LTFS Noc1505
LTFS Noc1505
LTFS Noc1505
It/r./tr,/s. Nishant Vasant Sakpal
70411B' Ng Suncity, Phase/1 Chst,,
704118, Ng Suncity, Phase/1 Chst, - 400101
Property Address:
This is to put on record that Mr./tt/s. Nishant Vasant Sakpal to whom L&T Finance Ltd. had granted a housing Loan
of Rs.423,532 in terms of the Agreement Dt: 31-Jul-2015 has/have repaid on A24'Aar-2023 with all dues and that
nothing is now due to L&T Finance Ltd. from him/her/them towards or in respect of the said loan.
Disclaimer: The figures stated above are system generated, any inaccuracies noticed in the Lefter need to be reported within 15 days of receipt of the letter failing,
which the contents ofthis letterwould be construed as correct and deemed accepted.
It/r./[,/s. Nishant Vasant Sakpal
704118, Ng Suncity, Phase/1 Chst,,
704118, Ng Suncity, Phase/1 Chst, - 400101
Property Address:
This is to put on record that Mr./lVs. Nishant Vasant Sakpal to whom L&T Finance Ltd. had granted a housing Loan
of Rs.423,532 in terms of the Agreement Dt: 31-Jul-2015 has/have repaid on O2-l,Aar-2023 with all dues and that
nothing is now due to L&T Finance Ltd. from him/her/them towards or in respect of the said loan.
Disclaimer: The flgures stated above are system generated, any inaccuracies noticed in the Letter need to be reported within 15 days of receipt of the letter failing,
which the contents of this letter would be construed as correct and deemed accepted.