Couplings and Buffers

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Draw Gear:
It is a vital component of rolling stock, which is utilized to connect one rolling
stock to the adjacent rolling stock to form a train & also to transmit draft forces from
engine to last vehicle. It is provided in the centre of the body in the under frame head
stock at both the ends. Mainly two types of draft gear are being utilized in Indian
1. Conventional Draft Gear
2. Centre Buffer Coupler

1. Conventional Draft Gear

Main components:
1. Draft Hook 4. Washer 7. Bent Pin (U-Pin)
2. Draft Links 5. Draft Spring/Draft Pad 8. Hexagonal Nut
3. Draft Key 6. Cotter 9. Screw Coupling


Screw Coupling:

Parts of Screw Coupling

1. Straight Link 9. Rivet
2. Bent link 10. Pin 60 x 218mm
3. Screw 11. Collar
4. Dead weight clamp 12. Snap head rivet 12 x 95mm
5. Dead weight 13. Ferrule
6. Trunnion 14. Ferrule
7. Trunnion 15. Collar
8. Snap head rivet dia 8 x 85mm 16. Snap head rivet 6 x 70mm


In 1984 use of Enhanced Screw Coupling was started, which was again
modified in 1998. To identify this coupling a Dumble mark is stenciled at both the side
of coach end body.
Length of coupling when fully opened – 997 mm
Length of coupling when fully Tight – 751 mm

S. N. Description Non Modified Modified

1. Working Capacity 36 Tonnes 3 36 Tonnes

2. Proof Load Capacity 60 Tonnes 7 70 Tonnes *
Draw Bar – 108T
3. Breakage Capacity 130T for both
S/Coupling – 112T
4. Stamping Mark C – 60.61 IS – 5517

Note: *Proof Load Capacity of Enhanced Screw Coupling is increased from 70T to
75T. This must be used in all coaches including 24 coach trains.

Design features of screw coupling:

• The length is adjustable i.e. it can be lengthened to facilitate easy coupling with
the adjoining draw bar hook and then tightened to take up the slack between
buffers. This is achieved through the screws, which has right threads on one side
and left threads on the other.
• The shackles make the connection flexible so as to avoid any undue strain on the
drawbars due to variation in buffer heights between coupled vehicles, vertical
oscillation and lateral displacement of the buffers.
• The screw coupling can be easily applied and handled by one person. It is easily
replaceable in case of failure. Since either end of the vehicle is provided with a
screw coupling, in case of failure, the screw coupling of the opposite end can be


Limitations of screw coupling:

• The draft capacity of screw coupling is restricted by weight consideration

because the coupling link has to be lifted manually and placed over the hook.
The UIC Codex 520-R lays down a limit of 36 Kg for the weight of the shackle
and has recommended that it should preferably by near 30 Kg.
• With the use of high tensile steel and with the restrictions mentioned above, an
ultimate strength of approximately 130 t corresponding to a working load of 36 t
has already been obtained in the enhanced screw coupling arrangement on IR.
As such there is no further scope of increase its working load. However, it has
been seen that in operation of long double-headed trains, in certain situations,
the coupler forces are in excess of 36 t. Therefore, for operation of long double
headed trains (26-30 coaches), screw coupling and side buffer arrangement has
to be replaced by a suitable CBC which has a much higher capacity.
• In case of derailments, the couplings links slips off and does not offer restraining
forces to coaches.
• Each vehicle has two coupling units and four Side Buffers units, thus increasing
the maintenance cost.
• Inter coach distance cannot be reduced necessitating longer platform lengths
and berthing facilities. This is also disadvantageous from aerodynamic
considerations in high-speed trains.
• The possibility of the shunting porter getting injured during coupling/uncoupling is
• Coupling/uncoupling time is high.
• The possibility of providing air and electric connection through this arrangement
does not exist.

Q. What are the various defects normally observed in draw gear and screw

Ans. Following are the various defects normally observed in Draw gear and Screw coupling:

• Draw bar, draw bar hook or draw link broken.

• Shoulder of draw bar hook-projecting more than 32mm.
• Draw bar spring deficient or broken unless both ends are properly tapered off.
• Draw bar spring broken in more than two pieces.
• Draw bar, which can be turned upside down.
• Draw bar or draw hooks worn more than 13mm through any section.
• Draw bar nut or washer deficient or incorrect size or not secured with a cotter as
• Draft cotter/key/link pins free to work out.


• Draw bar wearing plate with lug broken or deficient or any of its rivet deficient.
• Any part of a screw coupling or draw gear assembly deficient or broken.
• Suspension hook deficient or broken.
• Any screw coupling shackle pin free to work out.

Two nos. of buffers are provided on body head stock on both ends to absorb the
longitudinal impacts during run, these are fitted at a distance of 1956 mm. The buffers also
transmit buffing forces during pushing to its trailing end stock
The main components of Buffing Gear are as under:-

1. Buffer Plunger
2. Buffer Socket with securing bolt
3. Buffer Spindle & Plug
4. Buffing Pad
5. Destruction Tube
6. Recoil rubber Washer
7. Washer
8. Nut & Cotter


Details components of Buffer Assembly:

1. Side Buffer Casing (Casting) 11. Recoil spring parting plate

2. Side Buffer Casing (Forging) 12. Recoil spring washer
3. Buffer Plunger (Casting) 13. Buffing spring parting plate
4. Buffer Plunger (Forging) 14. Washer
5. Face plate for Buffer Plunger 15. Destruction tube
6. Flat CSK HD Rivet (Forged) 16. End plate M 12x170 dia
7. Buffer spindle 17. Hexagonal nut M 39x3
8. Bulb cotter 18. Hexagonal bolt M 24x90
9. Rubber buffer spring 19. Nylock Nut M24
10. Side buffer recoil spring 20. Spring washer

Mainly Buffers are of two types:-

Long Case Buffer – Length from head stock – 635 mm
Short Case Buffer – Length from head stock – 458 mm (4 wheeler)

Other data:
Max. Height in Empty condition – 1105 mm
Min. Height in Loaded condition – 1030 mm
Minimum buffer height of coaching stock should not be less than 1090 mm at the time of
releasing of coach from POH Workshop.
Allowed variation in height at same end – 64 mm
Allowed variation with adjacent vehicle – 75 mm Max.
Plunger Travel – 127 mm
Min. Plunger Travel – 51 mm
No. of Buffing Pads per Buffer – 14 to 16 Nos.
Capacity of Buffing Pads – 1030 kgm.


Q. What are the reasons for the buffer height being lower than the permissible
limit? How is it adjusted in ICF Coaches to make it within limits?
Ans. The buffer height of the coach is lower than the permissible limit due to any of the
following reasons:-

1. Wear on the wheel tread.

2. Wear on wearing piece and wearing plate of the side bearer.
3. Wear on hanger block and pin of secondary suspension.
4. Loss of height of primary and secondary springs, not being within permissible
5. Loss of camber in sole bar during service.
6. Reduced height of side bearer.
7. Twist in the underframe and bolster body.
8. Uneven load distribution between side bearers due to thermal stresses caused
during manufacturing.
9. Uneven loading of coach due to improper fitment of equipments.
10. Whenever headstock is changed, its location gets disturbed resulting in buffer
11. Elongated buffer fixing holes.
12. Measurement of buffer height taken on unleveled tracks.

To bring the buffer height within the specified limits, wooden packings of thickness
as given below should be kept under the flanges of the lower spring seats, depending
on the wheel diameters.

Average wheel diameter of the two Total thickness of wooden

wheel sets of the same bogie (mm) packing ring (mm)
889 to 863 13
863 to 839 26
839 to 825 38
825 48

1. Where a wooden packing of 48 mm thickness is provided, a ring should be welded

at the bottom of the lower spring seat to increase the length of its projection below
the flange of the spring seat or new lower spring with a longer projection should be
2. Compensating ring/rings of suitable thickness should be placed over the flange of
the lower spring seat ensuring that the combined thickness of the compensating
rings does not exceed 12mm. The total thickness of the wooden packing and the
compensating rings is approximately equal to tread wear.


3. While lowering the bogie frame and the bolster assembly on the wheels, it should be
ensured that the bogie frame is set evenly on the four axle boxes.
4. The bogie assembled with wooden packings and compensating rings as requird,
should now be loaded under the loading fixture and the height of its bolster top
surface from rail level measured. This should be compared with predetermined
dimensions to decide on further adjustment of buffer height.
5. If the buffer height requires further adjustment, the load on the axle box spring
should be released and the packing rings in halves should be inserted below the
axle box springs. The total combined thickness of all the compensating rings and the
packing rings under each spring should not exceed 40mm and there should be a
minimum clearance of 40mm between the axle box wing lugs and their safety straps.
If necessary, modified axle box safety straps should be used.
6. The clearance between the axle box crown and the bogie frame should thereafter be
adjusted as per the dimensions specified.

Q. When is buffer replaced? Describe briefly the procedure of replacing buffer on

an ICF coach in the sick line.

Ans. Buffer in an ICF coach is normally replaced due to following reasons:-

i. Damage of spindle nut/spindle threads.
ii. Defective threads of nut-bolts of the buffer casing.
iii. Torn/worn rubber pads.

✓ Buffer height should be 1105 mm in unloading condition and 1030 mm minimum

during loading condition.
✓ Buffer length should be between 600 mm and 635 mm and dead buffer will be
considered if length reaches 584mm.

Wear limits of buffer components

Buffer casing
Wear location Wear limits Suggested gauge
Buffer casing body wall thickness 5.5 mm in wall thickness Inside micrometer
11.5 mm
Fixing hole in the base 26 mm dia. 2 mm on dia 28 mm flat

Buffer Plunger
Wear location Wear limits Suggested gauge
Buffer plunger tube wall thickness 9 mm 4 mm Micrometer
Plunger face/face plate 19 mm dia. 11 mm 1905 mm curvature gauge
with depth measurement


Buffer Spindle
Wear location Wear permitted Suggested no go gauge
Buffer spindle body 40 mm dia 5 mm 35 mm snap
Threads M 39 0.5 mm thread profile gauge

1. Put wheel skid on the coach, in which the defective buffer is being replaced.
2. Put buffer stand below the buffer being changed and lift it slightly with help of the
3. Remove spindle cotter with the help of hand hammer & punch.
4. Remove spindle nut with help of a spanner.
5. If the threads of spindle/nut are worn out, cut it with the help of a gas cutter.
6. Open nut-bolts of the casing with the spanner. Cut with gas cutter, if worn out.
7. Remove the buffer from the buffer stand.
8. Check wear on buffer casing.
9. Check breakage and wear on buffer pads, destruction tube, spindle etc.
10. Replace the parts found defective.
11. Measure buffer length with measuring tape.
12. Check wear in buffer casing hole and headstock hole. If the wear is more than
permissible, then put a plate with correct holes with the help of electric welding.
13. If the buffer case is excessively worn out and spindle key is moving out, then weld
the round plate through electric welding.
14. Put the buffer on the stand carefully and tighten the buffer casing nut-bolt & spindle
nut with the help of spanner.
15. Place spindle cotter and split it at 90o angle.

Screw coupling and side buffers are used in all conventional ICF design coaches
whereas CBC couplers are used in LHB design coaches. Coupler is provided to connect
coaches into a train. It also transmits draw force from loco to trailing coaches. Buffer
avoids bumping of one coach into other during drawing of train or during braking

Both the arrangements come into play in the following situation:

a) Pull action
b) Buffing action


a) Pull action:
The pull action commonly called draft is necessary for transmitting the draw bar
pull exerted by the locomotive on the train. The value of draft does not remain constant.
The peak draft is required for starting a train. This falls rapidly once the train has started
moving, but again rises as the speed is raised. After attaining maximum speed the
values of draft again falls and remains constant during cruising. Subsidiary draft action
can also be caused during braking when certain portions of the train may be retarted
more than others due to train composition and brake system characteristics etc.
The draft gear is interposed between the coupling mechanism and the
underframe of the vehicle to transform a direct application of pull from the locomotive
into a gradually increasing effort against the vehicle underframe.
The total pull exerted by the locomotive will pass through the draft gear of the
vehicles, which are immediately following the power unit and it is therefore, necessary
that such a draft gear should have sufficient strength to withstand the maximum pulling
stress. The draft gears on the rear vehicle of the train is not subjected to as great a pull
as vehicles at the head. But since no particular place can be nominated for the vehicle
in train marshalling couplers and draft gears of all vehicles have to be designed to
withstand maximum pull.
In case of passenger train, it has been noticed that maximum draw bar pull is not
experienced at the time of starting of the train. But when there is application of brakes
from the rear of the train i.e. by pulling of alarm chain from one of the rear coaches or by
sudden application of the guard van valve.

b) Buffing action:

In railway operation vehicles may be subjected to buffing loads of varying

intensities because of different operating conditions such as-

• Unequal retardation during emergency braking.

• Service application and release of brakes on long trains.
• Use of banking locomotives.
• Impacts during shunting and marshalling of vehicles particularly over humps.

The shocks in first three cases are normally of moderate intensity. The most
severe type of buffing loads are encountered in the last mentioned case namely during
hump shunting of Goods trains.

The purpose of the buffing gear interposed between the railway vehicles is to
smoothen the shock during impact and to transmit a gradual load to the vehicle


Screw couplings have been used on coaches right since beginning.

However they have limitations and so in future CBC couplers may replace Screw

Letter No.97/M(C)/137/1 Vol.XI New Delhi dated 22.11.2016 has been issued
by Railway Board to General Manager, Integral Coach Factory, Chennai and Rail
Coach Factory, Kapurthala for Manufacturing of ICF Conventional Coaches with

And it has also been decided by Railway Board to Retro-fit all ICF coaches
having Screw coupling with CBC with balanced draft gear vide Railway Board’s
letter No. 97/M(C)/137/1 Vol (XI) New Delhi, Dated. 20.01.17.



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