IEEE Standard For The Qualification of Switchgear Assemblies For Class 1E Applications in Nuclear Power Generating Stations

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An American National Standard

IEEE Standard for the Qualification of

Switchgear Assemblies for Class 1E
Applications in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations

Switchgear Committee
of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society

Approved December 8, 1983

Reaffirmed June 18, 1992
IEEE Standards Board

Approved February 5, 1987

Reaffirmed July 26, 1993
American National Standards Institute

© Copyright 1987 by
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.
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(This Foreword is not a part of ANSI/IEEE C37.82-1987, IEEE Standard for the Qualification of Switchgear Assemblies for Class
1E Applications in Nuclear Power Generating Stations.)

ANSI/IEEE Std 323-1983, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations,
was developed to provide qualification requirements for Class 1E (safety-related) electrical equipments that would
confirm the adequacy of such equipments to perform their safety functions on a continuing basis throughout their
installed life. This document is based on ANSI/IEEE Std 323-1983 and is intended to present specific qualification
procedures for switchgear assemblies in Class 1E application.

In approaching the task of developing a standard for these procedures, the authors noted that

1) Standards for switchgear assemblies have been developed over a long period of time through the efforts of
IEEE, AEIC, EEI, NEMA, and other interested parties under the auspices of the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI).
2) The switchgear assembly products that have been produced in accordance with these standards and that have
been properly manufactured, applied, handled, installed, operated, and maintained, have had long and
successful performance records.
3) Because switchgear assemblies are protective equipments, the standards are conservative and provide ample
margin with respect to normal application. Design and application also tend to be conservative.
4) The application of switchgear assemblies is always outside the containment in a nuclear power generating
station. Normal service conditions are not severe. The only unusual requirements sometimes presented are
a) The need to meet safety-related performance demands during a design basis event (DBE) at any time, up
to and including the end of a stipulated period known as the qualified life.
b) Qualification to the requirements of the DBE, which is usually a specified seismic event but may include
severe environmental conditions for stipulated periods of time subsequent to the seismic and other DBE.
5) Switchgear assemblies are not cataloged “off-the-shelf” items as are motors, valves, pumps, etc. They are
built from standardized components and subassemblies but in varied arrangements to satisfy the needs of
different applications. The complements of devices such as relays, etc, are rarely the same from assembly to
assembly and are subject to modification during production and even after installation.

In order to precisely define the task, it is important to understand what is meant by qualification. As described in
ANSI/IEEE Std 323-1983, qualification is only one part of an overall quality assurance program that includes design,
qualification, production quality control, installation, maintenance, and periodic testing. The overall program is
required to assure that the equipment will meet or exceed its performance requirements throughout its installed life.

Qualification is that part that establishes the capability of the equipment to meet such requirements. Put another way,
the qualification procedure must establish that the equipment can; the overall program is required to assure that it will.

Qualification programs should identify design and material characteristics that, after a period of time and during a
DBE, may precipitate common failure modes due to aging of redundant equipment. The concept of aging must be
included in the qualification procedure in order to investigate the possibility that aging degradation might be the source
of common failure modes in redundant Class 1E equipments. In order to provide maximum assurance that the
equipment can meet its safety-related performance requirements on a continuing basis throughout its installed life and
for the stipulated DBE, it may be necessary to limit the installed life or establish a maintenance program for
replacement of some components whose qualified life is shorter than the desired qualified life for the total equipment.

Based on the foregoing considerations, the authors of this document have developed a standard that is in accordance
with the combined qualification procedure, as described in 5.4 of ANSI/IEEE Std 323-1983. The details of this
procedure are covered in Section 7. of this document. Basically, it consists of using the standard design tests as
prescribed by industry standards to establish the capability of the equipment in an “as new” condition, and to
supplement this with tests and other data on critical components and materials to evaluate long-term performance.
Analysis is used to determine the performance requirements, identify the critical components and materials, and relate

the aging data to the performance requirements in order to project a qualified life for the total assembly. Note that this
approach to qualification provides the necessary flexibility to respond to the variations and modifications that are
characteristic of switchgear assemblies.

Tests on complete assemblies have been used in this qualification procedure when it could be reasoned that the
interrelationship of components in the complete assembly was important for realistic test results. Examples are the
dielectric, continuous current, and short-circuit current tests required by industry standards, and the seismic tests
required by ANSI/IEEE Std 344-1975, IEEE Recommended Practices for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E
Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.

However, the authors reasoned that accelerated aging tests (particularly thermal aging) in a complete assembly would
not provide valid results. Many materials and components respond differently, relatively speaking, to accelerated aging
than they do to natural aging. This changes the interrelationships and may produce unrealistic test results when
accelerated aging is attempted on combinations of materials. Therefore, this standard requires aging data only for
components and materials, rather than for complete assemblies.

It should be noted that this approach makes it desirable to define margin as the difference between demonstrated
capability and required capability. The capability of switchgear assemblies is demonstrated by the design tests
prescribed by relevant industry standards that show that the assemblies meet the ratings required by those standards.
Because the equipment is rarely, if ever, applied up to its full rating, it is usually possible to show ample margin even
when the equipment has aged. The usual service conditions defined in 4.1 of this standard are consistent with
application practices for Class 1E assemblies in nuclear power generating stations and, hence, ensure margin for such
applications. They are not derating factors.

Note that the end result of the qualification procedure is the projection of a qualified life for the switchgear assembly.
There must be adequate documentation to support the projection.

The realization of the projected qualified life requires a joint effort by the manufacturer and the user. The manufacturer
is responsible for the design and production of the equipment. In order to support the qualification of the equipment,
he must provide and maintain documentation showing that it is capable of meeting specified performance
requirements in specified service conditions throughout its qualified life. The documentation must also show that the
equipment is capable of performing its safety function during and, if required, for a specified time after exposure to a
DBE, which might occur at any time during the life of the equipment. In order to satisfy this latter requirement, the
manufacturer must provide documentation relative to the long-term performance of components and materials that are
critical with respect to the capability of performing the safety function. The manufacturer must provide guidance on
the proper application, handling, storage, installation, and maintenance of the equipment. The maintenance guidance
must include identification of components and materials whose long-term characteristics are not adequate, so that a
replacement program can be developed.

The user is responsible for identification of the Class 1E equipment and components specifically requested by him. He
must specify service conditions and performance requirements that are safety-related. He is responsible for proper
application, handling, storage, installation, and maintenance in accordance with the guidance provided by the
manufacturer. Proper application includes the maintaining of a generally favorable service environment that
contributes greatly to successful long-term performance. A favorable service environment is defined by the usual
service conditions listed in 4.1 of this standard.

The personnel of the IEEE Working Group of the Switchgear Assemblies Subcommittee, IEEE Switchgear
Committee, who developed this standard were:

M. V. Boyle, Chair
C. E. Kunkel, Vice Chair

A. P. Colaiaco D. K. Kelly W. Laudan

J. L. Crenshaw P. L. Kolarik G. O. Perkins
R. P. Ehas S. H. Telander

The personnel of the IEEE Switchgear Assemblies Subcommittee who reviewed and approved this standard were:

S. C. Atkinson, Chair

A. K. Alsaker M. J. Joannou J. Rule

C. G. Burland A. J. Kalvaitis J. C. Scott
R. Carson W. E. Laubach J. F. Sellers
A. P. Colaiaco G. R. Nourse S. D. Smith
J. J. Dravis M. F. Olender E. M. Spencer
R. P. Ehas G. O. Perkins S. H. Telander

The Standards Committee on Power Switchgear, C37, which reviewed and approved this standard, had the following
personnel at the time of approval:

W. E. Laubach, Chair
W. N. Rothenbuhler (Executive Vice Chairman of High-Voltage Switchgear Standards)
S. H. Telander (Executive Vice Chairman of Low-Voltage Switchgear Standards)
D. L. Swindler (Executive Vice-Chairman of IEC Activities)
C. H. White, Secretary

Organization Represented Name of Representative

Association of Iron and Steel Engineers .......................................................... J. M. Tillman
Electric Light and Power Group ..................................................................... R. L. Capra
D. O. Craghead
D. A. Ditzler (Alt)
K. D. Hendrix
David E. Soffrin (Alt)
J. H. Provanzana (Alt)
D. T. Weston
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ............................................. M. J. Beachy (Alt)
G. R. Hanks
R. P. Jackson (Alt)
H. W. Mikulecky
E. W. Schmunk
C. A. Schwalbe
C. E. Zanzie
National Electrical Manufacturers Association ............................................... R. O. D. Whitt
T. L. Fromm
R. A. McMaster
G. A. Wilson
Tennessee Valley Authority ............................................................................. Robert C. St. Clair
Testing Laboratory Group................................................................................ L. Frier
W. T. O'Grady
R. W. Seelbach (Alt)

Organization Represented Name of Representative
US Department of the Army Corps of Engineers ............................................ H. K. Snyder
US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation .................................. R. H. Auerbach
US Department of the Navy, Naval Construction Battalion Center ................ R. L. Clark
Western Area Power Authority........................................................................ G. D. Birney

The following persons were on the balloting committee that approved this document for submission to the IEEE
Standards Board:

A. K. Alsaker W. E. Harper D. C. Mills

J. G. Angelis K. D. Hendrix G. O. Perkins
R. H. Arndt E. J. Huber C. A. Popeck
J. E. Atkinson W. C. Huening J. C. W. Ransom
S. C. Atkinson A. J. Kalvaitis A. B. Rishworth
J. E. Beehler W. B. Kelly H. C. Ross
F. L. Cameron P. L. Kolarik W. N. Rothenbuhler
L. V. Chabala S. R. Lambert G. G. Schockelt
A. P. Colaiaco D. M. Larson C. A. Schwalbe
J. J. Dravis W. E. Laubach J. C. Scott
J. L. Drown T. S. Lauber J. F. Sellers
C. J. Dvorak G. N. Lester E. M. Spencer
R. P. Ehas E. L. Luehring H. Swanson
F. C. Farrell P. C. Lyons G. H. Taylor
J. D. Finley M. J. Maier S. H. Telander
R. E. Friedrich J. A. Maneatis F. C. Teufel
G. B. Fritz J. R. Marek J. R. Truitt
H. G. Frus L. V. McCall C. L. Wagner
G. Genest R. A. McMaster G. A. Wilson
R. D. Hambrick H. W. Mikulecky W. R. Wilson
G. R. Hanks B. F. Wirtz

When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on December 8, 1983, it had the following membership:

James H. Beall, Chair

Edward Chelotti, Vice Chair
Sava I. Sherr, Secretary

J. J. Archambault Donald N. Heirman John P. Riganati

John T. Boettger Irvin N. Howell Frank L. Rose
J. V. Bonucchi Joseph L. Koepfinger* Robert W. Seelbach
Rene Castenschiold Irving Kolodny Jay A. Stewart
Edward J. Cohen George Konomos Clifford O. Swanson
Len S. Corey R. F. Lawrence Robert E. Weiler
Donald C. Fleckenstein John E. May W. B. Wilkens
Jay Forster Donald T. Michael* Charles J. Wylie

*Member emeritus

1. Scope and Purpose ..............................................................................................................................................1

2. Definitions...........................................................................................................................................................1

2.1 .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2.2 .................................................................................................................................................................... 2

3. References ...........................................................................................................................................................2

4. Service Conditions ..............................................................................................................................................3

4.1 Usual Service Conditions........................................................................................................................... 4

4.2 Unusual Service Conditions....................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Design Basis Events (DBEs)...................................................................................................................... 5

5. Performance Requirements .................................................................................................................................5

6. Margin .................................................................................................................................................................6

6.1 Demonstration of Margin........................................................................................................................... 6

6.2 Aging.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.3 Seismic ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.4 Margin for Unusual Service Conditions .................................................................................................... 6

7. Qualification Procedure ......................................................................................................................................7

7.1 Assembly Qualification.............................................................................................................................. 7

7.2 Component Qualification........................................................................................................................... 7
7.3 Assembly Tests .......................................................................................................................................... 9
7.4 Field Modifications .................................................................................................................................... 9
7.5 Replacement of Critical Components ........................................................................................................ 9

8. Documentation ....................................................................................................................................................9

An American National Standard

IEEE Standard for the Qualification of

Switchgear Assemblies for Class 1E
Applications in Nuclear Power
Generating Stations

1. Scope and Purpose

This document describes the methods and requirements for qualifying switchgear assemblies for indoor areas outside
of the containment in nuclear power generating stations. These assemblies include

1) Metal-enclosed low-voltage power circuit breaker switchgear assemblies, as defined in ANSI/IEEE

C37.20.1-1987 [12],1
2) Metal-clad switchgear assemblies, as defined in ANSI/IEEE C37.20.2-1987 [13],
3) Metal-enclosed bus, as defined in ANSI/IEEE C37.23-1987 [15], and
4) Metal-enclosed interrupter switchgear assemblies, as defined in ANSI/IEEE C37.20.3-1987 [14].

The purpose of this document is to provide amplification of the general requirements of ANSI/IEEE Std 323-1983 [19]
as they apply to the specific features of Class 1E switchgear assemblies. Where differences exist between this
document and ANSI/IEEE Std 323-1983 [19], this document takes precedence insofar as switchgear assemblies are

2. Definitions


The following definitions establish the meaning of the words in the context of their use in this standard:

components: Items from which the switchgear assemblies are made (for example, power circuit breakers, instrument
transformers, protective relays, control switches, primary insulation, etc).
maintenance interval: The period, defined in terms of real time, operating time, number of operating cycles, or a
combination of these, during which satisfactory performance is expected without maintenance or adjustments.
margin: The difference between the demonstrated capability of the equipment and that required in service for specific

The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the references listed in Section 3.

Copyright © 1987 IEEE All Rights Reserved 1



The following terms are defined in either ANSI/IEEE Std 627-1980 [21] or ANSI/IEEE Std 100-1984 [18], and the
user is referred to the definitions given therein:

ANSI/IEEE Std 627-1980 [21]

auditable data
containment (nuclear power generating stations)
operating experience
service conditions

ANSI/IEEE Std 100-1984 [18]

analysis (nuclear power generating stations)

Class 1E (nuclear power generating stations)
common failure mode
containment (nuclear power generating stations)
design basis events (DBE) (nuclear power generating stations)
design tests (general)
equipment qualification (nuclear power generating stations)
installed life (nuclear power generating stations)
interface (nuclear power generating stations) (Class 1E equipment)
nuclear power generating station
qualified life (Class 1E equipment)

3. References

The following publications shall be used in conjunction with this standard:

[1] ANSI C37.06-1979, American National Standard Preferred Ratings and Related Required Capabilities for AC
High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis.2

[2] ANSI C37.16-1980, American National Standard Preferred Ratings, Related Requirements, and Application
Recommendations for Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers and AC Power Circuit Protectors.

[3] ANSI C37.17-1979, American National Standard Trip Devices for AC and General Purpose DC Low-Voltage
Power Circuit Breakers.

[4] ANSI C37.32-1972, American National Standard Schedules of Preferred Ratings, Manufacturing Specifications,
and Application Guide for High-Voltage Air Switches, Bus Supports, and Switch Accessories.

ANSI publications can be obtained from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.

2 Copyright © 1987 IEEE All Rights Reserved


[5] ANSI C37.33-1970, American National Standard Rated Control Voltages and Their Ranges for High-Voltage Air

[6] ANSI C37.34-1971, American National Standard Test Code for High-Voltage Air Switches.

[7] ANSI C37.50-1981, American National Standard Test Procedures for Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers
Used in Enclosures.

[8] ANSI/IEEE C37.04-1979, IEEE Standard Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis.3

[9] ANSI/IEEE C37.09-1979, IEEE Standard Test Procedure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a
Symmetrical Current Basis.

[10] ANSI/IEEE C37.13-1981, IEEE Standard for Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures.

[11] ANSI/IEEE C37.14-1979, IEEE Standard for Low-Voltage DC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures.

[12] ANSI/IEEE C37.20.1-1987, IEEE Standard for Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit-Breaker Switchgear.

[13] ANSI/IEEE C37.20.2-1987, IEEE Standard for Metal-Clad and Station-Type Cubicle Switchgear.

[14] ANSI/IEEE C37.20.3-1987, IEEE Standard for Metal-Enclosed Interrupter Switchgear.

[15] ANSI/IEEE C37.23-1987, IEEE Guide for Metal-Enclosed Bus and Calculating Losses in Isolated-Phase Bus.

[16] ANSI/IEEE C37.27-1987, IEEE Standard Application Guide for Low-Voltage AC Nonintegrally Fused Power
Circuit Breakers (Using Separately Mounted Current-Limiting Fuses).

[17] ANSI/IEEE C37.30-1971, American National Standard Definitions and Requirements for High-Voltage Air
Switches, Insulators, and Bus Supports.

[18] ANSI/IEEE Std 100-1984, IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms.

[19] ANSI/IEEE 323-1983, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating

[20] ANSI/IEEE 344-1975, IEEE Recommended Practices for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for
Nuclear Power Generating Stations.

[21] ANSI/IEEE Std 627-1980, IEEE Standard for Design Qualification of Safety Systems Equipment Used in
Nuclear Power Generating Stations.

4. Service Conditions

The service conditions below are significant to the qualification of switchgear assemblies and included components.

ANSI/IEEE publications can be obtained from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY
10018, or from the Service Center, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331.

Copyright © 1987 IEEE All Rights Reserved 3


4.1 Usual Service Conditions

The values given as usual service conditions represent the anticipated average conditions for switchgear assemblies in
nuclear power generating stations. These values are recommended for use in generic qualification programs and do not
imply a derating of the equipment.

4.1.1 Ambient Temperature

A yearly average ambient temperature of 30 °C with temperature excursions to 10 °C and 40 °C is considered usual.

4.1.2 Relative Humidity

Relative humidity variations between 10% and 90% are considered usual.

4.1.3 Altitude

Altitudes of up to 6600 ft (2000 m) above sea level for metal-enclosed low-voltage power circuit breaker switchgear
and up to 3300 ft (1000 m) for metal-clad switchgear and metal-enclosed interrupter switchgear are considered usual.

4.1.4 Radiation

Radiation exposure of up to 104 rads equivalent gamma total integrated dose over the qualified life is considered usual.

4.1.5 Line Voltage

The line voltage shall be specified for the application. Voltage ratings as specified in ANSI/IEEE C37.20.1-1987 [12],
ANSI/IEEE C37.20.2-1987 [13], ANSI/IEEE C37.20.3-1987 [14], and ANSI/IEEE C37.23-1987 [15] are considered
usual. Switching surges of up to twice peak line-to-neutral voltage may occur occasionally, but Class 1E switchgear
installations are usually not exposed to lightning surges.

4.1.6 Frequency

A nominal frequency of 60 Hz is considered usual for ac equipment.

4.1.7 Control Voltages

The nominal control voltages shall be specified for the application. Control voltage variations within the ranges given
in the standards below are considered usual:

ANSI C37.06-1979 [1] — high-voltage circuit breakers.

ANSI C37.16-1980 [2] — low-voltage circuit breakers.

ANSI C37.33-1970 [5] — high-voltage interrupter switches.

4.1.8 Control Currents

The maximum control auxiliary circuit currents to be made, carried, and interrupted by auxiliary contacts of breakers
and other components shall be as specified for the application.

4 Copyright © 1987 IEEE All Rights Reserved


4.1.9 Continuous Current

The average loading shall be estimated for the application. The qualified life of switchgear components is dependent
on the average loading. Considering duty and available power distribution options in nuclear Class 1E systems, the
average loading rarely, if ever, approaches the continuous current rating of the equipment.

4.1.10 Short-Circuit Current

The maximum short-circuit current shall be specified for the application.

4.1.11 Mechanical Operations

In order to provide a basis for qualified life demonstration, circuit breaker mechanical operations shall be specified. A
cumulative number of mechanical operations not greater than that corresponding to two maintenance intervals, as
defined in applicable circuit breaker standards, is considered usual.

4.1.12 Mechanical Interface Loading

It is considered usual that the mechanical loads from incoming cables, conduits, other interfacing hardware, or
equipment such as transformers are separately supported or isolated so as not to impose significant mechanical loading
on the switchgear assembly structure.

4.2 Unusual Service Conditions

When switchgear assemblies are applied where the service conditions are not within the range given as usual service
conditions, the applicable service conditions shall be specified and the switchgear assemblies shall be qualified for
these conditions. Where qualification to unusual conditions becomes impractical, improvement of the service
conditions may be necessary.

4.3 Design Basis Events (DBEs)

The DBE that usually applies to switchgear assemblies is a seismic event. Other DBEs, such as the severe
environmental conditions associated with a loss-of-coolant accident and high-energy line break, are not normally

4.3.1 Seismic Excitation

Due to the seismic variations between sites and building structural differences, seismic loading in the form of required
response spectra shall be specified for each switchgear assembly application. The switchgear assemblies shall be
qualified in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Std 344-1975 [20].

4.3.2 Other Design Basis Events (DBEs)

If DBEs or unusual requirements in addition to the seismic event are applicable to switchgear assemblies, detailed
conditions shall be specified and considered.

5. Performance Requirements

Switchgear assemblies in Class 1E applications shall be capable of performing the required safety-related functions
during the projected qualified life of the assembly and during and subsequent to a seismic disturbance or any other

Copyright © 1987 IEEE All Rights Reserved 5


applicable DBE. Performance requirements described below are considered usual. Additional requirements, if any,
shall be specified.

1) Primary conductors shall withstand operating voltages and transient overvoltages.

2) Circuit breakers and equipment shall make, carry, and interrupt the load currents specified for the
3) Circuit breakers and equipment shall make, carry, and interrupt the short-circuit current specified for the
4) Circuit breakers shall operate on command only, to open or close primary and secondary circuits.
5) Protective devices, control, and auxiliary systems and instrumentation shall operate to the extent specified for
safety-related functions.

6. Margin

The purpose of applying margin in the qualification of equipment is to account for normal variations in commercial
production of equipment and reasonable errors in defining satisfactory performance.

6.1 Demonstration of Margin

The qualification procedures shall include a demonstration of margin. Testing of switchgear in accordance with
current industry standards provides this margin for the usual service conditions specified in Section 4. The margin
demonstrated by this testing is shown by the following examples:

1) Voltage — Margins are demonstrated by low-frequency voltage withstand tests. Example: 15 kV assemblies
have a design test voltage of 36 kV rms (50 kV peak) for 1 min compared to a maximum expected switching
surge of less than twice the line-to-neutral voltage (24 kV peak) lasting less than 0.1 s.
2) Continuous Current — Margins are demonstrated by the difference between the average loading and the rated
continuous current levels as established by design tests.
3) Short-Circuit Current — Margins are demonstrated by momentary and short-time current tests of greater
duration than normally experienced in service; for example, 3 s (180 cycles) duration of short-time current
versus 5–10 cycles duration of short-circuit current.
4) Control Voltage — Production tests at minimum and maximum control voltage provide margin with respect
to nominal values of control voltage.

6.2 Aging

Margins are not applied to aging evaluations performed as a part of component qualification programs.

6.3 Seismic

The seismic qualification methods in ANSI/IEEE Std 344-1975 [20] provide adequate margin.

6.4 Margin for Unusual Service Conditions

Where unusual service conditions are specified, the qualification procedure shall include a demonstration of margin.

6 Copyright © 1987 IEEE All Rights Reserved


7. Qualification Procedure

The procedure to be used for qualification of switchgear assemblies should provide appropriate documentation while
assuring needed flexibility to encompass variations in equipment arrangement and device complement. The following
procedure will provide the above; however, other qualification methods as described in ANSI/IEEE Std 323-1983 [19]
may also be appropriate.

7.1 Assembly Qualification

Qualification of switchgear assemblies can be achieved by a combination of analysis and tests on assemblies and
individual components. For this procedure the following steps shall be completed, not necessarily in the order listed:

1) Service conditions of the switchgear shall be specified (refer to Section 4).

2) Safety-related performance requirements shall be defined (refer to Section 5).
3) The components and their performance requirements that are essential to meeting the assembly safety-related
performance requirements shall be identified (critical components).
4) The operating conditions applied to critical components shall be determined. For example, average
temperature (4.1.1) and average loading (4.1.9) provide a basis for estimating the qualified life of components
subject to thermally induced failure.
5) The possible failure modes of critical components shall be determined based on operating conditions,
available test data, and experience.
6) Interface relationships shall be evaluated to identify failure modes that may jeopardize a safety-related
a) Among Class 1E components,
b) Between Class 1E and non-Class 1E components, and
c) Between the switchgear assembly and external systems and structures.
7) Evidence shall be developed to document the capability of critical components to meet successfully their
performance requirements over their projected qualified life. This shall include a determination of the need
for simulated aging before DBE testing based on an evaluation of the design and application of the equipment
(refer to 7.2).
8) A switchgear assembly that is representative of the equipment to be qualified shall be tested in accordance
with industry standards, as described in 7.3.
9) Inspection and maintenance programs necessary to assure the realization of projected qualified life shall be
delineated. When the projected qualified life of a component is less than the required installed life of the
switchgear assembly, the maintenance program shall include appropriate remedial action. Component
replacement shall be in accordance with 7.5.
10) When design modifications are made to previously qualified switchgear components, the revised design shall
be reviewed, the necessary analysis and testing performed, and the documentation revised accordingly.

7.2 Component Qualification

The purpose of component qualification is to project a qualified life for critical components. Components shall be
qualified, depending on functional requirements, by any of the following methods:

1) Analysis of materials test data with respect to functional requirements.

2) Previous operating experience, where the service conditions of prior operation can be documented.
3) Functional testing (in accordance with existing industry standards or specially developed test procedures
where necessary).
4) Environmental or operational preconditioning, or both, followed by functional testing (in accordance with
existing industry standards or specially developed test procedures where necessary).
5) Appropriate combinations of the above.

Copyright © 1987 IEEE All Rights Reserved 7


7.2.1 Aging

The effects of aging mechanisms shall be addressed in the qualification of each component. As a minimum, the aging
effects of operational cycles, time-temperature, and radiation shall be evaluated. If any of these mechanisms is shown
to have no adverse effect on functional capability, including during any applicable DBE, documentation of that fact
satisfies the aging requirement for that aging mechanism. Operational Cycles

Each power circuit breaker or interrupter switch shall be qualified by evaluation of data from design tests made to
establish mechanical and electrical operational capability. For specific operational requirements, refer to the following

ANSIC37.06-1979 [1] — ac high-voltage circuit breakers

ANSIC37.16-1980 [2] — low-voltage power circuit breakers

ANSIC37.34-1971 [6] — high-voltage air interrupter switches

NOTE — Operating life expectancy of interrupter switches is a design parameter of the manufacturer not specified in the standard.

Other components subject to mechanical cycling, such as relays, shall be tested in accordance with applicable industry
standards. Time-Temperature Effects

Thermal aging effects shall be evaluated by considering the aging characteristics of the nonmetallic materials under the
operating conditions determined in 7.1(4) above.

1) Nonmetallic materials used in the component shall be identified.

2) Arrhenius time-temperature data or curves, or both, for the nonmetallic materials may be used if available.
The criteria (properties) used to develop the data (curves) shall pertain to the design requirements of the
equipment (for example, dielectric strength, flexural strength, etc). Other data may be used if it is sufficient
to permit evaluation of time-temperature dependent degradation of the material.
3) The extent of thermal degradation of each material due to the anticipated service conditions over the desired
period of time shall be determined. The thermal degradation shall be based on the operating temperatures
expected for each nonmetallic material as determined by load current tests.
4) The resulting capabilities of the equipment at these degraded levels shall be compared with their functional
requirements and DBE stresses either by analysis or by test. Each material shall have retained a sufficient
amount of its design properties to assure proper operation of the components during and after a DBE, and the
documentation shall demonstrate margin for this capability. Radiation

The radiation aging effects on a component or system shall be evaluated by consideration of the aging characteristics
of the nonmetallic materials and the radiation doses to which they are subjected.

1) Nonmetallic materials used in the component shall be identified.

2) A literature search shall be conducted for information on radiation effects based on the threshold damage
level of the parts and materials.

8 Copyright © 1987 IEEE All Rights Reserved


3) Consideration of radiation/thermal synergistic effects may be neglected if threshold effects are found to occur
at levels above the required radiation dose.
4) Where available data fails to disclose radiation effect information for a material, radiation testing to
determine such effects shall be conducted.
5) The resulting capabilities of the equipment at these degraded levels shall be compared with their functional
requirements and DBE stresses either by analysis or by test. Each material shall have retained a sufficient
amount of its design properties to assure proper operation of the equipment during and after a DBE, and the
documentation shall demonstrate margin for this capability.

7.3 Assembly Tests

The following tests shall be performed on switchgear assemblies that are representative of the equipment to be
qualified (performing all tests on the same assembly is not required):

1) Design and production tests in accordance with the following:

ANSI/IEEE C37.20.1-1987 [12], ANSI/IEEE C37.20.2-1987 [13], and ANSI/IEEE C37.20.3-1987 [14] —
switchgear assemblies
ANSI/IEEE C37.23-1987 [15] — metal-enclosed bus
ANSI/IEEE C37.09-1979 [9] — test procedure for ac high-voltage circuit breakers
ANSI/IEEE C37.14-1979 [11] — low-voltage dc circuit breakers used in enclosures
ANSI C37.34-1971 [6] — test code for high-voltage air switches4
ANSI C37.50-1981 [7] — test procedures for low-voltage ac circuit breakers
2) Seismic tests in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Std 344-1975 [20].

NOTE — Where sufficient data exists, individual components such as relays may be individually seismically tested and qualified
for use in a switchgear assembly by a suitable analysis.

7.4 Field Modifications

When field modifications are required, the modifications shall be analyzed and tests performed as necessary, in
accordance with 7.1 and 7.2, to assure continued satisfactory performance of the switchgear assembly. In addition,
documentation of the modifications in accordance with Section 8 shall be prepared and maintained as a supplement to
the original documentation for the switchgear assemblies.

7.5 Replacement of Critical Components

1) When critical components must be replaced, the replacement components shall be identical to the original
components, if available. Documentation shall demonstrate that proper replacement parts have been
2) When critical components must be replaced and identical components are not available, the use of alternate
components shall be treated as a field modification, and the documentation supplement shall be as described
above in 7.4.

8. Documentation

The documentation brings together the evidence generated in the qualification program into a comprehensive auditable
summary that provides the desired assurance. The qualification report shall include the following information:

Limited applicability for metal-enclosed switches.

Copyright © 1987 IEEE All Rights Reserved 9

ANSI/IEEE C37.82-1987

1) Identification of the equipment being qualified.

2) Listing of the Class 1E performance requirements.
3) Definition of service conditions, including DBEs for which equipment is to be qualified.
4) Identification of the critical components and the basis for such judgments.
5) Summary of data and projected qualified life for each component.
6) Summary of test reports applicable to the qualification of the complete assembly.
7) Analysis and projected qualified life for the complete switchgear assembly.
8) Outline of qualification method used.
9) Source references or other means by which the evidence supporting the conclusions can be audited.
10) Recommended maintenance, tests, and replacements as required to maintain qualification.
11) Review/approval signature and date.

10 Copyright © 1987 IEEE All Rights Reserved

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