How Students Can Manage Their Money
How Students Can Manage Their Money
How Students Can Manage Their Money
What is money? Based on the Cambridge Dictionary, money is defined as ‘coins or notes that are
used to buy things.’ In other words, money is something that we can exchange for items that we
wanted. We use money every day for our daily consumptions of food, petrol, utilities and any other
subscriptions. As for the students who are studying in a college or in a university, they have to be
aware about their finance to avoid exhausting their wallet and savings. Thus, the students should
manage their money wisely. There are several methods students can manage their money.
First and foremost, students can manage their money by creating a budget that includes everything.
Students should list out the source of income, such as parents’ allowance, part-time job, study loans
or any grants. Then, they can map out the estimated expenses for a week or a month including
expenses like food, travel, school supplies, and laundry. As the result, they will have a better picture
of their spending amount per month. Also, there are applications like Mint and Spendee to assist them
in keeping tabs on their online spending amount by linking their bank account to these applications. At
the end of each month, a summary of the monthly spending amount will be shown on these
applications. On another hand, students can use spreadsheets to record their spending if they prefer
the conventional method. Nevertheless, students should spend according to the budget planned
beforehand or it would be ineffective.
Furthermore, student can minimize the spending amount to manage money efficiently. Instead of
buying a brand new, students can opt for second-hand items to reduce their spending amount.
Students can buy school supplies like books from their senior or from specific websites that sells used
textbooks. Also, students are able to save money if they cook their meals themselves besides of
enjoying healthier food. They can purchase groceries from a nearby supermarket with a fair price and
serve meals for themselves. For those who is unfamiliar with cooking, there are various simple and
easy recipes on the Internet. In addition, students can cut down cost by knowing students’ discounts.
Some products or services such as movie tickets and books, offer student price, and the students can
enjoy a day out without upsetting their wallet.
Moreover, students should control their spending habit to manage their money. The vital part in
managing money is to differentiate what you need and what you desire. They should restraint their
desire to shop the unnecessary and luxurious items. They can select the products with a lower price
rather than the most expensive item on the store’s display. For instance, a student is looking for a
phone, rather than the newest iPhone that cost much higher than other phones, he or she can buy a
cheaper phone with specifications that is adequate for studies. In addition, the student should think
twice before they buy, and compare the price between different stores to obtain the most reasonable
price. Thus, saving money along the way.
From another point of view, why students need to manage their money wisely? The students should
manage their finances well to pay back their education loan. The primary source of financing for the
fees of tertiary education is the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) in Malaysia.
Besides PTPTN, there are other financial institutions that offer study loans too. The students also
have to bear the interest when they are repaying the loan. Thus, the longer the repayment load
period, the more money the student need to pay back. If the students manage their money well and
have savings, they can pay back the loan in a shorter time, and thus, less interest will be charged.
Another importance of managing money is the students can prepare for emergencies. Sometimes not
all of them were recruited straight away after their graduation. Therefore, this is when their savings
come in handy, they can still stay afloat by living off their savings until they find a job. Also,
emergencies such as car breaking down or fallen ill require the students to pay more than their
anticipated budget. Students that have a good financial management have no worries about the
unforeseen circumstances.
Finally, students that manage money wisely can have more financial security. The students can feel
secure about their financial status, knowing that they have resources from their accumulated savings
to encounter with unexpected expenses. The student will not find himself or herself at the edge of
bankruptcy. In addition, the student will not feel stress-out at end of every month to fulfil the utilities
bills and rent.
In a nutshell, there are many ways of money management. A student should practice good money
management skills such as budgeting, controlling and minimizing spending amount. Also, a student
should stick to his or her budget so that he or she will reduce the risk of overspending.