"The NCMH is an internationally recognized Mental Health
Reference Center leading the advancement of mental well-being for all.”
"To lead the country in providing comprehensive mental healthcare services through
integrated clinical practice, training, and research."
The worksheet has six simple questions that can help someone delve into these ideas.
1. What is one of your sparks? (passion, interests, talents)
My ultimate spark in life is being passionate about my education, which has been driving
me to always do my best to achieve greater things in life. I am certain that achieving your
dreams only starts to spark when you start investing all your passion in education.
2. How did you discover that this is one of your sparks?
The passion that I hold for education ignited when I started to perceive how hard our lives
are, and without financial stability, your life will be down in the dumps. Upon assessing my
life, I have abundant reasons to become successful, most especially because I was raised by a
single parent and I owed my sister to provide her with a comfortable life—oppositely from
what I have right now.
3. How do you feel when you are doing your spark?
All my academic triumphs and victories are the fruits of my trials in life, and every time I
accomplish or achieve something, this gives me the satisfaction and validation that I am
craving. Furthermore, this motivates me to achieve more and to do better until I master
whatever circumstance is given to me, regardless of how arduous the process may be.
4. Think somebody who is really into their spark/passion. Describe what you see.
One of the people that I always look up to is my aunt, who is currently working in the
United States, because she is driven with burning passion and a desire to give our grandmother
a comfortable life, who sadly passed away two years ago. She is the type of person who always
values the essence of family, she is willing to always extend her helping hands whenever
someone in our family needs her support; and she stood as my second parent by spoiling me
with my luxuries in life and whenever I asked for financial help with my academic needs.
5. Do you have a spark champion (an adult who helps you explore and develop your
self-awareness skills)? If yes, describe how this person helps you.
One of the focal persons who helped me explore and develop my awareness was my
grandmother. She was the great motivator of my life, who taught me the values and morals that
I will constantly engrave in my heart and in my mind. She was the type of person who puts
immense emphasis on how someone should value himself/herself and the importance of having
a good relationship with others. I am certain that most of the positive qualities that I have today
are the fruit of the unending reminder that "People will always remember you when you are
kind, even when you’re already cherishing your afterlife."
6. Do you set goals and make plans to get better at your spark/talent? If yes, give me
an example.
As someone who always puts his heart into his passion, it is inseparable for me to set goals
and make plans in order to pave the way that I’m into. It is my goal to always strive harder with
respect to my academic performance because this is a possession that will immensely benefit
me in the latter part of my endeavor as a nursing student. Moreover, I always make my plans
accordingly, and I always ensure that I will achieve this gradually as I cope with the various
phases of my life. For instance, every time examinations are approaching, my plans are to study
all the given topics and concepts, especially those that I find hard to understand. Moreover, at
the moment I entered the College of Nursing, my ultimate goal was to become a registered
nurse, regardless of the hardships that I might encounter along the way.
Additional questions
• I am strong in these areas
1. Goal Oriented
2. Academic writings
3. Leading a group
• I struggle with
1. Time management
2. Social skills
3. Indecisive
• My favorite thing about school is
1. Obtaining new knowledge
2. Priming my skills to become proficient in nursing profession
3. Leading the Student Body Organization of the College of Nursing
• Here’s what the teachers I’m most comfortable with do to make it happen:
1. Discussing concepts with instructors
2. Hearing motivational testaments from them to improve my morale in this field.
3. Discussing programs and plans with our advisers and co-officers
• The most stressful part of my day in school is:
1. Taking major exams
2. Memorizing or familiarizing concepts
3. Disorganized room designations
• I’d like some help with:
1. Family
2. Friends and classmates
3. Clinical Instructors
• When I need help, I’m most comfortable asking it in the following ways:
1. Through discussing it personally with a family member, friend, or CI.
2. Letting people know that I need help through my actions and words.