Wcms 766085
Wcms 766085
Wcms 766085
Digital skills and the future of work: Challenges and opportunities in a post COVID-19 environment (WISIS Session 216, 29
July 2020)
December 2020
This note is based on the WISIS Forum 2020 Session “Digital skills and the future of work: challenges and opportunities
in a post COVID-19 environment” hosted online by ITU. The session was launched by Dr Eun-Ju Kim (Chief of the ITU’s
Innovation and Partnership Department) and Ms Sukti Dasgupta (Chief of the ILO’s Employment, Labour Market and
Youth Branch).
Connectivity is becoming a new human right. Access to decent jobs for all regardless of age, gender, race,
medical services, education, training and work location, disabilities, etc. is addressed within a fair and
opportunities increasingly depend on connectivity in coherent employment policy framework that avoids
today’s world. At the same time as a new type of inequalities.
inequality in the form of access to connectivity is
The digital economy (including digital jobs) require
widening the gap between those that have and those
different digital skills, which differ from country to
that have not.
country and from cohort to cohort, based on levels of
The pandemic has shown that it is disruptive, development, both economic and technological.
accelerating some trends that impact both short-term Therefore, the methods of assessments and
and long-term transformations, which puts pressure on implementation of digital skills upgrade suggested by
adapting “traditional” employment policies to the new ITU are adapted to each (national) situation.
circumstances. The ILO advocates for a human-centred
Data has revealed that people with low skills have
approach to these transformations.
been more impacted by the pandemic, and that
Many jobs are fully or partially being transformed into women have been more impacted than men have.
digital jobs, expanding the digital economy and related
A national e-governance structure can alleviate some
activities. As the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced an
negative effects of the COVID-19 crisis as it creates and
additional disruption in this trend, it is crucial that
enabling environment for its residents to explore work
WISIS: World Summit on the Information Society Forum
Note 2
Digital skills and the future of work: Challenges and opportunities in a post COVID-19 environment (WISIS Session 216, 29
July 2020)
Maria Prieto, ILO Employment and Future of Work Specialist (and monitor of the WISIS session “Digital skills and the future of work: challenges and
opportunities in a post COVID-19 environment”).
ILO Monitor 6th Edition, September 2020. https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/documents/briefingnote/wcms_755910.pdf
ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of
A policy framework for tackling the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 crisis https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/coronavirus/impacts-and-
Note 3
Digital skills and the future of work: Challenges and opportunities in a post COVID-19 environment (WISIS Session 216, 29
July 2020)
to use the new technologies. Also, a digital economy 4. Estonia’s journey towards “full digitalization”. By
needs “hard” infrastructure to be able to work. This is Florian Marcus, e-Estonia Briefing Centre.
widely recognised and debated and a number of
initiatives, including some examples described in this 1. ITU’s Support to countries in
note, are being undertaken. Many such initiatives reach
out to populations that had been left behind prior to the addressing the digital skills
pandemic and are today at risk. challenge – a tailor made approach7
As the world is transforming towards a digital society, ITU considers digital skills as a very important component
countries are urged to look at their skills needs and of the Organization's mandate.
anticipate future skills and labour demand to create
To deliver on this mandate, the organisation follows two
appropriate job opportunities though adequate
impact pathways: (i) Development and delivery of
infrastructure. Strengthening the link between digital
specialized training programmes and capacity
skills and digital jobs is critical, as highlighted in the joint
development workshops for ICT professionals, in
work of ITU and ILO under the Global Initiative on Decent
partnership with centres of excellence and other UN
Jobs for Youth (in Africa, where the challenge is greatest,
agencies, as well as partners from the private sector and
an initiative on digital jobs for youth was launched6) and
academia; (ii) development of knowledge resources and
ILO’s work on skills for the future.
delivery of digital skills training at basic and intermediate
Creating decent jobs for all regardless of age, gender, level, promoting skills development for digital inclusion
race, location, disabilities, etc. within a fair policy and producing publications focusing on cross-cutting
framework that avoids inequalities using the digital themes. This includes training delivered through the
transformation of society is a opportunity to build a better Digital Transformation Centres as well as development of
and safer tomorrow. toolkits and publications.8 With the advent of COVID-19 it
It is also important to point out that we need to constantly became apparent that there was need to accelerate
update our knowledge of the ongoing digital interventions which have digital skills development at the
transformation. Research and data collection can feed into core. This acceleration requires a comprehensive needs
policy formulation and implementation and turn assessment. In order to assist countries to undertake such
digitalization from a challenge into an opportunity. needs assessments and make them as comprehensive as
they should be, the ITU developed the Digital Skills
The following four presentations made during the Assessment Guidebook which was launched in May 2020.
WISIS session on “Digital skills and the future of work:
Challenges and opportunities in a post COVID-19 ● The first chapter of the Guidebook is a review of
environment” are summarized below: existing skills assessment frameworks, with examples
of countries that have already undertaken national
1. ITU’s Support to countries in addressing the digital digital skills assessments.
skills challenge – a tailor-made approach. By Halima ● The second chapter is on assessment of current
Letamo, ITU national skills levels or the current supply side of skills.
2. Are labour market policies adapting to meet This chapter includes guidance on how to choose
challenges and opportunities, especially for youth, governance models. It also offers guidance on how to
and what are the emerging skills needed? By Juan compile an inventory of existing data, on how to collect
Chacaltana, ILO and analyse and disseminate data. This chapter focuses
3. A massive introduction of telework has changed the on what is available in the country at the time of
way we work and has long-term implications. By assessment.
Jennifer Brooks, Microsoft ● Chapter three looks at assessment of skills needs and
gaps, which constitutes the demand side. This chapter
A joint programme to boost decent jobs and enhance skills for youth in Africa’s digital economy https://www.ilo.org/africa/whats-
Halima Letamo, ITU Capacity and Skills Development Officer.
Note 4
Digital skills and the future of work: Challenges and opportunities in a post COVID-19 environment (WISIS Session 216, 29
July 2020)
includes guidance on how to undertake desk reviews, type of jobs generated. Many concerns were expressed,
appropriate methods to respond to data gaps and for example, about new forms of work and their quality.
different methods of data gathering and analysis,
The pandemic has generated additional disruptive
including focus group discussions, sectoral studies,
changes in the labour markets. Not only in the short term,
graduate surveys and tracer studies. The chapter also
associated with the responses during the periods of
provides guidance of how to use the data from Chapter
lockdown and/or reopening phases, but also in the long
2 (skills supply) and data from Chapter 3 (skills
term. For example, in general, supply-side restrictions
needs/demand) to conduct gap analysis.
generate both winners and losers which will have long-
● Chapter Four concentrates on forecasting future skills
term consequences for the labour market and its
requirements. It provides guidance on how to review
structure. In addition, we are observing a sudden
resources to understand global and regional
increase, a discontinuity, in the use of technology-based
technology trends, and on how to conduct anticipation
solutions such as e-commerce, telework, etc. that will also
exercises. This chapter gives guidance on how to use
have long-term consequences such as, for example, in the
the information to make strategic decisions and to plan
skills content of labour demand. Focusing on the latter,
the graph below uses data from Google Trends and
● The appendix contains a list of knowledge resources on
focuses on searches such as digital skills or digital jobs.
skills assessments.
What can be we observed is an increasing trend in the
The Digital Skills Assessment Guidebook is designed to interest in digital jobs and digital skills in the last decade,
provide as much flexibility as possible. It was designed and a gap between digital jobs and digital skills as labour
with the understanding that each country has different and educational markets evolve at different speeds. The
digital skills needs and requirements based on its level of latter are usually slower. Concerning the term telework,
development, both economic and technological. the word of the moment, what was observed was also
Therefore, the methods of assessments that the country expected. The trend in searches was almost flat in the last
chooses will depend on the availability of resources and decade, except in 2020, when interest in it jumps sharply
their chosen method of stakeholder engagement. due to the imposed pandemic lockdown and containment
measures imposed to combat the pandemic.
ITU encourages countries to use the Guidebook and to
facilitate policymakers’ engagement with relevant Worldwide: Google Trends search for “digital jobs”,
partners, including the private sector, non-governmental “digital skills” and “telework”
organizations and academia to craft assessment
approaches that match their needs and goals.9
For more information on the Guidebook: https://academy.itu.int/main-activities/research-publications/digital-skills-insights/digital-skills-assessment-
Juan Chacaltana, ILO Employment Policy Specialist
Note 5
Digital skills and the future of work: Challenges and opportunities in a post COVID-19 environment (WISIS Session 216, 29
July 2020)
Trends like the ones shown above have triggered Worldwide: global GDP growth and lifespan of the
discussion on the possibility that the future is already current generation of youth
here, at least with regard to technologies. Many questions
are thus raised, including: The current generation of youth (15-24)
The current generation of youth has a digital advantage, The discussion on the effects of the lockdown on the
relative to other generations, at least in those places youth looks at how “scars” will follow these generations
where there is access to these technologies. They are even through decades, probably throughout their entire lives.
more participative than other generations, via social There is the issue of education and loss of general and
media, although not necessarily via traditional means of specific skills for those that are still in education. In
representation (Chacaltana and Prieto, 201911). On the addition, of course, the effects of the current crisis in
other hand, however, as we see in the graph below, the shaping lifetime expectations.
current generation of youth, born between 1995 and
In the short term, the immediate effect is on the
2005, have grown up in a period of multiple and diverse
transitions that all young generations go through: the
shocks. A financial crisis and now the pandemic, all of
reproductive transition, the educational transition, the
which have created new and increasing uncertainties.
school-to-work or to-business transition. The literature
Thus, there is a question on how young people shape their
shows that the first job in a person’s life is key in
future expectations of life and work trajectories.
influencing lifetime trajectories (Chacaltana, et al., 201912).
Chacaltana J and Maria Prieto (2019). Evolution and future of youth employment policies. Global debates and their implications for Latin America. In:
Bertranou F and Marinakis A (eds). Reflections on work. Perspectives from the southern cone of Latin America on the occasion of the ILO Centenary.
ILO. Santiago de Chile.
Chacaltana Juan, Sara Elder and Miso Lee (2019). Youth transitions and lifetime trajectory. Employment Working Paper 253. ILO Geneva.
Note 6
Digital skills and the future of work: Challenges and opportunities in a post COVID-19 environment (WISIS Session 216, 29
July 2020)
Jennifer Brooks, Microsoft.
Coming together for Refugee Education. https://www.unhcr.org/publications/education/5f4f9a2b4/coming-together-refugee-education-education-
Microsoft launches initiative to help 25 million people worldwide acquire the digital skills needed in a COVID-19 economy.
Note 7
Digital skills and the future of work: Challenges and opportunities in a post COVID-19 environment (WISIS Session 216, 29
July 2020)
Florian Marcus, e-Estonia Briefing Centre, Estonia.
Note 8
Digital skills and the future of work: Challenges and opportunities in a post COVID-19 environment (WISIS Session 216, 29
July 2020)
How did Estonia get people to use these services taxes, etc. Almost 100 per cent of companies created last
regardless of age and education level? Education played a year were created online.
big role. In the 1990s and 2000s, the Government funded
This high level of e-governance supporting Estonians and
training for its population through big circus tents,
their economy during COVID-19. In Estonia, over the last
travelling the entire country from village to village to teach
three years, in the first quarter of each year, the average
basic digital skills. Today, most people know how to work
unemployment rate was somewhere between five and six
the Internet.
per cent. Last year it was 4.7 per cent and this year, 2020,
Estonia has a very strong focus on IT studies in the higher it is 5 per cent as people have been creating new
education sector. Every 10th university student studies IT, companies, creating new side incomes and so on, which
which is a good average. The country’s lifelong learning supports the formalization of labour and the economy as
strategy is an important policy as the current a whole.
programming language might be the best thing right
Digital signature in Estonia
now, but in three years, there is going to be something
faster, something better, something more convenient and
old skills are no longer needed, thus lifelong learning is a
necessity in today’s world.
Estonia also facilitates the establishment of a company signature alone saves two per cent of GDP in Estonia every
online, in 30 minutes, the payment of invoice, payment of
Contact details International Labour Organization Employment, Labour Markets and Youth
Route des Morillons 4 Branch
CH-1211 Geneva 22 E: emplab@ilo.org