3YSEM - Keynote1 - Rahmi Nurhan ÇELIK - History - of - Geodesy
3YSEM - Keynote1 - Rahmi Nurhan ÇELIK - History - of - Geodesy
3YSEM - Keynote1 - Rahmi Nurhan ÇELIK - History - of - Geodesy
Prof. Dr. Rahmi Nurhan Çelik & Prof. Dr. Erol KÖKTÜRK
3000 BC : While settling, people were needed who understand geometries for building
villages and dividing lands into parts. It is known that Egyptian, Assyrian,
Babylonian were realized such surveying techniques.
1700 BC : After floating of Nile river, land surveying were realized to set back to lost fields’
boundaries. (32 cm wide and 5.36 m long first text book “Papyrus Rhind” explain
the geometric shapes like circle, triangle, trapezoids, etc.
550+ BC : Thereafter Greeks took important role in surveying. Names in that period are well
known by almost everybody in the world. Pythagoras (570–495 BC), Plato (428–
348 BC), Aristotle (384-322 BC), Eratosthenes (275–194 BC), Ptolemy (83–161
500 BC : Pythagoras thought and proposed that earth is not like a disk, it is round as a
230 BC : Eratosthenes, made a survey in Egypt using sun’s angle of elevation in Alexandria
and Syene (now Aswan) in order to calculate Earth circumferences. As a result of
that survey he calculated the Earth circumferences about 46.000 km Moreover he
also make the map of known World, c. 194 BC.
827 : During middle ages in Europe center of surveying and mapping developments
move to Arabic World. Al Mamun made meridian arc survey in Bagdad and
calculate the Radius of the Earth. Words we use today such as Azimuth, Zenith,
Nadir, Alidade and etc. had been adopted to other languages from that period of
Arabic language.
1614 : Willebrord van Roijen Snellius, (1580-30.10.1626) introduced resection method for
obtaining coordinates of a point by observing only directions.
1735+ : Those days center of mapping and surveying actives move to France. Bides precise
meridian arc calculation, during French Revolution a common metric system was
1801 : Meter unit legally accepted as 1/40000000 of the earth’s circumferences around the
1808 : Napoleon cadaster process was began and relative to that Bavaria cadaster
institution began surveying for 1:5000 scale map production and decided to use those
outputs also for 1:25000 scale map production. All those work was done by using
plane table surveying technique and that process completed in 1840
1830 : Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (22.7.1784 - 8.4.1846) studied for determining the earth
shape and introduce an ellipsoid that has been used as reference ellipsoid.
1832-1847 : Carl-Friedrich Gauß (30.4.1777 - 23.2.1855), developed and introduced least square
1873 : Gauss described it first as «mathematical figure of the earth» in 1828 and J.F.Listing
firstly used the term of “Geoid”
2nd World
War+ : Radar technology was used as the primary electronic distance measurement. EDM
Measurement, calculation and computer systems and data determination periods was
Aristotle provided physical and observational arguments supporting the idea of a spherical
• Every portion of the Earth tends toward the center until by compression and
convergence they form a sphere.
• Travelers going south see southern constellations rise higher above the horizon;
Ptolemy’s world map, reconstituted from Ptolemy's Geography (circa 150) in the 15th century, indicating "Sinae"
(China) at the extreme right, beyond the island of "Taprobane" (Sri Lanka, oversized) and the "Aurea
Chersonesus" (Southeast Asian peninsula).
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Contact: celikn@itu.edu.tr