Cipc 2009-100

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PAPER 2009-100

A 3D Finite Element Model for

History Matching Hydraulic
Fracturing in Unconsolidated
Sands Formation
Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary

This  paper  is  accepted  for  the  Proceedings  of  the  Canadian  International  Petroleum  Conference  (CIPC)  2009,  Calgary, 
Alberta, Canada, 16‐18 June 2009. This paper will be considered for publication in Petroleum Society journals. Publication 
rights are reserved. This is a pre‐print and subject to correction. 

Abstract dilation zone or a net or micro-cracks, inside which the effective

stresses are low and hydraulic conductivities are high. It is
Hydraulic fracturing is an important and prevalent process shown the proposed numerical model can successfully capture
both in the natural environment and industrial applications. At the hydraulic fracture initiation and propagation in
the same time, field hydraulic fracturing tests data provide unconsolidated sands formation and matches the field pressure
valuable information regarding the mechanical and hydraulic versus time curve very well.
behaviours of the reservoir formation. By history-matching the
field bottom-hole-pressure versus time curve from hydraulic
fracturing tests, a set of field-validated geomechanical models Introduction
can be obtained, which is an important asset for any further
works on utilizing geomechanics to enhance the injection and Hydraulic fracturing can be broadly defined as a process by
production performance. This paper presents a 3-dimensinal which a fracture initiates and propagates due to hydraulic
finite element model for history matching the complete bottom- loading (i.e., pressure) applied by a fluid inside the fracture(1).
hole-pressure versus time curve generated during hydraulic Fractures in the earth's crust are desired for a variety of reasons,
fracturing tests considering the injection rate as input. To including enhanced oil and gas recovery, re-injection of drilling
stimulate the hydraulic fracturing process in unconsolidated or other environmentally sensitive wastes, measurement of in
sands formation, a poro-elasto-plastic constitutive model situ stresses, geothermal energy recovery, and enhanced well
together with a strain-induced anisotropic fill permeability water production(2). Although hydraulic fracturing in hard rock
model are formulated and implemented into a 3D finite element has been comprehensively studied both experimentally and
geomechanical simulator. Unlike the conventional simulation of numerically, some fundamental mechanisms of hydraulic
hydraulic fracturing in hard rock, hydraulic fracture in fracturing in unconsolidated sands have not been well
unconsolidated sands reservoir is stimulated as a large area of understood. Experimental data clearly show that fracturing in
unconsolidated sands is significantly different than those
encountered in hard rock. Unconsolidated sands do not exhibit

elastic-brittle behavior. In addition, unconsolidated sands have deformation as recoverable deformation, thus elastic
very low tensile and shear strengths at low effective stresses as constitutive model can be applied in this stage. Accordingly,
well as relatively large fluid leak-off(3-5). Based on other interparticle rolling and sliding are the irrecoverable
researchers’ work(3-7) on the fundamental mechanisms of deformation, which correspond to plastic deformation in
hydraulic fracturing in unconsolidated sands, this paper presents macroscopic sense. Macroscopically, when particles lose
the constitutive modeling and numerical simulation of hydraulic contacts in all directions, the effective stresses inside this
fracturing in unconsolidated sands within the framework of particle assembly should become zero, which can be simulated
continuum mechanics. Numerical experiments show that this by combining a tensile cut-off constitutive model with the
approach has special advantages in numerical modeling of large existing elasto-plastic model.
scale field problems, such as the disposal of waste cutting fluid, The injection of large volumes of fluid into an
and micro/mini fracture tests in unconsolidated sands formation. unconsolidated sands reservoir can result in significant changes
Even in its most basic form, hydraulic fracturing in to the in-situ stress distributions, which can induce significant
unconsolidated sands is a complex process to model, as it deformations, thereby leading to permeability alterations. In the
involves the coupling of at least three processes: (i) the solid past, the permeability change due to deformation change is
matrix deformation and failure induced by the pore fluid usually assumed to be a function of porosity, volumetric strain,
pressure; (ii) the flow of fluid within the fracture and solid or reservoir pressure. This type of correlation relates the
matrix; and (iii) the fracture initiation and propagation after the permeability tensor to a scalar variable; therefore, the changes
failure of formation. Understanding of this complex process in permeability must be identical in all directions. However, for
provides us valuable information regarding the mechanical and the stress induced anisotropic granular materials such as
hydraulic behaviors of the reservoir formation. As a case study, unconsolidated sands, they are not necessarily equal, because
we present the geomechanical history matching of the field the strains in different directions are different(10). A strain
bottom-hole-pressure versus time curve from a waste disposal induced anisotropic full permeability model is used in this
project using the developed finite element simulator, from research to represent the induced anisotropic hydraulic
which a set of field-validated geomechanical models have been behaviour before and after the fracturing.
obtained, which is an important asset for any further works on
utilizing geomechanics to enhance the injection and production
performance. Constitutive Modeling
Unlike hard rock, plastic shear failure dominates the
Physical Mechanism of Hydraulic Fracturing in deformation behaviour of unconsolidated sands during the
Unconsolidated Sands process of hydraulic fracturing. Among the different plasticity
models, Drucker-Prager plasticity model adequately describes
Fracturing unconsolidated sands may induce different the pressure-sensitive behaviour of unconsolidated sands which
modes of failure because the natural tendency of rock to fail in exhibit dilatancy when sheared. A rate-independent non-
tension will be suppressed in favour of shear failure(7). Gil associative Drucker-Prager model with isotropic strain
(2005) conducted discrete element method simulations to hardening and softening, as well as strain-induced anisotropic
investigate the fundamental mechanism of hydraulic fracturing full permeability model(10-12) are implemented in this study to
in unconsolidated formations and found that shear failure seems describe the failure of solid matrix and anisotropic fluid flow
to be more important than tensile failure during the hydraulic behaviour of unconsolidated sands before and after the
fracturing process(6). Chang (2005) conducted experimental hydraulic fracturing.
studies on the hydraulic fracturing of particulate material(3) and
found that, in the process of hydraulic fracturing, all parts of the Symbols and Notations
particulate material are likely to be in compression. Wu (2006)
conducted numerical simulations of fluid injection into As for notations and symbols, bold-face letters denote
particulate material using the discrete element method(4). She matrices and vectors; the symbol '.' denotes an inner product
observed that the initiation of hydraulic fracture in particulate of two vectors (e.g. a ⋅ b = ai bi ), or a single contraction of
material is actually the “fluidization” of the particle-fluid
mixture, at which the loss of contacts between the particles adjacent indices of two tensors (e.g. c ⋅ d = cij d jk ); the symbol
occur in all directions. Wong (1991) conducted triaxial tests on
unconsolidated Athabasca oil sands(8) and concluded that four ':' denotes an inner product of two second-order tensors (e.g.
possible modes of granular interaction exist, which are: contact c : d = cij d ij ), or a double contraction of adjacent indices of
elastic deformation, rolling, sliding and crushing (Figure 1). In
the case of fracturing unconsolidated sands, grain crushing may tensors of rank two and higher (e.g. C : ε = Cijkl ε kl ); the symbol
not play an important role in the granular interaction, however,
⊗ denotes a juxtaposition (e.g. a ⊗ b = ai b j ). For any
grain parting may account for the fracturing in unconsolidated
sands. In this study, we consider four possible modes of symmetric second order tensors α and β , we have
granular interactions in the process of fluid injection: contact
α ⊗ β = α ij β kl (13)
elastic deformation, rolling, sliding and grain parting.
Although unconsolidated sand is a particulate medium, it is
generally treated as a continuum for modeling stress-strain Nonlinear Stress Induced Anisotropic Elasticity
behaviour(9). In this way, constitutive models within the
framework of continuum mechanics and conventional finite In reality, most soft rocks, including unconsolidated sands,
element method can be used without major modifications. In display some degree of anisotropy, having different elastic
macroscopic level, the above four basic modes of granular properties in each principal direction, due to the way of their
interactions can be related to macroscopic constitutive deposition, particle shape, stress history and stress conditions.
behaviours. In this study, we view interparticle contact elastic These complex factors lead to the strong stress dependency of

soft rock’s mechanical behaviour and remarkable stress-induced Mathematically, it can be proved that, with this plastic
anisotropic elastic behaviour. A stress induced anisotropic potential, there is no shear plastic strain exists and all the plastic
elasticity model(14) is implemented and used in this research to strains contribute to volumetric strain at nearly tension stress
capture the stress induced anisotropic behaviour of level, which is exactly what we need in modeling the
unconsolidated sands. deformation behaviour of hydraulically fractured
unconsolidated sands. Physically, hydraulically fractured
Drucker-Prager Plasticity Model with Tension Cut-off unconsolidated sands cannot take any shear stress and strain and
all the deformations contribute to the increasing in porosity.
Also, the development of significant tensile stress within an
Yield Function, Plastic Potential and Tension Cut-off element can be prevented by setting the element stiffness to a
very low value if the element fails in tension. However, this
With the form of a circular cone in principal stress space
feature is accomplished at the cost of losing quadratic
centered on the hydrostatic axis, the original Drucker–Prager
convergence rate for full Newton non-linear iteration.
yield criterion has the form(15):
Constitutive Equations and Consistent Tangent
F = q − p tan β − d = 0
(1) Operator
where: F is the yield function; p is the effective mean By applying the consistency conditions in plasticity theory,
stress, which can be defined by the effective stress tensor as: the constitutive equation can be formulated in a matrix form:
dσ = D ⊗ dε ………………………………….. (5)

( )
p = − trace σ ; q is the deviatoric stress, which can be
' '

3 ∂G ∂F
D ⊗ ⊗ ⊗D
e e

defined by the effective deviatoric stress tensor as: ∂σ ∂σ

D =D −
ep e

{ }
∂F ∂G ∂F ∂H
q= S : S , where S is the deviatoric stress tensor, defined ⊗D ⊗
− ⊗
2 ∂σ ∂σ ∂σ ∂λ
as: S = σ + pI and I is the unit matrix; β and d are the e
where: D is the elasticity matrix and H is the hardening law.
friction angle and cohesion in p − q space, respectively.
The quadratic convergence rate using full Newton iterative
Geomaterials always have curved yield surface at low method is achieved by constructing the consistent tangent
confining pressure. This can be achieved by modifying the operator (16-19).
original Drucker–Prager yield criterion and considering the
tensile strength at low confining pressure(15). The modified non-
linear yield function takes the form of: Strain-Induced Anisotropic Full Permeability Model

F= (d − Pt tan β ) + q − p tan β − d = 0
Based on the Kozeny--Carman equation, Wong (2003)
2 2 '

(2) proposed a permeability model for deformable granular media,
which quantifies the changes in permeability when the material
where: d 0 is the initial value of cohesion and Pt is the tensile experiences shear deformation(11,12). In the model, the
strength of geomaterial. This modified version of Drucker– permeability change is expressed as a function of the strain
Prager yield criterion is implemented and used in this study. tensor. This model assumes that the permeability tensor has the
In plasticity theory, plastic potential ( G ) is a functional same principal directions as the strain tensor and the principal
which defines the relative magnitudes of the various values of the permeability tensor are linear function of the
components of plastic deformation. The plastic strain principal strains. The most attractive feature of this model is
increments are subsequently described by the flow rule: that the permeability change can be anisotropic. In addition, the
directions of the principal values are not restricted to some
dε = d λ arbitrary axis, and governed by the induced strains. Thus, the
∂σ ………………………………….. effects of stress paths and stress level are implicitly considered
through effective stress-strain constitutive laws. This strain-
where: dε is the incremental plastic strain tensor, d λ is the
induced full permeability tensor is expressed as:
⎫ ⎧k ⎫ ⎡a
consistency parameter and G is the plastic potential.
⎧k b⎤ ⎧ε ⎫
⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎢ ⎪ ⎪
1 1 1
The form of plastic potential function in this study is chosen

⎨k ⎬ = ⎨k ⎬ + ⎢b b ⋅ ⎨ε ⎬ ............
as: a (7)
2 2
⎥ 2

( ωσ tan ψ ) + q − p tan ψ = 0 ⎪k ⎪ ⎪k ⎪ ⎢b a⎥ ⎪ ⎪
G= ⎩ ⎭ ⎩ ⎭ ⎣ ⎦ ⎩ε ⎭
2 ' 0

(4) 3 3
b 3
where: k i and k i , i = 1, 2, 3 are the principal values of
where: ψ is the dilation angle; σ 0 is the initial equivalent yield
stress and ω is a parameter, which defines the rate at which the induced permeability tensor and initial permeability tensor,
potential function approaches the asymptote(15) (the flow ε i , i = 1, 2, 3 are the principal values of strain tensor and

potential tends to a straight line as the eccentricity tends to

zero). It should be noted that this parameter ensures a smooth a , b are two parameters.
transition from a curved potential surface at low confining The huge anisotropic increasing of permeability inside the
pressure and to a straight potential surface at high confining plastic shear failure zone and fully fractured zone can be
pressure. achieved by making the a , b values as a function of the


volumetric deformation in the porous medium, and (b)
equivalent plastic strain ( ε = ε ij ε ij dt ). It should be noted
pl pl pl

compression of the porous medium causes a rise of pore

that this approach actually introduces a permeability multiplier pressure, if the fluid is prevented from escaping the pore
into the original strain induced permeability model, which can network. These coupled mechanisms bestow an apparent time-
be identified by history matching the field hydraulic fracturing dependent character to the mechanical properties of the porous
data. Figure 2 shows this multiplier change with plastic shear medium(20). This coupled effect can be described by coupling
deformation. the force equilibrium and mass balance equations.
Let us consider a porous medium continuum in domain Ω
and bounded by surface Γ . Part of its surface Γ g is subjected
Coupling the Mechanical and Hydraulic Behaviours
to a prescribed displacement function u , while the remainder of
The hydraulic fracturing in unconsolidated sands is a fully
coupled process. Any phase changes in solid matrix mechanical its surface Γ h , is subjected to a boundary traction t . The same
behaviour must be accompanied by the corresponding changes
total surface Γ may also be divided into a portion Γ r ,
in hydraulic behaviour. For example, when the solid matrix
starts plastic shear failure with large dilation, there must be a subjected to a prescribed pore pressure function p , and the
corresponding huge increase in the permeability value. Also, the
remainder Γ s , under an input hydraulic flux of q . The
strong anisotropy in strain tensor induced by the anisotropic
mechanical stiffness must be accompanied by the corresponding governing equation for a fully coupled poro-elastic problem in
anisotropic hydraulic behaviour. By coupling the strain induced domain Ω can be represented by:
anisotropic fully permeability tensor with the stress induced
⎧∇·( σ + α pI ) + b = 0 in Ω (force equilibrium equation)

anisotropic mechanical model, this synchronous process is

⎪∇·⎛ k ( p − b ) ⎞ + m ε = 0 in Ω (mass balance equation)
accomplished automatically. Figure 3 shows the mechanical

⎪ ⎜⎝ γ ⎟
behaviour change in the process of fluid injection into

unconsolidated sands formation. By combining Figures 2 and 3,

it is clear that this complex coupled process can be
synchronized automatically. ⎨u = u in Γ g

⎪σ·n = t in Γ h

Orientation of the fracturing ⎪ p = p on Γ


⎩( ∇ ⋅ p ) ⋅ n = q on Γ
The orientation of the hydraulic fracture in unconsolidated
sands is implicitly embedded in our model. Before the material s

failure, the anisotropic initial or induced stress tensor leads to …………………………………………………….(8)

the anisotropic strain tensor, which will cause the anisotropy in
permeability tensor. The anisotropic permeability tensor leads '
where: σ is the effective stress tensor, tension is taken as
to the fluid flow to the directions with larger permeability
positive, p is the pore pressure, ε is the strain tensor, k is the
values, which causes the element plastic failure in these
directions, and thus, further leads to the hydraulic fracturing in permeability tensor, γ w is the unit weight of water, b is the
these directions. Figure 4 illustrates this anisotropic failure
process induced by an initial anisotropic stress tensor. At the body force vector of soil, b w is the body force of water phase,
same time, the value of K 0 determines the anisotropy in initial α is the Biot coefficient, I is the Kronecker delta,
stress condition, which means that the value of K 0 plays a m = [1, 1,1, 0, 0, 0 ] and n is a vector of direction cosines for the
critical factor in determining the orientation of hydraulic unit outward normal to the boundary surface.
fracturing in unconsolidated formation.
To illustrate the capability of our model to capture these
anisotropic effects, we conducted two numerical tests on the Finite Element Formulation for Poroelasticity
fluid injection into unconsolidated formation through a
horizontal well. The two numerical cases have exactly the same Applying the Green-Gauss theorem and Galerkin weighted
material properties, except with different values of K 0 in the residual method to the force equilibrium equation as shown in
Eqn. (8) for a single element leads to the weak form of the force
unconsolidated formation. Figures 5 and 6 show our modeling
equilibrium equation in matrix form:
results of the anisotropic material failure zone around a
∫ B σ d Ω + B α mpd Ω = N ∫  T tdS + N T bd Ω (9)
∫ ∫
T ' T
horizontal well induced by the anisotropic initial stress Ω
u Ω
u Γh
u Ω

condition, respectively.
where: Ω e is the element volume, Γ h is the element surface

area subjected to boundary tractions, t is the external surface

Finite Element Formulation tractions, N is the shape function for boundary surface

element, N u is the shape function for solid phase and

Governing Equations
B u = LN u is the strain rate-velocity matrix, in which L
The presence of a freely moving fluid in a porous medium
modifies its mechanical response. Two mechanisms play a key denotes the differential operator:
role in this interaction between the interstitial fluid and the
porous medium: (a) an increase of pore pressure induces a

⎡∂ ∂ ∂ ⎤ [k ] = − ∫ Bp
B pdΩ (18)
⎢ ∂x 0 0
∂y ∂z
⎥ c Ω

⎢ ⎥ ……………………….

T ⎢
= 0


∂ ⎥
....... (10)
is the diffusion matrix and
⎢ ∂z ⎥
∂y ∂x q=− ∫  T qdS −
∫ bwd Ω
N Bp (19)
⎢ ⎥ Γs p Ω

⎢0 0

∂ ∂ ⎥ ………………
∂z ⎢⎣ ∂x ⎥
∂y ⎦
Time Integration
The effective stress at any point inside an element is expressed
in terms of the element nodal displacements according to: The time derivative in Eqn. (17) can be discretized using
standard finite difference methods. The simplest strategy of
σ = DB u u
(11) discreting the above system in time space is commonly known
where: D is the constitutive matrix which can be elastic or as the θ -method(21-23), which is:
elasto-plastic. Δu ∂u ∂u
Substituting Eqn. (11) into Eqn. (9), gives the weak form of the = (1 − θ ) +θ ..................... (20)
force equilibrium equation for a single element. These equations Δt n ∂t n ∂t n +1

may be written as:

[k ] u + [ l ] p = f ext
(12) It should be noted that the θ -method is at least first order
accurate and, is unconditionally stable provided θ ≥ 0.5 .
where: Unconditional stability is an essential characteristic for an
[k ] = ∫ efficient time integration scheme since it is often necessary to
B DB u d Ω (13)
m Ω
…………………………… integrate over very long time periods using large time steps(22).
Choosing a value of θ = 1 gives the well-known backward
[l] = ∫ Ω
αB u mN p d Ω

Euler scheme which is first order accurate and unconditionally

are the elemental elasto-plastic stiffness and coupling matrices stable(24). In the following numerical example, we choose θ = 1 .
and the right hand side term has the following form: Applying the θ -method on the above equation system and
assembling the element matrix produce a global system of
∫ ∫ ∫  tds
= N bd Ω + B σ0dΩ +
ext '
f e e
N (15) equations of the form:
Ω u Ω u Γh
⎡K L ⎤ ⎧Δu ⎫ ⎧ ΔF ⎫

⎥⎦ ⎨⎩Δp ⎬⎭ = ⎨ΔQ ⎬.................... (21)

m n n

⎢⎣ L
where: σ 0 is the initial geo-static effective stress vector.
⎩ ⎭
By applying the Green-Gauss theorem and Galerkin method n

of weighted residuals to the mass balance equation gives the where:

weak form of the mass balance equation for fluid phase, which
Km = ∑∫ Ω
B u DB u d Ω ………………………… (22)


k k
L= ∑∫ Ω
α B u mN p d Ω........................................ (23)

∫ N p m B u d Ωu − ∫ B p d Ωp = − ∫  T qdS −
∫ bwdΩ
Bp N Bp elem

γw γw
Γs p Ω

K c = −θΔt ∑∫ Bp
B p d Ω.............................. (24)

where: u =
is the velocity vector, q is the prescribed ΔFn =
∑∫ e
 T ΔtdS +
N u ∑∫ Ω
N u Δb d Ω +
∑∫ Ω
B u σ 0 d Ω (25)
T '

elem elem elem

outward flow per unit area on the surface with flow rate
boundary conditions, N T is the shape function for fluid phase k
=− ∑ Δt [ k ]p − ∑ Δt ∫ e
 q dS −

∑ Δt ∫ e
b dΩ −
n c n p n p w

in boundary surface element, N p is the shape function for fluid

elem elem elem

phase and B p = LN p . It should be noted that the shape function k

for the solid phase should be one order higher than that of the
∑ θΔt ∫ e
N Δq dS −

∑ θΔt ∫ e
Δb d Ω
Γ p n Ω p w
elem elem

fluid phase. In the following numerical examples, we choose w

20-nodes quadratic hexahedron elements for solid phase and 8- ……………………………………………………(26)

nodes linear hexahedron elements for fluid phase. Similarly It should be noted that, for problems with constant flow rate
with Eqn. (12), Eqn. (16) can be written in a more compact boundary condition, we have Δqn = 0 . The unit weight of water
is also a constant which means that Δb w = 0 . So the expression
[ l ] u + [k ] p = q …………………………….. (17)

for ΔQ n can be simplified to:



Figure 10 shows the simulated stress path from point 0 to 6,
k marked on Figure 9. We may notice that, from point 0 to point
ΔQ n = −
∑ Δt [k ] p − ∑ Δt ∫  T q dS −
N ∑ Δt ∫ T
Bp bwd Ω 1, the stress path passes through the elastic region and touches
c n Γs p n Ω

elem elem elem the plastic failure line at the very early stage of injection. After
……………………………………………………(27) plastic failure, the stress path moves along the plastic failure
line until the injection well was shut in. We simulated the shut
in phase as an unloading process, in which the formation always
behaves elastically. In the re-injection phase, the stress path
passes through the elastic region and finally goes to the plastic
Case Studies
failure stage. We can expect that the stress path may go to the
In this section, the developed numerical model is used to fully fractured region, which was shown in Figure 3, as long as
simulate and history match a field waste water injection project. the injection time is long enough. Also, it should be noted that,
A slurry of petroleum waste was injected at a depth of about after the stress path touches the intersection of plastic failure
470 m at the disposal well 14B-03-56-03 W4, which was line and horizontal axis, it will stay at this special point, as long
located at Frog Lake, Alberta. The petroleum waste slurry is a as the injection rate remains unchanged or becomes larger. This
mixture of slop oil and produced salt water with a composition is the advantage of using the tensile stress cut-off model.
ranging from 33/67% to 55/45% by volume of slop oil and salt Figure 11 and Figure 12 show the 2D and 3D shapes of
water. According to the laboratory measurements, the viscosity fractured zone at 0.5 hours and 15 hours, respectively. We can
of the waste slurry mixture with a composition of 33/67% is notice that the orientation of the fractured zone is consistent
approximately 3340 cp at 22 C . A typical daily injection cycle with our K 0 values. According to our numerical model
included 0.25 hours of produced water pre-flush, 12 hours of formulation, the fractured zone should initiate perpendicular to
waste slurry injection at an average rate of 160 cubic meter per the initial minimum effective principal stress. In this simulation,
day followed by 2 hours of produced water post-flush. For the initial minimum effective principal stress parallel to the x
model demonstration purpose, we simulated 2 injection and fall- axis, which means that the vertical fractured zone with the
off cycles and ignored the pre-flush and post-flush part. Figure orientation perpendicular to x axis should be predicted. Figure
7 shows the well configuration and geological formation at the 13 shows the absolute permeability near the injection well
injection site. The unconsolidated sand formation, at which the changes with distance at the end of the first injection cycle.
slurry was injected, lies at the depth between -454 m to -489 m Figure 14 shows the relationship between the anisotropic strain
and the perforation height is 20 m. tensor and the induced anisotropic permeability tensor inside
the fractured zone. It is shown that a strong anisotropic
The initial minimum total stress can be obtained by taken permeability tensor is induced due to the strong anisotropic
the value of formation closure pressure, which can be analyzed strain tensor. The value for maximum absolute principal
from the pressure decline part on the original field injection data permeability increases from 0.4 md to 500 md , while the
. In this study, we choose 9 MPa as the value for the initial
minimum absolute principal permeability increases from
minimum total stress. No direct measurement of maximum total
stress can be made from this hydraulic fracturing tests, however, 0.4 md to around 40 md . The directions of the three principal
the value of maximum total stress can be estimated by taking permeability do not have to be aligned with any predefined
some topical values in Alberta sedimentary basin(26). The directions and the two larger ones are always perpendicular to
the largest principal strain.
vertical total stress gradient is taken as 22 kPa , thus, the
values for minimum coefficients of lateral stress ( K 0 ) are 0.87 Conclusion
and 1.2 in each horizontal direction. Figure 8 shows the finite This paper presents the finite element simulation and
constitutive modeling of hydraulic fracturing in unconsolidated
element model, the values and directions of K 0 . The other
sands formation within the framework of continuum mechanics.
material properties used in this history matching are Microscopically, the physical mechanism of fracturing the
summarized in Table 1. unconsolidated sands is identified as the losing in particle
contacts among particles in all directions. Macroscopically, the
hydraulic fracturing of unconsolidated formation is modeled as
History Matching of Bottom-Hole-Pressure (BHP) a large area of dilation zone or a net of micro-cracks, inside
versus Time Curve which the low effective stresses are low and hydraulic
conductivity are high. To this end, a poro-elasto-plastic
We obtained a good history matching of field BHP versus constitutive model with tensile stress cut-off and a strain
time curve by using the finite element model developed. Figure induced anisotropic full permeability tensor were implemented
9 shows the results of numerical history matching, on which 10 into a fully coupled finite element geomechanical solver.
key points are located in the history matching curve to show the Finally, a history matching of field hydraulic fracturing data is
stress path, the opening and closing of fractured zone, presented as a case study, which attests the capability of our
respectively. It should be noted that, in order to be consistent numerical model. By history-matching the field bottom-hole-
with our modeling approach, we define the fractured zone as the pressure versus time curve from hydraulic fracturing tests, a set
element set which undergoing plastic deformation. This of field-validated geomechanical models can be obtained, which
fractured zone consists two parts, which are plastic shear failure is an important asset for any further works on the use of
part and fully fractured part. Inside the fractured zone, the geomechanics to enhance the performance of injection and
unconsolidated formation has low effective stresses and high production.
permeability with strong anisotropy.

⎡∂ ∂ ∂ ⎤
This work would not be possible without funding from the ⎢ ∂x 0 0
∂y ∂z

Alberta Department of Energy (ADOE), Imperial Oil Resource ⎢ ⎥
Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
T ⎢
= 0


∂ ⎥
Council of Canada (NSERC) and the University of Calgary. ⎢ ∂y ∂x ∂z ⎥
The authors thank WESTGRID in the University of Calgary,
⎢ ⎥
which provides us the facilities for high performance
⎢0 0

∂ ∂ ⎥
⎢⎣ ∂z ∂x ∂y ⎥

D = Constitutive matrix for solid phase
NOMENCLATURE De = Elastic constitutive matrix
Coefficients for strain induced full Dep = Elasto-plastic constitutive matrix
a, b =
permeability model '
σ0 = Initial geo-static effective stress [kPa]
λ = Permeability Multiplier
km = Elemental elasto-plastic stiffness matrix
σ Pore volume [cm3]
F = Yield surface l = Elemental coupling matrix
q = Deviatoric stress [kPa] f = Right hand side load vector for solid phase
S = Deviatoric stress tensor [kPa] ∂u
I = Unit matrix u = = Velocity vector
β = Fraction angle [Degree]
q = Prescribed outward flow per unit area on the
d = Cohesion [kPa] surface with flow rate boundary conditions
Pt = Tensile strength [kPa] 
N p
= Shape function for fluid phase in boundary
G = Plastic potential surface element
ψ = Dilation angle [Degree]
Np = Shape function for fluid phase
d ε pl = Increment of plastic strain
dλ = Consistency parameter B p = LN p = Fluid velocity matrix
p = Effective mean stress [kPa] kc = Diffusion matrix
p = Pore pressure [kPa] q = Right hand side load vector for fluid phase
ε = Strain tensor
k = Permeability tensor Km = Global elasto-plastic stiffness matrix
ki = Principal value of permeability tensor Kc = Global diffusion matrix
b = Body force of solid phase [kN/m3] L = Global coupling matrix
bw = Body force of fluid phase [kN/m3] Δt = Time step
α ΔFn
= Biot coefficient = Global load vector for solid phase at time
m = [1,1,1, 0, 0, 0 ]
step n

ΔQ n
= Global load vector for fluid phase at
Vector of direction cosines for the unit
n = outward normal to the boundary surface
time step n

Ωe = Element volume REFERENCES

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Tables and Figures
Table 1 : Material Properties for History Matching
Stress Induced Drucker–Prager Plasticity Strain Induced Anisotropic Full
Anisotropic Elasticity Permeability
Name n g K β ψ a b λ
Value 0.58 120 550 40 30 20 2.0 6.0 100
where: n, g , K are three parameters for stress induced anisotropic elasticity; β is the friction angle, ψ is the dilation angle;
a, b are two parameters for strain induced full permeability model; λ is the permeability multiplier for fracturing.

Figure 1 : Different modes of granular interaction (Wong 1991)

Figure 2 : Modeling induced permeability enhancement

Figure 3 : Solid matrix mechanical behaviour change

Figure 4 : Relations of anisotropic stress tensor, strain tensor and permeability tensor

Figure 5 : Horizontally induced fracture zone around a horizontal injection well under K = 1.2

Figure 6 : Vertically induced fracture zone around a horizontal injection well under K = 0.8

Figure 7 : Disposal well configuration and geological formation at Frog Lake site

Figure 8 : Finite element model of history matching

Figure 9 : Results of numerical history matching---Bottom-hole-pressure versus injection time

Figure 10 : Stress path in the first and second injection/shut-in cycles

Figure 11 : Fractured zone at injection time=0.5 hr

Figure 12 : Fractured zone at injection time=15 hrs

Figure 13 : Absolute permeability near the injection well change with distance at the end of first injection
cycle (Point 4, Injection time=15 hrs)

Figure 14 : Anisotropic strain tensor and induced anisotropic permeability tensor (Point 4, Injection
time=15 hrs)


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