. working out how with other content or skills to complete a accuracy when performing a
measure; kitchen scale; jug). much longer one piece of wood is than larger project (e.g. measure the measurement in a particular context.*
another piece). dimensions of a bedroom to determine Interpret a measured value and make a
length, weight,
the running metres of carpet needed for decision based on the value
volume and
the floor). (e.g. measure the temperature of a child
Make adjustments to calculated and decide if the child should be taken to
values to accommodate measurement hospital).
errors and inaccuracies due to rounding.
Define terms (e.g. 'area', 'perimeter', Calculate perimeter, area and volume Perform preliminary calculations to * Use perimeter, area and/or volume
'volume', 'radius'). by substituting given values into given determine dimensions required in calculations to complete a project, where
Identify from a list of given formulae formulae. perimeter/area/volume calculations and it is not stated specifically what type of
which formulae relate to perimeter Describe relationships between input then calculate perimeter/area/volume calculation is required, (e.g. when asked
calculations, which relate to area and output values in a table of data (e.g. when asked to determine the volume to determine the amount of paint needed
calculations, etc. concerning space, shape and of concrete needed for the foundations of to paint a building, first interpret plans to
Perimeter, area Determine the radius of a circle from measurement. a house, interpret top view plans of the determine dimensions of the walls, then
and volume a given diameter. foundation trench of a house, use the calculate the surface area of the walls,
2 plans to determine the dimensions of the then use the paint conversion ratio on the
Know that area is expressed in units
2 3 trench, and then calculate the volume of back of the paint tin to determine the
(e.g. cm ) and volume in units the trench). required number of litres of paint
(e.g. cm ). required).
Know and use formulae for
perimeter, area and volume.
Read time values on a clock or Record time values and perform Interpret time values on a bus time * Perform time calculations in
watch. calculations with time. table to determine departure, arrival and conjunction with maps and other travel
Converting between seconds, travelling times. resources in order to plan a trip
minutes and hours (e.g. determine approximate travelling
times, appropriate stopping points for
refuelling, the time to start a journey in
order to arrive at a destination at a
particular time).
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Mathematical Literacy 12 DBE/2021
Examination Guidelines
Explain the meaning of a given Use a given scale to determine Use a given scale in conjunction Critique the scale in which an object
scale, (e.g. explain what the scale 1 :100 actual measurements when given with measurement on a plan/map to has been drawn and offer an opinion as
means in terms of the measurements on a measured values, or measured values determine length/dimensions. to a more appropriate scale.
plan and actual dimensions). from given actual values. Determine the scale of a map or Decide on an appropriate scale to
plan. which to draw a picture or build a model,
Scale Use a given scale in conjunction and then complete the project.
with other content or skills to complete a
project (e.g. use a given scale to
determine the dimensions in which to
draw a 2-dimensional plan of an object,
and then draw the plan).
Maps Identify the labels/names of national Identify the position of two locations Use a map in conjunction with a Critique a proposed travel route in
roads (e.g. N3) that must be travelled on on a map and use given distance values distance chart to determine the shortest relation to distance, estimated travelling
to travel between two locations. on the map to determine the travelling route to travel between two locations. times, etc. and suggest and justify
Identify the names of the towns on distance between the two locations. Identify a possible route between possible alternative routes.
the route between two locations. Interpret a given set of directions two locations on a map, measure the Use maps in conjunction with other
Identify the scale of a map. and describe what location the directions distance between the locations, and use a travel resources (e.g. exchange rate
lead to. given scale to estimate the distance information; distance chart; bus
Provide a set of directions to travel between the two locations. timetable) and financial information (e.g.
between two locations in a town using Estimate travelling times between fare tables; petrol price) to plan and cost
street names. two or more locations based on a trip).
estimated travelling speed and known or Make decisions regarding
calculated distances. appropriate stopping points during a
journey based on considerations of
fatigue, petrol consumption travelling
time, etc.
Plans Identify the scale of a plan Use a given key to identify the Measure dimensions on a plan and Describe an item represented in a
Define terms (e.g. floor plan; number of windows/doors/rooms shown use a given scale to determine actual plan.
elevation plan; layout plan; etc.). on a plan for a building. dimensions. Critique the design of a structure
Read off the value(s) of given Identify on which plan a particular Use plans in conjunction with other shown on a plan.
dimensions on the plan (e.g. the length structure is shown (e.g. the door is content, skills or applications to Decide on an appropriate scale in
of the wall is 4 m). shown on the North elevation plan). complete a project (e.g. interpret plans to which to draw a plan and then draw the
determine the dimensions of a room in plan.
order to establish the amount of carpet Make connections between plans
needed for the floor of the room). showing different views of the same
structure (e.g. explain which wall shown
on a floor plan is represented on a
particular side view plan).
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Mathematical Literacy 14 DBE/2021
Examination Guidelines
Measuring data/ Identify the maximum and Calculate mean and range. Calculate the mean, median and Analyse measures of central
Summarising minimum values in a set of data. Calculate the median for even data. * modal average for a set of data and tendency and spread and make
data Identify the mode for arranged data. Calculate the median if the data is not decide with reasons which average deductions about trends in the data.
Identify the median for odd data arranged. provides the most accurate Interpret tables and charts showing
that has already been arranged. Calculate the quartile values for representation of the data. percentile/quartile values and explain
arranged data. Use data presented on a graph to what those values represent in relation
Calculate the inter-quartile range determine the mean, median, mode and to the scenario represented in the
when quartile values are given. range of a data set. table/chart.
Calculate the quartile values for Compare measures of central
data that is not arranged. tendency/spread calculated for two or
Calculate the inter-quartile range more sets of data and use these
when the quartile values are not given. measures to explain differences
between the data sets.
Representing Read values directly from the Draw a specified graph from a given Organise data using an appropriate Analyse graphs and make
data values provided on graphs. table of data. table, decide on the most appropriate deductions about trends in the data and
Estimate values from given graphs. format for representing the data (that is, predictions for the future.
actual values or percentages), and Identify and describe the use and
decide on the most appropriate graph misuse of statistics and make justified
needed to represent the data. recommendations.
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Examination Guidelines
Section Level 1: Knowing Level 2: Applying routine procedures Level 3: Applying multi-step Level 4: Reasoning and reflecting
in familiar contexts procedures in a variety of contexts
Expressions of Identify the percentage chance of Express the probability of an event Conduct an experiment to compare Analyse a table of rainfall data for a
probability/ rain for a particular town from a using fraction, percentage and decimal the experimental probability of an event town and make predictions about the
Prediction/Evaluate weather report in a newspaper. notation. to its theoretical probability. chance of rain in that town during a
expressions of State the meaning of terms Identify all of the possible Identify appropriate values from a particular month during the year.
probability associated with probability (e.g. event; outcomes of a particular event (e.g. given table of data values (e.g. on motor Explain whether the statement 'if I
outcome). rolling a dice; gambling game). vehicle fatalities in South Africa) and take the same lottery numbers every
Explain whether or not a particular express the probability of certain events week then my chances of winning
rainfall prediction indicates that it is shown in the table. increase' makes sense.
more or less likely to rain. Develop a game involving Critique the use of references to
probability and play the game with probability values in newspaper articles.
another learner in the class. Analyse a table showing risk
Design simple contingency tables assessment profiles of people in
and use them to calculate probabilities. different age groups and explain why
* Draw tree diagrams and use them to particular age groups are classified as
calculate probabilities higher risks than others.
Analyse a game involving
probability and make a deduction about
the fairness of the game.
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Examination Guidelines
Maps showing:
• Seating plan and/or layout of a classroom
• Layout of buildings and or sports fields at a school
• Layout of stores in shopping centres
• Seating plans in cinemas and sport stadiums,
Maps and Scales examinations, weddings, matric dances, etc.
• Street maps with and without a grid reference
• National and provincial road and rail maps
• Strip charts showing distance on a portion of road
• Elevation maps – e.g. comrades marathon route
• Residential or housing estate
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Examination Guidelines
Weather prediction
Expressions of
Pregnancy test/drug test
National lottery gambling scenarios – Power-Ball, slot
Evaluate expressions of
machines, etc.
Risk assessments – insurances
Newspaper articles
This examination guidelines document is meant to articulate the assessment aspirations espoused in
the CAPS document. It is therefore not a substitute for the CAPS document which educators
should teach to.
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MARKS: 150
TIME: 3 hours
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 2 DBE/2022
1. This question paper consists of FIVE questions. Answer ALL the questions.
3. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this
question paper.
7. Round off ALL final answers appropriately according to the given context, unless
stated otherwise.
9. Maps and diagrams are NOT necessarily drawn to scale, unless stated otherwise.
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 3 DBE/2022
1.1 Sifiso is a builder who uses building plans and measuring instruments.
Some measuring instruments and scales used by builders are shown below.
1.1.1 The most appropriate scale
to draw a map of South A
Africa 0 100 200 km
1.1.2 The instrument most suited
to measure the
circumference of a dinner B
G 1 cm = 1 m
(5 × 2) (10)
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 4 DBE/2022
1.2 The sketch below shows a standard brick, with dimensions, used in South Africa.
Height = 70 mm
70 mm Width = 112 mm
1.2.1 State which formula (A, B or C) below can be used to calculate the total
surface area (TSA) of the given brick.
1.2.2 State the unit of measurement for the volume of this brick. (2)
1.2.4 Determine the maximum number of rows of bricks that can be stacked
height-wise to a height of 2 100 mm. (3)
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 5 DBE/2022
75 g butter
2 large eggs
75 g sugar
4 teaspoons baking powder
230 mℓ milk
500 g flour
1 cup raisins
Baking Instruction
1.3.2 Determine the number of large eggs needed to make 30 scones. (2)
1.3.4 Calculate how many full dozen scones can be made with 500 g of butter. (3)
Write down, in words, the time the scones were placed in the oven. (2)
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 6 DBE/2022
2.1 Busisiwe participated in a Vhi Women's Mini Marathon. ANNEXURE A shows the
route for the mini-marathon.
Use ANNEXURE A and the information above to answer the questions that follow.
2.1.1 Write down the starting time of the mini-marathon using the 24-hour
format. (2)
2.1.2 Determine the number of places where an ambulance can be found. (2)
(b) Give ONE reason why the Vhi Women's Mini Marathon is called a
mini-marathon. (2)
2.1.5 Choose the answer and write only the letter (A–C) next to the question
number (2.1.5).
The probability of a runner crossing the railway line during the mini-
marathon is …
A definite.
B 0%.
C 100%. (2)
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 7 DBE/2022
ANNEXURE B shows the layout plan of Irene. Some streets end in a cul-de-sac1. The
arrows on some streets show the traffic flow in one direction only (one-way streets).
Cul-de-sac – a street ending in a dead end, that is, having only one entry/exit
Use ANNEXURE B and the information above to answer the questions that follow.
2.2.1 Write down the place of interest that is situated at the corner of Krige Street
and Bruce Street. (2)
2.2.2 Give the general direction from Bastion Guest House to the Station &
Shopping Centre. (2)
2.2.3 Name the street that the railway lines cross. (2)
2.2.4 Give the name of the church found in King Street. (2)
2.2.5 Busisiwe gives David the following travelling instructions to meet her:
Identify the place where Busisiwe will be waiting for David. (3)
2.2.6 The actual straight-line distance (as the crow flies) from the entrance of
Irene Pre-Primary to the entrance of Irene Primary School is 1,9 km.
Determine, rounded to the nearest thousand, the scale of the layout plan in
the form 1 : … (5)
2.2.7 Explain why a driver travelling along King Street cannot turn right into
Bruce Street. (2)
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 8 DBE/2022
3.1 Tshego is renovating her home. She is removing the wooden-framed windows and is
replacing them with aluminium-framed windows.
The dimensions and the shape of two of the window frames are given below.
In the rectangular window frame, four windows can open. It has three sections: A, B
and C. The circular window frame has no windows that can open.
3.1.2 Calculate the inner area in cm2 of the circular window frame. (4)
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 9 DBE/2022
3.2 Tshego also intends tiling the dining room and lounge floors.
The dimensions of the lounge floor are 4 m by 5 m and of the dining room floor
3 m by 4 m.
3.2.2 Determine how many boxes of tiles Tshego will need if an extra 10% of the
number of tiles must be added for cutting and breakages. (9)
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 10 DBE/2022
4.1 ANNEXURE C shows the seating plan for a cinema during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Seats marked with an 'X' need to be left vacant in order to comply with social
distancing regulations.
Use ANNEXURE C and the information above to answer the questions that follow.
4.1.1 On which side of the cinema is seat E4 from seat E15 when a person is
facing the screen? (2)
4.1.2 Assume that pre-Covid-19 conditions apply and all the seats are occupied.
(a) Name the row and seat number of the middle seat in the 8th row from
the screen. (2)
(b) Write down the ratio of the number of wheelchair spaces to the
number of seats for patrons NOT in wheelchairs. (3)
4.1.3 On Friday evenings, pre-Covid-19, all the seats in the cinema (excluding
the wheelchair spaces) were always occupied.
Calculate the percentage income lost due to social distancing during the
pandemic if ALL the tickets for the seats are equally priced. (3)
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 11 DBE/2022
4.2 The cinema owners use a generator to continue showing movies during load
shedding. The diesel for the generator is stored in a cylindrical diesel tank, as shown
3,22 m
7,25 m
[Source: abovegroundstoragetanks.com]
- The stand and all external attachments are made of stainless steel and will not be
- The base area of these external attachments is 1 m2.
- 1 m3 = 1 000 ℓ
- All dimensions shown are outer measurements.
4.2.1 State the purpose of the breathing valve on the tank. (2)
4.2.2 The steel used to make the tank is 5 mm thick all around. For safety
reasons, the tank is filled to 95% of its capacity.
(a) Show that the inner diameter of the tank is 3,21 m. (2)
(b) Calculate the maximum litres of diesel that this tank can hold
according to safety regulations.
4.2.3 The external surface area of the tank, excluding the base area of the
external attachments, needs to be painted. The spread rate of the paint is
3 m2/ℓ. The manager states that he would need less than 30 litres of paint to
complete the task.
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 12 DBE/2022
5.1 Letitia buys a new bakkie with a portion of her retirement funds.
Dimensions of her bakkie and her existing garage are shown below.
[Source: www.automobiledimensions.com]
Width = 1 860 mm
Length = 5 362 mm
Height = 1 815 mm
[Source: www.bing.com]
5.1.2 Calculate the value of D (the space between the sides of the bakkie and the
side walls of the garage) if the bakkie is parked exactly in the middle of the
garage. (4)
The bakkie comes in four colours: white, black, blue and green.
The windows can be tinted using 35% tint or 50% tint.
State how many different choices there are for this bakkie. (2)
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 13 DBE/2022
5.2 Letitia studied a strip chart connecting Springbok in South Africa with Windhoek in
5.2.1 State ONE difference between a strip chart and a normal road map. (2)
5.2.3 Identify the Namibian town found on the border between South Africa and
Namibia. (2)
(a) Calculate the total distance Letitia travelled during this trip. (3)
(b) Letitia travelled on different types of roads and she maintained the
average speed limit prescribed for these types of roads. She stopped
three times during the trip to take a break.
You may use this formula: Time =
Speed (11)
TOTAL: 150
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 2 DBE/2022
SC/NSC – Addendum
6 June
START 2 pm.
K = 1 000 m
= Railway line
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SC/NSC – Addendum
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SC/NSC – Addendum
KEY: Aisle [Source: www.screendaily.com/features/Hong Kong]
Vacant seat
Wheelchair space Available seat
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 5 DBE/2022
SC/NSC – Addendum
Southern Namibia
Symbol Description Average speed on the road
National or highway roads 120 km/h
N or B
C . Gravel road 80 km/h
Places of interest
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Symbol/Kode Explanation/Verduideliking
M Method/Metode
MA Method with accuracy/Metode met akkuraatheid
CA Consistent accuracy/Volgehoue akkuraatheid
A Accuracy/Akkuraatheid
C Conversion/Herleiding
S Simplification/Vereenvoudiging
RT Reading from a table/graph/document/diagram/Lees vanaf tabel/grafiek/dokument/diagram
SF Correct substitution in a formula/Korrekte vervanging in 'n formule
O Opinion/Explanation/Opinie/Verduideliking
P Penalty, e.g. for no units, incorrect rounding off, etc./Penalisasie, bv. vir geen eenhede,
verkeerde afronding, ens.
R Rounding off/Afronding
NPR No penalty for correct rounding/Geen penalisasie vir korrekte afronding nie
AO Answer only/Slegs antwoord
MCA Method with consistent accuracy/Metode met volgehoue akkuraatheid
RCA Rounding consistent with accuracy/Afronding met volgehoue akkuraatheid
* Asterisk means refer to attached notes
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 2 DBE/2022
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
• If a candidate answers a question TWICE, only mark the FIRST attempt.
• If a candidate has crossed out (cancelled) an attempt to a question and NOT redone the solution,
mark the crossed out (cancelled) version.
• Consistent accuracy (CA) applies in ALL aspects of the marking guidelines; however it stops at the
second calculation error.
• Note: Consistent accuracy (CA) does NOT apply in cases of a breakdown.
• If the candidate presents any extra solution when reading from a graph, table, layout plan and map,
then penalise for every extra item presented.
• As a general marking principle, if a candidate has incurred one mistake and there is evidence of sound
mathematics thereafter, then that candidate should lose ONE mark only.
• As'n kandidaat'n vraag TWEE KEER beantwoord, sienslegs die EERSTE pogingna.
• As 'n kandidaat 'n antwoord van 'n vraag doodtrek (kanselleer) en nie oordoen nie, sien die
doodgetrekte (gekanselleerde) poging na.
• Volgehoue akkuraatheid (CA) word in ALLE aspekte van die nasienriglyne toegepas, dit hou op by die
tweede berekeningsfout.
• Let wel: Volgehoue akkuraatheid (CA) geld NIE in die geval van 'n afbreuk NIE.
• Wanneer 'n kandidaat aflesings vanaf 'n grafiek, tabel, uitlegplan en kaart geneem het en ekstra
antwoorde gee, penaliseer vir elke ekstra item.
• 'n Algemene nasienbeginsel is dat, indien 'n kandidaat een fout maak en daarna voortgaan met
korrekte wiskunde, die kandidaat slegs EEN punt verloor.
Q/V Solution/Oplossing Explanation/Verduideliking T/L
1.1.1 D A DRAFT
2A correct option L1
Accept 1:50 000
1.1.2 E A 2A correct option L1
1.1.3 G A 2A correct option L1
Accept 1 cm = 1 m
*1.1.4 C A 2A correct option L1
*1.1.5 F A 2A correct option L1
1.2.1 B OR/OF 2A correct option L1
(2 × 240 × 70 + 2 × 240 × 112 + 2 × 112 × 70) mm2 (2)
*1.2.2 mm3 OR Cubic millimetres/Kubieke millimeter 2A correct unit L1
Length/Lengte = 240 ÷ 1 000 1C conversion factor L1
= 0,24 m A 1A simplification
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 3 DBE/2022
SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
12 scones/botterbroodjies = 2 eggs/eiers 1A dozen = 12
30 scones/botterbroodjies = 2
= 5 eggs/eiers A 1A simplification
30 A
30 scones/botterbroodjies = = 2,5 dozen/dosyn 1A dozen = 12
1 dozen need 2 eggs/1 dosyn benodig 2 eiers
2,5 dozen/dosyn = 2,5× 2 = 5 eggs/eiers A 1A simplification
1.3.3 Radius = 7 cm ÷ 2 MA 1MA dividing by 2 L1
= 3,5 cm OR/OF 35 mm A 1A radius
1.3.4 Number of dozen scones/Getal dosyn botterbroodjies L1
500 MA
= 1MA dividing by 75
= 6,67 S 1S simplification
=6 R 1R rounding down
*1.3.5 Ten minutes past two in the afternoon. 1A time L1
Tien minute oor twee in die namiddag. 1A afternoon
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SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 5 DBE/2022
SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
1 : 23 000 R
MA C 1MA correct measurement
8,4cm ÷ 100 000 : 1,9 km MCA 1C converting cm to km
1MCA correct ratio
0,000084 km : 1,9km
1S simplified ratio
1: 22 619 S
1: 23 000 R 1R correct rounding
Provinces need to mark
according to 1 mm of
their provincial paper.
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SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 7 DBE/2022
SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Q/V Solution/Oplossing Explanation/Verduideliking T/L
3.1.1 Total length/Totale lengte L2
= 55 cm + 99 cm + 55cm = 209 cm A 1A total length
= 2(358) cm
1CA perimeter
= 716 cm CA
A SF 1A total length
= (149 + 55 + 99 + 55 + 149 + 55 + 99 + 55) cm 1SF substitution
= 716 cm CA 1CA perimeter
Perimeter/Omtrek = 2 (149) cm + 2(55+99+55) cm 1A total length
1SF substitution
= (298 + 418) cm
= 716 cm CA 1CA perimeter
3.1.2 Radius = = 302,5 mm A 1A radius L2
= 30,25 cm C 1C conversion
2 SF
Area/Oppervlakte = 3,142 × 30,25 cm 1SF substitution
= 2 875,126375 cm 2 CA 1CA simplification
605 A 1A radius
Radius = = 302,5 mm
Area/Oppervlakte = 3,142 × 302,5 mm SF 1SF substitution
= 28 512,6375 mm
C 1C conversion
= 28 751 263,75 ÷ 102
= 2 875,126375 cm 2 CA 1CA simplification
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 8 DBE/2022
SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
4 3 A 1M subtracting from 1
P=1– = 1A simplification
7 7
1CA decimal form
= 0,4285714286 CA
NPR (3)
*3.2.1 Total area/Totale oppervlakte L2
M 1SF substitution of correct
= 4 m × 5 m + 3 m × 4 m SF values
= 20 m2 + 12 m2 1M adding
= 32 m2 NPU
*3.2.2 Area of 1 tile/Opp van 1 teël = 35 cm × 35 cm SF 1 SF substitution L3
TR = 1 225 cm2
= 1 225 ÷ (100)2 m2 C 1C conversion
=0,1225 m2 CA 1CA simplification
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 9 DBE/2022
SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
289 1MCA dividing by 4
Number of boxes/Getalbokse = = 72,25
73 boxes CA 1CA rounding up
Area of 1 tile/Opp van 1 teël = (0,35)2 = 0,1225 m2 1C conversion
1 SF substitution
Area covered by tiles in a box/ 1CA simplification
Opp. wat 'n boks teëls bedek
MCA 1MCA multiplying by 4
= 0,1225 m2 × 4 = 0,49 m2 CA 1CA simplification
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SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
With extras/ Met ekstras =261,2244898 × 1,1 MCA 1MCA calculation 10%
= 287,3 =288 tiles /teëls 1CA simplification
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 11 DBE/2022
SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
(using 73 boxes of tiles)
Bags of tile cement/Sakke teëlsement
= 10,7 ≈ 11 A
32 1A number of bags of cement
Cost (in rand)/Koste in rand
MCA 1MCA multiplying cost with
= 143,84 × 73 + 99,90 × 11 + 89,90 × 4 + 2 500 number
MCA 1CA cement cost
= R10 500,32 + R1 098,90 + R359,60 + R2 500 1CA grout cost
1CA tile cost
= R14 458,82 CA 1MCA adding 4 values
1CA simplification
Her budget is enough./Haar begroting is genoeg. 1O verification
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SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 13 DBE/2022
SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
= 4 : 130 MCA 1MCA ratio in correct order
= 2 : 65 CA 1CA simplification
= 4 : 130 MCA 1MCA ratio in correct order
= 2 : 65 CA 1CA simplification
CA Q4.1.2 total seats MP
4.1.3 Total vacant seats/Totale oop sitplekke = 66 A 1A total vacant seats L3
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SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
= 55 669,64 ℓ C 1C to litres
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 15 DBE/2022
SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Valid O 1O verification
A SF 1A correct radius
SA/BO = 2 × 3,142 × (1,61) × (1,61 + 7,25) 1SF substitution
≈ 89,64 m2 1S simplification
Surface Area = 89,64 m2 – 1 m2 MCA 1MCA subtracting 1 m2
= 88,64 m2 CA 1CA simplification
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 16 DBE/2022
SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
2D = 3,6 m – 1,86 m
= 1,74 m MA 1MA difference
D= m MCA 1MCA dividing by 2
= 0,87 m CA 1CA simplification
Width of the garage/Motorhuis se breedte = 3 600 mm 1C conversion
2D = 3 600 mm – 1 860 mm
= 1 740 mm MA 1MA difference
1 740
D= mm MCA 1MCA dividing by 2
= 870 mm CA 1CA simplification
5.1.3 Number of choices/Getal keuses = 4 × 2 MA 1MA multiplying L2
=8 CA 1CA number of choices.
5.2.1 A map is drawn to scale while a strip chart is not. A L1
'n Kaart word volgens skaal geteken terwyl 'n strook
kaart nie.
2A statement
A map shows the routes in a winding manner while a
stip chart shows them as straight lines.
'n Kaart toon die kronkelende roetes terwyl die strook
kaart dit in reguitlyne wys. (2)
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SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Distance/ Afstand RT
= 140 km + 289 km + (465 km – 248 km) 1RT distances
= 140 km + 289 km + 217 km A 1A simplification
= 646 km CA 1CA distance
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SC/NSC/SS/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Copyright reserved/Kopieregvoorbehou Please turn over/Blaai om asseblief
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NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 20 DBE/2022
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
= 11,428
≈ 12
Width = 5m ÷ 0,35
= 14,285
= 15
⸫ Total tiles = 12 × 15
= 180 tiles
Dining: Length = 4m ÷ 0,35
= 11,428
≈ 12
Width = 3 ÷ 0,35
= 8,571
⸫ Total tiles = 11 × 9
= 108 tiles
Hence, total tiles needed = 180 + 108
= 288
Number to add = 288 × 1,1
= 316,8
≈ 317
⸫ Number of boxes = 317 ÷ 4
= 79,25
≈ 80 boxes
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 21 DBE/2022
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
4.1.1 Accept:
East / Oos or E / O
4.1.2 Accept, for full marks ratio given as:
(b) 4:130 or
However, if given 4:incorrect 2ndpart. Did not show how incorrect 2nd part was obtained can
get max. 2 marks provided it is simplified correctly.
Accept answer simplified into unit ratio.
5.2.2 CA considered only if adding distance from strip chart other than 203km, then (max 2 marks).
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M Method/Metode
MA Method with accuracy/Metode met akkuraatheid
CA Consistent accuracy/Volgehoue akkuraatheid
A Accuracy/Akkuraatheid
C Conversion/Herleiding
S Simplification/Vereenvoudiging
RT Reading from a table/graph/map/diagram/Lees vanaftabel/kaart/grafiek/diagram
SF Correct substitution in a formula/Korrekte vervanging in formule
O Opinion/Explanation/Reasoning /Opinie/Verduideliking/Redenasie
P Penalty, e.g. for no units, incorrect rounding off, etc./Penalisering, bv. vir geen
eenhede/verkeerde afronding, ens.
R Rounding off/Afronding
NPR No penalty for correct rounding minimum two decimal places/Geenpenaliseringvir
korrekte afronding tot twee desimale plekke nie
AO Answer only/Slegs antwoord
MCA Method with constant accuracy/Metode met volgehoue akkuraatheid
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 2 DBE/November 2021
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
• If a candidate answers a question TWICE, only mark the FIRST attempt.
• If a candidate has crossed out (cancelled) an attempt to a question and NOT redone the solution,
mark the crossed out (cancelled) version.
• Consistent accuracy (CA) applies in ALL aspects of the marking guidelines; however it stops at the
second calculation error.
• Note: consistent accuracy (CA) does not apply in cases of a breakdown.
• If the candidate presents any extra solution when reading from a graph, table, layout plan and map,
then penalise for every extra item presented.
As a general marking principle, if a candidate has incurred one mistake and there is evidence of sound
mathematics thereafter, then that candidate should lose one mark only.
• As 'n kandidaat 'n vraag TWEE KEER beantwoord, merk slegs die EERSTE poging.
• As 'n kandidaat 'n antwoord van 'n vraag doodtrek (kanselleer) en nie oordoen nie, merk die
doodgetrekte (gekanselleerde) poging.
• Volgehoue akkuraatheid (CA) word in ALLE aspekte van die nasienriglyne toegepas, dit hou op by
die tweede berekeningsfout.
• Let wel: volgehoue akkuraatheid (CA) geld nie in die geval van ‘n afbreuk nie.
• Wanneer 'n kandidaat aflesings vanaf 'n grafiek, tabel, uitlegplan en kaart geneem en ekstra
antwoorde gee, penaliseer vir elke ekstra item.
• 'n Algemene merkbeginsel is dat indien ‘n kandidaat een fout maak en daarna voortgaan met
korrekte wiskunde, dat die kandidaat slegs een punt verloor.
= 660 g A 1A mass
1.1.2* Radius = 32 mm A L1
2A radius
2A correct letter M
1.1.3 A A [accept: mm3] L1
1.1.4* Total No. of days/Totale getal dae L1
= 11 Jan to 31 Mar
MA 1MA days in Jan
= (31 – 10) + 28 + 31 MCA 1MCA adding days in 3 months
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Q/V Solution/Oplossing Explanation/Verduideliking T/L
2.1 3 A 2A correct number L2
2.2 Living room/Woonkamer A 2A correct room L1
2.3 North East or NE/Noordoos of NO A 2A direction L2
2.4* Pnot interior/nie binne = Pexterior/buite L2
2 RT 2RT numerator
= 1A denominator
6 A
1 CA
= 1CA simplification
MA 1MA probability of NOT
4 RT 1RT numerator
Pnot interior/nie binne = 1 –
6 A 1A denominator
1 CA
= 1CA simplification
3 (4)
2.5 Jan is wrong, the kitchen is on the Southern side.In 1A wrong L4
South Africa it does not get a lot of sun. 2O reasoning
Jan is verkeerd. Die kombuis is aan die suidlike
kant. In Suid-Afrika kry dit nie baie son nie.
2.6 It cannot be the view showing the kitchen and L4
dining room, as it does not show the extra window
for the bathroom. O
Dit kannie die kombuis en eetkamer wees nie want
dit wys nie die venster van die badkamer nie. 2O reason
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Jan is korrek.
Wanneer jy ‘n fotostaat maak, kan die grootte van die
plan verander en die getalskaal bly dieselfde (3)
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n ℓ covers/bedek 1,32 m2
1,32 MA 1MA dividing by 6,9
6 ,9 1CA simplification
= 0,1913… ℓ CA
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Q/V Solution/Oplossing Explanation/Verduideliking T/L
1ℓ covers/bedek 6,9 m2
x ℓ covers /bedek 3,96 m2
MA 1MA dividing by 6,9
3,96 CA 1CA simplification
x= = 0,57 ℓ R 1R rounding
Paint needed/Verfbenodig OR/OF
1,32 2 1,32 1MA dividing by 6,9
= MA 1MA adding the 2 coats and 1
6,9 6,9 1CA simplification
CA CA 1CA simplification
= 0,38 ℓ + 0,19 ℓ 1R rounding
= 0,57 ℓ R
Total area to cover / Totale oppervlakte om te dek
MA CA 1MA multiplying with 3
= 1,32 m2 × 3 = 3,96 m2 1CA simplification
1 MA 1MA dividing by 6,9
Spread rate/ Spreikoers =
6,9 m 2
= 0,144… ℓ/m2
Total amount of litres / Totale aantal liters
= 0,144 × 3,96 CA 1CA simplification
= 0,57 ℓ R 1R rounding
1 MA
Spread rate/ Spreikoers = 1MA dividing by 6,9
6,9 m 2
= 0,144… ℓ/m2
Paint needed for 1 coat/ Verf nodig vir 1 laag
== 0,144 × 1,32 = 0,19… ℓ CA 1CA simplification
Paint needed for 3 coats/ Verf nodig vir 3 lae
MA 1MA multiplying with 3
= 0,19.. × 3 CA 1CA simplification
= 0,57 ℓ 1R rounding
3.3.4 0,57 ℓ × 1 000 MCA 1MCA (from Q3.3.3 multiply L4
= 570 mℓ CA by 1 000)
1CA simplification
Not valid O
Nie geldig nie 1O verification
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1ℓ covers/bedek 6,9 m2
6,9 MCA 1MCAarea
500 mℓ covers/bedek = 3,45 m2
Area to paint / Opp om te verf = 1,32 m2 × 3 = 3,96 1CA simplification
O 1O verification
The paint is not enough / invalid
Die verfis nie genoeg / nie geldig
Coverage per coat/Dekking per laag
500 m 0,5 MCA
= = 0,166.. 1MCAdividing
3 3
Coverage /Dekking= 0,166 × 6,9 1CA simplification
= 1,15 m2 CA
1,32 m needs to be covered per coat/moet per laag
gedek word. 1O verification
Not valid / Nie geldig nie O
3.4.1* Number of boxes/ Getal bokse L2
1 620 mm C 1C conversion
= MA
345 mm 1MA dividing
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Pay less water bills/Betaal minder vir water
OR/OF 2A Reason
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3,5 1C converting to mm
3,5 feet/voet = 1 000 C
= 1 066,799…mm CA 1CA simplification
3, 28084feet = 1 000mm
1 foot = n MA 1MA converting to feet
n = 304,79999mm
1 foot = 12 inches
Then 12 inches = 304,79999mm
304,79999mm 1C converting to mm
1 inch = C
= 25,39999 mm
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(c) ii A
4.3.4 Q A 2A correct letter L1
4.3.5* A 2A mentioning the position L4
The notch labelled S is placed against B and the notch of the 1st notche
labelled R is placed against C A 1A second notch
Die sitplek word bo-op die kantspanstukke geplaas
Die uitkeping S word op B geplaas en die uitkeping R
word teen C geplaas.
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Q/V Solution/Oplossing Explanation/Verduideliking T&L
5.1.1 M
(a) W A 2A correct letter L1
5.1.1 MP
(b) Z A 2A correct letter L2
Accept Plymouth
5.1.2* MP
(a) Providence to Boston = 52 miles RT 2RT distance L2
Springfield to Worcester =55 miles RT 1RT distance
5.1.2 MP
(b) Conditions or nature of the roads/Toestand van die L4
Permissible speed or differing speed limits
/Toelaatbare spoed of verskillende spoedbekerkings
2A opinion
Volume of traffic on the road/Hoeveelheid verkeer
op die pad
Number of Traffic lights/Aantal verkeers ligte
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= 87,055 × R15,97
CA 1CA cost of fuel
= R1 390,27
1S simplification
= 87,664.. litre S
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414 MA
= = 8,448.. 1MA dividing
CA 1CA number of trips
8 trips on 1 full tank / 8 ritte met 1 voltenk
Distance/afstand(Greenfield and Fitchburg) = 49 miles/myl 1RT trip distance
MA 1MA multiply
He can travel = 23 × 18 = 414 mileswith a full tank.
Hy kan 414 myl ry met ‘n vol tenk,
8 trips is 49 × 8 = 392 miles – now he needs to refill
after Thursday’s trips
8 ritte is 392 myl – dan hervul hy na Donderdag se
A 1A travel distance
With the full tank he only needs to travel Friday return
trip / HyrydanslegsVrydagheen-en-weer
Friday trip: 49 × 2 = 98 miles / myl
1MA dividing
CA 1CA usage on last day
Used/Gebruik = = 5,44 gallons/ gelling
18 MA CA 1MA subtracting
Left in a tank is 23 – 5,44 = 17,56 gallons. 1CA diff. between
Daar is 23 – 5,44 = 17,56 gelling in die tenkoor capacity and used gallons
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Number of gallons for 1 trip/ Getal gelling vir 1 rit 1MA dividing
MA 1A travel distance
= 49 ÷ 18 = 2,72 A
Number of gallons for return trip/ virretoerrit
= 2,72 × 2 = 5,44 CA 1CA number of trips
MA CA 1MA dividing
23 gallons/gelling ÷ 5,44 = 4,22 days/dae 1CA simplification
≈ 4 days/dae
No of gallons left / Hoeveelheid gelling oor 1MA subtracting
MA CA 1CA simplification
= 23 – 5,44 = 17,56 gallons
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5.2 M
0 5 0 L2
C= ( F – 32 )
1SF substitution
5 SF
–7 = ( 0F – 32)
0 9 S Or/of 1S simplification
F = × – 7 + 32
= 19,4 CA °F = 1CA simplification
R = 19,4 °C
≈ 200F ≈ 20 °C 1R rounding
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Symbol/Kode Explanation/Verduideliking
M Method/Metode
MA Method with accuracy/Metode met akkuraatheid
CA Consistent accuracy/Volgehoue akkuraatheid
A Accuracy/Akkuraatheid
C Conversion/Herleiding
S Simplification/Vereenvoudiging
RT Reading from a table/a graph/document/diagram/Lees vanaf tabel/grafiek/diagram
SF Correct substitution in a formula/Korrekte vervanging in formule
O Opinion/Explanation/Opinie/Verduideliking
P Penalty, e.g. for no units, incorrect rounding off, etc./Penalisasie, bv. vir geen
eenhede/verkeerde afronding, ens.
R Rounding off/Afronding
NPR No penalty for rounding/Geen penalisasie vir afronding nie
AO Answer only/Slegs antwoord
MCA Method with constant accuracy/Metode met volgehoue akkuraatheid
* An asterix next to a question indicates reference to the notes.
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SC/SSE/NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
• If a candidate answers a question TWICE, mark only the FIRST attempt.
• If a candidate has crossed out (cancelled) an attempt to a question and NOT redone the
solution mark the crossed out (cancelled) version.
• Consistent accuracy (CA) applies in ALL aspects of the marking guidelines, however it
stops at the second calculation error.
• No CA mark follows after a breakdown.
• If the candidate presents any extra solution when reading from a graph, table, layout plan
and map, then penalise for every extra item presented.
• General principal of marking, if the candidate makes one mistake he loses one mark.
• As 'n kandidaat 'n vraag TWEE KEER beantwoord, sien slegs die EERSTE poging na.
• As 'n kandidaat 'n antwoord van 'n vraag doodtrek (kanselleer) en nie oordoen nie, sien
die doodgetrekte (gekanselleerde) poging na.
• Volgehoue akkuraatheid (CA) word in ALLE aspekte van die nasienriglyne toegepas, dit
hou op by die tweede berekeningsfout.
• Geen CA-punt volg na 'n afbreking nie.
• Wanneer 'n kandidaat aflesings vanaf 'n grafiek, tabel, uitlegplan en kaart geneem en
ekstra antwoorde gee, penaliseer vir elke ekstra item.
• Die algemene beginsel van merk as 'n leerder een fout maak verloor hy een punt.
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1.1.1 Number of tins /Getal blikke = 12 × 10 = 120 1MA multiplying by 10 L2
12,5 kg × 15 = 187,5 kg
5 kg × 30 = 150 kg 1M multiplying by quantity
10 kg × 15 = 150 kg
6 × 15kg = 90 kg C 1C conversion ℓ to kg
Total Weight = 577,5 kg
125 g × 48 × 15 = 90 000 g
400 g × 12 × 10 = 48 000 g
50 g × 10 × 15 = 7 500 g
Total Weight = 145 500 g
1C conversion g to kg
= 145,5 kg C
1M adding all values
Total = 577,5 kg + 145,5 kg M
= 723 kg CA 1CA simplification
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* F
1.1.3 Total costof items where VAT must be added L3
Totale koste van items waar BTW bygevoeg moet
MA 1MA adding items that are
= R1274,85+ R689,70+ R4 154,85+ R1499,85 subject to VAT
= R7 619,25 A 1A simplification
VAT amount /BTW-bedrag= R7 619,25 × 15% 1MCA multiplying by 15%
= R1 142,89 A 1A simplification
A 1A choosing wholesale A
Wholesaler A/Groothandelaar A
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Total cost of items
= R1 679,85 + R689,70 + R4 154,85 + R1 274,85 +
R1 559,50 + R1 049,85 + R 1 499,85 A 1A simplification
= R11 908,45
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2022 price /prys= R693,80649 × 105,3% MCA 1MCA increasing with 5,3%
= R730,57823..
= R730,58 CA 1CA simplification
1RT price
RT M MCA CA 1M multiplying by 105,17%
R659,30 × 1,0517 × 1,053 = R730,58 1MCA increasing with 5,3%
2CA simplification
2022 price /prys = R23,126883 × 105,3% MCA 1MCA increasing with 5,3%
= R24,3526…
= R24,35 CA
R24, 352607799 × 30 = R730, 58 1CA simplification
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C SF MCA 1C conversion
Surface area = 7,3 × 3,142 × 10,6 1SF substitution
1MCA multiply with 10,6
= 243,12796 cm2 CA 1CA simplification
SF MA 1SF substitution
Surface area = 73 × 3,142 × 106 1MA multiply with 106
= 24312, 796 mm2 CA 1CA simplification
= 243,12796.. cm2 C 1C conversion
CA from 1.2.1 (a) M
1.2.1 Total length = circumference + overlap L2
(b) Totale lengte = omtrek + oorslag 1MCA adding to
= 22,9366 cm + 0,6 cm MCA circumference
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= 4,63
≈4 CA
1CA simplification
The first layer will have / Onderste laag het
No packs /pakke4×3 = 12
cans in a pack /blikke in ‘n pak= 12 × 12
=144 cans /blikke
CA 1CA simplification
Number of cans in a crate /Getal blikke in ‘n krat
= 144 × 4
= 576 CA 1CA number of cans
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Area/Opp = 26 feet/voet 10 inches/duim × 4 feet/voet 1SF substitution
= 104 feet/voet 40 inches CA 1CA simplification
40 inches/duim = = 3 feet/voet 4 inches/duim C 1C conversion
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M 1M adding
L = 26 × 12 + 10 = 322 in/dm CA 1CA simplification
W = 4 × 12 = 48 in/dm C 1C conversion
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202 096,397
= MA 1MA dividing by 12
≈ R16 841,37 CA 1CA simplification
* D
3.1.4 16 million 1RT correct values L4
Percentage assessed = 100% 1M percentage calculation
356 199 million M
16 miljoen
Persentasie aangeslaan = ×100%
356 199 miljoen
= 0,00449 %
Afgerond sal dit 0,0% wees (4)
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Annual gross salary/ Jaarlikse bruto inkomste
= R26 904,22 × 12
= R322 850,64 A 1A simplification
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1,14 MCA
R172,50 2MA dividing by 115%
1,15 MA 1MCA 114 % VAT
= R171 CA 1CAsimplification
* RT D
3.2.3 Gauteng, WCape, KZN , ECape, Mpumalanga, 2RT All Correct provinces L2
(a) Limpopo, NWest, Free State, NCape A 2A correct order
Gauteng, WKaap, KZN , OKaap, Mpumalanga,
Limpopo, NWes, Vrystaat, NKaap
3.2.3 It is to show that all provinces are different (tax L4
(b) payers’ population/filers and tax due to income),
Tax collected per province differ due to a number of
factors (e.g. tax payers and percentage, tax assessed
and percentage; tax payers salary). A
Dit is om aan te toon dat al die provinsies verskil 2A reason
(belastingbetalers en belasting betaalbaar)
Belasting ingevorder verskil per provinsie as gevolg
van verskeie faktore (b.v. belastingbetalers en
persentasie, aangeslaande belasting en persentasie,
belastingbetalers se salaris). (2)
* O D
3.2.3 Not valid, percentage of North West is higher than 1O not valid L4
(c) that of Free State but the arrow is shorter.O
Or Free State tax assessed and percentage is lower
than that of the North West, however the Free State 2O reason
arrow is taller.
Or the arrow lengths vary according to the number of
tax payers.
Nie geldig nie, persentasie van Noordwes is hoër as
Vrystaat maar die pyl is korterof Vrystaat se
aangeslane belasting en persentasie is laer as
Noordwes maar die Vrystaat pyltjie is hoër of die
pyllengtes varieer volgens die getalbelastingbetalers. (3)
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MCA 1MCA subtracting
= (3 131 511 979 –3 130 870382) euro
= 641 597 Euro CA 1CA simplification
1MA subtracting
= (3,131511979 –3,130870382) billion/miljard 1CA simplification
= 641 597 Euro CA (6)
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4 : 5 : 75
MA 1MA adding
Not using a taxi/Nie taxi gebruik nie= 4 + 5 = 9 A
1A simplification
Number not using taxi/
Getal wat nie ‘n taxi gebruik nie
MA 1MA working with ratio
15 000 000
= 9
1CA simplification
= 1 800 000 CA
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Kilometres travelled per trip/ Kilometer per rit
MA 1MA dividing by 24 000
= 19 000 000 000 ÷ 24 000 = 791 666,6 A
1A simplification
One way distance /Eenrigting afstand
MA 1MA dividing by 2
= 791 666,6 ÷ 2 = 395 833 km CA 1CA simplification
It is more than the distance to the moon.
1O conclusion
Dit is meer as die afstand na die maan toe. O
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Total days / Totale dae 1A number of days in full year
A A MCA 1A days till 3 Jan (subtracting 6)
= 365 × 5 + 1 – 6 1MCA adding 1
= 1 820 CA 1CA simplification
4.2.2 Share price in cent/ aandele prys in sent L2
1MA subtracting converted
= 2063 – 1268 MA amount
= 795 CA 1CA simplification
4.2.3 Percentage change/Persentasie verandering L4
(a) New old
= 100%
old SF 1RT correct values
2 063 2 138 RT MA 1SF into the % change formula
= 100%
2 138 1MA % change calculation
= – 3,50795%… CA 1CA simplification
Correct, it went down by 3,51% rounded to 2 1O conclusion
decimal places.
Korrek, dit het gedaal met 3,51% afgerond tot 2
desimale plekke
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Correct, share prices went down in 2016, 1O conclusion award with
2017,2019 and 2020 but went up 2018 justification
4 1O reasoning 4 years going down
100% = 80% O 1O verifying the percentage
Korrek, aandeel pryse het gedaal in 2016, 2017,
2019 en 2020 maar styg in 2018
100% = 80%
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Sell/ verkoop
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Symbol/Kode Explanation/Verduideliking
M Method/Metode
MA Method with accuracy/Metode met akkuraatheid
CA Consistent accuracy/Volgehoueakkuraatheid
A Accuracy/Akkuraatheid
C Conversion/Herleiding
S Simplification/Vereenvoudiging
RT Reading from a table/a graph/document/diagram/Lees vanaftabel/grafiek/diagram
SF Correct substitution in a formula/Korrektevervanging in formule
O Opinion/Explanation/Opinie/Verduideliking
P Penalty, e.g. for no units, incorrect rounding off, etc./Penalisasie, bv.
virgeeneenhede/verkeerdeafronding, ens.
R Rounding off/Afronding
NPR No penalty for rounding/Geenpenalisasievirafrondingnie
AO Answer only/Slegsantwoord
MCA Method with consistent accuracy/Metode met volgehoueakkuraatheid
• If a candidate answers a question TWICE, mark only the FIRST attempt.
• If a candidate has crossed out (cancelled) an attempt to a question and NOT redone the solution,
mark the crossed out (cancelled) version.
• Consistent accuracy (CA) applies in ALL aspects of the marking guidelines provided at least one of the
values is correct; however it stops at the second calculation error.
• If the candidate presents any extra solution when reading from a graph, table, layout plan and map,
then penalise for every extra item presented.
• As 'n kandidaat 'n vraag TWEE KEER beantwoord, sien slegs die EERSTE poging na.
• As 'n kandidaat'n antwoord van 'n vraagdoodtrek (kanselleer) ennieoordoennie, sien die doodgetrekte
(gekanselleerde) pogingna.
• Volgehoueakkuraatheid (CA) word in ALLE aspekte van die nasienriglynetoegepas op voorwaarde dat
ten minste een van die waardes korrek is, dithou op by die tweedeberekeningsfout.
• Wanneer 'n kandidaat aflesings vanaf 'n grafiek, tabel, uitlegplan en kaart geneem en ekstra antwoorde
gee, penaliseer vir elke ekstra item.
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 3 DBE/November 2020
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
CA 1CAsimplification
= 14,75 %
Turkey: (1 221 165 ÷ 1 064 190) ×100% 1MA subtracting correct
= 114,75% values
(United Kingdom): (2 248 162 ÷ 1 596 803) ×100% 1MA subtracting correct
= 140,79% values
% increase United Kingdom = 140,79% - 100%
= 40,79% CA 1CAsimplification as a
United Kingdom has the biggest percentage increase percentage
/VerenigdeKoninkryk het die grootstepersentasieverhoging. 1CA county
1.1.5 Probability (decline 2015-2016) /Waarskynlikheid L3
3 A 1A numerator
11 A 1Adenominator
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NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 5 DBE/November 2020
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Selling price /verkoopprys = 30 2,2 = R66 MCA 1MA calculating % increase
1MCA selling price
Price per marble/Prys per albaster = 1M dividing by 100
= R0,66 CA 1CA simplification
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 6 DBE/November 2020
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Radius of container/houer = = 3,2 cm 1C conversion
1MCA finding the radius
Volume of a cylinder/ Volume van 'n silinder SF
= radius2 height= 3,142 3,2 cm 3,2 cm 30 cm
= 965,2224 cm3OR/OF0,9652224 litres CA 1SF both radius and height
1CA simplification
Volume of 2 bags of marbles/volume van 2 sakke albasters
= 2 2 cm3 100 MA
= 400 cm3OR/OF 0,4 litres CA
1MA Vol. of total marbles
1CA simplification
Vol. Water to fill container/Vol.water om houertevul 1MCA subtraction of
= 965,2224 cm3 – 400 cm3 MCA volumes
= 565,2224 cm3 CA
1CA simplification
= 0,9652224 ℓ – 0,4 ℓ = 0,5652224 ℓ
More than 0,5 ℓ VALID / meer as 0,5ℓ GELDIG O 1O conclusion
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NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
= 3,25 cm
Circumference/omtrek= 2 × π × radius
SF 1SF substitution
= 2 × 3,142 × 3,25 cm
= 20,423 cm 1CA simplification
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 8 DBE/November 2020
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Q/V Solution/Oplossing Explanation/Verduideliking T&L
2.1.1 Total/Totaal = 2 × (79 × R244,35) 1A number of personnel L2
1A tariff
= R38 607,30 CA 1CA simplification
Amount claimed per person/Bedrag geeis per persoon:
CM/HM = 79 × R244,35 = R19 303,65 A 1A CM amount
IM = 79 × R244,35 = R19 303,65 A 1A IM amount
Number of marking hours/ Getal nasien ure
1SF correct numerator
= 56,97391303 hours ≈ 57 hours 1SF correct denominator
= CA
1CA simplification/hours
Actual marking time per day/ Werklike merkyd per dag
= 12 hrs – 2 hrs= 10 hrs
Mon + Tue + Wed + Thu + Fri + Sat + Sun
A 1A hours of 1st day
= 5h + 10h + 10h + 10h + 10h + 10h + 2h
= 57 hours /ure
Sunday/Sondag = 08:00 + 2h 1A hours of complete days
= 10:00 CA to last day
1CA day and time
Copyright reserved/Kopieregvoorbehou Please turn over/Blaai om asseblief
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 9 DBE/November 2020
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Number of marking hours/ Getal nasien ure 1SF correct numerator
SF 1SF correct denominator
= 56,97391303 hours/ure ≈ 57 hours/ure CA 1CA simplification/hours
= 5,2 days/dae
Therefore/dus 5 days + 0,2 days
5 days Tuesday to Saturday / 5 dae is Dinsdag tot Saterdag
0,2 days/dae 10 = 2hrs for Sunday/uur vir Sondag 1A hours of complete days
to last day
Ends / eindig Sunday/Sondag 10:00 CA 1CA day& time
Number of marking hours/ Getal nasien ure
2 808 28 1SF correct numerator
= SF 1SF correct denominator
23 60
1CA simplification/hours
≈ 57 hours/uur CA
14:00 to 14:00 = 10 working hours /werks ure A 1A full day's work
Monday 14:00 to Saturday 14:00 = 50 hours
Maandag 14:00 tot Saterdag 14:00 =50 uur
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NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
52 hours claimed = 5 (Monday) + 40 (Tue to Fri) + 7 1MA breaking up the time
(Sat) 1A the hours per day
52 uregeëis = 5 (Maandag) + 40(Di tot Vry) + 7(Sat)
1CA day
Finish Saturday/EindigSaterdag CA
8:00 + 7 hours + 15 min (tea 1) + 45 min (lunch) + 15 1CA time
min (tea 2) = 16:15 CA
[also accept 16:00 since they are not paid for tea time] AO
[aanvaarook 16:00 aangesienhullenievirteepousebetaal
word nie]
2.1.3 Some candidates omitted some questions or sub-sections. L4
(c) Sommigekandidatelaatvrae of onderafdelingsuit.
Some candidates wrote short answers (skipping other
steps or lines or sentences).
OR/OF 2O reason
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NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
= 2 × 79 × R244,35 + 5 × 65 × R211,75 + 23 × 52 × R195,50
= 2 × R19 303,65 + 5 × R13 763,75 + 23 × R10 166 MCA 1MCA multiply correct
= R38 607,3 + R68 818,75 + R233 818 number of persons by
amount claimed
= R341 244,05 CA
1CA simplification
Total/Totaal = R341 244,05 + R 37 626,92
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NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 13 DBE/November 2020
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
SF C 1SF volume of wood
Volumewood/hout = 2,7 m × 2,7 m × 0,038 m
1C conversion
= 0,27702 m3 CA 1CA simplification
Volume of 6 woodenboards A
Volume vir 6 houtborde= 0,27702 m3× 6 1A 6 boards
= 1,66212 m3
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 14 DBE/November 2020
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
3.1.1 The data is discrete./Die data is diskreet 1Adiscrete L4
Percentages run from 0 to 100 and depends on the total of the 2O opinion
test and the mark obtained. It is presented as whole numbers.
Persentasies is van 0 tot 100 en hang af van die totaal van die
toets en die punt behaal. Hier is dit aangebied as heelgetalle. (3)
3.1.2 Median score test 2/mediaan L2
66 67 RT M 1RT correct value
2 1M median concept
= 66,5 CA 1CA simplification
3.1.3 Y (% mark) 1 443 MA 1MA adding all known% L3
Mean/Gemiddeld = = 84
18 marks
1MA mean concept
Y (% mark) = 18 × 84 – 1 443 M 1M changing the subject
Q1/K1= 61% A
1A quartile Q1
IQR = Q3 – Q1/IKO = K3 – K1
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NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
= CA 1CAsimplification
10 5 A
P(distinction/onderskeiding) = 1A numerator
18 9
MA 1MA subtracting from 1
5 4 CA
P(not distinction/nieonderskeiding) = 1 – =
9 9 1CA simplification
3.1.7 D
Mode/Modus = 73% A 2A modal value L2
3.2.1 View TerraceOR/OF ViewOR/OF Terrace RT 2RT Reading from the map L2
3.2.2 Facing oncoming traffic/Sy gaanin aankomende verkeer vasry L4
OR/OF 2O reason
O (2)
One way road/Dit is 'n eenrigtingpad
3.2.3 North west/Noordwes or/of NW A 2A correctdirection L2
3.2.4 21 mm = 110 yards/jaart 1A measuring scale L3
50 110 1A measuring distance
XY =
21 M 1M working with scale
XY = 261,904…yards/jaart CA
1CA answer
≈ 262 yards/jaart
[Bar scale accept measurements in the range 20 mm to 23 mm
For XY measurements in the range 47 mm to 53 mm] (4)
3.2.5 Parking offence Parkeer boete O L4
(a) Street parking is limited to 1 Parkering is beperk tot 1 uur
hour before 5 pm voor 5nm. 2O Reason for charge
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NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 17 DBE/November 2020
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Total collection/Totaalingesamel
= $4 290 + $1 504,80 + $580,80
1MCA total collection
= $6 375,60 MCA
MCA CA 1MCA dividing by 1,10
$6 375,60
Excluding VAT/Sonder BTW = = $5 796 1CA amount excl. VAT
O 1O conclusion
Claim is CORRECT/Opmerking is KORREK
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 18 DBE/November 2020
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Children = 9+15+9 = 33
Cost/Koste = $17,60 × 33 = $580,80
Cost excl VAT/Koste BTW uitgesluit = $580,80 ÷ 1,10
= $528 CA 1CA amount
Total/Totaal = $3 900 + $1 368 + $528 MCA 1MCA total collection
= $5 796 CA 1CA amount excl. VAT
The claim is correct/ Opmerking is KORREK O 1O conclusion
Section A/Afdeling A: MA 1MA multiply tariff by
= 53 × 28,60 + 15 × 26,40 + 9 × 17,60 relevant total patrons.
Section B/ Afdeling B:
= 57 × 28,60 + 32 × 26,40 + 15 × 17,60
= 1 630,20 + 844,80 + 264,00= 2 739,00 CA 1CA amount
Section C/ Afdeling C:
= 40 × 28,60 + 10 × 26,40 + 9 × 17,60
= 1 144,00 + 264,00 + 158,40= 1 566,40 CA 1CA amount
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NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Price excl. VAT/ Prys sonder BTW = $17,60 × = $16
Total amount/Totale bedrag = $16 × 33 = &528 CA 1CA amount
MCA 1MCA total collection
Total collection/ Totale insameling = 3 900 + 1 368 + 528
= $5 796 1CA amount excl. VAT
Claim is CORRECT/Opmerking is KORREK O 1O conclusion
4.1.5 Cost in USD/Koste in VSD F
RT 1RTticket price
= $30,50 × 0,71
= 21,655 USD/VSD MCA 1MCA answer in USD
Cost in rand/Koste in rand
= $21,655 × R14,43/$
Conversion to ZAR/ Herlei na ZAR
RT 1RT ticket price
= $30,50 × 0,71 × R14,43 MCA
1MCA Conversion
= R312,48 MCA 1MCA answer in rand
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NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
4.2.1 L2
3.0 A
2.5 A A
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2017 2.5 2.74 2.38 2.2 1.87 1.63 1.73 1.94 2.23 2.04 2.2 2.11
2018 2.07 2.21 2.36 2.46 2.8 2.87 2.95 2.7 2.28 2.52 2.18 1.91
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 21 DBE/November 2020
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Cost of car/Koste= $ 160 250,28 × 101,91 %
= $ 163 311,06 CA
1CA simplification
Increase/Verhoging = $ 163 311,06 – $156 831,36
= $ 6 479,70 CA
1CA increase
He is incorrect/Hy is verkeerd O
1O opinion
Price in January /Prys in Januarie
RT MCA CA 1RT correct rate
= AUD 156 831,36 1,0218 1,0191 1MCA Increasing
= AUD 163 311,0641 CA 1CA Increasing
1CA simplification
December price /Desember prys = AUD 156 831,36 1,0218 1RT correct rate
= AUD 160 250,28 CA 1MCA Increasing by %
1CA simplification
Januaryprice/Januarie prys = AUD 160 250,28 1,0191
= AUD 163 311,06 1CA simplification
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Symbol/Kode Explanation/Verduideliking
M Method/Metode
MA Method with accuracy/Metode met akkuraatheid
CA Consistent accuracy/Volgehoue akkuraatheid
A Accuracy/Akkuraatheid
C Conversion/Herleiding
S Simplification/Vereenvoudiging
RT Reading from a table/a graph/document/diagram/Lees vanaf tabel/grafiek/diagram
SF Correct substitution in a formula/Korrekte vervanging in formule
O Opinion/Explanation/Opinie/Verduideliking
P Penalty, e.g. for no units, incorrect rounding off, etc./Penalisasie, bv. vir geen
eenhede/verkeerde afronding, ens.
R Rounding off/Afronding
NPR No penalty for rounding/Geen penalisasie vir afronding nie
AO Answer only/Slegs antwoord
MCA Method with consistent accuracy/Metode met volgehoue akkuraatheid
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 2 DBE/November 2019
NSC – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
• If a candidate answers a question TWICE, only mark the FIRST attempt.
• If a candidate has crossed out (cancelled) an attempt to a question and NOT redone the solution,
mark the crossed out (cancelled) version.
• Consistent accuracy (CA) applies in ALL aspects of the marking guideline; however it stops at the
second calculation error.
• If the candidate presents any extra solution when reading from a graph, table, layout plan and map,
then penalise for each extra item presented.
• As a general marking principle, if a candidate has incurred one mistake and there is evidence of
sound mathematics thereafter, then that candidate should lose one mark only.
• As 'n kandidaat 'n vraag TWEE KEER beantwoord, merk slegs die EERSTE poging.
• As 'n kandidaat 'n antwoord van 'n vraag doodtrek (kanselleer) en nie oordoen nie, merk die
doodgetrekte (gekanselleerde) poging.
• Volgehoue akkuraatheid (CA) word in ALLE aspekte van die nasienriglyne toegepas, dit hou op by
die tweede berekeningsfout.
• Wanneer 'n kandidaat aflesings vanaf 'n grafiek, tabel, uitlegplan en kaart geneem en ekstra
antwoorde gee, penaliseer vir elke ekstra item.
• 'n Algemene merkbeginsel is dat indien ‘n kandidaat een fout maak en daarna voortgaan met
korrekte wiskunde, dat die kandidaat slegs een punt verloor.
Bloemfontein – Welkom – NAMPO
1A correct value
220 km – 75 km = 145 km A
Bloemfontein – Bultfontein – NAMPO 1A correct value
220 km – 120 km = 100 km A
1O conclusion
via BultfonteinO
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 3 DBE/November 2019
NSC – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Bloemfontein to/tot NAMPO = 220 km 1A correct value
220 km – 100km to/tot Bultfontein = 120 kmA 1A correct value
120 km is the distance to NAMPO A 1A conclusion
120 km is die afstand tot by NAMPO
Nampo Park to/tot Bothaville = 15 km
Bothaville to/tot Bultfontein = 105 km A 1A correct value
Nampo Park to/tot Bloemfontein
= 15 km + 105 km + 100 km 1A correct value
= 220 km A 1A conclusion
1.1.4 Distance/Afstand = speed/spoed time/tyd L4
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 4 DBE/November 2019
NSC – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
O 1O verification
His timing is not correct, he is not yet in Sasolburg
Sy tydsberekening is nie reg nie, hy is nog nie in
Sasolburg nie.
1M subtracting time
From 18:45 to 20:00 is 1 hour 15 min = 1,25 hour 1A elapsed time
Van 18:45 tot 20:00 is 1 uur 15 min = 1,25 uur 1C conversion
Distance = speed time
Afstand = spoed × tyd
150 km = speed × 1,25h SF 1SF into correct formula
Speed/spoed = km/h S 1S changing subject of
= 120 km/h
He is wrong, he will have to drive faster to get to 1O verification
Sasolburg on time.
Hy is verkeerd, hy sal vinniger moet ry om betyds in
Sasolburg te kom
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 5 DBE/November 2019
NSC – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
1O verification
56 × 8 ×1000 cm MA
= 448 000 cm3 A 1MA multiplying by 8; 1 000
1A simplification
CORRECT /KORREK O 1O verification
1.2.3 Volume = = 242,5 ℓ MA 1MA dividing by 2 L2
242,5 1MA dividing by rate
Time/Tyd = MA
14,5 /min
= 16,724…
≈ 17 min R 1R time
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 6 DBE/November 2019
NSC – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 7 DBE/November 2019
NSC – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 8 DBE/November 2019
NSC – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Income per year per person/ Jaarlikse inkomste per persoon
= R161 000 × 12 MA 1MA multiply by 12
Total income per year /Totale jaarlikse inkomste
= R1 932 000 × 148 266 MA CA 1MA multiply by 148 266
= R286 449 912 000 = R286,449912
A billion /miljard 1CA yearly income
≠ R287,24 billion/miljard C 1C billion to rand
1O conclusion
Income per year per person/ Jaarlikse inkomste per persoon
= R0,161 million × 12 1MA multiply by 12
Total income/Totale inkomste
= R1,932 mil × 148 266 MA 1MA multiply by 148 266
= R286 449,912 mil CA 1CA yearly income
= R286,449912 billion/miljard C 1C billion to rand
≠ R287,24 billion/miljard 1O conclusion
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NSC – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 10 DBE/November 2019
NSC – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
220 760 + 48 000 + 37 200 = 314 960
To Euro = 314 960 ÷ 7,47 = €42 163,32
To rand = €42 163,32 × R15,64
= R659 434,32 A 1A total deductions
= 52,493%
= 52% CA 1CA simplification
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NSC – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 12 DBE/November 2019
NSC – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
M 1M dividing by 1 080
CA 1CA rate
31 050
Solo rate/ alleenvlug tarief = = R28,75/min
1 080 AO
1MA multiplying cost by F
3.1.2 Cost/Koste hours L3
15 1MA theory lesson cost
= 28 × R2 050 + R31 050 + × R1 242 + R700 +
3 1MA number of exams by
R6 544 + 7 × R190 MA cost
= R57 400 + R31 050 + R6 210 + R700 + R6 544 + 1M adding ALL values
R1 330
= R103 234 CA 1CA simplification
3.2 Interest 1st year/Rente 1ste jaar = R90 000 × 8,5% 1MA multiplying by the % L4
= R7 650 A 1A 1st year interest
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NSC – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
They have seen what the tests look like and prepare 2O reason
better for following tests/ gained experience. O
Hulle het gesien hoe die toetse lyk en berei hul beter
voor vir opeenvolgende toets/ ondervinding
They have more time to prepare/ more practice/
attended extra classes. O
Hulle het meer tyd om voor te berei/ meer oefening/
woon ekstra lesse by.
3.3.2 24 is 20% L3
A is 80% Or/of 1MA multiplying by 4
MA 24 ÷ 20% = 120
A = 24 × 4 = 96 A A = 120 – 24 = 96 1A value of A
20% of/van B = 24
24 1CA value of B
B= = 120 or/of B = 96 + 24 = 120
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NSC – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Hours per week /Uur per week = 24 × 7 = 168 1M multiply by 7
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NSC – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
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NSC – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Percentage increase/Persentasie verhoging
14,5 million
= 100% 100% M 1A denominator
10,8 million A 1M subtracting values
Number of households/Aantal huishoudings
= 25% × 14,5 million/miljoen MA 1MA percentage calculation
= 3,625 million/miljoen CA
1CA simplification
Increase/Toename = 3,625 mil – 3,564 mil
= 0,061 million/miljoen
INCORRECT, O 1O conclusion
OR the number of households increased.
OF die aantal huishoudings het toegeneem.
4.1.4 Rounding factor or effect of rounding. Rounded-off the 2O reason L4
Afrondingseffek. Die desimale plekke is afgerond.
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MARKS: 150
TIME: 3 hours
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 2 DBE/2019
1. This question paper consists of FIVE questions. Answer ALL the questions.
2.3 Write your centre number and examination number in the spaces on the
3. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this
question paper.
7. Round off ALL final answers appropriately according to the given context, unless
stated otherwise.
9. Maps and diagrams are NOT drawn to scale, unless stated otherwise.
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 3 DBE/2019
1.1 The Western Cape water crisis began in 2015 resulting in a severe water shortage in
Cape Town.
Hence the province declared Level 6B water restrictions. Level 6B recommends a daily
limit of 50 litres per person.
1.1.2 Theo stated that the approximate litres per month were calculated for the
number of days in July.
1.1.3 If you have more than FOUR occupants living on your property, you need
to apply for an increase in your water quota.
(a) Mr and Mrs Vellem, their four children, two grandchildren and
Mr Vellem's mother and father all live on the Vellem property.
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 4 DBE/2019
(b) TABLE 2 below shows the stepped water tariff rates (sliding scale)
for residential properties in Cape Town. As from 1 February 2018
level 6 tariffs were charged.
Use the table to calculate the amount a household will have to pay for
consuming 15,3 kℓ. (6)
(c) State ONE possible way a household can save water. (2)
1.2 Mr Vellem tries to minimize his usage of municipal water and plans to install a Jojo
tank to collect rainwater.
He found out that the installation will take 5 hours 10 minutes on the first day and
then 2 hours on the second day.
Mr.Vellem has a total budget of R15 900 to buy and install the tank.
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 5 DBE/2019
2.1 During winter many children develop coughs. Cough syrups are sold in bottles
packed in rectangular prism-shaped boxes.
Children are given cough syrup using a cylindrical measuring cup.
The diagrams below show the bottle, the box and the measuring cup.
2,52 cm
125 mm h
65 mm
6,5 cm
Use: π = 3,142
1mℓ = 1 cm3
(a) Calculate (in cm3) the total surface area of the cough syrup box. (4)
(b) Give a practical reason why a cartoon picture would feature on the
box of the cough syrup for children. (2)
2.1.2 Calculate (in cm) the height of the medicine measuring cup if the diameter
is 2,52 cm and the volume is 10 mℓ. (4)
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 6 DBE/2019
Calculate the total number of cough syrup boxes the pharmacist received. (4)
2.3 Whooping cough affects the chest and nose and is characterised by a cough that makes a
'whoop' sound.
TABLE 3 below shows data about the reported cases of whooping cough and the
percentage of hospitalisation per age group. Some data has been omitted and some
reported cases did not indicate the patients' ages.
2.3.1 N represents the highest number of whooping cough cases for the known
age groups. The range for the number of whooping cough cases for the
known age groups is 4 527.
2.3.2 Determine the interquartile range (only known age groups) for the
reported number of whooping cough cases per age group. (5)
2.3.3 It was stated that the unknown age group makes up 0,5% of the total
number of reported cases for whooping cough.
2.3.4 Calculate the difference between the number of cases that were
hospitalised in the age group less than 6 months and the age group
20+ years. (4)
Copyright reserved Please turn over
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 7 DBE/2019
3.1 Pro-Print hires out photocopying machines and offers three contract options. The
three contract options are shown in the graph on the ANSWER SHEET.
Use the information in the ANSWER SHEET to answer the questions that follow.
3.1.1 Write down the number of pages at the point where Contract 2 and
Contract 3 cost the same. (2)
3.1.3 Use the graph on the ANSWER SHEET to determine a formula for
calculating the total cost (in rand) for contract 2. (5)
3.1.4 Copy King charges a rate of R0,70 per copy for hiring their copying
machine with no other costs.
Draw on the same grid on the ANSWER SHEET another line graph to
show the costs charged by Copy King. (3)
3.2 The layout plan of the copy room at Academy School is given below.
Electrical outlet
Electrical lead
Justify, with a reason, whether or not the copier is suitably placed in the room. (3)
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 8 DBE/2019
3.3.1 The length of the truck in the picture is 76 mm. However, the copy of the
picture was reduced by 58,5%.
3.3.2 Layla stated that the total cost of the 300 model trucks she intends to
import is R159 778,70, including import taxes.
Import taxes = VAT (15%) on the cost price in rand + import duties
(4,7%) on the cost price in rand. (6)
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 9 DBE/2019
4.1 Welkom is a town in the Free State. ANNEXURE A is a road map showing part of
the streets in Welkom. The town is known for having many traffic circles.
4.1.1 Write down the general direction of the Concor circle from the Shell
circle. (2)
4.1.2 A railway line passes through Milner Road, Othello, Arrarat and Koppie
Alleen Streets.
Explain how it is shown on the map that the road is actually situated
above the railway line. (2)
4.1.3 Name the traffic circle that connects FIVE roads. (2)
4.1.4 Describe the route that will be taken by a car entering the town on
Stateway from the industrial area if it will be heading to the point in
Dagbreek, marked X, passing by the city council building on the left. (5)
4.1.5 The actual distance from exiting the Alfa circle to entering the Engen
circle is 500 m. The actual distance from exiting circle 13 to entering
circle 14 in Stateway is 1,4 km.
Verify, with calculation, whether the car was travelling within the speed
4.1.7 The same painters must repaint all the road markings at all the traffic
circles in Welkom.
Lethu says the probability that the painters are at a circle in Stateway is
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 10 DBE/2019
4.2 The accelerated schools infrastructure delivery initiative (ASIDI) of the Department
of Education was created to renovate schools so that they are conducive to learning.
Gauteng 0 0 14 2 16
1 206 103 58 368
Limpopo 3 104 88 5 200
Mpumalanga 5 36 38 45 124
North West 2 3 10 0 15
1 5 13 2 21
25 3 19 8 55
TOTAL 203 681 468 372 1724
[Source: ASIDI Delivery Report Update]
Use the information in the table above to answer the questions that follow.
4.2.1 Write down, in simplified form, the ratio of water projects to sanitation
projects in Limpopo. (3)
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 11 DBE/2019
5.1 When a person buys an asset he can insure this asset against loss or damage.
If this asset is lost or damaged the person may claim from the insurance company.
In some cases the insurance company may not pay out the claim. In this case the
person can contact the ombudsman (a legally appointed person) who will act on
behalf of the person to assess if the claim is valid.
5.1.1 Determine (to the nearest million rand) the value of motor claims in 2015. (3)
5.1.2 Calculate the difference in the total value of valid cases from 2016 to
2017. (5)
5.1.3 Determine the percentage difference in the rand value for the complaints
resolved in favour of the home owner claims from 2015 to 2017 (4)
5.1.4 Sannie stated that the pie chart for 2015 did not reflect the correct values,
since the household and other claims showed the same percentage while
the rand values in the tables differed.
(a) Verify, showing ALL calculations, whether her statement is valid. (5)
(b) Give ONE reason why the percentages would be shown as the same. (2)
5.1.5 Determine the average amount that was paid out to each insured home
owner in 2017 if 14,0858% of the 2 144 claims received were successful. (4)
5.1.6 Describe the trend in the percentage resolved commercial claims from
2015 to 2017. (2)
5.2 The average time it took for a claim, to be processed from registration to final
decision was 131 days in 2017.
Mr Hesse stated that his claim which was registered on 10 July 2017 with a final
decision reached on 3 November 2017, exceeded the average number of days.
5.3 Give ONE reason why insurance companies sometimes refuse to pay out a claim even
though the item may be insured. (2)
TOTAL: 150
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3 000
Contract 1
Contract 2
Contract 3
2 500
2 000
Monthly cost in rand
1 500 R1 475
1 000
0 500 1 000 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000 3 500 4 000
Number of pages of photo copies
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Mathematical Literacy/P2 2 DBE/2019
SC/NSC – Addendum
Symbol Description
R Provincial road
Circles with names
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SC/NSC – Addendum
R18 513 071
Home owner
R15 498 565
R7 339 724 R100 712 182
R6 463 292
Commercial 7% 10%
Home owner
R59 438 533
Other 7%
R19 982 717
Home owner
R11 829 111
R4 280 912 R87 101 354
R45 692 919
R5 315 695
[Adapted from OSTI Annual Report, 2017]
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Symbol/Kode Explanation/Verduideliking
M Method/Metode
MA Method with accuracy/Metode met akkuraatheid
CA Consistent accuracy/Volgehoue akkuraatheid
A Accuracy/Akkuraatheid
C Conversion/Herleiding
S Simplification/Vereenvoudiging
RT Reading from a table/a graph/document/diagram/Lees vanaf tabel/grafiek/diagram
SF Correct substitution in a formula/Korrekte vervanging in formule
O Opinion/Explanation/Opinie/Verduideliking
P Penalty, e.g. for no units, incorrect rounding off, etc./Penalisasie, bv. vir geen
eenhede/verkeerde afronding, ens.
R Rounding off/Afronding
NPR No penalty for rounding/Geen penalisasie vir afronding nie
AO Answer only/Slegs antwoord
MCA Method with constant accuracy/Metode met volgehoue akkuraatheid
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SC/SSE/NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
• If a candidate answers a question TWICE, mark only the FIRST attempt.
• If a candidate has crossed out (cancelled) an attempt to a question and NOT redone the
solution mark the crossed out (cancelled) version.
• Consistent accuracy (CA) applies in ALL aspects of the marking guidelines, however it
stops at the second calculation error.
• No CA mark follows after a breakdown.
• If the candidate presents any extra solution when reading from a graph, table, layout plan
and map, then penalise for every extra item presented.
• As 'n kandidaat 'n vraag TWEE KEER beantwoord, merk slegs die EERSTE poging.
• As 'n kandidaat 'n antwoord van 'n vraag doodtrek (kanselleer) en nie oordoen nie, merk
die doodgetrekte (gekanselleerde) poging.
• Volgehoue akkuraatheid (CA) word in ALLE aspekte van die nasienriglyne toegepas, dit
hou op by die tweede berekeningsfout.
• Geen CA-punt volg na 'n afbreking nie.
• Wanneer 'n kandidaat aflesings vanaf 'n grafiek, tabel, uitlegplan en kaart geneem en
ekstra antwoorde gee, penaliseer vir elke ekstra item.
= 75 000 A 1A litres
Using ratios
A : 22 500
8 : 12 000
1M dividing and multiplying
A 22 500
8 × 22500
A= = 15 or/of A= = 15 1A occupants
12 000 1 500
50 : B
1 : 1 500 1M multiplying
B = 1 500 × 50 M 1A litres
= 75 000 A
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= 30 A 1A number of days
A 1A number of days
Number of days in July 31
1M multiply
1 500 × 31 = 46 500 or 50 ×31 = 1 550
1O verification
Not valid since it is not the same values /Nie geldig nie want die
waardes verskil
1500 ÷ 31 M 1M dividing
= 48,39 ℓ /pp
48,39 < 50
Not valid / Nie geldig nie
O 1O verification
[using any of maximum litres/month or maximum litres/day]
1.1.3 Total occupants/Totale bewoners L3
(a) 1MA no. of occupants
= 2 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 10
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Total volume per day/Totale volume per dag = 500 + 100 1CA Adding litres
= 600 ℓ CA
1M multiplying by 31
Total volume for May/Totale volume vir Mei = 600 × 31 M
= 18 600 ℓ CA 1CA no. of litres
= 18,6 kℓ C 1C Converting to kilolitres
Total occupants/ Totale bewoners = 2 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 10 MA 1MA no. of occupants
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Accept any other relevant answer
Aanvaar ander toepaslike rede (2)
1.2 Labour day 1 = 6 hours × R129,99/h 1R rounding L4
Arbeid dag 1 = R779,94 M 1M 1st day labour
Day 2/Dag 2 = 2 hours × R129,99/h
= R259,98 CA 1CA 2nd day labour
Total/Totaal = R779,94+ R259,98
= R1 039,92 CA 1CA Adding 2 day values
Cost of installing the tank/Koste om tenk te installeer
= R12 958,00 + R1 943,70 + R1 039,92
1CA total cost
= R15 941,62 CA
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R 1R rounding
Total labour = 6 hours + 2 hours = 8 hours 1CA total hours labour
M CA 1M subtracting from budget
Budget = R15 900 – R12 958,00 – R1 943,70 – R129,99 × 8 1CA labour cost
= – R41,62 CA 1CA simplification
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= 565,76 A 1A simplification
= 3 429 × 7,6%
= 260,6 A 1A simplification
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SC/SSE/NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
3.1.2 Contract 2/Kontrak 2 RT 2RT correct contract L2
3.1.3 Total cost = fixed cost + cost per page A 1A setting up the equation L4
RT 1RT constant cost
= R625 per month for the first 600 pages +
RT M 1RT values from graph
1M calculating the increment
(R1 475 – R625) ÷ (4 000 – 600) per page more than 600
per page
= R625 for the first 600 pages + R0,25 per page extra 1CA cost per page extra
RT CA A 1RT constant cost
Total cost = R625 + R0,25 (n – 600) where n is the 1M calculating the increment
per page
number of pages more than 600. A 1CA cost per page extra
1A setting up the equation
1A explaining the unknown
in the equation
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3.1.4 Monthly photocopying costs for different L2
3 000
Contract 1
Contract 2 A
Contract 3
2 500
2 000
Monthly cost in rand
1 500 1 475
1 000
0 A
0 500 1 000 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 000 3 500 4 000
Number of pages of photo copies
1A Starting point (0 copies ; R0,00 charge)/Beginpunt (0 kopieë ; R0,00 koste)
1A end point (4 000 ; 2 800)/Eindpunt (4 000 ; R2 800)
1A connecting points with a straight line./Verbind punte met reguit lyn.
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SC/SSE/NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Total taxes = R127 111,14 × 19,7% = R25 040,89 CA 1CA simplification
Cost/Koste = R127 111,14 + R25 040,89 = R152 152,03 1CA adding all costs
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M 1M dividing by 300
= R532,5956667
100 532,5956667 1A total tax rate
× A M
119,7 1 1M dividing by 119,7%
= R 444,9420774 S
1S simplification
= A$47,26 1C conversion
NOT correct /Nie korrek nie O 1O verification
[26 ]
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SC/SSE/NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
4.1.3 Toyota or 11 A 2A correct circle L2
4.1.4 Proceed straight on Stateway Street until you turn right at 1A straight on Stateway L3
A 1A turn right
the City Council into Arrarat Street. Then proceed straight 1A Arrarat
A A 1A straight until Alma
until Alma. Destination is on the left-hand side. 1A destination on left-hand
Ry reguit met Staatsweg totdat jy regs by die Stadsraad
uitdraai in Arrarat . Gaan reguit voort tot in Alma. Die
bestemming is aan die linkerkant.
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Distance/ Afstand 4
Speed/Spoed = =
Time/ Tyd 0,083
1CA Speed value
= 48 km/h CA
O 1O conclusion
The car's speed was within the speed limit. NPR
Die motor se spoed is minder as die spoedbeperking
1MA substituting
Speed/Spoed = 4 km ÷ 5 min MA
1C converting
= 0,8 km/min × 60 min/hour C
= 0,15 S 1S simplification
Valid/Geldig O 1O conclusion
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= 0,11774942
1CA simplification
≈ 0,12 CA
4.2.3 Total NOT electrical repairs/Totaal nie elektriese L3
herstelwerk nie
1A numerator
= 1 + 206 + 103 = 310 A
310 M 1RT denominator
P (NOT) = × 100%
368 RT 1M multiplying with 100%
P (electr) =
368 RT 1RT denominator
P (NOT) = 1 –
A 1A numerator
310 1M multiplying with 100%
= × 100% M
1CA rounded simplification
≈ 84% CA
58 1RT denominator
P (electr) = × 100%
368 RT 1M multiplying with 100%
≈ 16% M
1A subtracting from 100%
P (NOT) = 100% – 16% A
= 84 % CA 1CA simplification
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SC/SSE/NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Motor claims/Motoreise
1RT correct values
= 53% × R100 712 182 M 1M percentage calculation
= R53 377 456
≈ R53 million/miljoen CA 1CA rounded value
5.1.2 Total/Totaal 2016 × 60% = R59 438 533 M 1M relating values L3
2016 60% - R59 438 533
10% - R9 906 422,17 M 1M finding rand values
16% - R15 850 275,47
7% - R6 934 495,52 × 2 M 1M double the 7% value
Total/Total : R99 064 221,67 A 1A simplification
Difference/Verskil = R99 064 221,67 – R87 101 354 M 1M subtracting from 2017
= R11 962 867,67CA value
1CA difference
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Motor claims 2015 = 53% × R100 712 182
= R53 377 456
7 339 724
Household % = ×100%
101 192 108
1A simplification
= 7,25% A
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≈ 302 A 1A simplification
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Symbol/Kode Explanation/Verduideliking
M Method/Metode
MA Method with accuracy/Metode met akkuraatheid
CA Consistent accuracy/Volgehoue akkuraatheid
A Accuracy/Akkuraatheid
C Conversion/Herleiding
S Simplification/Vereenvoudiging
RT Reading from a table/graph/document/diagram/Lees vanaf tabel/grafiek/dokument/diagram
SF Correct substitution in a formula/Korrekte vervanging in 'n formule
O Opinion/Explanation/Opinie/Verduideliking
P Penalty, e.g. for no units, incorrect rounding off, etc./Penalisasie, bv. vir geen eenhede,
verkeerde afronding, ens.
R/RCA Rounding off/Afronding /Rounding with CA/Afronding met CA
NPR No penalty for rounding/Geen penalisasie vir afronding nie
AO Answer only/Slegs antwoord
MCA Method with constant accuracy/Metode met volgehoue akkuraatheid
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organized by Abutimalesela 0798975624
Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 2 DBE/November 2018
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
• If a candidate answers a question TWICE, only mark the FIRST attempt.
• If a candidate has crossed out (cancelled) an attempt to a question and NOT redone the solution,
mark the crossed out (cancelled) version.
• Consistent accuracy (CA) applies in ALL aspects of the marking guidelines; however it stops at the
second calculation error.
• If the candidate presents any extra solution when reading from a graph, table, layout plan and map,
then penalise for every extra incorrect item presented.
• As 'n kandidaat 'n vraag TWEE KEER beantwoord, merk slegs die EERSTE poging.
• As 'n kandidaat 'n antwoord van 'n vraagdoodtrek(kanselleer) en nie oordoen nie, merk die
doodgetrekte (gekanselleerde) poging.
• Volgehoue akkuraatheid (CA) word in ALLE aspekte van die nasienriglynetoegepas, dit hou op by die
tweede berekeningsfout.
• Wanneer 'n kandidaat aflesings vanaf 'n grafiek, tabel, uitlegplan en kaart geneem en ekstra
antwoorde gee, penaliseer vir elke ekstra verkeerde item.
Q/V Solution/Oplossing Explanation/Verduideliking T&L
1.1.1 Discount percentage/Persentasie afslag L2
RT 1RT numerator and
R6 140
= × 100% MA denominator
R160 087,72 1MA multiply correct
values with 100 %
= 3,835397... ≈ 3,8% A 1A simplification rounded
to one decimal place
AO (3)
1.1.2 Sub Total/Subtotaal 1M subtracting discount L2
M RT MA 1RT all values
= R160 087,72 – R6 140 + (2 × R3 500 + R4 298,25 + R1 315,79) 1MA adding accessories, on
roads & transaction fee
= R166 561,76 (3)
1.1.3 Safety reason/as a safety feature - protect against thieves / L4
hijackers /sunlight / door against damages
Veiligheidsrede/as 'n veiligheidskenmerk - beskerm teen diewe
/ kapers / sonlig / deur teen beskadiging
Beautification of the car / reduce sunlight
Verfraaiing van die motor/ sonlig te verminder
2O reason
Longer lasting /Langdurend
Convenience / Gemak O
For insurance purposes / Vir versekeringsdoeleindes
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 3 DBE/November 2018
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 4 DBE/November 2018
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
The dealer added 1% on the VAT inclusive price of O 1O stating the error or
R182 500 / Calculating VAT on VAT the solution
Die handelaar het 1% by die BTW insluitende prys van
R182 500 getel/ Bereken BTW op BTW
CA 1CA simplification
= R184 100,88
Mistake is calculating the increased 1% on the VAT inculsive
amount. O 1O describing the error
The 1% must be added to the original price
Die fout wat hy gemaak het is om die 1% op die prys wat reeds
BTW bevat uit te werk
Increased price incl. VAT / Verhoogde prys met BTW 1MA calculating 1% on
MA original amount
MA 1MA adding to VAT incl.
= R182 500 + R160 087,72 × 1%
= R184 100,88 CA 1CA simplification
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NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
To stop goods from slipping/protection of goods/Om te keer
dat goedere gly/beskadig word.
1.3 Time: Apply = 20 min × 2 coats = 40 min L2
Re-coat = 4 hours = 240 min C 1C converting
Drying time = 2 hours = 120 min
Tyd: Aanwend = 20 min × 2 lae = 40 min
Wagtyd = 4 uur = 240 min
Droogtyd = 2 uur = 120 min
= 8 h 15 + 6 h 40 = 14 h 55 1CA time
∴ Time/Tyd14:55 CA
1M adding times
Apply 1st coat (20 min) 8:15 – 8:35 M
Wend 1stelaag aan (20 min) 8:15 – 8:35
Apply 2nd coat (20 min) 12:35 – 12:55 1MCA adding correct times
Wend 2delaag aan (20 min) 12:35 – 12:55 MCA
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NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Q/V Solution/Oplossing Explanation/Verduideliking T&L
2.1.1 A = 216 329 − 227 665 × 100% 1MA subtracting correct L2
(a) 227 665 values
1A denominator
= – 4,979% A 1A negative simplification
No. Percentages do not add up to 100%.
Nee. Persentasies tel nie op tot 100% nie. (2)
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 8 DBE/November 2018
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
% Share of 2015…
40 A
0 A A
1A first point
1A last point
3 × 1A Every other two points correctly plotted
1A Joining
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Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 11 DBE/November 2018
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Q/V Solution/Oplossing Explanation/Verduideliking T&L
4 A 1A numerator
3.1.1 P (Coke & water) = L2
9 A 1A denominator
1CA decimal number
= 0,44 CA NPR
3.1.2 South East OR East of South OR SE. A 2A direction L2
Suidoos OF Oos van Suid OF SO
3.1.3 The start is at 1 400 m running to 1 565 m at the 5 km mark 1A for height 1 400 m L4
(a) and then 1 708 m at the 10 km mark. A 1 A for height 1 708 m
Die begin is by 1 400m, by die 5km merk is dit 1 565 m en
dan 1 708 m by die 10km merk. [Accept increase in height
above sea level/altitude]
3.1.3 Lowest point : highest point/Laagste punt: hoogste punt L2
(b) RT RT 2RT correct values
= 1 166 m : 1 708 m
= 1 : 1,464837... CA 1CA ratio
≈ 1 : 1,46 or 1 : 1,5 NPR
3.1.4 To take struggling runners out of the race because they are MP
not coping. O L4
Om hardlopers wat sukkel uit die wedren te haal omdat hulle
nie die mas opkom nie.
Security reasons (guards and health personnel deployed in
strategic sections along the race course during specific times).
Veiligheidsredes(wagte en noodhulppersoneel word ontplooi
in sekere gedeeltes van die wedren vir spesifieke tye)
O 2O understanding/reason
For runners to know whether they have a realistic chance of
finishing race within the time allowed for the race.
Sodat deelnemers weet of hulle 'n realistiese kans het om die
wedren binne die toegelate tyd te voltooi.
Also helps organisers to plan appropriately for other
scheduled events.
Dit help ook die organiseerders om te beplan vir ander
geskeduleerder items soos medalje- en perskonferensies.
If the road was closed it needs to be opened. O
Indien die pad gesluit was, moet weer oopgestel word.
Copyright reserved/Kopiereg voorbehou Please turn over/Blaai om asseblief
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organized by Abutimalesela 0798975624
Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 12 DBE/November 2018
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Speed/Spoed(½ marathon) = MA
5h 1MA calculating speed
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organized by Abutimalesela 0798975624
Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 13 DBE/November 2018
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Length occupied by 4 buckets/Lengte van 4 emmerbasisse
1MA multiplying
= 4 × 31,2 cm = 124,8 cm 1A correct length
120 cm is 100%
124,8 M 1M multiply with 100%
124,8 cm is ×100% = 104% CA 1CA simplification
∴ 4% increase CA 1CA simplification
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organized by Abutimalesela 0798975624
Mathematical Literacy/P2/WiskundigeGeletterdheid/V2 14 DBE/November 2018
NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
= R18 188,26 C
1O conclusion
∴ the statement is not correct/die opmerking is niekorrek
Rand value/waarde
= £1 097 × R16,58 /£ = R18 188,26 C 1C pounds to rand
O 1O conclusion
NOT correct/NIE korrek NIE
Cost of Capsule 24 + Cost of Capsule 30 – Discount for 5
2MA multiply tickets by
Adults price
MA M 1M adding costs
(18 × £27 + 7 × £22 + 2 × £25,50) +
MA A 1A discount
(10 × £27 + 1 × £22 + 5 × £25,50) – 5 × £27 ×10% =
CA 1CA simplification
£691 + £419,5 – £13,5 = £1097 CA
1CA total
Rand value/waarde 1C pounds to rand
= £1 097 × R16,58 /£ = R18 188,26 C
NOT correct/NIE korrek NIE O 1O conclusion
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NSC/NSS – Marking Guidelines/Nasienriglyne
Copyright reserved/Kopieregvoorbehou
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