Cca Note jss1
Cca Note jss1
Cca Note jss1
Cultural and Creative Arts (New Edition) by Peter Akinyemi& Co-Authors. (Book 1)
Cultural and Creative Arts (New Edition) by Peter Akinyemi& Co-Authors. (Book 2)
Cultural and Creative Arts (New Edition) by Peter Akinyemi& Co-Authors. (Book 3)
1. Draw and shade a pictorial composition of fruits on a white cardboard. Work must be
2. Cast a bowl in papiermache and paint the work.
This refers to the artswhich represent an outlet of self expressionthat is influenced by culture
which in turn helps to modify culture. As such, the artsreflect the physical manifestation of
the internal creative impulse of man. This subject emphasizes the cultural and creative
aspects of art as both go hand in hand. Suffice to say that to a large extent, cultural art
activities like traditional dance, drama and music performed in theatres reflect our culture and
tradition in the Nigerian society. Man’s creativity on the other hand is expressed in diverse
1. Dance
3. Drama
4. Fine arts
5. Applied arts
6. Media arts
1. It enables pupils and students to discover their inner talents during practical sessions.
2. It serves as vocational job for pupils and students during their leisure time.
3. It boosts both the mental and physical development of the pupils and students.
4. It enables pupils and students to acquire the required skills in any field of art.
5. It serves as a medium through which pupils and students can be familiar with their
culture and that of others expressed through drama, music, dance and fine art.
Pages 1 - 13
1. Which oneof these is not a component of cultural and creative arts? (a) Dance (b) Fine
arts / applied arts (c) Drama (d) Playwright
2. The movement of the body in a rhythmical manner to the rhythm of the music is
called……………. (a) music (b) dance (c) drama (d) sculpture
3. The imitation of an action is best described as …….. (a) music (b) painting (c)
drama (d) sculpture
4. The following are relevant to fine arts except …… (a) painting (b) drawing (c)
drama (d) sculpture
5. The branch of applied arts that deals with cloth weaving, dyeingof fabric in tie and
dye, batik, screen printing is called …………… (a) woodwork (b) metalwork (c)
textile design (d) graphic design.
Definition of Art.
Types of Art.
Branches of Art.
Art is the creative expression of our thoughts. Art is the study and creation of things that give
pleasure to our mind and satisfy our sense of beauty. Art is a way of life. It is a universal
language in which the artist uses to express his or her inner feelings and ideas. The word ‘art’
originated from a Latin word ‘arti’ which means to do well or do it well.
1.VISUAL ART:visual art appeals to our sense of sight or vision. Sub-branches of visual art
include fine art and applied art.
2.NON-VISUAL ART: Non-visual art is the art we cannot feel with our hands and see with
our eyes but rather,it appeals to our mind, emotion and feeling. Sub-branchesof non-visual art
include performing art and literary art.
1. What is art?
2. Explain the two types of art.
3. Show a diagram reflecting the branches of art.
Art has been in existence before the creation of man.The origin of art is traced to the early
men who involved in art activities during the pre-historic era.Art began during the time of the
early men or pre-historic men who drew animals on rock surfaces by incising, scratching and
engraving with sharp objects which they devised. They equally painted on cave walls using
various pigments obtained from nature. For example, earth colours and sooth mixed with
animal fat which serve as a strong binder and other pigments obtained from natural things
like leaf, blood of animals etc.
1. PALEOLITHIC AGE (Old Stone Age): This is divided into lower and upper
Paleolithic era.
2. MESOLITHIC AGE(Middle Stone Age): During the Mesolithic era, artists focused
on the painting of human figures looking abstracted as against the back drop of animal
figures painted on cave walls by the early men during the upperPaleolithic era.
Farming and proper settlement occurred during the Mesolithic age.The
MESOLITHIC AGE stretched between 8,000BC – 3,000BC.
3. NEOLITHIC AGE (New Stone Age):During the Neolithic era,life became more
stable and predictable.Metal farm implements were introduced,crops like
beans,squash and maize were cultivated and writing emerged. Huge Architectural
Monuments were erected like the Stonehenge discovered in Europe in Salisbury
Plane Wiltshire,England. (1,800BC-1,400BC)The NEOLITHIC AGE stretched
between 3,000BC-1,500BC.
4. BRONZEAGE: This marked the beginning of the skillful use of metals to cast
objects that were expressed in bronze. It is a time period characterized by the use of
bronze, proto-writing, and other early features of urban development like the Bronze
Age Britain.
5. IRON AGE:This era marked the inception of the Indus valley civilization.Recent
archaeological remains of iron working in the Ganges Valley in India have been
tentatively dated to 1,800BC.It is an archaeological era referring to a period of time in
the pre-history and protohistory of the Old World (Afro-Eras) when the dominant tool
making material was iron. It preceded by the Bronze Age in Europe and Asia and the
Stone Age in Africa. Meteoric metal has been used by humans since at least 3,200
BC, but ancient iron production did not become widespread until the ability to smelt
iron ore ,remove impurities and regulate the amount of carbon in the alloy were
1. List the five periods of the successive stages of art development of the early men.
2. Mention the two phases of Paleolithic age.
Pages 1 -13
1. The early men are also referred to as …………men.(a) pre-historic (b) post-historic
(c)civilized (d)none of the above
2. What period marked the use of bronze in fashioning out things?(a) Iron age (b)
Bronze age (c) Neolithic age (d) Mesolithic age
3. Which one of the following is NOT a sub-component of performing art? (a) Drama
(b) Dance (c) Ceramics (d) Music
4. Which one of the following is an end-product of ceramics? (a)Mug (b) Kampala (c)
Printed pictures (d) Chair
5. Fine art comprises of the following except…………..…..(a) drawing (b) photography
(c) Sculpture (d) painting
Teamwork means the process of working well together as a group in order to achieve a
common goal. It is the act or process of collaborating as a group in order to achieve a
common goal.
A sense of belonging is the feeling of a person or people being connected and accepted within
a family and community. On the other hand, someone has a sense of belonging when he or
she does not feel lonely and depressed. Loneliness and depression occur when a person lacks
a sense of belonging. The person later suffers from psychological trauma.
1. Do not blame yourself for the painful experiences you encountered since other people
have also encountered related experiences. (Attributional Retraining)
2. As an individual, watch what you say and your way of thinking. (Carefulness)
3. Accept people and their views which are not related to your views. You may need to
open your thoughts to those new ideas since everyone’s thought could have element
of value.(Tolerance)
4. Associate with people and stop staying away from a gathering. Accept opportunities
and indulge in whatever the activity entails.(Connecting with people)
5. Search for ways that you are related with others rather than focusing on ways you are
different. (Searching for similarities)
1. What is the difference between still life drawing and nature drawing?
2. What part of the human body is the unit of measurement in figure or life drawing?
3. What is figure drawing?
4. What is imaginative composition?
5. Mention two drawing media used in art expression.
Cultural and Creative Art (New Edition) by Peter Akinyemi& Co- Authors. (Book 1)
Pages 108-110
1. Teamwork ensures smooth operation of a job being carried out among members of a
group. (a) True (b) False (c) Maybe (d) Not sure
2. When a person feels not connected to a family and community thereby becoming
lonely and depressed is called……..(a) teamwork (b)sense of belonging (c)
emotional trauma (d) psychological depression
3. Which one of the following is NOT an importance of teamwork? (a) It slows down a
job session. (b) It boosts productivity. (c) Work is done within a short time. (d)It
motivates the workers.
4. .What happens when a member of a production team refuses to cooperate with other
members of the production team? (a) It hampers the smooth operation of the entire
work at hand. (b) It reduces the efficiency of other workers. (c) Work is completed
within a short time. (d) None of the above.
5. Which one the following is NOT a way of achieving sense of belonging? (a)
Carefulness (b) Tolerance (c) Attributional retraining (d) Not connecting with people.
Principles of art are the guidelines or laws that moderate the artist in the effective use of the
1. BALANCE: This is the equal distribution of the art elements in any work of art in
order to achieve equal status. The art elements should be given equal weight to
achieve balance. For instance,before making a sketch of composed still life objects,
bear in mind that the sketched still life objects should be centralized on paper in order
to achieve balance.
2. DOMINANCE: An art element is meant to dominate or attract more attention than
other elements in a work of art. For instance, a colour dominating other colours ina
decorative pattern . The dominating colour in the work becomes the center of interest
or the eye catcher. Also, the dominance in an art work can be a caption, headline,
motif or illustration.
3. VARIETY: Different materials or different elements like line ,colour and shape
should be interchanged in a work of art to make the art work look more interesting
and visually appealing and prevent monotony.
4. PROPORTION: This is the proper relationship and distribution of one part of a figure
to another with reference to size, form, shape and number. In figure drawing, the head
being the unit of measurement should not be outstandingly bigger than the remaining
part of the human body. Therefore, all the parts of the human body should be evenly
5. HARMONY: Harmony is the unity of all the visual elements (shape, space, tone,
colourand line) in a compositional design. Harmony is achieved by repetition of
characteristics the same or related.
6. REPETITION: Repetition is the process of allowing some art elements to feature
several times on a surface. Rhythm and repletion are closely related .Rhythm is
simply the result of repetition.
7. RHYTHM: It is the flow achieved by arranging the various elements in a repeated
manner. Rhythm in pattern design produces a continuous flow of movement of some
Elements of art are the basic features or components that are observed in any work of art. The
tools used to solve artistic problems are referred to as elements of art and design.
1. Line
2. Colour
3. Texture
4. Value or tone
5. Shape
6. Form
7. Space
LINE: Line is the mark that spans a distance between two points. It is simply the distance
between two points. Line is also the point or dot in motion. Line is one art element that
encloses space in order to form a shape. Line is applied as a means of drawing the outline of
things using various drawing media like pencil , charcoal, crayon and chalk pastel. Line is
used to express the outline of objects on paper.
COLOUR:The effect of colour is produced when light strikes an object and is reflected back
to the eyes. The meaning of colour differs from artists and scientist. Artists view colour as the
pigment or hue while scientists view as the decomposition of white light observed through a
spectrum. Colour is applied when using sable or hog brush to paint and design sketched
objects including free standing artworks and relief artworks in various media.
SHAPE: Shape is the outlined edge of an object. Shapes like triangle, square ,rectangle and
the likes ,can be used to create beautiful patterns and also compose free standing objects
using paper. Every object has a unique shape which serves a guide to the artist when drawing.
TEXTURE: Texture is the surface feeling, surface quality or touch value of an object. It is
the way a work of art actually feels when touched with the hands. The texture of an artwork
can either be rough, smooth, coarse or fine. The artist creates pleasant effects on his or her
artwork by making it either rough or smooth, coarse or fine.
VALUE OR TONE: Value is the relation of one part of a picture or drawing to the other part
with reference to the degree of lightness and darkness. The effect of value is applied in
drawing and painting. After making a sketch of composed objects, shade or paint one part of
the composed drawn objects in order to show effect of light and shade. In terms of painting,
one part of the composed drawn objects should have a lighter hue and the other part a darker
hue. It comes in various degrees of colour like dark tone, middle tone , light tone and
highlight. Toning of colours can be achieved by making a colour either light or dark. For
instance,you can make a colour light or bright by adding white to it. E.g. WHITE AND
BLUE when mixed together will produce a lighter hue SKY BLUE(TINT), while
disintensifying or reducing the visual quality of a colour is done by mixing black with
another colour. For example, mix BLACK AND BLUE to produce a darker hue NAVY
FORM: Form is visible appearance of an object in space. It is the shape of anything that has
mass or volume. For example, a horse has a real form which makes it unique. Form is viewed
by the artist as a king of contour and visible structure of any perceived idea. Therefore, there
is a close relationship between form and shape as they are sometimes viewed to be the same
or as one being a substitute to the other.
SPACE: Space is where the artist provides to create a work of art. The open area where a
work of art is meant to occupy is called space. From another perspective, space is the open
area where a work of art is created. In drawing, the artist should mark out the space of the
surface of cardboard to create the border area and centralize the sketched objects within a
limited space so that the drawn objectsdo not occupy the whole space of the cardboard.
What element of art and design is applied when sketching the outline of objects on cardboard
with pencil?
What is the other name for the musical symbols trebleclef and bass clef?
Define lettering.
What do graphic designers call capital letters and small letters in graphics?
Cultural and Creative Art (New Edition) by Peter Akinyemi& Co- Authors. (BOOK 2)
Pages 1-3, 5 – 6
The equal distribution of art elements in a work of art is based on what art principle.
The process of allowing line, colour and shape (motif) to feature severally in pattern
making is based on what principle of art and design. (a) Balance (b) Proportion
The surface quality of an object or any artistic piece is called …………..…...(a) value
(b) texture (c) colour (d) line
5. A dominant element among other visible elements in a work of art is based on what
principle of art and design. (a) Balance (b) Proportion (c) Variety (d)
1.What is variety?
Drama is the act or process of a group of players narrating a story through actions, vocal
expression and body movements so as to entertain,inform and educate the audience. Drama is
an attempt by a playwright to portray real life events through artificial means. Drama is the
imitation of an action. Drama originated from Greece where plays were performed on stage
in ancient Greek Theatres during the ancient times. Drama got its name from the Greek word
’dran’ which means to act.
Theatre is a building or place where live dramatic performances are carried out on stage by
the players before the seated audience. Theatre is a building solely established for performing
plays and other related forms of entertainment like live dances and live musical shows.
There are three groups of people involved in drama and theatre namely:
Pages 67-74
1. The general name given to a group of actors and actresses presented in order of
appearance in a drama piece is ………(a) crew (b) audience (c) cast (d) prompter
2. Which one of the following is NOT a function of drama?
3. Those who are seated around the auditorium in a theatre are referred to as …………
Papiermache is a substance made of pulped paper or paper pulp mixed with glue and other
materials or media. Papiermache is the craft in which objects are formed and cast with a
mould using a mixture of wet pulped paper and starchy paste or gum.
Newspaper, liquid glue or craft glue, water base starch or cassava ,bucket, colour, water,
wheat paste,coloured tissue paper, black crepe paper, protective gloves,floral wire and floral
tape, white and black card stock, thirty gauge wire, needle, masking tape, pencil,cotton balls,
empty jars, clothespins and clothesline.
1. Scissors
2. Mortar and pestle.
3. Utility knife
4. Paint brush
5. Manicure or sewing scissors
1. Define papiermache.
2. List two materials and tools required in papiermache.
STEP 4- Pound the pieces of soaked newspaper in a mortar with the aid of a pestle.
STEP 5-Squeeze out the excess water from the paper pulp .
STEP 6- Mix the pulped paper with the water base starch paste or liquid glue.
STEP 8- Dry the work in the sun and decorate it with colours.
1. It can be used for making masks, figurines ,sculptures ,ornaments as well as party
things like piñatas.(A container often made of papiermache ,clay or cloth) Piñatas are
associated with Mexico.
2. Products of papiermache can serve as teaching aid in the classroom.
3. Finished products serve the purpose of interior decoration in our homes, offices and to
keep pencils and pens.
1. What is the difference between relief sculpture and sculpture in the round?
2. Mention one popular theatre in Lagos state.
3. What is pattern?
4. Mention two types of repeat pattern.
5. What is farce?
Cultural and Creative Art (New Edition) by Peter Akinyemi& Co-Authors. (Book 1)
Pages 29 -30
1. The word ‘papiermache‘ is a ………….….word. (a) French (b) Spanish (c) Latin (d)
2. Which one of the following materials is NOT required in papiermache? (a) Clay (b)
Old newspaper/magazine (c) Liquid glue (d) Starch paste
3. During the casting process in papiermache, what material is applied on the outer
surface of the bowl to prevent the product from sticking to the bowl when dried? (a)
Grease (b) Powder (c) Powdery chalk (d) None of the above
4. What is applied on the outer surface of the work in papiermache in order to adorn or
decorate it? (a) Colour (b) Paint brush (c) Powder (d) Turpentine
5. The paper pulp is made stronger when mixed with …………………..(a) grease (b)
starch paste (c) linseed oil (d) None of the above
1. Define papiermache.
2. List two materials required in papiermache.
Definition of dance.
Types of dance.
Dance is the rhythmical movement of the body in time and space to the beat of the music.
Dance is the process of moving or shaking the body from side to side stylishly and
rhythmically. Dance is also the art of body motion. Dancers and choreographers perform
various dance movements which are pleasant to behold.
a. DRAMATIC DANCE: This type of dance sets the programme for the actors to
perform the dance as part of drama, offering several approaches which make it
appealing. This type of drama is interspersed with dance movements coupled with
dramatic actions simultaneously.
b. COMIC DANCE: This type of dance involves dancers depicting funny dance
movements for entertainment. Comic dance is characterized with funny dance steps
which is performed among the Philippines like ButiButi and Badjao.
c. PURE DANCE: This type of dance refers to dance movements that make up a piece
of work containing no plot, often the dance movements that suggest a particular
subject or mood. A pure dance does not possess a combination of other forms of
dance which make it unique.
d. DANCE DRAMA: Dance drama is drama performed through a variety of dance
movements, frequently with dialogue. Dance drama is a drama in which all the action
is expressed by dancing.
1. DefineDance.
2. Explain two types of Dance.
1. TAP DANCE: This type of dance performed by dancers wearing shoes fitted with
metal taps, characterized by rhythmic tapping of the toes and heels.
2. TANGO DANCE: Tango dance is performed by a man and a woman, expressing an
element of romance in their synchronized movements. It entails creativity on the part
of the dancers to perform this type of dance effectively.
3. BALLET: This is a form of choreography which is a classical dance form or art form
created by the movement of the human body. It is theatrically performed on the stage
to an audience utilizing costumes, scenic design and lighting. It can tell a story or
express a thought or emotion.
4. JAZZ DANCE: Jazz dance developed alongside jazz music in New Orleans. Jazz
dance is a dance form or dance that is matched to the rhythms and techniques of jazz
music, developed by American blacks in the early part of the 20th century. Jazz dance
the dance style that involves bold and rigorous steps and movements stylishly.
Pages 98-100
1. ……...means telling a story with movements.(a) Dance (b) Drama (c) Singing (d)
2. The drama conveyed by dance movements sometimes accompanied with dialogue is
………………(a) dance drama (b) tap dance (c) ballet (d) tango dance
3. Butibuti and Badjao are various comic dances performed among the ……...(a)
Romans (b) Greeks (c) Philippines (d) Spartans
4. A form of dance that involves dancers performing funny dance movements for
entertainment is called……. (a) tap dance (b) comic dance (c) pure dance (d) None
the above
5. A form of dance that involves dancers tapping the floor with purpose built metal
heeled shoes and equally dance to the rhythm is called ……….(a) tap dance (b)
ballet (c) tango dance (d) comic dance
1. TRAGEDY:Tragedy is a serious play that ends on a sad note, especially when the
protagonist or main character dies. It is a play dealing with tragic events and having
an unhappy ending, especially concerning the downfall of the main character
(protagonist) . It is characterized with sorrowful events like great suffering,
destruction and distress such as a serious accident, crime or natural catastrophe.
2. FARCE:A comedy that aims as entertaining the audience through situations that are
highly exaggerated, extravagant and thus improbable.
3. TRAGIC- COMEDY: A play or novel containing elements of tragedy and comedy. It
is a literary genre that blends aspects of both tragic and comic forms.
4. MASK DRAMA:A play performed by the players with mask worn on their faces as
disguise to hide or conceal their true identity.
5. COMEDY: A funny and humorous play that ends on a happy note. It is aimed at
arousing laughter among the audience. It is a play, movie that depicts a light and
humorous character with a happy or cheerful ending.
6. MELODRAMA: A play interspersed with songs and orchestral music following or
accompanying the action.
7. MIME: Mime is a form of entertainment which a performer plays a character or tells a
story without words by using body movements and facial expressions.
8. FOLK DRAMA:A non-commercial, generally rural theatre and pageantry based on
folk traditions and local history.
Cultural and Creative Art (New Edition) by Peter Akinyemi& Co-Authors. (Book 1)
Pages 84 - 85
1. ……….. is a play performed by the players to reveal a story through body movement
and facial expression without uttering a word.(a) Mime (b) Melodrama (c) Mask
drama (d) Folk drama
2. A play performed on stage by a comedian/comedienne which makes the audience
laugh and ends happily is called ……………………….………..(a) tragic - comedy
(b) comedy (c) melodrama (d) mask drama
3. A play that has a blend of tragic and comic elements is called …….(a) tragic-comedy
(b) comedy (c) melodrama (d) folk drama
4. A play that is characterized with tragic events which ends sadly is called……….…..
(a) comedy (b) tragedy (c) tragic-comedy (d) melodrama
5. The written play by William Shakespeare titled ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is based on
…………..……(a) comedy (b) tragedy (c) farce (d) melodrama
1. What is farce?
2. Define folk drama.
Stave: clefs, names of lines and spaces, ledger lines, great stave, notes andtheir value.
A stave is a series of five horizontal lines and four spaces on which musical notes are
written.On the piano, white keys are called natural keys while the black keys are called
enharmonic keys.
Clef is the sign or symbol used to fix in position certain letter names on the stave
(staff).There are two commonly used types of clef among other types of clef in music
treble clef emerges from line G while the bass clef emerges fromline F. On the lines and
spaces of the treble staff and bass staff, there are certain letter names for easy remembrance.
The examples below show:
B- Boys C- Cows
D- Deserve E- Eat
F- Fanta G- Grass
A- Always
G- Good A- And
B- BoyC-Courage
D- Deserves E- Endure
F- Favour
A short line placed above and below a staff to accommodate notes higher or lower than the
range of the staff. The diagram below shows
The great stave or staff is a combination of the treble and bass together with a brace. It is the
thick line or mark that connects the treble and bass together on the keyboard screen.It
comprises of eleven horizontal lines and ten spaces.
The table below shows the musical notes and their relative values.
Cultural and Creative Art (New Edition) by Peter Akinyemi& Co-Authors. (Book 1)
Pages 53-55, 46 – 49
1. The treble and bass clef are …….(a) musical sign (b) musical value (c) pitch
indicator (d) musical feature
2. Musical notes fixed on the staff are basically ……….and…….(a) treble and bass clef
(b) timbre and chord (c)pitch and intensity (d) None of the above.
3. How many lines and spaces make up musicstaff? (a) 5 lines and 1space(b)5 lines and
4 spaces(c) 4lines and 5spaces(d) 3 lines and 5 spaces
4. The value of a minimis ………..(a) 1/2 (b) 1/ 4 (c) 1/8 (d) 1/16
5. What is the other name for treble clef? (a) G clef (b) F clef (c) tenor (d) Alto
Definition of music.
Uses of music.
Impact or effect of music.
Music is a combination of organized sounds that is pleasant to the ear. It is an orderly
arrangement of sounds that make sense to the ear.
MEANING- Music has been in existence since time immemorial. Music is created when all
musical instruments are played in a synchronized manner such that the sounds or tunes
produced are pleasant to the ear.
1. What is music?
2. State two functions of music.
3. Mention two effects of music on the human race.
Cultural and Creative Art (New Edition) by Peter Akinyemi& Co-Authors. (Book 1)
Pages 46 – 49
1. The orderly arrangement of notes, beat ,bar ,accents and phrases produce a flow in
music called ………(a) rhythm (b) pitch (c) intensity (d) timbre
2. …… a quiet, gentle song sung to send a child to sleep. (a) Lullaby (b) Insult song
(c) Folk song (d) Funeral song
3. ……………………… the written or printed signs representing vocal or
instrumental sound. (a) Music (b) Noise (c) Vibration (d) None of the above.
4. Which one of the following is NOT a form of music? (a) Ballet (b) Insult song (c)
Funeral song (d) Cradle song
5. What kind of music moulds one’s life positively.(a) Circular music (b) Gospel music
(c) Unchristian music (d) R & B
1. Characteristics of Sound.
2. Elements of Music.
Musical sounds are distinguished from noises in that they are composed of regular,uniform
vibrations, while noises are irregular and disordered vibrations. One musical tone is
distinguished from another on the basis of pitch, intensity or loudness and quality or
timbre.They are explained below:
1. PITCH: Pitch describes how high or low a tone is andit depends upon rapidity with
which a sounding body vibrates; i.e. upon the frequency of vibration. The higher the
frequency of vibration, the higher the tone; the pitch of siren gets higher and higher as
the frequency of vibration increases. The lower the frequency, the lower the tone.
2. INTENSITY OR LOUDNESS: The intensity or loudness of a sound depends upon
the extent to which the sounding body vibrates i.e., the amplitude of vibration. A
sound is louder as the amplitude of vibration is greater, and the intensity decreases as
the distance from the source increases. Loudness is measured in decibels.
3. TIMBRE: The sound waves given off by different vibrating bodies differ in quality
or timbre. A note from a saxophone, forinstance, differs from the note of the same
pitch and intensity produced by a violin or a xylophone. Timbre is the sound quality
or tone colour; timbre is the characteristic that allows us to distinguish between one
instrument and another.
1. What is sound?
2. State two features of musical sound.
Cultural and Creative Art (New Edition) by Peter Akinyemi& Co-Authors. (Book 1)
Page 48
1. ……refers to the highness and lowness of tone in music. (a) Pitch (b) Chord (c)
Duration (d) Timbre
2. What feature of sound describes varying tones identified among different musical
instruments? (a) Timbre (b) Intensity (c) Pitch (d) Loudness
3. …...refers to two notes that are played simultaneously.
a. Pitch (b) Chord (c) Timbre (d) Form
4. The vibration of objects creates ……(a) noise (b) sound (c) timbre (d) pitch
5. A series of irregular and disorganized sounds is called ……(a) music (b) noise (c)
timbre (d) intensity