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OM 61588 Caserones BF Manual Rev A

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Belt Feeder

Operation & maintenance manual

Feeder 2100-FE-001
Feeder 2200-FE-001 thru 006
Feeder 3300-FE-001 thru 003
Feeder 7200-FE-001 & 002

Caserones - Fluor – Chile

Created by: JAB

Approved by: JML
FLSmidth, Date: 10 June 2013 BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Belt Feeder

Copyright © 2012/2013 FLSmidth A/S, All Rights Reserved.

The information transmitted by this document is the proprietary and confidential property of FLSmidth. No part of
this manual may be disclosed, copied, duplicated, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any
electronic medium or machine-readable form without written consent from FLSmidth.

The data included in this manual is not to be duplicated, used, or disclosed, in whole or in part, for any purpose
other than in the operation, maintenance, and service of the machine described. Nothing contained herein should
be construed to guarantee, modify, or enhance the operational capabilities as described in the machinery
specification. This manual does not imply liability to the manufacturer for any or all operational capabilities that
may be affected by the misuse or neglect in operating or servicing this machine. The data subject to these
limitations is contained in this manual.

Documents, drawings, technical manuals and all other information contained in this manual, provided in
conjunction with the purchase of FLSmidth A/S products and services, are the property of FLSmidth and are
confidential and may not be made public or copied.
Revision history
The following table summarizes the revision history of this manual.

Revision Summary of changes Author Revision date

A Initial Release J. Bradbury 10 June 2013

L. Butterfield
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A
Section 1: Preface

1.0 Using this Manual ..............................................................1-1

1.1 Preparing Adobe Acrobat for Optimum Viewing ........................ 1-1
1.2 Organization of the O & M manual .......................................... 1-2
1.3 Safety Statement ................................................................. 1-3
1.4 Safety and Informational Prompts .......................................... 1-3
1.5 Manual Disclaimer ................................................................ 1-4

Section 2: Safety

2.0 Introducing Safety ............................................................2-1

2.1 Operator Safety and Responsibilities ....................................... 2-2
2.1.1 Personnel Safety...................................................... 2-2
2.1.2 Safety Notice .......................................................... 2-3
2.2 General Operator and Maintenance Safety ............................... 2-3
2.2.1 Lockout/Tagout Procedures ..................................... 2-11
2.2.2 General risk Assessment and Hazard Management ..... 2-14
2.2.3 Control Measures ................................................... 2-18
2.3 Safety Signs and Labels ...................................................... 2-19
2.3.1 Equipment Safety Signs and Labels .......................... 2-19
2.3.2 Safety Sign Examples ............................................. 2-20
2.4 Emergency Preparedness Plan ............................................. 2-26

Section 3: Functional Description

3.0 Introducing the Functional Description .............................3-1

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

3.1 Feeder 2100-FE-001 ............................................................. 3-1

3.2 Feeder 2200-FE-001 thru 006 ................................................ 3-1
3.3 Feeder 3300-FE-001 thru 003 ................................................ 3-2
3.4 Feeder 7200-FE-001 & 002.................................................... 3-2
3.5 Belt Feeder Safety Components ............................................. 3-3
3.6 OEM Component Specifications .............................................. 3-3

Section 4: Commissioning

4.0 Introducing Commissioning...............................................4-1

4.1 Commissioning Safety .......................................................... 4-1
4.2 Commissioning the Belt Feeder .............................................. 4-2
4.3 Prestart Checklist ................................................................. 4-2
4.4 Belt Feeder Motor Startup Requirements ................................. 4-7
4.5 Belt Feeder Running Condition Checklists ................................ 4-9
4.6 OEM Equipment ................................................................. 4-12

Section 5: Lubrication and Maintenance Guide

5.0 Introducing Lubrication and Maintenance .........................5-1

5.1 General Safety ..................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Operator Responsibilities ....................................................... 5-1
5.2.1 Walk-around inspection ............................................ 5-2
5.2.2 Example walk-around inspection log .......................... 5-3
5.3 General Preventative Information ........................................... 5-4
5.3.1 Cleaning ................................................................. 5-4
5.3.2 Housekeeping ......................................................... 5-4
5.4 General Lubrication .............................................................. 5-7
5.4.1 Lubricants ............................................................... 5-8
5.5 Lubrication schedule ............................................................. 5-9
5.6 General Maintenance .......................................................... 5-12
5.6.1 Conveyor Framework and Supports .......................... 5-12
5.6.2 Belts .................................................................... 5-13
5.6.3 Conveyor Loading & Discharge ................................ 5-14
5.7 Bolt Fastening Requirements ............................................... 5-17
5.8 Long-Term Storage Requirements ........................................ 5-18
5.8.1 Outdoor Storage .................................................... 5-18
5.8.2 Indoor Storage ...................................................... 5-19

Belt Feeder
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Section 6: Recommended Spare Parts

6.0 Introducing Recommended Spare Parts ............................6-1

6.1 How to Order Replacement Parts ............................................ 6-1
6.2 Changes to Your Equipment ................................................... 6-2

Section 7: Troubleshooting

7.0 Introducing Troubleshooting .............................................7-1

7.1 Belt Feeder .......................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Walkway Pull Switches .......................................................... 7-2

Section 8: Drawings

8.0 Introducing Drawings........................................................8-1

8.1 Marking System for Drawings ................................................ 8-1
8.2 Project Standard Drawing Reference List ................................. 8-2
8.3 Mechanical Charts Reference List ........................................... 8-6
8.4 2100-FE-001 Erection Drawings Index .................................... 8-6
8.5 2200-FE-001 thru 003 Erection Drawing Index ........................ 8-7
8.6 2200-FE-004 thru 006 Erection Drawing Index ........................ 8-8
8.7 3300-FE-001 thru 003 Erection Drawing Index ...................... 8-10
8.8 7200-FE-001 and 002 Erection Drawing Index ....................... 8-10
8.9 2100-FE-001 GA Drawing Reference List ............................... 8-11
8.10 2200-FE-001, 002, and 003 GA Drawing Reference
List ................................................................................... 8-12
8.11 2200-FE-004, 005, and 006 GA Drawing Reference
List ................................................................................... 8-14
8.12 3300-FE-001, 002, and 003 GA Drawing Reference
List ................................................................................... 8-15
8.13 7200-FE-001 and 002 GA Drawing Reference List ................... 8-16

Section 9: OEM Documents

9.0 Introducing OEM Documentation.......................................9-1

9.1 OEM Documentation List ....................................................... 9-1

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Section 10: Appendices

Appendix A: Drawings .................................................................... A-1

Appendix B: Electrical Device List .................................................. B-1

Appendix C: Spare Parts List .......................................................... C-1

Appendix D: OEM Documentation ................................................... D-1

Appendix E: Steel Summaries .........................................................E-1

Section 1: Preface
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

1.0 Using this Manual

FLSmidth - QUALITY POLICY - “Delivering Excellence On Time and Within Budget” Through
Continuous Improvement.

The purpose of this manual is to provide operators and maintenance personnel with the
necessary knowledge to be able to operate and maintain the equipment in a safe and
productive manner. Operators and maintenance personnel must be trained to use and
maintain the equipment.

The information in this manual must be supplemented by practical experience and the
information obtained from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) documentation
(provided in PDF format only).

1.1 Preparing Adobe Acrobat for Optimum Viewing

If you are viewing this manual and its associated OEM manuals on a computer, digital
tablet, or other device, the following tips will help you optimize your Adobe Acrobat Reader,
so you can navigate through these documents with greater ease.

For best results, add the Previous View and Next View buttons to the Adobe Acrobat
toolbar. These options allow Acrobat to behave like a web browser, so you can move back
and forth through your PDF browsing history.

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version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, consult your Acrobat Reader’s Help to determine how to
view the toolbar options discussed in this procedure.

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1. Open Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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Chapter 1: Using this Manual 1-1

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

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1.2 Organization of the O & M manual

This manual contains the following sections:

• Preface: This section covers the Using this manual, Preparing Adobe Acrobat,
Organization of the O & M manual, Safety and informational prompts, and Manual

• Safety: This section covers Introducing safety, Operator safety and responsibilities,
General operator and maintenance safety, Safety signs and labels, and Emergency
preparedness plan.

• Functional Description: This section introduces the Belt feeder’s major features
and provides a glossary for the terms used in this manual.

• Assembly and Commissioning: This section covers the Assembly and

Commissioning for the Belt feeder. It also references the OEM documentation for
OEM specific commissioning information.

• Lubrication & Maintenance Guide: This section covers Introduction to Lubrication

& Maintenance, Operator responsibilities, General safety, General preventative
information, Components requiring lubrication and maintenance, Lubrication &
Maintenance schedules, Bolt fastening requirements, and Long-term storage

• Recommended Spare Parts: This section introduces the spare parts list and details
how to order the spare parts.

• Troubleshooting: This section lists common problems and possible solutions to the

Chapter 1: Using this Manual 1-2

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• Drawings: This section introduces Drawings, details the marking system used in the
drawings, and provides a reference list to the associated drawing PDF. (Drawings are
provided in electronic PDF only)

• OEM Documentation: This section provides a reference table that links the Original
Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) documentation to the associated PDF file. (OEM
documents are provided in electronic PDF only)

• Appendices: This chapter covers Appendix A, Drawings; and Appendix B, Electrical

Device List; Appendix C, Spare Parts List; Appendix D, OEM Documentation; and
Appendix E, Steel Summaries.

1.3 Safety Statement

Operator safety, and the safety of others, depends upon reasonable care and judgment in
the operation of this equipment. A careful operator is good insurance against an accident.
Most accidents, no matter where they occur, are caused by failure to observe and follow
fundamental rules or precautions. For this reason, most accidents can be prevented by
recognizing hazards and taking steps to avoid them before the accident occurs.

1.4 Safety and Informational Prompts

The following safety prompts have been used throughout this manual to bring your
attention to potential hazards and safety issues.


Indicates a hazard or situation where failure to use the correct procedures

can cause either severe personal injury or death.


Indicates a hazard or situation where failure to use the correct

procedures can result in personal injury.

Chapter 1: Using this Manual 1-3

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Indicates a hazard or situation where failure to use the correct procedures

can result in equipment damage.

NOTE: Indicates information within the text which is of sufficient importance to warrant

1.5 Manual Disclaimer

"The data included in this Manual is not to be Duplicated, used or disclosed; in whole
or in part, for any purpose other than in the operation, maintenance and service of the
machine described. Nothing contained herein should be construed to guarantee, modify or
enhance the operational capabilities as described in the machinery specification. This
manual does not imply liability to the manufacturer for any or all operational capabilities
that may be affected by the Misuse or Neglect in operating or servicing this machine. The
data subject to these limitations is contained in this manual".

The content in this manual is based on information available at the time of issue of this
manual. The right is reserved to make subsequent changes to the content without obligation
to replace existing copies.

FLSmidth will not furnish editable electronic copies of any data and/or drawings at any

FLSmidth accepts no liability whatsoever for unauthorized changes and/or alterations to

the data provided.

English is the governing language. When manuals are provided in both English and any
language other than English, the non-English translation is provided as a convenience.
FLSmidth shall not be liable for damages caused by errors in translation.

Chapter 1: Using this Manual 1-4

Section 2: Safety
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2.0 Introducing Safety

This section covers all safety information including:

• Operator Safety and Responsibilities

• Personnel Safety
• Safety Notice
• General Operator and Maintenance Safety
• Lockout/Tagout Procedure
• General risk Assessment and Hazard Management
• Safety Signs and Labels
• Emergency Preparedness Plan

NOTE: FLSmidth cannot anticipate every possible hazard. The safety and informational
prompts in this manual are therefore not all-inclusive. If you use a tool, procedure, work
method, or maintenance technique not specifically recommended by FLSmidth, you must
satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and others. You should also ensure that the machinery
will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the lubrication, maintenance, or repair
procedures you choose.

NOTE: Refer to all OEM documentation for specific component safety information.

In general, machinery manufactured by FLSmidth is custom-designed and intended for

specialized use by industry-leading operators or operation and maintenance contractors in
the construction, mining, and material-handling industries.

FLSmidth machinery should only be operated by those with prior experience in operating
sophisticated equipment and systems and who have been properly trained by FLSmidth in
the proper operation of the machinery.

Safe working practices are essential when working in heavy equipment construction areas.
The high noise levels, dust conditions, and the ever-present danger of high-powered
machinery demand that safety be observed by all personnel on the jobsite, and most
specifically by those working on or in the immediate area of the equipment. For these
reasons, always heed the following:

Do not operate, maintain, or repair this equipment unless you have read and understand
the instructions and warnings in this manual.

• Proper care is your responsibility.

Chapter 2: Introducing Safety 2-1

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2.1 Operator Safety and Responsibilities

Operator safety and the safety of others depend upon reasonable care and judgment in the
operation of this equipment. A careful operator is good insurance against an accident. Most
accidents, no matter where they occur, are caused by failure to observe and follow simple
fundamental rules or precautions. For this reason, most accidents can be prevented by
recognizing hazards and by taking steps to avoid them before the accident occurs.

All equipment must be operated and maintained in accordance with all applicable
governmental safety and health laws, regulations, and generally recognized industrial

As the operator, you are required to act responsibly and perform work in accordance with
site policies, safety standards, and procedures. It is also your responsibility to protect your
own health and safety and the safety of other personnel by:

• Complying with health and safety rules and regulations.

• Immediately reporting all unsafe conditions, near misses, incidents, dangerous

conditions, or injuries.

• Reporting damaged or defective components for repair.

• Taking responsibility for your actions and not endangering the health and safety of
yourself or other personnel.

• Wearing the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the task.

Making sure you are fit to work. This means that you are in a state (physical, mental, and
emotional), which enables you to perform your assigned tasks competently and in a manner
that does not compromise the safety or health of yourself or others.

A responsible operator will take the appropriate steps to prevent any reasonably foreseeable
and potentially hazardous incidents.

2.1.1 Personnel Safety

All personnel who operate, maintain, and repair the equipment must adhere to the following
safety precautions:

• Always wear the appropriate PPE while performing maintenance.

• Stay alert and aware of which maintenance procedure is currently being performed.

• Service personnel must accept the additional responsibilities of performing "safe”

maintenance of the machinery in a "safe" working environment.

Chapter 2: Introducing Safety 2-2

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2.1.2 Safety Notice

Before performing any procedure involving physical inspection or maintenance of FLSmidth
equipment, all applicable laws and regulatory and industrial zero energy standards must be
strictly observed. At a minimum this includes using procedures for:

• Reducing all kinetic (dynamic) energy to a complete stop or resting state.

• Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) of energy control or switching devices to prevent energizing

and operating equipment. If you site does not have a LOTO procedure, an example is
provided in section 2.2.1, Lockout/Tagout Procedure.

• Reducing potential (stored) mechanical energy by lowering raised equipment to a

nonhazardous position, bringing equipment in a slope location to a non-slope
location, or otherwise locking out or blocking potential energy by a mechanical
device such as a pin, stay, or positive mechanical restraint such as a secured chock
or taut cable, all of adequate mechanical capacity.

The persons responsible for operating and maintaining FLSmidth equipment should
designate one or more individuals as safety supervisor to approve any operating or
maintenance procedure that is not undertaken under zero energy circumstances.

2.2 General Operator and Maintenance Safety

The following are some basic operating and maintenance safety tips for equipment operator
and maintenance personnel:

• Pre-start and a walk-around inspection should be performed by the equipment

operator or a designated maintenance technician.

• Immediately report and correct any dangerous conditions or situations to prevent

injury to personnel or damage to equipment.

• Do not put the equipment into operation unless all regularly scheduled maintenance
and any necessary repairs have been performed. Examples of regularly scheduled
maintenance include—but are not limited to—grease lubrication, track idler
inspection, and hydraulic filter checks.

• Visually verify that all personnel are clear of the area before starting the equipment.

• Make use of all safety systems that are designed to keep people in the area of the
equipment safe. For example, sound the warning horn, or radio your intent to others
farther away, and illuminate any safety beacons or flashing displays.

• Do not operate the machine if the hydraulic tanks are less than 3/4 full. An
insufficient supply of hydraulic fluid in the system will cause extensive damage to the
hydraulic system and pumps.

Chapter 2: Introducing Safety 2-3

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• Allow sufficient time for the hydraulic oil to warm before engaging the controls.

• Do not override any system designed to warm or cool any operating oils, as this will
cause severe damage to the operational systems.

• Engage the equipment controls slowly. Gradually ease components into motion to
prevent shock load damage and unnecessary wear on gear cases and other moving

• Always allow working components the opportunity to come to a complete stop before
reversing the controls.

• The operator's station should not be left unattended while the equipment is in

• All operators and maintenance personnel must be aware of the emergency shutdown
procedures and be familiar with the locations where they can activate an Emergency
Stop System Shutdown.

Chapter 2: Introducing Safety 2-4

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Table 2-1: General operations and maintenance safety

Category Safety concerns

Walk-around The walk-around procedure consists of a visual inspection of the equipment. The goal is
procedure to avoid accidents and costly repairs.

Operators Operators are individuals who may or may not have a technical background, but they
are trained to run the equipment in daily production. They may not have a strong
technical background.
In addition, the operator is trained to recognize and avoid hazardous situations due to:
• Training, experience, and education

• Awareness of regulations, rules, and operations

• Knowledge of the working conditions of the equipment
• Authorization by the jobsite Safety Manager to perform all types of operations

Unauthorized Unauthorized modifications to this equipment may impair its function, its capacity to
modification operate safely, lead to shortened equipment life, or lead to unsafe operating conditions.
Do not take shortcuts on equipment repair. Read all instructions thoroughly.
You must notify FLSmidth immediately if you change the construction material or
original machine design. Be prepared to provide drawings and other detailed descriptive
information about any changes.

Maintenance Maintenance technicians are defined as qualified technicians who are assigned to the
technicians more complex instructions of installation, maintenance, repairs, and so on within their
specific field of skill.
In addition, maintenance technicians are trained to recognize and avoid any hazardous
situations due to:
• Training, experience, and education

• Awareness of regulations, rules, and operations to prevent accidents

• Knowledge of the working conditions of the equipment
• Authorization by the jobsite Safety Manager to perform all types of operations
NOTE: It is essential that the assigned Maintenance Technicians do not perform tasks
outside their own range of skill and responsibility.

Burn prevention Do not touch any component when equipment is in operation. Allow components to cool
before performing maintenance or repairs on the equipment.

Electrical shock Shocks from high voltage cause serious personal injury or death. Always avoid any
contact with electrical components or wiring, unless you personally turned off the flow of
electricity to the component. Watch for warning labels.

Chapter 2: Introducing Safety 2-5

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Category Safety concerns

Pressure systems Pressure systems have the potential to cause serious personal injury or even death.
There are a number of pressurized systems on FLSmidth equipment. These include:
• Engine coolant - hot pressurized fluid (if applicable)
• Hydraulic systems - hot pressurized fluid

• Auto lube systems - pressurized grease (if applicable)

• Air-conditioning system - pressurized gases (if applicable)

Injuries inflicted from high-pressure materials escaping from a leak can result in the loss
of a limb or in extreme circumstances death. Follow these safety points:

• Make sure the system is isolated before you disconnect fittings

• Never use your hand or fingers to find a pressurized system leak. Instead, use
a piece of cardboard or similar material to find the leak.
• Never place fingers over the outlet of a grease nozzle or direct the grease
nozzle at other personnel.
• Always wear your PPE when working on pressure systems.


Never attempt to open a pressurized system until you are sure it has
been correctly isolated and depressurized.

Manually lifting Manually lifting equipment, with a crane or a hoist, requires that an adequate support
equipment structure be in place before any work is done to the suspended equipment. The
following is required for the safety of the personnel.


Make sure an adequate support structure is in place before using a

crane or a hoist to manually lift and perform work on the suspended
equipment. Failure to do so may result in severe personal injury or

Chapter 2: Introducing Safety 2-6

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Category Safety concerns

Pressurized air and Pressurized air and water can cause personal injury. When using pressurized air and
water water, observe the following safety points:
• Wear the appropriate PPE when using pressurized air or water for cleaning.
• The maximum air pressure must be below 205 Kilopascal (kPA) (30 pounds per
square inch (psi)) for cleaning purposes.


Using pressurized air and water on personnel may result in personal injury or
death. Pressurized air and water are to be used on equipment only.

Lines, tubes, and Lines, tubes, and hoses can cause personal injury. When inspecting, maintaining, or
hoses repairing lines, tubes, and hoses, observe the following safety points:
• Do not bend or strike high pressure lines.
• Do not install bent or damaged lines, tubes, or hoses.
• Repair any loose or damaged hydraulic oil lines, tubes, and hoses. Leaks can
cause fires.
• Tighten all connections to the recommended torque.
During inspections, inspect all lines, tubes, and hoses carefully. Do not use your bare
hands to check for leaks. Check for the following:
• End fittings that are damaged, leaking, or displaced.
• Outer coverings that are chafed or cut and wire reinforcing that is exposed.
• Outer coverings that show local swelling or ballooning.
• Evidence of kinking or crushing of the flexible part of the hose.
• Metal sheaths that are embedded in the outer cover.
Also make sure that all clamps, guards, and heat shields are installed correctly to
prevent vibration, rubbing against other parts, and excessive heat during equipment

Chapter 2: Introducing Safety 2-7

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Category Safety concerns

Fuels, oils, and During the operation of this equipment, you may come into contact with fuels, coolant,
lubricating fluids lubricating oils, hydraulic fluids, and specialized greases. All of these products can be
hazardous if the correct safety procedures are not used when handling them. Therefore,
for your own personal safety and the safety others, do the following:
• Always obtain, read, understand, and follow the directions on the relevant
MSDS before handling fuels, oils, grease, and other industrial fluids.
• Use the appropriate PPE for any task you conduct.

• Avoid long periods of contact between your skin and fluids.

• Avoid breathing mist and vapors from fluids.
• Do not touch your eyes, mouth, or face with dirty hands.
• Clean up fluid spills immediately using jobsite-approved methods.
• Do not carry oily rags in your pockets.
• Change out of oil-soaked clothing as soon as possible.
• Report any significant contact with fluids or greases to your supervisor.
NOTE: The information, specifications, and illustrations in this manual are on the basis
of information available at the time it was written. This information can change at any
time. These changes can affect the lubrication and maintenance given to the equipment.

Crushing or cutting Observe the following preventive measures to prevent accidental injury by crushing or
prevention cutting:
• Support equipment properly when working beneath it.
• Never attempt adjustments while the equipment is in operation unless
otherwise specified in this manual.
• Stay clear of all moving or rotating parts.
• Keep objects away from moving or rotating parts. Any object or tool that falls
or is pushed into them can cause damage or injury.
• Use safety guards when performing maintenance or repair work.
• Wear the appropriate PPE when striking objects to avoid eye injury.
• Before striking any object, make sure no one in the vicinity can be injured by
flying debris.

Material safety data Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) provides specific details on chemical products, such
sheets as physical and health hazards, safety procedures, and emergency response techniques.
This information tells you exactly what the risks are and how to do the job safely.
Become familiar with the MSDS of the potentially hazardous chemicals associated with
your worksite.
When using these potentially hazardous chemicals, observe the following preventive
safety precautions:
• Handle chemical products safely! Avoid direct exposure to hazardous chemicals.

• Check the MSDS before you start any job using a hazardous chemical.

Chapter 2: Introducing Safety 2-8

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Category Safety concerns

Fire and explosion Because most hydraulic and lubricating oils are flammable, fire may result from
prevention hydraulic or lubricating oil being sprayed on hot surfaces, causing personal injury and
property damage.

To prevent injuries, fires, or explosions, follow these preventive actions:

• Have fire extinguishers available and know how to use them.
• Do not smoke while refilling hydraulic or lubricating oil systems.

• Inspect all lines and tubes for wear or deterioration. They must be routed,
supported or clamped, and connections tightened to the recommended torque.

• Do not weld or flame cut on lines or tubes that contain flammable fluids. First,
drain and clean the lines.
• Correctly install shields that protect components from hot hydraulic or
lubricating oil in the event of a line, tube, or seal failure.
• Properly install oil filters and housing covers (if equipped), and tighten them to
proper torque when being changed.
• Provide adequate and proper waste oil storage and disposal:
o Store all hydraulic and lubricating oils in properly marked containers.
o Remove all flammable materials such as hydraulic oil, lubricating oil
and other debris before they accumulate on the equipment.
o Store all oily rags or other flammable material in a safe container.
• Tight connections, recommended wiring and cables, and proper care will help
prevent electrical arcing or sparking:
o Clean and tighten all electrical connections. Check regularly for loose
or frayed electrical wires. Make sure all loose or frayed electrical wires
are tightened, repaired or replaced before operating the equipment.
o Routinely inspect wiring for wear or deterioration. Wiring must be kept
in good condition, properly routed, and firmly attached.
o Eliminate loose, unattached, or unnecessary wiring.
o All wires and cables must be of the recommended gauge.
o Do not use smaller wires or bypass fuses.

Noise protection Prolonged exposure to loud noise can impair hearing or cause hearing loss. To protect
personnel from hearing loss, please follow these guidelines:
• Measure the noise levels for areas that may be considered a noise hazard:

o Areas with levels in excess of 85 decibel A-weighting (dBA), as

averaged during the full work shift, must be marked with signs that
hearing protection is required.
o Areas where peak sound levels exceed 135 dBA must be clearly
identified with signs.
• All personnel working in areas that exceed permissible exposure levels are
required to wear jobsite-approved ear protection.

Chapter 2: Introducing Safety 2-9

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BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Category Safety concerns

Fire extinguishers Have fire extinguishers available and know how to use them. Inspect and have them
serviced as recommended on their instruction plates.
Various types of portable fire extinguishers should be located and used throughout Job
Site. They are an integral part of the firefighting system. All fire extinguishers must be
inspected regularly, maintained fully charged, strategically located, and readily
accessible for use in an emergency. Fire extinguishers are the first line of defense in the
event of a fire.
1. Know the locations of the portable fire extinguishers in the work area.
2. Always keep access to fire extinguishers clear of obstructions.

3. Inspect and clean fire extinguishers at least once a month.

4. Maintain all fire extinguisher parts to ensure their proper operation.
5. Check the hose, horn, and other components to ensure against blockage.
6. Know the types of fire extinguishers used in the work area and their specific
• Dry chemical extinguishers contain a powder that is expelled under
nitrogen or carbon dioxide (CO2) pressure. The powder smothers or
blankets a fire to cut off oxygen. These are most effective on paper,
trash, electrical, oil, gas, and chemical fires.
• CO2 extinguishers contain liquid carbon dioxide under about 850 psi
pressure. The CO2 turns into a gas, lowering the temperature of the
fire and smothering it. Can be used on any type fire.
• Water extinguishers contain water under air pressure. They soak the
burning material. They can be used only on paper or trash fires.


Do not use water extinguishers on electrical fires.

7. Use fire extinguishers and fire equipment only for firefighting purposes.
8. Immediately report to a supervisor any incident that requires an extinguisher.
9. Report all fire hazards. Every employee is responsible for fire safety.

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2.2.1 Lockout/Tagout Procedures

The Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) refers to specific practices and procedures to safeguard
personnel from unexpected energization or startup of machinery and equipment, or the
release of hazardous energy during service or maintenance activities.

Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) rules stipulate that where lockout is used
for energy control, the periodic inspection shall include a review, between the inspector and
each authorized employee, of that employee’s responsibilities under the energy control
procedure being inspected. Additionally, Tagout rules state the following:

• Tags are essentially warning devices affixed to energy isolating devices, and do not
provide the physical restraint on those devices that are provided by a lock.

• When a tag is attached to an energy isolating means, it is not to be removed without

authorization of the authorized person responsible for it and is never to be bypassed,
ignored, or otherwise defeated.

• Tags must be legible and understandable by all authorized employees, affected

employees, and all other employees who work operations are or may be in the area,
in order to be effective.

• Tags and their means of attachment must be made of materials which will withstand
the environmental conditions encountered in the workplace.

• Tags may evoke a false sense of security, and their meaning needs to be understood
as part of the overall energy control program.

• Tags must be securely attached to energy isolating devices so that they cannot be
inadvertently or accidentally detached during use.

When LOTO information is appropriate, attach protective locks or tags and a DO NOT
OPERATE warning (or a similar approved warning tag) to each energy-isolating device
before operating, maintaining, or repairing the equipment.

The following two sections contain the Simple and Complex LOTO procedures.

How to Perform a Simple Lockout/Tagout Procedure:

1. Notify all individuals of the upcoming shutdown.

2. Perform an informal safety meeting before shutting down.

3. Shut down the equipment.

4. Isolate the energy source.

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5. Ground the circuit to the equipment grounding conductor with a jumper.

6. Install the crew lock and tag on the energy isolating device

7. Verify the zero energy state by performing the following steps:

a. Attempt to operate the machinery.

b. Visually check if the equipment is moving.

c. Check for zero level energy (pressure, levels, voltage, and so on).

8. Install guards, blinds, brakes, grounds, blocks, clamps, barricades, danger flagging
and other such protective devices.

9. Everyone must witness the installation of their personal lock and the energy
isolating device.

10. Everyone attaching a lock and tag must sign the logbook and include the following

• LOTO date and time.

• Release LOTO date and time.
• Name of individual.
• Machinery/process locked and tagged.
• Reason for LOTO.

11. Release the machinery/process from the LOTO:

• Verify all individuals, equipment, and blocking devices are clear.

• Everyone must be present for the removal of their lock and tag.
• Everyone must be present for the crew lock and tag.
• Sign the logbook.

12. Reverify that all individuals, machinery, and blocking devices are clear.

13. Notify those affected that the machinery/process has been released.

How to Perform a Complex Lockout/Tagout Procedure:

1. The Energy Control Coordinator (ECC) shall notify all individuals of shutdown.

2. Perform an informal safety meeting before shutting down.

3. Shut down the equipment.

4. Isolate the energy source.

5. Apply the LOTO devices as follows:

a. Install the crew lock and tag on the energy isolating device.

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b. Verify the zero energy state by doing the following:

• Attempt to operate the machinery/process.

• Visually check if possible.
• Measure for zero level (pressure, levels, voltage, and so on).

6. Install guards, blinds, brakes, grounds, blocks, clamps, barricades, danger flagging
or other such protective devices.

7. The ECC must install or witness the installation of the ECC locks and tags.

8. Everyone must notify the ECC that they installed or witnessed the installation of their
personal lock and tag.

9. Everyone who places a lock and tag must sign the logbook and include the following

• LOTO date and time.

• Release LOTO date and time.
• Name of individual.
• Machinery/process locked and tagged.

10. The ECC must notify all individuals that LOTO has been completed.

11. Do the following to release of the machinery/process from the LOTO.

• Verify all individuals, machinery, and blocking devices are clear.

• The ECC must remove their lock and tag.
• Everyone must be present for the removal of their lock and tag.
• Everyone must be present for the crew lock and tag.
• Everyone must sign the logbook.

12. Re-verify that all personnel, all machinery, and all blocking devices are clear.

13. Notify those affected that the machinery/process has been released.

14. The ECC transferring control shall thoroughly brief the new ECC taking control on
the following:

a. Identify all locked/tagged energy isolating devices.

b. Deliver an update on job status.

c. Explain special or unusual safety related conditions.

d. Expected time to completion.

e. Transfer of all project/job documents to the new ECC.

15. New ECC shall apply the ECCs personal lock and tag.

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16. The ECC transferring control shall remove their personal lock and tag.

17. New ECC shall visually inspect all energy isolating devices.

How to Perform a Non-routine Lockout/Tagout Removal:

The following events may make it necessary to remove a LOTO device:

• An individual who placed a LOTO device is no longer present and cannot be located.

• Unidentified lock.

• Loss or breakage of key to personal lock.

In all cases where non-routine removal of a LOTO device is required, the following
procedure shall be followed:

1. Contact the affected individual and notify them of the pending lock removal.
Determine why the machinery/process was locked out. Permission may be granted
by that individual to remove the LOTO device.

2. If the affected individual cannot be notified or identified, check the logbook for
information. Conduct a thorough inspection to ensure that the affected
equipment/process is safe to re-energize. Ensure that the machinery/process is
operable and all tools, materials, and personnel are clear.

3. Grant the approval for LOTO device removal.

4. All non-routine removals shall be documented. Record date, time and brief
summary of cause and steps taken during removal of LOTO devices. Copies shall be
provided to all individuals involved with the non-routine removal.

5. The individual must be told of the LOTO device removal when they return.

2.2.2 General risk Assessment and Hazard Management

Identifying and managing hazards are an important part of maintaining onsite safety. The
entire operation benefits from the effective risk assessment and hazard management.

1. Definition of hazard – The term "Hazard" is used to describe an item, action, or

process that has the potential to cause damage or injury. Three ways to define
hazard are as follows:

• The potential for harm, which is anything that could cause damage or injury.

• A source of potentially damaging or injury-causing energy (such as a

suspended load).

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• Energy sources over which control has been lost (for example, uncontrolled

2. Definition of risk – The term "Risk" is used to define the chances of an incident
occurring. Two ways to define the term "Risk" are as follows:

• The potential for the occurrence of negative consequences as the result of an

event (what could happen if an incident occurs).

• The combination of the likelihood of an unwanted event occurring and the

consequences if it does (how likely and incident could happen and what would
happen if it does).

Table 2-2: General risk assessment and hazard management

Category Safety concerns

Probability and Once a hazard has been identified, the risk can be accessed by looking carefully at the
consequence probability (or likelihood) of an incident occurring and the consequences that will occur
if the incident does happen. To know how to assess a risk, you must know what is
meant by the terms "Probability" and "Consequence.”
• Probability (or likelihood) - These terms are both used to describe how likely
or how frequently an event could be expected to take place. To determine
probability, you need to ask yourself: "What are the chances that this event
could happen?"
• Consequence - The term consequence is used to describe the results that
could be expected if an event did occur. To determine consequences, you
need to ask yourself: "If this event happened, what would be the worst
expected outcomes?"
A combination of identifying hazards, determining the risk of occurrence and the
consequences are the basis of risk assessment and hazard management.

Reporting hazards The operator is responsible for identifying and reporting workplace hazards and
and incidents incidents. Any injury to a person, damage to property, or damage to the environment
is considered to be an incident.
When you report a hazard or incident, you are:
• Announcing the problem
• Initiating investigation and corrective action
• Participating in creating a safer work place
• Adhering to site procedures
• Reducing the likelihood of injury or damage occurring
• Reporting a hazard or incident, regardless of how minor it may seem, is the
first step to solving a problem or managing a hazard

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Category Safety concerns

Benefits of hazard Benefits of hazard and risk management include the following:
and risk • Reduced number of incidents and accidents
• Reduced lost time due to injuries
• Efficiency is maximized
• Equipment life is maximized

• Safer working environment

Risk assessment and There are three basic steps to risk assessment and hazard management. These are:
hazard management • Identify the hazards

• Assess the risks

• Eliminate or control the risks
After identifying the hazards, you need to assess the risks. The Risk Assessment Matrix
(on the following page) provides an easy way to quickly assess the risk of a tasks or
actions before you continue. Always take time to think through the probabilities of
events that might happen and the consequences that will result if they do. You should
make a habit of doing this before you continue any task.


Never attempt to perform a task that you believe to be unsafe. If you cannot
identify a safe way to perform the task, seek advice from your supervisor.

At risk behavior At-risk behavior is any action taken by personnel that could be expected to result in an
unsafe incident. At-risk behaviors may include but are not limited to:
• Reporting to work in an unfit condition.
• Ignoring site rules and procedures.
• Deliberate disregard for site rules and procedures.
• Operating equipment for which you have not been properly trained.

• Taking risks or shortcuts.

• Using equipment incorrectly or for purposes for which it was not designed.
• Failing to alert the proper personnel that equipment is malfunctioning.

Reporting a hazard or incident, regardless of how minor it may seem, is the first step
to solving a problem or managing a hazard.

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Table 2-3: Risk assessment matrix

Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic
Likelihood No injuries, low First-aid Medical Extensive Death, toxic
financial loss. treatment, treatment injuries, loss of release offsite
on-site release required, onsite production with
immediately release capability. offsite detrimental
contained, contained with release with no effect, huge
medium financial outside detrimental financial loss.
loss. assistance, high effects, major
financial loss. financial loss.
Is expected to
occur in most
occur in most

at some time

at some time

in exceptional

Investigate All Incidents

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2.2.3 Control Measures

If the risk is too high, consider other ways to perform the task. There are a number of
Control Measures you can use to manage the risks involved in any task or action. Control
Measures are put into place to minimize exposure to hazards. The following list identifies
Control Measures from the most effective to the least effective:

1. Elimination: Remove the hazardous condition from the task or action.

2. Substitution: Replace hazardous procedure with a safer procedure.

3. Engineering: Make equipment safer to use or work with by modification or


4. Administrative: Set policies and procedures that help keep personnel safe.

5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Use PPE to protect personnel from the
effects and hazards.

Once Control Measures are put into place, the risks should be reassessed to ensure the
changes have been effective.

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2.3 Safety Signs and Labels

This subsection contains the following types of safety signs and labels:

• Equipment Safety Signs and Labels

• Safety Sign Examples

2.3.1 Equipment Safety Signs and Labels

Safety signs and labels are supplied by others and should meet your site’s regulations.
These safety signs and labels must be kept clean and must not be covered up. If these
safety signs and labels are damaged or deteriorated, replace them.

Follow the Governing Safety Standards for your jobsite. In addition, also observe the
following preventive safety practices regarding safety signs and labels:

• Read and understand all safety signs and labels on your equipment before operating,
lubricating, or maintaining this equipment.

• Make sure safety signs and labels are legible.

• Keep all safety signs and labels clean so that the words are legible. Clean with a soft
cloth, soap, and water. DO NOT use solvents, gasoline, or other harsh chemicals for
cleaning as that may loosen the adhesive that secures the safety signs and labels,
causing them to fall off.

• Replace any safety signs and labels that are damaged or missing. If a safety sign or
label is attached to a part that is being replaced, install a new safety sign or label on
the replacement part.

NOTE: Equipment should be labeled with reasonable safeguards. It is not possible,

however, to make everything "Hazard Free," so use good judgment at all times. If you are
not sure, determine the appropriate Safety Information before proceeding.

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2.3.2 Safety Sign Examples

The following table provides explanations and examples for the types of signage found on
FLSmidth equipment.

Table 2-4: Safety sign examples

Types of signage Example illustration

PPE Sign Alerts/Reminders

Personal eye, impact, inhalation, low headroom, and other

dangers Protective Equipment notices that alert users to ear

CAUTION: Hard Hat Protection Required

Bilingual Sign Example: English/Spanish
Part Number: FLS #75012878 (279.4 millimeters (mm) x
127 mm) (11 inches (in.) x 5 in.)

CAUTION: Eye Protection Required

Bilingual Sign Example: English/Spanish
Part Number: FLS #75012879 (279.4 mm x 127 mm)
(11 in. x 5 in.)

CAUTION: Hazardous noise level

Ear protection required in this area
Bilingual Sign Example: English/Spanish
Part Number: FLS #75012855 (279.4 mm x 127 mm)
(11 in. x 5 in.)

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Types of signage Example illustration

Control device labeling/marking

Each manually operated start, stop, or other function control
is identified.

Safe working load

The safe working load of a unit handling feeder or mass
handling equipment should be exhibited at each loading
point. Examples of appropriate units for display with the
equipment’s numerical limits include mass per attachments
and total mass per structure.

Low headroom (clearance)

Working areas with lowered ceiling heights and low-level
obstructions that could result in injury by collision should be

DANGER: Descending Counterweight

These apply to take-ups and counterweights. All components
of a take-up which can move will be guarded and marked.
Access to areas where the counterweight travels or could
settle in the event of an equipment failure, and areas that
contain the stored energy of the take up system (cables,
winches, pulley systems) will marked warning of the
potential hazard.

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Types of signage Example illustration

DANGER: Falling Objects

Loading, unloading, and discharge points of conveyed
material will be posted to convey potential hazards due to
moving/energized mass.

DANGER: Hand Hazard

Shear points and nip points that cannot be adequately
guarded due to equipment function should have warnings
posted to inform of the potential hazard.

DANGER: Moving parts will cause severe injury

Moving parts will cause severe injury.
Bilingual Sign Example: English/Spanish
Part Number: FLS #75012847 (279.4 mm x 127 mm)
(11 in. x 5 in.)

Access points through barricades/fencing

Signage will be provided at every access point warning of the
potential hazard beyond the barricade, and recommending
safety actions where appropriate (Ex.: DANGER-isolate drive

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Types of signage Example illustration

Electrical hazards
Various electrical hazards that can result in shock or burn
injury should be posted with warning signage to clearly
notify of the potential hazard. Some examples include: high
voltage cables, transformers, electrical equipment, etc.
Electrical Manufacturers will often include labels on
purchased items like transformers and switchgear, but we
need to add labels to “custom” enclosures, and so on.

Overhead power
Where overhead power lines are present, a permanent
warning sign shall be installed in a conspicuous position at
each towing point and adjacent to the driving controls of a
mobile conveyor for any conveyor having a part that can be
raised in excess of 2000 mm (7.87 in.).

Signage accompanying Lockout/Tagout procedures

Where portions of the conveyor have been isolated from use
and application of power to allow maintenance or
modification of the equipment, appropriate signage will be
posted to notify observers of restricted access to the locked
out area.

Lockout power before servicing

DANGER: LOCK OUT POWER before servicing. Hazardous
voltage will cause injury or death.
Bilingual Sign Example: English/Spanish
Part Number: FLS #75012845 (279.4 mm x 127 mm)
(11 in. x 5 in.)

Lockout power before removing guard

Warning: Lock out power before removing guard. Exposed
moving parts can cause severe injury.
Bilingual Sign Example: English/Spanish
Part Number: FLS #75012848 (279.4 mm x 127 mm)
(11 in. x 5 in.)

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Types of signage Example illustration

WARNING: LOCK OUT POWER before servicing

Servicing moving or energized equipment can cause severe
Bilingual Sign Example: English/Spanish
Part Number: FLS #75012852 (279.4 mm x 127 mm)
(11 in. x 5 in.)


before servicing

Servicing while pressurized can cause severe injury.

Bilingual Sign Example: English/Spanish
Part Number: FLS #75012853 (279.4 mm x 127 mm)
(11 in. x 5 in.)

Equipment starts automatically

WARNING Equipment starts automatically – can cause
severe injury. KEEP AWAY
Bilingual Sign Example: English/Spanish
Part Number: FLS #75012850 (279.4 mm x 127 mm)
(11 in. x 5 in.)

Rotating shaft can cause severe injury

WARNING: Rotating shaft can cause severe injury. Keep hair
and loose clothing away.
Bilingual Sign Example: English/Spanish
Part Number: FLS #75012851 (279.4 mm x 127 mm)
(11 in. x 5 in.)

CAUTION: Risk of Electrical Shock

Where non-lethal More than one disconnect switch may be
required to de-energize the equipment before servicing.
Bilingual Sign Example: English/Spanish
Part Number: FLS #75012856 (279.4 mm x 127 mm)
(11 in. x 5 in.)

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Types of signage Example illustration

Motorized tracks
Motorized tracks should have operation warnings posted with
any uniquely hazardous behavior noted.


DANGER: Climbing, sitting, walking or riding on conveyor at
any time will cause severe injury or death. KEEP OFF
Bilingual Sign Example: English/Spanish
Part Number: FLS #75012846 (279.4 mm x 127 mm)
(11 in. x 5 in.)

DANGER: Mechanical Hazards

Rotating or reciprocal mechanical equipment hazards should
be marked and when appropriate suggest actions to take to
avoid exposure to hazards.

First Aid
First aid stations, eyewash stands, defibrillator units, and so
on are identified by similar signage.

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2.4 Emergency Preparedness Plan

The following table provides an example Job Site emergency preparedness plan.

Table 2-5: Emergency preparedness plan

Emergency Preparedness plan

Preparedness procedure The emergency preparedness pan establishes the necessary procedures,
including the assignment of functions and responsibilities, for controlling
emergency situations that may affect persons and equipment. These
procedures have the following objectives:

• Protect the lives of employees and safeguard against damage to Job

Site facilities and property.

• Control any emergency that may arise on Job Site property.

• Establish a program of permanent preparedness for the personnel in
charge of controlling emergencies; likewise, ensure that equipment to
be used in case of emergency is properly maintained.
• Determine the most suitable methods for notifying all persons involved
when an emergency arises.
• Evacuate all personnel endangered by the emergency to safe areas
and isolate the area at risk.
• Coordinate continuity and the restoration of operations.

Requirements The requirements for the Emergency Preparedness Plan include the following:
• Emergency Response Team
o In an emergency situation, the most important factors are
quick notification of the personnel in charge of controlling the
emergency and immediate evacuation of workers
o Immediate and accurate notification of the shift emergency
response team.
o The shift emergency response teams are comprised of
employees designated by crew from the various departments;
this ensures that teams have members that are familiar with
most of the areas on the property.
o Each rotating shift will have an emergency response team.
• Shift Emergency Response Team
o The shift emergency response team is composed of a team
leader, an assistant, and several team members.
o Activate the Shift Emergency for any Fatal or life-threatening
accident, Fire, Explosion, an inundation of any liquid or gas,
or any emergency the supervisor or operator believes
requires the emergency response team.
• During an emergency, the emergency response team functions as a
part of the Job Site Safety department.

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Emergency Preparedness plan

General evacuations The following procedure should be used if an emergency requiring

implementation of the emergency response plan in any of the work areas
results in the need for employee evacuation.

• The supervisor should assemble all employees in one specific area

located at a safe distance from the emergency site.

• The supervisor should account for all employees by taking roll call.
• The supervisor should question employees and check for injuries. Any
injuries must be properly treated as soon as possible.
• The employees should be instructed not to return to work until their
area is cleared as safe.

Sequence of event for a job The decision to activate the shift emergency response team must be made
site emergency quickly.
The first employee at the scene of an emergency must activate the emergency
response system. The team leader must be located by the control room
operator or security personnel as soon as notification of an emergency is made.
Upon notification, the team leader should:
• Confirm activation of the emergency response team.
• Dispatch an employee to the job site entrance to guide the ambulance,
and rescue team members to the scene of the emergency.
• Proceed to the emergency scene, analyze the seriousness of the
emergency, and activate the notification plan.
• Control access to the scene and initiate evacuation of employees.
• Establish a command post as close to the emergency site as possible.
• Activate the notification plan.
• Assist the response team with the emergency.
• Establish area crowd control; keep all unnecessary persons and
vehicles out of the immediate area.
The team leader and assistant will determine the required outside services and:
• Notify Job Site security personnel or the appropriate party to call for
additional outside services.
• Secure the affected area for investigation purposes until released by
the safety department.
• Inspect the affected area before employees return to work.
• Supervise the restoring of emergency equipment and returning of the
response team members to their work areas.
• Coordinate the inspection team to inspect the emergency site prior to
returning control of the area to the Job Site operations and
maintenance departments.

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Section 3: Functional Description

Chapter 2: Introducing Safety 3-0

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3.0 Introducing the Functional Description

The following section provides a functional description of the Belt feeders and their major
components. It covers the following information:

• Feeder 2100-FE-001
• Feeder 2200-FE-001 thru 006
• Feeder 3300-FE-001 thru 003
• Feeder 7200-FE-001 & 002
• Belt Feeder Safety Components
• OEM Component Specifications

NOTE: All power, control logic, and wiring must be furnished and installed by others.

3.1 Feeder 2100-FE-001

Belt Feeder 2100-FE-001 is a new 3048mm (120 inch) belt feeder that receives copper ore
from the primary crusher (by others). The feeder extends 16.3 meters horizontal and 0
meters vertical and discharges onto 2100-CV-001. The feeder is driven by two Hägglunds
Compact CB1120-880 SA0N0C shrink disc mounted hydraulic motors.

In addition, Hägglunds single electric motor power unit, PAC-0602-500-300-22-1111-

1C1DB-0000-0-3300V/50HZ, and a Hägglunds Spider control unit are supplied by FLS.

NOTE: All power, control logic, and wiring are to be furnished and installed by others.

3.2 Feeder 2200-FE-001 thru 006

Belt Feeders 2200-FE-001 thru 006 are new 1829mm (72 inch) belt feeders that receive
copper ore from the stockpile. The feeders extend 13 meters horizontal and 0 meters
vertical and discharge onto 2200-CV-001. The feeders are driven by a Hägglunds Compact
CB840-760 CA0N0C shrink disc mounted hydraulic motor.

In addition, a Hägglunds single electric motor power unit, PAC-0202-180-075-22-1111-

1C1DB-0000-0-380V/50HZ, and a Hägglunds Spider control unit are supplied by FLS.

NOTE: All power, control logic, and wiring are to be furnished and installed by others.

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3.3 Feeder 3300-FE-001 thru 003

Belt Feeders 3300-FE-001 thru 003 are new 1524mm (60 inch) feeders that receive copper
ore pebbles from the secondary crushers (by others). A metal detector is located along each
of the feeders. The feeders extend 12 meters horizontal and 0 meters vertical and discharge
onto 3300-CV-023 (107). The feeders are driven by a 30 kW (40 HP) Siemens Motor and
Siemens/Flender B4DH09 shaft mounted right angle reducer.

The startup of these feeders is controlled by a VFD. The VFD should be set to ramp up the
speed of the feeders over a period of (2) seconds. The VFD shall limit torque to 150%.

To stop these feeders during normal operation, the VFD should be disconnected and the
feeders will coast to a stop.

NOTE: All power, control logic, and wiring are to be furnished and installed by others.

3.4 Feeder 7200-FE-001 & 002

Belt Feeders 7200-FE-001 & 002 are new 1829mm (72 inch) feeders that receive copper
concentrate from filter presses (by others). The feeders extend 10.27 meters horizontal and
0 meters vertical and discharge onto 7200-CV-001. The feeders are driven by a 15 kW (20
HP) Siemens Motor and Siemens/Flender B4DM13 shaft mounted right angle reducer.

The start-up of these feeders will be controlled by a VFD. The VFD should be set to ramp up
the speed of the feeders over a period of (2) seconds. The VFD shall limit torque to 150%.

To stop these feeders during normal operation, the VFD should be disconnected and the
feeders will coast to a stop.

NOTE: All power, control logic, and wiring are to be furnished and installed by others.

Chapter 3: Introducing the Functional Description 3-2

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3.5 Belt Feeder Safety Components

The following table lists the safety components of the Belt feeders:

Safety Components

Slip Detection Switches

Zero Speed Switches

Belt Alignment Switches

Plugged Chute Switches

Warning Horns and Lights.

Belt Rip Detection Devices

GTU Limit Switches (Conveyors only)

3.6 OEM Component Specifications

For information on OEM specific components/equipment, refer to Appendix D.

Chapter 3: Introducing the Functional Description 3-3

Section 4: Commissioning
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4.0 Introducing Commissioning

The assembly and commissioning section covers the following sections:

• Commissioning Safety
• Belt Feeder
• OEM Equipment

The purpose of commissioning is to ensure the equipment and components associated with
the equipment are constructed and installed according to their design. In addition,
FLSmidth provides a Commissioning checklist of tasks as per contract documents. These
tasks prepare the equipment and operators for full operation by starting with no-load
operation and progressing through a partial load operation and finishing with a full load
operation. Commissioning is to be carried out following installation of the equipment and
associated components.

4.1 Commissioning Safety

It is important to follow all safety information in Section 2: Safety to ensure and reinforce
the recognition and practice of the workplace health and safety during assembly and
commissioning. To avoid accidents and possible personal injury during the assembly and
commissioning, this information must be understood and the practices must be
implemented. The safety of site, operation, and maintenance personnel must be assured at
all times throughout the commissioning of the equipment and associated components.


Failure to ground equipment that is being welded may cause damage to

the feeder antifriction bearings.


Failure to follow all welding precautions can result in personal injury.

Failure to follow all LOTO procedures and safety precautions can cause
personal injury or death.

Section 4:Commissioning
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

4.2 Commissioning the Belt Feeder

The prestart check list must be complete prior to performing the motor startup and running
condition checks. The following components of all belt feeders must be checked before initial

1. Structural alignment 4. Chutes and transfer points 7. Pulleys, Shafts, and

2. Idlers 5. Drives
8. Safety
3. Belting and splices 6. Belt scrapers and plows

4.3 Prestart Checklist

The following table provides a list of items that must be checked before initial startup.

1. If an item does not meet the Inspection requirements, you must stop the
inspection and correct the item.

2. Once you correct the item, you may resume the prestart inspection.

NOTE: Corrective shimming is expected. Such shimming will not be a back chargeable item
because it is an acceptable industrial standard for belt feeder erection.

Table 4-1: Belt feeder prestart checklist

Prestart Requirements

Check Feeder Alignment

1. The maximum variation from the vertical profile shall plus or minus 6mm total. The Yes
maximum rate of change of the variation shall be 0.001mm.

2. The maximum variation from the horizontal alignment shall be plus or minus 6mm. The Yes
maximum variation rate of change of the variation shall be 0.005mm.

Check Idlers

1. Idlers are square with feeder center line.


2. Idler shims are placed per design drawings.


Section 4:Commissioning
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Prestart Requirements

3. All hold-down bolts are tight.


4. Training idlers are unrestricted in their travel.


Check Feeder Belting

1. Belting is installed with thicker cover on carrying side.


2. Vulcanized splices have no delamination and mark splice locations.


3. Belting has no rips or damage.


4. Skirting and support steel have no steel-to-belt contact, which will damage belt.

5. All conduits, pipes, clips, and so forth are a minimum of 3 inches clear of belt edges.

Check Pulleys, Shafts, and Bearings

1. Bearings are aligned.


2. Hub bolts – Torque per manufacturer’s specifications.


3. Pulley lagging has proper grove direction and has proper installation.

4. Shaft is aligned and has required key seats.


5. Shaft diameters and turndowns meet specifications.


6. Jacking screws are tight.


Section 4:Commissioning
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Prestart Requirements

7. Pulleys are square to the feeder center line and pulleys are level.

8. All pillow block bearings are lubricated.


Check Chutes and Transfer Points

1. All chutes have adequate support.


2. Chutes have no obstructions.


3. Chutes have required clearance between chute surfaces and moving components.

4. Feeder skirting does not have metal touching the belt and has required support to
prevent deflection. Yes

5. Liner plate fasteners are tight.


Check Electric Motor

1. Record electric motor nameplate data.


2. Electric motor mount is fastened to the gear reducer.


3. Bearings are greased.


Check Gear Reducer

1. Record gear reducer nameplate data.


2. Torque of H.D. bolts meets spec


Section 4:Commissioning
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Prestart Requirements

3. Motor/reducer alignment is correct.


4. Oil in gear reducer is to the manufacture’s specific instructions.


5. Oil in gear reducer is filled to specified level.


6. Oil in breather cap is in place on the gear reducer.


7. Grease seals are purged.


8. Direction of free rotation is in the direction of the belt’s travel.


9. High speed shaft coupling is aligned in accordance to the manufacturer’s specific

instructions. Yes

10. If Applicable: Low speed shaft coupling is aligned in accordance to the manufacturer’s
specific instructions.

11. If Applicable: Low speed shrink disc is installed in accordance to the manufacturer’s
specific instructions.

12. If Applicable: Reducer torque arm is installed and is free to move horizontally and
longitudinally in accordance to the manufacturer’s specific instructions.

Check Belt Scrapers, Brushes and Plows

Check Belt pre-cleaner at discharge end

1. The cleaner is securely mounted in the discharge chute. Yes

2. Access door is installed.


3. Blades are backed off the feeder belt.

NOTE: Do not adjust the blades until the belt is running with ore on the belt. Yes

Section 4:Commissioning
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Prestart Requirements

Check Belt secondary-cleaner at discharge end

1. Scraper is installed with discharge chute.

2. Distances relative to drive pulley meet manufacturer’s specification.


3. Scraper is centered on the belt.


4. Blades are backed off the feeder.

NOTE: Do not adjust the blades until the belt is running with ore on the belt. Yes

Check Return belt plow at tail end

1. The plow blade is backed off the feeder belt.

2. There is no steel to belt contact.


Check Safety

1. Tail pulley guard is in place.


2. Couplings guards are in place. Yes

3. Discharge chute guard is in place. Yes

4. Other guards are in place as required Yes

5. All debris is removed from the top and bottom belts.


6. All debris is removed from under the feeder.


7. All emergency pull-cords are installed.


8. Chutes are clear and free of debris.


Section 4:Commissioning
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Prestart Requirements

9. All access areas and walkways are clear.


10. Safety switches are installed.


11. Walkway handrails and flooring is complete.


4.4 Belt Feeder Motor Startup Requirements

The following data sheet and checklist must be completed after the prestart checklist and
before the motor and running condition checklist.

Megger Motor Winding and Power Leads Data Sheet

The following table shall be completed. Fill in the readings of the megger motor winding and
power leads prior to termination.

Table 4-2: Belt feeder Megger motor data sheet

Phase Reading

A to Ground

B to Ground

C to Ground

A to B

B to C

A to C

Motor to Ground

Section 4:Commissioning
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Motor Startup Checklist

The following checklist must be completed.

1. If an item does not meet the requirements, you must stop the inspection and
correct the item.

2. Once you correct the item, you may resume the startup inspection.

Table 4-3: Belt feeder motor startup checklist

Motor startup requirements

1. Check that the power terminations are installed correctly.


2. Check that the motor frame is grounded by an attached cable that runs from the
grounding grid to the motor frame. Also, a bonding jumper shall be installed across the Yes
flexible conduit at the motor connection.

3. Check the control wiring through a point-by-point inspection for continuity and
correctness of terminations Yes

4. Check the control circuit while the control power is energized and the motor leads are
lifted from the starter. All lights, push buttons, and safety interlocks are functional. Yes

5. Remove belts, chains or couplings if they are in place. Once they are removed, bump the
motor to determine if the direction is compatible with the feeder's required direction. Yes

6. Check that the motor bearings are lubricated.


7. Check that the motor is run in.

While the motor is uncoupled, record the volt and amp readings. Yes
Volts _______________________________

8. Check that the equipment is run in.

While the motor is connected to driven equipment, record volt and amp readings. Yes
Volts _______________________________

9. Checklist completed

Section 4:Commissioning
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

4.5 Belt Feeder Running Condition Checklists

This procedure is intended to ensure that all equipment is operating correctly while it is
running. This procedure consists of the empty-running checklist, the half-capacity checklist,
and the full-capacity checklist. These checklists shall not be preformed until the following
inspections are completed:

1. Prestart inspection.
2. Nameplate data is recorded.
3. Motor startup data sheet and inspection.

NOTE: Competent millwrights must be stationed at all belt pulley areas and belt curve areas
to immediately shutdown the feeder if any belt misalignment or slippage occurs.

Empty-Running Checklist
The empty-running checklist must be completed before the half-capacity checklist and
full-capacity checklist.

1. If an item does not meet the requirements, you must stop the inspection and
correct the item.

2. Once you correct the item, you may resume the inspection.

Table 4-4: Belt feeder empty running checklist

Empty-Running Requirements

1. Check that all equipment is free of construction material, debris, and non-authorized
personnel. Yes

2. Check that all lockout tags are removed in accordance with LOTO procedures.

3. Check that all emergency pull cord switches are in operating position.

4. Bump motor through local jog button to move the belt 8-15 meters. Do not exceed the
motor hourly starting limits. Yes

5. Continue to run the feeder until startup crew is assured that the belt will pass safely
around all pulleys, and that there are no belt edges rubbing the steelwork on the return Yes

Section 4:Commissioning
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Empty-Running Requirements

6. Observe tracking of the belt preceding and following each belt splice. Verify that each of
these lengths of belt are straight. Yes

7. Once the belt has completed at least one complete revolution without interference, train
the belt in accordance with the vendor manual. Yes
NOTE: Millwrights at the observation points must remain on duty during belt training.

8. Check pillow blocks for any wobble, lost grease, and misalignment.
NOTE: Do not adjust the pulley alignment to track the feeder belt. Yes

9. Adjust skirt plate rubber so that it does not have excessive pressure on the belt.

10. Adjust pre-cleaner so that it lightly rests against the belt.


11. Startup the feeder and run for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, shut it down.

12. Check and record running temperature of all drive units.


13. Startup the Belt feeder and run for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, shutdown the Belt
feeder by using the emergency pull-cord switch. Yes

14. Check and record the running temperature of all drive units.

15. Reset the pull-cord switches. Then, startup and run the Belt feeder for seven hours.
Check components hourly for high temperature, misalignment, wear, or any other Yes
abnormal condition. Specifically, check the following:

a. The skirt rubber is snug to the Belt feeder, but not marking the belt cover.

b. The plows and scrapers are not marking the belt cover.

c. Bearings are within temperature limits and there are no leaky seals in all pillow
blocks - align if necessary.

d. Proper belt alignment and operating of training idlers.

e. Proper idler operation.

f. Temperature of drive units is within operating limits.

NOTE: Make final adjustment of the plows and scrapers during loaded conditions.

Section 4:Commissioning
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Full-Capacity Checklist
1. If an item does not meet the requirements, you must stop the inspection and
correct the item.

2. Once you correct the item, you may resume the inspection.
Table 4-5: Belt feeder full-capacity checklist

Full-Capacity requirements

1. Preload the feeder with crushed ore (-50 mm) to a depth or 1 x skirtboard width or 1
meter whichever is less. Yes

2. Fill the system with sized material in accordance with the project specified gradation.
Note: Do not run the bin empty during commissioning or normal operation of the feeder.
A minimum bed depth of 1 x the skirtboard width or 1 meter, whichever is less, shall be
maintained at all times to avoid excessive impact on the feeder.

3. Start the system under load and check the following:

a. Skirt rubber is snug to the Belt feeder belt but not marking the cover.

b. Return belt for ore sticking to the belt. Adjust the scrapers and plows to per
operating instructions.

c. Proper operation of idlers and training of the belt.

d. Bearings are within temperature limits and there are no leaky seals on all pillow
blocks - align if necessary.

Note: Pillow block bearings are shipped completely packed with grease. Some
purging of grease is expected during initial running of the system.

e. Temperature of all the drive units is within operating specifications.

f. Tighten pulley hubs in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

4. Continue running for eight hours and check items 3a through 3f at half-hour intervals.

Section 4:Commissioning
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

4.6 OEM Equipment

The Belt feeder comes with a variety of OEM equipment. Before operating the Belt feeder,
you must adhere to all installation, post-installation, and prestart requirements. Refer to
Section 9 for a list of OEM documentation.

Section 4:Commissioning
Section 5: Lubrication and
Maintenance Guide
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

5.0 Introducing Lubrication and Maintenance

In this section, you find lubrication and maintenance information for the Belt feeders and
their equipment. This equipment works best when maintained properly. Regular lubrication
and maintenance is the most important point to be looked after. A strict lubrication and
maintenance schedule must be created and followed to keep the equipment working

When the equipment is newly installed, maintenance should be carried out daily. The
maintenance schedule may be changed later to meet the site’s conditions or operational
requirements. For preventive maintenance requirements, refer to individual component OEM

This section includes the following:

• Operator Responsibilities
• General Safety
• General Preventative Information
• Lubrication Schedule
• General Maintenance
• Bolt Fastening Requirements
• Long-Term Storage Requirements

5.1 General Safety

It is your responsibility to maintain a safe working environment. When performing
maintenance, you must refer to all pertinent safety information contained in Section 2 of
this manual and all OEM documentation.

5.2 Operator Responsibilities

Maintenance of FLSmidth machinery presumes general supervision by a master mechanic-
level technician and a staff that has been properly trained by FLSmidth in maintaining the
specific equipment in question.

Personnel responsible for operating and maintaining FLSmidth equipment adhere to the

• All applicable safety laws, rules, and regulations imposed by governmental entities

• All current industry standards regarding safety.

• All specific procedures provided by FLSmidth.

• All procedures from OEM documentation specific to this equipment.

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-1

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

5.2.1 Walk-around inspection

The operator should conduct a walk-around inspection at least every 24 hours. The
following list details the type of problems you should watch for during the walk-around

NOTE: The intent of this procedure is to find problems. Should the problems need to be
repaired, you shall use the LOTO procedure.

• Verify the safety guards are in place.

• Check the zero-speed switch for damage.
• Check pulleys for cracks, lagging wear, shifting on the shafts, and bearing
• Inspect the belt conveyor walkways and surrounding areas for hazardous conditions,
and remove any tripping hazards.
• Verify the general condition of the belt is satisfactory. (Check for excess wear, tears,
gouges, and belt splice condition. Inspect for signs of side travel.
• Inspect the conveyor idlers. Check for excessive wear or holes in the troughing
idlers. Clear any rocks, mud, or debris from around the idlers to ensure free
movement, following appropriate safety procedures.
• Inspect the skirt board assembly along both sides of the belt conveyor for wear.
• Ensure transfer chutes are clean and without holes and that the transfer chute
plugged-chute switches are not damaged.
• Check the belt scrapers or other belt cleaning devices for damage and proper
• Check the conveyor drive motors, reducers, and other drive components for loose or
damaged parts.
• Check the conveyor drive motors, reducers, and other drive components for leaks
and confirm proper lubrication levels.
• Visually inspect the hydraulic systems (if applicable):

o Verify that all safety guards are in place.

o Check the hydraulic unit oil level for each system.
o Check each hydraulic unit for signs of leaks.

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-2

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

5.2.2 Example walk-around inspection log

You may want to copy this example inspection log page and use it to record the findings of
your walk-around inspection. Always perform at least one walk-around inspection within a
24 hour work period. For best results, perform a walk-around inspection at the beginning of
each work shift. Refer to chapter 5.1.1, Walk-around inspection.

Inspection By Inspection Comments Date

R. Supervisor 10 May 12

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-3

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

5.3 General Preventative Information

To help ensure long equipment life, FLSmidth recommends that you observe the following
preventive maintenance practices:

• Assign only properly trained Maintenance Technicians to the equipment.

• Prepare and use an inspection checklist. Use the information and lists in the following
sections to create the customized checklist.

• For best results, different operators should perform these inspections on a day-to-
day basis. Different operators will identify different problems, which helps ensure the
safety and integrity of the equipment on an ongoing basis.

5.3.1 Cleaning
• Keep breathers and vents free of dirt and sludge.

• Clean dirt and sludge away from fill plugs and caps before removing them for
inspection or the addition of lubricants, fuel, hydraulic oil, or coolants.

5.3.2 Housekeeping
No element of maintenance on this type of equipment can save more money, indirectly,
than good preventive maintenance.

Housekeeping problems, their effects and their remedies are listed, but not necessarily
limited to, the following items:

Spillage at Load Points


• Clutters up the area and requires cleanup.

• Causes sticky material to form on return belt, tail pulley, and troughing idlers.

• Sharp lumps may be carried around tail pulley, tending to puncture belt.

• Submerges tail pulleys and bearings, when near grade or floor elevation, and causes
wear on bearings, pulley, and belt.

• Provides hazardous access to components for maintenance people and thus

discourages proper millwright and lubrication maintenance.

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-4

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

• Produces off-center entrance of return belt onto tail pulley, and this off-center belt
loading and resultant poor troughing, thereby creating bad belt performance.


• Reduce surging and turbulence by better regulation of feed.

• Keep skirtboards and rubber properly adjusted.

• Inspect the area at least once per day or per shift as required.

• Provide safe means of shoveling spillage onto the belt, thus disposing of it safely,
simply, and cheaply.

Dirty Catwalks and Platforms


• Walkway covering used to provide sure footing fails in its purpose if allowed to build
up with ore material, rocks, or snow and ice. This promotes hazardous access and/or


• Eliminate cause or minimize spillage.

• Institute regular inspection programs.

Dirty Drives and Oil-tight Cases


• Dirt or dust in motors, bearings, and oil-tight cases—causing wear.


• Inspect and blow out motors.

• Keep bearings greased.

• Inspect and clean out oil cases regularly.

• It is amazing how quickly gritty material will accumulate in the oil-tight cases. Daily
policing with a stiff whisk broom and shovel will do much to reduce millwright and
mechanical maintenance.

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-5

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Dirty Tail Pulleys - Wing Type


• Sticky material tends to stick and/or freeze to pulley between the wings.

• May cause failure of wings due to unequal build-up in pulley sectors.

• May fill up and cause abuse and poor alignment of the belt under the load point.


• Inspect regularly.

• Clean out as frequently as possible.

• Do not wait for pulley sectors to fill up before cleaning.

Dirty Belts, Pulleys, and Idlers


• Sticky material tends to adhere and/or freeze onto these elements.

• Material sticks to carrying belt strand and distributes to return idler, idler pulley, and
GTU bend pulleys.

• Spillage material falls onto return belt, which distributes it to tail pulley, head pulley,
GTU weight pulley, and troughing idlers.

• Causes rough running of belt, poor alignment, some tendency of pulleys to drift on
their shafts, and;

• Some increase in power demand.


• Vulcanize belt splices to allow scraper of the shearing type near head pulley.

• Prevent spillage of material onto return belt.

• If operation and maintenance cannot cope with problem, install return belt plow near
tail pulley.

• When material is freezing onto components, all known remedial practices are

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-6

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

5.4 General Lubrication

The following section provides some basic lubrication guidelines for the belt feeder.

NOTE: Refer to original manufacture documents for component specific lubrication


• Inspection and lubrication schedules should be established in accordance with our

recommendations and those specified by the manufacturer.

• Some of our frequency recommendations are more stringent than those of the
manufacturer because they relate directly to a specific handling system, whereas the
manufacturer must generalize.

• We have found, for example, that if you grease idlers every 2 years, or 4000 hours
of operation, many grease fittings and pressure relief fittings may be stuck, frozen,
or mechanically damaged, and will not take grease. We, therefore, recommend more
frequent lubrication.

• It is advisable to use suitable oils and greases for two seasons of the year be used
rather than a compromise. This is because of the 130 to 140 degree temperature
differential between seasonal extremes in some areas.

• Replace fittings if they become damaged or frozen. Do not use a bad fitting as an
excuse for not greasing the idler. It costs far less to replace the fitting than the idler,
and idler replacement will be necessary if you run it un-lubricated.

• Often the lubrication needs of the idlers are neglected. This may cause one or more
rollers to freeze up and stop turning.

• In 24 hours of operation at 600 FPM, 864,000 feet of belt will slide over the frozen
roller. Obviously, it doesn't take long for the belt to wear into the roller cylindrical
wheel, thus producing sharp metal edges which will wear out or cut up your belt.
Side rolls are particularly susceptible to this wear.

• It is good practice to assemble all your lubrication manuals in one place and consult
your local lubricant suppliers for the purpose of setting up a lubrication chart. In
addition, a well designed lubrication and maintenance log should be created and
used for control and history. It will pay for itself many times over.

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-7

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

5.4.1 Lubricants
• Maintain an adequate supply of clean hydraulic oil in the system. This is necessary
for trouble free operation.

• Use a Portable Filter/Transfer Cart to fill all hydraulic tanks and lines in the hydraulic
system for hydraulic oil and to filter all gear lubricants required to fill system

• If a shut-off valve is used in the hydraulic suction line, make certain that the valve is
fully OPEN before operating any of the hydraulic systems.

• An insufficient supply of hydraulic oil in the system will cause permanent and costly
damage to hydraulic pumps and motors.

• Do not over-grease sealed bearings.

• Do not apply grease under high pressure. This can damage seals.

• Maintain oil in gear cases at the recommended oil level. Too little oil causes
excessive wear and overheating. Too much oil causes overheating and oil leakage.

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-8

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

5.5 Lubrication schedule

The following table lists the basic lubrication requirements for the Belt feeder. This is a
reference table and not meant to be used without consulting the manufacturer. Refer to
OEM documents located in Appendix D. for more in-depth lubrication requirements.

Component Lubricant quantity recommended Lubrication interval

RAS Pulleys

Bearing no.: SD 23156 Initial Fill: Shell Weekly

11 kg (factory fill)
Feeder no.: Gadus S2
2200-FE-001 thru 006 Drive Regular Lube:
1.0 NLGI Grade
134.32 g
220 Viscosity @ 40°C

Bearing no.: SD 23148 Initial Fill: Shell Weekly

8.5 kg (factory fill)
Feeder no.: Gadus S2
7200-FE-001 & 002 Drive Regular Lube:
1.0 NLGI Grade
102.4 g
220 Viscosity @ 40°C

Bearing no.: SAF 22238 Initial Fill: Shell Weekly

8.25 kg (factory fill)
Feeder no.: Gadus S2
2200-FE-001 thru 006 Tail Regular Lube:
1.0 NLGI Grade
62.56 g
220 Viscosity @ 40°C

Bearing no.: SD 23172 Initial Fill: Shell Weekly

24.25 kg (factory
Feeder no.: Gadus S2
2100-FE-001 Drive
1.0 NLGI Grade
Regular Lube:
230.40 g 220 Viscosity @ 40°C

Bearing no.: SD 23152 Initial Fill: Shell Weekly

10.75 kg (factory
Feeder: Gadus S2
2100-FE-001 Tail
1.0 NLGI Grade
Regular Lube:
126.72 g 220 Viscosity @ 40°C

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-9

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Component Lubricant quantity recommended Lubrication interval

Bearing no.: SAF 22236 Initial Fill: Shell Weekly

6.8 kg (factory fill)
Feeder: Gadus S2
3300-FE-001 thru 003 Drive Regular Lube:
1.0 NLGI Grade
55.04 g
220 Viscosity @ 40°C

Siemens/Flender Drives

B4DH09 48 liters ISO VG 320 PAO-Oil Initial Change:

~400 operating hours
3300-FE-001 thru 003
Regular Interval:
10,000 operating hours

B4DM13 120 liters ISO VG 320 PAO-Oil Initial Change:

~400 operating hours
7200-FE-001 & 002
Regular Interval:
10,000 operating hours

Hägglunds Drives

Motor: Compact CB1120-880 25 liters Viscosity: 40-150 Inspect every 6 months

SA0N0C 00 00 cSt/187-720 SSU
Replace as needed

Siemens 300HP Electric Motor Initial Fill: Mobil Polyrex EM or ~6 months

5011SY Frame Factory Filled equivalent Polyurea
Feeder: Regular Lube:
2100-FE-001 13 oz

Single Motor Power Unit Initial Fill: Mobile DTE 68 Check weekly
PAC-0602-500-300-22-1111- ~600 liters (The
1C1DB-0000-0-3300V/50HZ tank is to be filled
with oil to 0.79 in.
below the max level
on the visual level
gauge on tank)

Regular Lube:
As needed

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-10

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Component Lubricant quantity recommended Lubrication interval

Motor: Compact CB840-760 25 liters Viscosity: 40-150 Inspect every 6 months

CA0N0C 00 00 cSt/187-720 SSU
Replace as needed
2200-FE-001 thru 006

Siemens 75hp Electric Motor Initial Fill: Mobil Polyrex EM or ~6 months

444TSC Frame Factory Filled equivalent Polyurea
Feeders: Regular Lube:
2200-FE-001 thru 006 7.5 oz

Single Motor Power Unit Initial Fill: Mobile DTE 68 Check weekly
PAC-0202-180-075-22-1111- ~200 liters (The
1C1DB-0000-0-380V/50HZ tank is to be filled
with oil to 0.79 in.
below the max level
2200-FE-001 thru 006
on the visual level
gauge on tank)

Regular Lube:
As needed

Siemens Motors

40 HP, 364TC Frame Initial Fill: Lithium ~6 months

Factory Filled
3300-FE-001 thru 003 Regular Lube:
10.5 oz

20 HP, 364TC Frame Initial Fill: Lithium ~6 months

Factory Filled
7200-FE-001 & 002 Regular Lube:
10.5 oz

FMC Idlers

All Idlers N/A N/A N/A

Sealed for life Sealed for life Sealed for life

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-11

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

5.6 General Maintenance

The following section lists general maintenance. Refer to the OEM documents for component
specific maintenance requirements. If there is a problem or malfunction with equipment,
you must fix the problem per manufacture’s specifications.

5.6.1 Conveyor Framework and Supports

A factor often overlooked during the operation of a conveyor system is the effect of poorly
aligned framework.

The severe climatic environs of many areas, intense freezing and thawing, or prevailing
winds, tend to create seasonal movement in the conveyor support foundations. This, in
turn, produces movement or strain at the top of the supporting bents and towers and may
cause lateral deflection of the conveyor spandrel members. The result is a curved idler
alignment which will induce poor belt troughing and bad belt performance.

If misalignment develops, correct the steel work first and then, if necessary, the hardware.
This can usually be accomplished by shimming the steel work, as required, in locations such
as under the bent or tower base plants. It is poor practice to attempt to make the conveyor
run in conformance to a poorly aligned framework. Don't waste your money or time trying
unless the degree of misalignment is slight or acceptably normal. (Acceptable normality
may be defined as the condition of the framework when it is new and the belts are running
in a satisfactory manner).

It is not unusual for the steel work of a system installed and aligned in cold weather to go
out of alignment in hot weather. This misalignment is caused by end restraint and
longitudinal expansion, and can usually be corrected by relieving the end restraint at one
end or other of the affected conveyor.

Conveyor misalignment may also occur when the system is on very high bents and
subjected to a more or less constant cross-wind of fairly high intensity. Regardless of
foundation adequacy and conservatism in soil bearing pressure, the constant inequality of
soil pressure between the windward and leeward sides of a bent foundation footing will
cause small inequities in the degree of initial solid compression before the soil "takes-up" or
stabilizes. The remedy is to shim the bent or tower base plates on the low side. This should
be required only once or twice.

The above discussion refers to lateral alignment. A small degree of vertical misalignment
will normally do no harm; however, if such deflection becomes readily noticeable by casual
observation with the naked eye, it should be corrected before excess steel work stresses are

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-12

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

5.6.2 Belts
It is very important to keep belts running in good alignment on both top and bottom runs. It
is equally important to keep them tight, but never unnecessarily so.

Belts having a good square splice, good center loading, and with good alignment of terminal
pulleys and troughing idlers usually only need attention on the return run. Care must be
taken to see that the return belt does not run off to one side and unduly wear its edges on
the steel work. When belts tend to trough badly, examine the return run and adjust the
return idlers, particularly near the tail pulley, until the return belt enters the tail pulley on
center. The belt should then center at the load point, If it does not, inspect the skirtboard
rubbers, as these will push the belt out of the trough and away from the tightest rubber.

Belt splices are best vulcanized, but if designed and selected accordingly, can be spliced
with mechanical fasteners. Flexco fasteners are quite successful if properly used and

What is not generally known about the proper installation of Flexco type fasteners is that, to
be successful, they must be re-tightened after a certain amount of belt running time.
Because the belt material yields slowly under compression, fastener bolts lose about half
their "squeeze" on the belt ends within one to four hours after normal operation has
resumed. If you wish to have a longer lasting, more durable splice, we recommended that
the belt be stopped and the bolts re-tightened after running under load for one hour, four
hours, and forty-eight hours. Splices not properly made or re-tightened can usually be
expected to pucker, stretch unevenly, tension unevenly and fail. This failure usually first
occurs at the edges.

Mechanical splices, time permitting, can be made flush with the belt by recessing the
fasteners into the belt covers. They can be made smooth and more efficient by dressing
them with chemical rubber or neoprene, etc., depending upon belt materials and
manufacturer's recommendations.

Many belts can now also be spliced chemically by a process similar to, and as strong as, a
vulcanized splice without the use of heat and pressure. To the best of our knowledge,
however, these belt manufacturers do not yet sanction this practice for field splices on this
project. Therefore, if any chemical vulcanizing is contemplated for these belts, we strongly
recommend that the manufacturer's permission and procedures be obtained in advance to
avoid loss of warranty or other difficulty.

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-13

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

5.6.3 Conveyor Loading & Discharge

Much has already been said about skirtboards under sections elsewhere in this manual;
however, the necessity for good skirtboard rubber adjustment deserves emphasis here.

For non-splashing materials, skirtboards operate best by an adjustment which places the
rubber touching the belt across the back of the feed box and with the side rubbers sloping
slightly upward away from the belt so that the front ends of the rubbers incline to a point
about 1/8" and 1/4" above the belt. This tends to minimize wear on the belt and skirtboard
rubber, and also assists in the dislodgment of any sharp stones which may become caught
between the belt and the skirtboard rubber.

For splashing material, such as some ore is likely to be in late summer, the skirtboard
rubbers are best adjusted by lowering and folding them under toward the center of the belt
so that about an inch bears flatly on the belt. Care must be taken to ensure that the two
rear corners of the skirtboard are closed to prevent leaks. This can usually be accomplished
by using wide rubber, in one piece, long enough to allow the material turbulence, after the
transfer, to settle down and should be lengthened if necessary. Also refer to the appropriate
sections of the conveyor belt manufacturers contained herein.

If large, lumpy material does not center well on the belt, centering bars may be attached to
the inside of the skirt plates for this purpose. Extreme care must be exercised in the
placement of such baffles.

Discharge Chutes
Serious injury to a conveyor belt may result from failure of the material to fall freely at the
discharge point. Such failures can be caused by over-filling a bin, stoppage of material flow
at the succeeding conveyor, or by plugging of the discharge chute. Whenever such a
condition is a possibility, it is advisable to provide an automatic protective device.

Discharge chutes consist of many types, each of which has their own peculiar problems and
special remedies to obtain the desired trajectories and material flow. If material impinges on
the chute plate directly in front of the conveyor, the head pulley should be moved back.
Also a baffle plate, discreetly hung inside the chute, may deflect the material as required.
The baffle plate may be fabricated from one of many materials such as steel, rubber,
polyethylene, etc.

Drives & Holdbacks

Reducer units and motors should be periodically inspected and blown out with a high
pressure air hose. Unnecessary jogging should be avoided as the rotor bars may become
overheated and warped. After any major overhaul or revision to the conveyor components

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-14

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

or configuration is completed, amperage readings should be taken on all three legs,

compared to the readings made at installation, and recorded for each motor for a future
reference and comparison.

Speed reducers should be checked regularly for heating and oil level. We recommend
changing oil every three months or more frequently if sludge accumulations prove to be
excessive. Oil-tight chain and sprocket cases should be inspected, flushed out, and the oil
changed every three months or more often if sludge and grit accumulations prove to be
excessive. At this time, sprocket teeth should also be examined for wear and replaced if
necessary. The roller chain should be shortened if too loose or dragging on the oil tight case
and replaced if it has badly worn pins or links.

At each inspection and service period, the drive components should be checked for good
alignment and corrected if necessary. All bolts and wiring connections should be checked for
looseness, heating, or deterioration, and corrected as required.

Motors & Controls

The motors selected and/or provided are designed for operation based upon ambient and
atmospheric conditions, speed requirements, and special service conditions. Any major
deviation in these design conditions may require a different motor selection.

The motors selected and provided should have a continuous name plate rating at least equal
to the horsepower required by the conveyor divided by total efficiency of the drive

Open drip-proof motors have a service factor of 1.15 which will allow them to carry 15%
overload continuously at safe temperatures.

Bear in mind that TEFC motors cannot be run under a continuous overload and must never
be run under load and temperature rise conditions in excess of the factory name plate data.

Totally enclosed motors will breathe because they are not air-tight and are not intended to
be under NEMA specifications. Such motors, if run intermittently in ambient conditions of
high humidity and extremely different day and night temperatures, may tend to accumulate
excessive moisture inside the frame. Under these conditions, the plug in the bottom of the
frame should be removed and allowed to drain through a drain pipe sealed in a container of
prestone if a long enough vertical leg is obtainable, or otherwise, to the atmosphere.

Telltale probes, wands, limit switches, levers, and similar devices can be expected to give a
good deal of trouble during the winter months due to snow, ice, wet product, and rough
operation. Constant maintenance is required on any automatic system containing this type
of equipment. If possible, limit switches should be mounted several feet above the ground
or on platforms away from likely spillage sources. Where applicable, heating cable or tape
can be utilized to good advantage when snow and ice is the principal source of trouble.

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-15

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Idlers and Pulleys

An excellent system is provided and it will give long service if properly cared for. Given a
belt speed of 600 FPM, a 5" idler will revolve approximately 27,500 times per hour, or more
than 660,000 times per 24-hour day. Any pieces of equipment subjected to this type of use
obviously require attention.

Keep the idlers reasonably clean. Do not permit the center roll to run in abrasive material.
Lubricate by schedule as required. If you follow these suggestions, you will have little
trouble with this equipment.

While full greasing is seldom required, it is a good idea to apply a manual type, low pressure
grease gun to the grease fittings about every month to three months. This will not only help
to prevent a leaky seal from causing excessive bearing damage, but will also keep the
grease fitting and pressure relief fitting clear and in good working order. In areas that are
subjected to severe climatic conditions, and if a conveyor is to be normally stopped and
started at long intervals, we recommend that the grease be completely purged and replaced
twice per year, once for summer use and again for winter operation. These two greases
should be of a different color so that when purging one with the other, the appearance of
the fresh grease color at the relief will be proof of complete purging.

Training idlers should not be used as a substitute for good conveyor maintenance. They are
installed on some systems for two reasons. First, sticky material may produce conditions,
which require trainers to keep the belt centered; and second, trainers are used to help keep
belts troughed and/or centered in areas that are subjected to severe wind conditions. Keep
the trainers clean, free to pivot, and lubricated, and you will be well repaid.

If an idler roll bearing goes bad, replace the idler at once with a spare. The roll on the bad
idler can then be replaced by your shop at its leisure and then returned to the spare bin.

Pulleys do not usually cause trouble, although there may be a tendency for the head pulley
or the GTU bend pulleys to walk on their shafts if lumpy material is allowed to stick and
freeze to the pulley. This causes bumpy belt operation at the points of high belt tension. If
this is a recurring problem, the installation of split collars between the pulley and the
bearings, will prevent pulley shaft walking. Care must be taken that slip does not occur
between the belt and the drive pulley. Slip will cause wear or burning of the bottom belt
cover and the pulley lagging. Keeping the belt sufficiently tight will almost always correct
this condition.

Before adding additional weight in a gravity take-up, the belt tension rating must be
checked. On screw take-ups, if any, we suggest the use of a hydraulic device, such as
"microtensioner", to establish the static belt tension.

Bearings should be frequently inspected for heating, shifting at the bolts, cracked housings,
and noisiness.

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-16

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Proper lubrication, good housekeeping, and preventive mechanical and electrical

maintenance, will do much toward minimizing downtime and repair costs on all components
of this system.

5.7 Bolt Fastening Requirements

The nut or head rotation specified in Table 5-1 shall be applied to all fastener assemblies in each joint,
progressing systematically from the most rigid part of the joint in a manner that will minimize relaxation of
previously pretensioned bolts. The part not turned by the wrench shall be prevented from rotating during
this operation.

Table 5-1: Bolt fastening requirements

Bolt Lengthc Disposition of outer face of bolted parts

Both faces normal One face normal to bolt axis Both faces sloped not
to bolt axis more than 1:20 from
Other face sloped not more
normal to bolt axisd
than 1:20d

Not more than 4db 1/3 turn 1/2 turn 2/3 turn

More than 4db 1/2 turn 2/3 turn 5/6 turn

Not more than 8db

More than 8db 2/3 turn 5/6 turn 1 turn

Not more than 12

Definitions of measurement symbols

db Nominal bolt diameter

Nut rotation is relative to bolt regardless of the element (nut or bolt) being turned. For
required nut rotations of 1∕2 turn and less, the tolerance is plus or minus 30 degrees; for
required nut rotation s of 2∕3 turn and more, the tolerance is plus or minus 45 degrees.

Applicable only to joints in which all material within the grip is steel.

When the bolt length exceeds 12db, the required nut rotation shall be determined by
actual testing in a suitable tension calibrator that simulates the conditions of solidly
fitting steel.

Beveled washer not used.

NOTE: The information from this table is from Steel Construction Manual, 13th Edition June
30, 2004. Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts c/o American
Institute of Steel Construction, Inc.

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-17

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

5.8 Long-Term Storage Requirements

Long term storage requires special protection to prevent corrosion of the Belt Feeder
components. Follow the following procedures for indoor and outdoor storage of your
equipment. Because each site has unique climates, you may modify this procedure to the
requirements of your site.

NOTE: Outdoor storage is not recommended for any mechanical or electrical control

5.8.1 Outdoor Storage

• Equipment should not be stored in any wet environments, unstable ground, or heavy
traffic areas.

• The equipment should be blocked up to a minimum of 15 cm (6") above the ground

on wood or other kind of supporting blocks. Supports should be visually inspected
once a month.

• Parts must be rain and dust protected.

• Tarp equipment to protect from adverse climate conditions.

• Unpainted external surfaces (such as drive or rotor shafts) must be checked for
adequate coating of rust preventive material according to manufacturer’s

• Equipment with grease lubricated bearings should have each bearing housing cavity
filled completely with grease. Equipment having components which turn in bearings
should be rotated completely (at least three full rotations) every 60 days. In
addition, the grease must be replaced every 8 months or whenever it appears to be

• Paint, corrosion protection and anti-fungal coatings should be checked periodically

for any damage. Damage which is discovered must be properly treated to prevent
any damage by corrosion or fungus.

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-18

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

5.8.2 Indoor Storage

• Storage location: Store in a clean, dry location with a consistent temperature
required to prevent condensation.

• Paint and corrosion protection coatings:

o Coat all exposed machine parts such as shaft extensions, sprockets, and hubs
with a corrosion protection compound if not already protected.

o Check for any damage. Damage which is discovered must be properly treated
to prevent any damage by corrosion or fungus.

• Electric Motors: Refer to manufacturers specific instructions in the maintenance


• Electric Components: All electrical components must be protected from moisture

and condensation. Refer to manufacturers specific instructions in the maintenance

• Hydraulic Components: Refer to manufacturers specific instructions in the

maintenance manuals.

• Gear Boxes: Refer to manufacturers specific instructions in the maintenance


• Lubrication System: Refer to manufacturers specific instructions in the

maintenance manuals.

Section 5:Lubrication and Maintenance Guide 5-19

Section 6: Recommended Spare
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

6.0 Introducing Recommended Spare Parts

This section contains the following:

• How to Order Replacement Parts

• Changes to your Equipment

The Replacement Parts section covers replacement parts for the equipment and how to
order replacement parts.

6.1 How to Order Replacement Parts

This section explains the process for ordering replacement parts.


When replacement parts are required for this equipment, FLSmidth MH-NA
recommends using FLSmidth replacement parts or parts with equivalent
specifications including, but not limited to, physical dimensions, type,
strength and material. Failure to heed this warning can lead to premature
failures, product damage, personal injury or death.

When ordering replacement parts - make sure to have the following:

Equipment Identification
Project Number
Project Name
Part number

Contact FLSmidth MH-NA for further information:

Section 6:Recommended Spare Parts 6-1

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

6.2 Changes to Your Equipment

Continuing improvement and upgrading of equipment design may cause changes to your
equipment that are not be included in this manual. Any changes to your equipment must be
documented and reported to FLSmidth and the relevant OEM.

Section 6:Recommended Spare Parts 6-2

Section 7: Troubleshooting
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

7.0 Introducing Troubleshooting

This section covers the troubleshooting needs of the Belt feeder.

7.1 Belt Feeder

Table 7-1 provides the troubleshooting advice for the gear reducers and bearings.

Table 7-1: Belt feeder troubleshooting

Problems Possible causes Corrections

Bearings Excessive grease • Lubricate roller bearings with recommended

grease quality and amount.
Contaminated grease
• Replace roller bearings.
Worn roller bearings

Material leakage Excessive wear of skirtboard liners Check clearance and replace liners liners as
between skirtboard needed.
liners and flights

High noise level or Incorrect alignment • Check alignment and bolt’s torque pulleys
intense vibration and idlers.
Dirty or worn roller bearings
• Clean idler rolls.
• Re-torque bolts.
• If the noise persists, replace bolts and worn

Lubrication system Low grease level • Refill to required level.

• Replace failed components.
Broken pipes or hoses


Control pump failure

Section 7:Troubleshooting 7-1

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

7.2 Walkway Pull Switches

You should test the conveyor belt switches on a monthly basis as part of your overall
preventive maintenance program.

• To test the switches, maintenance personnel should actuate the switch and confirm
that the control system recognizes the appropriate fault.
• If the control system does not recognize the fault, the following procedure may be
used to troubleshoot the switch.

To Troubleshoot an Unrecognized Fault:

1. Lockout power to the system using LOTO procedures.

2. Open the switch unit and inspect for corrosion, water damage and wear.
NOTE: Always make sure that the switch is completely sealed from moisture.

a. Check to ensure that all actuators are in their normal position.

b. Verify that terminal wires are connected properly and that terminal screws
are tight.

c. Verify that all switch actuators are operating correctly.

d. Verify that the switch contacts open and close properly.

3. If all the above checks out, the problem is probably in the external circuiting.

Section 7:Troubleshooting 7-2

Section 8: Drawings
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

8.0 Introducing Drawings

The drawings section of this manual consists of drawing reference lists for the Belt feeder.
These drawings can only be accessed from the electronic PDF manual. When using the
electronic PDF, the Drawing reference list is linked to the electronic PDF drawings. If printed
as a hard copy manual, the Drawing reference list Drawing List is for reference only.

These drawings are located in Appendix A.

8.1 Marking System for Drawings

The drawings provided by FLS use the following drawing index system. Use this system for
reference and control.

Section 8:Drawings 8-1

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

8.2 Project Standard Drawing Reference List

Drawing Sequence / Number Description

CA100-07-001 / 10007001 Typical Details – Pulley Guards

CA100-07-002 / 10007002 Typical Details – GTU Guards

CA100-07-003 / 10007003 Typical Details – Conveyor Frames

CA100-07-004 / 10007004 Typical Details – Skirtboards

CA100-07-005 / 10007005 Typical Details – Inspection Doors

CA100-07-006 / 10007006 Typical Details – Vertical GTU w / Concrete Filled Weight Box

CA100-07-007 / 10007007 Typical Details – Horizontal GTU Carriage

CA100-07-008 / 10007008 Typical Details – Chutework

CA100-07-009 / 10007009 Typical Details – Truss Section

CA100-07-010 / 10007010 Typical Details – Truss Supports

CA100-07-011 / 10007011 Typical Details – Structural Steel Connections

CA100-07-012 / 10007012 Typical Details – Area Guards

CA100-07-013 / 10007013 Typical Details – Steel Pipe Connections at Galleries & Tower Floor

CA100-07-014 / 10007014 Typical Details – Walkway

CA100-07-015 / 10007015 Typical Details – Lube Lines

CA100-07-016 / 10007016 Typical Details – 20mm AR Plate Liners

CA100-07-016 / 10007016 Typical Details – 20mm AR Plate Liners Type A

CA100-07-016 / 10007016 Typical Details – 20mm AR Plate Liners Type A

CA100-07-016 / 10007016 Typical Details – 20mm AR Plate Liners Type A

CA100-07-017 / 10007017 Typical Details – 25mm AR Plate Liners

CA100-07-017 / 10007017 Typical Details – 25mm AR Plate Liners

CA100-07-017 / 10007017 Typical Details – 25mm AR Plate Liners

CA100-07-017 / 10007017 Typical Details – 25mm AR Plate Liners

CA100-07-017 / 10007017 Typical Details – 25mm AR Plate Liners

Section 8:Drawings 8-2

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Drawing Sequence / Number Description

CA100-07-017 / 10007017 Typical Details – 25mm AR Plate Liners

CA100-07-017 / 10007017 Typical Details – 25mm AR Plate Liners

CA100-07-017 / 10007017 Typical Details – 25mm AR Plate Liners

CA100-07-018 / 10007018 Typical Details – 38mm AR Plate Liners Type C

CA100-07-018 / 10007018 Typical Details – 38mm AR Plate Liners Type C

CA100-07-018 / 10007018 Typical Details – 38mm AR Plate Liners Type C

CA100-07-018 / 10007018 Typical Details – 38mm AR Plate Liners Type C

CA100-07-018 / 10007018 Typical Details – 38mm AR Plate Liners Type C

CA100-07-018 / 10007018 Typical Details – 38mm AR Plate Liners Type C

CA100-07-018 / 10007018 Typical Details – 38mm AR Plate Liners Type C

CA100-07-019 / 10007019 Typical Details – 70mm Corrocube Ceramic Liners Type CE

CA100-07-022 / 10007022 Design & Construction Notes – STD. Design Notes

CA100-07-023 / 10007023 Design & Construction Notes – STD. Erection Notes

CA100-07-024 / 10007024 Design & Construction Notes – STD. Mechanical Notes

CA100-07-025 / 10007025 Typical Details – Standard Ladders

CA100-07-026 / 10007026 Typical Details – STD. Ladder Details

CA100-07-027 / 10007027 Typical Details – Rail Alignment

CA100-07-028 / 10007028 Typical Details – Screw Take-up Belt Tension Diagram

CA100-07-029 / 10007029 Typical Details – Pratt Truss

CA100-07-030 / 10007030 Typical Details – Bent Details

CA100-07-031 / 10007031 Typical Details – Bent Details

CA100-07-032 / 10007032 Typical Details – Plate Connections

CA100-07-033 / 10007033 Typical Details – Gallery Connections

CA100-07-034 / 10007034 Typical Details – Gallery Connections

CA100-07-035 / 10007035 Typical Details – 100mm AR Plate Wear Bars

CA100-07-036 / 10007036 Typical Details – 25mm Skirtboard Liners

Section 8:Drawings 8-3

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Drawing Sequence / Number Description

CA100-07-036 / 10007036 Typical Details – 25mm Skirtboard Liners

CA100-07-036 / 10007036 Typical Details – 25mm Skirtboard Liners

CA100-07-037 / 10007037 Typical Details – 38mm AR Plate Non-Standard Liners

CA100-07-041 / 10007041 Typical Details – 20mm Non-Standard Skirtboard Liners

CA100-07-049 / 10007049 Typical Details – Steel Pipe Connections for Bents & Towers

CA100-07-065 / 10007065 Typical Details – 42” Conveyor Frames

CA100-07-066 / 10007066 Typical Details – Steel Pipe Connections for Bents & Towers

CA100-07-067 / 10007067 Typical Details – 12mm UHMW Liners Type U

CA100-07-067 / 10007067 Typical Details – 12mm UHMW Non-Standard Liners Type U

CA100-07-067 / 10007067 Typical Details – 12mm UHMW Non-Standard Liners Type U

CA100-07-067 / 10007067 Typical Details – 12mm UHMW Non-Standard Liners Type U

CA100-07-068 / 10007068 54” Conveyor 3300-CV-021 Transfer Tower Girt Connection Details

CA100-20-001 / 10020001 Plot Plan

CA100-20-002 / 10020002 Plot Plan

CA100-20-003 / 10020003 Plot Plan

CA100-50-001 / 10050001 72” Conveyor 2100-CV-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-002 / 10050002 72” Conveyor 2100-CV-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-003 / 10050003 72” Conveyor 2100-CV-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-004 / 10050004 72” Conveyor 2100-CV-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-006 / 10050006 54” Conveyor 3300-CV-021 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-007 / 10050007 54” Conveyor 3300-CV-021 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-008 / 10050008 54” Conveyor 3300-CV-021 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-010 / 10050010 84” Conveyor 2200-CV-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-012 / 10050012 84” Conveyor 2200-CV-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-012 / 10050013 84” Conveyor 2200-CV-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-014 / 10050014 84” Conveyor 2200-CV-001 – Switch Bracket Details

Section 8:Drawings 8-4

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Drawing Sequence / Number Description

CA100-50-015 / 10050015 84” Conveyor 2200-CV-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-017 / 10050017 42” Conveyors 3300-CV-022, 023, 024, 025, 026 & 027 – Switch
Bracket Details

CA100-50-018 / 10050018 42” Conveyors 3300-CV-022, 023, 024, 025, 026 & 027 – Switch
Bracket Details

CA100-50-019 / 10050019 42” Conveyors 3300-CV-022, 023, 024, 025, 026 & 027 – Switch
Bracket Details

CA100-50-020 / 10050020 60" BELT FEEDERS 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-021 / 10050021 60" BELT FEEDERS 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-022 / 10050022 60" BELT FEEDERS 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-023 / 10050023 60" BELT FEEDERS 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-024 / 10050024 72” Belt Feeder 2200-FE-001 thru 006 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-025 / 10050025 72” Belt Feeder 2200-FE-001 thru 006 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-026 / 10050026 72” Belt Feeder 2200-FE-001 thru 006 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-027 / 10050027 72” Belt Feeder 2200-FE-001 thru 006 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-029 / 10050029 18" CONVEYOR 5300-CV-002 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-030 / 10050030 18" CONVEYOR 5300-CV-002 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-031 / 10050031 18" CONVEYOR 5300-CV-002 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-033 / 10050033 24" CONVEYOR 7200-CV-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-034 / 10050034 24" CONVEYOR 7200-CV-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-035 / 10050035 24" CONVEYOR 7200-CV-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-036 / 10050036 24" CONVEYOR 7200-CV-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-039 / 10050039 BALL FEED 800mm CONVEYOR 5300-CV-001 – Switch Bracket


CA100-50-040 / 10050040 Ball Feed 800mm CONVEYOR 5300-CV-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-041 / 10050041 BALL FEED 800mm CONVEYOR 5300-CV-001 – Switch Bracket


CA100-50-043 / 10050043 120" FEEDER 2100-FE-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-044 / 10050044 120" FEEDER 2100-FE-001 – Switch Bracket Details

Section 8:Drawings 8-5

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Drawing Sequence / Number Description

CA100-50-045 / 10050045 120" FEEDER 2100-FE-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-046 / 10050046 120" FEEDER 2100-FE-001 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-048 / 10050048 72" FEEDER 7200-FE-001 & 002 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-049 / 10050049 72" FEEDER 7200-FE-001 & 002 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-050 / 10050050 72" FEEDER 7200-FE-001 & 002 – Switch Bracket Details

CA100-50-051 / 10050051 72" FEEDER 7200-FE-001 & 002 – Switch Bracket Details

8.3 Mechanical Charts Reference List

Drawing Sequence / Number Description

CA100-06-011 / 10006011 2100-FE-001 – Machinery Chart

CA100-06-012 / 10006012 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Machinery Chart

CA100-06-013 / 10006013 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Machinery Chart

CA100-06-014 / 10006014 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Machinery Chart

CA100-06-015 / 10006015 7200-FE-001 & 002 – Machinery Chart

8.4 2100-FE-001 Erection Drawings Index

Drawing number / No. Referencia Description / Contenido

2100-FE-001-M01 2100-FE-001 – Feeder Guardera

2100-FE-001-M02 2100-FE-001 – Feeder Guardera

2100-FE-001-M01 2100-FE-001 – Feeder Tolva

201-50-301-M01 2100-FE-001 – Feeder Head Chute

201-50-301-M02 2100-FE-001 – Feeder Head Chute

201-50-301-M03 2100-FE-001 – Feeder Head Chute

Section 8:Drawings 8-6

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

8.5 2200-FE-001 thru 003 Erection Drawing Index

Drawing number / No. Referencia Description / Contenido

2200-FE-001-M1 Feeder – Isometricos

2200-FE-001-M2 Feeder – Vistas Y Secciones

2200-FE-001-M3 Feeder – Secciones Y Detalles

2200-FE-001-M4 Feeder – Conjunto Armado Y Secciones

2200-FE-001-M5 Feeder – Seccion H

2200-FE-001-M6 Feeder – Seccion I

2200-FE-001-M7 Feeder – Elevacion

2200-FE-001-M8 Feeder – Vista A

2200-FE-001-M9 Feeder – Elevacion

2200-FE-001-M10 Feeder – Planta Elevacion

2200-FE-001-M11 Feeder – Secciones

2200-FE-001-M12 Feeder – Planta E Isometrico

2200-FE-001-M13 Feeder – Secciones

2200-FE-001-M14 Feeder – Seccion B

2200-FE-002-M1 Feeder – Isometricos

2200-FE-002-M2 Feeder – Vistas Y Secciones

2200-FE-002-M3 Feeder – Secciones Y Detalles

2200-FE-002-M4 Feeder – Conjunto Armado Y Secciones

2200-FE-002-M5 Feeder – Seccion H

2200-FE-002-M6 Feeder – Seccion I

2200-FE-002-M7 Feeder – Elevacion

2200-FE-002-M8 Feeder – Elevacion

2200-FE-002-M9 Feeder – Vista A

2200-FE-002-M10 Feeder – Vista B

2200-FE-002-M11 Feeder – Planta

2200-FE-002-M12 Feeder – Secciones

Section 8:Drawings 8-7

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Drawing number / No. Referencia Description / Contenido

2200-FE-002-M13 Feeder – Planta E Isometrico

2200-FE-002-M14 Feeder – Seccion A

2200-FE-002-M15 Feeder – Seccion B

2200-FE-003-M1 Feeder – Isometricos

2200-FE-003-M2 Feeder – Vistas Y Secciones

2200-FE-003-M3 Feeder – Secciones Y Detalles

2200-FE-003-M4 Feeder – Vistas Y Secciones

2200-FE-003-M5 Feeder – Seccion H

2200-FE-003-M6 Feeder – Seccion I

2200-FE-003-M7 Feeder – Elevacion

2200-FE-003-M8 Feeder – Elevacion

2200-FE-003-M9 Feeder – Seccion A

2200-FE-003-M10 Feeder – Seccion B

2200-FE-003-M11 Feeder – Planta

2200-FE-003-M12 Feeder – Secciones

2200-FE-003-M13 Feeder – Planta E Isometrico

2200-FE-003-M14 Feeder – Seccion A

2200-FE-003-M15 Feeder – Seccion B

8.6 2200-FE-004 thru 006 Erection Drawing Index

Drawing number / No. Referencia Description / Contenido

2200-FE-004-M1 Feeder – Isometricos

2200-FE-004-M2 Feeder – Vistas Y Secciones

2200-FE-004-M3 Feeder – Secciones Y Detalles

2200-FE-004-M4 Feeder – Conjunto Armado Y Secciones

2200-FE-004-M5 Feeder – Seccion H

Section 8:Drawings 8-8

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Drawing number / No. Referencia Description / Contenido

2200-FE-004-M6 Feeder – Seccion I

2200-FE-004-M7 Feeder – Elevacion

2200-FE-004-M8 Feeder – Elevacion

2200-FE-004-M9 Feeder – Seccion A

2200-FE-004-M10 Feeder – Seccion B

2200-FE-004-M11 Feeder – Planta Elevaciones

2200-FE-004-M12 Feeder – Secciones

2200-FE-004-M13 Feeder – Planta E Isometrico

2200-FE-004-M14 Feeder – Seccion A

2200-FE-004-M15 Feeder – Seccion B

2200-FE-005-M1 Feeder – Isometricos

2200-FE-005-M2 Feeder – Vistas Y Secciones

2200-FE-005-M3 Feeder – Secciones Y Detalles

2200-FE-005-M4 Feeder – Vistas Y Secciones

2200-FE-005-M5 Feeder – Seccion H

2200-FE-005-M6 Feeder – Seccion I

2200-FE-005-M7 Feeder – Elevacion

2200-FE-005-M8 Feeder – Elevacion

2200-FE-005-M9 Feeder – Seccion A

2200-FE-005-M10 Feeder – Seccion B

2200-FE-005-M11 Feeder – Planta Elevaciones

2200-FE-005-M12 Feeder – Secciones

2200-FE-005-M13 Feeder – Planta E Isometrico

2200-FE-005-M14 Feeder – Seccion A

2200-FE-005-M15 Feeder – Seccion B

2200-FE-006-M1 Feeder – Isometricos

Section 8:Drawings 8-9

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Drawing number / No. Referencia Description / Contenido

2200-FE-006-M2 Feeder – Vistas Y Secciones

2200-FE-006-M3 Feeder – Secciones Y Detalles

2200-FE-006-M4 Feeder – Cunjunto Armado Y Secciones

2200-FE-006-M5 Feeder – Seccion H

2200-FE-006-M6 Feeder – Seccion I

2200-FE-006-M7 Feeder – Elevacion

2200-FE-006-M8 Feeder – Elevacion

2200-FE-006-M9 Feeder – Seccion A

2200-FE-006-M10 Feeder – Seccion B

2200-FE-006-M11 Feeder – Planta Elevacion

2200-FE-006-M12 Feeder – Secciones

2200-FE-006-M13 Feeder – Planta E Isometrico

2200-FE-006-M14 Feeder – Seccion A

2200-FE-006-M15 Feeder – Seccion B

8.7 3300-FE-001 thru 003 Erection Drawing Index

Content Pending

8.8 7200-FE-001 and 002 Erection Drawing Index

Drawing number / No. Referencia Description / Contenido

7200-FE-001-M1 Feeder – Isometrico

7200-FE-001-M2 Feeder – Disposicion General

7200-FE-001-M3 Feeder – Elevacion General

7200-FE-001-M4 Feeder – Secciones

7200-FE-001-M5 Feeder – Detalles Chutes

7200-FE-001-M6 Feeder – Detalles Chutes

Section 8:Drawings 8-10

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Drawing number / No. Referencia Description / Contenido

7200-FE-001-M7 Feeder – Detalles Chutes

7200-FE-001-M8 Feeder – Detalle Planchas de Desgaste

7200-FE-002-M2 Feeder – Disposicion General

7200-FE-002-M3 Feeder – Elevacion General

7200-FE-002-M4 Feeder – Secciones

7200-FE-002-M5 Feeder – Detalles Chutes

7200-FE-002-M6 Feeder – Detalles Chutes

7200-FE-002-M7 Feeder – Detalles Chutes

8.9 2100-FE-001 GA Drawing Reference List

Drawing Sequence / Number Description

CA201-50-001 / 20150001 2100-FE-001 – Overall Plan & Profile

CA201-50-002 / 20150002 2100-FE-001 – Anchoring Plan

CA201-50-003 / 20150003 2100-FE-001 – Anchoring Load Schedule 1 of 3

CA201-50-004 / 20150004 2100-FE-001 – Anchoring Load Schedule 2 of 3

CA201-50-005 / 20150005 2100-FE-001 – Anchoring Load Schedule 3 of 3

CA201-50-006 / 20150006 2100-FE-001 – Feed Chute Load Diagram

CA201-50-007 / 20150007 2100-FE-001 – Feeder Load Schedule 1 of 2

CA201-50-008 / 20150008 2100-FE-001 – Feeder Load Schedule 2 of 2

CA201-50-009 / 20150101 2100-FE-001 – Tail Area

CA201-50-010 / 20150102 2100-FE-001 – Tail Area Details

CA201-50-201 / 20150201 2100-FE-001 – Feed Chute

CA201-50-202 / 20150202 2100-FE-001 – Skirtboard

CA201-50-203 / 20150203 2100-FE-001 – Skirtboard Sections & Details

CA201-50-204 / 20150204 2100-FE-001 – Skirtboard Sections & Details

CA201-50-301 / 20150301 2100-FE-001 – Head Area

Section 8:Drawings 8-11

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Drawing Sequence / Number Description

CA201-50-302 / 20150302 2100-FE-001 – Head Chute Details

CA201-50-303 / 20150303 2100-FE-001 – Head Chute Details

CA201-50-304 / 20150304 2100-FE-001 – Head Chute Details

CA201-50-305 / 20150305 2100-FE-001 – Head Chute Details

CA201-50-601 / 20150601 2100-FE-001 – Feeder Frame

CA201-50-602 / 20150602 2100-FE-001 – Feeder Frame Sections & Details

CA201-50-603 / 20150603 2100-FE-001 – Feeder Frame Sections & Details

CA201-50-604 / 20150604 2100-FE-001 – Feeder Frame Sections & Details

8.10 2200-FE-001, 002, and 003 GA Drawing Reference List

Drawing Sequence / Number Description

CA202-50-001 / 20250001 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Overall Plan and Profile

CA202-50-001 / 20250002 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Anchoring Plan

CA202-50-003 / 20250003 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Anchoring Load Schedule 1 of 2

CA202-50-004 / 20250004 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Anchoring Load Schedule 2 of 2

CA202-50-005 / 20250005 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feed Chute Load Diagram

CA202-50-006 / 20250006 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feeder Load Schedule 1 of 2

CA202-50-007 / 20250007 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feeder Load Schedule 2 of 2

CA202-50-101 / 20250101 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Tail Area

CA202-50-102 / 20250102 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Tail Area Details

CA202-50-201 / 20250201 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feed Chute

CA202-50-202 / 20250202 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feed Chute Sections and Details

CA202-50-201 / 20250203 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feed Chute Sections and Details

CA202-50-204 / 20250204 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Skirt Board

CA202-50-205 / 20250205 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Skirt Board Sections and Details

CA202-50-206 / 20250206 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Skirt Board Sections and Details

Section 8:Drawings 8-12

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Drawing Sequence / Number Description

CA202-50-301 / 20250301 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Drive and Head Area

CA202-50-302 / 20250302 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Drive, Head Area, Discharge Chute Sections
and Details

CA202-50-303 / 20250303 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Discharge Chute

CA202-50-304 / 20250304 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Transfer Chute

CA202-50-305 / 20250305 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Transfer Chute Sections and Details

CA202-50-601 / 20250601 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feeder Frame

CA202-50-602 / 20250602 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feeder Frame Sections and Details

CA202-50-603 / 20250603 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feeder Frame Sections and Details

CA202-50-604 / 20250604 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feeder Frame Sections and Details

CA202-50-605 / 20250605 2200-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feeder Frame Sections and Details

Section 8:Drawings 8-13

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

8.11 2200-FE-004, 005, and 006 GA Drawing Reference List

Drawing Sequence / Number Description

CA204-50-001 / 20450001 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Overall Plan and Profile

CA204-50-002 / 20450002 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Anchoring Plan

CA204-50-003 / 20450003 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Anchoring Load Schedule 1 of 3

CA204-50-004 / 20450004 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Anchoring Load Schedule 2 of 3

CA204-50-005 / 20450005 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Anchoring Load Schedule 3 of 3

CA204-50-006 / 20450006 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Feed Chute Load Diagram

CA204-50-007 / 20450007 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Feeder Load Schedule 1 of 2

CA204-50-008 / 20450008 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Feeder Load Schedule 2 of 2

CA204-50-101 / 20450101 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Tail Area

CA204-50-102 / 20450102 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Tail Area Details

CA204-50-201 / 20450201 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Feed Chute

CA204-50-202 / 20450202 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Feed Chute Sections and Details

CA204-50-203 / 20450203 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Feed Chute Sections and Details

CA204-50-204 / 20450204 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Skirtboard

CA204-50-205 / 20450205 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Skirtboard Sections and Details

CA204-50-206 / 20450206 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Skirtboard Sections and Details

CA204-50-301 / 20450301 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Drive and Head Area

CA204-50-302 / 20450302 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Drive and Head Area Sections and Details

CA204-50-303 / 20450303 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Discharge Chute

CA204-50-304 / 20450304 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Transfer Chute

CA204-50-305 / 20450305 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Transfer Chute Sections and Details

CA204-50-601 / 20450601 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Feeder Frame

CA204-50-602 / 20450602 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Feeder Frame Sections and Details

CA204-50-603 / 20450603 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Feeder Frame Sections and Details

Section 8:Drawings 8-14

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Drawing Sequence / Number Description

CA204-50-604 / 20450604 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Feeder Frame Sections and Details

CA204-50-605 / 20450605 2200-FE-004, 005, 006 – Feeder Frame Sections and Details

8.12 3300-FE-001, 002, and 003 GA Drawing Reference List

Drawing Sequence / Number Description

CA203-50-001 / 20350001 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Overall Plan and Profile

CA203-50-002 / 20350002 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Anchoring Plan

CA203-50-003 / 20350003 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Anchoring Load Schedules

CA203-50-004 / 20350004 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Anchoring Load Schedules

CA203-50-005 / 20350005 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feed Chute Load Diagram

CA203-50-006 / 20350006 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feed Chute Load Schedules

CA203-50-007 / 20350007 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feed Chute Load Schedules

CA203-50-101 / 20350101 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Tail Area

CA203-50-102 / 20350102 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Tail Area Details

CA203-50-201 / 20350201 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feed Chute

CA203-50-202 / 20350202 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Skirtboard

CA203-50-203 / 20350203 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Skirtboard Sections and Details

CA203-50-301 / 20350301 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Head Area

CA203-50-302 / 20350302 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Discharge Chute

CA203-50-303 / 20350303 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Crusher Feed Chute

CA203-50-601 / 20350601 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feeder Frame

CA203-50-602 / 20350602 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feeder Frame Sections and Details

CA203-50-603 / 20350603 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feeder Frame Sections and Details

CA203-50-604 / 20350604 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feeder Frame Sections and Details

CA203-50-605 / 20350605 3300-FE-001, 002, 003 – Feeder Frame Sections and Details

Section 8:Drawings 8-15

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

8.13 7200-FE-001 and 002 GA Drawing Reference List

Drawing Sequence / Number Description

CA205-50-001 / 20550001 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Overall Plan and Profile

CA205-50-002 / 20550002 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Anchoring Plan

CA205-50-003 / 20550003 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Anchoring Load Schedule 1 of 2

CA205-50-004 / 20550004 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Anchoring Load Schedule 2 of 2

CA205-50-005 / 20550005 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Feed Chute Load Diagram

CA205-50-006 / 20550006 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Feeder Load Schedule

CA205-50-101 / 20550101 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Tail Area

CA205-50-201 / 20550201 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Feed Chute

CA205-50-202 / 20550202 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Feed Chute

CA205-50-203 / 20550203 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Skirtboard

CA205-50-204 / 20550204 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Skirtboard Sections and Details

CA205-50-301 / 20550301 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Head Area

CA205-50-302 / 20550302 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Discharge Chute

CA205-50-601 / 20550601 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Feeder Frame

CA205-50-602 / 20550602 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Feeder Frame Sections and Details

CA205-50-603 / 20550603 7200-FE-001 and 002 – Feeder Frame Sections and Details

Section 8:Drawings 8-16

Section 9: OEM Documents
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

9.0 Introducing OEM Documentation

This section provides links to the OEM documentation for the belt feeders. These documents
are located in Appendix D.

9.1 OEM Documentation List

The following table lists the OEM documentation for the belt feeders.

Documentation Documentation


1.1 RAS Scope of Supply Feeders 1.2 Conveyor 201 Drive Pulley

1.3 Conveyor 201 Tail Pulley 1.4 Conveyor 202 Drive Pulley

1.5 Conveyor 202 Tail Pulley, Take-Up 1.6 Conveyor 205 Drive Pulley

1.7 Conveyor 205 Tail Pulley


2.1 Idler Scope of Supply 2.2 Idler ITP T103516 T103521

2.3 O&M FMC Idler manual 2012 2.4 O&M FMC Idler Manual Spanish 2012

2.5 Idler Drawings


3.1 Belting Scope of Supply Feeders 3.2 O&M & Storage Manual


Hägglunds Siemens

4.1.1 Hägglunds Scope of Supply 4.2.1 Siemens Scope of Supply Feeders

4.1.2 Siemens NEMA Motor Data 4.2.2 3300-FE-001,002,003 (203) 6329767

4.1.3 Hägglunds 2 CB Motor I&M 4.2.3 7200-FE-001,002 (205) 6329768

4.1.4 Hägglunds PAC Installation Manual

4.1.5 Siemens NEMA Motor Data 75hp

4.1.6 Siemens Induction Motor Data

4.1.7 Hägglunds Drive Complete O&M


5.1 Martin Scope of Supply Feeders 5.2 Martin O&M DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Section 9:OEM Documents 9-1

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Documentation Documentation

5.3 Martin O&M Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner & Tensioner 5.4 Martin O&M QC Heavy Duty Cleaner

5.5 Martin O&M Square Mainframe Tensioners 5.6 Martin O&M V-Plow Heavy Duty


6.1 Siemens Motors Scope of Supply Feeders 6.2 Siemens Motor O&M

6.3 Siemens Drawings

Pull Cord & Wire Rope

7.1 Boise Rigging Scope of Supply

Rail Wheels

8.1 Rail Wheels Scope of Supply 8.2 (10 inch) Rail Wheel Drawing

Hydraulic Cylinder and Power Unit

9.1 WIT Hydraulic Cylinder & Power Unit Cover page 9.2 Parts

9.3 Parts list 61588 9.4 Schematics & Drawings

9.5 DHV Paks-Installation-Spanish 9.6 DHV_Paks_Installation English

9.7 Generic Start Up & Troubleshooting - English 9.8 Hydraulics Lube Chart

9.9 Storage Instructions 9.10 QA-QC Documents

9.11 Manual reproduction approval 9.12 WIT Warranty - English

9.13 WIT Warranty - Spanish

Simplex Hydraulic Cylinder and Hand Pump

10.1 Simplex Cylinders and Hand Pump Scope of Supply 10.2 Enerpack Basic System Setups e326

10.3 Simplex Cylinder Instruction, O&M Manual 10.4 Simplex Hand Pump Manual

10.5 Hand Pump Repair Parts P42 10.6 Hand Pump Repair Parts P140_1

10.7 Spring Return Cylinder Repair Parts 10.8 R556 Cylinder Repair Parts

10.9 Simplex MSDS

Metal Detector

11.1 Feeder Metal Detector Scope of Supply Content Pending

Section 9:OEM Documents 9-2

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Documentation Documentation

Skirtboard Rubber

12.1 Skirtboard Rubber Scope of Supply 12.2 IMTECH Rubber Storage

12.3 IMTECH Product Specs

CCC Switches

13.1 Caserones Project Switches Scope of Supply 13.2 Control Units and Probes, Specifications &
Installation, English

13.3 Control Units and Probes, Specifications & 13.4 Model TA Conveyor Belt Alignment
Installation, Spanish Control, Operation & Installation, English

13.5 Model TA Conveyor Belt Alignment Control, 13.6 TA-TPS Tripper Switch Operation,
Operation & Installation, Spanish Specifications, and Installation English

13.7 TA-TPS Tripper Switch Operation, Specifications, 13.8 Model DB Switch Operation,
and Installation, Spanish Specifications, and Installation, English

13.9 Model DB Switch Operation, Specifications, and 13.10 Model RMS Motion Detector Operation,
Installation, Spanish Specifications, and Installation, English

13.11 Model RMS Motion Detector Operation, 13.12 Model RS Switch Specifications and
Specifications, and Installation, Spanish Installation, English

13.13 Model RS Switch Specifications and Installation,


Warning Horns and Lights

14.1 Federal Signal Scope of Supply 14.2 Optical Belt Rip Scope of Supply

Dynapar Encoder

15.1 61588-65A Dynapar Scope of Supply 15.2 HS35R Sealed Hollowshaft Encoder
Specifications & Installation

Moore Transmitters Feeders

16.1 Moore Transmitters Scope of Supply 16.2 Frequency Transmitter Manual

Banner Belt Rip Detection

17.1 Optical Belt Rip Scope of Supply 17.2 Banner Alignment Tools

17.3 Banner SM30-SMI30 Sensors 17.4 Banner Cables & Accessories

RAS TU Frame

18.1 RAS Hydraulic Assist Take-up Scope of Supply 18.2 RAS Main Take-up Assembly 24in-59SAF

Section 9:OEM Documents 9-3

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Documentation Documentation

Miscellaneous Unpriced Purchase Orders

19.1 Lube Lines Scope of Supply 19.2 Atlantic Track Rail Scope of Supply

Section 9:OEM Documents 9-4

Section 10: Appendices
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Appendix A: Drawings

Appendix A: Drawings A–1

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Appendix B: Electrical Device List

Appendix B: Electrical Device List B–1

Electronic Device List
Caserones Project
Project # 61257
October 8, 2012
Conveyor Quantity Tag Number Electronic Device Manufacturer Model Number Description Control Voltage Power Voltage Power / Amperage Location
2100-FE-001 4 Pull Cord Switch CCC RS-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 Tail End, 1 Head End, each 30 m
2100-FE-001 4 Belt Alignment Switch CCC TA-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 at Tail, 1 at head, 1 before and after Take-up Pulley

2100-FE-001 1 2100-SSLL-20064 Zero Speed CCC RMS-1G Nema 4X, 1 DP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Tail Pulley

2100-FE-001 1 Slip Detection Dynapar HS35 dynpar compares speed to hagglunds encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Drive and Tail Pulley
Safety Switches 2100-SE-20081B

2100-FE-001 1 Transmitter Moore FDY/PRG/4-20mA/12-42DC (BH2NGP) Transmitter for Dynapar encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.0.25 A Non-Driven pulley w/ Dynapar Encoder
2100-FE-001 1 2100-LSHH-20062 Tilt Plugged Chute Switch CCC CT-101 (Control Unit), CT-201 (Probe) Nema 4, 1 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10 Watts Discharge Chute
2100-YS-20088 0.02 A Emitter, 0.01 A
2100-FE-001 1 Belt Rip Detection Switch (optical) Banner SMA30SELQD (Emitter), SM2A30SRLQD (Reciever) NEMA 6P, Stainless Steel 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz After Load Area
2100-YX-20088 reciever
2100-FE-001 2 Belt Rip Detection Switch (electromechanical) CCC DB-100 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A After Load Area
2100-FE-001 1 2100-YA-20069 Warning Horn Federal Signal Brand Vibratone 350WB NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .18A Middle of Feeder

2100-FE-001 1 2100-YL-20069 Warning Light Federal Signal Brand Fireball FB2PST Red dome, NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .25A Middle of Feeder

2100-FE-001 1 Hagglunds Spider Controls Hagglunds Hagglunds Standard Control System with Profibus Basic Control System 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 15 A Drive Area

2100-FE-001 1 2100-FE-001-HP1PP1MO1 Hagglunds Power Unit Electric Motor Hagglunds 300 HP, 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 3300VAC/3 Ph/50 Hz 300 HP Drive Area
Hydraulic Motors
2100-FE-001 1 2100-FE-001-HP1CK1MO1 Hagglunds Air Cooler Electric Motor Hagglunds N/A N/A 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50Hz 7.5 HP Drive Area

2100-FE-001 1 Hagglunds Oil heater Hagglunds 1000 W oil heater N/A 230VAC/1Ph/50Hz 1000 W Drive Area

2100-TE-20086A, 20087A
2100-TE-20086B, 20087B
Pulleys 2100-FE-001 4 RTD for Bearings Provided by RAS THERMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation Fieldbus RTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire, 1/ bearing 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive and Tail Pulley
2100-TIT-20086A, 20087A
2100-TIT-20086A, 20087B
Electronic Device List
Caserones Project
Project # 61257
October 8, 2012

Conveyor Quantity Tag Number Electronic Device Manufacturer Model Number Description Control Voltage Power Voltage Power / Amperage Location
2200-FE-001 4 Pull Cord Switch CCC RS-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 Tail End, 1 Head End, each 30 m
2200-FE-001 4 Belt Alignment Switch CCC TA-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 at Tail, 1 at head, 1 before and after Take-up Pulley
2200-FE-001 1 Zero Speed CCC RMS-1G Nema 4X, 1 DP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Tail Pulley
2200-FE-001 1 2200-SE-20701A Slip Detection Dynapar and Hagglunds HS35 dynpar compares speed to hagglunds encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Head and Tail Pulley
Safety Switches
2200-FE-001 1 2200-SIT-20701A Transmitter Moore FDY/PRG/4-20mA/12-42DC (D1LC) Transmitter for Dynapar encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.0.25 A Non-Driven pulley w/ Dynapar Encoder
2200-FE-001 1 Tilt Plugged Chute Switch CCC CT-101 (Control Unit), CT-201 (Probe) Nema 4, 1 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10 Watts Discharge Chute
2200-YS-20708 0.02 A Emitter, 0.01 A
2200-FE-001 1 Belt Rip Detection Switch (optical) Banner SMA30SELQD (Emitter), SM2A30SRLQD (Reciever) NEMA 6P, Stainless Steel 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz After Load Area
2200-YX-20708 reciever
2200-FE-001 2 Belt Rip Detection Switch (electromechanical) CCC DB-100 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A After Load Area
2200-FE-001 1 2200-YA-20509 Warning Horn Federal Signal Brand Vibratone 350WB NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .18A Middle of Feeder

2200-FE-001 1 2200-YL-20509 Warning Light Federal Signal Brand Fireball FB2PST Red dome, NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .25A Middle of Feeder

2200-FE-001 1 Hagglunds Spider Controls Hagglunds Hagglunds Standard Control System with Profibus Basic Control System 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10.0 A Drive Area

2200-FE-001 1 2200-FE-001-HP1PP1MO1 Hagglunds Power Unit Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 75 HP 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 75 HP Drive Area

Hydraulic Motors 2200-FE-001 1 2200-FE-001-HP1CK1MO1 Hagglunds Air Cooler Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 1.5 HP 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 1.5 HP Drive Area

2200-FE-001 1 Hagglunds Power Unit Flushing Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 5 HP 1500 HP 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 5 HP Drive Area

2200-FE-001 1 Hagglunds Oil heater Hagglunds 500 W oil Heater 500 W oil heater N/A 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 500 W Drive Area

2200-TE-20706A &B
2200-TE-20707A & B,
Pulleys 2200-FE-001 4 RTD for Bearings Provided by RAS THERMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation FieRTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire, 1/ bearing 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive and Tail Pulley
2200-TIT-20706A &B
2200-TIT-20707A & B
Electronic Device List
Caserones Project
Project # 61257
October 8, 2012

Conveyor Quantity Tag Number Electronic Device Manufacturer Model Number Description Control Voltage Power Voltage Power / Amperage Location
2200-FE-002 4 Pull Cord Switch CCC RS-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 Tail End, 1 Head End, each 30 m
2200-FE-002 4 Belt Alignment Switch CCC TA-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 at Tail, 1 at head, 1 before and after Take-up Pulley
2200-FE-002 1 Zero Speed CCC RMS-1G Nema 4X, 1 DP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Tail Pulley
2200-FE-002 1 2200-SE-20711A Slip Detection Dynapar and Hagglunds HS35 dynpar compares speed to hagglunds encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Head and Tail Pulley
Safety Switches
2200-FE-002 1 2200-SIT-20711A Transmitter Moore FDY/PRG/4-20mA/12-42DC (D1LC) Transmitter for Dynapar encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.0.25 A Non-Driven pulley w/ Dynapar Encoder
2200-FE-002 1 Tilt Plugged Chute Switch CCC CT-101 (Control Unit), CT-201 (Probe) Nema 4, 1 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10 Watts Discharge Chute
2200-YS-20718 0.02 A Emitter, 0.01 A
2200-FE-002 1 Belt Rip Detection Switch (optical) Banner SMA30SELQD (Emitter), SM2A30SRLQD (Reciever) NEMA 6P, Stainless Steel 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz After Load Area
2200-YX-20718 reciever
2200-FE-002 2 Belt Rip Detection Switch (electromechanical) CCC DB-100 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A After Load Area
2200-FE-002 1 2200-YA-20519 Warning Horn Federal Signal Brand Vibratone 350WB NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .18A Middle of Feeder

2200-FE-002 1 2200-YL-20519 Warning Light Federal Signal Brand Fireball FB2PST Red dome, NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .25A Middle of Feeder

2200-FE-002 1 Hagglunds Spider Controls Hagglunds Hagglunds Standard Control System with Profibus Basic Control System 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10.0 A Drive Area

2200-FE-002 1 2200-FE-002-HP1PP1MO1 Hagglunds Power Unit Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 75 HP 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 75 HP Drive Area

Hydraulic Motors 2200-FE-002 1 2200-FE-002-HP1CK1MO1 Hagglunds Air Cooler Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 1.5 HP 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 1.5 HP Drive Area

2200-FE-002 1 Hagglunds Power Unit Flushing Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 5 HP 1500 HP 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 5 HP Drive Area

2200-FE-002 1 Hagglunds Oil heater Hagglunds 500 W oil Heater 500 W oil heater N/A 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 500 W Drive Area

2200-TE-20716A &B
2200-TE-20717A & B,
Pulleys 2200-FE-002 4 RTD for Bearings Provided by RAS THERMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation FielRTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire, 1/ bearing 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive and Tail Pulley
2200-TIT-20716A &B
2200-TIT-20717A & B
Electronic Device List
Caserones Project
Project # 61257
October 8, 2012

Conveyor Quantity Tag Number Electronic Device Manufacturer Model Number Description Control Voltage Power Voltage Power / Amperage Location
2200-FE-003 4 Pull Cord Switch CCC RS-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 Tail End, 1 Head End, each 30 m
2200-FE-003 4 Belt Alignment Switch CCC TA-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 at Tail, 1 at head, 1 before and after Take-up Pulley
2200-FE-003 1 Zero Speed CCC RMS-1G Nema 4X, 1 DP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Tail Pulley

Safety Switches 2200-FE-003 1 2200-SE-20721A Slip Detection Dynapar and Hagglunds HS35 dynpar compares speed to hagglunds encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Head and Tail Pulley

2200-FE-003 1 2200-SIT-20721A Transmitter Moore FDY/PRG/4-20mA/12-42DC (D1LC) Transmitter for Dynapar encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.0.25 A Non-Driven pulley w/ Dynapar Encoder
2200-FE-003 1 Tilt Plugged Chute Switch CCC CT-101 (Control Unit), CT-201 (Probe) Nema 4, 1 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10 Watts Discharge Chute
2200-YS-20728 0.02 A Emitter, 0.01 A
2200-FE-003 1 Belt Rip Detection Switch (optical) Banner SMA30SELQD (Emitter), SM2A30SRLQD (Reciever) NEMA 6P, Stainless Steel 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz After Load Area
2200-YX-20728 reciever
2200-FE-003 2 Belt Rip Detection Switch (electromechanical) CCC DB-100 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A After Load Area
2200-FE-003 1 2200-YA-20529 Warning Horn Federal Signal Brand Vibratone 350WB NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .18A Middle of Feeder

2200-FE-003 1 2200-YL-20529 Warning Light Federal Signal Brand Fireball FB2PST Red dome, NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .25A Middle of Feeder

2200-FE-003 1 Hagglunds Spider Controls Hagglunds Hagglunds Standard Control System with Profibus Basic Control System 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10.0 A Drive Area

2200-FE-003 1 2200-FE-003-HP1PP1MO1 Hagglunds Power Unit Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 75 HP 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 75 HP Drive Area

Hydraulic Motors 2200-FE-003 1 2200-FE-003-HP1CK1MO1 Hagglunds Air Cooler Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 1.5 HP 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 1.5 HP Drive Area

2200-FE-003 1 Hagglunds Power Unit Flushing Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 5 HP 1500 HP 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 5 HP Drive Area

2200-FE-003 1 Hagglunds Oil heater Hagglunds 500 W oil Heater 500 W oil heater N/A 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 500 W Drive Area

2200-TE-20726A &B
2200-TE-20727A & B,
Pulleys 2200-FE-003 4 RTD for Bearings Provided by RAS THERMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation FieRTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire, 1/ bearing 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive and Tail Pulley
2200-TIT-20726A &B
2200-TIT-20727A & B
Electronic Device List
Caserones Project
Project # 61257
October 8, 2012

Conveyor Quantity Tag Number Electronic Device Manufacturer Model Number Description Control Voltage Power Voltage Power / Amperage Location
2200-FE-004 4 Pull Cord Switch CCC RS-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 Tail End, 1 Head End, each 30 m
2200-FE-004 4 Belt Alignment Switch CCC TA-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 at Tail, 1 at head, 1 before and after Take-up Pulley
2200-FE-004 1 Zero Speed CCC RMS-1G Nema 4X, 1 DP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Tail Pulley
2200-FE-004 1 2200-SE-20731A Slip Detection Dynapar and Hagglunds HS35 dynpar compares speed to hagglunds encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Head and Tail Pulley
Safety Switches
2200-FE-004 1 2200-SIT-20731A Transmitter Moore FDY/PRG/4-20mA/12-42DC (D1LC) Transmitter for Dynapar encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.0.25 A Non-Driven pulley w/ Dynapar Encoder
2200-FE-004 1 Tilt Plugged Chute Switch CCC CT-101 (Control Unit), CT-201 (Probe) Nema 4, 1 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10 Watts Discharge Chute
2200-YS-20738 0.02 A Emitter, 0.01 A
2200-FE-004 1 Belt Rip Detection Switch (optical) Banner SMA30SELQD (Emitter), SM2A30SRLQD (Reciever) NEMA 6P, Stainless Steel 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz After Load Area
2200-YX-20738 reciever
2200-FE-004 2 Belt Rip Detection Switch (electromechanical) CCC DB-100 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A After Load Area
2200-FE-004 1 2200-YA-20539 Warning Horn Federal Signal Brand Vibratone 350WB NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .18A Middle of Feeder

2200-FE-004 1 2200-YL-20539 Warning Light Federal Signal Brand Fireball FB2PST Red dome, NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .25A Middle of Feeder

2200-FE-004 1 Hagglunds Spider Controls Hagglunds Hagglunds Standard Control System with Profibus Basic Control System 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10.0 A Drive Area

2200-FE-004 1 2200-FE-004-HP1PP1MO1 Hagglunds Power Unit Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 75 HP 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 75 HP Drive Area

Hydraulic Motors 2200-FE-004 1 2200-FE-004-HP1CK1MO1 Hagglunds Air Cooler Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 1.5 HP 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 1.5 HP Drive Area

2200-FE-004 1 Hagglunds Power Unit Flushing Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 5 HP 1500 HP 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 5 HP Drive Area

2200-FE-004 1 Hagglunds Oil heater Hagglunds 500 W oil Heater 500 W oil heater N/A 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 500 W Drive Area

2200-TE-20736A &B
2200-TE-20737A & B,
Pulleys 2200-FE-004 4 RTD for Bearings Provided by RAS THERMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation FieRTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire, 1/ bearing 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive and Tail Pulley
2200-TIT-20736A &B
2200-TIT-20737A & B
Electronic Device List
Caserones Project
Project # 61257
October 8, 2012

Conveyor Quantity Tag Number Electronic Device Manufacturer Model Number Description Control Voltage Power Voltage Power / Amperage Location
2200-FE-005 4 Pull Cord Switch CCC RS-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 Tail End, 1 Head End, each 30 m
2200-FE-005 4 Belt Alignment Switch CCC TA-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 at Tail, 1 at head, 1 before and after Take-up Pulley
2200-FE-005 1 Zero Speed CCC RMS-1G Nema 4X, 1 DP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Tail Pulley
2200-FE-005 1 2200-SE-20741A Slip Detection Dynapar and Hagglunds HS35 dynpar compares speed to hagglunds encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Head and Tail Pulley
Safety Switches
2200-FE-005 1 2200-SIT-20741A Transmitter Moore FDY/PRG/4-20mA/12-42DC (D1LC) Transmitter for Dynapar encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.0.25 A Non-Driven pulley w/ Dynapar Encoder
2200-FE-005 1 Tilt Plugged Chute Switch CCC CT-101 (Control Unit), CT-201 (Probe) Nema 4, 1 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10 Watts Discharge Chute
2200-YS-20748 0.02 A Emitter, 0.01 A
2200-FE-005 1 Belt Rip Detection Switch (optical) Banner SMA30SELQD (Emitter), SM2A30SRLQD (Reciever) NEMA 6P, Stainless Steel 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz After Load Area
2200-YX-20748 reciever
2200-FE-005 2 Belt Rip Detection Switch (electromechanical) CCC DB-100 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A After Load Area
2200-FE-005 1 2200-YA-20549 Warning Horn Federal Signal Brand Vibratone 350WB NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .18A Middle of Feeder

2200-FE-005 1 2200-YL-20549 Warning Light Federal Signal Brand Fireball FB2PST Red dome, NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .25A Middle of Feeder

2200-FE-005 1 Hagglunds Spider Controls Hagglunds Hagglunds Standard Control System with Profibus Basic Control System 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10.0 A Drive Area

2200-FE-005 1 2200-FE-005-HP1PP1MO1 Hagglunds Power Unit Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 75 HP 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 75 HP Drive Area

Hydraulic Motors 2200-FE-005 1 2200-FE-005-HP1CK1MO1 Hagglunds Air Cooler Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 1.5 HP 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 1.5 HP Drive Area

2200-FE-005 1 Hagglunds Power Unit Flushing Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 5 HP 1500 HP 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 5 HP Drive Area

2200-FE-005 1 Hagglunds Oil heater Hagglunds 500 W oil Heater 500 W oil heater N/A 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 500 W Drive Area

2200-TE-20746A &B
2200-TE-20747A & B,
Pulleys 2200-FE-005 4 RTD for Bearings Provided by RAS THERMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation FieRTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire, 1/ bearing 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive and Tail Pulley
2200-TIT-20746A &B
2200-TIT-20747A & B
Electronic Device List
Caserones Project
Project # 61257
October 8, 2012

Conveyor Quantity Tag Number Electronic Device Manufacturer Model Number Description Control Voltage Power Voltage Power / Amperage Location
2200-FE-006 4 Pull Cord Switch CCC RS-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 Tail End, 1 Head End, each 30 m
2200-FE-006 4 Belt Alignment Switch CCC TA-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 at Tail, 1 at head, 1 before and after Take-up Pulley
2200-FE-006 1 Zero Speed CCC RMS-1G Nema 4X, 1 DP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Tail Pulley
2200-FE-006 1 2200-SE-20751A Slip Detection Dynapar and Hagglunds HS35 dynpar compares speed to hagglunds encoder 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Head and Tail Pulley
Safety Switches
2200-FE-006 1 2200-SIT-20751A Transmitter Moore FDY/PRG/4-20mA/12-42DC (D1LC) Transmitter for Dynapar encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.0.25 A Non-Driven pulley w/ Dynapar Encoder
2200-FE-006 1 Tilt Plugged Chute Switch CCC CT-101 (Control Unit), CT-201 (Probe) Nema 4, 1 SP/DT 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10 Watts Discharge Chute
2200-YS-20758 0.02 A Emitter, 0.01 A
2200-FE-006 1 Belt Rip Detection Switch (optical) Banner SMA30SELQD (Emitter), SM2A30SRLQD (Reciever) NEMA 6P, Stainless Steel 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz After Load Area
2200-YX-20758 reciever
2200-FE-006 2 Belt Rip Detection Switch (electromechanical) CCC DB-100 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A After Load Area
2200-FE-006 1 2200-YA-20559 Warning Horn Federal Signal Brand Vibratone 350WB NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .18A Middle of Feeder

2200-FE-006 1 2200-YL-20559 Warning Light Federal Signal Brand Fireball FB2PST Red dome, NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .25A Middle of Feeder

2200-FE-006 1 Hagglunds Spider Controls Hagglunds Hagglunds Standard Control System with Profibus Basic Control System 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10.0 A Drive Area

2200-FE-006 1 2200-FE-006-HP1PP1MO1 Hagglunds Power Unit Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 75 HP 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 75 HP Drive Area

Hydraulic Motors 2200-FE-006 1 2200-FE-006-HP1CK1MO1 Hagglunds Air Cooler Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 1.5 HP 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 1.5 HP Drive Area

2200-FE-006 1 Hagglunds Power Unit Flushing Electric Motor Hagglunds n/a 5 HP 1500 HP 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50 Hz 5 HP Drive Area

2200-FE-006 1 Hagglunds Oil heater Hagglunds 500 W oil Heater 500 W oil heater N/A 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 500 W Drive Area

2200-TE-20756A &B
2200-TE-20757A & B,
Pulleys 2200-FE-006 4 RTD for Bearings Provided by RAS THERMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation FieRTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire, 1/ bearing 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive and Tail Pulley
2200-TIT-20756A &B
2200-TIT-20757A & B
Electronic Device List
Caserones Project
October 8, 2012
Conveyor Quantity Tag Number Electronic Device Manufacturer Model Number Description Control Voltage Power Voltage Power / Amperage Location
3300-HS-30596A1 & A2
3300-FE-001 4 Pull Cord Switch CCC RS-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 Tail End, 1 Head End, each 30 m
3300-HS-30596B1 & B2

3300-FE-001 4 3300-ZSH-30595A1 thru A4 Belt Alignment Switch CCC TA-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 at Tail, 1 at head, 1 before and after Take-up Pulley

3300-FE-001 1 Zero Speed CCC RMS-1G Nema 4X, 1 DP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Tail Pulley

3300-FE-001 2 3300-SE-30681A & B Slip Detection Dynapar HS35 NEMA 4X, also used to measure zero speed 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Drive Pulley and Non-Driven pulley

3300-FE-001 2 3300-SIT-30681A & B Transmitter Moore FDY/PRG/4-20mA/12-42DC (D1LC) Transmitter for Dynapar encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.0.25 A Drive Pulley and Non-Driven pulley
Safety Switches
3300-FE-001 1 Tilt Plugged Chute Switch CCC CT-101 (Control Unit), CT-201 (Probe) Nema 4, 1 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10 Watts Discharge Chute
3300-YS-30598 0.02 A Emitter, 0.01
3300-FE-001 1 Belt Rip Detection Switch (optical) Banner SMA30SELQD (Emitter), SM2A30SRLQD (Reciever) NEMA 6P, Stainless Steel 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz After Load Area
3300-YX-30598 A reciever
Belt Rip Detection Switch
3300-FE-001 2 3300-YS-30597A & B CCC DB-100 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A After Load Area

3300-FE-001 1 3300-YA-30599 Warning Horn Federal Signal Brand Vibratone 350WB NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .18A Middle of Feeder

3300-FE-001 1 3300-YL-30599 Warning Light Federal Signal Brand Fireball FB2PST Red dome, NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .25A Middle of Feeder

Metal Detector 3300-FE-001 1 3300-YS-30688 Metal Detector Eriez 1250-E1 Metal Detector NEMA 4 115 VAC/1 Ph/50 Hz 115 VAC/1 Ph/50 Hz 10.0 A Middle of Feeder

3300-FE-001 1 3300-FE-001M01 Motor Siemens LV 40 HP, 1500 RPM, 380 V, Frame: 364TC 1.0 SF with VFD, 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50Hz 40 HP Drive Area

3300-FE-001 1 Space Heater Provided by Siemens N/A Space Heater, 65 W N/A 115VAC/1Ph/50Hz 65 W Drive Area

VFD 3300-FE-001 1 VFD Siemens 40 HP Sinamics G120 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50Hz 40 HP, 60 A Electrical Room

3300-FE-001 1 3300-VT-30684 Vibration Sensors Provided by Siemens Supplied by Siemens 4-20 mA output 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.2 A Drive Area
3300-FE-001 1 RTD input shaft bearing Provided by Siemens JUMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation Fieldbus RTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive Area

Pulleys 3300-FE-001 4 RTD for Bearings Provided by RAS THERMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation Fieldbus RTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire, 1/ bearing 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive and Tail Pulley
Electronic Device List
Caserones Project
October 8, 2012
Conveyor Quantity Tag Number Electronic Device Manufacturer Model Number Description Control Voltage Power Voltage Power / Amperage Location
3300-HS-30615A1 & A2
3300-FE-002 4 Pull Cord Switch CCC RS-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 Tail End, 1 Head End, each 30 m
3300-HS-30615B1 & B2
3300-ZSH-30615A1 & A2
3300-FE-002 4 Belt Alignment Switch CCC TA-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 at Tail, 1 at head, 1 before and after Take-up Pulley
3300-ZSH-30615B1 & B2
3300-FE-002 1 Zero Speed CCC RMS-1G Nema 4X, 1 DP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Tail Pulley

3300-FE-002 2 3300-SE-30691A & B Slip Detection Dynapar HS35 NEMA 4X, also used to measure zero speed 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Drive Pulley and Non-Driven pulley

3300-FE-002 2 3300-SIT-30691A & B Transmitter Moore FDY/PRG/4-20mA/12-42DC (D1LC) Transmitter for Dynapar encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.0.25 A Drive Pulley and Non-Driven pulley
Safety Switches
3300-FE-002 1 Tilt Plugged Chute Switch CCC CT-101 (Control Unit), CT-201 (Probe) Nema 4, 1 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10 Watts Discharge Chute
3300-YS-30618 0.02 A Emitter, 0.01
3300-FE-002 1 Belt Rip Detection Switch (optical) Banner SMA30SELQD (Emitter), SM2A30SRLQD (Reciever) NEMA 6P, Stainless Steel 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz After Load Area
3300-YX-30618 A reciever
Belt Rip Detection Switch
3300-FE-002 2 3300-YS-30617A & B CCC DB-100 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A After Load Area

3300-FE-002 1 3300-YA-30619 Warning Horn Federal Signal Brand Vibratone 350WB NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .18A Middle of Feeder

3300-FE-002 1 3300-YL-30619 Warning Light Federal Signal Brand Fireball FB2PST Red dome, NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .25A Middle of Feeder

Metal Detector 3300-FE-002 1 3300-YS-30698 Metal Detector Eriez 1250-E1 Metal Detector NEMA 4 115 VAC/1 Ph/50 Hz 115 VAC/1 Ph/50 Hz 10.0 A Middle of Feeder

3300-FE-002 1 3300-FE-002M01 Motor Siemens LV 40 HP, 1500 RPM, 380 V, Frame: 364TC 1.0 SF with VFD, 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50Hz 40 HP Drive Area

3300-FE-002 1 Space Heater Provided by Siemens N/A Space Heater, 65 W N/A 115VAC/1Ph/50Hz 65 W Drive Area

VFD 3300-FE-002 1 VFD Siemens 40 HP Sinamics G120 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50Hz 40 HP, 60 A Electrical Room

3300-FE-002 1 3300-VT-30694 Vibration Sensors Provided by Siemens Supplied by Siemens 4-20 mA output 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.2 A Drive Area
3300-FE-002 1 RTD input shaft bearing Provided by Siemens JUMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation Fieldbus RTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive Area
Pulleys 3300-FE-002 4 RTD for Bearings Provided by RAS THERMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation Fieldbus RTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire, 1/ bearing 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive and Tail Pulley
Electronic Device List
Caserones Project
October 8, 2012
Conveyor Quantity/Feeder Tag Number Electronic Device Manufacturer Model Number Description Control Voltage Power Voltage Power / Amperage Location
3300-HS-30636A1 & A2
3300-FE-003 4 Pull Cord Switch CCC RS-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 Tail End, 1 Head End, each 30 m
3300-HS-30636B1 & B2
3300-ZSH-30635A1 & A2
3300-FE-003 4 Belt Alignment Switch CCC TA-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 at Tail, 1 at head, 1 before and after Take-up Pulley
3300-ZSH-30635B1 & B2
3300-FE-003 1 Zero Speed CCC RMS-1G Nema 4X, 1 DP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Tail Pulley

3300-FE-003 2 3300-SE-30703A & B Slip Detection Dynapar HS35 NEMA 4X, also used to measure zero speed 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Drive Pulley and Non-Driven pulley

3300-FE-003 2 3300-SIT-30703A & B Transmitter Moore FDY/PRG/4-20mA/12-42DC (D1LC) Transmitter for Dynapar encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.0.25 A Drive Pulley and Non-Driven pulley
Safety Switches
3300-FE-003 1 Tilt Plugged Chute Switch CCC CT-101 (Control Unit), CT-201 (Probe) Nema 4, 1 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10 Watts Discharge Chute
3300-YS-30638 0.02 A Emitter, 0.01
3300-FE-003 1 Belt Rip Detection Switch (optical) Banner SMA30SELQD (Emitter), SM2A30SRLQD (Reciever) NEMA 6P, Stainless Steel 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz After Load Area
3300-YX-30638 A reciever
Belt Rip Detection Switch
3300-FE-003 2 3300-YS-30637A & B CCC DB-100 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A After Load Area

3300-FE-003 1 3300-YA-30639 Warning Horn Federal Signal Brand Vibratone 350WB NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .18A Middle of Feeder

3300-FE-003 1 3300-YL-30639 Warning Light Federal Signal Brand Fireball FB2PST Red dome, NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .25A Middle of Feeder
Hydraulic Power Unit 3300-FE-003 1 3300-HP-003-PP1 Hydraulic Power Unit WIT Hydraulic Power Unit to move feeder Stand alone package designed to move feeder 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 1.5 HP
Metal Detector 3300-FE-003 1 3300-YS-30708 Metal Detector Eriez 1250-E1 Metal Detector NEMA 4 115 VAC/1 Ph/50 Hz 115 VAC/1 Ph/50 Hz 10.0 A Middle of Feeder

3300-FE-003 1 3300-FE-003M01 Motor Siemens LV 40 HP, 1500 RPM, 380 V, Frame: 364TC 1.0 SF with VFD, 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50Hz 40 HP Drive Area

3300-FE-003 1 Space Heater Provided by Siemens N/A Space Heater, 65 W N/A 115VAC/1Ph/50Hz 65 W Drive Area

VFD 3300-FE-003 1 VFD Siemens 40 HP Sinamics G120 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50Hz 40 HP, 60 A Electrical Room

3300-FE-003 1 3300-VT-30704 Vibration Sensors Provided by Siemens Supplied by Siemens 4-20 mA output 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.2 A Drive Area
3300-FE-003 1 RTD input shaft bearing Provided by Siemens JUMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation Fieldbus RTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive Area

Pulleys 3300-FE-003 4 RTD for Bearings Provided by RAS THERMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation Fieldbus RTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire, 1/ bearing 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive and Tail Pulley
Electronic Device List
Caserones Project
Project # 61257
October 8, 2012

Conveyor Quantity Tag Number Electronic Device Manufacturer Model Number Description Control Voltage Power Voltage Power / Amperage Location
7200-HS-71086A1 & A2
7200-FE-001 4 Pull Cord Switch CCC RS-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 Tail End, 1 Head End, each 30 m
7200-HS-71086B1 & B2
7200-ZSH-71085A1 & A2
7200-FE-001 4 Belt Alignment Switch CCC TA-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 at Tail, 1 at head, 1 before and after Take-up Pulley
7200-ZSH-71085B1 & B2

7200-FE-001 1 Zero Speed CCC RMS-1G Nema 4X, 1 DP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Tail Pulley

7200-FE-001 2 7200-SE-71121A & B Slip Detection Dynapar HS35 Encoders to monitor slip between pulleys 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Drive Pulley and Non-Driven pulley

7200-FE-001 2 7200-SIT-71121A & B Transmitter Moore FDY/PRG/4-20mA/12-42DC (D1LC) Transmitter for Dynapar encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.0.25 A Drive Pulley and Non-Driven pulley
Safety Switches
7200-FE-001 1 Tilt Plugged Chute Switch CCC CT-101 (Control Unit), CT-201 (Probe) Nema 4, 1 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10 Watts Discharge Chute

7200-YS-71129 0.02 A Emitter, 0.01

7200-FE-001 1 Belt Rip Detection Switch (optical) Banner SMA30SELQD (Emitter), SM2A30SRLQD (Reciever) NEMA 6P, Stainless Steel 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz After Load Area
7200-YX-71129 A reciever

7200-FE-001 2 7200-YS-71128A & B Belt Rip Detection Switch (electromechanical) CCC DB-100 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A After Load Area

7200-FE-001 1 7200-YA-71089 Warning Horn Federal Signal Brand Vibratone 350WB NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .18A Middle of Feeder

7200-FE-001 1 7200-YL-71089 Warning Light Federal Signal Brand Fireball FB2PST Red dome, NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .25A Middle of Feeder

7200-FE-001 1 7200-FE-001M01 Motor Siemens LV 20 HP, 1500 RPM, 380 V, Frame: 364TC 1.0 SF with VFD, 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50Hz 20 HP Drive Area
7200-FE-001 1 Space Heater Provided by Siemens N/A Space Heater, 130 W N/A 115VAC/1Ph/50Hz 130 W Drive Area

VFD 7200-FE-001 1 VFD Siemens 20 HP Sinamics G120 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50Hz 20 HP/29 A

7200-FE-001 1 7200-VT-71124 Vibration Sensors Provided by Siemens Supplied by Siemens 4-20 mA output 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.2 A Drive Area
7200-FE-001 1 RTD input shaft bearing Provided by Siemens JUMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation Fieldbus RTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive Area

Pulleys 7200-FE-001 4 RTD for Bearings Provided by RAS THERMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation Fieldbus RTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire, 1/ bearing 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive and Tail Pulley
Electronic Device List
Caserones Project
Project # 61257
October 8, 2012

Conveyor Quantity/Feeder Tag Number Electronic Device Manufacturer Model Number Description Control Voltage Power Voltage Power / Amperage Location
7200-HS-71106A1 & A2
7200-FE-002 4 Pull Cord Switch CCC RS-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 Tail End, 1 Head End, each 30 m
7200-HS-71106B1 & B2
7200-ZSH-71105A1 & A2
7200-FE-002 4 Belt Alignment Switch CCC TA-2 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A 1 at Tail, 1 at head, 1 before and after Take-up Pulley
7200-ZSH-71105B2 & B2
7200-FE-002 1 Zero Speed CCC RMS-1G Nema 4X, 1 DP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Tail Pulley

7200-FE-002 2 7200-SE-71131A & B Slip Detection Dynapar HS35 Encoders to monitor slip between pulleys 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.1 A Drive Pulley and Non-Driven pulley

7200-FE-002 2 7200-SIT-71131A & B Transmitter Moore FDY/PRG/4-20mA/12-42DC (D1LC) Transmitter for Dynapar encoder 5-26VAC/1Ph/50Hz 12-42VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.0.25 A Drive Pulley and Non-Driven pulley
Safety Switches
7200-FE-002 1 Tilt Plugged Chute Switch CCC CT-101 (Control Unit), CT-201 (Probe) Nema 4, 1 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 10 Watts Discharge Chute

7200-YS-71139 0.02 A Emitter, 0.01

7200-FE-002 1 Belt Rip Detection Switch (optical) Banner SMA30SELQD (Emitter), SM2A30SRLQD (Reciever) NEMA 6P, Stainless Steel 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz After Load Area
7200-YX-71139 A reciever

7200-FE-002 2 7200-YS-71138A & B Belt Rip Detection Switch (electromechanical) CCC DB-100 Nema 4X, 2 SP/DT 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz N/A After Load Area

7200-FE-002 1 7200-YA-71109 Warning Horn Federal Signal Brand Vibratone 350WB NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .18A Middle of Feeder

7200-FE-002 1 7200-YL-71109 Warning

Warnin g Light
Light Federall Signal
Federa Signal Brand
Brand Fireball FB2PST
Fireball Red dome
Red dome, NEMA 4X 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz .25A Middle of Feeder

7200-FE-002 1 7200-FE-002M01 Motor Siemens LV 20 HP, 1500 RPM, 380 V, Frame: 364TC 1.0 SF with VFD, 1500 RPM 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50Hz 20 HP Drive Area
7200-FE-002 1 Space Heater Provided by Siemens N/A Space Heater, 130 W N/A 115VAC/1Ph/50Hz 130 W Drive Area

VFD 7200-FE-002 1 VFD Siemens 20 HP Sinamics G120 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 380VAC/3Ph/50Hz 20 HP/29 A

7200-FE-002 1 7200-VT-71134 Vibration Sensors Provided by Siemens Supplied by Siemens 4-20 mA output 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.2 A Drive Area
7200-FE-002 1 RTD input shaft bearing Provided by Siemens JUMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation Fieldbus RTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive Area
Pulleys 7200-FE-002 4 RTD for Bearings Provided by RAS THERMO with Siemens SITRAN TH400 Transmitter to Foundation Fieldbus RTD 100 Ohm Platinum, 3 Wire, 1/ bearing 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz 0.011 A Drive and Tail Pulley
Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Appendix C: Spare Parts List

Appendix C: Spare Parts List C–1


Caserones Project 61257 & 61588

5/25/2013 TOTAL
75006991 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 99,710.00 $0.00 $ - $ 99,710.00
75006992 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 4 $ 52,354.00 $0.00 $ - $ 52,354.00
75006993 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 3 $ 115,939.00 $0.00 $ - $ 115,939.00
75006994 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 60,475.00 $0.00 $ - $ 60,475.00
75006995 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 4 $ 39,503.00 $0.00 $ - $ 39,503.00
75006996 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 62,049.00 $0.00 $ - $ 62,049.00
75006997 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 4 $ 15,872.00 $0.00 $ - $ 15,872.00
75006998 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 25,234.00 $0.00 $ - $ 25,234.00
75006999 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 21,113.00 $0.00 $ - $ 21,113.00
75007000 BEARINGS AND SHAFT, BLOC B106-515 HUB, 3300-CV-022 (FOR TAKE-UP, TAIL, BENDS 3,4,5,6 & 7) 0 2 Each STRATEGIC 7 $ 16,143.00 $0.00 $ - $ 32,286.00
3300-CV-025 (HEAD).
75007001 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 29,703.00 $0.00 $ - $ 29,703.00
75007002 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 19,337.00 $0.00 $ - $ 19,337.00
75007003 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 13,150.00 $0.00 $ - $ 13,150.00
75007004 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 13,154.00 $0.00 $ - $ 13,154.00
75007005 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 7,183.00 $ - $ - $ 7,183.00
75007006 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 6,648.00 $ - $ - $ 6,648.00
75007007 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 8,026.00 $ - $ - $ 8,026.00
75007008 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 8,595.00 $ - $ - $ 8,595.00
75007009 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 7,016.00 $ - $ - $ 7,016.00
75007010 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 11,252.00 $0.00 $ - $ 11,252.00
75007011 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 2 $ 9,007.00 $ - $ - $ 9,007.00
75007012 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 7,410.00 $ - $ - $ 7,410.00
75007013 MOTOR , DRIVE, 671KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/3300, 1.15 SF, 788S FRAME, 5 IN SHAFT. F1 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 2 $ 184,800.00 $ - $ - $ 184,800.00
75007014 GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, 17.262:1, 86.9 RPM, 100MM INPUT SHAFT, 230MM OUTPUT SHAFT FLOOR 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 2 $ 90,807.00 $ - $ - $ 90,807.00
75007015 COUPLING, RUPEX RWS 360, 1500RPM, 5IN INPUT/100MM OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 2,980.00 $ - $ 2,980.00 $ -
75007016 COUPLING, RUPEX RWS 900, 86.9 RPM, 230MM INPUT/260MM OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 28,007.00 $ - $ 28,007.00 $ -
75007017 COUPLING, DODGE MTO-1190T, 86.9 RPM, 230MM INPUT/260MM OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 84,231.00 $ - $ 84,231.00 $ -
75007018 BRAKE, HUB MOUNTED, WITH SOBO CONTROL UNIT AND HPU. 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 57,710.00 $ - $ 57,710.00 $ -
75007019 BELT, VULCANIZED, ST-1800, 923MT LONG x 1829MM WIDE, 1800 N/MM. 0 50 Mts STRATEGIC 923 $ 38,300.00 $ - $ - $ 1,915,000.00
75007020 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 20 Each OPERATING 391 $ 781.00 $0.00 $ 15,620.00 $ -
75007074 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 20 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS, WITH REMOVABLE END BRACKETS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 15 $ 822.00 $ - $ 1,644.00 $ -
75007075 IDLER, 3 ROLL, SCALE QUALITY, 35 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 7 $ 1,293.00 $ - $ 2,586.00 $ -
75007076 IDLER, 2 ROLL, V RETURN, 10 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS 0 5 Each OPERATING 157 $ 753.00 $ - $ 3,765.00 $ -
75007077 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 20 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS, WITH REMOVABLE END BRACKETS. 0 3 Each OPERATING 8 $ 1,169.00 $ - $ 3,507.00 $ -
75007078 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRAINING, 35 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 14 $ 2,093.00 $ - $ 4,186.00 $ -
75007079 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION, 10-35 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 9 $ 1,207.00 $ - $ 2,414.00 $ -

75007080 IDLER, FLAT RETURN, 0 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 12 $ 485.00 $ - $ 970.00 $ -

75007081 IDLER, FLAT CARRY, 0 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 391.00 $ - $ 391.00 $ -
75007082 IDLER FLAT RETURN, LIVE SHAFT, 1829MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 4 $ 1,619.00 $ - $ 1,619.00 $ -
75007083 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 20 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS . 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 1,131.00 $ - $ 1,131.00 $ -
75007084 1 2 Each OPERATING 29 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 $ -
75007085 HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC, 50HZ. 0 2 Each OPERATING 33 $ 173.00 $ - $ 346.00 $ -
75007086 LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,, 120VAC, 50HZ. 0 2 Each OPERATING 33 $ 407.00 $ - $ 814.00 $ -
75007087 MONITOR, MOTION CONTROL. 1 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 742.00 $ 742.00 $ 742.00 $ -
75007088 BELT RIP DETECTION SYSTEM 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 7,992.00 $ - $ 7,992.00 $ -

75007090 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 72IN BELT, TUNGSTEN CARBIDE BLADE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 1 $ 3,833.00 $ - $ - $ -

75007091 LINER, SKIRTBOARD, RUBBER, .750" x 6.0 ", 45 DUROMETER. 0 60 Ft OPERATING 1350 $ 901.00 $ - $ 54,060.00 $ -

Page 1 of 7 Revision 2
7:43 AM - 5/30/2013 Sept 04, 2012

Caserones Project 61257 & 61588

5/25/2013 TOTAL
75007092 SCALE, BELT, SINGLE IDLER, 1000LB LOAD CELL, W CALIBRATION WEIGHT, BW 500 INTEGRATOR, 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 5,510.00 $ - $ 5,510.00 $ -
75007093 SHEAVE ASSEMBLY, 48 INCH, FOR 1.750 IN WIRE ROPE, 7.9375 INCH BORE 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 9 $ 6,359.00 $ - $ - $ 6,359.00
75007094 SHEAVE ASSEMBLY, PULLEY REMOVAL, 16 INCH, FOR .500 IN WIRE ROPE, 2.9375 INCH BORE 0 0 Each STRATEGIC N/A $ 1,110.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007095 WINCH, TAKE-UP, 10 HP, 380 VAC, 3PH, 50HZ. 0 0 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 206,262.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007096 WINCH, PULLEY REMOVAL, 4 HP, HP, 380 VAC, 3PH, 50HZ. 0 0 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 18,814.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007098 0 0 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 58,798.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007099 HPU, CONVEYOR BRAKE, NEMA 4, MOTOR, 380 VAC, 3PH, 50HZ, CONTROL, 120 VAC, 50 HZ. 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 12,907.00 $ - $ - $ 12,907.00
75007100 MOTOR , DRIVE, 300KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/380, 1.15 SF, 5013 FRAME, 4 IN SHAFT, F2 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 2 $ 65,775.00 $ - $ - $ 65,775.00
75007101 GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, 27.548:1, 54.45 RPM, 80MM INPUT SHAFT,210MM OUTPUT SHAFT, FLOOR 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 42,746.00 $ - $ - $ 42,746.00
75007102 COUPLING, DODGE, 1100T, 1500 RPM, 4IN INPUT/80MM OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 3,781.00 $ - $ 3,781.00 $ -
75007103 COUPLING, RUPEX RWS 710, 54.45RPM, 210MM INPUT/200MM OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 16,973.00 $ - $ 16,973.00 $ -
75007104 BRAKE, HUB MOUNTED, WITH SOBO CONTROL UNIT AND HPU. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 5,085.00 $ - $ 5,085.00 $ -
75007105 BELT, VULCANIZED, ST-1800, 647MT LONG x 2134MM WIDE, 1000 N/MM. 0 30 Mts STRATEGIC 647 $ 24,840.00 $ - $ - $ 745,200.00
75007106 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS. 1 5 Each OPERATING 194 $ 967.00 $ 967.00 $ 4,835.00 $ -
75007107 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS, WITH REMOVABLE END BRACKETS. 1 3 Each OPERATING 11 $ 931.00 $ 931.00 $ 2,793.00 $ -
75007108 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 20 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS, WITH REMOVABLE END BRACKETS. 1 4 Each OPERATING 64 $ 1,008.00 $ 1,008.00 $ 4,032.00 $ -
75007109 IDLER, 3 ROLL, SCALE QUALITY, 35 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 7 $ 1,237.00 $ - $ 2,474.00 $ -
75007110 IDLER, 2 ROLL, V RETURN, 10 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS 0 3 Each OPERATING 92 $ 780.00 $ - $ 2,340.00 $ -
75007111 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 20 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS, WITH REMOVABLE END BRACKETS. 1 5 Each OPERATING 42 $ 2,522.00 $ 2,522.00 $ 12,610.00 $ -
75007112 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 35 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS, WITH REMOVABLE END BRACKETS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 7 $ 1,421.00 $ - $ 2,842.00 $ -
75007113 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRAINING, 35 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 6 $ 2,263.00 $ - $ 4,526.00 $ -
75007117 IDLER, FLAT RETURN, 0 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 12 $ 820.00 $ - $ 1,640.00 $ -
75007118 0 2 Each OPERATING 3 $ 1,793.00 $ - $ 3,586.00 $ -
75007119 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION, 10-35 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 10 $ 1,371.00 $ - $ 2,742.00 $ -
75007121 1 3 Each OPERATING 29 $ 628.00 $ 628.00 $ 1,884.00 $ -
75007122 1 3 Each OPERATING 29 $ 623.00 $ 623.00 $ 1,869.00 $ -
75007123 CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 84IN BELT, QC-1 W XHD SPRING TENSIONER, URETHANE BLADE. 0 1 Each OPERATING 6 $ 4,142.00 $ - $ 4,142.00 $ -
75007124 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 84IN BELT, TUNGSTEN CARBIDE BLADE. 0 1 Each OPERATING 12 $ 4,273.00 $ - $ 4,273.00 $ -
75007125 WHEEL, IRON, 6IN DIAx2IN FACE, VEE GROOVE, ROLLER BEARING, 1000LB CAPACITY. 0 2 Each OPERATING 81 $ 47.00 $ - $ 94.00 $ -
75007126 ROLLER, CAM, TRAKROL, 4 DIA X 2 WIDE, 4 15/16 IN FLANGE, 1.25 STUD DIA, 1-1/4 NF THREADS. 0 4 Each OPERATING 64 $ 167.00 $ - $ 668.00 $ -
75007127 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 6,055.00 $ - $ 6,055.00 $ -
75007128 MOTOR , DRIVE, 150KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/380, 1.15 SF, S449LS FRAME, 3.625 IN SHAFT. F1 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 2 $ 26,475.00 $ - $ - $ 26,475.00
75007129 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 24,048.00 $ - $ - $ 24,048.00
75007130 COUPLING, RUPEX, 1500RPM, 3.625IN INPUT/70MM OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 1,465.00 $ - $ 1,465.00 $ -
75007131 COUPLING, RUPEX, 43.14RPM, 170MM INPUT/5.9375MM OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 16,792.00 $ - $ 16,792.00 $ -
75007132 BACKSTOP 0 1 Each OPERATING 4 $ 20,931.00 $ - $ 20,931.00 $ -
75007133 BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 157MT LONG x 1372MM WIDE, 1000 N/MM 0 20 Mts STRATEGIC 157 $ 6,900.00 $ - $ - $ 138,000.00
75007134 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 3 Each OPERATING 40 $ 346.00 $ - $ 1,038.00 $ -
75007135 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS, WITH REMOVABLE END BRACKETS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 18 $ 411.00 $ - $ 822.00 $ -
75007136 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 20 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 4 $ 621.00 $ - $ 1,242.00 $ -
75007137 IDLER, 2 ROLL, V RETURN, 10 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS 0 2 Each OPERATING 14 $ 497.00 $ - $ 994.00 $ -
75007138 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 35 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 3 Each OPERATING 17 $ 545.00 $ - $ 1,635.00 $ -
75007139 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRAINING, 35 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 980.00 $ - $ 980.00 $ -
75007140 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION, 10-35 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 956.00 $ - $ 956.00 $ -
75007141 IDLER, FLAT RETURN, 0 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 9 $ 253.00 $ - $ 506.00 $ -
75007142 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 1,233.00 $ - $ 1,233.00 $ -

75007146 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 54IN BELT, TUNGSTEN CARBIDE BLADE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 1 $ 3,107.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007147 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 54IN BELT, RUBBER BLADE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 2 $ 982.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007148 DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN x 14IN, STEEL, LOW PROFILE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 22 $ 280.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007149 BEARING, FLANGE, 4.5IN, TYPE E 0 2 Each OPERATING 6 $ 1,869.00 $ - $ 3,738.00 $ -
75007152 CYLINDER, PNEUMATIC, 8IN BORE, 50IN STROKE, 2A SERIES, NPTF, HEAVY DUTY. 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 5,771.00 $ - $ 5,771.00 $ -
75007153 0 0 Each OPERATING 1 $ 11,737.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007154 CLOTH, DUST SEALING, BLACK, 2MM THICK, 350MM TALL, 40 DUROMETER W GRIP STRIPS/CORNERS 0 10 Mts OPERATING 20 $ 907.00 $ - $ 9,070.00 $ -

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5/25/2013 TOTAL
75007155 MOTOR , DRIVE, 225KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/3300, 1.15 SF, 5013 FRAME, 4 IN SHAFT, F2 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 63,590.00 $ - $ - $ 63,590.00
75007156 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 28,754.00 $ - $ - $ 28,754.00
75007157 COUPLING, FLUDEX , 1500RPM, 4IN INPUT/70MM OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 19,249.00 $ - $ 19,249.00 $ -
75007158 COUPLING, RUPEX, 67.83RPM, 180MM INPUT/ 5.9375IN OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 13,862.00 $ - $ 13,862.00 $ -
75007159 BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 329MT LONG x 1067MM WIDE, 100 N/MM. 0 30 Mts STRATEGIC 549 $ 8,010.00 $ - $ - $ 240,300.00
75007160 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 12 Each OPERATING 290 $ 314.00 $ - $ 3,768.00 $ -
75007161 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS, WITH REMOVABLE END BRACKETS. 0 7 Each OPERATING 103 $ 348.00 $ - $ 2,436.00 $ -
75007162 IDLER, 3 ROLL, SCALE QUALITY, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 3 Each OPERATING 21 $ 572.00 $ - $ 1,716.00 $ -
75007163 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 35DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS, WITH REMOVABLE END BRACKETS. 0 5 Each OPERATING 71 $ 517.00 $ - $ 2,585.00 $ -
75007164 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRAINING, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 11 $ 819.00 $ - $ 1,638.00 $ -
75007165 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION, 10-35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 8 $ 831.00 $ - $ 1,662.00 $ -
75007166 IDLER, FLAT RETURN, 0 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 5 Each OPERATING 161 $ 152.00 $ - $ 760.00 $ -
75007167 IDLER, FLAT CARRY, 0 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 17 $ 158.00 $ - $ 316.00 $ -
75007168 IDLER, FLAT RETURN TRAINING, 0 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 15 $ 647.00 $ - $ 1,294.00 $ -
75007169 IDLER, 3 ROLL CATENARY, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 24 $ 424.00 $ - $ 848.00 $ -
75007170 CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 42IN BELT, QC-1 W TWIST TENSIONER, URETHANE BLADE. 0 1 Each OPERATING 7 $ 1,143.00 $ - $ 1,143.00 $ -
75007171 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 42IN BELT, TUNGSTEN CARBIDE BLADE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 7 $ 2,623.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007172 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 42IN BELT, RUBBER BLADE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 13 $ 856.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007173 GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, HELICAL BEVEL 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 14,767.00 $ - $ 14,767.00 $ -

75007175 CHAIN, MILL, H CLASS 0 1 Mts OPERATING 31.9 $ 2,390.00 $ - $ 2,390.00 $ -

75007176 MOTOR , DRIVE, 187KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/380, 1.15 SF, S449 FRAME, 3.625IN SHAFT. F2 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 28,750.00 $ - $ - $ 28,750.00
75007177 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 24,048.00 $ - $ - $ 24,048.00
75007178 COUPLING, RUPEX, 1500RPM, 180MM INPUT/ 5.9375IN OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 13,862.00 $ - $ 13,862.00 $ -
75007179 HPU, 10HP, 3/50/380, W 60GAL RESERVOIR, FOR DIVERTER GATE. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 28,537.00 $ - $ 28,537.00 $ -
75007180 CYLINDER, HYDRAULIC, 4IN BORE, XXXIN STROKE, 2H SERIES, XXNPTF, HEAVY DUTY. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 2,754.00 $0.00 $ 2,754.00 $ -
75007181 MOTOR , DRIVE, 112KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/380, 1.15 SF, 449T FRAME, 3.375IN SHAFT. F1 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 19,330.00 $ - $ - $ 19,330.00
75007183 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 2 $ 15,609.00 $ - $ - $ 15,609.00
75007184 COUPLING, FLUDEX, 1500RPM, 3.375IN INPUT/55MM OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 9,607.00 $ - $ 9,607.00 $ -
75007185 COUPLING, RUPEX, 94.03RPM, 140MM INPUT/ 5.9375IN OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 7,120.00 $ - $ 7,120.00 $ -
75007186 BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 1067MM WIDE, 80 N/MM. 0 50 Mts OPERATING 340 $ 13,000.00 $ - $ 650,000.00 $ -
75007187 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 28,405.00 $ - $ - $ 28,405.00
75007188 COUPLING, RUPEX, 1500RPM, 4IN INPUT/ 90MM OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 1,798.00 $ - $ 1,798.00 $ -
75007189 COUPLING, RUPEX, 167.65RPM, 180MM INPUT/ 5.9375IN OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 13,862.00 $ - $ 13,862.00 $ -
75007190 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 4,345.00 $ - $ 4,345.00 $ -
75007191 COUPLING, FLUDEX, 1500RPM, 3.625IN INPUT/55MM OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 13,558.00 $ - $ 13,558.00 $ -
75007192 COUPLING, RUPEX, 94.03RPM, 140MM INPUT/ 5.9375IN OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 11,252.00 $ - $ 11,252.00 $ -
75007193 BACKSTOP 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 15,705.00 $ - $ 15,705.00 $ -
75007194 BELT, VULCANIZED, 3 PLY EP-630, 1067MM WIDE, 63 N/MM. 0 25 Mts STRATEGIC 248 $ 5,925.00 $ - $ - $ 148,125.00
75007195 0 1 Each OPERATING 4 $ 1,132.00 $ - $ 1,132.00 $ -
75007196 MOTOR , DRIVE, 3.7KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/380, 1.15 SF, 215TC FRAME, 1.375IN SHAFT. F2 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 2,160.00 $ - $ - $ 2,160.00
75007197 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 10,208.00 $ - $ - $ 10,208.00
75007198 BELT, VULCANIZED, 3 PLY, 457MM WIDE, 40 N/MM. 0 15 Mts STRATEGIC 93 $ 1,095.00 $ - $ - $ 16,425.00

75007199 IDLER, FLAT CARRY, 0 DEG, 457MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 4 Each OPERATING 68 $ 115.00 $ - $ 460.00 $ -

75007200 IDLER, FLAT IMPACT, 0 DEG, 457MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 5 $ 208.00 $ - $ 416.00 $ -

75007201 IDLER, FLAT RETURN, 0 DEG, 457MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 14 $ 812.00 $ - $ 1,624.00 $ -

75007202 IDLER, FLAT RETURN TRAINING, 0 DEG, 457MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 537.00 $ - $ 537.00 $ -

75007204 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 18IN BELT, RUBBER BLADE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 1 $ 690.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007207 MOTOR , DRIVE, 15KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/380, 1.15 SF, 286T FRAME, 1.875IN SHAFT. F1 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 4,205.00 $ - $ - $ 4,205.00
75007208 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 8,062.00 $ - $ - $ 8,062.00
75007209 COUPLING, 1500RPM, 1.875IN INPUT/30MM OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 2,973.00 $ - $ 2,973.00 $ -
75007210 BACKSTOP 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 8,289.00 $ - $ 8,289.00 $ -
75007211 BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 610MM WIDE, 50 N/MM. 0 35 Mts OPERATING 213 $ 3,780.00 $ - $ 132,300.00 $ -
75007212 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 610MM WIDE, 152.4MM DIA ROLLS. 0 3 Each OPERATING 54 $ 265.00 $ - $ 795.00 $ -
75007213 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 610MM WIDE, 152.4MM DIA ROLLS, WITH REMOVABLE END 0 2 Each OPERATING 24 $ 273.00 $ - $ 546.00 $ -

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5/25/2013 TOTAL
75007214 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, SCALE QUALITY, 35 DEG, 610MM WIDE, 152.4MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 8 $ 545.00 $ - $ 1,090.00 $ -
75007215 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 35DEG, 610MM, 152.4MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 10 $ 357.00 $ - $ 714.00 $ -
75007216 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRAINING, 35 DEG, 610MM, 152.4MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 844.00 $ - $ 844.00 $ -
75007217 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION, 10-35 DEG, 610MM, 152.4MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 1,187.00 $ - $ 1,187.00 $ -
75007218 IDLER, FLAT RETURN, RUBBER THREAD, 0 DEG, 610MM, 152.4MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 35 $ 115.00 $ - $ 230.00 $ -
75007219 IDLER, FLAT RETURN TRAINING, 0 DEG, 610MM, 152.4MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 594.00 $ - $ 594.00 $ -
75007221 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 24IN BELT, TUNGSTEN CARBIDE BLADE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 2 $ 2,050.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007222 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 24IN BELT, RUBBER BLADE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 2 $ 712.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007223 WINCH, ELECTRIC, 4HP, 380/3/50 0 0 Each OPERATING 1 $ 10,803.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007224 HOIST, HEAD WIRE ROPE, 3.2 METRIC TON, NEMA 4, 380/3/50. 0 0 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 23,200.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007225 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 4,084.00 $ - $ 4,084.00 $ -

75007229 BELT, CONVEYOR, 5 PLY, 3048MM WIDE, 270 N/MM. 10 10 Mts STRATEGIC 42 $ 21,260.00 $212,600.00 $ - $ 212,600.00
75007230 IDLER, 6 ROLL IMPACT, 20DEG, 3048MM , 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 19 $ 3,959.00 $ - $ 7,918.00 $ -
75007231 IDLER, 6 ROLL CARRY, 20DEG, 3048MM , 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 21 $ 3,252.00 $ - $ 6,504.00 $ -
75007232 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, 0DEG, 3048MM , 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 2,022.00 $ - $ 2,022.00 $ -
75007251 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, LIVE SHAFT, 0DEG, 3048MM , 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 3,787.00 $ - $ 3,787.00 $ -
75007252 IDLER, LIVE SHAFT FOR INVERTED V, 0DEG, 3048MM , 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 996.00 $ - $ 996.00 $ -

75007256 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 120IN BELT, TUNGSTEN CARBIDE BLADE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 1 $ 6,090.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007257 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 120IN BELT, RUBBER BLADE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 1 $ 2,184.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007258 DOOR, ACCESS, 9IN x 12IN, RUBBER, LOW PROFILE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 2 $ 224.00 $ - $ - $ -

75007260 CYLINDER, 55 TON, 6.25IN STROKE. 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 1,562.00 $ - $ 1,562.00 $ -

75007261 PUMP, HAND, TWO SPEED W HYDRAULIC HOSE AND GAUGE. 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 1,003.00 $ - $ 1,003.00 $ -

75007264 GEARBOX, 4.55 RPM, 260MM SHAFT, SHRINK DISC MOUNT, SA0N0C. 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 2 $ 144,699.00 $ - $ - $ 144,699.00
75007265 BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 1829MM WIDE, 2000 N/MM. 0 12 Mts STRATEGIC 66 $ 14,670.00 $ - $ - $ 176,040.00
75007266 IDLER, 6 ROLL IMPACT, 20DEG, 1829MM WIDE , 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 4 Each OPERATING 46 $ 3,051.00 $ - $ 12,204.00 $ -
75007267 IDLER, 6 ROLL CARRY, 20DEG, 1829MM WIDE , 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 16 $ 2,665.00 $ - $ 5,330.00 $ -
75007268 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, 0DEG, 1829MM WIDE , 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 311.00 $ - $ 311.00 $ -
75007269 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, LIVE SHAFT, 0DEG, 1829MM , 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 6 $ 1,386.00 $ - $ 1,386.00 $ -
75007270 IDLER, LIVE SHAFT FOR INVERTED V, 0DEG, 1829MM , 178MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 6 $ 1,056.00 $ - $ 1,056.00 $ -


75007276 CYLINDER, 25TON, 6 IN STROKE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 2 $ 894.00 $ - $ - $ -

75007277 PUMP, HAND, 45 CU INCH, TWO SPEED W HYDRAULIC HOSE AND GAUGE. 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 548.00 $ - $ 548.00 $ -

75007281 BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 1525MM WIDE, 800 N/MM. 0 5 Mts OPERATING 29 $ 2,500.00 $ - $ 12,500.00 $ -
75007282 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 20DEG, 1524MM WIDE , 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 17 $ 875.00 $ - $ 1,750.00 $ -
75007283 IDLER, 3 ROLL CARRY, 20DEG, 1524MM WIDE , 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 517.00 $ - $ 517.00 $ -
75007284 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, 0DEG, 1524MM WIDE , 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 149.00 $ - $ 149.00 $ -
75007285 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, LIVE SHAFT, 0DEG, 1524MM , 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 1,135.00 $ - $ 1,135.00 $ -
75007286 IDLER, LIVE SHAFT FOR INVERTED V, 0DEG, 1524MM , 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 866.00 $ - $ 866.00 $ -

75007287 IDLER, TRANSITION, 10-35DEG, 1524MM WIDE , 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 876.00 $ - $ 876.00 $ -

75007289 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 60IN BELT, TUNGSTEN CARBIDE BLADE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 1 $ 3,335.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007290 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 60IN BELT, RUBBER BLADE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 1 $ 1,036.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007292 HPU, 1.5HP, 10 GAL RES. 380/3/50 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 13,532.00 $ - $ 13,532.00 $ -
75007293 CYLINDER, TAKE-UP, 5 TON 0 0 Each OPERATING 1 $ 415.00 $ - $ - $ -

75007297 BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 1829MM WIDE, 1250 N/MM. 0 5 Mts STRATEGIC 26 $ 3,400.00 $ - $ - $ 17,000.00
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5/25/2013 TOTAL
75007298 MOTOR , DRIVE, 7.5KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 380/3/50, 1.15 SF, 364TC FRAME, 1.625IN SHAFT. 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 2,723.00 $ - $ - $ 2,723.00
75007299 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 10,962.00 $ - $ - $ 10,962.00
75007300 COUPLING, 1500RPM, 1.625IN INPUT/ 28MM OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 335.00 $ - $ 335.00 $ -
75007301 BELT, VULCANIZED, 5 PLY, 800MM WIDE, 58 N/MM. O.A.W. 0 81 Each STRATEGIC 81 $ 109,614.00 $ - $ - $ 8,878,734.00
75007302 IDLER, FLAT CARRY, 0 DEG, 800MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 29 $ 175.00 $ - $ 350.00 $ -
75007303 IDLER, FLAT IMPACT, 0 DEG, 800MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 5 $ 389.00 $ - $ 778.00 $ -
75007304 IDLER, FLAT LIVE SHAFT, 0 DEG, 800MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 1 Each OPERATING 11 $ 1,134.00 $ - $ 1,134.00 $ -
75007305 IDLER, STUB, 0 DEG, 800MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS. 0 2 Each OPERATING 58 $ 110.00 $ - $ 220.00 $ -
75007306 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 30IN BELT, RUBBER BLADE. 0 0 Each OPERATING 1 $ 772.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007307 MOTOR , DRIVE, 93KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 380/3/50, 1.15 SF, 447TC FRAME, 3.375IN SHAFT. F2 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 16,922.00 $ - $ - $ 16,922.00
75007308 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 11,418.00 $ - $ - $ 11,418.00
75007309 COUPLING, 1500RPM, 3.375IN INPUT/45MM OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 9,607.00
75007310 COUPLING, 84.78RPM, 120MM INPUT/ 5.9375IN OUTPUT BORES. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 5,612.00
75007311 BACKSTOP 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 9,442.00 $ 9,442.00
75007314 METAL DETECTOR 0 0 Each STRATEGIC 3 $ 15,419.00

75007316 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $348,314.00
75007317 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $126,118.00
75007477 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 6 $83,907.00
75007478 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 6 $43,341.00
75007479 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 3 $26,542.00
75007480 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 3 $18,916.00
INCLUDES BEARINGS AND SHAFT, 3300-FE-001, 002 & 003.
75007481 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 2 $48,525.00
75007482 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 2 $31,110.00
75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X, 120V/1PH/50HZ W SENSOR 2 2 Each OPERATING 17 $261.00

75007485 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 4 $13,020.00
75007486 0 2 Each STRATEGIC 1 $17,306.00
75007487 BEARINGS (1640MM CENTERS) AND SHAFT,BLOC B106-515 HUB, 3300-CV-025 (FOR TAKE-UP, TAIL, 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 7 $14,604.00
BENDS 1 & 2),3300-CV-026 (FOR TAKE-UP, TAIL, BENDS 1 & 2) AND 3300-CV-027.
75007488 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $14,959.00
75007496 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 22,751.00 $ - $ - $ 22,751.00
75007497 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 1 $ 18,232.00 $ - $ - $ 18,232.00
75007498 SWITCH, TRIPPER POSITION, NEMA 4X WITH 2 SP/DT MICROSWITCHES, 120V/1PH/50HZ. 2 2 Each OPERATING 21 $ 283.00 $ 566.00 $ 566.00 $ -
75007499 PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE 2 2 Each OPERATING 21 $ 136.00 $ 272.00 $ 272.00 $ -
75007500 BEARINGS (1640MM CENTERS) AND SHAFT,BLOC B106-515 HUB, 3300-CV-025 (FOR TAKE-UP, TAIL, 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 4 $ 14,753.00 $ - $ - $ 14,753.00
BENDS 1 & 2),3300-CV-026 (FOR TAKE-UP, TAIL, BENDS 1 & 2) AND 3300-CV-027.
75007501 BEARINGS (1640MM CENTERS) AND SHAFT,BLOC B106-515 HUB, 3300-CV-025 (FOR TAKE-UP, TAIL, 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 4 $ 14,493.00 $ - $ - $ 14,493.00
BENDS 1 & 2),3300-CV-026 (FOR TAKE-UP, TAIL, BENDS 1 & 2) AND 3300-CV-027.
75007502 0 1 Each STRATEGIC 2 $ 20,531.00 $ - $ - $ 20,531.00
75007503 ACTUATOR, BALL SCREW, HEAVY DUTY, 31.5 IN STROKE, 3400 LBS THRUST. 0 0 Each OPERATING 1 $ 30,499.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007504 Wheel 0 0 Each OPERATING N/A $ 2,374.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007585 BLADE, 72 IN, SOLID, EXTRA HEAVY DUTY. 0 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 1,762.00 $ - $ 1,762.00 $ -
75007586 BLADE CARTRIDGE, 72 IN, SECONDARY BELT CLEANER. 0 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 4,112.00 $ - $ 4,112.00 $ -
75007587 BLADE, 72 IN, V-PLOW, HEAVY DUTY REPLACEMENT 0 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 671.00 $ - $ 671.00 $ -
75007588 BLADE, LEFT, DUAL, 84 IN, SOLID, EXTRA HEAVY DUTY. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 1,322.00 $ - $ 1,322.00 $ -
75007589 BLADE, RIGHT, DUAL, 84 IN, SOLID, EXTRA HEAVY DUTY. 0 1 Each OPERATING N/A $ 1,322.00 $ - $ 1,322.00 $ -
75007590 BLADE, 54 IN, SOLID, HEAVY DUTY. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 769.00 $ - $ 769.00 $ -
75007591 BLADE CARTRIDGE, 54 IN, SECONDARY BELT CLEANER. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 3,069.00 $ - $ 3,069.00 $ -
75007592 BLADE, 54 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER, REPLACEMENT. 0 2 Each OPERATING 1 $ 314.00 $ - $ 628.00 $ -

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5/25/2013 TOTAL
75007593 BLADE, 42 IN, SOLID, HEAVY DUTY. 0 7 Each OPERATING 0 $ 555.00 $ - $ 3,885.00 $ -
75007594 BLADE CARTRIDGE, 42 IN, SECONDARY BELT CLEANER. 0 4 Each OPERATING 0 $ 2,350.00 $ - $ 9,400.00 $ -
75007595 BLADE, 24 IN, SOLID, HEAVY DUTY. 0 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 265.00 $ - $ 265.00 $ -
75007596 BLADE CARTRIDGE, 24 IN, SECONDARY BELT CLEANER. 0 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 1,293.00 $ - $ 1,293.00 $ -
75007597 BLADE, 24 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER, REPLACEMENT. 0 2 Each OPERATING 0 $ 159.00 $ - $ 318.00 $ -
75007598 BLADE, 18 IN, SOLID, HEAVY DUTY. 0 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 221.00 $ - $ 221.00 $ -
75007599 BLADE, 18 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER REPLACEMENT. 0 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 136.00 $ - $ 136.00 $ -
75007600 BLADE, 30 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER REPLACEMENT. 0 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 189.00 $ - $ 189.00 $ -
75007601 SWITCH, TEMP LEVEL 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 140.00 $ 140.00 $ 140.00 $ -
75007602 HEATER, TANK 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 397.00 $ 397.00 $ 397.00 $ -
75007603 RETURN FILTER , IN TANK 1 2 Each OPERATING 0 $ 137.00 $ 137.00 $ 274.00 $ -
75007604 COUPLING HALF 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 33.00 $ 33.00 $ 33.00 $ -
75007605 VALVE RELIEF 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 49.00 $ 49.00 $ 49.00 $ -
75007606 VALVE, DIRECTIONAL 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 114.00 $ 114.00 $ 114.00 $ -
75007607 SNUBBER GAUGE, MALE SAE-4 TO FEMALE 1/4 NPTF 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 47.00 $ 47.00 $ 47.00 $ -
75007608 GAUGE PRESSURE, 2.5 IN, 1000 PSI, GLYCERINE FILLED, STAINLESS, 1/4 IN NPT, BOTTOM CONNECTION. 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 67.00 $ 67.00 $ 67.00 $ -
75007609 NIPPLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, .750 IN 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 189.00 $ 189.00 $ 189.00 $ -
75007610 COUPLER, QUICK DISCONNECT, .750 IN 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 80.00 $ 80.00 $ 80.00 $ -
75007611 PISTON KIT FOR 8 IN CYLINDER 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 98.00 $ 98.00 $ 98.00 $ -
75007612 ROD KIT FOR 8 IN CYLINDER 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 181.00 $ 181.00 $ 181.00 $ -
75007613 PISTON KIT FOR 3.25 IN CYLINDER 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 37.00 $ 37.00 $ 37.00 $ -
75007614 ROD KIT FOR 3.25 IN CYLINDER 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 94.00 $ 94.00 $ 94.00 $ -
75007615 CLEVIS ROD END 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 12.00 $ 12.00 $ 12.00 $ -
75007616 CLEVIS PIN 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ 30.00 $ -
75007617 SENSOR, PROXIMITY 2 2 Each OPERATING 0 $ 28.00 $ 56.00 $ 56.00 $ -
75007618 MOUNTING BRACKET 2 2 Each OPERATING 0 $ 13.00 $ 26.00 $ 26.00 $ -
75007619 PNEUMATIC VALVE 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 207.00 $ 207.00 $ 207.00 $ -
75007620 MOLDED DIN CABLE 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 28.00 $ 28.00 $ 28.00 $ -
75007621 EXHAUST SPEED CONTROL 2 2 Each OPERATING 0 $ 41.00 $ 82.00 $ 82.00 $ -
75007622 CHECK VALVE 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 63.00 $ 63.00 $ 63.00 $ -
75007623 BALL VALVE 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ -
75007624 FILTER / REGULATOR / LUBRICATOR 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 210.00 $ 210.00 $ 210.00 $ -
75007625 PRESSURE GAUGE, 0-160 PSI 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ -
75007626 RELIEF VALVE 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 18.00 $ 18.00 $ 18.00 $ -
75007627 SOLENOID VALVE 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 168.00 $ 168.00 $ 168.00 $ -
75007628 FILTER ON POWER UNIT 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 19.00 $ 19.00 $ 19.00 $ -
75007629 RELIEF ON POWER UNIT 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 41.00 $ 41.00 $ 41.00 $ -
75007630 ELECTRIC MOTOR, 1.5 HP, 1800 RPM, REVERSIBLE, 3 PH, 220/380/440, 50 HZ, 5.7 AMP 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 749.00 $ 749.00 $ 749.00 $ -
75007631 MOTOR SWITCH 2 2 Each OPERATING 0 $ 209.00 $ 418.00 $ 418.00 $ -
75007632 GAUGE 2 2 Each OPERATING 0 $ 82.00 $ 164.00 $ 164.00 $ -
75007633 GAUGE SNUBBER 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 63.00 $ 63.00 $ 63.00 $ -
75007634 DIRECTIONAL VALVE 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 183.00 $ 183.00 $ 183.00 $ -
75007635 HOSE ASSEMBLY 2 2 Each OPERATING 0 $ 105.00 $ 210.00 $ 210.00 $ -
75007636 QUICK COUPLER 2 2 Each OPERATING 0 $ 70.00 $ 140.00 $ 140.00 $ -
75007637 QUICK COUPLER 2 2 Each OPERATING 0 $ 125.00 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ -
75007638 CYLINDER, 2H SERIES 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ -
75007639 CYLINDER PISTON KIT 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 72.00 $ 72.00 $ 72.00 $ -
75007640 CYLINDER ROD GLAND 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 297.00 $ 297.00 $ 297.00 $ -
75007641 SPHERICAL CLEVIS 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 261.00 $ 261.00 $ 261.00 $ -
75007642 PIVOT PIN 1 1 Each OPERATING $ 32.00 $ 32.00 $ 32.00 $ -
75007643 BRAKE PAD SET w MOUNTING PLATE 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 15,244.00 $ - $ 15,244.00 $ -
75007644 SWITCH, DIGITAL, 2 MM W 10 MT CABLE. 1 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 768.00 $ 768.00 $ 768.00 $ -
75007645 SPRING SET, PAD RETRACTION. 1 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 99.00 $ 99.00 $ 99.00 $ -
75007646 SEAL KIT, 1/2 U-Cup 2 2 Each OPERATING 2 $ 1,067.00 $ 2,134.00 $ 2,134.00 $ -
75007647 BOLT SET 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 3,857.00 $ - $ 3,857.00 $ -
75007648 BRAKE PAD SET w MOUNTING PLATE 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 912.00 $ - $ 912.00 $ -
75007649 SWITCH, DIGITAL, 2 MM W 10 MT CABLE. 1 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 766.00 $ 766.00 $ 766.00 $ -
75007650 SPRING SET, PAD RETRACTION. 1 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 86.00 $ 86.00 $ 86.00 $ -
75007651 SEAL KIT, 1/2 U-CUP 2 2 Each OPERATING 2 $ 703.00 $ 1,406.00 $ 1,406.00 $ -
75007652 BOLT SET 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 164.00 $ - $ 164.00 $ -
75007653 FILTER, HYDRAULIC, HIGH PRESSURE, 10 MICRON, FOR MULTIBLOCK V/2 STD. 0 2 Each OPERATING 2 $ 291.00 $ - $ 582.00 $ -
75007655 GEAR PUMP, WITH BOLTS & SEALS, 1.2 CCM/R, 280 BAR, FOR HYDRAULIC UNIT. 0 2 Each OPERATING 2 $ 1,039.00 $ - $ 2,078.00 $ -
75007656 COIL, 24 VDC. 2 2 Each OPERATING 2 $ 364.00 $ 728.00 $ 728.00 $ -
75007657 MOTOR, ELECTRIC, 3 X 400V, 50HZ, 0.75 KW, 1400RPM. 0 2 Each OPERATING 2 $ 1,294.00 $ - $ 2,588.00 $ -
75007658 COUPLING, INCL SOCKET SET SCREW. 0 2 Each OPERATING 2 $ 124.00 $ - $ 248.00 $ -
75007659 ACCUMULATOR, 2 LT, 210 BAR. 0 2 Each OPERATING 2 $ 5,049.00 $0.00 $ 10,098.00 $ -
75007660 CONTROLLER, SOBO. 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 4,340.00 $ - $ 4,340.00 $ -
75007661 CAPACITOR, UPS, 5KWS 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 1,724.00 $ - $ 1,724.00 $ -

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5/25/2013 TOTAL
75007662 POWER SUPPLY, MODULAR, 120/230/500V, 10A 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 1,052.00 $ - $ 1,052.00 $ -
75007663 COIL, TRANSMITTER 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 4,347.00 $ - $ 4,347.00 $ -
75007664 CABLE, TRANSMITTER 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 287.00 $ - $ 287.00 $ -
75007665 CABLE, RECEIVER 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 287.00 $ - $ 287.00 $ -
75007666 INTERFACE MODULE 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 6,510.00 $ - $ 6,510.00 $ -
75007667 ELECTRONIC MODULE 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 8,379.00 $ - $ 8,379.00 $ -
75007668 SPRAY MARKING SYSTEM 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 4,914.00 $ - $ 4,914.00 $ -
75007669 FLASHING BEACON & HORN 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 1,064.00 $ - $ 1,064.00 $ -
75007670 HEATER, STRIP 1 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 611.00 $ 611.00 $ 611.00 $ -
75007671 COIL, TRANSMITTER 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 3,115.00 $ - $ 3,115.00 $ -
75007672 COIL, RECEIVER 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 8,225.00 $ - $ 8,225.00 $ -
75007673 COIL, RECEIVER 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 8,225.00 $ - $ 8,225.00 $ -
75007674 STATOR 0 1 Each OPERATING N/A $ 1,418.00 $ - $ 1,418.00 $ -
75007675 RECTIFIER, BRAKE 1 1 Each OPERATING N/A $ 127.00 $ 127.00 $ 127.00 $ -
75007676 BRAKE, MOTOR 1 1 Each OPERATING N/A $ 631.00 $ 631.00 $ 631.00 $ -
75007677 KIT, REPAIR, CYLINDER. 1 2 Each OPERATING N/A $ 124.00 $ 124.00 $ 248.00 $ -
75007678 KIT, REPAIR, PUMP, MODEL P42 1 2 Each OPERATING N/A $ 37.00 $ 37.00 $ 74.00 $ -
75007679 GAUGE, CYLINDER 0 1 Each OPERATING N/A $ 449.00 $ - $ 449.00 $ -
75007680 KIT, REPAIR, CYLINDER. 1 1 Each OPERATING N/A $ 73.00 $ 73.00 $ 73.00 $ -
75007681 KIT, REPAIR, PUMP, MODEL P140 1 1 Each OPERATING N/A $ 28.00 $ 28.00 $ 28.00 $ -
75007682 CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT LONG. 0 1 Each OPERATING 56 $ 56.00 $ - $ 56.00 $ -
75007684 HANDLE HOOK FOR PUMP. 0 1 Each OPERATING N/A $ 22.00 $ - $ 22.00 $ -
75007685 KIT, REPAIR, CYLINDER. 0 1 Each OPERATING N/A $ 47.00 $ - $ 47.00 $ -
75007686 SWITCH, LIMIT, SEALED, CORROSION RESISTANT,NEMA 4X W 5FT LEAD. 1 1 Each OPERATING 0 $ 316.00 $ 316.00 $ 316.00 $ -
75007687 BEARING, FLANGE, 2.4375IN, TYPE E 0 0 Each OPERATING N/A $ 275.00 $ - $ - $ -
75007688 SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2 WIRE, 30VDC W 6FT CABLE 2 2 Each OPERATING 17 $ 170.00 $ 340.00 $ 340.00 $ -

75005307 BLADE CARTRIDGE, 84 IN, SECONDARY BELT CLEANER. 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 4,818.00 $ - $ 4,818.00 $ -
75005315 BLADE, 84 IN, V-PLOW, HEAVY DUTY REPLACEMENT 0 2 Each OPERATING 2 $ 752.00 $ - $ 1,504.00 $ -
75005369 COUPLER, CYLINDER, MALE 3 6 Each OPERATING N/A $ 47.00 $ 141.00 $ 282.00 $ -
75005384 COUPLER, CYLINDER, FEMALE 3 6 Each OPERATING N/A $ 62.00 $ 186.00 $ 372.00 $ -
75005433 HOSE ASSEMBLY, HYDRAULIC, 10', MALE 0 2 Each OPERATING N/A $ 255.00 $ - $ 510.00 $ -
75006084 COIL, RECEIVER 0 1 Each OPERATING 1 $ 3,990.00 $ - $ 3,990.00 $ -
75006085 FRAME ASSEMBLY 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 966.00 $ - $ 966.00 $ -
75006086 BRACKET, TRANSMITTER COIL 0 2 Each OPERATING 6 $ 359.00 $ - $ 718.00 $ -
75006087 BRACKET, RECEIVER COIL 0 2 Each OPERATING 6 $ 395.00 $ - $ 790.00 $ -
75006088 MOUNTING FEET 0 2 Each OPERATING 6 $ 268.00 $ - $ 536.00 $ -
75006090 CONNECTOR, TRANSMITTER CABLE 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 133.00 $ - $ 133.00 $ -
75006092 CONNECTOR, RECEIVER CABLE 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 133.00 $ - $ 133.00 $ -
75024229 DETECTOR, CLIP 0 1 Each OPERATING 3 $ 1,335.00 $ - $ 1,335.00 $ -
75018974 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW, 84IN BELT, HD MOUNT, ORANGE URETHANE BLADE 0 0 Each OPERATING 3 $ 3,085.00 $ - $ - $ -
75024227 METAL DETECTOR. 0 0 Each OPERATING 1 $ 15,785.00 $ - $ - $ -
75026214 ROLLER, 8.0IN, VEE GROOVE, ROLLER BEARING, 1.5IN BORE 0 1 Each OPERATING 4 $ 257.00 $0.00 $ 257.00 $ -
914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY. 0 6 Each OPERATING 72 $ 82.32 $ - $ 493.92 $ -
914-02-3773 V-PLOW, 90 DEG. ASSEMBLY COMPLETE 0 0 Each OPERATING 1 $ 1,185.00 $ - $ - $ -
914-02-3813 BLADE, 42 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER, REPLACEMENT. 0 6 Each OPERATING 0 $ 252.00 $ - $ 1,512.00 $ -
914-02-12052 COUPLER, HUB, STANDARD BORE, 1-3/8 X 5/16 KEYWAY 0 2 Each OPERATING 1 $ 33.00 $ - $ 66.00 $ -
914-02-12054 COUPLER INSERT, URETHANE FOR 200 SERIES 0 1 Each OPERATING 2 $ 15.00 $ - $ 15.00 $ -
914-02-12558 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW, 72IN BELT, HD MOUNT, ORANGE URETHANE BLADE 0 0 Each OPERATING 3 $ 2,805.00 $ - $ - $ -
914-02-12565 DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN X 18IN, STEEL 0 0 Each OPERATING 10 $ 304.00 $ - $ - $ -
914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION) 2 8 Each OPERATING 168 $ 329.00 $ 658.00 $ 2,632.00 $ -
914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT MICROSWITCHES 2 6 Each OPERATING 110 $ 255.00 $ 510.00 $ 1,530.00 $ -
914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO SWITCHES AND 1O FT CABLE ASSEMBLY 2 4 Each OPERATING 72 $ 305.00 $ 610.00 $ 1,220.00 $ -
914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL 2 4 Each OPERATING 21 $ 451.00 $ 902.00 $ 1,804.00 $ -

$238,442.00 $1,685,414.92 $14,116,962.00

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Caserones Project 61257 & 61588 #REF!

ASSET TAG Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 UOM PART NUMBER h DESCRIPTION INDEX
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR ** ASSEMBLY ** 2
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt, Conveyor # 923 Mts 75007019 BELT, VULCANIZED, ST-1800, 923MT LONG x 1829MM 3
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY ** 4
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Motor 2 2 Each 75007013 MOTOR , DRIVE, 671KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/3300, 5
2100-CV-001 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Gearbox 2 2 Each 75007014 GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, 17.262:1, 86.9 RPM, 100MM
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Coupling 2 2 Each 75007015 COUPLING, RUPEX RWS 360, 1500RPM, 5IN
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Coupling 1 1 Each 75007016 COUPLING, RUPEX RWS 900, 86.9 RPM, 230MM
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Coupling 1 1 Each 75007017 COUPLING, DODGE MTO-1190T, 86.9 RPM, 230MM
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Brake ** ASSEMBLY ** 2 2 Each 75007018 BRAKE, HUB MOUNTED, WITH SOBO CONTROL UNIT
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Brake Brake Pad Set w Mounting Plate 1 1 Each 75007643 BRAKE PAD SET w MOUNTING PLATE
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Brake Switch, Digital, 2mm, w 10Mt cable 1 1 Each 75007644 SWITCH, DIGITAL, 2 MM W 10 MT CABLE.
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Brake Spring Set, Pad Retraction 1 1 Each 75007645 SPRING SET, PAD RETRACTION.
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Brake Seal Kit, BSFK500 1/2 U-Cup 2 2 Each 75007646 SEAL KIT, 1/2 U-Cup
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Brake Bolt Set 1 1 Each 75007647 BOLT SET
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Pulleys Drive Pulley 1 1 Each 75006991 PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 1000MM DIA, 2032MM
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Pulleys Bend Pulley 1 1 4 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 800MM DIA, 2032MM FACE, 16MM
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Pulleys Bend Pulley 2 1 4 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 800MM DIA, 2032MM FACE, 16MM 3
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Pulleys Tail Pulley 1 3 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 1000MM DIA, 2032MM FACE, 4
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Pulleys Head Pulley 1 4 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY 800MM DIA 2032MM FACE 16MM 4
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Pulleys Bend Pulley 3 1 3 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 1000MM DIA, 2032MM FACE,
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Pulleys Bend Pulley 4 1 3 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 1000MM DIA, 2032MM FACE,
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Pulleys Take-Up Pulley 1 4 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 800MM DIA, 2032MM FACE, 16MM
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 6
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg # 391 Each 75007020 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM 7
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg 8
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Through 20 Deg w REB # 15 Each 75007074 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 20 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM 9
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Through 20 Deg w REB
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll 35 Deg Scale Quality # 7 Each 75007075 IDLER, 3 ROLL, SCALE QUALITY, 35 DEG, 1829MM,
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll 35 Deg Scale Quality
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 2 Roll V-Return 10 Deg # 157 Each 75007076 IDLER, 2 ROLL, V RETURN, 10 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 2 Roll V-Return 10 Deg
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Impact, 20 Deg w REB # 8 Each 75007077 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 20 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM DIA
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Impact, 20 Deg w REB
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Training, 35 Deg # 14 Each 75007078 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRAINING, 35 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Training, 35 Deg
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg # 9 Each 75007079 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION, 10-35 DEG, 1829MM,
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers Flat Return # 12 Each 75007080 IDLER, FLAT RETURN, 0 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM DIA
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers Flat Return
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers Flat Carry # 2 Each 75007081 IDLER, FLAT CARRY, 0 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM DIA
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers Flat Carry
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers Flat Return, Live Shaft # 4 Each 75007082 IDLER FLAT RETURN, LIVE SHAFT, 1829MM, 178MM
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers Flat Return, Live Shaft
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll, Impact, 35 Deg # 2 Each 75007083 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 20 DEG, 1829MM, 178MM DIA
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll, Impact, 35 Deg
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007089 CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 72IN BELT, QC-1 W XHD
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary Blade Each 75007585 BLADE, 72 IN, SOLID, EXTRA HEAVY DUTY. 10
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007090 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 72IN BELT, TUNGSTEN 11
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary Blade Each 75007586 BLADE CARTRIDGE, 72 IN, SECONDARY BELT CLEANER. 12
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 3 Each 914-02-12558 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW, 72IN BELT, HD MOUNT, 13
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow Blade Each 75007587 BLADE, 72 IN, V-PLOW, HEAVY DUTY REPLACEMENT
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 10 Each 914-02-12565 DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN X 18IN, STEEL
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 1350 Ft 75007091 LINER, SKIRTBOARD, RUBBER, .750" x 6.0 ", 45
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt Scale System ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007092 SCALE, BELT, SINGLE IDLER, 1000LB LOAD CELL, W
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Belt Scale System Belt Scale 14
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each # METAL DETECTOR.
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Coil, Transmittter # 1 Each # COIL, TRANSMITTER
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Coil, Receiver # 1 Each # COIL, RECEIVER
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Frame Assembly # 3 Each # FRAME ASSEMBLY
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Bracket, Transmittter Coil # 6 Each # BRACKET, TRANSMITTER COIL
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Bracket, Receiver Coil # 6 Each # BRACKET, RECEIVER COIL
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Mouting Feet # 6 Each # MOUNTING FEET
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Cable, Transmitter # 3 Each # CABLE, TRANSMITTER
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Connector, transmitter Cable # 3 Each # CONNECTOR, TRANSMITTER CABLE
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Cable, Receiver # 3 Each # CABLE, RECEIVER
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Connector, Receiver Cable # 3 Each # CONNECTOR, RECEIVER CABLE
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Interface Module # 3 Each # INTERFACE MODULE
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Electronic Module # 3 Each # ELECTRONIC MODULE
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Detector, Clip # 3 Each # DETECTOR, CLIP
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Spray Marking System # 3 Each # SPRAY MARKING SYSTEM
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Flashing Beacon & Horn # 3 Each # FLASHING BEACON & HORN
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Metal Detector Heater, Strip # 3 Each # HEATER, STRIP
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Take-up Tower ** ASSEMBLY **
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Take-up Tower V-Groove Wheels # 4 Each # ROLLER, 8.0IN, VEE GROOVE, ROLLER BEARING, 1.5IN
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Take-up Tower Sheaves # 9 Each # SHEAVE ASSEMBLY, 48 INCH, FOR 1.750 IN WIRE
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Take-up Tower Winch Take-up # 1 Each # WINCH, TAKE-UP, 10 HP, 380 VAC, 3PH, 50HZ.
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Take-up Tower Winch Pulley Removal # 1 Each # WINCH, PULLEY REMOVAL, 4 HP, HP, 380 VAC, 3PH,
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Take-up Tower Hoist head wire # 1 Each # HOIST, HEAD WIRE ROPE, 8 METRIC TON, NEMA 4,
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Take-up Tower Hoist stair tower # 1 Each # HOIST, STAIR TOWER WIRE ROPE, 8 METRIC TON,
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Take-up Tower Rail Brake # 3 #
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Conveyor Brake HPU ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each # HPU, CONVEYOR BRAKE, NEMA 4, MOTOR, 380 VAC,
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Conveyor Brake HPU GEAR PUMP, WITH BOLTS & SEALS, # 2 Each 75007655 GEAR PUMP, WITH BOLTS & SEALS, 1.2 CCM/R, 280
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Conveyor Brake HPU COIL, 24 VDC. # 2 Each 75007656 COIL, 24 VDC.
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Conveyor Brake HPU MOTOR, ELECTRIC, 3 X 400V, 50HZ, # 2 Each 75007657 MOTOR, ELECTRIC, 3 X 400V, 50HZ, 0.75 KW,
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Conveyor Brake HPU ACCUMULATOR, 2 LT, 210 BAR. # 2 Each 75007659 ACCUMULATOR, 2 LT, 210 BAR.
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Conveyor Brake HPU CONTROLLER, SOBO. # 2 Each 75007660 CONTROLLER, SOBO.
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Conveyor Brake HPU CAPACITOR, UPS, 5KWS # 2 Each 75007661 CAPACITOR, UPS, 5KWS
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Conveyor Brake HPU POWER SUPPLY, MODULAR, # 1 Each 75007662 POWER SUPPLY, MODULAR, 120/230/500V, 10A
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each # SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Control Unit Plugged Chute ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Control Unit Plugged Chute Probe # 21 Each # PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Limit Switch HGTU cart # 21 Each 75007498 SWITCH, TRIPPER POSITION, NEMA 4X WITH 2 SP/DT
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 29 Each # SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 28 Each # SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Cable, quick disconnect # 56 Each # CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each # HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each # LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Slip Detector # 2 Each # MONITOR, MOTION CONTROL.
2 Caserones 72" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector, Inductive # 3 Each # BELT RIP DETECTION SYSTEM

2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR ** ASSEMBLY **

2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt, Conveyor # 647 Mts # BELT, VULCANIZED, ST-1800, 647MT LONG x 2134MM
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Motor # 2 Each # MOTOR , DRIVE, 300KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/380,
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Gearbox # 1 Each # GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, 27.548:1, 54.45 RPM, 80MM
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each # COUPLING, DODGE, 1100T, 1500 RPM, 4IN
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each # COUPLING, RUPEX RWS 710, 54.45RPM, 210MM
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Brake ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each # BRAKE, HUB MOUNTED, WITH SOBO CONTROL UNIT
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Brake Brake Pad Set w Mounting Plate # 1 Each 75007648 BRAKE PAD SET w MOUNTING PLATE
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Brake Switch, Digital, 2mm, w 10Mt cable # 1 Each 75007649 SWITCH, DIGITAL, 2 MM W 10 MT CABLE.
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Brake Spring Set, Pad Retraction # 1 Each 75007650 SPRING SET, PAD RETRACTION.
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Brake Seal Kit, BSFK500 1/2 U-Cup # 2 Each 75007651 SEAL KIT, 1/2 U-CUP
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt, Drive Brake Bolt Set # 1 Each 75007652 BOLT SET
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Pulleys Drive Pulley # 1 Each # PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 1000MM DIA, 2337MM
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Pulleys Bend Pulley 1 # 4 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 800MM DIA, 2337MM FACE, 16MM
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Pulleys Bend Pulley 2 # 4 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 800MM DIA, 2337MM FACE, 16MM
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Pulleys Tail Pulley # 4 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 800MM DIA, 2337MM FACE, 16MM
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Pulleys Take-Up Pulley # 4 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 800MM DIA, 2337MM FACE, 16MM
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Pulleys 3 Roll Through 35 Deg # 194 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB # 11 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Through 20 Deg w REB # 64 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 20 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Through 20 Deg w REB
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll 35 Deg Scale Quality # 7 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL, SCALE QUALITY, 35 DEG, 2134MM,
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll 35 Deg Scale Quality
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 2 Roll V-Return 10 Deg # 92 Each # IDLER, 2 ROLL, V RETURN, 10 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 2 Roll V-Return 10 Deg
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Impact 20 Deg w REB # 42 Each # IDLER 3 ROLL IMPACT 20 DEG 2134MM 178MM DIA
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll, Impact, 20 Deg w REB
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll, Impact, 35 Deg w REB # 7 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 35 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM DIA
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll, Impact, 35 Deg w REB
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Training, 35 Deg # 6 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL TRAINING, 35 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Training, 35 Deg
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers Flat Return # 12 Each # IDLER, FLAT RETURN, 0 DEG, 2134MM, 178MM DIA
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers Flat Return
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Transition Impact, 10-35 Deg # 3 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION IMPACT, 10-35 DEG,
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Transition Impact, 10-35 Deg
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg # 10 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION, 10-35 DEG, 2134MM,
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers Live Shaft # 2 #
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Idlers Live Shaft
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 6 Each # CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 84IN BELT, QC-1 W XHD
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary Blade # 1 Each # BLADE, LEFT, DUAL, 84 IN, SOLID, EXTRA HEAVY DUTY.
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 12 Each # CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 84IN BELT, TUNGSTEN
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary Blade # 1 Each # BLADE CARTRIDGE, 84 IN, SECONDARY BELT
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 3 Each # CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW, 84IN BELT, HD MOUNT,
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow Blade # 2 Each # BLADE, 84 IN, V-PLOW, HEAVY DUTY REPLACEMENT
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 10 Each 914-02-12565 DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN X 18IN, STEEL
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 1350 Ft # LINER, SKIRTBOARD, RUBBER, .750" x 6.0 ", 45
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Take-up Tower V-Groove Wheels # 81 Each # WHEEL, IRON, 6IN DIAx2IN FACE, VEE GROOVE,
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Take-up Tower Cam Follower # 64 Each # ROLLER, CAM, TRAKROL, 4 DIA X 2 WIDE, 4 15/16 IN
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt Scale System ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each # SCALE, BELT, SINGLE IDLER, 1250LB LOAD CELL, MSI,
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Belt Scale System Belt Scale
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Control Unit Plugged Chute ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Control Unit Plugged Chute Probe # 21 Each # PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Limit Switch HGTU cart # 21 Each 75007498 SWITCH, TRIPPER POSITION, NEMA 4X WITH 2 SP/DT
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical Emitter # 29 Each 75007084 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 28 Each 75007505 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 56 Each 75007682 CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each 75007085 HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each 75007086 LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007121 ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007122 TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
2 Caserones 84" CONVEYOR Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector, Inductive # 3 Each 75007088 BELT RIP DETECTION SYSTEM


3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Belt, Conveyor # 157 Mts # BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 157MT LONG x 1372MM
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Belt, Drive Motor # 2 Each # MOTOR , DRIVE, 150KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/380,
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Belt, Drive Gearbox # 1 Each # GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, 34.771:1, 43.14 RPM, 70MM
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Belt, Drive Coupling # 2 Each # COUPLING, RUPEX, 1500RPM, 3.625IN INPUT/70MM
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each # COUPLING, RUPEX, 43.14RPM, 170MM
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Belt, Drive Backstop # 4 Each # BACKSTOP
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Pulleys Drive Pulley # 1 Each # PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 800MM DIA, 1524MM
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Pulleys Bend Pulley 1 # 4 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 1524MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Pulleys Bend Pulley 2 # 4 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 1524MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Pulleys Tail Pulley # 4 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 1524MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Pulleys Take-Up Pulley # 4 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 1524MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg # 40 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB # 18 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers 3 Roll, Impact, 20 Deg # 4 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 20 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers 3 Roll, Impact, 20 Deg
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers 2 Roll V-Return 10 Deg # 14 Each # IDLER, 2 ROLL, V RETURN, 10 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers 2 Roll V-Return 10 Deg
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers 3 Roll, Impact, 35 Deg # 17 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 35 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers 3 Roll, Impact, 35 Deg
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers 3 Roll, Training, 35 Deg # 1 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL TRAINING, 35 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers 3 Roll, Training, 35 Deg
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg # 2 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION, 10-35 DEG, 1372MM,
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers Flat Return # 9 Each # IDLER, FLAT RETURN, 0 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers Flat Return
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Idlers Live Shaft # 2 Each # IDLER, LIVE SHAFT, 0 DEG, 1372MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each # CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 54IN BELT, W DUAL TWIST
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary Blade # 1 Each # BLADE, 54 IN, SOLID, HEAVY DUTY.
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each # CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 54IN BELT, TUNGSTEN
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary Blade # 1 Each # BLADE CARTRIDGE, 54 IN, SECONDARY BELT
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 2 Each # CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 54IN BELT, RUBBER
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow Blade # 1 Each # BLADE, 54 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER, REPLACEMENT.
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 22 Each # DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN x 14IN, STEEL, LOW PROFILE.
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 1350 Ft # LINER, SKIRTBOARD, RUBBER, .750" x 6.0 ", 45
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Diverter Gate Flange Bearing # 6 Each # BEARING, FLANGE, 4.5IN, TYPE E
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Take-up Tower V-Groove Wheels # 81 Each # WHEEL, IRON, 6IN DIAx2IN FACE, VEE GROOVE,
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Take-up Tower Cam Follower # 64 Each # ROLLER, CAM, TRAKROL, 4 DIA X 2 WIDE, 4 15/16 IN

3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Magnet, Head Pulley # 1 Each # ELECTROMAGNET, SUSPENDED, W EXTERNAL
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Magnet, Cross Belt # 1 Each # ELECTROMAGNET, SUSPENDED, W EXTERNAL
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley/ Div Gate Pneumatic Cylinder ** ASSEMBLY ** # 2 Each # CYLINDER, PNEUMATIC, 8IN BORE, 50IN STROKE, 2A
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Pneumatic Cylinder Piston Kit for Cylinder # Each # PISTON KIT FOR 8 IN CYLINDER
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Pneumatic Cylinder Rod Kit for Cylinder # Each # ROD KIT FOR 8 IN CYLINDER
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Pneumatic Cylinder Clevis, Rod End. # Each # CLEVIS ROD END
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Pneumatic Cylinder Clevis Pin # Each # CLEVIS PIN
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Pneumatic Cylinder Proximity Sensor # Each # SENSOR, PROXIMITY
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Pneumatic Cylinder Mounting Bracket # Each # MOUNTING BRACKET
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Pneumatic Cylinder Pneumatic Valve # Each # PNEUMATIC VALVE
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Pneumatic Cylinder Molded DIN Cable # Each # MOLDED DIN CABLE
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Pneumatic Cylinder Exhaust Speed Control # Each # EXHAUST SPEED CONTROL
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Pneumatic Cylinder Check Valve # Each # CHECK VALVE
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Pneumatic Cylinder Ball Valve # Each # BALL VALVE
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Limit Switch # Each # SWITCH, LIMIT, SEALED, CORROSION
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Lever Arm # #
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Air Tank ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each # TANK, AIR, 80 GALLON, W DIRECTIONAL VALVE,
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Air Tank Filter / Regulator/ Lubricator # Each # FILTER / REGULATOR / LUBRICATOR
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Air Tank Pressure Gauge, 0-160 PSI # Each # PRESSURE GAUGE, 0-160 PSI
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Air Tank Relief Valve # Each # RELIEF VALVE
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Head Pulley Air Tank Solenoid Valve # Each # SOLENOID VALVE
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 3 Each # METAL DETECTOR
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Coil, Transmittter # 2 Each # COIL, TRANSMITTER
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Coil, Receiver # 1 Each # COIL, RECEIVER
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Frame Assembly # 3 Each # FRAME ASSEMBLY
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Bracket, Transmittter Coil # 6 Each # BRACKET, TRANSMITTER COIL
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Bracket, Receiver Coil # 6 Each # BRACKET, RECEIVER COIL
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Mouting Feet # 6 Each # MOUNTING FEET
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Cable, Transmitter # 3 Each # CABLE, TRANSMITTER
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Connector, transmitter Cable # 3 Each # CONNECTOR, TRANSMITTER CABLE
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Cable, Receiver # 3 Each # CABLE, RECEIVER
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Connector, Receiver Cable # 3 Each # CONNECTOR, RECEIVER CABLE
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Interface Module # 3 Each # INTERFACE MODULE
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Electronic Module # 3 Each # ELECTRONIC MODULE
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Detector, Clip # 3 Each # DETECTOR, CLIP
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Spray Marking System # 3 Each # SPRAY MARKING SYSTEM
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Flashing Beacon & Horn # 3 Each # FLASHING BEACON & HORN
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Metal Detector Heater, Strip # 3 Each # HEATER, STRIP
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 20 Mts # CLOTH, DUST SEALING, BLACK, 2MM THICK, 350MM
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each 75007688 SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector Probe # 21 Each # PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Limit Switch HGTU cart # 21 Each 75007498 SWITCH, TRIPPER POSITION, NEMA 4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 29 Each 75007084 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 28 Each 75007505 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 56 Each 75007682 CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each 75007085 HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each 75007086 LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007121 ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007122 TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
3 Caserones 54" SAG MILL PEBBLES DISCH Switches and Controls Rectifier # 2 75007143


3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt, Conveyor # 549 Mts # BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 329MT LONG x 1067MM
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt, Drive Motor # 1 Each # MOTOR , DRIVE, 225KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/3300,
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt, Drive Gearbox # 1 Each # GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, 22.114:1, 67.83 RPM, 70MM
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each # COUPLING, FLUDEX , 1500RPM, 4IN INPUT/70MM
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each # COUPLING, RUPEX, 67.83RPM, 180MM INPUT/
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt, Drive Backstop # 4 Each # BACKSTOP
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Pulleys Drive Pulley # 1 Each # PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 800MM DIA, 1219MM
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Pulleys Head Pulley # 1 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 800MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Pulleys Bend Pulley 1 # 2 Each # PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 800MM DIA, 1219MM
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Pulleys Bend Pulley 2 # 2 Each # PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 800MM DIA, 1219MM
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Pulleys Take-Up Pulley*** *** Also in Bends 3 through 7 # 7 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Pulleys Tail Pulley # 7 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg # 290 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB # 103 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers 3 Roll Scale Quality, 35 Deg # 21 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL, SCALE QUALITY, 35 DEG, 1067MM,
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers 3 Roll Scale Quality, 35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers 3 Roll, Impact, 35 Deg w REB # 71 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 35DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers 3 Roll, Impact, 35 Deg w REB
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers 3 Roll, Training, 35 Deg # 11 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL TRAINING, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers 3 Roll, Training, 35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg # 8 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION, 10-35 DEG, 1067MM,
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers Flat Return # 161 Each # IDLER, FLAT RETURN, 0 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers Flat Return
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers Flat Carry # 17 Each # IDLER, FLAT CARRY, 0 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers Flat Carry
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers Flat Return Training # 15 Each # IDLER, FLAT RETURN TRAINING, 0 DEG, 1067MM,
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers Flat Return Training
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers 3 Roll Catenary # 24 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL CATENARY, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Idlers 3 Roll Catenary
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 7 Each # CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 42IN BELT, QC-1 W TWIST
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary Blade # Each # BLADE, 42 IN, SOLID, HEAVY DUTY.
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 7 Each # CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 42IN BELT, TUNGSTEN
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary Blade # Each # BLADE CARTRIDGE, 42 IN, SECONDARY BELT CLEANER.
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 13 Each # CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 42IN BELT, RUBBER
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow Blade # Each BLADE, 42 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER, REPLACEMENT.
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 22 Each # DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN x 14IN, STEEL, LOW PROFILE.
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 1350 Ft # LINER, SKIRTBOARD, RUBBER, .750" x 6.0 ", 45
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Shuttle Drive Gearbox ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each # GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, HELICAL BEVEL
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Shuttle Drive
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Shuttle Drive Rail Clamp ** ASSEMBLY ** # 3 #
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Shuttle Drive Rail Clamp HPU # #
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Shuttle Drive Shuttle Chain # 32 Mts # CHAIN, MILL, H CLASS
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Take-up Tower Bearing, cam follower # 64 Each # ROLLER, CAM, TRAKROL, 4 DIA X 2 WIDE, 4 15/16 IN
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt Scale System ** ASSEMBLY ** # 3 Each # SCALE, BELT, SINGLE IDLER, 500LB LOAD CELL, MSI,
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Belt Scale System Belt Scale
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each 75007688 SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector Probe # 21 Each 75007499 PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Limit Switch HGTU cart # 21 Each 75007498 SWITCH, TRIPPER POSITION, NEMA 4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Switch, Shuttle Over Travel ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Switch, Shuttle Over Travel Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Switch, end of Travel # 21 Each 75007498 SWITCH, TRIPPER POSITION, NEMA 4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007121 ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007122 TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 29 Each 75007084 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 28 Each 75007505 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 56 Each 75007682 CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each 75007085 HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
3 Caserones 42" PEBBLES SHUTTLE HEAD Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each 75007086 LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,

3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor ** ASSEMBLY **

3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Belt, Conveyor # 549 Mts 75007159 BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 329MT LONG x 1067MM
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Belt, Drive Motor # 1 Each 75007176 MOTOR , DRIVE, 187KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/380,
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Belt, Drive Gearbox # 1 Each # GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, 21.643:1, 69.31 RPM, 70MM
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Belt, Drive Coupling # 2 Each # COUPLING, RUPEX, 1500RPM, 3.625IN INPUT/70MM
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each # COUPLING, RUPEX, 1500RPM, 180MM INPUT/
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Belt, Drive Backstop # 4 Each # BACKSTOP
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Pulleys Drive Pulley # 1 Each # PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 800MM DIA, 1219MM
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Pulleys Take-Up Pulley # 1 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Pulleys Tail Pulley # 1 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Pulleys Bend Pulley 1 # 1 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Pulleys Bend Pulley 2 # 1 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Idlers
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg # 290 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB # 103 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Impact 35 Deg w REB # 71 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 35DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Impact 35 Deg w REB
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg # 8 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION, 10-35 DEG, 1067MM,
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Idlers Flat Return # 161 Each # IDLER, FLAT RETURN, 0 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Idlers Flat Return
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Idlers Flat Return, Training # 15 Each # IDLER, FLAT RETURN TRAINING, 0 DEG, 1067MM,
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Idlers Flat Return, Training
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 7 Each 75007170 CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 42IN BELT, QC-1 W TWIST
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary Blade # Each 75007593 BLADE, 42 IN, SOLID, HEAVY DUTY.
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 7 Each 75007171 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 42IN BELT, TUNGSTEN
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary Blade # Each 75007594 BLADE CARTRIDGE, 42 IN, SECONDARY BELT CLEANER.
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 13 Each 75007172 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 42IN BELT, RUBBER
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow Blade # Each 914-02-3813 BLADE, 42 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER, REPLACEMENT.
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 22 Each 75007148 DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN x 14IN, STEEL, LOW PROFILE.
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 1350 Ft 75007091 LINER, SKIRTBOARD, RUBBER, .750" x 6.0 ", 45
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Diverter Gate Flange Bearing # 6 Each 75007149 BEARING, FLANGE, 4.5IN, TYPE E
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Shuttle Drive V-Groove Wheels # 81 Each 75007125 WHEEL, IRON, 6IN DIAx2IN FACE, VEE GROOVE,
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Take-up Tower Cam Follower # 64 Each 75007126 ROLLER, CAM, TRAKROL, 4 DIA X 2 WIDE, 4 15/16 IN
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Shuttle Drive Hydraulic Cylinder ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007180 CYLINDER, HYDRAULIC, 4IN BORE, XXXIN STROKE, 2H
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Shuttle Drive Hydraulic Cylinder Piston Kit for Cylinder Each 75007613 PISTON KIT FOR 3.25 IN CYLINDER
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Shuttle Drive Hydraulic Cylinder Rod Kit for Cylinder Each 75007614 ROD KIT FOR 3.25 IN CYLINDER
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Shuttle Drive Hydraulic Cylinder Clevis, Rod End. Each 75007615 CLEVIS ROD END
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Shuttle Drive Hydraulic Cylinder Clevis Pin Each 75007616 CLEVIS PIN
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Shuttle Drive Hydraulic Cylinder Proximity Sensor Each 75007617 SENSOR, PROXIMITY
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Shuttle Drive Hydraulic Cylinder Mounting Bracket Each 75007618 MOUNTING BRACKET
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Shuttle Drive Hydraulic Cylinder Pneumatic Valve Each 75007619 PNEUMATIC VALVE
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Shuttle Drive Hydraulic Cylinder Molded DIN Cable Each 75007620 MOLDED DIN CABLE
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Shuttle Drive Hydraulic Cylinder Exhaust Speed Control Each 75007621 EXHAUST SPEED CONTROL
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Shuttle Drive Hydraulic Cylinder Check Valve Each 75007622 CHECK VALVE
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Shuttle Drive Hydraulic Cylinder Ball Valve Each 75007623 BALL VALVE
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each 75007688 SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector Probe # 21 Each # PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Limit Switch HGTU cart # 21 Each 75007498 SWITCH, TRIPPER POSITION, NEMA 4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007121 ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007122 TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 29 Each 75007084 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 28 Each 75007505 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 56 Each 75007682 CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each 75007085 HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each 75007086 LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,

3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Diverter Gate HPU w 60 Gallon Reservoir ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007179 HPU, 10HP, 3/50/380, W 60GAL RESERVOIR, FOR
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Diverter Gate HPU w 60 Gallon Reservoir Switch, Temp/Level Each 75007601 SWITCH, TEMP LEVEL
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Diverter Gate HPU w 60 Gallon Reservoir Tank Heater Each # HEATER, TANK
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Diverter Gate HPU w 60 Gallon Reservoir Return Filter, in Tank Each # RETURN FILTER , IN TANK
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Diverter Gate HPU w 60 Gallon Reservoir Coupling Insert # 2 Each COUPLER INSERT, URETHANE FOR 200 SERIES
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Diverter Gate HPU w 60 Gallon Reservoir Coupling Half Each # COUPLING HALF
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Diverter Gate HPU w 60 Gallon Reservoir Coupling Half # 1 Each COUPLER, HUB, STANDARD BORE, 1-3/8 X 5/16
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Diverter Gate HPU w 60 Gallon Reservoir Valve, Relief Each # VALVE RELIEF
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Diverter Gate HPU w 60 Gallon Reservoir Valve, Directional Each # VALVE, DIRECTIONAL
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Diverter Gate HPU w 60 Gallon Reservoir Snubber, Gauge Each # SNUBBER GAUGE, MALE SAE-4 TO FEMALE 1/4 NPTF
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Diverter Gate HPU w 60 Gallon Reservoir Gauge, Pressure Each # GAUGE PRESSURE, 2.5 IN, 1000 PSI, GLYCERINE
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Diverter Gate HPU w 60 Gallon Reservoir Nipple, Quick Disconnect Each # NIPPLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, .750 IN
3 Caserones 42" Belt Conveyor Diverter Gate HPU w 60 Gallon Reservoir Coupler, Quick Disconnect Each # COUPLER, QUICK DISCONNECT, .750 IN

3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv ** ASSEMBLY **

3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Conveyor # 248 Mts 75007194 BELT, VULCANIZED, 3 PLY EP-630, 1067MM WIDE, 63
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive Motor # 2 Each 75007128 MOTOR , DRIVE, 150KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/380,
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive Gearbox # 2 Each 75007183 GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, 15.952:1, 94.03 RPM, 55MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each 75007191 COUPLING, FLUDEX, 1500RPM, 3.625IN INPUT/55MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each 75007192 COUPLING, RUPEX, 94.03RPM, 140MM INPUT/
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive Backstop # 1 Each 75007193 BACKSTOP
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Pulleys Drive Pulley # 1 Each 75007002 PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 1219MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Pulleys Take-Up Pulley # 1 Each 75007003 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Pulleys Tail Pulley # 1 Each 75007003 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Pulleys Bend Pulley 1 # 1 Each 75007003 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Pulleys Bend Pulley 2 # 1 Each 75007003 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg # 290 Each 75007160 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB # 103 Each 75007161 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Scale Quality, 35 Deg # 21 Each 75007162 IDLER, 3 ROLL, SCALE QUALITY, 35 DEG, 1067MM,
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Scale Quality, 35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Impact 35 Deg w REB # 71 Each 75007163 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 35DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Impact 35 Deg w REB
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Training, 35 Deg # 11 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL TRAINING, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Training, 35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg # 8 Each # IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION, 10-35 DEG, 1067MM,
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Flat Return # 161 Each # IDLER, FLAT RETURN, 0 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Flat Return
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Flat Return, Training # 15 Each # IDLER, FLAT RETURN TRAINING, 0 DEG, 1067MM,
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Flat Return, Training
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Live Shaft # 4 Each # IDLER, LIVE SHAFT, 0 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Live Shaft
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 7 Each # CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 42IN BELT, QC-1 W TWIST
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary Blade # Each # BLADE, 42 IN, SOLID, HEAVY DUTY.
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 7 Each # CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 42IN BELT, TUNGSTEN
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary Blade # Each # BLADE CARTRIDGE, 42 IN, SECONDARY BELT CLEANER.
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 13 Each # CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 42IN BELT, RUBBER
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow Blade # Each BLADE, 42 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER, REPLACEMENT.
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 22 Each # DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN x 14IN, STEEL, LOW PROFILE.
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 1350 Ft # LINER, SKIRTBOARD, RUBBER, .750" x 6.0 ", 45
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Shuttle Drive V-Groove Wheels # 81 Each # WHEEL, IRON, 6IN DIAx2IN FACE, VEE GROOVE,
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Scale System ** ASSEMBLY ** # 3 Each # SCALE, BELT, SINGLE IDLER, 500LB LOAD CELL, MSI,
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Scale System Belt Scale
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Scale System Speed Sensor
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Scale System Idler
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each # SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector Probe # 21 Each # PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Limit Switch HGTU cart # 21 Each 75007498 SWITCH, TRIPPER POSITION, NEMA 4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007121 ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007122 TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 29 Each 75007084 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 28 Each 75007505 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 56 Each 75007682 CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each 75007085 HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each 75007086 LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,

3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv ** ASSEMBLY **

3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Conveyor # 340 Mts 75007186 BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 1067MM WIDE, 80 N/MM.
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive Motor # 1 Each 75007181 MOTOR , DRIVE, 112KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/380,
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive Gearbox # 2 Each 75007183 GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, 15.952:1, 94.03 RPM, 55MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each 75007184 COUPLING, FLUDEX, 1500RPM, 3.375IN INPUT/55MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each 75007185 COUPLING, RUPEX, 94.03RPM, 140MM INPUT/
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Pulleys Drive Pulley # 1 Each 75007486 PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 1219MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Pulleys Take-Up Pulley # 1 Each 75007487 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Pulleys Tail Pulley # 1 Each 75007487 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Pulleys Bend Pulley 1 to 5 # 5 Each 75007487 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Pulleys Head Pulley # 1 Each 75007488 PULLEY, HEAD, ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg # 290 Each 75007160 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB # 103 Each 75007161 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Impact 35 Deg w REB # 71 Each 75007163 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 35DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Impact 35 Deg w REB
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Training, 35 Deg # 11 Each 75007164 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRAINING, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Training, 35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg # 8 Each 75007165 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION, 10-35 DEG, 1067MM,
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Flat Return # 161 Each 75007166 IDLER, FLAT RETURN, 0 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Flat Return
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Flat Return, Training # 15 Each 75007168 IDLER, FLAT RETURN TRAINING, 0 DEG, 1067MM,
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Flat Return, Training
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 7 Each 75007170 CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 42IN BELT, QC-1 W TWIST
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary Blade # Each # BLADE, 42 IN, SOLID, HEAVY DUTY.
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 7 Each 75007171 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 42IN BELT, TUNGSTEN
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary Blade # Each 75007594 BLADE CARTRIDGE, 42 IN, SECONDARY BELT CLEANER.
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 13 Each 75007172 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 42IN BELT, RUBBER
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow Blade # Each 914-02-3813 BLADE, 42 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER, REPLACEMENT.
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 22 Each 75007148 DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN x 14IN, STEEL, LOW PROFILE.
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 1350 Ft 75007091 LINER, SKIRTBOARD, RUBBER, .750" x 6.0 ", 45
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Cruiser Chute Ball Screw Actuator # 1 Each 75007503 ACTUATOR, BALL SCREW, HEAVY DUTY, 31.5 IN
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Take-up Tower Cam Follower # 64 Each 75007126 ROLLER, CAM, TRAKROL, 4 DIA X 2 WIDE, 4 15/16 IN
3 Caserones
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each 75007688 SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector Probe # 21 Each # PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Limit Switch HGTU cart # 21 Each 75007498 SWITCH, TRIPPER POSITION, NEMA 4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007121 ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007122 TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 29 Each 75007084 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 28 Each 75007505 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 56 Each 75007682 CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each 75007085 HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
3 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each 75007086 LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,

3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv ** ASSEMBLY **

3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt, Conveyor # 340 Mts 75007186 BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 1067MM WIDE, 80 N/MM.
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt, Drive Motor # 2 Each 75007100 MOTOR , DRIVE, 300KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/380,
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt, Drive Gearbox # 1 Each 75007187 GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, 21.643:1, 69.31 RPM, 70MM
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each 75007188 COUPLING, RUPEX, 1500RPM, 4IN INPUT/ 90MM
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each 75007189 COUPLING, RUPEX, 167.65RPM, 180MM INPUT/
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt, Drive Backstop # 4 Each 75007132 BACKSTOP
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Pulleys Drive Pulley # 1 Each 75007496 PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Pulleys Take-Up Pulley*** # 1 Each 75007500 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Pulleys Tail Pulley # 1 Each 75007500 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Pulleys Bend Pulley 1 # 1 Each 75007500 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Pulleys Bend Pulley 2 # 1 Each 75007500 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers ** ASSEMBLY **
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg # 290 Each 75007160 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB # 103 Each 75007161 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers 3 Roll Scale Quality, 35 Deg # 21 Each 75007162 IDLER, 3 ROLL, SCALE QUALITY, 35 DEG, 1067MM,
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers 3 Roll Scale Quality, 35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers 3 Roll Impact 35 Deg w REB # 71 Each 75007163 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 35DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers 3 Roll Impact 35 Deg w REB
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers 3 Roll Training, 35 Deg # 11 Each 75007164 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRAINING, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers 3 Roll Training, 35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg # 8 Each 75007165 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION, 10-35 DEG, 1067MM,
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers Flat Return # 161 Each 75007166 IDLER, FLAT RETURN, 0 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers Flat Return
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers Flat Return, Training # 15 Each 75007168 IDLER, FLAT RETURN TRAINING, 0 DEG, 1067MM,
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Idlers Flat Return, Training
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 7 Each 75007170 CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 42IN BELT, QC-1 W TWIST
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary Blade # Each 75007593 BLADE, 42 IN, SOLID, HEAVY DUTY.
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 7 Each 75007171 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 42IN BELT, TUNGSTEN
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary Blade # Each 75007594 BLADE CARTRIDGE, 42 IN, SECONDARY BELT CLEANER.
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 13 Each 75007172 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 42IN BELT, RUBBER
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow Blade # Each 914-02-3813 BLADE, 42 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER, REPLACEMENT.
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 22 Each 75007148 DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN x 14IN, STEEL, LOW PROFILE.
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 1350 Ft 75007091 LINER, SKIRTBOARD, RUBBER, .750" x 6.0 ", 45
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Take-up Tower Cam Follower # 64 Each 75007126 ROLLER, CAM, TRAKROL, 4 DIA X 2 WIDE, 4 15/16 IN
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt Scale System ** ASSEMBLY ** # 3 Each 75007190 SCALE, BELT, SINGLE IDLER, 500LB LOAD CELL, MSI,
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Belt Scale System Belt Scale
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each 75007688 SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector Probe # 21 Each # PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Limit Switch HGTU cart # 21 Each 75007498 SWITCH, TRIPPER POSITION, NEMA 4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007121 ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007122 TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 29 Each 75007084 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 28 Each 75007505 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 56 Each 75007682 CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each 75007085 HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
3 Caserones 42" Pebbles By-Pass Conv Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each 75007086 LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,

5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor ** ASSEMBLY **

5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Belt, Conveyor # 93 Mts # BELT, VULCANIZED, 3 PLY, 457MM WIDE, 40 N/MM.
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Belt, Drive Motor # 1 Each # MOTOR , DRIVE, 3.7KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/380,
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Belt, Drive Gearbox # 1 Each # GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, 73.18:1,20.5 RPM, 1.375IN
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Pulleys Drive Pulley # 1 Each # PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 610MM FACE,
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Pulleys Tail Pulley # 1 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 610MM FACE, 16MM
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Idlers
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Idlers Flat Carry # 68 Each 75007199 IDLER, FLAT CARRY, 0 DEG, 457MM, 152MM DIA
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Idlers Flat Carry
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Idlers Flat Impact # 5 Each 75007200 IDLER, FLAT IMPACT, 0 DEG, 457MM, 152MM DIA
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Idlers Flat Impact
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Idlers Flat Return # 14 Each 75007201 IDLER, FLAT RETURN, 0 DEG, 457MM, 152MM DIA
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Idlers Flat Return
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Idlers Flat Return, Training # 2 Each 75007202 IDLER, FLAT RETURN TRAINING, 0 DEG, 457MM,
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Idlers Flat Return, Training
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007203 CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 18IN BELT, QC-1 W TWIST
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary Blade # Each 75007598 BLADE, 18 IN, SOLID, HEAVY DUTY.
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007204 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 18IN BELT, RUBBER
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow Blade # Each 75007599 BLADE, 18 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER REPLACEMENT.
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 22 Each 75007148 DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN x 14IN, STEEL, LOW PROFILE.
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007205 CYLINDER, PNEUMATIC, 3.25IN BORE, XXXIN STROKE,
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Piston Kit for Cylinder # Each 75007613 PISTON KIT FOR 3.25 IN CYLINDER
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Rod Kit for Cylinder # Each 75007614 ROD KIT FOR 3.25 IN CYLINDER
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Clevis, Rod End. # Each 75007615 CLEVIS ROD END
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Clevis Pin # Each 75007616 CLEVIS PIN
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Proximity Sensor # Each 75007617 SENSOR, PROXIMITY
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Mounting Bracket # Each 75007618 MOUNTING BRACKET
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Pneumatic Valve # Each 75007619 PNEUMATIC VALVE
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Molded DIN Cable # Each 75007620 MOLDED DIN CABLE
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Exhaust Speed Control # Each 75007621 EXHAUST SPEED CONTROL
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Check Valve # Each 75007622 CHECK VALVE
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Ball Valve # Each 75007623 BALL VALVE
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Air Tank ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007206 TANK, AIR, 80 GALLON, W DIRECTIONAL VALVE,
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Air Tank Filter / Regulator/ Lubricator # Each 75007624 FILTER / REGULATOR / LUBRICATOR
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Air Tank Pressure Gauge, 0-160 PSI # Each 75007625 PRESSURE GAUGE, 0-160 PSI
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Air Tank Relief Valve # Each 75007626 RELIEF VALVE
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Diverter Gate Air Tank Solenoid Valve Each 75007627 SOLENOID VALVE
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each 75007688 SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL TILT LEVEL
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector Probe # 21 Each 75007499 PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007121 ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007122 TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 29 Each 75007084 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 28 Each 75007505 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 56 Each 75007682 CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each 75007085 HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
5 Caserones 18" Ball Mill/Feed Conveyor Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each 75007086 LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,

7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor ** ASSEMBLY **

7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Belt, Conveyor # 213 Mts 75007211 BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 610MM WIDE, 50 N/MM.
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Belt, Drive Motor # 1 Each 75007207 MOTOR , DRIVE, 15KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 3/50/380,
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Belt, Drive Gearbox # 1 Each 75007208 GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, 43.077:1, 34.82 RPM, 30MM
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each 75007209 COUPLING, 1500RPM, 1.875IN INPUT/30MM OUTPUT
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Belt, Drive Backstop # 1 Each 75007210 BACKSTOP
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Pulleys Drive Pulley # 1 Each 75007010 PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 762MM FACE,
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Pulleys Head & Bend 1 Pulleys # 2 Each 75007011 PULLEY, ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 762MM FACE, 16MM
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Pulleys Tail Pulley *** # 1 Each 75007012 PULLEY, ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 762MM FACE, 16MM
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Pulleys Take-Up # 1 Each 75007012 PULLEY, ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 762MM FACE, 16MM
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Pulleys Bend 2 # 1 Each 75007012 PULLEY, ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 762MM FACE, 16MM
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Pulleys Bend 3 # 1 Each 75007012 PULLEY, ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 762MM FACE, 16MM
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg # 54 Each 75007212 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 610MM WIDE,
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB # 24 Each 75007213 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 610MM WIDE,
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Scale Quality, 35 Deg # 8 Each 75007214 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, SCALE QUALITY, 35 DEG,
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Scale Quality, 35 Deg
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Impact 35 Deg w REB # 10 Each 75007215 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 35DEG, 610MM, 152.4MM DIA
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Impact 35 Deg w REB
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Training, 35 Deg # 1 Each 75007216 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRAINING, 35 DEG, 610MM, 152.4MM
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Training, 35 Deg
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg # 2 Each 75007217 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION, 10-35 DEG, 610MM,
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers Flat Return # 35 Each 75007218 IDLER, FLAT RETURN, RUBBER THREAD, 0 DEG,
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers Flat Return
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers Flat Return, Training # 3 Each 75007219 IDLER, FLAT RETURN TRAINING, 0 DEG, 610MM,
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Idlers Flat Return, Training
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007220 CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 24IN BELT, W TWIST
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary Blade # Each 75007595 BLADE, 24 IN, SOLID, HEAVY DUTY.
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 2 Each 75007221 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 24IN BELT, TUNGSTEN
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary Blade # Each 75007596 BLADE CARTRIDGE, 24 IN, SECONDARY BELT
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 2 Each 75007222 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 24IN BELT, RUBBER
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow Blade # Each # BLADE, 24 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER, REPLACEMENT.
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 22 Each # DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN x 14IN, STEEL, LOW PROFILE.
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 1350 Ft # LINER, SKIRTBOARD, RUBBER, .750" x 6.0 ", 45
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Cart, Pulley Removal Winch # 1 Each # WINCH, ELECTRIC, 4HP, 380/3/50
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Cart, Pulley Removal Hoist # 1 Each # HOIST, HEAD WIRE ROPE, 3.2 METRIC TON, NEMA 4,
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Stair Tower door V-Groove Wheels # 81 Each # WHEEL, IRON, 6IN DIAx2IN FACE, VEE GROOVE,
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Belt Scale System ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each # SCALE, BELT, SINGLE IDLER, 100LB LOAD CELL, MSI,
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Belt Scale System Belt Scale
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each 75007688 SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector Probe # 21 Each # PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Limit Switch HGTU cart # 21 Each 75007498 SWITCH, TRIPPER POSITION, NEMA 4X WITH 2 SP/DT
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each # ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each # TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 29 Each # SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 28 Each # SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Rip Detector Optical # 56 Each # CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each # HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
7 Caserones 24" Concentrate Conveyor Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each # LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,

2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder ** ASSEMBLY **

2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Belt, Conveyor # 42 Mts # BELT, CONVEYOR, 5 PLY, 3048MM WIDE, 270 N/MM.
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive Motor # 1 #
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive Gearbox # 2 #
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Pulleys Drive Pulley # 1 Each # PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 1300MM DIA, 3251MM
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Pulleys Tail Pulley # 1 Each # PULLEY, TAIL, ASSEMBLY, 1300MM DIA, 3251MM
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Idlers
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Impact 20 Deg # 19 Each 75007230 IDLER, 6 ROLL IMPACT, 20DEG, 3048MM , 178MM DIA
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Impact 20 Deg
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Carry 20 Deg # 21 Each 75007231 IDLER, 6 ROLL CARRY, 20DEG, 3048MM , 178MM DIA
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Carry 20 Deg
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Return # 1 Each 75007232 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, 0DEG, 3048MM ,
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Return
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Live Shaft Return # 3 Each 75007251 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, LIVE SHAFT, 0DEG,
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Live Shaft Return
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Idlers Live Shaft # 2 Each 75007252 IDLER, LIVE SHAFT FOR INVERTED V, 0DEG, 3048MM ,
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Idlers Live Shaft
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007255 CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 120IN BELT, W SPRING
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary Blade
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007256 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 120IN BELT, TUNGSTEN
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary Blade
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007257 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 120IN BELT, RUBBER
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow Blade
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 2 Each 75007258 DOOR, ACCESS, 9IN x 12IN, RUBBER, LOW PROFILE.
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 10 Each 914-02-12565 DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN X 18IN, STEEL
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 110 75007259
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Frame Take-Up Cylinder # 2 Each 75007260 CYLINDER, 55 TON, 6.25IN STROKE.
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Frame Hand Pump # 2 Each 75007261 PUMP, HAND, TWO SPEED W HYDRAULIC HOSE AND
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Frame Torque Arm # 2 75007262
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each 75007688 SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007121 ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007122 TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector Probe # 21 Each # PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 29 Each 75007084 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 28 Each 75007505 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 56 Each 75007682 CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each # HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each # LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,
2100-FE-001 Caserones 120" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls HPU ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 #

2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder ** ASSEMBLY **

2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt, Conveyor # 66 Mts 75007265 BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 1829MM WIDE, 2000
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive Motor # 2 75007263
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive Gearbox # 2 Each 75007264 GEARBOX, 4.55 RPM, 260MM SHAFT, SHRINK DISC
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Pulleys Drive Pulley # 6 Each 75007477 PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 1000MM DIA, 2032MM
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Pulleys Tail Pulley # 6 Each 75007478 PULLEY, TAIL, ASSEMBLY, 1000MM DIA, 2032MM
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers ** ASSEMBLY **
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Impact 20 Deg # 46 Each 75007266 IDLER, 6 ROLL IMPACT, 20DEG, 1829MM WIDE ,
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Impact 20 Deg
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Carry 20 Deg # 16 Each 75007267 IDLER, 6 ROLL CARRY, 20DEG, 1829MM WIDE ,
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Carry 20 Deg
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Return # 3 Each 75007268 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, 0DEG, 1829MM WIDE ,
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Return
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Live Shaft Return # 6 Each 75007269 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, LIVE SHAFT, 0DEG,
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Live Shaft Return
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers Live Shaft # 6 Each 75007270 IDLER, LIVE SHAFT FOR INVERTED V, 0DEG, 1829MM ,
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers Live Shaft
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 3 Each 75007273 CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 72IN BELT, W XHD SPRING
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary Blade
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 3 Each 75007274 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 72IN BELT, TUNGSTEN
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary Blade
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 914-02-3773 V-PLOW, 90 DEG. ASSEMBLY COMPLETE
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow Blade
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 10 Each 914-02-12565 DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN X 18IN, STEEL
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 110 75007259
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Frame Torque Arm # 2 75007275
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Frame Take-Up Cylinder # 2 Each 75007276 CYLINDER, 25TON, 6 IN STROKE.
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Frame Hand Pump # 3 Each 75007277 PUMP, HAND, 45 CU INCH, TWO SPEED W HYDRAULIC
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each 75007688 SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007121 ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007122 TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector Probe # 21 Each 75007499 PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 29 Each 75007084 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 28 Each 75007505 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 56 Each 75007682 CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each 75007085 HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each 75007086 LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,
2200-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls HPU # 2 75007272

3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder ** ASSEMBLY **

3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Belt, Conveyor # 29 Mts 75007281 BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 1525MM WIDE, 800 N/MM.
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive Motor # 1 75007278
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive Gearbox # 1 75007279
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 75007280
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Pulleys Drive Pulley # 3 Each 75007479 PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 1727MM
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Pulleys Tail Pulley # 3 Each 75007480 PULLEY, TAIL, ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 1727MM FACE,
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Idlers
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Idlers 3 Roll Impact 20 Deg # 17 Each 75007282 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 20DEG, 1524MM WIDE ,
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Idlers 3 Roll Impact 20 Deg
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Idlers 3 Roll Carry 20 Deg # 2 Each 75007283 IDLER, 3 ROLL CARRY, 20DEG, 1524MM WIDE ,
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Idlers 3 Roll Carry 20 Deg
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Return # 1 Each 75007284 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, 0DEG, 1524MM WIDE ,
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Return
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Live Shaft Return # 2 Each 75007285 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, LIVE SHAFT, 0DEG,
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Live Shaft Return
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Idlers Live Shaft # 2 Each 75007286 IDLER, LIVE SHAFT FOR INVERTED V, 0DEG, 1524MM ,
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Idlers Live Shaft
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Idlers Transition, 10-35 Deg # 1 Each 75007287 IDLER, TRANSITION, 10-35DEG, 1524MM WIDE ,
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Idlers Transition, 10-35 Deg
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007288 CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 60IN BELT, W SPRING
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Blade
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007289 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 60IN BELT, TUNGSTEN
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Blade
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007290 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 60IN BELT, RUBBER
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Blade
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 22 Each 75007148 DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN x 14IN, STEEL, LOW PROFILE.
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 110 75007259
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame Cylinder ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007291 CYLINDER, HYDRAULIC, 3.25IN BORE, XXXIN STROKE,
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007292 HPU, 1.5HP, 10 GAL RES. 380/3/50
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU Filter on power unit # Each 75007628 FILTER ON POWER UNIT
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU Relief on power unit # Each 75007629 RELIEF ON POWER UNIT
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU Electric Motor # Each 75007630 ELECTRIC MOTOR, 1.5 HP, 1800 RPM, REVERSIBLE, 3
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU Motor switch # Each 75007631 MOTOR SWITCH
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU Gauge # Each 75007632 GAUGE
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU Gauge Snubber # Each 75007633 GAUGE SNUBBER
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU Directional valve # Each 75007634 DIRECTIONAL VALVE
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU Hose assembly # Each 75007635 HOSE ASSEMBLY
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU Quick coupler # Each 75007636 QUICK COUPLER
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU Quick coupler # Each 75007637 QUICK COUPLER
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU Cylinder # Each 75007638 CYLINDER, 2H SERIES
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU Cylinder piston kit # Each 75007639 CYLINDER PISTON KIT
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU Cylinder rod gland # Each 75007640 CYLINDER ROD GLAND
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU Spherical Clevis # Each 75007641 SPHERICAL CLEVIS
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame HPU Pivot pin # Each 75007642 PIVOT PIN
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame Take-Up Cylinder # 1 Each 75007293 CYLINDER, TAKE-UP, 5 TON
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Frame Hand Pump # 3 Each 75007277 PUMP, HAND, 45 CU INCH, TWO SPEED W HYDRAULIC
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Metal Detector # 3 Each 75007314 METAL DETECTOR
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each 75007688 SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007121 ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007122 TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector Probe # 21 Each 75007499 PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 29 Each 75007084 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 28 Each 75007505 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 56 Each 75007682 CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each 75007085 HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
3300-FE-001 002 & 003 Caserones 60" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each 75007086 LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,

2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder ** ASSEMBLY **

2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt, Conveyor # 66 Mts 75007265 BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 1829MM WIDE, 2000
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive Motor # 2 75007263
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive Gearbox # 2 Each 75007264 GEARBOX, 4.55 RPM, 260MM SHAFT, SHRINK DISC
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Pulleys Drive Pulley # 6 Each 75007477 PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 1000MM DIA, 2032MM
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Pulleys Tail Pulley # 6 Each 75007478 PULLEY, TAIL, ASSEMBLY, 1000MM DIA, 2032MM
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Impact 20 Deg # 46 Each 75007266 IDLER, 6 ROLL IMPACT, 20DEG, 1829MM WIDE ,
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Impact 20 Deg
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Carry 20 Deg # 16 Each 75007267 IDLER, 6 ROLL CARRY, 20DEG, 1829MM WIDE ,
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Carry 20 Deg
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Return # 3 Each 75007268 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, 0DEG, 1829MM WIDE ,
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Return
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Live Shaft Return # 6 Each 75007269 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, LIVE SHAFT, 0DEG,
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Live Shaft Return
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers Live Shaft # 6 Each 75007270 IDLER, LIVE SHAFT FOR INVERTED V, 0DEG, 1829MM ,
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers Live Shaft
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 3 Each 75007273 CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 72IN BELT, W XHD SPRING
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary Blade
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 3 Each 75007274 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 72IN BELT, TUNGSTEN
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary Blade
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 914-02-3773 V-PLOW, 90 DEG. ASSEMBLY COMPLETE
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow Blade
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 10 Each 914-02-12565 DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN X 18IN, STEEL
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 110 75007259
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Frame Torque Arm # 2 75007275
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Frame Take-Up Cylinder # 2 Each 75007276 CYLINDER, 25TON, 6 IN STROKE.
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Frame HPU # 3 Each 75007277 PUMP, HAND, 45 CU INCH, TWO SPEED W HYDRAULIC
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each 75007688 SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007121 ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007122 TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector Probe # 21 Each 75007499 PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 29 Each 75007084 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 28 Each 75007505 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 56 Each 75007682 CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each 75007085 HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each 75007086 LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,
2200-FE-004 005 & 006 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls HPU # 2 75007272

7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder ** ASSEMBLY **

7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt, Conveyor # 26 Mts 75007297 BELT, VULCANIZED, 4 PLY, 1829MM WIDE, 1250
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive Motor # 1 75007294
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive Gearbox # 1 75007295
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 75007296
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Pulleys Drive Pulley # 2 Each 75007481 PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 800MM DIA, 2032MM
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Pulleys Tail Pulley # 2 Each 75007482 PULLEY, TAIL, ASSEMBLY, 800MM DIA, 2032MM FACE,
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Impact 20 Deg # 46 Each 75007266 IDLER, 6 ROLL IMPACT, 20DEG, 1829MM WIDE ,
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Impact 20 Deg
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Picking 20 Deg # 12 75007315
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 6 Roll Picking 20 Deg
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Return # 3 Each 75007268 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, 0DEG, 1829MM WIDE ,
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Return
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Live Shaft Return # 6 Each 75007269 IDLER, 1 ROLL FLAT RETURN, LIVE SHAFT, 0DEG,
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Live Shaft Return
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers Live Shaft # 6 Each 75007270 IDLER, LIVE SHAFT FOR INVERTED V, 0DEG, 1829MM ,
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers Live Shaft
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Idlers
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 3 Each 75007273 CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 72IN BELT, W XHD SPRING
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary Blade
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 3 Each 75007274 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 72IN BELT, TUNGSTEN
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary Blade
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 914-02-3773 V-PLOW, 90 DEG. ASSEMBLY COMPLETE
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow Blade
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 22 Each 75007148 DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN x 14IN, STEEL, LOW PROFILE.
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 110 75007259
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each # CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each 75007688 SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007121 ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007122 TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector Probe # 21 Each 75007499 PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 29 Each 75007084 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 28 Each 75007505 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 56 Each 75007682 CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each 75007085 HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
7200-FE-001 & 002 Caserones 72" Belt Feeder Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each 75007086 LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,

5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv ** ASSEMBLY **

5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Belt, Conveyor # 81 Each 75007301 BELT, VULCANIZED, 5 PLY, 800MM WIDE, 58 N/MM.
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Belt, Drive Motor # 1 Each 75007298 MOTOR , DRIVE, 7.5KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 380/3/50,
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Belt, Drive Gearbox # 1 Each 75007299 GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, 86.72:1, 17.3 RPM, 28MM
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each 75007300 COUPLING, 1500RPM, 1.625IN INPUT/ 28MM OUTPUT
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Pulleys Drive Pulley # 1 Each 75007004 PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 610MM DIA, 953MM FACE,
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Pulleys Bend Pulley # 1 Each # PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 406MM DIA, 953MM FACE, 16MM
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Pulleys Deflection Pulley Wheels 1 # 1 Each 75007006 PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 610MM DIA, 953MM FACE,
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Pulleys Deflection Pulley Wheels 2 # 1 Each 75007006 PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 610MM DIA, 953MM FACE,
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Pulleys Tail Pulley # 1 Each 75007007 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 508MM DIA, 953MM FACE, 16MM
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Idlers
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Idlers Flat Carry # 29 Each 75007302 IDLER, FLAT CARRY, 0 DEG, 800MM, 152MM DIA
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Idlers Flat Carry
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Idlers Flat Impact # 5 Each 75007303 IDLER, FLAT IMPACT, 0 DEG, 800MM, 152MM DIA
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Idlers Flat Impact
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Live Shaft # 11 Each 75007304 IDLER, FLAT LIVE SHAFT, 0 DEG, 800MM, 152MM DIA
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Idlers 1 Roll, Flat Live Shaft
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Idlers Stub # 58 Each 75007305 IDLER, STUB, 0 DEG, 800MM, 152MM DIA ROLLS.
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Idlers Stub
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007306 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 30IN BELT, RUBBER
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow BLADE, 30 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER # Each 75007600 BLADE, 30 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER REPLACEMENT.
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Take-up Tower V-Groove Wheels # 81 Each 75007125 WHEEL, IRON, 6IN DIAx2IN FACE, VEE GROOVE,
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Take-up Tower Cam Follower # 64 Each 75007126 ROLLER, CAM, TRAKROL, 4 DIA X 2 WIDE, 4 15/16 IN
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each 75007688 SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector Probe CT-201 # 21 Each 75007499 PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007121 ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007122 TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 29 Each 75007084 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 28 Each 75007505 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 56 Each 75007682 CABLE, QUICK DISCONNECT, 3 PIN MINI STYLE, 4MT
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each 75007085 HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
5300-CV-001 Caserones 800mm Steep Angle Conv Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each 75007086 LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,

3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv ** ASSEMBLY **

3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Conveyor # 248 Mts 75007194 BELT, VULCANIZED, 3 PLY EP-630, 1067MM WIDE, 63
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive ** ASSEMBLY **
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive Motor # 1 Each 75007307 MOTOR , DRIVE, 93KW, 1500RPM, TEFC, 380/3/50,
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive Gearbox # 1 Each 75007308 GEARBOX, RIGHT ANGLE, 17.692:1, 84.78 RPM, 45MM
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each 75007309 COUPLING, 1500RPM, 3.375IN INPUT/45MM OUTPUT
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive Coupling # 1 Each 75007310 COUPLING, 84.78RPM, 120MM INPUT/ 5.9375IN
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt, Drive Backstop # 1 Each 75007311 BACKSTOP
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Pulleys Drive Pulley # 1 Each 75007497 PULLEY, DRIVE, ASSEMBLY, 630MM DIA, 1219MM
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Pulleys Tail Pulley # 1 Each 75007501 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Pulleys Take-Up # 1 Each 75007501 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Pulleys Bend 1 # 1 Each 75007501 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Pulleys Bend 2 # 1 Each 75007501 PULLEY ASSEMBLY, 500MM DIA, 1219MM FACE, 16MM
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg # 290 Each 75007160 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB # 103 Each 75007161 IDLER, 3 ROLL THROUGH, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Through 35 Deg w REB
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Impact 35 Deg w REB # 71 Each 75007163 IDLER, 3 ROLL IMPACT, 35DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Impact 35 Deg w REB
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Training, 35 Deg # 11 Each 75007164 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRAINING, 35 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Training, 35 Deg
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg # 8 Each 75007165 IDLER, 3 ROLL TRANSITION, 10-35 DEG, 1067MM,
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers 3 Roll Transition, 10-35 Deg
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Flat Return # 161 Each 75007166 IDLER, FLAT RETURN, 0 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Flat Return
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Flat Return, Training # 15 Each 75007168 IDLER, FLAT RETURN TRAINING, 0 DEG, 1067MM,
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Flat Return, Training
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Live Shaft # 4 Each 75007195 IDLER, LIVE SHAFT, 0 DEG, 1067MM, 152MM DIA
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Idlers Live Shaft
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 7 Each 75007170 CLEANER, BELT, PRIMARY, 42IN BELT, QC-1 W TWIST
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Primary Blade # Each 75007593 BLADE, 42 IN, SOLID, HEAVY DUTY.
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary ** ASSEMBLY ** # 7 Each 75007171 CLEANER, BELT, SECONDARY, 42IN BELT, TUNGSTEN
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, Secondary Blade # Each 75007594 BLADE CARTRIDGE, 42 IN, SECONDARY BELT CLEANER.
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow ** ASSEMBLY ** # 13 Each 75007172 CLEANER, BELT, V-PLOW HD, 42IN BELT, RUBBER
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Cleaner, V-Plow Blade # Each 914-02-3813 BLADE, 42 IN V-PLOW, RUBBER, REPLACEMENT.
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Belt Cleaner Inspection Door # 22 Each 75007148 DOOR, ACCESS, 12IN x 14IN, STEEL, LOW PROFILE.
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Dust Control Skirtboard Rubber # 1350 Ft 75007091 LINER, SKIRTBOARD, RUBBER, .750" x 6.0 ", 45
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Take-up Tower V-Groove Wheels # 81 Each 75007125 WHEEL, IRON, 6IN DIAx2IN FACE, VEE GROOVE,
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Take-up Tower Cam Follower # 64 Each 75007126 ROLLER, CAM, TRAKROL, 4 DIA X 2 WIDE, 4 15/16 IN
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Bearing # 6 Each 75007149 BEARING, FLANGE, 4.5IN, TYPE E
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007312 CYLINDER, PNEUMATIC, 8IN BORE, 19IN NET STROKE,
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Piston Kit for Cylinder # Each 75007611 PISTON KIT FOR 8 IN CYLINDER
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Rod Kit for Cylinder # Each 75007612 ROD KIT FOR 8 IN CYLINDER
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Clevis, Rod End. # Each 75007615 CLEVIS ROD END
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Clevis Pin # Each 75007616 CLEVIS PIN
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Proximity Sensor # Each 75007617 SENSOR, PROXIMITY
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Mounting Bracket # Each 75007618 MOUNTING BRACKET
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Pneumatic Valve # Each 75007619 PNEUMATIC VALVE
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Molded DIN Cable # Each 75007620 MOLDED DIN CABLE
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Exhaust Speed Control # Each 75007621 EXHAUST SPEED CONTROL
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Check Valve # Each 75007622 CHECK VALVE
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Pneumatic Cylinder Ball Valve # Each 75007623 BALL VALVE
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Air Tank ** ASSEMBLY ** # 1 Each 75007313 TANK, AIR, 80 GALLON, W DIRECTIONAL VALVE,
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Air Tank Filter / Regulator/ Lubricator # Each 75007624 FILTER / REGULATOR / LUBRICATOR
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Air Tank Pressure Gauge, 0-160 PSI # Each 75007625 PRESSURE GAUGE, 0-160 PSI
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Air Tank Relief Valve # Each 75007626 RELIEF VALVE
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Diverter Gate Air Tank Solenoid Valve # Each 75007627 SOLENOID VALVE
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 3 Each 75007314 METAL DETECTOR
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector COIL, TRANSMITTER # 2 Each 75007671 COIL, TRANSMITTER
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector COIL, RECEIVER # 1 Each 75007673 COIL, RECEIVER
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector FRAME ASSEMBLY # 3 Each 75006085 FRAME ASSEMBLY
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector BRACKET, TRANSMITTER COIL # 6 Each 75006086 BRACKET, TRANSMITTER COIL
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector BRACKET, RECEIVER COIL # 6 Each 75006087 BRACKET, RECEIVER COIL
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector MOUNTING FEET # 6 Each 75006088 MOUNTING FEET
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector CABLE, TRANSMITTER # 3 Each 75007664 CABLE, TRANSMITTER
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector CONNECTOR, TRANSMITTER CABLE # 3 Each 75006090 CONNECTOR, TRANSMITTER CABLE
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector CABLE, RECEIVER # 3 Each 75007665 CABLE, RECEIVER
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector CONNECTOR, RECEIVER CABLE # 3 Each 75006092 CONNECTOR, RECEIVER CABLE
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector INTERFACE MODULE # 3 Each 75007666 INTERFACE MODULE
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector ELECTRONIC MODULE # 3 Each 75007667 ELECTRONIC MODULE
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector DETECTOR, CLIP # 3 Each 75024229 DETECTOR, CLIP
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector SPRAY MARKING SYSTEM # 3 Each 75007668 SPRAY MARKING SYSTEM
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector FLASHING BEACON & HORN # 3 Each 75007669 FLASHING BEACON & HORN
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Metal Detector HEATER, STRIP # 3 Each 75007670 HEATER, STRIP
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Pull Cord # 168 Each 914-04-0665 MICROSWITCH, SP/DT (TWO SWITCH OPTION)
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Belt Alignment # 110 Each 914-04-0587 SWITCH, BELT ALIGNMENT, NEMA 4/4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical ** ASSEMBLY ** # 72 Each 914-04-0020 RIP DETECTOR, BELT NEMA 4 WITH 2 SP/DT MICRO
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Belt Rip Detector Mechanical Flag # 72 Each 914-02-0021 ARM ASSEMBLY.
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Speed Control # 17 Each 75007483 CONTROLLER , MOTION, NON-CONTACT, NEMA 4.4X,
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Proximity Sensor # 17 Each 75007688 SENSOR, PROXIMITY,18MM, 80MM LONG BODY,2
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector ** ASSEMBLY ** # 21 Each 914-04-0668 CONTROL, TILT LEVEL
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Plugged Chute Detector Probe # 21 Each 75007499 PROBE, TILT LEVEL STD 9IN WITH 3FT PROBE CABLE
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls GTU Limit Switch # 21 Each 75007498 SWITCH, TRIPPER POSITION, NEMA 4X WITH 2 SP/DT
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Encoder, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007121 ENCODER, SLIP DETECTION, 1024PPR, .625IN SEALED
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Transmitter, Slip Detector # 29 Each 75007122 TRANSMITTER, PC-PROGRAMMABLE FREQUENCY TO
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Switch Belt Rip Detector, Optical # 29 Each 75007084 SENSOR, BARREL, 30MM DIA, PHOTOELECTRIC
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Warning Horn # 33 Each 75007085 HORN, WARNING, VIBRATONE, NEMA 4X, 120VAC,
3300-CV-027 Caserones 42" Ball Mill Conv Switches and Controls Warning Light # 33 Each 75007086 LIGHT, WARNING, FIREBALL, RED DOME, NEMA 4X,,

Belt Feeder
BF61588OMM2013-Rev# A

Appendix D: OEM Documentation

Appendix D: OEM Documentation D–1

Pulley Documentation - Start
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 9 Oct 2012
PO No. 61257-01A Title: RAS Pulleys- Feeders Rev 3
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

Pulley & Shaft: 1300 mm Diameter x 3251 mm Face Width,

2100-FE-001 25 mm Diamond Cut Lagging 55-65 Duro (Shore A),
1 1 N/A 2 ea August 10, 2012 Site
(Drive) constructed of non-magnetic stainless steel A 304

Non-Expansion Bearing: 340 mm SD 23172 Four Bolt

1A see item 1 1 N/A Pillow Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on 0 ea August 10, 2012 Site
Pulley Shaft (Item 1)
Expansion Bearing: 340 mm SD 23172 Four Bolt Pillow
1B see item 1 1 N/A Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on Pulley 0 ea August 10, 2012 Site
Shaft (Item 1)
RTD, one per bearing, 100-ohm, platinum, 3-wire lead w/
1C see item 1 2 N/A 0 ea August 10, 2012 Site
Foundation Fieldbus Protocol Output

1D see item 1 0 1 Drill and Tap (5/8-11 UNC 2B x 2.00 in. deep) 2 ea August 10, 2012 Site

Speed Flags (50mm x 50mm x 12mm thick equally spaced

1E see item 1 16 N/A 0 ea August 10, 2012 Site
and mounted flush with end of pulley rim)

Pulley & Shaft: 1300 mm Diameter x 3251 mm Face Width,

2 1 N/A 16 mm Diamond Cut Lagging 45-55 Duro (Shore A) 2 ea August 10, 2012 Site

Non-Expansion Bearing: 240 mm SD 23152 Four Bolt

2A see item 2 1 N/A Pillow Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on 0 ea August 10, 2012 Site
Pulley Shaft (Item 2)
Expansion Bearing: 240 mm SD 23152 Four Bolt Pillow
2B see item 2 1 N/A Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on Pulley 0 ea August 10, 2012 Site
Shaft (Item 2)
RTD, one per bearing, 100-ohm, platinum, 3-wire lead w/
2C see item 2 2 N/A 0 ea August 10, 2012 Site
Foundation Fieldbus Protocol Output

2D see item 2 2 N/A Drill and Tap (5/8-11 UNC 2B x 2.00 in. deep) both ends 0 ea August 10, 2012 Site

Speed Flags (50mm x 50mm x 12mm thick equally spaced

2E see item 2 16 N/A 0 ea August 10, 2012 Site
and mounted flush with end of pulley rim)

Page 1 of 7
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 9 Oct 2012
PO No. 61257-01A Title: RAS Pulleys- Feeders Rev 3
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

2200-FE-003 Pulley & Shaft: 1000 mm Diameter x 2032 mm Face Width,
3 2200-FE-004 6 N/A 25 mm Diamond Cut Lagging 55-65 Duro (Shore A) 1 ea June 30, 2012 Site
Non-Expansion Bearing: 260 mm SD 23156 Four Bolt
3A see item 3 6 N/A Pillow Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
Pulley Shaft (Item 3)
Expansion Bearing: 260 mm SD 23156 Four Bolt Pillow
3B see item 3 6 N/A Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on Pulley 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
Shaft (Item 3)
RTD, one per bearing, 100-ohm, platinum, 3-wire lead w/
3C see item 3 12 N/A 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
Foundation Fieldbus Protocol Output

3D see item 3 6 N/A Drill and Tap (5/8-11 UNC 2B x 2.00 in. deep) 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site

Speed Flags (50mm x 50mm x 12mm thick equally spaced

3E see item 3 96 N/A 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
and mounted flush with end of pulley rim)

Page 2 of 7
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 9 Oct 2012
PO No. 61257-01A Title: RAS Pulleys- Feeders Rev 3
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

2200-FE-003 Pulley & Shaft: 1000 mm Diameter x 2032 mm Face Width,
4 2200-FE-004 6 N/A 16 mm Diamond Cut Lagging 45-55 Duro (Shore A) 1 ea June 30, 2012 Site
Non-Expansion Bearing: 6.9375 in SAF 22238 Four Bolt
4A see item 4 6 N/A Pillow Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
Pulley Shaft (Item 4)
Expansion Bearing: 6.9375 in SAF 22238 Four Bolt Pillow
4B see item 4 6 N/A Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on Pulley 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
Shaft (Item 4)
RTD, one per bearing, 100-ohm, platinum, 3-wire lead w/
4C see item 4 12 N/A 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
Foundation Fieldbus Protocol Output

4D see item 4 12 N/A Drill and Tap (5/8-11 UNC 2B x 2.00 in. deep) both ends 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site

d Flags
Fl (50
(50mm x 50
50mm x 12 12mm thi
k equally
ll spaced
4E see item 4 96 N/A 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
and mounted flush with end of pulley rim)

Page 3 of 7
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 9 Oct 2012
PO No. 61257-01A Title: RAS Pulleys- Feeders Rev 3
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

Pulley & Shaft: 630 mm Diameter x 1727 mm Face Width,
5 3 N/A 25 mm Diamond Cut Lagging 55-65 Duro (Shore A) 2 ea Site
Non-Expansion Bearing: 6.475 in SAF 22236 Four Bolt
5A see item 5 3 N/A Pillow Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on 0 ea Site
Pulley Shaft (Item 5)
Expansion Bearing: 6.4375 in SAF 22236 Four Bolt Pillow
5B see item 5 3 N/A Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on Pulley 0 ea Site
Shaft (Item 5)
RTD, one per bearing, 100-ohm, platinum, 3-wire lead w/
5C see item 5 6 N/A 0 ea Site
Foundation Fieldbus Protocol Output

5D see item 5 3 N/A Drill and Tap (5/8-11 UNC 2B x 2.00 in. deep) 0 ea Site

Speed Flags (50mm x 50mm x 12mm thick equally spaced

5E see item 5 48 N/A 0 ea Site
and mounted flush with end of pulley rim)

Page 4 of 7
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 9 Oct 2012
PO No. 61257-01A Title: RAS Pulleys- Feeders Rev 3
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

Pulley & Shaft: 630 mm Diameter x 1727 mm Face Width,
6 3 N/A 16 mm Plain Cut Lagging 45-55 Duro (Shore A) 2 ea Site
Non-Expansion Bearing: 5.9375 in SAF 22234 Four Bolt
6A see item 6 3 N/A Pillow Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on 0 ea Site
Pulley Shaft (Item 6)
Expansion Bearing: 5.9375 in SAF 22234 Four Bolt Pillow
6B see item 6 3 N/A Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on Pulley 0 ea Site
Shaft (Item 6)

RTD, one per bearing, 100-ohm, platinum, 3-wire lead w/

6C see item 6 6 N/A 0 ea Site
Foundation Fieldbus Protocol Output

6D see item 6 6 N/A Drill and Tap (5/8-11 UNC 2B x 2.00 in. deep) both ends 0 ea Site

Speed Flags (50mm x 50mm x 12mm thick equally spaced

6E see item 6 48 N/A 0 ea Site
and mounted flush with end of pulley rim)

Page 5 of 7
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 9 Oct 2012
PO No. 61257-01A Title: RAS Pulleys- Feeders Rev 3
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

7200-FE-001 Pulley & Shaft: 800 mm Diameter x 2032 mm Face Width,

7 7200-FE-002 2 N/A 25 mm Diamond Cut Lagging 55-65 Duro (Shore A) 1 ea June 30, 2012 Site

Non-Expansion Bearing: 220 mm SD 23148 Four Bolt

7A see item 7 2 N/A Pillow Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
Pulley Shaft (Item 7)

Expansion Bearing: 220 mm SD 23148 Four Bolt Pillow

7B see item 7 2 N/A Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on Pulley 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
Shaft (Item 7)

RTD, one per bearing, 100-ohm, platinum, 3-wire lead w/

7C see item 7 4 N/A 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
Foundation Fieldbus Protocol Output

7D see item 7 2 N/A Drill and Tap (5/8-11 UNC 2B x 2.00 in. deep) 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site

Speed Flags (50mm x 50mm x 12mm thick equally spaced

7E see item 7 32 N/A 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
and mounted flush with end of pulley rim)

7200-FE-001 Pulley & Shaft: 800 mm Diameter x 2032 mm Face Width,

8 7200-FE-002 2 N/A 16 mm Plain Cut Lagging 45-55 Duro (Shore A) 1 ea June 30, 2012 Site
Non-Expansion Bearing: 5.9375 in SAF 22234 Four Bolt
8A see item 8 2 N/A Pillow Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
Pulley Shaft (Item 8)
Expansion Bearing: 5.9375 in SAF 22234 Four Bolt Pillow
8B see item 8 2 N/A Block Bearing with (2) Taconite Seals Installed on Pulley 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
Shaft (Item 8)
RTD, one per bearing, 100-ohm, platinum, 3-wire lead w/
8C see item 8 4 N/A 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
Foundation Fieldbus Protocol Output

8D see item 8 4 N/A Drill and Tap (5/8-11 UNC 2B x 2.00 in. deep) both ends 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site

Page 6 of 7
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 9 Oct 2012
PO No. 61257-01A Title: RAS Pulleys- Feeders Rev 3
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

Speed Flags (50mm x 50mm x 12mm thick equally spaced

8E see item 8 32 N/A 0 ea June 30, 2012 Site
and mounted flush with end of pulley rim)

9 Export Packaging Required--Cradles 0 Lot


Note: Final Delivery August 10, 2012

Partial Shipments approved per priority schedule

Page 7 of 7


# Catagory DESCRIPTION QTY. Lbs Total

1 RIM PL304SS 1 3858.8 3858.8

BEARING HOUSING C/C 159.06±.13 4040±3.2 RAS HOUSING 27.36 695 3 LAGGING HOT VULC 60 DURO SBR 1 894.3 894.3
4 SHELL WEIGHT 0.0 8639.6
FLOAT 10 mm/SIDE 13.78 350
15.53 394.4 15.53 394.4 5 SHAFT F4340HT 1 13220.3 13220.3

(4) 1 1/2 in [M36] BOLTS 4.72 120 6 FASTENER BLOC B115m440x535 2 215.4 430.7

7 COVER PLATE BCP440-B115-440 2 9.9 19.8

8 BOLTS BOLT-FHCS-M22X90-GR8.8 8 0.7 5.2

9 BRNG ASS'Y SD 3172 TAC E B 2 1601.0 3202.0

10 SPEED TAB SPEED TAB [2" X 2"] 16 0.3 4.5

33.39 848 MAX

32.76 832 MIN
11 SENSOR SIEMENS RTD with Foundation 2 1.5 3.1

39.37 1000
Fieldbus Output
12 TOTAL WEIGHT 0.0 25525.2


8.66 220

14.17 360 2" X 2" SPEED TABS


FASTENER BOLT TORQUE: 89%(600.75 Ft-Lbs)

23.19 589 - .13 - 3.2 23.19 589


53.17±.13 1350.5±3.2 T.I.R. 0.03

51.20±.13 1300.5±3.2 T.I.R. 0.02


1.77 45 12.87 327
8.46 215 8.46 215
.98 25 LAGGING

+.25 +6.4
19.00 482.6
- .00 0 AR

1.34 34

63 [1.6]

.12 3
R1.97 50 - RUNNING (IN/OUT): 732 / 327 KN
- PEAK (IN/OUT) : 1310 / 327 KN

- 0.1


- OVERHUNG LOAD : 183 KN x 1.6 M

- 0.061


- 0.1

9 5 1 3 2 6 7 9 BEARING L10 LIFE (ACTUAL/DESIGN): 2,730,507 / 100,000 HRS

- .0055


- .004

- .0024
8020 - 128th Street
Surrey, B.C. V3W 4E9


Phone:(604) 590-0404

0 1/18/2012 RELEASED FOR PRODUCTION SP 1 DECIMAL + 0.1" + 0.1mm DESIGNED SP 9/16/2011 PROJECT:
- 0.1" - 0.1mm Caserones
C 12/20/2011 RTD TYPE CHANGED SP 2 DECIMALS + 0.01" + 0.01mm DRAWN SP 9/16/2011 TITLE:
- 0.01" - 0.01mm Drive CONVEYOR:201
- 0.001" - 0.001mm ASSEMBLY DETAIL
- 0.0001" - 0.0001mm
32594-AE-ASM 1:28 3



RAS HOUSING CL CL (OEC/FIXED) 1 RIM CSA G40.21-44W/300W 1 4315.06 4315.06

FAG BEARING BEARING HOUSING C/C 159.05±.13 4040±3.2 RAS HOUSING 20.31 516 2 END DISC ASTM A694-F60 2 1165.68 2331.36
FLOAT 10 mm/SIDE 10.24 260
15.53 394.4 15.53 394.4 4 SHELL WEIGHT 7215.0
3.94 100 5 SHAFT F1045 1 7827.24 7827.24
(4) 1 1/2 in [M36] BOLTS 6 FASTENER BLOC B115m320x405 2 121.43 242.86

7 COVER PLATE BCP-B115m320x405 2 6.36 12.72

8 BOLTS BOLT-SHCS M20 x 2.5 x 80 8 0.624 4.992

9 ASSY RAS SD 3152D TAC M B 2 733.75 1467.5

25.91 658 MAX

25.28 642 MIN
10 SPEED TAB SPEED TAB [2" X 2"] 16 0.28 4.48

30.31 770
11 SENSOR SIEMENS RTD with Foundation 2 1.54 3.08
Fieldbus Output
12 TOTAL WEIGHT 16777.8


6.30 160
11.02 280
.53 13.5 2.45 62.2 PLAIN PATTERN 16 PLCS
5/8-11 UNC - 2B 2.00 50.8 MACHINED LAGGING
.53 13.5 2.45 62.2 ASSEMBLY REQUIREMENTS
5/8-11 UNC - 2B 2.00 50.8
8.90 225.9 PULLEY FACE 128.00 3251.2 8.90 225.9 GREASE FITTING: STD. HEAD
- .13 - 3.2
.51 13
T.I.R. 0.02
T.I.R. 0.03



+.13 +3.2 .50 12.8

- 9.5
- 9.5

.63 16

15.75 400.1 M 8
- .00 0

- .38
- .38


- 0.1

- RUNNING (IN/OUT): 335 / 335 KN

- .0045
- PEAK (IN/OUT) : 335 / 335 KN
ANGLE OF WRAP (°): 180

BEARING L10 LIFE (ACTUAL/DESIGN): 5,091,862 / 100,000 HRS

1 3 2 6 7 5 9
- .004


8020 - 128th Street


Phone:(604) 590-0404

1 12/20/2011 RTD TYPE CHANGED SP 1 DECIMAL + 0.1" + 0.1mm DESIGNED SP 9/16/2011 PROJECT:
- 0.1" - 0.1mm Caserones
0 12/14/2011 RELEASED FOR PRODUCTION SP 2 DECIMALS + 0.01" + 0.01mm DRAWN SP 9/16/2011 TITLE:
- 0.01" - 0.01mm Tail CONVEYOR:201
B 10/13/2011 UPDATE TENSIONS SP 3 DECIMALS + 0.001" + 0.001mm CHECKED
- 0.001" - 0.001mm ASSEMBLY DETAIL
- 0.0001" - 0.0001mm
32594-AF-ASM 1:28 3


# Catagory DESCRIPTION QTY. Lbs Total

(OEC/FLOAT) BEARING ASS'Y 1 RIM CSA G40.21-50W/350W 1 2064.52 2064.52
RAS HOUSING CL 21.65 550
BEARING HOUSING C/C 110.24±.13 2800±3.2 RAS HOUSING 2 END DISC A694-F60 2 566.53 1133.06
FAG BEARING 11.02 280 3 LAGGING HOT VULC 60 DURO SBR 1 432.23 432.23
FLOAT 10 mm/SIDE 15.12 384 15.12 384 4 SHELL WEIGHT 3629.8
4.11 104.4
(4) 1 1/2 in [M36] BOLTS 5 SHAFT HR4140HT 1 4098.92 4098.92

6 FASTENER BLOC B115m280x355 2 74.93 149.86

7 COVER PLATE BCP280-B115-280 2 5.32 10.64

A A 8 BOLTS BOLT-SHCS M20 x 2.5 x 80 8 0.624 4.992

26.69 678 MAX

26.06 662 MIN
9 BEARING RAS SD 3156 260 TAC M B 2 820 1640

31.10 790
10 SPEED TAB SPEED TAB [2" X 2"] 16 0.29 4.64

11 TOTAL WEIGHT 9538.9

12 SENSOR SIEMENS RTD with Foundation 2 1.54 3.08

Fieldbus Output


6.30 160
.53 13.5 2.45 62.2 2" x 2" SPEED TABS
5/8-11 UNC 2.00 50.8 DIAMOND PATTERN 11.02 280 16 PLCS
.69 17.5 2.46 62.5



+.00 0
8.37 212.6 PULLEY FACE 80.00 2032 20.24 514 PAINT & PACKING REQUIREMENTS
- .13 - 3.2
T.I.R. 0.02
T.I.R. 0.03

2.29 58.1


+.25 +6.4
- 9.5
- 9.5

12.50 317.5 8
- .00 0
.98 25

1.34 34.1

.12 3
- .38
- .38



- 0.017
- 0.069
R1.97 50 - RUNNING (IN/OUT): 306 / 138 KN
- PEAK (IN/OUT) : 538 / 143 KN

- OVERHUNG LOAD : 53 KN x 1.1 M

- 0.1

ANGLE OF WRAP (°): 180





BEARING L10 LIFE (ACTUAL/DESIGN): 14,678,323 / 100,000 HRS
- .0017
- .004

9 5 3 1 2 6 7 9
- .0007
- .0027


8020 - 128th Street


Surrey, B.C. V3W 4E9




0 1/18/2012 RELEASED FOR PRODUCTION VS 1 DECIMAL + 0.1" + 0.1mm DESIGNED SP 9/16/2011 PROJECT:
- 0.1" - 0.1mm Caserones
C 12/20/2011 RTD TYPE CHANGED SP 2 DECIMALS + 0.01" + 0.01mm DRAWN SP 9/16/2011 TITLE:
- 0.01" - 0.01mm Drive CONVEYOR:202/4
B 10/13/2011 UPDATE TENSIONS SP 3 DECIMALS + 0.001" + 0.001mm CHECKED
- 0.001" - 0.001mm ASSEMBLY DETAIL
- 0.0001" - 0.0001mm
32594-AC-ASM 1:24 0


# Catagory DESCRIPTION QTY. Lbs Total

1 RIM CSA G40.21-44W/300W 1 1386.32 1386.32

2 END DISC CSA G40.21-44W/300W 2 274.52 549.04

(OEC/FLOAT) CL (OEC/FIXED) 15.69 398.5
FAG BEARING BEARING HOUSING C/C 110.24±.13 2800±3.2 5 SHAFT HR1045 1 2611.21 2611.21
FAG BEARING 7.88 200
6 FASTENER BLOC B106m220x285 2 31 62
FLOAT 5 mm/SIDE 15.12 384 15.12 384
(4) 1 1/4 in [M30] BOLTS 3.13 79.4 7 COVER PLATE BCP220-B106-220 2 3.85 7.7

8 BOLTS BOLT-SHCS M16 x 2.0 x 40 8 0.235 1.88

9 BEARING ASS'Y RAS SAFD 22538 TER M B FIX 1 400.00 400

10 BEARING ASS'Y SAFD 22538 TER M B 1 400.00 400


24.38 619.1 MAX

21.63 549.3 MIN
11 SPEED TAB SPEED TAB [2" X 2"] 16 0.29 4.64
SIEMENS RTD with Foundation

28.00 711.2
12 SENSOR Fieldbus Output 2 1.54 3.08

13 TOTAL WEIGHT 5700.3


4.50 114.3
7.50 190.5 .53 13.5 2.45 62.2
.53 13.5 2.45 62.2 PLAIN PATTERN
MACHINED LAGGING 5/8-11 UNC - 2B 2.00 50.8
5/8-11 UNC - 2B 2.00 50.8


PULLEY FACE 80.00 2032
7.09 180 - .13 - 3.2 7.09 180
T.I.R. 0.02
T.I.R. 0.03

2.32 58.9

.50 12.6
- 9.5
- 9.5


+.25 +6.4 8
11.00 279.4
.63 16

- .00 0

- .38
- .38



- 0.1
- RUNNING (IN/OUT): 143 / 143 KN

- PEAK (IN/OUT) : 143 / 143 KN

ANGLE OF WRAP (°): 180
- 0.1





BEARING L10 LIFE (ACTUAL/DESIGN): 5,449,769 / 100,000 HRS

10 1 3 2 6 7 5 9 - .0039
- .003


8020 - 128th Street

Phone:(604) 590-0404

1 12/20/2011 RTD TYPE CHANGED SP 1 DECIMAL + 0.1" + 0.1mm DESIGNED SP 9/16/2011 PROJECT:
- 0.1" - 0.1mm Caserones
0 12/14/2011 RELEASED FOR PRODUCTION SP 2 DECIMALS + 0.01" + 0.01mm DRAWN SP 9/16/2011 TITLE:
- 0.01" - 0.01mm Tail/Take up CONVEYOR:202/4
B 10/13/2011 UPDATED TENSIONS SP 3 DECIMALS + 0.001" + 0.001mm CHECKED
- 0.001" - 0.001mm ASSEMBLY DETAIL
- 0.0001" - 0.0001mm
32594-AD-ASM 1:24 1

(OEC/FLOAT) 18.70 475
RAS HOUSING CL CL (BEO/FIXED) 1 RIM CSA G40.21-44W/300W 1 1643.81 1643.81
RAS HOUSING 2 END DISC CSA G40.21-50W/350W 2 214.11 428.22
FAG BEARING BEARING HOUSING C/C 107.87±.13 2740±3.2 FAG BEARING 9.45 240
3 LAGGING HOT VULC 60 DURO SBR 1 347.94 347.94
FLOAT 10 mm/SIDE 3.74 95
13.94 354 13.94 354 (4) 1 1/4 in [M30] BOLTS
5 SHAFT HR1045 1 3319.05 3319.05

6 FASTENER BLOC B106m260x325 2 36 72

A A 7 COVER PLATE BCP280-B106-260 2 5.86 11.72

23.90 607 MAX

23.35 593 MIN
8 BOLTS BOLT-SHCS M16 x 2.0 x 40 8 0.235 1.88

27.56 700
9 BEARING ASSY RAS SD 3148 TAC M B 2 576 1152

10 SPEED TAB SPEED TAB [2" X 2"] 16 0.29 4.64

11 SENSOR SIEMENS RTD with Foundation 2 1.54 3.08

Fieldbus Output
12 TOTAL WEIGHT 6984.3


5.91 150
10.24 260 16 PLCS
.53 13.5 2.45 62.2 MACHINED LAGGING
5/8-11 UNC 2.00 50.8
1.22 31 .67 17
1.58 40.2 X 60°, NEAR SIDE

1.04 26.5 3.03 77

M30X3.5 - 6H 2.36 60
+.00 0
PULLEY FACE 80.00 2032
8.14 206.8 - .13 - 3.2 39.29 998 PAINT & PACKING REQUIREMENTS
20.28 515
T.I.R. 0.02
T.I.R. 0.03


11 2.44 62
5.39 137
- 9.5
- 9.5


+6.4 AN
11.00 279.4
- .00 0

.98 25

63 [1.6] 63 [1.6]
- .38
- .38



7.46 189.5
7.6772 m6 +.0007 195 m6 +0.017

7.4803 f6 -.0031 190 f6 -0.079

- 0.1

- RUNNING (IN/OUT): 134 / 60 KN

- 0.1

- PEAK (IN/OUT) : 285 / 65 KN





5 3 1 2 6 7 9
SCALE 1 : 1 SCALE 4 : 1 ANGLE OF WRAP (°): 180

- .0045


- .004




8020 - 128th Street
Surrey, B.C. V3W 4E9

Phone:(604) 590-0404

- 0.1" - 0.1mm Caserones
C 01/05/2012 BEARING CENTERS CHANGED VS 2 DECIMALS + 0.01" + 0.01mm DRAWN SP 9/16/2011 TITLE:
- 0.01" - 0.01mm Drive CONVEYOR:205
B 10/13/2011 UPDATE TENSIONS SP 3 DECIMALS + 0.001" + 0.001mm CHECKED
- 0.001" - 0.001mm ASSEMBLY DETAIL
- 0.0001" - 0.0001mm
32594-AI-ASM 1:24 0

(OEC/FLOAT) CL CL (OEC/FIXED) 1 RIM CSA G40.21-44W/300W 1 1104.78 1104.78
FAG BEARING BEARING HOUSING C/C 107.87±.13 2740±3.2 FAG BEARING 2 END DISC CSA G40.21-44W/300W 2 135.31 270.62

(4) 1 in [M24] BOLTS 7.06 179.4 3 LAGGING HOT VULC 50 DURO SBR 1 220.28 220.28
FLOAT 5 mm/SIDE 13.94 354 13.94 354 4 SHELL WEIGHT 1595.7
2.75 69.9 5 SHAFT HR1045 1 1578.77 1578.77
6 FASTENER BLOC B106m170x225 2 18 36
7 COVER PLATE BCP180-B106-170 2 3.14 6.28

A A 8 BOLTS BOLT-SHCS M14 x 2.0 x 40 8 0.172 1.376

21.63 549.3 MAX


19.38 492.1 MIN

9 BEARING ASS'Y FIXED 1 310.00 310

24.75 628.7
10 BEARING ASS'Y RAS FSAFD 22534 TER E B 1 310.00 310
11 SPEED TAB SPEED TAB [2" X 2"] 16 0.29 4.64
12 SENSOR SIEMENS RTD with Foundation 2 1.54 3.08
Fieldbus Output
13 TOTAL WEIGHT 3845.8


4.25 108
.53 13.5 2.45 62.2 MACHINED LAGGING 6.75 171.5 16 PLCS
5/8-11 UNC - 2B 2.00 50.8
.53 13.5 2.45 62.2


6.47 164.4 - .13 - 3.2 6.47 164.4


T.I.R. 0.02
T.I.R. 0.03



.50 12.7
- 9.5
- 9.5

+.25 +6.4

8.50 215.9 8
- .00 0
.63 16

- .38
- .38




- RUNNING (IN/OUT): 65 / 65 KN

- 0.1
- PEAK (IN/OUT) : 65 / 65 KN

ANGLE OF WRAP (°): 180
- 0.1

10 5 1 3 2 6 7 9 BEARING L10 LIFE (ACTUAL/DESIGN): 99,600,500 / 100,000 HRS

- .0039
- .003


8020 - 128th Street


Phone:(604) 590-0404


1 01/05/2012 BEARING CENTERS CHANGED VS 1 DECIMAL + 0.1" + 0.1mm DESIGNED SP 9/16/2011 PROJECT:
- 0.1" - 0.1mm Caserones
0 12/14/2011 RELEASED FOR PRODUCTION SP 2 DECIMALS + 0.01" + 0.01mm DRAWN SP 9/16/2011 TITLE:
- 0.01" - 0.01mm Tail CONVEYOR:205
B 10/13/2011 UPDATE TENSIONS SP 3 DECIMALS + 0.001" + 0.001mm CHECKED
- 0.001" - 0.001mm ASSEMBLY DETAIL
- 0.0001" - 0.0001mm
32594-AJ-ASM 1:18 1
Pulley Documentation - End
Idler Documentation - Start
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 9 Oct 2012
PO No. 61257-02A Title: FMC Idlers-Feeders Rev 2
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

120" (3048 mm) Feeder Idlers

FMC 20° Picking Impact with removeable end bracket,
1 CEMA F7+, 4 Center Roll 7.00", Sealed for Life, for 120"
Belt, BW+9"
1A 2100-FE-001 19 N/A See item 1 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
1B Spares 0 N/A See item 1 Description above 0 ea

19 Total Quantity for Item 1

FMC 20° Picking Carry with removeable end bracket,

2 CEMA F7+, 4 Center Roll 7.00", Sealed for Life, for 120"
belt, BW+9"
2A 2100-FE-001 21 N/A See item 2 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
2B Spares 0 N/A See item 2 Description above 0 ea

21 Total Quantity for Item 2

FMC Return Flat Idler, Sealed for Life, for 120" belt, BW+9",
7.00" Roll
3A 2100-FE-001 1 N/A See item 3 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
3B Spares 0 N/A See item 3 Description above 0 ea

1 Total Quantity for Item 3

FMC Live Shaft Flat Return F7+, Roll 7.00", Sealed for Life,
4 for 120" belt, BW+9", 2.4375" Ø Shaft, SAF 22515 Pillow
Block Bearing
4A 2100-FE-001 3 N/A See item 4 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
4B Spares 0 N/A See item 4 Description above 0 ea

3 Total Quantity for Item 4

Page 1 of 6
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 9 Oct 2012
PO No. 61257-02A Title: FMC Idlers-Feeders Rev 2
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

FMC Live Shaft for Inverted V, Roll 7.00", Sealed for Life,
for 120" belt, BW+9", 1.9375" Ø Shaft, 57" (1447.8mm)
Bearing Centers, 54" (1371.6 mm) Roll Length, SAF 22511
Pillow Block Bearing
5A 2100-FE-001 2 1 See item 5 Description above 2 ea May 25, 2012 Site
5B Spares 0 N/A See item 5 Description above 0 ea

2 Total Quantity for Item 5

72" (1829 mm) Feeder Idlers

FMC Picking Impact with removeable end bracket, CEMA

F7, 4 Center Roll 7.00", Sealed for Life, for 72" belt, BW+9"
6A 2200-FE-001 20 N/A See item 6 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
6B 2200-FE-002 20 N/A See item 6 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
6C 2200-FE-003 20 N/A See item 6 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
6D 2200-FE-004 20 N/A See item 6 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
6E 2200 FE 005
2200-FE-005 20 N/A See item 6 Description above 0 ea May 25,
25 2012 Site
6F 2200-FE-006 20 N/A See item 6 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
6G 7200-FE-001 8 N/A See item 6 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
6H 7200-FE-002 8 N/A See item 6 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
6I Spares 1 0 See item 6 Description above 1 ea May 25, 2012 Site

137 Total Quantity for Item 6

FMC Picking Carry with removeable end bracket, CEMA

F7, 3 Center Roll 7.00", Sealed for Life, for 72" belt, BW+9"
7A 2200-FE-001 7 N/A See item 7 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
7B 2200-FE-002 7 N/A See item 7 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
7C 2200-FE-003 7 N/A See item 7 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
7D 2200-FE-004 9 N/A See item 7 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
7E 2200-FE-005 9 N/A See item 7 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
7F 2200-FE-006 9 N/A See item 7 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
7G 7200-FE-001 12 9 See item 7 Description above 2 ea May 25, 2012 Site
7H 7200-FE-002 12 9 See item 7 Description above 2 ea May 25, 2012 Site
7I Spares 1 0 See item 7 Description above 1 ea May 25, 2012 Site

Page 2 of 6
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 9 Oct 2012
PO No. 61257-02A Title: FMC Idlers-Feeders Rev 2
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

73 Total Quantity for Item 7

FMC Return Flat Idler, Sealed for Life, for 72" belt, BW+9",
7.00" Roll
8A 2200-FE-001 1 N/A See item 8 Description above 1 ea May 25, 2012 Site
8B 2200-FE-002 1 N/A See item 8 Description above 1 ea May 25, 2012 Site
8C 2200-FE-003 1 N/A See item 8 Description above 1 ea May 25, 2012 Site
8D 2200-FE-004 1 N/A See item 8 Description above 1 ea May 25, 2012 Site
8E 2200-FE-005 1 N/A See item 8 Description above 1 ea May 25, 2012 Site
8F 2200-FE-006 1 N/A See item 8 Description above 1 ea May 25, 2012 Site
8G 7200-FE-001 1 N/A See item 8 Description above 1 ea May 25, 2012 Site
8H 7200-FE-002 1 N/A See item 8 Description above 1 ea May 25, 2012 Site
8I Spares 0 N/A See item 8 Description above 0 ea

8 Total Quantity for Item 8

FMC Live Shaft Flat Return CEMA E6, Roll 7.00", Sealed
9 for Life,
Life for 72"
72 belt,
belt BW+9"
BW+9 , 2.4375
2 4375" Ø Shaft,
Shaft SAF 22515
Pillow Block Bearing
9A 2200-FE-001 2 N/A See item 9 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
9B 2200-FE-002 2 N/A See item 9 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
9C 2200-FE-003 2 N/A See item 9 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
9D 2200-FE-004 2 N/A See item 9 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
9E 2200-FE-005 2 N/A See item 9 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
9F 2200-FE-006 2 N/A See item 9 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
9G 7200-FE-001 2 N/A See item 9 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
9H 7200-FE-002 2 N/A See item 9 Description above 0 ea May 25, 2012 Site
9I Spares 0 N/A See item 9 Description above 0 ea

16 Total Quantity for Item 9

FMC Live Shaft for Inverted V Return, CEMA E6, Roll 7.00",
Sealed for Life, for 72" belt, BW+9", 1.9375" Ø Shaft, 33"
(832 mm) Bearing Centers, 30" (762 mm) Roll Length, SAF
22511 Pillow Block Bearing
10A 2200-FE-001 2 1 See item 10 Description above 2 ea May 25, 2012 Site

Page 3 of 6
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 9 Oct 2012
PO No. 61257-02A Title: FMC Idlers-Feeders Rev 2
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

10B 2200-FE-002 2 1 See item 10 Description above 2 ea May 25, 2012 Site
10C 2200-FE-003 2 1 See item 10 Description above 2 ea May 25, 2012 Site
10D 2200-FE-004 2 1 See item 10 Description above 2 ea May 25, 2012 Site
10E 2200-FE-005 2 1 See item 10 Description above 2 ea May 25, 2012 Site
10F 2200-FE-006 2 1 See item 10 Description above 2 ea May 25, 2012 Site
10G 7200-FE-001 2 1 See item 10 Description above 2 ea May 25, 2012 Site
10H 7200-FE-002 2 1 See item 10 Description above 2 ea May 25, 2012 Site
10I Spares 0 N/A See item 10 Description above 0 ea

16 Total Quantity for Item 10

60" (1524 mm) Feeder Idlers

FMC 20° Troughed Impact with removable end bracket

CEMA D6, 6.00" Roll, Sealed for Life, for 60" belt, BW+9"
11A 3300-FE-001 17 N/A See item 11 Description above 2 ea Site
11B 3300-FE-002 17 N/A See item 11 Description above 2 ea Site
11C 3300-FE-003 17 N/A See item 11 Description above 2 ea Site
11D Spares 0 N/A See item 11 Description above 0 ea

51 Total Quantity for Item 11

FMC 20° Troughed Carry with removable end bracket,

CEMA D6, 6.00" Roll, Sealed for Life, for 60" belt, BW+9"
12A 3300-FE-001 2 N/A See item 12 Description above 2 ea Site
12B 3300-FE-002 2 N/A See item 12 Description above 2 ea Site
12C 3300-FE-003 2 N/A See item 12 Description above 2 ea Site
12D Spares 0 N/A See item 12 Description above 0 ea

6 Total Quantity for Item 12

FMC Flat Return Idler, 60" belt, BW+9", 6.00" Roll, CEMA
D6, Sealed for Life

13A 3300-FE-001 1 N/A See item 13 Description above 2 ea Site

Page 4 of 6
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 9 Oct 2012
PO No. 61257-02A Title: FMC Idlers-Feeders Rev 2
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

13B 3300-FE-002 1 N/A See item 13 Description above 2 ea Site

13C 3300-FE-003 1 N/A See item 13 Description above 2 ea Site
13D Spares 0 N/A See item 13 Description above 0 ea

3 Total Quantity for Item 13

FMC Live Shaft for Inverted V Return, CEMA D6, Sealed for
Life, for 60" belt, BW+9", 6.00" Roll, 1.9375" Ø Shaft, 27"
Bearing Centers (685.8mm), 24" (609.6mm) Roll Length,
Rexnord/Link-Belt P-B22431H Pillow Block Bearing
14A 3300-FE-001 2 N/A See item 14 Description above 2 ea Site
14B 3300-FE-002 2 N/A See item 14 Description above 2 ea Site
14C 3300-FE-003 2 N/A See item 14 Description above 2 ea Site
14D Spares 0 N/A See item 14 Description above 0 ea

6 Total Quantity for Item 14

FMC Live Shaft Flat Return,

Return CEMA D6 D6, Sealed for Life
Life, for
60" belt, BW+9", 6.00" Roll, 1.9375" Ø Shaft, 69"
(1752.6mm) Bearing Center, 63" (1600.2mm) Roll Length,
Rexnord/Link-Belt P-B22431H Pillow Block Bearing

15A 3300-FE-001 2 N/A See item 15 Description above 2 ea Site

15B 3300-FE-002 2 N/A See item 15 Description above 2 ea Site
15C 3300-FE-003 2 N/A See item 15 Description above 2 ea Site
15D Spares 0 N/A See item 15 Description above 0 ea

6 Total Quantity for Item 15

FMC 10°-30° Transition Idler, 6" Roll, CEMA D6, Sealed for
Life, for 60" belt, BW+9"
16A 3300-FE-001 1 N/A See item 16 Description above 2 ea Site
16B 3300-FE-002 1 N/A See item 16 Description above 2 ea Site
16C 3300-FE-003 1 N/A See item 16 Description above 2 ea Site

Page 5 of 6
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 9 Oct 2012
PO No. 61257-02A Title: FMC Idlers-Feeders Rev 2
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

3 Total Quantity for Item 16

17 Export Packaging Required-Wood Treated Pallets 0 Lot


All idler Bearings shall meet or exceed 60,000

Note 1:
Hour L10 life

Note 2: Final Delivery May 25, 2012

Partial Shipments approved per priority schedule

Page 6 of 6
FMC Technologies
Material Handling Solutions
Tupelo, Mississippi Sales Order T103516 & T103521 Page # 1 of 2
INSPECTION & TEST PLAN Revision None Date 4/15/2012

FMC Technologies Distribution

Q. A. File (Original) Inspection Purchasing
Sales / Marketing Planning Traffic
Customer Service Manufacturing

CUSTOMER FL Smidth Boise

2471 Titanium Place, Meridian, ID 83642
Customer P.O. # 61257-02 & 61257-02A

Contacts: Jeremy Carroll & Dustin White

Inspection Agency:

Description of Material to be Supplied: F5000 Series Belt Conveyor Idlers

E4000 Series Belt Conveyor Idlers
D3000 Series Belt Conveyor Idlers
C3000 Series Belt Conveyor Idlers

Legend: 1: Sample inspection

2: 100% inspection
Note: Put the applicable symbols on C: Establishment of Certificate
ITP in accordance with customer requirements. R: Review point
5 day notice required for all 3rd party W: Witness Point - Customer notification
witness and hold points. but customer presence optional
H: Hold Point - Shall not proceed without
witness from Q.A., Customer, or Rep.
I: Inspection point
N: Notify shipping of release
F: First article inspection required

FMC Technologies Approval: Date:

Quality Assurance Chester Chism Quality Assurance Manager 4/15/2012

Customer Approval: (if required by contract) Date:


10003 04-15-11 pg 1
Service Instructions
Belt Conveyor Idlers

A. Safety………………………………………….2

B. Installation…………………………………….3

C. Idler Inspection……………………………….5

D. Maintenance………………………………….5

To our Customer:

This manual contains complete instructions for the installation, operation and maintenance of
FMC idlers. The reliable operation and long service life of these idlers depend on the care taken
during installation, operation and the degree of maintenance.

All standard idlers are manufactured to the standard of the Conveyor Equipment Manufacturer’s
Association (CEMA) for North America and to the standard of Deutsches Institut fur Normung
(DIN) for international markets.

Supplementary instructions should be followed for components not furnished by FMC

Technologies, Inc. Components installed without approval of FMC Technologies, Inc. are the
sole responsibility of the purchaser or final user.

Safety is a basic factor that must be considered at all times in the operation and maintenance of
mechanical equipment. Use of proper tools and methods can prevent serious accidents that may
result in injury to you and your fellow workers.

A number of safety precautions are listed throughout this manual. Study them carefully and
follow them; insist that those working with you do the same. Remember – an accident is usually
caused by carelessness or negligence. In addition, nearly all employees are subject to the
federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended, which requires that an
employer be kept abreast of the regulations which have been issued under its authority.

Safe practices for operating belt conveyors are given in detail in American National Standard
Publication “Safety Standards for Conveyors and Related Equipment” ANSI B20.1, Section 5 and
6.01. Only persons completely familiar with these standards should be permitted to operate or
maintain the conveyors.

CAUTION: Failure to follow these precautions may result in serious PERSONAL injury or
damage to equipment.

The following is a list of precautions which should always be exercised around belt conveyors.

CAUTION: Before performing any maintenance, the circuit should be opened at the
switch box, and the switch should be padlocked in the OFF position.

1. ALWAYS operate conveyor in accordance with instructions in this manual.

2. DO NOT place hands or feet on conveyor while in operation.

3. NEVER walk on conveyor belt unless drive has been locked out and tagged.

4. DO NOT put conveyor to any other use than that for which is was designed.

5. AVOID poking or prodding material on conveyor with bar or stick inserted through

6. ALWAYS have a clear view of loading and unloading points and all safety devices.

7. KEEP area around conveyor, drive, and control station free of debris and obstacles.

8. NEVER operate conveyor without guards and other safety devices in position.


These instructions describe an acceptable storage method to ensure that all belt conveyor idlers
are stored in such a way as to prevent damage or deterioration from the time of receipt by the
customer until placed into service. For the purpose of these instructions, long term is defined as
any storage in excess of six months. Also, idlers refer to either complete idlers or idler rolls.

1. Idlers that are to stored long term prior to being placed into service must be protected
from the elements in a covered area.

2. In the event that Idlers must be stored out-of-doors, each skid of Idlers should be covered
securely with a tarpaulin.

3. For long term storage, the maximum ambient temperature is 105°F and the minimum
ambient temperature is 30°F.

4. Each idler roll should be rotated several revolutions (5-6) every six (6) months in order
to maintain proper lubrication of the roller or ball bearings.

5. Rubber return treads and impact discs will remain in good working order while stored for
up to 18 months, provided that steps 1 – 3 above are met.

6. Idlers with rubber return treads and impact discs should not be stored for a period of
longer than 18 months.

Figure 1

7. One-way rolls have one head painted a different color for easy identification. The head is
marked with arrows showing the direction of rotation. Extreme care must be taken to
ensure that the roll is installed correctly in order for the system to work properly. See
figure 2.

8. Inspect roll surfaces and remove any foreign material, especially abrasive dust, to
prevent damage to the underside of the belt.


Costly interruptions in production can often be avoided by a program of regularly scheduled

inspections of the system and all components.

Many operators and maintenance supervisors find it economical to inspect the belt daily for
breaks in the rubber covering or signs of edge rubbing. It is better to make this inspection before
the system is operated and while the belt is empty.

1. After start-up, check belt loading. Chutes should deliver an even flow of material and load
it centrally on the belt.

2. Check for unusual vibrations. They can loosen mounting bolts, allow idlers to shift and
cause misalignment. If this condition occurs, eliminate the cause; then realign all loose
idlers and retighten the mounting bolts.

3. Be sure spilled materials do not interfere with swiveling of training idlers, or the free
rotation of idler rolls. Good housekeeping is essential to high operating efficiency.

4. If an idler is sluggish, but its movement is not retarded by material buildup, a choked
interior or an impending bearing failure is indicated. The latter condition is almost always
signaled by an unusual noise, generally a high-pitched squeal. Sluggish, noisy, or
completely stalled rolls require immediate attention because they waste power and cause
excessive belt wear. If stalled rolls remain in the system, the outer shell will eventually
wear through and the resulting sharp edges will severely damage the belt. When a faulty
roll is discovered, tag the idler immediately and remove it from the conveyor as soon as
the system is shut down. Even though only one roll is affected, inspect all three rolls.

Link-Belt® idlers are easy to maintain because only periodic inspection of a few rolls is required
to determine the need for replacement. Idler removal and replacement are also simple tasks. The
following instructions will assist you in both matters.


CAUTION: Before performing any maintenance, the circuit should be opened at the
switch box, and the switch should be padlocked in the OFF position.

1. Remove mounting bolts.

2. Tip idler forward or backward, whichever is more convenient, until it rests on decking. If
the installation does not include decking, additional precautions must be taken to
prevent the idler from falling through to the return run and causing damage or injury. A
suitable plank might be used to support the idler when it comes to rest.

3. Slide the idler out from under the belt.

NOTE: When idler is reinstalled, be sure it is accurately aligned and securely bolted in place.

Roll Removal

1. Remove end and center retainers.

2. Remove both end rolls. It may be necessary to tap the rolls to free them from the
brackets. Use a rubberhead mallet.

3. Remove the center roll.

Roll Installation

1. Place center roll in idler frame.

2. Install end rolls and secure with end and center retainers. NOTE: End and center
retainers are an integral part of the idler assembly and must be installed.


Material Handling Solutions

FMC Technologies, Inc.
P.O. Box 1370
Tupelo, Mississippi 38802
Phone (662) 869-5711
Fax (662) 869-7493
Toll Free 1-800-356-4898
Email info.tupelo@fmcti.com

We put you first.

And keep you ahead.


FMC Technologies reserves the right to alter at any time

Without notice and without liability or other obligations on
It’s part, materials, equipment specifications, and models.
FMC Technologies also reserves the right to discontinue the
Manufacture of models, parts, and components thereof.

© FMC Technologies, Inc., All Rights Reserved Printed in USA

SM-Idlers 113011

Link-Belt® Products Syntron® Products
• Belt Conveyor Idlers • Heavy-Duty Vibrating Feeders
• Idler Rolls • Vibrating Screens
• Screw Conveyors • Grizzly Bar Screens
• Bucket Elevators • Vibrating Conveyors
• Link-Belt® Component Parts • Light-Duty Vibrating Feeders
• Heavy-Duty Vibrating Feeders • Vibra-Drive Units
• Vibrating Screens • Volumetric Feeder Machines
• Grizzly Bar Screens • Screening Feeders
• Vibrating Conveyors • Bin Vibrators
• Packing Tables
• Paper Joggers
• Syntron Component Parts

FMC Technologies, Inc. FMC Technologies, Inc. FMC Technologies Chile Ltda.
Material Handling Solutions 2# Road No. 1 Callao 2970
PO Box 1370 Changshu Export Processing Zone Office 704
Tupelo, MS 38802 Changshu, Jiangsu Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Tel: 662-869-5711 China 215513 Tel: 56 2 234 4418
Fax: 662-869-7493 Tel: 86-0512-52299002 56 2 246 4361
Toll Free: 800-356-4898 Fax: 86-0512-52297228 Fax: 56 2 232 0825
Email: mhsol.info@fmcti.com Email: mhsolchina.info@fmcti.com Email: fmc@entelchile.net

Material Handling Solutions

1525 S. 4710 W. Unit: E
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Tel: 801-296-9500
Fax: 801-296-9601
Email: mhsol.info@fmcti.com

© 2011 • FMC Technologies, Inc.

www.fmctechnologies.com/materialhandling Form No. SM-Idlers Printed in U.S.A
Instrucciones de
Operación Instalación
Mantenimiento y
Belt Conveyor Idlers

A. Seguridad……….…………………………….2

B. Instalación…………………………………….3

C. Inspección del rodillo..……………………….5

D. Mantenimiento.……………………………….5

A nuestro cliente:

El presente manual contiene instrucciones completas para la instalación, operación y

mantenimiento de los rodillo FMC. La confiable operación y largos períodos de servicio de estos
rodillo depende del cuidado dado durante su instalación, operación y el grado de mantenimiento.

Todos los rodillos estándares son manufacturados justamente al estándar de la Asociación de

Fabricantes de Equipo de Manejo (CEMA por sus siglas en inglés) para Norteamérica y en base
al Deutsches Institut fur Normung (DIN), para los mercados internacionales.

Instrucciones suplementarias deberían ser seguidas para los componentes no fabricados por
FMC Technologies. Componentes instalados sin aprobación de FMC Technologies, Inc. Son
entera responsabilidad del comprador o bien del usuario final.

La Seguridad es un factor base que debe considerarse todo el tiempo durante la operación y el
mantenimiento del los mecanismos del equipo. El uso de las herramientas y métodos apropiados
pueden prevenir accidentes serios que pueden resultar en heridas ya a sí mismo o a sus

Un número de medidas de seguridad están listadas a través de este manual. Estúdielas

cuidadosamente y sígalas; insista a todos aquello trabajando con usted a hacer lo mismo.
Recuerde –un accidente es generalmente causado por negligencia o falta de cuidado.
Adicionalmente, casi todo los empleados están sujetos al Acto federal de 1970 para la Salud,
Seguridad y Ocupación, como esta enmienda, requiere que un empleador este al tanto del as
regulaciones emitidas bajo su autoridad.

Las prácticas para operar transportadores de bandas son dadas en detalle en la Publicación
Nacional de Estándares para Transportadores y equipos relacionados ANSI B20.1, Sección 5 y
6.01. Solamente personas familiares con estos estándares deberían ser permitidas a operar y
mantener los transportadores-

PRECAUCION: Alguna falla en seguir estas precauciones puede resultar en serias
heridas PERSONALES o daño al equipo.

La siguiente es una lista de precauciones las cuales siempre serán llevadas a cabo alrededor de
los transportadores de banda.

PRECAUCION: Antes de realizar cualquier mantenimiento, el circuito deberá ser abierto

en la caja del interruptor, el interruptor deberá ser colocada en la posición apagado (OFF).

1. SIEMPRE opera el transportador de acuerdo con las instrucciones de este manual.

2. NO coloque sus manos o pies en el transportador mientras este en operación.

3. NUNCA camine en la banda del transportador a menos que el motor ha sido bloqueado y

4. NO ponga el transportador a operar para un uso diferente para el cual fue diseñado.

5. EVITE meter e insertar material en el transportador con alguna barra o punta en la


6. SIEMPRE tenga una vista clara de los puntos de carga y descarga en todos los
dispositivos de seguridad.

7. CONSERVE el area alrededor del transportador, motor, y estación de control libre de

obstáculos y escombros.

8. NUNCA opere el transportador sin guardas y otros dispositivos de seguridad en posición

de uso.


Los transportadores de banda-polea son montados generalmente en tarimas para su embarque.

Dado que el transportador llega con anticipación a su fecha de instalación, puede ser necesario
el almacenamiento temporal a la intemperie. Protéjalos durante este periodo cubriendo cada
tarima con una lona.



1. Remover lodo, piedras, rebabas o cualquier otro desecho de los largueros de esta
manera las poleas y los mecanismos se ajustarán ortogonalmente en posición. Esta
precaución ayudará a prevenir problemas de entrenamiento.

2. Monte las poleas al nivel con el plano del transportador y perpendicular a la línea de
viaje de la banda.

3. Posicione los mecanismos perpendicularmente a la línea de viaje de la banda. EL

CENTRO DEL TRANSPORTADOR. Apriete los cuatro pernos de montaje.

4. Rote cada rodillo para asegurar que gira libremente. Sí un rodillo esta ajustado, revise la
existencia de alguna interferencia o evidencia de daño en el rodillo o la estructura.

5. Instale los rodillos de entrenamiento con el mismo cuidado y precisión usada en el

montaje de los mecanismos de carga y retorno.

6. Perne los mecanismos de entrenamiento con los rodillos actuantes de manera que se

Brazos actuantes

Figura 1

7. Los rodillo de una vía tienen pintada la cabeza de un color diferente para facilitar la
identificación. La cabeza es marcada con flechas mostrando la dirección de la rotación.
Un cuidado extremo debe ser tomado para asegurar que el rodillo esta instalado
correctamente a modo que el sistema trabaje apropiadamente. Ver figura 2.

Figura 2

8. Inspeccione la superficie y remueva cualquier material extraño, especialmente polvo

abrasivo, para prevenir daño a la cara inferior de la banda.


Costosas interrupciones en producción pueden a menudo ser evitadas por un programa de

inspecciones regulares del sistema y sus componentes.

Muchos operadores y supervisores de mantenimiento encuentran económico el inspeccionar las

bandas de manera diaria en cuanto a grietas o fracturas en la cubierta de hule o señales de
fricción en las orillas. Es mejor realizar la inspección antes de que el sistema es operado y
mientras la banda este vacía.

1. Después del arranque, revise la carga de la banda. Los toboganes deberían entregar un
flujo continuo de material y cargarlo al centro de la banda.

2. Revise el caso de vibraciones inusuales, Estas pueden aflojar los pernos de montaje,
permiten al mecanismo desplazamiento y causar pérdida de alineación. Sí esta
condición ocurre, elimine la causa; entonces vuelva a alinear todos los mecanismos
aflojados y reapriete los pernos de montaje.

3. Asegure que los materiales derramados no interfieran con el giro de los mecanismos de
entrenamiento, o la libre rotación de los rodillos de los mecanismos..Una buena limpieza
doméstica es esencial para operar a un alto nivel de eficiencia.

4. Si un mecanismo es lento. Pero su movimiento no esta retardado por acumulación de

material, un interior posiblemente estrangulado o una latente falla en el rodamiento es
indicada. La última condición es casi siempre señalada por un ruido inusual,
generalmente un chasquido muy chillante. Lentitud, ruidoso, o completamente rodillos
atascados requieren atención inmediata porque desperdician potencia y causas excesivo
desgaste en la banda. Sí los rodillos atascados permanecen en el sistema, la cubierta
externa se degradará eventualmente hasta el grado que resulte en orillas afiladas las
cuales dañarán severamente la banda. Cuando un rodillo con falla se descubre, etiquete
el mecanismo inmediatamente y remuévalo del transportador tan pronto como el sistema
es apagado. Aún cuando solamente un rodillo es afectado, inspeccione los tres rodillos.


Los mecanismos Link-Belt® son de fácil mantenimiento porque solo requieren de una periódica
inspección de una cuantos rodillos para determinar la necesidad de reemplazo. La extracción y
reemplazo del mecanismo son también tareas simples. Las siguientes instrucciones lo asistirán
en ambos casos.


PRECAUCION: Antes de realizar cualquier mantenimiento, el circuito deberá ser

abierto en la caja del interruptor, el interruptor deberá ser colocada en la posición apagado

1. Remover los pernos de montaje.

2. Inclinar el mecanismo hacia adelante o hacia atrás, del modo que sea más conveniente ,
hasta que descanse en la plataforma. Sí la instalación no incluye plataforma,
precauciones adicionales deben ser tomadas en consideración par prevenir al
mecanismo de caer a través del retorno y causar daño o heridas. Una plancha ajustable
puede ser usada para soportar el mecanismo cuando se encuentre en estado de

3. Deslice el mecanismo fuera por debajo de la banda.

NOTA: Cuando el mecanismo es reinstalado, asegúrese de que esta alineado de forma exacta y
empernado de manera segura.

Extracción de rodillo

1. Remover los anillos retenedores centrales y de la parte final.

2. Remover los rodillos en los extremos. Puede ser necesario golpear los rodillos para
liberarlos de los soportes. Utilice un martillo con cabeza de goma.

3. Remueva el rodillo central.

Instalación del Rodillo

1. Coloque el rodillo central en la estructura del mecanismo.

2. Instale los rodillos de los extremos y asegure con los anillos retenedores centrales y de
parte final. NOTA: Retenedores centrales y de extremo son una parte integral del
ensamble del mecanismo y deben ser instalados.


Material Handling Solutions

FMC Technologies, Inc.
P.O. Box 1370
Tupelo, Mississippi 38802
Telefono: (662) 869-5711
Fax (662) 869-7493
Sin costo 1-800-356-4898
Correo-e info.tupelo@fmcti.com

Usted primero
Y lo mantenemos adelante.


FMC Technologies se reserve el derecho de alterar en cualquier momento

Sin aviso o responsabilidad u otra obligación en sus partes , materiales,
Especificaciones, de equipo, y modelos.
FMC Technologies también se reserve el derecho de descontinuar la manufactura de
Modelos, partes, y componentes relacionados.

© FMC Technologies, Inc., All Rights Reserved Printed in USA

SM-IdlersSP 030912

Oferta de Producto Oferta de Producto Technisys
• Transportadores de banda • Automatización y control del proceso
• Rodillos • Programas de proceso y SCADA
• Transportadores Helicoidales • Unidades de frecuencia variable
• Elvadores de cangilones • Unidades CD
• Componentes y partes Link-Belt • Motores
• Alimentadores de vibración de uso • Filtros de armónicas
pesado y ligero • Reactores lineales
• Alimentadores de cribas • Corrección de factor potencia
• Alimentadores vibratorios • Cabinas (metal. Fibra de vidrio, plástico)
• Unidades Vibra-Drive • Sensores
• Máquinas de alimentación volumétrica • Transformadores
• Cribas de barra Grizzly • Circuit Protective Devices
• Transportadores vibratorios • Dispositivos para protección de circuitos
• Vibratorios para tolvas • Controles industriales
• Mesas vibratorias para empaque • Paneles UL
• Partes y componentes Syntron
• Alineadores de papel

FMC Technologies, Inc. FMC Technologies, Inc. FMC Technologies Chile Ltda.
Material Handling Solutions 2# Road No. 1 Callao 2970
PO Box 1370 Changshu Export Processing Zone Office 704
Tupelo, MS 38802 Changshu, Jiangsu Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Tel: 662-869-5711 China 215513 Tel: 56 2 234 4418
Fax: 662-869-7493 Tel: 86-0512-52299002 56 2 246 4361
Toll Free: 800-356-4898 Fax: 86-0512-52297228 Fax: 56 2 232 0825
Email: mhsol.info@fmcti.com Email: mhsolchina.info@fmcti.com Email: fmc@entelchile.net

Material Handling Solutions

1525 S. 4710 W. Unit: E
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Tel: 801-296-9500
Fax: 801-296-9601
Email: mhsol.info@fmcti.com

© 2012 • FMC Technologies, Inc.

www.fmctechnologies.com/materialhandling Form No. SM-IdlersSP Printed in U.S.A
Idler Documentation - End
Belting Documentation – Start
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 19 Apr 2012
PO No. 61257-03A Title:Goodyear/Phoenix Belting-Feeders Rev 2
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point
Goodyear EP-2500/5 with 20mmx8mm DIN X/RMA
1Type Cover for 120 in (3048 mm) Belt, Belting to have
moulded edges, belting may not be split out of wider
stock, length tolerance: -0%, +1%, with Breaker
1A 2100-FE-001 42 N/A See Item 1 1 Meter April 30, 2012 Site

42 Total quantity for Item 1

Phoenix EP-2000/4 with 20mmx8mm DIN X/RMA 1 Type

covers for 72 in (1829 mm) belt, belting to have molded
edges, belting may not be slit out of wider stock, length
tolerance: -0%, +1%, with Breaker
2A 2200-FE-001 32 N/A See Item 2 0 Meter April 30, 2012 Site
2B 2200-FE-002 32 N/A See Item 2 0 Meter April 30, 2012 Site
2C 2200-FE-003 32 N/A See Item 2 0 Meter April 30, 2012 Site
2D 2200-FE-004 34 N/A See Item 2 0 Meter April 30, 2012 Site
2E 2200-FE-005 34 N/A See Item 2 0 Meter April 30, 2012 Site
2F 2200-FE-006 34 N/A See Item 2 0 Meter April 30, 2012 Site
198 Total quantity for Item 2

Phoenix EP-800/4 with 20mmx8mm DIN X/RMA 1 Type

covers for 60 in (1524 mm) belt, belting to have molded
edges, belting may not be slit out of wider stock, length
tolerance: -0%, +1%
3A 3300-FE-001 29 N/A See Item 3 1 Meter TBD Site
3B 3300-FE-002 29 N/A See Item 3 1 Meter TBD Site
3C 3300-FE-003 29 N/A See Item 3 1 Meter TBD Site

87 Total quantity for Item 3

Page 1 of 3
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 19 Apr 2012
PO No. 61257-03A Title:Goodyear/Phoenix Belting-Feeders Rev 2
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point
Phoenix EP-1250/4 with 16mmx8mm DIN K/RMA 1 Fire
Delay Type covers for 72 in (1829 mm) belt, belting to
have molded edges, belting may not be slit out of wider
stock, length tolerance: -0%, +1%
4A 7200-FE-001 26 N/A See Item 4 0 Meter April 30, 2012 Site
4B 7200-FE-002 26 N/A See Item 4 0 Meter April 30, 2012 Site
52 Total quantity for Item 4

5 2100-FE-001 1 N/A Splice Kit for Item 1A 0 Each TBD Site

6 2200-FE-001 1 N/A Splice Kit for Item 2A 0 Each TBD Site
7 2200-FE-002 1 N/A Splice Kit for Item 2B 0 Each TBD Site
8 2200-FE-003 1 N/A Splice Kit for Item 2C 0 Each TBD Site
9 2200-FE-004 1 N/A Splice Kit for Item 2D 0 Each TBD Site
10 2200-FE-005 1 N/A Splice Kit for Item 2E 0 Each TBD Site
11 2200-FE-006 1 N/A Splice Kit for Item 2F 0 Each TBD Site
12 3300-FE-001 1 N/A Splice Kit for Item 3A 0 Each TBD Site
13 3300-FE-002 1 N/A Splice Kit for Item 3B 0 Each TBD Site
14 3300-FE-003 1 N/A p
Splice Kit for Item 3C 0 Each TBD Site
15 7200-FE-001 1 N/A Splice Kit for Item 4A 0 Each TBD Site
16 7200-FE-002 1 N/A Splice Kit for Item 4B 0 Each TBD Site

Goodyear ST-1800 with 20mmx8mm DIN X/RMA 1Type

Cover for 120 in (3048 mm) Belt, Belting to have
molded edges, belting may not be split out of wider
stock, length tolerance: -0%, +1%, with Breaker
5A 2100-FE-001 42 N/A See Item 1 1 Meter April 30, 2012 Site

42 Total quantity for Item 1

Page 2 of 3
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 19 Apr 2012
PO No. 61257-03A Title:Goodyear/Phoenix Belting-Feeders Rev 2
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point
17 Export Packaging Required-Wood Treated Skids or Reels 0 Lot
Skids must be able to handle transport via ocean.

NOTE: Do not ship splice kit with belt

Required Reel Lengths

2100-FE-001 44 m
2200-FE-001 96 m
2200-FE-002 96 m
2200-FE-003 96 m
2200-FE-004 102 m
2200-FE-005 102 m
2200-FE-006 102 m
3300-FE-001 87 m
3300-FE-002 87 m
3300-FE-003 87 m
7200-FE-001 52 m
7200 FE 002
7200-FE-002 52 m

Page 3 of 3
The Installation operation and
maintenance manual


Operator’’s Manual

(1) To prolong service life of a conveyor belt, it is required to turn on the

conveyor without loading. Materials on the belt shall be unloaded before

turning off a conveyor unless on an exceptive occasion. If several

conveyors are taking the responsibility of transportation, the unloading belt

shall be firstly turned on, then going forward, eventually the feeding belt.

Please note that the sequence of turning off is opposite to that of turning on.

(2) Tension imposed to belts shall not be higher than the requirement for no

skid between belt and idlers, and over-looseness at feeding point. Different

type and size of belts shall not be applied to one conveyor. Timely repairing

to defect parts of a belt is necessary to avoid extending the damages.

(3) To hoist a belt roll, a steel cable is forbidden to cross the roll core because it

would damage belt edges. Normally an iron shaft shall be put through the

core and then a reinforced nylon cord will be used to hoist the belt against

two ends of the shaft.

(4) Splicing is critical to belt performance so that the job shall be carried out by

professional technicians. If the central lines of two belt ends would not be

directed exactly, a derivation from track would happen to the belt during


(5) A total inspection to the belt is required before trial running. Items to be

checked includes whether there is a mess on the belt surface, appropriate

installation of scrapers, idlers’ functionality, etc


Common Problems and Solve Measures

common problems: Early damage of the upper cover rubber on the conveyor belt

causes: 1.Material-proof plate is not properly installed.

2.Be stroken by the large sharp-angled material
3.The feeding of the material is too quick or too high

Solve measures
measures: 1.Check wether the material-proof plate is installed properly.
2.Improve the feeding condition to reduct the impact from the material

common problems: Early damage of the bottom cover rubber on the conveyor belt

causes: 1.Convey belt slide on the rotary pulley.

2.The rotation of the upper pulley is not flexible.
3.Pulley surface becomes agglomerate.

Solve measures
measures: 1.Increase the friction parameter of the rotary pulley and tension of the
conveyor belt.
2.Improve the rotation condition of the pulley and lessen the oblique degree
of the pulley
3.Eliminate the adhesed materials.

common problems: Early damage of the side of conveyor belt

causes: 1.Conveyor belt runs deflectly.

2.Bad troughability of the belt.

Solve measures
measures: 1.Correct the running of the belt.
2.The rotation of the frame pulley is flexible

common problems: Longitudinal tear of the conveyor belt

causes: 1.Other materials perforate the belt and are locked.

2.Frame components become loose, screws fall from the plate and are
locked at the scrap plate.
3. Large materials adhesed on the belt.

Solve measures
measures: 1.check if there are any looseness of the frame component at any moment.
2.V-shaped scrap plate is installed on the tail wheel.
3.Install hanging belt magnetic separator
4.Install electric protection equipment or supersonic test equipment.


Daily Maintenance of Conveyor Belt

1. Check according to the requirment before startuping the conveyor belt.

2. Running tension should not exceed the designed tension of the conveyor belt, and avoid


3.Adjust the sweeping equipment and scrap plate to avoid the damage of the conveyor belt.To

avoid oil or lip in materials adhesing on the conveyor belt, pulley or rollers.

4.Repair the damage of the conveyor belt on time.

5.Decrease the drop difference of the material as soon as possible.

6.Apply for rigging to install and unstall the rubber belt to avoid damaging the sides. No rough

operation allowable.

7.Cleaness is the basic condition for a good running of belt. Other materials can deflect the

runnig of the belt and enfluence the tension.

8.Avoid damaging the rubber belt if material-proof plate and sweeping equipment are installed

on the conveyor machine.

9.Avoid stopping ,startuping the conveyor belt when it is under heavy load except special



Storage Instructions

1. The belt must be rolled around plastic reel or steel reel, and the package must be

firm enough. On each packing, there must be quality certificate issued by

Quality Inspection Department.

2. During transportation and storage, belt should be kept clean, avoid direct sunlight,

rain and snow, prohibit from touching with acid, alkali,oil,plasticizer ,and keep

at least one meter away form the heat source.

3. During storage, the belt should be placed in roll, prohibit from collapse. Storage

temperature should be –10 ~ +40℃, relative humidity within 50%~80% is



Operation & Maintain Manual

1. During transportation and storage, forklift should be used, and avoid to damage

the belt during carry .

2. If there is no lifting equipment, the belt can also be rolled on flat ground.

3. During hoisting, please operate as picture 1, when textile cord with enough

strength is used , to operat as picture 2 is allowed ,but picture 3 is forbidden.

1 2 3

4. Textile sling must be used to lift the roll. Insure the textile sling go through the belt’s reel

center before lifting the belt, and the strength and length must be sufficient enough to

suppor the minimum load of 15 tons.

5. There must be some textile protection between conveyor belt and textile sling in order to

avoid the damage between each other.


Belting Documentation - End
Drives Documentation – Start
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 28 Sep 2012
PO No. 61257-04A Title: Hagglund Drives-Feeder Rev 2
Current Previous Item Unit of Required
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Destination Point

Hagglunds Compact Motor and Power Unit as per items 1A-1I
1 2100-FE-001 1 N/A 2 Lot July 27, 2012 Packaging and

Hagglunds Motor: Compact CB1120-880 SA0N0C 00 00

340 mm Shrink Disk to Spline shaft adapter
1A See Item 1 2 N/A 2 Each July 27, 2012 Packaging and
55,300 cm^3/rev
880 Nm/bar

Material Density: 1600kg/m^3

Running Torque Required: 225481 N-m
Starting Torque Required: 563702 N-m
Running Speed: 5.37 rpm
Starting Speed: 0.1rpm
Peak Torque Limit: 625367 N-m
Altitude: 4000 m.a.s.l.
Temperature: -15 C to 30 C

300HP Electric Motor,, High

g Efficient,, TEFC,, NEMA premium,
p ,
Squirrel Cage Induction, Class F Insulation w/ B-rise, 1.15
Service Factor, NEMA Design B, Continuous Duty, Space
Heater, Separate T-box for Space Heater.
1B See Item 1 1 N/A 2 Each July 27, 2012 Packaging and
Manufacturer and Frame Size to be determined.
1480rpm, 3300V/3ph/50Hz
Bearing Life: 50,000hrs
Space Heater Power: 220V/1ph/50Hz

1C See Item 1 2 N/A Torque Arm TCA112 w/ pivoted attachment 2 Each July 27, 2012 Packaging and

1D See Item 1 1 N/A SPDB1-3600 Encoder (3600 pulses/revolution) 2 Each July 27, 2012 Packaging and

1E See Item 1 1 N/A SMCB1 Encoder Mounting Kit 2 Each July 27, 2012 Packaging and

Page 1 of 4
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 28 Sep 2012
PO No. 61257-04A Title: Hagglund Drives-Feeder Rev 2
Current Previous Item Unit of Required
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Destination Point

1F See Item 1 1 N/A Mounting Tool for Hydraulic Motor 2 Each July 27, 2012 Packaging and

Hagglunds Single Motor Power Unit

Power Unit shall include but not be limited to:
Hagglunds Base 402 PAC Power Unit
300 HP Electric Motor Specs (item 1B)
1 x SP 500 Pump with Duplex Filter
Stainless Steel Reservoir - 400 Liter
1G See Item 1 1 N/A 2 Each July 27, 2012 Packaging and
Oil heater - 220 VAC / 50 Hz / 1 PH
Cabinet feet
Level/Temp Switch Assy', High Pressure Switch, Charge
Pressure Transmitter, High Pressure Transmitter,
Forced Air Oil Cooler, with radiator, fan, and hoses
Auxilliary flushing circuit for drive motor
Standard paint - Hagglunds red (dusolate orange)

Hagglunds Spider Control Unit

Basic Control Function of (1) pump and (1) motor
Mounted in one power unit door
Profibus DP Protocol Wasem
1H See item 1 1 N/A Digital readout 2 Each July 27, 2012 Packaging and
Start / stop and speed control Crating
Local operator control panel
Control Power 120 VAC / 1 Ph / 50 Hz.
Output Relays Rated 120VDC and 120 VAC

Hose set for attaching hard piping (by others) to HPU and to
hydraulic motor consisting of 6ft long high and low pressure
1I See item 1 1 N/A 2 Each July 27, 2012 Packaging and
lines. Quantities to be determined based on hydraulic circuit
design and motor requirements.

Page 2 of 4
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 28 Sep 2012
PO No. 61257-04A Title: Hagglund Drives-Feeder Rev 2
Current Previous Item Unit of Required
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Destination Point

2200-FE-003 Hagglunds Compact Motor and Power Unit as per items 2A-2I
2 6 N/A 2 Lot June 29, 2012 Packaging and
2200-FE-004 below

Hagglunds Motor: Compact CB840-760 CA0N0C 00 00

260 mm Female Shaft, shrink disk coupling for direct mounting Wasem
2A See Item 2 6 N/A on pulley shaft 2 each June 29, 2012 Packaging and
47800 cm^3/rev Crating
760 Nm/bar
Material Density: 1600 kg/m^3
Running Torque Required: 88776 N-m
Starting Torque Required: 190867 N-m
Running Speed: 4.55 rpm
Starting Speed: 0.1 rpm
Peak Torque Limit: 210000 N-m
Altitude: 4000 m.a.s.l.
Temperature: -1515 C to 30 C

75hp Electric Motor, High Efficient, TEFC, NEMA premium,

Squirrel Cage Induction, Class F Insulation w/ B-rise, 1.15
Service Factor, NEMA Design B, Continuous Duty, Space
Heater, Separate T-box for Space Heater.
2B See Item 1 6 N/A 2 Each June 29, 2012 Packaging and
Manufacturer and Frame Size to be determined.
1480rpm, 380V/3ph/50Hz
Bearing Life: 50,000hrs
Space Heater Power: 120V/1ph/50Hz

2C See Item 2 6 N/A Torque Arm TCA84-2 w/ pivoted attachment 2 Each June 29, 2012 Packaging and

2D See Item 2 6 N/A SPDB1-3600 Encoder (3600 pluses/rev) 2 Each June 29, 2012 Packaging and

2E See Item 2 6 N/A SMCB1 Encoder Mounting Kit 2 Each June 29, 2012 Packaging and

Page 3 of 4
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 28 Sep 2012
PO No. 61257-04A Title: Hagglund Drives-Feeder Rev 2
Current Previous Item Unit of Required
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Destination Point

2F See Item 2 1 N/A Mounting Tool for Hydraulic Motor 2 Each June 29, 2012 Packaging and

Hagglunds Single Motor Power Unit

Power Unit shall include but not be limited to:
Hagglunds Base 202 PAC Power Unit
75 HP Electric Motor Specs (TBD)
1 x SP 180 Pump with Duplex Filter
Stainless Steel Reservoir - 200 Liter
2G See Item 2 6 N/A 2 Each June 29, 2012 Packaging and
Oil heater - 220 VAC / 50 Hz / 1 PH
Cabinet feet
Level/Temp Switch Assy', High Pressure Switch, Charge
Pressure Transmitter, High Pressure Transmitter,
Forced Air Oil Cooler, with radiator, fan, and hoses
Auxilliary flushing circuit for drive motor
Standard paint - Hagglunds red (dusolate orange)

Hagglunds Spider Conrol Unit

Basic Control Function of (1) pump and (1) motor
Mounted in one power unit door
Digital readout Wasem
2H See Item 2 6 N/A Profibus DP Protocol 2 Each June 29, 2012 Packaging and
Start / stop and speed control Crating
Local operator control panel
Control Power 120 VAC / 1 Ph / 50 Hz.
Output Relays Rated 120VDC and 120 VAC

Hose set for attaching hard piping (by others) to HPU and to
hydraulic motor consisting of 6ft long high and low pressure
2I See item 2 6 N/A 2 Each June 29, 2012 Packaging and
lines. Quantities to be determined based on hydraulic circuit
design and motor requirements.

3 Export Packaging Required-Crating 2 Lot June 29, 2012 Packaging and


Page 4 of 4
NEMA Motor Data

Ordering data 1LE2421-2AB11-2EA3

Client-order-no. / : Item-no. / :
Order-no. / : Consignment-no. / :
Offer-no. / : Project / :
Remarks / :

Nameplate Data Bearing Data

Type SD100 IEEE841 - NEMA Premium Efficiency DE Bearing Size 6208 Z C3

HP 5.0 Rating Cont. DE Bearing Type Ball Bearing

Voltage 380V, 50HZ Ins. Class Class F (Standard) DE AFBMA 40BC02JP3

Amps 7.9 S.F. 1.15

ODE Bearing Size 6208 Z C3
FL RPM 1471.0 Amb. Temp. 40 deg C
ODE Bearing Type Ball Bearing
FL Efficiency 89.5 % Temp. Rise Class B
FRAME 213TC kVA Code J


ODE AFBMA 40BC02JP3 Mtr WT 206.0

Mechanical Data

Hertz 50 Ph 3 SAFE STALL TIME HOT (s) 25.0

COLD (s) 42.0

Typical Performance Data

Load No Load 1/2 3/4 Full Load LRC Rtr wt (lbs) 42.1 Rtr WK2 0.803

Efficiency 89.2 % 90.0 % 89.5 % FLT (ft-lbs) 22.0 LRT 60.0 BDT 100.0

Power Factor 60.5 % 72.3 % 78.9 % Ext Load Inertia (WK2) Capability 80.0
Current (A) 3.7 A 7.9 A 63.0 A

Typical Noise Data

A-weighted Sound Octave Band Center Frequencies Hertz (Hz)

Pressure Level 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 SPL 67.0

at 3 feet 0.0 40.0 58.0 62.0 64.0 59.0 53.0 44.0 SPwrL 77.0

Wiring Connection Information Special configurations :

Description 3 PHASE - 3 LEAD - WYE 4100 meters altitude

Voltage L1 L2 L3 Connected
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
HIGH T1 T2 T3 -- -- --

Lubrication Information

Manufacturer Mobil Polyrex EM or equal

Type Polyurea (standard)

DE Capacity (oz.) 0,3

ODEnd Capacity (oz.) 0,3

Relubricate bearings every six months (more frequent if conditions

require). See Instruction Manual.

Technical and ordering data are subject to change. There may be discrepancies between calculated and rating plate values. Version: 2010.05.18
generiert / generated Mon Feb 13 21:39:26
Installation and Maintenance Manual
Compact CB 280-840
EN683-3h 2004
Preface Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Hägglunds Drives is one of the worlds leading manufacturers of large hydraulic
Drive Systems. A leading position, made possible by unbeatable service spirit
and of continuing development of both products and markets all over the world.
Our drives are to be found in most industrial and marine segments, where
there are extremely high demands for efficiency and reliability. Our main office
and production plant is in Mellansel, Sweden and we have our own sales- and
representation offices in some 40 different countries.

Our high quality Drive Systems, are based upon our unique hydraulic piston
motors, developed through a wealth of experience accumulated over 30
years in marine and industrial areas.Today this ongoing development work
has resulted in the powerful COMPACT CB industrial motor. New, as well as
established technical solutions, contribute to the creation of this product. The
most desirable features and operating reliability have been designed in this
hydraulic motor.

This manual provides necessary information for installation and maintenance

of the motor. In order to find particular information, just search for the wanted
section as listed in the table of contents. However, changes in the equipment
may occur. We therefore reserve the right to introduce amendments in the
manual as we deem necessary without notice or obligations.

This Installation and Maintenance Manual is valid

for motors manufactured after 02-01-01.
Original EN683-2h, 2002

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Contents

1. GENERAL ........................................................................................................................4
1.1 Safety precautions .. .........................................................................................................4
1.2 Motor data ........................................................................................................................5
1.3 Functional description ......................................................................................................6

2. TECHNICAL DATA ..........................................................................................................7

2.1 Recommended charge pressure ......................................................................................7
2.2 Sound from a complete installation ..................................................................................8
2.3 Choice of hydraulic fluid ...................................................................................................9
Environmentally acceptable fluids ..................................................................................10

3. INSTALLATION ..............................................................................................................11
3.1 Mounting instructions .....................................................................................................11
Thread for mounting tool ................................................................................................12
Spline ............................................................................................................................12
3.1.1 Lifting methods ...............................................................................................................13
Standing the motor on a flat surface...............................................................................14
3.1.2 Mounting the coupling onto the motor shaft ...................................................................15
3.1.3 Fitting the torque arm to the motor . ...............................................................................17
3.1.4a Mounting the motor onto the driven shaft - shaft coupling..............................................18
3.1.4b Mounting the motor onto the driven shaft - splines.........................................................21
3.1.5 Removing the motor from the driven shaft .....................................................................22
3.1.6 Mounting the reaction point . ..........................................................................................23
3.2 Oil connections ...............................................................................................................24
3.2.1 Direction of rotation of motor shaft .................................................................................26
3.2.2 Draining and venting the motor ......................................................................................36
3.2.3 Flushing ..........................................................................................................................27

4. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ......................................................................................28

4.1 Storage ...........................................................................................................................28
4.2 Before commissioning ....................................................................................................28
4.3 Commissioning ...............................................................................................................29
4.4 Periodic maintenance .....................................................................................................29
Maintenance chart ..........................................................................................................29
Motor ..............................................................................................................................30
Filters ..............................................................................................................................31
Oil ...................................................................................................................................31
4.5 Oil inspection .................................................................................................................31

5. FAULT FINDING .............................................................................................................32

DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY ..............................................................................33

General Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

1.1 Safety precautions
It is of high importence that the Safety precautions are always followed, if you are
unsure about something, please don´t hesitate to contact your nearest HD-office
for advice.

Warning signs
In this manual you will find the following signs which indicate a potential hazard, which can or will
cause personal enjury or substantial property damage. Depending on the probability of the hazard,
and how serious the injury or property damage could be, there are three levels of classification.

DANGER is used to indicate the presence of a hazard

which will cause severe personal injury, death, or
substantial property damage if the warning is ignored.

WARNING is used to indicate the presence of a hazard

which can cause severe personal injury, death, or
substantial property damage if the warning is ignored.

CAUTION is used to indicate the presence of a hazard

which will or can cause minor personal injury or property
damage if the warning is ignored.

Application area
All new and rebuild applications, should always be approved and supervised by Hägglunds

Carefully follow the instructions and be aware of the high weights and forces during lifting.

Before starting up
Before starting up new, rebuild or just worked on applications, all accessories and safety
arrangements functions, should be controlled/tested.

Periodic maintenance
Notice the intervals in maintenance chart (4.4) and keep a record.

Carefully follow the instructions and be aware of the high weights and forces during lifting.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB General

1.2 Motor data

Table 1.1
Motor type Displace- Specific Rated* Max speed Max.** Max. torque Max. power 3)
ment torque speed 1) pressure 2) intermittently
Vi Ts n n p kNm kW
Metric cm3/rev Nm/bar rev/min rev/min bar
CB 280-240 15 100 240 53 68 350 79 530
CB 280 17 600 280 44 58 350 92 530
CB 400-240 15 100 240 94 125 350 79 970
CB 400-280 17 600 280 73 105 350 92 950
CB 400-320 20 100 320 71 94 350 110 970
CB 400-360 22 600 360 59 82 350 120 960
CB 400 25 100 400 58 75 350 130 970
CB 560-440 27 600 440 49 65 350 140 930
CB 560-480 30 200 480 48 62 350 160 970
CB 560-520 32 700 520 41 57 350 170 960
CB 560 35 200 560 40 53 350 180 970
CB 840-600 37 700 600 30 45 350 200 880
CB 840-640 40 200 640 28 41 350 210 850
CB 840-680 42 700 680 27 40 350 220 890
CB 840-720 45 200 720 25 37 350 240 870
CB 840-760 47 800 760 23 34 350 250 840
CB 840-800 50 300 800 23 34 350 260 890
CB 840 52 800 840 21 32 350 280 870

Motor type Displace- Specific Rated* Max speed Max.** Max. torque Max. power 3)
ment torque speed 1) pressure 2) intermittently
US Vi Ts n n p lbf·ft hp
in3/rev lbf·ft/1000 psi rev/min rev/min psi
CB 280-240 920 12 200 53 68 5000 57 000 710
CB 280 1070 14 200 44 58 5000 67 000 710
CB 400-240 920 12 200 94 125 5000 57 000 1300
CB 400-280 1070 14 200 73 105 5000 67 000 1300
CB 400-320 1230 16 300 71 94 5000 76 000 1300
CB 400-360 1380 18 300 59 82 5000 86 000 1300
CB 400 1530 20 300 58 75 5000 95 000 1300
CB 560-440 1690 22 400 49 65 5000 100 000 1300
CB 560-480 1840 24 400 48 62 5000 110 000 1300
CB 560-520 1990 26 400 41 57 5000 120 000 1300
CB 560 2150 28 500 40 53 5000 130 000 1300
CB 840-600 2300 30 500 30 45 5000 140 000 1200
CB 840-640 2450 32 500 28 41 5000 150 000 1100
CB 840-680 2610 34 600 27 40 5000 160 000 1200
CB 840-720 2760 36 600 25 37 5000 170 000 1200
CB 840-760 2910 38 700 23 34 5000 180 000 1100
CB 840-800 3070 40 700 23 34 5000 190 000 1200
CB 840 3220 42 700 21 32 5000 200 000 1200

*) Related to a required pressure of 12 bar/175 psi for motors in braking mode. (Special considerations regarding charge
pressure, cooling and choice of hydraulic system for speeds above rated, 4 ports must be used for higher speed).
**) The motors are designed according to DNV-rules. Test pressure 420 bar/6000 psi. Peak/transient pressure 420
bar/6000 psi maximum, allowed to occur 10000 times.
) Special considerations regarding charge pressure, cooling and choice of hydraulic system for speed above rated.
) Calculated as : Metric= Ts·(350-15)·0,98 US= Ts·(5000-218)·0,98.
) Valid for minimum permissible oil viscosity 20 cSt in the motor case.

General Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

1.3 Functional description

Hägglunds hydraulic industr ial motor Oil main lines are connected to ports A and C
COMPACT CB is of the radial-piston type in the connection block and drain lines to ports
with a rotating cylinder block/hollow shaft and D1, D2, D3 or D4 in the motor housing.
a stationary housing. The cylinder block is
The motor is connected to the shaft of the
mounted in fixed roller bearings in the housing.
driven machine through the hollow shaft of
An even number of pistons are radially located
the cylinder block.The torque is transmitted by
in bores inside the cylinder block, and the valve
using a mechanical shaft coupling, or alterna-
plate directs the incoming and outgoing oil to
tively by splines.
and from the working pistons. Each piston is
working against a cam roller.
Valid patents
When the hydraulic pressure is acting on the
pistons, the cam rollers are pushed against the US 4522110, US 005979295A, SE 456517,
slope on the cam ring that is rigidly connected EP 0102915, JP 83162704, GB 1385693,
to the housing, thereby producing a torque.The EP No 0524437.
cam rollers transfer the reaction force to the
piston which are guided in the rotating cylinder Quality
block. Rotation therefore occurs, and the torque
available is propor tional to the pressure in the To assure our quality we maintain a Quality
system. Assurance system, certified to standard ISO
9001, EN 29001 and BS 5750; Part 1.

Fig. 1 The COMPACT CB motor

1. Cam ring
2. Cam roller
2 A, C
3. Piston
D 4. Shaft coupling
4 8
5. Cylinder block /
hollow shaft
5 6. Cylinder block / spline
7. Front end cover
8. Cylindrical roller bearing

11 9. Connection block
10. Valve plate
6 11. Axial bearing

7 9 A = inlet or outlet port »A«

10 C = inlet or outlet port »C«
D = drain port

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Technical data

2.1 Recommended charge There are two distinct cases:
pressure Case 1:
The hydraulic system must be such that the The motor works in braking mode. Required
motor will recieve sufficient charge pressure at charge pressure at the inlet port is according
the low-pressure port. This applies to all types to diagram below.
of installations.
Case 2:
The motor works in driving mode only. Required
back pressure at the outlet port corresponds to
30% of value given in diagram below, but may
not be lower than 2 bar (29 psi).

In hanging load applications, charge

pressure at motors connection must
be according to graph below under
all conditions.

Table 2.1a Charge pressure

Single port connection (2 ports) oil viscosity 40 cSt / 187 SSU
CB 840-680 / CB 840-640

CB 560-480 / CB 560-440
CB 840-800 / CB840-760

CB 400 / CB 400-360
CB 560 / CB 560-520

CB 280-240

CB 400-320
CB 840-720

CB 840-600
CB 840

CB 280

Recommended charge pressure [bar]

Recommended charge pressure [psi]

14 200
10 150

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Recommended charge pressure - CB 280-840 2-port connection Speed [rpm]

The diagram is valid for 1 bar (15 psi) case pressure. With increasing case pressure the charge
pressure must be increased accordingly. The graph is valid when 4 ports are used. Max casing
pressure is 3 bar (43,5 psi)(for 1% of the operation time evenly divided, pressure peaks of max
5 seconds upto 8 bar (116 psi) are allowed). Max permitted case pressure at stand-still is 8 bar
(116 psi).

Technical data Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB


Double port connection (4 ports) oil viscosity 40 cSt / 187 SSU

CB 840-680 / CB 840-640

CB 560-480 / CB 560-440
CB 840-800 / CB840-760
Table 2.1b Charge pressure

CB 560 / CB 560-520

CB 400 / CB 400-360
CB 840-720

CB 840-600

CB 280-240

CB 400-320
CB 840

CB 280

Recommended charge pressure [bar]


Recommended charge pressure [psi]

14 200

10 150



0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Speed [rpm]

2.2 Sound from a complete installation

Background noise

Pump Pipe Hydraulic Noise from

motor noise motor driven unit

Foundation and construction noise


Background noise
Hydraulic motor
The background noise can not normally be
influenced but is usually known or easy to The hydraulic motor is a known noise level.
measure. (Tables of sound data - see subsection 4.9 in
the Engineering Manual).
Pump unit
Driven unit
The pump unit is a known noise level.
The driven unit is an unknown sound source
(for us) but can through certain information
Pipe noise probably be obtained from the supplier. When
The pipe noise is probably the source of the securing the torque arm of a hydraulic motor to
majority of mistakes in installations: all pipe the foundation or casing of a driven machine,
clamps should be of vibration insulating type it is highly important to study the construction
secured to concrete ceiling, wall or floor. of the foundation or casing. This may well be
Securing to non-rigid metal structures or the most important factor to consider, since
structures is likely to give resonance and many structures may give rise to resonance,
should be avoided. resulting in severe noise problems.
Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Technical data

2.3 Choice of hydraulic fluid

The Hägglunds hydraulic motors are primarily designed to operate on conventional petroleum
based hydraulic oils. The hydraulic oil can be chosen in consultation with the oil supplier of your
local sales office, bearing the following requirements in mind:
The oil shall have FZG (90) fail stage minimum 11 described in IP 334 (DIN 51354). The oil must also
contain inhibitors to prevent oxidation, corrosion and foaming. The viscosity of mineral oil is highly
dependent of the temperature. The final choice of oil must depend on the operating temperature
that can be expected or that has been established in the system and not in the hydraulic tank.
High temperatures in the system greatly reduce
the service life of oil and rubber seals, as well RECOMMENDED VISCOSITY AT
as resulting in low viscosity, which in turn OPERATING TEMPERATURE
provides poor lubrication. 40-150 cSt/187-720 SSU.
Content of water shall be less than 0,1%. FOR SPEEDS BELOW 3 RPM, COATED
In Industrial applications with high demands
for service life, the content of water shall be
less than 0,05%.

Viscosity limits Temperature limits

Viscosity index = 100 recommended Normal operating temperature should be less
= 150* for operation than +50°C (122°F)
with large temperature
difference Nitrile seals (std motor) -35°C to +70°C
Viton seals -20°C to +100°C
Min. permitted in continuous duty 40 cSt/187 SSU
Min. permitted in intermittent duty 20 cSt/98 SSU** Nitrile seals (std motor) -31°F to +158°F
Max. permitted 10000 cSt/48000 SSU Vition seals -4°F to +212°F
* Many hydraulic fluids with VI-improvers are subject to temporary and permanent reductions of the viscosity.

** Low viscosity gives reduced service life for "COMPACT CB".

Fire resistant fluids

The following fluids are tested for Hägglunds motors: (ISO/DP 6071)

Fluid Approved Seals Internal paint

HFA: Oil (3-5%) in water emulsion No - -
HFB: Inverted emulsion 40-45% water in oil Yes Nitrile (std motor) Not painted*
HFC: Water-glycol Yes Nitrile (std motor) Not painted*
HFD synthetic fluids
HFD:R - Phosphate esters Yes Viton Not painted*
HFD:S - Chlorinated hydrocarbons Yes Viton Not painted*
HFD:T - Mixture of the above Yes Viton Not painted*
HFD:U - Other compositions Yes Viton Not painted*
* Must be specified in the order.

Down rating of pressure data and service life must be considered when using fire
resistant fluid. The Hägglunds company or its authorised representative must always
be contacted for approval in the case of these types of fluids.

Technical data Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Environmentally acceptable fluids

Fluid Approved Seals Internal paint

Vegetable */** Fluid Yes Nitrile (std motor) -
Synthetic ** Esters HE Yes Nitrile (std motor) -

* Vegetable fluids give good lubrication and small change of viscosity with different temperature. Vegetable fluids
must be controlled every 3 months and temperature shall be less than +45° (113°F) C to give good service life for
the fluid.
** Environmental acceptabel fluid gives the same servicelife for the drive, as mineral oil.

Filtration Explanation of
The oil in a hydraulic system must always be
filtered and also the oil from your supplier has Grade of filtration β10=75 indicates the
to be filtered when adding it to the system. following:
The grade of filtration in a hydraulic system is β10 means the size of particle ≥10µm that will
a question of service life v.s. money spent on be removed by filtration.
=75 means the grade of filtration of above
In order to obtain stated service life it is mentio ned size of particle. The grade of
important to follow our recommendations filtration is defined as number of particles in
concerning contamination level. the oil before filtration in relation to number of
When choosing the filter it is important to particles in the oil after filtration.
consider the amount of dirt particles that the Ex. Grade of filtration is β10=75.
filter can absorb and still operate satisfactory.
For that reason we recommend a filter with an Before the filtration the oil contains N number
indicator that gives a signal when it is time to of particles ≥10µm and after passing the filter
change the filter cartridge.
once the oil contains number of particles
Filtering recommendations
Before start-up, check that the system is This means that number of
thoroughly cleaned. particles have been filtered (=98,6%).
1. In general the contamination level in our
motors should not exceed ISO 4406 19/15.
(NAS 10)
2. For heavy-duty industrial applications the
contamination level should not exceed ISO
4406 16/13. (NAS 7)
3. When filling the tank and motor housing, we
recommend the use of a filter with the grade
of filtration β10=75.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

3.1 Mounting instructions Design of driven shaft end on heavily-
loaded shaft
If the motor is to work properly it must be
Where the driven shaft is heavily loaded
installed with the greatest possible precision.
and is subject to high stresses, for example
Every item connected to the motor that does
on changes in the direction of rotation, it is
not meet the requirements of the following
recommended that the driven shaft should
instructions may result in stresses that
have a stress relieving groove; see Fig. 3.1
adversely affect the service life of the motor.
and tables 3.1 and 3.4.
Normally the motor must be completely filled
with oil. When the motor is installed with the
shaft in the horizontal plane, the drain ports G
must be positioned vertically. The higher of the F
four ports must be used: see fig. 3.25. Fig. 3.1 Max R 3,2

When the motor is mounted with the shaft in the

vertical plane, see 3.2.2 "Draining and venting
the motor".


The drain line must be dimensioned so that

max. 3 bar (43.5 psi) motor housing pressure 30°
is not exceeded.
6±0,5 R 50
The max housing pressure is 3 bar (43.5 psi). B±0,5
(R 1,97)
Brief peaks during operation up to 8 bar (116
psi) are permissible. The permitted housing
pressure when the motor is stationary is 8 bar Normally-loaded shaft
(116 psi). In drives with only one direction of rotation
The motor must always be connected in such where the stresses in the shaft are moderate,
a way as to give a sufficient boost, make-up the shaft can be plain, see Fig. 3.2 and tables
flow at the low pressure connection. This is 3.1 and 3.5
particularly important at high speeds and Fig. 3.2
with rapid reversing, see 2.1 "Recommended
charge pressure".

Table 3.1 Valid for couplings

Dim CB 280 CB 400 CB 560/840

-0,014 -0,017 Table 3.2
mm 180 -0,054 200 -0,015
-0,061 260 -0,069
-0,00055 -0,00059 -0,00067
in 7.0866-0,00213 7.8740 -0,00240 10.2362 -0,00272 Unidirectional drives
mm 106 117 153 Steel with yield strength Relmin= 300 N/mm2
in 4.17 4.61 6.02
C Bidirectional drives
mm 174 194 254
in 6.85 7.64 10 Steel with yield strength Relmin= 450 N/mm2

Note! The dimensions are valid for +20°C (68°F)

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Spline Thread for mounting tool

The splines shall be lubricated, with hydraulic To make it easier to mount the motor on
oil or filled with transmission oil from the con- the driven shaft end or to remove the motor
nected gearbox. To avoid wear in the splines, from the shaft it is recommended that a hole
the installation must be within the specified (Table 3.5) should be drilled and tapped in the
tolerances in fig. 3.3. If there is no radial or axial centre of the shaft for a mounting tool; see
force on the shaft, the shaft can be oiled only. 3.1.4 "Mounting the motor onto the driven
shaft", and 3.1.5 "Removing the motor from
For production of the shaft, see 278 5023, 278 the driven shaft".
5024, 278 5025 and 278 5026. For control of
spline see table 3.4. The tool has both a UNC thread and a metric
thread, so that the hole can be drilled and
Table 3.3 tapped to conform to one of the two alternatives
given in table 3.5.
Unidirectional drives

Steel with yield strength Relmin= 450 N/mm2

Bidirectional drives
Table 3.5 Alternative thread (Fig.3.1 and 3.2)
Steel with yield strength Relmin= 700 N/mm2

CB 280 - 840
D M20 UNC 5/8"
Table 3.4 E >17 (0,67) >13,5 (0,53)
F 25 (0,98) 22 (0,87)
Motor CB 280/400 CB 560/840 G 50 (1,97) 30 (1,18)
Toth profile and DIN 5480 DIN 5480
bottom form

Tolerance 8f 8f
Guide Back Back
Pressure angle 30° 30°
Module 5 5
Number of 38 50 Fig 3.3
Pitch diameter Ø 190 Ø 250

0 0 A
Minor diameter Ø 188 Ø 248
-1,201 -1,201

0 0

Major diameter Ø 199 Ø259

-0,290 -0,320

Measure over -0,088 -0,103

measuring pins 210,158 270,307
-0,157 -0,181

Diameter of Ø 10 Ø 10
measuring pins 0,15 A

Addendum (0,006) 0,4 A

modification +2,25 +2,25 (0,015)

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

3.1.1 Lifting methods

Always make sure where the centre of gravity
is before any lifting. Always make sure where
the centre of gravity is
Fig. 3.4a before any lifting. Never
stand below a hanging
motor or torque arm.

Fig. 3.5

Fig. 3.4b Fig. 3.4c

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Standing the motor on a flat surface

When the motor is placed on a flat surface

Table 3.6
such as a floor, it must stand either on its outer
Motor Motor with Motor with diameter or on the suitably protected end face
shrink disc splines of the hollow shaft (see Fig. 3.6 and 3.7).
kg lb kg lb
CB 280 800 1760 705 1555 NOTE:
CB 400 1160 2555 1060 2335
CB 560 1290 2840 1115 2450 Fig. 3.6
CB 840 1620 3570 1445 3185


Table 3.7
Torque arm Weight
kg lb
TCA 40 128 282

TCA 84 224 493

Fig. 3.7

Lifting straps must be

chosen with reliable saftey
margin over the total weight
of the lifted object.


The motor must not be placed on the end

face of the hollow shaft when the coupling
is fitted, since this may cause damage to the
When in storage, the motor must always be
placed on the end face to the hollow shaft. It
is also advisable to provide supports at the
mounting surface of the motor; see Fig. 3.7.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

3.1.2 Mounting the coupling onto the motor shaft

Before the motor is mounted there are some preconditions which must be fulfilled:

- You should note that the couplings are from the factory lubricated with MoS2 (Molycote) on the
conical surfaces and the bolts,see fig. 3.8. This lubricants shall remain on those surfaces but:

Molycote must under no circumstances be

trans-ferred to the surfaces between the
driven shaft and the motor.

It is therefore important that you clean your hands free from Molycote. If those conditions are
fullfilled you may start the mounting.
- Clean the driven shaft and the out- and inside of the Compact motor hollow shaft.
- Remove the spacers between the two clamping rings of the coupling.
- Mount the coupling on the hollow shaft of the motor. The coupling must be pushed right up to the
stop of the shaft. Use a screwdriver to open the coupling ring for easier mounting.

Never tighten the coupling screws until the

motor has been mounted onto the driven

- Mount the motor onto the driven shaft by following the instruction in the section 3.1.4. (With or
without using the mounting tool).

-The conical surface between the coupling ring and the clamping rings + the bolts shall be coated
with MoS2 (Molycote), see Fig. 3.8. This is done from the factory at delivery! When a motor has
been in for overhaul or service and shall be reassembled it may be necessary to relubricate those
surfaces with Molycote again but remember only the specified surfaces!
-Absolutely No Molycote on the surfaces between shaft-motor. Clean the driven shaft and the
inside of the motor hollow shaft.
- Alignment of the motor on the shaft. (Dimensional check).
- Minimum variation in the gap between the clamping rings (Dimensional check).
- Right torque on the bolts. (Use torque wrench).

Before starting the motor, check

that the rotating coupling can not
cause damage.

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Clamping rings

Fig. 3.8

Seal Coupling ring

Washer - - - - - = Coated surface

Motor hollow Cleaned surface


Centre of motor

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

3.1.3a Fitting the torque arm to the motor

The torque arm is fitted to the motor before the Fig. 3.9 CB 280/400
motor is mounted on the driven shaft.
- Clean the spigot surface on the torque arm
and motor.
- Oil the screws.
- Make sure that the torque arm will be
pointing in the right direction when the
motor is mounted in place on the machine.
To achieve the highest possible oil level in the
motor housing, the motor must be turned until
the drain outlets are positioned according to
fig 3.12.
- Line up the torque arm on the motor by
using the screws with washers.
- Tighten the screws to the torque stated in the
table below.

Fig. 3.9a CB 560/840

Do not weld, drill, grind or

carry out any similar work
on the torque arm without
Hägglunds approval.

Table 3.8
Motor Screw dimension Number of Tightening torque
screws Nm lbf·ft
CB 280/400 M20 Strength class 10.9 34 540 400

CB 560/840 M24 Strength class 10.9 41 900 660

Note: Use torque wrench and oiled screws!

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

3.1.3b Fitting the double ended torque arm

The torque arm is fitted to the motor before the Remark!
motor is mounted on to the driven shaft. See Start the system and run it for some minutes.
3.1.3a "Fitting the torque arm to the motor". Vent the cylinder from air. Use the vent screws
on the cylinder (pos 4).
Alt. 1:
Check and adjust the rod end (pos 1) accord- Fig. 3.9b
ing to the drawing. Mount the rod to the torque
arm, use the shaft (pos 2) and lock them with
circlips. Tighten the 4 pcs of screw (pos 3) on
the rod end, Torque according to table 3.7b.
Mount the hydraulic cylinder. The piston rod
has to be mounted upwards, and on the right
hand viewed from the motors main connection
side. Cylinders oil connection A, B and C must
point in the direction to the motor. Mount the
hoses. The hose mounted to the high pres-
sure connection (C) has to be mounted to the
hydraulic cylinders connection B, and the hose
from connection (A) has to be mounted to the
cylinders connection A.
This is valid with the cylinder on the right side
hand-side of the the motor, and a single speed

Table 3.7b

Cylinder Screw Tightening torque

dimension Nm lbf·ft
70/45 M10 x 30 49 36

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

3.1.4a Mounting the motor onto the driven shaft - shaft coupling
The motor can be mounted onto the driven shaft with or without a mounting tool, but the use of a
mounting tool is recommended since it makes the work easier.
It is important to arrive at the correct clamping length between the driven shaft and the hollow
shaft of the motor.
Ensure that the full clamping length is used by, for example, measuring and marking the driven
shaft. This is of particular importance if the duty is so severe that a stress relieving groove has
been made on the driven shaft. See Fig. 3.11, 3.11a and the table 3.9.

Mounting the motor with a mounting tool (Fig. 3.10a)

- Remove the End cover together with screws and washers.
- Align the motor with the driven shaft.
- Locate the existing plastic washer between the nut on the mounting tool and the bearing
- Pass the mounting tool through the centre of the motor, and screw it into the driven shaft to
stated depth by using the key handle in the end of the tool.
- Pull the motor onto the shaft by turning the nut on the mounting tool until the length B is obtained;
see Fig. 3.11, 3.11a and table 3.9. Push and pull the end of the torquearm for easier mounting.
- Tightening the shaft coupling see table 3.10.
- Remove the mounting tool.
- Refit the plug.
- Refit the end cover and tighten the screws together with washers. Torque 80 Nm (59 lbf·ft).

Clean the driven shaft and

the inside of the motor hollow

Fig. 3.10a Mounting the CB 280...840

2 1; Bearing retainer
2; Plastic washer
3; Nut
4; Mounting tool


Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

Fig. 3.11 Without stress relieving groove Fig. 3.12

Fig. 3.11a With stress relieving groove

Mounting the motor without a

mounting tool
The motor can be mounted onto the driven shaft
without using a mounting tool, though this is
more difficult and takes longer time. However, it
is easier to mount the motor if during mounting
the compressed air trapped within the hollow
shaft is evacuated. To do this, remove the End
cover as described in "Mounting the motor with
a mounting tool"
Align the motor with the driven shaft using
an overhead crane or lifting truck and press
it carefully onto the shaft so that the length
stated in the table beside is obtained, see
Fig. 3.11.
Table 3.9
To achieve the highest possible oil level in the
Motor Lenght motor housing, the motor must be turned until
B mm B in the drain outlets are positioned according to
CB 280 106 4.17 fig 3.12.
CB 400 117 4.61
CB 560 153 6.02
CB 800 153 6.02

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Tightening of shaft coupling

However for the tightening of the coupling Mark the screw heads at 12 o´clock with a
screws the following must be observed: pen or paint so that you can follow the turning
sequence of the screws.
Keep tension in your lifting wires to
avoid a skew setting of the motor on the Set the torque wrench for the specified
shaft during the tightening of the screws. maximum torque. Tightening torque of the
Wobbling caused by a skew setting of coupling screws; see the sign on the coupling,
the motor gives extra forces on the main or table 3.10.
Now start tightening the screws in sequence
In order to avoid the misalignment of the two shown in Fig. 3.14.
clamping rings during the screw tightening,
Keep on doing this until you have reached the
the gap between the rings must be measured
stated torque. Several passes are required
in several places during the process, see Fig.
before the screws are tightened to specified
3.14. The difference between the measured
torque. Keep checking the alignment of the
gaps must never vary more than 1 mm (0,04")
coupling. (15-20 passes may be necessary).
during any stage of the tightening process.
When the specified torque is reached it is
Pre-set the coupling screws in opposite pairs
important that all screws are tightened with
(12-6-3-9 o´clock) until you reach max. 50%
specified torque and that no further movement
of the torque specified for the screws. It is
can be observed.
very important that when you reach this stage
the misalignment is controlled as described

Table 3.10

Motor type No of Screw dim Strength Tightening torque Type of

screws class Nm lbf·ft head
CB 280 12 M20 x 80
CB 400 15 M20 x 90
10.9 490 362 Hexagon
CB 560 20 M20 x 100
CB 840 20 M20 x 100

Note 1 Uncoated screws greased with MoS2.

Note 2 There is a metallic sign on every coupling with a tightening torque stamped on it.
This torque is always to be used.
Note 3 Tightening torque value is critical. Use calibrated torque wrench.

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Fig. 3.14
Fig. 3.14a

3.1.4b Mounting the motor onto the driven shaft - splines

Flange mounted motors

For flange mounted motors, the spline shall
normally not be subject to radial load.With no
radial load, the splineshaft can be greased before
mounting the motor. If the motor is subject to radial
load, the splines shall be filled up with oil.
- Mount motor on to the shaft.
- Bolt the motor to the flange. Tightening torque,
see Table 3.8.
Axial clearance min 5 (0.2)
Oil to be filled before - Fill up hydraulic oil to the G1 plug.
If oil here, it can be tightening G1 plugg
used for the spline. - Torque the G1 plug. MV=125 Nm/90 lbf.ft.
Then take away the
o-ring. - Mount the end cover. MV=80 Nm/59 lbf.ft.

o-ring 10 (0,4) during Torquearm mounted motors

filling of oil Motors that carry radial load, must have the
splines filled up with oil.
Spacer - Mount the spacer on the shaft. MV=450 Nm/300
- Mount motor on to the shaft.
- Fill hydraulic oil to the G1 plug.
- Mount special designed bolt.
- Torque the bolt. MV=385 Nm/280 lbf.ft.
Oil to be filled before
tightening bolt M20 - Mount the end cover. MV=80 Nm/59 lbt.ft.
L=100 mm

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

3.1.5 Removing the motor from the driven shaft

Before dismounting the motor from the driven Removal by using the mounting tool
shaft the oil in the motor housing must be
drained through the lower draining hole. - Slacken the shaft coupling screws gradually;
The motor can be removed from the shaft with see Fig. 3.14 and 3.14a. Each screw should
or without the mounting tool. The operation is be slackened only about a quarter of a
easier if the tool is used. turn each time. Thus tilting and jamming
of the collars or thread stretching will be
avoided. The screws must be slackened until
the coupling ring is fully released.
- Remove the End cover and Bearing retainer
together with screws and washers; see Fig.
Never stay below the motor
during disassembly
- Locate the existing plastic washer outside
the mounting tool nut.Then pass the tool
through the centre shaft, and screw it into
Always make sure that the driven shaft to stated depth.
the lifting equip ment is - Screw in the nut of the tool until the Bearing
strong enough to handle retainer can be refitted, torque 136 Nm (100
the weight of the motor lbf·ft)
- Remove the motor from the driven shaft by
unscrewing the nut of the mounting tool.
- Remove the Bearing retainer and mounting
tool. Finally, refit the removed Bearing
retainer, torque 136 Nm (100 lbf·ft) and End
Fig. 3.15 Removal of Compact CB 280...840 cover, torque 80 Nm (59 lbf·ft) as before.

Removing the motor without using the

mounting tool

1 - Slacken the screws of the shaft coupling,

2 see above "Removal of motors by using the
mounting tool".
- Remove end cover and plug to allow air to
enter the space in the hollow shaft of the
motor; see “Mounting the motor without a
mounting tool“. After removal of the motor,
3 refit the removed components as before.
- Carefully pull the motor off the driven shaft
supported by an overhead crane or a lifting

1; Bearing retainer
2; Plastic Washer
3; Nut
4; Mounting tool

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

3.1.6 Mounting the reaction point

Fig. 3.16 Mounting of pivoted attachment
x = ±2 mm (0,079) misalignment in installation.
x ≤ ±15 mm (0,59) movement when in use.

Note: The toggle bearing must position
be dismounted during welding.
EN 10113S355N
DIN St E39
BS 4360 Grade 50 C
Protected against corrosion, after welding.

Fig. 3.18

Fig. 3.17 In case of failure of
torque arm installation

The bearing shall be mounted so the slot in the

outer race is perpendicular towards the load
The bearing shall be mounted with a mounting
sleeve or tube applied on the bearing outer ring.

Make sure that the foundation

can withstand the forces from
the torque arm.

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact

3.2 Oil connections

When using (heavy wall) piping and in frequent Fig. 3.25a
reversal drives, it is recommended to fit flexible
hoses between the motor and piping to avoid
damage due to vibration and to simplify
installation of the motor. The length of the
hoses should be kept fuirly short.

Fig. 3.25



Table 3.11
Connection Description Remarks
C1, C2 Main connection If C is used as the inlet, the motor shaft rotates clockwise,
viewed from the motor shaft side*.
A1, A2 Main connection If A is used as the inlet, the motor shaft rotates counter-
clockwise, viewed from the motor shaft side*.
D1 Drain outlet Normally plugged at delivery.
D2, D3, D4 Alternative drain outlets Normally plugged at delivery.
F1, F2 Flushing connection For flushing of radial lip seal. Normally plugged.
F3 Flushing connection For flushing of axial bearing and motor case.
T1 Test connection Used to measure pressure and/or temperature at the
main connections.
T2, T3 Test connection Used to measure pressure and/or temperature in drain oil.
T4 Pressure connection Connection for double ended torque arm.

Table 3.12
Motor A** C** D1, D2, D3 F1, F3 T1, T3 T4 y y x x
D4 F2 T2 mm in mm in
CB 280...840 1 1/4" 1 1/4" G G G G G1/4" G G 223 8.78 99 3,90
1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/4" 1" 1/4" 1/2" M16 1/4" 1/2" 223 8.78 101 3.98
**SAE coupling J 518 C, code 62, 414 bar (6000 psi). 1 1/4" or 1 1/2" can be used.
*** A2-connection and C2-connection is blocked at delivery. They are able to withstand max pressure.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

Main connection A, C

Fig. 3.25b

Table 3.13
Motor Connec- a b c
tion mm (in) mm (in)
CB 280 - 840 1 1/4" 31 (1,22) UNC 1/2" 27 (1.06)
1 1/4" UNC 5/8" 35 (1.38)

Drain connection D1, D2, D4 Test connection T

Fig. 3.25c Fig. 3.25d
G1 1/4"

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

3.2.1 Direction of rotation of

motor shaft Fig. 3.26

With the inlet pressure supply connected to

A port, the motor shaft rotates in the direction A1
shown by the arrow, anti-clockwise viewed from
the motor shaft side.
With the inlet pressure supply connected to C
port, the motor shaft rotates clockwise viewed
from the motor shaft side.

3.2.2 Draining and venting the motor

Horizontal mounting
When the motor is installed with the shaft in the horizontal plane. The highest of the four drain
outlets D1, D2, D3 or D4 must always be used; see Fig. 3.28.
Drain line must be connected direct to the tank with a minimum of restrictions, to ensure that the
maximum housing pressure is not exceeded.

Vertical mounting
When the motor is mounted vertically, the highest of the four drain outlets D1, D2, D3 or D4 must
be used. Flushing of radial seal from low pressure is necessary.

Motor shaft pointing downwards

The motor must be connected to one of the drain connections in the connection block; see
Figure 3.29. The flushing connection F2 shall be connected to low pressure connection.
Orifice must be installed.

Motor shaft pointing upwards

The motor must be connected to the drain line connection on the shaft end housing; see Figure
The flushing connection F1 on the shaft end housing should be connected to the low pressure
connection. With bi-directional drives, use the connection with lowest average pressure. (Connection
to high pressure will increase the motor drain flow). This gives flushing of the radial lip seal. It is
advisable to fit the nipple and the hose to the motor before fitting the torque arm.

Make sure that this

checkvalve is connected
in the correct direction.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

Fig. 3.28 Fig. 3.29

G 1/4",
Orifice Ø1,0 (0.04) connection
Drain line
connection Low pressure

Drain line

Fig. 3.30 G 1/4", Flushing

Fig. 3.31
connection F1

Orifice Ø1,0 (0.04)

Drain line

Low pressure G 1/2", Flushing

connection F3

3.2.3 Flushing

Flushing of motor case Max. power without flushing

To avoid high temperature in the motor case the CB 280 120 kW (160 hp)
heat must be removed, because high temperature CB 400/560/840 170 kW (227 hp)
gives lower viscosity and that gives reduction in
basic rating life/service life. For calculation of required flushing, please contact
your Hägglunds representative.The flushing oil shall
- For continuous duty in applications with an be drained in the normal drainline. See 3.2.2.
ambient temperature of +20°C (68°F), the motor
case must be flushed when the output power Connect the input line for flushing in F3, see Fig
exceeds the values shown beside. 3.31.
Max allowed flushing 40 litres/min (11 gal./min).

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Maintenance

4.1 Storage
The motor is delivered with internal protection in the form of an oil film and external protection in the form
of an anti-rust film. This provides sufficient protection for indoor storage in normal temperatures for about
12 months.
Note: the anti-rust protection must be touched-up after transport and handling.
If the motor is stored for more than 3 months in uncontrolled environment or more than 12 months in controlled

Place the motor as shown in fig 4.1, fill the motor with filtered oil in the following order: D1, A1, C1. See 2.3,
"Filtration" and table 4.1.
Take extreme care to ensure that no contamination enters the motor.
Seal connections A and C with the cover plate fitted to the connection surface at delivery. Check that the
O-rings or rubber seals are in postion in the cover plate.
Fit the plug to D1, D2, D3 and D4, the table below states the amount of oil needed to fill the various types
of motors.

4.2 Before commissioning

Check the following points before commissioning the motor, i.e. before starting the first time:
- Check that the motor is connected to give the correct direction of rotation (see 3.2 "Oil connections" and
3.2.1 "Direction of rotation of motor shaft").
- Select the hydraulic fluid in accordance with the recommendations (see 2.3 "Choice of hydraulic fluid").
- Fill the motor housing with hydraulic fluid via a filter into the drain outlets D1, D2 or the vent hole (depending
on how the motor is mounted), see table 4.1.
- Check the drain line to ensure that excessive pressure does not build up in the motor housing; see 3.1
"Mounting instructions" and 3.2.2. "Draining and venting the motor".
- Check that the motor is protected from overloads (see 1.1 "Motor data").
- Check that the charge pressure conforms to the
charge pressure curve (see 2.1 "Recommended
Fig. 4.1 charge pressure").
- Check that all hydraulic couplings and plugs are
properly tightened to prevent leakage.
- Make sure that the torque arm is sufficiently
fastened, see 3.1.3 and 3.1.6.

Table 4.1

Motor Oil volume approx.

Litres US gal.
CB 280 15 4.0
CB 400 21 5.6
CB 560 19 5.0
CB 840 25 6.6

Maintenance Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

4.3 Commissioning 4.4 Periodic maintenance

- During initial star ting and the period When a hydraulic system has been in ser vice
immediately after it, any hydraulic installa- for some time, it must und er go periodic
tion must be regularly and carefully checked maintenance and servicing at intervals which
at frequent intervals. depend on the equipment and the type of
- The working pressure and charge pressure duty.
must be checked to ensure that they This periodic maintenance must include the
correspond to the contracted values. following operations:
- The pressure in the drain line measured at - Check the hydraulic system for leakage.
the motor must be less than 3 bar (43,5 psi). Tighten the screws, replace faulty seals and
This pressure limit is important for the life of keep the drive clean.
the motor seals. - Inspect and clean all air, oil and magnetic
- If leakage occurs, correct the fault and carry filters; replace all filter cartridges for which
out new measurements. a filter clogged indication has been given;
inspect tank, pump, filters etc. and clean if
- Check all lines, connections, screws, etc. and
correct if necessary. - Check the pressure and temperature of the
hydraulic fluid and carry out routine opera-
- Check other possible leakage points and tions. Adjust valves etc. if necessary.
replace faulty parts.
- Check the hydraulic fluid; see the Section
- During the start up period, dirt particles in the headed "Oil".
system are removed by the filters. The filter
cartridges have to be changed after the first - Check that no dirt or other contaminations
100 working hours and after that according to enter the system during inspection.Check
the maintenance chart. see 4.4 note to check that the outside of the hydraulic motor in an
the "filter clogged" indicators. installation is kept free of dirt; thus leakage
and faults will be detected earlier.
A not run-in motor in combination with dirt
particles in the oil can badly affect the sliding - We recommend that a running log be kept
surfaces in the motor. This is valid d u r i n g and that planned inspections are carried out
the first 100 working hours. at set intervals.
- Maintenance checks and operations are as

Maintenance chart
In operation Oil Oil Torque
filters arm
After the first Rpl. Insp.
100 hours
After 3 months
or 500 hours Rpl.
Once every 6 Rpl. Insp. Insp.
Once every 12

Rpl = Replacement Insp = Inspection

Maintenance Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Motor Filters
If the motor is to be stored stationary for a Filters must be changed after the first 100
longer period than about 1 month, it must be working hours and the second change is to
protected from internal rust. This can be done be carried out after 3 months or 500 working
as follows: hours whichever is earlier. They must then be
1. Mix anti-rust additive with the hydraulic changed at regular intervals of 6 months or
fluid of the system. Use 5% of Rust Veto 4000 working hours.
Concentrate (manufactured by E F
Houghton & Co, Philadelphia, USA). This Oil (Se also 2.3)
additive gives rust protection for up to
about 1 year, after which time the motor Analysis
must be turned a few revolutions.
It is recommended that the oil should be
2. If no additives are used, the motor must analysed every 6 months. The analysis should
be regularly turned a few revolutions. cover viscosity, oxidation, water content,
3. If it is not possible to turn the motor, plug additives and contamination.
all connections, open drain outlet D1 or D2 Most oil suppliers are equipped to analyse the
on the port end housing (or if the motor is state of the oil and to recommend appropriate
mounted vertically, Flushing connection F1 action. The oil must be replaced immediately if
on the shaft end housing) and fill the motor the analysis shows that it is exhausted.
with hydraulic fluid.(See Fig. 4.3 and Fig.
4.3a). Viscosity
Many hydraulic oils become thinner with
Fig. 4.3 increasing use, and this means poorer
lubrication. The viscosity of the oil in service
must never fall below the minimum recom-
mended viscosity.
Hydraulic oil oxidizes with time of use and
temperature. This is indicated by changes
in colour and smell, increased acidity or
the formation of sludge in the tank. The rate
Fig. 4.3a of ox i da tion increases rapidly at surface
temperatures above 60°C (140°F), and the oil
should then be checked more often.
The oxidation process increases the acidity of
the fluid; the acidity is stated in terms of the
"neutralisation number". Typical oxidation is
slow initially and increases rapidly later.
A sharp increase (by a factor of 2 and 3) in the
neutralisation number between inspections is
a signal that the oil has oxidized too much and
should be replaced immediately.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Maintenance

Water content
Contamination of the oil by water can be Another method is to install an inline particle
detected by sampling from the bottom of the counter direct in your hydraulic system which
tank. Most hydraulic oils repel the water, which give you the contamination level according
then collects at the bottom of the tank. This to the international rules, the disadvantage
water must be drained off at regular intervals. with this method is that you only get the
Certain types of transmission oils and engine contamination level in the oil.
oils emulsify the water; this can be detected
by coatings on filter cartridges or a change in General
the colour of the oil. Obtain the advice of your The intention is to verify the condition of the
oil supplier in such cases. oil during operation.The motors should be
Degree of contamination running at normal operation while the sample
is taken.
Heavy contamination of the oil causes The cleanliness is extremely important during
increased wear of the hydraulic system sampling.
components. The cause of the contamination Always use bottles adapted to oil samples,
must be immediately investigated and re- they can be ordered from any fluid analysis
medied. laboratory.
Never try to clean your own bottle if you want
a true value of the result.
The sample should be taken by using a
mini-mess hose connected to a mini-mess
All hydraulic fluids are affected Always clean the connections carefully before
differently. Obtain the advice of you connect the mini-mess hose to the
your oil supplier or by nearest coupling.
Hägglunds representative. Be careful when connecting the mini-mess
hose because the oil beam can be dangerous
and should never point against any person or
other sensible object.
4.5 Oil inspection Check and be aware of the pressure you
mayhave on the connection before you
Purpose connect.
The purpose to take an oil sample is to check
the condition of the oil. How to do
With scheduled oil analysis, wear products
can be identified and corrective action can be Bottle samples
taken before failure occurs. Oil analysis can The sample shall be taken at the mini-mess
indicate when an oil change is required, point coupling on the charge pressure side of the
out shortcomings in maintenance and keep motor in the closed loop system. Never out of
repair cost to a minimum. Using oil analysis the tank using the ball valves.
can create a “window of opportunity”, allowing Clean the coupling and the hose carefully.
the user to schedule re-fittings or overhauls, Connect the mini-mess hose to the coupling
maintenance or repairs, thus saving money on but be careful and be aware of the direction of
equipment repairs and downtime. the oil beam.
The most used method is to take samples in a Let minimum 2 litres (0,6 gallon US) of oil flush
special bottle and send it to a fluid laboratory into a bucket before you fill the bottle.
for an analysis and from the laboratory you get Remove the cap of the bottle as late as possible
a report, which follow a specific international and don’t let any contamination be in touch with
standard. the cap, bottle or the mini-mess hose when the
You have to select what analysis the laboratory sample is taken.
should take, but the most used analysis are In dirty air area, use a soft plastic foil (normal
particle count, water content, oxidation and as protection in laboratory bottles between
viscosity. bottle and cap).

Fault finding Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compac CB

Do not remove the foil, prick the end of your Inline measure
mini-mess hose through the foil into the bottle The sample shall be taken at the mini-mess
and fill. coupling on the charge pressure side of the
To get a reliable result the system must run motor in of the closed loop system. Clean the
without moving any valves and the mini-mess coupling and the hose carefully.
hose should not touch the bottle. Connect the hoses according to the particle
Only ¾ of the bottle shall be filled because counters manual.
the laboratory has to shake the sample to get To get a true value the contamination readings
a mixed fluid when they analyse it. Minimum have to be stable about 10 min before you stop
200ml are needed for a good analysis. to measure.
When the bottled is filled close the cap as soon
as possible to prevent contamination from the
air that might enter the bottle and give you a
wrong result.

Hydraulic motor
Fault Probable cause Action
The motor does not run. Mechanical stop in the drive. Check system pressure. If the pres-
sure has risen to the relief valve set-
ting, remove the load from the drive.

The motor does not deliver Investigate the pressure level in the
enough torque because the pres- system and correct the setting of the
sure difference across the motor pressure limiting valve if necessary.
is not great enough for the load.

Insufficient or no oil being sup- Check the hydraulic system. Check the
plied to motor. external leakage of the motor. (The D
Motor rotates in wrong Oil supply connections to motor Connect the oil supply correctly.
direction. incorrectly connected.
Motor runs jerkily. Pressure or flow fluctuations in Find the cause in the system or in the
the hydraulic system. driven unit.
Noise in the motor. The motor is being operated with Adjust the charge pressure to the cor-
the charge pressure too low. rect level. See 2.1 "Recommended
charge pressures".

Internal faults in the motor. Investigate the drain oil, if necessary.

Put a magnetic plug in the oil flow
and check the material that sticks to
the magnet. Steel particles indicate
damage. Note that fine material from
the castings may be desposited and
does not mean internal damage in the
External oil leakage on the The radial lip seal is worn. Replace the radial lip seal.

Deklaration of conformity Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Example of the Declaration of Conformity given by Hägglunds Drives AB

The DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY above, is available on request for deliveries from

Hägglunds Drives AB. Translations into other languages are also available.

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           

      
       
  

   
    
   
    
   
    
      
     
    
        
       
      
   
    
     
     
       
    
        
     
    
   
    
      
   
    
         
     
     
    
   
    
   
     
      
     
     
       
    
   
       
  
      

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                
         
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                  
            

            
        
    

            
        
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            
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               
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                 
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                
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           
  
                
                  
                  
       
       
         
         
      
       
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    
      
     

        
       
             
        

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  
                
            
    
             
     
               
          

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          
                  
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                    
   
               
 
              
          
                
              
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             
          

     

                    
         
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        
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        

         

           
         

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                    
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                    
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      
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            


     
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              
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               
            
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               
                 
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                
              
           
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           
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                 
               
               
      
 
               
 
                 
    
              
                 
    
                 
            
                  
    
 
                
            
         

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    
       
              
      
       
               
               
          
           
           
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           
  
               
                  
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                 
                     
          
                
        
               
                  
      

   
                 
             

            
         
        
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                
                  
                    
     
             

  

          
             
              
        
            
     
        
          
                 
           
   
    
  
        
     
     
 
      
      
      
         
        
      
        
              
            
        
       

     
     
 

     

 
         
         
          
 
       
  

          

       
         
        
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       

        
     
        
        
       
   
        
      

 
   
            
              
                 
             
               
 
            
                  
 
     
      
        
         
 
             
   
            
             
         

       

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        
       
      
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     
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    
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       
      
    
         
       
      
     

                  

             
           
        

               
                
         
                    
       
              

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         

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                  
     
          
           
        
              
            
                 
               
       
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            
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    
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    
    
   

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                  
               
         
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                
             
               
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         
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              
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         
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         
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       
                 
      
    
              
               
             
             
                 
               
    
           
                
             
                 
             
         
                

    
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     
 
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               
              
           
               
              
  
              
             
                 
         

                 
  
                
          
             
                
             
            

                 
             
                
     

  
  
            
           

  

                
            
                 
              
             

      

   
     
        
        
           
      
        
           
      
        
           
     
     

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      
    
        
           
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       
       
             
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         
             
             
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            
             

       

    
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        
                
         
            
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                
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                   
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            
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                  
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               
       
                 
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 
                  
           
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        
           

  
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               
  
 
       
             
 
         

         
         
                 
    
                  
   
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             
      
             
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                
   
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                
             
                
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                
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                  
              
           

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 

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      
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NEMA Motor Data

Ordering data 1LE2421-4DB11-2EA4

Client-order-no. / : Item-no. / :
Order-no. / : Consignment-no. / :
Offer-no. / : Project / :
Remarks / :

Nameplate Data Bearing Data

Type SD100 IEEE841 - NEMA Premium Efficiency DE Bearing Size 6316 Z C3

HP 75.0 Rating Cont. DE Bearing Type Ball Bearing

Voltage 380, 50HZ Ins. Class Class F (Standard) DE AFBMA 80BC03JP3

Amps 106.0 S.F. 1.15

ODE Bearing Size 6316 Z C3
FL RPM 1490.0 Amb. Temp. 40 deg C
ODE Bearing Type Ball Bearing
FL Efficiency 94.6% Temp. Rise Class B


ODE AFBMA 80BC03JP3 Mtr WT 1625.0

Mechanical Data

Hertz 50 Ph 3 SAFE STALL TIME HOT (s) 20.0

COLD (s) 25.0

Typical Performance Data

Load No Load 1/2 3/4 Full Load LRC Rtr wt (lbs) 489.7 Rtr WK2 39.2

Efficiency 95.6 % 95.8 % 95.4 % FLT (ft-lbs) 368.0 LRT 589.0 BDT 736.0

Power Factor 78.0 % 85.0 % 87.0 % Ext Load Inertia (WK2) Capability 1570.0
Current (A) 54.0 A 106.0 A 908.0 A

Typical Noise Data

A-weighted Sound Octave Band Center Frequencies Hertz (Hz)

Pressure Level 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 SPL 75.0

at 3 feet 0.0 53.0 64.0 73.0 68.0 66.0 61.0 51.0 SPwrL 86.0

Wiring Connection Information Special configurations :

Description 3 PHASE - 3 LEAD - DELTA 4100 meter altitude

Voltage L1 L2 L3 Connected
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
HIGH T1 T2 T3 -- -- --

Lubrication Information

Manufacturer Mobil Polyrex EM or equal

Type Polyurea (standard)

DE Capacity (oz.) 7,5

ODEnd Capacity (oz.) 7,5

Relubricate bearings every six months (more frequent if conditions

require). See Instruction Manual.

Technical and ordering data are subject to change. There may be discrepancies between calculated and rating plate values. Version: 2010.05.18
generiert / generated Mon Feb 13 21:57:19
Siemens Industry, Inc.
Norwood, Ohio


Order Number : 3003865996-000010


Horsepower : 300 Frame : 5011SY

Service Factor : 1.15 Type : CZF
Voltage : 3300 Rotor Construction : Aluminum Die Cast
Number of Phases : 3 Load Inertia (wk2), lb-ft2 : 1874
Frequency, hertz : 50 Rotor Inertia (wk2), lb-ft2 : 113
Ambient, deg C : 40 Rotor Weight, lbs : 876
Enclosure : TEFC Motor Weight, lbs : 5050
Synchronous Speed, RPM : 1500 Temp. Rise : 80 by RES @ 1SF
Percent Starting Voltage : 90 Sound Pressure Level : 81dBA @ 3ft, unloaded
Elevation (ft) : 13451 Insulation Class : F-VPI
Bearing Type : Anti-Friction
Terminal Box Material : Cast Iron
Rotor Fan Material : Bronze


Full Load Speed, RPM : 1487 Full Load Torque, lb-ft : 1060
Current, Amps : 49.7 Starting Torque, %FLT : 95
Locked Rotor Current, % FLA : 585 Breakdown Torque, %FLT : 193
KVA/Hp : 5.54 NEMA Design : B
Code : F

0.25 0.50 0.75 Full 1.15 No Locked

Load Load Load Load Load Load Rotor
Percent Efficiency : 91.3 93.8 94.0 [94.1] 94.1 N/A N/A
Percent Power Factor : 56.5 75.5 81.5 83.1 83.2 6.1 18.1
Current, Amps : 19.0 27.5 38.0 49.7 57.3 13.5 291

100 90 % Voltage RTD Settings (°C): Alarm Shutdown

Safe Stalled Time, Motor Hot : 51.0 63.0 Seconds Stator: 155 170
Safe Stalled Time, Motor Cold : 58.0 72.0 Seconds Bearings: 100 105
Acceleration Time : 11.9 17.1 Seconds

Time Constants : 1.225 Seconds Open Circuit

0.068 Seconds Short Circuit (AC)
X/R Ratio : 17.950

Prepared by ADAM NIGGEBRUGGE on 06/12/12

Please Note:
1. All values are typical.
2. Guaranteed values are indicated in brackets [ ]

Name F L Sm id th /C EI

Purchase Order 6 125 7-0 4A

Notes Be lt F eed er


Project 2 011 049

Sales Order 1 184 465

2011 049
Hydraulic Drive System Operation And Instruction Manual

FL Smidth/CEI

2011 049
Hydraulic Drive System Operation And Instruction Manual

FL Smidth/CEI

2011 049
Hydraulic Drive System Operation And Instruction Manual

FL Smidth/CEI

2011 049
Hydraulic Drive System Operation And Instruction Manual

FL Smidth/CEI

2011 049
Hydraulic Drive System Operation And Instruction Manual

FL Smidth/CEI

2011 049
Hydraulic Drive System Operation And Instruction Manual

FL Smidth/CEI

2011 049
Hydraulic Drive System Operation And Instruction Manual

FL Smidth/CEI

Project Specifications
Bill of Materials
Test Reports

Bosch Rexroth Corporation
2275 International Street
Columbus, Ohio 43228 USA
Phone: (614) 527-7400
Fax: (614) 527-7401

Bosch Rexroth (Canada) Inc. Hydraulic Motor

490 Price Charles Drive South Motor Accessories
Welland, ON L3B 5X7, Canada
Phone: (905) 735-0510
Fax: (905) 714-4036

Hydraulic Power Unit

Project Drawings

Spider Control Documentation

Hägglunds Products

United States Regional Offices Canadian Regional Offices

Tel: (503) 465-9770 Tel: (604) 813-2341
Fax: (614) 527-7401 Fax: (866) 324-6175

Tel: (951) 288-4035 Tel: (905) 308-4666
Fax: (951) 750-6273 Fax: (905) 335-3743


Tel: (847) 594-2269 Tel: (514) 239-0850
Fax: (847) 960-6567 Fax: (866) 335-0660

Tel: (913) 515-8047
Fax: (913) 712-9903

Tel: (281) 292-6700
United States Headquarters
Fax: (281) 292-6768 Bosch Rexroth Corporation
2275 International Street
DEEP SOUTH Columbus, Ohio 43228
Tel: (337) 849-4883 (614) 527-7400
Fax: (337) 326-5514 (614) 527-7401 (fax)

MIDWEST Canadian Headquarters

Tel: (614) 323-6262
Fax: (614) 527-7401 Bosch Rexroth (Canada) Inc.
490 Prince Charles Drive South
NORTHEAST Welland, Ontario L3B 5X7
Tel: (610) 703-4115 (905) 735-0510
Fax: (610) 552-7218 (905) 714-4036 (fax)

MID ATLANTIC Worldw ide Headquarters

Tel: (803) 322-9997
Bosch Rexroth / Hägglunds Drives AB
Fax: (803) 667-3542
SE-890 42
SOUTHEAST Mellansel, Sweden
Tel: (770) 654-4539 +46 660 870 00
Fax: (678) 815-0894 +46 660 871 60 (fax)

(6/2011) Engineering Group- North America


Project No.: 2011049 Revision: A [ ] PRELIMINARY [ ] APPROVAL

Date: 4/17/2011 ECN: 00001065 [ ] FOR CONSTRUCTION [X] AS BUILT

BY: RHW DATE: 9/10/2012

Application/Code Requested Ship Date from Columbus

0901 29-Jun-12
Sales Person Sales Person Quotation Number and Rev
Jim Holmes JHS109F110109012
Customer Previous Order Reference
FL Smidth/CEI
Address Work Request #
2471 S Titanium Place Meridian ID R100100
Contact Name Customer Specifications?
Brad Tensen Y N

Phone Number Engineering Spec Review?

208.342.2653 ext 1155 Y N

E-Mail Bosch Rexroth S.O. #

Brad.Tensen@FLSmidth.com 1118431
Project Name/Ref Units
Caserones Belt Feeder 2200-FE-001-003/004-006 Metric (°C, Bar, N-m, LPM)

Customer PO No.

Equipment Type Belt Feeder

Installation Location Lumina Copper Mine Caserones Chile


p Drive Unit Y N Specify
p y Drives

NEMA Classification NEMA 4 Area Classification

Ambient Temp. Range -15 °C to 30 °C Cooling Design Temperature 53 °C

Max Cooling Water Temp. °C Available Water Flow LPM

Elev. Above Sea Level 4100 Meters Water Type

Hydraulic Oil Mineral oil Hyd Oil ISO Weight 68

Drive Speed, Run 4.55 RPM Nominal Torque 88,776 N-m

Drive Speed, Max 4.55 RPM Starting Torque 210,000 N-m

Duty Cycle Continuous Flow Range: 0-222 LPM

Motor Case Flushing: Y N 7.6 LPM Nominal Pressure: 135 BAR

Setting of Pump Compensator Pressure*

Pump 1 350 BAR Pump 2 BAR

*For configurations outside the scope of the form, please explain in notes

Mechanical Max Volume Stop : Full LPM(forward) Full LPM(reverse)

Electrical Volume Limitation : 85 %(Forward) 10 %(Reverse)

Uni / Uni with Jog Reverse / Bi-Directional Drive: Uni with Jog reverse

Direction of Rotation (viewed from shaft end) Three CW and Three CCW

Bosch Rexroth Corporation; 2275 International Street, Columbus,OH 43228; Tel: 614-527-7400; Fax: 614-527-7401

1 of 6 Form No.: F10400-4 | Release Date: 01-17-2011 | Revision: K


Project No.: 2011049 Revision: A [ ] PRELIMINARY [ ] APPROVAL

Date: 4/17/2011 ECN: 00001065 [ ] FOR CONSTRUCTION [X] AS BUILT

BY: RHW DATE: 9/10/2012


Hydraulic Motor 6 178 5043-2652, CB840 760 CA0N0C

Torque Arm 6 278 5015-602, TCA 84-2

Mounting Tool 1 378 1444-801, MTMB

Shaft Adaptor 0

Speed Encoder 6 378 5036-802, SPDB-3600

Encoder Mounting Set 6 178 5049-801, SMCB-1

Axial Locking Set 0

Hydraulic Motor Valves


Type of Drive (1-4) Type 1

Type 1 = Single drive Type 2 = One common double drive, common motor shaft.

One pump driving one motor: Two pumps driving one motor.

Type 3 = One common double drive, Type 4 = Two separate drives

one motor shaft per pump.

Two pumps driving two motors with Two pumps driving two motors with separate function.
common function. If one stops by a
fault the other will also stop.

Bosch Rexroth Corporation; 2275 International Street, Columbus,OH 43228; Tel: 614-527-7400; Fax: 614-527-7401

2 of 6 Form No.: F10400-4 | Release Date: 01-17-2011 | Revision: K


Project No.: 2011049 Revision: A [ ] PRELIMINARY [ ] APPROVAL

Date: 4/17/2011 ECN: 00001065 [ ] FOR CONSTRUCTION [X] AS BUILT

BY: RHW DATE: 9/10/2012


Order Code:


6 PAC - 020 2 - 180 / - 075 / - 2 2 - 1 1 1 1 - 1 C 1 D B - 0 000 - 0 - 380 / 50

A 020 - 200L ( 53 ) Tank size: liters (gallons)

B 2 Number of bays


C1 SP-180 Pump displacement (cm3/rev). Left hand side. EP Pump


D1 -- Please Select One -- Pump displacement (cm3/rev). Right hand side.

E 075 - 75HP Motor size (HP). Left hand side.

-- Please Select One --

F Motor size (HP). Right hand side.

G 2 - Spider Control System

H 2 - Mounted in power unit door Control System Mounting

I 1 - Yes Pressure transmitter

1 - Yes
J High pressure switch

K 1 - Yes Cabinet feet

1 - Duplex Filter
L Filter

M 1 - Oil Heater Oil Heater

N C - 230 VAC Oil Heater Voltage

O 1 - Air / Oil Cooler Heat Exchanger

P D - 380 VAC (3Ø) Water Valve or Air Cooler E-Motor Voltage

Q B - 110 VAC Control Box Voltage

R 0 - No Accumulator

S 000 - Standard Design Special Design

T 0 - Bosch Rexroth E-Motor Supplier

U 380 E-Motor Voltage (3Ø)

V 50 E-Motor Frequency (Hz)

Bosch Rexroth Corporation; 2275 International Street, Columbus,OH 43228; Tel: 614-527-7400; Fax: 614-527-7401

3 of 6 Form No.: F10400-4 | Release Date: 01-17-2011 | Revision: K


Project No.: 2011049 Revision: A [ ] PRELIMINARY [ ] APPROVAL

Date: 4/17/2011 ECN: 00001065 [ ] FOR CONSTRUCTION [X] AS BUILT

BY: RHW DATE: 9/10/2012


No RTD sensor for Stator temperature.

No RTD sensor for Bearing temperature.

Supply voltage 115 VAC Space Heater

When the electric motor is supplied by customer the following information must be supplied with order

Type & Brand. Must be specified.

Weight. Must be specified.

Certified Dimension drawing required for processing of order!

PRESSURE TRANSMITTER(S) Setting of High Pressure Switch(es)

Pump 1 Pump 2 Pump 1 Pump 2
In MAB-port*** -- Please Select One -- A-Port A-Port

**High Pressure A/B

Port is V
port connection
on Denison pump. B-Port B-Port

***High Pressure A/B-port is MAB-port connection

on SP pump. **V-Port **V-Port

***MAB ***MAB

Belt Feeder for a Copper Mine in Chile.

Bosch Rexroth Corporation; 2275 International Street, Columbus,OH 43228; Tel: 614-527-7400; Fax: 614-527-7401

4 of 6 Form No.: F10400-4 | Release Date: 01-17-2011 | Revision: K


Project No.: 2011049 Revision: A [ ] PRELIMINARY [ ] APPROVAL

Date: 4/17/2011 ECN: 00001065 [ ] FOR CONSTRUCTION [X] AS BUILT

BY: RHW DATE: 9/10/2012

Hagglunds Single Pump Motor Group PAC-0202 with 75 HP e-motor and SP-180 pump with duplex filter and \
Auxialliary Flushing Circuit for drive motor.




Drawings: 1 copy For Approval and 1 copy of For Construction by email. Please specify other requirements.
Drawing Due Date: Confirmed after receipt of Tech Clarified order
Manuals Due Date: 10 working days after the ship date

Bosch Rexroth Corporation; 2275 International Street, Columbus,OH 43228; Tel: 614-527-7400; Fax: 614-527-7401

5 of 6 Form No.: F10400-4 | Release Date: 01-17-2011 | Revision: K


Project No.: 2011049 Revision: A [ ] PRELIMINARY [ ] APPROVAL

Date: 4/17/2011 ECN: 00001065 [ ] FOR CONSTRUCTION [X] AS BUILT

BY: RHW DATE: 9/10/2012




Bosch Rexroth Corporation; 2275 International Street, Columbus,OH 43228; Tel: 614-527-7400; Fax: 614-527-7401

6 of 6 Form No.: F10400-4 | Release Date: 01-17-2011 | Revision: K

Bill Of Material
Bill of Material No.: HB-2011049-0
Date Issued : 17-Jan-2012 Bosch Rexroth Corporation Latest Rev. : Customer Ref(s) :
Issued By: RHW 2275 International Street; Columbus, Ohio 43228, USA C P.O. 61257-04A
Checked By: Phone: (614)-527-7400; Fax: (614)-527-7401 Latest ECN : FLSmidth Boise
TITLE: ECN-00001065 Assembly Ref(s) :
Revised By : HS-2011 049
Power Unit Model RHW GA-2011 049
PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50 Rev. Date : Project No. :
30-Aug-2012 2011 049
Item O Bosch Rexroth Description
No. Qty. D Part No.
H 6 * R978981675 HOSE KIT
G 6 * R978980777 ORIFICE FITTING 1/2" BSP X 1/2" JIC WITH 4MM ORIFICE, CB 280-840 F3
F 6 * R939003632 ENCODER MTG. SET, SMCB-1, For All CA and CB motors
E 6 * R939003938 ENCODER, SPDB-3600
D 1 * R939003803 MOUNTING TOOL, MTMB-Swedish, M20 Thread
C 6 * R939003729 TORQUE ARM, For CB 560 & CB 840, TCA-84-2, w/ Pivot Attachment
B 6 * R939002041 HYDRAULIC MOTOR, CB 840-760 CA0N0C
A 6 R978981552 PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50
5 4 * R978980167 CABINET FEET, 600 KG. FOR PAC/PBC-202/203
6 1 R978980176 BASE PLATE, 24.5 X 24.5 FOR PAC/PBC-202/203
7 4 R978980671 SHOCK MOUNTS
8 1 L R939056501 HYDRAULIC PUMP, SP 180-SR-V-EP-00-00, CHARGE FLOW 21.2 GPM
8b 2 R978018436 TEST POINT, SAE-6, ME3, R(L) PORTS
8c 2 R901330681 BLANKING PLATE - 1-1/4" CODE 62
10 1 R978980341 PUMP/MOTOR ADPT., 444/445/447/449 TSC TO SP-125/180, SIZE 75/90
11 COUPLING, CONSISTING OF 11a, 11b, 11c:
11a 1 S R978980376 E-MOTOR HALF: 2-3/8" X 5/8", Frame: 444/445/447/449 TSC, SIZE 75/90
11b 1 S R978980441 PUMP HALF: DIN 5480 N50x2x30x24x9H, PUMP: SP-125/180, SIZE 75/90
11c 1 S R978980364 INSERT, 92 SHORE A, SIZE 75/90, WHITE SPIDER (200 HP)
12 1 L R901327399 ELECTRIC MOTOR, 75 HP, 1500 RPM, 380/3/50, 444TSC
AT 4100 MASL
14 2 *M R939004086 FILTER REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGE, SIZE 250, 10 µm
15 2 S R978980521 PRESSURE GAUGE, 0-6000 PSI, 2-1/2" DIAL, SYSTEM PRESSURE
16 2 S R978980520 PRESSURE GAUGE, 0-1000 PSI, 2-1/2" DIAL, CHARGE & SERVO PRESSURE
19 1 R978883008 OIL LEVEL INDICATOR, 10"
27 1 *L R901327889 AIR COOLER, 1 HP, 380/50/3 2920 RPM
27a 2 R978981671 AIR COOLER BRACKET, PAC-ALL, BOL-725
28 1 R978980201 COOLER BYPASS CHECK VALVE, 1-1/4" SAE, 65 PSI
30 1 S R978980259 CHARGE PRESSURE SWITCH, 0-1000 PSI, IP 65, 18-35 VDC Input, 4-20 mA Output, 1 Switching/ 1 analogue Output
30a 1 R978981174 ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR, M12, 5-POLE
34 1 R978981659 SUCTION LINE MANIFOLD 2", SP-180
37b 2 R978981063 BRACKET - JUNCTION BOX (HOFFMAN CSD16208) TO PAC W/ HDE-32526

Copy of hb2011049c.xls, Date Printed: 9/10/2012 Form No.: F10203-1 | Release Date: 1/17/2011 | Revision: B
Bill Of Material
Bill of Material No.: HB-2011049-0
Date Issued : 17-Jan-2012 Bosch Rexroth Corporation Latest Rev. : Customer Ref(s) :
Issued By: RHW 2275 International Street; Columbus, Ohio 43228, USA C P.O. 61257-04A
Checked By: Phone: (614)-527-7400; Fax: (614)-527-7401 Latest ECN : FLSmidth Boise
TITLE: ECN-00001065 Assembly Ref(s) :
Revised By : HS-2011 049
Power Unit Model RHW GA-2011 049
PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50 Rev. Date : Project No. :
30-Aug-2012 2011 049
Item O Bosch Rexroth Description
No. Qty. D Part No.
38b 1 R939003768 LCD DISPLAY
38g 1 R939004771 PROFIBUS CARD
40 1 R978980808 CHECK VALVE MANIFOLD, PAC/PBC 202-402 UNITS, 1-1/4" SAE
40a 1 R978018436 TEST POINT, SAE-6
41 1 R978980620 ISOLATION CHECK VALVE, 1-1/4" SAE, 5 PSI
42 1 R901318653 FLUSHING CHECK VALVE, 1" SAE, 25 PSI
45 1 S R978980687 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER, 0-6000 PSI, 4-20 mA Output
45a 1 R978981174 ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR, M12, 5-POLE
47 1 R978981772 POWER UNIT TAGGING
48 1 R978980125 S/N PLATE


60 1 L 9510290124 GEAR PUMP, SAE-A, 2 BOLT, 5/8" SHAFT, 5/32" KEYWAY, 1" SAE SUCTION, 5/8" SAE PRESSURE PORT
62 COUPLING, CONSISTING OF 62a, 62b, 62c:
62a 1 R901327546 PUMP COUPLING HALF: SAE-A, 2 BOLT, 5/8" KEYED
62c 1 R978980401 COUPLING INSERT
63 1 L R901327401 ELECTRIC MOTOR, 5 HP, 1800 RPM, 380/3/50, 213 TC FRAME
64 1 R978980617 RELIEF VALVE, 25-400 PSI, SAE 16 STRAIGHT THREAD
67 1 *M R939004086 FILTER REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGE, SIZE 250, 10 µm


* - Indicates Items supplied loose to be installed by Customer [ ] REFERENCE ONLY [ ] CERTIFIED
M - Indicates Recommended Maintenance Spares [ ] FOR CONSTRUCTION [ X ] AS BUILT
S - Indicates Recommended Shelf Spares
L - Indicates Recommended Long Term Spares CUSTOMER REFERENCE: P.O. 61257-04A
T - Indicates Top Level Items Necessary for Power Unit Testing BOSCH REXROTH JOB NO: 2011049
BY: RHW DATE: 9-10-2012

Copy of hb2011049c.xls, Date Printed: 9/10/2012 Form No.: F10203-1 | Release Date: 1/17/2011 | Revision: B
Bill of Material No.: HK-2011 049
Bill Of Material
Date Issued : 20-Jan-2012 Bosch Rexroth Corporation Latest Rev. : Customer Ref(s) :
Issued By: RHW 2275 International Street; Columbus, Ohio 43228, USA A P.O. 61257-04A
Checked By: Phone: (614)-527-7400; Fax: (614)-527-7401 Latest ECN : FLSmidth Boise
TITLE: ECN-00001065 Assembly Ref(s) :
Revised By : HS-2011 049
HOSE KIT FOR JOB 2011049 RHW GA-2011 049
Rev. Date : Project No. :
17-Apr-2012 2011 049
Item O Bosch Rexroth Description Manufacturer Mfg. Part. No.
No. Qty. D Part No.
1 4 * Hose Assembly, 1-1/4" High Pressure Hose (rated for minimum of 5080psi) with HDI
1-1/4" Code 62 flange 90° One End,
1-1/4" Code 62 Straight Flange Other End, 72" OAL
(Pump to Customer Supplied High Pressure Piping and to Hydraulic Motor)

2 8 * 1-1/4" Split Flange Half Sets, Code 62 J518 HDI

c/w Bolts and Washers

3 2 * Hose Assembly, 1-1/4" Low Pressure Hose (rated for minimum of 1000psi) with HDI
1-1/4" JIC 37° straight swivel on both ends, 72" OAL
(Drain Connection to Customer Supplied Piping)

4 2 * Hose Assembly, 1" Low Pressure Hose (rated for minimum of 1000psi) with HDI
1" JIC 37° female straight swivel on both ends, 72" OAL
(Flushing Connection to Customer Supplied Piping)


* - Indicates Items supplied loose to be installed by Customer [ ] REFERENCE ONLY [ ] CERTIFIED
M - Indicates Recommended Maintenance Spares [ ] FOR CONSTRUCTION [ X ] AS BUILT
S - Indicates Recommended Shelf Spares
L - Indicates Recommended Long Term Spares CUSTOMER REFERENCE: P.O. 61257-04A
T - Indicates Top Level Items Necessary for Power Unit Testing BOSCH REXROTH JOB NO: 2011049
BY: RHW DATE: 9-10-2012

hk2011049a.xls Form No.: F10203-2 | Release Date: 4/15/2004 | Revision: B

Bill of Material No.: HAS-10791
Bill Of Material
Date Issued : 6-Dec-2004 Bosch Rexroth Corporation Latest Rev. : Customer Ref(s) :
Issued By: RHW 2275 International Street; Columbus, Ohio 43228, USA P.O. 61257-04A
Checked By: Phone: (614)-527-7400; Fax: (614)-527-7401 Latest ECN :
TITLE: Assembly Ref(s) :
JUNCTION BOX Revised By : HAS-10791
Rev. Date : Project No. :

Item O Hägglunds Description
No. Qty. D Part No.
1 1 H103-20463 ENCLOSURE NEMA 4, 16 X 20 X 8
5 69 123-75144 TERMINAL, UKK5
6 6 123-75048 END ANCHOR, E/UK
7 4 ft. 123-75047 MOUNTING RAIL, NS 35/7.5
8 3 123-75146 END COVER D-UKK 3/5
9 3 123-75147 SPACER PLATE, DP-UKK 3/5
10 3 H123-75421 END SPACER COVER, DG-UKK 3/5
11 11 H123-75422 PARTITION PLATE, ATP-UKK 3/5
12 3 H123-75453 ISOLATING BRIDGE BAR, ISSBI 10-6
13 5 H123-75465 BRIDGE BAR ISOLATOR, IS-K 4
17 2 123-75069 MARKER STRIP, 11-20
18 2 123-75070 MARKER STRIP, 21-30
19 2 123-75086 MARKER STRIP, 121-130
20 2 123-75089 MARKER STRIP, 151-160
21 2 123-75126 MARKER STRIP, 301-310
22 2 123-75127 MARKER STRIP, 311-320
23 2 H123-75466 MARKER STRIP, 321-330
24 2 H123-75467 MARKER STRIP, 331-340
25 2 H123-75468 MARKER STRIP, 341-350
26 2 123-75162 MARKER STRIP, 401-410
27 2 H123-75493 MARKER STRIP, 421-430
28 2 H123-75494 MARKER STRIP, 431-440
29 2 H123-75495 MARKER STRIP, 441-450
30 2 H123-75496 MARKER STRIP, 451-460
31 2 123-75139 MARKER STRIP, 501-510
32 2 123-75141 MARKER STRIP, 521-530
33 2 H123-75481 MARKER STRIP, 601-610
34 2 H123-75519 MARKER STRIP, 701-710
35 2 H123-75427 MARKER STRIP, L, N, GND
36 7 ft. 104-25001 WIRE DUCT, 1.5" X 3", WHITE
37 7 ft. H104-30029 WIRE DUCT COVER, 1.5", WHITE


* - Indicates Items supplied loose to be installed by Customer [ X ] REFERENCE ONLY [ ] CERTIFIED
M - Indicates Recommended Maintenance Spares [ ] FOR CONSTRUCTION [ ] AS BUILT
S - Indicates Recommended Shelf Spares
L - Indicates Recommended Long Term Spares CUSTOMER REFERENCE: P.O. 61257-04A
BY: RHW DATE: 9-10-2012

Copy of has10791.xls Form No.: F10203-2 | Release Date: 4/12/2000 | Revision: ORIG
Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U1 Serial Number: 517-2-21592
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Electric Motor Information:

Is this motor used for test? Yes X No

Manufacturer: SIEMENS Serial No: 3003726625-11/DateCode:G12-2
Frame: 444TSC Power: 75 HP
Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 106 Amps Speed: 1500 RPM

Test Condition: Power: 100 HP

Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current: 72 Amps Speed: 1490 RPM

Does motor have Space Heater: X Yes No

If yes, what Wattage and Volts is heater rated for: 260 Watts 115 Voltage

Does motor have bearing RTD’s: Yes X No

If Yes how many:
Type (3 or 4 wire, platinum, 100 Ohm, etc.):

Does motor have stator RTD’s: Yes X No

If Yes how many:
Type (3 or 4 wire, platinum, 100 Ohm, etc.):

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No

Electric Motor Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 1 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U1 Serial Number: 517-2-21592
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Pump Information:
Manufacturer: HDI Model/CNR No.: 577-6211-212 FD:12W10
Serial No: 33222687 Part/Code No.: SP-180-SR-V-EP-2433977

Rotational Check: Left Hand (CCW looking at input shaft) X Right Hand (CW looking at input shaft)

Mechanical Centering: X OK Re-Center

Electrical Centering: X OK Re-Center

Charge Pressure with Pump in Neutral: 224 PSI Charge Pressure at 50% max. flow: 218 PSI
Control Pressure with Pump in Neutral: 550 PSI Control Pressure at 50% max. flow: 475 PSI

Compensator Setting: Port A: 5080 PSI Port B: 5080 PSI

Cross Port Relief Setting: Port A: 5660 PSI Port B: 5660 PSI
Current Setting: “I” A min: 276 mA “I” B min: 270 mA
Current @ Max Flow: “I” A max: 640 mA “I” B max: 635 mA
Max Flow Setting: Port A: 60 GPM Port B: -10 Jog GPM
Mechanical Volume Limit: Port A: FULL GPM Port B: FULL GPM

Pump Shaft Seal Leak Check: X OK

Overall Pump Leak Check: X OK

Charge Pressure Switch: PS-1 X NO, (Closes on rising pressure, set to open at 150 PSI on falling)
Model No.: HYDAC: EDS 3476-3-1000-400
Serial No.: 209F333386

Charge Pressure Transmitter/Transducer: PS-1 X

Model No.: HYDAC: EDS 3476-3-1000-400 Serial No.: 209F333386
Pressure range: 0-1000 scaled to 1000 PSI Output signal type: 4-20mA
Calibrated to input pressure signal and checked at 0, 50, &100%: X Yes No

Pump Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 2 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U1 Serial Number: 517-2-21592
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Hydraulic Components:

Cooler Type: X Air/Oil Water/Oil

Manufacturer: Thermal Transfer Products Model No.: BOL-725-215138
Serial No: 1137194

If Water/Oil cooler with water valve:

Water Valve function verified: (Opens at 104°F (40°C)) Yes No
Water/Oil Cooler checked for water leaks: Yes No
Voltage: VAC Frequency: Hz

Cooler Electric Motor Nameplate Information:

Manufacturer: Baldor Reliance Serial No: X1204
Frame: 56C Power: 1 HP
Voltage: 200/400 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 3.4/1.7 Amps Speed: 2920 RPM

Test Condition: Power: N/A HP

Voltage: N/A VAC Frequency: N/A Hz
Current: N/A Amps Speed: N/A RPM

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No
Verify fan coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No

Hoses, couplings, and fittings checked for oil leaks: X OK

Reservoir checked for Oil leaks: X OK
Check valves inspected for proper flow direction: X OK

Oil Heater model no. (if installed): Model No.: P/N:119144012

Heater Function verified: (Set at 65°F (18.3°C)) X Yes No
Voltage: 240 VAC Frequency: 60 Hz 500 Watts


F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 3 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U1 Serial Number: 517-2-21592
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Electrical Function Check:

Is unit supplied with control system: X Yes No Type: Spider

Control system tested with power unit: X Yes No

Installation: Other Items:

All Terminal Markers Installed: X Yes Control Voltage: 120Vac / 24Vdc
All wires bundled and tied: X Yes Power Supply Make: HDI
Control Box P/N Tag Installed: X Yes Power Supply Model: 376 0071-801 VER.C
All Bill of Material Items Installed: X Yes
Grounding Lug Properly Installed: X Yes
Continuity Test: X Yes
Customer remote connections checked for correct operation: X Yes

Spider Controller:
Jumpers are in correct position: X Yes Model Code: B106-01100-1-00
All Parameters checked: X Yes Serial No: EUSP B10-0096
Password: 1149 Function: Basic
Version: 4.3.1
If the Spider is supplied as a loose item, is it temporarily wired to the Power Unit: Yes

Jupiter 900 Driver Card (S20-14078):

Input Command SW 1A SW 1B Ramp SW 1C SW 1D PWM Driver Soft Stop Emergency Stop
± 10VDC 0.1 – 6 Sec. JP2: B JP3: B JP4: B
± 0-20mA 0.4 – 40 Sec. A A A
± 4-20mA

Jupiter 500 Driver Card (S20-11712):

Input SW1 1 2 3 4
Input Command Input Type
SEG RET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.1 – 6 Sec.
± 5VDC Single-Ended 6 9 RAMP 0.4 – 40 Sec.
± 10VDC 6 9 OFF
± 0-20mA 8 7 ON
± 4-20mA Differential 8 7 OFF
12 ± 8mA 8 7 Bi-Directional Output
Unidirectional Output

Control System Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 4 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U1 Serial Number: 517-2-21592
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Electrical Function Check (continued):

Temperature Switch Cooler. Temp.: 104° F (40° C) X NO, (Closes on temperature rise)
Temperature Switch High. Temp.: 131° F (55° C) X NC, (Opens on temperature rise)
Temperature Switch Max. Temp.: 140° F (60° C) X NC, (Opens on temperature rise)
Temperature Transmitter/Transducer:
Model No.: Gems Serial No.: 221771
Temperature range PT100 RTD scaled to 100°C Output signal type: mV
Checked at temperature switch setting: X Yes No

Oil Level Switch Low Level: LS-2 X NO, (Closes on rising oil level)
Oil Level Switch Min Level: LS-1 X NO, (Closes on rising oil level)

Filter Switch Pump Return: PS-2 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)
Filter Switch Pump/Motor Drain: PS-3 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)
Filter Switch Auxiliary Circuit: PS-4 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)

Suction Line Switch: HS-1 X NO, (When ball valve closed)

Suction Line Switch Auxiliary Circuits: NO, (When ball valve closed)

High Pressure Switch: NC, (Opens on rising pressure)

Model No.:
Serial No.:

High Pressure Transmitter/Transducer: PT-1 X

Model No.: 3100B60CPS1PE000 Serial No.: TT011902P-130-11-0019
Pressure range: 0-6000 scaled to 1000 PSI Output signal type: 4-20mA
Calibrated to input pressure signal and checked at 0, 50, &100%: X Yes No

Torque Seal applied to reservoir breather and all pressure switches: X Yes No


Job Number: 2011049U1 Serial Number: 517-2-21592

Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 5 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Auxiliary Circuit Electric Motor Information:

Is this motor used for test? X Yes No

Manufacturer: SIEMENS Serial No: Date Code: D12-4
Frame: 213TC Power: 5 HP
Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 8 Amps Speed: 1475 RPM

Test Condition: Power: 5 HP

Voltage: 480 VAC Frequency: 60 Hz
Current: 5.1 Amps Speed: 1755 RPM

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight:

Auxiliary Pump:
Manufacturer: Rexroth Model/CNR No.: 9 510 290 124
Serial No: P1204884-020 Part/Code No.: 11W45-7362

Rotational Check: Left Hand (CCW looking at input shaft) X Right Hand (CW looking at input shaft)

Relief Valve Setting: 100 PSI Operating Pressure: 50 PSI @ 104°F

E-Mtr Space Heater: 65 Watts / 115 Vac

Documentation used for testing:

GA 2011 049 Rev.: A HS 2011 049 Rev.: A ES 2011 049 Rev.: A
CD 2011 049 Rev.: A HAS 10914 Rev.: HB 2011 049 Rev.: B
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:

Tested By: CC/WK Date: 18-Jun-2012

Engineering Release and Approval for Shipment:
Approval By: RHW Date: 23-Jul-2012

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 6 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U2 Serial Number: 517-2-21593
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Electric Motor Information:

Is this motor used for test? Yes X No

Manufacturer: SIEMENS Serial No: 3003726625-11/DateCode:G12-1
Frame: 444TSC Power: 75 HP
Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 106 Amps Speed: 1490 RPM

Test Condition: Power: 100 HP

Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current: 71 Amps Speed: 1500 RPM

Does motor have Space Heater: X Yes No

If yes, what Wattage and Volts is heater rated for: 260 Watts 115 Voltage

Does motor have bearing RTD’s: Yes X No

If Yes how many:
Type (3 or 4 wire, platinum, 100 Ohm, etc.):

Does motor have stator RTD’s: Yes X No

If Yes how many:
Type (3 or 4 wire, platinum, 100 Ohm, etc.):

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No

Electric Motor Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 1 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U2 Serial Number: 517-2-21593
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Pump Information:
Manufacturer: HDI Model/CNR No.: 577-6211-212 FD:11W42
Serial No: 33043271 Part/Code No.: SP-180-SR-V-EP-2433977

Rotational Check: Left Hand (CCW looking at input shaft) X Right Hand (CW looking at input shaft)

Mechanical Centering: X OK Re-Center

Electrical Centering: X OK Re-Center

Charge Pressure with Pump in Neutral: 218 PSI Charge Pressure at 50% max. flow: 218 PSI
Control Pressure with Pump in Neutral: 560 PSI Control Pressure at 50% max. flow: 475 PSI

Compensator Setting: Port A: 5080 PSI Port B: 5080 PSI

Cross Port Relief Setting: Port A: 5660 PSI Port B: 5660 PSI
Current Setting: “I” A min: 266 mA “I” B min: 266 mA
Current @ Max Flow: “I” A max: 650 mA “I” B max: 652 mA
Max Flow Setting: Port A: 60 GPM Port B: -10 Jog GPM
Mechanical Volume Limit: Port A: FULL GPM Port B: FULL GPM

Pump Shaft Seal Leak Check: X OK

Overall Pump Leak Check: X OK

Charge Pressure Switch: PS-1 X NO, (Closes on rising pressure, set to open at 150 PSI on falling)
Model No.: HYDAC: EDS 3476-3-1000-400
Serial No.: 849F180608

Charge Pressure Transmitter/Transducer: PS-1 X

Model No.: HYDAC: EDS 3476-3-1000-400 Serial No.: 849F180608
Pressure range: 0-1000 scaled to 1000 PSI Output signal type: 4-20mA
Calibrated to input pressure signal and checked at 0, 50, &100%: X Yes No

Pump Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 2 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U2 Serial Number: 517-2-21593
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Hydraulic Components:

Cooler Type: X Air/Oil Water/Oil

Manufacturer: Thermal Transfer Products Model No.: BOL-725-215138
Serial No: 1137192

If Water/Oil cooler with water valve:

Water Valve function verified: (Opens at 104°F (40°C)) Yes No
Water/Oil Cooler checked for water leaks: Yes No
Voltage: VAC Frequency: Hz

Cooler Electric Motor Nameplate Information:

Manufacturer: Baldor Reliance Serial No: X1204
Frame: 56C Power: 1 HP
Voltage: 200/400 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 3.4/1.7 Amps Speed: 2920 RPM

Test Condition: Power: N/A HP

Voltage: N/A VAC Frequency: N/A Hz
Current: N/A Amps Speed: N/A RPM

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No
Verify fan coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No

Hoses, couplings, and fittings checked for oil leaks: X OK

Reservoir checked for Oil leaks: X OK
Check valves inspected for proper flow direction: X OK

Oil Heater model no. (if installed): Model No.: P/N:119144012

Heater Function verified: (Set at 65°F (18.3°C)) X Yes No
Voltage: 240 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz 500 Watts


F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 3 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U2 Serial Number: 517-2-21593
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Electrical Function Check:

Is unit supplied with control system: X Yes No Type: Spider

Control system tested with power unit: X Yes No

Installation: Other Items:

All Terminal Markers Installed: X Yes Control Voltage: 120Vac / 24Vdc
All wires bundled and tied: X Yes Power Supply Make: HDI
Control Box P/N Tag Installed: X Yes Power Supply Model: 376 0071-801 VER.C
All Bill of Material Items Installed: X Yes
Grounding Lug Properly Installed: X Yes
Continuity Test: X Yes
Customer remote connections checked for correct operation: X Yes

Spider Controller:
Jumpers are in correct position: X Yes Model Code: B106-01100-1-00
All Parameters checked: X Yes Serial No: EUSP B10-0097
Password: 1149 Function: Basic
Version: 4.3.1
If the Spider is supplied as a loose item, is it temporarily wired to the Power Unit: Yes

Jupiter 900 Driver Card (S20-14078):

Input Command SW 1A SW 1B Ramp SW 1C SW 1D PWM Driver Soft Stop Emergency Stop
± 10VDC 0.1 – 6 Sec. JP2: B JP3: B JP4: B
± 0-20mA 0.4 – 40 Sec. A A A
± 4-20mA

Jupiter 500 Driver Card (S20-11712):

Input SW1 1 2 3 4
Input Command Input Type
SEG RET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.1 – 6 Sec.
± 5VDC Single-Ended 6 9 RAMP 0.4 – 40 Sec.
± 10VDC 6 9 OFF
± 0-20mA 8 7 ON
± 4-20mA Differential 8 7 OFF
12 ± 8mA 8 7 Bi-Directional Output
Unidirectional Output

Control System Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 4 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U2 Serial Number: 517-2-21593
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Electrical Function Check (continued):

Temperature Switch Cooler. Temp.: 104° F (40° C) X NO, (Closes on temperature rise)
Temperature Switch High. Temp.: 131° F (55° C) X NC, (Opens on temperature rise)
Temperature Switch Max. Temp.: 140° F (60° C) X NC, (Opens on temperature rise)
Temperature Transmitter/Transducer:
Model No.: Gems Serial No.: 221771
Temperature range PT100 RTD scaled to 100°C Output signal type: mV
Checked at temperature switch setting: X Yes No

Oil Level Switch Low Level: LS-2 X NO, (Closes on rising oil level)
Oil Level Switch Min Level: LS-1 X NO, (Closes on rising oil level)

Filter Switch Pump Return: PS-2 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)
Filter Switch Pump/Motor Drain: PS-3 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)
Filter Switch Auxiliary Circuit: PS-4 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)

Suction Line Switch: HS-1 X NO, (When ball valve closed)

Suction Line Switch Auxiliary Circuits: NO, (When ball valve closed)

High Pressure Switch: NC, (Opens on rising pressure)

Model No.:
Serial No.:

High Pressure Transmitter/Transducer: PT-1 X

Model No.: 3100B60CPS1PE000 Serial No.: TT033282-256-10-0034
Pressure range: 0-6000 scaled to 1000 PSI Output signal type: 4-20mA
Calibrated to input pressure signal and checked at 0, 50, &100%: X Yes No

Torque Seal applied to reservoir breather and all pressure switches: X Yes No


F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 5 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U2 Serial Number: 517-2-21593
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Auxiliary Circuit Electric Motor Information:

Is this motor used for test? X Yes No

Manufacturer: SIEMENS Serial No: Date Code: D12-5
Frame: 213TC Power: 5 HP
Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 8 Amps Speed: 1475 RPM

Test Condition: Power: 5 HP

Voltage: 480 VAC Frequency: 60 Hz
Current: 5 Avg Amps Speed: 1755 RPM

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight:

Auxiliary Pump:
Manufacturer: Rexroth Model/CNR No.: 9 510 290 124
Serial No: P1229912-005 Part/Code No.: 12W11-7362

Rotational Check: Left Hand (CCW looking at input shaft) X Right Hand (CW looking at input shaft)

Relief Valve Setting: 100 PSI Operating Pressure: 50 PSI @ 104°F

E-Mtr Space Heater: 65 Watts / 115 Vac

Documentation used for testing:

GA 2011 049 Rev.: A HS 2011 049 Rev.: A ES 2011 049 Rev.: A
CD 2011 049 Rev.: A HAS 10914 Rev.: HB 2011 049 Rev.: B
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:

Tested By: CC/WK Date: 5-Jun-2012

Engineering Release and Approval for Shipment:
Approval By: RHW Date: 25-Jul-2012

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 6 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U3 Serial Number: 517-2-21594
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Electric Motor Information:

Is this motor used for test? Yes X No

Manufacturer: SIEMENS Serial No: 3003726625-11/DateCode:G12-1
Frame: 444TSC Power: 75 HP
Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 106 Amps Speed: 1490 RPM

Test Condition: Power: 100 HP

Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current: 72 Amps Speed: 1500 RPM

Does motor have Space Heater: X Yes No

If yes, what Wattage and Volts is heater rated for: 260 Watts 115 Voltage

Does motor have bearing RTD’s: Yes X No

If Yes how many:
Type (3 or 4 wire, platinum, 100 Ohm, etc.):

Does motor have stator RTD’s: Yes X No

If Yes how many:
Type (3 or 4 wire, platinum, 100 Ohm, etc.):

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No

Electric Motor Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 1 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U3 Serial Number: 517-2-21594
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Pump Information:
Manufacturer: HDI Model/CNR No.: 577-6211-212 FD:12W03
Serial No: 33130732 Part/Code No.: SP-180-SR-V-EP-2433977

Rotational Check: Left Hand (CCW looking at input shaft) X Right Hand (CW looking at input shaft)

Mechanical Centering: X OK Re-Center

Electrical Centering: X OK Re-Center

Charge Pressure with Pump in Neutral: 224 PSI Charge Pressure at 50% max. flow: 228 PSI
Control Pressure with Pump in Neutral: 550 PSI Control Pressure at 50% max. flow: 475 PSI

Compensator Setting: Port A: 5080 PSI Port B: 5080 PSI

Cross Port Relief Setting: Port A: 5660 PSI Port B: 5660 PSI
Current Setting: “I” A min: 276 mA “I” B min: 270 mA
Current @ Max Flow: “I” A max: 645 mA “I” B max: 654 mA
Max Flow Setting: Port A: 60 GPM Port B: -10 Jog GPM
Mechanical Volume Limit: Port A: FULL GPM Port B: FULL GPM

Pump Shaft Seal Leak Check: X OK

Overall Pump Leak Check: X OK

Charge Pressure Switch: PS-1 X NO, (Closes on rising pressure, set to open at 150 PSI on falling)
Model No.: HYDAC: EDS 3476-3-1000-400
Serial No.: 205F330663

Charge Pressure Transmitter/Transducer: PS-1 X

Model No.: HYDAC: EDS 3476-3-1000-400 Serial No.: 205F330663
Pressure range: 0-1000 scaled to 1000 PSI Output signal type: 4-20mA
Calibrated to input pressure signal and checked at 0, 50, &100%: X Yes No

Pump Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 2 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U3 Serial Number: 517-2-21594
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Hydraulic Components:

Cooler Type: X Air/Oil Water/Oil

Manufacturer: Thermal Transfer Products Model No.: BOL-725-215138
Serial No: 1137196

If Water/Oil cooler with water valve:

Water Valve function verified: (Opens at 104°F (40°C)) Yes No
Water/Oil Cooler checked for water leaks: Yes No
Voltage: VAC Frequency: Hz

Cooler Electric Motor Nameplate Information:

Manufacturer: Baldor Reliance Serial No: X1204
Frame: 56C Power: 1 HP
Voltage: 200/400 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 3.4/1.7 Amps Speed: 2920 RPM

Test Condition: Power: N/A HP

Voltage: N/A VAC Frequency: N/A Hz
Current: N/A Amps Speed: N/A RPM

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No
Verify fan coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No

Hoses, couplings, and fittings checked for oil leaks: X OK

Reservoir checked for Oil leaks: X OK
Check valves inspected for proper flow direction: X OK

Oil Heater model no. (if installed): Model No.: P/N:119144012

Heater Function verified: (Set at 65°F (18.3°C)) X Yes No
Voltage: 240 VAC Frequency: 60 Hz 500 Watts


F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 3 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U3 Serial Number: 517-2-21594
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Electrical Function Check:

Is unit supplied with control system: X Yes No Type: Spider

Control system tested with power unit: X Yes No

Installation: Other Items:

All Terminal Markers Installed: X Yes Control Voltage: 120Vac / 24Vdc
All wires bundled and tied: X Yes Power Supply Make: HDI
Control Box P/N Tag Installed: X Yes Power Supply Model: 376 0071-801 VER.C
All Bill of Material Items Installed: X Yes
Grounding Lug Properly Installed: X Yes
Continuity Test: X Yes
Customer remote connections checked for correct operation: X Yes

Spider Controller:
Jumpers are in correct position: X Yes Model Code: B106-01100-1-00
All Parameters checked: X Yes Serial No: EUSP B10-0098
Password: 1149 Function: Basic
Version: 4.3.1
If the Spider is supplied as a loose item, is it temporarily wired to the Power Unit: Yes

Jupiter 900 Driver Card (S20-14078):

Input Command SW 1A SW 1B Ramp SW 1C SW 1D PWM Driver Soft Stop Emergency Stop
± 10VDC 0.1 – 6 Sec. JP2: B JP3: B JP4: B
± 0-20mA 0.4 – 40 Sec. A A A
± 4-20mA

Jupiter 500 Driver Card (S20-11712):

Input SW1 1 2 3 4
Input Command Input Type
SEG RET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.1 – 6 Sec.
± 5VDC Single-Ended 6 9 RAMP 0.4 – 40 Sec.
± 10VDC 6 9 OFF
± 0-20mA 8 7 ON
± 4-20mA Differential 8 7 OFF
12 ± 8mA 8 7 Bi-Directional Output
Unidirectional Output

Control System Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 4 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U3 Serial Number: 517-2-21594
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Electrical Function Check (continued):

Temperature Switch Cooler. Temp.: 104° F (40° C) X NO, (Closes on temperature rise)
Temperature Switch High. Temp.: 131° F (55° C) X NC, (Opens on temperature rise)
Temperature Switch Max. Temp.: 140° F (60° C) X NC, (Opens on temperature rise)
Temperature Transmitter/Transducer:
Model No.: Gems Serial No.: 221771
Temperature range PT100 RTD scaled to 100°C Output signal type: mV
Checked at temperature switch setting: X Yes No

Oil Level Switch Low Level: LS-2 X NO, (Closes on rising oil level)
Oil Level Switch Min Level: LS-1 X NO, (Closes on rising oil level)

Filter Switch Pump Return: PS-2 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)
Filter Switch Pump/Motor Drain: PS-3 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)
Filter Switch Auxiliary Circuit: PS-4 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)

Suction Line Switch: HS-1 X NO, (When ball valve closed)

Suction Line Switch Auxiliary Circuits: NO, (When ball valve closed)

High Pressure Switch: NC, (Opens on rising pressure)

Model No.:
Serial No.:

High Pressure Transmitter/Transducer: PT-1 X

Model No.: 3100B60CPS1PE000 Serial No.: TT033282-256-10-0016
Pressure range: 0-6000 scaled to 1000 PSI Output signal type: 4-20mA
Calibrated to input pressure signal and checked at 0, 50, &100%: X Yes No

Torque Seal applied to reservoir breather and all pressure switches: X Yes No


Job Number: 2011049U3 Serial Number: 517-2-21594

Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 5 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Auxiliary Circuit Electric Motor Information:

Is this motor used for test? X Yes No

Manufacturer: SIEMENS Serial No: Date Code: D12-6
Frame: 213TC Power: 5 HP
Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 8 Amps Speed: 1475 RPM

Test Condition: Power: 5 HP

Voltage: 480 VAC Frequency: 60 Hz
Current: 5.1 Amps Speed: 1755 RPM

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight:

Auxiliary Pump:
Manufacturer: Rexroth Model/CNR No.: 9 510 290 124
Serial No: P1229912--011 Part/Code No.: 12W11-7362

Rotational Check: Left Hand (CCW looking at input shaft) X Right Hand (CW looking at input shaft)

Relief Valve Setting: 100 PSI Operating Pressure: 50 PSI @ 104°F

E-Mtr Space Heater: 65 Watts / 115 Vac

Documentation used for testing:

GA 2011 049 Rev.: A HS 2011 049 Rev.: A ES 2011 049 Rev.: A
CD 2011 049 Rev.: A HAS 10914 Rev.: HB 2011 049 Rev.: B
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:

Tested By: CC/WK Date: 14-Jun-2012

Engineering Release and Approval for Shipment:
Approval By: RHW Date: 25-Jul-2012

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 6 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U4 Serial Number: 517-2-21595
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Electric Motor Information:

Is this motor used for test? Yes X No

Manufacturer: SIEMENS Serial No: 3003726625-31/DateCode:G12-2
Frame: 444TSC Power: 75 HP
Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 106 Amps Speed: 1490 RPM

Test Condition: Power: 100 HP

Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current: 69 Amps Speed: 1500 RPM

Does motor have Space Heater: X Yes No

If yes, what Wattage and Volts is heater rated for: 260 Watts 115 Voltage

Does motor have bearing RTD’s: Yes X No

If Yes how many:
Type (3 or 4 wire, platinum, 100 Ohm, etc.):

Does motor have stator RTD’s: Yes X No

If Yes how many:
Type (3 or 4 wire, platinum, 100 Ohm, etc.):

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No

Electric Motor Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 1 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U4 Serial Number: 517-2-21595
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Pump Information:
Manufacturer: HDI Model/CNR No.: 577-6211-212 FD:2012W05
Serial No: 33149196 Part/Code No.: SP-180-SR-V-EP-2433977

Rotational Check: Left Hand (CCW looking at input shaft) X Right Hand (CW looking at input shaft)

Mechanical Centering: OK X Re-Center

Electrical Centering: X OK Re-Center

Charge Pressure with Pump in Neutral: 222 PSI Charge Pressure at 50% max. flow: 218 PSI
Control Pressure with Pump in Neutral: 575 PSI Control Pressure at 50% max. flow: 475 PSI

Compensator Setting: Port A: 5080 PSI Port B: 5080 PSI

Cross Port Relief Setting: Port A: 5660 PSI Port B: 5660 PSI
Current Setting: “I” A min: 271 mA “I” B min: 270 mA
Current @ Max Flow: “I” A max: 647 mA “I” B max: 655 mA
Max Flow Setting: Port A: 60 GPM Port B: -10 Jog GPM
Mechanical Volume Limit: Port A: FULL GPM Port B: FULL GPM

Pump Shaft Seal Leak Check: X OK

Overall Pump Leak Check: X OK

Charge Pressure Switch: PS-1 X NO, (Closes on rising pressure, set to open at 150 PSI on falling)
Model No.: HYDAC: EDS 3476-3-1000-400
Serial No.: 149F324740

Charge Pressure Transmitter/Transducer: PS-1 X

Model No.: HYDAC: EDS 3476-3-1000-400 Serial No.: 149F324740
Pressure range: 0-1000 scaled to 1000 PSI Output signal type: 4-20mA
Calibrated to input pressure signal and checked at 0, 50, &100%: X Yes No

Pump Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 2 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U4 Serial Number: 517-2-21595
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Hydraulic Components:

Cooler Type: X Air/Oil Water/Oil

Manufacturer: Thermal Transfer Products Model No.: BOL-725-215138
Serial No: 1137191

If Water/Oil cooler with water valve:

Water Valve function verified: (Opens at 104°F (40°C)) Yes No
Water/Oil Cooler checked for water leaks: Yes No
Voltage: VAC Frequency: Hz

Cooler Electric Motor Nameplate Information:

Manufacturer: Baldor Reliance Serial No: X1204
Frame: 56C Power: 1 HP
Voltage: 200/400 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 3.4/1.7 Amps Speed: 2920 RPM

Test Condition: Power: N/A HP

Voltage: N/A VAC Frequency: N/A Hz
Current: N/A Amps Speed: N/A RPM

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No
Verify fan coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No

Hoses, couplings, and fittings checked for oil leaks: X OK

Reservoir checked for Oil leaks: X OK
Check valves inspected for proper flow direction: X OK

Oil Heater model no. (if installed): Model No.: P/N:119144012

Heater Function verified: (Set at 65°F (18.3°C)) X Yes No
Voltage: 240 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz 500 Watts


F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 3 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U4 Serial Number: 517-2-21595
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Electrical Function Check:

Is unit supplied with control system: X Yes No Type: Spider

Control system tested with power unit: X Yes No

Installation: Other Items:

All Terminal Markers Installed: X Yes Control Voltage: 120Vac / 24Vdc
All wires bundled and tied: X Yes Power Supply Make: HDI
Control Box P/N Tag Installed: X Yes Power Supply Model: 376 0071-801 VER.C
All Bill of Material Items Installed: X Yes
Grounding Lug Properly Installed: X Yes
Continuity Test: X Yes
Customer remote connections checked for correct operation: X Yes

Spider Controller:
Jumpers are in correct position: X Yes Model Code: B106-01100-1-00
All Parameters checked: X Yes Serial No: EUSP B10-0099
Password: 1149 Function: Basic
Version: 4.3.1
If the Spider is supplied as a loose item, is it temporarily wired to the Power Unit: Yes

Jupiter 900 Driver Card (S20-14078):

Input Command SW 1A SW 1B Ramp SW 1C SW 1D PWM Driver Soft Stop Emergency Stop
± 10VDC 0.1 – 6 Sec. JP2: B JP3: B JP4: B
± 0-20mA 0.4 – 40 Sec. A A A
± 4-20mA

Jupiter 500 Driver Card (S20-11712):

Input SW1 1 2 3 4
Input Command Input Type
SEG RET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.1 – 6 Sec.
± 5VDC Single-Ended 6 9 RAMP 0.4 – 40 Sec.
± 10VDC 6 9 OFF
± 0-20mA 8 7 ON
± 4-20mA Differential 8 7 OFF
12 ± 8mA 8 7 Bi-Directional Output
Unidirectional Output

Control System Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 4 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U4 Serial Number: 517-2-21595
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Electrical Function Check (continued):

Temperature Switch Cooler. Temp.: 104° F (40° C) X NO, (Closes on temperature rise)
Temperature Switch High. Temp.: 131° F (55° C) X NC, (Opens on temperature rise)
Temperature Switch Max. Temp.: 140° F (60° C) X NC, (Opens on temperature rise)
Temperature Transmitter/Transducer:
Model No.: Gems Serial No.: 221771
Temperature range PT100 RTD scaled to 100°C Output signal type: mV
Checked at temperature switch setting: X Yes No

Oil Level Switch Low Level: LS-2 X NO, (Closes on rising oil level)
Oil Level Switch Min Level: LS-1 X NO, (Closes on rising oil level)

Filter Switch Pump Return: PS-2 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)
Filter Switch Pump/Motor Drain: PS-3 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)
Filter Switch Auxiliary Circuit: PS-4 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)

Suction Line Switch: HS-1 X NO, (When ball valve closed)

Suction Line Switch Auxiliary Circuits: NO, (When ball valve closed)

High Pressure Switch: NC, (Opens on rising pressure)

Model No.:
Serial No.:

High Pressure Transmitter/Transducer: PT-1 X

Model No.: 3100B60CPS1PE000 Serial No.: TT033282-253-10-0005
Pressure range: 0-6000 scaled to 1000 PSI Output signal type: 4-20mA
Calibrated to input pressure signal and checked at 0, 50, &100%: X Yes No

Torque Seal applied to reservoir breather and all pressure switches: X Yes No


Job Number: 2011049U4 Serial Number: 517-2-21595

Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 5 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Auxiliary Circuit Electric Motor Information:

Is this motor used for test? X Yes No

Manufacturer: SIEMENS Serial No: Date Code: D12-1
Frame: 213TC Power: 5 HP
Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 8 Amps Speed: 1475 RPM

Test Condition: Power: 5 HP

Voltage: 480 VAC Frequency: 60 Hz
Current: 5.5 Avg Amps Speed: 1755 RPM

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight:

Auxiliary Pump:
Manufacturer: Rexroth Model/CNR No.: 9 510 290 124
Serial No: P1229912-008 Part/Code No.: 12W11-7362

Rotational Check: Left Hand (CCW looking at input shaft) X Right Hand (CW looking at input shaft)

Relief Valve Setting: 100 PSI Operating Pressure: 50 PSI @ 104°F

E-Mtr Space Heater: 65 Watts / 115 Vac

Documentation used for testing:

GA 2011 049 Rev.: A HS 2011 049 Rev.: A ES 2011 049 Rev.: A
CD 2011 049 Rev.: A HAS 10914 Rev.: HB 2011 049 Rev.: B
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:

Tested By: CC/WK Date: 7-Jun-2012

Engineering Release and Approval for Shipment:
Approval By: RHW Date: 23-Jul-2012

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 6 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U5 Serial Number: 517-2-21596
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Electric Motor Information:

Is this motor used for test? Yes X No

Manufacturer: SIEMENS Serial No: 3003726625-11/DateCode:G12-3
Frame: 444TSC Power: 75 HP
Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 106 Amps Speed: 1490 RPM

Test Condition: Power: 100 HP

Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current: 67 Amps Speed: 1500 RPM

Does motor have Space Heater: X Yes No

If yes, what Wattage and Volts is heater rated for: 260 Watts 115 Voltage

Does motor have bearing RTD’s: Yes X No

If Yes how many:
Type (3 or 4 wire, platinum, 100 Ohm, etc.):

Does motor have stator RTD’s: Yes X No

If Yes how many:
Type (3 or 4 wire, platinum, 100 Ohm, etc.):

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No

Electric Motor Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 1 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U5 Serial Number: 517-2-21596
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Pump Information:
Manufacturer: HDI Model/CNR No.: 577-6211-212 FD:2012W05
Serial No: 33149198 Part/Code No.: SP-180-SR-V-EP-2433977

Rotational Check: Left Hand (CCW looking at input shaft) X Right Hand (CW looking at input shaft)

Mechanical Centering: OK X Re-Center

Electrical Centering: X OK Re-Center

Charge Pressure with Pump in Neutral: 228 PSI Charge Pressure at 50% max. flow: 218 PSI
Control Pressure with Pump in Neutral: 545 PSI Control Pressure at 50% max. flow: 445 PSI

Compensator Setting: Port A: 5080 PSI Port B: 5080 PSI

Cross Port Relief Setting: Port A: 5660 PSI Port B: 5660 PSI
Current Setting: “I” A min: 268 mA “I” B min: 275 mA
Current @ Max Flow: “I” A max: 642 mA “I” B max: 655 mA
Max Flow Setting: Port A: 60 GPM Port B: -10 Jog GPM
Mechanical Volume Limit: Port A: FULL GPM Port B: FULL GPM

Pump Shaft Seal Leak Check: X OK

Overall Pump Leak Check: X OK

Charge Pressure Switch: PS-1 X NO, (Closes on rising pressure, set to open at 150 PSI on falling)
Model No.: HYDAC: EDS 3476-3-1000-400
Serial No.: 133F307435

Charge Pressure Transmitter/Transducer: PS-1 X

Model No.: HYDAC: EDS 3476-3-1000-400 Serial No.: 133F307435
Pressure range: 0-1000 scaled to 1000 PSI Output signal type: 4-20mA
Calibrated to input pressure signal and checked at 0, 50, &100%: X Yes No

Pump Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 2 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U5 Serial Number: 517-2-21596
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Hydraulic Components:

Cooler Type: X Air/Oil Water/Oil

Manufacturer: Thermal Transfer Products Model No.: BOL-725-215138
Serial No: 1137193

If Water/Oil cooler with water valve:

Water Valve function verified: (Opens at 104°F (40°C)) Yes No
Water/Oil Cooler checked for water leaks: Yes No
Voltage: VAC Frequency: Hz

Cooler Electric Motor Nameplate Information:

Manufacturer: Baldor Reliance Serial No: X1204
Frame: 56C Power: 1 HP
Voltage: 200/400 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 3.4/1.7 Amps Speed: 2920 RPM

Test Condition: Power: N/A HP

Voltage: N/A VAC Frequency: N/A Hz
Current: N/A Amps Speed: N/A RPM

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No
Verify fan coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No

Hoses, couplings, and fittings checked for oil leaks: X OK

Reservoir checked for Oil leaks: X OK
Check valves inspected for proper flow direction: X OK

Oil Heater model no. (if installed): Model No.: P/N:119144012

Heater Function verified: (Set at 65°F (18.3°C)) X Yes No
Voltage: 240 VAC Frequency: 60 Hz 500 Watts


F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 3 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U5 Serial Number: 517-2-21596
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Electrical Function Check:

Is unit supplied with control system: X Yes No Type: Spider

Control system tested with power unit: X Yes No

Installation: Other Items:

All Terminal Markers Installed: X Yes Control Voltage: 120Vac / 24Vdc
All wires bundled and tied: X Yes Power Supply Make: HDI
Control Box P/N Tag Installed: X Yes Power Supply Model: 376 0071-801 VER.C
All Bill of Material Items Installed: X Yes
Grounding Lug Properly Installed: X Yes
Continuity Test: X Yes
Customer remote connections checked for correct operation: X Yes

Spider Controller:
Jumpers are in correct position: X Yes Model Code: B106-01100-1-00
All Parameters checked: X Yes Serial No: EUSP B10-0100
Password: 1149 Function: Basic
Version: 4.3.1
If the Spider is supplied as a loose item, is it temporarily wired to the Power Unit: Yes

Jupiter 900 Driver Card (S20-14078):

Input Command SW 1A SW 1B Ramp SW 1C SW 1D PWM Driver Soft Stop Emergency Stop
± 10VDC 0.1 – 6 Sec. JP2: B JP3: B JP4: B
± 0-20mA 0.4 – 40 Sec. A A A
± 4-20mA

Jupiter 500 Driver Card (S20-11712):

Input SW1 1 2 3 4
Input Command Input Type
SEG RET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.1 – 6 Sec.
± 5VDC Single-Ended 6 9 RAMP 0.4 – 40 Sec.
± 10VDC 6 9 OFF
± 0-20mA 8 7 ON
± 4-20mA Differential 8 7 OFF
12 ± 8mA 8 7 Bi-Directional Output
Unidirectional Output

Control System Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 4 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U5 Serial Number: 517-2-21596
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Electrical Function Check (continued):

Temperature Switch Cooler. Temp.: 104° F (40° C) X NO, (Closes on temperature rise)
Temperature Switch High. Temp.: 131° F (55° C) X NC, (Opens on temperature rise)
Temperature Switch Max. Temp.: 140° F (60° C) X NC, (Opens on temperature rise)
Temperature Transmitter/Transducer:
Model No.: Gems Serial No.: 221771
Temperature range PT100 RTD scaled to 100°C Output signal type: mV
Checked at temperature switch setting: X Yes No

Oil Level Switch Low Level: LS-2 X NO, (Closes on rising oil level)
Oil Level Switch Min Level: LS-1 X NO, (Closes on rising oil level)

Filter Switch Pump Return: PS-2 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)
Filter Switch Pump/Motor Drain: PS-3 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)
Filter Switch Auxiliary Circuit: PS-4 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)

Suction Line Switch: HS-1 X NO, (When ball valve closed)

Suction Line Switch Auxiliary Circuits: NO, (When ball valve closed)

High Pressure Switch: NC, (Opens on rising pressure)

Model No.:
Serial No.:

High Pressure Transmitter/Transducer: PT-1 X

Model No.: 3100B60CPS1PE000 Serial No.: TT033282-253-10-0030
Pressure range: 0-6000 scaled to 1000 PSI Output signal type: 4-20mA
Calibrated to input pressure signal and checked at 0, 50, &100%: X Yes No

Torque Seal applied to reservoir breather and all pressure switches: X Yes No


Job Number: 2011049U5 Serial Number: 517-2-21596

Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 5 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Auxiliary Circuit Electric Motor Information:

Is this motor used for test? X Yes No

Manufacturer: SIEMENS Serial No: Date Code: D12-2
Frame: 213TC Power: 5 HP
Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 8 Amps Speed: 1475 RPM

Test Condition: Power: 5 HP

Voltage: 480 VAC Frequency: 60 Hz
Current: 5.25 Avg Amps Speed: 1755 RPM

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight:

Auxiliary Pump:
Manufacturer: Rexroth Model/CNR No.: 9 510 290 124
Serial No: P1229912-014 Part/Code No.: 12W11-7362

Rotational Check: Left Hand (CCW looking at input shaft) X Right Hand (CW looking at input shaft)

Relief Valve Setting: 100 PSI Operating Pressure: 50 PSI @ 104°F

E-Mtr Space Heater: 65 Watts / 115 Vac

Documentation used for testing:

GA 2011 049 Rev.: A HS 2011 049 Rev.: A ES 2011 049 Rev.: A
CD 2011 049 Rev.: A HAS 10914 Rev.: HB 2011 049 Rev.: B
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:

Tested By: CC/WK Date: 21-Jun-2012

Engineering Release and Approval for Shipment:
Approval By: RHW Date: 25-Jul-2012

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 6 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U6 Serial Number: 517-2-21597
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Electric Motor Information:

Is this motor used for test? Yes X No

Manufacturer: SIEMENS Serial No: 3003726625-31/DateCode:G12-1
Frame: 444TSC Power: 75 HP
Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 106 Amps Speed: 1490 RPM

Test Condition: Power: 100 HP

Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current: 68 Amps Speed: 1500 RPM

Does motor have Space Heater: X Yes No

If yes, what Wattage and Volts is heater rated for: 260 Watts 115 Voltage

Does motor have bearing RTD’s: Yes X No

If Yes how many:
Type (3 or 4 wire, platinum, 100 Ohm, etc.):

Does motor have stator RTD’s: Yes X No

If Yes how many:
Type (3 or 4 wire, platinum, 100 Ohm, etc.):

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No

Electric Motor Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 1 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U6 Serial Number: 517-2-21597
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Pump Information:
Manufacturer: HDI Model/CNR No.: 577-6211-212 FD:12W05
Serial No: 33150044 Part/Code No.: SP-180-SR-V-EP-2433977

Rotational Check: Left Hand (CCW looking at input shaft) X Right Hand (CW looking at input shaft)

Mechanical Centering: X OK Re-Center

Electrical Centering: X OK Re-Center

Charge Pressure with Pump in Neutral: 224 PSI Charge Pressure at 50% max. flow: 218 PSI
Control Pressure with Pump in Neutral: 565 PSI Control Pressure at 50% max. flow: 455 PSI

Compensator Setting: Port A: 5080 PSI Port B: 5080 PSI

Cross Port Relief Setting: Port A: 5660 PSI Port B: 5660 PSI
Current Setting: “I” A min: 271 mA “I” B min: 270 mA
Current @ Max Flow: “I” A max: 647 mA “I” B max: 651 mA
Max Flow Setting: Port A: 60 GPM Port B: -10 Jog GPM
Mechanical Volume Limit: Port A: FULL GPM Port B: FULL GPM

Pump Shaft Seal Leak Check: X OK

Overall Pump Leak Check: X OK

Charge Pressure Switch: PS-1 X NO, (Closes on rising pressure, set to open at 150 PSI on falling)
Model No.: HYDAC: EDS 3476-3-1000-400
Serial No.: 205F330660

Charge Pressure Transmitter/Transducer: PS-1 X

Model No.: HYDAC: EDS 3476-3-1000-400 Serial No.: 205F330660
Pressure range: 0-1000 scaled to 1000 PSI Output signal type: 4-20mA
Calibrated to input pressure signal and checked at 0, 50, &100%: X Yes No

Pump Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 2 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U6 Serial Number: 517-2-21597
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Hydraulic Components:

Cooler Type: X Air/Oil Water/Oil

Manufacturer: Thermal Transfer Products Model No.: BOL-725-215138
Serial No: 1137195

If Water/Oil cooler with water valve:

Water Valve function verified: (Opens at 104°F (40°C)) Yes No
Water/Oil Cooler checked for water leaks: Yes No
Voltage: VAC Frequency: Hz

Cooler Electric Motor Nameplate Information:

Manufacturer: Baldor Reliance Serial No: X1204
Frame: 56C Power: 1 HP
Voltage: 200/400 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 3.4/1.7 Amps Speed: 2920 RPM

Test Condition: Power: N/A HP

Voltage: N/A VAC Frequency: N/A Hz
Current: N/A Amps Speed: N/A RPM

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No
Verify fan coupling fit and set screws are tight: X Yes No

Hoses, couplings, and fittings checked for oil leaks: X OK

Reservoir checked for Oil leaks: X OK
Check valves inspected for proper flow direction: X OK

Oil Heater model no. (if installed): Model No.: P/N:119144012

Heater Function verified: (Set at 65°F (18.3°C)) X Yes No
Voltage: 240 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz 500 Watts


F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 3 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U6 Serial Number: 517-2-21597
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Electrical Function Check:

Is unit supplied with control system: X Yes No Type: Spider

Control system tested with power unit: X Yes No

Installation: Other Items:

All Terminal Markers Installed: X Yes Control Voltage: 120Vac / 24Vdc
All wires bundled and tied: X Yes Power Supply Make: HDI
Control Box P/N Tag Installed: X Yes Power Supply Model: 376 0071-801 VER.C
All Bill of Material Items Installed: X Yes
Grounding Lug Properly Installed: X Yes
Continuity Test: X Yes
Customer remote connections checked for correct operation: X Yes

Spider Controller:
Jumpers are in correct position: X Yes Model Code: B106-01100-1-00
All Parameters checked: X Yes Serial No: EUSP B10-0101
Password: 1149 Function: Basic
Version: 4.3.1
If the Spider is supplied as a loose item, is it temporarily wired to the Power Unit: Yes

Jupiter 900 Driver Card (S20-14078):

Input Command SW 1A SW 1B Ramp SW 1C SW 1D PWM Driver Soft Stop Emergency Stop
± 10VDC 0.1 – 6 Sec. JP2: B JP3: B JP4: B
± 0-20mA 0.4 – 40 Sec. A A A
± 4-20mA

Jupiter 500 Driver Card (S20-11712):

Input SW1 1 2 3 4
Input Command Input Type
SEG RET 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0.1 – 6 Sec.
± 5VDC Single-Ended 6 9 RAMP 0.4 – 40 Sec.
± 10VDC 6 9 OFF
± 0-20mA 8 7 ON
± 4-20mA Differential 8 7 OFF
12 ± 8mA 8 7 Bi-Directional Output
Unidirectional Output

Control System Notes:

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 4 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Job Number: 2011049U6 Serial Number: 517-2-21597
Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

Power Unit Electrical Function Check (continued):

Temperature Switch Cooler. Temp.: 104° F (40° C) X NO, (Closes on temperature rise)
Temperature Switch High. Temp.: 131° F (55° C) X NC, (Opens on temperature rise)
Temperature Switch Max. Temp.: 140° F (60° C) X NC, (Opens on temperature rise)
Temperature Transmitter/Transducer:
Model No.: Gems Serial No.: 221771
Temperature range PT100 RTD scaled to 100°C Output signal type: mV
Checked at temperature switch setting: X Yes No

Oil Level Switch Low Level: LS-2 X NO, (Closes on rising oil level)
Oil Level Switch Min Level: LS-1 X NO, (Closes on rising oil level)

Filter Switch Pump Return: PS-2 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)
Filter Switch Pump/Motor Drain: PS-3 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)
Filter Switch Auxiliary Circuit: PS-4 X NC, (Opens on high differential pressure)

Suction Line Switch: HS-1 X NO, (When ball valve closed)

Suction Line Switch Auxiliary Circuits: NO, (When ball valve closed)

High Pressure Switch: NC, (Opens on rising pressure)

Model No.:
Serial No.:

High Pressure Transmitter/Transducer: PT-1 X

Model No.: 3100B60CPS1PE000 Serial No.: TT011902P-130-11-0018
Pressure range: 0-6000 scaled to 1000 PSI Output signal type: 4-20mA
Calibrated to input pressure signal and checked at 0, 50, &100%: X Yes No

Torque Seal applied to reservoir breather and all pressure switches: X Yes No


Job Number: 2011049U6 Serial Number: 517-2-21597

Power Unit Model Code: PAC-202-180-075-22-1111-1C1DB-0000-0-380/50

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 5 of 6

Power Unit Test Report
Auxiliary Circuit Electric Motor Information:

Is this motor used for test? X Yes No

Manufacturer: SIEMENS Serial No: Date Code: D12-3
Frame: 213TC Power: 5 HP
Voltage: 380 VAC Frequency: 50 Hz
Current (FLA): 8 Amps Speed: 1475 RPM

Test Condition: Power: 5 HP

Voltage: 480 VAC Frequency: 60 Hz
Current: 5.5 Avg Amps Speed: 1755 RPM

Does motor have grease fittings installed: X Yes No

Bearings lubricated prior to start up: Yes X No
Verify shaft coupling fit and set screws are tight:

Auxiliary Pump:
Manufacturer: Rexroth Model/CNR No.: 9 510 290 124
Serial No: P1229912-002 Part/Code No.: 12W11-7362

Rotational Check: Left Hand (CCW looking at input shaft) X Right Hand (CW looking at input shaft)

Relief Valve Setting: 100 PSI Operating Pressure: 50 PSI @ 104°F

E-Mtr Space Heater: 65 Watts / 115 Vac

Documentation used for testing:

GA 2011 049 Rev.: A HS 2011 049 Rev.: A ES 2011 049 Rev.: A
CD 2011 049 Rev.: A HAS 10914 Rev.: HB 2011 049 Rev.: B
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:
Rev.: Rev.: Rev.:

Tested By: CC/WK Date: 12-Jun-2012

Engineering Release and Approval for Shipment:
Approval By: RHW Date: 23-Jul-2012

F10208-x l Revision: Orig.l Date: 06/23/2010 6 of 6



517-2-21592 ELECTRIC MOTOR


52.8/200 4730/2145 75/56

Gallon/Litres lbs/kg HP/kW

85/322 6/12/2012 380 VAC

50 Hz

5080/350 2011049 U1 SPEED

PSI/Bar 1500 RPM


Tel: USA: (614)-527-7400; Telefax: (614)-527-7401
Tel: Canada: (905)-735-0510; Telefax: (905)-714-4036

snt2011049 U1.xls, 10/23/2012 Page 1 Prepared By: Project Leader's Name



517-2-21593 ELECTRIC MOTOR


52.8/200 4730/2145 75/56

Gallon/Litres lbs/kg HP/kW

85/322 6/12/2012 380 VAC

50 Hz

5080/350 2011049 U2 SPEED

PSI/Bar 1500 RPM


Tel: USA: (614)-527-7400; Telefax: (614)-527-7401
Tel: Canada: (905)-735-0510; Telefax: (905)-714-4036

snt2011049 U2.xls, 10/23/2012 Page 1 Prepared By: Project Leader's Name



517-2-21594 ELECTRIC MOTOR


52.8/200 4730/2145 75/56

Gallon/Litres lbs/kg HP/kW

85/322 6/12/2012 380 VAC

50 Hz

5080/350 2011049 U3 SPEED

PSI/Bar 1500 RPM


Tel: USA: (614)-527-7400; Telefax: (614)-527-7401
Tel: Canada: (905)-735-0510; Telefax: (905)-714-4036

snt2011049 U3.xls, 10/23/2012 Page 1 Prepared By: Project Leader's Name



517-2-21595 ELECTRIC MOTOR


52.8/200 4730/2145 75/56

Gallon/Litres lbs/kg HP/kW

85/322 6/12/2012 380 VAC

50 Hz

5080/350 2011049 U4 SPEED

PSI/Bar 1500 RPM


Tel: USA: (614)-527-7400; Telefax: (614)-527-7401
Tel: Canada: (905)-735-0510; Telefax: (905)-714-4036

snt2011049 U4.xls, 10/23/2012 Page 1 Prepared By: Project Leader's Name



517-2-21596 ELECTRIC MOTOR


52.8/200 4730/2145 75/56

Gallon/Litres lbs/kg HP/kW

85/322 6/12/2012 380 VAC

50 Hz

5080/350 2011049 U5 SPEED

PSI/Bar 1500 RPM


Tel: USA: (614)-527-7400; Telefax: (614)-527-7401
Tel: Canada: (905)-735-0510; Telefax: (905)-714-4036

snt2011049 U5.xls, 10/23/2012 Page 1 Prepared By: Project Leader's Name



517-2-21597 ELECTRIC MOTOR


52.8/200 4730/2145 75/56

Gallon/Litres lbs/kg HP/kW

85/322 6/12/2012 380 VAC

50 Hz

5080/350 2011049 U6 SPEED

PSI/Bar 1500 RPM


Tel: USA: (614)-527-7400; Telefax: (614)-527-7401
Tel: Canada: (905)-735-0510; Telefax: (905)-714-4036

snt2011049 U6.xls, 10/23/2012 Page 1 Prepared By: Project Leader's Name

EUSP B10-0096
Supply Voltage: 90-264VAC


www.hagglunds.com PRODUCT

2011049 U1 US Spider Serial Number Tag.xls, 10/23/2012

Page 1 Prepared By: Project Leader's Name
EUSP B10-0097
Supply Voltage: 90-264VAC


www.hagglunds.com PRODUCT

2011049 U2 US Spider Serial Number Tag.xls, 10/23/2012

Page 1 Prepared By: Project Leader's Name
EUSP B10-0098
Supply Voltage: 90-264VAC


www.hagglunds.com PRODUCT

2011049 U3 US Spider Serial Number Tag.xls, 10/23/2012

Page 1 Prepared By: Project Leader's Name
EUSP B10-0099
Supply Voltage: 90-264VAC


www.hagglunds.com PRODUCT

2011049 U4 US Spider Serial Number Tag.xls, 10/23/2012

Page 1 Prepared By: Project Leader's Name
EUSP B10-0100
Supply Voltage: 90-264VAC


www.hagglunds.com PRODUCT

2011049 U5 US Spider Serial Number Tag.xls, 10/23/2012

Page 1 Prepared By: Project Leader's Name
EUSP B10-0101
Supply Voltage: 90-264VAC


www.hagglunds.com PRODUCT

2011049 U6 US Spider Serial Number Tag.xls, 10/23/2012

Page 1 Prepared By: Project Leader's Name
Installation and

Compact CB Motors
Installation and Maintenance Manual
Compact CB 280-1120
EN683-6h 2011
Preface Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Hägglunds Drives is one of the worlds leading manufacturers of large hydraulic
Drive Systems. A leading position, made possible by unbeatable service spirit
and of continuing development of both products and markets all over the world.
Our drives are to be found in most industrial and marine segments, where
there are extremely high demands for efficiency and reliability. Our main office
and production plant is in Mellansel, Sweden and we have our own sales- and
representation offices in some 40 different countries.

Our high quality Drive Systems, are based upon our unique hydraulic piston
motors, developed through a wealth of experience accumulated over 30
years in marine and industrial areas. Today this ongoing development work
has resulted in the powerful ­COMPACT CB industrial motor. New, as well as
established technical solutions, contribute to the creation of this product. The
most desirable features and operating reliability have been designed in this
hydraulic motor.

This manual provides necessary information for installation and maintenance

of the motor. In order to find particular information, just search for the wanted
section as listed in the table of contents. However, changes in the equipment
may occur. We therefore reserve the right to introduce amendments in the
manual as we deem necessary without notice or obligations.

This Installation and Maintenance Manual is valid for

motors manufactured after 02-01-01.
Original EN683-4h, 2009

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Contents


1. GENERAL.......................................................................................................................6
1.1 Safety precautions...........................................................................................................6
1.2 Motor data.......................................................................................................................7
1.3 Functional description.....................................................................................................9
2. TECHNICAL DATA........................................................................................................ 10
2.1 Recommended charge pressure................................................................................... 10
2.2 Sound from a complete installation................................................................................ 11
2.3 Choice of hydraulic fluid................................................................................................. 12
Environmentally acceptable fluids.................................................................................. 13
3. INSTALLATION............................................................................................................. 14
3.1 Mounting instructions . .................................................................................................. 14
Dimensions CB1120...................................................................................................... 15
Spline . .......................................................................................................................... 16
Thread for mounting tool . ............................................................................................. 16
3.1.1 Lifting methods ............................................................................................................. 17
Standing the motor on a flat surface.............................................................................. 18
3.1.2 Mounting the coupling onto the motor shaft................................................................... 19
3.1.3a Fitting the torque arm to the motor................................................................................ 21
3.1.3b Fitting the double ended torque arm.............................................................................. 22
3.1.4a Mounting the motor onto the driven shaft - shaft coupling............................................. 23
3.1.4b Mounting the motor onto the driven shaft - splines........................................................ 26
3.1.5 Removing the motor from the driven shaft..................................................................... 27
3.1.6 Mounting the reaction point........................................................................................... 28
3.2 Oil connections.............................................................................................................. 29
3.2.1 Direction of rotation of motor shaft................................................................................. 31
3.2.2 Draining and venting the motor...................................................................................... 31
3.2.3 Flushing......................................................................................................................... 32
4. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS...................................................................................... 33
4.1 Storage ......................................................................................................................... 33
4.2 Before commissioning................................................................................................... 33
4.3 Commissioning.............................................................................................................. 34
4.4 Periodic maintenance ................................................................................................... 34
Maintenance chart......................................................................................................... 34
4.4.1 Cleaning and care.......................................................................................................... 35
4.4.2 Motor.............................................................................................................................. 35
4.4.3 Filters............................................................................................................................. 36
4.4.4 Oil (Se also 2.3)............................................................................................................. 36
4.5 Oil inspection ................................................................................................................ 37
5. FAULT FINDING............................................................................................................ 38
DECLARATION OF INCORPORATION........................................................................ 39

General Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

1. General
1.1 Safety precautions
It is of high importance that the Safety precautions are always followed, if you are
unsure about something, please don´t hesitate to contact your nearest Hägglunds
office for advice.

Warning signs
In this manual you will find the following signs which indicate a potential hazard, which can or
will cause personal injury or substantial property damage. Depending on the probability of the
hazard, and how serious the injury or property damage could be, there are three levels of clas-

DANGER is used to indicate the presence of a hazard

which will cause severe personal injury, death, or substan-
tial property damage if the warning is ignored.

WARNING is used to indicate the presence of a hazard

which can cause severe personal injury, death, or substan-
tial property damage if the warning is ignored.

CAUTION is used to indicate the presence of a hazard

which will or can cause minor personal injury or property
damage if the warning is ignored.

Application area
All new and rebuild applications, should always be approved and supervised by Hägglunds

Carefully follow the instructions and be aware of the high weights and forces during lifting.

Before starting up
Before starting up new, rebuild or just worked on applications, all accessories and safety ar-
rangements functions, should be controlled/tested.

Periodic maintenance
Notice the intervals in maintenance chart (4.4) and keep a record.

Carefully follow the instructions and be aware of the high weights and forces during lifting.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB General

1.2 Motor data

Table 1.1
Motor type Displace- Specific Rated* Max Max.** Max. Max. power 3)
ment torque speed 1) speed pressure torque 2) intermittently
Metric Vi Ts n n p kNm kW
cm3/rev Nm/bar rpm rpm bar
CB 280-240 15 100 240 53 68 350 79 530
CB 280 17 600 280 44 58 350 92 530
CB 400-240 15 100 240 94 125 350 79 970
CB 400-280 17 600 280 73 105 350 92 950
CB 400-320 20 100 320 71 94 350 110 970
CB 400-360 22 600 360 59 82 350 120 960
CB 400-440 27 600 440 49 65 320 131 820
CB 400-480 30 200 480 48 62 290 129 660
CB 400-520 32 700 520 41 57 270 130 670
CB 400-560 35 200 560 40 53 250 129 630
CB 400 25 100 400 58 75 350 130 970
CB 560-440 27 600 440 49 65 350 140 930
CB 560-480 30 200 480 48 62 350 160 970
CB 560-520 32 700 520 41 57 350 170 960
CB 560 35 200 560 40 53 350 180 970
CB 840-600 37 700 600 30 45 350 200 880
CB 840-640 40 200 640 28 41 350 210 850
CB 840-680 42 700 680 27 40 350 220 890
CB 840-720 45 200 720 25 37 350 240 870
CB 840-760 47 800 760 23 34 350 250 840
CB 840-800 50 300 800 23 34 350 260 890
CB 840 52 800 840 21 32 350 280 870
CB1120-880 55 300 880 25 34 350 290 970
CB1120-920 57 800 920 24 33 350 300 980
CB1120-960 60 300 960 24 32 350 315 990
CB1120-1000 62 800 1000 22 31 350 330 1000
CB1120-1040 65 300 1040 21 29 350 340 980
CB1120-1080 67 900 1080 20 28 350 355 980
CB1120 70 400 1120 20 27 350 370 980

*) Related to a required pressure of 12 bar for motors in braking mode. (Special considerations regarding charge pres-
sure, cooling and choice of hydraulic system for speeds above rated, 4 ports must be used for higher speed).
**) The motors are designed according to DNV-rules. Test pressure 420 bar. Peak/transient pressure 420 bar maximum,
allowed to occur 10000 times.
) Special considerations regarding charge pressure, cooling and choice of hydraulic system for speed above rated.
) Calculated as: Metric= Ts·(350-15)·0,98.
) Valid for minimum permissible oil viscosity 20 cSt in the motor case.

General Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Table 1.2
Motor type Displace- Specific Rated* Max Max.** Max. Max. power 3)
ment torque speed 1) speed pressure torque 2) intermittently
Vi Ts n n p lbf·ft hp
US in3/rev lbf·ft/1000 psi rpm rpm psi
CB 280-240 920 12 200 53 68 5000 57 000 710
CB 280 1070 14 200 44 58 5000 67 000 710
CB 400-240 920 12 200 94 125 5000 57 000 1300
CB 400-280 1070 14 200 73 105 5000 67 000 1300
CB 400-320 1230 16 300 71 94 5000 76 000 1300
CB 400-360 1380 18 300 59 82 5000 86 000 1300
CB 400-440 1690 22 400 49 65 4600 97 000 1100
CB 400-480 1840 24 400 48 62 4200 95 000 890
CB 400-520 1990 26 400 41 57 3900 96 000 900
CB 400-560 2150 28 500 40 53 3600 95 000 840
CB 400 1530 20 300 58 75 5000 95 000 1300
CB 560-440 1690 22 400 49 65 5000 100 000 1300
CB 560-480 1840 24 400 48 62 5000 110 000 1300
CB 560-520 1990 26 400 41 57 5000 120 000 1300
CB 560 2150 28 500 40 53 5000 130 000 1300
CB 840-600 2300 30 500 30 45 5000 140 000 1200
CB 840-640 2450 32 500 28 41 5000 150 000 1100
CB 840-680 2610 34 600 27 40 5000 160 000 1200
CB 840-720 2760 36 600 25 37 5000 170 000 1200
CB 840-760 2910 38 700 23 34 5000 180 000 1100
CB 840-800 3070 40 700 23 34 5000 190 000 1200
CB 840 3220 42 700 21 32 5000 200 000 1200
CB1120-880 3370 44 700 25 34 5000 210 000 1300
CB1120-920 3520 46 700 24 33 5000 220 000 1300
CB1120-960 3680 48 800 24 32 5000 230 000 1300
CB1120-1000 3830 50 800 22 31 5000 240 000 1300
CB1120-1040 3980 52 800 21 29 5000 250 000 1300
CB1120-1080 4140 54 900 20 28 5000 260 000 1300
CB1120 4290 56 900 20 27 5000 270 000 1300

*) Related to a required pressure of 175 psi for motors in braking mode. (Special considerations regarding charge pres-
sure, cooling and choice of hydraulic system for speeds above rated, 4 ports must be used for higher speed).
**) The motors are designed according to DNV-rules. Test pressure 6000 psi. Peak/transient pressure 6000 psi maximum,
allowed to occur 10000 times.
) Special considerations regarding charge pressure, cooling and choice of hydraulic system for speed above rated.
) Calculated as: US= Ts·(5000-218)·0,98.
) Valid for minimum permissible oil viscosity 20 cSt in the motor case.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Technical data

1.3 Functional description

Hägglunds hydraulic industrial motor COM- Oil main lines are connected to ports A and C
PACT CB is of the radial-piston type with a in the connection block and drain lines to ports
rotating cylinder block/hollow shaft and a sta- D1, D2, D3 or D4 in the motor housing.
tionary housing. The cylinder block is mounted
The motor is connected to the shaft of the
in fixed roller bearings in the housing. An even
driven machine through the hollow shaft of the
number of pistons are radially located in bores
cylinder block. The torque is transmitted by us-
inside the cylinder block, and the valve plate
ing a mechanical shaft coupling or alternatively
directs the incoming and outgoing oil to and
by splines.
from the working pistons. Each piston is work-
ing against a cam roller. Valid patents
When the hydraulic pressure is acting on the US 4522110, US 005979295A, SE 910
pistons, the cam rollers are pushed against 1950-5, EP 0102915, JP 83162704, GB
the slope on the cam ring that is rigidly con- 1524437, EP DE 69211238.3.
nected to the housing, thereby producing a
torque. The cam rollers transfer the reaction Quality
force to the piston which are guided in the To assure our quality we maintain a Quality
rotating cylinder block. Rotation therefore oc- Assurance system, certified to standard ISO
curs, and the torque available is proportional 9001, EN 29001 and BS 5750; Part 1.
to the pressure in the system.

Fig. 1 The COMPACT CB motor

1. Cam ring
2. Cam roller
2 A, C
3. Piston
D 4. Shaft coupling
4 8
5. Cylinder block /
hollow shaft
5 6. Cylinder block / spline
7. Front end cover
8. Cylindrical roller bearing

11 9. Connection block
10. Valve plate
6 11. Axial bearing

7 9 A = inlet or outlet port »A«

10 C = inlet or outlet port »C«
D = drain port

Technical data Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

2. Technical data
2.1 Recommended charge There are two distinct cases:
pressure Case 1:
The hydraulic system must be such that the The motor works in braking mode. Required
motor will recieve sufficient charge pressure at charge pressure at the inlet port is according
the low-pressure port. This applies to all types to diagram below.
of installations.
Case 2:
The motor works in driving mode only. Required
back pressure at the outlet port corresponds to
30% of value given in diagram below, but may
not be lower than 2 bar (29 psi).

In hanging load applications, charge

pressure at motors connection must
be according to graph below under
all conditions.

Table 2.1a Charge pressure

Single port connection (2 ports) oil viscosity 40 cSt / 187 SSU
CB 1120-1040/CB 1120-1080

CB 400-320/CB 400-280
CB 400-520/CB 400-560
CB 840-800/CB 840-760

CB 560-480/CB 560-440
CB 840-680/CB 840-640

CB 400-440/CB 400-480
CB 1120-920/1120-960
CB 1120/CB 1120-880/

CB 400/CB 400-360
CB 560/CB 560-520
CB 1120-1000

CB 280-240
CB 840-600
CB 840-720
CB 840

CB 280



Recommended charge pressure [bar]

Recommended charge pressure [psi]

14 200


CB 400-240



0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Speed [rpm]
The diagram is valid for 1 bar (15 psi) case pressure. With increasing case pressure the charge
pressure must be increased accordingly. The graph is valid when 4 ports are used. Max casing
pressure is 3 bar (43,5 psi)(for 1% of the operation time evenly divided, pressure peaks of max
5 seconds upto 8 bar (116 psi) are allowed). Max permitted case pressure at stand-still is 8 bar
(116 psi).

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Technical data


Double port connection (4 ports) oil viscosity 40 cSt / 187 SSU
Table 2.1b Charge pressure

CB 1120-880/CB 1120-920/CB 1120-960

CB 1120/CB 1120-1040/CB 1120-1080

CB 400-520/CB 400-560

CB 400-440/CB 400-480
CB 560-480/CB 560-440

CB 400-320/CB 400-280
CB 840-800/CB 840-760

CB 840-680/CB 840-640

CB 560/CB 560-520

CB 400/CB 400-360
CB 1120-1000

CB 280-240
CB 840-720

CB 840-600

CB 280
CB 840


Recommended charge pressure [psi]

Recommended charge pressure [bar]


14 200


CB 400-240



0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Speed [rpm]

2.2 Sound from a complete installation

Background noise

Pump Pipe Hydraulic Noise from

motor noise motor driven unit

Foundation and construction noise

Background noise Hydraulic motor
The background noise can not normally be The hydraulic motor is a known noise level.
influenced but is usually known or easy to (Tables of sound data - see subsection 4.9 in
measure. the Engineering Manual).

Pump unit Driven unit

The pump unit is a known noise level. The driven unit is an unknown sound source
(for us) but can through certain information
Pipe noise probably be obtained from the supplier. When
The pipe noise is probably the source of the securing the torque arm of a hydraulic motor to
majority of mistakes in installations: all pipe the foundation or casing of a driven machine,
clamps should be of vibration insulating type it is highly important to study the construction
secured to concrete ceiling, wall or floor. Secur- of the foundation or casing. This may well be
ing to non-rigid metal structures or structures is the most important factor to consider, since
likely to give resonance and should be avoided. many structures may give rise to resonance,
resulting in severe noise problems.

Technical data Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

2.3 Choice of hydraulic fluid

The Hägglunds hydraulic motors are primarily designed to operate on conventional petroleum
based hydraulic oils. The hydraulic oil can be chosen in consultation with the oil supplier of your
local sales office, bearing the following requirements in mind:
The oil shall have FZG (90) fail stage minimum 11 described in IP 334 (DIN 51354). The oil must
also contain inhibitors to prevent oxidation, corrosion and foaming. The viscosity of mineral oil is
highly dependent of the temperature. The final choice of oil must depend on the operating tem-
perature that can be expected or that has been established in the system and not in the hydraulic
tank. High temperatures in the system greatly reduce the service life of oil and rubber seals, as
well as resulting in low viscosity, which in turn provides poor lubrication. Content of water shall be
less than 0,1%. In industrial applications with high demands for service life, the content of water
shall be less than 0,05%.
Viscosity index = 100 is recommended. Viscosity index = 150 can be used for operation with large
temperature difference, however many hydraulic fluids are subject to temporary and permanent
reductions of the viscosity. Hägglunds recommendation is always to use the base oil viscosity
when calculating the rated life and max allowed power. For heavy-duty applications we recom-
mend synthetic oils.


CASE AT OPERATING TEMPERATURE Normal operating temperature should be less
40-150 cSt/187-720 SSU. than +50 °C (122 °F)
Nitrile seals (std motor) -35 °C to +70 °C
Viton seals -20 °C to +100 °C
Nitrile seals (std motor) -31 °F to +158 °F
Vition seals -4 °F to +212 °F

Minimum viscosity limits at operating temperature in motor case

Standard motors with uncoated piston and uncoated cam rollers 20 cSt/98 SSU *

Motors type C (coated pistons and coated cam rollers) for speed below 3 rpm or when 10 cSt/59 SSU
charge pressure exceeds 50 bar (725 psi) at speed above 50 rpm
* Low viscosity gives reduced service life for the motors
Maximum permitted viscosity is 10 000 cSt/48 000 SSU.

Fire resistant fluids

The following fluids are tested for Hägglunds motors: (ISO/DP 6071)
Fluid Approved Seals Internal paint
HFA: Oil (3-5%) in water emulsion No - -
HFB: Inverted emulsion 40-45% water in oil Yes Nitrile (std motor) Not painted*
HFC: Water-glycol Yes Nitrile (std motor) Not painted*
HFD synthetic fluids
HFD:R - Phosphate esters Yes Viton Not painted*
HFD:S - Chlorinated hydrocarbons Yes Viton Not painted*
HFD:T - Mixture of the above Yes Viton Not painted*
HFD:U - Other compositions Yes Viton Not painted*
* Must be specified in the order.
Down rating of pressure data and service life must be considered when using fire re-
sistant fluid. The Hägglunds company or its authorised representative must always be
contacted for approval in the case of these types of fluids.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

Environmentally acceptable fluids

Fluid Approved Seals Internal paint

Vegetable */** Fluid Yes Nitrile (std motor) -
Synthetic **/*** Esters Yes Nitrile (std motor) -
* Vegetable fluids give good lubrication and small change of viscosity with different temperature. Vegetable fluids
must be controlled every 3 months and temperature shall be less than +45 °C (113 °F) to give good service life
for the fluid.
** Environmental acceptable fluids give the same service life for the drive, as mineral oil.
*** The fluid shall have max. 10 g/100 g according to ASTMD 1958-97/DIN 53241

Filtration Explanation of "GRADE OF FILTRATION"

The oil in a hydraulic system must always be Grade of filtration β10=75 indicates the fol-
filtered and also the oil from your supplier has lowing:
to be filtered when adding it to the system. β10 means the size of particle ≥10µm that will
The grade of filtration in a hydraulic system is be removed by filtration.
a question of service life v.s. money spent on
filtration. =75 means the grade of filtration of above men-
tioned size of particle. The grade of filtration is
In order to obtain stated service life it is impor- defined as number of particles in the oil before
tant to follow our recommendations concerning filtration in relation to number of particles in the
contamination level. oil after filtration.
When choosing the filter it is important to Ex. Grade of filtration is β10=75.
consider the amount of dirt particles that the
filter can absorb and still operate satisfactory. Before the filtration the oil contains N number
For that reason we recommend a filter with an of particles ≥10µm and after passing the filter
indicator that gives a signal when it is time to once the oil contains N number of particles
change the filter cartridge. ≥10µm. 75
N = 74·N
Filtering recommendations This means that N number of
75 75
Before start-up, check that the system is thor- particles have been filtered (=98,6%).
oughly cleaned.
1. For industrial applications the contamina-
tion level should not exceed ISO 4406:1999
18/16/13 (NAS 1638, class 7).
2. When filling the tank and motor case, we
recommend the use of a filter with the grade
of filtration β10=75.

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

3. Installation
Design of driven shaft end on heavily-
3.1 Mounting instructions loaded shaft
If the motor is to work properly it must be Where the driven shaft is heavily loaded and
installed with the greatest possible precision. is subject to high stresses, for example on
Every item connected to the motor that does changes in the direction of rotation, it is rec-
not meet the requirements of the following in- ommended that the driven shaft should have a
structions may result in stresses that adversely stress relieving groove; see fig. 3.1 and tables
affect the service life of the motor. 3.1 and 3.4.

Normally the motor must be completely filled

with oil. When the motor is installed with the Fig. 3.1a G
shaft in the horizontal plane, the drain ports F
must be positioned vertically. The higher of the Max. Ra 3,2
four ports must be used: see fig. 3.25.
When the motor is mounted with the shaft in
the vertical plane, see 3.2.2 "Draining and


venting the motor".

The drain line must be dimensioned so that
max. 3 bar (43.5 psi) motor housing pressure
is not exceeded. 6±0,5
R 50
(R 1,97)
The max housing pressure is 3 bar (43.5 psi). (B±0,02)

Brief peaks during operation up to 8 bar (116

psi) are permissible. The permitted housing
pressure when the motor is stationary is 8 bar Normally-loaded shaft
(116 psi). In drives with only one direction of rotation
where the stresses in the shaft are moderate,
The motor must always be connected in such the shaft can be plain, see fig. 3.2 and tables
a way as to give a sufficient boost, make-up 3.1 and 3.5
flow at the low pressure connection. This is
particularly important at high speeds and Fig. 3.2a
with rapid reversing, see 2.1 "Recommended G

charge pressure". F
Max. R a 3,2

Table 3.1a Valid for couplings

Dim CB 280 CB 400 CB 560/840


-0,014 -0,015 -0,017

mm 180 -0,054-0,00055 200 -0,061-0,00059 260 -0,069 -0,00067

in 7,0866 -0,00213 7,8740-0,00240 10,2362 -0,00272

mm 106 117 153 6±0,5
in 4,17 4,61 6,02
mm 174 194 254 Table 3.2a
in 6,85 7,64 10
Unidirectional drives
Note. The dimensions are valid for +20 °C (68 °F)
Steel with yield strength Relmin= 300 N/mm2

Bidirectional drives

Steel with yield strength Relmin= 450 N/mm2

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

Dimensions CB1120

Design of driven shaft end on heavily

Table 3.1b
loaded shaft.
Where the driven shaft is heavily loaded and Dim CB 1120
is subject to high stresses, for example for A
changes in the direction of rotation and/or mm 340 -0,075
load, it is recommended that the driven shaft in 13,3858 -0,00292

should have a stress relieving groove; see B

figures below. mm 215
in 8,46
Fig. 3.1b Max. Ra 3,2
mm 334
in 13,15

Note! The dimensions are valid for +20 °C (68 °F)


R 50
(R 1,97) Table 3.2b Recommended material in the shaft
Unidirectional drives

Normally loaded shaft

Steel with yield strength Relmin = 300 N/mm2
In drives with only one direction of rotation
and/or load where the stresses in the shaft are Bidirectional drives
moderate, the shaft can be plain, see figure
and below. Steel with yield strength Relmin = 450 N/mm2

Fig. 3.2b Max. R a 3,2



Fig. 3.3


Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Spline Thread for mounting tool

The splines shall be lubricated, with hydraulic To make it easier to mount the motor on the
oil or filled with transmission oil from the con- driven shaft end or to remove the motor from
nected gearbox. To avoid wear in the splines, the shaft it is recommended that a hole (table
the installation must be within the specified 3.5) should be drilled and tapped in the cen-
tolerances in figure below. If there is no radial tre of the shaft for a mounting tool; see 3.1.4
or axial force on the shaft, the shaft can be "Mounting the motor onto the driven shaft",
oiled only. and 3.1.5 "Removing the motor from the driven
For production of the shaft, see 278 5023, 278
5024, 278 5025 and 278 5026. For control of The tool has both a UNC thread and a metric
spline see table below. thread, so that the hole can be drilled and
tapped to conform to one of the two alternatives
given in table below.
Table 3.3 Table 3.5 Alternative thread (fig.3.1 and 3.2)
Unidirectional drives
CB 280 - 840
Steel with yield strength Relmin= 450 N/mm 2 D M20 UNC 5/8"
E >17 (0,67) >13,5 (0,53)
Bidirectional drives F 25 (0,98) 22 (0,87)
G 50 (1,97) 30 (1,18)
Steel with yield strength Relmin= 700 N/mm2

Table 3.4 Fig 3.3

280/400 560/840/1120
Tooth profile DIN 5480 DIN 5480
and bottom
Tolerance 8f 8f

Guide Flank centring Flank centring

(Back) (Back)
Pressure angle 30° 30°
Module 5 5
Number of
38 50 0,15 A
teeth (0,006)
0,4 A
Pitch diameter Ø 190 Ø 250 (0,015)

0 0
Minor diameter Ø 188 Ø 248
-1,201 -1,201

0 0
Major diameter Ø 199 Ø259
-0,290 -0,320

Measure over -0,088 -0,103

measuring pins 210,158 270,307
-0,157 -0,181

Diameter of
Ø 10 Ø 10
measuring pins
modification +2,25 +2,25

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

3.1.1 Lifting methods

Always make sure where the centre of gravity Always make sure where
is before any lifting. the centre of gravity is
before any lifting. Never
stand below a hanging mo-
tor or torque arm.

Fig. 3.4a Fig. 3.4b

Fig. 3.4c Fig. 3.5

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Standing the motor on a flat surface

Table 3.6 When the motor is placed on a flat surface
such as a floor, it must stand either on its outer
Motor Motor with Motor with
diameter or on the suitably protected end face
shaft coupling splines
of the hollow shaft (see fig. 3.9 and 3.10).
kg lb kg lb
CB 280 800 1760 705 1555
CB 400 1160 2555 1060 2335
CB 560 1290 2840 1115 2450
CB 840 1620 3570 1445 3185 Fig. 3.6
CB 1120 2340* 5160* 1770 3900
* CB1120 with shaft coupling set

Table 3.7
Torque arm Weight
kg lb
TCA 40 128 282
TCA 84 224 493
TCA 112 310 683

Fig. 3.7

Lifting straps must be

chosen with reliable saftey
margin over the total
weight of the lifted object.


The motor must not be placed on the end face
of the hollow shaft when the coupling is fitted,
since this may cause damage to the coupling.
When in storage, the motor must always be
placed on the end face to the hollow shaft. It
is also advisable to provide supports at the
mounting surface of the motor; see fig. 3.10.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

3.1.2 Mounting the coupling onto the motor shaft

Before the motor is mounted there are some preconditions which must be fulfilled:

- You should note that the couplings are from the factory lubricated with MoS2 (Molykote) on the
conical surfaces and the bolts, see fig. 3.11. This lubricants shall remain on those surfaces but:

Molykote must under no circumstances

be trans-fered to the surfaces between the
driven shaft and the motor.

It is therefore important that you clean your hands free from Molykote. If those conditions are ful-
filled you may start the mounting.
- Clean the driven shaft and the out- and inside of the Compact motor hollow shaft.
- Remove the spacers between the two clamping rings of the coupling.
- Mount the coupling on the hollow shaft of the motor. The coupling must be pushed right up to the
stop of the shaft. Use a screwdriver to open the coupling ring for easier mounting.

Never tighten the coupling screws until the

motor has been mounted onto the driven
- Mount the motor onto the driven shaft by following the instruction in the section 3.1.4. (With or
without using the mounting tool).

-The conical surface between the coupling ring and the clamping rings + the bolts shall be coated
with MoS2 (Molykote), see fig. 3.11. This is done from the factory at delivery! When a motor has
been in for overhaul or service and shall be reassembled it may be necessary to relubricate those
surfaces with Molykote again but remember only the specified surfaces!
-Absolutely no Molykote on the surfaces between shaft-motor. Clean the driven shaft and the
inside of the motor hollow shaft.
- Alignment of the motor on the shaft. (Dimensional check).
- Minimum variation in the gap between the clamping rings. (Dimensional check).
- Right torque on the bolts. (Use torque wrench).

Before starting the motor, check

that the rotating coupling can not
cause damage.

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Clamping rings

Fig. 3.8

Seal Coupling ring

Washer - - - - - = Coated surface

Motor hollow Cleaned surface


Centre of motor

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

3.1.3a Fitting the torque arm to the motor

The torque arm is fitted to the motor before the Fig. 3.9 CB 280/400
motor is mounted on the driven shaft.
- Clean the spigot surface on the torque arm
and motor.
- Oil the screws.
- Make sure that the torque arm will be point-
ing in the right direction when the motor
is mounted in place on the machine. To
achieve the highest possible oil level in the
motor housing, the motor must be turned
until the drain outlets are positioned ac-
cording to fig 3.12.
- Line up the torque arm on the motor by
using the screws with washers.
- Tighten the screws to the torque stated in the
table below.

Fig. 3.9a CB 560/840/1120

Do not weld, drill, grind or

carry out any similar work
on the torque arm without
Hägglunds approval.

Table 3.8
Motor Screw dimension Number of Tightening torque
screws Nm lbf·ft
CB 280/400 M20 Strength class 10.9 34 540 400
CB 560/840/1120 M24 Strength class 10.9 41 900 660

Note: Use torque wrench and oiled screws!

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

3.1.3b Fitting the double ended torque arm

The torque arm is fitted to the motor before the Remark!
motor is mounted on to the driven shaft. See Start the system and run it for some minutes.
3.1.3a "Fitting the torque arm to the motor". Vent the cylinder from air. Use the vent screws
Alt. 1: on the cylinder (pos 4).

Check and adjust the rod end (pos 1) according

to the drawing. Mount the rod to the torque arm,
Table 3.7b
use the shaft (pos 2) and lock them with circlips.
Tighten the 4 pcs of screw (pos 3) on the rod
Cylinder Screw Tightening torque
end with torque according to table 3.10b.
dimension Nm lbf·ft
Mount the hydraulic cylinder. The piston rod
has to be mounted upwards, and on the right
hand viewed from the motors main connection
70/45 M10 x 30 49 36
side. Cylinders oil connection A, B and C must
point in the direction to the motor. Mount the
hoses. The hose mounted to connection (A1,
A2) has to be mounted to the hydraulic cylinders
connection A, and the hose from (C1, C2) has
to be mounted to the cylinders connection B.
This is valid with the cylinder on the right side
hand-side of the the motor, and a single speed

Fig. 3.9b
A1 A2

C1 C2

1 A 4
3 C
2 A C
A2 C2

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

3.1.4a Mounting the motor onto the driven shaft - shaft coupling
The motor can be mounted onto the driven shaft with or without a mounting tool, but the use of a
mounting tool is recommended since it makes the work easier.
It is important to arrive at the correct clamping length between the driven shaft and the hollow
shaft of the shaft adapter.
Ensure that the full clamping length is used by, for example, measuring and marking the driven
shaft. This is of particular importance if the duty is so severe that a stress relieving groove has
been made on the driven shaft. See fig. 3.11, 3.11a and the table 3.9.

Mounting the motor with a mounting tool (fig. 3.12)

- Remove the end cover together with screws and washers.
- Align the motor with the driven shaft.
- Locate the existing plastic washer between the nut on the mounting tool and the bearing retainer.
- Pass the mounting tool through the centre of the motor, and screw it into the driven shaft to stated
depth by using the key handle in the end of the tool.
- Pull the motor onto the shaft by turning the nut on the mounting tool until the length B is obtained;
see fig. 3.13, 3.13a and table 3.10. Push and pull the end of the torque arm for easier mounting.
- Tightening the shaft coupling see table 3.10.
- Remove the mounting tool.
- Refit the plug.
- Refit the end cover and tighten the screws together with washers. Torque 80 Nm (59 lbf·ft).

Clean the driven shaft and

the inside of the motor hol-
low shaft.

Fig. 3.10 Mounting the CB 280...840

2 1; Bearing retainer
2; Plastic washer
3; Nut
4; Mounting tool


Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

Fig. 3.11 Without stress relieving groove Fig. 3.12


( B+0,2
0 )


Fig. 3.11a With stress relieving groove

Mounting the motor without a

mounting tool
B+50 The motor can be mounted onto the driven
( B+0,2 ) shaft without using a mounting tool, though this
is more difficult and takes longer time. However,
it is easier to mount the motor if during mount-
ing the compressed air trapped within the hol-
low shaft is evacuated. To do this, remove the
end cover as described in "Mounting the motor
with a mounting tool".
Align the motor with the driven shaft using an
overhead crane or lifting truck and press it care-
fully onto the shaft so that the length stated
in the table beside is obtained, see fig. 3.13.
To achieve the highest possible oil level in the
Table 3.9 motor housing, the motor must be turned until
Motor Lenght the drain outlets are positioned according to
B mm B in fig 3.14.
CB 280 106 4,17
CB 400 117 4,61
CB 560 153 6,02
CB 840 153 6,02

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Tightening of shaft coupling

However for the tightening of the coupling Mark the screw heads at 12 o'clock with a
screws the following must be observed: pen or paint so that you can follow the turning
Keep tension in your lifting wires to avoid a sequence of the screws.
skew setting of the motor on the shaft dur- Set the torque wrench for the specified maxi-
ing the tightening of the screws. Wobbling mum torque. Tightening torque of the coupling
caused by a skew setting of the motor gives screws; see the sign on the coupling, or table
extra forces on the main bearings. 3.10.
In order to avoid the misalignment of the two Now start tightening the screws in sequence
clamping rings during the screw tightening, shown in fig. 3.14.
the gap between the rings must be measured
Keep on doing this until you have reached the
in several places during the process, see fig.
stated torque. Several passes are required
3.14a. The difference between the measured
before the screws are tightened to specified
gaps must never vary more than 1 mm (0,04")
torque. Keep checking the alignment of the
during any stage of the tightening process.
coupling. (15-20 passes may be necessary).
Pre-set the coupling screws in opposite pairs
When the specified torque is reached it is
(12-6-3-9 o'clock) until you reach max. 50% of
important that all screws are tightened with
the torque specified for the screws. It is very
specified torque and that no further movement
important that when you reach this stage the
can be observed.
misalignment is controlled as described above.

Table 3.10

Motor type No of Screw dim Strength Tightening torque Type of

screws class Nm lbf·ft head
CB 280 12 M20 x 80
CB 400 15 M20 x 90
10.9 490 362 Hexagon
CB 560 20 M20 x 100
CB 840 20 M20 x 100
CB 1120 32 M20 x 130

Note 1 Uncoated screws greased with Molykote, MoS2.

Note 2 There is a metallic sign on every coupling with a tightening torque stamped on it.
This torque is always to be used.
Note 3 Tightening torque value is critical. Use calibrated torque wrench.
Note 4 CB 1120 with shaft coupling set

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Fig. 3.14 Fig. 3.14a



4 10

5 9

6 8

3.1.4b Mounting the motor onto the driven shaft - splines

Flange mounted motors
For flange mounted motors, the spline shall normally
not be subject to radial load. With no radial load, the
spline shaft can be oiled before mounting the motor. If
the motor is subject to radial load, the splines shall be
filled up with oil.
- Lubricate and install O-ring at leading edge of motor
- Check shaft/splines for burrs and lubricate shaft/
Axial clearance min 5 (0,2) - Mark spline tooth location on outside of motor bore
If oil here, it can be
Oil to be filled before to assist alignment during installation.
tightening G1 plug
used for the spline. - Mount the motor on to the shaft.
Then take away the - Bolt the motor to the flange.
- Fill up hydraulic oil to the G1 plug.
- Torque the G1 plug. MV=125 Nm/90 lbf*ft.
- Mount the cover. MV=81 Nm/59 lbf*ft.

Torquearm mounted motors

o-ring 10 (0,4) during
filling of oil Motors that carry radial load, must have the splines oiled.
The motor can be used for horizontal mounting and
mounting with motor shaft pointing downwards.
- Mount torque arm to motor with bolts supplied.
Align with oil connection ports as required.
- Lubricate and install O-ring at leading edge of motor
- Check shaft/splines for burrs and lubricate shaft/
- Mark spline tooth location on outside of motor bore
Oil to be filled before
to assist alignment during installation.
tightening bolt M20 - Mount the motor using the installation tool.
L=100 mm - Fill up hydraulic oil to the G1 plug.
- Mount special designed bolt.
- Torque the bolt. MV=385 Nm/280 lbf*ft.
- Mount the cover. MV=81 Nm/59 lbt*ft.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

3.1.5 Removing the motor from the driven shaft

Before dismounting the motor from the driven Removal by using the mounting tool
shaft the oil in the motor housing must be
drained through the lower draining hole. - Slacken the shaft coupling screws gradu-
ally; see fig. 3.14 and 3.14a. Each screw
The motor can be removed from the shaft with should be slackened only about a quarter
or without the mounting tool. The operation is of a turn each time. Thus tilting and jam-
easier if the tool is used. ming of the collars or thread stretching will
be avoided. The screws must be slackened
until the coupling ring is fully released.
- Remove the end cover and bearing retainer
together with screws and washers; see fig.
Never stay below the mo-
tor during disassembly - Locate the existing plastic washer outside
the mounting tool nut. Then pass the tool
through the centre shaft, and screw it into
the driven shaft to stated depth.
Always make sure that - Screw in the nut of the tool until the bearing
the lifting equipment is retainer can be refitted, torque 136 Nm (100
strong enough to handle lbf·ft)
the weight of the motor - Remove the motor from the driven shaft by
unscrewing the nut of the mounting tool.
- Remove the bearing retainer and mount-
ing tool. Finally, refit the removed bearing
retainer, torque 136 Nm (100 lbf·ft) and end
cover, torque 80 Nm (59 lbf·ft) as before.
Fig. 3.15 Removal of Compact CB 280...840

Removing the motor without using the

mounting tool

1 - Slacken the screws of the shaft coupling,

see above "Removal of motors by using the
2 mounting tool".
- Remove end cover and plug to allow air to
enter the space in the hollow shaft of the
motor; see “Mounting the motor without a
mounting tool“. After removal of the motor,
refit the removed components as before.
3 - Carefully pull the motor off the driven shaft
supported by an overhead crane or a lifting

1; Bearing retainer
2; Plastic Washer
3; Nut
4; Mounting tool

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

3.1.6 Mounting the reaction point

Fig. 3.16 Mounting of pivoted attachment
x = ±2 mm (0,079 inch) misalignment in installation.
x ≤ ±15 mm (0,59 inch) movement when in use.


position x
Note: The toggle bearing must
be dismounted during welding.

EN 10113S355N
DIN St E39
BS 4360 Grade 50 C
Protected against corrosion, after welding.

Fig. 3.18
Fig. 3.17 In case of failure of
torque arm installation

The bearing shall be mounted

so that the slot in the outer
race is perpendicular towards
the load direction.
The bearing shall be mounted
with a mounting sleeve or tube
Make sure that the foundation
applied on the bearing outer
can withstand the forces from
the torque arm.

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact

3.2 Oil connections

When using (heavy wall) piping and in frequent Fig. 3.25a
reversal drives, it is recommended to fit flexible
hoses between the motor and piping to avoid
damage due to vibration and to simplify instal-
lation of the motor. The length of the hoses
should be kept fairly short.

Fig. 3.25
T1 T2

A1 C1

D4 D1


D2 T3

A2 C2

Table 3.11
Connection Description Remarks
C1, C2 Main connection If C is used as the inlet, the motor shaft rotates clockwise,
viewed from the motor shaft side.
A1, A2 Main connection If A is used as the inlet, the motor shaft rotates counter-
clockwise, viewed from the motor shaft side.
D1 Drain outlet Normally plugged at delivery.
D2, D3, D4 Alternative drain outlets Normally plugged at delivery.
F1, F2 Flushing connection For flushing of radial lip seal. Normally plugged.
F3 Flushing connection For flushing of axial bearing and motor case.
T1 Test connection Used to measure pressure and/or temperature at the
main connections.
T2, T3 Test connection Used to measure pressure and/or temperature in drain oil.
T4 Pressure connection Connection for double ended torque arm.

Table 3.12
Motor A* C* D1, D2, D3 F1, F3 T1, T3 T4 y y x x
D4 F2 T2 mm in mm in
CB 1 1/4" 1 1/4" G G G G G1/4" G G 223 8,78 99 3,90
280...1120 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/4" 1" 1/4" 1/2" M16 1/4" 1/2" 223 8,78 101 3,98
*SAE coupling J 518 C, code 62, 414 bar (6000 psi). 1 1/4" or 1 1/2" can be used.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

Main connection A, C

Fig. 3.25b

a b

Table 3.13
Motor Connection a b c
mm (in) mm (in)
CB 280 - 1120 1 1/4" 31 (1,22) UNC 1/2" 27 (1,06)
1 1/2" UNC 5/8" 35 (1,38)

Drain connection D1, D2, D4 Test connection T

Fig. 3.25c Fig. 3.25d

G1 1/4"



BSP 1/4"

Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

3.2.1 Direction of rotation of

motor shaft Fig. 3.26

With the inlet pressure supply connected to

A port, the motor shaft rotates in the direction A1
shown by the arrow, anti-clockwise viewed from C1
the motor shaft side.
With the inlet pressure supply connected to C
port, the motor shaft rotates clockwise viewed
from the motor shaft side.

3.2.2 Draining and venting the motor

Horizontal mounting
When the motor is installed with the shaft in the horizontal plane, the highest of the four drain
outlets D1, D2, D3 or D4 must always be used; see fig. 3.28.
Drain line must be connected direct to the tank with a minimum of restrictions, to ensure that the
maximum housing pressure is not exceeded.

Vertical mounting
When the motor is mounted vertically, the highest of the four drain outlets D1, D2, D3 or D4 must
be used. Flushing of radial seal from low pressure is necessary.

Motor shaft pointing downwards

The motor must be connected to one of the drain connections in the connection block; see
figure 3.29. The flushing connection F2 shall be connected to low pressure connection. Orifice
must be installed.

Motor shaft pointing upwards

The motor must be connected to the drain line connection on the shaft end housing; see figure 3.30.
The flushing connection F1 on the shaft end housing should be connected to the low pressure
connection. With bidirectional drives, use the connection with lowest average pressure. (Connec-
tion to high pressure will increase the motor drain flow). This gives flushing of the radial lip seal. It
is advisable to fit the nipple and the hose to the motor before fitting the torque arm.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Installation

Fig. 3.28 Fig. 3.29

G 1/4",
Orifice Ø1,0 (0,04) connection
Drain line
connection F2

Low pressure

Drain line con-


Fig. 3.30 G 1/4", Flushing

connection F1

Orifice Ø1,0 (0,04)

Drain line con-

Low pressure

3.2.3 Flushing
Flushing of motor case
To avoid high temperature in the motor case the
heat must be removed, because high temperature
gives lower viscosity and that gives reduction in
basic rating life/service life.
- The motor case must be flushed when the output
power exceeds the values shown beside.

Max. power without flushing

CB 280 120 kW (160 hp)
CB 400/560/840/1120 170 kW (227 hp)
For calculation of required flushing, please contact
your Hägglunds representative. The flushing oil
shall be drained in the normal drainline. See 3.2.2.
Connect the input line for flushing in the lowest
flushing F3, D1, D2, D3 or D4.
In F3 the max allowed flushing is 40 l/min (11 gpm).

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Maintenance

4. Operating instructions
4.1 Storage
The motor is delivered with internal protection in the form of an oil film and external protection in the form
of an anti-rust film. This provides sufficient protection for indoor storage in normal temperatures for about
12 months.
Note: the anti-rust protection must be touched-up after transport and handling.
If the motor is stored for more than 3 months in uncontrolled environment or more than 12 months in control-
led environment, it must be filled with oil and positioned as shown in fig. 3.7.
Place the motor as shown in fig 4.1, fill the motor with filtered oil in the following order: D1, A1, C1. See 2.3,
"Filtration" and table 4.1.
Take extreme care to ensure that no contamination enters the motor.
Seal connections A and C with the cover plate fitted to the connection surface at delivery. Check that the
O-rings or rubber seals are in position in the cover plate.
Fit the plug to D1, D2, D3 and D4, the table below states the amount of oil needed to fill the various types
of motors.

4.2 Before commissioning

Check the following points before commissioning the motor, i.e. before starting the first time:
Make sure that all fluids been removed from the motor to prevent accidental mixing with the hydraulic fluid
used in the system.
- Check that the motor is connected to give the correct direction of rotation (see 3.2 "Oil connections" and
3.2.1 "Direction of rotation of motor shaft").
- Select the hydraulic fluid in accordance with the recommendations (see 2.3 "Choice of hydraulic fluid").
- Fill the motor housing with hydraulic fluid via a filter into the drain outlets D1, D2 or the vent hole (depend-
ing on how the motor is mounted), see table 4.1.
- Check the drain line to ensure that excessive pressure does not build up in the motor housing; see 3.1
"Mounting instructions" and 3.2.2. "Draining and venting the motor".
- Check that the motor is protected from overloads (see 1.2 "Motor data").
- Check that the charge pressure conforms to the charge pressure curve (see 2.1 "Recommended charge
- Check that all hydraulic couplings and plugs are properly tightened to prevent leakage.
- Make sure that the torque arm is sufficiently fastened, see 3.1.3 and 3.1.6.

Fig. 4.1 Table 4.1

A1 C1
Motor Oil volume approx.
Litres US gal.
D4 CB 280 15 4,0
CB 400 21 5,6
CB 560 19 5,0
CB 840 25 6,6
CB 1120 32 8,5


Maintenance Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

4.3 Commissioning 4.4 Periodic maintenance

- During initial starting and the period immedi- When a hydraulic system has been in service
ately after it, any hydraulic installation must for some time, it must undergo periodic mainte-
be regularly and carefully checked at frequent nance and servicing at intervals which depend
intervals. on the equipment and the type of duty.
- The working pressure and charge pressure This periodic maintenance must include the
must be checked to ensure that they corre- following operations:
spond to the contracted values.
- Check the hydraulic system for leakage.
- The pressure in the drain line measured at Tighten the screws, replace faulty seals and
the motor must be less than 3 bar (43,5 psi). keep the drive clean.
This pressure limit is important for the life of
- Inspect and clean all air, oil and magnetic
the motor seals.
filters; replace all filter cartridges for which
- If leakage occurs, correct the fault and carry a filter clogged indication has been given;
out new measurements. inspect tank, pump, filters etc. and clean if
- Check all lines, connections, screws, etc. and
correct if necessary. - Check the pressure and temperature of the
hydraulic fluid and carry out routine opera-
- Check other possible leakage points and
tions. Adjust valves etc. if necessary.
replace faulty parts.
- Check the hydraulic fluid; see the section
- During the start up period, dirt particles in the
headed "Oil".
system are removed by the filters. The filter
cartridges have to be changed after the first - Check that no dirt or other contaminations
100 working hours and after that according to enter the system during inspection. Check
the maintenance chart. see 4.4 note to check that the outside of the hydraulic motor in an
the "filter clogged" indicators. installation is kept free of dirt; thus leakage
and faults will be detected earlier.
- We recommend that a running log be kept
It is important that the pressure is limited
and that planned inspections are carried out
to 250 bar (3626 psi) when starting up the
at set intervals.
- Maintenance checks and operations are as
A not run-in motor in combination with dirt
particles in the oil can badly affect the sliding
surfaces in the motor. This is valid during the
first 100 working hours.
Maintenance chart
In operation Oil Oil Torque
filters arm
After the first
Rpl. Insp.
100 hours
After 3 months
or 500 hours
Once every 6
Rpl. Insp. Insp.
Once every 12

Rpl = Replacement Insp = Inspection

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Maintenance

4.4.1 Cleaning and care 4.4.2 Motor

If the motor is to be stored stationary for a
longer period than about one month, it must
be protected from internal rust. This can be
done as follows:
1. Mix anti-rust additive with the hydraulic fluid
of the system. Use 2% of Shell VSI 8235. This
Damage to the surface caused by sol- additive gives rust protection for up to about 1
vents and aggressive detergents! year, after which time the motor must be turned
Aggressive detergents may damage the a few revolutions.
seals on the hydraulic motor and cause them
to age faster. 2. If no additives are used, the motor must be
regularly turned a few revolutions.
- Never use solvents or aggressive deter-
gents. 3. If it is not possible to turn the motor, plug all
connections, open drain outlet D1 or D2 on the
- If in doubt, check the compatibility of the port end housing (or if the motor is mounted
detergent with the seal type (Nitrile or Vi- vertically, flushing connection F1 on the shaft
ton) specified in the hydraulic motor. end housing) and fill the motor with hydraulic
fluid. (See fig. 4.3 and fig. 4.3a).

Damage to the hydraulic system and the

Fig. 4.3
seals! D1

Using a high-pressure cleaner could dam-

age the speed encoder and the seals of the
hydraulic motor.
- Do not point the high-pressure cleaner
at sensitive components, e. g. shaft seal,
seals in general, electrical connections and
speed encoder.
For cleaning and care of the hydraulic motor, D2
observe the following:
- Plug all openings with suitable protective
caps/devices. Fig. 4.3a
- Check whether all plugs and plug seals are
securely seated to ensure that no moisture
can penetrate into the hydraulic motor dur-
ing cleaning.
- Use only water and, if necessary, a mild
detergent to clean the hydraulic motor.
- Remove coarse dirt from the outside of the
machine and keep sensitive and important
components, such as sensors and valve
blocks clean.

Maintenance Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

4.4.3 Filters Water content

Filters must be changed after the first 100 Contamination of the oil by water can be
working hours and the second change is to detected by sampling from the bottom of the
be carried out after 3 months or 500 working tank. Most hydraulic oils repel the water, which
hours whichever is earlier. They must then be then collects at the bottom of the tank. This
changed at regular intervals of 6 months or water must be drained off at regular intervals.
4000 working hours. Certain types of transmission oils and engine
oils emulsify the water; this can be detected
by coatings on filter cartridges or a change in
4.4.4 Oil (Se also 2.3) the colour of the oil. Obtain the advice of your
Analysis oil supplier in such cases.
It is recommended that the oil should be
analysed every 6 months. The analysis should Degree of contamination
cover viscosity, oxidation, water content, addi- Heavy contamination of the oil causes in-
tives and contamination. creased wear of the hydraulic system compo-
nents. The cause of the contamination must be
Most oil suppliers are equipped to analyse the
immediately investigated and remedied.
state of the oil and to recommend appropriate
action. The oil must be replaced immediately if
the analysis shows that it is exhausted.

Many hydraulic oils become thinner with in-
creasing use, and this means poorer lubrica-
tion. The viscosity of the oil in service must
never fall below the minimum recommended

Hydraulic oil oxidizes with time of use and All hydraulic fluids are affected
temperature. This is indicated by changes in differently. Obtain the advice of
colour and smell, increased acidity or the for- your oil supplier or by nearest
mation of sludge in the tank. The rate of oxida- Hägglunds representative.
tion increases rapidly at surface temperatures
above 60 °C (140 °F), and the oil should then
be checked more often.
The oxidation process increases the acidity of
the fluid; the acidity is stated in terms of the
"neutralisation number". Typical oxidation is
slow initially and increases rapidly later.
A sharp increase (by a factor of 2 and 3) in the
neutralisation number between inspections is
a signal that the oil has oxidized too much and
should be replaced immediately.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB Maintenance

4.5 Oil inspection How to do

Purpose Bottle samples

The purpose to take an oil sample is to check The sample shall be taken at the mini-mess
the condition of the oil. coupling on the charge pressure side of the
With scheduled oil analysis, wear products motor in the closed loop system. Never out of
can be identified and corrective action can be the tank using the ball valves.
taken before failure occurs. Oil analysis can Clean the coupling and the hose carefully.
indicate when an oil change is required, point Connect the mini-mess hose to the coupling
out shortcomings in maintenance and keep but be careful and be aware of the direction of
repair cost to a minimum. Using oil analysis the oil beam.
can create a “window of opportunity”, allowing Let minimum 2 litres (0,6 gallon US) of oil flush
the user to schedule re-fittings or overhauls, into a bucket before you fill the bottle.
maintenance or repairs, thus saving money on Remove the cap of the bottle as late as
equipment repairs and downtime. possible and don’t let any contamination be
The most used method is to take samples in a in touch with the cap, bottle or the mini-mess
special bottle and send it to a fluid laboratory hose when the sample is taken.
for an analysis and from the laboratory you get In dirty air area, use a soft plastic foil (normal
a report, which follow a specific international as protection in laboratory bottles between
standard. bottle and cap).
You have to select what analysis the laboratory
should take, but the most used analysis Do not remove the foil, prick the end of your
are particle count, water content, oxidation mini-mess hose through the foil into the bottle
and viscosity.Another method is to install an and fill.
inline particle counter direct in your hydraulic To get a reliable result the system must run
system which give you the contamination without moving any valves and the mini-mess
level according to the international rules, the hose should not touch the bottle.
disadvantage with this method is that you only
Only ¾ of the bottle shall be filled because the
get the contamination level in the oil.
laboratory has to shake the sample to get a
General mixed fluid when they analyse it. Minimum 200
The intention is to verify the condition of the oil ml are needed for a good analysis.
during operation. The motors should be running When the bottled is filled close the cap as soon
at normal operation while the sample is taken. as possible to prevent contamination from the
The cleanliness is extremely important during air that might enter the bottle and give you a
sampling. wrong result.
Always use bottles adapted to oil samples,
Inline measure
they can be ordered from any fluid analysis
laboratory. The sample shall be taken at the mini-mess
Never try to clean your own bottle if you want coupling on the charge pressure side of the
a true value of the result. motor in of the closed loop system. Clean the
The sample should be taken by using a mini- coupling and the hose carefully.
mess hose connected to a mini-mess coupling. Connect the hoses according to the particle
Always clean the connections carefully before counters manual.
you connect the mini-mess hose to the
To get a true value the contamination readings
Be careful when connecting the mini-mess have to be stable about 10 min before you stop
hose because the oil beam can be dangerous to measure.
and should never point against any person or
other sensible object.
Check and be aware of the pressure you may
have on the connection before you connect.

Fault finding Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

5. Fault finding
Hydraulic motor
Fault Probable cause Action
The motor does not run. Mechanical stop in the drive. Check system pressure. If the pres-
sure has risen to the relief valve set-
ting, remove the load from the drive.

The motor does not deliver Investigate the pressure level in the
enough torque because the pres- system and correct the setting of the
sure difference across the motor pressure limiting valve if necessary.
is not great enough for the load.

Insufficient or no oil being sup- Check the hydraulic system. Check the
plied to motor. external leakage of the motor. (The D
Motor rotates in wrong Oil supply connections to motor Connect the oil supply correctly.
direction. incorrectly connected.
Motor runs jerkily. Pressure or flow fluctuations in Find the cause in the system or in the
the hydraulic system. driven unit.
Noise in the motor. The motor is being operated with Adjust the charge pressure to the
too low charge pressure. correct level. See 2.1 "Recommended
charge pressures".

Internal faults in the motor. Investigate the drain oil, if necessary.

Put a magnetic plug in the oil flow
and check the material that sticks to
the magnet. Steel particles indicate
damage. Note that fine material from
the castings may be deposited and
does not mean internal damage in the
External oil leakage on the The radial lip seal is worn. Replace the radial lip seal.

Declaration of conformity Installation and Maintenance Manual, Compact CB

Declaration of incorporation
Example of the Declaration of Incorporation given by Hägglunds Drives AB

Declaration of Incorporation of partly completed machinery

As defined by the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, Appendix II B

The manufacturer
Hägglunds Drives AB
hereby declares that the partly completed machinery
Name: Compact CB
Function: Hydraulic motor
Model: Compact
Type: CB
Trade name: Compact CB

satisfies the following essential requirements of Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC in

accordance with the chapter numbers in Appendix I:
General principle no. 1.
1.1.3 1.1.5 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.6 1.3.7 1.5.3 1.5.4
1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.8 1.5.13 1.6.1 1.6.3 1.7.3 1.7.4

The requirements are fulfilled provided that the data in the product documentation (fitting instructions, operat-
ing instructions, project management and configuration documents) are implemented by the product user. The
requirements of Appendix I to Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC not mentioned here are not applied and have
no relevance for the product.

It is also declared that the special technical documents for this partly completed
machinery have been compiled in accordance with Appendix VII, Part B. These are trans-
ferred on request to the market surveillance body in paper-based/electronic format.
Conformity with the provisions of further EU Directives, Standards or Specifications:
SS-EN 982
SS-EN ISO 12100-1
SS-EN ISO 12100-2

The partly completed machinery may only be put into operation when it has been
established that the machine into which the partly completed machinery is to be
incorporated conforms to the provisions of EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC,
where relevant according to this directive.

The individual below is authorized to compile the relevant technical files:

Name: Björn Leidelöf
Address: Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel

Mellansel, 2009-12-29

We reserve the right to make changes to the content of the Declaration of Incorporation. Current issue on request.

The Declaration of Incorporation above, is available on request for deliveries from

Hägglunds Drives AB. Translations into other languages are also available.


EN 683-6h. Repro: Öviks Repro. Printer: Ågrens Tryckeri 2011.

Hägglunds Drives AB
Bosch Rexroth
SE-895 80 Mellansel, Sweden
Tel: + 46 (0)660 870 00.
Fax: + 46 (0)660 871 60
E-mail: info@se.hagglunds.com

Our drive is your performance.

Compact CA & CB AC-3.4
Engineering manual ACB-3.4
09-06-09, Replaces 04-03-30

Mounting set SMCB1 for speed encoder

Speed encoder kit for Compact CA 50-CA 210 and
Compact CB 280-CB 1120 motors where the speed
encoder is enclosed and well protected.

The mounting set can be used for both spline and

shrink disc motors.

The encoder is used for detection of speed by pulse-

frequency or/either direction of rotation by pulse-train.

Ordering code: See AC-1.4, ACB-1.4

CA 50-CA 210 with SMCB1

CB 280-CB 1120 with SMCB1

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 1(4)
06-12-22, Replaces 04-03-30 Accessories, ACB-3.4
Speed encoder SPDB1:
Digital incremental hollow shaft encoder with torque
arm mounting.

Pulse rates: 1000 and 3600 ppr.

1000 pulses for speed 6 rpm and above.
3600 pulses for speed below 6 rpm.

- Possibility to read direction of rotation from encoder.

- Encoder is equipped with zero pulse.

Ordering code: See AC-1.4, ACB-1.4

Output signal:
Supply voltage + EV DC 24 V (9-30 V) The output signal contains of two pulse trains with
Polarity protected 1000 or 3600 ppr. and inverted signals to these.
When pulse 1 becomes low, pulse 1-inv. becomes
Current consumption at 50 mA @ 24 V
no load Max 75 mA high same for pulses 2 and 2-inv.
Pulse-train 1 and 2 are displaced 1/4 pulse, (90º el)
Pule rates 1000, 3600 ppr
according to each other so direction can be detected.
Accuracy Direction is measured by detection of which pulse
Dividing error ± 50° el comes first (see fig. page 3).
Channel seperation 90° ± 25°el
Outputs Short circuit protected There is a zero-pulse on the turn. This pulse becomes
Load max ± 40 mA high (pulse 0) or low (pulse 0-inv), when marking on
Max cable length 200 meter at 50 kHz shaft end (cut in hollow-shaft) is in line with cable
Uhigh (at 10mA load) > +EV -2,0 V outlet on speed encoder.
Zero pulse length is 1/4 of ordinary pulse length
Ulow (at 10mA load) < 1,15 V
(1/4000 or 1/14400 turn).
Female cable connector HD art.no. 5217 5322-150
EMC approval EN6000-6-2, EN6000-6-4

Shaft, Stainless steel Hollow-shaft ø 12 mm
Moment of inertia 2,0 x 10-6 kgm2
Load max Same direction as motor -
Same direction
as motor
Radial 20 N clockwise
- clockwise

Axial 10 N
Speed max 6000 rpm
Code disc 1000ppr Polycarbonate
3600ppr Glass
Operating -40 °C...+70 °C
Storage -30 °C...+70 °C
Housing Aluminium, anodized
Weight Approx. 300 g
Protection class IP 67 according to IEC60529
At shaft inlet IP 65 according to IEC60529
Vibration <300 m/s2 (55...2000 Hz)
Shock <2000 m/s2 (6 ms)
The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 2(4)
06-12-22, Replaces 04-03-30 Accessories, ACB-3.4
Clockwise, seen from shaft side

360° el. (1period)

1 inv

2 inv

90° el. (Channel seperation)

0 inv

Encoder must be connected with shielded cable, max 0.5 mm2 which is to be solded in connector-pins.
The shield connects to connector-shell.

Connection female cable connector

1 inv 1 PINNING 12 pin contact

Function Pin
0V 1 8 +EV +EV 12
7 Status 0V 10
10 12
0 2 inv 1 8
3 6 1 inv 1
4 5 2 5
2 inv 6
0 inv 2 0 3
0 inv 4
Connector seen from solder side. Status 7

To be used for external measuring.
HD art. no: 378 5043-801

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 3(4)
04-03-30, Replaces 03-06-12 Accessories, ACB-3.4
F/A converter:
- Frequence to Analogue converter is available as option.
- Analog output signal 4-20 mA.
- F/A-converter must be mounted externally. Technical data
Supply voltage DC 24 V (12-50 V)
HD art. no: 576 4057-001
Power consump- 3W
Operation temp. -20 °C...+60 °C
Humidity 0-90 % RH, non condens-
Temp. coefficient <0,01 %/°C
Accuracy better than 0.3 %
Resolution 0.1 %
Mounting NS35 DIN rail
Size w45 x d70 h117 mm
Electrical connections
Pulse input:
- Input high Vin > 15 V
- Input low Vin < 6 V
4-20 mA output max. output load 500 W
EMC approval EN 50081-1, EN 50082-2 SW2-1 on
SW2-2 off
Safety EN 60730 LED1 power on

Settings of SW1 for different type of

encoders and rpm range
Rpm for 4-20mA signal
Settings SW1 1000 ppr 3600 ppr
0 0 - 0,1 rpm 0 - 0,03 rpm
1 0 - 0,2 rpm 0 - 0,06 rpm
2 0 - 0,5 rpm 0 - 0,14 rpm
3 0 - 1,0 rpm 0 - 0,28 rpm Connection diagram
4 0 - 2,0 rpm 0 - 0,56 rpm
5 0 - 5,0 rpm 0 - 1,39 rpm
12 +24 V (15-30 V)
6 0 - 10,0 rpm 0 - 2,78 rpm
7 0 - 20,0 rpm 0 - 5,56 rpm 10
8 0 - 6,0 rpm 0 - 1,67 rpm

9 0- 12,0 rpm 0 - 3,33 rpm

A 0 - 30,0 rpm 0 - 8,33 rpm 15 16
4-20 mA
B 0 - 60,0 rpm 0 - 16,67 rpm 8 10
C 0 - 120,0 rpm 0 - 33,33 rpm F/A 4-20 mA
D 0 - 300,0 rpm 0 - 83,33 rpm 8 7 9
E 0 - 600,0 rpm 0 - 166,67 rpm
F 0 - 1200,0 rpm 0 - 333,33 rpm

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 4(4)




Installation and

Power Unit PAC and PBC

Installation and Maintenance Manual
Power Unit PAC and PBC
AM326-3h 2010

Hägglunds Drives is a global leader in the hydraulic motors and drive sys-
tems niche. The Group develops, manufactures and markets drive system
solutions for applications requiring high torque, low speeds and variable
speeds. The drive systems are used in a wide range of industries, such as
Mining and materials handling, Marine and offshore, Recycling, Sugar, Pulp
and paper, Rubber and plastics, and Building and construction.
We have approximately 900 employees. Production is located in Mellansel,
Sweden, Columbus, Ohio, USA and Houston, Texas, USA. The Group has
16 subsidiaries, personnel in over 20 countries, and around 50 sales and
service offices. In addition, there are distributors in around 20 countries.
The largest geographical markets are Europe, China, India, Australia and
North America.
We are owned by Bosch Rexroth, one of the largest hydraulic companies in
the world.
Our high quality Drive Systems, are based upon our unique hydraulic piston
motors, developed through a wealth of experience accumulated over 30
years in marine and industrial areas. Today this ongoing development work
has resulted in the powerful power unit, the PAC and PBC. New, as well as
established technical solutions, contribute to the creation of this product.
The most desirable features and operating reliability have been designed
into these power units, the PAC and PBC.
This manual provides necessary information for installation and mainte-
nance of the PAC and PBC. In order to find particular information, search
for the applicable section as listed in the table of contents. Changes in the
equipment may occur. We therefore reserve the right to introduce amend-
ments in the manual as we deem necessary without notice or obligations.
Before starting the installation/maintenance, the manual must be read and
understood completely. All involved personnel shall be in agreement with
the safety precautions which is described in section 1.1.

The content in this manual is subject to change without

notice or obligation. Therefore, information contained herein
should always be confirmed with Hägglunds Drives or its
Original EN326-2a, 1998

1. GENERAL................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Safety precautions ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Operating principle...................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. TECHNICAL DATA..................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Choice of hydraulic fluid ............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Requirements for hydraulic fluid cleanliness .............................................................................................................. 8
2.3 Cooling Water . ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Choice of hydraulic fluid.............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.5 Power Unit monitoring .............................................................................................................................................. 10
3. HANDLING OF THE PACKED POWER UNIT ......................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Storage of the packed Power Unit . .......................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Lifting the packed Power Unit . ................................................................................................................................. 11
4. INSTALLATION........................................................................................................................................................ 12
4.1 Installation directions................................................................................................................................................. 12
4.2 Lifting methods and weights...................................................................................................................................... 15
4.3 Positioning the power unit......................................................................................................................................... 16
4.4 Mounting of the cabinet feet...................................................................................................................................... 17
4.5 Mounting of the electric motor . ................................................................................................................................ 18
4.6 Mounting of the air-oil cooler and cabinet ventilation ............................................................................................... 19
4.7 Mounting of the top cover.......................................................................................................................................... 20
4.8 Hydraulic connections............................................................................................................................................... 20
4.9 Electric connections.................................................................................................................................................. 21
4.10 Pipework .................................................................................................................................................................. 21
4.11 Extra filtration before start up.................................................................................................................................... 24
4.12 Commissioning.......................................................................................................................................................... 24
4.12.1 Prior to commissioning.......................................................................................................................................... 25
4.12.2 Filling up the system with hydraulic fluid. .............................................................................................................. 25
4.12.3 Initial start up procedure ....................................................................................................................................... 27
4.13 Pump settings and adjustments............................................................................................................................. 29
4.13.1 HD pump .............................................................................................................................................................. 29
4.13.2 SP pump ............................................................................................................................................................... 30
5. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE................................................................................................................................ 31
5.1 Maintenance log . ..................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.2 Maintenance chart.................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.3 Filter change............................................................................................................................................................. 32
5.4 Inspection of hydraulic fluid....................................................................................................................................... 33
5.5 Lubrication of electrical motor................................................................................................................................... 34
5.6 Air filter change......................................................................................................................................................... 34
5.7 Cleaning of Water-Oil Cooler ................................................................................................................................... 35
5.8 Power Unit out of service ......................................................................................................................................... 35
6. CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE............................................................................................................................... 35
6.1 Common .................................................................................................................................................................. 35
6.2 Change of Electric motor/Pump unit ........................................................................................................................ 36
6.3 Trouble shooting........................................................................................................................................................ 37
7. DISPOSING OF POWER UNIT ............................................................................................................................... 38
Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

1.1 Safety precautions
It is of extreme importance that the safety precautions are always followed. If you are unsure about
anything, please contact your nearest Hägglunds Drives representative for advice.

Warning signs
In this manual, you will find the following signs, which indicate a potential hazard that can or will cause
personal injury or substantial property damage. There are three levels of hazard classification:

DANGER is used to indicate the presence of a hazard, which will cause

severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage if the
warning is ignored.

WARNING is used to indicate the presence of a hazard, which can

cause severe personal injury, death, or substantial property damage if
the warning is ignored.

CAUTION is used to indicate the presence of a hazard, which will or

can cause minor personal injury or property damage if the warning is

Limit access to the equipment only to authorized personnel. Only perform tests on the hydraulic system
when you are completely familiar with the function of the power unit (including the control system) as
well as the complete drive.
Service and repair of the electrical, hydraulic, and the mechanical functions require professional service
personnel who are aware of risks involved.
Safety equipment necessary for the prevention of accidents during the mounting and maintenance
must be used in accordance with the regulations prevailing in the local country.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC General

Prior to troubleshooting
• Use the order code and other attached technical documentation to identify the features of your
unique power unit and system.
• Read the attached technical documentation (this manual included) and make yourself familiar
with the PAC or PBC (control system included) as well as the complete drive.
• Use safety equipment like hard hat, protective goggles, safety shoes and hearing protection.
• Always ensure that there is no accumulated energy in the system prior to maintenance.
• Ensure that all electric power is off and locked out.
• Ensure that there is no entrapped pressure in the hydraulic system.
• Ensure that no pressure will enter the hydraulic system in the power unit via the hydraulic motor,
for example loads on the shaft or winch drum.
• If the hydraulic system is used for lift devices such as elevators, winches, etc., these should be
secured, or in the rest position (hanging load).
• Ensure that all accumulators are discharged.

Electricity supply
Safety equipment necessary for the prevention of accidents must be provided in accordance with the
regulations prevailing in the local country.
All electrical supply levels shall be within the limits that the equipment is constructed for, see
technical documentation and maximum rating plates.
Carefully follow the instructions and be aware of the large weights and forces involved during lifting.
Incorrect mounting and setting of electrical, hydraulic and the mechanical components can cause
personal injury or property damage.
Before starting up
Before starting up new, rebuilt or serviced drive systems, all accessories and safety arrangement
functions need to be checked and tested.
Maintenance and service
Follow the maintenance intervals for your specific power unit or the maximum intervals on the main-
tenance chart (section 5.2 “Maintenance Chart”) and keep a maintenance log. Regular and correct
maintenance is necessary for reliable and safe operation.
Only use spare parts recommended and supplied by the Hägglunds Drives organization.
Hydraulic fluid
Be aware that most hydraulic fluids can cause personal injury and severe damage to the environment.
Check the caution sign on the container or consult the supplier. Used hydraulic fluid can contain noxious
contaminates. We recommend using the service of a professional oil company for supply and disposal
of used fluids. Never dump hydraulic fluid into water drainage or water supplies.
Bell housing
Note that there are rotating parts inside the bell housing during operation. Be careful during inspection
through the inspection hole. Replace inspection cover when finished.
Hot surfaces
Temperatures in the hydraulic system above 158 °F (70 °C) will create hot surfaces.
Emergency situations
Emergency shutdown: It has to be possible to turn off the electric power during an emergency situa-
tion. Only use a fire extinguisher that is approved for use on both oil products and electric equipment.

principle Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

1.2 Operating principle

Main components
1. Hydraulic pump
2. Drain valve
3. Sight glass
4. Charge pressure gauge
5. Servo pressure gauge
6. Main pressure gauge ‘B’ port
7. Main pressure gauge ‘A’ port
8. Air breather
9. Drain filter
10. Return filter
11. Electric motor
12. Filter switch
13. Suction valve limit switch
14. Charge pressure switch
15. Electrohydraulic stroker
16. Oil heater (optional)
17. Terminal box
18. Cabinet feet
19. Oil cooler
20. Temperature/Level switch

Note: Changes from the picture and

main components tables above may
The configuration shown above is of
PAC unit. The same general layout
applies to the PBC.

The function of the power unit is to provide the hydraulic motor(s) (or other hydraulic systems) with the
required flow of oil and pressure at the right time. All included parts are assembled in one (or more)
compact cabinet(s). The power units can have one or more pumps driven by one or more electric
motors. The main pump is an axial piston pump with variable displacement for closed loop systems.
The electric motor is totally enclosed fan cooled. Multiple control systems are available.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Operating principle

Control systems available

Spider: A small, compact and configurable control system. It can health monitor the power unit and
can control one to four pumps with six preprogrammed functions:
• Basic, for most of our drives can be configured for speed feedback control and power limitation.
• Shredder, for shredder applications.
• Synchro, for synchronized drives.
• Monitor, driver and functions for monitoring the power unit.
• Friction, for monitoring friction between two drives.
• MRC, added function to monitor synchronization and friction between two drives
Note: It is also possible to control the power units from external control systems provided by the
customer. BUS Protocol is available.
The PAC and PBC are very flexible products with a wide range of options. This makes it possible to
select a standard power unit to fulfill the features needed in many different applications. This instal-
lation and maintenance manual is intended to cover all standard options. It may not cover all details
on special power units, which differ from the standard PAC or PBC concept.

It is of great importance to check the other

attached technical documentation to identify
the features of your unique power unit.

data Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

2.1 Operating conditions
The standard power unit is designed for the conditions listed below. If the requirements are outside of
the conditions listed below, contact your Hägglunds Drives representative with your specific requirements
for special design considerations.
Ambient temperature: Minimum 32 °F (0 °C) to a maximum 85 °F (30 °C).
Altitude: Maximum 3,300 feet (1000 m).
Classified Location: Unit is designed for a standard location. Units can be built for use in classified
hazardous locations. Contact your Hägglunds Drives representative for more details.

2.2 Cooling water

The cooling system is primarily designed to operate with clean water.
When there are particles in the water, larger than 0.002 in. (0.05 mm), a water filter must be used.It
is important to:
• Maintain the water filter (if any) in a correct way, this is to get the required flow of water through the
water oil cooler.
• Ensure you have the required flow, pressure and temperature of the cooling water (see attached
technical documentation).
• Check the temperature in the hydraulic system, according to the maintenance intervals for your
specific power unit or the maximum intervals on the maintenance chart.
• Clean the cooling system if the temperature in the hydraulic system is above the specified limits.
• Clean and empty the cooling system (waterside) before periods of inactivity (especially if the
cooling water is not totally clean).
• Coolers should have water removed when below freezing and during periods of no use. Failure to
do so can result in damage (glycol can be used).

If cooling capacity is too low, the service life of Hydraulic motor, the
main components in power unit and the hydraulic fluid will be reduced.

2.3 Requirements for hydraulic fluid cleanliness

The PAC and PBC are equipped with filters on the drain and return line(s). In order to obtain rated
service life it is important to follow recommendations concerning cleanliness levels and maintenance

Cleanliness level recommendations

• The system must be flushed before start up (section 4.12 “Flushing before start up”).
• When filling the tank with hydraulic fluid it is important to fill through the quick connection (section
4.13.2 “Filling up the system with hydraulic fluid”). Never fill with unfiltered oil or fill through the
reservoir breather breaker point.
• The particle contamination level in the system should not exceed ISO 4406:1999 18/16/13
(NAS 1638, class 7).
• The water content shall be <0.1% and in individual applications with high demands for service life,
• Always use filter elements recommended and supplied by the Hägglunds Drives organization.
• The hydraulic fluid should be analyzed according to the special maintenance intervals for your specific
power unit or the maximum intervals on the maintenance chart (section 5.2 “Maintenance Chart”).
You should be particularly careful when removing equipment for repairs or maintenance so that
dirt cannot enter the system. Components should be cleaned and free of dirt prior to disassembly.

Do not re-use hydraulic fluid which has leaked out.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Technical data

2.4 Choice of hydraulic fluid

The power unit is primarily designed to operate on conventional petroleum based hydraulic fluids.
Consultation with an Hägglunds Drives service representative is recommended when choosing your
hydraulic fluid.
The hydraulic fluid has to fulfill the following requirements:
• Have FZG (90) fail stage minimum 11 described in IP 334 (DIN 51354).
• Contain inhibitors to prevent oxidation, corrosion and foaming.
• Have a viscosity within the prescribed interval for both PAC or PBC (see below) and hydraulic motor
at operating temperature (measured in the motor case).
• Have a water content of <0.1% and in individual applications with high demands for service life,
For other hydraulic fluids, please contact your Hägglunds Drives representative when:
• You may need other seals within the pump and other components.
• The service life, maximum pressure and maximum speed for the pumps may be reduced.

Viscosity limits Temperature limits

Viscosity index = 100 recommended Normal operating temperature should be less than
= 150* for operation 122°F (+50°C)
with large temperature
difference Nitrile seals (std motor) -35 °C to +70 °C
Viton seals -20 °C to +100 °C
Min. permitted in continuous duty 40 cSt/187 SSU
Min. permitted in intermittent duty 5 cSt/25 SSU** Nitrile seals (std motor) -31 °F to +158 °F
Max. permitted 10000 cSt/48000 SSU Viton seals -4 °F to +212 °F

RECOMMENDED VISCOSITY at operating temperature

40-150 cSt (187-720 SSU) At cold start the maximum
permissible viscosity is 1600 cSt (7400 SSU) run with low
pressure and low flow.

Temperature °F
Viscosity ν SSU
Viscosity ν cSt


Temperature °C (measured in the motor loop)

- Check caution sign on container or consult the supplier.

- Avoid contact of long duration with the skin.
- Use services of a professional oil supplier for disposal of used
fluids, and filter elements.
- Never dump hydraulic fluid into drainages or water courses.
- Avoid contamination of hydraulic fluids on floors, it involves
a great risk to slip and fall.

data Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

2.5 Power Unit monitoring

If the monitoring function is not included in a control system supplied with the PAC or PBC, the
following function must be fulfilled in the system.

The monitoring of the power unit switches are grouped in two levels according to the above logic
The warning indication is to inform the operator about a problem in the power unit but does not need
an immediate action.
The alarm indicates a need for stopping the pump. The stop sequence is to first stop the hydraulic
motor without ramp, by setting the pump swash angle to zero. Furthermore, after a short delay stop
the electric motor.
The low charge pressure switch must be interlocked during stop and start-up of the electric motor, to
avoid alarm and give the pump time to build up the charge pressure after start.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Technical data

3.1 Storage of the packed Power Unit
At delivery, the hydraulic components are protected internally by an oil film (containing rust preventing
additives). This provides sufficient protection for indoor storage in air conditioned premises for up to
12 months.
The PAC or PBC and included parts should be stored indoors, in dry, vibration free and dust free
conditions. It should not be stored for more than three months in non-air conditioned premises. (That
also includes parts belonging to the power unit that are delivered separately).
Place the power unit where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight or extreme cold to avoid

If storage time exceed limits, the power unit must be

operated so that the hydraulic system is lubricated with
new fluid. (See section "Power Unit out of service")

3.2 Lifting the packed Power Unit

The packed power unit is labelled with center of gravity and weight.
Normally the power unit package is designed for forklift truck handling.

Center of Gravity Label

• Center of gravity is high, see label on the power unit.

• Avoid rapid acceleration, deceleration and turns while
moving the equipment.
• Position the forks according to the instructions below.

Lifting with fork lift

• At an absolute minimum the fork length MUST exceed the depth of the power unit frame.
• The minimum distance between the forks is 31.5 in. (800 mm) for a 2 door power unit and 43.3 in.
(1100 mm) for a 3 door power unit.
• Position forks with regards to the center of gravity.
Parts that are delivered separately
• The package is always labelled with the weight.
• Packages on shipping skids are designed for forklift truck handling only.
• Some other packages may be lifted with a lifting crane, always check the label on the package.

• Do not stand underneath hanging load.

• Use only lifting equipment adapted to
the weight on the label of the package.


Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

4.1 Installation directions
If the power unit is to work properly, it must be installed in accordance with these instructions. The
conditions the unit will operate in must be taken into consideration.
Improper installation, not following the instructions in this manual and in the attached technical docu-
mentation, may affect the function and/or the service life of the power unit. It is important that the safety
precautions mentioned in this manual are always followed.

In order to achieve air circulation requirements, you should never

place the power unit directly against a wall or similar obstruction. If
this is the case then contact your Hägglunds Drives representative.

Basic Dimensions - PAC power unit

H1 H1

H2 H2

M B2
B2 A2
B1 A1 B1

PAC 202 PAC 203 PAC 402 PAC 602 PAC 603 PAC 803/1003 PAC 1203/1603/2003
(in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in)
H1* 93.00 92.62 109.25 125.38 105.38 118.38 124.5
H2 .50 .50 .75 .75. .75 .75 N/A
B1 55.12 82.62 66.00 82.50 105.00 121.75 144.00
B2 52.12 79.62 62.00 78.50 101.00 117.75 140.00
A1 39.38 39.38 53.25 72.00 53.25 53.25 72.00
A2 35.38 35.38 49.25 68.00 49.25 49.25 68.00
M M12 X 1.75 M12 X 1.75 M16 X 2 M16 X 2 M16 X 2 M16 X 2 N/A
* May vary based on Electric motor frame size.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Installation

Basic Dimensions - PBC power unit


H2 B2
B2 A2
B1 A1

PBC 202 PBC 203 PBC 402 PBC 602 PBC 603 PBC 803/1003 PBC 1203/1603/2003
(in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in)
H1* 93.00 92.62 109.25 125.38 105.38 118.38 124.5
H2 .50 .50 .75 .75. .75 .75 N/A
B1 55.12 82.62 66.00 82.50 105.00 121.75 144.00
B2 52.12 79.62 62.00 78.50 101.00 117.75 140.00
A1 39.38 39.38 53.25 72.00 53.25 53.25 72.00
A2 35.38 35.38 49.25 68.00 49.25 49.25 68.00
M M12 X 1.75 M12 X 1.75 M16 X 2 M16 X 2 M16 X 2 M16 X 2 N/A
* May vary based on Electric motor frame size.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

Placing the power unit

Take into consideration the following when placing the PAC or PBC unit:
• Place on a firm level foundation to avoid vibrations.
• To ease maintenance and service (section 4.3 “Positioning the power unit”).
• Protect from weather, airborne sprays, heavy contamination and radiated heat.
• To ensure proper ventilation for cooling purposes and for the electric motor and air-oil cooler.
• To minimize pipe runs.

Clamp each pipe in the pipe run separately and attach it to a firm foundation to avoid vibration. The
main connections from the power unit must always be fitted to the piping with hoses.

If air-oil cooler is mounted at a location other than

on the power unit, beware that the cooler will start
without notice and has sharp edges.

When units are installed side by side, the side panels must be removed.
This makes it possible to perform service on the power unit.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Installation

4.2 Lifting methods and weights

The total weight of the power unit is stamped Electric motor

on the rating plate located on the Junction Power kW Weight* lb (kg)

box door inside the cabinet. 1 (.75) 54 (25)

1.5 (1.1) 56 (25)
2 (1.5) 58 (26)
Lifting with ropes/chains 3 (2.2) 99 (45)
If the power unit is a PAC lift with no top cover on, maximum lifting 5 (3.7) 108 (49)
7.5 (5.6) 165 (75)
angle 90°. 10 (7.5) 172 (78)
15 (11) 291 (132)
Lifting with fork lift 20 (15) 324 (147)
• At an absolute minimum the fork length MUST exceed the depth 25 (19) 481 (218)
30 (22) 525 (238)
of the power unit frame. 40 (30) 640 (291)
• The minimum distance between the forks is 800 mm (31,5 in) for a 50 (37) 662 (301)
60 (45) 1036 (470)
2-door power unit and 1100 mm (43,3 in) for a 3-door power unit. 75 (56) 1047 (475)
• Position forks about the centre of gravity. 100 (75) 1302 (591)
125 (93) 1841 (836)
150 (112) 1949 (881)
200 (149) 2216 (1006)
250 (186) 2414 (1096)
300 (224) 3837 (1742)
350 (261) 4300 (1952)
400 (298) 4686 (2127)
90° 450 (336) 5204 (2363)
500 (373) 5424 (2462)
*This is the weight for a standard
electrical motor, more accurate
weight for a specific motor can
be found on the rating plate.

Pumps Coolers
Model Weight lb (kg) Air Weight lb (kg)
BOL-8 45 (20)
SP 40 170 (77)
BOL-16 55 (25)
SP 71 207 (94)
BOL-30 125 (57)
SP 125 298 (135)
BOL-400 148 (67)
SP 180 330 (150)
BOL-725 170 (77)
SP 250 550 (250)
BOL-950 300 (136)
SP 355 594 (270)
BOL-1200 430 (195)
SP 500 847 (385)
BOL-1600 515 (234)
SP 750 1188 (540)
Water Weight lb (kg)
HD6S 335 (152)
Always use the provided lifting points HD7S 335 (152) B-401 7 (3)
B-402 10 (5)
when lifting the power unit HD11S 484 (220)
B-701 23 (10)
HD14S 484 (220)
HD24S 753 (342) B-702 28 (13)
HD30S 786 (357) B-703 35 (16)
B-1002 49 (22)
B-1003 65 (29)
B-1004 72 (33)
B-1202 72 (33)
B-1204 110 (50)
B-1206 160 (73)
B-1602 145 (66)
• Do not stand underneath a hanging load. B-1604 195 (88)
B-1606 259 (117)
• Use only lifting equipment adapted to the weight of B-1608 310 (141)
the power unit (check rating plate inside the cabinet). B-1610 400 (181)
• Center of gravity is high, see label on cabinet.
• Do not lift the power unit with hydraulic fluid in the
tank, or with the front bar disassembled.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

4.3 Positioning the Power Unit

The following minimum space must be left around the power unit, to ensure proper ventilation and
provide sufficient working space for easier maintenance. Heavier maintenance such as changing the
pump/motor assembly will demand larger working space.
The power units may not be installed side by side without the facing side panels being removed. (Refer
to page 16)
It is important that all pipes for both water and hydraulics are mounted properly to allow for sufficient
working space for maintenance.



32 1/4" [819] 32" [813]

32" [813]

18" [457]

40" [1016]





18" [457]



32" [813]
32" [813]

32" [813]
40" [1016]



Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Installation

4.4 Mounting of the cabinet feet

The cabinet feet (optional) minimizes the vibrations and makes it easier to level the power unit. They are
delivered separately within the cabinet and have to be mounted according to the following instructions:
1. Mount the cabinet feet before filling hydraulic fluid in the tank.
2. Mount the cabinet feet before installing the electric motor(s), if they are delivered separately or
supplied by the customer.
3. Lift the power unit according to instructions in this manual (section 3.2 “Lifting the packed power
unit”). Be sure to follow the safety precautions.
4. Mount the cabinet feet according to the drawing below.
5. Level the power unit by the adjusting screws.


Be careful while mounting the cabinet

feet. Follow the safety precautions in
section “Lifting methods and weights“

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

4.5 Mounting of electric motor

In certain cases the electric motor(s) are delivered separately. The following instructions are applicable
for these cases only. Steps 1, 2 and 8 only apply to PAC units only.

1. Remove the top cover from the power unit

Loosen the screws that keep the top cover on the frame. Mount lifting eyebolts in their holes on the
corners of the top cover, and lift the top cover away. If range of lift is insufficient, front panel and front
beam of the power unit can be removed.

2. Remove the sound baffle

Take the sound baffle off and put it in a place where it cannot be damaged. When putting back, the
insulation material must be turned upwards.

3. Unpack the electric motor(s)

Unpack the electric motor and check it for external damage. Also, check that all rating plate data is the
same as in the attached technical documentation.

4. Check the shaft coupling(s)

Check that the axial shaft coupling clearance is in conformance with the coupling manufacturer

5. Lift the electric motor

First, use the top mounted lifting ear and lift to position the electric motor vertically. Then lift with all
lifting ears. Never let the electric motor stand on the shaft coupling.
Two different types of lifting equipment may be needed in order to lift the electric motor.

6. Mount the electric motor in the power unit

Lift the electric motor into the power unit. It is important that it is hanging perpendicular. Fit the
shaft coupling through inspection hole into the Spider insert without causing any damage to it. The
connection box on the electric motor must be positioned as shown in the project documentation. Lower
motor to a position approximately 0.2 in. (5 mm) above bell housing. Place oiled bolts in the holes and
tighten by hand.

7. Tighten bolts to the bell housing

Inspect that there is an axial clearance on the shaft coupling through the inspection hole in the bell
housing, and then tighten the attached bolts to the bell housing to the correct torque based on bolt size.

8. Assemble top cover and sound baffle

Assemble in reverse order according to point 1 and 2.
The hole in the sound baffle must be located straight above the electric motor and be slightly smaller
than the cross section of the fan cover.
For connection of electric motor refer to page 23 (section 4.9 “Electric connections”).

• Do not stand underneath a hanging load.

• Use all lifting ears when the electric motor is hanging free.
• Use only lifting equipment adapted to the weight on the rating plate.
• No hands/fingers between electric motor and bell housing during

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Installation

4.6 Mounting of air-oil cooler and cabinet ventilation

Normally the air-oil cooler is delivered separately and is to be mounted on the power unit. The fol-
lowing instructions are applicable for these cases only. (Changes may occur from the drawing and/or
technical documentation.)
• Mount brackets with attached screws (in the drilled holes) on the power unit according to the
installation drawing in attached technical documentation.
• Lift up air-oil cooler. Never lift by the electric motor.
• Mount the air-oil cooler on the brackets with the attached screws.
• Check that all screws are properly tightened.
• Connect the attached hydraulic hoses. Note that ‘Oil In’ at the power unit shall be connected to ‘Oil
Out’ at the air-oil cooler and vice versa. The coupling protections must be kept on until final assembly
to avoid the entrance of dirt.
• For electric connections, couplings and hoses, see respective section.
• Air-oil cooler must always be connected with flexible hoses.






1 1/4" JIC 37° FLARE 1" JIC 37° FLARE
1 1/4" JIC 37° FLARE




Note: There must be an


opening in the lower edge

of the rubber flap, to allow
• Beware of airborne particles in the
the cooling air from the outgoing air flow
electric motor fan to exit. • If the air-oil cooler becomes loose
it can cause severe personal injury.

Power Unit Dimensions in (mm)

Cooler ports Motor Drain and Flushing Ports
202 & 402 59 3/8 (1508) 54 5/8 (1387) 80 1/8 (2035) 20 7/8 (530) 17 7/8 (454) 9 7/8 (251)
602 72 5/8 (1845) 67 5/8 (1718) 94 3/4 (2407) 24 1/2 (622) 27 1/2 (699) 44 3/4 (1137)
203 47 5/8 (1083) 42 5/8 (1083) 76.5 (1943) 15 1/4 (387) 18 1/4 (387) 9 7/8 (251)
603 61 7/8 (1572) 56 7/8 (1445) 82 1/4 (2089) 18 3/8 (467) 21 3/8 (543) 31 3/4 (806)
803 & 1003 75 (1905) 70 (1778) 93 (2362) 21 7/8 (556) 18 7/8 (479) 9 7/8 (251)
1203 90 1/2 (2299) 85 1/2 (2172) 94 (2388) 22 3/4 (578) 19 3/4 (491) 10 (254)
1603 90 1/2 (2299) 85 1/2 (2172) 128 7/8 (3272) 22 7/8 (581) 19 7/8 (505) 9 7/8 (251)
Note: Dimensions A,B,&C pertain to PAC units only.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

4.7 Mounting of top cover

If the power unit is placed outdoors, the top cover should be sealed with sealing strip. Do not use
glue to seal the top cover!


4.8 Hydraulic connections

During mounting of the hydraulic connections the following points must be kept in mind:
• The coupling protections must be kept on until final assembly.
• It is important that all pipes are properly mounted to allow for sufficient working space for mainte-
nance of the power unit.
• Always use hoses to connect pump with piping.

Professional service personnel aware of risks involved must perform all measurements in the hydraulic
system. Be especially cautious when connecting the A and B connections (high pressure).

Main A & B Depth

Pump model Thread **
Connections * in (mm)
SP40 3/4 '' 3/8-16 UNC 0,83 (21)
SP71 1'' 7/16 UNC 0,55 (14) * SAE-flange J 518, code 62, 414 bar (6000 psi)
90° connections have to be used except for the
SP125 0,75 (19)
1 1/4'' 1/2-13 UNC lower pump in a tandem mount that needs a
SP180 1,06 (27) straight connection
1 1/2'' 5/8-11 UNC 1,14 (29) ** 4 screws needed/connection, with Grade 8
SP355 cap head bolts.
2'' 3/4-10 UNC 1,68 (35)
1 1/2' 5/8-11 UNC
HD11/HD14S 1.06 (27)
HD24S/HD30S 2'' 3/4-10 UNC

Cabinet Power Unit Dimension

size connection
Drain line Flushing
1 PAC/PBC 202&203
2 PAC/PBC 402
Do not make any measures
or perform maintenance 3 PAC/PBC 602&603 1 1/4'' JIC 1'' JIC
4 PAC/PBC 803 Male Male
if the hydraulic system is
pressurized. 5 PAC/PBC 1003, 1203 & 1603

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Installation

4.9 Electric connections

Safety precautions
• All electric equipment is intended to be installed and used by qualified personnel who are familiar
with relevant safety requirements.
• Safety equipment necessary for the prevention of accidents at the mounting and operating site must
be provided in accordance with the regulations prevailing in the local country.
• Grounding shall be carried out according to local regulations before the electric equipment is
connected to the main voltage.
• All electrical supply levels must be within the limits that the equipment is constructed for, see
technical documentation and maximum rating plate.
Junction box
Connect the cables on the screw terminals inside the junction box. Make the connections according
to the electrical drawing in the attached technical documentation.

Air-oil cooler
The voltage and connection are stamped on the rating plate. Connect the electric motor to the
electrical supply. Check direction of rotation, see air stream arrow in technical documentation.

Electric motor
Terminate the major voltage connections according to designation on the name plate.

Installation of electrical equipment must in

most countries be installed by licensed electri-
cians (reference local laws and regulations).
4.10 Pipe work
When sizing hoses and hydraulic piping between the motor and the power unit, a safety factor of at
least 4 times the maximum system pressure should be used for the tensile strength. Keep in mind that
the equipment may be readjusted to higher pressure in duty. Pressure losses in the pipe system should
generally be kept to a minimum but there are exceptions in certain applications. Contact a Hägglunds
Drives service representative for more information.

Hydraulic pipes
The hydraulic pipes should be of high-grade steel as per ISO 3304, DIN 2391/C or ANSI/B93.4.

Pressure test
A pressure test to 1 1/2 times the maximum working pressure must be performed on the main lines
to check for possible leakage.
Pressure tests on the main lines are best carried out using a hydraulic hand pump.

To avoid damage caused by vibrations it is important that the power unit and the motor be connected
to pipes by means of hoses.
The hoses must be short and have the smallest possible diameter in order to obtain a small
compression volume. Nevertheless, allowance must be made for the minimum permissible bending
radius according to the data provided by the supplier of the hose. Allowance must also be made for
the flow velocities listed under “Pipe sizes.”

Pipe flushing
The piping system must be flushed with an adequately sized flushing pump prior to starting up the
power unit to remove contamination introduced during assembly and/or welding. Please contact a
Hägglunds Drives service representative for proper cleaning and flushing procedure.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

Pipe sizes
It is important that lines between the main connections of the motor and power unit are as short as
This gives the following advantages:
1. Small compression volume in the hydraulic system.
This is particularly important in hydraulic systems with large and rapid load variations, and in drives,
where high speed accuracy is essential.
2. Small power losses in the hydraulic system.
3. Lower installation costs in that smaller pipe sizes and shorter pipe lengths can be used.
For a normal hydraulic system, the total pressure drop in the pressure and return line must not be
more than 5 percent of the normal working pressure.
The following flow rates are recommended values and should not be exceeded:
Main lines 16 ft/s (5 m/s) Drain lines 5 ft/s (1.0 m/s)
4. Lower noise level.
In certain systems, where very small compression volumes are required, higher flow rates are
acceptable with possible increase in noise. Contact Hägglunds Drives representative in these
specific cases.
When dimensioning hose and pipe lengths between the drain connections of the motor and the power
unit, keep in mind that the total pressure drop to the drain connections of the motor must not exceed
14.5 PSI (1 bar). The pressure drop through the power unit is 7.25 PSI (0.5 bar).

Pipe couplings
It is essential that a tight and pressure rated coupling is chosen.
The following types of coupling are recommended:
Non-welded couplings are preferred
Non welded couplings provide the most clean piping installation as compared to a welded pipe
Welded couplings (socket or butt type)
When using welded couplings, the pipes should be machined, normalized, and pickled. The pipes must
then be brushed, rinsed internally and blown clean before flushing.
Pipe coupling
Type collar coupling as per SAE J 514.
Pipe clamps
Pipes should be clamped with uniformly spaced clamps.
The normal distance between the clamps may not exceed 6 ft (2 m) for pipes with outside diameters
between 1/2 in. (15 mm) and 1 1/2 in. (38 mm). The distance between the clamps may not exceed 9
ft (3 m) for pipes with outside diameters greater than 1 1/2 in. (38 mm).
In addition, the pipes must be clamped immediately before and after a bend. The pipes must be clamped
immediately before transition to a hose as well.
The pipe clamps shall be secured to a stable and non-vibrating surface such as concrete structure.
The pipe clamps must be of a type permitting a certain amount of axial and radial motion in the clamped
joint and have good vibration-absorbing properties.

Note: When possible, rubber isolation should be used with pipe clamps.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Installation

Storage of included components

The included components must be stored in the same way as the power unit (section 3.1 “Storage of
the packed power unit”). Notice that the packing must not be removed during storage.

Do not work on the pipe system if the hydraulic system is

pressurized. Use necessary safety equipment during installation
of the pipe system.
Usual safety requirements for each step must be followed.

Handling of fittings
Inspect the sealing surfaces on the couplings visually before mounting. It must be free of any damages
such as scores and cracks. Handle the couplings with care. If you drop the coupling or it has nicks on
it inspect it visually. Check that the sealing (if any) is in its right position, free from cracks and that it
is saturated with oil.
The protection and packing on the fittings must be kept on until final assembly.

Flange fittings
The screws must be tightened crosswise.

JIC-fittings (SAE J514, ISO 8434)

Tighten fittings by hand, then tighten 1/4 to 1/2 turn more using an appropriate wrench. Do not over
tighten the fittings.
Use correct size tools, fittings can be damaged and difficult to remove.
Be aware that all fittings may loosen because of heat and vibrations. All fittings must be checked and

Correct Incorrect

The pipes and hoses should be pre-cleaned, inspected and sealed by the supplier. If the pipes are
field bent and installed the overall system must be flushed to reach the required cleanliness level.

Welded fittings
Contact your Hägglunds Drives representative.

Mounting of hoses
Ensure that hoses are not stressed or twisted on installation, to prevent premature failure. Bend radius
should conform to manufacturer recommendations.

Pressure tests
Pressure tests should always take place before flushing in order to release contamination by stresses
introduced by the pressure. The main lines must be pressure and leakage tested to a static pressure
of 1 1/2 times the maximum expected system pressure (not above bursting pressure). The hydraulic
motor and power unit must be disconnected or protected by closed valves during the pressure tests.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

Example of a pipe installation which is convenient

and could easily be sound insulated

4.11 Extra filtration before start up HYDRAULIC MOTOR

A pressure filter and check valve has to be

connected to the main line at the power unit. This Hoses
filter is connected on the return side of the drive connected
Recommended filtration degree ß10 = 75 or Flow Direction
The size of the filter should be matched to that
of the pump concerned, so that the pressure
drop across the filter is not excessive and that Filter
the maximum pressure/flow ratings for the filter Check valve
is not exceeded.
The main lines should be connected together at
the motor enabling the entire system to be filtered,
see the figure to the right.
The maximum flow from the power unit should
be filtered through the main circuit for at least
two hours on small installations and considerably
longer on larger ones. Use a check valve sized for the
oil flow.
Use extreme caution to ensure pump is stroked in
When using the main pump the
synchronization with free flow direction of check maximum pressure should be
valve. reduced

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Installation

4.12 Commissioning
4.12.1 Prior to commissioning
• Read and understand this complete manual and the other attached technical documentation.
• Visually check the whole system for signs of damage, incorrect circuitry, security of founda-
tions, and that the degree of filtration of the filters are according to the data in the technical
• Check that the coupling between the electric motor and pump is properly mounted.
• Check that the pre charge pressure in the accumulator (optional) is in accordance with the
technical documentation.
• The hydraulic system must be flushed and thoroughly cleaned on the inside.
• If you are uncertain about the cleanliness of the system, it must be checked prior to filling with oil.
Pipe work
• Are the couplings properly tightened?
• Is the pipe work properly cleaned?
• Is the pipe work mounted free of stress?
• Are the lines in accordance with installation drawing/piping plan?
Electrical system
• Check that electric motor(s) and control system and other electrical components are connected to
the correct voltages.
• Check the function of electrical components and monitoring system manually. Instruments that
cannot be actuated can be checked for correct wiring and possibly operated manually. Level switch
and indication should be checked when filling the tank.

4.12.2 Filling up the system with hydraulic fluid

Before filling
• Check that the correct type and quality of
hydraulic fluid is used. Do not mix different
types of hydraulic fluid without first checking
with manufacturers.
• Check that the barrel with hydraulic fluid and
tank/hoses are not contaminated with water or
other substances.
• Follow instructions for handling of couplings
and hoses (section 4.10 “Pipework”).
• Plug the drain connection D (motor) to prevent
non filtered fluid being filled into the hydraulic
motor case, when filling the system the first
time. ’D1’ DRAIN
• Fill the pump case with filtered hydraulic PORT
oil through the ‘D1’ port on the pump. When
finished filling the pump case, replace the plug/
hose connected to the ‘D1’ port.


Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

Use an fluid filling pump unit which has a filter with a filter rating of 10 microns or better.

New fluid is normally not filtered and will introduce dirt into the
system, the fluid must therefore always be filled through a filter. Never
pour hydraulic fluid into the tank through the air breather filter.

Always pump the fluid in through the quick connection that is marked appropriately. The quick connec-
tion is a completely rustproof quick release coupling, see figure below. The fluid filled into the system
will be filtered through the drain filter for better results.
The tank must be filled with oil to 0.79 in. (20 mm) below the maximum level on the visual level gauge
on tank before starting for the first time.
Check the function of the level switch and indication during filling up of the tank.

hydraulic fluid isatat5/8
fluid is 5/8





After filling the system with fluid, open the drain line and reconnect the drain line from the hydraulic motor.

• Check caution sign on container and the warnings (section 2.4 “Choice
of hydraulic fluid”).
• Avoid prolonged contact of hydraulic fluid with your skin.
• Clean hydraulic fluid spills from floors immediately to prevent personal

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Installation

4.12.3 Initial start up procedure

Important note!
• Make sure the driven system and driven machine is ready to run, warn all personnel in the area
that start up is in progress.
• Follow safety precautions in this manual (section 1.1 “Safety precautions”).
• Never operate the power unit with defective instruments or control elements.
• Keep flammable materials away from the power unit.
• During start-up period, the hydraulic system will be filtered to remove dirt particles, therefore keep
an eye on the filter indicator during the entire start up procedure.
On cold start up, the filters may indicate bypass. If the indicators will not reset after system has reached
operating temperature, filter element must be inspected and changed.

STEP 1 Immediately before starting

• Check fluid level in the tank and refill to about 0.79 in. (20 mm) below maximum level at visual
level gauge on tank (section 4.12.2 “Filling up the system with hydraulic fluid”).
• Check if any components need filling with clean hydraulic fluid, such as the pump case and
motor case.
• Check safety equipment.
• Check that all the prescribed steps (section 4.12.1 “Prior to commissioning”) have been carried out.
• Make sure that all valves on the suction, pressure and inlet side of the pump, as well as any valves
on drain lines, are open.
• Check that cooling water is connected and turned on if a water-oil cooler is used.
For adjustments and settings on the control system (if any) see separate instruction in attached
technical documentation.

STEP 2 Start with unloaded pump at short intervals

Starting of the power unit shall be carried out with a completely unloaded pump in short intervals.
• When the hydraulic fluid is cold, some restarts may be needed in order to raise the charge pressure.
• Check that the charge pressure corresponds with data and settings on attached technical
• If OK, the pump may be allowed to come on stroke and introduce flow into the unloaded hydraulic
• Flow and pressure should be limited until lines are purged of air.
Check that the charge pressure is still OK.

Immediately make sure that the pump has the correct direction
of rotation. Otherwise, the pump will be damaged. The correct
direction of rotation is evident from the arrow on the pump's tag.


Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

Initial start up procedure

STEP 3 Unloaded pump at longer intervals
Run for a period at no load condition until system is stable and control is established. Checking of the
oil level may be needed due to parts of the system having been filled with fluid.
• Check all interlocks. Check fluid level in the tank
• Check for unusual noises or vibrations.
• Check that the specified pressure level for charge pressure at the power unit is maintained in
accordance with the values stated on the hydraulic diagram in the attached technical documentation.
These pressure levels are preset at the factory and there is normally no need to readjust.
• Check for leakage points.
• Stop the electric motor.
• Correct any faults discovered in the points above.
• Check all connections, screws etc. and tighten if necessary.
• Restart when finished.

STEP 4 Loaded hydraulic system

The hydraulic system can be loaded when the hydraulic system function is satisfactory in unloaded
running condition.
• Gradually increase load pressure until proper operation is obtained.
• It may be necessary, at this point, to make adjustments to flow, ramp rates, etc.
• Cycle the system until normal operating temperature is reached.

STEP 5 Checking
• Check for unusual noises or vibrations.
• Check the function of the safety equipment.
• Check temperature in tank and closed loop. Check also that the cooler control is stable. If not,
investigate water supply, controls, air cooler, etc.
• Check for leakage points.
• Check that the pump compensator pressure control and pressure switches (optional) are set at
levels appropriate to the specific drive. Upon delivery, these pressure levels are set at the levels
specified by the customer and normally no readjustment will be necessary. The values are stated
in the technical documentation. System compensator can easily be checked by closing a ball valve
on the high pressure leg and stroking the pump until the pressure is showing on the gauge.
• The working pressure must be checked to ensure that they correspond to the specified values.

STEP 6 Stop the electric motor

• Correct any faults discovered while performing the points of Step 5.
• Check the filter indicator. It is not unusual to change elements on commissioning as the system is
cleaning the dirt particles out. When changing filter elements carefully follow the instructions (section
5.3 “Filter change”) to prevent introduction of dirt into the system. If there is still dirt in the system,
additional flushing is necessary in order to prevent premature failure of system components.
• Check all connections, screws etc. and tighten if necessary.
• Remove waste fluid, scrap cabling, etc. to keep the area in and around the unit clean.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Installation

4.13 Pump settings and adjustments

4.13.1 HD pump

Working in high pressure areas could be

dangerous in case of unforeseen failures.

HD6S, HD7S, HD11S & HD14S HD24S, HD30S


View from the back View from the back Front view

Charge pressure and Pump compensator pressure level are set before the power unit leaves the
factory and consequently there is normally no need for readjustment. Always check the pressure
levels in technical documentation. Professional service personnel familiar with the functions and
risks involved with the pump must perform setting of pressures on the pump(s). The pressures
shall be set during operation and with the system at operating temperature. Note that pressures can
change with different viscosity.
1. Charge pressure adjustment: Remove acorn nut, loosen lock nut and adjust pres-
sure with a 5/32" size Allen key. Clockwise adjustment will increase the pressure.
The charge pressure (on the charge pressure gauge) shall be within the following limits: 218
psi (15 bar) for HD6S/HD7S & HD11S/HD14S & HD24S and 261 psi (18 bar) for HD30S.
If other charge pressures are to be set, contact Hägglunds Drives representative for consultation.
2. When charge pressure is set: Tighten lock nut and return acorn nut. Note in the logbook or other
technical documentation.
3. If the main pressure levels are to be increased: Make sure that the piping and machine structure
can take higher pressure/higher torque delivered from the hydraulic motor.
4. Compensator pressure adjustment: Dead head the pump, then activate or move the
input signal to the control so that pressure increases in the high pressure closed circuit
to the pressure limiter setting. The pressure limiter setting is reached when the pressure
stops increasing and remains steady at a given pressure level. (As shown on the gauges).
The pressure limiter setting for both A- and B-side is set on the compensator valve.
Remove acorn nut, loosen lock nut and adjust pressures with a 5/32" size Allen key, until the desired
pressure level is established. Clockwise rotation of the adjustment screw will increase the pressure.
5. When main pressures are set: Tighten lock nut and return acorn nut. Note the new pressure level
in logbook or technical documentation.


Installation Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

4.13.2 SP-pump
High pressure relief valve A

Control pressure relief valve
# 97.2020.35.742

GEZ Grundeinheit/BASE

GEZ Grundeinheit
M8 (x1.25)


M6 (x1)
UNIT -S1325


20 00922408
DIN912 #--
20 00922408

M16 (x2) M16 (x2)

M20 (x2.5) M20 (x2.5)


M16 (x2)
M16 (x2)

Einschraubloch 1 5/8"

5/16-12UNF 2A FPM



GEZ Verstellung/CONTROL

-- A4VSG
GEZ 750 HDA /30

11 009212461
250 EPG/30R-S1269

Einschraubloch M27
B E2 # K4 A

Einschraubloch 1 5/16" (Form X)
20 97.4148.32.700
Einschraubloch M14

Einschraubloch M14
Einschraubloch M18
Einschraubloch M18

Einschraubloch M18

Magnet A
Einschraubloch 1 5/16" (Form X)

E1 K1 Einschraubloch 1 5/16" (Form X)


M5 (x0.8)

Magnet B
M5 (x0.8)

Einschraubloch M8

M 12

M8 M6

Schl.weite: 24 mm
Schl.weite: 27 mm
Schl.weite: 24 mm
M20 (x2.5) M20 (x2.5)
Einschraubloch M14



M 10
M5 (x0.8)
M5 (x0.8)

M16 (x2) M16 (x2)

Einschraubloch M8

Einschraubloch M8

Einschraubloch M14 Einschraubloch M14 Einschraubloch M14

SOLENOID B M8 (x1.25)
M8 (x1.25)

Einschraubloch M14



20 00922408
DIN912 #--
20 00922408

-- DBV MHDBV 40 K2-1x/420XYV

M8 (x1.25)
Schl.weite: 22 mm
Schl.weite: 22 mm

Einschraubloch M14
Schl.weite: 30 mm

M12 (x1.75)
Einschraubloch M33


M12 (x1.75)
Einschraubloch M33

500 M42
Einschraubloch M42
-- 97.2124.40.700
02405651 Einschraubloch M42

Einschraubloch M42

20 GEZ
M14x1.5 / 9/16-18UNF-2B

UNC 9/16"-12

Einschraubloch 9/16" Einschraubloch 9/16" 20Einschraubloch

#-- 00921254 9/16" 2A FPMWN1048
#-- 9/16" 2A FPMWN1048

Charge pressure relief valve

Schl.weite: 30 mm

Compensator pressure setting

Compensator pressure setting High pressure relief valve B
SP250-SP355 SP500-SP750

Charge pressure level, control pressure level, high pressure relief valves and pressure compensator are
set before the delivery of power units from the factory and there is normally no need for readjustment.
Check always the pressure levels in the documentation. Setting of pressures on the pump(s) must
be performed by skilled service personnel familiar with functions and risks involved with the
pump. The pressures shall be set during operation and with system at operating temperature. Note
that pressures will change with different viscosities.
1. Charge pressure adjustment: Stroke out the pump to more than 50 % and increase the high pres-
sure up to Php > 100 bar by loading an actuator. Release the lock nut width size 19 and adjust
the charge pressure to the necessary level by turning the setting screw (internal hexagon size 6).
The charge pressure shall be set at 15 bar/218 psi as standard. Pressure to be measured at port
MK4-port. After adjustment tighten the setting screw by means of the lock nut size 19.
2. Control pressure adjustment: The control pressure to be measured at port E2. The control pressure
shall be adjusted to 30 bar/436 psi + (pn - ps) with the pump in neutral (zero stroke position).
Release the lock nut width size 19 and adjust the control pressure to the necessary level by turning
the setting screw (internal hexagon size 6).To get the value pn measure the pressure in ME3-port
with the pump in neutral. To get the value ps measure the pressure in ME3-port with the pump
swivelled out to >50 % stroke (Secure that the flushing valve has moved).(pn - ps) = should be
about 5-12 bar, depending on the pump size. After adjustment tighten the setting screw by means
of the lock nut size 19.
3. High pressure relief valves setting A and B side: Set the compensator pressure (See item 4.) to
a value corresponding to the high pressure relief valve setting. The reason for that is to be able to
reach enough high pressure at the pressure relief valve setting. Release the lock nut (width size
24) and adjust the setting screw (internal hexagon size 6). With loaded pump (blocked or partly
blocked main port or actuator) increase the high pressure relief valve setting until the pump starts
to swivel out. Setting value according to documentation, maximum 390 bar. With completely blocked
port the swivel angle shall be below 3º. Measure the pressure at port MA resp. MB. The setting
value shall be 40 bar above the compensator pressure setting.
Note: The high pressure relief valves must be adjusted before the compensator pressure
4. Pressure compensator setting: Release the lock nut (width size 17) and adjust the setting screw
(internal hexagon size 5). The pressure compensator shall be adjusted with blocked main-port or
blocked actuator. Set the compensator pressure to a value according to the documentation, maxi-
mum 350 bar. Measure the pressure at port MA resp. MB

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Maintenance

5.1 Maintenance log
We recommend that a maintenance log is kept to record service/maintenance/repair, addition and
alteration of the equipment. Each note, observation or comment should be dated.

5.2 Maintenance chart

The maintenance of hydraulic systems is designed to prevent failure of the system and to keep the
system running efficiently to specification. The specific procedures will depend on the nature of the
equipment, the environment it is working in and the duty cycle, bearing in mind the consequences of
a breakdown. To optimize the maintenance intervals economically a Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis is
recommended. Follow the "Safety precautions" during the check-ups.

Daily checks, first week after Frequent checks

commissioning • Unusual vibrations.
• Fluid leaks. • Unusual noises.
• Fluid level in the tank. • Fluid leaks.
• Operating temperature. • Fluid level in the tank.
• System pressure. • Is the unit relatively clean? Air flow paths
• System performance and general condition. unrestricted?
• Unusual noises. • Pressure levels normal - stable?
• Contamination indicators on the filters. • Actuator speeds normal - stable?
Pre-start checks (also daily) • Operating temperature.
• Fluid leaks. • Is the drive running smoothly?
• Fluid level in the tank. • Contamination indicators on the filters.
• Is the suction valve open?
• Contamination indicator on the filters.


Maintenance Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

Scheduled maintenance
Planned maintenance at specific time intervals, including the following checks and actions:
• All points listed under frequent checks.
• Check all pressure levels.
• Check for stable temperature levels around the system.
• Drain water and sludge from the tank at the drain tap.
• Check the electric motor.
• Check the function of monitoring equipment/switches, etc.
• Clean areas where dirt is building up.
Note: never use a high pressure washing system to clean inside the power unit
• Check the cables.
• Check accumulators (optional) for correct pre-charge.
• Check drain line flows and drain line oil condition.
• Check the hoses, couplings and pump(s), with regards to cracks, leaks and condition.
• Check the shaft coupling through the inspection hole. Warning, rotating parts inside the
inspection hole.
• Check the flow of cooling water.
• Check that the insulation inside the cabinet (especially on hood) is fixed.
• Check that the doors and cover of the power unit are not damaged.

Absolute maximun intervals for major inspection and replacement

Air Oil Air breather Hydraulic Accumulator(s)
inlet filters on tank fluid (optional)
After the first 100 working hours *
After 3 months or 500 working hours *
Once every 6 months  *  
Once every 24 months 
*If the contamination indicator is tripped out, the filters must be
changed immediately, and the oil examined.

5.3 Filter change

Single filter
1. Stop the operation and electric motor.
2. Remove the filter bowl and change filter cartridge. Inspect and clean filter bowl.
It is very important during the mounting not to expose the new cartridge to any dirt, therefore
keep it in the plastic cover as long as possible.
Check the O-ring and the backup ring for damage, change parts if necessary.
3. Mount the filter bowl. Tighten by hand to stop and back off 1/8th of a turn.
Note: When removing a filter element take some time to inspect and look for unusual contami-
nation within the pleats. Contact your Hägglunds Drives office for advice.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Maintenance

Duplex filter
Step 1:
Unscrew the drain plug from the clogged element's bowl.
The drain plug is located at the bottom of the housing

Step 2:
Unscrew the 'Dirty side' and 'Clean side' vent plugs at
the top of the filter assembly, but do not take the plugs
completely out, only unscrew a couple threads. The plugs
are located on each side of the head assembly, correspond-
ing for each element housing.

Step 3:
Once the hydraulic oil has been completely drained from
the clogged elements housing, screw the drain plug back
into the bowl and unscrew the bowl from the head assem-
bly. Remove the clogged element and replace with the new
element. Once the new element is installed, screw the bowl
back into the head assembly, making sure it is tight.

Step 4:
Once the bowl has been screwed back into the head as-
sembly, lift transfer valve handle from seat. BUT DO NOT
ROTATE! By lifting the handle, the internal decompression
valve will open, thus allowing oil into the new element's
bowl. Once the oil is seen weeping from 'dirty' side vent
port, put the handle back down into it's original position.
(This will close the internal decompression valve.)
Rescrew the 'Dirty side' and 'Clean side' vent plugs. Now the
elements and the bowl are ready for the next change-over.

5.4 Inspection of hydraulic fluid

We recommend that the hydraulic fluid be analyzed once every 6 months. The analysis should
cover viscosity, oxidation, water content, additives and fouling. In the vast majority of cases, your oil
supplier will perform an analysis that will reveal the condition of the hydraulic fluid and can recommend
suitable actions. If the analysis reveals that the properties of the hydraulic fluid are not fulfilling the
requirements (section 2.3 “Requirements for hydraulic fluid cleanliness”) it should no longer be used,
but be changed or cleaned immediately. Refill fluid according to instructions (section 4.12.2 “Filling up
the system with hydraulic fluid”).

• There are dangers associated with hydraulic fluid.

• Store used hydraulic fluid and contaminated filter
elements for proper disposal.
• The fluid may be hot if the cooling is insufficient.


Maintenance Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

5.5 Lubrication of electric motor

Lubricate electrical motors larger than 30 HP.
1. Clean the grease nipples.
2. Grease the electrical motor, use a grease gun.
When re-greasing, use only special ball bearing grease with the following properties:
• Good quality lithium base or lithium complex grease.
• Base oil viscosity 476-667 SSU at 104 °F (100-140 cSt at 40 °C).
• Consistency NLGI grades 2 or 3.
• Temperature range -22 °F - +248 °F (-30 °C - +120 °C), continuously.
Grease with the right properties is available from all the major lubricant manufacturers. If the type of
grease is changed and compatibility is uncertain, lubricate several times at short intervals in order to
displace the old grease.

Check the warning label

on the grease cartridge.

Lubrication schedule for electric motor (60 Hz)

Frame Electric motor Lubrication Volume of
size HP (kW) intervals grease
286 30 (22) 1.0 cu. in.
40 (30)
6 to 12
50 (37)
324-365 months 1.5 cu. in.
60 (45)
75 (56)
100 (75)
125 (93)
150 (112)

404-449 200 (149) 6 months 2.5 cu. in.

509 250 (186)
300 (224)
350 (261)
400 (298)
3 months check data
5011 450 (336)

Note: Please verify lubrication schedule

with specific electric motor manufacturer.

5.6 Air filter change

Refer to maintenance chart (section 5.2 “Maintenance chart”) for recommended replacement intervals.
1. Clean around the area where the air breather is located.
2. Unscrew the breather and make sure no foreign material has entered the tank.
3. Thread on a new air breather.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Maintenance

5.7 Cleaning of Air-Oil cooler

Cleaning of air fins
• The easiest way to clean the air fins is by using compressed air or rinsing with water.
• Fouling can be dealt with using a degreasing agent and a high-pressure washing system. When
using a high pressure washing system point the jet carefully parallel to the air fins.

Follow the safety precautions on the container of the cleaning agent

used. Disconnect the power unit before disconnecting the water-oil/Air-oil
cooler. Make sure that electric power is cut off before cleaning! Clean-
ing agent and waste water from rinsing should be disposed of properly.

5.8 Power Unit out of service

Periods out of commissioning
Clean and empty the cooling system (water side) before periods of rest (especially if the cooling water
is not totally clean). If the power unit is to be out of service for more than three months, the hydraulic
system must be protected internally against rust.
This can be done in the following manner:
• Use hydraulic fluid that is consistent with fluid types used at your location, which has rust prevent-
ing additives.
• Use additives which give protection against rust for up to about a year. After this, the equipment
should be run at intervals to maintain a protective film on the internal surfaces of components and
oil lines, thus providing protection against corrosion.
• If any parts of the system are disconnected, note that open fittings must be protected by plugs or
covers to prevent entrance of any dirt particles.
• Electric motors equipped with space heaters must have the heaters running while the power unit
is out of commission.
Before the drive is restarted after a long idle period, a check should be made as to whether the instruc-
tions supplied for the original commissioning still apply. Moreover, the following measures should be
• Remove preservative solution and any signs of contamination.
• Follow the procedure for initial start-up (section 4.12.3 “Initial start-up procedure”).

6.1 Common
Before removing any hydraulic/electric components, disconnect the power unit. Ensure that no energy
is accumulated in the system and the power is disconnected from the electric motor. Follow recom-
mended safety procedures.

Before disassembly:
• Troubleshoot the power unit and perform appropriate tests.
• Clean all assemblies and components, take all precautions necessary to prevent dirt entering the
• Disassembly may only be done by professional service personnel.


Corrective maintenance Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

• Label all parts, and protect precision or machined surfaces.
• Inspect all parts during disassembly for wear or damage.
• If hydraulic fluid is to be drained and reused, make sure that drain containers are clean and covered
when not in use.
• Clean all metal parts using a suitable solvent prior to reassembly, set aside on a clean and lint free
cloth to drain.
• Lubricate with system hydraulic fluid.
• Replace all seals, gaskets and O-rings with new items of the correct size.
• Ensure complete sealing at pipe connections.
• Refill hydraulic fluid according to recommendations (section 4.12.2 “Filling up the system with
hydraulic fluid”).

6.2 Change of electric motor/pump unit.

The most common method to change the pump is to lift the complete electric motor/pump unit and
then remove the pump.
The electric motor and pump are assembled into a unit and mounted on the motor support plate
attached to the frame via shock mounts.
1. Remove top cover and sound baffle: Item 1 and 2 (section 4.5 “Mounting of electric motor”).
2. Release the motor support plate: Release the motor support plate from the frame.
3. Secure lifting equipment: Adapt lifting equipment in the four holes in the corners of the motor
support plate.
4. Lift the electric motor/pump unit: Be careful and take the weight and center of gravity into
consideration. Never let the electric motor/pump stand on the charge pump.
5. Assemble: Assemble in reverse order according to point 1 to 4.

• Always use all four lifting points when lifting the electric
motor/pump unit.
• Never use the lifting ears on the electric motor to lift the
complete electric motor/pump unit.
• Use only lifting equipment adapted to the weight (section
4.2 “Lifting methods and weights”).
• Do not stand underneath hanging load
• Take center of gravity into consideration during lifting.

Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC Fault finding

6.3 Trouble shooting

Problem Probable cause Action
Power Unit does not start Main voltage to electric motor Look for the cause in the electric
lacking power supply network
Suction valve closed Open suction line valve, verify
switch function
Not enough oil in reservoir Verify reservoir oil level and switch
Reservoir temperature above set Verify reservoir temp switch func-
limit tion
Control voltage lacking Look for the cause in the electric
power supply network
Examine the control system in the
power unit. If the control system
has tripped, determine the reason
Power Unit fails to deliver oil No servo pressure No control current to electro
flow hydraulic stroker control. Examine
the control function or electronic
control card
Coupling pump/electric motor Check through the inspection hole
defect in the bell housing
Wrong direction of rotation of Check direction of rotation
hydraulic pump
Load is too large Check that load pressure is not
too high so that pressure override
reduces pump delivery
Unwanted noise Suction line not open Open suction line valve
Charge pressure too low or non- Check that charge pressure is
existent correct
Pump/Motor baseplate shipping Remove shipping bolts
bolts still installed
Air leaks and pump cavitating Examine the suction line to charge
pump for air leaks. Test by pouring
oil over pipe joints while listening
for changes in noise in the pump
Air filter in tank clogged Change filter
Worn elastomer element in the Change elastomer element
shaft coupling
Wrong direction of rotation Reverse direction of rotation
High oil temperature in closed No oil exchange from closed loop Check charge pressure and shut-
circuit tle valve setting
Unit shut down due to lack of Leak in hydraulic system Repair leak
charge pressure Shock loads in system Add accumulators
Internal leakage in the pump and/ Change or repair pump and/or mo-
or motor tor

Fault finding Installation and Maintenance Manual, Power Unit PAC and PBC

Problem Probable cause Action

No pressure in system Power Unit fails to deliver oil Perform previously described actions
No command signal to pump Verify input signal to amplifier card and
output signal to electrohydraulic pump
Pump/Motor coupling not Verify that pump and electric motor
installed properly coupling and insert are installed and
tightened properly
Pump compensator valve is Replace pump compensator valve
not closed
Excessive wear Viscosity too low Compare with our oil recommendations

Check the oil temperature, and the

cooling circuit
Abrasive material circulat- Check filters and change if necessary.
ing through pump with the Check that changing is performed at
hydraulic fluid prescribed intervals
Air in the hydraulic system Locate and remedy the air system leak
and pump cavitating and purge air from the system
Content of water in hydraulic Inspect hydraulic fluid, change oil
fluid too high
High oil temperature Poor cooling capacity Check flow of cooling water, water tem-
perature, cooler, water valve and water
filter or air cooler (optional)
If air cooler is clean, inspect cooler fins
and remove any obstructions
Internal leakage in pump Change or repair pump
Too small an amount of Check that charge pump delivers suf-
replacement oil in hydraulic ficient flushing oil
Charge pressure is out of Adjust according to values on hydraulic
adjustment circuit diagram


When the complete power unit or a single component is worn out, it should be disposed of as
soon as possible. Used hydraulic fluid, material exposed to hydraulic fluid and grease may cause
damage on the environment and should be disposed of according to prevailing local regulations.

• Check that the power unit is completely disconnected.

• The components may contain accumulated energy.
• Take fire hazards into consideration during dismantling.
• The accumulator (optional) must be empty and discharged.


Hägglunds Drives Inc

AM 326. Hägglunds Drives

Phone: (614) 527-7400 Fax: (614) 527-7401


Our drive is your performance.



P.O. Box 35229
Greensboro, NC 27425
or (336) 668-0554
fax: 1-800-876-0109
or (336) 668-4070

Figure: M300
Threaded Ends Meets ANSI/NSF 61 Section 8
Non-rising Stem (1998)
Solid Wedge Disc and
California Proposition 65

125 psi WSP
200 psi WOG

Figure: M300S
Sweat Ends
Non-rising Stem
Solid Wedge Disc Meets ANSI/NSF 61 Section 8
Available with Waste and
(specify Fig. M300SW) California Proposition 65

1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 4
A Center of Port to Top 3 3 1/16 3 3 1/2 4 1/16 4 3/4 5 3/16 6 3/16 7 l/2 9 10 1/4
B End to End 1 5/8 1 5/8 1 11/16 1 7/8 2 3/16 2 3/8 2 7/16 2 13/16 3 1/2 4 4 9/16

B1 End to End 1 5/8 1 3/4 2 3/8 2 3/16 3 1/16 3 1/16 4 1/8 4 3/4 4 3/4

C Overall Height 3 1/2 3 1/2 3 9/16 4 1/4 5 5 3/4 6 3/8 7 5/8 9 1/2 11 1/8 13 1/8
D Wheel Diameter 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 1/8 2 3/8 2 7/8 2 7/8 6 3/4 5 4 l/4 3 1/4
Weight lbs. Thd. .55 .53 .56 .81 1.10 1.80 2.l0 3.20 7.00 9.60 17.0
Weight lbs. Swt. .48 .51 .75 1.10 1.70 2.00 3.10 6.80 9.40
The TF mounting is installed in minutes by following the
instructions provided. There is no need to fix the machines
to the floor since the rubber base of the mounting keeps
the machine in place. Whenever necessary, the machine
can easily be re-positioned. The level is adjusted with load

The rubber element of the TF mounting is oil and chemi-

cal resistant. All metal parts are zincplated and chromated
for protection against corrosion.

Models TF 250, TF 600 and TF 1200, also available in

S/S (ISO 2604/11, BS 3605:1).

Novibra® type TF
Novibra® type TF with level adjuster is suitable for a wide
range of free standing workshop machines, e.g.
• Lathes
• Milling machines
• Grinding machines G
• Multiple operation machinery
• Presses
• Plate shears
• Nibbling machines
• Punches and cutters
• Woodworking machines
• Plastic moulding machinery H

Dimensions in mm Overall Thread Weight Max load

Type Art.No. D H min H max bolt length G (kg) (kg)
TF 250 1860740 69 23 100 M 12 0.40 250
TF 250 s/s 2256520 69 23 1)
100 M 12 0.40 250
TF 600 1860780 81 25 100 M 12 0.49 600
TF 600 s/s 2256530 81 25 1)
100 M 12 0.49 600
TF 1200 1860790 108 29 100 M 16 1.0 1200
TF 1200 s/s 2256540 108 29 1)
100 M 16 1.0 1200
TF 3000 1860800 151 35 120 M 20 2.2 3000
TF 4000 1860810 170 39 120 M 20 2.9 4000
TF 6000 1860820 205 44 150 M 24 4.8 6000

1) Levelling of the bolt up to its total length.

68 Trelleborg Industrial AVS operates a policy of continuous improvement and development. We reserve the right to change design an d specification of our products without prior notification or alteration of literature
Loading range per mounting (kg)

Type of General work- Presses and punches

shop machines Numbers of strokes per minute
Mounting Max load (kg) 1– 125 126– 175 176– 225 226– 275
TF 250 250 25– 125 20– 100 15– 85 10– 60
TF 600 251– 600 126– 300 101– 240 86– 200 61– 150
TF 1200 601– 1200 301– 600 241– 480 201– 400 151– 300
TF 3000 1201– 3000 601– 2400 481– 1600 401– 1000 301– 750
TF 4000 3001– 4000 2401– 3200 1601– 2100 1001– 1300 751– 1000
TF 6000 4001– 6000 3201– 4800 2101– 3200 1301– 2000 1001– 1500

Mounting instructions

1 2 3


Mounting TFE is a simpler version of type TF without Both models also available in S/S
level adjuster. It is used for machines which do not require (ISO 2604/11,BS 3605:1 )
height adjustment or where such a feature is already pro-
vided, e.g. by an adjusting screw in the machine.

Dimensions in mm Weight Max load

Type Art.No. D H (kg) (kg)
TFE 601 1861050 80 25 0.375 800
TFE 1201 1861060 109 29 0.925 1600

Trelleborg Industrial AVS operates a policy of continuous improvement and development. We reserve the right to change design and specification of our products without prior notification or alteration of literature 69
Trelleborg Industrial AVS - Bobbins
A supplementary range of cylindrical mountings for a wide Manufactured in natural rubber hardness 40° IRH or
range of applications. They can be loaded either in com- 60° IRH.
pression or shear taking into consideration individual de-
mands for actual applications.

Type A Type B Type C

Type D Type KD Type E

Compression load Shear load

82 Trelleborg Industrial AVS operates a policy of continuous improvement and development. We reserve the right to change design an d specification of our products without prior notification or alteration of literature



Cylindrical mountings type A

40° IRH 60° IRH

Type D/H GxL Art.No. Art.No. Compression Shear load Compression Shear load
40° IRH 60° IRH load load
kcomp Fmax kshear Fmax kcomp Fmax kshear Fmax
(N/mm) (N) (N/mm) (N) (N/mm) (N) (N/mm) (N)
A 10/10 M4x10 1255720 53 77 10 31
A 10/15 M4x10 318600 31 56 6 23

A 15/10 M4x10 318610 135 151 22 52

A 15/15 M4x10 318620 73 133 13 52

A 20/10 M6x15 318630 318640 162 170 19 42 309 324 41 92

A 20/15 M6x15 2255780 1255770 70 123 11 42 145 255 25 92
A 20/20 M6x15 2230950 1255300 45 110 8 42 96 235 18 92
A 20/25 M6x15 318650 1255780 33 105 6 42 72 227 14 92
A 20/30 M6x15 318660 318670 27 102 5 42 58 223 11 92

A 25/10 M6x15 318680 318690 314 330 29 66 574 603 64 144

A 25/15 M6x15 318700 318710 123 215 18 66 247 432 38 144
A 25/20 M6x15 318720 318730 75 184 13 66 157 385 27 144
A 25/25 M6x15 318740 318750 54 171 10 66 116 366 21 144
A 25/30 M6x15 318760 318770 43 164 8 66 93 356 17 144

A 30/15 M8x20 318780 1255830 237 378 28 95 453 723 61 208

A 30/20 M8x20 318790 1255320 129 295 19 95 261 600 42 208
A 30/25 M8x20 318800 318810 88 263 15 95 184 552 32 208
A 30/30 M8x20 1660730 1255840 67 248 12 95 143 529 26 208
A 30/35 117 516 22 208
A 30/40 M8x20 318820 318830 46 233 9 95 100 508 19 208

A 40/20 M8x20 318840 318850 275 632 34 170 534 1226 75 369
A 40/25 359 1076 58 369
A 40/30 M8x20 318860 318870 130 481 21 170 271 1002 47 369
A 40/40 M8x20 318880 318890 86 437 16 170 184 935 34 369

A 50/20 M10x25 318900 318910 564 1248 56 265 1042 2306 122 577
A 50/25 M10x25 318920 318930 335 976 42 265 652 1900 93 577
A 50/30 M10x25 1861540 1255870 234 846 34 265 472 1706 75 577
A 50/35 M10x25 318940 318950 180 774 29 265 371 1598 62 577
A 50/40 M10x25 318960 1255340 146 730 25 265 306 1533 54 577
A 50/45 M10x25 318970 1255880 123 701 22 265 261 1490 47 577
A 50/50 M10x25 318980 1255350 106 681 19 265 228 1460 42 577

A 75/40 M12x35 319000 319010 417 2032 57 596 827 4030 124 1299

A 75/50 M12x35 319020 319030 282 1766 44 596 579 3632 97 1299
A 75/55 M12x35 319040 319050 242 1689 40 596 504 3517 87 1299

A 100/40 M16x45 319060 319070 932 4541 102 1060 1755 8549 221 2309

A 100/55 M16x45 319080 319090 496 3455 71 1060 994 6929 155 2309

Trelleborg Industrial AVS operates a policy of continuous improvement and development. We reserve the right to change design and specification of our products without prior notification or alteration of literature 83



Cylindrical mountings type B

60° IRH
Type D/H GxL (S) Art.No. Compression load Shear load
60° IRH kcomp Fmax kshear Fmax
(N/mm) (N) (N/mm) (N)
B 10/10 M4x10(4) 1255930 58 56 10 23
B 10/15 M4x10(4) 319100 34 52 6 23

B 15/15 M4x10(4) 319110 79 124 13 52

B 20/15 M6x15(6) 1255960 159 238 25 92

B 20/20 M6x15(6) 1255970 105 220 18 92
B 20/25 M6x15(6) 319120 79 213 14 92

B 25/15 M6x15(6) 1255990 269 404 38 144

B 25/20 M6x15(6) 319130 172 360 27 144
B 25/25 M6x15 (6) 319140 127 342 21 144
B 25/30 M6x15(6) 319150 101 333 17 144

B 30/15 M8x20(8) 319160 494 676 61 208

B 30/20 M8x20 (8) 1256040 285 561 42 208
B 30/25 M8x20(8) 319170 201 516 32 208
B 30/30 M8x20 (8) 1256060 156 495 26 208

B 30/40 M8x20(8) 319180 109 475 19 208

B 40/30 M8x20(8) 319190 296 937 47 369

B 40/40 M8x20(8) 319200 200 875 34 369

B 50/30 M10x25(10) 319210 515 1595 75 577

B 50/40 M10x25 (10) 319220 334 1433 54 577

B 50/50 M10x25 (10) 1256120 248 1365 42 577

B 75/50 M12x35(12) 319240 632 3396 97 1299

B 75/55 M12x35 (12) 319250 550 3288 87 1299

B 100/40 M16x45 (16) 319260 1914 7994 221 2309

B 100/55 M16x45(16) 319270 1084 6479 155 2309

S = internal thread length

84 Trelleborg Industrial AVS operates a policy of continuous improvement and development. We reserve the right to change design an d specification of our products without prior notification or alteration of literature


Cylindrical mountings type C

60° IRH
Type D/H G(S) Art.No. Compression load Shear load
60° IRH
kcomp Fmax kshear Fmax
(N/mm) (N) (N/mm) (N)
C 15/15 M4(4) 1256210 86 112 13 52

C 20/20 M6(4) 66522 114 199 18 92

C 20/25 M6(6) 1256220 85 192 14 92
C 20/30 M6(6) 66548 69 189 11 92

C 25/20 M6(6) 1256230 186 325 27 144

C 25/25 M6(6) 319280 137 309 21 144

C 30/25 M8(8) 319300 218 466 32 208

C 30/30 M8(8) 1255410 169 447 26 208
C 30/35 M8(8) 319310 139 436 22 208
C 30/40 M8(8) 319320 118 429 19 208

C 40/30 M 8(8) 1255420 320 846 47 369

C 40/40 M 8(8) 1256260 217 790 34 369

C 50/30 M10(10) 1256270 558 1440 75 577

C 50/35 M10(10) 2255730 438 1349 62 577
C 50/40 M10(10) 1256280 361 1294 54 577
C 50/45 M10(10) 1256290 308 1257 47 577
C 50/50 M10(10) 1256300 269 1232 42 577

C 75/36 M12(12) 66746 1180 3635 141 1299

C 75/40 M12(12) 319330 977 3402 124 1299
C 75/45 M12(12) 319340 805 3202 109 1299
C 75/50 M12(12) 2256670 684 3066 97 1299
C 75/55 M12(12) 1255430 596 2969 87 1299

C 100/40 M16(16) 319350 2074 7217 221 2309

C 100/45 M16(16) 319360 1655 6587 193 2309
C 100/50 M16(16) 319370 1374 6156 172 2309
C 100/55 M16(16) 319380 1174 5849 155 2309

S = internal thread length

Trelleborg Industrial AVS operates a policy of continuous improvement and development. We reserve the right to change design and specification of our products without prior notification or alteration of literature 85

Type D Type E



Cylindrical mountings type D/E/KD

Compression load
Type D/H GxL Art.No. Art.No. 40° IRH 60° IRH
40° IRH 60° IRH Fmax Fmax
(N) (N)
D 10/10 M4x10 319390 59

D 15/15 M4x10 319400 131

D 20/10 M6x15 319410 295

D 20/15 M6x15 319420 248
D 20/20 M6x15 319430 233
D 20/25 M6x15 319440 226

D 25/10 M6x15 319450 532

D 25/15 M6x15 319460 416
D 25/20 M615 319470 379

D 30/15 M8x20 319480 663

D 30/20 M8x20 319490 578
D 30/25 M8x20 1534870 542
D 30/30 M8x20 319500 523

D 40/25 M8x20 319510 1044

D 40/30 M8x20 319520 985
D 40/40 M8x20 319530 928

D 50/20 M10x25 319540 2094

D 50/30 M10x25 319550 1653

D 50/40 M10x25 319560 1512

D 50/45 M10x25 319570 1476

D 75/25 M12x35 319580 5446

D 75/40 M12x35 319590 3895

E 30/17 M8(8) 1256930 1661280 225 500
E 50/20 M10(10) 319600 1700
E 50/36 M10(10) 1659990 319610 550 1100
E 50/45 M10(10) 1659870 1000

KD 25/12 M6x16 1534150 300

KD 25/12 M6x18 1533450 250

KD 50/17 M10x28 1256940 1400

S = internal thread length

86 Trelleborg Industrial AVS operates a policy of continuous improvement and development. We reserve the right to change design an d specification of our products without prior notification or alteration of literature
SP pumps
Product manual

Variable displacement pump

Nominal pressure 350 bar
Peak pressure 400 bar
Closed circuit operation

Features, size 40...180

– Variable displacement axial piston pump of swashplate
design for hydrostatic closed circuit transmissions
– Flow is proportional to drive speed and displacement and
is infinitely variable through adjustment of the swivel angle
– The charge pump and auxiliary control valves, necessary
for closed circuit operation are included in scope of supply
– One common pump for charge and EP displacement con-
– Low noise level
– Long service life
– High efficiency
– New electro-hydraulic EP control with proportional sole-
noid and zero position at power loss

Features, size 250...750

– Variable displacement axial piston pump of swashplate
design for hydrostatic closed circuit transmissions
– Flow is proportional to drive speed and displacement and is
infinitely variable
– Output flow increases with swivel angle from 0 to its maxi-
mum value
– Swivelling the pump over centre smoothly changes the
direction of flow
– A highly adaptable range of control and regulating devices
is available
– The pump is equipped with two pressure relief valves on
the high pressure ports to protect the hydrostatic transmis-
sion (pump and motor) from overloads
– All valves needed for the charge and flushing circuit are
– Compact overall design
– Low noise emission
– High efficiency
– Throughdrive for multiple pump combinations also possible
with integrated charge pump up to 100%

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 1(34)

SP pumps

Size 40...180

Ordering code 3
Fluid 4
Technical data 5
Control and adjustment devices 8
Hydraulic circuit 9
Mounted charge pump and control valves 10
Unit dimensions, size 40 12
Unit dimensions, size 71 13
Unit dimensions, size 125 15
Unit dimensions, size 180 17
Installation and commissioning instructions 19

Size 250...750

Technical data 20
Control options 23
Hydraulic circuit 24
Integrated charge pump and control valves 25
Unit dimensions, size 250 26
Unit dimensions, size 355 28
Unit dimensions, size 500 30
Unit dimensions, size 750 32
Installation and commissioning instructions 34

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 2(34)

SP pumps

Ordering code
SP 125 — S R — V — EP — R901234567

Axial piston pump

Displacement Vgmax [cm3] 40 250
71 355
125 500
180 750

Shaft end

Splined to DIN 5480 S

Direction of rotation
clockwise R
counter clockwise L

FKM Fluor rubber V

Control and adjustment device

Electro-hydr. with prop. solenoid EP
Hydr. control, pilot press. dependent HD


The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 3(34)

SP pumps

For extensive information on the selection of hydraulic fluids and for application conditions, please consult Hägglunds
Drives. The variable pump SP is suitable for operation on mineral oil. When operating with biodegradable fluids possible
reduction of the operating specifications may be required, please consult with us. When ordering; state the type of fluid in
clear text.

Operating viscosity range

For optimum efficiency and service life we recommend that the operating viscosity should (at operating temperature) be
selected in the range noper = 40...150 (cSt) referred to closed circuit temperature.

Viscosity limits
The limiting values for viscosity are as follows:
nmin = 10 (cSt)
short period (t < 3 min)
at max. perm. leakage fluid temperature of 90 °C.
nmax = 2000 (cSt)
for short period on cold start only (cold start, optimum operating viscosity should be reached after 15 min)
tmin > – 25o C

Temperature range (see selection diagram)

tmin = – 25° C
tmax = + 90° C

Notes on the selection of hydraulic fluids

In order to select the correct fluid, it is necessary to know the operating temperature in the closed circuit in relation to the
ambient temperature. The hydraulic fluid should be selected so that within the operating temperature range, the viscosity
lies within the optimum range (noper ; see shaded section of the selection diagram). We recommend that the higher viscos-
ity grade is selected in each case.

Example: At an ambient temperature of X °C the operating temperature in the circuit is 60 °C. In the optimum viscosity
range noper (shaded area) this corresponds to viscosity grades VG 46 or VG 68, VG 68 should be selected.

The leakage fluid temperature is influenced by pressure and speed and is typically higher than the circuit temperature.
However the maximum temperature at any point in the circuit may not exceed 90°C.

If the above mentioned conditions cannot be met due to extreme operating parameters or high ambient temperatures,
please consult Hägglunds Drives.
The finer the filtration the better the achieved cleanliness of the fluid and the longer the life of the axial piston unit.
To ensure a reliable functioning of the axial piston unit, a minimum cleanliness of 19/16/13 (NAS 1638, class 7) acc. to
ISO 4406 is necessary. If above cleanliness class cannot be met, please consult Hägglunds Drives.
Selection diagram
- 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100°
2000 2000
VG 6
VG 8
VG 00
Viscosity n [cSt]



15 Fluid temperature range

10 10
- 25° - 10° 10° 30° 50° 70° 90°

tmin = - 25 °C tmax = + 90 °C

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 4(34)

SP pumps

Technical data (valid for operation on mineral oil)

Operating pressure range

Inlet Outlet
(Pressures acc. to DIN 24312) (Pressures acc. to DIN 24312)
Required static charge pressure (MK4) Variable pump:
pb min_ ___________________________________________________________________15 bar Pressure at port A or B
nominal pressure pN_ ___________________________________________350 bar
Heavy duty pressure
peak pressure pmax_ _____________________________________________400 bar
pb max___________________________________________________________________ 20 bar

Minimum static charge pressure (short periods), relief valve

Case drain pressure
setting Max. case pressure (housing pressure)
at pb min__________________________________________________________________ 8 bar pL continous_ _______________________________________________________________ 5 bar
pL abs max_ ________________________________________________________________ 8 bar
Maximum static charge pressure
T1 ,T2 and T3 must be unloaded to tank.
pb max___________________________________________________________________ 20 bar

Dynamic charge pressure (fluctuations)

min.______________________________________________________________________ 4 bar
max.___________________________________________________________________ 40 bar
Depending on the behaviour of the transmitted hydraulic en-
ergy in the system, charge pressure fluctuations can occur.
In order to prevent damage to the system, charge pressure
protection, which monitors the static charge pressure part is
necessary. Port MK4 is suitable to monitor the charge pres-
sure. It is recommended to check regularly the charge pres-
sure for the permissible max. and min. spikes with suitable
measuring equipment.
In order to prevent excessive charge pressure spikes, a
low pressure accumulator can be connected to ports E2 or
K4. Accumulator sizing as well as the selection for the best
connecting location depend on the system behaviour and
the operating conditions under consideration of the available
charge flow. Depending on the total systems leakage flow, it
may be necessary to increase the charge flow by means of a
larger or additional charge pump.

Inlet pressure at port S1 (auxiliary pump)

pS min ________________________________________________________________≥ 0,8 bar
pS max_____________________________________________________________________ 2 bar

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 5(34)

SP pumps

Technical data
Table of values (theoretical values, without considering hmh and hv; values rounded)
Size 40 71 125 180
Displacement Variable pump Vg max cm 3
40 71 125 180
Auxiliary pump Vg H cm3 20 25 38 45
Speed max. speed nmax rpm 3000 3000 2600 2400

min. speed nmin rpm 500 500 500 500
Flow, max. (variable pump) at nmax qv max l/min 120 213 325 432
at nE = 1500 rpm l/min 60 107 188 270
Power, max. at no max Po max kW 86 132 190 252
at (Dp = 350 bar) at nE = 1500 rpm kW 35 62 109 158
Torque at Vg max Dp = 350 bar Tmax Nm 223 395 696 1002
Variable pump (without aux. pump) Dp = 100 bar T Nm 64 113 199 286
Moment of inertia about drive axis J kgm2 0,0049 0,0121 0,03 0,055
Case volume l 2 2,5 5 4
Weight approx. (pump with EP control, incl. aux. pump) kg 77 94 135 150

Calculation of size

Vg • n • h v
Flow qv =_ [l/min] Vg = geometrical displacement per revolution in cm3
D p = pressure differential in bar
1,59 • Vg • Dp
Drive torque T= [Nm] n = drive speed in rpm
100 · hmh
hv = volumetric efficiency

2p • T • n qv • Dp hmh = mechanical-hydraulic efficiency

Drive power P= = [kW]
60 000 600 • h t h t = overall efficiency (ht = hv • hmh)

Permissible forces on drive shaft

Size 40 71 125 180

Permissible radial force Fq max N 1000 1200 1600 2000
Permissible axial force ± Fax max N 600 800 1000 1400

Application of forces Fq

± Fax

X/2 X/2

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 6(34)

SP pumps

Technical data
Bearing flushing
For the following operating conditions bearing flushing is required for reliable continuous operation:
– Applications with special fluids (non mineral oils), due to limited lubricity and narrow operating temperature range
– Operation with critical conditions of temperature and viscosity with mineral oil
Flushing is carried out via U-port, which is located in the front flange area of the pump. The flushing oil flows through the
front bearing and leaves the system together with the leakage oil at the case drain port.

The following flushing flows are recommended for the various pump sizes:

Size 40 71 125 180

Flushing flow qfl l/min 3 4 5 7

These flushing flows create a pressure drop of approximately 3 bar between U-port and pump housing (including fitting).

Note. When using bearing flushing at U-port the throttle screw, which can be found at U-port, has to be turned in all the
way to the stop.

Installed electric motor when flushing is needed.

Size 40 71 125 180
Installed electric motor kW (hp) 50 (67) 69 (95) 108 (145) 133(178)

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 7(34)

SP pumps

Control and adjustment devices

EP - Electro-hydraulic control with proportional solenoid
The EP control adjusts the pump displacement propor-
tional to the solenoid current. The pump displacement is
therefore stepless variable. One proportional solenoid is
assigned to each direction of flow.

Operating voltage: 24 V
Nominal current:
size 40, 71 : 600 mA
size 125, 180 : 800 mA
Nominal resistance at 20 °C: 19 Ω

HD1 Hydraulic control, pilot pressure dependent

The positioning cylinder of the pump and therefore the swivel
angle is varied in proportion to the difference in pilot pres-
sure applied to the two control ports (X1 and X2). The pump
displacement is therefore stepless variable. One pilot line is
assigned to each direction of flow.

Pilot pressure range: 10-45 bar

Pilot pump

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 8(34)

SP pumps

Hydraulic circuit
Example size 125/180

Electro-hydraulic control Pressure control Pressure compensator Pressure control

with proportional solenoid valve A adjustment valve B
and remote pressure control

Check valves charge flow



Mounted charge pump

U T 2 M1 K2 K T R(L) M2 S1
ME Control pressure relief valve

Bypass valve

High pressure relief valves

T3 Flushing valve

K4 MK4 Charge pressure relief valve


A, B Pressure port U Bearing flushing port (plugged)

S Inlet port ME,ME3 Test points charge pressure (plugged)

MA1,MA2,M B1,M B2 Test points operating press. (plugged) K4 Accumulator port (plugged)

T Oil drain port (plugged) M K4 Test point charge pressure (plugged)

E1 To filter (plugged) M1, M2 Test point control pressure (plugged)

E2 From filter (plugged) X A2,XB2,X AB Ports for remote pressure pilot valves (plugged)

K1 Flushing port T1,T3 Ports for unloading of high pressure relief valves and
charge pressure relief valve.
K2, K3 Flushing port (plugged)
T2 Port for unloading of shaft seal
R(L) Oil fill and air bleed

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 9(34)

SP pumps

Mounted charge pump and control valves

High pressure relief valves
Two pilot operated relief valves.
The valves prevent pump damage from excessive pressure levels. Each pressure side has its own relief valve, which is
vented to the low pressure side of the loop.
These relief valves are normally set to 350 bar. If another setting is required, please state that in clear text.

Charge pressure relief valve

The flushing pressure relief valve is direct operated. T1 needs external
Setting range Dpfl 12...21 bar
Standard setting 15 bar.

Control pressure relief valve

Control pressure: To adjust the control, measure the control pressure in E2-port (minimess connection). Adjust the pressure
to 30 bar + (pn - ps) with the pump in neutral.
To get the value pn, measure the pressure in ME3-port (minimess connection) with the pump in neutral.
To get the value ps, measure the pressure in ME3-port (minimess connection) with the pump swivelled out pump to the >50 %
stroke. Secure that the flushing valve has moved.

pn - ps, should be about 5-12 bar depending on the pump size.

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 10(34)

SP pumps

Unit dimensions size 40 Before finalising your design please request a

certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.
Example: electro-hydraulic control with prop. solenoid and remote pressure control EP

256 Pilot valve for pressure control

R(L) M1 XA2 MB1

M10; 14 deep


47.6 Auxiliary pump


U size 20



T2 S1


ME3 K1 T1
227 W

Solenoid A

Solenoid plugs
DIN EN 175301-803 / ISO 4400
Protection class IP 65

Shown without auxiliary pump

ø125 h8



144 16
333 Solenoid B

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 11(34)

SP pumps

Unit dimensions, size 40 Before finalising your design please request a

certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.
175 175
12.5 XB2
XAB View W

View X
XA2 W Charge pressure relief valve

High press. relief valve A T1

X 80.5
ø20 Control press. relief valve
B 3/8-16UNC-2B; MB2
21deep 10 h9
K2 Pump centre
K3 ME3

33 33



T3 K4

45° 45°




40 67

High press. relief valve B

E 37
E1 50 E2
79 79

Shaft ends
S Splined to DIN 5480


Ports Tightening torque, max. 1)

A, B Pressure port, high press. range SAE J518c 3/4 in, code 62 –
fixing thread A/B ISO 68 3/8-16UNC-2B 21 deep
S1 Inlet port, standard press. range SAE J518c 3/4 in, code 61 –
fixing thread DIN 13 M10;min14 deep
MA1, MB1 Test points press. ports ISO 11926 7/16-20UNF-2B;12 deep 2) 40 Nm
MA2,MB2 Test points press. ports DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep 2) 80 Nm
T Oil drain ISO 11926 7/8-14UNF-2B; 17 deep 2) 240 Nm
E1 To filter DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep 2) 80 Nm
E 2 From filter DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep 2) 80 Nm
K1 Flushing port ISO 11926 7/8-14UNF-2B; 17 deep 240 Nm
K 2, K3 Flushing port ISO 11926 7/8-14UNF-2B; 17 deep 2) 240 Nm
R(L) Oil fill and air bleed ISO 11926 7/8-14UNF-2B; 17 deep 240 Nm
U Bearing flushing port) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 2) 80 Nm
ME, ME3 Test point charge pressure ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 2) 80 Nm
K4 Accumulator port ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 25 deep 2)
540 Nm
MK4 Test point charge pressure ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 2) 80 Nm
M1 Test point control pressure DIN 3853 S8 Form W 2)

X A2, XB2, X AB Ports for remote press. pilot valves ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 2) 80 Nm
T1, T3 Ports for unloading of high pres. relief valves ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
T2 Port for unloading of shaft seal ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
Adhere to the manufacturers data of the used fittings 2)

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 12(34)

SP pumps

Unit dimensions, size 71 Before finalising your design please request a

certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.
Example: electro-hydraulic control with prop. solenoid and remote pressure control EP

283 Pilot valve for pressure control

R(L) M1 XA2
M10;14 deep


18 Auxiliary pump

52.4 size 25




T2 S1

K1 T1

Solenoid A

15 Solenoid plugs
8 DIN EN 175301-803 / ISO 4400
Protection class IP 65
ø140 h8


15 0 15

Shown without auxiliary pump


35 R(L)

166 20
Solenoid B

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 13(34)

SP pumps

Unit dimensions, size 71 Before finalising your design, please request a

certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.
175 175
12.5 XB2
XAB View W
View X WCharge pressure relief valve
X High press. relief valve A 80.5 T1
ø25 Control press. relief valve MB2
B 7/16-14UNC-2B; 12 h9
14 deep K2 Pump centre
ø18 ME3

37.5 37.5






45° 45° MA2



A 57.2 MK4
40 67
High press. relief valve B
E1 37 E2
93 93

Shaft ends
S splined to DIN 5480


Ports Tightening torque, max. 1)

A, B Pressure port, high press. range SAE J518c 1 in, code 62 –

fixing thread A/B ISO 68 7/16-14UNC-2B; 14 deep
S1 Inlet port, standard press. range SAE J518c 1 in, code 61 –
fixing thread DIN 13 M10; 14 deep
MA1, MB1 Test points pressure ports ISO 11926 7/16-20UNF-2B; 12 deep 2) 40 Nm
MA2,MB2 Test points pressure ports DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep 2) 80 Nm
T Oil drain ISO 11926 1 1/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 2) 360 Nm
E1 To filter DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep 2) 80 Nm
E2 From filter DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep 2) 80 Nm
K1 Flushing port ISO 11926 7/8-14UNF-2B; 17 deep 240 Nm
K 2, K3 Flushing port ISO 11926 1 1/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 2) 360 Nm
R(L) Oil fill and air bleed ISO 11926 1 1/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 360 Nm
U Bearing flushing port ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 2)
80 Nm
ME, ME3 Test point charge pressure ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 2) 80 Nm
K4 Accumulator port ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 25 deep 2)
540 Nm
MK4 Test point charge pressure ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 2) 80 Nm
M1 Test point control pressure DIN 3853 S8 Form W 2)
X A2, XB2, X AB Ports for remote pressure pilot valves ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
T1, T3 Ports for unloading of high pres. relief valves ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
T2 Port for unloading of shaft seal ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
Adhere to manufacturers data of the used fittings 2)

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 14(34)

SP pumps

Unit dimensions, size 125 Before finalising your design please request a
certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.
Example: electro-hydraulic control with prop. solenoid and remote pressure control EP

366 XAB
203 Pilot valve for pressure control
M1, M2 MB1 XA2 XB2

22 M10; 14 deep

26.2 Auxiliary pump


Size 38




34 T MA1
K1 T1
257 W

163 Solenoid A
Solenoid plugs
13 DIN EN 175301-803 / ISO 4400
7 Protection class IP 65

50 51.5
ø160 h8

Shown without aux. pump




34 U R(L) M2

Solenoid B

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 15(34)

SP pumps

Before finalising your design please request a

Unit dimensions size, 125 certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.

279 252

View W
View X
45° 45°
High press. relief valve A Charge press. relief valve
14 h9 80.5 T1
ø20 Control press. relief valve K1
B ø32 K3 0 K2

1/2-13UNC-2B; MK4 MB2

19 tief Pump centre

41.5 41.5





A 66.7 K4 MA2
40 65
E1 50 E2 High press. relief valve B
111.5 111.5

Shaft ends
S splined to DIN 5480


Ports Tightening torque, max. 1)

A, B Pressure port, high press. range SAE J518c 1 1/4 in, code 62 –
fixing thread A/B ISO 68 1/2-13UNC-2B 19 deep
S1 Inlet port, standard press. range SAE J518c 1 in, code 61 –
fixing thread DIN 13 M10; 14 deep
MA1, MB1 Test points pressure ports ISO 11926 7/16-20UNF-2B; 12 deep 2) 40 Nm
MA2,MB2 Test points pressure ports DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep2) 80 Nm
T Oil drain ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B 18 deep 2) 540 Nm
E1 To filter DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep 2) 80 Nm
E2 From filter DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep 2) 80 Nm
K1 Flushing port ISO 11926 7/8-14UNF-2B; 17 deep 240 Nm
K 2, K3 Flushing port ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 18 deep2) 540 Nm
R(L) Oil fill and air bleed ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 18 deep 540 Nm
U Bearing flushing port ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 2) 80 Nm
ME, ME3 Test points charge pressure ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 2) 80 Nm
K4 Accumulator port ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 25 deep 2) 540 Nm
MK4 Test point charge pressure ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 2) 80 Nm
M1, M2 Test point control pressure DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep 2)
80 Nm
X A2, XB2, X AB Ports for remote pressure pilot valves ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 2) 80 Nm
T1, T3 Ports for unloading of high pres. relief valves ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
T2 Port for unloading of shaft seal ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
Adhere to manufacturers data of the used fittings 2)

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 16(34)

SP pumps

Unit dimensions, size 180 Before finalising your design please request a
certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.
Example: electro-hydraulic control with prop. solenoid and remote pressure control EP

189 XAB Pilot valve for pressure control
M 1 ,M 2 MB1 XA2 XB2
M10; 16 tief
Auxiliary pump


size 45




203 K1 T1
257 W

163 Solenoid A

M1 Solenoid plugs
DIN EN 175301-803 / ISO 4400
Protection class IP 65

Shown without auxiliary pump

50 51.5
ø160 h8


15 0 15



34 U R(L)
Magnet B

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 17(34)

SP pumps

Unit dimensions, size 180 Before finalising your design please request a
certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.

279 252

View X View W

Charge pressure relief valve

14 h9 High press. relief valve B 80.5 T1
X ME3 ø20 K1
ø32 0 K2 Control press. relief valve

53.5 -0.2

27 deep Pump centre

ø20 27
K3 T3

41.5 41.5


45° 45°


A 66.7 MB2
40 65 MK4
37 E2
E1 50
High press. relief valve A
111.5 111.5

Shaft ends
S splined to DIN 5480



Ports Tightening torques, max. 1)

A, B Pressure port, high press. range SAE J518c 1 1/4 in, code 62 –
fixing thread A/B ISO 68 1/2-13UNC-2B 27 deep
S Inlet port, standard press. range SAE J518c 1 in, code 61 –
fixing thread DIN 13 M10; min 16 deep
MA1, MB1 Test points pressure ports ISO 11926 7/16-20UNF-2B; 12 deep 2) 40 Nm
MA2,MB2 Test points pressure ports DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep 2) 80 Nm
T Oil drain ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B 18 deep 2) 540 Nm
E1 To filter DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep 2) 80 Nm
E 2 From filter DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep 2) 80 Nm
K1 Flushing port ISO 11926 7/8-14UNF-2B; 17 deep 240 Nm
K 2, K3 Flushing port ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 18 deep 2) 540 Nm
R(L) Oil fill and air bleed ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 18 deep 540 Nm
U Bearing flushing port ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 2) 80 Nm
ME, ME3 Test point charge pressure ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 2) 80 Nm
K4 Accumulator port ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 25 deep 2) 540 Nm
MK4 Test point charge pressure ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 2) 80 Nm
M1, M2 Test point control pressure DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep 2) 80 Nm
X A2, XB2, X AB Ports for remote pressure pilot valves ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 2) 80 Nm
T1, T3 Ports for unloading of high press. relief valves ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
T2 Port for unloading of shaft seal ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
Adhere to manufacturers data of the used fittings 2)

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 18(34)

SP pumps

Installation and commissioning instructions

During commissioning and during operation the pump housing must be filled with oil. The commissioning must be carried
out with low speeds, and without load, until the system is completely deairated.

During prolonged periods of standstill the housing can loose its oil via the service lines. At renewed start up, the pump hous-
ing must be refilled.

The inlet pressure at the suction port S may not fall below 0,8 bar.

The pump has to be airbleeded at the most upper position depending on the mounting position. U-port minimess connection
at vertical position.
Mounting position
In order to achieve a low noise level, all hydraulic lines (suction, pressure, and drain lines) should be connected via flexible
members to the reservoir.
A check valve in the pump drain line should be avoided. If desirable, please contact Hägglunds Drives.
1. Vertical installation 2. Horizontal mounting
The highest of the ports T, K1, K 2 , K3 resp. R/L must be
With vertical installation and the shaft pointing upwards
used to fill/bleed the pump housing and afterwards be
(fig. 1 and 2) bearing flushing can be needed at low viscosity
piped as case drain.
condition and high output power, see page 7.
Prior to start up fill the pump housing.
1.1 Mounting below the reservoir - flooded suction
2.1 Mounting below the reservoir - flooded suction
Prior to mounting, fill pump housing in horizontal position.
Case drain and inlet port S to be piped acc. to fig. 3 or
Connect port T to tank, R/L closed. With pump vertical
and shaft upwards: fill through port R and bleed via port
T. Afterwards close port R.


Fig. 1 Fig. 3 Fig. 4

1.2 Mounting above reservoir - tanktop mounted

2.2 Mounting above reservoir - tanktop mounted
Prior to mounting, fill pump housing in horizontal position.
Connect port T to tank, R/L closed. With pump mounted Case drain and inlet port S to be piped acc. to fig. 5.
in vertical position and shaft upwards: fill via R(L) and
bleed through T, afterwards close R(L).
Important: inlet pressure at port S may never fall below
0,8 bar.
Avoid mounting above reservoir if low noise levels are
T h max = 800

ht min = 200

Fig. 5
h max = 800 S1
ht min = 200

Fig. 2

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 19(34)

SP pumps

Technical data
Operating pressure range

Inlet Outlet
(Pressures acc. to DIN 24312) (Pressures acc. to DIN 24312)
Variable pump:
Required static charge pressure (MK4) pressure at port A or B
pb min_ ___________________________________________________________________15 bar nominal pressure pN_ _________________________350 bar
Heavy duty pressure peak pressure pmax_ _________________________ 400 bar
pb max___________________________________________________________________ 20 bar
Case drain pressure
Minimum static charge pressure (short periods), relief valve
Max. case drain pressure (housing pressure)
pL continous_____________________________________ 5 bar
at pb min__________________________________________________________________ 8 bar
pL max________________________________________ 8 bar
Maximum static charge pressure port T1 has to be connected to the tank.
pb max___________________________________________________________________ 20 bar

Dynamic charge pressure (fluctuations)

min.______________________________________________________________________ 4 bar
max.___________________________________________________________________ 40 bar
Depending on the behaviour of the transmitted hydraulic
energy in the system, charge pressure fluctuations can oc-
cur. In order to prevent damage in the system, charge pres-
sure protection, which monitors the static charge pressure
part is necessary. Port MK4 is suitable to monitor the charge
pressure. It is recommended to check regularly the charge
pressure for the permissible max. and min. spikes with suit-
able measuring equipment.
In order to prevent excessive charge pressure spikes, a low
pressure accumulator can be connected to ports E2 , E3 or
K4. Accumulator sizing as well as the selection for the opti-
mum connecting location depend on the system behaviour
and the operating conditions under consideration of the
available charge flow. Depending on the total systems leak-
age fluid flow, it may be necessary to increase the charge
flow by means of a larger, or additional charge pump.

Inlet pressure at port S

pS min _ ___________________________________ ≥ 0,8 bar
pS max_ ______________________________________ 2 bar

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 20(34)

SP pumps
Table of values

Theoretical and rounded values, without considering hmh and hv

Size 250 355 500 750

Displacement variable pump Vg max cm 3
250 355 500 750
Displacement charge pump Vg max cm 3
63 80 98 143
Drive speed
max. nmax min-1 2200 2000 1800 1600
min. nmin min -1
800 800 800 800
at nmax qV max l/min 550 710 900 1200
at nE=1500 min -1
qVE max l/min 375 533 750 1125
Power Dp = 350 bar
at n max P max kW 321 414 525 700
at nE=1500 min-1 PE max kW 219 311 438 656
at Vg max Dp = 350 bar Tmax Nm 1391 1976 2783 4174
Dp = 100 bar T Nm 398 564 795 1193
Moment of inertia J kgm2 0,0959 0,19 0,3325 0,66
(about drive axis)
Max. perm. angular acceleration rad/s2 775 600 540 400
Torsional stiff- Shaft end K kNm/rad 443 814 1145 1860
Shaft end S kNm/rad 368 475 1209 1812
Case volume l 10 8 14 19
Weight (empty) kg 250 270 385 540

Calculation of size
Vg • n • hV Vg = geometr. displacement per revolution in cm3
Flow qV = [l/min]
1000 Dp = pressure differential in bar
1,59 • Vg • Dp n = drive speed in rpm
Drive torque T = [Nm]
100 • hmh hV = volumetric efficiency
2π • T • n qV • Dp hmh = mechanical-hydraulic efficiency
Power P = = [kW]
60000 600 • ht ht = overall efficiency (ht = hV • hmh)

Permissible forces on drive shaft

Size 250 355 500 750

radial force, Fq at X/2 Fq max N 2000 2200 2500 3000

X/2 X/2

axial force, max. Fax N 1800 2000 2000 3000

± Fax

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 21(34)

SP pumps

Technical data
Bearing flushing
For the following operating conditions bearing flushing is required for safe and continuous operation:
– Applications with special fluids (non-mineral oils), due to limited lubricity and narrow operating range
– Operation with critical conditions of temperature and viscosity with mineral oil
Flushing is carried out via U-port, which is located in the front flange area of pump. The flushing oil flows through the front
bearing and leaves the system together with the leakage oil at the drain port.
The following flushing flows are recommended for the various pump sizes:
Size 250 355 500 750
qfl l/min 10 15 20 30
These flushing flows will need a pressure drop of approximately 3 bar between inlet of U-port and pump housing.

Note. When using external bearing flushing at port U-port the throttle screw, which can be found at port U-port, has to be
turned in all the way to the stop.

Installed electric motor when flushing is needed.

Size 250 355 500 750
Installed electric motor kW (hp) 186 (249) 242 (324) 303 (406) 445 (597)

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 22(34)

SP pumps

Control options
EP - Electro-hydraulic control with proportional solenoid

The EP control adjusts the pump displacement proportional

to the solenoid current. The pump displacement is therefore
stepless variable. One proportional solenoid is assigned to
each direction of flow.

Operating voltage: 24 V
Nominal current: 800 mA
Range 210...740 mA
Nominal resistance at 20 °C: 19 Ω

HD - Hydraulic control, pilot pressure dependent

The positioning cylinder of the pump and therefore the
swivel angle is varied in proportion to the difference in pilot
pressure applied to the two control ports (X1 and X2). The
pump displacement is therefore stepless variable. One pilot
line is assigned to each direction of flow.

Operating pressure: 10-45 bar

HDT - Hydraulic control, with built on prop. valve

The positioning cylinder of the pump and therefore the
swivel angle is varied in proportion to the electrical current
applied to the proportional valve. The pump displacement is
therefore stepless variable.

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 23(34)

SP pumps

Hydraulic circuit
Example SP 500 EP

Relief valve flushing
EP Electr.-hydr.
 control with prop.

solenoids and remote
pressure control
Flushing valve

Crossover relief valves/ 

High pressure relief


Bypass valve

Check valves
charge flow

Control pressure relief


Integrated charge pump

A, B Pressure ports ME3 Measuring port ex. charge pressure
S Inlet port MK4 Measuring port flushing pressure
E1 To filter (plugged) M1, M2 Measuring ports control pressure
E2 From filter (plugged) R(L) Oil fill and air bleed port
E3 External charge port (plugged) T Oil drain port (plugged)
K1 Flushing port T1 Drain port pressure relief valve
K2, K3 Flushing ports (plugged) U Bearing flushing port (plugged)

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 24(34)

SP pumps

Integrated charge pump and control valves

Crossover relief valves
2 pilot operated crossover relief valves
The valves limit the max. pressure spikes to an acceptable safe level, and prevent damage to the main pump.
Each pressure side has its own relief valve, which is vented to the low pressure side of the loop.
The valves are normally set to a pressure level of 390 bar.
If another setting is required, please state that in clear text.

Control pressure relief valve

Control pressure: To adjust the control, measure the control pressure in E2-port (minimess connection). Adjust the pressure
to 30 bar + (pn - ps) with the pump in neutral.
To get the value pn, measure the pressure in ME3-port (minimess connection) with the pump in neutral.
To get the value ps, measure the pressure in ME3-port (minimess connection) with the pump swiveld out pump to the >50 %
stroke. Secure that the flushing valve has moved.

pn - ps, should be about 5-12 bar depending on the pump size.

Charge pressure relief valve

Direct operated
Adjustment range Dpfl 10...25 bar
Standard setting: 15 bar

Integrated charge pump

Standard sizes:
Size 250 355 500 750
cm3 63 80 98 143

Control pressure filter

Controls HD and EP in the size 500 and 750 with internal supply of control pressure out of one of the high pressure sides

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 25(34)

SP pumps

Unit dimensions, size 250 Before finalising your design please request a
certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.

pressure control side A
225 XAB
180 XB2 pressure control side B

40 ME3


3 100
U E1

Ø60 m6




7 T MB
105 90 S
125 150 Y 18
374 51
509 23

Solenoid A
M1 plug connector DIN 175301-803

MK4 29 deep

Ø224 h8

55 13





R(L) K1

70 36.5
W60x2x28x9g U 374 to mounting flange
DIN 5480 477 to mounting flange
17 plug connector DIN 175301-803
90 248 M2
Solenoid B

Tightening torques, max.
A,B Pressure port (high pressure range) SAE J518 1 1/2 in
fixing thread ISO 68 5/8-11UNC-2B; 29 deep - Nm
S Inlet port (standard pressure range) SAE J518 2 1/2 in
fixing thread ISO 68 1/2-13UNC-2B; 27 deep 90 Nm
MA,B,ABP Test points high pressure (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
MS Test point inlet pressure (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
T Oil drain (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/8-12UN-2B; 20 deep 960 Nm
E1 To filter (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
E2 Fom filter (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
K1 Flushing port ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 26(34)

SP pumps

Before finalising your design please request a

certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.

279 252

18 h9
K3 K2 27 deep


64 -0.2

45° 45° MS

143.5 382 to mounting flange
394 to mounting flange

control pressure
relief valve pressure
relief valve A
5/8-11UNC-2B 29 deep 36.5



pressure T1
relief valve B
192.2 flushing pressure
relief valve
200 200

Tightening torques, max.
K2,3 Flushing port (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/8-12UN-2B; 20 deep 960 Nm
R(L) Oil fill and air bleed ISO 11926 1 5/8-12UN-2B; 20 deep 960 Nm
U Bearing flushing port (plugged) ISO 11926 3/4-16UNF-2B; 12 deep 160 Nm
E3 External charge flow port (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
ME3 Test point charge pressure (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
K4 Accumulator port (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
MK4 Test point loop flushing pressure ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
M1,2 Test point control pressure (plugged) DIN 3852 M18x1,5; 12 deep 140 Nm
XA2,B2,AB Pilots port for pressure control (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
T1 Drain port flushing relief valve ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 27(34)

SP pumps

Unit dimensions, size 355 Before finalising your design please request a
certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.

pressure control side A
225 XAB
180 XB2 pressure control side B

30 ME3


4.5 100 B

55 55



7 T
105 MB
125 150 Y S

Solenoid A
plug connector DIN 175301-803

MK4 29 deep



55 13





K1 A
U 36.5
82 R(L)
W70x3x22x9g 381 to mounting flange
DIN 5480 484 to mounting flange
17 plug connector DIN 175301-803
102 248 M2
Solenoid B

Tightening torques, max.
A,B Pressure port (high pressure range) SAE J518 1 1/2 in
fixing thread ISO 68 5/8-11UNC-2B; 29 deep - Nm
S Inlet port (standard pressure range) SAE J518 2 1/2 in
fixing thread ISO 68 1/2-13UNC-2B; 27 deep 90 Nm
MA,B,ABP Test points high pressure (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
MS Test point inlet pressure (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
T Oil drain (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/8-12UN-2B; 20 deep 960 Nm
E1 To filter (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
E2 Fom filter (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
K1 Flushing port ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 28(34)

SP pumps

Before finalising your design please request a

certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.

279 252

20 h9
27 deep


74 -0.2

45° 45° S

265 T1
389 to mounting flange
143.5 143.5
401 to mounting flange

control pressure Z pressure X 5/8-11UNC-2B 29 deep

relief valve relief valve A 36.5




relief valve B 147 T1
192.5 flushing pressure
200 200 relief valve

Tightening torques, max.
K2,3 Flushing port (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/8-12UN-2B; 20 deep 960 Nm
R(L) Oil fill and air bleed ISO 11926 1 5/8-12UN-2B; 20 deep 960 Nm
U Bearing flushing port (plugged) ISO 11926 3/4-16UNF-2B; 12 deep 160 Nm
E3 External charge flow port (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
ME3 Test point charge pressure (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
K4 Accumulator port (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
MK4 Test point loop flushing pressure ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
M1,2 Test point control pressure (plugged) DIN 3852 M18x1,5; 12 deep 140 Nm
XA2,B2,AB Pilots port for pressure control (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
T1 Drain port flushing relief valve ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 29(34)

SP pumps

Unit dimensions, size 500 Before finalising your design please request a
certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.

XA2 plug connector DIN 43650-AM3



3 125

55 55

42 E1

16 T
130 47 80 MS
180 155

48 211 Solenoid A

pressure control side A

17.5 M1 MA
13 U U
XA2 44.5


Ø230 +5




K1 A
XB2 35 deep
W80x3x25x9g 90
DIN 5480 140 pressure control side B MS
30 XAB 415 to mounting flange
279 50 Solenoid B 520 to mounting flange

Tightening torques, max.
A,B Pressure port (high pressure range) SAE J518 2 in
fixing thread ISO 68 3/4-10UNC; 35 deep - Nm
S Inlet port (standard pressure range) SAE J518 2 1/2 in
fixing thread ISO 68 1/2-13UNC; 27 deep 90 Nm
MA,B,AB Test points high pressure (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
MS Test point inlet pressure (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
T Oil drain (plugged) ISO 11926 1 7/8-12UN-2B; 20 deep - Nm
E1 To filter (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
E2 Fom filter (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
K1 Flushing port ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
K2,3 Flushing port (plugged) ISO 11926 1 7/8-12UN-2B; 20 deep - Nm

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 30(34)

SP pumps
Before finalising your design please request a
certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.

332 306

110 110 Y


22 h9 27 deep

85 -0.2



MS 50.8


K2 S

437 to mounting flange

155 155

190 190




control pressure
Z pressure X
relief valve
relief valve A 44.5
B A M20 (x2.5) M20 (x2.5)

35 deep
X U M20 (x2.5) M20 (x2.5)

flushing pressure
pressure relief valve
relief valve B 191 192.5
205 205

Tightening torques, max.
R(L) Oil fill and air bleed ISO 11926 1 7/8-12UN-2B; 20 deep - Nm
U Bearing flushing port (plugged) ISO 11926 3/4-16UNF-2B; 12 deep 160 Nm
E3 External charge flow port (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
ME3 Test point charge pressure (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
K4 Accumulator port (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
MK4 Test point loop flushing pressure ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
M1 Test point control pressure (plugged) DIN 3852 M22x1,5; 14 deep 210 Nm
M2 Test point control pressure (plugged) DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep 80 Nm
XA2,B2,AB Pilots port for pressure control (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
T1 Drain port flushing relief valve ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 31(34)

SP pumps

Unit dimensions, size 750 Before finalising your design please request a
certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.

XA2 plug connector DIN 43650-AM3




4.5 125 E2
Ø90 m6

55 55


50 E1

+5 T MS
16 89
130 58 161
190 467

58 221 Solenoid A
18 pressure control side A
13 U M1 U MA

K4 35 deep
259 +5




50 K1
XB2 467 to mounting flange
W90x3x28x9g 105 MS
XAB pressure control side B
DIN 5480 8 577 to mounting flange
165 32
Solenoid B
301 50

Tightening torques, max.
A,B Pressure port (high pressure range) SAE J518 2 in
fixing thread ISO 68 3/4-10UNC; 35 deep - Nm
S Inlet port (standard pressure range) SAE J518 2 1/2 in
fixing thread ISO 68 1/2-13UNC; 27 deep 90 Nm
MA,B,AB Test points high pressure (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
MS Test point inlet pressure (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
T Oil drain (plugged) ISO 11926 1 7/8-12UN-2B; 20 deep - Nm
E1 To filter (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
E2 Fom filter (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
K1 Flushing port ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
K2,3 Flushing port (plugged) ISO 11926 1 7/8-12UN-2B; 20 deep - Nm

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 32(34)

SP pumps

Before finalising your design please request a

certified installation drawing. Dimensions in mm.

332 315

110 110



95 -0.2


27 deep






8x 45 182 182 491 to mounting flange
45 °
°( 232 232
60 22.5°

control pressure Z 44.5
relief valve relief valve A 3/4-10UNC
35 deep
B Ø50

flushing pressure
relief valve
relief valve B 194 196.5
205 205

Tightening torques, max.
R(L) Oil fill and air bleed ISO 11926 1 7/8-12UN-2B; 20 deep Nm
U Bearing flushing port (plugged) ISO 11926 3/4-16UNF-2B; 12 deep 160 Nm
E3 External charge flow port (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
ME3 Test point charge pressure (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
K4 Accumulator port (plugged) ISO 11926 1 5/16-12UN-2B; 20 deep 540 Nm
MK4 Test point loop flushing pressure ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
M1 Test point control pressure (plugged) DIN 3852 M22x1,5; 14 deep 210 Nm
M2 Test point control pressure (plugged) DIN 3852 M14x1,5; 12 deep 80 Nm
XA2,B2,AB Pilots port for pressure control (plugged) ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm
T1 Drain port flushing relief valve ISO 11926 9/16-18UNF-2B; 13 deep 80 Nm

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 33(34)

SP pumps

Installation and commissioning instructions

During commissioning and during operation the pump housing must be filled with oil. The commissioning must be carried
out with low speeds, and without load, until the system is completely deairated.
During prolonged periods of standstill the housing can loose its oil via the service lines. At renewed start up, the pump
housing must be refilled.
The inlet pressure at the suction port S may not fall below 0,8 bar.
The pump has to be airbleeded at the most upper position depending on the mounting position. U-port minimess connec-
tion at vertical position.
Mounting position:
In order to achieve a low noise level, all hydraulic lines (suction, pressure, and drain lines)should be connected via flexible
members to the reservoir
A check valve in the pump drain line should be avoided. If desirable, please contact Hägglunds Drives.

1. Vertical installation 2. Horizontal mounting

With vertical installation and the shaft pointing upwards The highest of the ports T, K1, K2 , K3 resp. R/L must
(fig. 1 and 2) bearing flushing can be needed at low be used to fill/bleed the pump and afterwards be piped
viscosity condition and high output power, see page 22. as case drain.
1.1 Mounting below the reservoir - flooded suction Prior to start up fill the pump housing.
Prior to mounting fill pump housing (pump in horizontal 2.1 Mounting below the reservoir - flooded suction
position). Connect port T to reservoir , R/L closed. Case drain and inlet port S to be piped according to fig.
Option for filling in installed condition with shaft pointing 3 or 4.
upwards: fill through port R and bleed via port T, after-
wards close port R.

Filling R(L)

Fig. 1 S
Fig. 3 Fig. 4

1.2 Mounting above reservoir - tanktop mounted

2.2 Mounting above reservoir - tanktop mounted
Prior to mounting fill pump housing(pump in horizontal
position. Connect port T to reservoir, R/L closed. Case drain and inlet port S to be piped acc. to fig. 5.
Option for filling in installed condition with shaft pointing
upwards: fill through R/L and bleed via T, afterwards R(L)
close R(L).
Important: Suction(inlet) pressure at port S may never
fall below 0,8 bar.
Avoid mounting above reservoir if low noise levels are
S h max = 800
Filling ht min = 200

R(L) Fig. 5

Fig. 2
h max = 800

ht min = 200

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.

Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 34(34)

Flexible Jaw Couplings
For the Mechanical Power Transmission Industry
• Zero/Low Backlash Jaw Style
• Aluminum, Cast Iron, Steel hubs
• Variable Durometer Urethane Elements
• Bore Sizes 1/8" to 6"
• Rated up to 2,000 HP




Maximum Allowable Displacement

Coupling Size 19 24 28 38 42 48 55 65 75 90 100 110 125
Angular 1º30 '
Parallel .016 .029 .040 .051 .067 .087
Misalignment a
Maximum Axial
.047 .060 .060 .071 .080 .083 .091 .102 .120 .134 .150 .165 .181
Displacement b
Maximum Continuous Torque Rating of Coupling
Polyurethane Torque (IN#) Maximum HP @ Torsional/Stiffness
Spider Nominal Maximum Reversing RPM 1800RPM (Full Load)
19/24 80 Blue 44 86 11 14,000 1.25 2x103 IN#/RAD
19/24 92 White 87 175 23 14,000 2.5 6x103 IN#/RAD
19/24 98 Red 148 295 39 14,000 4 10x103 IN#/RAD
24/32 80 Blue 150 300 39 10,600 4.5 8x103 IN#/RAD
24/32 92 White 305 610 80 10,600 8.7 19x103 IN#/RAD
24/32 98 Red 520 1,040 142 10,600 15 33x103 IN#/RAD
28/38 80 Blue 407 814 106 8,500 12.25 20x103 IN#/RAD
28/38 92 White 825 1,650 221 8,500 23.6 46x103 IN#/RAD
28/38 98 Red 1,390 2,780 381 8,500 40 84x103 IN#/RAD
38/45 80 Blue 823 1,637 212 7,100 25 36x103 IN#/RAD
38/45 92 White 1,650 3,300 434 7,100 47 88x103 IN#/RAD
38/45 98 Red 2,820 5,640 770 7,100 81 25.7x104 IN#/RAD
42/55 80 Blue 1,151 2,301 301 6,000 35 52.21x103 IN#/RAD
42/55 92 White 2,300 4,600 611 6,000 66 15x104 IN#/RAD
42/55 98 Red 3,900 7,800 1,062 6,000 111 35.8x104 IN#/RAD
48/60 80 Blue 1,328 2,655 345 5,600 40 71x103 IN#/RAD
48/60 92 White 2,700 5,400 540 5,600 77 17.7x104 IN#/RAD
48/60 98 Red 4,560 9,200 1,212 5,600 130 43x104 IN#/RAD
55/70 80 Blue 1,593 3,186 416 4,750 48 88x103 IN#/RAD
55/70 92 White 3,300 6,600 823 4,750 94 19.5x104 IN#/RAD
55/70 98 Red 5,425 10,850 1,443 4,750 155 46.7x104 IN#/RAD
65/75 80 Blue 1,814 3628 469 4,250 54 11.55x104 IN#/RAD
65/75 92 White 3,700 7400 982 4,250 106 25x104 IN#/RAD
65/75 98 Red 5,555 11,140 1,469 4,250 159 51x104 IN#/RAD
75/90 80 Blue 4204 8,408 1,097 3,550 126 19.47x104 IN#/RAD
75/90 92 White 8460 16,900 2,248 3,550 240 60.20x104 IN#/RAD
75/90 98 Red 12,700 25,440 3,372 3,550 363 13.27x104 IN#/RAD
90/100 92 White 21,200 42,400 5,522 3,550 600 97.40x104 IN#/RAD
90/100 98 Red 31,250 62,500 8,284 3,550 893 22.13x105 IN#/RAD
100/110 92 White 29,200 58,400 7,593 3,550 835 15.49x105 IN#/RAD
100/110 98 Red 43,000 86,000 11,390 3,550 1,230 37.17x105 IN#/RAD
110/125 92 White 35,400 70800 9204 3,550 1,010 22.13x105 IN#/RAD
110/125 98 Red 52,000 104000 13,806 3,550 1,485 48.68x105 IN#/RAD
125/145 92 White 44,300 88,600 11,505 3,550 1,265 29.21x105 IN#/RAD
125/145 98 Red 65,000 130,000 17,258 3,550 1,857 62x105 IN#/RAD

Design Characteristics
Operating Temperature -40ºF to 212ºF
Short Duration Maximum Temperature 250ºF
Polyurethane spiders available in four hardness levels:
80 Shore A - Torsionally Soft, Blue
92 Shore A - Standard, White
98 Shore A - Torsionally Stiff, Red
64 Shore D - Torsionally Stiff, Green (Available upon request, yields 25% more torque then
98A version)

Resistant to oils, grease and many solvents. Good atmospheric and chemical resistance.
Excellent shock and vibration dampening properties. Hub jaws have unique concave pocket,
that eliminates edge pressures and allows prolonged wear resistance of the elastometric
spider. Hubs supplied in materials shown below are furnished with standard or metric bore with
keyway and setscrew unless otherwise specified. Options include tapered bores, SAE splines,
cross bolt/clamping style and other customizations to meet your individual requirements.
Hubs can be combined three ways:
1. Hub a with Hub b
2. Hub a with Hub b
3. Hub b with Hub b

HUB A HUB B A B C D E F G H I J K L M Weight 2
(IN#Sec. )

Min/Max Min/Max

Unbored/ .670"/ -4
1.575" 1.260" 1.535" 2.598" .984" .630" .079" .472" .787" .827" .709" 1/4-20 .394" .28 3.5x10
.750" .945"

Unbored/ .866"/ -4
2.165" 1.575" 1.855" 3.071" 1.181" .709" .079" .551" .945" 1.024" 1.063" 1/4-20 .394" .57 8.8x10
.945" 1.250"

Unbored/ .984"/ -3
2.550" 1.890" 2.480" 3.543" 1.378" .787" .098" .591" 1.102" 1.142" 1.180" 5/16-18 .591" 1.01 2.6x10
1.125" 1.500"

Unbored/ 13.77"/ -3
3.150" 2.598" 3.110" 4.488" 1.772" .945" .118" .709" 1.457" 1.535" 1.496" 5/16-18 .591" 1.96 7.110
1.500" 1.772"

HUB A HUB B A B C D E F G H I J K L M Weight 2
(IN#Sec. )

Min/Max Min/Max

Unbored/ -4
*N/A 1.575" 1.575" 1.575" 2.598" .984" .630" .079" .472" N/A N/A .709" 1/4-20 .394" .72 7X10

.275"/ -3
*N/A 2.165" 2.165" 2.165" 3.071" 1.181" .709" .079" .551" N/A N/A 1.063" 1/4-20 .394 1.46 2.7X10

.375"/ -3
*N/A 2.560" 2.560" 2.560" 3.543" 1.378" .787" .098" .591" N/A N/A 1.180" 5/16-18 .591" 2.56 6.2X10

HUB A HUB B A B C D E F G H I J K L M Weight 2
(IN#Sec. )

Min/Max Min/Max

Unbored/ 1.417"/ -2
3.150" 2.598" 3.031" 4.488" 1.772" .945" .118" .709" 1.457" 1.457" 1.496" 5/16-18 .591" 5.00 2x10
1.500" 1.772"

Unbored/ 1.575"/ -2
3.740" 2.953" 3.700" 4.961" 1.969" 1.024" .118" .787" 1.575" 1.575" 1.811" 5/16-18 .787" 7.87 4.4x10
1.654" 2.165"

Unbored/ 1.811"/ -2
4.134" 3.346" 4.016" 5.512" 2.205" 1.102" .138" .827" 1.772" 1.772" 2.008" 5/16-18 .787" 10.58 7x10
1.890" 2.362"

Unbored/ 2.087"/ -1
4.724" 3.858" 4.646" 6.300" 2.560" 1.181" .157" .866" 2.047" 2.047" 2.362" 3/8-16 .787" 16.25 1.41x10
2.165" 2.756"

Unbored/ 2.481"/ -1
5.315" 4.528" 5.197" 7.283" 2.953" 1.378" .177" 1.024" 2.402" 2.402" 2.678" 3/8-16 .787" 24.00 2.79x10
2.560" 2.953"

Unbored/ 2.874"/ -1
6.300" 5.315" 6.220" 8.268" 3.346" 1.575" .197" 1.181" 2.717" 2.717" 3.150" 3/8-16 .984" 39.10 6.02x10
2.953" 3.543"

1.181"/ 3.347"/ -1
7.875" 6.300" 7.087" 9.646" 3.937" 1.772" .216" 1.334" 3.189" 3.189" 3.937" 3/8-16 .984" 65.26 1.41x10
3.543" 3.937"

N/A 8.858" 7.087" 7.874" 10.630" 4.331" 1.969" .236" 1.496" 3.504" 3.504" 4.449" 7/16-14 1.181" 90.40 2.451

N/A 10.039" 7.874" 9.055" 11.614" 4.724" 2.165" .256" 1.654" 3.780" 3.780" 5.000" 1/2-13 1.378" 139.00 4.514

N/A 11.417" 9.055" 10.433" 13.386" 5.512" 2.362" .276" 1.811" 4.409" 4.409" 5.787" 9/16-12 1.575" 195.00 8.850

• N/A-Not available at the present time.
Jaw Coupling Installation Instructions
Guardian Jaw Couplings offer four- way flexibility by accommodating parallel, angular,
axial misalignment, as well as torsional compliance. The jaw coupling requires no
lubrication, and is easily installed and aligned without the need for special measuring
equipment. Flexible “spider” inserts are offered in (5) hardness levels to reduce noise
and limit vibration.

ü Reference attached dimensional drawing for Guardian Jaw Couplings. Couplings

will be provided with Industry Standard Class 1 Fit, meaning that hubs can be
tapped on with a rubber mallet. If fit is too tight, check shaft and coupling for
ü Slide coupling hub onto shaft to where platform face is flush with shaft (both
arrowheads of dimension “F”).
ü Contingent upon application, hubs may require adjustments when combined with
aluminum Pump/Motor adaptor castings.
ü Recommended MINIMUM shaft gap is .125”. MAXIMUM shaft gap can be Dim F
+ 2/3E. This equates to each shaft attaining 2/3 engagement with the coupling
ü If aluminum housings are used, remove orange colored inspection window and
visually check for adequate shaft engagement as described above.
ü Once engagement has been verified, place a straightedge at 12 o’clock and 9
o’clock positions of coupling. If there is a gap below the straightedge, make sure
that it is not larger than .005”. This can be checked with a feeler gage.
ü Tighten set screws or cross clamps per fastener tightening specifications
(Unbrako or equivalent).
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
Motors and Drives Division
14000 Dineen Drive
Little Rock, Arkansas 72206

Installation • Operation • Maintenance


WARNING Instructions
Do not attempt to clean motor while it is operating.. Contact with rotating parts can cause severe
personal injury or property damage. Stop the motor and lock out switch before cleaning.

The motor exterior must be kept free of oil, dust, dirt, water, and chemicals. For fan cooled motors,
it is particularly important to keep the air intake openings free of foreign material. Do not block air
outlet or inlet.

On non-explosion-proof TEFC motors, a removable plug in the bottom center of the motor frame
or housing permits removal of accumulated moisture. Drain regularly.


Top bearings — high external thrust from the driven unit is usually carried by he top bearing or
bearings. If replacement is necessary, the new bearing must be the same size and type as the orig-
inal. Duplex bearings must also be the same type and mounted in an identical manner. When
angular contact type bearings are replaced, the new bearing must have the same thrust capacity.

Bottom bearings — grease lubricated lower bearings adequately lubricated at the factory for at
least three months operation. The relubrication procedure is the same as outlined above under
“Bearing Lubrication.” It is important to maintain the lower cavity full of grease at all times.

The correct replacement bearings are given on the nameplate by AFBMA (Anti-Friction Bearing
Manufacturers Association) number.

For immediate action on your motor problems call your certified service center or contact your
nearest Siemens District Office.

Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.

Industrial Products Division
14000 Dineen Drive
Little Rock, Arkansas 72206
Induction Motors
© 2001 Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. Bulletin NMIM-L1000 143-449 Frame NMIM-L1000
10M 7/01TI Printed in U.S.A.


Do not lubricate motor while in operation, since excess grease will be forced through the bearings
and into the motor before it will force its way out of the drain plug. Excess grease accumulation
TABLE OF CONTENTS on windings reduces insulation life.
INSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

STORAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Bearing life is assured by maintaining proper alignment, proper belt or chain tension, and good
lubrication at all times.
INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Prior to shipment, motor bearings are lubricated with the proper amount and grade to provide six
OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 months of satisfactory service under normal operation and conditions.

VOLTAGE REGULATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 For best results, grease should be compounded from a polyurea base and a good grade of petro-
leum oil. It should be of No. 2 consistency and stabilized against oxidation. Operating tempera-
MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 ture range should be from -15°F to +250°F for class B insulation, and to +300°F fir class F and H.
• BEARING LUBRICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Most leading oil companies have special bearing greases that are satisfactory.
• INSULATION RESISTANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
• CLEANING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Relubricate bearings every six months (more often if conditions require), as follows:
1. Stop the motor. Lock out the switch.
VERTICAL MOTOR THRUST BEARINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2. Thoroughly clean off pipe plugs and remove from housings.
SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3. Remove hardened grease from drains with stiff wire or rod.
4. Add grease to inlet with hand gun until small amount of new grease is forced out of drain.
5. Remove excess grease from ports, replace inlet plugs, and run motor 1/2 hour before replac-
ing drain plug.
6. Put motor back in operation.
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for
every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance.
Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered suf- INSULATION RESISTANCE
ficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred to the local Siemens Sales Office. Check insulation resistance periodically. Any approved method of measuring insulation resistance
may be used, provided the voltage across the insulation is at a safe value for the type and condi-
The contents of this instruction manual shall not become part or modify any prior or existing agree- tion of the insulation. A hand cranked megger of not over 500 volts is the most convenient and
ment, commitment or relationship. The sales contract contains the entire obligation of Siemens. safest method. Standards of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) rec-
The warranty contained in the contract between the parties is the sole warranty of Siemens. Any ommended that the insulation resistance of stator windings at 75°C, measure at 500 volts DC, after
statements contained herein do not create new warranties or modify the existing warranty. one minute should not be less than:
Rated voltage of machine + 1000 = Insulation resistance in Megohms

This formula is satisfactory for most checks. for more information, see IEEE Standard No. 43,
“Recommended Practice for Insulation Resistance Testing of AC Rotating Machinery.”

2 7

Motors will operate successfully under the following conditions of voltage and frequency varia-
tion, but not necessarily in accordance with the standards established for operation under rated
a. When the variation in voltage does not exceed 10% above or below normal, with all phases
b. When the variation in frequency does not exceed 5% above or blow normal. THIS EQUIPMENT CONTAINS HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES, ROTATING PARTS AND HOT SURFACES.
c. When the sum of the voltage and frequency does not exceed 10% above or below normal SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE CAN RESULT IF SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ARE
(provided the frequency variation does not exceed 5%). NOT FOLLOWED. ONLY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL SHOULD WORK ON OR AROUND THIS EQUIP-
Failure to properly maintain the equipment can result in severe personal injury and product MAINTENANCE.
failure. The instructions contained herein should be carefully reviewed, understood and followed.
The following maintenance procedures should be performed regularly: QUALIFIED PERSON
1. Bearing lubrication For the purpose or this manual and product labels, a qualified person is one who is familiar with the
installation, construction and operation of the equipment, and the hazards involved. In addition, he
2. Insulation resistance check
has the following qualifications:
3. Cleaning
a) Is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear, ground and tag circuits and equipment
in accordance with established safety practices.
This checklist does not represent an exhaustive survey of maintenance steps necessary to ensure
b) Is trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment such as rubber gloves, hard hat,
safe operation of the equipment. Particular applications may require further procedures. Should
safety glasses or face shields, flash clothing, etc., in accordance with established safety prac-
further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficient-
ly for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred to the local Siemens Sales Office.

Dangerous voltages are present in the equipment which can cause severe personal injury and
product failure. Always de-energize and ground the equipment before maintenance. Maintenance
should be performed only by qualified personnel. DANGER

The use of unauthorized parts in the repair of the equipment, tampering by unqualified personnel, or
removal or alteration of guards or conduit covers will result in dangerous conditions which can cause For the purpose of this manual and product labels, DANGER indicates death, severe personal
severe personal injury or equipment damage. Follow all safety instructions contained herein. injury or substantial property damage will result if proper precautions are not taken.


For the purpose of this manual and product labels, WARNING indicates death, severe personal
injury or substantial property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.


For the purpose of this manual and product labels, CAUTION indicates minor personal injury or
property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.

6 3
Care is taken at the factory to assure that the motor arrives at its destination in first class condition. Repeated trial starts can overhead the motor and may result in motor burnout (particularly for
If there is evidence of rough handling or damage in shipping, file a claim at once with the carrier across the line starting). If repeated trial starts are made, allow sufficient time between trials to per-
and notify your Siemens Sales Office. mit heat to dissipate from windings and rotor to prevent overheating. Starting currents are sever-
al times running currents, and heating varies as the square of the current.
Examine the outside of the motor carefully for damage, with particular attention to conduit box,
fans, and covers. Inspect and tighten all hardware and accessories which may have become loos- After installation is completed, but before motor is put in regular service, make an initial start as
ened during shipping and handling. Turn the shaft by hand to be sure that it rotates freely. If the follows:
motor has been mishandled sufficiently to break external parts, the end shield should also be 1. Check motor starting and control device connections against wiring diagrams.
removed to check for internal damage unless the motor is explosion-proof. See warning below on
2. Check voltage, phase, and frequency of line circuit (power supply) against motor nameplate.
explosion proof motors.
3. If possible, remove external load (disconnect drive) and turn shaft by hand to ensure free
rotation. This may have been done during installation procedure; if so, and conditions have
not changed since, this check may not be necessary.
WARNING a. If drive is disconnected, run motor at no load long enough to be certain that no unusual
conditions develop. Listen and feel for excessive noise, vibration, clicking, or pounding.
If present, stop motor immediately. Investigate the cause and correct before putting
Explosion-proof motors—these motors are constructed to comply with the U.L. Label Service motor in service.
Procedure Manual. When repairing and reassembling a motor that has an underwriter’s label,
it is imperative that the unit be reinspected and: b. If drive is not disconnected, interrupt the starting cycle after motor has accelerated to
low speed. Carefully observe for unusual conditions as motor coasts to a stop.
1. All original fits and tolerance be maintained.
2. All plugs and hardware be securely fastened. 4. When checks are satisfactory, operate at minimum load and look for unusual condition.
Increase load slowly to maximum. Check unit for satisfactory operation.
3. Any parts replacements, including hardware, be accurate duplicates of the originals.
Repair work on explosion-proof motors can only be done by the original manufacturing or U.L.
certified shops. Violations of any of the above items will invalidate the significance of the U.L.
Motors must be stored in a clean, dry, well ventilated location free from vibration and rapid or wide Guard against overloading. Overloading causes overheating and overheating means shortened
temperature variations. If the unit is to be stored longer than three months, consult factory. Ball insulation life. A motor subjected to a 10°C temperature rise above the maximum limit for the
bearing motors are shipped from the factory properly lubricated and ready to operate. When in insulation may cause the insulation life to be reduced by 50%. To avoid overloading, be sure
storage, the motor shaft must be turned several rotations every month and the bearing relubricat- motor current does not exceed nameplate current when nameplate voltage is applied.
ed every year. On non-explosion-proof TEFC motors, a removable plug in the bottom of the frame
or housing permits removal of accumulated moisture. Drain regularly if storage atmosphere result
in formation of condensation.
Electric motors operating under normal conditions become quite warm. Although some places
may feel hot to the touch, the unit may be operational within limits. Use a thermocouple to mea-
sure winding temperature when there is any concern.
Installation must be handled by qualified service or maintenance personnel. The motor foundation
must rigidly support all four feet in the same plane. Place shims under the motor feet, as required, The total temperature, not the temperature rise, is the measure of safe operation. Investigate the
so they will not be pulled out of plane when mounting bolts are tightened. All wiring to the motor operating conditions if the total temperature measured by a thermocouple placed on the winding
and control must be in accordance with the National Electrical Code and all local regulations. exceeds:
Before drive is connected, momentarily energize motor to check that direction of rotations proper.
For direct drive, accurate alignment is 0.004 inch/ft. (radius to dial indicator = one foot.) 230°F (110°C) for class “B” insulation
275°F (135°C) for class “F” insulation
Any change in shims requires rechecking alignment. When alignment is within limits, dowel two
feet of each unit. When installing flat belt pulley, V-belt sheave, spur or helical pinion or chain dri- 302°F (150°C) for class “H” insulation
ves, be certain that they are within NEMA limitations. Refer to NEMA motor and general standards,
MG-1 14.07 and 14.42.

4 5
Care is taken at the factory to assure that the motor arrives at its destination in first class condition. Repeated trial starts can overhead the motor and may result in motor burnout (particularly for
If there is evidence of rough handling or damage in shipping, file a claim at once with the carrier across the line starting). If repeated trial starts are made, allow sufficient time between trials to per-
and notify your Siemens Sales Office. mit heat to dissipate from windings and rotor to prevent overheating. Starting currents are sever-
al times running currents, and heating varies as the square of the current.
Examine the outside of the motor carefully for damage, with particular attention to conduit box,
fans, and covers. Inspect and tighten all hardware and accessories which may have become loos- After installation is completed, but before motor is put in regular service, make an initial start as
ened during shipping and handling. Turn the shaft by hand to be sure that it rotates freely. If the follows:
motor has been mishandled sufficiently to break external parts, the end shield should also be 1. Check motor starting and control device connections against wiring diagrams.
removed to check for internal damage unless the motor is explosion-proof. See warning below on
2. Check voltage, phase, and frequency of line circuit (power supply) against motor nameplate.
explosion proof motors.
3. If possible, remove external load (disconnect drive) and turn shaft by hand to ensure free
rotation. This may have been done during installation procedure; if so, and conditions have
not changed since, this check may not be necessary.
WARNING a. If drive is disconnected, run motor at no load long enough to be certain that no unusual
conditions develop. Listen and feel for excessive noise, vibration, clicking, or pounding.
If present, stop motor immediately. Investigate the cause and correct before putting
Explosion-proof motors—these motors are constructed to comply with the U.L. Label Service motor in service.
Procedure Manual. When repairing and reassembling a motor that has an underwriter’s label,
it is imperative that the unit be reinspected and: b. If drive is not disconnected, interrupt the starting cycle after motor has accelerated to
low speed. Carefully observe for unusual conditions as motor coasts to a stop.
1. All original fits and tolerance be maintained.
2. All plugs and hardware be securely fastened. 4. When checks are satisfactory, operate at minimum load and look for unusual condition.
Increase load slowly to maximum. Check unit for satisfactory operation.
3. Any parts replacements, including hardware, be accurate duplicates of the originals.
Repair work on explosion-proof motors can only be done by the original manufacturing or U.L.
certified shops. Violations of any of the above items will invalidate the significance of the U.L.
Motors must be stored in a clean, dry, well ventilated location free from vibration and rapid or wide Guard against overloading. Overloading causes overheating and overheating means shortened
temperature variations. If the unit is to be stored longer than three months, consult factory. Ball insulation life. A motor subjected to a 10°C temperature rise above the maximum limit for the
bearing motors are shipped from the factory properly lubricated and ready to operate. When in insulation may cause the insulation life to be reduced by 50%. To avoid overloading, be sure
storage, the motor shaft must be turned several rotations every month and the bearing relubricat- motor current does not exceed nameplate current when nameplate voltage is applied.
ed every year. On non-explosion-proof TEFC motors, a removable plug in the bottom of the frame
or housing permits removal of accumulated moisture. Drain regularly if storage atmosphere result
in formation of condensation.
Electric motors operating under normal conditions become quite warm. Although some places
may feel hot to the touch, the unit may be operational within limits. Use a thermocouple to mea-
sure winding temperature when there is any concern.
Installation must be handled by qualified service or maintenance personnel. The motor foundation
must rigidly support all four feet in the same plane. Place shims under the motor feet, as required, The total temperature, not the temperature rise, is the measure of safe operation. Investigate the
so they will not be pulled out of plane when mounting bolts are tightened. All wiring to the motor operating conditions if the total temperature measured by a thermocouple placed on the winding
and control must be in accordance with the National Electrical Code and all local regulations. exceeds:
Before drive is connected, momentarily energize motor to check that direction of rotations proper.
For direct drive, accurate alignment is 0.004 inch/ft. (radius to dial indicator = one foot.) 230°F (110°C) for class “B” insulation
275°F (135°C) for class “F” insulation
Any change in shims requires rechecking alignment. When alignment is within limits, dowel two
feet of each unit. When installing flat belt pulley, V-belt sheave, spur or helical pinion or chain dri- 302°F (150°C) for class “H” insulation
ves, be certain that they are within NEMA limitations. Refer to NEMA motor and general standards,
MG-1 14.07 and 14.42.

4 5

Motors will operate successfully under the following conditions of voltage and frequency varia-
tion, but not necessarily in accordance with the standards established for operation under rated
a. When the variation in voltage does not exceed 10% above or below normal, with all phases
b. When the variation in frequency does not exceed 5% above or blow normal. THIS EQUIPMENT CONTAINS HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES, ROTATING PARTS AND HOT SURFACES.
c. When the sum of the voltage and frequency does not exceed 10% above or below normal SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE CAN RESULT IF SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ARE
(provided the frequency variation does not exceed 5%). NOT FOLLOWED. ONLY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL SHOULD WORK ON OR AROUND THIS EQUIP-
Failure to properly maintain the equipment can result in severe personal injury and product MAINTENANCE.
failure. The instructions contained herein should be carefully reviewed, understood and followed.
The following maintenance procedures should be performed regularly: QUALIFIED PERSON
1. Bearing lubrication For the purpose or this manual and product labels, a qualified person is one who is familiar with the
installation, construction and operation of the equipment, and the hazards involved. In addition, he
2. Insulation resistance check
has the following qualifications:
3. Cleaning
a) Is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear, ground and tag circuits and equipment
in accordance with established safety practices.
This checklist does not represent an exhaustive survey of maintenance steps necessary to ensure
b) Is trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment such as rubber gloves, hard hat,
safe operation of the equipment. Particular applications may require further procedures. Should
safety glasses or face shields, flash clothing, etc., in accordance with established safety prac-
further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficient-
ly for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred to the local Siemens Sales Office.

Dangerous voltages are present in the equipment which can cause severe personal injury and
product failure. Always de-energize and ground the equipment before maintenance. Maintenance
should be performed only by qualified personnel. DANGER

The use of unauthorized parts in the repair of the equipment, tampering by unqualified personnel, or
removal or alteration of guards or conduit covers will result in dangerous conditions which can cause For the purpose of this manual and product labels, DANGER indicates death, severe personal
severe personal injury or equipment damage. Follow all safety instructions contained herein. injury or substantial property damage will result if proper precautions are not taken.


For the purpose of this manual and product labels, WARNING indicates death, severe personal
injury or substantial property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.


For the purpose of this manual and product labels, CAUTION indicates minor personal injury or
property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.

6 3


Do not lubricate motor while in operation, since excess grease will be forced through the bearings
and into the motor before it will force its way out of the drain plug. Excess grease accumulation
TABLE OF CONTENTS on windings reduces insulation life.
INSPECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

STORAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Bearing life is assured by maintaining proper alignment, proper belt or chain tension, and good
lubrication at all times.
INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Prior to shipment, motor bearings are lubricated with the proper amount and grade to provide six
OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 months of satisfactory service under normal operation and conditions.

VOLTAGE REGULATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 For best results, grease should be compounded from a polyurea base and a good grade of petro-
leum oil. It should be of No. 2 consistency and stabilized against oxidation. Operating tempera-
MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 ture range should be from -15°F to +250°F for class B insulation, and to +300°F fir class F and H.
• BEARING LUBRICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Most leading oil companies have special bearing greases that are satisfactory.
• INSULATION RESISTANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
• CLEANING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Relubricate bearings every six months (more often if conditions require), as follows:
1. Stop the motor. Lock out the switch.
VERTICAL MOTOR THRUST BEARINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2. Thoroughly clean off pipe plugs and remove from housings.
SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3. Remove hardened grease from drains with stiff wire or rod.
4. Add grease to inlet with hand gun until small amount of new grease is forced out of drain.
5. Remove excess grease from ports, replace inlet plugs, and run motor 1/2 hour before replac-
ing drain plug.
6. Put motor back in operation.
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for
every possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance.
Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered suf- INSULATION RESISTANCE
ficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred to the local Siemens Sales Office. Check insulation resistance periodically. Any approved method of measuring insulation resistance
may be used, provided the voltage across the insulation is at a safe value for the type and condi-
The contents of this instruction manual shall not become part or modify any prior or existing agree- tion of the insulation. A hand cranked megger of not over 500 volts is the most convenient and
ment, commitment or relationship. The sales contract contains the entire obligation of Siemens. safest method. Standards of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) rec-
The warranty contained in the contract between the parties is the sole warranty of Siemens. Any ommended that the insulation resistance of stator windings at 75°C, measure at 500 volts DC, after
statements contained herein do not create new warranties or modify the existing warranty. one minute should not be less than:
Rated voltage of machine + 1000 = Insulation resistance in Megohms

This formula is satisfactory for most checks. for more information, see IEEE Standard No. 43,
“Recommended Practice for Insulation Resistance Testing of AC Rotating Machinery.”

2 7
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
Motors and Drives Division
14000 Dineen Drive
Little Rock, Arkansas 72206

Installation • Operation • Maintenance


WARNING Instructions
Do not attempt to clean motor while it is operating.. Contact with rotating parts can cause severe
personal injury or property damage. Stop the motor and lock out switch before cleaning.

The motor exterior must be kept free of oil, dust, dirt, water, and chemicals. For fan cooled motors,
it is particularly important to keep the air intake openings free of foreign material. Do not block air
outlet or inlet.

On non-explosion-proof TEFC motors, a removable plug in the bottom center of the motor frame
or housing permits removal of accumulated moisture. Drain regularly.


Top bearings — high external thrust from the driven unit is usually carried by he top bearing or
bearings. If replacement is necessary, the new bearing must be the same size and type as the orig-
inal. Duplex bearings must also be the same type and mounted in an identical manner. When
angular contact type bearings are replaced, the new bearing must have the same thrust capacity.

Bottom bearings — grease lubricated lower bearings adequately lubricated at the factory for at
least three months operation. The relubrication procedure is the same as outlined above under
“Bearing Lubrication.” It is important to maintain the lower cavity full of grease at all times.

The correct replacement bearings are given on the nameplate by AFBMA (Anti-Friction Bearing
Manufacturers Association) number.

For immediate action on your motor problems call your certified service center or contact your
nearest Siemens District Office.

Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.

Industrial Products Division
14000 Dineen Drive
Little Rock, Arkansas 72206
Induction Motors
© 2001 Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. Bulletin NMIM-L1000 143-449 Frame NMIM-L1000
10M 7/01TI Printed in U.S.A.
NEMA Motor Data

Ordering data 1LE2421-4DB11-2EA4

Client-order-no. / : Item-no. / :
Order-no. / : Consignment-no. / :
Offer-no. / : Project / :
Remarks / :

Nameplate Data Bearing Data

Type SD100 IEEE841 - NEMA Premium Efficiency DE Bearing Size 6316 Z C3

HP 75.0 Rating Cont. DE Bearing Type Ball Bearing

Voltage 380, 50HZ Ins. Class Class F (Standard) DE AFBMA 80BC03JP3

Amps 106.0 S.F. 1.15

ODE Bearing Size 6316 Z C3
FL RPM 1490.0 Amb. Temp. 40 deg C
ODE Bearing Type Ball Bearing
FL Efficiency 94.6% Temp. Rise Class B


ODE AFBMA 80BC03JP3 Mtr WT 1625.0

Mechanical Data

Hertz 50 Ph 3 SAFE STALL TIME HOT (s) 20.0

COLD (s) 25.0

Typical Performance Data

Load No Load 1/2 3/4 Full Load LRC Rtr wt (lbs) 489.7 Rtr WK2 39.2

Efficiency 95.6 % 95.8 % 95.4 % FLT (ft-lbs) 368.0 LRT 589.0 BDT 736.0

Power Factor 78.0 % 85.0 % 87.0 % Ext Load Inertia (WK2) Capability 1570.0
Current (A) 54.0 A 106.0 A 908.0 A

Typical Noise Data

A-weighted Sound Octave Band Center Frequencies Hertz (Hz)

Pressure Level 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 SPL 75.0

at 3 feet 0.0 53.0 64.0 73.0 68.0 66.0 61.0 51.0 SPwrL 86.0

Wiring Connection Information Special configurations :

Description 3 PHASE - 3 LEAD - DELTA 4100 meter altitude

Voltage L1 L2 L3 Connected
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
HIGH T1 T2 T3 -- -- --

Lubrication Information

Manufacturer Mobil Polyrex EM or equal

Type Polyurea (standard)

DE Capacity (oz.) 7,5

ODEnd Capacity (oz.) 7,5

Relubricate bearings every six months (more frequent if conditions

require). See Instruction Manual.

Technical and ordering data are subject to change. There may be discrepancies between calculated and rating plate values. Version: 2010.05.18
generiert / generated Mon Feb 13 21:57:19
NEMA Motor Data

Ordering data 1LE2421-2AB11-2EA3

Client-order-no. / : Item-no. / :
Order-no. / : Consignment-no. / :
Offer-no. / : Project / :
Remarks / :

Nameplate Data Bearing Data

Type SD100 IEEE841 - NEMA Premium Efficiency DE Bearing Size 6208 Z C3

HP 5.0 Rating Cont. DE Bearing Type Ball Bearing

Voltage 380V, 50HZ Ins. Class Class F (Standard) DE AFBMA 40BC02JP3

Amps 7.9 S.F. 1.15

ODE Bearing Size 6208 Z C3
FL RPM 1471.0 Amb. Temp. 40 deg C
ODE Bearing Type Ball Bearing
FL Efficiency 89.5 % Temp. Rise Class B
FRAME 213TC kVA Code J


ODE AFBMA 40BC02JP3 Mtr WT 206.0

Mechanical Data

Hertz 50 Ph 3 SAFE STALL TIME HOT (s) 25.0

COLD (s) 42.0

Typical Performance Data

Load No Load 1/2 3/4 Full Load LRC Rtr wt (lbs) 42.1 Rtr WK2 0.803

Efficiency 89.2 % 90.0 % 89.5 % FLT (ft-lbs) 22.0 LRT 60.0 BDT 100.0

Power Factor 60.5 % 72.3 % 78.9 % Ext Load Inertia (WK2) Capability 80.0
Current (A) 3.7 A 7.9 A 63.0 A

Typical Noise Data

A-weighted Sound Octave Band Center Frequencies Hertz (Hz)

Pressure Level 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 SPL 67.0

at 3 feet 0.0 40.0 58.0 62.0 64.0 59.0 53.0 44.0 SPwrL 77.0

Wiring Connection Information Special configurations :

Description 3 PHASE - 3 LEAD - WYE 4100 meters altitude

Voltage L1 L2 L3 Connected
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
HIGH T1 T2 T3 -- -- --

Lubrication Information

Manufacturer Mobil Polyrex EM or equal

Type Polyurea (standard)

DE Capacity (oz.) 0,3

ODEnd Capacity (oz.) 0,3

Relubricate bearings every six months (more frequent if conditions

require). See Instruction Manual.

Technical and ordering data are subject to change. There may be discrepancies between calculated and rating plate values. Version: 2010.05.18
generiert / generated Mon Feb 13 21:39:26
Power Unit APAC-4.3
Engineering Manual Optional Components
6-9-2005, NEW

Filter, double
Hägglunds, FLND series

The filters are a drain/return line flow filter, with a bypass valve and an electrical/visual contamina-
tion indicator (see APAC-3.6). The oil flow through the filter is according to the picture above. Single
(standard) or duplex (optional) filters can be chosen. A single filter has one filter element and a
duplex filter has two filter elements but only one element is used at a time.
On duplex filters the filter elements can easily be replaced without interrupting operation. The handle
is always at the same side as the filter element that is not in operation.
The filter elements are Beta-stable (see “separation characteristics” chart), has a multi layered struc-
ture and are resistant against HFA, HFB and HFC fluids. The filer element materials are folded into a
pleated star pattern in order to obtain as large a filter area as possible.
The opening pressure for the bypass valve is 43 psid (3 bar).

Test Certificate
The filter elements are tested in accordance with the following international standards:
• Method for testing the end-cap load ISO 3723.
• Testing of filter performance (Multi-Pass-Test) ISO 4572.

The filter elements are manufactured in accordance with the following international standards:

Item Standard
Verification of collapse/burst resistance ISO 2941
Determination of fabrication integrity ISO 2942
Verification of material compatibility with hydraulic fluids ISO 2943
Verification of flow fatigue characteristics ISO 3724
Evaluation pf pressure drop versus flow ISO 3968.2

The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before ordering.
Hägglunds Drives Inc. 2275 International Street, Columbus OH 43228 (4)
Power Unit APAC-4.3
Engineering Manual Optional Components
6-9-2005, NEW

Part Material
Filter complete: Filter head Aluminum alloy
Filter bowl Aluminum
Seals Nitrile rubber
Filter element: Filter Inorganic glass fibre material
End shields Tin plated
Inside tube Tin plated
Filter switch: Filter switch See chapter: “Filter switch”

Service Life
The service life of the filter elements depend on the degree of contamination of the oil. The filter ele-
ments will be changed:
• According to the maintenance chart (see the installation and maintenance manual).
• If the contamination indicator indicates that the filter element is contaminated.
• When there is a large breakdown in the hydraulic system.

Separation Characteristics

Beta ratio determined by muli-pass test


Beta ratio


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Particle size in µm

The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before ordering.
Hägglunds Drives Inc. 2275 International Street, Columbus OH 43228 (4)
Power Unit APAC-4.3
Engineering Manual Optional Components
6-9-2005, NEW

Pressure Drop Calculations

To calculate the pressure drop of a filter assembly use the equation:
DP Assembly = DP Housing + DP Element

Housing Curves
The housing curve is based on test results using mineral oil with a specific gravity of 0.86. Differential
pressure increases in proportion to specific gravity of applicable fluid. To adjust the housing DP for the
fluid being used, use the equation:

Actual Specific Gravity

DP Housing = DP Curve x

The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before ordering.
Hägglunds Drives Inc. 2275 International Street, Columbus OH 43228 (4)
Power Unit APAC-4.3
Engineering Manual Optional Components
6-9-2005, NEW

Element DP Calculations
All elements curves are based on test results using mineral oil with a kinematic viscosity of 141 SUS
and a specific gravity of 0.86. The differential pressure across the element changes proportionally to
the viscosity and specific gravity.
Actual Specific Gravity Actual Viscosity (SUS)
DP Element = DP Curve x x
0.86 141

The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before ordering.
Hägglunds Drives Inc. 2275 International Street, Columbus OH 43228 (4)
Power Unit APAC-3.6
Engineering Manual Standard Components
5-5-2008, Replaces 5-31-2005

Filter Indicator
Hägglunds P/N (seals included): 478 3233-644
Seal kit only: 478 3233-651

The contamination indicator is mounted on the oil filter assembly and indicates when the filter element
must be changed. Both a visual and an electrical indication is obtained. When the level of contamina-
tion in the filter element increases the pressure drop across the element will increase. Indication takes
place at a differential pressure of 32 psi (2.2 bar). The visual indicator is reset automatically. There is
a lock-out device (thermo switch) to prevent electrical indication at the start (low oil temperature). The
signal is released at 86°F (30°C) and reset at 68°F (20°C).

Technical Information
• Maximum Voltage: 250 VAC, 24 VDC
• Maximum Contact Current: 2.5 A
• Maximum Contact Load: 60 VA / 40 W
• Connection: DIN 43650 / ISO 4400

Protection Class
• IP 65

• Housing: Aluminum Alloy, Steel, Polymid
• Seals: Nitrile

The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before ordering.
Hägglunds Drives Inc. 2275 International Street, Columbus OH 43228 (1)

• Copper Alloy Bourden Tube
• Dual Scales
• Built in Relief Valve
• Operating Temperatures
Ambient -40F to 1400F (-200C to 600C)
Media 1400F (+600C)
• Acrylic Lens
• Accuracy +- 1.5% of Full Scale
• Built in Snubber

• 21/2" or 4" Diameter Available

• Forged Brass Case Available

in 21/2" Version.
• Stainless Steel Case Available
in 21/2" and 4" Version.
• Front Flange
• Custom Dials & Pressure Gauges Available
on Special Request.









STEM PANEL STEM PANEL STEM in 2.5 2.1 1.2 0.51 0.26 - -
30” Hg - 0 psi • • mm 63 53 31 13 6.5 - -
15” Hg - 30 psi •
PANEL MOUNT in 2.5 2.8 2.4 1.2 0.26 - -
30” Hg - 30 psi • • 2 1/2”
U-BOLT mm 63 72 62 31 6.5 - -
0 - 30 psi •
0 - 60 psi • • • SPG PANEL MOUNT in 3.3 2.9 2.5 2.44 1.2 0.08 0.08
2 1/2”
0 - 160 psi • • • FRONT FLANGE mm 85 75 63 62 31 2 2
0 - 300 psi • • • • in 4.2 3.4 1.85 0.3 0.64 - -
0 - 600 psi • • • • • STEM MOUNT 4”
mm 107 86 47 7.5 16.3 - -
0 - 1000 psi • • • • •
0 - 1500 psi • • • • • PANEL MOUNT in 4.2 4.25 3.15 1.85 0.3 - -
0 - 2000 psi • • • • U-BOLT mm 107 108 80 47 7.5 - -
0 - 3000 psi • • • • • PANEL MOUNT 2 1/2” in 5.2 4.7 4.2 3.15 1.85 0.05 0.3

0 - 5000 psi • • • • • FRONT FLANGE mm 132 118 107 80 47 1.25 7.5
0 - 6000 psi •
in 2.5 2.13 1.5 0.44 0.50 - -
0 - 7500 psi • WPG STEM MOUNT 2 1/2”
0 - 10000 psi • • • • mm 63.5 54 38 11 12.2 - -


SPG 63 1500 S -

-30" HG-30 3030
0-30 0030
0-160* 0160
0-300 0300
0-600* 0600 FF FRONT FLANGE
0-1000* 1000
0-1500* 1500
0-3000* 3000
63 - 2 1/2" S STEM – NPT
0-5000* 5000
100 - 4" 0-6000 6000 P PANEL – NPT
0-7500 7500 SU STEM – 7/16-20 UNF
0-10,000 10000
PU PANEL – 7/16-20 UNF
* UNF only available in these ranges


Order No.
G1 G1 G2 H SW


G1/4 G1/4 42 19 EMV-G1/4-P-OR-PC EMV-G1/4-V-OR-VC

G1/4 G1/2 47 19 EMV-G1/4/G1/2-P-OR-PC EMV-G1/4/G1/2-V-OR-VC
G1/2 G1/4 51 27 EMV-G1/2/G1/4-P-OR-PC EMV-G1/2/G1/4-V-OR-VC
G1/2 G1/2 55,5 27 EMV-G1/2-P-OR-PC EMV-G1/2-V-OR-VC


The HYDAC FSA-Visual Fluid
Level indicators and FSK-
Electrical Fluid Level Indicators
are used for monitoring fluid
levels and temperature in various
types of reservoirs. Typical
applications are hydraulic system
reservoirs and lubricating, cutting
and cooling fluid tanks. Visual and
Electrical Fluid Level Indicators
are suitable for service in mineral
oils and phosphate-ester based
hydraulic fluids. For Water Glycols
and High Water based fluids, the
sight tube must be ordered in
glass construction. Fluid Level
Indicators can be supplied with
various types of thermometers:
Built-in Tube (FSA only), Dial
Gauge with Thermometer Probe
or Electrical Thermo-Switch.

• Attractive appearance
• Transparent Polyamide sight tube
• Thermometers furnished with
dual range for both Celsius and
• Simple and rugged construction
• Available in several sizes
• Choice of seals
• Easy mounting
• Available with Thermo-Switch
DESCRIPTION controls the oil temperature in the
hydraulic reservoir. The Thermo
The HYDAC FSA Visual Fluid Level Switch opens when the nominal
Indicator is available in five sizes. temperature is reached. The switch
The HYDAC FSK Electrical Fluid closes when the temperature is
Level Indicator is available in four approximately 36˚F (20˚ below
sizes and provides an electrical nominal temperature.)
signal at a low fluid level. This
reliable magnetically-operated
reed relay circuit is available in
two single pole single throw
(SPST) contact arrangements:
normally closed (type “O”) or
normally open (type “C”). The
HYDAC TS Thermo-Switch
Thermo Switch Switch Mounting
Code Temperature Thread
Mounting Thread TS50 50˚C/122˚F M 12
FSK or FSA................M 12 or M 10 TS60 60˚C/140˚F M 12
TS ...................................M 12 only TS70 70˚C/158˚F M 12
TS80 80˚C/176˚F M 12
Housing............Anodized Alumnum
Sight Tube............Polyamide,Glass
Seals................Fluorocarbon, NBR MODEL CODE
Fluid Temperature FS A -127- 1 . 1 - - T - 12 -
-4˚F/-20˚C to176˚F/80˚C
Maximum Pressure Fluid Level Indicator
14.5 PSI (1 BAR)
Thermometer A = Visual
Type T K = Electrical
(FSA only)
68˚F/20˚C to 176˚F/80˚C Size (Mounting Hole Centers)
Type FT 76 = 3 inches (FSA Only)
32˚F/0˚C to 212˚F/100˚C 127 = 5 inches
176 = 7 inches
Bolting Torque 254 = 10 inches
Max. 8 LB-FT+1 (10 Nm +2) 381 = 15 inches
see installation instructions on page 4
Electric Switch Seals
1 = NBR (FSA)
2 = Fluorocarbon (FSA and FSK)
2 2
3 3 Modification Number
1 1 1 = FSA (Determined by Manufacturer)
3 = FSK (Determined by Manufacturer)

Electrical Switch
(omit) = For FSA
Contact Ratings.................Max. 8W “C”(SPST) = Normally open at Normal Level
Maximium Voltage.....50 VAC or DC “O”(SPST) = Normally closed at Normal Level
Maximum Current...............200 mA
Connection 3 not used Thermometer
TYPE C TYPE O T = Built-in Tube (FSA Only)
Normally Normally FT 200 = Probe Thermometer (200mm-7.87”LG)
Open Closed FT 300 = Probe Thermometer (300mm-11.87”LG)
TS = Thermo Switch (See Chart Above)
Hex Head Bolt
12 = M12 Bolt (Standard)
10 = M10 Bolt (Optional)(Not Available with TS)
Contacts are Contacts are Sight Tube
closed at lower open at lower (omit) = Polyamide construction (not suitable for water glycols or high water
level of fluid level of fluid based fluids)
Thermo Switch Glass = Glass construction-Special Order for FSA Only. Not Available with
When ordering probe thermometer separately, please order one (1) drilled bolt, item
12, in spare parts list.
1 2
See installation procedures on page 4 to determine whether a washer is needed.
If a washer is needed, order part # 00001689

Switching Outputs 10.0 A/50 V-1 cycles

2.5 A/50 V-10,000 cycles
0.5 A/50 V-100,000 cycles
Minimum Current 50 mA
N/C Contact
Fluid Level Indicator Fluid Level Indicator/Switch
max. .31
max. 8 max. .31 1.10
max. 8 28
.79 .20 1.34
20 5 34

M 12 or
M 10 M 12 or
M 10


ø.51 (13mm) or CLEARANCE HOLE
ø.43 (11mm) ºC ºF ø.51 (13mm) or
80- -180
ø.43 (11mm)
70- -160
60- -140
50- -120 L2 L2
40- -100
30- -80 LEVEL
-10- -20


.79 20
20 5 1.34


Size L L1 L2 Size L L2
inch 4.25 1.46 2.99 inch 8.07 5.00
76 127
mm 108 37 76 mm 205 127
inch 6.26 2.99 5.00 inch 10.00 6.93
127 176
mm 159 76 127 mm 254 176
inch 8.19 4.92 6.93 inch 13.07 10.00
176 254
mm 208 125 176 mm 332 254
inch 11.26 7.99 10.00 inch 18.27 15.00
254 381
mm 286 203 254 mm 464 381
inch 16.26 12.99 15.00
mm 413 330 381

Thermo Switch - TS FSA or FSK

Detail of Lower Connection WIth Optional Probe Thermometer (FT)

.67 SQ
SW 17
M 12



7.87" or 11.87"
200 or 300
.63 3.62
16 92

Recommended Installation Process
1. Drill mounting holes according to dimension L2 on page 3.
Mounting hole diameter is dependent on the bolt selected in the model code. see pages 2 & 3
2. Torque the Nut, item 9, to 8+ 1 LB-FT. If it is not possible to torque the nut, the bolt head must be torqued. To avoid
damaging the indicator a washer is recommended to be used under the bolt head.
This washer is available from HYDAC: Part Number 00001689.
Washer Dimensions: OD 18.8 mm, ID 13.10 mm, 0.5 mm thick

Spare Parts


10 1

© Copyright 2001 HYDAC TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION - Brochure - Fluid Level Indicators FSA/FSK #02068184 / 9.02
9 13

7 14

Quanity Quanity
Item Description FSA FSK
1 Housing 1 1
2 Name Plate 1 -
3 Tube 1 1
4 O-Ring 13x2.5 2 2
5 Tube Connector 2 2
6 O-Ring 12.3x2.4 2 2
7 Sealing Washer 2 2
8 Hex Bolt 2 2
9 Hex Nut 2 2
10 Thermometer in Indicator Tube 1 -
11 Probe Thermometer (see page 3) 1 1
12 Hex Bolt for Probe Thermometer 1 1
13 Magnetic Float - 1
14 Base Assembly with Type “C” Switch - 1
15 Base Assembly with Type “O” Switch - 1
16 Washer (optional - see note 2 above) 1 1


2260 City Line Road • Bethlehem, PA 18017
Phone (610) 266-0100 • Fax (610) 264-3540
www.hydacusa.com • powerup@hydacusa.com
Breather & Filler Breather Overview
Breather Max. Flow Element Connection Notes
BF...3/4 35/10 SCFM 3 or 10 µm Threaded Carbon Steel with External Epoxy Coating
250/80 GPM phenolic resin 1/4 to 3/4” BSPP and Zinc Plated Internals
impregnated paper (male) Pressurized (optional)

page 84
BF...30 25 SCFM 3 or 10 µm Threaded Durable Synthetic Material (PA 6)
200 GPM phenolic resin 3/8 to 3/4” BSPP Pressurized (optional)
impregnated paper (male)

page 85
BF...7 65 SCFM 3 or 10 µm Threaded Durable Synthetic Material (PA 6)
500 GPM phenolic resin 1” BSPP with optional differential gauge
impregnated paper (male)
page 86
BL... & BLT... 110 SCFM 3 or 10 µm Threaded, Flanged, Spin-on elements (BL...)
850 GPM phenolic resin or Welded Dehumidifying element (BLT...)
impregnated paper

page 88
BD... (Drymicron) 100 SCFM 2µm Threaded, Silica Gel Desiccant adsorbs water
750 GPM Disposable Flanged, or then changes color to indicate
Bayonet when breather should be changed

page 91
BF...5 220 SCFM 3 or 10 µm Threaded Carbon Steel
1600 GPM phenolic resin 2 1/2” BSPP
impregnated paper (female)
page 87

Filler/Breather Max. Flow Element Connection Notes

ELF...3/4 35/10 SCFM 3 or 10 µm 6 hole flange/ Carbon Steel with External Epoxy Coating
250/80 GPM phenolic resin Bayonet and Zinc Plated Internals
impregnated paper Lockable models available
Pressurized (optional)
page 79

ELF...30 25 SCFM 3 or 10 µm 6 hole flange/ Durable Synthetic Material (PA 6)

200 GPM phenolic resin Threaded Pressurized (optional)
impregnated paper

page 81

ELF...7 65 SCFM 3 or 10 µm 6 hole flange/ Durable Synthetic Material (PA 6)

500 GPM phenolic resin Threaded with optional differential gauge
impregnated paper
page 82

ELF...5 220 SCFM 3 or 10 µm Threaded Carbon Steel

1600 GPM phenolic resin 2 1/2” or 3” BSPP
impregnated paper (weld rings available)
page 83

Sizing: Maximum Flow is the greater of the maximum pump flow rate, or the maximum system return rate into
the reservoir. Flow rates given are based on a 0.6 psi initial pressure drop with a clean element in a normal
operating environment. Contact HYDAC for applications in extreme environmental conditions.

77 Accessories Catalog
Breathers & Filler Breather Technical Overview
Importance of Breathers
Breathers are a integral component in any Hydraulic system. Breathers provide protection from contamination found in harsh industrial
environments. It is well advised to address both contaminant exclusion and removal. An old rule of thumb states that it cost 10 times
as much to REMOVE a particle from your system as it does to EXCLUDE it. Since this is true, it is easy to see that the benefits of
using a high quality breather greatly out-weigh the costs.

1) HYDAC recommends selecting a breather with a filtration rating (micron rating)
that is equivalent to or finer than your finest system filter.
2) Breathers do get clogged over time. HYDAC recommends the following change-out schedules:
For breathers without pressure gauges
• Change you breather annually or with every service interval
For breathers with pressure gauges
• Change your breathers at a 3 psi pressure drop, at 7 psi pressure drop the pump can cavitate

HYDAC High Quality Breathers

All HYDAC Breathers use HIGH quality filtration.
• For 3µm breathers: d100 = 3 µm
(refer to Engineering Data on page 90 for details)
• For 10µm breathers: d100 = 10 µm
Elements are made of phenolic resin impregnated paper, which provides resistance to moisture, ensuring proper filtration over the
operational service life of your breather.

Pressurized Breathers
The use of pressurized breathers adds certain benefits:
• Provides additional protection from moisture which can condense in your tank, causing oil degradation and tank erosion
• Provides positive pressure to pump suction line
• Increased breather service life due to less breathing
• Performs anti-splash function

Tank Pressure Tank Pressure

Using a Standard Breather Using a Pressurized Breather
Positive Pressure Positive Pressure Above Cracking Pressure
Tank Pressure

Tank Pressure

(tank breathes out) (tank breathes out)

Cracking Pressure

No Breathing Takes Place Atmospheric
Pressure Pressure

Vacuum Vacuum
(tank breathes in) (tank breathes in)

Time Time
When fluid level rises, the tank pressure rises When fluid level rises, the existing air volume is
and air is immediately expelled through the compressed, and no air is expelled until the cracking
breather whenever positive pressure exists. pressure is surpassed.

When fluid level lowers, the tank pressure drops When fluid level lowers, the tank pressure drops
and air is immediately drawn in through the breather until a vacuum is created at which point, air will be
whenever a vacuum exists. drawn in through the breather.

Air is constantly moving through the breather Air is only expelled when the tank pressure is
in order to maintain atmospheric pressure. above the cracking pressure, and air is only
drawn in below atmospheric pressure.
The majority of the operational cycle will take place
between these two conditions.

1-877-GO HYDAC Accessories Catalog 78

ELF...3 & ELF...4 Series Filler Breathers
Specifications: Dimensions: 2.66"
• Maximum flow rate: 35 SCFM/250 GPM ø D2
Tab Thickness
ø D1 57.5mm 0.08"
• Epoxy coated steel cap 2mm
• Zinc-plated internals
H3 1.22"
• 3 or 10 micron 31mm
• 500 micron plastic filler basket
Self-tapping Screw 0.83"
• Bayonet connection to access fill port M5 x 10 (DIN 963) Ø 8mm 21mm
• Installs via 6 bolt circle (bolts included)
• Locking tabs (optional)
• Pressurized breather
ø D3
with relief valve (optional - ELF3 only)
Mounting Hole Patterns
Hydraulic Symbols: ELF 3
(Flange Interface to DIN 24557/T2) 0.18"
(3 places)

Ø 2.36" Ø 1.18" Ø 1.63"

60mm Ø 2.87"
73mm 30mm 41.3mm

with relief valve (ELF3 only) standard ø
(6 places)

Size D1 D2 D3 H1 H2 H3
2.99” 3.27” 2.05” 6.26” 3.80” 2.46”
76mm 83mm 52mm 159mm 96.5mm 62.5mm
1.73” 1.97” 1.10” 5.32” 3.21” 2.11”
44mm 50mm 28mm 135mm 81.5mm 53.5mm

Model Code: ELF...3/4

ELF P 3 F 3 W 1 . 0 / .
Filter Type
ELF = Filler Breather
ELFL = Lockable Filler Breather (not available for size 4)
Filter Element Material
P = Phenolic Resin Impregnated Paper
3 = 35 SCFM (250 GPM) Max.
4 = 10 SCFM (80 GPM) Max.
Type of Connection
F = Flanged
Filtration Rating (micron)
3 = 3µm Air Filtration
10 = 10µm Air Filtration
Gauge Options
W = Without Indicator
1 = ELF 3 and 4
4 = ELF 3 RV; Relief Cracking Pressure 10 psi; Reseat Pressure 6 psi
5 = ELF 3 RV; Relief Cracking Pressure 13 psi; Reseat Pressure 10 psi
6 = ELF 3 RV; Relief Cracking Pressure 6 psi; Reseat Pressure 3 psi
Modification Number (standard)
Supplementary Details
RV = Relief Valve (for use on Pressurized Tanks; ELFP3 only)
SO169H3.5 = 3.5 inch plated steel filler basket
SO169H6 = 6 inch plated steel filler basket (ELFP3 only)
SO169H8 = 8 inch plated steel filler basket
Model Codes containing selections listed in red italics are non-standard items – Minimum quantities may apply – Contact HYDAC for information and availability
Not all combinations are available

79 Accessories Catalog
ELF 3 Series Filler Breather Parts
ELF 3 Breather Caps

Part Model Code Part No.

Breather Cap ELF P 3 CAP 10 W 1.0 W/CHAIN 02080124
Breather Cap
Breather Cap ELF P 3 CAP 10 W 6.0/RV W/CHAIN 02080125
with 6 psi relief valve

6 bolt Bayonet Flange

Self Tapping
Bayonet Flange Kit

M5x10 (DIN 963)

Part Model Code Part No.

Bayonet Flange Bayonet Flange Kit ELF3 BAYONET FLANGE KIT ASSY 00002680
Note: Parts not sold separately
1 for under basket
1 for on top of basket

Part Model Code Part No.

3.5” Steel Filler Basket ELF3 STRAINER BASKET 3.5” PLATED STEEL 02701474
6-bolt Filler Basket
6” Steel Filler Basket ELF3 STRAINER BASKET 6” PLATED STEEL 02701475
8” Steel Filler Basket ELF3 STRAINER BASKET 8” PLATED STEEL 02701441
4” Plastic Filler Basket ELF3 STRAINER BASKET 4” PLASTIC 01202916

Weld Neck Bayonet Flange

Cross Section
Weld Neck
Bayonet Flange

Part Model Code Part No.

Weld Neck ELF3 WELD NECK W/CHAIN 02080126

Reservoir Wall

Drop-in Filler Basket

Part Model Code Part No.
Drop-in Strainer ELF3 WELD NECK STRAINER 02078939

1-877-GO HYDAC Accessories Catalog 80

ELF...30 Series Filler Breathers
Specifications: Dimensions:
• Maximum flow rate - 25 SCFM/200 GPM ø 83mm
ø 81mm
• Durable synthetic material (PA6)
• 3 or 10 micron
• 500 micron plastic filler basket 62mm
• Threaded connection to access fill port
• Installs via 6-bolt circle (bolts included)
• Optional dipstick (contact factory)
• Optional customer logo (contact factory)
• Pressurized breather 185mm Self
with relief valve (optional) approx. Tapping
M5 x 10 (DIN 963)

Hydraulic Symbol:
Mounting Hole Pattern
ELF 30
(Flange Interface to DIN 24557/T2)

with relief valve

Ø 2.36"
60mm Ø 2.874"

(6 places)

Model Code: ELF...30

ELF P 30 F 10 W 1 . X / .
Filter Type
ELF = Filler Breather
Filter Element Material
P = Phenolic Resin Impregnated Paper
Type of Connection
F = Flanged
Filtration Rating (micron)
3 = 3µm Air Filtration
10 = 10µm Air Filtration
Gauge Options
W = Without Indicator
1 = Flanged Connection to DIN 24557/T2
Modification Number (standard)
Supplementary Details
(omit) = standard
RV0.4 = Relief Cracking Pressure 6 psi; Reseat Pressure 3 psi

Model Codes containing selections listed in red italics are non-standard items – Minimum quantities may apply – Contact HYDAC for information and availability
Not all combinations are available

81 Accessories Catalog
ELF...7 Series Filler Breathers
Specifications: Dimensions:
• Maximum flow rate - 65 SCFM/500 GPM
• Durable synthetic material (PA6) ELF 7
• 3 or 10 micron
• 500 micron plastic filler basket Gauge
• Replaceable element
• Threaded connection to access fill port ø 4.72"
• Installs via 6-bolt circle (bolts included) 120mm

• Differential gauge (optional)

2.36" Clearance Required

Replacement Elements 60mm For Element Removal
Micron Model Code Part No.
ø 4.57"
3 0007L003P 00310948 116mm
10 0007L010P 00310485 1.73"
Hydraulic Symbols:

Mounting Hole Pattern 3.31"

(Flange Interface to DIN 24557/T2) 84mm

with gauge ø 2.36" ø 2.87" 181mm
60mm 73mm Counter Sunk
3.82" Slotted Screw
ø 0.18" M5 x 10 (DIN 963)
(6 places)

ø 1.93"
without gauge

Model Code: ELF...7

ELF P 7 F 10 K 1 . 0.
Filter Type
ELF = Filler Breather
Filter Element Material
P = Phenolic Resin Impregnated Paper
Type of Connection
F = Flanged
Filtration Rating (micron)
3 = 3µm Air Filtration
10 = 10µm Air Filtration
Gauge Options
W = Without Indicator
K = With Gauge (Range: -14.5 to 9 psi)
1 = (standard)
Modification Number (standard)

Model Codes containing selections listed in red italics are non-standard items – Minimum quantities may apply – Contact HYDAC for information and availability
Not all combinations are available

1-877-GO HYDAC Accessories Catalog 82

ELF...5 Series Filler Breathers
Specifications: Dimensions:
• Maximum flow rate - 220 SCFM/1600 GPM 3.54" Clearance Required
90mm For Element Removal
• Steel element housing
• 240 mm Zinc-plated metal filler basket ø 6.97"
• 3 or 10 micron
• Replaceable element 4.13"
• Removable Lid to access fill port 105mm

• Installs via threaded connection

(weld ring optional)
0.98" 3.54"
25mm 90mm
9.45" 350mm

Replacement Elements 68mm
Micron Model Code Part No. (ELF5...3.0)

3 0005L003P 00309450 G2 1/2

10 0005L010P 00306097
Weld Rings Weld Ring
Size Model Code Part No. 71mm
G 2 1/2 RING WELD ELF 5 G 21/2 02065053 3.46"
Reservoir opening Ø (ELF5...2.0)
G3 RING WELD ELF 5 G 3 02065054 for weld ring
Ø (ELF5...3.0)

Model Code: ELF...5

ELF P 5 F 3 W 1 . 0 / .
Filter Type
ELF = Filler Breather
Filter Element Material
P = Phenolic Resin Impregnated Paper
Type of Connection
G = Threaded (matching threaded weld ring available see supplementary details below)
Filtration Rating (micron)
3 = 3µm Air Filtration
10 = 10µm Air Filtration
Gauge Options
W = Without Indicator
Connection Type
2 = ELF 5 with G 2 1/2 threaded connection
3 = ELF 5 with G 3 threaded connection
Modification Number (standard)
Supplementary Details
NO WELD RING = without weld ring
W/ WELD RING = with weld ring

Model Codes containing selections listed in red italics are non-standard items – Minimum quantities may apply – Contact HYDAC for information and availability
Not all combinations are available

83 Accessories Catalog
BF...3 & BF...4 Series Breathers
Specifications: Dimensions:
• Maximum flow rate - 35 SCFM/250 GPM
• Epoxy coated steel cap
ø D1
• Zinc-plated internals
• 3 or 10 micron
• Threaded connection
• Pressurized breather H1
with relief valve (optional - BF3 only)

Hydraulic Symbols: HEX

Size D1 D2 (male) H1 H3 HEX

BF 3...1.0 2.99” G 3/4 3.11” 0.63” 1 7/16”
with relief valve (BF3 only) Ø 76mm
BF 3...RV (ISO 228) 79mm 16mm 36mm
2.99” G 3/8 2.83” 0.47” 7/8”
BF 3...2.0 Ø 76mm (ISO 228) 72mm 12mm 22mm
2.99” G 1/2 2.99” 0.55” 1 1/16”
BF 3...3.0 Ø 76mm (ISO 228) 76mm 14mm 27mm
1.73” G 1/4 2.44” 0.53” 11/16”
standard BF 4...1.0 Ø 44mm (ISO 228) 62mm 13.5mm 17mm

Model Code: BF...3 & BF...4

BF P 3 G 10 W 1 . 0 / __
Filter Type
BF = Breather
Filter Element Material
P = Phenolic Resin Impregnated Paper
3 = 35 SCFM (250 GPM) Max.
4 = 10 SCFM (80 GPM) Max.
Type of Connection
G = Threaded
Filtration Rating (micron)
3 = 3µm Air Filtration
10 = 10µm Air Filtration
Gauge Options
W = Without Indicator
Tank Thread Connection (ISO 228)
1 = BF3
3/4 = G
1 = BF4
1/4 = G
2 = BF3
3/8 = G
3 = BF3
1/2 = G
4 = BF3 = G
3/4 with RV Relief Valve (Relief Cracking Pressure 10 psi) Reseat Pressure 6 psi
5 = BF3 = G
3/4 with RV Relief Valve (Relief Cracking Pressure 13 psi) Reseat Pressure 10 psi
6 = BF3 = G
3/4 with RV Relief Valve (Relief Cracking Pressure 6 psi) Reseat Pressure 3 psi
Modification Number (standard)
Supplementary Details
(omit) = (standard)
RV = Relief Valve (For Use on Pressurized Tanks)(BF3P only)
Model Codes containing selections listed in red italics are non-standard items – Minimum quantities may apply – Contact HYDAC for information and availability
Not all combinations are available

1-877-GO HYDAC Accessories Catalog 84

BF...30 Series Breathers
Specifications: Dimensions:
• Maximum flow rate - 25 SCFM/200 GPM
ø 81mm
• Durable synthetic material (PA6)
• 3 or 10 micron
• Threaded breather connection
• Optional dipstick (contact factory) 56mm
• Optional customer logo (contact factory)
• Pressurized breather 14mm SW32 (Types 1 & 2)
with relief valve (optional) SW46 (Type 3)

Hydraulic Symbol: G 3/4 male

(ISO 228)

with relief valve


Model Code: BF...30

BF P 30 G 10 W 1 . X / .
Filter Type
BF = Breather
Filter Element Material
P = Phenolic Resin Impregnated Paper
Type of Connection
G = Threaded
Filtration Rating (micron)
3 = 3µm Air Filtration
10 = 10µm Air Filtration
Gauge Options
W = Without Indicator
1 = G 3/4
Modification Number (standard)
Supplementary Details
(omit) = standard
RV0.4 = Relief Cracking Pressure 6 psi; Reseat Pressure 3 psi

Model Codes containing selections listed in red italics are non-standard items – Minimum quantities may apply – Contact HYDAC for information and availability
Not all combinations are available

85 Accessories Catalog
BF...7 Series Breathers
Specifications: Dimensions:
• Maximum flow rate - 65 SCFM/500 GPM
• Durable synthetic material Optional
• 3 or 10 micron Gauge
• Replaceable element
• Threaded breather cap connection ø 4.72"
• Differential gauge (optional)

Replacement Elements
Micron Model Code Part No. 2.36" Clearance Required for
3 0007L003P 00310948
60mm Element Removal
10 0007L010P 00310485
ø 4.57"
Hydraulic Symbols: 44mm


with gauge
1 5/8"
G 1"
ISO 228
without gauge

Model Code: BF...7

BF P 7 G 10 K 1 . 0
Filter Type
BF = Breather
Filter Element Material
P = Impregnated Paper
Type of Connection
G = Threaded
Filtration Rating (micron)
3 = 3µm Air Filtration
10 = 10µm Air Filtration
Gauge Options
W = Without Indicator
K = With Gauge (Range: -14.5 to 9 psi)
Tank Thread Connection (ISO 228)
1 = G1
Modification Number (standard)

Model Codes containing selections listed in red italics are non-standard items – Minimum quantities may apply – Contact HYDAC for information and availability
Not all combinations are available

1-877-GO HYDAC Accessories Catalog 86

BF...5 Series Breathers
Specifications: Dimensions:
• Maximum flow rate - 220 SCFM/1600 GPM
• Steel housing 3.54"
• 3 or 10 micron Clearance
• Replaceable element Required
• G2 1/2 female threaded connection ø 6.97" For
177mm Element
Replacement Elements
Micron Model Code Part No. 4.21"
3 0005L003P 00309450 107mm
10 0005L010P 00306097

G 2 1/2"
Hydraulic Symbol: (ISO 228)

Model Code
BF P 5 G 10 W 1 . 0
Filter Type
BF = Breather
Filter Element Material
P = Phenolic Resin Impregnated Paper
Type of Connection
G = Threaded
Filtration Rating (micron)
3 = 3µm Air Filtration
10 = 10µm Air Filtration
Gauge Options
W = Without Indicator
Tank Thread Connection (ISO 228)
1 = G 2 1/2 (standard)
Modification Number (standard)

Model Codes containing selections listed in red italics are non-standard items – Minimum quantities may apply – Contact HYDAC for information and availability
Not all combinations are available

87 Accessories Catalog
BL Series Spin-on Breathers
Specifications: Dimensions:
• Maximum flow rate H3
Clearance needed
110 SCFM/850 GPM for removal Ø D1
• 3 or 10 micron Mounting Hole Pattern for Flange Connection (F)
(Flange Interface to DIN 24557/T2)
• Steel Canister
• 10 micron Betamicron® 2.87"
ø 73mm ø
• Replaceable element H2

H1 ø 0.18"
(6 places)
Hydraulic Symbol:


F Connection G Connection S Connection

Size D1 D2 D3 H1 (F or S) H1 (G) H2 H3
3.67” 7” 5.4” 0.75”
BL...80 3/4” NPT 1”-12UNF-2B -
Ø 93mm 178mm 137mm 19mm
5.00” 9.25” 8.75” 7” 1.00”
BL...160 1 1/4” NPT 1 1/2”-16UN-2B
Ø 127mm 235mm 222mm 178mm 25.4mm
5.00” 13.25” 12.75” 11” 1.00”
BL...180 1 1/4” NPT 1 1/2”-16UN-2B
Ø 127mm 337mm 324mm 279mm 25.4mm
5.33” 9.25” 8.75” 7” 1.00”
BLT...160 1 1/4” NPT 1 1/2”-16UN-2B
Ø 136mm 235mm 222mm 178mm 25.4mm
Dimensions are for general information only, all critical dimensions should be verified by requesting a certified print.

Model Code: BL... BL P 160 G 10 W 2 . 0

Filter Type
BL = Spin-on Breather
BLT = Spin-on Breather with Dehumidifying Element (size 160 only)(in 3 micron only)
Filter Element Material
P = Impregnated Paper
BN = Betamicron®
M = Desiccant (type BLT only)
080 = 35 SCFM (250 GPM) Max.
160 = 110 SCFM (850 GPM) Max.
180 = 110 SCFM (850 GPM) Max.
Type of Connection
G = Threaded
F = Flanged Available in sizes BL 160 and BL 180 Only
S = Weld Fitting
Filtration Rating (micron)
3 = 3µm Air Filtration (paper only)
10 = 10µm Air Filtration
Gauge Options
W = Without Indicator
Type Number
Size Tank Connection
1 = BLT 160 1 1/4” NPT Thread, Flange, or Weld Fitting
2 = 160/180 1 1/4” NPT Thread, Flange, or Weld Fitting
3 = 080 3/4” NPT Thread
Modification Number (standard)
Model Codes containing red selections are non-standard items – Minimum quantities may apply – Contact HYDAC for information and availability
Not all combinations are available

1-877-GO HYDAC Accessories Catalog 88

BL... Series Breather Components
Replacement Elements
Size 10 micron 3 micron 10 micron 3 micron
Paper Paper Betamicron BLT
0080MA010P 0080MA003P 0080MA010BN
80 N/A
02058058 02058079 02059424
0160MA010P 0160MA003P 0160MA010BN 0160MU003P
02058116 02058114 02059436 01265765
0180MA010P 0180MA003P 0180MA010BN
180 N/A
02058121 02057912 02059440


Fiber Gasket Sold Separately

Order Part Number 00247102

Size G F S
Threaded Adapter Flanged Adapter Welded Adapter
80 N/A N/A

ADAPTER BL 160/180 G 1 1/4” NPT NBR ADAPTER BL 160/180 F (PHOS) ADAPTER BL 160/180 S (PHOS)
02064394 00407646 00416311

89 Accessories Catalog
Engineering Data
Mounting Position: ELF & BF Vertical (max. 30° off vertical axis)
BL, BLT, BLG, & BLS Vertical or Horizontal
Air Filter Material: Phenolic Resin Impregnated Paper
Note: None of the air filter elements can be cleaned.
Fluid Temperature Range: -15° to 250°F (-26° to 121°C)
Based on Nitrile Seals under maximum continuous operating pressure.
Please contact HYDAC for information on extreme low
temperature applications (below -15°F.)
Fluid Compatibility: Compatible with all petroleum oils.
(ISO 2943) Contact HYDAC office for information.

Model lbs. kg.
ELF 3 0.55 0.25
ELF E RV 0.66 0.30
ELF 4 0.44 0.20
ELF 5 (TYPE NO. 2) 5.95 2.70
ELF 5 (TYPE NO. 3) 6.83 3.10
ELF 7 0.84 0.38
BF 3 0.62 0.28
BF 3 RV 0.73 0.33
BF 4 0.18 0.08
BF 5 4.41 2.00
BF 7 0.88 0.40
BL 160 4.63 2.10
BL 80G 1.40 0.60
BL 160G 2.60 1.20
BL 180G 3.48 1.58
BL 160S 3.86 1.75
BL 180S 4.22 1.91
BLT 160 5.31 2.41

Retention Value
x refers to the percentage of particles of a particular size that the breather will filter.
i.e. d80 for a 10µm filter will capture 80% of 10 µm particles

1-877-GO HYDAC Accessories Catalog 90

BD Series Drymicron Operational Features
Bi-directional Air Flow
• Air entering is cleaned and dried. Expelled air partially
regenerates the silica gel and “backflushes” the
particulate filter to prolong the life of the breather.
Durable Construction
• DRYMICRON is manufactured from rugged ABS
plastic and impact-modified Plexiglas.
Water Vapor Adsorbent
• Silica gel is chemically inert, non-toxic, and non-
corrosive. The internal structure is composed of
interconnected microscopic pores that adsorb up to
40% of its weight.
Color Indicator
• When maximum adsorption is reached, the silica gel
turns from gold to green to indicate that replacement
Description of the breather is required.
DRYMICRON breathers use a three-stage filtration

design to ensure optimum protection by removing GOLD

water vapor and solid contaminant before they enter
the fluid system. GREEN
DRYMICRON Breathers replace the standard breather
cap or vent tube on a tank or reservoir. They are easy Safety Sealed
to install using one of several adapters designed for • Seals keep moisture from entering the units until they
different applications. are placed in service. They are easily removed without
When the fluid in the system is lowered, or pressure tools or sharp instruments.
changes occur, air is drawn in through openings under
the breather cap. First, air passes through a fine, 2
Solid Contaminant
micron solid particle filter. The air then passes through Filter (2 µm)
a diffuser to ensure maximum effectiveness within the
Air Diffuser
silica gel chamber.
Next, water vapor is removed as the air travels through
360˚ Air Flow
a bed of silica gel — the highest capacity adsorbent
available. After being dried, the air passes through a
second 2 micron solid particle filter and enters the
reservoir clean and dry!

High Capacity
Advantages Water Vapor
DRYMICRON Breathers protect expensive equipment, Solid Contaminant
increase Filter (2 µm)
operation efficiency, and reduce maintenance costs by:
• eliminating corrosion
• extending life of hydraulic, lubrication, and process

• minimizing component wear,

downtime, and repairs ø 5"
(128 mm)
• eliminating oil oxidation, additive
depletion, and freezing
• extending oil filter life
• Hydraulic Reservoirs
• Gear Boxes BD 100, 200, 400
standard 1" friction fit
• Storage Tanks (see adapter selection guide)
1.25" BD 800
(32 mm) 2"NPT only
(no adapter needed)

91 Accessories Catalog
Product Specifications
Performance Specification
Nominal Air Flow Rate BD 100-400 35 SCFM (990 l/min)
Equivalent of 260 gpm of fluid volume change
Nominal Air Flow Rate BD 800 100 SCFM (2850 l/min)
Equivalent of 750 gpm of fluid volume change
Solid Contamination Filtration Level 2 micron, 100% efficiency @ 35 SCFM air flow
Solid Contamination Filtration Surface area 20.6 in2 / 133 cm2
Operating Temperature Range -26˚ to 200˚F / -32˚ to 93˚C
Silica Gel: Adsorption Up to 40% of its weight of water
Chemical Resistance Resistant to alkalis, hydrocarbons, non-oxidizing
acids, salt water, and mineral or synthetic oils

Flow Rate vs Pressure Drop Unit Selection Guide (adapters sold separately)
GPM Max. H2 0
Height (A) Weight
Model Code Part No. Capacity
37 75 112 150 187 225 262 300 inches (mm) lbs (kg)
1.0 lbs (ltr)
BD 100 X 2 W 0.0 02074253 3.5 (90) 1.3 (0.6) 0.2 (0.1)
BD 200 X 2 W 0.0 02074254 5 (128) 1.9 (0.9) 0.4 (0.2)
∆P (PSI)

0.6 BD 400 X 2 W 0.0 02074465 8 (205) 3.3 (1.5) 0.9 (0.5)

0.4 BD 800 X 2 W 0.0 02075158 10 (254) 4.9 (2.2) 1.3 (0.6)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Adapters Selection Guide (adapters sold separately - Note: no adapter needed for BD 800)
Bayonet Adapter Threaded Adapter Threaded Standpipe Adapter Flange Adapter
Part No. 02074251 Part No. 02074248 (3/4" NPT) Part No. 02077124 Part No. 02074250 (not drilled)
Part No. 02074249 (1" NPT) Part No. 02075193 (pre-drilled)

gasket not provided

1 1/2-16 UN-2B Mounting Hole Pattern

Existing Standpipe for Pre-drilled Adapter
or HYDAC: 00416311 (Flange Interface to DIN 24557/T2)
ADAPTER BL 160/180 S (PHOS) 2.874"
ø 73mm

Bayonet Flange Kit with 3.5" Steel Basket Bypass Adapter Part No. 01270816 ø 0.18"
Part No. 02079076 (6 places)
Press-Fit to
Drymicron ø
1 Bayonet Fitting

2 gaskets Vent to
1 Filler Basket

Press-Fit to any
6 Screws Drymicron Adapter
for Installation

1-877-GO HYDAC Accessories Catalog 92

HBRP Series
Specifications: Dimensions:
• Durable synthetic material
• 40 micron
• NPT threaded connection
• Optional dipstick

This compact plastic design has a sponge element and threaded
connection with anti-splash baffle. Dipsticks are available to the D

customer’s requirements - see ordering information below. C

Construction: NPT Male Thread A

40 Micron Element

Wire Mesh Overall

Dipstick Length
To Full Mark
Labyrinth Baffle

Body To Add Mark


40 micron Breathers (Contact HYDAC for 10 micron)

Model Code Part No. Displace (GPM) Airflow (SCFM) A (NPT) ØB C D
1.36 1.31” 0.73”
HBRP-3/8NPT-40-1-1-A 02076916 55 7 3/8”
34.54mm 33.27mm 18.54mm
1.57” 1.56” 0.76”
HBRP-1/2NPT-40-1-1-A 02076917 75 10 1/2”
39.88mm 39.62mm 19.30mm
1.77” 1.60” 0.78”
HBRP-3/4NPT-40-1-1-A 02076109 115 15 3/4”
44.96mm 40.64mm 19.81mm
1.97” 1.93” 0.95”
HBRP-1NPT-40-1-1-A 02076918 150 20 1”
50.04mm 49.02mm 24.13mm
Dimensions are for general information only, all critical dimensions should be verified by requesting a certified print.

To order models without dipsticks, simply use the model code from the chart above. If a dipstick is required
(dipsticks are special order items and minimum quantities may apply), also include:
• Overall Length
• To Add Mark refer to dimension drawing above
• To Full Mark

93 Accessories Catalog
HBRM Series
Specifications: Dimensions:
• Chrome-plated carbon steel
• 10 or 40 micron
• NPT threaded connection
• Optional dipstick

Description: Overall
These chrome plated breathers have a paper element and NPT Dipstick Length
threads. Dipsticks are available to the customer’s requirement. To Full Mark
See ordering information below.

To Add Mark



(NPT Male)

Model Micron Displacement Airflow Hex Dimensions

Code Part Number Rating (GPM) (SCFM) Size ØA B C D (NPT)
HBRM-1/4NPT-10-1-2 02080116 10 24 3 0.75” 1.85” 2.00” 0.20” 1/4”
HBRM-1/4NPT-40-1-2 02080117 40 40 5 0.75” 1.85” 2.00” 0.20” 1/4”
HBRM-3/8NPT-10-1-2 02080118 10 24 3 0.75” 1.85” 2.00” 0.20” 3/8”
HBRM-3/8NPT-40-1-2 02080119 40 40 5 0.75” 1.85” 2.00” 0.20” 3/8”
HBRM-1/2NPT-10-1-2 02080120 10 24 3 1.00” 1.75” 2.50” 0.32” 1/2”
HBRM-1/2NPT-40-1-2 02080121 40 40 5 1.00” 1.75” 2.50” 0.32” 1/2”
HBRM-3/4NPT-10-1-2 02077313 10 105 14 1.18” 3.15” 2.80” 0.5” 3/4”
HBRM-3/4NPT-40-1-2 02076096 40 190 25 1.18” 3.15” 2.80” 0.5” 3/4”
HBRM-1NPT-10-1-2 02080122 10 105 14 1.18” 3.15” 2.80” 0.5” 1”
HBRM-1NPT-40-1-2 02080123 40 190 25 1.18” 3.15” 2.80” 0.5” 1”
Dimensions are for general information only, all critical dimensions should be verified by requesting a certified print.

To order models without dipsticks, simply use the model code from the chart above. If a dipstick is required
(dipsticks are special order items and minimum quantities may apply), also include:
• Overall Length
• To Add Mark refer to dimension drawing above
• To Full Mark

1-877-GO HYDAC Accessories Catalog 94

Series LS-700, 700-EP
Multi-Station Level Switches
Instruction Bulletin No. 154474
(Includes LS-700's with Temperature Sensors)

Install LS-700 and LS-700-EP Series switches vertically in tank top (mounting up) or in tank bottom (mounting down). Multi-station
level switches will operate normally inclined up to 30o.
Type 4
LS-700 Series Mounting Types... 3-5/8" Dia. Flange
Each mounting type can be configured with stem lengths (Lo) and float materials Bolt Circle
indicated in table below. 3" Dia.
(76.2 mm) ↑
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 5 Type 6 3-5/8" dia.
1/8" NPT 3/4" NPT 1" NPT 1-5/16" - 12UNF-2A 3/8"-24 (92.1 mm)
1/2" 1-1/16" 1-1/2" 5/16" Dia.
HEX HEX HEX 1/2" (7.9 mm) ↓
HEX Thru (6)
Holes 1/8" 3/16"
NPT (4.8 mm)
Neoprene ↓
O-Ring ↑
Stem and Mounting
Material Brass or 316 Stainless Steel

Max. Length 48 Inches (121.9 cm)

Mounting Position Vertical ± 30° Inclination
Float Stops Brass Units: Beryllium Copper Grip Rings; Stainless Steel Units: S.S. ARMCO PH-15-7MO Grip Rings
Pressure Rating,
See Float Values Below 50
PSI, Max.*
* Mounting only.Maximum pressure rating for complete unit will be the lowerof this pressure or the selected float pressure
(See Float Types, below)

Float Types...LS-700 Series ONLY (A single float type is selected for use at all actuation points)
Float Material Buna N Teflon - Spring Biased 316 Stainless Steel
Compatible Mtg Types 1, 3, 4,5,6 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1, 4, 6

Float Dimensions
↓ ↑ ↑ 1-3/32" ↓
15/16" 1-1/4" 1"
(27.8 mm)
(23.8 mm) (31.7. mm) ↓ (25.4 mm)

↑ ↓ → ↑
→ 1" Dia. ←
Spring Bias
←1-1/2" Dia.
(25.4 mm) → ← 29/32" Dia.
(23.0 mm)
→ ←(23.0 mm)
29/32" Dia. (38.1 mm)

Part Number 39049 138030 133764 60241

Water: to 180 F (82.2 C) o
-40 F to +300oF***
-40oF to +300oF (-40oC to +148.9oC)
Operating Temp. Oil: -40oF to +250oF Oil: -40oF to +250oF (-40oC to +148.9oC)
(-40oC to +121.1oC) (-40oC to +121.1oC) ****
301°F to 500°F****
Pressure, PSI, Max. 300* 250* 1000** 100
Min. Liquid S.G. .45 .60 .65 .70

** Derated with Increasing Temperature More Float Types !

*** Standard Construction
**** Ceramic Potting Construction Required
Typical Wiring Diagram Wiring Color Code
For clarity, only two actuation levels are shown in Tinted Area Designates U.L.
each group Recognized Wiring Configurations
SPST Switches
Wiring Group I Group II

Common Black None

NO/NC Sw. Com. Sw. Com.
Number of Actuation Levels
L1 Red Red Red
and Electrical Specifications
Typically, one float is required for each point at which you need a L2 Yellow Yellow Yellow
switch action to occur. The number of actuation levels available L3 Blue Blue Blue
depends on the Group Type Wiring selected. (See Below)
L4 Brown
LS-700 Series L5 Orange
Group I Wiring: 1 to 5 Actuation Levels
Group II Wiring: 1 or 3 Actuation Levels Notes
Switch (SPST, N.O. or N.C.): 20/100 VA 1. Units with 100 VA switches are not U.L.
Lead Wires: #22 AWG, 24" L., Teflon recognized.
Approvals: U.L. Recognized - File No. E45168;
CSA Listed - File No. 30200.

LS-700-EP Series
Switch (N.O. or N.C.): SPST - 20 VA
Electrical Termination: Size 50 J-Box; Explosionproof, LS-700
Watertight, With Terminal Strip
Approvals: Factory Mutual (FM) L5

Actuation Level Dimensions A ↓
L3 ↑
Switch actuation levels shown on are determined L2 (Length B

as follows: (Actuation Levels Typical**) Overall)***

L1 ↑
A = Minimum distance to highest actuation level

B = Minimum distance between actuation levels
C = Minimum distance between two actuation levels C

with one float (Note: One float for two levels can D↑
only be used when low level is N.C. dry and high ↑
level is N.O. dry.)
D = Minimum distance from end of unit to lowest level

LS-700 Dimensions
Float P/N A B C D
39049 7/8" 1-3/4" 3/4"
156900 3/4" 1-7/8" 1-1/16" L5
138030 15/16" 2-1/16" 1"
60241 3/4" 1-13/16" 15/16"
141750 13/16" 2" 1-1/8" Lo ↓
1/8" Min.
L2 (Length A
158369 13/16" 2-7/16" 1-7/16" ↓
Overall)*** ↑
136550 9/16" 2-7/16" 1-3/4" L1 B
133764 15/16" 1-7/8" 7/8" (N.O.) ↑
1-3/16" (N.C.) ↓
LS-700-EP Dimensions ↓
D ↑
Float P/N A B C D

141750 13/16" 2" 1-1/8"
158369 13/16" 2-7/16" 1/8" Min. 1-7/16"
136550 9/16" 2-7/16" 1-3/4"
133764 15/16" 1-7/8" 7/8" (N.O.) Notes
1-3/16" (N.C.) ** Actuation Level Distances and Lo (overall unit length) are
measured from inner surfaces of mounting plug or flange.
Note: A, B and D dimensions are based on a liquid *** Length Overall (Lo) = L1 + Dimension D. See Mounting
specific gravity of 1.0. Types for Maximum Length values.

Quick Coupling Division

8145 Lewis Road • Minneapolis, MN 55427
B-1 www.parker.com/quickcouplings
General Purpose Couplings
Hydraulic Quick Couplings 60 Series

Special Order Information

60 Series couplings are available in zinc plated steel, brass,
303 stainless steel, and 316 stainless steel. Brass couplings
have double O-Ring seals and stainless locking balls.
Standard seal materials are Buna-N (Nitrile); optional seal
materials are available.
For 316 stainless steel products, standard seal material is
Viton™, and other seal materials are available upon request.
See Fluid Compatibility Chart at end of this catalog.
All sizes of 60 Series can be furnished with locking sleeves.
Place suffix letters “-SL” (Sleeve-Lok) after regular catalog
numbers. Example H3-62-SL. Parker 60 Series heavy duty
nipples are recommended where high cycle rates and
pressure surges are encountered. Machined from high tensile
steel and induction hardened, they are zinc plated with a
Applications yellow chromate finish. To specify a heavy duty nipple, add
Parker general purpose couplings, are used across the the prefix “HD” to the steel part number; thus: HDH2-63.
spectrum of hydraulic applications. These Double Shut-Off
couplings can be found anywhere that fluid transfer lines
need to be connected and disconnected for operation or
maintenance of equipment, and a loss of fluid is undesirable. Note
Primarily used with hydraulic fluid, general purpose Double
Shut-Off couplings are also used with chemicals, water, Protective dust plugs and caps play a crucial role in the life of
steam, and some gases. a quick coupling and no purchase of a hydraulic quick
coupling is complete without the selection of an appropriate
dust plug and cap. See pages noted in Table of Contents for
dust plugs and caps for the Parker full line of hydraulic


ANSI/ISO Pressure Rating: Dynamic applications with normal to moderate hydraulic Low Cycle, Non-pulsating Pressure Rating: Applications with lower cycle
shocks such as general industrial equipment, hydraulic presses, agricultural equip- life and no severe cyclic pressure fluctuations, essentially steady pressure during
ment, etc. Impulse tested at a multiple (125% to 133%) of rated pressure. an operating cycle. Typical applications include hydraulic jacks, mine roof
support systems, and high pressure fluid transfer (pumping water or slurry in
oil wells). Minor pump ripple is considered non-pulsating. Impulse tested at rated

Body Size (in.) 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/2 2 1/2 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/2 2 1/2
Rated Pressure (PSI) Rated Pressure (PSI)
Brass 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 800 800 3000 3700 2700 3500 2200 1500 1500 1200
Stainless steel 2000 2000 1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 1000 5000 5000 5000 5000 3000 3000 1500 1500
Steel 5000 5000 4000 4000 2500 2000 1000 1000 5000 5000 4000 4000 2500 2000 1500 1500
Steel w / HD N/A 5000 4000 4000 3000 3000 N/A N/A 5000 5000 4000 4000 3000 3000 N/A N/A
Temperature Range: Standard seals (Buna-N) -40° to +250° F Optional Viton seals -10° to +400° F
Vacuum Data: 27.4 inches Hg. both connected and disconnected (1-1/2" and 2-1/2" body size 60 Series couplings are not reccommended for service in diconnected mode)
Note: Read the Safety Guide for Selecting and Using Quick Action Couplings and Related Accessories before making a coupling selection. It may be found in
Parker Hannifin Quick Coupling Divison catalogs and is available as Parker Publication No. 3800-B1.0.

Body Size (in.) 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/2 2 1/2
Rated Flow (GPM) .8 3 6 12 28 50 100 200

Quick Coupling Division

8145 Lewis Road • Minneapolis, MN 55427
B-5 www.parker.com/quickcouplings
General Purpose Couplings
Hydraulic Quick Couplings 60 Series

4. Hardened nipples and sleeves (steel) and solid barstock

4 construction make for a quality coupling with maximum re-
6 sistance to damage from hydraulic and mechanical shock.
5. The seal is designed to withstand high pressures and pro-
vide reliable sealing. A wide selection of optional seal ma-
terials are available, see Fluid Compatibility Chart at end
2 of this catalog for selection assistance. Steel versions fea-
1 ture Teflon™ back-up rings that support mating seals for
high pressure applications. Brass couplers have a double
O-ring seal for redundancy in low pressure, vacuum and
steam applications.
3 5 1 6. Durable ball-locking mechanism assures reliable connec-
tion, every time. A large number of locking balls distributes
7 2 the work load evenly while providing alignment and swivel-
ing action to reduce hose torque and prolong hose life.
7. Manufactured from brass, steel and stainless steel as
standard materials. A wide range of seals allow these
1. Large flow areas machined into the body of the coupler couplings to be used with a broad range of media.
and nipple facilitate flow around the valve, for a high flow 8. Industry-wide interchangeability. Parker 60 Series couplers
capacity. and nipples are the “Industrial Interchange” design and
2. Positive valve stop. The perch maintains valve alignment meet the dimensional requirements of Series B in ISO
and provides metal to metal valve stop to ensure that the 7241-1.
valves open fully, every time. 9. Also available with a Straight Thread (ORB) end configura-
3. Captive valve seal assures “bubble tight” poppet sealing. tion available as standard, for reduced leakage.
The valve seal is positively captured by the metal poppet to
minimize seal washout or damage from high velocity fluid.

60 Series (1/8;1/4") 60 Series (3/8;1") 60 Series (11/2;21/2")
Test Fluid: Oil - 200 SUS Test Fluid: Oil - 200 SUS Test Fluid: Oil - 200 SUS
30 30 200 200
40 40

30 30
20 20 100 100
80 80
20 20
1/8" 60 60
1/4" 50 50
1/2" 1" 40 40
10 10
Pressure Drop in PSID

Pressure Drop in PSID

Pressure Drop in PSID

3/8" 3/4"
9 9 30 30
8 8 10 10
9 9 1-1/2"
7 7 8 8 20 20
6 6 7 7
5 5 6 6
5 5 10 10
4 4 8 8
4 4
3 6 6
5 5
3 3
4 4

2 2 3 3
2 2
2 2

1 1 1 1 1
.2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 20 40 60 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 200 300
Flow in USGPM Flow in USGPM Flow in USGPM

Quick Coupling Division

8145 Lewis Road • Minneapolis, MN 55427
B-6 www.parker.com/quickcouplings
General Purpose Couplings
Hydraulic Quick Couplings 60 Series

Couplers A

Female Thread

Body Part Part Part No. Part No. Thread Thread Dimensions (in.)
Size No. Wt. (LB.) No. Wt. (LB.) Type 303 Wt. (LB.) Type 316 Wt. (LB.) Size Size Overall Wrench Largest
(in.) Brass P/Piece Steel* P/Piece Stainless* P/Piece Stainless* P/Piece NPTF ORB Length Flats Diameter
1/8 BH1-60 0.16 H1-62 0.16 SH1-62 0.16 SSH1-62Y** 0.15 1/8-27 – 1.90 0.68 0.96
1/8 – – H1-62-T4 0.18 SH1-62-T*4 0.10 SSH1-62Y-T4 0.17 – 7/16-20 2.06 0.68 0.96
1/4 BH2-60 0.32 H2-62 0.30 SH2-62 0.30 SSH2-62Y 0.30 1/4-18 – 2.26 0.81 1.14
1/4 – – H2-62-T6 0.31 SH2-62-T6 0.31 SSH2-62Y-T6 0.31 – 9/16-18 2.41 0.81 1.14
3/8 BH3-60 0.43 H3-62 0.40 SH3-62 0.40 SSH3-62Y 0.40 3/8-18 – 2.49 0.88 1.40
3/8 – – H3-62-T8 0.51 SH3-62-T8 0.51 SSH3-62Y-T8 0.51 – 3/4-16 2.75 1.00 1.40
1/2 BH4-60 0.80 H4-62 0.73 SH4-62 0.75 SSH4-62Y 0.76 1/2-14 – 2.87 1.12 1.77
1/2 – – H4-62-T10 0.78 SH4-62-T10 0.75 SSH4-62Y-T10 0.78 – 7/8-14 3.05 1.12 1.77
3/4 BH6-60 – H6-62 1.30 SH6-62 1.31 SSH6-62Y 1.33 3/4-14 – 3.56 1.31 2.14
3/4 – – H6-62-T12 1.39 SH6-62-T12 1.34 SSH6-62Y-T12 1.40 – 1-1/16-12 3.56 1.31 2.14
1 BH8-60 – H8-62 1.95 SH8-62 1.95 SSH8-62Y 1.95 1-11 1/2 – 4.18 1.62 2.52
1 – – H8-62-T16 1.95 SH8-62-T16 1.95 SSH8-62Y-T16 1.95 – 1-5/16-12 4.18 1.62 2.52
* T = Designator for SAE Straight Thread
** Suffix 'Y' designates Viton Seal. (Contact factory for seal options)
Contact division for BSPP port availability

Nipples D

Female Thread

Body Part Part Part No. Part No. Thread Thread Dimensions (in.)
Size No. Wt. (LB.) No. Wt. (LB.) Type 303 Wt. (LB.) Type 316 Wt. (LB.) Size Size Overall Exposed Wrench Largest
(in.) Brass P/Piece Steel* P/Piece Stainless* P/Piece Stainless* P/Piece NPTF ORB Length Length Flats Diameter
1/8 BH1-61 0.04 H1-63 0.03 SH1-63 0.03 SSH1-63Y** 0.04 1/8-27 – 1.61 0.41 0.56 0.65
1/8 – 0.06 H1-63-T4 0.05 SH1-63-T*4 – SSH1-63Y-T4 0.06 – 7/16-20 1.32 0.57 0.69 0.79
1/4 BH2-61 0.09 H2-63 0.08 SH2-63 0.08 SSH2-63Y 0.08 1/4-18 – 1.39 0.65 0.75 0.87
1/4 – 0.11 H2-63-T6 0.10 SH2-63-T6 0.10 SSH2-63Y-T6 0.10 – 9/16-18 1.54 0.70 0.88 1.01
3/8 BH3-61 0.10 H3-63 0.12 SH3-63 0.12 SSH3-63Y 0.12 3/8-18 – 1.50 0.54 0.88 1.01
3/8 – 0.12 H3-63-T8 0.16 SH3-63-T8 0.16 SSH3-63Y-T8 0.14 – 3/4-16 1.76 0.80 1.00 1.15
1/2 BH4-61 0.25 H4-63 0.24 SH4-63 0.24 SSH4-63Y 0.24 1/2-14 – 1.75 0.69 1.12 1.30
1/2 – 0.28 H4-63-T10 0.27 SH4-63-T10 0.27 SSH4-63Y-T10 0.27 – 7/8-14 1.94 0.87 1.19 1.37
3/4 BH6-61 0.50 H6-63 0.46 SH6-63 0.45 SSH6-63Y 0.46 3/4-14 – 2.16 0.79 1.38 1.59
3/4 – 0.55 H6-63-T12 0.46 SH6-63-T12 0.50 SSH6-63Y-T12 0.50 – 1-1/16-12 2.27 0.90 1.34 1.59
1 BH8-61 0.76 H8-63 0.76 SH8-63 0.76 SSH8-63Y 0.76 1-11 1/2 – 2.91 0.99 1.62 1.88
1 – 0.80 H8-63-T16 0.80 SH8-63-T16 0.80 SSH8-63Y-T16 0.80 – 1-5/16-12 2.91 0.99 1.62 1.88*
* T = Designator for SAE Straight Thread
** Suffix 'Y' designates Viton Seal. (Contact factory for seal options)
Contact division for BSPP port availability

Optional Seals Optional Seals Suffix*

60 Series W Ethylene Propylene (EPR)

Y Standard Viton™ Seals
Z Neoprene
-264 Perfluoroelastomer (Kalrez)™

* See Ordering Information at end of Section B.

Quick Coupling Division

8145 Lewis Road • Minneapolis, MN 55427
B-7 www.parker.com/quickcouplings
General Purpose Couplings
Hydraulic Quick Couplings 60 Series

Female Thread

Body Part Part Part No. Part No. Thread Thread Dimensions (in.)
Size No. Wt. (LB.) No. Wt. (LB.) Type 303 Wt. (LB.) Type 316 Wt. (LB.) Size Size Overall Wrench Largest
(in.) Brass P/Piece Steel* P/Piece Stainless* P/Piece Stainless* P/Piece NPTF ORB Length Flats Diameter
1 1/2 BH12-60L 4.58 H12-62L 4.70 SH12-62L 4.68 SSH12-62LY** 4.68 1 1/4-11 1/2 – 4.86 2.38‡ 3.00
1 1/2 BH12-60N 4.58 H12-62N 4.70 SH12-62N 4.68 SSH12-62NY 4.68 1 1/2-11 1/2 – 4.86 2.38‡ 3.00
1 1/2 – 4.61 H12-62-T20 4.72 SH12-62-T20 4.71 SSH12-62Y-T20 4.71 – 1 5/8-12 4.86 2.38‡ 3.00
1 1/2 – 4.61 H12-62-T24 4.72 SH12-62-T24 4.71 SSH12-62Y-T24 4.71 – 1 7/8-12 4.86 2.38‡ 3.00
2 1/2 BH2016-60 11.06 H2016-62 10.58 SH2016-62 – SSH2016-62Y – 2-11 1/2 – 5.57 3.75 4.10
2 1/2 BH2020-60 11.42 H2020-62 10.91 SH2020-62 – SSH2020-62Y – 2 1/2-8 – 6.04 3.75 4.10
2 1/2 BH2024-60 – H2024-62 – SH2024-62 – SSH2024-62Y – 3-8 – 6.96 4.00 4.35
* T = Designator for SAE Straight Thread
** Suffix 'Y' designates Viton Seal. (Consult factory for seal options)
‡Wrench Flat on 303 Stainless is 2.50 in.
Contact division for BSPP port availability

Nipples E

Female Thread

Body Part Part Part No. Part No. Thread Thread Dimensions (in.)
Size No. Wt. (LB.) No. Wt. (LB.) Type 303 Wt. (LB.) Type 316 Wt. (LB.) Size Size Overall Exposed Wrench Largest
(in.) Brass P/Piece Steel* P/Piece Stainless* P/Piece Stainless* P/Piece NPTF ORB Length Length Flats Diameter
1 1/2 BH12-61L 2.96 H12-63L 3.10 SH12-63L 3.06 SSH12-63LY** – 1 1/4-11 1/2 – 4.76 2.69 2.38‡ 2.75†
1 1/2 BH12-61N 2.96 H12-63N 3.10 SH12-63N 3.06 SSH12-63NY – 1 1/2-11 1/2 – 4.76 2.69 2.38‡ 2.75†
1 1/2 – – H12-63-T20 3.15 SH12-63-T20 3.14 SSH12-63Y-T20 – – 1 5/8-12 4.76 2.69 2.38‡ 2.75†
1 1/2 – – H12-63-T24 3.15 SH12-63-T24 3.14 SSH12-63Y-T24 – – 1 7/8-12 4.76 2.69 2.38‡ 2.75†
2 1/2 BH2016-61 7.78 H2016-63 7.90 SH2016-63 7.92 SSH2016-63Y – 2-11 1/2 – 5.48 2.90 3.75 4.10
2 1/2 BH2020-61 8.12 H2020-63 8.16 SH2020-63 8.16 SSH2020-63Y – 2 1/2-8 – 5.95 3.37 3.75 4.10
2 1/2 BH2024-61 – H2024-63 – SH2024-63 – SSH2024-63Y – 3-8 – 6.87 4.29 4.00 4.35
* T = Designator for SAE Straight Thread
** Suffix 'Y' designates Viton Seal. (Consult factory for seal options)
† Largest diameter on Brass is 2.96" across Hex Corners
‡Hex on 303 Stainless is 2.50 in.
Contact division for BSPP port availability

Replacement Parts Repair Kits

60 Series Couplers Couplers Nipples
Body Repair Kit Used For Repair Kit Used For
Body Size (in.) O-Rings - Buna N Back-Up Rings Size (in.) Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
3/8 H67E-62K H3-62 H67E-63K H3-63
1/8 2-013N0674-70 H67A-28 BH67E-60K BH3-60 BH67E-61K BH3-61
1/4 2-015N0674-70 H67C-28 SH67E-62 SH3-62 SH67E-63K SH3-63
3/8 2-116N0674-70 4118007 SSH67-62K SSH3-62Y SSH67E-63K SSH3-63Y
1/2 2-213N0674-70 4128002 1/2 H67F-62K H4-62 H67F-63K H4-63
3/4 2-218N0674-70 4148001 BH67F-60K BH4-60 BH67F-61K BH4-61
1 2-222N0674-70 4158001 SH67F-62 SH4-62 SH67F-63K SH4-63
1-1/2 2-124N0674-70 2-138N0552-90 SSH67F-62K SSH4-62Y SSH67F-63K SSH4-63Y
(Valve) (Fitting) 3/4 H67G-62K H6-62 H67G-63K H6-63
2-224N0674-70 BH67G-60K BH6-60 BH67G-61K BH6-61
(Body 2 req.)
SH67G-62 SH6-62 SH67G-63K SH6-63
2-1/2 2-133N0674-70 2-234N0674-70 SSH67G-62K SSH6-62Y SSH67G-63K SSH6-63Y
(Valve) (Fitting)
1 H67J-62K H8-62 H67J-63K H8-63
BH67J-60K BH8-60 BH67J-61K BH8-61
SH67J-62 SH8-62 SH67J-63K SH8-63
SSH67J-62K SSH8-62Y SSH67J-63K SSH8-63Y

Quick Coupling Division

8145 Lewis Road • Minneapolis, MN 55427
B-8 www.parker.com/quickcouplings
General Purpose Couplings
Hydraulic Quick Couplings 60 Series Steam Couplings

Body Size (in.) 1/4 to 1
Rated Pressure (PSI)
with saturated steam at 338°F 100
Temperature Range (std seals) Ethylene Propylene
Continuous +250°F
Intermittent +400°F

Female Pipe Thread
Body Part Thread Dimension (in.)
Size No. Size Overall Wrench Largest Wt. (LB.)
(in.) Brass NPTF Length Flats Diameter P/Piece
1/4 BH2-60-STM 1/4-18 2.26 0.81 1.14 0.30
3/8 H3-68 3/8-18 2.50 0.88 1.77 0.50
1/2 BH4-60-STM 1/2-14 2.87 1.12 1.77 0.75
3/4 BH6-60-STM 3/4-14 3.56 1.31 2.14 1.31
1 BH8-60-STM 1-11 1/2 4.18 1.62 2.52 1.95

Female Pipe Thread

Body Part Thread Dimension (in.)

Size No. Size Overall Exposed Hex Largest Wt. (LB.)
(in.) Brass NPTF Length Length Size Diameter P/Piece
1/4 BH2-61-STM 1/4-18 1.39 0.65 0.75 0.87 0.08
3/8 H3-69 3/8-18 1.50 0.52 0.88 1.01 0.13

E 1/2 BH4-61-STM 1/2-14 1.75 0.69 1.12 1.30 0.24

3/4 BH6-61-STM 3/4-14 2.16 0.79 1.38 1.59 0.46
1 BH8-61-STM 1-11 1/2 2.91 0.99 1.62 1.88 0.76

Repair Kits
Body Repair Kit Used For
Steam Coupling Size Part No. Part No.
3/8 H68E-67K H3-68
3/8 H69E-67K H3-69

Quick Coupling Division

8145 Lewis Road • Minneapolis, MN 55427
B-9 www.parker.com/quickcouplings
Dust Plugs and Dust Caps
Hydraulic Quick Couplings

Parker offers a complete line of dust plugs and caps for their Protective dust plugs and caps play a crucial role in the use of
hydraulic quick couplings. Each series shown in this catalog quick couplings and no purchase of a hydraulic quick coupling
has a dust plug and cap specifically designed to be used with is complete without the selection of an appropriate dust plug
that style of coupling. and cap. When ordering the dust cap/plug body size must
correspond to that of the coupler or nipple.
Dust plugs and caps serve a twofold function. They keep the
mating surface clean and free of contamination and protect Parker’s full line of dust plugs and caps can be found below
the critical mating elements of the coupling halves when they and on the following pages.
are disconnected. In this way the nipple is protected from
damage that would make the total coupling unusable. Dust Plug: Used on Coupler (female half)
Dust Cap: Used on Nipple (male half)

Dust Plugs
Body Dust Plug Dust Plug Dust Cap Dust Cap
60 Series Size Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
(in.) Aluminum Geolast Aluminum Geolast
1/8 H1-65 H1-65M H1-66 H1-66M
1/4 H2-65 H2-65M H2-66 H2-66M
3/8 H3-65 H3-65M H3-66 H3-66M
1/2 H4-65 H4-65M H4-66 H4-66M
3/4 H6-65 H6-65M H6-66 H6-66M
1 H8-65 H8-65M H8-66 H8-66M
1 1/2 H12-65 NA H12-66 NA
2 1/2 H20P-65 NA H20P-66 NA
NA = Not Available

6600 Series Body Dust Plug Dust Cap

Size Part No. Part No.
(in.) Rubber Rubber
1/4 H1-65M H166M
3/8 TR-37 TR-37
1/2 5205-4M 5209-4M
3/4 6659-12M 6657-12M
1 6659-16M 6657-16M

SM Series Body Size Dust Plug Dust Cap

(in.) Part No. Part No. Material
1/4 PL-25 N/A Plastic
1/4 PR-25 CR-25 Rubber
1/4 P-25 C-25 Aluminum
1/2 DP-50 DC-50 Rubber
1/2 P-50 C-50 Aluminum
3/4 P-75 C-75 Aluminum

Quick Coupling Division

8145 Lewis Road • Minneapolis, MN 55427
B-61 www.parker.com/quickcouplings
FLUID COOLING | Industrial BOL Series

Bar and Plate Brazed Aluminum Core

Rugged, lightweight, and compact

Provides the best heat transfer per
given envelope size while minimizing
pressure drop

Air-side fin design minimizes fouling
and static pressure ensuring long-

term, reliable performance

Welded fittings/ports and manifolds
ensure structural integrity

Standard SAE ports – NPT and BSPP
ports available

Customized units are available to
meet your specific performance

Additional capabilities for radiators,
charge-air-coolers, condensers, and
multi-circuit units

Ratings Materials
Maximum Operating Pressure 300 psi Mounting Feet Steel
Maximum Operating Temperature 250° F Core Brazed Aluminum Bar and Plate
Fanguard Steel
Connectors Aluminum
Fan Aluminum Hub, Plastic Blades
Shroud Steel
Motor TEFC

How to Order

– – – –
Model Model Size Selected Connection Specify Motor Core
Series Type* Required Blank - Standard
BOL 1 - NPT 2 - Single Phase Bar & Plate
2 - SAE 3 - Three Phase TB - T-BAR Core*
3 - BSPP 9 - Hydraulic

*T-BAR Core option provides a T-BAR core in BOL frame. Used for high fouling or high viscosity fluids. Performance is typically
15-25% less than the bar and plate core. Consult factory for details.

54 TTPSales@thermasys.com 262.554.8330

AIR FLOW BOL 400-600


#8 SAE


E .53 DIA HOLE (-8, -16) M
.44 X 1.50 SLOT
(-30 THRU -1600)

Model Shipping
Number A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Weight (lbs)
BOL-8 12.44 15.75 14.72 11.30 3.27 .55 #12 SAE 14.53 3.07 3.50 7.36 M8 Bolt (2PL) 14.01 3.48 45
BOL-16 16.24 19.69 16.16 15.06 4.51 .57 #12 SAE 18.30 3.35 3.74 7.87 M8 Bolt (2PL) 17.95 3.46 55
BOL-30 20.69 26.38 18.23 19.49 5.26 1.32 #20 SAE 24.74 4.25 5.00 10.00 M10 Bolt (4PL) 24.34 5.28 125
BOL-400 19.83 22.45 18.80 17.31 6.50 2.00 #20 SAE 22.30 4.25 5.00 10.00 M10 Bolt (4PL) 20.08 5.20 148
BOL-725 24.37 30.32 18.60 21.60 6.50 2.00 #20 SAE 30.17 4.25 5.00 10.00 M10 Bolt (4PL) 27.95 5.20 170
BOL-950 28.82 37.03 22.69 24.55 9.50 2.00 35.89 6.05 9.20 16.00 M10 Bolt (4PL) 34.26 7.01 300
2” SAE
BOL-1200 28.82 40.96 24.07 24.55 5.50 2.00 4-Bolt 40.31 6.05 9.20 16.00 M10 Bolt (4PL) 38.19 7.01 430
BOL-1600 36.89 40.96 25.45 32.62 9.50 2.00 40.31 6.05 9.20 16.00 M10 Bolt (4PL) 38.19 7.01 515

We reserve the right to make reasonable design changes without notice. All dimensions in inches.

Model Full Load Frequency Thermal Sound
Number CFM Motor HP Voltage Phase Amps 230V (Hz) RPM Frame Overload dB(A) at 3ft
BOL-8 800 1/3 115/230 1 3.0 60 3450 48C No 80
BOL-8 800 1/3 208-230/460 3 1.4 60 3450 48C No 80
BOL-16 1425 1/2 115/230 1 3.7 60 3450 48C No 85
BOL-16 1425 1/2 208-230/460 3 2.2 60 3450 48C No 85
BOL-30 2200 1/2 115/230 1 3.7 60 1725 56C No 85
BOL-30 2200 1/2 208-230/460 3 2.0 60 1725 56C No 85
BOL-400 2200 1 115/230 1 6.0 60 3450 56C No 97
BOL-400 2200 1 208-230/460 3 3.2 60 3450 56C No 97
BOL-725 3600 1-1/2 115/230 1 8.5 60 3450 56C No 100
BOL-725 3600 1-1/2 208-230/460 3 4.8 60 3450 56C No 100
BOL-950 4700 1-1/2 115/230 1 8.6 60 1725 145TC No 92
BOL-950 4700 1-1/2 208-230/460 3 4.6 60 1725 145TC No 92
BOL-1200 7000 3 208-230/460 3 8.8 60 1725 184TC No 94
BOL-1600 9700 5 208-230/460 3 13.4 60 1725 184TC No 96

TTPSales@thermasys.com  262.554.8330 55
Specifications continued
Hydraulic Motor Information
Oil Flow Min. Pressure Motor Sound
Required Required (IN3 /REV) dB(A)
Model (GPM) (PSI) Displacement at 3 ft.
BOL-8 400 0.22 80
BOL-16 500 0.22 85
BOL-30 3.4 500 0.45 85
BOL-400 425 0.22 97
BOL-725 675 0.22 100
BOL-950 300 92
BOL-1200 10.1 700 1.4 94

BOL-1600 1100 96
Notes: Maximum Pressure is 2000 psi. Stated Minimum Operating Pressure is at Inlet
Port of Motor. 1000 psi Allowable Back Pressure.

Performance Curves








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56 TTPSales@thermasys.com 262.554.8330
Selection Procedure
Performance Curves are based on 50 SSU oil and a 100°F Entering
Pressure Drop
Temperature Difference (E.T.D.). 5.0
E.T.D. = Entering oil temperature - Ambient air temperature 4.5
Step 1 Determine Heat Load. Heat load may be expressed as either 4.0

Correction Factor
Horsepower or BTU/Hr. HP = BTU/HR ÷ 2545 3.5
Step 2 Determine Entering Temperature Difference. The entering 3.0
oil temperature is generally the maximum desired system
Step 3 Determine the Corrected Heat Dissipation to Use the Curves.
Corrected Heat Rejection = BTU/HR heat load x
E.T.D. 1.0


50 150 250 350 450
Step 4 Enter the Performance Curves at the bottom with the GPM oil Viscosity (SSU)
flow and proceed upward to the adjusted heat load from Step 3.
Any curve on or above this point will meet these conditions.
Step 5 Multiply Oil Pressure Drop from curve by correction factor
found in Oil s P Correction Curve.

Oil Temperature Notes

Oil coolers can be selected using entering or leaving oil temperatures. 1. A three-way thermostatic valve is recommended to bypass the cold oil
around the heat exchanger during start up.
Typical operating temperature ranges are:
Hydraulic Oil 110°F - 130°F 2. Support piping as needed. Flexible connectors must be properly installed
Hydrostatic Drive Oil 130°F - 180°F, to validate warranty.
Bearing Lube Oil 120°F - 160°F
3. Coolers should not operate in ambient temperatures below 35°F (1°C).
Lube Oil Circuits 110°F - 130°F
Consult factory for recommendations.
Desired Reservoir Temperature 4. The fan cannot be cycled.
Return Line Cooling: Desired temperature is the oil temperature leaving 5. BOL coolers operated outdoors must be protected from weather.
the cooler. This will be the same temperature that will be found in the Consult factory for recommendations.
6. If duct work or additional static resistance is added to the cooler
Off-Line Recirculation Cooling Loop: desired temperature is the oil airstream, an auxiliary air mover may be required.
temperature entering the cooler. In this case, the oil temperature change
must be determined so that the actual oil leaving temperature can be found.
Calculate the oil temperature change (oil s T) with this formula:
Oil s T = (BTU’s/Hr.) / (GPM Oil Flow x 210).
To calculate the oil leaving temperature from the cooler, use this formula:
Oil Leaving Temp. = Oil Entering Temp. - Oil s T.
This formula may also be used in any application where the only temperature
available is the entering oil temperature.
Oil Pressure Drop: Most systems can tolerate a pressure drop through the
heat exchanger of 20 to 30 PSI. Excessive pressure drop should be avoided.
Care should be taken to limit pressure drop to 5 PSI or less for case drain
applications where high back pressure may damage the pump shaft seals.

TTPSales@thermasys.com  262.554.8330 57
6C/3C Inline Check Valves

◆ Poppet style – soft seat

◆ Steel or stainless steel construction; other materials
◆ Flow rates to 175 gpm (662 l/min)
◆ SAE, NPSF, NPT, BS 2779 & ORS end fittings available
◆ Up to 6000 psi (415 bar) working pressure -
1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 3/4” & 1”
◆ Up to 3000 psi (210 bar) working pressure -
1-1/4”, 1-1/2” & 2”

These soft seat (virtual zero leak), with guided poppet valves offer a wide variety of end fitting configurations and elastomers
and the option of 316 stainless steel construction. These options enable a valve to be configured to meet the needs of any
system. Snap-tite’s versatile 6C/3C Inline Check Valves are designed with a 4:1 safety factor at a maximum working
pressure of 6000 psi (415 bar) making them ideal for any application.

*Dimensions and Specifications

Size 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 2”
In. .75 1.12 1.25 1.62 1.88 2.00 2.50 3.25
mm 19.05 28.45 31.75 41.15 47.75 50.80 63.50 82.55
In. 2.82 3.38 3.73 4.91 6.07 5.76 6.51 7.28
mm 71.60 85.85 94.75 124.70 154.20 146.30 165.35 184.90
Cv .45 1.80 3.40 7.40 9.50 12.30 16.15 21.80
lbs. .29 .81 1.20 2.05 3.40 3.75 7.80 13.00
kg. .13 .37 .54 .93 1.54 1.70 3.54 5.90
gpm 3.00 8.00 12.00 20.00 30.00 90.00 125.00 175.00
l/min. 11.40 30.30 45.45 75.70 113.55 340.65 473.15 662.40

FLOW, I/min FLOW, I/min













100 6.90





2.76 500 34.48

30 2.07 400 27.59
20 1.38
300 20.69

10 .69 200




5.0 .35

4.0 .28

100 6.90

3.0 .21

2.0 .14

50 3.45
1.0 .07
40 2.76

.5 .034 30 2.07
.4 .028

.3 .021 20 1.38
.2 .014

.1 .007 10 .69














FLOW, gpm FLOW, gpm


Note: Gallons shown are in U.S. gallons. *Dimensions shown are for NPTF ported valves; for other end fitting configurations consult factory.
Ordering Information

Inline Check Valves - 5,000 psi (345 bar) rated

CPI F F - 4 P - 15

Series Inlet Outlet Port Size Thread Type Spring Pressure Seal
CPI - F- F- NPSF or BSP SAE RP - 05 - 5 psi (.35 bar) No letter for
Inline Female Female 2 - 1/4” Female 15 - 15 psi (1 bar) Viton (std.)
Check 3 - 3/8” British Parallel 25 - 25 psi (1.75 bar) A - Buna
Valve 4 - 1/2” 8 - 1/2” BS 2779 65 - 65 psi (4.50 bar) E - Ethylene
Poppet 6 - 3/4” 12 - 3/4” P - Female NPSF Propylene
Style 8 - 1” 16 - 1” S - Female SAE

Inline Check Valves - Up to 6,000 psi (415 bar) rated•

S 6C 4 F - F 5

Material Check Size Inlet Outlet Spring Seal

No letter Valve 4 - 1/4” M - Male NPT M - Male NPT Pressure No letter for
Steel 6C - 6 - 3/8” F - Female NPTF F - Female NPTF 5 - 5 psi Viton (std.)
Zinc Clear 6,000 psi* 8 - 1/2” EF - Female SAE EF - Female SAE (.35 bar) M - Military
Dichromate (415 bar) 12 - 3/4” EM - Male 37° Flare EM - Male SAE 37° Flare 25 - 25 psi variation of
Plated operating 16 - 1” ORS - Male Face ORS - Male Face (1.75 bar) Buna N for
(standard) pressure Seal Seal 65 - 65 psi MIL-H-5606
S - 316 3C - 20 - 1-1/4” RP - Female British RP - Female British (4.5 bar) fluids
Stainless Parallel BS 2779 Parallel BS 2779 A - Buna
3,000 psi 24 - 1-1/2”
Steel (210 bar) 32 - 2” E - Ethylene
pressure CAC 10 - 15 - A -1

Series Rated Flow Cracking Pressure Seal Air Pilot* Current

CAC - Poppet 10 - 10 gpm (38 l/min) 15 - 15 psi (1 bar) No letter Option Design
Cartridge Pilot 25 - 25 gpm (95 l/min) 25 - 25 psi (1.7 bar) for Viton P - O-ring on -1
Check Valve 50 - 50 gpm (189 l/min) 60 - 60 psi (4 bar) A - Buna N Pilot Piston
CPC - Poppet (60 psi spring is
Cartridge Check recommended)
Valve *CAC only

CAV 10 - 3P - 15 A

Series Rated Flow Port Size Cracking Air Pilot Seal

CAV - Single Pilot 10 - 10 gpm (38 l/min) NPT SAE Pressure P - O-ring on No letter for
Operated Check 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2” ports 2P - 1/4” 4S - 1/4” 15 - 15 psi (1 bar) Pilot Piston Viton
Valve 25 - 25 gpm (95 l/min) 3P - 3/8” 6S - 3/8” 25 - 25 psi (1.7 bar) (60 psi spring is A - Buna N
CAD - Dual Pilot 3/8”, 1/2”, 3/4” ports 4P - 1/2” 8S - 1/2” 60 - 60 psi (4 bar) recommended)
Operated Check 50 - 50 gpm (189 l/min) 6P - 3/4” 12S - 3/4”
Valve 3/4”, 1” ports 8P - 1” 16S - 1”

*3/4” 6C SST working pressure - 5000 psi (345 bar), 1” 6C SST working pressure - 4000 psi (275 bar)

This document and other information from Snap-tite, Inc., its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having
technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to
the variety of operation conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of
the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.
The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Snap-tite, Inc. and its subsidiaries
at any time without notice.

Distributed by:

Quick Disconnect & Valve Division Industrial Estate

201 Titusville Road Whitemill - Wexford
Union City, Pennsylvania 16438-8699 USA Republic of Ireland
PH: 814-438-3821 FAX: 814-438-3069 PH: 353-53-41566 FAX: 353-53-41582
e-mail: qd&v_sales@snap-tite.com e-mail: snaptite@snap-tite.iol.ie
www.snap-tite.com www.snap-tite.com ISO-9001 Certified
Pressure Switches
EDS 3000
About EDS 3000 Pressure Switches:
The EDS 3000 electronic pressure switch is the result of joint development and
innovation in the field of adjustable pressure switches with display. It is a compact
unit which combines a pressure switch, digital display, and transducer for controlling
pressure in hydraulic and pneumatic applications. The most noticeable innovation
350˚ is the alignment of the serial four-digit display. After mounting, the switch may be
turned as a whole. Additionally, the front panel with push buttons may be turned.
270˚ This eliminates the need for mechanical adapters. Display units can be shown in
bar, psi, or mpa. It is also possible to scale the pressure range to any desired
engineering unit, such as force or tonage. Pressure ranges from vacuum to 9000
psi are available. Switching outputs in one or two switch versions with or without
analog output are available when choosing model code.
Technical Details:
Input Data
Measuring ranges (type 1) 0 to 15, 50 psi
(type 3) 0 to 15, 30, 50, 150, 250, 500 psi
-14 to 75 psi
(type 4) 0 to 1000, 3000, 6000, 9000 psi
Overload pressure 200%FS max. 900 bar (13000 psi)
Burst pressure 300%FS max. 2000 bar (29000 psi)
G 1/4 A male, 1/4”-18 NPT male
Mechanical Connection SAE 6 9/16-18 UNF2A male
Tightening torque approx. 15 lb-ft (20 Nm)
Parts in contact (types 1 & 3) Stainless steel, ceramic, FPM seal
with media (type 4) Stainless steel, FPM seal
Output Data
Accuracy (B.F.S.L) ≤ ±0.5 %FS
including linearity & hysteresis
Temp. comp. zero point ≤ ±0.017%FS/°F max.
Temp. comp. over range ≤ ±0.017%FS/°F max.
4 to 20 mA, ohmic resistance ≤ 500Ω
Analog output signal, adjustable 0 to 10 V, ohmic resistance ≥ 1k Ω
Switching Outputs
Type PNP transistor output
Repeatability ≤ ±0.5%FS max.
Switching current max. 1.2 A
Switching cycles ≥ 100 million
Reaction time < 10 ms
Ambient Conditions
Nominal temperature range -13° to 185°F (-25° to 85°C)
Ambient Temperature range -13° to 176°F (-25° to 80°C)
Storage temperature range -40° to 176°F (-40° to 80°C)
Fluid temperature range -13° to 176°F (-25° to 80°C)
EN 61000-6-1, EN 61000-6-2
mark EN 61000-6-3, EN 61000-6-4
Vibration resistance ≤ 10g / 0 to 500Hz (IEC 60068-2-6)
Shock resistance ≤ 50g / 11ms (IEC 60068-2-29)
Safety type to DIN 40050 IP 67 (molded M12x1 connector is used)
Other data
Supply voltage 9 to 35 VDC for signal 1,2
18 to 35 VDC for signal 3, 5
Electrical connection M12x1 (4 pin or 5 pin)
Current consumption approx. 100 mA (without switching output)
Reverse polarity protection of the
supply voltage, excess voltage, standard
override and short circuit protection
Display 4 digit, 7 segment LED red
Weight approx. 300 g

25 Electronics Catalog
Model Code:
EDS 3 X X X - X - XXXX - 400 X 1
EDS 3 = 3000 Series Electronic Sensor
Sensor Type
1 = Ceramic absolute
3 = Ceramic relative
4 = Thin-film relative
Mechanical Connection
4 = G 1/4 BSPP male thread*
8 = 1/4” - 18 NPT male thread
7 = SAE-6 male thread (9/16-18 UNF2A)
Electrical Connection
6 = M12x1 plug, 4 pole for output codes 1, 2, and 3 (connector not included)
8 = M12x1 plug, 5 pole for output code 5 (connector not included)
1 = 1 Switch output (only with electrical connection 6)
2 = 2 Switch outputs (only with electrical connection 6)
3 = 1 Switch with analog output (only with electrical connection 6)
5 = 2 Switch with analog output (only with electrical connection 8)
Pressure Ranges
Type 1 (ceramic - absolute) Type 3 (ceramic - relative) Type 4 (thin-film, relative)
0015 = 0 to 15 psi 0015 = 0 to 15 psi 0250 = 0 to 250 psi 1000 = 0 to 1000 psi
0050 = 0 to 50 psi 0030 = 0 to 30 psi 0500 = 0 to 500 psi 3000 = 0 to 3000 psi
0050 = 0 to 50 psi 0089 = -14 to 75 psi 6000 = 0 to 6000 psi
0150 = 0 to 150 psi 9000 = 0 to 9000 psi
Modification Number
400 = standard in psi
Sealing Material (in contact with media)
F = FPM seal (to be used for example with hydraulic fluid)
E = EPDM seal (to be used for example with refrigerant coolant or fluids containing ammonia)
Material for Mechanical Connection / Housing (in contact with media)
1 = Stainless Steel
* G 1/4 port sizes are available upon request
Plug Connection:
EDS 3XX6 EDS 3XX8 use with ZBE 06 (4-pole) & ZBE 08 (5-pole)
(4-pole) (5-pole) (see page 60)

4 3 4 3

1 2 1 5 2

Circuit Connection:
Model with 1 switch output Model with 1 switch output
Plug 4-pol. M12x1 and signal output Dimensions: ø 1.65"
Plug 4-pol. M12x1
ø 2.15" (54.5mm)
EDS 3X46-1 EDS 3X46-3
Imax 1.2 A
+ 1 + 1 4
Imax 1.2 A SP 1
9 to 35 V 4 18 to 35 V
SP 1 I = 4 to 20 mA
– 3 – 3 2

Model with 2 switch outputs Model with 2 switch outputs
Plug 4-pol. M12x1 and signal output
Plug 5-pol. M12x1
EDS 3X46-2 EDS 3X48-5 Imax 1.2 A
Imax 1.2 A
+ 1 4 + 1 4
SP 1 SP 1
9 to 35 V Imax 1.2 A
Imax 1.2 A 18 to 35 V 5 0.47"
2 SP 2 (12mm)
– 3 – I = 4 to 20 mA
3 2
SP 2
Analog ø 1.16"
RL SAE 6 (29.5mm)
6kt-SW27 (16mm)

1-877-GO HYDAC Electronics Catalog 24

Installation, Operation SERVICE REFERENCE
REFERENCE (Supersedes PD407-17) PD407-18

Industrial Screw Plug Immersion Heaters

Note: These instructions relate to all enclosure styles shown within.

Type E1 Terminal Enclosure

Type E2 Terminal Enclosure
General Purpose (Rotatable)
Explosion Resistant/Moisture Resistant

NEW Type E4TP Terminal Enclosure Type E4 Terminal Enclosure

Moisture Resistant

Chromalox type ARMT, ARMTO, ARMTS, ARMTI,
EMTS, E4TP, MT, MTI, MTO, MTS ARTM, ARTMO, ARTMS Sheath corrosion can result in a ground fault
and ARTMI screw plug immersion heaters are designed for a wide which, depending upon the solution being heated,
variety of heating applications. can cause an explosion or fire.
Heater Construction Characteristics:
A. High quality resistance wire held in place by compacted
Magnesium Oxide Refractory enclosed in a wide variety of
sheath materials. The system designer is responsible for the safety of
B. Low to high watt densities. this equipment and should install adequate back-up
C. Standard selection of sheath materials include copper, steel, controls and safety devices with their electric heating
INCOLOY® alloy and stainless steel. This broad selection of equipment. Where the consequences of failure could
sheath materials will operate successfully in many corrosive result in personal injury or property damage, back-up
solutions. controls are essential.
D. Proper selection of sheath material is the sole responsibility of
the customer.
E. Units are available with E1 General Purpose, E4 Moisture
Resistant and E2/E3 Explosion/Moisture-Resistant terminal FIRE HAZARD. An integral thermostat, if provided, is
enclosures. designed for temperature control service only.
Additional enclosure styles available but not shown above. Because the thermostat does not fail safe, it should
not be used for temperature limiting duty. Wiring to
this device is the responsibility of the user.
IMPORTANT: It is the responsibility of the purchaser of
the heater to make the ultimate choice of sheath
material based upon his/her knowledge of the chemi-
cal composition of the corrosive solution, character of
the materials entering the solution, and controls
which he/she maintains on the process.

© 2010 Chromalox®, Inc

8. Closed Tank Installation

ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD. Disconnect all power

before installing or servicing heater. Failure to do so
could result in personal injury or property damage. EXPLOSION HAZARD. When heating in closed vessels,
Heater must be installed by a qualified person in accor- controls and back-up controls must be used to regu-
dance with the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70. late build-up of temperature and/or pressure.
A. Horizontal Position (Figure 3)
1. Before installing, unpack and check your immersion heater for any
damage that may have occurred during shipment. Report any Note: In A Forced Circulation System,
Use Pump On Inlet Side.
claims to your carrier if damage has ocurred in shipment. Do not
operate damaged equipment. Consult factory for
Outlet Inlet
2. Check to ensure that the line voltage is the same as that stamped
on the nameplate. Verify wattage and capacity versus the require-
ments at installation site. Heater

3. Do not bend the heating elements. If bending is necessary,

consult factory.
4. IMPORTANT: Mount the heater in the tank so that the liquid Figure 3 - Closed Tank in Horizontal Position
level will always be above the effective heated portion of the
heater. If the heater is not properly submerged, it may overheat and A1. Place heater at an elevation so that natural circulation can
damage the heating elements (see Figure 1). take place.
This Portion of the Heater Above Liquid Level and A2. Position outlet and inlet in a vertical plane, facing upward
Expected Low Liquid Exposed to Air Will Lead to Premature Burnout of Element to prevent air pockets. Be sure all trapped air is removed
Level from the closed tank. Bleed the air out of the liquid piping
system and heater enclosure prior to operation.
A3. IMPORTANT: Heater should never be located at the high-
est point of the liquid system. Provide expansion tank, if
RIGHT A4. Heater shall be supported if the immersion length is greater
than 36”.
Expected Maximum
Sediment Level

Note: Locate Heater as low as possible for maximum heated liquid storage
capacity. Heat does not move downward.
FREEZE HAZARD. This unit may be equipped with a
Figure 1 - Open Tank Installation thermowell for process control or over-temperature
control. Do not allow moisture to accumulate in ther-
5. Where work will pass over or near equipment, additional protection mowell. Freezing temperatures can cause damage
such as a metal guard may be needed. that my result in the heated medium leaking into ter-
6. Heater shall not be operated in sludge. minal closure.
B. Vertical Position (Figure 4)

Drip Loop Recommended

FIRE HAZARD. If the heater is not properly sub- to Minimize Passage of Moisture
Along Wiring Into Terminal
merged, the heating elements will overheat and could Wiring and Connections Outlet
result in a fire or damaged equipment.
7. Install the heater using a high quality pipe sealing compound on the
threads. Screw the heater into the opening (Figure 2). Tighten suf- Suitable
ficiently with wrench applied on the hex portion of the screwplug.
2” Approx. Cold End Inlet
(See Warning)
Maximum Sediment Level.
Install Heater Above
Locate Drain Pipe at Bottom of Heater, This Level But As
Sediment Deposits may be Near to it as Possible for Maximum
Removed Through Drain Pipe Heated Liquid Storage Capacity

Figure 4 - Closed Tank in Vertical Position

A drip loop is recommended to minimize passage of moisture from

condensation along wiring into terminal enclosure and connections.
9. To prevent moisture accumulation in cryogenic applications or
Heavy Tank Walls may be drilled and tapped - if thickness is sufficient to engage 3/4 of when heater is exposed to freezing temperatures:
threads. A. Slope conduit away from enclosure (drip loop).
Lighter Tank Walls must be equipped with suitable pipe coupling attached with proper B. Seal all conduit openings to moisture/explosion resistant termi-
solder or weld material. nal enclosure.
C. Insulate terminal enclosure.
Care must be taken to insure the heated portion does not extend into the coupling area.
D. Fill thermowell(s) with silicone, fluid when heater is mounted
Figure 2 - Exploded View Screw Plug Mounting with terminal enclosure up.


10. FIRE HAZARD. Since heaters are capable of devel- FIRE OR SHOCK HAZARD: Moisture accumulation in
oping high temperatures, extreme care should be the element refractory material, element over-tem-
taken to: perature, or sheath corrosion can cause ground fault
A. Use explosion-resistant terminal enclosures in hazardous loca- to the element sheath, generating arcing and molten
tions. See Chromalox catalog for specification of explosion- metal. Install Ground Fault Circuit-Interrupter (GFCI)
resistant terminal enclosures for hazardous locations. All to prevent personal injury or Equipment Ground Fault
options not shown here. Protection to prevent property damage.
B. Avoid contact between heaters and combustible material. 12. Adjustment Instructions for E4TP Enclosure only (Figure 6).
C. Keep combustible materials far enough away to be free of the A. After tightening the heater into the tank opening, the terminal
effects of high temperatures. enclosure can be rotated to a more convenient position to
install the power feed.
B. Remove the lid by loosening the set screw and giving the lid a
1/4 turn twist off motion. After lid removal, loosen the nuts
Provisions should be made to prevent damage from holding the clamp down plate against the inside enclosure lip
any eventual leaking of tank or components. Failure to and turn to the desired position.
comply could result in personal injury or property C. Tighten nuts and secure enclosure.
damage. D. For maximum flexibility and optimal moisture resistant per-
11. Adjustment Instructions for E1 Enclosure only (Figure 5). formance of the large Buna O-ring gasket, the gasket should be
A. After tightening the heater into the tank opening, the terminal lubricated with an inert lubricant such as silicone or while lithi-
enclosure can be rotated to a more convenient position to um based product.
install the power feed. 8-15 Locking Screw
B. Remove the terminal box cover (Item A) by loosening the three
cover screws (Item B) (do not completely remove the screws NEMA 4X Lid
since the cover holes are open slotted).
C. To rotate the terminal enclosure, loosen the three mounting
Large O-Ring
screws (Item C) until the base rotates freely (do not complete-
ly remove).
D. Turn the base until the conduit opening is at the desired position. 10-32 Ground Nut (Green)
E. Tighten the base mounting screws securely (Item C). 10-32 Hold Nut (2 Req’d)
Caution: Do not over tighten. 10-32 Stud (2 Req’d)
Screw Plug
F. Follow the rest of the screw plug installation instructions to (For reference) Clamp Down Plate
complete the installation NEMA 4X Housing
Adapter Plate



Figure 5 (ITEM “A”)
Figure 6

1. Integrally mounted thermostats are available. by a magnetic contactor with the thermostat wired for pilot duty.
2. Thermostats may be connected directly to heaters that are rated Refer to the thermostat instruction sheet packed with the heater. If
within the electrical capacities. When the heater amperage exceeds one isn’t provided, please contact Chromalox for ratings.
the contact rating of the thermostat, the heater should be controlled

in sealed flexible hose to keep corrosive vapors and liquids out of
the terminal enclosure. If high humidity is encountered, the conduit
ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD. Disconnect all power should slope down away from the heater.
before installing or servicing heater. Failure to do 4. If flexible cord is employed, a moisture resistant connector should
so could result in personal injury or property dam- be used for entry of the cord into the terminal enclosure. Outdoor
age. Heater must be installed by a qualified person applications require moisture resistant conduit and connectors.
in accordance with the National Electrical Code, 5. Bring the power line wires through the opening in the terminal
NFPA 70. enclosure. Connect line wires as shown in the wiring diagrams.
(See Figures 7 thru 13.)
6. Check for loose terminal connections and tighten if necessary.
Made to order items are prewired and tagged at the factory. Wiring of
ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD. Any installation involving made to order items may differ from those shown in the tabulation.
electric heaters must be performed by a qualified per- Carefully check voltage and phase on the heater nameplate and
son and must be effectively grounded in accordance select either the appropriate wiring shown above or check for the
with the National Electrical Code to eliminate shock appropriate wiring diagram in the heater terminal enclosure. For
hazard. reference purposes, some typical wiring diagrams are shown in the fol-
1. Electric wiring to heater must be installed in accordance with the lowing figures.
National Electrical Code and with local codes by a qualified per- 7. The current carrying capacity of the power supply leads should
son. WARNING: Use copper conductors only. exceed the heater amperage by at lease 25%. Be sure to consider
2. When element wattages are not equal, heaters must not be connect- the ambient operating temperature and apply the appropriate cor-
ed in series. rection factor to the ampacity rating of the wire. Heaters with the
3. Electrical wiring to heater should be contained in rigid conduit or same voltage and wattage may be connected in series for operation
at a higher voltage.


L2 L1 L1

L2 L2
Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9
120-600V, 1 Heat Parallel 120-600V, 3 Heat Series 208-600V, 1Ø Series Connected
L1 L1 L1
L2 L3
L2 L2
Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13
380-600V, 1Ø Series 208-600V, 3Ø Y 120-600V, 1Ø 208-600V, 3Ø

Wiring surface temperature permitted in any hazardous location. The end
Use only Type E2/E3 terminal enclosures in hazardous loca- user or purchaser of the electric heating equipment is responsible for
tion environments. The proper use of Type E2/E3 terminal enclo- determining the proper classification of an area and for providing
sures on electric heaters located in hazardous areas requires that Chromalox with hazardous area specifications and requirements for
all electrical wiring comply with National Electrical Code (NEC) proper equipment design. (NEC Articles 500 and 501 provide
requirements for hazardous locations. guidelines for evaluating and classifying hazardous locations.)
Maximum Temperatures Safety Devices
Safe operation in a hazardous location requires the maximum Approved pressure and/or temperature limiting controls must
operating temperatures of all exposed surfaces of the heater includ- be used on electric heaters and heating elements to ensure safe
ing temperatures on the outside of the vessel, piping, flanges, screw operation in the event of system malfunctions.
plugs, enclosures and other heat conducting parts be limited. The Note: Class I Group B locations include Hydrogen gas. These
flammable liquids, vapors or gases present determine the maximum areas require additional conduit seals and thread engagement.

1. Do not operate heaters at voltages in excess of that stamped on the 5. Low Megohm Condition — The refractory material used in elec-
heater since excess voltage will shorten heater life. tric heaters may absorb moisture during transit, storage or when
2. Always maintain a minimum of 2” of liquid above the heated por- subject to humid environments that will reduce the cold insulation
tion of the element to prevent exposure of the effective heated resistance (low megohm). Low megohm may result in high leak-
length. If the heater is not properly submerged, it may overheat and age current to ground and nuisance trips of ground fault protection
damage heating elements, tank or contents. equipment. Normally, the megohm value increases after heat-up.
IMPORTANT: Mount heater in the tank so the liq-
Typical insulation valves are 5 megohm or greater on complete
uid level will always be above the effective heat-
assemblies of unsealed elements or 20 megohm on individual
ed portion of the heater. Provide expansion tank
unsealed elements. It is recommended that heaters with 1 megohm
if necessary.
or less be dried out before applying full power. If dried properly
low megohm will not effect heater life or efficiency.
To correct a low megohm condition, remove terminal enclosure
If the heater is not properly submerged, the heat- cover, gaskets, and terminal hardware. Bake heaters in an oven at
ing elements will overheat and could result in a fire 300 to 350˚F for several hours or preferably overnight.
or damaged equipment.
An alternate procedure is to cycle the heater in 10 to 15 minute
3. Be sure all trapped air is removed from a closed tank. Bleed the air
periods at low voltage until megohm values are normal. Sheath
out of the liquid piping system and heater housing prior to energiz-
temperatures should not exceed 350˚F.
Note: The tank or heating chamber in closed tank systems Note: Low megohm on heating elements with epoxy or hermetic
must be kept filled with liquid at all times. seals cannot be serviced in the field. Typical resistance val
4. Keep heating elements above sediment deposits. ues when sealed are 200 megohm or greater. Contact
Chromalox service center at number listed.

9. If the heater is to be operated in the presence of explosive vapors
or dust, an explosion resistant terminal enclosure must be pro-
ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD. Disconnect all power vided.
before installing or servicing heater. Failure to do 10. Do not set the thermostats above the boiling point of the liquid.
so could result in personal injury or property dam- The boiling liquid could create a steam pocket which could cause
age. Heater must be installed by a qualified person the element(s) to overheat and burn out.
in accordance with the National Electrical Code, 11. Periodically, remove the heater from the tank to inspect the ele-
NFPA 70. ments for signs of corrosion and remove any deposits from the
1. Heaters should be checked regularly for coatings and corro-
sion and cleaned if necessary.
12. Be sure the sheath material is compatible with the material being
2. The tank should be checked regularly for sediment around
heated. Copper sheathed elements are used to heat oil, alkaline,
the heater as sediment can act as an insulator and shorten heater life.
wax and other similar materials. Stainless steel and Incoloy
Note: applies to all items, not just # 2.
sheathed elements are most often used for heating water and cor-
Note: User is responsible for maintenance schedule based on their
rosive solutions. Check with the supplier of the material or facto-
knowledge of the heated medium and operating conditions.
ry for a recommendation of a suitable sheath material.
3. Remove any accumulated sludge deposits from heater and
13. Make sure the watt-density of the heater is suitable for the mate-
from tank.
rial being heated. The velocity, viscosity, thermal conductivity of
4. Check for loose terminal connections and tighten if necessary.
the material and operating temperature are all factors in determin-
5. If corrosion is indicated in the terminal enclosure, check terminal
ing the allowable watt-density of the element. Consult factory if
enclosure gasket and replace if necessary. Check conduit layout
in doubt about the proper watt-density for the heater in a particu-
to correct conditions that allow moisture to enter the terminal
lar application.
14. When heating liquids in a large tank, the use of several small
6. Clean terminal ends of all contamination.
heaters will provide more uniform heat distribution than a single
7. The heater can be protected from possible mechanical damage by
large heater.
placing a screen or grill around the elements.
8. Protect the terminal end of the heater from spray, condensation,
Note: User is responsible for maintenance schedule based on their
dripping and vapors. A protective terminal enclosure should be
knowledge of the heated medium and operating conditions.
used if the heater is to be subjected to these conditions.

Limited Warranty:
Please refer to the Chromalox limited warranty applicable to this product at


Phone: 1-800-368-2493 www.chromalox.com
TA - R6 - EF
Litho in U.S.A.
1. General 2. Technical Data:
HyrdoWer is a globally recognized manufacturer of power unit Operating Pressures:
accessories. They have become specialists in the design of Maximum pressure: 232 p.s.i.
Butterfly Valves and Hydraulic Compensators. Negative pressure: 10 p.s.i.
Pressure difference: 58 p.s.i.
The shut off valve is installed into the pump suction line. The (per side when valve is closed)
valve has a SAE (4 - bolt flange) connection, SAE standard
J518. Material:
Body + Shift Handle : Aluminum
The valve can be actuated with or without the shift handle Seals: NBR
(option H) and the locking bolt will automatically snap the valve Other Parts: Steel Galvanized
into the open or closed position.

The optional tank flange (T-option) can be welded to the

reservior, giving a bolting surface for the butterfly valve. A limit
switch (E-option) can be mounted to the top of the valve. 3. Ordering Code:
Explosion-proof limit switches are available.
AB 16 S [NG] - T H B E Additional description

Basic equipment item #4

Limit-switch (see option #8)

Tapped bushings (see option #7)

4. Butterfly Valve: AB 16 [NG]
Shifter (see option #6)

Tank welded (see option #5)

Pump side Tank side Pump side

Mounting, screws and O-Ring

is supplied with valve.

Type [NG] Size A B D C E F G H J K L M N O SW O-Ring

SAE (in) (in) (in) (in) (mm) (mm) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (mm) (in) (mm) (mm) (mm)

AB 16 S 32 1 1/4" 1.19 2.31 1.38 1.42 M12 14 2.24 3.31 1.14 1.38 0.28 M6 2.28 13 9 41x3.5
AB 16 S 40 1 1/2" 1.41 2.75 1.75 1.81 M12 14 2.72 3.74 1.14 1.38 0.28 M6 2.28 13 9 52X3.5
AB 16 S 50 2" 1.69 3.06 2.13 2.20 M12 14 3.15 4.09 1.14 1.38 0.28 M6 2.28 13 9 62X3.5
AB 16 S 63 2 1/2" 2.00 3.50 2.62 2.68 M12 14 3.86 4.53 1.22 1.65 0.31 M6 2.52 13 12 75X4
AB 16 S 80 3" 2.44 4.19 3.25 3.35 M16 16 4.57 5.31 1.22 1.65 0.35 M8 2.52 17 12 92X4
AB 16 S 100 4" 3.06 5.13 4.17 4.17 M16 16 5.39 6.26 1.22 1.65 0.35 M8 2.52 17 12 114X4
AB 16 S 125 5" 3.63 6.00 5.16 5.16 M16 16 6.42 7.13 1.22 1.65 0.35 M8 2.52 17 12 140X4

Toll Free (877) - ICFLUID

5. Flange - Option “T”: The flange can be welded to the
Tank side Pump side reservoir, giving a bolting surface for the butterfly valve.

Type [NG] Size ØD1 ØN1 ØO1 ØP Q Q1 R

SAE (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in)

AB 16 S 32 1 1/4" 1.38 3.54 3.15 1.69 0.12 0.16 0.55

AB 16 S 40 1 1/2" 1.65 3.94 3.54 1.93 0.12 0.16 0.55
AB 16 S 50 2" 2.17 4.33 3.94 2.40 0.12 0.16 0.55
AB 16 S 63 2 1/2" 2.68 4.92 4.53 3.07 0.12 0.16 0.67
AB 16 S 80 3" 3.31 5.71 5.31 3.58 0.12 0.16 0.67
AB 16 S 100 4" 4.13 6.89 6.50 4.57 0.12 0.16 0.67
AB 16 S 125 5" 5.12 7.87 7.48 5.59 0.12 0.16 0.67

Tank side Pump side

6. Shift Handle Option “H”:

Type W X
(in) (in)
AB 16 S 32 to 50 4.13 1.57
AB 16 S 63 to 125 4.33 1.57

90° to shut

7. Threaded Adapter Bushing Inserts - Option “B”

Threaded busing that adapts to standard SAE tapped
holes. With these bushings, it will accept the screws
provided with Butterfly valve.

Type E L1 SW1
UNC-2B in mm
AB 16 S 32 to 63 7/16 - 14 0.47 12
Threaded bushing AB 16 S 40 to 63 1/2 - 13 0.51 12
AB 16 S 80 to 125 5/8 - 11 0.51 17

8. Limit switch - option “E”

Type E L1 SW1
UNC-2B (in) (mm)
AB 16 S 32 to 63 7/16 - 14 0.47 12
Wiring diagram when AB 16 S 80 to 125 5/8 - 11 0.51 17
Butterfly valve is closed


Toll Free (877) - ICFLUID

1. General:
The HydroWer Rubber Compensators is a product that
qualifies as one of the best kept secrets of power unit
accessories. The Hydrower Rubber Compensators are
flexible connectors with SAE-flanges. The oscillation
compensators are used for damping of oscillators and
vibrations, noises and movements in axial and
transversal direction.

The HydroWer Compensator is constructed of an inner

liner of a reinforced high strength rubber (Nitril-
caoutchouc. Perbunan). The outer and inside layers
are smooth and have an aerodynamic design that 1
eliminates cavitation. The outside rubber (neoprene 2 3 4
caoutchouc) is weather resistant. Both ends of the
Compensators have vulcanized sealing lips. With the
vulcanized sealing lips on each end, additional seals
are not necessary.

Typical Installation: Tank

1 - Tank wall
2 - Flange
3 - Butterfly Valve Pump
4 - Compensator

2. Technical Data: 4
Working Pressure: 87 p.s.i.
Max. Pressure: 174 p.s.i.
Tank 2 3
Burst Pressure: 290 p.s.i.
Vacuum: 20" Hg
Temperature -4°F to 176°F

Acceptable Movement

For Acceptable Movements See Tables 1, 2, 3, 4

Toll Free (877) - ICFLUID

Compensator with SAE to SAE Flange connecting sizes after SAE-Standard J 518c
sealing surface
with sealing lips


Table 1
Type [NG] Size A B D E F G H L Acceptable Movement
SAE (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) Push/Pull Offset Angle(°) Weight (lbs.)
K 16 S 25 1" 1.03 2.06 1.69 0.43 0.43 2.17 2.76 2.56 ±0.20 in ±0.20 in 7.5° 0.8
K 16 S 32 1 1/4" 1.19 2.31 1.97 0.43 0.51 2.76 3.15 2.56 ±0.20 in ±0.20 in 7.5° 1.10
K 16 S 40 1 1/2" 1.41 2.75 2.44 0.51 0.51 3.15 3.54 3.94 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 1.76
K 16 S 50 2" 1.69 3.06 2.83 0.51 0.51 3.54 3.94 3.94 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 2.21
K 16 S 63 2 1/2" 2.00 3.50 3.43 0.55 0.51 4.13 4.53 3.94 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 2.65
K 16 S 80 3" 2.44 4.19 4.09 0.55 0.71 4.72 5.20 3.94 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 3.97
K 16 S 90 3 1/2" 2.75 4.75 4.09 0.55 0.71 5.12 5.75 3.94 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 4.19
K 16 S 100 4" 3.06 5.13 5.12 0.63 0.71 5.51 6.14 3.94 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 5.51

Compensator with SAE to DIN-Flange

SAE-Flange DIN-Flange
sealing surface
with sealing lips

connecting sizes
after SAE-Norm
(J 518ci) and
after DIN 2633 - ND 16

Table 2
Type [NG] Size A B C D E F G H K L M N Acceptable Movement
SAE (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (mm) (in) Push/Pull Offset Angle (°) Weight (lbs.)
K16SD- 25 1" 1.031 2.062 4.53 1.69 0.43 0.43 2.17 2.76 3.35 2.56 4x14 0.63 ±0.20 in ±0.20 in 7.5° 3.31
K16SD- 32 1 1/4" 1.188 2.312 5.51 1.97 0.43 0.51 2.76 3.15 3.94 2.56 4x18 0.63 ±0.20 in ±0.20 in 7.5° 3.97
K16SD- 40 1 1/2" 1.406 2.750 5.91 2.44 0.51 0.51 3.15 3.54 4.33 3.94 4x18 0.63 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 4.85
K16SD- 50 2" 1.688 3.062 6.50 2.83 0.51 0.51 3.54 3.94 4.92 3.94 4x18 0.71 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 6.17
K16SD- 63 2 1/2" 2.00 3.500 7.28 3.43 0.55 0.51 4.13 4.53 5.71 3.94 4x18 0.71 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 7.06
K16SD- 80 3" 2.438 4.188 7.87 4.09 0.55 0.71 4.72 5.20 6.30 3.94 4x18 0.79 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 8.82
K16SD- 90 3 1/2" 2.750 4.750 7.87 4.09 0.55 0.71 5.12 5.75 6.30 3.94 4x18 0.79 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 9.04
K16SD- 100 4" 3.062 5.125 8.66 5.12 0.63 0.71 5.51 6.14 7.09 3.94 4x18 0.79 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 10.58

Toll Free (877) - ICFLUID

Compensator with NPT Thread to NPT Thread

Table 3

Type [NG] NG L R SW1 SW2 Acceptable Movement

(in) (in) (NPT) (mm) (mm) Push/Pull Offset Angle(°) Weight (lbs.)
K 16 R 25 0.98 6.42 1" 35 54 ±0.20 in ±0.20 in 7.5° 1.54
K 16 R 32 1.26 6.97 1 1/4" 45 66 ±0.20 in ±0.20 in 7.5° 2.43
K 16 R 40 1.57 9.06 1 1/2" 53 73 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 2.87
K 16 R 50 1.97 9.45 2" 66 90 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 3.31
Check when installing
When installing the compensator, it must be in line and maintain the dimension "L" length. For compensators with NPT pipe thread
the nut SW2 must only be hand tight.

The movement absorption in static and dynamic loads and the different types of movements must be added together and the totals
are not allowed to exceed the data given.

Attention: Pressure spikes are push loads which add to the axial movement. Do not exceed given data!

Compensator with SAE-Flange to NPT Thread

sealing surface
with sealing lips

Flange connecting after

SAE-Norm J 518 -
NPT Pipe Thread

Table 4

Type [NG] Size A B D E F G H L R SW1 SW2 Acceptable Movement

SAE (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (mm) (mm) Push/Pull Offset Angle (°) Weight (lbs.)
K16SR- 25 1" 1.03 2.06 1.61 0.43 0.43 2.17 2.76 4.49 1" 35 54 ±0.20 in ±0.20 in 7.5° 0.80
K16SR- 32 1 1/4" 1.19 2.31 1.89 0.43 0.51 2.76 3.15 4.76 1 1/4" 45 66 ±0.20 in ±0.20 in 7.5° 1.80
K16SR- 40 1 1/2" 1.41 2.75 2.32 0.51 0.51 3.15 3.54 6.18 1 1/2" 53 73 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 2.40
K16SR- 50 2" 1.69 3.06 2.76 0.51 0.51 3.54 3.94 6.42 2" 66 90 ±0.39 in ±0.39 in 10° 2.90

Toll Free (877) - ICFLUID

• Ball Type Poppet Design - patent pending • Pressures to 10,000 psi (700 bar) - Flows to 23 gpm (90 l/min)
• Nominal Size: 1/16 - 1/8 - 1/4 - 3/8 - 1/2 - 3/4 • Threads: BSP, Metric, and Inch sizes on request
Type: RVA Type: RVB

Type Max G L I b zxød 0-Ring Curve # Type Max G L I SW 0-Ring Curve #

GPM (90 sh) GPM (90 sh)
RVA 2-M 0.79 M6 6 3.5 3.5 4x1.2 2.5x1 1 RVB 2-M 0.53 M6 6.5 3.5 3 2.5x1 8
RVA 3-M 1.59 M8x1 6 3.5 5 6x1.6 4x1 2 RVB 3-M 1.06 M8x1 6.5 3.5 3 4x1 9
RVA 4 2.64 G 1/8 RVB 4 2.11 G 1/8 7 4 4 6x1 10
6.5 3.5 6 6x1.8 6x1 3
RVA 4-M 2.64 M 10x1 RVB 4-M 2.11 M 10x1
RVA 6 6.61 G 1/4 RVB 6 4.76 G 1/4 8 4.5 5 9x1 11
8 4.6 9 8x2.2 9x1 4
RVA 6-M 6.61 M 14x1.5 RVB 6-M 4.76 M 14x1.5
RVA 8 11.89 G 3/8 RVB 8 7.93 G 3/8
10 5.5 11 8x3 11x1.5 5 9.5 5.5 6 11x1.5 12
RVA 8-M 11.89 M18x1.5 RVB 8-M 7.93 M18x1.5
RVA 10 18.49 G 1/2 RVB 10 15.85 G 1/2
11.5 6.5 14.5 8x3.8 14x1.5 6 11.5 6.5 8 14x1.5 13
RVA 10-M 18.49 M22x1.5 RVB 10-M 15.85 M22x1.5
RVA 16 26.42 G 3/4 RVB 16 23.78 G 3/4
14 7.5 18.5 8x4.6 18.77x1.78 7 14 8 10 18.77x1.78 14
RVA 16-M 26.42 M27x2 RVB 16-M 23.78 M27x2

Techincal Data:
Operating Pressure: 10,150 psi (lock pressure)
Proof Pressure: 40,600 psi
Temperature Range: -40°F to 176°F
Viscosity Range: 5 to 500 c St
Installation Position: Any direction
Flow Rate: See section 4
Stainless Steel on Request

Type G K d T U X

RVA +RVB 2 M6 2 7 5 4.5 2.5

RVA +RVB 3 M8x1 7 3.5 7 4.5 2.5
RVA +RVB 4 G 1/8 8.7 5 8.5 6 2.5
RVA +RVB 4 M 10x1 9
RVA +RVB 6 G 1/4 11.7 8 9 6 3
RVA +RVB 6 M 14x1.5 12.5
RVA +RVB 8 G 3/8 15.2
10 11 6 8
RVA +RVB 8 M18x1.5 16.5
RVA +RVB 10 G 1/2 19
12 13 9.5 3.5
RVA +RVB 10 M22x1.5 20.5
RVA +RVB 16 G 3/4 24.5
It is absolutely necessary 16 17 12.5 4.5
RVA +RVB 16 M27x2 25
to maintain the "x" dimension
of the cavity (item #5) X - Thread run-out. It can be smaller, but not larger.
T - Minimum depth without plug, thread joint, transverse drill and so on.
In case of stronger impacts and vibration, it is recommended to
secure the valves with loctite or similar.
*All dimensions in mm.
Oil viscosity measured at 50 cSt.
Warning: In case of sudden loading of the check-valve in flow direction, for example behind tank or hoses, the specified flow quantity
must not be exceeded.
Toll Free (877) - ICFLUID
Check Valves

Series: VU
The Stucchi check valve design is safe,
compact, suitable to any hydraulic
application using non-corrosive liquids. The
VU size-range includes two different
standard openings at 5 to 65 PSI.

• Material: Steel with black phosphate

• Closing spring in C72 material
• Standard Crack 5psi & 65 psi
• Standard SAE and NPT threads
• Various crack pressures optional
• Central exhausting hole option
• Zinc plating available upon request

TEST 7241
VU INCH MM l/mi bar bar psi
VU18 1/8 5.0 3 1.6 400 5714
VU14 1/4 6.3 12 1 350 5000
VU38 3/8 10.0 23 0.8 350 5000
VU12 1/2 12.5 45 1.7 300 4285
VU34 5/8 16.0 74 1.3 300 4285
VU100 3/4 19.0 100 0.85 300 4285
VU114 1 25.0 189 1.2 250 3571
VU112 1 1/4 31.5 288 1.1 250 3571
VU200 1 1/2 40.0 379 0.7 150 2100

• VU series are used in any type of

hydraulic circuit.
• Alternative uses: as pressure
sequence valve by adjusting the
internal spring loading to the
required "cracking point",
according to the valve size


• The VU series must be

assembled in the circuit so that
the direction of the flow
corresponds to the direction of
the arrow marked on the valve.
Check Valves

Series: VU - Check Valves

Cracking Body Thread

Point Size Size Order Code Part Description NPT THREAD

5 psi 1/8 1/8 810201100 VU 18 NPT 5 PSI

5 psi 1/4 1/4 810201101 VU 14 NPT 5 PSI
5 psi 3/8 3/8 810201102 VU 38 NPT 5 PSI
5 psi 1/2 1/2 810201103 VU 12 NPT 5 PSI
5 psi 3/4 3/4 810201104 VU 34 NPT 5 PSI
5 psi 1 1 810201105 VU 100 NPT 5 PSI
5 psi 1 1/4 1 1/4 810201106 VU 114 NPT 5 PSI
5 psi 1 1/2 1 1/2 810201107 VU 112 NPT 5 PSI
5 psi 2 2 810201108 VU 200 NPT 5 PSI

Series: VU - Check Valves

Cracking Body Thread

Point Size Size Order Code Part Description NPT THREAD

65 psi 1/8 1/8 810201400 VU 18 NPT 65 PSI

65 psi 1/4 1/4 810201401 VU 14 NPT 65 PSI
65 psi 3/8 3/8 810201402 VU 38 NPT 65 PSI
65 psi 1/2 1/2 810201403 VU 12 NPT 65 PSI
65 psi 3/4 3/4 810201404 VU 34 NPT 65 PSI
65 psi 1 1 810201405 VU 100 NPT 65 PSI
65 psi 1 1/4 1 1/4 810201406 VU 114 NPT 65 PSI
65 psi 1 1/2 1 1/2 810201407 VU 112 NPT 65 PSI
65 psi 2 2 810201408 VU 200 NPT 65 PSI

Series: VU - Check Valves

Cracking Body Thread

Point Size Size Order Code Part Description SAE THREAD

5 psi 1/4 1/4 810204100 VU 14 SAE 5 PSI

5 psi 3/8 3/8 810204101 VU 38 SAE 5 PSI
5 psi 1/2 1/2 810204102 VU 12 SAE 5 PSI
5 psi 3/4 3/4 810204103 VU 34 SAE 5 PSI
5 psi 1 1 810204104 VU 100 SAE 5 PSI
5 psi 1 1/4 1 1/4 810204105 VU 114 SAE 5 PSI
5 psi 1 1/2 1 1/2 810204106 VU 112 SAE 5 PSI
5 psi 2 2 810204107 VU 200 SAE 5 PSI
Check Valves

Series: VU - Check Valves

Cracking Body Thread

Point Size Size Order Code Part Description SAE THREAD

65 psi 1/4 1/4 810204400 VU 14 SAE 65 PSI

65 psi 3/8 3/8 810204401 VU 38 SAE 65 PSI
65 psi 1/2 1/2 810204402 VU 12 SAE 65 PSI
65 psi 3/4 3/4 810204403 VU 34 SAE 65 PSI
65 psi 1 1 810204404 VU 100 SAE 65 PSI
65 psi 1 1/4 1 1/4 810204405 VU 114 SAE 65 PSI
65 psi 1 1/2 1 1/2 810204406 VU 112 SAE 65 PSI
65 psi 2 2 810204407 VU 200 SAE 65 PSI

Series: VU - Check Valves

Cracking Body Thread

Point Size Size Order Code Part Description NPT THREAD

14 psi 1/4 1/4 810201200 VU 14 NPT 14 PSI

14 psi 1/2 1/2 810201201 VU 12 NPT 14 PSI
14 psi 3/4 3/4 810201202 VU 34 NPT 14 PSI
14 psi 1 1 810201203 VU 100 NPT 14 PSI
14 psi 1 1/4 1 1/4 810201204 VU 114 NPT 14 PSI
14 psi 1 1/2 1 1/2 810201205 VU 112 NPT 14 PSI
21 psi 1 1 810201300 VU 100 NPT 21 PSI
57 psi 1/2 1/2 810201409 VU 12 NPT 57 PSI
115 psi 1/2 1/2 810201600 VU 12 NPT 115 PSI
115 psi 3/4 3/4 810201601 VU 34 NPT 115 PSI
145 psi 1 1 810201602 VU 100 NPT 145 PSI
215 psi 1/4 1/4 810201700 VU 14 NPT 215 PSI
290 psi 1/2 1/2 810201701 VU 12 NPT 290 PSI
CPIFF Inline Check Valves

◆ Poppet style – soft seat

◆ Flow rates to 30 gpm (115 l/min)
◆ Steel Construction; other materials available
◆ Five sizes - 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 3/4”, 1”
◆ SAE, NPSF & BS 2779 female end fittings
◆ Up to 5000 psi (345 bar) working pressure

The soft seat (virtual zero leak) guided poppet design and 4:1 safety factor of Snap-tite’s Inline Check Valves make them an
excellent choice for a wide variety of applications where free flow in one direction and blocked flow in the reverse direction is
required. The streamlined soft seated poppet offers minimum restriction to flow and positive shut off. These valves can be
provided with various spring pressures and seal options compatible with most types of fluids.

– Decimal dimensions are +/-.015 in. (.38 mm).
– Ratings, specifications, and dimensions are subject to change
without notice.
– Part configurations are typical and do not necessarily represent actual
– Consult factory for certified drawing of 6C/3C end fitting configurations.

Flow Direction

Dimensions and Specifications FLOW, I/min

Size 1/4” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1”







100 6.90
In. .75 1.00 1.25 1.38 1.75
Hex 3.45


mm 19.05 25.40 31.75 35.05 44.45 30


In. 1.97 2.60 3.25 4.33 4.78 10 .69



5.0 .35

mm 50.04 66.04 82.55 109.98 121.41 4.0 .28


3.0 .21

2.0 .14
Cv .60 1.20 2.40 4.10 7.15 1.0 .07

lbs. .20 .25 .90 1.25 2.25 .5

Weight .3 .021

kg. .09 .11 .41 .57 1.02 .2 .014

.1 .007
gpm 3.00 8.00 12.00 20.00 30.00







Flow FLOW, gpm

l/min. 11.40 30.30 45.40 75.70 113.55 HYDRAULIC OIL AT 100° F, FULLY OPEN

Note: Gallons shown are in U.S. gallons. †Applies to all Inline Check Valve styles.
Ordering Information

Inline Check Valves - 5,000 psi (345 bar) rated

CPI F F - 4 P - 15

Series Inlet Outlet Port Size Thread Type Spring Pressure Seal
CPI - F- F- NPSF or BSP SAE RP - 05 - 5 psi (.35 bar) No letter for
Inline Female Female 2 - 1/4” Female 15 - 15 psi (1 bar) Viton (std.)
Check 3 - 3/8” British Parallel 25 - 25 psi (1.75 bar) A - Buna
Valve 4 - 1/2” 8 - 1/2” BS 2779 65 - 65 psi (4.50 bar) E - Ethylene
Poppet 6 - 3/4” 12 - 3/4” P - Female NPSF Propylene
Style 8 - 1” 16 - 1” S - Female SAE

Inline Check Valves - Up to 6,000 psi (415 bar) rated•

S 6C 4 F - F 5

Material Check Size Inlet Outlet Spring Seal

No letter Valve 4 - 1/4” M - Male NPT M - Male NPT Pressure No letter for
Steel 6C - 6 - 3/8” F - Female NPTF F - Female NPTF 5 - 5 psi Viton (std.)
Zinc Clear 6,000 psi* 8 - 1/2” EF - Female SAE EF - Female SAE (.35 bar) M - Military
Dichromate (415 bar) 12 - 3/4” EM - Male 37° Flare EM - Male SAE 37° Flare 25 - 25 psi variation of
Plated operating 16 - 1” ORS - Male Face ORS - Male Face (1.75 bar) Buna N for
(standard) pressure Seal Seal 65 - 65 psi MIL-H-5606
S - 316 3C - 20 - 1-1/4” RP - Female British RP - Female British (4.5 bar) fluids
Stainless Parallel BS 2779 Parallel BS 2779 A - Buna
3,000 psi 24 - 1-1/2”
Steel (210 bar) 32 - 2” E - Ethylene
pressure CAC 10 - 15 - A -1

Series Rated Flow Cracking Pressure Seal Air Pilot* Current

CAC - Poppet 10 - 10 gpm (38 l/min) 15 - 15 psi (1 bar) No letter Option Design
Cartridge Pilot 25 - 25 gpm (95 l/min) 25 - 25 psi (1.7 bar) for Viton P - O-ring on -1
Check Valve 50 - 50 gpm (189 l/min) 60 - 60 psi (4 bar) A - Buna N Pilot Piston
CPC - Poppet (60 psi spring is
Cartridge Check recommended)
Valve *CAC only

CAV 10 - 3P - 15 A

Series Rated Flow Port Size Cracking Air Pilot Seal

CAV - Single Pilot 10 - 10 gpm (38 l/min) NPT SAE Pressure P - O-ring on No letter for
Operated Check 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2” ports 2P - 1/4” 4S - 1/4” 15 - 15 psi (1 bar) Pilot Piston Viton
Valve 25 - 25 gpm (95 l/min) 3P - 3/8” 6S - 3/8” 25 - 25 psi (1.7 bar) (60 psi spring is A - Buna N
CAD - Dual Pilot 3/8”, 1/2”, 3/4” ports 4P - 1/2” 8S - 1/2” 60 - 60 psi (4 bar) recommended)
Operated Check 50 - 50 gpm (189 l/min) 6P - 3/4” 12S - 3/4”
Valve 3/4”, 1” ports 8P - 1” 16S - 1”

*3/4” 6C SST working pressure - 5000 psi (345 bar), 1” 6C SST working pressure - 4000 psi (275 bar)

This document and other information from Snap-tite, Inc., its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having
technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to
the variety of operation conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of
the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.
The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Snap-tite, Inc. and its subsidiaries
at any time without notice.

Distributed by:

Quick Disconnect & Valve Division Industrial Estate

201 Titusville Road Whitemill - Wexford
Union City, Pennsylvania 16438-8699 USA Republic of Ireland
PH: 814-438-3821 FAX: 814-438-3069 PH: 353-53-41566 FAX: 353-53-41582
e-mail: qd&v_sales@snap-tite.com e-mail: snaptite@snap-tite.iol.ie
www.snap-tite.com www.snap-tite.com ISO-9001 Certified
sputtered thin film

3100 Series Compact High Pressure

OEM Pressure Transmitter

 0–50 psi to 0-30,000 psi ranges (0-3.5 bar to 0-2,200 bar)
 Less than 1˝ Diameter
 High Performance
Deutsch DT04-4P
For OEMs that need consistent high levels of performance, reliability and stability the
3100 Series sputtered thin film units offer unbeatable price performance ratio in a small
package size with all stainless steel wetted parts in the volumes required. A wide choice
of electrical outputs as well as both electrical and pressure connections means the unit
is suitable for most applications without modification. The compact construction of the
3100 series makes it ideal for installation where space is at a premium. And the 3100’s DIN 9.4 mm
design is fully RoHS compliant.

Long Term Drift 0.1% FS/YR (non-cumulative)
Accuracy 0.25% FS
Thermal Error 1.5% FS/100°C (0.83% FS/100°F)
Compensated Temperatures -40°C to 125°C (-40°F to 257°F)
Operating Temperatures -40°C to 125°C (-40°F to 257°F)
Zero Tolerance 0.5% of span
Span Tolerance 0.5% of span
Response Time 1 ms Packard MetriPack
Fatigue Life Designed for more than 100 M cycles
Mechanical Configuration
Pressure Port See under “How to Order,” last page
Wetted Parts 17-4 PH Stainless Steel
Electrical Connection See under “How to Order,” last page
Enclosure IP67 (IP65 for electrical code A)
Vibration 40G peak to peak sinusoidal, 10-2000 Hz
Shock Withstands free fall to IEC 68-2-32 procedure 1
EMC (Radiated Immunity) 100 V/m
DIN72585A1-4, 1
Approvals CE, conforms to European Pressure Directive,
Fully RoHS compliant
Weight 35 grams

Individual Specifications
Output (3-wire) 0 V min. to 10 V max. See under “How to Order,” last page
Supply Voltage 2 Volts above full scale to 30 Vdc max @ 4.5 mA
(6.5 mA on dual output version) M12 x 1P
Source and Sinks 2 mA
Output (2-wire) 4-20 mA
Supply Voltage 8-30 Vdc
Maximum Loop Resistance (Supply Voltage-8) x 50 ohms
Output 0.5 to 4.5 Vdc @ 4 mA (6.5 mA on dual output version)
Supply Voltage 5 Vdc ±10%

Pressure Capability
Pressure Range Proof Pressure Burst Pressure
PSI (Bar) (x Full Scale) (x Full Scale)
Amp Superseal 1.5
50-300 (3.5-25) 3.00 x FS 40 x FS
500-1,500 (40-100) 20 x FS
2,000-6,000 (160-400) 2.00 x FS 10 x FS
7,500-15,000 (600-1,000) 4 x FS
20,000 (1,600) 2 x FS
25,000 (1,800) 1.40 x FS 1.8 x FS
30,000 (2,200) 1.5 x FS

Electrical Connector
DIN 9.4 mm M12 x 1P Amp Superseal 1.5 DIN72585A1-4, 1 Deutsch DT04-4P Packard MetriPack
2 A

2 3 KEY
KEY 2 3

3 1 2 1 C
1 4
4 1
4 1 2 3 B
25.9 1.9 20.83
1.02 0.07 0.82
6 ø0.93
M12 x 1P
0.38 37 38.1 37
1.46 32.2 1.5 1.45
19.3 18.3
0.76 0.72

Code B Code E Code 6 Code 7 Code 8 Code 9

Pin Voltage Current Voltage Current Voltage Current Voltage Current Voltage Current Voltage Current
# Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode Mode
Vout1 No Vout1 No Vout1 No
1 Vsupply Supply Vsupply Supply Ground Return C
(pressure) Connect (pressure) Connect (pressure) Connect
Vout1 No
2 Vsupply Supply Ground Return Ground Return Vsupply Supply Ground Return A
(pressure) Connect
Vout 2 No Vout1 No Vout 2 No
3 Ground Return Vsupply Supply Vsupply Supply B
(temp) Connect (pressure) Connect (temp) Connect
Vout 2 No Vout 2 No Vout1 No
4 Ground Return — — — — —
(temp) Connect (temp) Connect (pressure) Connect

Wiring Diagram Current Output Mode (Load Resistor Range)

(-) (+) IN (+) 1100

(-) (+) OUT(+) TRANSDUCER 800
(-) (+) + 300
(-) (+) (-) TRANSDUCER 0
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


Minimum Resistor Value = 50*(+V – 24) for +V > 24V

Maximum Resistor Value = 50*(+V – 8) for +V > 8V

sputtered thin film
Pressure Ports

7 7 7
0.28 0.28 0.28

0.38 14 12.8 11.1
0.55 0.5 0.44

Fitting Code 08 and 4D = 1/8˝-27 NPT (4D is NPTF Dryseal) 04 = 7/16˝-20 UNF with 37° Flare 1J = 7/16˝-20 UNF with O-Ring
Torque 2-3 TFFT* 15-16 NM 18-20 NM

7 7 7
0.28 0.28 0.28

16 14.44 17
0.63 0.57 0.67

Fitting Code OE = 1/4˝-18 NPT Internal 02 and 4C = 1/4˝-18 NPT (4C is NPTF Dryseal) 1G = SAE 4 Female 7/16˝ Schrader
Torque 2-3 TFFT* 2-3 TFFT* 18-20 NM

7 7 7
0.28 0.28 0.28

12.5 11 12.5 11 16.5

0.49 0.43 0.49 0.43 0.65

Fitting Code 01 = G1/4˝ External 05 = G1/4˝ A Integral Face Seal 2T = M12x1.5 HP Metal Washer Seal
Torque 30-35 NM 30-35 NM 30-35 NM
The diameter of all cans is 19 mm (0.748˝)
Hex is 22 mm (0.866˝) Across Flats (A/F) for deep socket mounting
*NPT Threads 2-3 turns from finger tight, then wrench tighten 2-3 turns.

Mating Connectors
For Use on
Part Number Description
Elect. Code #
557230 MINI DIN Connector, Strain Relief B
557703-01M0 M12 Cord Set – 1 Meter (Red 1, Green 2, Blue 3, Yellow 4) E
557703-03M0 M12 Cord Set – 3 Meters (Red 1, Green 2, Blue 3, Yellow 4) E
557703-04M0 M12 Cord Set – 4 Meters (Red 1, Green 2, Blue 3, Yellow 4) E
557703-05M0 M12 Cord Set – 5 Meters (Red 1, Green 2, Blue 3, Yellow 4) E
Recommended Mating Parts (AMP p/n: Housing 282087-1; Contacts 3X 183025-1; Seal 281934-1; Boot 880811-2) 6
557701 AMP Superseal Mate Kit 6
210729 AMP 3.5´ Cable Cord Set – Clear Pos 1, Black Pos 2, Red Pos 3 6
210730 AMP 12˝ Flying Leads Cord Set – White Pos 1, Black, Red Pos 3 6
Recommended Mating Parts (AMP p/n: Socket Conn 1-967325-1. Consult AMP for Contacts, Wire Seal and Strain Relief options) 7
557702 DIN 72585 Twist Lock Mate Kit 7
Recommended Mating Parts (Deutsch p/n: Housing Plug DT064S-P012; Wedge W4S-P012; Sockets 4X 0462-201-1631) 8
Recommended Mating Parts (Delphi Packard MetriPack p/n: Body 12065286; Seal 12052893. Consult Delphi for Contacts) 9
218760 Packard Mate Kit 9
581 Packard Cord Set 3´ Long (18 AWG PVC Cable – White 1, Black 2, Red 3) 9
582 Packard Cord Set 6´ Long (18 AWG PVC Cable – White 1, Black 2, Red 3) 9

How to Order
Use the bold characters from the chart below to construct a product code

3100 B 200PG 02 B 000


Series Electrical Connection

3100 - Pressure Transducer – B - Industrial DIN
Combination Pressure and Temperature1 (mating connector not supplied)
3101 - Temp. Output Range -40°C to 125°C E - M12 x 1P (4-Pin)
3102 - Temp. Output Range 0°C to 100°C 6 - AMP Superseal 1.5 Series
3103 - Temp. Output Range 0°C to 80°C 7 - DIN 72585 Bayonet A1 - 4.1
8 - Deutsch DT04-4P
9 - Packard MetriPack
B - 4-20 mA C - 1-6 V H - 1-5 V
N - 0.5-4.5 V R - 0-5 V S - 0-10 V Pressure Port
T - 0.5-4.5 V Ratiometric 08 - 1/8-27 NPT External
02 - 1/4-18 NPT External
Pressure Range – psi
04 - 7/16-20 External (SAE #4, J514)
050PG - 0-50 psiG 10CPG - 0-1,000 psiG 10KPS = 0-10,000 psiS
1J - 7/16-20 External (SAE #4, J1926-2)
075PG - 0-75 psiG 15CPG - 0-1,500 psiG 15KPS - 0-15,000 psiS2
OE - 1/4˝-18 NPT Internal
100PG - 0-100 psiG 20CPS - 0-2,000 psiS 20KPS - 0-20,000 psiS2
1G - Schrader SAE #4, 7/16˝ Internal
150PG - 0-150 psiG 25CPS - 0-2,500 psiS 25KPS - 0-25,000 psiS2
4C - 1/4-18 NPTF External (Dryseal)
200PG - 0-200 psiG 30CPS - 0-3,000 psiS 30KPS - 0-30,000 psiS2
4D - 1/8-27 NPTF External (Dryseal)
300PG - 0-300 psiG 35CPS - 0-3,500 psiS
0K - M14 x 1.5 Straight
500PG - 0-500 psiG 40CPS - 0-4,000 psiS
1P - SAE 6 (9/16˝-18 UNF 2A)
600PG - 0-600 psiG 50CPS - 0-5,000 psiS
750PG - 0-750 psiG 60CPS - 0-6,000 psiS European Threads
75CPS - 0-7,500 psiS 01 - G1/4 External
Pressure Range - bar 05 - G1/4 External Soft Seal
0004G - 0-4 barG 0160S - 0-160 barS 1000S - 1,000 barS2 OL - M12 x 1.5 (<1,000 bar, 15,000 psi)
0005G - 0-5 barG 0250S - 0-250 barS 1600S - 1,600 barS2 2T - M12 x 1.5 (6g) (≥1,000 bar, 15,000 psi)
0010G - 0-10 barG 0400S - 0-400 barS 2200S - 2,200 barS2
0016G - 0-16 barG 0600S - 0-600 barS
0025G - 0-25 barG
0040G - 0-40 barG
0060G - 0-60 barG
0100G - 0-100 barG

1. Temperature outputs are for voltage output pressure sensors only
(applies to codes -C, -H, -N, and -T only) and limited to connections
that have 4 pins (Electrical codes -B, -E, -7, and -8). Accuracy is
3.5% of temperature span. Requires additional 2mA of power.
2. Ranges 15,000 psi (1,000 bar) and above available with -2T
pressure port only.
3. For use with pull-up or pull-down resistors, contact factory.

Gems Sensors Inc.

One Cowles Road
Plainville, CT 06062-1198 USA
800.378.1600 PT-001 – 00M – 01/07

Technical Information (Pump Series B,F,N,G)

Fixed displacement pumps U Bushing type bearings for

heavy duty applications
Standard design
U Drive shafts to SAE or ISO
Nominal pressure 250 bar
U Combination of several pumps
U Line connections: split flange
or threaded

Standard, frame size B Size 1 2 3 4 5

Displacement Vg max in .06 .12 .18 .23 .28
Operating pressure continuous p bar 210 210 210 190 140
Max. peak pressure Pmax bar 250 250 250 230 180
Max. speed1) n rpm 6000 5000 4000 4000 4000
Weight m lb 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0

Standard, frame size F Size 4 5 8 11 14 16 19 22 25 28

Displacement Vg max in .25 .34 .50 .69 .88 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.53 1.71
Operating pressure continuous p bar 250 250 250 250 250 250 210 180 200 170
Max. peak pressure Pmax bar 300 300 300 300 300 300 250 230 240 210
Max. speed1) n rpm 4000 4000 4000 3500 3000 3000 3000 2500 3000 3000
Weight m lb 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.6 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.4 8.8 9.3

Standard, frame size N Size 20 22 25 28 32 36

Displacement Vg max in3 1.22 1.37 1.53 1.71 1.95 2.20

Operating pressure continuous p bar 230 230 230 210 180 160
Max. peak pressure Pmax bar 270 270 270 250 220 200
Max. speed n rpm 3000 3000 3000 2800 2800 2600
Weight m lb 11.9 12.1 12.3 12.6 13.0 13.2

Standard, frame size G Size 22 28 32 38 45 56

Displacement Vg max in3 1.37 1.71 1.95 2.32 2.75 3.42

Operating pressure continuous p bar 210 210 210 200 180 160
Max. peak pressure Pmax bar 270 270 270 270 250 220
Max. speed n rpm 3000 3000 2800 2800 2600 2300
Weight m lb 19.8 20.3 20.7 21.4 21.8 22.9
Min. speed 500-750 rpm. Please contact factory
Technical Information (Pump Series F, Silence Design)

Fixed displacement pumps

Silence version
Nominal pressure 250 bar
U Bushing type bearings for
heavy duty applications
U Drive shafts to SAE or ISO
U Combination of several pumps
U Line connections: split flange
or threaded
U Optimized pressure pulsation
reduces noise levels and
oscillations in the system
U Reinforced shaft and housing
for distinctly longer service life

Silence version Size 4 5 8 11 14 16 19 22 25 28

Displacement Vg max in3 .25 .34 .50 .69 .88 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.53 1.71
Operating pressure continuous p bar 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 220 200 170
Max. peak pressure Pmax bar 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 270 240 210
Max. speed n rpm 4000 4000 4000 3500 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Weight m lb 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.6 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.4 8.8 9.3
Min. speed 500 rpm
Ordering Code (Pump Series B)
• High pressures combined with small size and low weight
• Large speed ranges
• Broad viscosity and temperature ranges
Customer benefits
• Value-for-money method of pressure generation
• Consistent high quality due to large-scale production
• Different versions available on request

AZ - P - B - 1X - 0 0 5 - R C P 02 M B

P = Pump
Size (B) End cover
3 3
.06 in (1.0 cm ) = 001 Standard = B
.12 in3 (2.5cm3) = 002 Rear ports = A
.18 in3 (3.0cm3) = 003
.23 in3 (3.8cm3) = 004 Seals
.28 in3 (4.6cm3) = 005
NBR, shaft seal in FPM = K

Direction of rotation
Right = R
Left = L

Drive shafts Front flange Line connections

Matching front flange

Conical 1:5 Transmission flange Rectangular
C (Tapered key) P P Centring Ø 32 mm 20 flange

Dog (Tang) Transmission flange BSP Pipe thread

N M M Centring Ø 32 mm 01 ISO 228
with O-ring
Metric thread
02 DIN 3852, T1

Note: Consult Factory for Availability

Ordering Code (Pump Series F)
• High pressures combined with small size and low weight
• Large speed ranges
• Broad viscosity and temperature ranges
Customer benefits
• Value-for-money method of pressure generation
• Consistent high quality due to large-scale production
• Large number of different versions available

A Z - P - F - 1X or 2X - 0 1 6 - R C B 20 M B

P = Pump
Size (F) End cover
.25in3 ( 4.0 cm3) = 004 Standard = B Rear ports = A
.34in3 ( 5.5 cm3) = 005 Pressure relief valve on request
.50in3 ( 8.0 cm3) = 008 Flow control valve on request
.69in3 (11.0 cm3) = 011 Seals
.88in3 (14.0 cm3) = 014
1.00 in3 (16.0 cm3) = 016 NBR = M
1.20 in3 (19.0 cm3) = 019 FPM = P
1.40 in3 (22.5 cm3) = 022 NBR, shaft seal in FPM = K
1.53 in3 (25.0 cm3) = 025
1.71 in3 (28.0 cm3) = 028
Direction of rotation
Right = R
Left = L

Drive shafts Front flange Line connections

Matching front flange

Conical 1:5 Square flange Rectangular
C (Tapered key) B P B Centring Ø 80 mm 20 flange

Conical 1:5 SAE A 2-bolt Thread (UN-2B)

S for flange A A R 12 SAE O-ring BOSS
(Tapered key)
Conical 1:8 Transmission flange BSP Pipe thread
H (Tapered key) O P Centring Ø 50 mm 01 ISO 228

Dog (Tang) Square flange Rectangular

N M O Centring 30 flange
Ø 36.47 mm
SAE B 2-bolt Split flange SAE
A (Straight key)
B C 07 Code 61
ISO Ø 18mm
Metric bolts
Cylindrical Transmission flange Split flange SAE
Q (Straight key) R M Centring Ø 52 mm 40 Code 61
SAE A 5/8”
with O-ring UNC bolts
Spline shaft Outrigger bearing
R SAE A 9T R C A Centring Ø 80 mm
(outboard bearing)
Spline shaft

Splne shaft
F DIN 5482 B17x14 B P
Ordering Code (Pump Series G)
• High pressures combined with small size and low weight
• Large speed ranges
• Broad viscosity and temperature ranges
Customer benefits
• Value-for-money method of pressure generation
• Consistent high quality due to large-scale production
• Large number of different versions available

AZ - P - G - 1X - 0 3 8 - R C B 20 M B

P = Pump
Size (G) End cover
3 3
1.37 in (22.5 cm ) = 023 Standard = B
1.71 in3 (28.0 cm3) = 028
1.99 in3 (32.6 cm3) = 032
2.32in3 (38.0 cm3) = 038 Seals
2.75in3 (45.0 cm3) = 045
3.42in3 (56.0 cm3) = 056 NBR = M
NBR, shaft seal in FPM = K

Direction of rotation
Right = R
Left = L

Drive shafts Front flange Line connections

Matching front flange

Conical 1:5 Square flange Rectangular
C (Tapered key) B B Centring Ø 105 mm 20 flange

Conical 1:5 Square flange Rectangular

S for flange A A O Centring 30 flange
(Tapered key) Ø 50.78 mm
Conical 1:8 SAE B 2-bolt Split flange SAE
H (Tapered key) O C 07 Code 61
Metric bolts
Dog (Tang) Transmission flange Split flange SAE
N M M Centring Ø 52 mm 40 Code 61
with O-ring UNC bolts
Cylindrical Outrigger bearing
Q (Straight Key) C A Centring Ø 105 mm
SAE B 7/8” (outboard bearing)
Spline shaft

Spline shaft
F DIN 5482 B17x14 B

Note: Consult Factory for Availability

Ordering Code (Pump Series F, Silence Design)
• Low flow pulsation
• High pressures combined with small size and low weight
Customer benefits
• Optimized pressure pulsation, which reduces noise levels and
vibration excitation in the system
• Consistent high quality
• Considerably longer life due to reinforced shaft and housing

AZ - P - S - 1X - 016 - R C B 20 M B

P = Pump
Size (S) End cover
.25in3 ( 4.0 cm3) = 004 Standard = B
.34in3 ( 5.5 cm3) = 005 Pressure relief valve on request
.50in3 ( 8.0 cm3) = 008 Flow control valve on request
.69in3 (11.0 cm3) = 011 Seals
.88in3 (14.0 cm3) = 014
1.00 in3 (16.0 cm3) = 016 NBR = M
1.20 in3 (19.0 cm3) = 019 FPM = P
1.40 in3 (22.5 cm3) = 022 NBR, shaft seal in FPM = K
1.53 in3 (25.0 cm3) = 025
1.71 in3 (28.0 cm3) = 028
Direction of rotation
Right = R
Left = L

Drive shafts Front flange Line connections

Matching front flange

Conical 1:5 Square flange Rectangular
C (Tapered key)
B P 20
B Centring Ø 80 mm flange

Conical 1:8 SAE A 2-bolt Thread (UN-2B)

H (Tapered key)
O 12

Dog (Tang) Transmission flange Rectangular

N M 30
P Centring Ø 50 mm flange

Cylindrical 39 Square flange

Q SAE A 5/8”
R O Centring
Ø 36.47 mm
Spline shaft SAE B 2-bolt
(Straight key)
Spline shaft Transmission flange
R C M Centring Ø 52 mm
with O-ring
Spline shaft
F DIN 5482 B17x14

Note: Consult Factory for Availability

Installation Drawings (Pump Series N)

A 510 341 201

Type code Displacement Dimension

AZ-P-N-IX- V [in3/ rev ](cm3) A B lbs

025 RL DC20MB 1.53 in3 (25) 55 116.1 13.2

028 R DC20MB 1.71 in3 (28) 56.5 119.1 13.4
036 L DC20MB 2.20 in3 (36) 61 128.1 13.2
Installation Drawings (Pump Series F)
–0.4 B –0.016
6.3 0.25
SAE A FLANGE 48 1.89 6.1 0.24
R46 R1.81
o 11.27 0.44
11.00 o 0.43 2–HOLES 12.5 0.49
12.0 0.47

o82.55 3.250
82.50 3.248

16.0 .63
15.4 .61

106.55 4.195
106.25 4.183
128.5 5.06
125.5 4.94

101.5 4.00
o 21 .8 99.0 3.90

87 3.4 MAX. Side Port Option

15.7 0.62

15.7 0.62

PORT 19.75 0.78 22.97 0.90 OUTLET PORT

Rear Port Option


Displacement A Dim. B Dim. Inlet Port Outlet Port A Dim. Inlet Port Outlet Port
Size cm3/rev in3/rev mm (in) mm (in) SAE O-Ring Boss SAE O-Ring Boss in (mm) SAE O-Ring Boss SAE O-Ring Boss
004 4.1 0.25 85 (3.35) 39.9 (1.57) .875-14UNF .750-16UNF 100.9 (3.97) 1.062-12UN .875-14UNF
005 5.6 0.34 85.6 (3.37) 41.1 (1.62) .875-14UNF .750-16UNF 103.4 (4.07) 1.062-12UN .875-14UNF
008 8.2 0.50 91.6 (3.61) 43.2 (1.70) 1.062-12UN .875-14UNF 107.5 (4.23) 1.062-12UN .875-14UNF
011 11.3 0.69 96.6 (3.80) 47.0 (1.85) 1.062-12UN .875-14UNF 112.5 (4.43) 1.062-12UN .875-14UNF
014 14.4 0.88 101.6 (4.00) 47.5 (1.87) 1.062-12UN .875-14UNF 117.5 (4.63) 1.062-12UN .875-14UNF
016 16.5 1.00 105.0 (4.13) 49.9 (1.96) 1.312-12UN .875-14UNF 120.9 (4.76) 1.062-12UN .875-14UNF
019 19.6 1.20 110.0 (4.33) 52.4 (2.06) 1.312-12UN .875-14UNF 126.9 (5.00) 1.062-12UN .875-14UNF
022 22.9 1.40 115.4 (4.54) 55.1 (2.17) 1.312-12UN .875-14UNF 131.3 (5.17) 1.062-12UN .875-14UNF
Input Shaft Information
31.7 1.25 31.7 1.25
31.1 1.22 31.1 1.22
31.7 1.25
31.1 1.23

4 0.16 SQUARE x
15.46 0.6085 17.97 0.7075
15.33 0.6034 20 0.79 LONG KEY 17.90 0.7047


17.73 0.698
17.50 0.689

o 15.88 0.625
15.85 0.624
8.8 0.35
7.2 0.28

1…Spline Shaft, Type R 2…Keyed Shaft, Type Q 3…Spline Shaft, Type P


Spline type: Flat Root, Side Fit Spline type: Flat Root, Side Fit, Class 1
Number of teeth: 9 Number of teeth: 11
Spline pitch: 16/32 Spline pitch: 16/32

Operating Curves…Measured at 115 SUS, 120 °F, and 2000 psi

Output Flow Input Horsepower
22 30
022 28
24 019
16 22
016 20
Output Flow in gpm

Input power in HP

18 014
12 16

10 14 011
10 008
6 8
005 005

4 004

0 0
700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 700 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

Drive speed in rpm Drive speed in rpm

Application Information
Installation and commissioning
– Fill the pump with fluid before install-
Design calculations ing.
for pumps – Check the direction of rotation.
– Before installing the pump, clean the
pipes thoroughly of all dirt, scale,
sand, swarf, etc. Welded pipes in
The design calculations for pumps are particular must be pickled or flushed
based on the following parameters: out.
– Before starting up the pump for the
V [cm3/rev] Displacement first time, the entire hydraulic system
Q [l/min] Delivery must be thoroughly purged of air.
p [bar] Pressure – Cover the shaft seal when spraying or
M [Nm] Drive torque brush-painting the equipment.
n [rev/min] Drive speed – Pay close attention to the specification,
P [kW] Drive power especially speeds, pressures and
suction vacuum.
It is also necessary to allow for different
efficiences such as: Filter recommendations
By far the largest number of premature
ηv Volumetric efficiency failures or gear pumps are due to con-
ηhm Hydraulic-mechanical efficiency taminated fluid.
ηt Overall efficiency Since our guarantee does not apply to
wear resulting from dirt in the system,
The following formulas describe the we recommend filtering which reduces
various relationships. They include the size and concentration of the con-
correction factors for adapting the para- tamination particles to a permitted
meters to the usual units encountered in minimum.
Operating pressure [bar] >160 <160
Note: Diagrams providing approximate Contamination
selection data will be found on 9 10
class NAS 1638
subsequent pages.
18/15 19/16
class ISO 4406
Achieved with filter
20 25
βX = 75

Full-flow filtering is always recom-

The initial contamination of the fluid with
which the system is filled must not
exceed Class 10 to NAS 1638. Past
experience has shown that even brand
new fluids often exceed this value. In
such cases a filter incorporating a special
filter will have to be used.

Q = V · n · ηv · 10–5 V= · 105 n= · 105
n · ηv V · ηv

M · ηhm M · ηhm 1
p= V= M = 1,59 · V · p
1,59 · V 1,59 · p ηhm

p·Q p·Q 6 · P · ηt 6 · P · ηt
P= = Q= p=
6 · ηt 600 p Q

V [cm3/U] Q [l/min] p [bar] z. B.

Note η [%] e.g. 95 [%]
n [U/min] P [kW] M [Nm] Attention p.e.
Drive Information
Drive arrangements

1. Flexible couplings 2. Sleeve couplings

The coupling must not transfer any Used on shafts with DIN or SAE
radial or axial forces to the pump. splining. Note: There must be no radial
or axial forces exerted on the pump or
The maximum radial runout of shaft sleeve coupling.
spigot is 0.2 mm. Refer to the fitting The sleeve must be free to move axially.
instructions provided by the coupling The distance between the pump shaft
manufacturer for details of the maximum and drive shaft must be 2+1.
permitted shaft misalignment. Oil-bath or oil-mist lubrications is

Size F
B 17 x 14 DIN 5482
Mmax = 190 Nm
« 1 516 334 008

Mmax V [cm3/ pmax. [bar]

3. Drive shaft with dog
[Nm] V [cm3/tUrev ]
For the close-coupling of the pumps to
engines, gearboxes, etc. the pump shaft 16 230
has a special drive dog which combines 65 19 190
with a centre coupling 3 (included with 22.5 160
the pumps). There is no shaft seal.

The recommended arrangements and

dimensions for the drive end and sealing
B Series
are as follows.

1 Drive shaft
Case-hardening steel DIN 17 210
e.g. 20 Mn CrS 5
case-hardened 0.6 deep; HRc 60 ±3.
Surface for sealing ring
ground without rifling Rt  4µm

2 Radial shaft seal

Rubber-covered seal (see DIN 3760,
Type AS or double-lipped ring).
Cut 15° chamfer or fit shaft seal with
protective sleeve.
Seal Information


Jaw Type Couplings — USA Standard

The Jaw Type Couplings from Vescor are offered in the industry’s largest Applications include power transmission to industrial equipment such as
variety of stock bore/keyway combinations. These couplings require no pumps, gear boxes, compressors, blowers, mixers and conveyors. Jaw
lubrication and provide highly reliable service for light, medium, and Type couplings are available in 24 sizes from a minimum torque rating of
heavy duty electrical motor and internal combustion power transmission 3.5 in-lbs. to a maximum torque rating of 170,004 in-lbs. and a bore range
applications. Other features and benefits include: of .125 inches to 7 inches. Vescor’s standard bore program covers AGMA,
• Fail safe-will still perform if elastomer fails. SAE and DIN bore/keyway and spline bore combinations.
• No metal to metal contact The Jaw Type coupling is available in a variety of metal hub and insert
• Resistant to oil, dirt, sand, moisture and grease. materials. Hubs are offered in sintered metal, aluminum, bronze, steel,
• More than 850,000 combinations of bore sizes. stainless steel and ductile iron.
• Most types available from stock in 24 hours

L Type
AL Coupling
This coupling offers standard shaft-to-shaft connection for general indus-
trial duty applications. Standard L type coupling hub materials are either
sintered iron (L035-L150) or cast iron (L190-L276).

AL Type
The aluminum construction means this coupling is light weight with low
overhung load and low inertia. The AL type also offers excellent resis-
tance to atmospheric conditions, so it is perfect for corrosive environment

C Type
These couplings provide standard shaft-to-shaft connection for medium
range applications. The standard coupling hub is made of cast iron.
C Coupling
L Coupling

Elastomers in Compression
Vescor offers four types of elastomer designs to allow for additional flex-
ibility in addressing specific application requirements. One piece designs
are used in the “L” and “AL” models (referred to as spiders) and multi-
ple part “load cushions” are used in the “C” model couplings. The load
cushions are in sets of 8 to 14 pieces depending on coupling size.
Solid Center Spider Spider Materials
The solid center design is the most commonly used in general power
transmissions applications when the shafts of the driver and driven can be SOX (NBR) Rubber
kept separate by a standard gap. Nitrile Butadiene (Buna-N) Rubber, a highly flexible insert material that
Open Center Spider is oil resistant, is our standard elastomer. It resembles natural rubber in
The open center spider design allows the shafts of the driver and driven resilience and elasticity and operates effectively in temperature ranges of
to be positioned within a short distance. Open center spiders offer shaft -40° to +212°F (-40° to +100°C). (Also applies to SXB Cushions.)
positioning flexibility but have lower maximum RPM capability (1750 Urethane
RPM max for NBR, 3600 RPM max for Urethane/Hytrel). Urethane has 1.5 times greater torque capacity then NBR and offers good
Cushions resistance to oil and chemicals. However, this material provides less
The cushion design is available exclusively for the C Type jaw couplings. dampening effect and operates at at temperature range of -30° to +160°F
The load cushions are held in place radially by a steel collar which is (-34° to +71°C)
attached to one of the hubs. This design allows for easy installation and Hytrel
removal of the load cushions. The cushion design have the same engi- Hytrel is a flexible elastomer designed for high torque and high tempera-
neering purpose as the spider design but is more effective in the heavy ture operations. Hytrel can operate in temperatures of -60° to +250°F
duty applications that Type C couplings address. (-51° to +121°C) and has an excellent resistance to oil and chemicals. It
is best used in continuous load applications rather than cycle or on/off ser-
Snap Wrap Flexible Spider
The snap wrap flexible spider design allows line spider section of the
coupling to be easily installed or removed without disturbing the cou- Bronze
pling hub. This design also allows for close shaft separations all the way Bronze is a rigid, porous, oil-impregnated metal insert exclusively for low
up to hubs maximum bore, which is not possible with open center spi- speed (max. 250 rpm) applications requiring high torque capabilities.
ders. Maximum RPM is 1750 with retaining ring. Bronze performance is not affected by water, oil, dirt, or extreme temper-
atures–operates in temperatures of -40° to +450°F (-40° to +232°C).


1 JULY 03
Jaw Type Coupling Selection Process Selection Example
The selection process for determining the proper jaw coupling size and A coupling is needed to connect a 20HP standard electric motor rated at
elastomer requires using the charts shown on the following pages. There 1800 RPM to a rotary pump. The shaft sizes of the electric motor (driver)
are three components to be selected, two hubs and one elastomer. When the is 2.0 inches and the pump (driven) is 1.75 inches. There are no special
shaft size of the driver and driven of the application are of the same diam- environmental conditions and the general operating temperature is normal
eter, the hubs selected will be the same. When shaft diameters differ, hubs room temperature 72°F. Less than 1° of misalignment is expected.
selected will differ accordingly. Step 1: Determine the Nominal Torque:
Nominal Torque = (HP x 63025)
Information necessary before a coupling can be selected: RPM
• HP (or KW) and RPM or Torque of driver = (20 x 63025)
• Shaft sizes of driver and driven equipment and 180
corresponding keyways
= 700.28 in-lb
• Application description
• Environmental conditions (i.e. extreme temperature, Step 2: Using the Application Service Factor Chart 1, select the service
corrosive conditions, space limitations)
factor which best corresponds to your application. The application Service
List of charts provided for Selection Factor for an electric motor with standard torque driving a rotary pump is
1.25. The value of 1.25 is found under the application category Pumps,
Chart 1-Application Service Factors Rotary, column: Electric Motor w/Standard Torque in Chart 1.
Chart 2-Spider Performance Data
Chart 3-Coupling Nominal Rated Torque Step 3: Calculate the Design Torque of your application:
Formulas:Nominal Torque = in-lb = (HP x 63025) Design Torque = Nominal Torque x Application Service Factor
RPM = 700.28 x 1.25
Nm = (KW x 9550) = 875.35 in-lb
RPM Step 4: Using the Elastomer Performance Data Chart 2, select the elas-
Design Torque=Nominal Torque x Application Service Factor tomer material which best corresponds to your application. Since there are
not special environmental conditions, the operating temperature is 72°F
Steps in Selecting a Jaw Coupling and less than 1° of angular misalignment is required, the NBR elastomer
material is selected.
Step 1: Determine the Nominal Torque of your application by using the
Step 5: Using the Coupling Nominal Rated Torque Chart 3, the NBR elas-
following formula:
tomer column is used to determine the proper coupling size. Scanning
Nominal Torque = in-lb = HP x 63025
down the NBR column, the first entry to accommodate the Design Torque
value of 875.35 in-lb is the size L150 with a nominal torque rating of 1,240
Nm = (KW x 9550)
in-lb. Referring to the maximum RPM of 1800 on the electric motor of the
application does not exceed the 5000 RPM maximum allowed for the L150
Step 2: Using the Application Service Factors Chart 1 select the service size coupling with an NBR elastomer.
factor which best corresponds to your application.
Step 6: Compare the application driver/driven shaft size to the maximum
Step 3: Calculate the Design Torque of your application by multiplying the bore available in the coupling selected. The electric motor (driver) of this
Nominal Torque calculated in Step 1 by the application Service Factor application has a shaft size of 2.0 inches and the pump (driven) has a shaft
determined in Step. 2 size of 1.75 inches. The L150 coupling has a maximum bore less than the
Design Torque=Nominal Torque x Application Service Factor driver shaft size. Continuing down the Maximum Bore column, in Chart 3,
Step 4: Using the Spider Performance Data Chart 2, select the elastomer the L190 size is found to have a maximum bore size of 2.125 and is able to
material which best corresponds to your application. accommodate the driver/ driven shaft sizes. Therefore the proper coupling
size for the application is a L190 coupling with an NBR elastomer.
Step 5: Using the coupling Nominal Rated Torque Chart 3, locate the
appropriate elastomer material column for the elastomer selected in Step 4. Step 7: Using the item number Selection charts, locate the appropriate item
numbers. The L Type Coupling Elastomer Chart, and the L Type Coupling
Scan down this column to the first entry where the Torque Value in the
Inch Hubs Chart, provides easy reference to the item numbers.
appropriate column is greater than or equal to the Design Torque calculat-
ed in Step 3. Locate the L Type Couplings Inch Hubs Elastomer Chart.
Once this value is located, refer to the corresponding coupling size in the The elastomer is selected by scanning down the type column and locating
first column of the Coupling Nominal Rated Torque Chart 3. the NBR (Solid) entry. Read across to the L190 column and locate the item
number 12274.
Refer to the maximum RPM value for this elastomer torque capability to
Locate the L Type coupling Inch Hubs selection chart
ensure that the application requirements are met. If the requirement is not
satisfied at this point, another type of coupling may be required for the The first bore size to be located is for the 2 inch shaft on the electric motor.
application. Please consult our engineers. Scan down the Bore/Keyway column to the 2 inch bore entry. Read across
to the L190 column to locate item number of 12303.
Step 6: Compare the application driver/driven shaft sizes to the maximum
bore size available on the coupling selected. If coupling bore size is not The second bore size is located is for the 1.75 inch shaft on the pump. Scan
large enough for the shaft diameter, select the next largest coupling that down the Bore/Keyway column to the 13/4 inch bore entry. Read across to
will accommodate the drive/driven shaft diameters. Refer to Chart 3. the L190 column to locate the item number of 12299.
Step 7: Using the item Number Selection Charts, find the appropriate Bore
and keyway sizes required and locate the item number.

1 JULY 03
Chart 1
Service Factors Service Factors

Engines w/4 or more cyl.

Engines w/4 or more cyl.

Steam Turbines &

Steam Turbines &

Electric Motor w/

Electric motor w/

Electric Motor w/
Standard Torque

Electric motor w/
Standard Torque

High Torque

High Torque

1- 2- 1- 2-
Cyl. Cyl. Cyl. Cyl.
Agitators 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.7 1.3 Machine Tools
Band Resaw (lumber) 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8 Punch Press-Gear Driven,
Barge Haul Puller 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3 Plate Planer 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3
Beaters 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8 Tapping Machinery, Bending Roll 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3
Blowers Main Drive 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8
Centrifugal 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.7 1.3 Auxiliary Drives 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.7 1.3
Lobe, Vane 1.25 1.50 1.25 2.0 1.6 Metal Forming Machines
Bottling Machinery 1.25 1.50 1.25 2.0 1.6 Draw Bench-carriage & Main Drive 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3
Brew Kettles (distilling) 1.25 1.50 1.25 2.0 1.6 Extruder, Forming Machine,
Can Filling Machinery 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.7 1.3 Wire Drawing 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3
Car Dumpers 2.50 2.75 2.50 3.2 2.8 Table Conveyors 2.50 2.75 2.50 3.2 2.8
Car Pullers 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8 Wire Winding, Coilers, Slitters 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8
Card Machine 1.75 2.00 1.75 2.5 2.0 Mills, Rotary Type
Chiller (oil) 1.50 2.00 1.25 2.0 2.0 Ball, Kilns, Pebble, Rolling, Tube 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3
Compressors Cement Kilns, Dryers, Coolers 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3
Centrifugal 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.7 1.3 Tumbling 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8
Screw, Lobe 1.25 1.50 1.25 2.0 1.6 Mixers
Reciprocating See Note Concrete, continuous 1.75 2.00 1.75 2.5 2.0
Conveyors, Uniformly Fed Muller 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8
Assembly, Belt, Screw 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.7 1.3 Paper Mills
Bucket, Sawdust 1.25 1.50 1.25 2.0 1.6 Agitator (mixers), Reel, Winder 1.20 1.45 1.20 1.9 1.5
Live Roll, Shaker, Reciprocating 3.00 3.25 3.00 3.7 3.3 Winder 1.20 1.45 1.20 1.9 1.5
Conveyors, Not Uniformly Fed Barker (mechanical), Log Haul,
Assembly, Belt, Oven, Screw 1.20 1.45 1.20 1.9 1.5 Chipper 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3
Reciprocating 2.50 2.75 2.50 3.2 2.8 Barking Drum (spur gear) 2.50 2.75 2.50 3.2 2.8
Shaker 3.00 3.25 3.00 3.7 3.3 Beater, Pulper, Jordans, Dresses 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3
Cookers-Brewing, Distilling Calenders, Dryers, Washers,
Food 1.25 1.50 1.25 2.0 1.6 Thickener 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8
Cranes & Hoist 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3 Converting Machines, Conveyors 1.20 1.45 1.20 1.9 1.5
Crushers-Cane (Sugar, Stone, or Ore) 3.00 3.25 3.00 3.7 3.3 Printing Presses 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.7 1.3
Dredges Pug Mill 1.75 2.00 1.75 2.0 1.6
Cable Reels 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3 Pumps
Conveyors, Pumps Centrifugal 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.7 1.3
Maneuvering Winches 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8 Gear, Rotary, Vane 1.25 1.50 1.25 2.0 1.6
Cutter Head Drives 2.50 2.75 2.50 3.2 2.8 Reciprocating;
Dynamometer 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8 1-Cyl. Single or Double Acting 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3
Evaporators 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.7 1.3 2-Cyl. Single Acting 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3
Fans 2-Cyl. Double Acting 1.75 2.00 1.75 2.5 2.0
Centrifugal 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.7 1.3 3 or more Cyl. 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8
Cooling Towers 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3 Rubber Machinery
Forced Draft, Propeller 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8 Mixers 2.50 2.75 2.50 3.2 2.8
Induced Draft w/damper control 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3 Rubber Calender 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3
Induced draft w/o damper control 1.25 1.50 1.25 2.0 1.6 Screens
Feeders Air washing, Water 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.7 1.3
Belt, Screw 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.7 1.3 Rotary-stone or gravel, Dewatering 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8
Reciprocating 2.50 2.75 2.50 3.2 2.8 Vibrating 2.50 2.75 2.50 3.2 2.8
Filter, press-oil 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8 Grizzly 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3
Generators Shredders 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8
Not Welding 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.7 1.3 Steering Gears 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.7 1.3
Welding 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3 Stokers 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.7 1.3
Hoist 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8 Suction Roll (paper) 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8
Hammermills 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3 Textile Machinery,
Kilns 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8 Dryers, Dyeing Machinery, Mangle 1.20 1.45 1.20 2.0 1.6
Laundry Washers-Reversing 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3 Loom Spinner, Tenter Frames 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.2 1.8
Lumber Machinery Tumbling Barrels 1.75 2.00 1.75 2.5 2.0
Barkers, Edger Feeder, Live Roll 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3 Windlass 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3
Planer, Slab Conveyor 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.7 2.3 Woodworking Machine 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.7 1.3
Note: Applications involving reciprocating engines and reciprocating driven devices are subject to critical rotational speeds which may damage the coupling and/or connected equipment.
Contact engineering with specific requirements.


1 JULY 03
Spider Performance Data
Chart 2
Temperature Angular Parallel Shore1 Dampening Chemical 2
Characteristics Range Degree Inch Hardness Capacity Resistance Color
SOX(NBR) Rubber—Nitrile Butadiene (Buna N) Rubber
is a flexible elastomer material that is oil resistant
resembles natural rubber in resilience and elasticity -40° to +212°F
and operates effectively in temperature range of -40° 1° .015 80A High Good Black
-40° to +100°C
to +212°F (-40° TO +100°C). Good resistance to oil.
Standard elastomer. (Also applies to SXB Cushions.)

URETHANE—Urethane has greater torque capability 55D

than NBR (1.5 times), provides less dampening effect, -30° to +160°F L050-L095
and operates at at temperature range of -30° to +160°F 1° .015 40D Low Very Good Blue
-34° to +71°C
(-34° to +71°C). Good resistance to oil and chemicals L099-L225

HYTREL—Hytrel is a flexible elastomer designed for

high torque and high temperature operations. Hytrel
can operate in temperatures of -60°F to +250°F -60° to +250°F 1/2° .015 55D Low Excellent Tan
(-51° to +121°C) and has an excellent resistance to -51° to +121°C
oil and chemicals. Not recommended for cyclic or
start/stop applications.

BRONZE—Bronze is a rigid, porous oil-impregnated

metal insert exclusively for slow speed (maximum
250 RPM) applications requiring high torque -40° to +450°F 1/2° .010 — None Excellent Bronze
capabilities. Bronze operations are not affected by -40° to +232°C
extreme temperatures, water, oil or dirt.

Note: NBR standard shore hardness is 80A±5A-except L035=60A. Other softer or harder designs are available in NBR material, consult engineering

Coupling Nominal Rated Torque Chart 3

Maximum Spider Material
Size SOX (NBR) Torque Urethane Torque Hytrel Torque Bronze Torque
inch mm in-lbs Nm in-lbs Nm in-lbs Nm in-lbs Nm
L035 .375 9 3.5 0.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
L/AL050 .625 16 26.3 3.0 39 4.5 50 5.6 50 5.6
L/AL070 .750 19 43.2 4.9 65 7.3 114 12.9 114 12.9
L/AL075 .875 22 90.0 10.2 135 15.3 227 25.6 227 25.6
L/AL090 1.000 25 144.0 16.3 216 24.4 401 45.3 401 45.3
L/AL095 1.125 28 194.0 21.9 291 32.9 561 63.4 561 63.4
L/AL099 1.188 30 318.0 35.9 477 53.9 792 89.5 792 89.5
L/AL100 1.375 35 417.0 47.1 626 70.7 1134 128.0 1134 128.0
L/AL110 1.625 42 792.0 89.5 1188 134.0 2268 256.0 2268 256.0
L150 1.875 48 1240.0 140.0 1660 210.0 3708 419.0 3706 419.0
AL150 1.875 48 1450.0 163.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
L190 2.125 55 1726.0 195.0 2592 293.0 4680 529.0 4680 529.0
L225 2.625 65 2340.0 264.0 3510 397.0 6228 704.0 6228 704.0
L276 2.875 73 4716.0 533.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
C226 2.500 64 2988.0 338.0 N/A N/A 5940 671.0 5940 671.0
C276 2.875 73 4716.0 533.0 N/A N/A 9432 1066.0 N/A N/A
C280 3.000 76 7560.0 854.0 N/A N/A 13866 1567.0 N/A N/A
C285 4.000 102 9182.0 1038.0 N/A N/A 16680 1882.0 N/A N/A
C295 3.500 89 11340.0 1281.0 N/A N/A 22680 2563.0 22680 2563.0
C2955 4.000 102 18900.0 2136.0 N/A N/A 37800 4271.0 37800 4271.0

Note: Bronze has a maximum RPM capability of 250RPM. N/A indicates not available

1 JULY 03
L Type Coupling
The L Type sizes range from L035 to L276.
Ordering requires selecting part numbers for two
standard L hubs and one standard open or solid
center elastomer (spider).

L Type Coupling
Type L035 L050 L070 L075 L090 L095 L099 L100 L110 L150 L190 L225 L276
SOX (NBR) (solid) 10118 10194 10406 10621 11070 11070 11494 11494 11724 12001 12274 12409
SOX (NBR) (open center) 10393 10620 10968 10968 11492 11492 11711 37880 37881 12406 12612
Urethane (solid) 37786 10395
Urethane (open center) 10411 10626 11075 11075 11499 11499 11729 12006 12280 12417
Hytrel (solid) 25307 11717 11993 12285 12400
Hytrel (open center) 25308 25309 25310 25310 11486 11486 38097 38098 38099 12401
Bronze (open center) 10498 10409 10624 11073 11073 11497 11497 11727 12004 12274 34517 25767
Snap Wrap w/ring 24669 24669 24670 24670 24671 24672 24673
Snap Wrap w/o ring 11071 11071 11495 11495 11725 12002 12275
Snap Wrap Urethane
(Solid Ring) 41170 41170 41171 28284 26093

L Type Hub Spline Bore Chart

No. Shaft
Pitch SAE Diameters L090 L095 L099 L100 L110 L150 L190 L225 L276
Teeth Maj. Dia.
Major Minor
9 16/32 A .651 .509 .625 38568 37900 38571 37904
11 16/32 .776 .631 .750 38569 37901 38572 37905 37909 37917 37925
13 16/32 B .901 .754 .875 38570 37902 38573 37906 37910 37918 37926 37935
13 8/16 D, E 1.798 1.506 1.750 37915 37923 37931 37940 38576
14 12/24 C 1.289 1.087 1.250 37912 37920 37928 37937 38577
15 16/32 BB 1.026 .877 1.000 38574 37907 37911 37919 37927 37936 38578
21 16/32 1.401 1.250 1.375 37913 37921 37929 37938
23 16/32 1.526 1.375 1.500 37914 37922 37930 37939
27 16/32 1.776 1.625 1.750 37916 37924 37932 37941 38579
15 8/16 F 2.048 1.753 2.000 37933 37942

Note: 1. All pressure angles on above splines = 30°. Class 5 fit is standard, unless otherwise specified.
2. All stock spline bore hubs are supplied standard with standard Centaloc Spline Locking Feature. See page 142.


1 JULY 03

L Type Inch Hubs Standard Bore and Keyway Chart Selection

Bore Keyway L035 L050 L070 L075 L090 L095 L099 L100 L110 L150 L190 L225 L276
/8 No KW 10124
/16 No KW 10126
/4 No KW 10127 10206 10416 10680 10766
1 1
/4 /8 x1/16 35744
/16 No KW 10128 10207 10417 10681 26209
/8 No KW 24687 10208 10418 10682 10767
3 3
/8 /32 x 3/64 46121 41985 37234 37235
3 1
/8 /8 x1/16 44136 48829 35745 37236
/16 No KW 10209 10419 10683 10768 11082 31297 11505
7 3
/16 /32 x 3/64 44713 44007 28089 28877 27613 38198 37237
7 1
/16 /8 x 1/16 44066 28875 28878 28879 38199 37238
/2 No KW 10210 10420 10684 10769 11083 11333 11506
1 1
/2 /8 x 1/16 10211 10421 10685 26087 26088 11334 26089
/16 No KW 10212 52338 10686 24976 37239 11335 11508
9 1
/16 /8 x 1/16 10213 10423 10687 28876 11084 38200 11509
/8 No KW 10214 24771 44322 46052 41911 44174 44291 11733 12101
5 5
/8 /32 x 5/64 51104 37240 37241 37242 38201 37243 37244 37245
5 3
/8 /16 x 3/32 10424 10688 10771 11085 11336 11510 26211 26212
11 3
/16 /16 x 3/32 10425 10689 10772 11086 11337 11511 11734 12102
/4 No KW 46116 56140 54282 56887 11455 45212 12285 12422
3 1
/4 /8 x 15/16 51719 35881 37246 37074 38202 37247 37248 37249 37250
3 3
/4 /16 x 3/32 10426 10690 10773 11087 11338 11512 11735 12103 38468 35882
13 3
/16 /16 x 3/32 10691 10774 11088 11339 11513 11736 12104 37252 37255
/8 No KW 56941 59063 12582
7 3
/8 /16 x 3/32 10692 10775 11089 11340 11514 11737 12105 12286 12423 12585
7 1
/8 / 4 x 1/ 8 38188 35747 38203 35686 35749 35750 37256 35753 54883
15 1
/16 / 4 x 1/ 8 32332 11090 11341 11515 11738 12106 12287 12424
1 / 4 x 1/ 8 31296 11091 11342 11516 11739 12107 12288 12425 12586
1 /16 x 3/32 37257 37258 38204 37259 37260 37261 37263
11/16 1
/ 4 x 1/ 8 11092 11343 11517 11740 12108 12289 12426
1 1/ 8 1
/ 4 x 1/ 8 11093 11344 11518 11741 12109 12290 12427 12587
13/16 1
/ 4 x 1/ 8 11345 11519 11742 12110 12291 12428
11/4 1
/ 4 x 1/ 8 11520 11743 12111 12292 12429 12588
11/4 5
/16 x 5/32 35748 35752 35751 37264 35754 12589
15/16 5
/16 x 5/32 11521 11744 12112 12293 26090
13/8 5
/16 x 5/32 11522 11745 12113 12294 12430 12590
13/8 3
/8 x 3/16 44348 37265 37266 37267 37268 46758
17/16 3
/8 x 3/16 11746 12114 12295 12431 12591
11/2 5
/16 x 5/32 37269 37270 37271 37272
11/2 3
/8 x 3/16 11747 12115 12296 12432 12592
19/16 3
/8 x 3/16 11748 12116 37273 12433 45689
15/8 3
/8 x 3/16 11749 12117 12297 12434 12593
111/16 3
/8 x 3/16 12118 12298 12435 60057
13/4 3
/8 x 3/16 12119 12299 12436 12594
13/4 7
/16 x 7/32 37274 37275 37276 48250
113/16 1
/ 2 x 1/ 4 12120 12300 26091
17/8 1
/ 2 x 1/ 4 12121 12301 12437 12595
115/16 1
/ 2 x 1/ 4 12302 12438 49762
2 / 2 x 1/ 4 12303 12439 12596
21/16 1
/ 2 x 1/ 4 12304 26092
21/8 1
/ 2 x 1/ 4 12305 12440 12597
23/16 1
/ 2 x 1/ 4 12441 12598
21/4 1
/ 2 x 1/ 4 12442 12599
23/8 5
/8 x 5/16 12443 12602
25/8 5
/8 x 5/16 41809 12605
27/8 3
/4 x 3/8 12607

1 JULY 03
Metric Bore and Keyway Chart

L Type Metric Hubs Standard Bore and Keyway Chart Selection

Bore Keyway L035 L050 L070 L075 L090 L095 L099 L100 L110 L150 L190 L225 L276
4 No KW 41850
5 No KW 47419 46214
6 No KW 45872 50351
7 No KW 60679 10215 58803
8 No KW 55169 41460 46151 60945
9 3 x 1.4 41313 56177 44298
10 No KW 10216 41452 41456
10 3 x 1.4 41450 49870 41457 52828
11 4 x 1.8 41314 41453 50811 49424
12 No KW 48510 51562 48276
12 4 x 1.8 41315 41454 44153 44329 44832 55195
14 No KW 58036 47505 41461 41465
14 5 x 2.3 41316 41317 41321 51231 41466 60094 45101
15 No KW 60708 10693 46561 52697 41469
15 5 x 2.3 41451 41455 41458 52096 45778 46972 47123
16 5 x 2.3 56176 41318 41322 49198 41325 52098 55534 52092 52471
17 5 x 2.3 45333 49398 49704 56178 60067 60156
18 6 x 2.8 59724 41884 46433 46826 44647 41926 44288
19 No KW 10777 41471
19 6 x 2.8 41319 41323 41462 41326 44157 41329 49700 48821 46717
20 6 x 2.8 41459 41925 41467 47122 52093 41804 61218 61497
22 6 x 2.8 52846 41968 44827 41959 44467 45214 44720
24 8 x 3.3 41463 41327 41990 41330 48301 48182 59109
25 8 x 3.3 41464 41468 45055 41470 41906 46751 52153
28 No KW 56179 56182
28 8 x 3.3 41328 50103 41331 41333 45679 52976
30 8 x 3.3 47132 48317 45681 41738 44471 48982
32 No KW 41472 41473 48319 56232
32 10 x 3.3 41332 41334 41873 45562 41849 41885
35 No KW 56180 56183 56184
35 10 x 3.3 49925 45682 46562 58035 52197
38 10 x 3.3 41335 41337 41474 49664 52961
40 12 x 3.3 45683 48318 48320 49605 59308
42 12 x 3.3 41336 41338 41475 47492 45609
45 14 x 3.8 45102 56017 52674 50292
48 No KW 56181 51995
48 14 x 3.8 56227 48322 47569 61202
50 No KW 56228 56230 56233
50 14 x 3.8 44392 48797 45062
55 No KW 56229 56231 56234
55 16 x 4.3 47006 44089 56067
60 No KW 56185 56235
60 18 x 4.4 44598 56236
65 No KW 56185 56237
65 18 x 4.4 56544 50102
70 20 x 4.9 52868

NOTE: All finished bore hubs are provided with one set screw as standard. Non-standard bores available, consult engineering.


1 JULY 03
AL Type Couplings AL Type
Coupling Spiders
Type AL050 AL070 AL075 AL090 AL095 AL099 AL100 AL110 AL150
SOX (NBR) (solid) 10194 10406 10621 11070 11070 11494 11494 11724 18027
SOX (NBR) (open center) 10393 10620 10968 10968 11492 11492 11711
Urethane (solid) 37786 10395
Urethane (open center) 10411 10626 11075 11075 11499 11499 11729
Hytrel (solid) 25307 11717
Hytrel (open center) 25308 25309 25310 25310 11486 11486 38097
Bronze (open center) 10198 10409 10624 11073 11073 11497 11497 11727
Snap Wrap w/ring 24669 24669 24670 24670 24671
Snap Wrap no ring 11071 11071 11495 11495 11725
AL Type Inch Hubs
Bore Keyway AL050 AL070 AL075 AL090 AL095 AL099 AL100 AL110 AL150 Standard Bore and
/4 No KW 10252 10463 10630 10791 Keyway Chart
/16 No KW 10253 10464 10631 10792
/8 No KW 10254 10466 10632 10793
/16 No KW 10256 10469 10633 10794
/2 No KW 10257 10471 10634 10795 17847 17880 17914
1 1
/2 /8 x 1/16 49706 10473 10635 10796 17848 17881 17915
/16 No KW 10637 10797 56473
9 1
/16 /8 x 1/16 10638 44812 37994 44323 17917
/8 No KW 10259 10480 61817 44004 17977 18035
5 3
/8 /16 x 3/32 10482 10639 10798 17850 17882 17918 38888 44828
11 3
/16 /16 x 3/32 45227 10799 17851 45494 17919 44059 46642
3 1
/4 /8 x 1/16 47835 47725 46295
3 3
/4 /16 x 3/32 10640 10800 17852 17883 17920 17978 18036
13 3
/16 /16 x 3/32 10641 10801 17853 17884 17921
7 3
/8 /16 x 3/32 10642 10802 17854 17885 17922 17979 18037
15 1
/16 / 4 x 1/ 8 17855 17886 17923 17980 18038
1 / 4 x 1/ 8 17856 17887 17924 17981 18039
11/16 1
/ 4 x 1/ 8 17857 17888 17925 26094 18040
1 1/ 8 1
/ 4 x 1/ 8 17858 17889 17926 17982 18041
13/16 1
/ 4 x 1/ 8 17890 17927 17983 18042
11/4 1
/ 4 x 1/ 8 17928 17984 18043
15/16 5
/16 x 5/32 17929 17985 18044
1 3/ 8 5
/16 x 5/32 17930 17986 18045
17/16 3
/8 x 3/16 45508 17987 18046
11/2 3
/8 x 3/16 17988 18047
19/16 3
/8 x 3/16 17989 18048
15/8 3
/8 x 3/16 17990 18049
111/16 3
/8 x 3/16 18050
1 3/ 4 3
/8 x 3/16 18051
113/16 1
/2 x 1/4 18052
17/8 1
/2 x 1/4 18053

Bore Keyway AL050 AL070 AL075 AL090 AL095 AL099 AL100 AL110 AL150 AL Type Metric Hubs
8 No KW 48973 Standard Bore and
10 3 x 1.4 41924 56514 Keyway Chart
11 4 x 1.8 65694 51098 58620
12 4 x 1.8 56487 65655 60429
14 5 x 2.3 65696 47302 58621 56800 58624
15 5 x 2.3 62906 49633 58622 56801 49629
16 5 x 2.3 52221 47014 45012
17 5 x 2.3 60887 44712 59164
19 6 x 2.8 65698 47427 44679 47012 58625 47253 59064
20 No KW 56137
20 6 x 2.8 59394 48327 49634 49630 49631 60878
22 6 x 2.8 47013
24 8 x 3.3 45736 58626 44058 45690 64634
25 8 x 3.3 49709 55687 45933 64633
28 8 x 3.3 47105 58627 47393 45463 Note: Vescor does not
30 8 x 3.3 52048 58266 49632 45063 recommend reboring AL
32 10 x 3.3 54417 44347
hubs. All hubs are supplied
35 10 x 3.3 46215
standard with one set screw.
36 10 x 3.3 51737
38 10 x 3.3 52692 58215
42 12 x 3.3 45404

1 JULY 03
C Type Couplings
Cushions and Collar Chart
Size C226 C276 C280 C285 C295 C2955
No .of Cushions 6 6 6 6 6 10
SXB (NBR) cushion set 14547 14633 14712 14771 14805 14805
HYTREL cushion set 27529 14637 14716 14774 14808 14859
BRONZE cushion set 14545 51914 51915
COLLAR with hardware 40122 40123 40124 40292 40293 40293

C Type Metric Hubs Standard Bore and Keyway Chart

C Type Couplings
Bore Keyway Complete coupling selection includes two
C226 C276 C280 C285 C295 C2955
mm mm standard hubs, one cushion set, and one collar
30 8x3.3 62792 with hardware
35 10x3.3 60243 47386
38 10x3.3 45348 62160
40 12x3.3 49379 54037
42 12x3.3 45219
45 14x3.8 52550 44723 58265
48 14x3.8 54288 52205
55 16x4.3 58011 58444 49012
60 18x4.4 47265 49378
65 18x4.4 52008 58676
70 20x4.9 59032 56794 54355 58677
75 22x5.4 47813 58678
80 22x5.4 44487 58675 58679
90 25x5.4 54363
95 25x5.4 62695

C Type Inch Hubs Standard Bore and Keyway Chart

Bore Keyway C226 C276 C280 C285 C295 C2955
/8 RSB 40125 40126
11/8 1
/4 x 1/8 26036 26050
1 /4 RSB 26067 41036
11/4 1
/4 x 1/8 26037 26051 48988 47173
13/8 5
/16 x 5/32 26038 26052 46278 55546
17/16 3
/8 x 3/16 26039
1 /2 RSB 41037
11/2 3
/8 x 3/16 26040 26053 46277 48366 44824
15/8 3
/8 x 3/16 26041 26054 46194 41892 56078
13/4 RSB 41038
13/4 3
/8 x 3/16 26042 26055 44011 52311 45780
17/8 1
/2 x 1/4 20643 26056 44012 51533 47080 49075
2 /2 x 1/4 26044 26057 48194
21/8 1
/2 x 1/4 26045 26058 44370 49809 44711
21/4 1
/2 x 1/4 20646 44547
Note: RSB (Rough Stock Bore) hub has no keyway
23/8 5
/8 x 5/16 26047 26060 44014 47288 44825 52703
or set screw hole, it is not useable as shown and
21/2 5
/8 x 5/16 26048 46120 51998 56779 45249 48454
must be machined to proper bore tolerances. Hub
25/8 5
/8 x 5/16 46755 44013 50145 54549
includes inside sleeve and is drilled and tapped for
27/8 3
/4 x 3/8 26064 51525 49456 52702 48108
collar bolts. Non-standard bores available, consult
3 /4 x 3/8 48193
33/8 7
/8 x 7/16 47171 45402 49077
31/2 7
/8 x 7/16 46844 52988 44545
35/8 7
/8 x 7/16 50106
33/4 7
/8 x 7/16 58378
37/8 1 x 1/2 48247 49351
4 1 x 1/2 55016


1 JULY 03
Performance Data

Basic HP Ratings Maximum

@Varying RPM Torque Rating
Elastomeric Number Bore RPM
Member of Jaws 100 1800 in-lbs Nm inch Nm 1000
L035 SOX (NBR) 2 .006 .10 3.5 .40 .375 9 31.0
L050/AL050 SOX (NBR) 2 .042 .75 26.3 2.97 .625 16 18.0
L050/AL050 Hytrel 2 .080 1.43 50.0 5.65 .625 16 18.0
L070/AL070 SOX (NBR) 2 .070 1.23 43.2 4.88 .750 19 14.0
L070/AL070 Hytrel 2 .180 3.26 114.0 12.88 .750 19 14.0
L075/AL075 SOX (NBR) 3 .140 2.57 90.0 10.17 .875 22 11.0
L075/AL075 Hytrel 3 .360 6.48 227.0 25.65 .875 22 11.0
L090/AL090 SOX (NBR) 3 .230 4.11 144.0 16.27 1.00 25 9.0
L090/AL090 Hytrel 3 .640 11.50 401.0 45.31 1.00 25 9.0
L095/AL095 SOX (NBR) 3 .310 5.50 194.0 21.92 1.12 28 9.0
L095/AL095 Hytrel 3 .890 16.00 561.0 63.38 1.12 28 9.0
L099/AL099 SOX (NBR) 3 .500 9.10 318.0 35.93 1.18 30 7.0
L099/AL099 Hytrel 3 1.260 22.60 792.0 89.48 1.18 30 7.0
L100/AL100 SOX (NBR) 3 .660 11.90 417.00 47.11 1.38 35 7.0
L100/AL100 Hytrel 3 1.800 32.40 1134.0 128.12 1.38 35 7.0
L110/AL110 SOX (NBR) 3 1.260 23.00 792.0 89.48 1.62 42 5.0
L110/AL110 Hytrel 3 3.600 65.00 2268.0 256.25 1.62 42 5.0
L150 SOX (NBR) 3 2.000 35.00 1240.0 140.10 1.88 48 5.0
L150 Hytrel 3 5.900 106.00 3708.0 418.95 1.88 48 5.0
AL150 SOX (NBR) 4 2.300 41.40 1450.0 163.63 1.88 48 5.0
L190 SOX (NBR) 3 2.700 49.00 1728.0 195.24 2.12 55 5.0
L190 Hytrel 3 7.400 134.00 4680.0 528.77 2.12 55 5.0
L225 SOX (NBR) 3 3.700 67.00 2340.0 264.38 2.62 65 4.2
L225 Hytrel 3 9.900 178.00 6228.0 703.67 2.62 65 4.2
L276 SOX (NBR) 3 7.500 135.00 4716.0 532.84 2.88 73 1.8

C226 SXB (NBR) 3 4.700 85.00 2988.0 337.60 2.50 64 4.8
C226 Hytrel 3 9.400 170.00 5940.0 671.13 2.50 64 4.8
C276 SXB (NBR) 3 7.500 135.00 4716.0 532.84 2.88 73 4.2
C276 Hytrel 3 15.000 269.00 9432.0 1065.67 2.88 73 4.2
C280 SXB (NBR) 3 12.000 216.00 7560.0 254.17 3.00 76 3.5
C280 Hytrel 3 22.000 396.00 13866.0 1566.65 3.00 76 3.5
C285 SXB (NBR) 3 14.600 262.00 9182.0 1037.43 4.00 102 3.2
C285 Hytrel 3 26.000 476.00 16660.0 1882.33 4.00 102 3.2
C295 SXB (NBR) 3 18.000 324.00 11340.0 1281.25 3.50 89 2.3
C295 Hytrel 3 36.000 648.00 22680.0 2562.50 3.50 89 2.3
C2955 SXB(NBR) 5 30.000 540.00 18900.0 2135.42 4.00 102 2.3
C2955 Hytrel 5 60.000 1080.00 37800.0 4270.83 4.00 102 2.3

1 JULY 03

Solid Center Spiders Open Center Spiders Snap Wrap Spiders All
Material Available Dimensions Material Available Dimens. Matl. Dimens.
Size NBR Ureth. Hytrel Bronze Size NBR Ureth. Hytrel Bronze Size Size
L035 10118 .062 L035 L035 N/A L035 .27
L050 10194 37786 25307 1.06 L050 10498 1.06 .31 L050 N/A L050 .40
L070 10406 1.38 L070 10393 10395 25308 10409 1.38 .50 L070 N/A L070 .42
L075 10621 1.75 L075 10620 10626 25309 10624 1.75 .75 L075 N/A L075 .44
L090 11070 2.12 .18 .87 L090 10968 11075 25310 11073 2.12 .87 L090 21669 2.56 1.06 L090 .44
L095 11070 2.12 .18 .87 L095 10968 11075 25310 11073 2.12 .87 L095 21669 2.56 1.06 L095 .44
L099 11494 2.53 .25 1.03 L099 11492 11499 11486 11497 2.53 1.03 L099 24670 3.08 1.37 L099 .63
L100 11494 2.53 .25 1.03 L100 11492 11499 11486 11497 2.53 1.03 L100 24670 3.08 1.37 L100 .63
NBR .25
L110 11724 11717 3.31 1.18 L110 11711 11729 38097 11727 3.31 1.18 L110 24671 3.87 1.50 L110 .75
HYT .18
NBR .31
L150 12001 11993 3.75 1.25 L150 37880 12006 38098 12004 3.75 1.25 L150 24678 4.56 1.75 L150 .88
HYT .21
NBR .31
L190 12274 12265 4.50 HYT .18 1.38 L190 37881 12280 38099 12274 4.50 1.38 L190 24673 5.18 2.25 L190 .88

NBR .38
L225 12409 12400 5.00 1.75 L225 12406 12417 12401 34517 5.00 1.75 L225 URE 5.44 2.75 L225 .92
HYT .18
L276 L276 12612 25767 6.18 1.75 L276 N/A L276 1.50


1 JULY 03
Dimensional Data
L Type Flexible Couplings C Type Flexible Couplings

Style 1 Style 2 Style 3

L Type, C Type and AL Type Flexible Couplings Dimensional Data-Inch
Length Set Set of Inert
Vescor Outer Overall Thru Hub Screw Collar Screw WR2
Part Style Bore Dia. Length Gap Bore Dia. Clearance Location Dia. Size Weight Lbs. in-lb3
Number No. Min. Max. OD OAL G LTB HD CL SL CD T Solid Max Bore (Solid)
L035 1 .125 .375 .62 .81 .27 .27 .62 N/A .13 N/A #6-32 .1 .1 .003
L050 1 .250 .625 1.08 1.72 .48 .62 1.08 N/A .31 N/A /4-20 .3 .2 .054
L070 1 .250 .750 1.36 2.00 .50 .75 1.36 N/A .38 N/A /4-20 .6 .4 .115
L075 1 .250 .875 1.75 2.12 .50 .81 1.75 N/A .31 N/A /4-20 1.0 .8 .388
L090 1 .250 1.000 2.11 2.12 .50 .81 2.11 N/A .44 N/A /4-20 1.5 1.2 .772
L095 1 .437 1.125 2.11 2.50 .50 1.00 2.11 N/A .44 N/A /16-18 1.8 1.3 .890
L099 1 .437 1.188 2.54 2.87 .75 1.06 2.54 N/A .44 N/A /16-18 2.5 2.0 2.048
L100 1 .437 1.375 2.54 3.50 .75 1.37 2.54 N/A .44 N/A /16-18 3.5 2.5 2.783
L110 1 .625 1.625 3.31 4.25 .87 1.69 3.31 N/A .75 N/A /8-16 6.6 5.0 8.993
L150 1 .625 1.875 3.75 4.50 1.00 1.75 3.75 N/A .75 N/A /8-16 9.1 7.0 11.477
L190 2 .750 2.125 4.50 4.88 1.00 1.94 4.00 N/A .88 N/A /2-13 17.0 13.0 39.256
L225 2 .750 2.625 5.00 5.38 1.00 2.19 4.25 N/A 1.00 N/A /2-13 23.0 18.0 65.000
L276 2 .875 2.875 6.18 7.87 1.63 3.12 5.00 N/A 1.56 N/A /2-13 47.0 36.0 188.000
C226 3 .875 2.500 5.15 7.00 1.50 2.75 4.12 .12 1.38 5.50 /2-13 29.0 22.0 74.000
C276 3 .875 2.875 6.18 7.87 1.63 3.12 5.00 .12 1.56 6.53 /2-13 47.0 36.0 188.000
C280 3 1.250 3.000 7.50 7.87 1.63 3.12 5.50 .12 1.56 7.81 /2-13 61.0 49.0 362.000
C285 3 1.250 4.000 8.50 9.13 1.63 3.75 6.50 .12 1.75 8.88 /8-11 87.0 68.0 642.000
C295 3 1.500 3.500 9.12 9.38 1.88 3.75 6.31 .12 1.88 9.62 /8-11 97.0 78.0 862.000
C2955 3 1.750 4.000 9.12 10.38 1.88 4.25 7.12 .12 2.12 9.62 /8-11 117.0 90.0 392.000
AL050 4 .250 .625 1.08 1.72 .48 .56 1.08 N/A .31 N/A /4-20 .2 .2 .020
AL070 4 .250 .750 1.36 2.00 .50 .75 1.36 N/A .38 N/A /4-20 .3 .2 .040
AL075 5 .250 .875 1.75 2.12 .50 .81 1.53 N/A .31 N/A /4-20 .4 .3 .121
AL090 5 .500 .875 2.12 2.34 .52 .91 1.53 N/A .34 N/A /4-20 .5 .4 .271
AL095 4 .500 1.125 2.12 2.50 .50 1.00 2.12 N/A .44 N/A /16-18 .8 .6 .336
AL099 5 .500 1.187 2.53 2.81 .75 1.03 2.06 N/A .44 N/A /16-18 1.0 .8 .644
AL100 5 .500 1.375 2.53 3.50 .75 1.37 2.41 N/A .44 N/A /16-18 1.5 1.1 1.207
AL110 4 .625 1.625 3.31 4.25 .87 1.69 3.31 N/A .75 N/A /16-18 2.7 2.1 3.531
AL150 5 .625 1.875 4.25 4.50 1.00 1.75 3.19 N/A .63 N/A /16-18 3.7 2.8 7.002
NOTE: N/A=not applicable Hubs are standard with one set screw. AL150 has 2 set screws provided.

AL Type Flexible Couplings

Style 4 Style 5

1 JULY 03
Splined Shafts
Installation Instructions for Fluid Power Applications

Spline bores furnished by Vescor are provided with a special spline the spline bore will result in damage to the hub. Before tightening the
locking feature called Centaloc (see Fig. 1). Centaloc set screws, check to see if the spline shaft is engaged under
Spline shafts: For optimum spline shaft life, Vescor recommends full the set screws.Then tighten the Centaloc set screws to the recom-
shaft engagement in the coupling hub.(see Fig 2.) Caution: If only mended torque shown below. If only one of the two Centaloc set
partial spline shaft engagement is used, tightening of the special screws is used because of limited shaft engagement, please remove
Centaloc spline locking feature set screw over the unused section of the unused set screw. (see Fig. 3)

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Spline Bore with Centaloc Recommended for spline engagement Remove second Centaloc
spline locking feature with Centaloc locking feature set screw if not used

Flexible Couplings with splined shafts for Fluid Power Applications

Straight Bore & Keyway

Minimum Equipment Separations Spline Bore Centaloc Set Screw Torque Set Screw Torque
Coupling C Min-Shaft Coupling Set Screw Torque Coupling Set Screw Torque
Size Separation* Size Size ft.-lb. Size Size ft.-lb.
9 9 5
L035 /32 /32 L090 /16-18UNC 13 L035 6 -32 10
15 1 5 1
L050 /32 /8 L095 /16-18UNC 13 L050-L090 /4-20 80
1 1 5 5
L070 /2 /8 L099 /16-18UNC 13 L095-L100 /16-18 160
1 1 5 3
L075 /2 /8 L100 /16-18UNC 13 L110-L150 /8-16 275
1 1 3 1
L090 /2 /8 L110 /8-16UNC 23 L190-L276 /2-13 600
1 1 3 1
L095 /2 /8 L150 /8-16UNC 23 C225 /2-13 600
3 1 5 1
L099 /4 /8 L190 /8-11UNC 100 C280 /2-13 600
3 1 5 5
L100 /4 /8 L225 /8-11UNC 100 C285 /8-11 1200
7 1
L110 /8 /8 L276 * *
L150 1 /8 C226 * *
L190 1 /8 C280 * *
L225 1 /8 Misalignment Data
*Consult Engineering. Items shipped are marked with
L276 15/8 1
/8 appropriate torque values. Type of Angular Parallel
C226 11/2 1
/8 Spider
C276 15/8 1
/8 NBR (SOX) 1° .015
C280 15/8 1
/8 Hytrel 1/2° .015
C285 15/8 1
/8 Urethane 1° .015
Note: *indicates that the min. shaft separation is based on
Open Center or Snap Wrap Spiders or Style 3 couplings.


1 JULY 03
Pilot operated, balanced piston, Relief valve 50 gpm (200 L/min.)
Functional Group: Model:
Products : Cartridges : Relief : 2 Port : Pilot Operated, Balanced Piston RPGC
Product Description
Pilot-operated, balanced-piston relief cartridges are normally closed pressure
regulating valves. When the pressure at the inlet (port 1) reaches the valve
setting, the valve starts to open to tank (port 2), throttling flow to regulate the
pressure. These valves are accurate, have low pressure rise vs. flow, they are
smooth and quiet, and are moderately fast.

Technical Features

z All 2-port relief cartridges (except pilot reliefs) z Incorporates the Sun floating style
are physically and functionally construction to eliminate the effects of internal
interchangeable (same flow path, same cavity parts binding due to excessive installation
for a given frame size). torque and/or cavity/cartridge machining

z Will accept maximum pressure at port 2; z Main stage orifice is protected by a 150
suitable for use in cross port relief circuits. If micron stainless steel screen.
used in cross port relief circuits, consider
spool leakage.

z Not suitable for use in load holding z Back pressure on the tank port (port 2) is
applications due to spool leakage. directly additive at a 1:1 ratio to the valve
Technical Data
US Units Metric Units
Cavity T-3A
Model Weight 0.50 lb 0,25 kg
Valve Hex Size 1 1/8 in. 28,6 mm
Typical Response Time 10 ms 10 ms
Adjustment Nut Torque 108 lbf in. 12 Nm
Maximum Valve Leakage 3 in³/min.@1000 psi 49,2 cc/min.@70 bar
Factory Pressure Settings Established at 4 gpm 15 L/min.
Valve Installation Torque 45 - 50 lbf ft 60 - 70 Nm
Full Adjustment-Number of Clockwise Turns to
5 5
Increase Setting
Allen Wrench Hex Size 5/32 in. 4 mm
Capacity 50 gpm 200 L/min.
Maximum Operating Pressure 5000 psi 350 bar
Adjustment Nut Hex Size 9/16 in. 15 mm

Seal Kits
Buna 990-203-007
Viton 990-203-006
Option Selection


Preferred Options
Control Adjustment Range Seal
L Standard Screw A 100 - 3000 psi (7 - 210 bar), N Buna-N
Adjustment 1000 psi (70 bar) Standard
Additional Options
F Hex Head Screw with B 50 - 1500 psi (3,5 - 105 bar), V Viton
Locknut 1000 psi (70 bar) Standard
J Socket Head Set Screw Setting
with Cap C 150 - 6000 psi (10,5 - 420
K Handknob bar), 1000 psi (70 bar)
O Handknob with Panel Standard Setting
Mount D 25 - 800 psi (1,7 - 55 bar),
400 psi (30 bar) Standard
E 25 - 400 psi (1,7 - 28 bar),
200 psi (14 bar) Standard
N 60 - 800 psi (4 - 55 bar), 400
psi (30 bar) Standard Setting
Q 60 - 400 psi (4 - 25 bar), 200
psi (14 bar) Standard Setting
W 150 - 4500 psi (10,5 - 315
bar), 1000 psi (70 bar)
Standard Setting

Related Information
Explanation of Sun cartridge control options - US units.
Explanation of Sun cartridge control options - metric units.
Two-piece, floating cartridge construction.

Model Code : RPGC PrintDate : 26 June 2002

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




24" 610




32" 813



22" 559 2

13 5/8" 346


80 9/16" 2046
27 7/8" 707

8 3/8" 213
3" 76
15 1/4" 387 16 1/16" 408 3 1/4" 83
1 3/4" 44
ADJUSTABLE 35 3/8" 899 52 1/8" 1324
39 3/8" 1000 55 1/8" 1400

Material (unless noted) DRY WEIGHT Model Code Designed Customer Reference ECN Number
TLD 01-19-12 P.O. 61257-04A ECN-00001065
4730 lbs [2146 kgs]
Checked Drawing Description Drawn By
CCW 2200-FE-003
CW 2200-FE-004
.X .10"
ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN THAT FOR .XX .01" THIRD ANGLE HDR 08-30-12 PAC-202-180-075 01-19-12
P.O. 61257-04A CW 2200-FE-005 WHICH IT IS BEING PROVIDED, MAY .XXX .005"

CW 2200-FE-006


FORM NO.: F-10206-1 // REVISION E // RELEASED 1-19-2011 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


18 5/8" 472

24 3/16" 615 10" 254

-20 SAE TYP (2) 3/4" 19 5" 127

9/16" 14


30 5/16" 770 32 3/16" 817 30 3/4" 781



Material (unless noted) DRY WEIGHT Model Code Designed Customer Reference ECN Number
DOCUMENT SUBMITTAL STATUS THIS DRAWING CONTAINS 4730 lbs [2146 kgs] TLD 01-19-12 P.O. 61257-04A ECN-00001065
[ ] PRELIMINARY [ ] APPROVAL INFORMATION OF BOSCH REXROTH Dimensional Tolerances TOTAL WEIGHT Checked Drawing Description Drawn By
THIRD ANGLE HDR 08-30-12 PAC-202-180-075 01-19-12



FORM NO.: F-10206-1 // REVISION E // RELEASED 1-19-2011 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
EUSP B10-0096

Customer : FLSmidth Boise Inc.

Job 2011 049, Unit #1
Specification Page 1/1

Control system: Spider Ind. No: EUSP B10-0096

Ordering code: Spider B106-01100-1-00
Main card Part No: 276 0020-430
Main card revision: R3B
Main card Serial No: 5673-1209

Display type: Part No: 376 0064-801 (LCD = standard)

Power Supply unit: Part No: 376 0071-801 (Max output 250W = Std)
Card revision: C
Card Serial No: 5764-1208

Emitter VpCI Part. No: H506-85535-0

Note. Life time after installation is 1 year, expiry date is
shown on the sticker beside the installed Emitter.
(Emitter VpCI (Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor) is mounted inside the Spider
box to protect against oxidation. The Emitter (containing a pulverous
substance) emits a vapor that covers all components with a protective layer
when the air inside the enclosure is saturated.)

Software: Spider version 4.3.1

Note. Parameter settings that have been changed from
DEFAULT are shown in Parameter list at delivery.

Connection: As drawing CD-2011-049 shows.

EUSP B10-0096_kyw1clb_120816_1537.txt
Printout time: 2012-09-11 10:03:13
Printed by SpiderCom2 version: 4.3.0 Build: 4
Parameter file name: EUSP
Parameter file version: 4
SpiderII software version: 4.3.1 4
SpiderII serial number: EUSP B10-0096
Main settings
MAA01 - System function BASIC
MAB01 - E-motor connection for P01 E-motor 1
MAB02 - E-motor connection for P02 OFF
MAB03 - E-motor connection for P03 OFF
MAB04 - E-motor connection for P04 OFF
MAB05 - Drive connection for P01 Drive 1
MAB06 - Drive connection for P02 OFF
MAB07 - Drive connection for P03 OFF
MAB08 - Drive connection for P04 OFF
MAB09 - Separate or common Separate
MAB10 - Shutdown ramp time 0
MAB11 - Em.stop memory bypass off
MAB13 - Charge pump Drive 1 Internal
MAB14 - Charge pump Drive 2 Internal
MAC01 - Display language selection English
MAD01 - Security code - setup menu yes (*)
MAD02 - Security code 1149 (*)

Pump outputs
Pump 1
POA01 - Forward min current 276 (*)
POA02 - Forward max current 640 (*)
POA03 - Reverse min current 270 (*)
POA04 - Reverse max current 635 (*)
POA05 - Coil resistance 21 (*)
POA06 - PWM-frequency 100 (*)
Pump 2
POB01 - Forward min current 0
POB02 - Forward max current 0
POB03 - Reverse min current 0
POB04 - Reverse max current 0
POB05 - Coil resistance 40
POB06 - PWM-frequency 200
Pump 3
POC01 - Forward min current 0
POC02 - Forward max current 0
POC03 - Reverse min current 0
POC04 - Reverse max current 0
POC05 - Coil resistance 40
POC06 - PWM-frequency 200
Pump 4
POD01 - Forward min current 0
POD02 - Forward max current 0
POD03 - Reverse min current 0
POD04 - Reverse max current 0
POD05 - Coil resistance 40
POD06 - PWM-frequency 200
POE01 - Pump friction Off
POE02 - Pump low friction limit 0
Page 1
EUSP B10-0096_kyw1clb_120816_1537.txt
POE03 - Pump high friction limit 200
POE04 - Friction up ramp time 2.0
POE05 - Friction down ramp time 2.0
POF01 - Pump up ramp time 2.0
POF02 - Pump down ramp time 2.0
Digital inputs
Digital in 1 - 22
DIN01 - Digital input 1, DI1:3 21 OFF (*)
DIN02 - Digital input 2, DI1:4 21 OFF (*)
DIN03 - Digital input 3, DI1:5 21 OFF (*)
DIN04 - Digital input 4, DI1:6 07 MN LEVEL
DIN05 - Digital input 5, DI1:7 07 LO LEVEL
DIN06 - Digital input 6, DI1:8 06 DRF 100
DIN07 - Digital input 7, DI2:4 06 RF100 P1
DIN08 - Digital input 8, DI2:5 05 SUCTION1
DIN09 - Digital input 9, DI2:6 03 C PRB P1
DIN10 - Digital input 10, DI2:7 21 OFF (*)
DIN11 - Digital input 11, DI2:8 21 OFF (*)
DIN12 - Digital input 12, DI2:9 21 OFF (*)
DIN13 - Digital input 13, DI2:10 21 OFF (*)
DIN14 - Digital input 14, DI2:11 21 OFF (*)
DIN15 - Digital input 15, DI2:12 21 OFF
DIN16 - Digital input 16, DI3:4 13 AUX 1 (*)
DIN17 - Digital input 17, DI3:5 21 OFF (*)
DIN18 - Digital input 18, DI3:6 21 OFF (*)
DIN19 - Digital input 19, DI3:7 21 OFF (*)
DIN20 - Digital input 20, DI3:8 21 OFF (*)
DIN21 - Digital input 21, DI3:9 21 OFF (*)
DIN22 - Digital input 22, DI3:10 21 OFF (*)
Digital in 23 - 43
DIN23 - Digital input 23, DI3:11 21 OFF (*)
DIN24 - Digital input 24, DI3:12 21 OFF
DIN25 - Digital input 25, DI4:4 14 START 1 (*)
DIN26 - Digital input 26, DI4:5 15 FIXED 1A (*)
DIN27 - Digital input 27, DI4:6 21 OFF
DIN28 - Digital input 28, DI4:7 21 OFF
DIN29 - Digital input 29, DI4:8 21 OFF
DIN30 - Digital input 30, DI4:9 21 OFF
DIN31 - Digital input 31, DI4:10 21 OFF
DIN32 - Digital input 32, DI4:11 21 OFF
DIN33 - Digital input 33, DI4:12 21 OFF
DIN34 - Digital input 34, DI5:3 21 OFF
DIN35 - Digital input 35, DI5:4 21 OFF
DIN36 - Digital input 36, DI5:5 21 OFF
DIN37 - Digital input 37, DI5:6 21 OFF
DIN38 - Digital input 38, DI5:7 21 OFF
DIN39 - Digital input 39, DI5:8 21 OFF
DIN40 - Digital input 40, DI5:9 21 OFF
DIN41 - Digital input 41, DI5:10 21 OFF
DIN42 - Digital input 42, DI5:11 21 OFF
DIN43 - Digital input 43, DI5:12 21 OFF

Digital outputs
Digital out 1
DOA01 - Digital output function 11 COOLCONI (*)
DOA02 - Inverted function no
DOA03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOA04 - Delay function for output NO
DOA05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 2
DOB01 - Digital output function 01 A1 (*)
Page 2
EUSP B10-0096_kyw1clb_120816_1537.txt
DOB02 - Inverted function yes (*)
DOB03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOB04 - Delay function for output NO
DOB05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 3
DOC01 - Digital output function 01 A1 (*)
DOC02 - Inverted function no
DOC03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOC04 - Delay function for output NO
DOC05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 4
DOD01 - Digital output function 01 W1 (*)
DOD02 - Inverted function no
DOD03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOD04 - Delay function for output NO
DOD05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 5
DOE01 - Digital output function 02 START 1 (*)
DOE02 - Inverted function no
DOE03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOE04 - Delay function for output NO
DOE05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 6
DOF01 - Digital output function 03 READY 1 (*)
DOF02 - Inverted function no
DOF03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOF04 - Delay function for output NO
DOF05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 7
DOG01 - Digital output function 04 REMOTE 1 (*)
DOG02 - Inverted function no
DOG03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOG04 - Delay function for output NO
DOG05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 8
DOH01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOH02 - Inverted function no
DOH03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOH04 - Delay function for output NO
DOH05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 9
DOI01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOI02 - Inverted function no
DOI03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOI04 - Delay function for output NO
DOI05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 10
DOJ01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOJ02 - Inverted function no
DOJ03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOJ04 - Delay function for output NO
DOJ05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 11
DOK01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOK02 - Inverted function no
DOK03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOK04 - Delay function for output NO
DOK05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 12
DOL01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOL02 - Inverted function no
DOL03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOL04 - Delay function for output NO
Page 3
EUSP B10-0096_kyw1clb_120816_1537.txt
DOL05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 13
DOM01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOM02 - Inverted function no
DOM03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOM04 - Delay function for output NO
DOM05 - Connected for lamptest no
Pulse inputs
P0I01 - Drive 1 pulse input DE1
P0I02 - Drive 2 pulse input DE2
Drive 1
P1I01 - Pulses/rev 3600 (*)
P1I02 - Units for REG109 rpm
P1I03 - Decimals for REG109 1 (*)
P1I04 - Scaling for REG109 1.00
P1I05 - Filter time for speed reading 0.0
P1I06 - Polarity - digital speed signal 1
P1I07 - Encoder type 1
P1I08 - High indication level (rpm) 0.0
P1I09 - Low indication level (rpm) 0.0
P1I10 - Function for high indication OFF
P1I11 - Function for low indication OFF
Drive 2
P2I01 - Pulses/rev 1000
P2I02 - Units for REG209 rpm
P2I03 - Decimals for REG209 0
P2I04 - Scaling for REG209 1.00
P2I05 - Filter time for speed reading 0.0
P2I06 - Polarity - digital speed signal 1
P2I07 - Encoder type 1
P2I08 - High indication level (rpm) 0.0
P2I09 - Low indication level (rpm) 0.0
P2I10 - Function for high indication OFF
P2I11 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog inputs
Setpoint 1
AIA01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIA02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIA03 - Max point adjustment -1 (*)
AIA04 - Reading for REG101 %
AIA05 - Input scaling 1.00
Setpoint 2
AIB01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIB02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIB03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIB04 - Reading for REG201 %
AIB05 - Input scaling 1.00
Analog in 1
AIF01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIF02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIF03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIF04 - Min input, REG401 0
AIF05 - Max input, REG401 200
AIF06 - Units for REG401 bar
AIF07 - Decimals for REG401 0
AIF08 - Scaling for REG401 1.00
AIF09 - Function for input OFF
AIF10 - High indication level 200
AIF11 - Low indication level 0
AIF12 - Function for min indication OFF
Page 4
EUSP B10-0096_kyw1clb_120816_1537.txt
AIF13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIF14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIF15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIF16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 2
AIG01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIG02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIG03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIG04 - Min input, REG402 0
AIG05 - Max input, REG402 200
AIG06 - Units for REG402 bar
AIG07 - Decimals for REG402 0
AIG08 - Scaling for REG402 1.00
AIG09 - Function for input OFF
AIG10 - High indication level 200
AIG11 - Low indication level 0
AIG12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIG13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIG14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIG15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIG16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 3
AIH01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIH02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIH03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIH04 - Min input, REG403 0
AIH05 - Max input, REG403 1000 (*)
AIH06 - Units for REG403 psi (*)
AIH07 - Decimals for REG403 0
AIH08 - Scaling for REG403 1.00
AIH09 - Function for input OFF
AIH10 - High indication level 200 (*)
AIH11 - Low indication level 0
AIH12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIH13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIH14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIH15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIH16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 4
AII01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AII02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AII03 - Max point adjustment 0
AII04 - Min input, REG404 0
AII05 - Max input, REG404 6000 (*)
AII06 - Units for REG404 psi (*)
AII07 - Decimals for REG404 0
AII08 - Scaling for REG404 1.00
AII09 - Function for input OFF
AII10 - High indication level 5000 (*)
AII11 - Low indication level 0
AII12 - Function for min indication OFF
AII13 - Function for high indication 13 AUX 3 (*)
AII14 - Function for low indication OFF
AII15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AII16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 5
AIJ01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIJ02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIJ03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIJ04 - Min input, REG405 0
AIJ05 - Max input, REG405 200
AIJ06 - Units for REG405 bar
AIJ07 - Decimals for REG405 0
Page 5
EUSP B10-0096_kyw1clb_120816_1537.txt
AIJ08 - Scaling for REG405 1.00
AIJ09 - Function for input OFF
AIJ10 - High indication level 200
AIJ11 - Low indication level 0
AIJ12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIJ13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIJ14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIJ15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIJ16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 6
AIK01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIK02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIK03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIK04 - Min input, REG406 0
AIK05 - Max input, REG406 200
AIK06 - Units for REG406 bar
AIK07 - Decimals for REG406 0
AIK08 - Scaling for REG406 1.00
AIK09 - Function for input OFF
AIK10 - High indication level 200
AIK11 - Low indication level 0
AIK12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIK13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIK14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIK15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIK16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 7
AIL01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIL02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIL03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIL04 - Min input, REG407 0
AIL05 - Max input, REG407 200
AIL06 - Units for REG407 bar
AIL07 - Decimals for REG407 0
AIL08 - Scaling for REG407 1.00
AIL09 - Function for input OFF
AIL10 - High indication level 200
AIL11 - Low indication level 0
AIL12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIL13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIL14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIL15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIL16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 8
AIM01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIM02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIM03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIM04 - Min input, REG408 0
AIM05 - Max input, REG408 200
AIM06 - Units for REG408 bar
AIM07 - Decimals for REG408 0
AIM08 - Scaling for REG408 1.00
AIM09 - Function for input OFF
AIM10 - High indication level 200
AIM11 - Low indication level 0
AIM12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIM13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIM14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIM15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIM16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 9
AIN01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIN02 - Zero point adjustment 0
Page 6
EUSP B10-0096_kyw1clb_120816_1537.txt
AIN03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIN04 - Min input, REG409 0
AIN05 - Max input, REG409 200
AIN06 - Units for REG409 bar
AIN07 - Decimals for REG409 0
AIN08 - Scaling for REG409 1.00
AIN09 - Function for input OFF
AIN10 - High indication level 200
AIN11 - Low indication level 0
AIN12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIN13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIN14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIN15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIN16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Tank temp
AIP01 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIP02 - Max point adjustment 0
AIP03 - Units for REG410 °C
Power limit
AIR01 - Limitation level E-motor 1 400
AIR02 - Limitation level E-motor 2 400
AIR03 - Limitation level E-motor 3 400

Analog outputs
Analog out 1
AOA01 - Analog output REG410 (*)
AOA02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOA03 - Zero point adjustment -3 (*)
AOA04 - Max point adjustment -14 (*)
Analog out 2
AOB01 - Analog output REG404 (*)
AOB02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOB03 - Zero point adjustment 0
AOB04 - Max point adjustment -13 (*)
Analog out 3
AOC01 - Analog output REG109 (*)
AOC02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOC03 - Zero point adjustment -1 (*)
AOC04 - Max point adjustment -12 (*)
Analog out 4
AOD01 - Analog output REG403 (*)
AOD02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOD03 - Zero point adjustment 1 (*)
AOD04 - Max point adjustment -11 (*)
Type && Function
BTF01 - Type of bus communication Profibus (*)
BTF02 - Max com. drop time 1
BTF03 - Function at com. drop Alarm (*)
BTF04 - Bus data area Ver.2 (*)
BTF05 - Analog byte switching off
BTF06 - Max bus start up time 6
Digital in 1-24
BDI01 - Digital input 1 09 BUS 1
BDI02 - Digital input 2 16 REM 1
BDI03 - Digital input 3 14 START 1
BDI04 - Digital input 4 15 FIXED 1A
BDI05 - Digital input 5 21 OFF (*)
BDI06 - Digital input 6 21 OFF
BDI07 - Digital input 7 21 OFF
BDI08 - Digital input 8 21 OFF
BDI09 - Digital input 9 21 OFF (*)
Page 7
EUSP B10-0096_kyw1clb_120816_1537.txt
BDI10 - Digital input 10 21 OFF (*)
BDI11 - Digital input 11 21 OFF (*)
BDI12 - Digital input 12 21 OFF (*)
BDI13 - Digital input 13 21 OFF (*)
BDI14 - Digital input 14 21 OFF
BDI15 - Digital input 15 21 OFF
BDI16 - Digital input 16 21 OFF
BDI17 - Digital input 17 09 BUS R
BDI18 - Digital input 18 09 ALARM R
BDI19 - Digital input 19 21 OFF
BDI20 - Digital input 20 21 OFF
BDI21 - Digital input 21 21 OFF
BDI22 - Digital input 22 21 OFF
BDI23 - Digital input 23 21 OFF
BDI24 - Digital input 24 21 OFF
Digital in 25-32
BDI25 - Digital input 25 21 OFF
BDI26 - Digital input 26 21 OFF
BDI27 - Digital input 27 21 OFF
BDI28 - Digital input 28 21 OFF
BDI29 - Digital input 29 21 OFF
BDI30 - Digital input 30 21 OFF
BDI31 - Digital input 31 21 OFF
BDI32 - Digital input 32 21 OFF
Analog in 1
BAA01 - Min input, REG501 0
BAA02 - Max input, REG501 200
BAA03 - Units for REG501 %
BAA04 - Decimals for REG501 0
BAA05 - Function for input OFF
BAA06 - High indication level 200
BAA07 - Low indication level 0
BAA08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAA09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 2
BAB01 - Min input, REG502 0
BAB02 - Max input, REG502 200
BAB03 - Units for REG502 %
BAB04 - Decimals for REG502 0
BAB05 - Function for input OFF
BAB06 - High indication level 200
BAB07 - Low indication level 0
BAB08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAB09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 3
BAC01 - Min input, REG503 0
BAC02 - Max input, REG503 200
BAC03 - Units for REG503 °
BAC04 - Decimals for REG503 0
BAC05 - Function for input OFF
BAC06 - High indication level 200
BAC07 - Low indication level 0
BAC08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAC09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 4
BAD01 - Min input, REG504 0
BAD02 - Max input, REG504 200
BAD03 - Units for REG504 bar
BAD04 - Decimals for REG504 0
BAD05 - Function for input OFF
BAD06 - High indication level 200
BAD07 - Low indication level 0
BAD08 - Function for high indication OFF
Page 8
EUSP B10-0096_kyw1clb_120816_1537.txt
BAD09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 5
BAE01 - Min input, REG505 0
BAE02 - Max input, REG505 200
BAE03 - Units for REG505 bar
BAE04 - Decimals for REG505 0
BAE05 - Function for input OFF
BAE06 - High indication level 200
BAE07 - Low indication level 0
BAE08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAE09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 6
BAF01 - Min input, REG506 0
BAF02 - Max input, REG506 200
BAF03 - Units for REG506 bar
BAF04 - Decimals for REG506 0
BAF05 - Function for input OFF
BAF06 - High indication level 200
BAF07 - Low indication level 0
BAF08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAF09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 7
BAG01 - Min input, REG507 0
BAG02 - Max input, REG507 200
BAG03 - Units for REG507 bar
BAG04 - Decimals for REG507 0
BAG05 - Function for input OFF
BAG06 - High indication level 200
BAG07 - Low indication level 0
BAG08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAG09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 8
BAH01 - Min input, REG508 0
BAH02 - Max input, REG508 200
BAH03 - Units for REG508 bar
BAH04 - Decimals for REG508 0
BAH05 - Function for input OFF
BAH06 - High indication level 200
BAH07 - Low indication level 0
BAH08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAH09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 9
BAI01 - Min input, REG509 0
BAI02 - Max input, REG509 200
BAI03 - Units for REG509 bar
BAI04 - Decimals for REG509 0
BAI05 - Function for input OFF
BAI06 - High indication level 200
BAI07 - Low indication level 0
BAI08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAI09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 10
BAJ01 - Min input, REG510 0
BAJ02 - Max input, REG510 200
BAJ03 - Units for REG510 bar
BAJ04 - Decimals for REG510 0
BAJ05 - Function for input OFF
BAJ06 - High indication level 200
BAJ07 - Low indication level 0
BAJ08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAJ09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog out
BAK01 - Analog output register REG410 (*)
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BAK02 - Analog output register REG404 (*)
BAK03 - Analog output register REG109 (*)
BAK04 - Analog output register REG403 (*)
BAK05 - Analog output register OFF
BAK06 - Analog output register OFF
BAK07 - Analog output register OFF
BAK08 - Analog output register OFF
BAK09 - Analog output register OFF
BAK10 - Analog output register OFF
BAK11 - Analog output register OFF
BAK12 - Analog output register OFF
Pump monitor
Pump 1
PMA01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMA02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMA03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMA04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMA05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMA06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMA07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMA08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMA09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMA10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMA11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMA12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMA13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMA14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 2
PMB01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMB02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMB03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMB04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMB05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMB06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMB07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMB08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMB09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMB10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMB11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMB12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMB13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMB14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 3
PMC01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMC02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMC03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMC04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMC05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMC06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMC07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMC08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMC09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMC10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMC11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMC12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMC13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMC14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 4
PMD01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMD02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMD03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMD04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
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PMD05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMD06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMD07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMD08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMD09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMD10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMD11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMD12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMD13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMD14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Tank monitor
TMA01 - Delay, Low oil level warn. 0.0 sec
TMA02 - Delay, Min oil level alarm 0.0 sec
TMA03 - Delay, Min temp alarm 0.0 sec
TMA04 - Delay, High temp warn. 0.0 sec
TMA05 - Delay, Max temp alarm 0.5 sec
TMA06 - Delay, Drain 75% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA07 - Delay, Drain 100% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA08 - Drain filter alarm OFF
TMA09 - Min oil temp function A
TMA10 - Delay, Aux filter 75% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA11 - Delay, Aux filter 100% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA12 - Aux filter alarm OFF
Analog temp
TMB01 - Analog temp sensor on
TMB03 - Max oil temp alarm level 60 (*)
TMB04 - High oil temp warning level 55
TMB05 - Cooling temp on level (rise) 40
TMB06 - Cooling hysteresis 3
TMB07 - Filter interlock temp level 0
TMB08 - Heating temp on level (fall) 15
TMB09 - Heating hysteresis 3
TMB10 - Min oil temp alarm level 0 (*)
TMB11 - Warm flush on level (falling) 30
TMB12 - Flushing hysteresis 3
TMB13 - Min flush pump temp 0
TMB14 - Warm flush on level (rising) 10
TMB15 - Flushing hysteresis 3
TMB16 - Warm flush on delay 2.0
TMB17 - Cooler forward time 12
TMB18 - Cooler reverse time 10
TMB19 - Cooler motor on delay 10.0
TMB20 - Cooler rev. at e-motor start on
TMB21 - Oil temp interlock level 65 (*)
Analog level
TMC01 - Analog level sensor off
TMC03 - Min oil alarm level 2150
TMC04 - Low oil warning level 2250
TMC05 - Max oil indication level 2400
TMC06 - Overfill warning level 2450
TMC07 - Delay, Overfill oil level 0.0 sec

Aux monitor
Aux 1
AMA01 - Aux function W D1
AMA02 - Aux delay time 7.0 (*)
AMA03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMA04 - Aux configurable text Flush Filter Clogged (*)
AMA05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 2
AMB01 - Aux function W D1
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AMB02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMB03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMB04 - Aux configurable text AUX 2
AMB05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 3
AMC01 - Aux function W D1
AMC02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMC03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMC04 - Aux configurable text High System Pressure (*)
AMC05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 4
AMD01 - Aux function W D1
AMD02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMD03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMD04 - Aux configurable text AUX 4
AMD05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 5
AME01 - Aux function W D1
AME02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AME03 - Aux memory bypass off
AME04 - Aux configurable text AUX 5
AME05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 6
AMF01 - Aux function W D1
AMF02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMF03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMF04 - Aux configurable text AUX 6
AMF05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 7
AMG01 - Aux function W D1
AMG02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMG03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMG04 - Aux configurable text AUX 7
AMG05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 8
AMH01 - Aux function W D1
AMH02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMH03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMH04 - Aux configurable text AUX 8
AMH05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 9
AMI01 - Aux function W D1
AMI02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMI03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMI04 - Aux configurable text AUX 9
AMI05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 10
AMJ01 - Aux function W D1
AMJ02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMJ03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMJ04 - Aux configurable text AUX 10
AMJ05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 11
AMK01 - Aux function W D1
AMK02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMK03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMK04 - Aux configurable text AUX 11
AMK05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 12
AML01 - Aux function W D1
AML02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AML03 - Aux memory bypass off
AML04 - Aux configurable text AUX 12
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AML05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 13
AMM01 - Aux function W D1
AMM02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMM03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMM04 - Aux configurable text AUX 13
AMM05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 14
AMN01 - Aux function W D1
AMN02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMN03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMN04 - Aux configurable text AUX 14
AMN05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 15
AMO01 - Aux function W D1
AMO02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMO03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMO04 - Aux configurable text AUX 15
AMO05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 16
AMP01 - Aux function W D1
AMP02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMP03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMP04 - Aux configurable text AUX 16
AMP05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 17
AMQ01 - Aux function W D1
AMQ02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMQ03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMQ04 - Aux configurable text AUX 17
AMQ05 - Aux inverted input off
AMQ06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMQ07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMQ08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 17 A
Aux 18
AMR01 - Aux function W D1
AMR02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMR03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMR04 - Aux configurable text AUX 18
AMR05 - Aux inverted input off
AMR06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMR07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMR08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 18 A
Aux 19
AMS01 - Aux function W D1
AMS02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMS03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMS04 - Aux configurable text AUX 19
AMS05 - Aux inverted input off
AMS06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMS07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMS08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 19 A
Aux 20
AMT01 - Aux function W D1
AMT02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMT03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMT04 - Aux configurable text AUX 20
AMT05 - Aux inverted input off
AMT06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMT07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMT08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 20 A
Drive monitor
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Start interlock
DMA01 - Start alternative, drive 1 and
DMA02 - Start delay time, drive 1 5 sec
DMA03 - Start alternative, drive 2 and
DMA04 - Start delay time, drive 2 5 sec
Drive 1
DMB01 - Delay, charge pressure A 0.5 sec
DMB02 - Delay, charge pressure B 0.5 sec
DMB03 - Delay, E-motor temp 0.0 sec
DMB04 - Delay, work pressure A 7.0 sec
DMB05 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
DMB06 - Delay, work pressure B 7.0 sec
DMB07 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
DMB08 - Analog pressure sensor off
Drive 2
DMC01 - Delay, charge pressure A 0.5 sec
DMC02 - Delay, charge pressure B 0.5 sec
DMC03 - Delay, E-motor temp 0.0 sec
DMC04 - Delay, work pressure A 7.0 sec
DMC05 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
DMC06 - Delay, work pressure B 7.0 sec
DMC07 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
DMC08 - Analog pressure sensor off
Emotor interlock
DMD01 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 1 1.5
DMD02 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 2 1.5
DMD03 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 3 1.5
DMD04 - Delay, Charge pump Dr. 1 2.0
DMD05 - Delay, Charge pump Dr. 2 2.0
Drain temp
DME01 - Drain temp function active off
DME02 - Shutdown temp lvl (falling) 2
DME03 - Stand-by flush on lvl (falling) 5
DME04 - Stand-by flush hysteresis 3
DME05 - Start delay time cold oil 300
DME06 - Start delay time warm oil 10
DME07 - Start delay switching lvl 20
Compare calc. (1)
DMF01 - Register A for REG701 OFF
DMF02 - Register B for REG701 OFF
DMF03 - Register C for REG701 OFF
DMF04 - Constant K for REG701 10000
DMF05 - Operation for REG701 OFF
DMF06 - Function for REG701 OFF
DMF07 - Register A for REG702 OFF
DMF08 - Register B for REG702 OFF
DMF09 - Register C for REG702 OFF
DMF10 - Constant K for REG702 10000
DMF11 - Operation for REG702 OFF
DMF12 - Function for REG702 OFF
DMF13 - Register A for REG703 OFF
DMF14 - Register B for REG703 OFF
DMF15 - Register C for REG703 OFF
DMF16 - Constant K for REG703 10000
DMF17 - Operation for REG703 OFF
DMF18 - Function for REG703 OFF
Compare calc. (2)
DMF19 - Register A for REG704 OFF
DMF20 - Register B for REG704 OFF
DMF21 - Register C for REG704 OFF
DMF22 - Constant K for REG704 10000
DMF23 - Operation for REG704 OFF
DMF24 - Function for REG704 OFF
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DMF25 - Register A for REG705 OFF
DMF26 - Register B for REG705 OFF
DMF27 - Register C for REG705 OFF
DMF28 - Constant K for REG705 10000
DMF29 - Operation for REG705 OFF
DMF30 - Function for REG705 OFF
DMF31 - Register A for REG706 OFF
DMF32 - Register B for REG706 OFF
DMF33 - Register C for REG706 OFF
DMF34 - Constant K for REG706 10000
DMF35 - Operation for REG706 OFF
DMF36 - Function for REG706 OFF
Compare display
DMG01 - Min display value REG701 0
DMG02 - Max display value REG701 200
DMG03 - Units for REG701 bar
DMG04 - Nr. of decimals for REG701 0
DMG05 - Min display value REG702 0
DMG06 - Max display value REG702 200
DMG07 - Units for REG702 bar
DMG08 - Nr. of decimals for REG702 0
DMG09 - Min display value REG703 0
DMG10 - Max display value REG703 200
DMG11 - Units for REG703 bar
DMG12 - Nr. of decimals for REG703 0
DMG13 - Min display value REG704 0
DMG14 - Max display value REG704 200
DMG15 - Units for REG704 bar
DMG16 - Nr. of decimals for REG704 0
DMG17 - Min display value REG705 0
DMG18 - Max display value REG705 200
DMG19 - Units for REG705 bar
DMG20 - Nr. of decimals for REG705 0
DMG21 - Min display value REG706 0
DMG22 - Max display value REG706 200
DMG23 - Units for REG706 bar
DMG24 - Nr. of decimals for REG706 0

H.motor mon.
Temp limit
HMA01 - Limitation level, H-motor 1 60
HMA02 - Limitation level, H-motor 2 60
HMA03 - Limitation level, H-motor 3 60
HMA04 - Limitation level, H-motor 4 60
Drive connection
HMB01 - Drive for Hydr. motor 1 Drive 1
HMB02 - Drive for Hydr. motor 2 OFF
HMB03 - Drive for Hydr. motor 3 OFF
HMB04 - Drive for Hydr. motor 4 OFF
Drive 1 basic
D1A01 - Speed setpoint Local/Remote (*)
D1A02 - Type of command signal Unidirectional (*)
D1A03 - Reset of local setpoint yes
D1A04 - Reverse input on (*)
D1A05 - Reverse command setpoint -10.0 (*)
D1A06 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1B) 10.0
D1A07 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1A) -10.0
D1A08 - Drive front panel buttons on
D1A09 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1D) 20.0
D1A10 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1C) -20.0
D1A11 - Multipump setpoint limit on
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D1C01 - Up ramp time forward 3.0 (*)
D1C02 - Down ramp time forward 3.0 (*)
D1C03 - Up ramp time reverse 3.0 (*)
D1C04 - Down ramp time reverse 3.0 (*)
D1D02 - Feed forward function on
D1D03 - Proportional regulator on (*)
D1D04 - Integrating regulator on (*)
D1D05 - Derivation regulator off
D1D06 - Proportional gain 0.1
D1D07 - Integration time 10.0
D1D08 - Derivation time 0.10
D1D09 - Derivation decline time 0.1
D1D10 - Max feedback deviation 50
D1D11 - Regulated or nonregulated Regulated (*)
D1E01 - Max motor shaft speed 4.6 (*)
D1E02 - Feedback selection Digital
D1E03 - Filter time for feedback 0.0
Power limitation
D1F01 - Delay time, power limitation 0.5
D1F02 - Ramp time, power limitation 20.0
D1F03 - Min power limit level 0
D1G01 - Brake function off
D1G02 - Brake close delay (off) 2.0
D1G03 - Brake open ind. delay (on) 2.0
D1G04 - Brake monitor delay (on) 5.0

Drive 2 basic
D2A01 - Speed setpoint Local
D2A02 - Type of command signal Bidirectional
D2A03 - Reset of local setpoint yes
D2A04 - Reverse input off
D2A05 - Reverse command setpoint -20.0
D2A06 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2B) 10.0
D2A07 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2A) -10.0
D2A08 - Drive front panel buttons on
D2A09 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2D) 20.0
D2A10 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2C) -20.0
D2A11 - Multipump setpoint limit on
D2C01 - Up ramp time forward 2.0
D2C02 - Down ramp time forward 2.0
D2C03 - Up ramp time reverse 2.0
D2C04 - Down ramp time reverse 2.0
D2D02 - Feed forward function on
D2D03 - Proportional regulator off
D2D04 - Integrating regulator off
D2D05 - Derivation regulator off
D2D06 - Proportional gain 0.1
D2D07 - Integration time 10.0
D2D08 - Derivation time 0.10
D2D09 - Derivation decline time 0.1
D2D10 - Max feedback deviation 50
D2D11 - Regulated or nonregulated Non-regulated
D2E01 - Max motor shaft speed 10.0
D2E02 - Feedback selection Digital
D2E03 - Filter time for feedback 0.0
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Power limitation
D2F01 - Delay time, power limitation 0.5
D2F02 - Ramp time, power limitation 20.0
D2F03 - Min power limit level 0
D2G01 - Brake function off
D2G02 - Brake close delay (off) 2.0
D2G03 - Brake open ind. delay (on) 2.0
D2G04 - Brake monitor delay (on) 5.0

Shredder 1
SHA01 - Reverse control Pressure, separate
SHA02 - Reverse stop function Going to forward
SHA03 - Delay before reversal 3.0
SHA04 - Reversal time 10.0
SHA05 - Reverse delay SHA02 3.0
SHA06 - Forward time 10.0
SHA07 - Interval direction funct. off
SHA08 - Forward time interval 60
SHA09 - Reverse time interval 60
SHA10 - Selection of regulated dr. Unregulated
SHA11 - Stop trig signal to Drive 2 off
SHB01 - Reverse command setpoint Forward
SHB02 - Scale factor for reverse 100
SHB03 - Analog pressure sensor off
SHB04 - High pr. level, forward 200
SHB05 - High pr. level, reverse 200
SHB06 - Sh. interval command A 75.0
SHB07 - Sh. interval command B 50.0
SHB08 - Activation of interval com. off
SHC01 - Window time for counter 60
SHC02 - Reversal counter 5

Shredder 2
SHG01 - Reverse control Pressure, separate
SHG02 - Reverse stop function Going to forward
SHG03 - Delay before reversal 3.0
SHG04 - Reversal time 10.0
SHG05 - Reverse delay SHG02 3.0
SHG06 - Forward time 10.0
SHG07 - Interval direction funct. off
SHG08 - Forward time interval 60
SHG09 - Reverse time interval 60
SHG10 - Selection of regulated dr. Unregulated
SHG11 - Stop trig signal to Drive 2 off
SHH01 - Reverse command setpoint Forward
SHH02 - Scale factor for reverse 100
SHH03 - Analog pressure sensor off
SHH04 - High pr. level, forward 200
SHH05 - High pr. level, reverse 200
SHH06 - Sh. interval command A 75.0
SHH07 - Sh. interval command B 50.0
SHH08 - Activation of interval com. off
SHH09 - Common interval off
SHI01 - Window time for counter 60
SHI02 - Reversal counter 5

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SYA01 - Type of synchronisation RATIO
SYA02 - Master command D1 Master - D2 Slave
Drive 1 reset
SYB01 - Counter reset command Reset by start
SYB02 - Enable of counter reset E-motors start
Drive 2 setpoint
SYC01 - Drive 2 low friction limit 70
SYC02 - Drive 2 high friction limit 130
SYC03 - Offset reset by motor start off
SYC04 - Offset for Drive 2 0.0
Drive 2 indication
SYD01 - Synchro indication limit 5
SYD02 - Sync time 1.0
Drive 2 reset
SYE01 - Counter reset command Reset by start
SYE02 - Enable of counter reset E-motors start
Master setpoint
SYF01 - Up ramp time forward 2.0
SYF02 - Down ramp time forward 2.0
SYF03 - Up ramp time reverse 2.0
SYF04 - Down ramp time reverse 2.0
SYF05 - Master max speed 10.0
Drive 1 setpoint
SYG01 - Drive 1 low friction limit 70
SYG02 - Drive 1 high friction limit 130

Pressure 1
PRA01 - Pressure control off
PRA02 - Reverse control action off
PRA03 - Low pressure control off
PRA04 - High pressure control off
PRA05 - Filter time, low pr. control 5.0
PRA06 - Filter time, high pr. control 5.0
Pr. setpoint
PRB01 - Pressure setpoint Local
PRB02 - Local pressure setpoint 200
PRB03 - Low limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRB04 - High limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRB05 - Low limit, PID output 10
PRB06 - High limit, PID output 10
PRB07 - Max pressure 250
PRB08 - PID output breakpoint 20
PRC01 - Proportional regulator off
PRC02 - Integrating regulator off
PRC03 - Derivation regulator off
PRC04 - Proportional gain 0.1
PRC05 - Integration time 10.0
PRC06 - Derivation time 0.10
PRC07 - Derivation decline time 0.1
PRC08 - Filter time for pr. feedback 0.0
Pressure 2
PRG01 - Pressure control off
PRG02 - Reverse control action off
PRG03 - Low pressure control off
PRG04 - High pressure control off
PRG05 - Filter time, low pr. control 5.0
PRG06 - Filter time, high pr. control 5.0
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Pr. setpoint
PRH01 - Pressure setpoint Local
PRH02 - Local pressure setpoint 200
PRH03 - Low limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRH04 - High limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRH05 - Low limit, PID output 10
PRH06 - High limit, PID output 10
PRH07 - Max pressure 250
PRH08 - PID output breakpoint 20
PRI01 - Proportional regulator off
PRI02 - Integrating regulator off
PRI03 - Derivation regulator off
PRI04 - Proportional gain 0.1
PRI05 - Integration time 10.0
PRI06 - Derivation time 0.10
PRI07 - Derivation decline time 0.1
PRI08 - Filter time for pr. feedback 0.0
Reading 1
Scroll menu
R1A01 - Text for reading 1 TANKTEMP
R1A02 - Reading 1 REG410
R1A03 - Text for reading 2 SYS PRES (*)
R1A04 - Reading 2 REG404 (*)
R1A05 - Text for reading 3 CHR PRES (*)
R1A06 - Reading 3 REG403 (*)
R1A07 - Text for reading 4 READING4
R1A08 - Reading 4 OFF
R1A09 - Text for reading 5 READING5
R1A10 - Reading 5 OFF
R1A11 - Text for reading 6 READING6
R1A12 - Reading 6 OFF
R1A13 - Text for reading 7 READING7
R1A14 - Reading 7 OFF
R1A15 - Text for reading 8 READING8
R1A16 - Reading 8 OFF
R1A17 - Text for reading 9 READING9
R1A18 - Reading 9 OFF
Left upper
R1B01 - Reading REG102
Right upper
R1C01 - Reading REG106
Left lower
R1D01 - Reading REG109
Right lower
R1E01 - Reading REG311

Reading 2
Scroll menu
R2A01 - Text for reading 1 READING1
R2A02 - Reading 1 OFF
R2A03 - Text for reading 2 READING2
R2A04 - Reading 2 OFF
R2A05 - Text for reading 3 READING3
R2A06 - Reading 3 OFF
R2A07 - Text for reading 4 READING4
R2A08 - Reading 4 OFF
R2A09 - Text for reading 5 READING5
R2A10 - Reading 5 OFF
R2A11 - Text for reading 6 READING6
R2A12 - Reading 6 OFF
R2A13 - Text for reading 7 READING7
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R2A14 - Reading 7 OFF
R2A15 - Text for reading 8 READING8
R2A16 - Reading 8 OFF
R2A17 - Text for reading 9 READING9
R2A18 - Reading 9 OFF
Left upper
R2B01 - Reading REG202
Right upper
R2C01 - Reading REG206
Left lower
R2D01 - Reading REG209
Right lower
R2E01 - Reading REG321
Log function
Log 1
Date and time 120618 12:7
STA1 - Status for log register ON
MT1 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI1 - Setting of upper limit 56.0
LLO1 - Setting of lower limit 40.0
REG1 - Choice of register for logging REG410
Log 2
Date and time 120618 12:8
STA2 - Status for log register ON
MT2 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI2 - Setting of upper limit 4.0
LLO2 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG2 - Choice of register for logging REG109
Log 3
Date and time 120618 12:9
STA3 - Status for log register ON
MT3 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI3 - Setting of upper limit 250.0
LLO3 - Setting of lower limit 150.0
REG3 - Choice of register for logging REG403
Log 4
Date and time 000000 0:0
STA4 - Status for log register EMPTY
MT4 - Interval time 0 sec
LHI4 - Setting of upper limit 0.0
LLO4 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG4 - Choice of register for logging OFF
Log 5
Date and time 120618 12:10
STA5 - Status for log register ON
MT5 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI5 - Setting of upper limit 2000.0
LLO5 - Setting of lower limit 350.0
REG5 - Choice of register for logging REG404
Log 6
Date and time 000000 0:0
STA6 - Status for log register EMPTY
MT6 - Interval time 0 sec
LHI6 - Setting of upper limit 0.0
LLO6 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG6 - Choice of register for logging OFF
Log 7
Date and time 120618 12:16
STA7 - Status for log register ON
MT7 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHIX7 - Setting of upper limit, X axis 4.0
LLOX7 - Setting of lower limit, X axis 0.0
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EUSP B10-0096_kyw1clb_120816_1537.txt
REGX7 - Choice of register for X axis logging REG109
LHIY7 - Setting of upper limit, Y axis 250.0
LLOY7 - Setting of lower limit, Y axis 150.0
REGY7 - Choice of register for Y axis logging REG403
LHIZ7 - Setting of upper limit, Z axis 56.0
LLOZ7 - Setting of lower limit, Z axis 40.0
REGZ7 - Choice of register for Z axis logging REG410
Log 8
Date and time 120618 12:14
STA8 - Status for log register ON
MT8 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHIX8 - Setting of upper limit, X axis 4.0
LLOX8 - Setting of lower limit, X axis 0.0
REGX8 - Choice of register for X axis logging REG109
LHIY8 - Setting of upper limit, Y axis 2000.0
LLOY8 - Setting of lower limit, Y axis 350.0
REGY8 - Choice of register for Y axis logging REG404
LHIZ8 - Setting of upper limit, Z axis 56.0
LLOZ8 - Setting of lower limit, Z axis 40.0
REGZ8 - Choice of register for Z axis logging REG410

(*) Not default value

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EUSP B10-0097

Customer : FLSmidth Boise Inc.

Job 2011 049, Unit #2
Specification Page 1/1

Control system: Spider Ind. No: EUSP B10-0097

Ordering code: Spider B106-01100-1-00
Main card Part No: 276 0020-430
Main card revision: R3B
Main card Serial No: 5679-1209

Display type: Part No: 376 0064-801 (LCD = standard)

Power Supply unit: Part No: 376 0071-801 (Max output 250W = Std)
Card revision: C
Card Serial No: 5632-1148

Emitter VpCI Part. No: H506-85535-0

Note. Life time after installation is 1 year, expiry date is
shown on the sticker beside the installed Emitter.
(Emitter VpCI (Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor) is mounted inside the Spider
box to protect against oxidation. The Emitter (containing a pulverous
substance) emits a vapor that covers all components with a protective layer
when the air inside the enclosure is saturated.)

Software: Spider version 4.3.1

Note. Parameter settings that have been changed from
DEFAULT are shown in Parameter list at delivery.

Connection: As drawing CD-2011-049 shows.

EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
Printout time: 2012-09-11 10:03:41
Printed by SpiderCom2 version: 4.3.0 Build: 4
Parameter file name: EUSP
Parameter file version: 4
SpiderII software version: 4.3.1 4
SpiderII serial number: EUSP B10-0097
Main settings
MAA01 - System function BASIC
MAB01 - E-motor connection for P01 E-motor 1
MAB02 - E-motor connection for P02 OFF
MAB03 - E-motor connection for P03 OFF
MAB04 - E-motor connection for P04 OFF
MAB05 - Drive connection for P01 Drive 1
MAB06 - Drive connection for P02 OFF
MAB07 - Drive connection for P03 OFF
MAB08 - Drive connection for P04 OFF
MAB09 - Separate or common Separate
MAB10 - Shutdown ramp time 0
MAB11 - Em.stop memory bypass off
MAB13 - Charge pump Drive 1 Internal
MAB14 - Charge pump Drive 2 Internal
MAC01 - Display language selection English
MAD01 - Security code - setup menu yes (*)
MAD02 - Security code 1149 (*)

Pump outputs
Pump 1
POA01 - Forward min current 266 (*)
POA02 - Forward max current 650 (*)
POA03 - Reverse min current 266 (*)
POA04 - Reverse max current 652 (*)
POA05 - Coil resistance 21 (*)
POA06 - PWM-frequency 100 (*)
Pump 2
POB01 - Forward min current 0
POB02 - Forward max current 0
POB03 - Reverse min current 0
POB04 - Reverse max current 0
POB05 - Coil resistance 40
POB06 - PWM-frequency 200
Pump 3
POC01 - Forward min current 0
POC02 - Forward max current 0
POC03 - Reverse min current 0
POC04 - Reverse max current 0
POC05 - Coil resistance 40
POC06 - PWM-frequency 200
Pump 4
POD01 - Forward min current 0
POD02 - Forward max current 0
POD03 - Reverse min current 0
POD04 - Reverse max current 0
POD05 - Coil resistance 40
POD06 - PWM-frequency 200
POE01 - Pump friction Off
POE02 - Pump low friction limit 0
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EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
POE03 - Pump high friction limit 200
POE04 - Friction up ramp time 2.0
POE05 - Friction down ramp time 2.0
POF01 - Pump up ramp time 2.0
POF02 - Pump down ramp time 2.0
Digital inputs
Digital in 1 - 22
DIN01 - Digital input 1, DI1:3 21 OFF (*)
DIN02 - Digital input 2, DI1:4 21 OFF (*)
DIN03 - Digital input 3, DI1:5 21 OFF (*)
DIN04 - Digital input 4, DI1:6 07 MN LEVEL
DIN05 - Digital input 5, DI1:7 07 LO LEVEL
DIN06 - Digital input 6, DI1:8 06 DRF 100
DIN07 - Digital input 7, DI2:4 06 RF100 P1
DIN08 - Digital input 8, DI2:5 05 SUCTION1
DIN09 - Digital input 9, DI2:6 03 C PRB P1
DIN10 - Digital input 10, DI2:7 21 OFF (*)
DIN11 - Digital input 11, DI2:8 21 OFF (*)
DIN12 - Digital input 12, DI2:9 21 OFF (*)
DIN13 - Digital input 13, DI2:10 21 OFF (*)
DIN14 - Digital input 14, DI2:11 21 OFF (*)
DIN15 - Digital input 15, DI2:12 21 OFF
DIN16 - Digital input 16, DI3:4 13 AUX 1 (*)
DIN17 - Digital input 17, DI3:5 21 OFF (*)
DIN18 - Digital input 18, DI3:6 21 OFF (*)
DIN19 - Digital input 19, DI3:7 21 OFF (*)
DIN20 - Digital input 20, DI3:8 21 OFF (*)
DIN21 - Digital input 21, DI3:9 21 OFF (*)
DIN22 - Digital input 22, DI3:10 21 OFF (*)
Digital in 23 - 43
DIN23 - Digital input 23, DI3:11 21 OFF (*)
DIN24 - Digital input 24, DI3:12 21 OFF
DIN25 - Digital input 25, DI4:4 14 START 1 (*)
DIN26 - Digital input 26, DI4:5 15 FIXED 1A (*)
DIN27 - Digital input 27, DI4:6 21 OFF
DIN28 - Digital input 28, DI4:7 21 OFF
DIN29 - Digital input 29, DI4:8 21 OFF
DIN30 - Digital input 30, DI4:9 21 OFF
DIN31 - Digital input 31, DI4:10 21 OFF
DIN32 - Digital input 32, DI4:11 21 OFF
DIN33 - Digital input 33, DI4:12 21 OFF
DIN34 - Digital input 34, DI5:3 21 OFF
DIN35 - Digital input 35, DI5:4 21 OFF
DIN36 - Digital input 36, DI5:5 21 OFF
DIN37 - Digital input 37, DI5:6 21 OFF
DIN38 - Digital input 38, DI5:7 21 OFF
DIN39 - Digital input 39, DI5:8 21 OFF
DIN40 - Digital input 40, DI5:9 21 OFF
DIN41 - Digital input 41, DI5:10 21 OFF
DIN42 - Digital input 42, DI5:11 21 OFF
DIN43 - Digital input 43, DI5:12 21 OFF

Digital outputs
Digital out 1
DOA01 - Digital output function 11 COOLCONI (*)
DOA02 - Inverted function no
DOA03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOA04 - Delay function for output NO
DOA05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 2
DOB01 - Digital output function 01 A1 (*)
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EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
DOB02 - Inverted function yes (*)
DOB03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOB04 - Delay function for output NO
DOB05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 3
DOC01 - Digital output function 01 A1 (*)
DOC02 - Inverted function no
DOC03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOC04 - Delay function for output NO
DOC05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 4
DOD01 - Digital output function 01 W1 (*)
DOD02 - Inverted function no
DOD03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOD04 - Delay function for output NO
DOD05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 5
DOE01 - Digital output function 02 START 1 (*)
DOE02 - Inverted function no
DOE03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOE04 - Delay function for output NO
DOE05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 6
DOF01 - Digital output function 03 READY 1 (*)
DOF02 - Inverted function no
DOF03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOF04 - Delay function for output NO
DOF05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 7
DOG01 - Digital output function 04 REMOTE 1 (*)
DOG02 - Inverted function no
DOG03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOG04 - Delay function for output NO
DOG05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 8
DOH01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOH02 - Inverted function no
DOH03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOH04 - Delay function for output NO
DOH05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 9
DOI01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOI02 - Inverted function no
DOI03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOI04 - Delay function for output NO
DOI05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 10
DOJ01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOJ02 - Inverted function no
DOJ03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOJ04 - Delay function for output NO
DOJ05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 11
DOK01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOK02 - Inverted function no
DOK03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOK04 - Delay function for output NO
DOK05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 12
DOL01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOL02 - Inverted function no
DOL03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOL04 - Delay function for output NO
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EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
DOL05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 13
DOM01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOM02 - Inverted function no
DOM03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOM04 - Delay function for output NO
DOM05 - Connected for lamptest no
Pulse inputs
P0I01 - Drive 1 pulse input DE1
P0I02 - Drive 2 pulse input DE2
Drive 1
P1I01 - Pulses/rev 3600 (*)
P1I02 - Units for REG109 rpm
P1I03 - Decimals for REG109 1 (*)
P1I04 - Scaling for REG109 1.00
P1I05 - Filter time for speed reading 0.0
P1I06 - Polarity - digital speed signal 1
P1I07 - Encoder type 1
P1I08 - High indication level (rpm) 0.0
P1I09 - Low indication level (rpm) 0.0
P1I10 - Function for high indication OFF
P1I11 - Function for low indication OFF
Drive 2
P2I01 - Pulses/rev 1000
P2I02 - Units for REG209 rpm
P2I03 - Decimals for REG209 0
P2I04 - Scaling for REG209 1.00
P2I05 - Filter time for speed reading 0.0
P2I06 - Polarity - digital speed signal 1
P2I07 - Encoder type 1
P2I08 - High indication level (rpm) 0.0
P2I09 - Low indication level (rpm) 0.0
P2I10 - Function for high indication OFF
P2I11 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog inputs
Setpoint 1
AIA01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIA02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIA03 - Max point adjustment 6 (*)
AIA04 - Reading for REG101 %
AIA05 - Input scaling 1.00
Setpoint 2
AIB01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIB02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIB03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIB04 - Reading for REG201 %
AIB05 - Input scaling 1.00
Analog in 1
AIF01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIF02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIF03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIF04 - Min input, REG401 0
AIF05 - Max input, REG401 200
AIF06 - Units for REG401 bar
AIF07 - Decimals for REG401 0
AIF08 - Scaling for REG401 1.00
AIF09 - Function for input OFF
AIF10 - High indication level 200
AIF11 - Low indication level 0
AIF12 - Function for min indication OFF
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EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
AIF13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIF14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIF15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIF16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 2
AIG01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIG02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIG03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIG04 - Min input, REG402 0
AIG05 - Max input, REG402 200
AIG06 - Units for REG402 bar
AIG07 - Decimals for REG402 0
AIG08 - Scaling for REG402 1.00
AIG09 - Function for input OFF
AIG10 - High indication level 200
AIG11 - Low indication level 0
AIG12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIG13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIG14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIG15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIG16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 3
AIH01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIH02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIH03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIH04 - Min input, REG403 0
AIH05 - Max input, REG403 1000 (*)
AIH06 - Units for REG403 psi (*)
AIH07 - Decimals for REG403 0
AIH08 - Scaling for REG403 1.00
AIH09 - Function for input OFF
AIH10 - High indication level 200 (*)
AIH11 - Low indication level 0
AIH12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIH13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIH14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIH15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIH16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 4
AII01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AII02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AII03 - Max point adjustment 0
AII04 - Min input, REG404 0
AII05 - Max input, REG404 6000 (*)
AII06 - Units for REG404 psi (*)
AII07 - Decimals for REG404 0
AII08 - Scaling for REG404 1.00
AII09 - Function for input OFF
AII10 - High indication level 5000 (*)
AII11 - Low indication level 0
AII12 - Function for min indication OFF
AII13 - Function for high indication 13 AUX 3 (*)
AII14 - Function for low indication OFF
AII15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AII16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 5
AIJ01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIJ02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIJ03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIJ04 - Min input, REG405 0
AIJ05 - Max input, REG405 200
AIJ06 - Units for REG405 bar
AIJ07 - Decimals for REG405 0
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EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
AIJ08 - Scaling for REG405 1.00
AIJ09 - Function for input OFF
AIJ10 - High indication level 200
AIJ11 - Low indication level 0
AIJ12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIJ13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIJ14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIJ15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIJ16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 6
AIK01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIK02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIK03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIK04 - Min input, REG406 0
AIK05 - Max input, REG406 200
AIK06 - Units for REG406 bar
AIK07 - Decimals for REG406 0
AIK08 - Scaling for REG406 1.00
AIK09 - Function for input OFF
AIK10 - High indication level 200
AIK11 - Low indication level 0
AIK12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIK13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIK14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIK15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIK16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 7
AIL01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIL02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIL03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIL04 - Min input, REG407 0
AIL05 - Max input, REG407 200
AIL06 - Units for REG407 bar
AIL07 - Decimals for REG407 0
AIL08 - Scaling for REG407 1.00
AIL09 - Function for input OFF
AIL10 - High indication level 200
AIL11 - Low indication level 0
AIL12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIL13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIL14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIL15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIL16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 8
AIM01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIM02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIM03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIM04 - Min input, REG408 0
AIM05 - Max input, REG408 200
AIM06 - Units for REG408 bar
AIM07 - Decimals for REG408 0
AIM08 - Scaling for REG408 1.00
AIM09 - Function for input OFF
AIM10 - High indication level 200
AIM11 - Low indication level 0
AIM12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIM13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIM14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIM15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIM16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 9
AIN01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIN02 - Zero point adjustment 0
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EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
AIN03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIN04 - Min input, REG409 0
AIN05 - Max input, REG409 200
AIN06 - Units for REG409 bar
AIN07 - Decimals for REG409 0
AIN08 - Scaling for REG409 1.00
AIN09 - Function for input OFF
AIN10 - High indication level 200
AIN11 - Low indication level 0
AIN12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIN13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIN14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIN15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIN16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Tank temp
AIP01 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIP02 - Max point adjustment 0
AIP03 - Units for REG410 °C
Power limit
AIR01 - Limitation level E-motor 1 400
AIR02 - Limitation level E-motor 2 400
AIR03 - Limitation level E-motor 3 400

Analog outputs
Analog out 1
AOA01 - Analog output REG410 (*)
AOA02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOA03 - Zero point adjustment -4 (*)
AOA04 - Max point adjustment -15 (*)
Analog out 2
AOB01 - Analog output REG404 (*)
AOB02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOB03 - Zero point adjustment -4 (*)
AOB04 - Max point adjustment -16 (*)
Analog out 3
AOC01 - Analog output REG109 (*)
AOC02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOC03 - Zero point adjustment 0
AOC04 - Max point adjustment -12 (*)
Analog out 4
AOD01 - Analog output REG403 (*)
AOD02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOD03 - Zero point adjustment -5 (*)
AOD04 - Max point adjustment -16 (*)
Type && Function
BTF01 - Type of bus communication Profibus (*)
BTF02 - Max com. drop time 1
BTF03 - Function at com. drop Alarm (*)
BTF04 - Bus data area Ver.2 (*)
BTF05 - Analog byte switching off
BTF06 - Max bus start up time 6
Digital in 1-24
BDI01 - Digital input 1 09 BUS 1
BDI02 - Digital input 2 16 REM 1
BDI03 - Digital input 3 14 START 1
BDI04 - Digital input 4 15 FIXED 1A
BDI05 - Digital input 5 21 OFF (*)
BDI06 - Digital input 6 21 OFF
BDI07 - Digital input 7 21 OFF
BDI08 - Digital input 8 21 OFF
BDI09 - Digital input 9 21 OFF (*)
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EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
BDI10 - Digital input 10 21 OFF (*)
BDI11 - Digital input 11 21 OFF (*)
BDI12 - Digital input 12 21 OFF (*)
BDI13 - Digital input 13 21 OFF (*)
BDI14 - Digital input 14 21 OFF
BDI15 - Digital input 15 21 OFF
BDI16 - Digital input 16 21 OFF
BDI17 - Digital input 17 09 BUS R
BDI18 - Digital input 18 09 ALARM R
BDI19 - Digital input 19 21 OFF
BDI20 - Digital input 20 21 OFF
BDI21 - Digital input 21 21 OFF
BDI22 - Digital input 22 21 OFF
BDI23 - Digital input 23 21 OFF
BDI24 - Digital input 24 21 OFF
Digital in 25-32
BDI25 - Digital input 25 21 OFF
BDI26 - Digital input 26 21 OFF
BDI27 - Digital input 27 21 OFF
BDI28 - Digital input 28 21 OFF
BDI29 - Digital input 29 21 OFF
BDI30 - Digital input 30 21 OFF
BDI31 - Digital input 31 21 OFF
BDI32 - Digital input 32 21 OFF
Analog in 1
BAA01 - Min input, REG501 0
BAA02 - Max input, REG501 200
BAA03 - Units for REG501 %
BAA04 - Decimals for REG501 0
BAA05 - Function for input OFF
BAA06 - High indication level 200
BAA07 - Low indication level 0
BAA08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAA09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 2
BAB01 - Min input, REG502 0
BAB02 - Max input, REG502 200
BAB03 - Units for REG502 %
BAB04 - Decimals for REG502 0
BAB05 - Function for input OFF
BAB06 - High indication level 200
BAB07 - Low indication level 0
BAB08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAB09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 3
BAC01 - Min input, REG503 0
BAC02 - Max input, REG503 200
BAC03 - Units for REG503 °
BAC04 - Decimals for REG503 0
BAC05 - Function for input OFF
BAC06 - High indication level 200
BAC07 - Low indication level 0
BAC08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAC09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 4
BAD01 - Min input, REG504 0
BAD02 - Max input, REG504 200
BAD03 - Units for REG504 bar
BAD04 - Decimals for REG504 0
BAD05 - Function for input OFF
BAD06 - High indication level 200
BAD07 - Low indication level 0
BAD08 - Function for high indication OFF
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EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
BAD09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 5
BAE01 - Min input, REG505 0
BAE02 - Max input, REG505 200
BAE03 - Units for REG505 bar
BAE04 - Decimals for REG505 0
BAE05 - Function for input OFF
BAE06 - High indication level 200
BAE07 - Low indication level 0
BAE08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAE09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 6
BAF01 - Min input, REG506 0
BAF02 - Max input, REG506 200
BAF03 - Units for REG506 bar
BAF04 - Decimals for REG506 0
BAF05 - Function for input OFF
BAF06 - High indication level 200
BAF07 - Low indication level 0
BAF08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAF09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 7
BAG01 - Min input, REG507 0
BAG02 - Max input, REG507 200
BAG03 - Units for REG507 bar
BAG04 - Decimals for REG507 0
BAG05 - Function for input OFF
BAG06 - High indication level 200
BAG07 - Low indication level 0
BAG08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAG09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 8
BAH01 - Min input, REG508 0
BAH02 - Max input, REG508 200
BAH03 - Units for REG508 bar
BAH04 - Decimals for REG508 0
BAH05 - Function for input OFF
BAH06 - High indication level 200
BAH07 - Low indication level 0
BAH08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAH09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 9
BAI01 - Min input, REG509 0
BAI02 - Max input, REG509 200
BAI03 - Units for REG509 bar
BAI04 - Decimals for REG509 0
BAI05 - Function for input OFF
BAI06 - High indication level 200
BAI07 - Low indication level 0
BAI08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAI09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 10
BAJ01 - Min input, REG510 0
BAJ02 - Max input, REG510 200
BAJ03 - Units for REG510 bar
BAJ04 - Decimals for REG510 0
BAJ05 - Function for input OFF
BAJ06 - High indication level 200
BAJ07 - Low indication level 0
BAJ08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAJ09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog out
BAK01 - Analog output register REG410 (*)
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EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
BAK02 - Analog output register REG404 (*)
BAK03 - Analog output register REG109 (*)
BAK04 - Analog output register REG403 (*)
BAK05 - Analog output register OFF
BAK06 - Analog output register OFF
BAK07 - Analog output register OFF
BAK08 - Analog output register OFF
BAK09 - Analog output register OFF
BAK10 - Analog output register OFF
BAK11 - Analog output register OFF
BAK12 - Analog output register OFF
Pump monitor
Pump 1
PMA01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMA02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMA03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMA04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMA05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMA06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMA07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMA08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMA09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMA10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMA11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMA12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMA13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMA14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 2
PMB01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMB02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMB03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMB04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMB05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMB06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMB07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMB08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMB09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMB10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMB11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMB12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMB13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMB14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 3
PMC01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMC02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMC03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMC04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMC05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMC06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMC07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMC08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMC09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMC10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMC11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMC12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMC13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMC14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 4
PMD01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMD02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMD03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMD04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
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PMD05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMD06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMD07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMD08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMD09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMD10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMD11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMD12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMD13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMD14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Tank monitor
TMA01 - Delay, Low oil level warn. 0.0 sec
TMA02 - Delay, Min oil level alarm 0.0 sec
TMA03 - Delay, Min temp alarm 0.0 sec
TMA04 - Delay, High temp warn. 0.0 sec
TMA05 - Delay, Max temp alarm 0.5 sec
TMA06 - Delay, Drain 75% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA07 - Delay, Drain 100% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA08 - Drain filter alarm OFF
TMA09 - Min oil temp function A
TMA10 - Delay, Aux filter 75% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA11 - Delay, Aux filter 100% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA12 - Aux filter alarm OFF
Analog temp
TMB01 - Analog temp sensor on
TMB03 - Max oil temp alarm level 60 (*)
TMB04 - High oil temp warning level 55
TMB05 - Cooling temp on level (rise) 40
TMB06 - Cooling hysteresis 3
TMB07 - Filter interlock temp level 0
TMB08 - Heating temp on level (fall) 15
TMB09 - Heating hysteresis 3
TMB10 - Min oil temp alarm level 0 (*)
TMB11 - Warm flush on level (falling) 30
TMB12 - Flushing hysteresis 3
TMB13 - Min flush pump temp 0
TMB14 - Warm flush on level (rising) 10
TMB15 - Flushing hysteresis 3
TMB16 - Warm flush on delay 2.0
TMB17 - Cooler forward time 12
TMB18 - Cooler reverse time 10
TMB19 - Cooler motor on delay 10.0
TMB20 - Cooler rev. at e-motor start on
TMB21 - Oil temp interlock level 65 (*)
Analog level
TMC01 - Analog level sensor off
TMC03 - Min oil alarm level 2150
TMC04 - Low oil warning level 2250
TMC05 - Max oil indication level 2400
TMC06 - Overfill warning level 2450
TMC07 - Delay, Overfill oil level 0.0 sec

Aux monitor
Aux 1
AMA01 - Aux function W D1
AMA02 - Aux delay time 7.0 (*)
AMA03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMA04 - Aux configurable text Flush Filter Clogged (*)
AMA05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 2
AMB01 - Aux function W D1
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AMB02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMB03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMB04 - Aux configurable text AUX 2
AMB05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 3
AMC01 - Aux function W D1
AMC02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMC03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMC04 - Aux configurable text High System Pressure (*)
AMC05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 4
AMD01 - Aux function W D1
AMD02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMD03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMD04 - Aux configurable text AUX 4
AMD05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 5
AME01 - Aux function W D1
AME02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AME03 - Aux memory bypass off
AME04 - Aux configurable text AUX 5
AME05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 6
AMF01 - Aux function W D1
AMF02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMF03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMF04 - Aux configurable text AUX 6
AMF05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 7
AMG01 - Aux function W D1
AMG02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMG03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMG04 - Aux configurable text AUX 7
AMG05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 8
AMH01 - Aux function W D1
AMH02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMH03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMH04 - Aux configurable text AUX 8
AMH05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 9
AMI01 - Aux function W D1
AMI02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMI03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMI04 - Aux configurable text AUX 9
AMI05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 10
AMJ01 - Aux function W D1
AMJ02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMJ03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMJ04 - Aux configurable text AUX 10
AMJ05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 11
AMK01 - Aux function W D1
AMK02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMK03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMK04 - Aux configurable text AUX 11
AMK05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 12
AML01 - Aux function W D1
AML02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AML03 - Aux memory bypass off
AML04 - Aux configurable text AUX 12
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AML05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 13
AMM01 - Aux function W D1
AMM02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMM03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMM04 - Aux configurable text AUX 13
AMM05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 14
AMN01 - Aux function W D1
AMN02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMN03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMN04 - Aux configurable text AUX 14
AMN05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 15
AMO01 - Aux function W D1
AMO02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMO03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMO04 - Aux configurable text AUX 15
AMO05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 16
AMP01 - Aux function W D1
AMP02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMP03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMP04 - Aux configurable text AUX 16
AMP05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 17
AMQ01 - Aux function W D1
AMQ02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMQ03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMQ04 - Aux configurable text AUX 17
AMQ05 - Aux inverted input off
AMQ06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMQ07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMQ08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 17 A
Aux 18
AMR01 - Aux function W D1
AMR02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMR03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMR04 - Aux configurable text AUX 18
AMR05 - Aux inverted input off
AMR06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMR07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMR08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 18 A
Aux 19
AMS01 - Aux function W D1
AMS02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMS03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMS04 - Aux configurable text AUX 19
AMS05 - Aux inverted input off
AMS06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMS07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMS08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 19 A
Aux 20
AMT01 - Aux function W D1
AMT02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMT03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMT04 - Aux configurable text AUX 20
AMT05 - Aux inverted input off
AMT06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMT07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMT08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 20 A
Drive monitor
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EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
Start interlock
DMA01 - Start alternative, drive 1 and
DMA02 - Start delay time, drive 1 5 sec
DMA03 - Start alternative, drive 2 and
DMA04 - Start delay time, drive 2 5 sec
Drive 1
DMB01 - Delay, charge pressure A 0.5 sec
DMB02 - Delay, charge pressure B 0.5 sec
DMB03 - Delay, E-motor temp 0.0 sec
DMB04 - Delay, work pressure A 7.0 sec
DMB05 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
DMB06 - Delay, work pressure B 7.0 sec
DMB07 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
DMB08 - Analog pressure sensor off
Drive 2
DMC01 - Delay, charge pressure A 0.5 sec
DMC02 - Delay, charge pressure B 0.5 sec
DMC03 - Delay, E-motor temp 0.0 sec
DMC04 - Delay, work pressure A 7.0 sec
DMC05 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
DMC06 - Delay, work pressure B 7.0 sec
DMC07 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
DMC08 - Analog pressure sensor off
Emotor interlock
DMD01 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 1 1.5
DMD02 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 2 1.5
DMD03 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 3 1.5
DMD04 - Delay, Charge pump Dr. 1 2.0
DMD05 - Delay, Charge pump Dr. 2 2.0
Drain temp
DME01 - Drain temp function active off
DME02 - Shutdown temp lvl (falling) 2
DME03 - Stand-by flush on lvl (falling) 5
DME04 - Stand-by flush hysteresis 3
DME05 - Start delay time cold oil 300
DME06 - Start delay time warm oil 10
DME07 - Start delay switching lvl 20
Compare calc. (1)
DMF01 - Register A for REG701 OFF
DMF02 - Register B for REG701 OFF
DMF03 - Register C for REG701 OFF
DMF04 - Constant K for REG701 10000
DMF05 - Operation for REG701 OFF
DMF06 - Function for REG701 OFF
DMF07 - Register A for REG702 OFF
DMF08 - Register B for REG702 OFF
DMF09 - Register C for REG702 OFF
DMF10 - Constant K for REG702 10000
DMF11 - Operation for REG702 OFF
DMF12 - Function for REG702 OFF
DMF13 - Register A for REG703 OFF
DMF14 - Register B for REG703 OFF
DMF15 - Register C for REG703 OFF
DMF16 - Constant K for REG703 10000
DMF17 - Operation for REG703 OFF
DMF18 - Function for REG703 OFF
Compare calc. (2)
DMF19 - Register A for REG704 OFF
DMF20 - Register B for REG704 OFF
DMF21 - Register C for REG704 OFF
DMF22 - Constant K for REG704 10000
DMF23 - Operation for REG704 OFF
DMF24 - Function for REG704 OFF
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DMF25 - Register A for REG705 OFF
DMF26 - Register B for REG705 OFF
DMF27 - Register C for REG705 OFF
DMF28 - Constant K for REG705 10000
DMF29 - Operation for REG705 OFF
DMF30 - Function for REG705 OFF
DMF31 - Register A for REG706 OFF
DMF32 - Register B for REG706 OFF
DMF33 - Register C for REG706 OFF
DMF34 - Constant K for REG706 10000
DMF35 - Operation for REG706 OFF
DMF36 - Function for REG706 OFF
Compare display
DMG01 - Min display value REG701 0
DMG02 - Max display value REG701 200
DMG03 - Units for REG701 bar
DMG04 - Nr. of decimals for REG701 0
DMG05 - Min display value REG702 0
DMG06 - Max display value REG702 200
DMG07 - Units for REG702 bar
DMG08 - Nr. of decimals for REG702 0
DMG09 - Min display value REG703 0
DMG10 - Max display value REG703 200
DMG11 - Units for REG703 bar
DMG12 - Nr. of decimals for REG703 0
DMG13 - Min display value REG704 0
DMG14 - Max display value REG704 200
DMG15 - Units for REG704 bar
DMG16 - Nr. of decimals for REG704 0
DMG17 - Min display value REG705 0
DMG18 - Max display value REG705 200
DMG19 - Units for REG705 bar
DMG20 - Nr. of decimals for REG705 0
DMG21 - Min display value REG706 0
DMG22 - Max display value REG706 200
DMG23 - Units for REG706 bar
DMG24 - Nr. of decimals for REG706 0

H.motor mon.
Temp limit
HMA01 - Limitation level, H-motor 1 60
HMA02 - Limitation level, H-motor 2 60
HMA03 - Limitation level, H-motor 3 60
HMA04 - Limitation level, H-motor 4 60
Drive connection
HMB01 - Drive for Hydr. motor 1 Drive 1
HMB02 - Drive for Hydr. motor 2 OFF
HMB03 - Drive for Hydr. motor 3 OFF
HMB04 - Drive for Hydr. motor 4 OFF
Drive 1 basic
D1A01 - Speed setpoint Local/Remote (*)
D1A02 - Type of command signal Unidirectional (*)
D1A03 - Reset of local setpoint yes
D1A04 - Reverse input on (*)
D1A05 - Reverse command setpoint -10.0 (*)
D1A06 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1B) 10.0
D1A07 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1A) -10.0
D1A08 - Drive front panel buttons on
D1A09 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1D) 20.0
D1A10 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1C) -20.0
D1A11 - Multipump setpoint limit on
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D1C01 - Up ramp time forward 3.0 (*)
D1C02 - Down ramp time forward 3.0 (*)
D1C03 - Up ramp time reverse 3.0 (*)
D1C04 - Down ramp time reverse 3.0 (*)
D1D02 - Feed forward function on
D1D03 - Proportional regulator on (*)
D1D04 - Integrating regulator on (*)
D1D05 - Derivation regulator off
D1D06 - Proportional gain 0.1
D1D07 - Integration time 10.0
D1D08 - Derivation time 0.10
D1D09 - Derivation decline time 0.1
D1D10 - Max feedback deviation 50
D1D11 - Regulated or nonregulated Regulated (*)
D1E01 - Max motor shaft speed 4.6 (*)
D1E02 - Feedback selection Digital
D1E03 - Filter time for feedback 0.0
Power limitation
D1F01 - Delay time, power limitation 0.5
D1F02 - Ramp time, power limitation 20.0
D1F03 - Min power limit level 0
D1G01 - Brake function off
D1G02 - Brake close delay (off) 2.0
D1G03 - Brake open ind. delay (on) 2.0
D1G04 - Brake monitor delay (on) 5.0

Drive 2 basic
D2A01 - Speed setpoint Local
D2A02 - Type of command signal Bidirectional
D2A03 - Reset of local setpoint yes
D2A04 - Reverse input off
D2A05 - Reverse command setpoint -20.0
D2A06 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2B) 10.0
D2A07 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2A) -10.0
D2A08 - Drive front panel buttons on
D2A09 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2D) 20.0
D2A10 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2C) -20.0
D2A11 - Multipump setpoint limit on
D2C01 - Up ramp time forward 2.0
D2C02 - Down ramp time forward 2.0
D2C03 - Up ramp time reverse 2.0
D2C04 - Down ramp time reverse 2.0
D2D02 - Feed forward function on
D2D03 - Proportional regulator off
D2D04 - Integrating regulator off
D2D05 - Derivation regulator off
D2D06 - Proportional gain 0.1
D2D07 - Integration time 10.0
D2D08 - Derivation time 0.10
D2D09 - Derivation decline time 0.1
D2D10 - Max feedback deviation 50
D2D11 - Regulated or nonregulated Non-regulated
D2E01 - Max motor shaft speed 10.0
D2E02 - Feedback selection Digital
D2E03 - Filter time for feedback 0.0
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EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
Power limitation
D2F01 - Delay time, power limitation 0.5
D2F02 - Ramp time, power limitation 20.0
D2F03 - Min power limit level 0
D2G01 - Brake function off
D2G02 - Brake close delay (off) 2.0
D2G03 - Brake open ind. delay (on) 2.0
D2G04 - Brake monitor delay (on) 5.0

Shredder 1
SHA01 - Reverse control Pressure, separate
SHA02 - Reverse stop function Going to forward
SHA03 - Delay before reversal 3.0
SHA04 - Reversal time 10.0
SHA05 - Reverse delay SHA02 3.0
SHA06 - Forward time 10.0
SHA07 - Interval direction funct. off
SHA08 - Forward time interval 60
SHA09 - Reverse time interval 60
SHA10 - Selection of regulated dr. Unregulated
SHA11 - Stop trig signal to Drive 2 off
SHB01 - Reverse command setpoint Forward
SHB02 - Scale factor for reverse 100
SHB03 - Analog pressure sensor off
SHB04 - High pr. level, forward 200
SHB05 - High pr. level, reverse 200
SHB06 - Sh. interval command A 75.0
SHB07 - Sh. interval command B 50.0
SHB08 - Activation of interval com. off
SHC01 - Window time for counter 60
SHC02 - Reversal counter 5

Shredder 2
SHG01 - Reverse control Pressure, separate
SHG02 - Reverse stop function Going to forward
SHG03 - Delay before reversal 3.0
SHG04 - Reversal time 10.0
SHG05 - Reverse delay SHG02 3.0
SHG06 - Forward time 10.0
SHG07 - Interval direction funct. off
SHG08 - Forward time interval 60
SHG09 - Reverse time interval 60
SHG10 - Selection of regulated dr. Unregulated
SHG11 - Stop trig signal to Drive 2 off
SHH01 - Reverse command setpoint Forward
SHH02 - Scale factor for reverse 100
SHH03 - Analog pressure sensor off
SHH04 - High pr. level, forward 200
SHH05 - High pr. level, reverse 200
SHH06 - Sh. interval command A 75.0
SHH07 - Sh. interval command B 50.0
SHH08 - Activation of interval com. off
SHH09 - Common interval off
SHI01 - Window time for counter 60
SHI02 - Reversal counter 5

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EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
SYA01 - Type of synchronisation RATIO
SYA02 - Master command D1 Master - D2 Slave
Drive 1 reset
SYB01 - Counter reset command Reset by start
SYB02 - Enable of counter reset E-motors start
Drive 2 setpoint
SYC01 - Drive 2 low friction limit 70
SYC02 - Drive 2 high friction limit 130
SYC03 - Offset reset by motor start off
SYC04 - Offset for Drive 2 0.0
Drive 2 indication
SYD01 - Synchro indication limit 5
SYD02 - Sync time 1.0
Drive 2 reset
SYE01 - Counter reset command Reset by start
SYE02 - Enable of counter reset E-motors start
Master setpoint
SYF01 - Up ramp time forward 2.0
SYF02 - Down ramp time forward 2.0
SYF03 - Up ramp time reverse 2.0
SYF04 - Down ramp time reverse 2.0
SYF05 - Master max speed 10.0
Drive 1 setpoint
SYG01 - Drive 1 low friction limit 70
SYG02 - Drive 1 high friction limit 130

Pressure 1
PRA01 - Pressure control off
PRA02 - Reverse control action off
PRA03 - Low pressure control off
PRA04 - High pressure control off
PRA05 - Filter time, low pr. control 5.0
PRA06 - Filter time, high pr. control 5.0
Pr. setpoint
PRB01 - Pressure setpoint Local
PRB02 - Local pressure setpoint 200
PRB03 - Low limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRB04 - High limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRB05 - Low limit, PID output 10
PRB06 - High limit, PID output 10
PRB07 - Max pressure 250
PRB08 - PID output breakpoint 20
PRC01 - Proportional regulator off
PRC02 - Integrating regulator off
PRC03 - Derivation regulator off
PRC04 - Proportional gain 0.1
PRC05 - Integration time 10.0
PRC06 - Derivation time 0.10
PRC07 - Derivation decline time 0.1
PRC08 - Filter time for pr. feedback 0.0
Pressure 2
PRG01 - Pressure control off
PRG02 - Reverse control action off
PRG03 - Low pressure control off
PRG04 - High pressure control off
PRG05 - Filter time, low pr. control 5.0
PRG06 - Filter time, high pr. control 5.0
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EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
Pr. setpoint
PRH01 - Pressure setpoint Local
PRH02 - Local pressure setpoint 200
PRH03 - Low limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRH04 - High limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRH05 - Low limit, PID output 10
PRH06 - High limit, PID output 10
PRH07 - Max pressure 250
PRH08 - PID output breakpoint 20
PRI01 - Proportional regulator off
PRI02 - Integrating regulator off
PRI03 - Derivation regulator off
PRI04 - Proportional gain 0.1
PRI05 - Integration time 10.0
PRI06 - Derivation time 0.10
PRI07 - Derivation decline time 0.1
PRI08 - Filter time for pr. feedback 0.0
Reading 1
Scroll menu
R1A01 - Text for reading 1 TANKTEMP
R1A02 - Reading 1 REG410
R1A03 - Text for reading 2 SYS PRES (*)
R1A04 - Reading 2 REG404 (*)
R1A05 - Text for reading 3 CHR PRES (*)
R1A06 - Reading 3 REG403 (*)
R1A07 - Text for reading 4 READING4
R1A08 - Reading 4 OFF
R1A09 - Text for reading 5 READING5
R1A10 - Reading 5 OFF
R1A11 - Text for reading 6 READING6
R1A12 - Reading 6 OFF
R1A13 - Text for reading 7 READING7
R1A14 - Reading 7 OFF
R1A15 - Text for reading 8 READING8
R1A16 - Reading 8 OFF
R1A17 - Text for reading 9 READING9
R1A18 - Reading 9 OFF
Left upper
R1B01 - Reading REG102
Right upper
R1C01 - Reading REG106
Left lower
R1D01 - Reading REG109
Right lower
R1E01 - Reading REG311

Reading 2
Scroll menu
R2A01 - Text for reading 1 READING1
R2A02 - Reading 1 OFF
R2A03 - Text for reading 2 READING2
R2A04 - Reading 2 OFF
R2A05 - Text for reading 3 READING3
R2A06 - Reading 3 OFF
R2A07 - Text for reading 4 READING4
R2A08 - Reading 4 OFF
R2A09 - Text for reading 5 READING5
R2A10 - Reading 5 OFF
R2A11 - Text for reading 6 READING6
R2A12 - Reading 6 OFF
R2A13 - Text for reading 7 READING7
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EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
R2A14 - Reading 7 OFF
R2A15 - Text for reading 8 READING8
R2A16 - Reading 8 OFF
R2A17 - Text for reading 9 READING9
R2A18 - Reading 9 OFF
Left upper
R2B01 - Reading REG202
Right upper
R2C01 - Reading REG206
Left lower
R2D01 - Reading REG209
Right lower
R2E01 - Reading REG321
Log function
Log 1
Date and time 120605 16:30
STA1 - Status for log register ON
MT1 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI1 - Setting of upper limit 56.0
LLO1 - Setting of lower limit 40.0
REG1 - Choice of register for logging REG410
Log 2
Date and time 120605 16:30
STA2 - Status for log register ON
MT2 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI2 - Setting of upper limit 4.0
LLO2 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG2 - Choice of register for logging REG109
Log 3
Date and time 120605 16:31
STA3 - Status for log register ON
MT3 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI3 - Setting of upper limit 250.0
LLO3 - Setting of lower limit 150.0
REG3 - Choice of register for logging REG403
Log 4
Date and time 120605 16:31
STA4 - Status for log register OFF
MT4 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI4 - Setting of upper limit 20.0
LLO4 - Setting of lower limit 4.0
REG4 - Choice of register for logging REG209
Log 5
Date and time 120605 16:33
STA5 - Status for log register ON
MT5 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI5 - Setting of upper limit 2000.0
LLO5 - Setting of lower limit 350.0
REG5 - Choice of register for logging REG404
Log 6
Date and time 120605 16:39
STA6 - Status for log register OFF
MT6 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI6 - Setting of upper limit 70.0
LLO6 - Setting of lower limit 50.0
REG6 - Choice of register for logging REG407
Log 7
Date and time 120605 16:33
STA7 - Status for log register ON
MT7 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHIX7 - Setting of upper limit, X axis 4.0
LLOX7 - Setting of lower limit, X axis 0.0
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EUSP B10-0097_kyw1clb_120816_1630.txt
REGX7 - Choice of register for X axis logging REG109
LHIY7 - Setting of upper limit, Y axis 250.0
LLOY7 - Setting of lower limit, Y axis 150.0
REGY7 - Choice of register for Y axis logging REG403
LHIZ7 - Setting of upper limit, Z axis 56.0
LLOZ7 - Setting of lower limit, Z axis 40.0
REGZ7 - Choice of register for Z axis logging REG410
Log 8
Date and time 120605 16:34
STA8 - Status for log register ON
MT8 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHIX8 - Setting of upper limit, X axis 4.0
LLOX8 - Setting of lower limit, X axis 0.0
REGX8 - Choice of register for X axis logging REG109
LHIY8 - Setting of upper limit, Y axis 2000.0
LLOY8 - Setting of lower limit, Y axis 350.0
REGY8 - Choice of register for Y axis logging REG404
LHIZ8 - Setting of upper limit, Z axis 56.0
LLOZ8 - Setting of lower limit, Z axis 40.0
REGZ8 - Choice of register for Z axis logging REG410

(*) Not default value

Page 21
EUSP B10-0098

Customer : FLSmidth Boise Inc.

Job 2011 049, Unit #3
Specification Page 1/1

Control system: Spider Ind. No: EUSP B10-0098

Ordering code: Spider B106-01100-1-00
Main card Part No: 276 0020-430
Main card revision: R3B
Main card Serial No: 5665-1209

Display type: Part No: 376 0064-801 (LCD = standard)

Power Supply unit: Part No: 376 0071-801 (Max output 250W = Std)
Card revision: C
Card Serial No: 5756-1208

Emitter VpCI Part. No: H506-85535-0

Note. Life time after installation is 1 year, expiry date is
shown on the sticker beside the installed Emitter.
(Emitter VpCI (Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor) is mounted inside the Spider
box to protect against oxidation. The Emitter (containing a pulverous
substance) emits a vapor that covers all components with a protective layer
when the air inside the enclosure is saturated.)

Software: Spider version 4.3.1

Note. Parameter settings that have been changed from
DEFAULT are shown in Parameter list at delivery.

Connection: As drawing CD-2011-049 shows.

EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
Printout time: 2012-09-11 10:04:28
Printed by SpiderCom2 version: 4.3.0 Build: 4
Parameter file name: EUSP
Parameter file version: 4
SpiderII software version: 4.3.1 4
SpiderII serial number: EUSP B10-0098
Main settings
MAA01 - System function BASIC
MAB01 - E-motor connection for P01 E-motor 1
MAB02 - E-motor connection for P02 OFF
MAB03 - E-motor connection for P03 OFF
MAB04 - E-motor connection for P04 OFF
MAB05 - Drive connection for P01 Drive 1
MAB06 - Drive connection for P02 OFF
MAB07 - Drive connection for P03 OFF
MAB08 - Drive connection for P04 OFF
MAB09 - Separate or common Separate
MAB10 - Shutdown ramp time 0
MAB11 - Em.stop memory bypass off
MAB13 - Charge pump Drive 1 Internal
MAB14 - Charge pump Drive 2 Internal
MAC01 - Display language selection English
MAD01 - Security code - setup menu yes (*)
MAD02 - Security code 1149 (*)

Pump outputs
Pump 1
POA01 - Forward min current 276 (*)
POA02 - Forward max current 645 (*)
POA03 - Reverse min current 270 (*)
POA04 - Reverse max current 654 (*)
POA05 - Coil resistance 21 (*)
POA06 - PWM-frequency 100 (*)
Pump 2
POB01 - Forward min current 0
POB02 - Forward max current 0
POB03 - Reverse min current 0
POB04 - Reverse max current 0
POB05 - Coil resistance 40
POB06 - PWM-frequency 200
Pump 3
POC01 - Forward min current 0
POC02 - Forward max current 0
POC03 - Reverse min current 0
POC04 - Reverse max current 0
POC05 - Coil resistance 40
POC06 - PWM-frequency 200
Pump 4
POD01 - Forward min current 0
POD02 - Forward max current 0
POD03 - Reverse min current 0
POD04 - Reverse max current 0
POD05 - Coil resistance 40
POD06 - PWM-frequency 200
POE01 - Pump friction Off
POE02 - Pump low friction limit 0
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
POE03 - Pump high friction limit 200
POE04 - Friction up ramp time 2.0
POE05 - Friction down ramp time 2.0
POF01 - Pump up ramp time 2.0
POF02 - Pump down ramp time 2.0
Digital inputs
Digital in 1 - 22
DIN01 - Digital input 1, DI1:3 21 OFF (*)
DIN02 - Digital input 2, DI1:4 21 OFF (*)
DIN03 - Digital input 3, DI1:5 21 OFF (*)
DIN04 - Digital input 4, DI1:6 07 MN LEVEL
DIN05 - Digital input 5, DI1:7 07 LO LEVEL
DIN06 - Digital input 6, DI1:8 06 DRF 100
DIN07 - Digital input 7, DI2:4 06 RF100 P1
DIN08 - Digital input 8, DI2:5 05 SUCTION1
DIN09 - Digital input 9, DI2:6 03 C PRB P1
DIN10 - Digital input 10, DI2:7 21 OFF (*)
DIN11 - Digital input 11, DI2:8 21 OFF (*)
DIN12 - Digital input 12, DI2:9 21 OFF (*)
DIN13 - Digital input 13, DI2:10 21 OFF (*)
DIN14 - Digital input 14, DI2:11 21 OFF (*)
DIN15 - Digital input 15, DI2:12 21 OFF
DIN16 - Digital input 16, DI3:4 13 AUX 1 (*)
DIN17 - Digital input 17, DI3:5 21 OFF (*)
DIN18 - Digital input 18, DI3:6 21 OFF (*)
DIN19 - Digital input 19, DI3:7 21 OFF (*)
DIN20 - Digital input 20, DI3:8 21 OFF (*)
DIN21 - Digital input 21, DI3:9 21 OFF (*)
DIN22 - Digital input 22, DI3:10 21 OFF (*)
Digital in 23 - 43
DIN23 - Digital input 23, DI3:11 21 OFF (*)
DIN24 - Digital input 24, DI3:12 21 OFF
DIN25 - Digital input 25, DI4:4 14 START 1 (*)
DIN26 - Digital input 26, DI4:5 15 FIXED 1A (*)
DIN27 - Digital input 27, DI4:6 21 OFF
DIN28 - Digital input 28, DI4:7 21 OFF
DIN29 - Digital input 29, DI4:8 21 OFF
DIN30 - Digital input 30, DI4:9 21 OFF
DIN31 - Digital input 31, DI4:10 21 OFF
DIN32 - Digital input 32, DI4:11 21 OFF
DIN33 - Digital input 33, DI4:12 21 OFF
DIN34 - Digital input 34, DI5:3 21 OFF
DIN35 - Digital input 35, DI5:4 21 OFF
DIN36 - Digital input 36, DI5:5 21 OFF
DIN37 - Digital input 37, DI5:6 21 OFF
DIN38 - Digital input 38, DI5:7 21 OFF
DIN39 - Digital input 39, DI5:8 21 OFF
DIN40 - Digital input 40, DI5:9 21 OFF
DIN41 - Digital input 41, DI5:10 21 OFF
DIN42 - Digital input 42, DI5:11 21 OFF
DIN43 - Digital input 43, DI5:12 21 OFF

Digital outputs
Digital out 1
DOA01 - Digital output function 11 COOLCONI (*)
DOA02 - Inverted function no
DOA03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOA04 - Delay function for output NO
DOA05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 2
DOB01 - Digital output function 01 A1 (*)
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
DOB02 - Inverted function yes (*)
DOB03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOB04 - Delay function for output NO
DOB05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 3
DOC01 - Digital output function 01 A1 (*)
DOC02 - Inverted function no
DOC03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOC04 - Delay function for output NO
DOC05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 4
DOD01 - Digital output function 01 W1 (*)
DOD02 - Inverted function no
DOD03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOD04 - Delay function for output NO
DOD05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 5
DOE01 - Digital output function 02 START 1 (*)
DOE02 - Inverted function no
DOE03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOE04 - Delay function for output NO
DOE05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 6
DOF01 - Digital output function 03 READY 1 (*)
DOF02 - Inverted function no
DOF03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOF04 - Delay function for output NO
DOF05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 7
DOG01 - Digital output function 04 REMOTE 1 (*)
DOG02 - Inverted function no
DOG03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOG04 - Delay function for output NO
DOG05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 8
DOH01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOH02 - Inverted function no
DOH03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOH04 - Delay function for output NO
DOH05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 9
DOI01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOI02 - Inverted function no
DOI03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOI04 - Delay function for output NO
DOI05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 10
DOJ01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOJ02 - Inverted function no
DOJ03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOJ04 - Delay function for output NO
DOJ05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 11
DOK01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOK02 - Inverted function no
DOK03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOK04 - Delay function for output NO
DOK05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 12
DOL01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOL02 - Inverted function no
DOL03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOL04 - Delay function for output NO
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
DOL05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 13
DOM01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOM02 - Inverted function no
DOM03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOM04 - Delay function for output NO
DOM05 - Connected for lamptest no
Pulse inputs
P0I01 - Drive 1 pulse input DE1
P0I02 - Drive 2 pulse input DE2
Drive 1
P1I01 - Pulses/rev 3600 (*)
P1I02 - Units for REG109 rpm
P1I03 - Decimals for REG109 1 (*)
P1I04 - Scaling for REG109 1.00
P1I05 - Filter time for speed reading 0.0
P1I06 - Polarity - digital speed signal 1
P1I07 - Encoder type 1
P1I08 - High indication level (rpm) 0.0
P1I09 - Low indication level (rpm) 0.0
P1I10 - Function for high indication OFF
P1I11 - Function for low indication OFF
Drive 2
P2I01 - Pulses/rev 1000
P2I02 - Units for REG209 rpm
P2I03 - Decimals for REG209 0
P2I04 - Scaling for REG209 1.00
P2I05 - Filter time for speed reading 0.0
P2I06 - Polarity - digital speed signal 1
P2I07 - Encoder type 1
P2I08 - High indication level (rpm) 0.0
P2I09 - Low indication level (rpm) 0.0
P2I10 - Function for high indication OFF
P2I11 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog inputs
Setpoint 1
AIA01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIA02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIA03 - Max point adjustment 2 (*)
AIA04 - Reading for REG101 %
AIA05 - Input scaling 1.00
Setpoint 2
AIB01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIB02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIB03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIB04 - Reading for REG201 %
AIB05 - Input scaling 1.00
Analog in 1
AIF01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIF02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIF03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIF04 - Min input, REG401 0
AIF05 - Max input, REG401 200
AIF06 - Units for REG401 bar
AIF07 - Decimals for REG401 0
AIF08 - Scaling for REG401 1.00
AIF09 - Function for input OFF
AIF10 - High indication level 200
AIF11 - Low indication level 0
AIF12 - Function for min indication OFF
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
AIF13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIF14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIF15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIF16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 2
AIG01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIG02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIG03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIG04 - Min input, REG402 0
AIG05 - Max input, REG402 200
AIG06 - Units for REG402 bar
AIG07 - Decimals for REG402 0
AIG08 - Scaling for REG402 1.00
AIG09 - Function for input OFF
AIG10 - High indication level 200
AIG11 - Low indication level 0
AIG12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIG13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIG14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIG15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIG16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 3
AIH01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIH02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIH03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIH04 - Min input, REG403 0
AIH05 - Max input, REG403 1000 (*)
AIH06 - Units for REG403 psi (*)
AIH07 - Decimals for REG403 0
AIH08 - Scaling for REG403 1.00
AIH09 - Function for input OFF
AIH10 - High indication level 200 (*)
AIH11 - Low indication level 0
AIH12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIH13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIH14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIH15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIH16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 4
AII01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AII02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AII03 - Max point adjustment 0
AII04 - Min input, REG404 0
AII05 - Max input, REG404 6000 (*)
AII06 - Units for REG404 psi (*)
AII07 - Decimals for REG404 0
AII08 - Scaling for REG404 1.00
AII09 - Function for input OFF
AII10 - High indication level 5000 (*)
AII11 - Low indication level 0
AII12 - Function for min indication OFF
AII13 - Function for high indication 13 AUX 3 (*)
AII14 - Function for low indication OFF
AII15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AII16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 5
AIJ01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIJ02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIJ03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIJ04 - Min input, REG405 0
AIJ05 - Max input, REG405 200
AIJ06 - Units for REG405 bar
AIJ07 - Decimals for REG405 0
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
AIJ08 - Scaling for REG405 1.00
AIJ09 - Function for input OFF
AIJ10 - High indication level 200
AIJ11 - Low indication level 0
AIJ12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIJ13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIJ14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIJ15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIJ16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 6
AIK01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIK02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIK03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIK04 - Min input, REG406 0
AIK05 - Max input, REG406 200
AIK06 - Units for REG406 bar
AIK07 - Decimals for REG406 0
AIK08 - Scaling for REG406 1.00
AIK09 - Function for input OFF
AIK10 - High indication level 200
AIK11 - Low indication level 0
AIK12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIK13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIK14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIK15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIK16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 7
AIL01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIL02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIL03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIL04 - Min input, REG407 0
AIL05 - Max input, REG407 200
AIL06 - Units for REG407 bar
AIL07 - Decimals for REG407 0
AIL08 - Scaling for REG407 1.00
AIL09 - Function for input OFF
AIL10 - High indication level 200
AIL11 - Low indication level 0
AIL12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIL13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIL14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIL15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIL16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 8
AIM01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIM02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIM03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIM04 - Min input, REG408 0
AIM05 - Max input, REG408 200
AIM06 - Units for REG408 bar
AIM07 - Decimals for REG408 0
AIM08 - Scaling for REG408 1.00
AIM09 - Function for input OFF
AIM10 - High indication level 200
AIM11 - Low indication level 0
AIM12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIM13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIM14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIM15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIM16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 9
AIN01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIN02 - Zero point adjustment 0
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
AIN03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIN04 - Min input, REG409 0
AIN05 - Max input, REG409 200
AIN06 - Units for REG409 bar
AIN07 - Decimals for REG409 0
AIN08 - Scaling for REG409 1.00
AIN09 - Function for input OFF
AIN10 - High indication level 200
AIN11 - Low indication level 0
AIN12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIN13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIN14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIN15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIN16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Tank temp
AIP01 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIP02 - Max point adjustment 0
AIP03 - Units for REG410 °C
Power limit
AIR01 - Limitation level E-motor 1 400
AIR02 - Limitation level E-motor 2 400
AIR03 - Limitation level E-motor 3 400

Analog outputs
Analog out 1
AOA01 - Analog output REG410 (*)
AOA02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOA03 - Zero point adjustment 0
AOA04 - Max point adjustment -15 (*)
Analog out 2
AOB01 - Analog output REG404 (*)
AOB02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOB03 - Zero point adjustment 3 (*)
AOB04 - Max point adjustment -10 (*)
Analog out 3
AOC01 - Analog output REG109 (*)
AOC02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOC03 - Zero point adjustment 0
AOC04 - Max point adjustment -13 (*)
Analog out 4
AOD01 - Analog output REG403 (*)
AOD02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOD03 - Zero point adjustment -3 (*)
AOD04 - Max point adjustment -16 (*)
Type && Function
BTF01 - Type of bus communication Profibus (*)
BTF02 - Max com. drop time 1
BTF03 - Function at com. drop Alarm (*)
BTF04 - Bus data area Ver.2 (*)
BTF05 - Analog byte switching off
BTF06 - Max bus start up time 6
Digital in 1-24
BDI01 - Digital input 1 09 BUS 1
BDI02 - Digital input 2 16 REM 1
BDI03 - Digital input 3 14 START 1
BDI04 - Digital input 4 15 FIXED 1A
BDI05 - Digital input 5 21 OFF (*)
BDI06 - Digital input 6 21 OFF
BDI07 - Digital input 7 21 OFF
BDI08 - Digital input 8 21 OFF
BDI09 - Digital input 9 21 OFF (*)
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
BDI10 - Digital input 10 21 OFF (*)
BDI11 - Digital input 11 21 OFF (*)
BDI12 - Digital input 12 21 OFF (*)
BDI13 - Digital input 13 21 OFF (*)
BDI14 - Digital input 14 21 OFF
BDI15 - Digital input 15 21 OFF
BDI16 - Digital input 16 21 OFF
BDI17 - Digital input 17 09 BUS R
BDI18 - Digital input 18 09 ALARM R
BDI19 - Digital input 19 21 OFF
BDI20 - Digital input 20 21 OFF
BDI21 - Digital input 21 21 OFF
BDI22 - Digital input 22 21 OFF
BDI23 - Digital input 23 21 OFF
BDI24 - Digital input 24 21 OFF
Digital in 25-32
BDI25 - Digital input 25 21 OFF
BDI26 - Digital input 26 21 OFF
BDI27 - Digital input 27 21 OFF
BDI28 - Digital input 28 21 OFF
BDI29 - Digital input 29 21 OFF
BDI30 - Digital input 30 21 OFF
BDI31 - Digital input 31 21 OFF
BDI32 - Digital input 32 21 OFF
Analog in 1
BAA01 - Min input, REG501 0
BAA02 - Max input, REG501 200
BAA03 - Units for REG501 %
BAA04 - Decimals for REG501 0
BAA05 - Function for input OFF
BAA06 - High indication level 200
BAA07 - Low indication level 0
BAA08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAA09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 2
BAB01 - Min input, REG502 0
BAB02 - Max input, REG502 200
BAB03 - Units for REG502 %
BAB04 - Decimals for REG502 0
BAB05 - Function for input OFF
BAB06 - High indication level 200
BAB07 - Low indication level 0
BAB08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAB09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 3
BAC01 - Min input, REG503 0
BAC02 - Max input, REG503 200
BAC03 - Units for REG503 °
BAC04 - Decimals for REG503 0
BAC05 - Function for input OFF
BAC06 - High indication level 200
BAC07 - Low indication level 0
BAC08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAC09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 4
BAD01 - Min input, REG504 0
BAD02 - Max input, REG504 200
BAD03 - Units for REG504 bar
BAD04 - Decimals for REG504 0
BAD05 - Function for input OFF
BAD06 - High indication level 200
BAD07 - Low indication level 0
BAD08 - Function for high indication OFF
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
BAD09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 5
BAE01 - Min input, REG505 0
BAE02 - Max input, REG505 200
BAE03 - Units for REG505 bar
BAE04 - Decimals for REG505 0
BAE05 - Function for input OFF
BAE06 - High indication level 200
BAE07 - Low indication level 0
BAE08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAE09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 6
BAF01 - Min input, REG506 0
BAF02 - Max input, REG506 200
BAF03 - Units for REG506 bar
BAF04 - Decimals for REG506 0
BAF05 - Function for input OFF
BAF06 - High indication level 200
BAF07 - Low indication level 0
BAF08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAF09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 7
BAG01 - Min input, REG507 0
BAG02 - Max input, REG507 200
BAG03 - Units for REG507 bar
BAG04 - Decimals for REG507 0
BAG05 - Function for input OFF
BAG06 - High indication level 200
BAG07 - Low indication level 0
BAG08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAG09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 8
BAH01 - Min input, REG508 0
BAH02 - Max input, REG508 200
BAH03 - Units for REG508 bar
BAH04 - Decimals for REG508 0
BAH05 - Function for input OFF
BAH06 - High indication level 200
BAH07 - Low indication level 0
BAH08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAH09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 9
BAI01 - Min input, REG509 0
BAI02 - Max input, REG509 200
BAI03 - Units for REG509 bar
BAI04 - Decimals for REG509 0
BAI05 - Function for input OFF
BAI06 - High indication level 200
BAI07 - Low indication level 0
BAI08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAI09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 10
BAJ01 - Min input, REG510 0
BAJ02 - Max input, REG510 200
BAJ03 - Units for REG510 bar
BAJ04 - Decimals for REG510 0
BAJ05 - Function for input OFF
BAJ06 - High indication level 200
BAJ07 - Low indication level 0
BAJ08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAJ09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog out
BAK01 - Analog output register REG410 (*)
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
BAK02 - Analog output register REG404 (*)
BAK03 - Analog output register REG109 (*)
BAK04 - Analog output register REG403 (*)
BAK05 - Analog output register OFF
BAK06 - Analog output register OFF
BAK07 - Analog output register OFF
BAK08 - Analog output register OFF
BAK09 - Analog output register OFF
BAK10 - Analog output register OFF
BAK11 - Analog output register OFF
BAK12 - Analog output register OFF
Pump monitor
Pump 1
PMA01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMA02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMA03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMA04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMA05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMA06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMA07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMA08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMA09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMA10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMA11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMA12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMA13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMA14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 2
PMB01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMB02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMB03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMB04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMB05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMB06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMB07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMB08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMB09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMB10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMB11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMB12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMB13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMB14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 3
PMC01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMC02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMC03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMC04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMC05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMC06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMC07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMC08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMC09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMC10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMC11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMC12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMC13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMC14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 4
PMD01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMD02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMD03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMD04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
PMD05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMD06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMD07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMD08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMD09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMD10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMD11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMD12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMD13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMD14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Tank monitor
TMA01 - Delay, Low oil level warn. 0.0 sec
TMA02 - Delay, Min oil level alarm 0.0 sec
TMA03 - Delay, Min temp alarm 0.0 sec
TMA04 - Delay, High temp warn. 0.0 sec
TMA05 - Delay, Max temp alarm 0.5 sec
TMA06 - Delay, Drain 75% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA07 - Delay, Drain 100% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA08 - Drain filter alarm OFF
TMA09 - Min oil temp function A
TMA10 - Delay, Aux filter 75% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA11 - Delay, Aux filter 100% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA12 - Aux filter alarm OFF
Analog temp
TMB01 - Analog temp sensor on
TMB03 - Max oil temp alarm level 60 (*)
TMB04 - High oil temp warning level 55
TMB05 - Cooling temp on level (rise) 40
TMB06 - Cooling hysteresis 3
TMB07 - Filter interlock temp level 0
TMB08 - Heating temp on level (fall) 15
TMB09 - Heating hysteresis 3
TMB10 - Min oil temp alarm level 0 (*)
TMB11 - Warm flush on level (falling) 30
TMB12 - Flushing hysteresis 3
TMB13 - Min flush pump temp 0
TMB14 - Warm flush on level (rising) 10
TMB15 - Flushing hysteresis 3
TMB16 - Warm flush on delay 2.0
TMB17 - Cooler forward time 12
TMB18 - Cooler reverse time 10
TMB19 - Cooler motor on delay 10.0
TMB20 - Cooler rev. at e-motor start on
TMB21 - Oil temp interlock level 65 (*)
Analog level
TMC01 - Analog level sensor off
TMC03 - Min oil alarm level 2150
TMC04 - Low oil warning level 2250
TMC05 - Max oil indication level 2400
TMC06 - Overfill warning level 2450
TMC07 - Delay, Overfill oil level 0.0 sec

Aux monitor
Aux 1
AMA01 - Aux function W D1
AMA02 - Aux delay time 7.0 (*)
AMA03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMA04 - Aux configurable text Flush Filter Clogged (*)
AMA05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 2
AMB01 - Aux function W D1
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
AMB02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMB03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMB04 - Aux configurable text AUX 2
AMB05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 3
AMC01 - Aux function W D1
AMC02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMC03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMC04 - Aux configurable text High System Pressure (*)
AMC05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 4
AMD01 - Aux function W D1
AMD02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMD03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMD04 - Aux configurable text AUX 4
AMD05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 5
AME01 - Aux function W D1
AME02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AME03 - Aux memory bypass off
AME04 - Aux configurable text AUX 5
AME05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 6
AMF01 - Aux function W D1
AMF02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMF03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMF04 - Aux configurable text AUX 6
AMF05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 7
AMG01 - Aux function W D1
AMG02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMG03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMG04 - Aux configurable text AUX 7
AMG05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 8
AMH01 - Aux function W D1
AMH02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMH03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMH04 - Aux configurable text AUX 8
AMH05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 9
AMI01 - Aux function W D1
AMI02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMI03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMI04 - Aux configurable text AUX 9
AMI05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 10
AMJ01 - Aux function W D1
AMJ02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMJ03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMJ04 - Aux configurable text AUX 10
AMJ05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 11
AMK01 - Aux function W D1
AMK02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMK03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMK04 - Aux configurable text AUX 11
AMK05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 12
AML01 - Aux function W D1
AML02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AML03 - Aux memory bypass off
AML04 - Aux configurable text AUX 12
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
AML05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 13
AMM01 - Aux function W D1
AMM02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMM03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMM04 - Aux configurable text AUX 13
AMM05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 14
AMN01 - Aux function W D1
AMN02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMN03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMN04 - Aux configurable text AUX 14
AMN05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 15
AMO01 - Aux function W D1
AMO02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMO03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMO04 - Aux configurable text AUX 15
AMO05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 16
AMP01 - Aux function W D1
AMP02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMP03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMP04 - Aux configurable text AUX 16
AMP05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 17
AMQ01 - Aux function W D1
AMQ02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMQ03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMQ04 - Aux configurable text AUX 17
AMQ05 - Aux inverted input off
AMQ06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMQ07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMQ08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 17 A
Aux 18
AMR01 - Aux function W D1
AMR02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMR03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMR04 - Aux configurable text AUX 18
AMR05 - Aux inverted input off
AMR06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMR07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMR08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 18 A
Aux 19
AMS01 - Aux function W D1
AMS02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMS03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMS04 - Aux configurable text AUX 19
AMS05 - Aux inverted input off
AMS06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMS07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMS08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 19 A
Aux 20
AMT01 - Aux function W D1
AMT02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMT03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMT04 - Aux configurable text AUX 20
AMT05 - Aux inverted input off
AMT06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMT07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMT08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 20 A
Drive monitor
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
Start interlock
DMA01 - Start alternative, drive 1 and
DMA02 - Start delay time, drive 1 5 sec
DMA03 - Start alternative, drive 2 and
DMA04 - Start delay time, drive 2 5 sec
Drive 1
DMB01 - Delay, charge pressure A 0.5 sec
DMB02 - Delay, charge pressure B 0.5 sec
DMB03 - Delay, E-motor temp 0.0 sec
DMB04 - Delay, work pressure A 7.0 sec
DMB05 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
DMB06 - Delay, work pressure B 7.0 sec
DMB07 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
DMB08 - Analog pressure sensor off
Drive 2
DMC01 - Delay, charge pressure A 0.5 sec
DMC02 - Delay, charge pressure B 0.5 sec
DMC03 - Delay, E-motor temp 0.0 sec
DMC04 - Delay, work pressure A 7.0 sec
DMC05 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
DMC06 - Delay, work pressure B 7.0 sec
DMC07 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
DMC08 - Analog pressure sensor off
Emotor interlock
DMD01 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 1 1.5
DMD02 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 2 1.5
DMD03 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 3 1.5
DMD04 - Delay, Charge pump Dr. 1 2.0
DMD05 - Delay, Charge pump Dr. 2 2.0
Drain temp
DME01 - Drain temp function active off
DME02 - Shutdown temp lvl (falling) 2
DME03 - Stand-by flush on lvl (falling) 5
DME04 - Stand-by flush hysteresis 3
DME05 - Start delay time cold oil 300
DME06 - Start delay time warm oil 10
DME07 - Start delay switching lvl 20
Compare calc. (1)
DMF01 - Register A for REG701 OFF
DMF02 - Register B for REG701 OFF
DMF03 - Register C for REG701 OFF
DMF04 - Constant K for REG701 10000
DMF05 - Operation for REG701 OFF
DMF06 - Function for REG701 OFF
DMF07 - Register A for REG702 OFF
DMF08 - Register B for REG702 OFF
DMF09 - Register C for REG702 OFF
DMF10 - Constant K for REG702 10000
DMF11 - Operation for REG702 OFF
DMF12 - Function for REG702 OFF
DMF13 - Register A for REG703 OFF
DMF14 - Register B for REG703 OFF
DMF15 - Register C for REG703 OFF
DMF16 - Constant K for REG703 10000
DMF17 - Operation for REG703 OFF
DMF18 - Function for REG703 OFF
Compare calc. (2)
DMF19 - Register A for REG704 OFF
DMF20 - Register B for REG704 OFF
DMF21 - Register C for REG704 OFF
DMF22 - Constant K for REG704 10000
DMF23 - Operation for REG704 OFF
DMF24 - Function for REG704 OFF
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
DMF25 - Register A for REG705 OFF
DMF26 - Register B for REG705 OFF
DMF27 - Register C for REG705 OFF
DMF28 - Constant K for REG705 10000
DMF29 - Operation for REG705 OFF
DMF30 - Function for REG705 OFF
DMF31 - Register A for REG706 OFF
DMF32 - Register B for REG706 OFF
DMF33 - Register C for REG706 OFF
DMF34 - Constant K for REG706 10000
DMF35 - Operation for REG706 OFF
DMF36 - Function for REG706 OFF
Compare display
DMG01 - Min display value REG701 0
DMG02 - Max display value REG701 200
DMG03 - Units for REG701 bar
DMG04 - Nr. of decimals for REG701 0
DMG05 - Min display value REG702 0
DMG06 - Max display value REG702 200
DMG07 - Units for REG702 bar
DMG08 - Nr. of decimals for REG702 0
DMG09 - Min display value REG703 0
DMG10 - Max display value REG703 200
DMG11 - Units for REG703 bar
DMG12 - Nr. of decimals for REG703 0
DMG13 - Min display value REG704 0
DMG14 - Max display value REG704 200
DMG15 - Units for REG704 bar
DMG16 - Nr. of decimals for REG704 0
DMG17 - Min display value REG705 0
DMG18 - Max display value REG705 200
DMG19 - Units for REG705 bar
DMG20 - Nr. of decimals for REG705 0
DMG21 - Min display value REG706 0
DMG22 - Max display value REG706 200
DMG23 - Units for REG706 bar
DMG24 - Nr. of decimals for REG706 0

H.motor mon.
Temp limit
HMA01 - Limitation level, H-motor 1 60
HMA02 - Limitation level, H-motor 2 60
HMA03 - Limitation level, H-motor 3 60
HMA04 - Limitation level, H-motor 4 60
Drive connection
HMB01 - Drive for Hydr. motor 1 Drive 1
HMB02 - Drive for Hydr. motor 2 OFF
HMB03 - Drive for Hydr. motor 3 OFF
HMB04 - Drive for Hydr. motor 4 OFF
Drive 1 basic
D1A01 - Speed setpoint Local/Remote (*)
D1A02 - Type of command signal Unidirectional (*)
D1A03 - Reset of local setpoint yes
D1A04 - Reverse input on (*)
D1A05 - Reverse command setpoint -10.0 (*)
D1A06 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1B) 10.0
D1A07 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1A) -10.0
D1A08 - Drive front panel buttons on
D1A09 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1D) 20.0
D1A10 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1C) -20.0
D1A11 - Multipump setpoint limit on
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
D1C01 - Up ramp time forward 3.0 (*)
D1C02 - Down ramp time forward 3.0 (*)
D1C03 - Up ramp time reverse 3.0 (*)
D1C04 - Down ramp time reverse 3.0 (*)
D1D02 - Feed forward function on
D1D03 - Proportional regulator on (*)
D1D04 - Integrating regulator on (*)
D1D05 - Derivation regulator off
D1D06 - Proportional gain 0.1
D1D07 - Integration time 10.0
D1D08 - Derivation time 0.10
D1D09 - Derivation decline time 0.1
D1D10 - Max feedback deviation 50
D1D11 - Regulated or nonregulated Regulated (*)
D1E01 - Max motor shaft speed 4.6 (*)
D1E02 - Feedback selection Digital
D1E03 - Filter time for feedback 0.0
Power limitation
D1F01 - Delay time, power limitation 0.5
D1F02 - Ramp time, power limitation 20.0
D1F03 - Min power limit level 0
D1G01 - Brake function off
D1G02 - Brake close delay (off) 2.0
D1G03 - Brake open ind. delay (on) 2.0
D1G04 - Brake monitor delay (on) 5.0

Drive 2 basic
D2A01 - Speed setpoint Local
D2A02 - Type of command signal Bidirectional
D2A03 - Reset of local setpoint yes
D2A04 - Reverse input off
D2A05 - Reverse command setpoint -20.0
D2A06 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2B) 10.0
D2A07 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2A) -10.0
D2A08 - Drive front panel buttons on
D2A09 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2D) 20.0
D2A10 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2C) -20.0
D2A11 - Multipump setpoint limit on
D2C01 - Up ramp time forward 2.0
D2C02 - Down ramp time forward 2.0
D2C03 - Up ramp time reverse 2.0
D2C04 - Down ramp time reverse 2.0
D2D02 - Feed forward function on
D2D03 - Proportional regulator off
D2D04 - Integrating regulator off
D2D05 - Derivation regulator off
D2D06 - Proportional gain 0.1
D2D07 - Integration time 10.0
D2D08 - Derivation time 0.10
D2D09 - Derivation decline time 0.1
D2D10 - Max feedback deviation 50
D2D11 - Regulated or nonregulated Non-regulated
D2E01 - Max motor shaft speed 10.0
D2E02 - Feedback selection Digital
D2E03 - Filter time for feedback 0.0
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
Power limitation
D2F01 - Delay time, power limitation 0.5
D2F02 - Ramp time, power limitation 20.0
D2F03 - Min power limit level 0
D2G01 - Brake function off
D2G02 - Brake close delay (off) 2.0
D2G03 - Brake open ind. delay (on) 2.0
D2G04 - Brake monitor delay (on) 5.0

Shredder 1
SHA01 - Reverse control Pressure, separate
SHA02 - Reverse stop function Going to forward
SHA03 - Delay before reversal 3.0
SHA04 - Reversal time 10.0
SHA05 - Reverse delay SHA02 3.0
SHA06 - Forward time 10.0
SHA07 - Interval direction funct. off
SHA08 - Forward time interval 60
SHA09 - Reverse time interval 60
SHA10 - Selection of regulated dr. Unregulated
SHA11 - Stop trig signal to Drive 2 off
SHB01 - Reverse command setpoint Forward
SHB02 - Scale factor for reverse 100
SHB03 - Analog pressure sensor off
SHB04 - High pr. level, forward 200
SHB05 - High pr. level, reverse 200
SHB06 - Sh. interval command A 75.0
SHB07 - Sh. interval command B 50.0
SHB08 - Activation of interval com. off
SHC01 - Window time for counter 60
SHC02 - Reversal counter 5

Shredder 2
SHG01 - Reverse control Pressure, separate
SHG02 - Reverse stop function Going to forward
SHG03 - Delay before reversal 3.0
SHG04 - Reversal time 10.0
SHG05 - Reverse delay SHG02 3.0
SHG06 - Forward time 10.0
SHG07 - Interval direction funct. off
SHG08 - Forward time interval 60
SHG09 - Reverse time interval 60
SHG10 - Selection of regulated dr. Unregulated
SHG11 - Stop trig signal to Drive 2 off
SHH01 - Reverse command setpoint Forward
SHH02 - Scale factor for reverse 100
SHH03 - Analog pressure sensor off
SHH04 - High pr. level, forward 200
SHH05 - High pr. level, reverse 200
SHH06 - Sh. interval command A 75.0
SHH07 - Sh. interval command B 50.0
SHH08 - Activation of interval com. off
SHH09 - Common interval off
SHI01 - Window time for counter 60
SHI02 - Reversal counter 5

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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
SYA01 - Type of synchronisation RATIO
SYA02 - Master command D1 Master - D2 Slave
Drive 1 reset
SYB01 - Counter reset command Reset by start
SYB02 - Enable of counter reset E-motors start
Drive 2 setpoint
SYC01 - Drive 2 low friction limit 70
SYC02 - Drive 2 high friction limit 130
SYC03 - Offset reset by motor start off
SYC04 - Offset for Drive 2 0.0
Drive 2 indication
SYD01 - Synchro indication limit 5
SYD02 - Sync time 1.0
Drive 2 reset
SYE01 - Counter reset command Reset by start
SYE02 - Enable of counter reset E-motors start
Master setpoint
SYF01 - Up ramp time forward 2.0
SYF02 - Down ramp time forward 2.0
SYF03 - Up ramp time reverse 2.0
SYF04 - Down ramp time reverse 2.0
SYF05 - Master max speed 10.0
Drive 1 setpoint
SYG01 - Drive 1 low friction limit 70
SYG02 - Drive 1 high friction limit 130

Pressure 1
PRA01 - Pressure control off
PRA02 - Reverse control action off
PRA03 - Low pressure control off
PRA04 - High pressure control off
PRA05 - Filter time, low pr. control 5.0
PRA06 - Filter time, high pr. control 5.0
Pr. setpoint
PRB01 - Pressure setpoint Local
PRB02 - Local pressure setpoint 200
PRB03 - Low limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRB04 - High limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRB05 - Low limit, PID output 10
PRB06 - High limit, PID output 10
PRB07 - Max pressure 250
PRB08 - PID output breakpoint 20
PRC01 - Proportional regulator off
PRC02 - Integrating regulator off
PRC03 - Derivation regulator off
PRC04 - Proportional gain 0.1
PRC05 - Integration time 10.0
PRC06 - Derivation time 0.10
PRC07 - Derivation decline time 0.1
PRC08 - Filter time for pr. feedback 0.0
Pressure 2
PRG01 - Pressure control off
PRG02 - Reverse control action off
PRG03 - Low pressure control off
PRG04 - High pressure control off
PRG05 - Filter time, low pr. control 5.0
PRG06 - Filter time, high pr. control 5.0
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
Pr. setpoint
PRH01 - Pressure setpoint Local
PRH02 - Local pressure setpoint 200
PRH03 - Low limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRH04 - High limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRH05 - Low limit, PID output 10
PRH06 - High limit, PID output 10
PRH07 - Max pressure 250
PRH08 - PID output breakpoint 20
PRI01 - Proportional regulator off
PRI02 - Integrating regulator off
PRI03 - Derivation regulator off
PRI04 - Proportional gain 0.1
PRI05 - Integration time 10.0
PRI06 - Derivation time 0.10
PRI07 - Derivation decline time 0.1
PRI08 - Filter time for pr. feedback 0.0
Reading 1
Scroll menu
R1A01 - Text for reading 1 TANKTEMP
R1A02 - Reading 1 REG410
R1A03 - Text for reading 2 SYS PRES (*)
R1A04 - Reading 2 REG404 (*)
R1A05 - Text for reading 3 CHR PRES (*)
R1A06 - Reading 3 REG403 (*)
R1A07 - Text for reading 4 READING4
R1A08 - Reading 4 OFF
R1A09 - Text for reading 5 READING5
R1A10 - Reading 5 OFF
R1A11 - Text for reading 6 READING6
R1A12 - Reading 6 OFF
R1A13 - Text for reading 7 READING7
R1A14 - Reading 7 OFF
R1A15 - Text for reading 8 READING8
R1A16 - Reading 8 OFF
R1A17 - Text for reading 9 READING9
R1A18 - Reading 9 OFF
Left upper
R1B01 - Reading REG102
Right upper
R1C01 - Reading REG106
Left lower
R1D01 - Reading REG109
Right lower
R1E01 - Reading REG311

Reading 2
Scroll menu
R2A01 - Text for reading 1 READING1
R2A02 - Reading 1 OFF
R2A03 - Text for reading 2 READING2
R2A04 - Reading 2 OFF
R2A05 - Text for reading 3 READING3
R2A06 - Reading 3 OFF
R2A07 - Text for reading 4 READING4
R2A08 - Reading 4 OFF
R2A09 - Text for reading 5 READING5
R2A10 - Reading 5 OFF
R2A11 - Text for reading 6 READING6
R2A12 - Reading 6 OFF
R2A13 - Text for reading 7 READING7
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
R2A14 - Reading 7 OFF
R2A15 - Text for reading 8 READING8
R2A16 - Reading 8 OFF
R2A17 - Text for reading 9 READING9
R2A18 - Reading 9 OFF
Left upper
R2B01 - Reading REG202
Right upper
R2C01 - Reading REG206
Left lower
R2D01 - Reading REG209
Right lower
R2E01 - Reading REG321
Log function
Log 1
Date and time 120513 17:44
STA1 - Status for log register ON
MT1 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI1 - Setting of upper limit 56.0
LLO1 - Setting of lower limit 40.0
REG1 - Choice of register for logging REG410
Log 2
Date and time 120513 17:45
STA2 - Status for log register ON
MT2 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI2 - Setting of upper limit 4.0
LLO2 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG2 - Choice of register for logging REG109
Log 3
Date and time 120513 17:45
STA3 - Status for log register ON
MT3 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI3 - Setting of upper limit 250.0
LLO3 - Setting of lower limit 150.0
REG3 - Choice of register for logging REG403
Log 4
Date and time 000000 0:0
STA4 - Status for log register EMPTY
MT4 - Interval time 0 sec
LHI4 - Setting of upper limit 0.0
LLO4 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG4 - Choice of register for logging OFF
Log 5
Date and time 120513 17:46
STA5 - Status for log register ON
MT5 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI5 - Setting of upper limit 2000.0
LLO5 - Setting of lower limit 350.0
REG5 - Choice of register for logging REG404
Log 6
Date and time 000000 0:0
STA6 - Status for log register EMPTY
MT6 - Interval time 0 sec
LHI6 - Setting of upper limit 0.0
LLO6 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG6 - Choice of register for logging OFF
Log 7
Date and time 120513 17:47
STA7 - Status for log register ON
MT7 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHIX7 - Setting of upper limit, X axis 4.0
LLOX7 - Setting of lower limit, X axis 0.0
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EUSP B10-0098_kyw1clb_120816_1557.txt
REGX7 - Choice of register for X axis logging REG109
LHIY7 - Setting of upper limit, Y axis 250.0
LLOY7 - Setting of lower limit, Y axis 150.0
REGY7 - Choice of register for Y axis logging REG403
LHIZ7 - Setting of upper limit, Z axis 56.0
LLOZ7 - Setting of lower limit, Z axis 40.0
REGZ7 - Choice of register for Z axis logging REG410
Log 8
Date and time 120513 17:49
STA8 - Status for log register ON
MT8 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHIX8 - Setting of upper limit, X axis 4.0
LLOX8 - Setting of lower limit, X axis 0.0
REGX8 - Choice of register for X axis logging REG109
LHIY8 - Setting of upper limit, Y axis 2000.0
LLOY8 - Setting of lower limit, Y axis 350.0
REGY8 - Choice of register for Y axis logging REG404
LHIZ8 - Setting of upper limit, Z axis 56.0
LLOZ8 - Setting of lower limit, Z axis 40.0
REGZ8 - Choice of register for Z axis logging REG410

(*) Not default value

Page 21
EUSP B10-0099

Customer : FLSmidth Boise Inc.

Job 2011 049, Unit #4
Specification Page 1/1

Control system: Spider Ind. No: EUSP B10-0099

Ordering code: Spider B106-01100-1-00
Main card Part No: 276 0020-430
Main card revision: R3B
Main card Serial No: 5651-1208

Display type: Part No: 376 0064-801 (LCD = standard)

Power Supply unit: Part No: 376 0071-801 (Max output 250W = Std)
Card revision: C
Card Serial No: 5743-1208

Emitter VpCI Part. No: H506-85535-0

Note. Life time after installation is 1 year, expiry date is
shown on the sticker beside the installed Emitter.
(Emitter VpCI (Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor) is mounted inside the Spider
box to protect against oxidation. The Emitter (containing a pulverous
substance) emits a vapor that covers all components with a protective layer
when the air inside the enclosure is saturated.)

Software: Spider version 4.3.1

Note. Parameter settings that have been changed from
DEFAULT are shown in Parameter list at delivery.

Connection: As drawing CD-2011-049 shows.

EUSP B10-0099_kyw1clb_120816_1548.txt
Printout time: 2012-09-11 10:05:27
Printed by SpiderCom2 version: 4.3.0 Build: 4
Parameter file name: EUSP
Parameter file version: 4
SpiderII software version: 4.3.1 4
SpiderII serial number: EUSP B10-0099
Main settings
MAA01 - System function BASIC
MAB01 - E-motor connection for P01 E-motor 1
MAB02 - E-motor connection for P02 OFF
MAB03 - E-motor connection for P03 OFF
MAB04 - E-motor connection for P04 OFF
MAB05 - Drive connection for P01 Drive 1
MAB06 - Drive connection for P02 OFF
MAB07 - Drive connection for P03 OFF
MAB08 - Drive connection for P04 OFF
MAB09 - Separate or common Separate
MAB10 - Shutdown ramp time 0
MAB11 - Em.stop memory bypass off
MAB13 - Charge pump Drive 1 Internal
MAB14 - Charge pump Drive 2 Internal
MAC01 - Display language selection English
MAD01 - Security code - setup menu yes (*)
MAD02 - Security code 1149 (*)

Pump outputs
Pump 1
POA01 - Forward min current 271 (*)
POA02 - Forward max current 647 (*)
POA03 - Reverse min current 270 (*)
POA04 - Reverse max current 655 (*)
POA05 - Coil resistance 21 (*)
POA06 - PWM-frequency 100 (*)
Pump 2
POB01 - Forward min current 0
POB02 - Forward max current 0
POB03 - Reverse min current 0
POB04 - Reverse max current 0
POB05 - Coil resistance 40
POB06 - PWM-frequency 200
Pump 3
POC01 - Forward min current 0
POC02 - Forward max current 0
POC03 - Reverse min current 0
POC04 - Reverse max current 0
POC05 - Coil resistance 40
POC06 - PWM-frequency 200
Pump 4
POD01 - Forward min current 0
POD02 - Forward max current 0
POD03 - Reverse min current 0
POD04 - Reverse max current 0
POD05 - Coil resistance 40
POD06 - PWM-frequency 200
POE01 - Pump friction Off
POE02 - Pump low friction limit 0
Page 1
EUSP B10-0099_kyw1clb_120816_1548.txt
POE03 - Pump high friction limit 200
POE04 - Friction up ramp time 2.0
POE05 - Friction down ramp time 2.0
POF01 - Pump up ramp time 2.0
POF02 - Pump down ramp time 2.0
Digital inputs
Digital in 1 - 22
DIN01 - Digital input 1, DI1:3 21 OFF (*)
DIN02 - Digital input 2, DI1:4 21 OFF (*)
DIN03 - Digital input 3, DI1:5 21 OFF (*)
DIN04 - Digital input 4, DI1:6 07 MN LEVEL
DIN05 - Digital input 5, DI1:7 07 LO LEVEL
DIN06 - Digital input 6, DI1:8 06 DRF 100
DIN07 - Digital input 7, DI2:4 06 RF100 P1
DIN08 - Digital input 8, DI2:5 05 SUCTION1
DIN09 - Digital input 9, DI2:6 03 C PRB P1
DIN10 - Digital input 10, DI2:7 21 OFF (*)
DIN11 - Digital input 11, DI2:8 21 OFF (*)
DIN12 - Digital input 12, DI2:9 21 OFF (*)
DIN13 - Digital input 13, DI2:10 21 OFF (*)
DIN14 - Digital input 14, DI2:11 21 OFF (*)
DIN15 - Digital input 15, DI2:12 21 OFF
DIN16 - Digital input 16, DI3:4 13 AUX 1 (*)
DIN17 - Digital input 17, DI3:5 21 OFF (*)
DIN18 - Digital input 18, DI3:6 21 OFF (*)
DIN19 - Digital input 19, DI3:7 21 OFF (*)
DIN20 - Digital input 20, DI3:8 21 OFF (*)
DIN21 - Digital input 21, DI3:9 21 OFF (*)
DIN22 - Digital input 22, DI3:10 21 OFF (*)
Digital in 23 - 43
DIN23 - Digital input 23, DI3:11 21 OFF (*)
DIN24 - Digital input 24, DI3:12 21 OFF
DIN25 - Digital input 25, DI4:4 14 START 1 (*)
DIN26 - Digital input 26, DI4:5 15 FIXED 1A (*)
DIN27 - Digital input 27, DI4:6 21 OFF
DIN28 - Digital input 28, DI4:7 21 OFF
DIN29 - Digital input 29, DI4:8 21 OFF
DIN30 - Digital input 30, DI4:9 21 OFF
DIN31 - Digital input 31, DI4:10 21 OFF
DIN32 - Digital input 32, DI4:11 21 OFF
DIN33 - Digital input 33, DI4:12 21 OFF
DIN34 - Digital input 34, DI5:3 21 OFF
DIN35 - Digital input 35, DI5:4 21 OFF
DIN36 - Digital input 36, DI5:5 21 OFF
DIN37 - Digital input 37, DI5:6 21 OFF
DIN38 - Digital input 38, DI5:7 21 OFF
DIN39 - Digital input 39, DI5:8 21 OFF
DIN40 - Digital input 40, DI5:9 21 OFF
DIN41 - Digital input 41, DI5:10 21 OFF
DIN42 - Digital input 42, DI5:11 21 OFF
DIN43 - Digital input 43, DI5:12 21 OFF

Digital outputs
Digital out 1
DOA01 - Digital output function 11 COOLCONI (*)
DOA02 - Inverted function no
DOA03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOA04 - Delay function for output NO
DOA05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 2
DOB01 - Digital output function 01 A1 (*)
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DOB02 - Inverted function yes (*)
DOB03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOB04 - Delay function for output NO
DOB05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 3
DOC01 - Digital output function 01 A1 (*)
DOC02 - Inverted function no
DOC03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOC04 - Delay function for output NO
DOC05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 4
DOD01 - Digital output function 01 W1 (*)
DOD02 - Inverted function no
DOD03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOD04 - Delay function for output NO
DOD05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 5
DOE01 - Digital output function 02 START 1 (*)
DOE02 - Inverted function no
DOE03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOE04 - Delay function for output NO
DOE05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 6
DOF01 - Digital output function 03 READY 1 (*)
DOF02 - Inverted function no
DOF03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOF04 - Delay function for output NO
DOF05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 7
DOG01 - Digital output function 04 REMOTE 1 (*)
DOG02 - Inverted function no
DOG03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOG04 - Delay function for output NO
DOG05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 8
DOH01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOH02 - Inverted function no
DOH03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOH04 - Delay function for output NO
DOH05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 9
DOI01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOI02 - Inverted function no
DOI03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOI04 - Delay function for output NO
DOI05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 10
DOJ01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOJ02 - Inverted function no
DOJ03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOJ04 - Delay function for output NO
DOJ05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 11
DOK01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOK02 - Inverted function no
DOK03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOK04 - Delay function for output NO
DOK05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 12
DOL01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOL02 - Inverted function no
DOL03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOL04 - Delay function for output NO
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DOL05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 13
DOM01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOM02 - Inverted function no
DOM03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOM04 - Delay function for output NO
DOM05 - Connected for lamptest no
Pulse inputs
P0I01 - Drive 1 pulse input DE1
P0I02 - Drive 2 pulse input DE2
Drive 1
P1I01 - Pulses/rev 3600 (*)
P1I02 - Units for REG109 rpm
P1I03 - Decimals for REG109 1 (*)
P1I04 - Scaling for REG109 1.00
P1I05 - Filter time for speed reading 0.0
P1I06 - Polarity - digital speed signal 1
P1I07 - Encoder type 1
P1I08 - High indication level (rpm) 0.0
P1I09 - Low indication level (rpm) 0.0
P1I10 - Function for high indication OFF
P1I11 - Function for low indication OFF
Drive 2
P2I01 - Pulses/rev 1000
P2I02 - Units for REG209 rpm
P2I03 - Decimals for REG209 0
P2I04 - Scaling for REG209 1.00
P2I05 - Filter time for speed reading 0.0
P2I06 - Polarity - digital speed signal 1
P2I07 - Encoder type 1
P2I08 - High indication level (rpm) 0.0
P2I09 - Low indication level (rpm) 0.0
P2I10 - Function for high indication OFF
P2I11 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog inputs
Setpoint 1
AIA01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIA02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIA03 - Max point adjustment 5 (*)
AIA04 - Reading for REG101 %
AIA05 - Input scaling 1.00
Setpoint 2
AIB01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIB02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIB03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIB04 - Reading for REG201 %
AIB05 - Input scaling 1.00
Analog in 1
AIF01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIF02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIF03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIF04 - Min input, REG401 0
AIF05 - Max input, REG401 200
AIF06 - Units for REG401 bar
AIF07 - Decimals for REG401 0
AIF08 - Scaling for REG401 1.00
AIF09 - Function for input OFF
AIF10 - High indication level 200
AIF11 - Low indication level 0
AIF12 - Function for min indication OFF
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AIF13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIF14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIF15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIF16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 2
AIG01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIG02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIG03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIG04 - Min input, REG402 0
AIG05 - Max input, REG402 200
AIG06 - Units for REG402 bar
AIG07 - Decimals for REG402 0
AIG08 - Scaling for REG402 1.00
AIG09 - Function for input OFF
AIG10 - High indication level 200
AIG11 - Low indication level 0
AIG12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIG13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIG14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIG15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIG16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 3
AIH01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIH02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIH03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIH04 - Min input, REG403 0
AIH05 - Max input, REG403 1000 (*)
AIH06 - Units for REG403 psi (*)
AIH07 - Decimals for REG403 0
AIH08 - Scaling for REG403 1.00
AIH09 - Function for input OFF
AIH10 - High indication level 200 (*)
AIH11 - Low indication level 0
AIH12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIH13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIH14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIH15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIH16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 4
AII01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AII02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AII03 - Max point adjustment 0
AII04 - Min input, REG404 0
AII05 - Max input, REG404 6000 (*)
AII06 - Units for REG404 psi (*)
AII07 - Decimals for REG404 0
AII08 - Scaling for REG404 1.00
AII09 - Function for input OFF
AII10 - High indication level 5000 (*)
AII11 - Low indication level 0
AII12 - Function for min indication OFF
AII13 - Function for high indication 13 AUX 3 (*)
AII14 - Function for low indication OFF
AII15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AII16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 5
AIJ01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIJ02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIJ03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIJ04 - Min input, REG405 0
AIJ05 - Max input, REG405 200
AIJ06 - Units for REG405 bar
AIJ07 - Decimals for REG405 0
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AIJ08 - Scaling for REG405 1.00
AIJ09 - Function for input OFF
AIJ10 - High indication level 200
AIJ11 - Low indication level 0
AIJ12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIJ13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIJ14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIJ15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIJ16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 6
AIK01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIK02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIK03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIK04 - Min input, REG406 0
AIK05 - Max input, REG406 200
AIK06 - Units for REG406 bar
AIK07 - Decimals for REG406 0
AIK08 - Scaling for REG406 1.00
AIK09 - Function for input OFF
AIK10 - High indication level 200
AIK11 - Low indication level 0
AIK12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIK13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIK14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIK15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIK16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 7
AIL01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIL02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIL03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIL04 - Min input, REG407 0
AIL05 - Max input, REG407 200
AIL06 - Units for REG407 bar
AIL07 - Decimals for REG407 0
AIL08 - Scaling for REG407 1.00
AIL09 - Function for input OFF
AIL10 - High indication level 200
AIL11 - Low indication level 0
AIL12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIL13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIL14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIL15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIL16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 8
AIM01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIM02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIM03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIM04 - Min input, REG408 0
AIM05 - Max input, REG408 200
AIM06 - Units for REG408 bar
AIM07 - Decimals for REG408 0
AIM08 - Scaling for REG408 1.00
AIM09 - Function for input OFF
AIM10 - High indication level 200
AIM11 - Low indication level 0
AIM12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIM13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIM14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIM15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIM16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 9
AIN01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIN02 - Zero point adjustment 0
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AIN03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIN04 - Min input, REG409 0
AIN05 - Max input, REG409 200
AIN06 - Units for REG409 bar
AIN07 - Decimals for REG409 0
AIN08 - Scaling for REG409 1.00
AIN09 - Function for input OFF
AIN10 - High indication level 200
AIN11 - Low indication level 0
AIN12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIN13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIN14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIN15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIN16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Tank temp
AIP01 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIP02 - Max point adjustment 0
AIP03 - Units for REG410 °C
Power limit
AIR01 - Limitation level E-motor 1 400
AIR02 - Limitation level E-motor 2 400
AIR03 - Limitation level E-motor 3 400

Analog outputs
Analog out 1
AOA01 - Analog output REG410 (*)
AOA02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOA03 - Zero point adjustment -3 (*)
AOA04 - Max point adjustment -19 (*)
Analog out 2
AOB01 - Analog output REG404 (*)
AOB02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOB03 - Zero point adjustment -5 (*)
AOB04 - Max point adjustment -17 (*)
Analog out 3
AOC01 - Analog output REG109 (*)
AOC02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOC03 - Zero point adjustment -6 (*)
AOC04 - Max point adjustment -17 (*)
Analog out 4
AOD01 - Analog output REG403 (*)
AOD02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOD03 - Zero point adjustment 0
AOD04 - Max point adjustment -16 (*)
Type && Function
BTF01 - Type of bus communication Profibus (*)
BTF02 - Max com. drop time 1
BTF03 - Function at com. drop Alarm (*)
BTF04 - Bus data area Ver.2 (*)
BTF05 - Analog byte switching off
BTF06 - Max bus start up time 6
Digital in 1-24
BDI01 - Digital input 1 09 BUS 1
BDI02 - Digital input 2 16 REM 1
BDI03 - Digital input 3 14 START 1
BDI04 - Digital input 4 15 FIXED 1A
BDI05 - Digital input 5 21 OFF (*)
BDI06 - Digital input 6 21 OFF
BDI07 - Digital input 7 21 OFF
BDI08 - Digital input 8 21 OFF
BDI09 - Digital input 9 21 OFF (*)
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BDI10 - Digital input 10 21 OFF (*)
BDI11 - Digital input 11 21 OFF (*)
BDI12 - Digital input 12 21 OFF (*)
BDI13 - Digital input 13 21 OFF (*)
BDI14 - Digital input 14 21 OFF
BDI15 - Digital input 15 21 OFF
BDI16 - Digital input 16 21 OFF
BDI17 - Digital input 17 09 BUS R
BDI18 - Digital input 18 09 ALARM R
BDI19 - Digital input 19 21 OFF
BDI20 - Digital input 20 21 OFF
BDI21 - Digital input 21 21 OFF
BDI22 - Digital input 22 21 OFF
BDI23 - Digital input 23 21 OFF
BDI24 - Digital input 24 21 OFF
Digital in 25-32
BDI25 - Digital input 25 21 OFF
BDI26 - Digital input 26 21 OFF
BDI27 - Digital input 27 21 OFF
BDI28 - Digital input 28 21 OFF
BDI29 - Digital input 29 21 OFF
BDI30 - Digital input 30 21 OFF
BDI31 - Digital input 31 21 OFF
BDI32 - Digital input 32 21 OFF
Analog in 1
BAA01 - Min input, REG501 0
BAA02 - Max input, REG501 200
BAA03 - Units for REG501 %
BAA04 - Decimals for REG501 0
BAA05 - Function for input OFF
BAA06 - High indication level 200
BAA07 - Low indication level 0
BAA08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAA09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 2
BAB01 - Min input, REG502 0
BAB02 - Max input, REG502 200
BAB03 - Units for REG502 %
BAB04 - Decimals for REG502 0
BAB05 - Function for input OFF
BAB06 - High indication level 200
BAB07 - Low indication level 0
BAB08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAB09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 3
BAC01 - Min input, REG503 0
BAC02 - Max input, REG503 200
BAC03 - Units for REG503 °
BAC04 - Decimals for REG503 0
BAC05 - Function for input OFF
BAC06 - High indication level 200
BAC07 - Low indication level 0
BAC08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAC09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 4
BAD01 - Min input, REG504 0
BAD02 - Max input, REG504 200
BAD03 - Units for REG504 bar
BAD04 - Decimals for REG504 0
BAD05 - Function for input OFF
BAD06 - High indication level 200
BAD07 - Low indication level 0
BAD08 - Function for high indication OFF
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BAD09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 5
BAE01 - Min input, REG505 0
BAE02 - Max input, REG505 200
BAE03 - Units for REG505 bar
BAE04 - Decimals for REG505 0
BAE05 - Function for input OFF
BAE06 - High indication level 200
BAE07 - Low indication level 0
BAE08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAE09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 6
BAF01 - Min input, REG506 0
BAF02 - Max input, REG506 200
BAF03 - Units for REG506 bar
BAF04 - Decimals for REG506 0
BAF05 - Function for input OFF
BAF06 - High indication level 200
BAF07 - Low indication level 0
BAF08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAF09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 7
BAG01 - Min input, REG507 0
BAG02 - Max input, REG507 200
BAG03 - Units for REG507 bar
BAG04 - Decimals for REG507 0
BAG05 - Function for input OFF
BAG06 - High indication level 200
BAG07 - Low indication level 0
BAG08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAG09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 8
BAH01 - Min input, REG508 0
BAH02 - Max input, REG508 200
BAH03 - Units for REG508 bar
BAH04 - Decimals for REG508 0
BAH05 - Function for input OFF
BAH06 - High indication level 200
BAH07 - Low indication level 0
BAH08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAH09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 9
BAI01 - Min input, REG509 0
BAI02 - Max input, REG509 200
BAI03 - Units for REG509 bar
BAI04 - Decimals for REG509 0
BAI05 - Function for input OFF
BAI06 - High indication level 200
BAI07 - Low indication level 0
BAI08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAI09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 10
BAJ01 - Min input, REG510 0
BAJ02 - Max input, REG510 200
BAJ03 - Units for REG510 bar
BAJ04 - Decimals for REG510 0
BAJ05 - Function for input OFF
BAJ06 - High indication level 200
BAJ07 - Low indication level 0
BAJ08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAJ09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog out
BAK01 - Analog output register REG410 (*)
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BAK02 - Analog output register REG404 (*)
BAK03 - Analog output register REG109 (*)
BAK04 - Analog output register REG403 (*)
BAK05 - Analog output register OFF
BAK06 - Analog output register OFF
BAK07 - Analog output register OFF
BAK08 - Analog output register OFF
BAK09 - Analog output register OFF
BAK10 - Analog output register OFF
BAK11 - Analog output register OFF
BAK12 - Analog output register OFF
Pump monitor
Pump 1
PMA01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMA02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMA03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMA04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMA05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMA06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMA07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMA08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMA09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMA10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMA11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMA12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMA13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMA14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 2
PMB01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMB02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMB03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMB04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMB05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMB06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMB07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMB08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMB09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMB10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMB11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMB12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMB13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMB14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 3
PMC01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMC02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMC03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMC04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMC05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMC06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMC07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMC08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMC09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMC10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMC11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMC12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMC13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMC14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 4
PMD01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMD02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMD03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMD04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
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PMD05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMD06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMD07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMD08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMD09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMD10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMD11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMD12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMD13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMD14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Tank monitor
TMA01 - Delay, Low oil level warn. 0.0 sec
TMA02 - Delay, Min oil level alarm 0.0 sec
TMA03 - Delay, Min temp alarm 0.0 sec
TMA04 - Delay, High temp warn. 0.0 sec
TMA05 - Delay, Max temp alarm 0.5 sec
TMA06 - Delay, Drain 75% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA07 - Delay, Drain 100% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA08 - Drain filter alarm OFF
TMA09 - Min oil temp function A
TMA10 - Delay, Aux filter 75% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA11 - Delay, Aux filter 100% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA12 - Aux filter alarm OFF
Analog temp
TMB01 - Analog temp sensor on
TMB03 - Max oil temp alarm level 60 (*)
TMB04 - High oil temp warning level 55
TMB05 - Cooling temp on level (rise) 40
TMB06 - Cooling hysteresis 3
TMB07 - Filter interlock temp level 0
TMB08 - Heating temp on level (fall) 15
TMB09 - Heating hysteresis 3
TMB10 - Min oil temp alarm level 0 (*)
TMB11 - Warm flush on level (falling) 30
TMB12 - Flushing hysteresis 3
TMB13 - Min flush pump temp 0
TMB14 - Warm flush on level (rising) 10
TMB15 - Flushing hysteresis 3
TMB16 - Warm flush on delay 2.0
TMB17 - Cooler forward time 12
TMB18 - Cooler reverse time 10
TMB19 - Cooler motor on delay 10.0
TMB20 - Cooler rev. at e-motor start on
TMB21 - Oil temp interlock level 65 (*)
Analog level
TMC01 - Analog level sensor off
TMC03 - Min oil alarm level 2150
TMC04 - Low oil warning level 2250
TMC05 - Max oil indication level 2400
TMC06 - Overfill warning level 2450
TMC07 - Delay, Overfill oil level 0.0 sec

Aux monitor
Aux 1
AMA01 - Aux function W D1
AMA02 - Aux delay time 7.0 (*)
AMA03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMA04 - Aux configurable text Flush Filter Clogged (*)
AMA05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 2
AMB01 - Aux function W D1
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AMB02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMB03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMB04 - Aux configurable text AUX 2
AMB05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 3
AMC01 - Aux function W D1
AMC02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMC03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMC04 - Aux configurable text High System Pressure (*)
AMC05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 4
AMD01 - Aux function W D1
AMD02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMD03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMD04 - Aux configurable text AUX 4
AMD05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 5
AME01 - Aux function W D1
AME02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AME03 - Aux memory bypass off
AME04 - Aux configurable text AUX 5
AME05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 6
AMF01 - Aux function W D1
AMF02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMF03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMF04 - Aux configurable text AUX 6
AMF05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 7
AMG01 - Aux function W D1
AMG02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMG03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMG04 - Aux configurable text AUX 7
AMG05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 8
AMH01 - Aux function W D1
AMH02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMH03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMH04 - Aux configurable text AUX 8
AMH05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 9
AMI01 - Aux function W D1
AMI02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMI03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMI04 - Aux configurable text AUX 9
AMI05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 10
AMJ01 - Aux function W D1
AMJ02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMJ03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMJ04 - Aux configurable text AUX 10
AMJ05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 11
AMK01 - Aux function W D1
AMK02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMK03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMK04 - Aux configurable text AUX 11
AMK05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 12
AML01 - Aux function W D1
AML02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AML03 - Aux memory bypass off
AML04 - Aux configurable text AUX 12
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AML05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 13
AMM01 - Aux function W D1
AMM02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMM03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMM04 - Aux configurable text AUX 13
AMM05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 14
AMN01 - Aux function W D1
AMN02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMN03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMN04 - Aux configurable text AUX 14
AMN05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 15
AMO01 - Aux function W D1
AMO02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMO03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMO04 - Aux configurable text AUX 15
AMO05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 16
AMP01 - Aux function W D1
AMP02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMP03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMP04 - Aux configurable text AUX 16
AMP05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 17
AMQ01 - Aux function W D1
AMQ02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMQ03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMQ04 - Aux configurable text AUX 17
AMQ05 - Aux inverted input off
AMQ06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMQ07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMQ08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 17 A
Aux 18
AMR01 - Aux function W D1
AMR02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMR03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMR04 - Aux configurable text AUX 18
AMR05 - Aux inverted input off
AMR06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMR07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMR08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 18 A
Aux 19
AMS01 - Aux function W D1
AMS02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMS03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMS04 - Aux configurable text AUX 19
AMS05 - Aux inverted input off
AMS06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMS07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMS08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 19 A
Aux 20
AMT01 - Aux function W D1
AMT02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMT03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMT04 - Aux configurable text AUX 20
AMT05 - Aux inverted input off
AMT06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMT07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMT08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 20 A
Drive monitor
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EUSP B10-0099_kyw1clb_120816_1548.txt
Start interlock
DMA01 - Start alternative, drive 1 and
DMA02 - Start delay time, drive 1 5 sec
DMA03 - Start alternative, drive 2 and
DMA04 - Start delay time, drive 2 5 sec
Drive 1
DMB01 - Delay, charge pressure A 0.5 sec
DMB02 - Delay, charge pressure B 0.5 sec
DMB03 - Delay, E-motor temp 0.0 sec
DMB04 - Delay, work pressure A 7.0 sec
DMB05 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
DMB06 - Delay, work pressure B 7.0 sec
DMB07 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
DMB08 - Analog pressure sensor off
Drive 2
DMC01 - Delay, charge pressure A 0.5 sec
DMC02 - Delay, charge pressure B 0.5 sec
DMC03 - Delay, E-motor temp 0.0 sec
DMC04 - Delay, work pressure A 7.0 sec
DMC05 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
DMC06 - Delay, work pressure B 7.0 sec
DMC07 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
DMC08 - Analog pressure sensor off
Emotor interlock
DMD01 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 1 1.5
DMD02 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 2 1.5
DMD03 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 3 1.5
DMD04 - Delay, Charge pump Dr. 1 2.0
DMD05 - Delay, Charge pump Dr. 2 2.0
Drain temp
DME01 - Drain temp function active off
DME02 - Shutdown temp lvl (falling) 2
DME03 - Stand-by flush on lvl (falling) 5
DME04 - Stand-by flush hysteresis 3
DME05 - Start delay time cold oil 300
DME06 - Start delay time warm oil 10
DME07 - Start delay switching lvl 20
Compare calc. (1)
DMF01 - Register A for REG701 OFF
DMF02 - Register B for REG701 OFF
DMF03 - Register C for REG701 OFF
DMF04 - Constant K for REG701 10000
DMF05 - Operation for REG701 OFF
DMF06 - Function for REG701 OFF
DMF07 - Register A for REG702 OFF
DMF08 - Register B for REG702 OFF
DMF09 - Register C for REG702 OFF
DMF10 - Constant K for REG702 10000
DMF11 - Operation for REG702 OFF
DMF12 - Function for REG702 OFF
DMF13 - Register A for REG703 OFF
DMF14 - Register B for REG703 OFF
DMF15 - Register C for REG703 OFF
DMF16 - Constant K for REG703 10000
DMF17 - Operation for REG703 OFF
DMF18 - Function for REG703 OFF
Compare calc. (2)
DMF19 - Register A for REG704 OFF
DMF20 - Register B for REG704 OFF
DMF21 - Register C for REG704 OFF
DMF22 - Constant K for REG704 10000
DMF23 - Operation for REG704 OFF
DMF24 - Function for REG704 OFF
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EUSP B10-0099_kyw1clb_120816_1548.txt
DMF25 - Register A for REG705 OFF
DMF26 - Register B for REG705 OFF
DMF27 - Register C for REG705 OFF
DMF28 - Constant K for REG705 10000
DMF29 - Operation for REG705 OFF
DMF30 - Function for REG705 OFF
DMF31 - Register A for REG706 OFF
DMF32 - Register B for REG706 OFF
DMF33 - Register C for REG706 OFF
DMF34 - Constant K for REG706 10000
DMF35 - Operation for REG706 OFF
DMF36 - Function for REG706 OFF
Compare display
DMG01 - Min display value REG701 0
DMG02 - Max display value REG701 200
DMG03 - Units for REG701 bar
DMG04 - Nr. of decimals for REG701 0
DMG05 - Min display value REG702 0
DMG06 - Max display value REG702 200
DMG07 - Units for REG702 bar
DMG08 - Nr. of decimals for REG702 0
DMG09 - Min display value REG703 0
DMG10 - Max display value REG703 200
DMG11 - Units for REG703 bar
DMG12 - Nr. of decimals for REG703 0
DMG13 - Min display value REG704 0
DMG14 - Max display value REG704 200
DMG15 - Units for REG704 bar
DMG16 - Nr. of decimals for REG704 0
DMG17 - Min display value REG705 0
DMG18 - Max display value REG705 200
DMG19 - Units for REG705 bar
DMG20 - Nr. of decimals for REG705 0
DMG21 - Min display value REG706 0
DMG22 - Max display value REG706 200
DMG23 - Units for REG706 bar
DMG24 - Nr. of decimals for REG706 0

H.motor mon.
Temp limit
HMA01 - Limitation level, H-motor 1 60
HMA02 - Limitation level, H-motor 2 60
HMA03 - Limitation level, H-motor 3 60
HMA04 - Limitation level, H-motor 4 60
Drive connection
HMB01 - Drive for Hydr. motor 1 Drive 1
HMB02 - Drive for Hydr. motor 2 OFF
HMB03 - Drive for Hydr. motor 3 OFF
HMB04 - Drive for Hydr. motor 4 OFF
Drive 1 basic
D1A01 - Speed setpoint Local/Remote (*)
D1A02 - Type of command signal Unidirectional (*)
D1A03 - Reset of local setpoint yes
D1A04 - Reverse input on (*)
D1A05 - Reverse command setpoint -10.0 (*)
D1A06 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1B) 10.0
D1A07 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1A) -10.0
D1A08 - Drive front panel buttons on
D1A09 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1D) 20.0
D1A10 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1C) -20.0
D1A11 - Multipump setpoint limit on
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EUSP B10-0099_kyw1clb_120816_1548.txt
D1C01 - Up ramp time forward 3.0 (*)
D1C02 - Down ramp time forward 3.0 (*)
D1C03 - Up ramp time reverse 3.0 (*)
D1C04 - Down ramp time reverse 3.0 (*)
D1D02 - Feed forward function on
D1D03 - Proportional regulator on (*)
D1D04 - Integrating regulator on (*)
D1D05 - Derivation regulator off
D1D06 - Proportional gain 0.1
D1D07 - Integration time 10.0
D1D08 - Derivation time 0.10
D1D09 - Derivation decline time 0.1
D1D10 - Max feedback deviation 50
D1D11 - Regulated or nonregulated Regulated (*)
D1E01 - Max motor shaft speed 4.6 (*)
D1E02 - Feedback selection Digital
D1E03 - Filter time for feedback 0.0
Power limitation
D1F01 - Delay time, power limitation 0.5
D1F02 - Ramp time, power limitation 20.0
D1F03 - Min power limit level 0
D1G01 - Brake function off
D1G02 - Brake close delay (off) 2.0
D1G03 - Brake open ind. delay (on) 2.0
D1G04 - Brake monitor delay (on) 5.0

Drive 2 basic
D2A01 - Speed setpoint Local
D2A02 - Type of command signal Bidirectional
D2A03 - Reset of local setpoint yes
D2A04 - Reverse input off
D2A05 - Reverse command setpoint -20.0
D2A06 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2B) 10.0
D2A07 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2A) -10.0
D2A08 - Drive front panel buttons on
D2A09 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2D) 20.0
D2A10 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2C) -20.0
D2A11 - Multipump setpoint limit on
D2C01 - Up ramp time forward 2.0
D2C02 - Down ramp time forward 2.0
D2C03 - Up ramp time reverse 2.0
D2C04 - Down ramp time reverse 2.0
D2D02 - Feed forward function on
D2D03 - Proportional regulator off
D2D04 - Integrating regulator off
D2D05 - Derivation regulator off
D2D06 - Proportional gain 0.1
D2D07 - Integration time 10.0
D2D08 - Derivation time 0.10
D2D09 - Derivation decline time 0.1
D2D10 - Max feedback deviation 50
D2D11 - Regulated or nonregulated Non-regulated
D2E01 - Max motor shaft speed 10.0
D2E02 - Feedback selection Digital
D2E03 - Filter time for feedback 0.0
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EUSP B10-0099_kyw1clb_120816_1548.txt
Power limitation
D2F01 - Delay time, power limitation 0.5
D2F02 - Ramp time, power limitation 20.0
D2F03 - Min power limit level 0
D2G01 - Brake function off
D2G02 - Brake close delay (off) 2.0
D2G03 - Brake open ind. delay (on) 2.0
D2G04 - Brake monitor delay (on) 5.0

Shredder 1
SHA01 - Reverse control Pressure, separate
SHA02 - Reverse stop function Going to forward
SHA03 - Delay before reversal 3.0
SHA04 - Reversal time 10.0
SHA05 - Reverse delay SHA02 3.0
SHA06 - Forward time 10.0
SHA07 - Interval direction funct. off
SHA08 - Forward time interval 60
SHA09 - Reverse time interval 60
SHA10 - Selection of regulated dr. Unregulated
SHA11 - Stop trig signal to Drive 2 off
SHB01 - Reverse command setpoint Forward
SHB02 - Scale factor for reverse 100
SHB03 - Analog pressure sensor off
SHB04 - High pr. level, forward 200
SHB05 - High pr. level, reverse 200
SHB06 - Sh. interval command A 75.0
SHB07 - Sh. interval command B 50.0
SHB08 - Activation of interval com. off
SHC01 - Window time for counter 60
SHC02 - Reversal counter 5

Shredder 2
SHG01 - Reverse control Pressure, separate
SHG02 - Reverse stop function Going to forward
SHG03 - Delay before reversal 3.0
SHG04 - Reversal time 10.0
SHG05 - Reverse delay SHG02 3.0
SHG06 - Forward time 10.0
SHG07 - Interval direction funct. off
SHG08 - Forward time interval 60
SHG09 - Reverse time interval 60
SHG10 - Selection of regulated dr. Unregulated
SHG11 - Stop trig signal to Drive 2 off
SHH01 - Reverse command setpoint Forward
SHH02 - Scale factor for reverse 100
SHH03 - Analog pressure sensor off
SHH04 - High pr. level, forward 200
SHH05 - High pr. level, reverse 200
SHH06 - Sh. interval command A 75.0
SHH07 - Sh. interval command B 50.0
SHH08 - Activation of interval com. off
SHH09 - Common interval off
SHI01 - Window time for counter 60
SHI02 - Reversal counter 5

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EUSP B10-0099_kyw1clb_120816_1548.txt
SYA01 - Type of synchronisation RATIO
SYA02 - Master command D1 Master - D2 Slave
Drive 1 reset
SYB01 - Counter reset command Reset by start
SYB02 - Enable of counter reset E-motors start
Drive 2 setpoint
SYC01 - Drive 2 low friction limit 70
SYC02 - Drive 2 high friction limit 130
SYC03 - Offset reset by motor start off
SYC04 - Offset for Drive 2 0.0
Drive 2 indication
SYD01 - Synchro indication limit 5
SYD02 - Sync time 1.0
Drive 2 reset
SYE01 - Counter reset command Reset by start
SYE02 - Enable of counter reset E-motors start
Master setpoint
SYF01 - Up ramp time forward 2.0
SYF02 - Down ramp time forward 2.0
SYF03 - Up ramp time reverse 2.0
SYF04 - Down ramp time reverse 2.0
SYF05 - Master max speed 10.0
Drive 1 setpoint
SYG01 - Drive 1 low friction limit 70
SYG02 - Drive 1 high friction limit 130

Pressure 1
PRA01 - Pressure control off
PRA02 - Reverse control action off
PRA03 - Low pressure control off
PRA04 - High pressure control off
PRA05 - Filter time, low pr. control 5.0
PRA06 - Filter time, high pr. control 5.0
Pr. setpoint
PRB01 - Pressure setpoint Local
PRB02 - Local pressure setpoint 200
PRB03 - Low limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRB04 - High limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRB05 - Low limit, PID output 10
PRB06 - High limit, PID output 10
PRB07 - Max pressure 250
PRB08 - PID output breakpoint 20
PRC01 - Proportional regulator off
PRC02 - Integrating regulator off
PRC03 - Derivation regulator off
PRC04 - Proportional gain 0.1
PRC05 - Integration time 10.0
PRC06 - Derivation time 0.10
PRC07 - Derivation decline time 0.1
PRC08 - Filter time for pr. feedback 0.0
Pressure 2
PRG01 - Pressure control off
PRG02 - Reverse control action off
PRG03 - Low pressure control off
PRG04 - High pressure control off
PRG05 - Filter time, low pr. control 5.0
PRG06 - Filter time, high pr. control 5.0
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EUSP B10-0099_kyw1clb_120816_1548.txt
Pr. setpoint
PRH01 - Pressure setpoint Local
PRH02 - Local pressure setpoint 200
PRH03 - Low limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRH04 - High limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRH05 - Low limit, PID output 10
PRH06 - High limit, PID output 10
PRH07 - Max pressure 250
PRH08 - PID output breakpoint 20
PRI01 - Proportional regulator off
PRI02 - Integrating regulator off
PRI03 - Derivation regulator off
PRI04 - Proportional gain 0.1
PRI05 - Integration time 10.0
PRI06 - Derivation time 0.10
PRI07 - Derivation decline time 0.1
PRI08 - Filter time for pr. feedback 0.0
Reading 1
Scroll menu
R1A01 - Text for reading 1 TANKTEMP
R1A02 - Reading 1 REG410
R1A03 - Text for reading 2 SYS PRES (*)
R1A04 - Reading 2 REG404 (*)
R1A05 - Text for reading 3 CHR PRES (*)
R1A06 - Reading 3 REG403 (*)
R1A07 - Text for reading 4 READING4
R1A08 - Reading 4 OFF
R1A09 - Text for reading 5 READING5
R1A10 - Reading 5 OFF
R1A11 - Text for reading 6 READING6
R1A12 - Reading 6 OFF
R1A13 - Text for reading 7 READING7
R1A14 - Reading 7 OFF
R1A15 - Text for reading 8 READING8
R1A16 - Reading 8 OFF
R1A17 - Text for reading 9 READING9
R1A18 - Reading 9 OFF
Left upper
R1B01 - Reading REG102
Right upper
R1C01 - Reading REG106
Left lower
R1D01 - Reading REG109
Right lower
R1E01 - Reading REG311

Reading 2
Scroll menu
R2A01 - Text for reading 1 READING1
R2A02 - Reading 1 OFF
R2A03 - Text for reading 2 READING2
R2A04 - Reading 2 OFF
R2A05 - Text for reading 3 READING3
R2A06 - Reading 3 OFF
R2A07 - Text for reading 4 READING4
R2A08 - Reading 4 OFF
R2A09 - Text for reading 5 READING5
R2A10 - Reading 5 OFF
R2A11 - Text for reading 6 READING6
R2A12 - Reading 6 OFF
R2A13 - Text for reading 7 READING7
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EUSP B10-0099_kyw1clb_120816_1548.txt
R2A14 - Reading 7 OFF
R2A15 - Text for reading 8 READING8
R2A16 - Reading 8 OFF
R2A17 - Text for reading 9 READING9
R2A18 - Reading 9 OFF
Left upper
R2B01 - Reading REG202
Right upper
R2C01 - Reading REG206
Left lower
R2D01 - Reading REG209
Right lower
R2E01 - Reading REG321
Log function
Log 1
Date and time 120607 13:37
STA1 - Status for log register ON
MT1 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI1 - Setting of upper limit 56.0
LLO1 - Setting of lower limit 40.0
REG1 - Choice of register for logging REG410
Log 2
Date and time 120607 13:38
STA2 - Status for log register ON
MT2 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI2 - Setting of upper limit 4.0
LLO2 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG2 - Choice of register for logging REG109
Log 3
Date and time 120607 13:41
STA3 - Status for log register ON
MT3 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI3 - Setting of upper limit 250.0
LLO3 - Setting of lower limit 150.0
REG3 - Choice of register for logging REG403
Log 4
Date and time 000000 0:0
STA4 - Status for log register EMPTY
MT4 - Interval time 0 sec
LHI4 - Setting of upper limit 0.0
LLO4 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG4 - Choice of register for logging OFF
Log 5
Date and time 120607 13:44
STA5 - Status for log register ON
MT5 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI5 - Setting of upper limit 2000.0
LLO5 - Setting of lower limit 350.0
REG5 - Choice of register for logging REG404
Log 6
Date and time 000000 0:0
STA6 - Status for log register EMPTY
MT6 - Interval time 0 sec
LHI6 - Setting of upper limit 0.0
LLO6 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG6 - Choice of register for logging OFF
Log 7
Date and time 120607 13:47
STA7 - Status for log register ON
MT7 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHIX7 - Setting of upper limit, X axis 4.0
LLOX7 - Setting of lower limit, X axis 0.0
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EUSP B10-0099_kyw1clb_120816_1548.txt
REGX7 - Choice of register for X axis logging REG109
LHIY7 - Setting of upper limit, Y axis 250.0
LLOY7 - Setting of lower limit, Y axis 150.0
REGY7 - Choice of register for Y axis logging REG403
LHIZ7 - Setting of upper limit, Z axis 56.0
LLOZ7 - Setting of lower limit, Z axis 40.0
REGZ7 - Choice of register for Z axis logging REG410
Log 8
Date and time 120607 13:52
STA8 - Status for log register ON
MT8 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHIX8 - Setting of upper limit, X axis 4.0
LLOX8 - Setting of lower limit, X axis 0.0
REGX8 - Choice of register for X axis logging REG109
LHIY8 - Setting of upper limit, Y axis 2000.0
LLOY8 - Setting of lower limit, Y axis 350.0
REGY8 - Choice of register for Y axis logging REG404
LHIZ8 - Setting of upper limit, Z axis 56.0
LLOZ8 - Setting of lower limit, Z axis 40.0
REGZ8 - Choice of register for Z axis logging REG410

(*) Not default value

Page 21
EUSP B10-0100

Customer : FLSmidth Boise Inc.

Job 2011 049, Unit #5
Specification Page 1/1

Control system: Spider Ind. No: EUSP B10-0100

Ordering code: Spider B106-01100-1-00
Main card Part No: 276 0020-430
Main card revision: R3B
Main card Serial No: 5668-1209

Display type: Part No: 376 0064-801 (LCD = standard)

Power Supply unit: Part No: 376 0071-801 (Max output 250W = Std)
Card revision: C
Card Serial No: 5754-1208

Emitter VpCI Part. No: H506-85535-0

Note. Life time after installation is 1 year, expiry date is
shown on the sticker beside the installed Emitter.
(Emitter VpCI (Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor) is mounted inside the Spider
box to protect against oxidation. The Emitter (containing a pulverous
substance) emits a vapor that covers all components with a protective layer
when the air inside the enclosure is saturated.)

Software: Spider version 4.3.1

Note. Parameter settings that have been changed from
DEFAULT are shown in Parameter list at delivery.

Connection: As drawing CD-2011-049 shows.

EUSP B10-0100_kyw1clb_120816_1616.txt
Printout time: 2012-09-11 10:06:06
Printed by SpiderCom2 version: 4.3.0 Build: 4
Parameter file name: EUSP
Parameter file version: 4
SpiderII software version: 4.3.1 4
SpiderII serial number: EUSP B10-0100
Main settings
MAA01 - System function BASIC
MAB01 - E-motor connection for P01 E-motor 1
MAB02 - E-motor connection for P02 OFF
MAB03 - E-motor connection for P03 OFF
MAB04 - E-motor connection for P04 OFF
MAB05 - Drive connection for P01 Drive 1
MAB06 - Drive connection for P02 OFF
MAB07 - Drive connection for P03 OFF
MAB08 - Drive connection for P04 OFF
MAB09 - Separate or common Separate
MAB10 - Shutdown ramp time 0
MAB11 - Em.stop memory bypass off
MAB13 - Charge pump Drive 1 Internal
MAB14 - Charge pump Drive 2 Internal
MAC01 - Display language selection English
MAD01 - Security code - setup menu yes (*)
MAD02 - Security code 1149 (*)

Pump outputs
Pump 1
POA01 - Forward min current 268 (*)
POA02 - Forward max current 642 (*)
POA03 - Reverse min current 275 (*)
POA04 - Reverse max current 655 (*)
POA05 - Coil resistance 21 (*)
POA06 - PWM-frequency 100 (*)
Pump 2
POB01 - Forward min current 0
POB02 - Forward max current 0
POB03 - Reverse min current 0
POB04 - Reverse max current 0
POB05 - Coil resistance 40
POB06 - PWM-frequency 200
Pump 3
POC01 - Forward min current 0
POC02 - Forward max current 0
POC03 - Reverse min current 0
POC04 - Reverse max current 0
POC05 - Coil resistance 40
POC06 - PWM-frequency 200
Pump 4
POD01 - Forward min current 0
POD02 - Forward max current 0
POD03 - Reverse min current 0
POD04 - Reverse max current 0
POD05 - Coil resistance 40
POD06 - PWM-frequency 200
POE01 - Pump friction Off
POE02 - Pump low friction limit 0
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EUSP B10-0100_kyw1clb_120816_1616.txt
POE03 - Pump high friction limit 200
POE04 - Friction up ramp time 2.0
POE05 - Friction down ramp time 2.0
POF01 - Pump up ramp time 2.0
POF02 - Pump down ramp time 2.0
Digital inputs
Digital in 1 - 22
DIN01 - Digital input 1, DI1:3 21 OFF (*)
DIN02 - Digital input 2, DI1:4 21 OFF (*)
DIN03 - Digital input 3, DI1:5 21 OFF (*)
DIN04 - Digital input 4, DI1:6 07 MN LEVEL
DIN05 - Digital input 5, DI1:7 07 LO LEVEL
DIN06 - Digital input 6, DI1:8 06 DRF 100
DIN07 - Digital input 7, DI2:4 06 RF100 P1
DIN08 - Digital input 8, DI2:5 05 SUCTION1
DIN09 - Digital input 9, DI2:6 03 C PRB P1
DIN10 - Digital input 10, DI2:7 21 OFF (*)
DIN11 - Digital input 11, DI2:8 21 OFF (*)
DIN12 - Digital input 12, DI2:9 21 OFF (*)
DIN13 - Digital input 13, DI2:10 21 OFF (*)
DIN14 - Digital input 14, DI2:11 21 OFF (*)
DIN15 - Digital input 15, DI2:12 21 OFF
DIN16 - Digital input 16, DI3:4 13 AUX 1 (*)
DIN17 - Digital input 17, DI3:5 21 OFF (*)
DIN18 - Digital input 18, DI3:6 21 OFF (*)
DIN19 - Digital input 19, DI3:7 21 OFF (*)
DIN20 - Digital input 20, DI3:8 21 OFF (*)
DIN21 - Digital input 21, DI3:9 21 OFF (*)
DIN22 - Digital input 22, DI3:10 21 OFF (*)
Digital in 23 - 43
DIN23 - Digital input 23, DI3:11 21 OFF (*)
DIN24 - Digital input 24, DI3:12 21 OFF
DIN25 - Digital input 25, DI4:4 14 START 1 (*)
DIN26 - Digital input 26, DI4:5 15 FIXED 1A (*)
DIN27 - Digital input 27, DI4:6 21 OFF
DIN28 - Digital input 28, DI4:7 21 OFF
DIN29 - Digital input 29, DI4:8 21 OFF
DIN30 - Digital input 30, DI4:9 21 OFF
DIN31 - Digital input 31, DI4:10 21 OFF
DIN32 - Digital input 32, DI4:11 21 OFF
DIN33 - Digital input 33, DI4:12 21 OFF
DIN34 - Digital input 34, DI5:3 21 OFF
DIN35 - Digital input 35, DI5:4 21 OFF
DIN36 - Digital input 36, DI5:5 21 OFF
DIN37 - Digital input 37, DI5:6 21 OFF
DIN38 - Digital input 38, DI5:7 21 OFF
DIN39 - Digital input 39, DI5:8 21 OFF
DIN40 - Digital input 40, DI5:9 21 OFF
DIN41 - Digital input 41, DI5:10 21 OFF
DIN42 - Digital input 42, DI5:11 21 OFF
DIN43 - Digital input 43, DI5:12 21 OFF

Digital outputs
Digital out 1
DOA01 - Digital output function 11 COOLCONI (*)
DOA02 - Inverted function no
DOA03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOA04 - Delay function for output NO
DOA05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 2
DOB01 - Digital output function 01 A1 (*)
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EUSP B10-0100_kyw1clb_120816_1616.txt
DOB02 - Inverted function yes (*)
DOB03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOB04 - Delay function for output NO
DOB05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 3
DOC01 - Digital output function 01 A1 (*)
DOC02 - Inverted function no
DOC03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOC04 - Delay function for output NO
DOC05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 4
DOD01 - Digital output function 01 W1 (*)
DOD02 - Inverted function no
DOD03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOD04 - Delay function for output NO
DOD05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 5
DOE01 - Digital output function 02 START 1 (*)
DOE02 - Inverted function no
DOE03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOE04 - Delay function for output NO
DOE05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 6
DOF01 - Digital output function 03 READY 1 (*)
DOF02 - Inverted function no
DOF03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOF04 - Delay function for output NO
DOF05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 7
DOG01 - Digital output function 04 REMOTE 1 (*)
DOG02 - Inverted function no
DOG03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOG04 - Delay function for output NO
DOG05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 8
DOH01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOH02 - Inverted function no
DOH03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOH04 - Delay function for output NO
DOH05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 9
DOI01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOI02 - Inverted function no
DOI03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOI04 - Delay function for output NO
DOI05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 10
DOJ01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOJ02 - Inverted function no
DOJ03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOJ04 - Delay function for output NO
DOJ05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 11
DOK01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOK02 - Inverted function no
DOK03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOK04 - Delay function for output NO
DOK05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 12
DOL01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOL02 - Inverted function no
DOL03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOL04 - Delay function for output NO
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DOL05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 13
DOM01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOM02 - Inverted function no
DOM03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOM04 - Delay function for output NO
DOM05 - Connected for lamptest no
Pulse inputs
P0I01 - Drive 1 pulse input DE1
P0I02 - Drive 2 pulse input DE2
Drive 1
P1I01 - Pulses/rev 3600 (*)
P1I02 - Units for REG109 rpm
P1I03 - Decimals for REG109 1 (*)
P1I04 - Scaling for REG109 1.00
P1I05 - Filter time for speed reading 0.0
P1I06 - Polarity - digital speed signal 1
P1I07 - Encoder type 1
P1I08 - High indication level (rpm) 0.0
P1I09 - Low indication level (rpm) 0.0
P1I10 - Function for high indication OFF
P1I11 - Function for low indication OFF
Drive 2
P2I01 - Pulses/rev 1000
P2I02 - Units for REG209 rpm
P2I03 - Decimals for REG209 0
P2I04 - Scaling for REG209 1.00
P2I05 - Filter time for speed reading 0.0
P2I06 - Polarity - digital speed signal 1
P2I07 - Encoder type 1
P2I08 - High indication level (rpm) 0.0
P2I09 - Low indication level (rpm) 0.0
P2I10 - Function for high indication OFF
P2I11 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog inputs
Setpoint 1
AIA01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIA02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIA03 - Max point adjustment 6 (*)
AIA04 - Reading for REG101 %
AIA05 - Input scaling 1.00
Setpoint 2
AIB01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIB02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIB03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIB04 - Reading for REG201 %
AIB05 - Input scaling 1.00
Analog in 1
AIF01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIF02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIF03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIF04 - Min input, REG401 0
AIF05 - Max input, REG401 200
AIF06 - Units for REG401 bar
AIF07 - Decimals for REG401 0
AIF08 - Scaling for REG401 1.00
AIF09 - Function for input OFF
AIF10 - High indication level 200
AIF11 - Low indication level 0
AIF12 - Function for min indication OFF
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AIF13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIF14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIF15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIF16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 2
AIG01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIG02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIG03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIG04 - Min input, REG402 0
AIG05 - Max input, REG402 200
AIG06 - Units for REG402 bar
AIG07 - Decimals for REG402 0
AIG08 - Scaling for REG402 1.00
AIG09 - Function for input OFF
AIG10 - High indication level 200
AIG11 - Low indication level 0
AIG12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIG13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIG14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIG15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIG16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 3
AIH01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIH02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIH03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIH04 - Min input, REG403 0
AIH05 - Max input, REG403 1000 (*)
AIH06 - Units for REG403 psi (*)
AIH07 - Decimals for REG403 0
AIH08 - Scaling for REG403 1.00
AIH09 - Function for input OFF
AIH10 - High indication level 200 (*)
AIH11 - Low indication level 0
AIH12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIH13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIH14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIH15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIH16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 4
AII01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AII02 - Zero point adjustment -1 (*)
AII03 - Max point adjustment 0
AII04 - Min input, REG404 0
AII05 - Max input, REG404 6000 (*)
AII06 - Units for REG404 psi (*)
AII07 - Decimals for REG404 0
AII08 - Scaling for REG404 1.00
AII09 - Function for input OFF
AII10 - High indication level 5000 (*)
AII11 - Low indication level 0
AII12 - Function for min indication OFF
AII13 - Function for high indication 13 AUX 3 (*)
AII14 - Function for low indication OFF
AII15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AII16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 5
AIJ01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIJ02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIJ03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIJ04 - Min input, REG405 0
AIJ05 - Max input, REG405 200
AIJ06 - Units for REG405 bar
AIJ07 - Decimals for REG405 0
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AIJ08 - Scaling for REG405 1.00
AIJ09 - Function for input OFF
AIJ10 - High indication level 200
AIJ11 - Low indication level 0
AIJ12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIJ13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIJ14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIJ15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIJ16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 6
AIK01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIK02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIK03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIK04 - Min input, REG406 0
AIK05 - Max input, REG406 200
AIK06 - Units for REG406 bar
AIK07 - Decimals for REG406 0
AIK08 - Scaling for REG406 1.00
AIK09 - Function for input OFF
AIK10 - High indication level 200
AIK11 - Low indication level 0
AIK12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIK13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIK14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIK15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIK16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 7
AIL01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIL02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIL03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIL04 - Min input, REG407 0
AIL05 - Max input, REG407 200
AIL06 - Units for REG407 bar
AIL07 - Decimals for REG407 0
AIL08 - Scaling for REG407 1.00
AIL09 - Function for input OFF
AIL10 - High indication level 200
AIL11 - Low indication level 0
AIL12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIL13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIL14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIL15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIL16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 8
AIM01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIM02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIM03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIM04 - Min input, REG408 0
AIM05 - Max input, REG408 200
AIM06 - Units for REG408 bar
AIM07 - Decimals for REG408 0
AIM08 - Scaling for REG408 1.00
AIM09 - Function for input OFF
AIM10 - High indication level 200
AIM11 - Low indication level 0
AIM12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIM13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIM14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIM15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIM16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 9
AIN01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIN02 - Zero point adjustment 0
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AIN03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIN04 - Min input, REG409 0
AIN05 - Max input, REG409 200
AIN06 - Units for REG409 bar
AIN07 - Decimals for REG409 0
AIN08 - Scaling for REG409 1.00
AIN09 - Function for input OFF
AIN10 - High indication level 200
AIN11 - Low indication level 0
AIN12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIN13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIN14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIN15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIN16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Tank temp
AIP01 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIP02 - Max point adjustment 0
AIP03 - Units for REG410 °C
Power limit
AIR01 - Limitation level E-motor 1 400
AIR02 - Limitation level E-motor 2 400
AIR03 - Limitation level E-motor 3 400

Analog outputs
Analog out 1
AOA01 - Analog output REG410 (*)
AOA02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOA03 - Zero point adjustment 2 (*)
AOA04 - Max point adjustment -11 (*)
Analog out 2
AOB01 - Analog output REG404 (*)
AOB02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOB03 - Zero point adjustment -2 (*)
AOB04 - Max point adjustment -17 (*)
Analog out 3
AOC01 - Analog output REG109 (*)
AOC02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOC03 - Zero point adjustment -3 (*)
AOC04 - Max point adjustment -10 (*)
Analog out 4
AOD01 - Analog output REG403 (*)
AOD02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOD03 - Zero point adjustment -3 (*)
AOD04 - Max point adjustment -18 (*)
Type && Function
BTF01 - Type of bus communication Profibus (*)
BTF02 - Max com. drop time 1
BTF03 - Function at com. drop Alarm (*)
BTF04 - Bus data area Ver.2 (*)
BTF05 - Analog byte switching off
BTF06 - Max bus start up time 6
Digital in 1-24
BDI01 - Digital input 1 09 BUS 1
BDI02 - Digital input 2 16 REM 1
BDI03 - Digital input 3 14 START 1
BDI04 - Digital input 4 15 FIXED 1A
BDI05 - Digital input 5 21 OFF (*)
BDI06 - Digital input 6 21 OFF
BDI07 - Digital input 7 21 OFF
BDI08 - Digital input 8 21 OFF
BDI09 - Digital input 9 21 OFF (*)
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BDI10 - Digital input 10 21 OFF (*)
BDI11 - Digital input 11 21 OFF (*)
BDI12 - Digital input 12 21 OFF (*)
BDI13 - Digital input 13 21 OFF (*)
BDI14 - Digital input 14 21 OFF
BDI15 - Digital input 15 21 OFF
BDI16 - Digital input 16 21 OFF
BDI17 - Digital input 17 09 BUS R
BDI18 - Digital input 18 09 ALARM R
BDI19 - Digital input 19 21 OFF
BDI20 - Digital input 20 21 OFF
BDI21 - Digital input 21 21 OFF
BDI22 - Digital input 22 21 OFF
BDI23 - Digital input 23 21 OFF
BDI24 - Digital input 24 21 OFF
Digital in 25-32
BDI25 - Digital input 25 21 OFF
BDI26 - Digital input 26 21 OFF
BDI27 - Digital input 27 21 OFF
BDI28 - Digital input 28 21 OFF
BDI29 - Digital input 29 21 OFF
BDI30 - Digital input 30 21 OFF
BDI31 - Digital input 31 21 OFF
BDI32 - Digital input 32 21 OFF
Analog in 1
BAA01 - Min input, REG501 0
BAA02 - Max input, REG501 200
BAA03 - Units for REG501 %
BAA04 - Decimals for REG501 0
BAA05 - Function for input OFF
BAA06 - High indication level 200
BAA07 - Low indication level 0
BAA08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAA09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 2
BAB01 - Min input, REG502 0
BAB02 - Max input, REG502 200
BAB03 - Units for REG502 %
BAB04 - Decimals for REG502 0
BAB05 - Function for input OFF
BAB06 - High indication level 200
BAB07 - Low indication level 0
BAB08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAB09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 3
BAC01 - Min input, REG503 0
BAC02 - Max input, REG503 200
BAC03 - Units for REG503 °
BAC04 - Decimals for REG503 0
BAC05 - Function for input OFF
BAC06 - High indication level 200
BAC07 - Low indication level 0
BAC08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAC09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 4
BAD01 - Min input, REG504 0
BAD02 - Max input, REG504 200
BAD03 - Units for REG504 bar
BAD04 - Decimals for REG504 0
BAD05 - Function for input OFF
BAD06 - High indication level 200
BAD07 - Low indication level 0
BAD08 - Function for high indication OFF
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BAD09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 5
BAE01 - Min input, REG505 0
BAE02 - Max input, REG505 200
BAE03 - Units for REG505 bar
BAE04 - Decimals for REG505 0
BAE05 - Function for input OFF
BAE06 - High indication level 200
BAE07 - Low indication level 0
BAE08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAE09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 6
BAF01 - Min input, REG506 0
BAF02 - Max input, REG506 200
BAF03 - Units for REG506 bar
BAF04 - Decimals for REG506 0
BAF05 - Function for input OFF
BAF06 - High indication level 200
BAF07 - Low indication level 0
BAF08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAF09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 7
BAG01 - Min input, REG507 0
BAG02 - Max input, REG507 200
BAG03 - Units for REG507 bar
BAG04 - Decimals for REG507 0
BAG05 - Function for input OFF
BAG06 - High indication level 200
BAG07 - Low indication level 0
BAG08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAG09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 8
BAH01 - Min input, REG508 0
BAH02 - Max input, REG508 200
BAH03 - Units for REG508 bar
BAH04 - Decimals for REG508 0
BAH05 - Function for input OFF
BAH06 - High indication level 200
BAH07 - Low indication level 0
BAH08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAH09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 9
BAI01 - Min input, REG509 0
BAI02 - Max input, REG509 200
BAI03 - Units for REG509 bar
BAI04 - Decimals for REG509 0
BAI05 - Function for input OFF
BAI06 - High indication level 200
BAI07 - Low indication level 0
BAI08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAI09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 10
BAJ01 - Min input, REG510 0
BAJ02 - Max input, REG510 200
BAJ03 - Units for REG510 bar
BAJ04 - Decimals for REG510 0
BAJ05 - Function for input OFF
BAJ06 - High indication level 200
BAJ07 - Low indication level 0
BAJ08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAJ09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog out
BAK01 - Analog output register REG410 (*)
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BAK02 - Analog output register REG404 (*)
BAK03 - Analog output register REG109 (*)
BAK04 - Analog output register REG403 (*)
BAK05 - Analog output register OFF
BAK06 - Analog output register OFF
BAK07 - Analog output register OFF
BAK08 - Analog output register OFF
BAK09 - Analog output register OFF
BAK10 - Analog output register OFF
BAK11 - Analog output register OFF
BAK12 - Analog output register OFF
Pump monitor
Pump 1
PMA01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMA02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMA03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMA04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMA05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMA06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMA07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMA08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMA09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMA10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMA11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMA12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMA13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMA14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 2
PMB01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMB02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMB03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMB04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMB05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMB06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMB07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMB08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMB09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMB10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMB11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMB12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMB13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMB14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 3
PMC01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMC02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMC03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMC04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMC05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMC06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMC07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMC08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMC09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMC10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMC11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMC12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMC13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMC14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 4
PMD01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMD02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMD03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMD04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
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PMD05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMD06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMD07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMD08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMD09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMD10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMD11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMD12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMD13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMD14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Tank monitor
TMA01 - Delay, Low oil level warn. 0.0 sec
TMA02 - Delay, Min oil level alarm 0.0 sec
TMA03 - Delay, Min temp alarm 0.0 sec
TMA04 - Delay, High temp warn. 0.0 sec
TMA05 - Delay, Max temp alarm 0.5 sec
TMA06 - Delay, Drain 75% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA07 - Delay, Drain 100% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA08 - Drain filter alarm OFF
TMA09 - Min oil temp function A
TMA10 - Delay, Aux filter 75% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA11 - Delay, Aux filter 100% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA12 - Aux filter alarm OFF
Analog temp
TMB01 - Analog temp sensor on
TMB03 - Max oil temp alarm level 60 (*)
TMB04 - High oil temp warning level 55
TMB05 - Cooling temp on level (rise) 40
TMB06 - Cooling hysteresis 3
TMB07 - Filter interlock temp level 0
TMB08 - Heating temp on level (fall) 15
TMB09 - Heating hysteresis 3
TMB10 - Min oil temp alarm level 0 (*)
TMB11 - Warm flush on level (falling) 30
TMB12 - Flushing hysteresis 3
TMB13 - Min flush pump temp 0
TMB14 - Warm flush on level (rising) 10
TMB15 - Flushing hysteresis 3
TMB16 - Warm flush on delay 2.0
TMB17 - Cooler forward time 12
TMB18 - Cooler reverse time 10
TMB19 - Cooler motor on delay 10.0
TMB20 - Cooler rev. at e-motor start on
TMB21 - Oil temp interlock level 65 (*)
Analog level
TMC01 - Analog level sensor off
TMC03 - Min oil alarm level 2150
TMC04 - Low oil warning level 2250
TMC05 - Max oil indication level 2400
TMC06 - Overfill warning level 2450
TMC07 - Delay, Overfill oil level 0.0 sec

Aux monitor
Aux 1
AMA01 - Aux function W D1
AMA02 - Aux delay time 7.0 (*)
AMA03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMA04 - Aux configurable text Flush Filter Clogged (*)
AMA05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 2
AMB01 - Aux function W D1
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AMB02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMB03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMB04 - Aux configurable text AUX 2
AMB05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 3
AMC01 - Aux function W D1
AMC02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMC03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMC04 - Aux configurable text High System Pressure (*)
AMC05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 4
AMD01 - Aux function W D1
AMD02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMD03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMD04 - Aux configurable text AUX 4
AMD05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 5
AME01 - Aux function W D1
AME02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AME03 - Aux memory bypass off
AME04 - Aux configurable text AUX 5
AME05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 6
AMF01 - Aux function W D1
AMF02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMF03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMF04 - Aux configurable text AUX 6
AMF05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 7
AMG01 - Aux function W D1
AMG02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMG03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMG04 - Aux configurable text AUX 7
AMG05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 8
AMH01 - Aux function W D1
AMH02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMH03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMH04 - Aux configurable text AUX 8
AMH05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 9
AMI01 - Aux function W D1
AMI02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMI03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMI04 - Aux configurable text AUX 9
AMI05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 10
AMJ01 - Aux function W D1
AMJ02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMJ03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMJ04 - Aux configurable text AUX 10
AMJ05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 11
AMK01 - Aux function W D1
AMK02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMK03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMK04 - Aux configurable text AUX 11
AMK05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 12
AML01 - Aux function W D1
AML02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AML03 - Aux memory bypass off
AML04 - Aux configurable text AUX 12
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AML05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 13
AMM01 - Aux function W D1
AMM02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMM03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMM04 - Aux configurable text AUX 13
AMM05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 14
AMN01 - Aux function W D1
AMN02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMN03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMN04 - Aux configurable text AUX 14
AMN05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 15
AMO01 - Aux function W D1
AMO02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMO03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMO04 - Aux configurable text AUX 15
AMO05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 16
AMP01 - Aux function W D1
AMP02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMP03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMP04 - Aux configurable text AUX 16
AMP05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 17
AMQ01 - Aux function W D1
AMQ02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMQ03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMQ04 - Aux configurable text AUX 17
AMQ05 - Aux inverted input off
AMQ06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMQ07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMQ08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 17 A
Aux 18
AMR01 - Aux function W D1
AMR02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMR03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMR04 - Aux configurable text AUX 18
AMR05 - Aux inverted input off
AMR06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMR07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMR08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 18 A
Aux 19
AMS01 - Aux function W D1
AMS02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMS03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMS04 - Aux configurable text AUX 19
AMS05 - Aux inverted input off
AMS06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMS07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMS08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 19 A
Aux 20
AMT01 - Aux function W D1
AMT02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMT03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMT04 - Aux configurable text AUX 20
AMT05 - Aux inverted input off
AMT06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMT07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMT08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 20 A
Drive monitor
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Start interlock
DMA01 - Start alternative, drive 1 and
DMA02 - Start delay time, drive 1 5 sec
DMA03 - Start alternative, drive 2 and
DMA04 - Start delay time, drive 2 5 sec
Drive 1
DMB01 - Delay, charge pressure A 0.5 sec
DMB02 - Delay, charge pressure B 0.5 sec
DMB03 - Delay, E-motor temp 0.0 sec
DMB04 - Delay, work pressure A 7.0 sec
DMB05 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
DMB06 - Delay, work pressure B 7.0 sec
DMB07 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
DMB08 - Analog pressure sensor off
Drive 2
DMC01 - Delay, charge pressure A 0.5 sec
DMC02 - Delay, charge pressure B 0.5 sec
DMC03 - Delay, E-motor temp 0.0 sec
DMC04 - Delay, work pressure A 7.0 sec
DMC05 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
DMC06 - Delay, work pressure B 7.0 sec
DMC07 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
DMC08 - Analog pressure sensor off
Emotor interlock
DMD01 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 1 1.5
DMD02 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 2 1.5
DMD03 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 3 1.5
DMD04 - Delay, Charge pump Dr. 1 2.0
DMD05 - Delay, Charge pump Dr. 2 2.0
Drain temp
DME01 - Drain temp function active off
DME02 - Shutdown temp lvl (falling) 2
DME03 - Stand-by flush on lvl (falling) 5
DME04 - Stand-by flush hysteresis 3
DME05 - Start delay time cold oil 300
DME06 - Start delay time warm oil 10
DME07 - Start delay switching lvl 20
Compare calc. (1)
DMF01 - Register A for REG701 OFF
DMF02 - Register B for REG701 OFF
DMF03 - Register C for REG701 OFF
DMF04 - Constant K for REG701 10000
DMF05 - Operation for REG701 OFF
DMF06 - Function for REG701 OFF
DMF07 - Register A for REG702 OFF
DMF08 - Register B for REG702 OFF
DMF09 - Register C for REG702 OFF
DMF10 - Constant K for REG702 10000
DMF11 - Operation for REG702 OFF
DMF12 - Function for REG702 OFF
DMF13 - Register A for REG703 OFF
DMF14 - Register B for REG703 OFF
DMF15 - Register C for REG703 OFF
DMF16 - Constant K for REG703 10000
DMF17 - Operation for REG703 OFF
DMF18 - Function for REG703 OFF
Compare calc. (2)
DMF19 - Register A for REG704 OFF
DMF20 - Register B for REG704 OFF
DMF21 - Register C for REG704 OFF
DMF22 - Constant K for REG704 10000
DMF23 - Operation for REG704 OFF
DMF24 - Function for REG704 OFF
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EUSP B10-0100_kyw1clb_120816_1616.txt
DMF25 - Register A for REG705 OFF
DMF26 - Register B for REG705 OFF
DMF27 - Register C for REG705 OFF
DMF28 - Constant K for REG705 10000
DMF29 - Operation for REG705 OFF
DMF30 - Function for REG705 OFF
DMF31 - Register A for REG706 OFF
DMF32 - Register B for REG706 OFF
DMF33 - Register C for REG706 OFF
DMF34 - Constant K for REG706 10000
DMF35 - Operation for REG706 OFF
DMF36 - Function for REG706 OFF
Compare display
DMG01 - Min display value REG701 0
DMG02 - Max display value REG701 200
DMG03 - Units for REG701 bar
DMG04 - Nr. of decimals for REG701 0
DMG05 - Min display value REG702 0
DMG06 - Max display value REG702 200
DMG07 - Units for REG702 bar
DMG08 - Nr. of decimals for REG702 0
DMG09 - Min display value REG703 0
DMG10 - Max display value REG703 200
DMG11 - Units for REG703 bar
DMG12 - Nr. of decimals for REG703 0
DMG13 - Min display value REG704 0
DMG14 - Max display value REG704 200
DMG15 - Units for REG704 bar
DMG16 - Nr. of decimals for REG704 0
DMG17 - Min display value REG705 0
DMG18 - Max display value REG705 200
DMG19 - Units for REG705 bar
DMG20 - Nr. of decimals for REG705 0
DMG21 - Min display value REG706 0
DMG22 - Max display value REG706 200
DMG23 - Units for REG706 bar
DMG24 - Nr. of decimals for REG706 0

H.motor mon.
Temp limit
HMA01 - Limitation level, H-motor 1 60
HMA02 - Limitation level, H-motor 2 60
HMA03 - Limitation level, H-motor 3 60
HMA04 - Limitation level, H-motor 4 60
Drive connection
HMB01 - Drive for Hydr. motor 1 Drive 1
HMB02 - Drive for Hydr. motor 2 OFF
HMB03 - Drive for Hydr. motor 3 OFF
HMB04 - Drive for Hydr. motor 4 OFF
Drive 1 basic
D1A01 - Speed setpoint Local/Remote (*)
D1A02 - Type of command signal Unidirectional (*)
D1A03 - Reset of local setpoint yes
D1A04 - Reverse input on (*)
D1A05 - Reverse command setpoint -10.0 (*)
D1A06 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1B) 10.0
D1A07 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1A) -10.0
D1A08 - Drive front panel buttons on
D1A09 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1D) 20.0
D1A10 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1C) -20.0
D1A11 - Multipump setpoint limit on
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EUSP B10-0100_kyw1clb_120816_1616.txt
D1C01 - Up ramp time forward 3.0 (*)
D1C02 - Down ramp time forward 3.0 (*)
D1C03 - Up ramp time reverse 3.0 (*)
D1C04 - Down ramp time reverse 3.0 (*)
D1D02 - Feed forward function on
D1D03 - Proportional regulator on (*)
D1D04 - Integrating regulator on (*)
D1D05 - Derivation regulator off
D1D06 - Proportional gain 0.1
D1D07 - Integration time 10.0
D1D08 - Derivation time 0.10
D1D09 - Derivation decline time 0.1
D1D10 - Max feedback deviation 50
D1D11 - Regulated or nonregulated Regulated (*)
D1E01 - Max motor shaft speed 4.6 (*)
D1E02 - Feedback selection Digital
D1E03 - Filter time for feedback 0.0
Power limitation
D1F01 - Delay time, power limitation 0.5
D1F02 - Ramp time, power limitation 20.0
D1F03 - Min power limit level 0
D1G01 - Brake function off
D1G02 - Brake close delay (off) 2.0
D1G03 - Brake open ind. delay (on) 2.0
D1G04 - Brake monitor delay (on) 5.0

Drive 2 basic
D2A01 - Speed setpoint Local
D2A02 - Type of command signal Bidirectional
D2A03 - Reset of local setpoint yes
D2A04 - Reverse input off
D2A05 - Reverse command setpoint -20.0
D2A06 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2B) 10.0
D2A07 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2A) -10.0
D2A08 - Drive front panel buttons on
D2A09 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2D) 20.0
D2A10 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2C) -20.0
D2A11 - Multipump setpoint limit on
D2C01 - Up ramp time forward 2.0
D2C02 - Down ramp time forward 2.0
D2C03 - Up ramp time reverse 2.0
D2C04 - Down ramp time reverse 2.0
D2D02 - Feed forward function on
D2D03 - Proportional regulator off
D2D04 - Integrating regulator off
D2D05 - Derivation regulator off
D2D06 - Proportional gain 0.1
D2D07 - Integration time 10.0
D2D08 - Derivation time 0.10
D2D09 - Derivation decline time 0.1
D2D10 - Max feedback deviation 50
D2D11 - Regulated or nonregulated Non-regulated
D2E01 - Max motor shaft speed 10.0
D2E02 - Feedback selection Digital
D2E03 - Filter time for feedback 0.0
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EUSP B10-0100_kyw1clb_120816_1616.txt
Power limitation
D2F01 - Delay time, power limitation 0.5
D2F02 - Ramp time, power limitation 20.0
D2F03 - Min power limit level 0
D2G01 - Brake function off
D2G02 - Brake close delay (off) 2.0
D2G03 - Brake open ind. delay (on) 2.0
D2G04 - Brake monitor delay (on) 5.0

Shredder 1
SHA01 - Reverse control Pressure, separate
SHA02 - Reverse stop function Going to forward
SHA03 - Delay before reversal 3.0
SHA04 - Reversal time 10.0
SHA05 - Reverse delay SHA02 3.0
SHA06 - Forward time 10.0
SHA07 - Interval direction funct. off
SHA08 - Forward time interval 60
SHA09 - Reverse time interval 60
SHA10 - Selection of regulated dr. Unregulated
SHA11 - Stop trig signal to Drive 2 off
SHB01 - Reverse command setpoint Forward
SHB02 - Scale factor for reverse 100
SHB03 - Analog pressure sensor off
SHB04 - High pr. level, forward 200
SHB05 - High pr. level, reverse 200
SHB06 - Sh. interval command A 75.0
SHB07 - Sh. interval command B 50.0
SHB08 - Activation of interval com. off
SHC01 - Window time for counter 60
SHC02 - Reversal counter 5

Shredder 2
SHG01 - Reverse control Pressure, separate
SHG02 - Reverse stop function Going to forward
SHG03 - Delay before reversal 3.0
SHG04 - Reversal time 10.0
SHG05 - Reverse delay SHG02 3.0
SHG06 - Forward time 10.0
SHG07 - Interval direction funct. off
SHG08 - Forward time interval 60
SHG09 - Reverse time interval 60
SHG10 - Selection of regulated dr. Unregulated
SHG11 - Stop trig signal to Drive 2 off
SHH01 - Reverse command setpoint Forward
SHH02 - Scale factor for reverse 100
SHH03 - Analog pressure sensor off
SHH04 - High pr. level, forward 200
SHH05 - High pr. level, reverse 200
SHH06 - Sh. interval command A 75.0
SHH07 - Sh. interval command B 50.0
SHH08 - Activation of interval com. off
SHH09 - Common interval off
SHI01 - Window time for counter 60
SHI02 - Reversal counter 5

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EUSP B10-0100_kyw1clb_120816_1616.txt
SYA01 - Type of synchronisation RATIO
SYA02 - Master command D1 Master - D2 Slave
Drive 1 reset
SYB01 - Counter reset command Reset by start
SYB02 - Enable of counter reset E-motors start
Drive 2 setpoint
SYC01 - Drive 2 low friction limit 70
SYC02 - Drive 2 high friction limit 130
SYC03 - Offset reset by motor start off
SYC04 - Offset for Drive 2 0.0
Drive 2 indication
SYD01 - Synchro indication limit 5
SYD02 - Sync time 1.0
Drive 2 reset
SYE01 - Counter reset command Reset by start
SYE02 - Enable of counter reset E-motors start
Master setpoint
SYF01 - Up ramp time forward 2.0
SYF02 - Down ramp time forward 2.0
SYF03 - Up ramp time reverse 2.0
SYF04 - Down ramp time reverse 2.0
SYF05 - Master max speed 10.0
Drive 1 setpoint
SYG01 - Drive 1 low friction limit 70
SYG02 - Drive 1 high friction limit 130

Pressure 1
PRA01 - Pressure control off
PRA02 - Reverse control action off
PRA03 - Low pressure control off
PRA04 - High pressure control off
PRA05 - Filter time, low pr. control 5.0
PRA06 - Filter time, high pr. control 5.0
Pr. setpoint
PRB01 - Pressure setpoint Local
PRB02 - Local pressure setpoint 200
PRB03 - Low limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRB04 - High limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRB05 - Low limit, PID output 10
PRB06 - High limit, PID output 10
PRB07 - Max pressure 250
PRB08 - PID output breakpoint 20
PRC01 - Proportional regulator off
PRC02 - Integrating regulator off
PRC03 - Derivation regulator off
PRC04 - Proportional gain 0.1
PRC05 - Integration time 10.0
PRC06 - Derivation time 0.10
PRC07 - Derivation decline time 0.1
PRC08 - Filter time for pr. feedback 0.0
Pressure 2
PRG01 - Pressure control off
PRG02 - Reverse control action off
PRG03 - Low pressure control off
PRG04 - High pressure control off
PRG05 - Filter time, low pr. control 5.0
PRG06 - Filter time, high pr. control 5.0
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EUSP B10-0100_kyw1clb_120816_1616.txt
Pr. setpoint
PRH01 - Pressure setpoint Local
PRH02 - Local pressure setpoint 200
PRH03 - Low limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRH04 - High limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRH05 - Low limit, PID output 10
PRH06 - High limit, PID output 10
PRH07 - Max pressure 250
PRH08 - PID output breakpoint 20
PRI01 - Proportional regulator off
PRI02 - Integrating regulator off
PRI03 - Derivation regulator off
PRI04 - Proportional gain 0.1
PRI05 - Integration time 10.0
PRI06 - Derivation time 0.10
PRI07 - Derivation decline time 0.1
PRI08 - Filter time for pr. feedback 0.0
Reading 1
Scroll menu
R1A01 - Text for reading 1 TANKTEMP
R1A02 - Reading 1 REG410
R1A03 - Text for reading 2 SYS PRES (*)
R1A04 - Reading 2 REG404 (*)
R1A05 - Text for reading 3 CHR PRES (*)
R1A06 - Reading 3 REG403 (*)
R1A07 - Text for reading 4 READING4
R1A08 - Reading 4 OFF
R1A09 - Text for reading 5 READING5
R1A10 - Reading 5 OFF
R1A11 - Text for reading 6 READING6
R1A12 - Reading 6 OFF
R1A13 - Text for reading 7 READING7
R1A14 - Reading 7 OFF
R1A15 - Text for reading 8 READING8
R1A16 - Reading 8 OFF
R1A17 - Text for reading 9 READING9
R1A18 - Reading 9 OFF
Left upper
R1B01 - Reading REG102
Right upper
R1C01 - Reading REG106
Left lower
R1D01 - Reading REG109
Right lower
R1E01 - Reading REG311

Reading 2
Scroll menu
R2A01 - Text for reading 1 READING1
R2A02 - Reading 1 OFF
R2A03 - Text for reading 2 READING2
R2A04 - Reading 2 OFF
R2A05 - Text for reading 3 READING3
R2A06 - Reading 3 OFF
R2A07 - Text for reading 4 READING4
R2A08 - Reading 4 OFF
R2A09 - Text for reading 5 READING5
R2A10 - Reading 5 OFF
R2A11 - Text for reading 6 READING6
R2A12 - Reading 6 OFF
R2A13 - Text for reading 7 READING7
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EUSP B10-0100_kyw1clb_120816_1616.txt
R2A14 - Reading 7 OFF
R2A15 - Text for reading 8 READING8
R2A16 - Reading 8 OFF
R2A17 - Text for reading 9 READING9
R2A18 - Reading 9 OFF
Left upper
R2B01 - Reading REG202
Right upper
R2C01 - Reading REG206
Left lower
R2D01 - Reading REG209
Right lower
R2E01 - Reading REG321
Log function
Log 1
Date and time 120620 14:46
STA1 - Status for log register ON
MT1 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI1 - Setting of upper limit 56.0
LLO1 - Setting of lower limit 40.0
REG1 - Choice of register for logging REG410
Log 2
Date and time 120620 14:47
STA2 - Status for log register ON
MT2 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI2 - Setting of upper limit 4.0
LLO2 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG2 - Choice of register for logging REG109
Log 3
Date and time 120620 14:48
STA3 - Status for log register ON
MT3 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI3 - Setting of upper limit 250.0
LLO3 - Setting of lower limit 150.0
REG3 - Choice of register for logging REG403
Log 4
Date and time 000000 0:0
STA4 - Status for log register EMPTY
MT4 - Interval time 0 sec
LHI4 - Setting of upper limit 0.0
LLO4 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG4 - Choice of register for logging OFF
Log 5
Date and time 120620 14:50
STA5 - Status for log register ON
MT5 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI5 - Setting of upper limit 2000.0
LLO5 - Setting of lower limit 350.0
REG5 - Choice of register for logging REG404
Log 6
Date and time 000000 0:0
STA6 - Status for log register EMPTY
MT6 - Interval time 0 sec
LHI6 - Setting of upper limit 0.0
LLO6 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG6 - Choice of register for logging OFF
Log 7
Date and time 120620 14:51
STA7 - Status for log register ON
MT7 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHIX7 - Setting of upper limit, X axis 4.0
LLOX7 - Setting of lower limit, X axis 0.0
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EUSP B10-0100_kyw1clb_120816_1616.txt
REGX7 - Choice of register for X axis logging REG109
LHIY7 - Setting of upper limit, Y axis 250.0
LLOY7 - Setting of lower limit, Y axis 150.0
REGY7 - Choice of register for Y axis logging REG403
LHIZ7 - Setting of upper limit, Z axis 56.0
LLOZ7 - Setting of lower limit, Z axis 40.0
REGZ7 - Choice of register for Z axis logging REG410
Log 8
Date and time 120620 14:53
STA8 - Status for log register ON
MT8 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHIX8 - Setting of upper limit, X axis 4.0
LLOX8 - Setting of lower limit, X axis 0.0
REGX8 - Choice of register for X axis logging REG109
LHIY8 - Setting of upper limit, Y axis 2000.0
LLOY8 - Setting of lower limit, Y axis 350.0
REGY8 - Choice of register for Y axis logging REG404
LHIZ8 - Setting of upper limit, Z axis 56.0
LLOZ8 - Setting of lower limit, Z axis 40.0
REGZ8 - Choice of register for Z axis logging REG410

(*) Not default value

Page 21
EUSP B10-0101

Customer : FLSmidth Boise Inc.

Job 2011 049, Unit #6
Specification Page 1/1

Control system: Spider Ind. No: EUSP B10-0101

Ordering code: Spider B106-01100-1-00
Main card Part No: 276 0020-430
Main card revision: R3B
Main card Serial No: 5677-1209

Display type: Part No: 376 0064-801 (LCD = standard)

Power Supply unit: Part No: 376 0071-801 (Max output 250W = Std)
Card revision: C
Card Serial No: 5741-1208

Emitter VpCI Part. No: H506-85535-0

Note. Life time after installation is 1 year, expiry date is
shown on the sticker beside the installed Emitter.
(Emitter VpCI (Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor) is mounted inside the Spider
box to protect against oxidation. The Emitter (containing a pulverous
substance) emits a vapor that covers all components with a protective layer
when the air inside the enclosure is saturated.)

Software: Spider version 4.3.1

Note. Parameter settings that have been changed from
DEFAULT are shown in Parameter list at delivery.

Connection: As drawing CD-2011-049 shows.

EUSP B10-0101_kyw1clb_120816_1605.txt
Printout time: 2012-09-11 10:06:40
Printed by SpiderCom2 version: 4.3.0 Build: 4
Parameter file name: EUSP
Parameter file version: 4
SpiderII software version: 4.3.1 4
SpiderII serial number: EUSP B10-0101
Main settings
MAA01 - System function BASIC
MAB01 - E-motor connection for P01 E-motor 1
MAB02 - E-motor connection for P02 OFF
MAB03 - E-motor connection for P03 OFF
MAB04 - E-motor connection for P04 OFF
MAB05 - Drive connection for P01 Drive 1
MAB06 - Drive connection for P02 OFF
MAB07 - Drive connection for P03 OFF
MAB08 - Drive connection for P04 OFF
MAB09 - Separate or common Separate
MAB10 - Shutdown ramp time 0
MAB11 - Em.stop memory bypass off
MAB13 - Charge pump Drive 1 Internal
MAB14 - Charge pump Drive 2 Internal
MAC01 - Display language selection English
MAD01 - Security code - setup menu yes (*)
MAD02 - Security code 1149 (*)

Pump outputs
Pump 1
POA01 - Forward min current 271 (*)
POA02 - Forward max current 647 (*)
POA03 - Reverse min current 270 (*)
POA04 - Reverse max current 651 (*)
POA05 - Coil resistance 21 (*)
POA06 - PWM-frequency 100 (*)
Pump 2
POB01 - Forward min current 0
POB02 - Forward max current 0
POB03 - Reverse min current 0
POB04 - Reverse max current 0
POB05 - Coil resistance 40
POB06 - PWM-frequency 200
Pump 3
POC01 - Forward min current 0
POC02 - Forward max current 0
POC03 - Reverse min current 0
POC04 - Reverse max current 0
POC05 - Coil resistance 40
POC06 - PWM-frequency 200
Pump 4
POD01 - Forward min current 0
POD02 - Forward max current 0
POD03 - Reverse min current 0
POD04 - Reverse max current 0
POD05 - Coil resistance 40
POD06 - PWM-frequency 200
POE01 - Pump friction Off
POE02 - Pump low friction limit 0
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EUSP B10-0101_kyw1clb_120816_1605.txt
POE03 - Pump high friction limit 200
POE04 - Friction up ramp time 2.0
POE05 - Friction down ramp time 2.0
POF01 - Pump up ramp time 2.0
POF02 - Pump down ramp time 2.0
Digital inputs
Digital in 1 - 22
DIN01 - Digital input 1, DI1:3 21 OFF (*)
DIN02 - Digital input 2, DI1:4 21 OFF (*)
DIN03 - Digital input 3, DI1:5 21 OFF (*)
DIN04 - Digital input 4, DI1:6 07 MN LEVEL
DIN05 - Digital input 5, DI1:7 07 LO LEVEL
DIN06 - Digital input 6, DI1:8 06 DRF 100
DIN07 - Digital input 7, DI2:4 06 RF100 P1
DIN08 - Digital input 8, DI2:5 05 SUCTION1
DIN09 - Digital input 9, DI2:6 03 C PRB P1
DIN10 - Digital input 10, DI2:7 21 OFF (*)
DIN11 - Digital input 11, DI2:8 21 OFF (*)
DIN12 - Digital input 12, DI2:9 21 OFF (*)
DIN13 - Digital input 13, DI2:10 21 OFF (*)
DIN14 - Digital input 14, DI2:11 21 OFF (*)
DIN15 - Digital input 15, DI2:12 21 OFF
DIN16 - Digital input 16, DI3:4 13 AUX 1 (*)
DIN17 - Digital input 17, DI3:5 21 OFF (*)
DIN18 - Digital input 18, DI3:6 21 OFF (*)
DIN19 - Digital input 19, DI3:7 21 OFF (*)
DIN20 - Digital input 20, DI3:8 21 OFF (*)
DIN21 - Digital input 21, DI3:9 21 OFF (*)
DIN22 - Digital input 22, DI3:10 21 OFF (*)
Digital in 23 - 43
DIN23 - Digital input 23, DI3:11 21 OFF (*)
DIN24 - Digital input 24, DI3:12 21 OFF
DIN25 - Digital input 25, DI4:4 14 START 1 (*)
DIN26 - Digital input 26, DI4:5 15 FIXED 1A (*)
DIN27 - Digital input 27, DI4:6 21 OFF
DIN28 - Digital input 28, DI4:7 21 OFF
DIN29 - Digital input 29, DI4:8 21 OFF
DIN30 - Digital input 30, DI4:9 21 OFF
DIN31 - Digital input 31, DI4:10 21 OFF
DIN32 - Digital input 32, DI4:11 21 OFF
DIN33 - Digital input 33, DI4:12 21 OFF
DIN34 - Digital input 34, DI5:3 21 OFF
DIN35 - Digital input 35, DI5:4 21 OFF
DIN36 - Digital input 36, DI5:5 21 OFF
DIN37 - Digital input 37, DI5:6 21 OFF
DIN38 - Digital input 38, DI5:7 21 OFF
DIN39 - Digital input 39, DI5:8 21 OFF
DIN40 - Digital input 40, DI5:9 21 OFF
DIN41 - Digital input 41, DI5:10 21 OFF
DIN42 - Digital input 42, DI5:11 21 OFF
DIN43 - Digital input 43, DI5:12 21 OFF

Digital outputs
Digital out 1
DOA01 - Digital output function 11 COOLCONI (*)
DOA02 - Inverted function no
DOA03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOA04 - Delay function for output NO
DOA05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 2
DOB01 - Digital output function 01 A1 (*)
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EUSP B10-0101_kyw1clb_120816_1605.txt
DOB02 - Inverted function yes (*)
DOB03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOB04 - Delay function for output NO
DOB05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 3
DOC01 - Digital output function 01 A1 (*)
DOC02 - Inverted function no
DOC03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOC04 - Delay function for output NO
DOC05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 4
DOD01 - Digital output function 01 W1 (*)
DOD02 - Inverted function no
DOD03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOD04 - Delay function for output NO
DOD05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 5
DOE01 - Digital output function 02 START 1 (*)
DOE02 - Inverted function no
DOE03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOE04 - Delay function for output NO
DOE05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 6
DOF01 - Digital output function 03 READY 1 (*)
DOF02 - Inverted function no
DOF03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOF04 - Delay function for output NO
DOF05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 7
DOG01 - Digital output function 04 REMOTE 1 (*)
DOG02 - Inverted function no
DOG03 - Delay time for digital output 0.0 (*)
DOG04 - Delay function for output NO
DOG05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 8
DOH01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOH02 - Inverted function no
DOH03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOH04 - Delay function for output NO
DOH05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 9
DOI01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOI02 - Inverted function no
DOI03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOI04 - Delay function for output NO
DOI05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 10
DOJ01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOJ02 - Inverted function no
DOJ03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOJ04 - Delay function for output NO
DOJ05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 11
DOK01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOK02 - Inverted function no
DOK03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOK04 - Delay function for output NO
DOK05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 12
DOL01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOL02 - Inverted function no
DOL03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOL04 - Delay function for output NO
Page 3
EUSP B10-0101_kyw1clb_120816_1605.txt
DOL05 - Connected for lamptest no
Digital out 13
DOM01 - Digital output function 17 OFF
DOM02 - Inverted function no
DOM03 - Delay time for digital output 5.0
DOM04 - Delay function for output NO
DOM05 - Connected for lamptest no
Pulse inputs
P0I01 - Drive 1 pulse input DE1
P0I02 - Drive 2 pulse input DE2
Drive 1
P1I01 - Pulses/rev 3600 (*)
P1I02 - Units for REG109 rpm
P1I03 - Decimals for REG109 1 (*)
P1I04 - Scaling for REG109 1.00
P1I05 - Filter time for speed reading 0.0
P1I06 - Polarity - digital speed signal 1
P1I07 - Encoder type 1
P1I08 - High indication level (rpm) 0.0
P1I09 - Low indication level (rpm) 0.0
P1I10 - Function for high indication OFF
P1I11 - Function for low indication OFF
Drive 2
P2I01 - Pulses/rev 1000
P2I02 - Units for REG209 rpm
P2I03 - Decimals for REG209 0
P2I04 - Scaling for REG209 1.00
P2I05 - Filter time for speed reading 0.0
P2I06 - Polarity - digital speed signal 1
P2I07 - Encoder type 1
P2I08 - High indication level (rpm) 0.0
P2I09 - Low indication level (rpm) 0.0
P2I10 - Function for high indication OFF
P2I11 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog inputs
Setpoint 1
AIA01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIA02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIA03 - Max point adjustment 14 (*)
AIA04 - Reading for REG101 %
AIA05 - Input scaling 1.00
Setpoint 2
AIB01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIB02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIB03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIB04 - Reading for REG201 %
AIB05 - Input scaling 1.00
Analog in 1
AIF01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIF02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIF03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIF04 - Min input, REG401 0
AIF05 - Max input, REG401 200
AIF06 - Units for REG401 bar
AIF07 - Decimals for REG401 0
AIF08 - Scaling for REG401 1.00
AIF09 - Function for input OFF
AIF10 - High indication level 200
AIF11 - Low indication level 0
AIF12 - Function for min indication OFF
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AIF13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIF14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIF15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIF16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 2
AIG01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIG02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIG03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIG04 - Min input, REG402 0
AIG05 - Max input, REG402 200
AIG06 - Units for REG402 bar
AIG07 - Decimals for REG402 0
AIG08 - Scaling for REG402 1.00
AIG09 - Function for input OFF
AIG10 - High indication level 200
AIG11 - Low indication level 0
AIG12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIG13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIG14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIG15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIG16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 3
AIH01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIH02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIH03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIH04 - Min input, REG403 0
AIH05 - Max input, REG403 1000 (*)
AIH06 - Units for REG403 psi (*)
AIH07 - Decimals for REG403 0
AIH08 - Scaling for REG403 1.00
AIH09 - Function for input OFF
AIH10 - High indication level 200 (*)
AIH11 - Low indication level 0
AIH12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIH13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIH14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIH15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIH16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 4
AII01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AII02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AII03 - Max point adjustment 0
AII04 - Min input, REG404 0
AII05 - Max input, REG404 6000 (*)
AII06 - Units for REG404 psi (*)
AII07 - Decimals for REG404 0
AII08 - Scaling for REG404 1.00
AII09 - Function for input OFF
AII10 - High indication level 5000 (*)
AII11 - Low indication level 0
AII12 - Function for min indication OFF
AII13 - Function for high indication 13 AUX 3 (*)
AII14 - Function for low indication OFF
AII15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AII16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 5
AIJ01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIJ02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIJ03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIJ04 - Min input, REG405 0
AIJ05 - Max input, REG405 200
AIJ06 - Units for REG405 bar
AIJ07 - Decimals for REG405 0
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AIJ08 - Scaling for REG405 1.00
AIJ09 - Function for input OFF
AIJ10 - High indication level 200
AIJ11 - Low indication level 0
AIJ12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIJ13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIJ14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIJ15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIJ16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 6
AIK01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIK02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIK03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIK04 - Min input, REG406 0
AIK05 - Max input, REG406 200
AIK06 - Units for REG406 bar
AIK07 - Decimals for REG406 0
AIK08 - Scaling for REG406 1.00
AIK09 - Function for input OFF
AIK10 - High indication level 200
AIK11 - Low indication level 0
AIK12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIK13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIK14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIK15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIK16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 7
AIL01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIL02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIL03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIL04 - Min input, REG407 0
AIL05 - Max input, REG407 200
AIL06 - Units for REG407 bar
AIL07 - Decimals for REG407 0
AIL08 - Scaling for REG407 1.00
AIL09 - Function for input OFF
AIL10 - High indication level 200
AIL11 - Low indication level 0
AIL12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIL13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIL14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIL15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIL16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 8
AIM01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIM02 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIM03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIM04 - Min input, REG408 0
AIM05 - Max input, REG408 200
AIM06 - Units for REG408 bar
AIM07 - Decimals for REG408 0
AIM08 - Scaling for REG408 1.00
AIM09 - Function for input OFF
AIM10 - High indication level 200
AIM11 - Low indication level 0
AIM12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIM13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIM14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIM15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIM16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Analog in 9
AIN01 - Input type 4-20 mA
AIN02 - Zero point adjustment 0
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AIN03 - Max point adjustment 0
AIN04 - Min input, REG409 0
AIN05 - Max input, REG409 200
AIN06 - Units for REG409 bar
AIN07 - Decimals for REG409 0
AIN08 - Scaling for REG409 1.00
AIN09 - Function for input OFF
AIN10 - High indication level 200
AIN11 - Low indication level 0
AIN12 - Function for min indication OFF
AIN13 - Function for high indication OFF
AIN14 - Function for low indication OFF
AIN15 - Filter time reading 0.0
AIN16 - Filter time signal 0.0
Tank temp
AIP01 - Zero point adjustment 0
AIP02 - Max point adjustment 0
AIP03 - Units for REG410 °C
Power limit
AIR01 - Limitation level E-motor 1 400
AIR02 - Limitation level E-motor 2 400
AIR03 - Limitation level E-motor 3 400

Analog outputs
Analog out 1
AOA01 - Analog output REG410 (*)
AOA02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOA03 - Zero point adjustment -2 (*)
AOA04 - Max point adjustment -18 (*)
Analog out 2
AOB01 - Analog output REG404 (*)
AOB02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOB03 - Zero point adjustment 2 (*)
AOB04 - Max point adjustment -10 (*)
Analog out 3
AOC01 - Analog output REG109 (*)
AOC02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOC03 - Zero point adjustment 4 (*)
AOC04 - Max point adjustment -12 (*)
Analog out 4
AOD01 - Analog output REG403 (*)
AOD02 - 4-20mA or 2-10V ouput on
AOD03 - Zero point adjustment -6 (*)
AOD04 - Max point adjustment -17 (*)
Type && Function
BTF01 - Type of bus communication Profibus (*)
BTF02 - Max com. drop time 1
BTF03 - Function at com. drop Alarm (*)
BTF04 - Bus data area Ver.2 (*)
BTF05 - Analog byte switching off
BTF06 - Max bus start up time 6
Digital in 1-24
BDI01 - Digital input 1 09 BUS 1
BDI02 - Digital input 2 16 REM 1
BDI03 - Digital input 3 14 START 1
BDI04 - Digital input 4 15 FIXED 1A
BDI05 - Digital input 5 21 OFF (*)
BDI06 - Digital input 6 21 OFF
BDI07 - Digital input 7 21 OFF
BDI08 - Digital input 8 21 OFF
BDI09 - Digital input 9 21 OFF (*)
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BDI10 - Digital input 10 21 OFF (*)
BDI11 - Digital input 11 21 OFF (*)
BDI12 - Digital input 12 21 OFF (*)
BDI13 - Digital input 13 21 OFF (*)
BDI14 - Digital input 14 21 OFF
BDI15 - Digital input 15 21 OFF
BDI16 - Digital input 16 21 OFF
BDI17 - Digital input 17 09 BUS R
BDI18 - Digital input 18 09 ALARM R
BDI19 - Digital input 19 21 OFF
BDI20 - Digital input 20 21 OFF
BDI21 - Digital input 21 21 OFF
BDI22 - Digital input 22 21 OFF
BDI23 - Digital input 23 21 OFF
BDI24 - Digital input 24 21 OFF
Digital in 25-32
BDI25 - Digital input 25 21 OFF
BDI26 - Digital input 26 21 OFF
BDI27 - Digital input 27 21 OFF
BDI28 - Digital input 28 21 OFF
BDI29 - Digital input 29 21 OFF
BDI30 - Digital input 30 21 OFF
BDI31 - Digital input 31 21 OFF
BDI32 - Digital input 32 21 OFF
Analog in 1
BAA01 - Min input, REG501 0
BAA02 - Max input, REG501 200
BAA03 - Units for REG501 %
BAA04 - Decimals for REG501 0
BAA05 - Function for input OFF
BAA06 - High indication level 200
BAA07 - Low indication level 0
BAA08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAA09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 2
BAB01 - Min input, REG502 0
BAB02 - Max input, REG502 200
BAB03 - Units for REG502 %
BAB04 - Decimals for REG502 0
BAB05 - Function for input OFF
BAB06 - High indication level 200
BAB07 - Low indication level 0
BAB08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAB09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 3
BAC01 - Min input, REG503 0
BAC02 - Max input, REG503 200
BAC03 - Units for REG503 °
BAC04 - Decimals for REG503 0
BAC05 - Function for input OFF
BAC06 - High indication level 200
BAC07 - Low indication level 0
BAC08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAC09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 4
BAD01 - Min input, REG504 0
BAD02 - Max input, REG504 200
BAD03 - Units for REG504 bar
BAD04 - Decimals for REG504 0
BAD05 - Function for input OFF
BAD06 - High indication level 200
BAD07 - Low indication level 0
BAD08 - Function for high indication OFF
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BAD09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 5
BAE01 - Min input, REG505 0
BAE02 - Max input, REG505 200
BAE03 - Units for REG505 bar
BAE04 - Decimals for REG505 0
BAE05 - Function for input OFF
BAE06 - High indication level 200
BAE07 - Low indication level 0
BAE08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAE09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 6
BAF01 - Min input, REG506 0
BAF02 - Max input, REG506 200
BAF03 - Units for REG506 bar
BAF04 - Decimals for REG506 0
BAF05 - Function for input OFF
BAF06 - High indication level 200
BAF07 - Low indication level 0
BAF08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAF09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 7
BAG01 - Min input, REG507 0
BAG02 - Max input, REG507 200
BAG03 - Units for REG507 bar
BAG04 - Decimals for REG507 0
BAG05 - Function for input OFF
BAG06 - High indication level 200
BAG07 - Low indication level 0
BAG08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAG09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 8
BAH01 - Min input, REG508 0
BAH02 - Max input, REG508 200
BAH03 - Units for REG508 bar
BAH04 - Decimals for REG508 0
BAH05 - Function for input OFF
BAH06 - High indication level 200
BAH07 - Low indication level 0
BAH08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAH09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 9
BAI01 - Min input, REG509 0
BAI02 - Max input, REG509 200
BAI03 - Units for REG509 bar
BAI04 - Decimals for REG509 0
BAI05 - Function for input OFF
BAI06 - High indication level 200
BAI07 - Low indication level 0
BAI08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAI09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog in 10
BAJ01 - Min input, REG510 0
BAJ02 - Max input, REG510 200
BAJ03 - Units for REG510 bar
BAJ04 - Decimals for REG510 0
BAJ05 - Function for input OFF
BAJ06 - High indication level 200
BAJ07 - Low indication level 0
BAJ08 - Function for high indication OFF
BAJ09 - Function for low indication OFF
Analog out
BAK01 - Analog output register REG410 (*)
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BAK02 - Analog output register REG404 (*)
BAK03 - Analog output register REG109 (*)
BAK04 - Analog output register REG403 (*)
BAK05 - Analog output register OFF
BAK06 - Analog output register OFF
BAK07 - Analog output register OFF
BAK08 - Analog output register OFF
BAK09 - Analog output register OFF
BAK10 - Analog output register OFF
BAK11 - Analog output register OFF
BAK12 - Analog output register OFF
Pump monitor
Pump 1
PMA01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMA02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMA03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMA04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMA05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMA06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMA07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMA08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMA09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMA10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMA11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMA12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMA13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMA14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 2
PMB01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMB02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMB03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMB04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMB05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMB06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMB07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMB08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMB09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMB10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMB11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMB12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMB13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMB14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 3
PMC01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMC02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMC03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMC04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
PMC05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMC06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMC07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMC08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMC09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMC10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMC11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMC12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMC13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMC14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Pump 4
PMD01 - Charge pr. interlock delay 5 sec
PMD02 - Delay, Charge pr. A 0.5 sec
PMD03 - Delay, Charge pr. B 0.5 sec
PMD04 - Delay, Suction line 0.0 sec
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PMD05 - Delay, Return filter 75% 7.0 sec
PMD06 - Delay, Return filter 100% 7.0 sec
PMD07 - Return filter alarm OFF
PMD08 - Delay, High work pr. A 7.0 sec
PMD09 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
PMD10 - Delay, High work pr. B 7.0 sec
PMD11 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
PMD12 - Signal plausibility check on
PMD13 - Error limits between in/out 50
PMD14 - Analog pressure sensor off
Tank monitor
TMA01 - Delay, Low oil level warn. 0.0 sec
TMA02 - Delay, Min oil level alarm 0.0 sec
TMA03 - Delay, Min temp alarm 0.0 sec
TMA04 - Delay, High temp warn. 0.0 sec
TMA05 - Delay, Max temp alarm 0.5 sec
TMA06 - Delay, Drain 75% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA07 - Delay, Drain 100% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA08 - Drain filter alarm OFF
TMA09 - Min oil temp function A
TMA10 - Delay, Aux filter 75% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA11 - Delay, Aux filter 100% warn. 7.0 sec
TMA12 - Aux filter alarm OFF
Analog temp
TMB01 - Analog temp sensor on
TMB03 - Max oil temp alarm level 60 (*)
TMB04 - High oil temp warning level 55
TMB05 - Cooling temp on level (rise) 40
TMB06 - Cooling hysteresis 3
TMB07 - Filter interlock temp level 0
TMB08 - Heating temp on level (fall) 15
TMB09 - Heating hysteresis 3
TMB10 - Min oil temp alarm level 0 (*)
TMB11 - Warm flush on level (falling) 30
TMB12 - Flushing hysteresis 3
TMB13 - Min flush pump temp 0
TMB14 - Warm flush on level (rising) 10
TMB15 - Flushing hysteresis 3
TMB16 - Warm flush on delay 2.0
TMB17 - Cooler forward time 12
TMB18 - Cooler reverse time 10
TMB19 - Cooler motor on delay 10.0
TMB20 - Cooler rev. at e-motor start on
TMB21 - Oil temp interlock level 65 (*)
Analog level
TMC01 - Analog level sensor off
TMC03 - Min oil alarm level 2150
TMC04 - Low oil warning level 2250
TMC05 - Max oil indication level 2400
TMC06 - Overfill warning level 2450
TMC07 - Delay, Overfill oil level 0.0 sec

Aux monitor
Aux 1
AMA01 - Aux function W D1
AMA02 - Aux delay time 7.0 (*)
AMA03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMA04 - Aux configurable text Flush Filter Clogged (*)
AMA05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 2
AMB01 - Aux function W D1
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AMB02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMB03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMB04 - Aux configurable text AUX 2
AMB05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 3
AMC01 - Aux function W D1
AMC02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMC03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMC04 - Aux configurable text High System Pressure (*)
AMC05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 4
AMD01 - Aux function W D1
AMD02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMD03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMD04 - Aux configurable text AUX 4
AMD05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 5
AME01 - Aux function W D1
AME02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AME03 - Aux memory bypass off
AME04 - Aux configurable text AUX 5
AME05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 6
AMF01 - Aux function W D1
AMF02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMF03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMF04 - Aux configurable text AUX 6
AMF05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 7
AMG01 - Aux function W D1
AMG02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMG03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMG04 - Aux configurable text AUX 7
AMG05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 8
AMH01 - Aux function W D1
AMH02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMH03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMH04 - Aux configurable text AUX 8
AMH05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 9
AMI01 - Aux function W D1
AMI02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMI03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMI04 - Aux configurable text AUX 9
AMI05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 10
AMJ01 - Aux function W D1
AMJ02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMJ03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMJ04 - Aux configurable text AUX 10
AMJ05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 11
AMK01 - Aux function W D1
AMK02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMK03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMK04 - Aux configurable text AUX 11
AMK05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 12
AML01 - Aux function W D1
AML02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AML03 - Aux memory bypass off
AML04 - Aux configurable text AUX 12
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AML05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 13
AMM01 - Aux function W D1
AMM02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMM03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMM04 - Aux configurable text AUX 13
AMM05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 14
AMN01 - Aux function W D1
AMN02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMN03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMN04 - Aux configurable text AUX 14
AMN05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 15
AMO01 - Aux function W D1
AMO02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMO03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMO04 - Aux configurable text AUX 15
AMO05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 16
AMP01 - Aux function W D1
AMP02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMP03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMP04 - Aux configurable text AUX 16
AMP05 - Aux inverted input off
Aux 17
AMQ01 - Aux function W D1
AMQ02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMQ03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMQ04 - Aux configurable text AUX 17
AMQ05 - Aux inverted input off
AMQ06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMQ07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMQ08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 17 A
Aux 18
AMR01 - Aux function W D1
AMR02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMR03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMR04 - Aux configurable text AUX 18
AMR05 - Aux inverted input off
AMR06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMR07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMR08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 18 A
Aux 19
AMS01 - Aux function W D1
AMS02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMS03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMS04 - Aux configurable text AUX 19
AMS05 - Aux inverted input off
AMS06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMS07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMS08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 19 A
Aux 20
AMT01 - Aux function W D1
AMT02 - Aux delay time 1.0
AMT03 - Aux memory bypass off
AMT04 - Aux configurable text AUX 20
AMT05 - Aux inverted input off
AMT06 - Aux function 2 OFF
AMT07 - Aux delay time 2 OFF
AMT08 - Aux configurable text 2 AUX 20 A
Drive monitor
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EUSP B10-0101_kyw1clb_120816_1605.txt
Start interlock
DMA01 - Start alternative, drive 1 and
DMA02 - Start delay time, drive 1 5 sec
DMA03 - Start alternative, drive 2 and
DMA04 - Start delay time, drive 2 5 sec
Drive 1
DMB01 - Delay, charge pressure A 0.5 sec
DMB02 - Delay, charge pressure B 0.5 sec
DMB03 - Delay, E-motor temp 0.0 sec
DMB04 - Delay, work pressure A 7.0 sec
DMB05 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
DMB06 - Delay, work pressure B 7.0 sec
DMB07 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
DMB08 - Analog pressure sensor off
Drive 2
DMC01 - Delay, charge pressure A 0.5 sec
DMC02 - Delay, charge pressure B 0.5 sec
DMC03 - Delay, E-motor temp 0.0 sec
DMC04 - Delay, work pressure A 7.0 sec
DMC05 - Mem bypass, work pr. A off
DMC06 - Delay, work pressure B 7.0 sec
DMC07 - Mem bypass, work pr. B off
DMC08 - Analog pressure sensor off
Emotor interlock
DMD01 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 1 1.5
DMD02 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 2 1.5
DMD03 - Delay, Interlock E-motor 3 1.5
DMD04 - Delay, Charge pump Dr. 1 2.0
DMD05 - Delay, Charge pump Dr. 2 2.0
Drain temp
DME01 - Drain temp function active off
DME02 - Shutdown temp lvl (falling) 2
DME03 - Stand-by flush on lvl (falling) 5
DME04 - Stand-by flush hysteresis 3
DME05 - Start delay time cold oil 300
DME06 - Start delay time warm oil 10
DME07 - Start delay switching lvl 20
Compare calc. (1)
DMF01 - Register A for REG701 OFF
DMF02 - Register B for REG701 OFF
DMF03 - Register C for REG701 OFF
DMF04 - Constant K for REG701 10000
DMF05 - Operation for REG701 OFF
DMF06 - Function for REG701 OFF
DMF07 - Register A for REG702 OFF
DMF08 - Register B for REG702 OFF
DMF09 - Register C for REG702 OFF
DMF10 - Constant K for REG702 10000
DMF11 - Operation for REG702 OFF
DMF12 - Function for REG702 OFF
DMF13 - Register A for REG703 OFF
DMF14 - Register B for REG703 OFF
DMF15 - Register C for REG703 OFF
DMF16 - Constant K for REG703 10000
DMF17 - Operation for REG703 OFF
DMF18 - Function for REG703 OFF
Compare calc. (2)
DMF19 - Register A for REG704 OFF
DMF20 - Register B for REG704 OFF
DMF21 - Register C for REG704 OFF
DMF22 - Constant K for REG704 10000
DMF23 - Operation for REG704 OFF
DMF24 - Function for REG704 OFF
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DMF25 - Register A for REG705 OFF
DMF26 - Register B for REG705 OFF
DMF27 - Register C for REG705 OFF
DMF28 - Constant K for REG705 10000
DMF29 - Operation for REG705 OFF
DMF30 - Function for REG705 OFF
DMF31 - Register A for REG706 OFF
DMF32 - Register B for REG706 OFF
DMF33 - Register C for REG706 OFF
DMF34 - Constant K for REG706 10000
DMF35 - Operation for REG706 OFF
DMF36 - Function for REG706 OFF
Compare display
DMG01 - Min display value REG701 0
DMG02 - Max display value REG701 200
DMG03 - Units for REG701 bar
DMG04 - Nr. of decimals for REG701 0
DMG05 - Min display value REG702 0
DMG06 - Max display value REG702 200
DMG07 - Units for REG702 bar
DMG08 - Nr. of decimals for REG702 0
DMG09 - Min display value REG703 0
DMG10 - Max display value REG703 200
DMG11 - Units for REG703 bar
DMG12 - Nr. of decimals for REG703 0
DMG13 - Min display value REG704 0
DMG14 - Max display value REG704 200
DMG15 - Units for REG704 bar
DMG16 - Nr. of decimals for REG704 0
DMG17 - Min display value REG705 0
DMG18 - Max display value REG705 200
DMG19 - Units for REG705 bar
DMG20 - Nr. of decimals for REG705 0
DMG21 - Min display value REG706 0
DMG22 - Max display value REG706 200
DMG23 - Units for REG706 bar
DMG24 - Nr. of decimals for REG706 0

H.motor mon.
Temp limit
HMA01 - Limitation level, H-motor 1 60
HMA02 - Limitation level, H-motor 2 60
HMA03 - Limitation level, H-motor 3 60
HMA04 - Limitation level, H-motor 4 60
Drive connection
HMB01 - Drive for Hydr. motor 1 Drive 1
HMB02 - Drive for Hydr. motor 2 OFF
HMB03 - Drive for Hydr. motor 3 OFF
HMB04 - Drive for Hydr. motor 4 OFF
Drive 1 basic
D1A01 - Speed setpoint Local/Remote (*)
D1A02 - Type of command signal Unidirectional (*)
D1A03 - Reset of local setpoint yes
D1A04 - Reverse input on (*)
D1A05 - Reverse command setpoint -10.0 (*)
D1A06 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1B) 10.0
D1A07 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1A) -10.0
D1A08 - Drive front panel buttons on
D1A09 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1D) 20.0
D1A10 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 1C) -20.0
D1A11 - Multipump setpoint limit on
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EUSP B10-0101_kyw1clb_120816_1605.txt
D1C01 - Up ramp time forward 3.0 (*)
D1C02 - Down ramp time forward 3.0 (*)
D1C03 - Up ramp time reverse 3.0 (*)
D1C04 - Down ramp time reverse 3.0 (*)
D1D02 - Feed forward function on
D1D03 - Proportional regulator on (*)
D1D04 - Integrating regulator on (*)
D1D05 - Derivation regulator off
D1D06 - Proportional gain 0.1
D1D07 - Integration time 10.0
D1D08 - Derivation time 0.10
D1D09 - Derivation decline time 0.1
D1D10 - Max feedback deviation 50
D1D11 - Regulated or nonregulated Regulated (*)
D1E01 - Max motor shaft speed 4.6 (*)
D1E02 - Feedback selection Digital
D1E03 - Filter time for feedback 0.0
Power limitation
D1F01 - Delay time, power limitation 0.5
D1F02 - Ramp time, power limitation 20.0
D1F03 - Min power limit level 0
D1G01 - Brake function off
D1G02 - Brake close delay (off) 2.0
D1G03 - Brake open ind. delay (on) 2.0
D1G04 - Brake monitor delay (on) 5.0

Drive 2 basic
D2A01 - Speed setpoint Local
D2A02 - Type of command signal Bidirectional
D2A03 - Reset of local setpoint yes
D2A04 - Reverse input off
D2A05 - Reverse command setpoint -20.0
D2A06 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2B) 10.0
D2A07 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2A) -10.0
D2A08 - Drive front panel buttons on
D2A09 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2D) 20.0
D2A10 - Digital setpoint (FIXED 2C) -20.0
D2A11 - Multipump setpoint limit on
D2C01 - Up ramp time forward 2.0
D2C02 - Down ramp time forward 2.0
D2C03 - Up ramp time reverse 2.0
D2C04 - Down ramp time reverse 2.0
D2D02 - Feed forward function on
D2D03 - Proportional regulator off
D2D04 - Integrating regulator off
D2D05 - Derivation regulator off
D2D06 - Proportional gain 0.1
D2D07 - Integration time 10.0
D2D08 - Derivation time 0.10
D2D09 - Derivation decline time 0.1
D2D10 - Max feedback deviation 50
D2D11 - Regulated or nonregulated Non-regulated
D2E01 - Max motor shaft speed 10.0
D2E02 - Feedback selection Digital
D2E03 - Filter time for feedback 0.0
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EUSP B10-0101_kyw1clb_120816_1605.txt
Power limitation
D2F01 - Delay time, power limitation 0.5
D2F02 - Ramp time, power limitation 20.0
D2F03 - Min power limit level 0
D2G01 - Brake function off
D2G02 - Brake close delay (off) 2.0
D2G03 - Brake open ind. delay (on) 2.0
D2G04 - Brake monitor delay (on) 5.0

Shredder 1
SHA01 - Reverse control Pressure, separate
SHA02 - Reverse stop function Going to forward
SHA03 - Delay before reversal 3.0
SHA04 - Reversal time 10.0
SHA05 - Reverse delay SHA02 3.0
SHA06 - Forward time 10.0
SHA07 - Interval direction funct. off
SHA08 - Forward time interval 60
SHA09 - Reverse time interval 60
SHA10 - Selection of regulated dr. Unregulated
SHA11 - Stop trig signal to Drive 2 off
SHB01 - Reverse command setpoint Forward
SHB02 - Scale factor for reverse 100
SHB03 - Analog pressure sensor off
SHB04 - High pr. level, forward 200
SHB05 - High pr. level, reverse 200
SHB06 - Sh. interval command A 75.0
SHB07 - Sh. interval command B 50.0
SHB08 - Activation of interval com. off
SHC01 - Window time for counter 60
SHC02 - Reversal counter 5

Shredder 2
SHG01 - Reverse control Pressure, separate
SHG02 - Reverse stop function Going to forward
SHG03 - Delay before reversal 3.0
SHG04 - Reversal time 10.0
SHG05 - Reverse delay SHG02 3.0
SHG06 - Forward time 10.0
SHG07 - Interval direction funct. off
SHG08 - Forward time interval 60
SHG09 - Reverse time interval 60
SHG10 - Selection of regulated dr. Unregulated
SHG11 - Stop trig signal to Drive 2 off
SHH01 - Reverse command setpoint Forward
SHH02 - Scale factor for reverse 100
SHH03 - Analog pressure sensor off
SHH04 - High pr. level, forward 200
SHH05 - High pr. level, reverse 200
SHH06 - Sh. interval command A 75.0
SHH07 - Sh. interval command B 50.0
SHH08 - Activation of interval com. off
SHH09 - Common interval off
SHI01 - Window time for counter 60
SHI02 - Reversal counter 5

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EUSP B10-0101_kyw1clb_120816_1605.txt
SYA01 - Type of synchronisation RATIO
SYA02 - Master command D1 Master - D2 Slave
Drive 1 reset
SYB01 - Counter reset command Reset by start
SYB02 - Enable of counter reset E-motors start
Drive 2 setpoint
SYC01 - Drive 2 low friction limit 70
SYC02 - Drive 2 high friction limit 130
SYC03 - Offset reset by motor start off
SYC04 - Offset for Drive 2 0.0
Drive 2 indication
SYD01 - Synchro indication limit 5
SYD02 - Sync time 1.0
Drive 2 reset
SYE01 - Counter reset command Reset by start
SYE02 - Enable of counter reset E-motors start
Master setpoint
SYF01 - Up ramp time forward 2.0
SYF02 - Down ramp time forward 2.0
SYF03 - Up ramp time reverse 2.0
SYF04 - Down ramp time reverse 2.0
SYF05 - Master max speed 10.0
Drive 1 setpoint
SYG01 - Drive 1 low friction limit 70
SYG02 - Drive 1 high friction limit 130

Pressure 1
PRA01 - Pressure control off
PRA02 - Reverse control action off
PRA03 - Low pressure control off
PRA04 - High pressure control off
PRA05 - Filter time, low pr. control 5.0
PRA06 - Filter time, high pr. control 5.0
Pr. setpoint
PRB01 - Pressure setpoint Local
PRB02 - Local pressure setpoint 200
PRB03 - Low limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRB04 - High limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRB05 - Low limit, PID output 10
PRB06 - High limit, PID output 10
PRB07 - Max pressure 250
PRB08 - PID output breakpoint 20
PRC01 - Proportional regulator off
PRC02 - Integrating regulator off
PRC03 - Derivation regulator off
PRC04 - Proportional gain 0.1
PRC05 - Integration time 10.0
PRC06 - Derivation time 0.10
PRC07 - Derivation decline time 0.1
PRC08 - Filter time for pr. feedback 0.0
Pressure 2
PRG01 - Pressure control off
PRG02 - Reverse control action off
PRG03 - Low pressure control off
PRG04 - High pressure control off
PRG05 - Filter time, low pr. control 5.0
PRG06 - Filter time, high pr. control 5.0
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Pr. setpoint
PRH01 - Pressure setpoint Local
PRH02 - Local pressure setpoint 200
PRH03 - Low limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRH04 - High limit, pressure setpoint 25
PRH05 - Low limit, PID output 10
PRH06 - High limit, PID output 10
PRH07 - Max pressure 250
PRH08 - PID output breakpoint 20
PRI01 - Proportional regulator off
PRI02 - Integrating regulator off
PRI03 - Derivation regulator off
PRI04 - Proportional gain 0.1
PRI05 - Integration time 10.0
PRI06 - Derivation time 0.10
PRI07 - Derivation decline time 0.1
PRI08 - Filter time for pr. feedback 0.0
Reading 1
Scroll menu
R1A01 - Text for reading 1 TANKTEMP
R1A02 - Reading 1 REG410
R1A03 - Text for reading 2 SYS PRES (*)
R1A04 - Reading 2 REG404 (*)
R1A05 - Text for reading 3 CHR PRES (*)
R1A06 - Reading 3 REG403 (*)
R1A07 - Text for reading 4 READING4
R1A08 - Reading 4 OFF
R1A09 - Text for reading 5 READING5
R1A10 - Reading 5 OFF
R1A11 - Text for reading 6 READING6
R1A12 - Reading 6 OFF
R1A13 - Text for reading 7 READING7
R1A14 - Reading 7 OFF
R1A15 - Text for reading 8 READING8
R1A16 - Reading 8 OFF
R1A17 - Text for reading 9 READING9
R1A18 - Reading 9 OFF
Left upper
R1B01 - Reading REG102
Right upper
R1C01 - Reading REG106
Left lower
R1D01 - Reading REG109
Right lower
R1E01 - Reading REG311

Reading 2
Scroll menu
R2A01 - Text for reading 1 READING1
R2A02 - Reading 1 OFF
R2A03 - Text for reading 2 READING2
R2A04 - Reading 2 OFF
R2A05 - Text for reading 3 READING3
R2A06 - Reading 3 OFF
R2A07 - Text for reading 4 READING4
R2A08 - Reading 4 OFF
R2A09 - Text for reading 5 READING5
R2A10 - Reading 5 OFF
R2A11 - Text for reading 6 READING6
R2A12 - Reading 6 OFF
R2A13 - Text for reading 7 READING7
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R2A14 - Reading 7 OFF
R2A15 - Text for reading 8 READING8
R2A16 - Reading 8 OFF
R2A17 - Text for reading 9 READING9
R2A18 - Reading 9 OFF
Left upper
R2B01 - Reading REG202
Right upper
R2C01 - Reading REG206
Left lower
R2D01 - Reading REG209
Right lower
R2E01 - Reading REG321
Log function
Log 1
Date and time 120611 15:18
STA1 - Status for log register ON
MT1 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI1 - Setting of upper limit 56.0
LLO1 - Setting of lower limit 40.0
REG1 - Choice of register for logging REG410
Log 2
Date and time 120611 15:18
STA2 - Status for log register ON
MT2 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI2 - Setting of upper limit 4.0
LLO2 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG2 - Choice of register for logging REG109
Log 3
Date and time 120611 15:19
STA3 - Status for log register ON
MT3 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI3 - Setting of upper limit 250.0
LLO3 - Setting of lower limit 150.0
REG3 - Choice of register for logging REG403
Log 4
Date and time 000000 0:0
STA4 - Status for log register EMPTY
MT4 - Interval time 0 sec
LHI4 - Setting of upper limit 0.0
LLO4 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG4 - Choice of register for logging OFF
Log 5
Date and time 120611 15:20
STA5 - Status for log register ON
MT5 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHI5 - Setting of upper limit 2000.0
LLO5 - Setting of lower limit 350.0
REG5 - Choice of register for logging REG404
Log 6
Date and time 000000 0:0
STA6 - Status for log register EMPTY
MT6 - Interval time 0 sec
LHI6 - Setting of upper limit 0.0
LLO6 - Setting of lower limit 0.0
REG6 - Choice of register for logging OFF
Log 7
Date and time 120611 15:25
STA7 - Status for log register ON
MT7 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHIX7 - Setting of upper limit, X axis 4.0
LLOX7 - Setting of lower limit, X axis 0.0
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REGX7 - Choice of register for X axis logging REG109
LHIY7 - Setting of upper limit, Y axis 250.0
LLOY7 - Setting of lower limit, Y axis 150.0
REGY7 - Choice of register for Y axis logging REG403
LHIZ7 - Setting of upper limit, Z axis 56.0
LLOZ7 - Setting of lower limit, Z axis 40.0
REGZ7 - Choice of register for Z axis logging REG410
Log 8
Date and time 120611 15:27
STA8 - Status for log register ON
MT8 - Interval time 1800000 sec
LHIX8 - Setting of upper limit, X axis 4.0
LLOX8 - Setting of lower limit, X axis 0.0
REGX8 - Choice of register for X axis logging REG109
LHIY8 - Setting of upper limit, Y axis 2000.0
LLOY8 - Setting of lower limit, Y axis 350.0
REGY8 - Choice of register for Y axis logging REG404
LHIZ8 - Setting of upper limit, Z axis 56.0
LLOZ8 - Setting of lower limit, Z axis 40.0
REGZ8 - Choice of register for Z axis logging REG410

(*) Not default value

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Bus setting 2011049 Buslist.xls

1. Address table - Incoming data

In total 28 bytes are received from the Bus. Analog value data is to be in the data form "signed word" which Should be
limited to a value range in-between -10 000 to +10 000. The first two words are reserved for the set-points for drive 1
and drive 2. The following 4 words are selectable analog inputs. Digital signals are represented by one bit, in total for
24 inputs, 3 bytes. The last 6 words are additional selectable analog inputs.

Function Byte Used functions Remarks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Set point 0 15 8 Drive 1
drive 1 1 7 0 setpoint (+/-0 -100%)
Set point 2 Drive 2
drive 2 3 setpoint (+/-0 -100%)
Analog IN 4 Not used
1 5
Analog IN 6 Not used
2 7
Analog IN 8 Not used
3 9
Analog IN 10 Not used
4 11
12 7 0 See digital chart
Digital IN 13 15 8 for used digital
14 23 16 inputs in this setup
Reserved 15
Analog IN 16 Not used
5 17
Analog IN 18 Not used
6 19
Analog IN 20 Not used
7 21
Analog IN 22 Not used
8 23
Analog IN 24 Not used
9 25
Analog IN 26 Not used
10 27

The analog values are in "signed word" data format. Negative numbers are the 2's complement of the positive ones.
Below is a table with some examples

Signed word value, binary format Decimal value % signal value

Most significant byte Least significant byte
0010 0111 0001 0000 10000 100
1101 1000 1111 0000 -10000 -100
0001 0011 1000 1000 5000 50
1110 1100 0111 1000 -5000 -50
0000 1001 1100 0100 2500 25
1111 0110 0011 1100 -2500 -25

Bus setting 2011049 Buslist.xls

2. Digital Chart (digital inputs from bus)

Function Byte Used functions Remarks
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
BUS 1 12 1 Switch to bus command mode drive 1
REM 1 12 1 Switch to remote command mode drive 1
START 1 12 1 Start/stop drive 1 in bus command mode
FIXED 1A 12 1 Fixed speed A (reverse) drive 1
Not used 12 1
Not used 12 1
Not used 12 1
Not used 12 1
Not used 13 1
Not used 13 1
Not used 13 1
Not used 13 1
Not used 13 1
Not Used 13 1
Not Used 13 1
Not Used 13 1
Select reset of alarms and warnings via
BUS R 14 1
ALARM R 14 1 Remote reset of alarms and wannings
Not Used 14 1
Not Used 14 1
Not Used 14 1
Not Used 14 1
Not Used 14 1
Not Used 14 1

Bus setting 2011049 Buslist.xls

3. Address table-Outgoing data

In total 54 bytes are transferred to the Bus. Analog value data is in the data form "signed word", limited to a value range
in-between -10 000 to +10 000. The first word is reserved for the protocol version, the second for the software version.
The following 8 words are the selectable analog outputs, as earlier described. The next 26 bytes are the digital outputs.
The last 4 words are selectable analog outputs. Digital signals are represented by one bit,
in total for 144 outputs, 18 bytes.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Function > Used functions Range/scaling
Protocal - 0 N/A
Version 1 3 0 3 0
Software - 2 3 0 3 0 N/A
Version 3
Analog 4 15 8 Tank temperature REG 410 0=0 °C
OUT 1 5 7 0 ±10000= ±100 °C
Analog 6 System Pressure REG 404 0=0 PSI
OUT 2 7 10000= 6000 PSI
Analog 8 Actual drive speed REG 109 0=0 Rpm
OUT 3 9 ±10000=±5 Rpm
Analog 10 Charge Pressure REG 403 0=0 PSI
OUT 4 11 10000= 1000 PSI
Analog 12 Not used
OUT 5 13
Analog 14 Not used
OUT 6 15
Analog 16 Not used
OUT 7 17
Analog 18 Not used
OUT 8 19
20 7 0
21 15 8
22 23 16
23 31 24
24 39 32
25 47 40
26 55 48
27 63 56
28 71 64
Digital Out
29 79 72
30 87 80
31 95 88
32 103 96
33 111 104
34 119 112
35 127 120
36 135 128
37 143 136

Bus setting 2011049 Buslist.xls

38 151 144
39 159 152
40 167 160
41 175 168
Digital Out
42 183 176
43 191 184
44 199 192
45 207 200
Analog 46 15 8 Not used
OUT 9 47 7 0
Analog 48 Not used
OUT 10 49
Analog 50 Not used
OUT 11 51
Analog 52 Not used
OUT 12 53

Bus setting 2011049 Buslist.xls

4. Address table-Outgoing data, digital output

Address Description of digital output Remarks

20. 0 Drive 1 started
20. 1 Drive 1 in remote command mode
20. 2 Drive 1 in automatic mode (Shredder)
20. 3 Power limit active, Drive 1
20. 4 Drive 1 running forward (positive command signal)
20. 5 Drive 1 running reverse (negative command signal)
20. 6 Drive 1 in regulated mode (Basic and Synchro)
20. 7 Pressure control low active, drive 1
21. 0 Pressure control high active, drive 1
21. 1 Pressure control active, drive 1
21. 2 Power limit active
21. 3 Shredder blocked, drive 1
21. 4 Drive 2 started
21. 5 Drive 2 in remote command mode
21. 6 Drive 2 in automatic mode (Shredder)
21. 7 Power limit active, Drive 2
22. 0 Drive 2 running forward (positive command signal)
22. 1 Drive 2 running reverse (negative command signal)
22. 2 Drive 2 in regulated mode (Basic and Synchro)
22. 3 Indication for found zero position in Synchro counter function (synchro activated)
22. 4 Synchro within limits (set in parameter SYD01)
22. 5 Pressure control low active, drive 2
22. 6 Pressure control high active, drive 2
22. 7 Pressure control active, drive 2
23. 0 Shredder blocked, drive 2
23. 1 Sum Alarm, Drive 1
23. 2 Sum Alarm, Drive 2
23. 3 Sum Warning, Drive 1
23. 4 Sum Warning, Drive 2
23. 5 Sum Interlock, Drive 1
23. 6 Sum Interlock, Drive 2
23. 7 Ready to use, Drive1
24. 0 Ready to use, Drive2
24. 1 Electric motor(s) for drive 1 started
24. 2 Electric motor(s) for drive 2 started
24. 3 Cooler control when using analog temp sensor, interlocked with ELM started
24. 4 Heater control when using analog temp sensor
24. 5 Cooler control when using analog temp sensor
24. 6 Flush heating valve control when using analog temp sensor
24. 7 High temperature auxiliary electric motor
25. 0 Electric motor 1 started
25. 1 Electric motor 2 started
25. 2 Electric motor 3 started
25. 3 Electric motor 1 interlock
25. 4 Electric motor 2 interlock
25. 5 Electric motor 3 interlock
25. 6 Sum Disable, Drive 1
25. 7 Sum Disable, Drive 2

Color legend for table:

Indication signals
Interlock signals/limitation indicatio
Warnings that will not stop the drive
Alarms that will stop the drive

Bus setting 2011049 Buslist.xls

Address Description of digital output Remarks

26. 0 Auxillary function 1 active, flushing filter clogged
26. 1 Auxillary function 2 active
26. 2 Auxillary function 3 active
26. 3 Auxillary function 4 active
26. 4 Auxillary function 5 active
26. 5 Auxillary function 6 active
26. 6 Auxillary function 7 active
26. 7 Auxillary function 8 active
27. 0 Auxillary function 9 active
27. 1 Auxillary function 10 active
27. 2 Auxillary function 11 active
27. 3 Auxillary function 12 active
27. 4 Auxillary function 13 active
27. 5 Auxillary function 14 active
27. 6 Auxillary function 15 active
27. 7 Auxillary function 16 active
28. 0 Auxillary function 17 active
28. 1 Auxillary function 18 active
28. 2 Auxillary function 19 active
28. 3 Auxillary function 20 active
28. 4 Minimum oil level in tank
28. 5 Low oil level in tank
28. 6 Max oil temperature in system
28. 7 Min oil temperature in system
29. 0 High oil temperature in system
29. 1 Monitor of drain filter clogged to 75%
29. 2 Monitor of drain filter fully clogged
29. 3 Monitor of drain filter fully clogged (timed into alarm)
29. 4 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 1
29. 5 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 2
29. 6 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 3
29. 7 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 4
30. 0 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 1
30. 1 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 2
30. 2 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 3
30. 3 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 4
30. 4 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 1
30. 5 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 2
30. 6 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 3
30. 7 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 4
31. 0 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 1
31. 1 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 2
31. 2 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 3
31. 3 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 4
31. 4 Suction line monitor for pump 1
31. 5 Suction line monitor for pump 2
31. 6 Suction line monitor for pump 3
31. 7 Suction line monitor for pump 4

Color legend for table:

Indication signals
Interlock signals/limitation indicatio
Warnings that will not stop the drive
Alarms that will stop the drive

Bus setting 2011049 Buslist.xls

Address Description of digital output Remarks

32. 0 Monitor of return filter for pump 1 clogged to 75%
32. 1 Monitor of return filter for pump 2 clogged to 75%
32. 2 Monitor of return filter for pump 3 clogged to 75%
32. 3 Monitor of return filter for pump 4 clogged to 75%
32. 4 Monitor of return filter for pump 1 fully clogged
32. 5 Monitor of return filter for pump 2 fully clogged
32. 6 Monitor of return filter for pump 3 fully clogged
32. 7 Monitor of return filter for pump 4 fully clogged
33. 0 Monitor of return filter for pump 1 fully clogged (timed into alarm)
33. 1 Monitor of return filter for pump 2 fully clogged (timed into alarm)
33. 2 Monitor of return filter for pump 3 fully clogged (timed into alarm)
33. 3 Monitor of return filter for pump 4 fully clogged (timed into alarm)
33. 4 Pump 1 output error, impedance on output incorrect
33. 5 Pump 2 output error, impedance on output incorrect
33. 6 Pump 3 output error, impedance on output incorrect
33. 7 Pump 4 output error, impedance on output incorrect
34. 0 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for drive 1
34. 1 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for drive 1
34. 2 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for drive 2
34. 3 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for drive 2
34. 4 High pressure A-side monitor function for drive 1
34. 5 High pressure B-side monitor function for drive 1
34. 6 High pressure A-side monitor function for drive 2
34. 7 High pressure B-side monitor function for drive 2
35. 0 High temp electric motor 1 monitor function drive 1
35. 1 High temp electric motor 2 monitor function drive 1
35. 2 High temp electric motor 3 monitor function drive 1
35. 3 High temp electric motor 1 monitor function drive 2
35. 4 High temp electric motor 2 monitor function drive 2
35. 5 High temp electric motor 3 monitor function drive 2
35. 6 Error to large on drive 1 when regulated
35. 7 Error to large on drive 2 when regulated
36. 0 Shredder blocked drive 1
36. 1 Shredder blocked drive 2
36. 2 Hardware emergency stop actuated
36. 3 Bus failure
36. 4 Spider hardware failure
36. 5 Software emergency stop actuated
36. 6 Drive 1 in bus command mode
36. 7 Drive 2 in bus command mode
37. 0 Auxillary function 17 active
37. 1 Auxillary function 18 active
37. 2 Auxillary function 19 active
37. 3 Auxillary function 20 active
37. 4 Pump 1 is selected to be OFF
37. 5 Pump 2 is selected to be OFF
37. 6 Pump 3 is selected to be OFF
37. 7 Pump 4 is selected to be OFF
38. 0 Drive running with fixed 1A command
38. 1 Drive running with fixed 1B command
38. 2 Drive running with fixed 1C command
38. 3 Drive running with fixed 1D command
38. 4 Drive running with fixed 2A command
38. 5 Drive running with fixed 2B command
38. 6 Drive running with fixed 2C command
38. 7 Drive running with fixed 2D command

Bus setting 2011049 Buslist.xls

Address Description of digital output Remarks

39. 0 Auxiliary pump is on (contact response from starter unit)
39. 1 Auxiliary pump start command is on (din/bdin from customer)
39. 2 The ramp is disabled for drive 1
39. 3 The ramp is disabled for drive 2
39. 4 Suction line monitor for auxiliary pump
39. 5 Minimum flushing temperature alarm
39. 6 Drive 1 ready for electric motor start
39. 7 Drive 2 ready for electric motor start
40. 0 Low accumulator pressure pump 1A
40. 1 Low accumulator pressure pump 1B
40. 2 Low accumulator pressure pump 2A
40. 3 Low accumulator pressure pump 2B
40. 4 Low accumulator pressure pump 3A
40. 5 Low accumulator pressure pump 3B
40. 6 Low accumulator pressure pump 4A
40. 7 Low accumulator pressure pump 4B
41. 0 Status of digital input 28
41. 1 Status of digital input 29
41. 2 Status of digital input 30
41. 3 Status of digital input 31
41. 4 Status of digital input 32
41. 5 Status of digital input 33
41. 6 Status of digital input 34
41. 7 Status of digital input 35
42. 0 Status of digital input 36
42. 1 Status of digital input 37
42. 2 Status of digital input 38
42. 3 Status of digital input 39
42. 4 Status of digital input 40
42. 5 Status of digital input 41
42. 6 Status of digital input 42
42. 7 Status of digital input 43
43. 0 High drain temperature hydraulic motor 1
43. 1 Max drain temperature hydraulic motor 1
43. 2 High drain temperature hydraulic motor 2
43. 3 Max drain temperature hydraulic motor 2
43. 4 High drain temperature hydraulic motor 3
43. 5 Max drain temperature hydraulic motor 3
43. 6 High drain temperature hydraulic motor 4
43. 7 Max drain temperature hydraulic motor 4
44. 0 Minimum oil drain temperature for drive start
44. 1 Flush temperature is low (stand-by flushing active)
44. 2 Start auxiliary pump (start/stop command from spider to starter unit)
44. 3 Charge pump 1 interlock
44. 4 Charge pump 2 interlock
44. 5 Auxiliary pump filter 75% full (warning)
44. 6 Auxiliary pump filter 100% full (warning)
44. 7 Auxiliary pump filter 100% full (timed into alarm)
45. 0 Drive 1 break is active (break applied)
45. 1 Drive 1 break open command
45. 2 Drive 2 break is active (break applied)
45. 3 Drive 2 break open command
45. 4 Oil tank full (normal fill level)
45. 5 Max tank oil level (Overfill warning)
45. 6 Warm flushing function off
45. 7 Warm flushing start delay

SPIDER v 4.3.x
1 Introduction

EN777-4h 2009
2 Technical data

3 Connection

4 Indication and

Hägglunds Drives AB
S-890 42 Mellansel
Tel. +46 660 871 00
5 Configurable

Fax. +46 660 871 60

Software settings and


7 Block diagrams

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 1(2)
Engineering manual
04-04-02, New

Hägglunds is one of the worlds leading manufacturers of large hydraulic Drive Systems. A leading position,
made possible by unbeatable service spirit and of continuing development of both products and markets
all over the world. Our drives are to be found in most industrial and marine segments, where there are
extremely high demands for efficiency and reliability. Our main office and production plant is in Mellansel,
Sweden and we have our own sales- and representation offices in some 40 different countries.
This Engineering manual provides necessary information for Spider control system. In order to find particular
information, just search for the wanted section as listed in the table of contents. However, changes in the
equipment may occur. We therefore reserve the right to introduce amendments in the manual as we deem
necessary without notice or obligations.

Warning signs
In this manual you will find the following signs which indicate a potential hazard, which can or will cause
personal injury or substantial property damage. Depending on the probability of the hazard, and how
serious the injury or property damage could be, there are three levels of classification.

DANGER is used to indicate the presence of a hazard

which will cause severe personal injury, death, or
substantial property damage if the warning is ignored.

WARNING is used to indicate the presence of a hazard

which can cause severe personal injury, death, or
substantial property damage if the warning is ignored.

CAUTION is used to indicate the presence of a hazard

which will or can cause minor personal injury or property
damage if the warning is ignored.

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Hägglunds Drives AB, S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 2(2)
Spider Introduction
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

1.1 Description
The Spider unit is a microcontroller based system, configurable to suit different application
needs. It is designed to match the two or three door power unit also with one door unit added.
The control system can control pumps with double coil (Denison 9A, Brueninghaus EP, Sauer
Sundstrand KA or similar pumps) or single coil in one direction (Denison 5A).

The unit can be mounted inside the power unit, in the power unit door, on the outside of the
power unit or delivered separate with wall brackets or panel flange to be wired in by the
customer. Cable sets can be supplied as an option.

The configuration of the pre-programmed system functions is done using the front panel with
help from the text displays or via a serial connection from a laptop. The configuration mode can
be protected with a password.

The Spider unit can control the system with different settings of electric motor/pump

One to four pumps for one drive:







Two to four pumps for two drives with separate function:








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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 1(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Two to four pumps for two drives with common function. If one stops by a fault the other will
also stop:
















The Monitor function can health monitor the power unit switches and give information on the text
display about warnings or alarms. An alarm will stop the electric motor or motors if the digital
interlock output is connected via a relay to the starter interlock circuit. Up to 4 pumps can be
controlled in parallel for the same drive


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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 2(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18
The Basic function has added functions for power limitation and closed loop speed feedback via
a PID-regulator. Inputs are available for analog or digital speed encoders.
The unit can also monitor analog signals on the display such as speed, E-motor current,
pressure etc.

The Shredder function has the same functions as Basic and added functions for reversing by an
overload-stopped drive. It is possible to maximise the number of reversals within a time limit and
stop the drive when exceeded. The drive can be set to change direction after an adjustable time

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 3(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18
The Friction function has the same functions as Basic and has added functions for control of two
hydraulic drives driven together with a ratio between the motors.

The Friction slave function has the same functions as Basic and added functions for control of
two hydraulic drives driven together with a ratio in relation to the master setpoint.

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 4(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18
The Synchro function has the same functions as Basic and has added functions for position
control between two hydraulic drives. It is possible by an external signal to set the angle
between the rolls. Ratio drive is also possible. This mode requires digital speed encoders.

The pressure control function output is added to the ramped flow command. The function
compares actual pressure to a set pressure and gives a positive or negative output depending
on sign of the difference and action direction of regulation.

The Spider unit front has push-buttons for start and stop of the drive, local/remote, speed
setpoint by increase and decrease in local mode, inch reverse, regulated/non-regulated drive
and auto/manual drive in shredder mode. These push-button functions can be bypassed in the
configuration of the system functions.

All inputs and outputs are configurable and can be connected to pre-programmed functions in
the setup of the system. All signals are as standard wired to contact terminals or via fieldbus port
The digital inputs can be configured to functions for e.g. start/stop, reverse, reset, monitoring of
the power unit, auxiliary monitor where it is possible to set the function and display monitor text.

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 5(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18
The digital outputs can be configured to functions for e.g. common alarm/warning, ready to use,
drive started, shredder blocked, cooler and heater control. The outputs are of dry relay contact
The analog inputs can be configured to functions for e.g. tank temp, speed, pressure, power for
monitoring and control. The inputs can be configured for current loop or voltage.
The analog outputs can be configured to monitor e.g. speed, pressure, temp. The outputs can
be configured for current loop or voltage.

The system includes a drive monitoring function with drive time counters, alarm/warning list and
8 scalable log channels with data download via serial interface. A remote drive monitoring
system with access via GSM can be added as an option.

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 6(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

1.2 Serial number

E01P x x x - xxxx

Article group for Spider Serial number


M= Monitor function Drive 2 config:

0= No Emotor, No pump
B = Basic function 1= 1 Emotor - 1 Pump
2= 1 Emotor - 2 Pumps
S = Shredder function 3= 2 Emotors - 2 Pumps
4= 2 Emotors - 3 Pumps
Z = Synchro function 5= 2 Emotors - 4 Pumps
6= 3 Emotors - 3 Pumps
F = Friction function 7= 3 Emotors - 4 Pumps
8= Emotor common w.drive 1 - Tandem pump1
R = MRC function 9= Emotor common w.drive 1 - Tandem pump2

Drive 1 config:
1= 1 Emotor - 1 Pump
2= 1 Emotor - 2 Pumps
3= 2 Emotors - 2 Pumps
4= 2 Emotors - 3 Pumps
5= 2 Emotors - 4 Pumps
6= 3 Emotors - 3 Pumps
7= 3 Emotors - 4 Pumps
8= 1Emotor - Tandem pump 1
9= 1Emotor - Tandem pump 2

1.3 Card number

The individual card number is marked on the card at final test. The number consists of an individual
number and year and week for the production test.

2011 0347

Individual number Year and week for production test

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 7(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

1.4 Versions and changes

1.4.1 Software versions
The software version is shown on the display for drive 1 at power up of the system.

Version 0.2, 1.0-1.3

Test versions during the first time of development of the system.

Version 1.4.0
Ready 96-05-26
First delivered version. Four prototype systems were delivered to customers in Sweden.

Function block diagrams Block 1B, Block 2B and Block 3B.

Version 1.4.1
Ready 96-08-23
New version of O´Tool operating system.

Bug fixes: -Idle function could cause watchdog problem by stack overflow.
-PWM (Pulse Width Modulation for the output signal to the pump strokes) routine
changed. Problems with PWM frequency >1000Hz.

Function block diagrams Block 1B, Block 2B and Block 3B.

Version 2.0.0
Ready 96-08-30
Adapted to the new version of the hardware (rev.A).

Bug fixes -PWM routine changed. Problems with PWM frequency <1000Hz caused by
software compilator bug.

Function block diagrams Block 1C, Block 2C and Block 3C.

Version 2.1.0
Ready 96-11-27
Readings from both drives can be used in any position. Only readings for drive 1 could earlier be
used on display 1.
Better protection against uncontrolled reversing of drive with use of analogue encoder for speed
Better accuracy for reading of speed encoder.

New digital inputs: -Local1 -Change between Local and Remote drive 1.
-Local2 -Change between Local and Remote drive 2.
-Shutdown1 -Open output to pump 1 without open e-motor interlock.
-Shutdown2 -Open output to pump 2 without open e-motor interlock.
-Shutdown1+2 -Open outputs to pumps without open e-motor interlocks.

Function block diagrams Block 1D, Block 2D and Block 3D.

Version 2.2.0
Ready 97-06-27
Slower change of local set point command. Change stops at zero before change of direction.
Reset of ”shredder blocked” with stop button.
Ramp for ratio in synchro mode.
Functions in synchro mode to give priority for the ratio between the rolls independent of the
settings of speed and ratio commands.
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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 8(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

New digital outputs: -Auto1 -Indication man/auto in auto for drive1.

-Auto2 -Indication man/auto in auto for drive2.

Bug fixes: -Some monitor reading changed selections after power up.
-Interference between speed measuring could occur if two digital encoders
were used.
-Feedback is disconnected at zero input command with analogue speed
encoder to protect against uncontrolled reversing of drive.
-Stop reverse always active with digital encoder detection of blocking in
shredder mode.
-When more than 20 reversals in Shredder mode, reverse counter could
start to write in forbidden area.

Function block diagrams Block 1E, Block 2E and Block 3E.

Version 2.3.0
Ready 98-03-09
Functions for swash angle feedback (Hydrokraft) pumps.
Output enable (for PWM output) open if e-motor is not started and by swash angle error.
Parameter for valve resistance changed to feedback gain.
Letter Ä changed to A in HÄGGLUNDS due to text problems during start-up.

New digital outputs: -Failsafe 1 -Output for fail safe valve drive 1.
-Failsafe 2 -Output for fail safe valve drive 2.

Function block diagrams: Block 1F, Block 2F and Block 3F.

Version 2.3.1
Ready 98-04-03
Bug fixes: -Bug in PWM function could destroy register.

Function block diagrams: Block 1F, Block 2F and Block 3F.

Version 2.4.0
Ready 98-05-04
Max current settings for both drives and password can be changed with drives started.
Readings of speed can be shown with 2 decimals.
Set point can be indicated in rpm.
Feedback can be indicated in % of max speed.
Slower update time for readings of speed and power.
More configurable digital inputs by change of fixed digital inputs for Low oil temp, High e-motor
temp and High work pressure to configurable input choices.
Shutdown 1, 2 and 1+2 removed. The function for direct stop of the drive without opening of the
e-motor interlocks is set in the Auxiliary monitor settings (Interlock).

New digital inputs: -Start 1+2 -Starts both drives in remote mode.
-Speed up 1 -Increase speed command for drive 1 in local mode.
-Speed down 1-Decrease speed command for drive 1 in local mode.
-Speed up 2 -Increase speed command for drive 2 in local mode.
-Speed down 2-Decrease speed command for drive 2 in local mode.
-Speed reset 1 - Reset speed command for drive 1 in local mode.
-Speed reset 2 - Reset speed command for drive 2 in local mode.
-Filter interlock - Blocks the filter warning inputs.

New digital outputs: -Started 1+2 -One of the drives started.

-Started 1*2 -Both drives started.

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 9(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18
-Ready 1+2 -One of the drives ready for use.
-Ready 1*2 -Both drives ready for use.
-Power limit 1 -Power limit active drive 1.
-Power limit 2 -Power limit active drive 2.
-Power limit 1+2 -Power limit active on one of the drives.
-Interlock 1 -Interlock active drive 1.
-Interlock 2 -Interlock active drive 2.
-Interlock 1+2 -Interlock active on one of the drives.
-Forward 1 -Drive 1 active forward.
-Reverse 1 -Drive 1 active in reverse.
-Forward 2 -Drive 2 active forward.
-Reverse 2 -Drive 2 active in reverse.

Shutdown indication on the display if the supply relay is not activated (by watchdog or external
connection between terminal 1 and 2).
Speed error too large gives a warning, puts the drive to manual (no speed feedback) and has to
be reset as other warnings. The maximum allowed error can be set.
Shredder blocked gives an interlock, puts the drive to manual and cannot be restarted in auto
before the interlock is reset in the alarm menu.
Analog and set point inputs can be calibrated.
All alarms/warnings are indicated on display 1 if drive type 2 is selected (two pumps driving one
The choice if both or only one of the pumps has to be running before the drive can be started in
drive type 2.
Local speed set point can only be changed in local mode and can be configured for automatic
reset when command is changed to remote mode.
All parameters can be reset to default values.
Counter reset time in synchro-counter mode reduced to 8msec.
Swash plate feedback potentiometer error configurable to give Alarm or Interlock.
Analog input to set an angle difference between the motors in synchro-counter mode.
Selection of different inputs to enable the latches for counter reset in synchro-counter mode.
Diagnostic readings to indicate program run.

Bug fixes: -Bug in swash angle feedback could stop the PWM output for drive 2.
-Interrupt disable time shortened down.
-Encoder interrupt time reduced to give better performance with two
5000ppr pulse encoders.
-Error in reading of REG 106 and REG206 could cause watchdog problem.
-Counters reduced to one turn in synchro-counter mode.

Function block diagram: Block2_4

Version 2.4.1
Ready 98-05-14
0.3 sec filter for swash angle feedback inputs.
Start/stop of drive 2 can be activated from drive 1 keypads in setup mode.
Indications for drive 2 (ON/OFF, E-MOTOR STOPPED, STARTING UP, READY TO USE) can
be read on drive 1 display if drive type 2 is selected (two pumps driving one motor).

Bug fixes: -Text for digital input Ready 1*2 was Ready 2*2.
-Default settings for analogue inputs mixed.

Function block diagram: Block2_4

Version 2.5.0
Ready 98-06-25
Scaling function to give friction ratio in synchro-counter mode.
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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 10(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Function block diagram: Block2_5

Version 2.6.0
Ready 98-10-05
Lower limit for setting of feedback gain in output decreased to 15.
Password better protected. Each sign will change to a * when selected.
Possibility to set the limits for the friction ratio in synchro mode.
‘Error too large’ warning can be reset by a remote digital signal.
‘Man/Aut’-selection can be remote controlled by a digital input.
‘Shredder blocked’ interlock can be reset by a remote digital signal.

Function block diagram: Block2_6

Version 2.7.0
Ready 99-05-26
Improved functions in synchro-counter mode.
Increased time delay for filter indication (possible setting up to 15 minutes).
Increased time delay for high pressure indication (possible setting up to 60 seconds).

Bug fixes: Error too large warning not possible for slave in Synchro mode

Function block diagram: Block2_7

Version 3.0.0
Ready 00-02-29
Drive monitoring function with log channels.
Language selection for alarm/warning texts.
Filters for speed feedback signal.
Possibility to set inverted function for digital outputs.
Improved function for regulator D part.
Check of output signal compared to setpoint signal.
Amp. reading as default for power limitation.
Handling of analogue inputs grouped to analogue input menu.
Power limit function is cross connected between drives at common drive.
Warning if parameter storage fails.
Internal sequence warnings must be confirmed.

New digital inputs: -Forward2- Forward run with fixed speed for drive 2.
-Reverse2- Reverse run with fixed speed for drive 2.
New digital outputs: -Synchro- Indication of slave within limits in counter mode.

Bug fixes: Change in drain filter delay is reset after restart of system.

Version 3.0.1
Ready 00-05-30

Bug fixes: MAN/AUT indication failed at shredder blocked when using digital input for
MAN/AUT switching

Version 3.0.2
Ready 00-08-16

Bug fixes: Error time in ERROR TOO LARGE function accumulates with too short
drop-out time as a result.

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 11(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18
Version 3.0.3
Ready 00-10-05

Error function in ERROR TOO LARGE function bypassed when speed signal is higher then setpoint
signal if parameter C(I)11 is set to 100%.

Version 3.1.0
Ready 00-12-06

Analog output function.

Max ramp time increased to 10minutes
Local speed stores in Eeprom each hour and is set at power up.
Reading kNm can be set for reading registers T(U)05 and T(U)07.
Parameters A(G)16-18 for power limitation can be set during drive.
Accelerating parameter value change in setup menu.

New digital inputs: -PressA1+2- Paralleling of high pressure functions to both drives.
-PressB1+2- Paralleling of high pressure functions to both drives.
-Sh Res1+2- Paralleling of shredder blocked reset function.
-Err1+2Res- Paralleling of Error too large reset function.
-Forwa.1+2- Forward drive with fixed speed for both drives.
-Rever.1+2- Reverse drive with fixed speed for both drives.
-Auto 1+2- Switching of regulated drive on/off for both drives

New digital outputs: -Negative1- Negative reading Register for analogue out 1.
-Negative2- Negative reading Register for analogue out 2.

Version 3.1.1
Ready 01-09-27

Bug fixes: Parallel functions for power limitation not possible with two pumps driving
one motor in Shredder drive mode.

Version 3.2.0
Ready 01-12-03

Function for negative friction.

Friction ratio limit increased to 300%.
Interlock indication removed from Alarm log list.
Improved synchro function.
Alternative sort of reading for analog function in shredder mode
Reading of digital speed can be filtered

Version 3.2.1
Ready 02-12-11

Bug fixes:
Version 4.0.0
Ready 03-06-19

Function to fit new version of Spider hardware.

Version 4.0.1
Ready 03-09-10

Bug fixes: Keyboard will not be locked if local stop is open

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 12(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18
Update of downloaded parameters at reset
Change of EMOTOR STOPPED-indication

Version 4.0.2
Ready 03-12-29

Bug fixes: Pressure control scaling error

Error in plausibility check pump 2 and 4

Version 4.1.0
Ready 04-10-04

Chinese language selection

Modbus as fieldbus selection
Possibility to set friction ratio between two pumps on same drive.
Possible to set down ramp at alarm stop.
Possibility to bypass front buttons
Possibility to use analog inputs with inverted indication levels e.g. for oil level sensor.
MIN OIL TEMP selectable as alarm or warning
Digital output functions from analog temp sensor for cooler with or without e-motor interlock and
for flushing control
Longer filter warning delay time possible
Longer charge pressure interlock time possible
Indication for slave not in regulated mode in Synchro counter mode.
Hardware calibration mode for offset in stroker current feedback.
Possibility to use VFD display
New analog input sort of reading, rps, lpm, gpm.
Possibility to force pressure control to min and max output.
Longer ramp time for power limitation possible.
Min, max and High temp selectable as digital out.
Error too large" possible to reset via digital input.
Indication of stop angle between Emergency stop and machine stop.
Longer delay for Aux functions possible.
Possibility to set auto reset of Emergency stop.
Possibility to log output current.
Heating output only active with oil in tank above min level

Bug fixes: Small margin for below 4mA warning on analog inputs
Scaling of parameters in pressure control
Japanese texts in Aux functions
Shredder counter value
Charge pressure B-side with analog sensors not possible to reset.
Text error in Dutch
Start triggering of fieldbus control after bus failure not possible.
Shredder interval direction change in B-direction not possible.

Version 4.1.1
Ready 04-12-15

Improved check of interlock relays for Electric motor.

Bug fixes: Wrong reading for REG202 for analog out and bus
Limits for reading REG202 on analog out in Synchro mode set by SYC01-02

Version 4.1.2
Ready 05-03-31
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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 13(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Improved check of interlock relays for Electric motor.

Bug fixes: Wrong reading for REG202 for analog out and bus

Version 4.1.3
Ready 05-05-25

Digital inputs for pressure control possible to set via bus.

Bug fixes: Faulty values for REG 330 and 340

Version 4.2.0
Ready 06-06-20

Up and down-ramp of individual pumps in a multi-pump system

Ramp on/off function
Longer drive log alarm/warning list and with only latest em-stop indication
Support for more fieldbus types
More analog and digital registers on fieldbus
Threshold possibility for digital speed inputs and bus analog in
Drive selectable for digital speed encoders (not in synchro)
Function for monitored cold flush control
Low limit for power limitation
Function for temp monitoring of hydraulic motor
Parallel reversing for Shredder drives
Improved interval function for Shredder drives
More fixed speed set points
Filters for analog readings
Configurable reading registers for compared signals
Function for separate charge pumps
Separate contrast settings for each display
Ramping of pump current in setup menu
Prepared monitoring of accumulators
Possibility to connect digital out directly to digital in
Error check deactivated during setup
Register indications for digital in and out

New digital inputs: -05 ACC A Px- Monitoring of accumulator pressure for A-side pump x
-05 ACC B Px- Monitoring of accumulator pressure for B-side pump x
-05 ACC A Dx- Monitoring of accumulator pressure for A-side drive x
-05 ACC B Dx- Monitoring of accumulator pressure for A-side drive x
-09 LAMPTEST- Activation of selected digital out
-09 EMSTOP- Emergency stop without hardware shutdown
-11 PxOFF- Down ramp of pump x
-15 FIXED x A-D- Drive with fixed speed for drive x (4 different choices)
-15 RAMPxOFF- Bypass of ramp for drive x
-19 FLUSH ST- Start of flush pump
-19 FLUSH ON- Flush pump started
-19 C PUMPDx- External charge pump for drive x started
-19 SUCT FL- Flush valve for flush pump open

New digital outputs: -Dx- Indication of disable for drive x

-PxOFF- Command for pump x zero
-10 EMOT x- Electric motor x started
-10 EM INTx- Not monitored interlock contact for main e-motor x
-10 CP INTx- Not monitored interlock contact for charge pump e-motor x
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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 14(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18
-11 ST FLUSH- Start flush pump
-11 FL TEMP- Indication of standby flush active
-11 MN DRTMP- Indication of min drain temp disabled
-15 DINx- Indication of digital input x
-15 BDINx- Indication of bus digital input x

Bug fixes: Communication acceptance for negative log values, LHI and LLO

Version 4.2.1
Ready 07-09-26

Hydraulic motor temp monitoring levels on bus digital output

All main suction valves open as condition for flush pump start
Possibility to scale rpm value in REG109 and REG209
Default values for drive log
Bus timeout changed

Bug fixes: Power limit min value

REG114 affected by pressure control

Version 4.2.2
Ready 08-09-09

Changes for Devicenet

Version 4.3.0
Ready 09-03-18

Brake function
Analog tank level sensor function
Delayed on and off switching for digital outputs
Digital speed threshold values possible to set with one decimal
Analog setpoint values possible to scale
Power limit level possible to adjust via bus/analog up to fixed level (AIRx)
Increased bus data area in Bus data area version 3
CC-link as selectable bus type
Adjustable max bus setup time
High tank temp interlock level before max alarm
Improved functionality for compare function
Improved function for pressure control regulator
Settings of log limits with one decimal

New digital inputs: -06 AUXF 75- Monitoring of aux filter switch for 75% of max pressure drop
-06 AUXF 100- Monitoring of aux filter switch for max pressure drop
-19 AUX EMOT- Monitoring of aux emotor temp
-06 BRAKExOP- Monitoring of brake open switch

New digital outputs: -04 BUSx- Indication of bus control active for drive x.
-04 BUSM- Indication of bus control active for external master
-11 COOL FWD- Timed forward control for cooler motor
-11 COOL REV- Timed reverse control for cooler motor
-11 MX LEVEL- Max (overfill) level in tank
-11 FULL- Normal max level in tank
-11 LO LEVEL- Low level in tank
-11 MN LEVEL- Min level in tank
-11 PxMAX- Pressure control for drive x saturated
-13 RESETx- Front reset button actuated for drive x
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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 15(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18
-13 OPEN BRx- Open brake for drive x
-17 C PRA Px- A-side charge pressure low for pump x
-17 C PRB Px- B-side charge pressure low for pump x

1.4.2 Hardware versions

The hardware revision is marked on the printed connection board close to the Hägglunds Drives

276 0004
Prototype during first time of development of the system.

276 0004 rev.A

Layout ready 96-07-26
Card no. 11-57
New amplifiers for the PWM output.
Pull-down resistors for keypads.
Inputs for swash angle feedback.
100 msec filter for the analog inputs.
Normally closed inputs for external stop buttons.

276 0004 rev.B

Card no. 58-271, 273-281, 355-360, 442-444
Layout ready 97-04-18
Pull-up and pull-down resistors for the serial communication port.
Two positions on input selection jumper (voltage/current) for analogue inputs.
Smaller changes to avoid jumpers on the backside of the card caused by missing connections in
rev.A version.

276 0004 rev.C

Card no. 272, 282-290
Layout ready 98-07-01
Relays on digital outputs.
Fuses for PWM outputs.
Separate memory card for configurated parameters and Real Time Clock.
Connections for front panel membrane switches.
245V supply jumper.
Changed circuit for swash angle feedback.

276 0004 rev.D

Layout ready 98-10-05
Card no. 291-354, 361-370, 446
Smaller changes to avoid jumpers on the backside of the card caused by short circuit in rev.C
Layout ready 98-02-16
Card no. 371-441, 445, 447-453, 502-521
Smaller changes to simplify mounting of terminals.

276 0004 rev.E

Layout ready 99-06-05
Card no. 454-501, 522-573
Indication for supply to stroker output amplifiers.
Test pins for supply voltages and current feedback.

276 0004 rev.F

Layout ready 00-02-24
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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 16(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18
Card no. 574-
Connection for analogue output card.

276 0020
Prototype during first time of development of updated Spider.
Card no. 2001-2005

276 0020 rev.A

Layout ready 03-05-04
Card no. 2011-
First serial version of the card.

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 17(18)
AS1, Introduction, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

1.5 Ordering code

A B C D - E F G H I - J - K L

M Monitor Driver and functions for monitoring of power unit
B Basic Monitor with added functions for Speed feedback and power limitations
S Shredder Basic with added functions for shredder drives
Z Synchro Basic with added functions for synchronization between two drives
F Friction Basic with added function for friction control between two drives.
R MRC Basic with added functions for synchronization and friction between two drives


1 1 el. motor - 1 pump 0 None
2 1 el. motor - 2 pumps 1 Profibus
3 2 el. motors - 2 pumps 2 Modbus RTU
4 2 el. motors - 3 pumps 3 Controlnet
5 2 el. motors -4 pumps 4 Ethernet IP
6 3 el. motors - 3 pumps 6 Profinet
7 3 el. motors - 4 pumps 7 Devicenet
8 1 el. motor - Tandem pump 1 8 Modbus TCP
9 1 el. motor - Tandem pump 2 9 CC-link

0 No el. motor - No pump 1 Installed with antenna on box
1 1 el. motor - 1 pump 2 Installed with external antenna
2 1 el. motor - 2 pumps
3 2 el. motors - 2 pumps
4 2 el. motors - 3 pumps I PRESSURE CONTROL
5 2 el. motors -4 pumps 0 None
6 3 el. motors - 3 pumps 1 Pressure control Drive 1
7 3 el. motors - 4 pumps 2 Pressure control Drive 2
8 El. motor 1 - tandem pump 1 3 Pressure control both drives
9 El. motor 1 - tandem pump 2

1 Loose item with brackets excl. cables 1 Internal 250W (standard)
2 Loose item with flange excl. cables
4 Mounted inside PU
5 Mounted on PU door K POTENTIOMETER
6 Mounted in PU door 0 None
7 Mounted on side of PU 1 Installed in SPIDER box


0 LCD type (standard) 0 None
1 VFD type (Required for Chinese char.) 1 Assembled

0 None
1 Installed in SPIDER box

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 18(18)
Spider Technical data V4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-02-12

2.1 Mechanical
2.1.1 Mechanical data

Cubicle dimension W=400 mm H=300 mm D=145 mm

Encapsulation class IP 65
Ambient temperature -20...+50 C, -40 C with heater*
Material enclosure Stainless steel
Material front Polyester film
Mounting Wall brackets or flange
Weight 8 kg
(10 kg with brackets or flange)
Cable size Max 2.5 mm
* Heater supplied as option

2.1.2 Wall bracket mounting

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 1(5)
AS2, Technical data V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

2.1.3 Flange mounting

2.1.4 Polyester front

Chemical resistance to:
- Alcohols
- Dilute acids
- Dilute alkalis
- Esters
- Hydrocarbons
- Ketones
- Household cleaning agents

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 2(5)
AS2, Technical data V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

2.2 Supply and output voltage

2.2.1 Supply voltage
Embedded AC power supply
Main supply voltage Auto ranging 90-132, 180-264 VAC
47-63 Hz (No configuration needed)
Power consumption Max 300 VA, Depending on configuration
(+50 VA with heater)*
Inrush current Max 30 A
Main fuse 6A
Fuses ,Rev B supply
Main 4 A fast, 5x20mm ceramic, 576 6822-400
Internal DC 2 A fast, 5x20mm ceramic, 576 6822-200
* Heater supplied as option

External DC power supply

Card supply 24 VDC±10% , Max 8 A
Depending on configuration
Card consumption (without 320 mA

2.2.2 Output voltage

Analog reference voltage +10 V +10 VDC 35 mA

(isolated) -10 V -10 VDC 35 mA
Digital input supply 1 DI1 +24 VDC 0.3 A
Digital input supply 2 DI2 +24 VDC 0.3 A
Digital encoder supply DE +24 VDC 0.3 A
Digital encoder supply 12_DE +12 VDC 0.1 A
Analog input supply AI +24 VDC 0.3 A
Emergency stop supply EM +24 VDC 0.3 A
Digital output supply DO +24 VDC 0.8 A
E-motor started supply EI +24 VDC 0.3 A

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 3(5)
AS2, Technical data V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

2.3 Inputs
2.3.1 Analog inputs

No Description Type Impedance

1 Speed set point Drive 1 ±0-5 VDC 100 k
or Friction set point Drive 1 ±0-10 VDC 100 k
(isolated) ±4-20 mA 250
±0-20 mA 250
1 Speed set point Drive 2 ±0-5 VDC 100 k
or Friction set point Drive 2 ±0-10 VDC 100 k
(isolated) ±4-20 mA 250
±0-20 mA 250
2 Configurable analog inputs +0-5 VDC 100 k
(isolated) +0-10 VDC 100 k
+4-20 mA 250
+0-20 mA 250
7 Configurable analog inputs +0-5 VDC 100 k
(differential) +0-10 VDC 100 k
+4-20 mA 250
+0-20 mA 250
1 Tank temp input, -29...+107 ºC PT100

2.3.2 Digital inputs

No Description Type Impedance Max input

1 Digital speed feedback Drive 1 logical 0=0-3,9 VDC
Differential or single with logical 1=6,6-32 VDC
direction signal
1 Zero position input Drive 1 logical 0=0-3,9 VDC
logical 1=6,6-32 VDC
1 Digital speed feedback Drive 2 logical 0=0-3,9 VDC f max 10
Differential or single with logical 1=6,6-32 VDC kHz
direction signal
1 Zero position input Drive 2 logical 0=0-3,9 VDC
logical 1=6,6-32 VDC
1 Electric motor 1 started logical 0=0-3,9 VDC 1k
from starter unit logical 1=6,6-32 VDC
1 Electric motor 2 started logical 0=0-3,9 VDC 1k
from starter unit logical 1=6,6-32 VDC
1 Electric motor 3 started logical 0=0-3,9 VDC 1k
from starter unit logical 1=6,6-32 VDC
43 Configurable inputs logical 0=0-3,9 VDC 3k
logical 1=6,6-32 VDC
1 Emergency stop input logical 0=0-4,7 VDC 3k
logical 1=8,0-32 VDC

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 4(5)
AS2, Technical data V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

2.4 Outputs
2.4.1 Pump control

No Description Type Impedance Max output

4 Stroker output, dual coil PWM (Pulse width 5-100 ** 2 A*
*Total current for all outputs 5A
**Max output reduced above 10 to 20/Impedance (A)

2.4.2 Digital outputs

No Description Type Max load

1 Starter interlock E-motor 1 Relay contact 3 A, 30 VDC, 250 VAC
1 Starter interlock E-motor 2 Relay contact 3 A, 30 VDC, 250 VAC
1 Starter interlock E-motor 3 Relay contact 3 A, 30 VDC, 250 VAC
13 Configurable outputs Relay contact 3 A, 30 VDC, 250 VAC

2.4.3 Analog outputs

No Description Type Load limit

4 Configurable analog outputs +0-10 VDC 1 k min
(isolated, needs external +2-10 VDC 1 k min
supply, min.21,0VDC) +0-20 mA 500 max
+4-20 mA 500 max

2.5 Communication
2.5.1 PC connection

No Description Type Connection to PC

1 RS-232 connection for setup 9-pole male D-sub Null modem cable
and drive log download

2.5.2 Fieldbus connection

No Description Type Connection

1 Connection for fieldbus module Profibus
(optional module) Modbus RTU
EtherNet IP
Modbus TCP

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 5(5)
Spider Connection V4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h

3.1 Wiring
Shielded cables are preferred for the installation.
The wire must be min 0,5mm2 for input signals and min 1mm2 for supply and output cables.
Max distance between control system and power unit is 50m.

3.2 Supply



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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 1(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

3.3 Input signals

3.3.1. Remote speed set point.
The input for remote speed set point are isolated and can be bidirectional (forward and
reverse speed setpoint) or unidirectional (forward speed setpoint and fixed reverse speed if
needed). The setpoint can be a voltage or a current signal. The selection is made with a
jumper on the board (see also AS4.3) and in the set up menu (see AS5.2.6).



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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 2(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15



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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 3(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15 Configurable isolated analog inputs.

The signal for the configurable analog inputs must be positive. The input can be a voltage or
a current signal. The selection is made with a jumper on the board (see also AS4.3) and in
the set up menu (see AS5.2.6).





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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 4(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15 Configurable analog inputs.

The signal for the configurable analog inputs must be positive. The input can be a voltage or
a current signal. The selection is made with a jumper on the board (see AS4.5.2) and in the
set up menu (see AS5.2.6).





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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 5(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15





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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 6(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15





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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 7(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15




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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 8(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15 Tank temperature analog input.

The tank temperature can be measured with a PT100 sensor.


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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 9(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

3.3.3. Digital speed encoder.

If a differential encoder is used and the input 2 pulse comes before the input 1 pulse, the Rpm
signal will be positive.
If a single pulse encoder is used, a low level on the direction signal will give positive sign of
the Rpm signal. If the signal has wrong sign the polarity can be changed with parameter
P1I06 for drive 1 and parameter P2I06 for drive 2.


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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 10(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15


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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 11(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

3.3.4. Electric motor started inputs.

The inputs must be high (switch closed) when the motor is stopped and open at motor start.
The inputs are used for bypass of charge pressure alarm and delay of drive start.


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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 12(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

3.3.5. Emergency stop input.

Emergency stop input must be connected for the system to operate. If the input is opened, the
output to fte pumps will be set to zero without ramp to destroke the pumps as quickly as
possible. The electric motor interlock contacts will open after a time delay set with parameter
DMD 0x and with a rotary switch on top left of main board (see AS4.5.4).


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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 13(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

3.3.6. Configurable digital inputs.

The input functions are configured in the set up menu (see AS5.2.3). All inputs are
configurable but the first 24 inputs are as first choice selected for monitoring of the power unit


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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 14(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15


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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 15(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15


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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 16(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15


3.4.1. Pump strokers.

Pumps with separate coils for A and B side can be used. If pumps with a common coil for both
directions is used, the drive can only be controlled in one direction.

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 17(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

3.4.2. Starter interlock outputs.

The normally open contact of the auxiliary relay must be connected in the stop circuit for the
electric motors. The output will open at alarm.
Note! The polarity for the freewheeling diode over the relay coil. The function of the diode is to
protect against induced voltage at switch off and should be mounted close to the relay coil.

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 18(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 19(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

3.4.3. Configurable digital outputs.

The output functions are configured in the set up menu (see AS5.2.4).


Note! All outputs must be protected against induced voltage at switch off by e.g. freewheeling
diode (see 3.4.2), varistor, RC circuit or other overvoltage protection device mounted close to
the load.

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 20(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

3.4.4. Configurable analog outputs.

The outputs are isolated and needs external supply. If no isolation is needed the card can be
supplied from Spider terminals. The output functions are configured in the set up menu (see



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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 21(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15



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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 22(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

3.5 Interconnection terminal

For internal connection use.


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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 23(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

3.6 Serial ports

3.6.1. SpiderCom port.
Connector for RS232 serial communication. Port is used for log data dump and for setup of system
via a PC and SpiderCom software.

Pin1 CD, Carrier detect

Pin2 RXD, Receive data
Pin3 TXD, Transmit data
1 2 3 4 5
Pin4 DTR, Data terminal ready
6 7 8 9
Pin5 GND, System ground
D-sub 9M Pin6 DSR, Data set ready
Pin7 RTS, Request to send
Pin8 CTS, Clear to send
Pin9 RI, Ring indicator

3.6.2. Optional fieldbus connection.

Profibus connection for external serial control.

Housing Shield
Profibus Pin1 Not connected
Pin2 Not connected
5 4 3 2 1 Pin3 B-line, Pos TXD/RXD
9 8 7 6
Pin4 RTS, Request to send
D-sub 9F
Pin6 +5V BUS
Pin7 Not connected
Pin8 A-line, Neg TXD/RXD
Pin9 Not connected

In normal applications A-Line, B-Line and shield are used.

Modbus RTU connection for external serial control.

Modbus Housing Shield

Pin1 Not connected
5 4 3 2 1
Pin2 Tx - RS232
9 8 7 6
Pin3 Rx – RS232
Pin4 Not connected
D-sub 9F Pin5 GND
Pin6 +5V
Pin7 RS485 B-line
Pin8 RS485 A-line
Pin9 Not connected

In normal applications A-Line, B-Line and shield are used.

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 24(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

ControlNet connection for external serial control.

Tip ControlNet
ControlNet Ring Shield

Pin1 Signal ground
BNC Pin2 Not connected
Pin3 Tx_H
Pin4 Tx_L
Pin5 Rx_L
Pin6 Rx_H

Pin7 Not connected
Pin8 Shield

EtherNet IP/Modbus TCP connection for external serial control.

Pin1 TD+
Pin2 TD-
EtherNet IP / Modbus TCP Pin3 RD+
Pin4 GND via filter
1 8 Pin6 RD-
RJ45 Pin7 GND via filter

CAN-open connection for external serial control.

Housing CAN_SHLD
CANopen Pin1 Not connected
Pin2 CAN_L
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
Pin4 Not connected
D-sub 9M Pin5 CAN_SHLD
Pin7 CAN_H
Pin8 Not connected
Pin9 Not used

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 25(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

ProfiNet connection for external serial control.

Pin1 TD+
Pin2 TD-
Pin3 RD+
Pin4 GND via filter
1 8
Pin6 RD-
RJ45 Pin7 GND via filter

Devicenet connection for external serial control.

DeviceNet Pin1 V- (Negative supply voltage)*

Pin2 CAN_L
1 5
Pin3 Shield
Pin4 CAN_H
5.08mm pluggable screw connector
Pin5 V+ (Positive supply voltage)*
*The module requires 24VDC bus power

CC-link connection for external serial control.

CC-link Pin1 DA (Communication)

Pin2 DB (Communication)
1 5
Pin3 Digital ground
5.08mm pluggable screw connector
Pin4 Shield
Pin5 Frame ground

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 26(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

3.7 Terminal functions

Table of terminal functions.

Row Type Name No. Function

1 Power Input DC1 4 24V_IN (+)
3 24V_IN (+)
2 GND (-)
1 GND(-)
Pump 4 PO4 4 Common pump 4
3 Stroker conn. Pump 4. High B
2 Common pump 4
1 Stroker conn. Pump 4. High A
Pump 3 PO3 4 Common pump 3
3 Stroker conn. Pump 3. High B
2 Common pump 3
1 Stroker conn. Pump 3. High A
Pump 2 PO2 4 Common pump 2
3 Stroker conn. Pump 2. High B
2 Common pump 2
1 Stroker conn. Pump 2. High A
Pump 1 PO1 4 Common pump 1
3 Stroker conn. Pump 1. High B
2 Common pump 1
1 Stroker conn. Pump 1. High A

2 Digital outputs DO1 14 Configurable Digital output 6

13 Configurable Digital output 6
12 Configurable Digital output 5
11 Configurable Digital output 5
10 Configurable Digital output 4
9 Configurable Digital output 4
8 Configurable Digital output 3
7 Configurable Digital output 3
6 Configurable Digital output 2
5 Configurable Digital output 2
4 Configurable Digital output 1
3 Configurable Digital output 1
2 24V_DO

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 27(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Row Type Name No. Function

3 Digital outputs DO2 14 Configurable Digital output 13
13 Configurable Digital output 12
12 Configurable Digital output 11
11 Common Digital output 11-13
10 Configurable Digital output 10
9 Configurable Digital output 10
8 Configurable Digital output 9
7 Configurable Digital output 9
6 Configurable Digital output 8
5 Configurable Digital output 8
4 Configurable Digital output 7
3 Configurable Digital output 7
2 24V_DO

4 E-motor interlocks EO1 8 Interlock Electric motor 3

7 Interlock Electric motor 3
6 Interlock Electric motor 2
5 Interlock Electric motor 2
4 Interlock Electric motor 1
3 Interlock Electric motor 1
2 24V_DO

5 E-motor started EI 8 E-motor 3 started

inputs 7 E-motor 2 started
6 E-motor 1 started
5 24V_EI
4 24V_EI
Em stop EM 2 Em.stop
1 24V_EM

6 Digital speed DE1 8 Pulse 0 Drive 1+

encoder Drive 1 7 Pulse 2 Drive 1 -
6 Pulse 2 Drive 1+
5 Pulse 1 Drive 1 -
4 Pulse 1 Drive 1+
3 12V+
2 24V_DE

7 Digital speed DE2 8 Pulse 0 Drive 2+

encoder Drive 2 7 Pulse 2 Drive 2 -
6 Pulse 2 Drive 2+
5 Pulse 1 Drive 2 -
4 Pulse 1 Drive 2+
3 12V+
2 24V_DE

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 28(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Row Type Name No. Function

8 Configurable DI1 8 Config input 6 (Drain filter)
digital inputs 7 Config input 5 (Low oil level in tank)
Predefined 6 Config input 4 (Min oil level in tank)
monitoring inputs 5 Config input 3 (Min oil temperature in tank)
4 Config input 2 (High oil temperature in tank)
3 Config input 1 (Max oil temperature in tank)
2 24V_DI_1

9 Configurable DI2 12 Config input 15

digital inputs 11 Config input 14 (Work pressure, pump 2)
Predefined 10 Config input 13 (Charge pressure, pump 2)
monitoring inputs 9 Config input 12 (Suction line, pump 2)
8 Config input 11 (Return filter 100%, pump 2)
7 Config input 10 (Work pressure, pump 1)
6 Config input 9 (Charge pressure, pump 1)
5 Config input 8 (Suction line, pump 1)
4 Config input 7 (Return filter 100%, pump 1)
3 24V_DI_1
2 24V_DI_1

10 Configurable DI3 12 Config input 24

digital inputs 11 Config input 23 (Work pressure, pump 4)
Predefined 10 Config input 22 (Charge pressure, pump 4)
monitoring inputs 9 Config input 21 (Suction line, pump 4)
8 Config input 20 (Return filter 100%, pump 4)
7 Config input 19 (Work pressure, pump 3)
6 Config input 18 (Charge pressure, pump 3)
5 Config input 17 (Suction line, pump 3)
4 Config input 16 (Return filter 100%, pump 3)
3 24V_DI_1
2 24V_DI_1

11 Configurable DI4 12 Config input 33

digital inputs 11 Config input 32
10 Config input 31
9 Config input 30
8 Config input 29
7 Config input 28
6 Config input 27
5 Config input 26
4 Config input 25
3 24V_DI_2
2 24V_DI_2

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 29(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Row Type Name No. Function

12 Configurable DI5 12 Config input 43
digital inputs 11 Config input 42
10 Config input 41
9 Config input 40
8 Config input 39
7 Config input 38
6 Config input 37
5 Config input 36
4 Config input 35
3 Config input 34
2 24V_DI_2

13 Analog inputs AI1 12 Config input 2 -

Isolated 11 Config input 2+
10 Config input 1 -
9 Config input 1+
8 Remote speed set point Drive 2 -
7 Remote speed set point Drive 2 +
6 Remote speed set point Drive 1 -
5 Remote speed set point Drive 1 +
4 Isolated 10VREF -
3 Isolated 10VREF+
2 Isolated GND
1 Isolated GND

14 Analog inputs AI2 12 Config input 6 -

Not isolated 11 Config input 6+
10 Config input 5 -
9 Config input 5+
8 Config input 4 -
7 Config input 4+
6 Config input 3 -
5 Config input 3+
4 24V_AI
3 24V_AI

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 30(31)
AS-3 Connection V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Row Type Name No. Function

15 Analog inputs AI3 14 Tank temp, force high
Not isolated 13 Tank temp, sense high
12 Tank temp, sense low
11 Tank temp, force low
10 Config input 9 -
9 Config input 9+
8 Config input 8 -
7 Config input 8+
6 Config input 7 -
5 Config input 7+
4 24V_AI
3 24V_AI

16 Analog outputs AO2 6 Current output 4

5 Voltage output 4
4 Current output 3
3 Voltage output 3
2 24VDC (externally supplied)
1 GND (external)
AO1 6 Current output 2
5 Voltage output 2
4 Current output 1
3 Voltage output 1
2 24VDC (externally supplied)
1 GND (external)

17 CAN1 CA 8 DATA2-
7 NC
6 DATA2+
5 0VCAN2
3 NC
2 DATA1+
1 0VCAN1
Spare terminals IC 6 For interconnection purpose
5 For interconnection purpose
4 For interconnection purpose
3 For interconnection purpose
2 For interconnection purpose
1 For interconnection purpose

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 31(31)
Spider Indication and setting V4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

4.1 Display information


boot v1.1 OFF EXT

0% 0%
0rpm 0Amp
Indication that e-motor is off
boot version


2006-06-01 0% 0%
ver. 4.2.0 0rpm 0Amp
Software version Indication of e-motor start



0% 0%
0rpm 0Amp


-> TANKTEMP 34°C <-

0% 0%
0rpm 0Amp

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4.2 Information on normal drive and alarms

WARN = Common Warning
ALARM = Common Alarm
INT = Interlock

ON = Drive Started
OFF = Drive Stopped
REM = Remote speed command
LOC = Local speed command
BUS = Fieldbus remote speed command
"Blank" = Open loop drive
REG = Closed loop speed feedback drive

WARN ON REM REG AUT MAN = Manual mode (Only in Shredder function)
AUT = Auto mode (only in Shredder function)
85 % 92 %
Scroll list shown
20.5 rpm 120 kW

Four settable registers to be displayed






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4.3 Reset of alarms and warnings

0% 0% 0% 0%
0.0 rpm 0 mA 0.0 rpm 0 mA

DRIVE 1 3 sec.
DRIVE 2 3 sec.





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4.4 Front panel buttons

4.4.1 Set up buttons
Go down one level in display menu.
Accept a change in parameter.
Reset alarm, warning or interlock

Go up one level in display menu.

Escape without change of parameter.
Select Drive 1 scroll list (short time press)
Select Drive 1 alarm list (press for 3 sec.)

Select Drive 2 scroll list (short time press)


Select Drive 2 alarm list (press for 3 sec.)

Scroll up in display menu.

Go to next alarm / warning.
Increase parameter.

Scroll down in display menu.

V Go to previous alarm / warning.
Decrease parameter.

Press 3 sec. to enter setup list

Inrease contrast on display

V Decrease contrast on display

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AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18
4.4.2 Drive buttons

Switching between manual and auto drive mode.

MAN/AUTO (Only avaliable in Shredder function)

Switching between front panel setpoint

and external setpoint if this function
is selected.

Increase speed setpoint when driving
in local mode (front panel setpoint).

Decrease speed setpoint when driving

in local mode (front panel setpoint).

Manual forward in Shredder function.
button Switching between open and closed loop
speed control when speed feedback used.
(Not avaliable in Shredder function)
Inch reverse with fixed speed.
REVERSE Manual reverse in Shredder function.

START Start of drive.

STOP Stop of drive.

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 5(23)
To displays
1 Jtag programming port for Microcontroller IC4
2 1 2

Microcontroller TP2 1 2
Contact for Spidercom connection
SW1 5
TP22 P22
IC15 1
Jtag programming port for CPLD
4.5.1 Revision A

TMS To memory card
GND To front keypad
C137 C138
indicator TP19 TP16

TP18 TP15
D1 SW3
J1 2 TP17


TP1 Display type selection

Optional Fieldbus card
TP14 Restart of program

Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN


TP9 P47
4.5 Main card jumpers and indications

Logger connection


+ TP13

- TP11 Supply voltage

Jumpers for analog
- Supply voltage indicators current loop inputs
Jumpers for analog TP8

current loop inputs
D170 D171 D172 D173 D174 D175 D176 D181
I Logger connections
12V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

I I I I P43 P44 P45 P46 P40 P41 P42
D1 D2 + - 10V















AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h















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AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

4.5.2 Jumpers

Function Jumper Settings

Signal type for speed setpoint, SP D1 Upper position = voltage signal
Drive 1 Lower position = current signal
Signal type for speed setpoint, SP D2 Upper position = voltage signal
Drive 2 Lower position = current signal
Signal type for configurable AI1 Upper position = voltage signal
analog input 1 Lower position = current signal
Signal type for configurable AI2 Upper position = voltage signal
analog input 2 Lower position = current signal
Signal type for configurable AI3 Upper position = voltage signal
analog input 3 Lower position = current signal
Signal type for configurable AI4 Upper position = voltage signal
analog input 4 Lower position = current signal
Signal type for configurable AI5 Upper position = voltage signal
analog input 5 Lower position = current signal
Signal type for configurable AI 6 Upper position = voltage signal
analog input 6 Lower position = current signal
Signal type for configurable AI7 Upper position = voltage signal
analog input 7 Lower position = current signal
Signal type for configurable AI8 Upper position = voltage signal
analog input 8 Lower position = current signal
Signal type for configurable AI9 Upper position = voltage signal
analog input 9 Lower position = current signal

4.5.3 Indicators

Function Indicator Note

Shutdown D1, red Normally off. Will be active by
(W-DOG) microprocessor watchdog error.
Digital output supply D170, green Normally on. Indicates supply to digital
(DO) outputs. Will be off by external short
circuit or by emergency stop.
Emergency stop supply D171, green Normally on. Will be off by external short
(EM) circuit
E-motor input supply D172, green Normally on. Will be off by external short
(EI) circuit
Encoder supply 24V D173, green Normally on. Will be off by external short
(DE) circuit
Digital input supply 1 D174, green Normally on. Will be off by external short
(DI1) circuit
Digital input supply 2 D175, green Normally on. Will be off by external short
(DI2) circuit
Analog input supply D176, green Normally on. Will be off by external short
(AI) circuit
Encoder supply 12V D181, green Normally on. Will be off by external short
(DE 12V) circuit
+10V ref. voltage for D116, green Normally on. Will be off by external short
potentiometer (+10V) circuit
-10V ref. voltage for D117, green Normally on. Will be off by external short
potentiometer (-10V) circuit
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AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

4.5.4 Switches

Function Pot. Note

Emergency stop shutdown SW1 Timer for backup emergency stop

Display type SW3-1 On = LCD display type (standard)

Off = VFD display type

SW3-2 No function

4.5.5 Contacts

Function Contact Note

Display P24
Front keypad P22
Memory card P23
SpiderCom connection P26 RS232
Memory programming port P27 JTAG connection
CPLD programming port P28 JTAG connection
Fieldbus card connection J1 Optional card

DC supply DC1
Pump output 1 PO1 4 pole contact
Pump output 2 PO2 4 pole contact
Pump output 3 PO3 4 pole contact
Pump output 4 PO4 4 pole contact
Digital output 1 DO1 14 pole contact
Digital output 2 DO2 12 pole contact
Electric motor output EO1 8 pole contact
Electric motor input EI/EM 8 pole contact
Emergency stop input
Digital encoder 1 DE1 8 pole contact
Digital encoder 2 DE2 8 pole contact
Digital input 1 DI1 8 pole contact
Digital input 2 DI2 12 pole contact
Digital input 3 DI3 12 pole contact
Digital input 4 DI4 12 pole contact
Digital input 5 DI5 12 pole contact
Analog input 1 AI1 12 pole contact
Analog input 2 AI2 12 pole contact
Analog input 3 AI3 14 pole contact
Analog output 1 AO1 6 pole contact
Analog output 2 AO2 6 pole contact
Internal connection IC 6 pole contact
CAN bus 1 CA1 6 pole contact
CAN bus 2 CA2 6 pole contact

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AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

4.5.6 Test points

Function Test Note

Reset TP1
Reference voltage 2.5V TP2 Output from regulator IC8
PWM active TP3
Backup em. stop timer TP4
Backup em. stop timer TP5
+14.5V Isolated analog TP6 Output from regulator IC46
-14.5V Isolated analog TP7 Output from regulator IC46
-7V Isolated analog TP8
+5V Isolated TP9 Output from regulator IC48
+5V Isolated TP10 Output from regulator IC48
Isolated analog reference TP11
Analog reference TP12
-5V Digital TP13 Output from regulator IC58
11.2V TP14
15V Analog 1,2 out supply TP15 Output from regulator IC69
5V Analog 1,2 out supply TP16 Output from regulator IC79
2.5V Analog 1,2 reference TP17 Output from regulator IC74
15V Analog 3,4 out supply TP18 Output from regulator IC70
5V Analog 3,4 out supply TP19 Output from regulator IC80
2.5V Analog 3,4 reference TP20 Output from regulator IC76
+5V Digital TP21 Output from regulator IC82
+3,3V Digital TP22 Output from regulator IC83
+5V TP23 Output from regulator IC82, L32

4.5.7 Logger connections

Function Test Note

Analog input 3 P40 Voltage connection, right pin ground
Analog input 4 P41 Voltage connection, right pin ground
Analog input 5 P42 Voltage connection, right pin ground
Analog input 6 P43 Voltage connection, right pin ground
Analog input 7 P44 Voltage connection, right pin ground
Analog input 8 P45 Voltage connection, right pin ground
Analog input 9 P46 Voltage connection, right pin ground
Tank temp P47 Voltage connection, left pin ground

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4.6 Power supply

24V OK

DC connection

Internal DC
fuse 2AF

Main AC OK

Main fuse
Main fuse

Main switch

main fuse

Main connection

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4.7 Fieldbus card

4.7.1 Profibus

Main board connector

Profibus connector
Termination switch

S3 S2
1 2
LED indicators
901 901



456 456
4 3

Address switches Indicators
Indicator Description Function Information
D1 Not used Not used Normal function

D2 On line Green Module is On-Line and ready, data

exchange is possible.

Off Module is not On-Line.

D3 Off line Red Module is Off-Line.

Off Module is not Off-Line.

D4 Diagnostics Red flashing 1 Hz Configuration error. Data length.

Red flashing 2 Hz Configuration error. User


Red flashing 4 Hz Initialisation error of the Profibus

communication ASIC.

Off No error.

D5 Watchdog Green flashing 1Hz Initialized and running OK.

Green flashing 2Hz Not initialised.

Red Unspecified internal error or running

in boot loader mode.

Red flashing 1 Hz RAM failure.

Red flashing 2 Hz ASIC or FLASH failure.

Red flashing 4 Hz DPRAM failure.

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 11(23)
AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18 Switches
Indicator Function Information
S1 Terminating switch On= Enabled (if first or last in a network)
Off= Disabled
S2 Node Address x1 for the node address setting

S3 Node Address x10 for the node address setting

4.7.2 Modbus RTU

Main board connector


Modbus connector
Termination switch

S2 S3
1 2
LED indicators
4 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4

Parity switches
Baudrate switches
Node Address switches Indicators
Indicator Description Function Information
D1 Processing Green flashing Receiving Query and building

Off No Query
D2 Bus error Red Bus error

Off Normal operation.

D3 Bus ready Red Module is Off-Line.

Off Module is not Off-Line.

D4 HW setting status Green Bus ready. Normal operation.

Red Bus timeout error.

Off Bus not initialized correctly.

D12 Watchdog Green flashing 1Hz Initialized and running OK.

Green flashing 2Hz Not initialised.

Red Unspecified internal error or running

in boot loader mode.

Red flashing 1 Hz RAM failure.

Red flashing 2 Hz ASIC or FLASH failure.

Red flashing 4 Hz DPRAM failure.

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 12(23)
AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18 Switches
Indicator Function Setting Information
S1 Terminating switch On Enabled (if first or last in a

Off Disabled
S2: 1-7 Node Address Binary value:
Switch: 1234567
0000000 Not valid
0000001 1
0000010 2
0000011 3
… …
… …
1111111 127
S2: 8 Baud rate Binary value:
S3: 1-2 Switch: 812
000 Not valid
001 1200
010 2400
011 4800
100 9600
101 19200 (Default)
110 38400
111 57600
S3: 1-2 Parity Binary value:
Switch: 34
00 Not valid
01 None(Default)
10 Even
11 Odd

4.7.3 ControlNet

Main board connector LED indicator


Network Access Port

Controlnet Channel A
Controlnet Channel B

S1 S2
1 2
LED indicators
901 901



456 456
4 3

Address switches
Network Access port provides temporary access to the ControlNet network for diagnostics and
ControlNet BNC contacts. If redundant operation is desired both contacts are used otherwise A or B is used

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 13(23)
AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18 Indicators
Indicator Description Function Information
D1 Module status Green Connection in run state

Green flashing Connection idle

Red Major fault

Red flashing Minor fault

D2 ChannelA and Off Module not initialized

Red Major fault

Alternating red/green Self test

Red flashing Node configuration error, duplicate

MAC ID etc.

D3 ChannelA or Off Channel disabled

Green Normal operation of channel

Green flashing Temporary error (node will self

correct) or not configured

Red flashing No other nodes or media fault

Red & Green flashing Network configuration error

D4 Module owned Off No connection has been opened

Green A connection has been opened

towards the module

D5 Watchdog Green flashing 1Hz Initialized and running OK.

Green flashing 2Hz Not initialised.

Red Unspecified internal error or running

in boot loader mode.

Red flashing 1 Hz RAM failure.

Red flashing 2 Hz ASIC or FLASH failure.

Red flashing 4 Hz DPRAM failure. Switches
Indicator Function Setting Information
S1 Node Address x10 for the node address Node Address

S2 Node Address x1 for the node address Node Address


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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 14(23)
AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18
4.7.4 Ethernet/IP & Modbus TCP

Main board connector

Ethernet connector (RJ45)

LED indicator
1 2
LED indicators
4 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Configuration switches Indicators
Indicator Description Function Information
D1 Link (Activity) Off Link not sensed
Green Link sensed
D2 Module status Off No power

Green Controlled by a scanner in Run stat

Green flashing Not configured or Scanner in idle


Red steady A major unrecoverable fault has

been detected

Red flashing A minor recoverable fault has been


Alternating Green/Red Self-test in progress

D3 Network status Off No power or no IP address

Green On-line, one or more connections


Green flashing On-line, no connections established

Red steady Duplicate IP address, fatal error

Red flashing One or more connections timed out

Alternating Green/Red Self-test in progress

D4 Activity Green flashing This led flashes green each time a
packet is received or transmitted
D5 Watchdog Green flashing 1Hz Initialized and running OK.

Green flashing 2Hz Not initialised.

Red Unspecified internal error or running

in boot loader mode.

Red flashing 1 Hz RAM failure.

Red flashing 2 Hz ASIC or FLASH failure.

Red flashing 4 Hz DPRAM failure.

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 15(23)
AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18
4.7.5 DeviceNet

Main board connector



1 2
LED indicators
1 2 3 4 5

3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Mac ID switches
Baudrate switches Indicators
Indicator Description Function Information
D1 Not used

D2 Network status Off Not powered/Not online

Green Link OK, Online, Connected

Green flashing On line, Not connected

Red steady Critical link failure

Red flashing Connection timeout

D3 Module status Off No power to device

Green Device operational

Green flashing Data size bigger than configured

Red steady Unrecoverable fault

Red flashing Minor fault

D4 Not used

D5 Watchdog Green flashing 1Hz Initialized and running OK.

Green flashing 2Hz Not initialised.

Red Unspecified internal error or running

in boot loader mode.

Red flashing 1 Hz RAM failure.

Red flashing 2 Hz ASIC or FLASH failure.

Red flashing 4 Hz DPRAM failure.

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 16(23)
AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18 Switches
Baud rate:
Baud rate Sw1 Sw2 Information
125kbit/sec OFF OFF

250kbit/sec OFF ON

500kbit/sec ON OFF

Reserved ON ON

Node address:
Mac ID Sw 3 Sw 4 Sw 5 Sw 6 Sw 7 Sw8




… … … … … … …



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AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18
4.7.6 ProfiNet

Main board connector

Ethernet connector (RJ45)

LED indicator
1 2
LED indicators
4 3 Indicators
Indicator Description Function Information
D1 Link (Activity) Off No link
Green, flashing Receiving/Transmitting data
Green Link established
D2 Communication Off Off line
Green Connection established and
controller in RUN state

Green 1 flash Connection established and

controller in STOP state
D3 Module status Off No power or not initialized

Green Initialized, no error

Green 1 flash Diagnostic data available

Green 2 flashes Blink. Used by engineering tool to

identify module

Red 1 flash Configuration error

-Too many modules
-I/O size derived from controller
too large
-Configuration mismatch

Red 3 flashes No station address or IP address


Red 4 flashes Internal error

D4 Not used
D5 Watchdog Green flashing 1Hz Initialized and running OK.

Green flashing 2Hz Not initialised.

Red Unspecified internal error or running

in boot loader mode.

Red flashing 1 Hz RAM failure.

Red flashing 2 Hz ASIC or FLASH failure.

Red flashing 4 Hz DPRAM failure.

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AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18
4.7.7 CC-link

Main board connector

CC-link connector

1 5
S1 S3 S2
1 2
LED indicators
901 901 901




456 456 456
4 3

Address switches
Baud rate switch Indicators
Indicator Description Function Information
D1 RUN On Normal operation
Off No network connection or Timeout

D2 ERRL Red CRC error detected

Illegal station number
Illegal baud rate

Off Normal operation

D3 RDLED Green Data being received

Off No data reception

D4 SDLED Green Data being transmitted

Off No data transmission

D5 Watchdog Green flashing 1Hz Initialized and running OK.

Green flashing 2Hz Not initialised.

Red Unspecified internal error or running

in boot loader mode.

Red flashing 1 Hz RAM failure.

Red flashing 2 Hz ASIC or FLASH failure.

Red flashing 4 Hz DPRAM failure.

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 19(23)
AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18 Switches
Indicator Function Information
S1 Baud rate switch 0 = 156k
1 = 625k
2 = 2,5M
3 = 5M
4 = 10M

S2 Node Address x1 for the node address setting

S3 Node Address x10 for the node address setting

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 20(23)
AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

4.8 RMS card

SIM card


3 2 1 0

Battery control
LED indicator

Sensor connections
Serial interface

4.8.1 Indicators

Indicator Function Information

D1 Green Normal function
Red No communication with the modem or
SIM card
Blink each 4 sec Logging in action
Blink each 8 sec No logging in action
2 green blink followed by 2 red Program reset
blink after 4 sec

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AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

4.9 Error codes

4.9.1 Program start
This error message indicates that the Spider software can't read saved parameter values from the memory
card. This error can occur if: No memory card connected, memory card defect or wrongly mounted or the
information on the memory card is corrupt. Spider software will start with default values on parameters.
This error message indicates that the Spider software can't use the parameter values that's stored on
the memory card because the parameter format stored on the memory card not is compatible with the Spider
software used. Spider software will start with default values on parameters.
This error message indicates that the Spider software version used not is compatible with the software
version in the CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device). The CPLD is used for digital in and outputs,
counters, display and Anybus. The Spider will work in an unpredictable way.
This error message indicates that the Spider software can't read the real time clock, saved alarms, warnings,
drive times or set points from the memory card. These functions will not function.
This error can occur if: No memory card connected, memory card defect or wrongly mounted or the
information on the memory card is corrupt.
This error message indicates that the Spider software can't read the 3D-log on the memory card.
The 3D -log function will not function. This error can occur if: No memory card connected, memory card
defect or wrongly mounted or the information on the memory card is corrupt.

4.9.2 Hardware monitoring

This test is to verify that the delay for electric motor interlock set in hardware with SW1 matches the
delay set in the Spider parameters (for electric motor interlock). If emergency stop is actuated the relays in
the hardware will open after set time 2-32 sec. (in 2 sec. steps). If this test not performs within the
below shown limits, the error message ”HW ERROR, FC 1” will be displayed.
The test is performed upon system start up.

HW delay < SW delay Software stops

HW delay > Only Warning, press a button for OK.

SW delay + 4s
HW delay > Software stops
SW delay + 5s

When the software stops both Hardware (M) time and Software (S) time is displayed in 1/10 sec so that
the times can be verified/corrected.

This test is to verify that the relay that feeds the PWM-outputs opens. If emergency stop is actuated
the Spider hardware for emergency stop open this relay. This test is performed when all e-motors are
stopped. If the relay doesn't open on this test, error message ”HW ERROR, FC 2” is displayed and
the software stops.

This test is to verify that the electric motor interlock relays opens. When electric motor interlock is
OK the relay is closed and open when interlock not is OK. If the relay not opens, error message ”HW
ERROR, FC 3” is displayed and the software stops. This test is performed at power on and once when all
electric motors are stopped.

Watchdog indication should not be activated during normal program execution. If it happens during normal
program execution, error message ”HW ERROR, FC 4” is displayed and the software stops. This test is
performed continuously.

If measured current is 50% greater than max configured current a short-circuit is assumed,
error message ”HW ERROR, FC 5” is displayed and the software stops. This test is performed continuously.
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AS4, Indication and setting V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

4.9.3 Software monitoring

If the software halts or executes incorrect in that way that the control loop or the user interface loop
can't execute within set time limits, error message ”WATCDOG TIMEOUT” is displayed and the software
stops. Program address where the execution stopped is also displayed.

4.9.4 Bus
Anybus function is selected but the communication does not function. This error is likely to occur if the bus
cable not is connected.

Anybus function is selected but the hardware is not functioning. This error is likely to occur if the bus module
is missing or defect.

4.10 Text settings

Indicating texts in Aux functions, AMx04 can be set via front panel or SpiderCom.
Serial number in drive log must be set via front panel.
The text characters are scrolled with ▲ or ▼buttons and selected with Enter button at the front panel. If the
button tapped the characters will change one character at the time. If it is pressed during scroll the character
will stopped at fixed positions.

Character sequence:

Special characters in VFD: ♪CF▼►◄▲

▼ ▼ ▼ (stop points with pressed button are 0, A and a, scroll direction←)

To end..01..89:;<=>?@AB..YZ[¥]^_´ab..yz{|}→← ÄvÅÖßü blank!”#$%&’()*+,-./ to beginning

▲ ▲ ▲(stop points with pressed button are 9, Z and z, scroll direction→)

Special characters in LCD: Japanese and special characters

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 23(23)
Spider Parameters V4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.1 Parameter tree

Overview of configurable parameters.

Log readings Drive 1

Drive 2 Aux Monitor (34) Aux 1 AMA
Aux 2 AMB
Aux 3 AMC
Aux 4 AMD
Aux 5 AME
Aux 6 AMF
Setup Password MAin settings (2) Function MAA Aux 7 AMG
Configuration MAB Aux 8 AMH
Language MAC Aux 9 AMI
Protection MAD Aux 10 AMJ
Reset MAE Aux 11 AMK
Aux 12 AML
Pump Outputs (4) Pump 1 POA Aux 13 AMM
Pump 2 POB Aux 14 AMN
Contrast Drive 1 Pump 3 POC Aux 15 AMO
Drive 2 Pump 4 POD Aux 16 AMP
Friction POE Aux 17 AMQ
Ramp POF Aux 18 AMR
Aux 19 AMS
Digital Inputs (5) DIN Aux 20 AMT
Digital Outputs (9) Digital out 1 DOA Drive Monitor (38) Start interlock DMA
HW Calibration Digital out 2 DOB Drive 1 DMB
Digital out 3 DOC Drive 2 DMC
Digital out 4 DOD Emotor interlock DMD
Digital out 5 DOE Drain temp DME
Digital out 6 DOF Compare calc DMF
Digital out 7 DOG Compare display DMG
Digital out 8 DOH
Digital out 9 DOI H.motor Monitor (41) Temp limit HMA
Digital out 10 DOJ Drive connection HMB
Digital out 11 DOK
Digital out 12 DOL Drive 1 basic (42) Setpoint D1A
Digital out 13 DOM Ramp D1C
Regulator D1D
Pulse Inputs (16) Drive 0(Common) P0I Feedback D1E
Drive 1 P1I Power limitation D1F
Drive 2 P2I Brake D1G
Analog Inputs (17) Setpoint 1 AIA
Setpoint 2 AIB Drive 2 basic (44) Setpoint D2A
Analog in 1 AIF Ramp D2C
Analog in 2 AIG Regulator D2D
Analog in 3 AIH Feedback D2E
Analog in 4 AII Power limitation D2F
Analog in 5 AIJ Brake D2G
Analog in 6 AIK
SHredder 1 (46) Function SHA
Analog in 7 AIL
Setpoint SHB
Analog in 8 AIM
Counter SHC
Analog in 9 AIN
Tank temp AIP SHredder 2 (47) Function SHG
Power limit AIR Setpoint SHH
Counter SHI
Analog Outputs (24) Analog out 1 AOA
Analog out 2 AOB SYnchro (48) Function SYA
Analog out 3 AOC Drive 1 reset SYB
Analog out 4 AOD Drive 2 setpoint SYC
Bus (26) Type&Function BTF Drive 2 indication SYD
Digital in BDI Drive 2 reset SYE
Analog in 1 BAA Master setpoint SYF
Analog in 2 BAB Drive 1 setpoint SYG
Analog in 3 BAC
PRessure 1 (49) Function PRA
Analog in 4 BAD
Pr.setpoint PRB
Analog in 5 BAE
Regulator PRC
Analog in 6 BAF
Analog in 7 BAG PRessure 2 (50) Function PRG
Analog in 8 BAH Pr.setpoint PRH
Analog in 9 BAI Regulator PRI
Analog in 10 BAJ
Analog out BAK Reading 1 (51) Scroll menu R1A
Left upper R1B
Pump Monitor (31) Pump 1 PMA Right upper R1C
Pump 2 PMB Left lower R1D
Pump 3 PMC Right lower R1E
Pump 4 PMD
Reading 2 (52) Scroll menu R2A
Tank Monitor (33) Digital TMA Left upper R2B
Analog temp TMB Right upper R2C
Analog level TMC Left lower R2D
Right lower R2E

Drive log (54) Password Serial number

Log 1
Log 2
Log 3
Log 4
Log 5
Log 6
Log 7
Log 8
Reset time

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 1(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2 Configurable Parameters Parameter change active

S – With both drives stopped
5.2.1 Main settings S1, S2 – With drive 1 or 2 stopped
A – Always changeable
Main settings-Function
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

MAA01 System function S

BASIC = Monitor and Basic function BASIC BASIC
SHREDDER = Shredder function SHREDDER
SYNCHRO = Synchro and Friction SYNCHRO

Main settings-Configuration
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

MAB01 E-motor connection for Pump 1 E-motor 1 E-motor 1 S

E-motor 2
E-motor 3
MAB02 E-motor connection for Pump 2 E-motor 1 S
E-motor 2
E-motor 3 OFF
MAB03 E-motor connection for Pump 3 E-motor 1 S
E-motor 2
E-motor 3 OFF
MAB04 E-motor connection for Pump 4 E-motor 1 S
E-motor 2
E-motor 3 OFF
MAB05 Drive connection for Pump 1 Drive 1 Drive 1 S
Drive 2
MAB06 Drive connection for Pump 2 Drive 1 S
Drive 2
MAB07 Drive connection for Pump 3 Drive 1 S
Drive 2
MAB08 Drive connection for Pump 4 Drive 1 S
Drive 2
MAB09 Separate= One drive or two separate Separate Separate S
Common= Two drives with common Common
MAB10 Shutdown ramp time 1sec 0sec 0sec 20sec S
MAB11 Emergency stop memory bypass ON/OFF OFF S
MAB13 Charge pump Drive 1 Internal Internal S
MAB14 Charge pump Drive 2 Internal Internal S

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 2(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Main settings-Language
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

MAC01 Display language selection English English A


Main settings-Protection
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

MAD01 Security code for set up menu yes/no no A

MAD02 Security code change* AB12 CODE S
*characters changed with  and  buttons and selected with button.

Main settings-Reset
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

MAE01 Reset parameters to default Y/N N S

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 3(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.2 Pump outputs

Pump outputs-Pump1
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

POA01 Forward min current 1mA 0 0 1000 S

POA02 Forward max current 1mA (POA01) (POA01) 2000 A
POA03 Reverse min current 1mA 0 0 1000 S
POA04 Reverse max current 1mA (POA03) (POA03) 2000 A
POA05 Coil resistance 1ohm 40 5 100 S
POA06 PWM-frequency 100Hz 200 100 2000 S

Pump outputs-Pump2
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

POB01 Forward min current 1mA 0 0 1000 S

POB02 Forward max current 1mA (POB01) (POB01) 2000 A
POB03 Reverse min current 1mA 0 0 1000 S
POB04 Reverse max current 1mA (POB03) (POB03) 2000 A
POB05 Coil resistance 1ohm 40 5 100 S
POB06 PWM-frequency 100Hz 200 100 2000 S

Pump outputs-Pump3
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

POC01 Forward min current 1mA 0 0 1000 S

POC02 Forward max current 1mA (POC01) (POC01) 2000 A
POC03 Reverse min current 1mA 0 0 1000 S
POC04 Reverse max current 1mA (POC03) (POC03) 2000 A
POC05 Coil resistance 1ohm 40 5 100 S
POC06 PWM-frequency 100Hz 200 100 2000 S

Pump outputs-Pump4
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

POD01 Forward min current 1mA 0 0 1000 S

POD02 Forward max current 1mA (POD01) (POD01) 2000 A
POD03 Reverse min current 1mA 0 0 1000 S
POD04 Reverse max current 1mA (POD03) (POD03) 2000 A
POD05 Coil resistance 1ohm 40 5 100 S
POD06 PWM-frequency 100Hz 200 100 2000 S

Pump outputs-Friction
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

POE01 Pump friction: 0, 3, 4 0 S

0=off, 3=Pump 3, 4=Pump 4
POE02 Pump low friction limit 1% 0 0 300 S
POE03 Pump high friction limit 1% 200 0 300 S
POE04 Friction up ramp time 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 600.0 S
POE05 Friction down ramp time 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 600.0 S

Pump outputs-Ramp
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

POF01 Ramp up pump (only active when 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 600.0 S
digital input PxOFF is selected)
POF02 Ramp down pump (only active when 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 600.0 S
digital input PxOFF is selected)
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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 4(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.3 Digital inputs

Digital Inputs
Switch Description Type Default Change

DIN01 Digital input 1, terminal DI1-3 *a 08 MAX TEMP S

DIN02 Digital input 2, terminal DI1-4 *a 08 HI TEMP S
DIN03 Digital input 3, terminal DI1-5 *a 08 MIN TEMP S
DIN04 Digital input 4, terminal DI1-6 *a 07 MN LEVEL S
DIN05 Digital input 5, terminal DI1-7 *a 07 LO LEVEL S
DIN06 Digital input 6, terminal DI1-8 *a 06 DRF 100 S
DIN07 Digital input 7, terminal DI2-4 *a 06 RF 100P1 S
DIN08 Digital input 8, terminal DI2-5 *a 05 SUCTION1 S
DIN09 Digital input 9, terminal DI2-6 *a 03 C PRB P1 S
DIN10 Digital input 10, terminal DI2-7 *a 01 H APR P1 S
DIN11 Digital input 11, terminal DI2-8 *a 06 RF 100P2 S
DIN12 Digital input 12, terminal DI2-9 *a 05 SUCTION2 S
DIN13 Digital input 13, terminal DI2-10 *a 03 C PRB P2 S
DIN14 Digital input 14, terminal DI2-11 *a 01 H APR P2 S
DIN15 Digital input 15, terminal DI2-12 *a OFF S
DIN16 Digital input 16, terminal DI3-4 *a 06 RF 100P3 S
DIN17 Digital input 17, terminal DI3-5 *a 05 SUCTION3 S
DIN18 Digital input 18, terminal DI3-6 *a 03 C PRB P3 S
DIN19 Digital input 19, terminal DI3-7 *a 01 H APR P3 S
DIN20 Digital input 20, terminal DI3-8 *a 06 RF 100P4 S
DIN21 Digital input 21, terminal DI3-9 *a 05 SUCTION4 S
DIN22 Digital input 22, terminal DI3-10 *a 03 C PRB P4 S
DIN23 Digital input 23, terminal DI3-11 *a 01 H APR P4 S
DIN24 Digital input 24, terminal DI3-12 *a OFF S
DIN25 Digital input 25, terminal DI4-4 *a OFF S
DIN26 Digital input 26, terminal DI4-5 *a OFF S
DIN27 Digital input 27, terminal DI4-6 *a OFF S
DIN28 Digital input 28, terminal DI4-7 *a OFF S
DIN29 Digital input 29, terminal DI4-8 *a OFF S
DIN30 Digital input 30, terminal DI4-9 *a OFF S
DIN31 Digital input 31, terminal DI4-10 *a OFF S
DIN32 Digital input 32, terminal DI4-11 *a OFF S
DIN33 Digital input 33, terminal DI4-12 *a OFF S
DIN34 Digital input 34, terminal DI5-3 *a OFF S
DIN35 Digital input 35, terminal DI5-4 *a OFF S
DIN36 Digital input 36, terminal DI5-5 *a OFF S
DIN37 Digital input 37, terminal DI5-6 *a OFF S
DIN38 Digital input 38, terminal DI5-7 *a OFF S
DIN39 Digital input 39, terminal DI5-8 *a OFF S
DIN40 Digital input 40, terminal DI5-9 *a OFF S
DIN41 Digital input 41, terminal DI5-10 *a OFF S
DIN42 Digital input 42, terminal DI5-11 *a OFF S
DIN43 Digital input 43, terminal DI5-12 *a OFF S

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 5(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

*a Possible digital input function settings:

01 H APR P1 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 1
01 H BPR P1 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 1
01 H APR P2 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 2
01 H BPR P2 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 2
01 H APR P3 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 3
01 H BPR P3 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 3
01 H APR P4 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 4
01 H BPR P4 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 4
02 H APR D1 High pressure A-side monitor function for drive 1
02 H BPR D1 High pressure B-side monitor function for drive 1
02 H APR D2 High pressure A-side monitor function for drive 2
02 H BPR D2 High pressure B-side monitor function for drive 2
02 H APR 12 High pressure A-side monitor function for drive 1 and 2
02 H BPR 12 High pressure B-side monitor function for drive 1 and 2

03 C PRA P1 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 1

03 C PRB P1 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 1
03 C PRA P2 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 2
03 C PRB P2 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 2
03 C PRA P3 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 3
03 C PRB P3 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 3
03 C PRA P4 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 4
03 C PRB P4 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 4

04 C PRA D1 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for drive 1

04 C PRB D1 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for drive 1
04 C PRA D2 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for drive 2
04 C PRB D2 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for drive 2

05 SUCTION1 Suction line monitor for pump 1

05 SUCTION2 Suction line monitor for pump 2
05 SUCTION3 Suction line monitor for pump 3
05 SUCTION4 Suction line monitor for pump 4
05 ACC A P1 Monitor of accumulator pressure A-side pump 1
05 ACC B P1 Monitor of accumulator pressure B-side pump 1
05 ACC A P2 Monitor of accumulator pressure A-side pump 2
05 ACC B P2 Monitor of accumulator pressure B-side pump 2
05 ACC A P3 Monitor of accumulator pressure A-side pump 3
05 ACC B P3 Monitor of accumulator pressure B-side pump 3
05 ACC A P4 Monitor of accumulator pressure A-side pump 4
05 ACC B P4 Monitor of accumulator pressure B-side pump 4
05 ACC A D1 Monitor of accumulator pressure A-side drive 1
05 ACC B D1 Monitor of accumulator pressure B-side drive 1
05 ACC A D2 Monitor of accumulator pressure A-side drive 2
05 ACC B D2 Monitor of accumulator pressure B-side drive 2

06 RF 75P1 Monitor of return filter for pump 1 clogged to 3/4

06 RF 100P1 Monitor of return filter for pump 1 fully clogged
06 RF 75P2 Monitor of return filter for pump 2 clogged to 3/4
06 RF 100P2 Monitor of return filter for pump 2 fully clogged
06 RF 75P3 Monitor of return filter for pump 3 clogged to 3/4
06 RF 100P3 Monitor of return filter for pump 3 fully clogged
06 RF 75P4 Monitor of return filter for pump 4 clogged to 3/4
06 RF 100P4 Monitor of return filter for pump 4 fully clogged
06 DRF 75 Monitor of drain filter clogged to 3/4
06 DRF 100 Monitor of drain filter fully clogged
06 AUXF 75 Monitor of auxiliary filter clogged to 3/4
06 AUXF 100 Monitor of auxiliary filter fully clogged
06 F TEMP Interlock of filter warning inputs

07 LO LEVEL Low oil level monitor for tank

07 MN LEVEL Min oil level monitor for tank

08 MAX TEMP Max oil temp monitor for tank

08 HI TEMP High oil temp monitor for tank
08 MIN TEMP Low oil temp monitor for tank

09 ALARM R Remote reset of alarms and warnings

09 BUS R Reset of alarms and warnings via bus
09 BUS 1 Switching to Bus command signals, Drive 1
09 BUS 2 Switching to Bus command signals, Drive 2
09 BUS M Switching to Bus command signal, External master
09 LAMPTEST Lamp test for selected digital outputs
09 EMSTOP Emergency stop without hardware shutdown

10 SHR A D1 Shredder forward stop, Drive 1

10 SHR B D1 Shredder reverse stop, Drive 1
10 SHR A D2 Shredder forward stop, Drive 2
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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 6(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

10 SHR B D2 Shredder reverse stop, Drive 2

10 SHR 1+2A Shredder forward stop, Drive 1 and 2
10 SHR 1+2B Shredder forward stop, Drive 1 and 2
10 INTERV1 Interval control of shredder, Drive 1
10 INTERV2 Interval control of shredder, Drive 2
10 SH RES 1 External reset of Shredder blocked function, Drive 1
10 SH RES 2 External reset of Shredder blocked function, Drive 2
10 SH RES12 External reset of Shredder blocked function, Drive 1 and 2

11 PL1 Activate power limitation for Drive 1

11 PL2 Activate power limitation for Drive 2
11 P1OFF Ramp down pump 1
11 P2OFF Ramp down pump 2
11 P3OFF Ramp down pump 3
11 P4OFF Ramp down pump 4

12 RES EN 1 External enable of counter reset in Synchro mode, Drive 1

12 RES EN2 External enable of counter reset in Synchro mode, Drive 2
12 FRICTION Friction drive in Synchro counter mode
12 INV M Inverting of master speed command in Synchro mode, Drive 1

13 AUX 1 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary 1

13 AUX 2 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 2
13 AUX 3 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 3
13 AUX 4 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 4
13 AUX 5 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 5
13 AUX 6 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 6
13 AUX 7 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 7
13 AUX 8 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 8
13 AUX 9 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 9
13 AUX 10 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 10
13 AUX 11 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 11
13 AUX 12 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 12
13 AUX 13 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 13
13 AUX 14 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 14
13 AUX 15 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 15
13 AUX 16 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 16
13 AUX 17 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 17
13 AUX 18 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 18
13 AUX 19 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 19
13 AUX 20 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 20

14 START 1 Drive start in Remote mode, Drive 1

14 START 2 Drive start in Remote mode, Drive 2
14 START 12 Drive start in Remote mode, Drive 1 and Drive 2
14 L START1 Drive start in Local mode, Drive 1 NOTE1
14 L STOP1 Drive stop in Local mode, Drive 1 NOTE1
14 L START2 Drive start in Local mode, Drive 2 NOTE1
14 L STOP2 Drive stop in Local mode, Drive 2 NOTE1

15 FIXED 1A Drive with fixed speed A, Drive 1

15 FIXED 1B Drive with fixed speed B, Drive 1
15 FIXED 1C Drive with fixed speed C, Drive 1
15 FIXED 1D Drive with fixed speed D, Drive 1
15 FIXED 2A Drive with fixed speed A, Drive 2
15 FIXED 2B Drive with fixed speed B, Drive 2
15 FIXED 2C Drive with fixed speed C, Drive 2
15 FIXED 2D Drive with fixed speed D, Drive 2
15 FIX 1+2A Drive with fixed speed A, Drive 1 and Drive 2
15 FIX 1+2B Drive with fixed speed B, Drive 1 and Drive 2
15 L REV 1 Local Reverse drive with fixed speed, Drive 1 or local reverse drive in manual mode, Shredder Drive 1
15 L FORW 1 Local forward drive in manual mode, Shredder Drive 1
15 L REV 2 Local Reverse drive with fixed speed, Drive 2 or local reverse drive in manual mode, Shredder Drive 2
15 L FORW 2 Local forward drive in manual mode, Shredder Drive 2
15 INV 1 Reverse with inverted command at unidirectional command, Drive 1
15 INV 2 Reverse with inverted command at unidirectional command, Drive 2
15 RAMP1OFF Bypass of ramp, Drive 1
15 RAMP2OFF Bypass of ramp, Drive 2

16 SP UP1 Increase set point in Local mode, Drive 1

16 SP DN1 Decrease set point in Local mode, Drive 1
16 SP UP2 Increase set point in Local mode, Drive 2
16 SP DN2 Decrease set point in Local mode, Drive 2
16 SP RES1 Reset of set point in Local mode, Drive 1
16 SP RES2 Reset of set point in Local mode, Drive 2
16 REM 1 Activated input = remote mode Drive 1, Open input = local mode
16 REM 2 Activated input = remote mode Drive 2, Open input = local mode
16 REM 1+2 Activated input = remote mode Drive 1 and 2, Open input = local mode

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 7(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

17 AUTO 1 Activated input = auto mode Drive 1, Open input = manual mode
17 AUTO 2 Activated input = auto mode Drive 2, Open input = manual mode
17 AUTO 1+2 Activated input = auto mode Drive 1 and 2, Open input = manual mode

18 REG 1 Activated input = Closed loop speed feedback active Drive 1, Open input = Open loop
18 REG 2 Activated input = Closed loop speed feedback active Drive 2, Open input = Open loop
18 REG 1+2 Activated input = Closed loop speed feedback active Drive 1+2, Open input = Open loop
18 ERR1 RES External reset of Error too large function, Drive 1
18 ERR2 RES External reset of Error too large function, Drive 2
18 ERR1+2 R External reset of Error too large function, Drive 1 and 2

19 EMOTOR 1 High temp electric motor 1 monitor function

19 EMOTOR 2 High temp electric motor 2 monitor function
19 EMOTOR 3 High temp electric motor 3 monitor function
19 AUX ST Start Electric motor for auxiliary pump
19 FLUSH ON Electric motor for flush pump started
19 C PUMPD1 Charge pump for drive1 started
19 C PUMPD2 Charge pump for drive 2 started
19 SUCT AUX Suction line for auxiliary pump
19 AUX EMOT High temp auxiliary electric motor monitor function
19 BRAKE1OP Brake opened for drive 1
19 BRAKE2OP Brake opened for drive 2

20 PR REM 1 Switching between local and remote pressure set point, drive 1
20 PR REM 2 Switching between local and remote pressure set point, drive 2
20 PR HI 1 Force pressure output to high level, drive 1
20 PR LO 1 Force pressure output to low level, drive 1
20 PR ON 1 Switch on pressure regulator, drive 1
20 PR HI 2 Force pressure output to high level, drive 2
20 PR LO 2 Force pressure output to low level, drive 2
20 PR ON 2 Switch on pressure regulator, drive 2

21 OFF Not used

The input will be active for drive start/stop in:
 local mode
 in remote mode if a digital input not is used for start

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 8(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.4 Digital outputs

Digital Outputs -Digital out 1
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DOA01 Digital output function, *a OFF S

terminal DO1:3-4
DOA02 Inverted function yes/no no S
DOA03 Delay time for digital output 0,1sec 5,0 0,0 60,0 S
DOA04 Delay function for output S
ON=On delay ON
OFF=Off delay OFF
ONOFF= Delay both on and off ONOFF
PULSE=Output changes during delay PULSE
time NO NO
NO=No delay
DOA05 Connected for lamp test yes/no no S

Digital Outputs -Digital out 2

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DOB01 Digital output function, *a OFF S

terminal DO1:5-6
DOB02 Inverted function yes/no no S
DOB03 Delay time for digital output 0,1sec 5,0 0,0 60,0 S
DOB04 Delay function for output S
ON=On delay ON
OFF=Off delay OFF
ONOFF= Delay both on and off ONOFF
PULSE=Output changes during delay PULSE
time NO NO
NO=No delay
DOB05 Connected for lamp test yes/no no S

Digital Outputs -Digital out 3

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DOC01 Digital output function, *a OFF S

terminal DO1:7-8
DOC02 Inverted function yes/no no S
DOC03 Delay time for digital output 0,1sec 5,0 0,0 60,0 S
DOC04 Delay function for output S
ON=On delay ON
OFF=Off delay OFF
ONOFF= Delay both on and off ONOFF
PULSE=Output changes during delay PULSE
time NO NO
NO=No delay
DOC05 Connected for lamp test yes/no no S

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 9(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Digital Outputs -Digital out 4

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DOD01 Digital output function, *a OFF S

terminal DO1:9-10
DOD02 Inverted function yes/no no S
DOD03 Delay time for digital output 0,1sec 5,0 0,0 60,0 S
DOD04 Delay function for output S
ON=On delay ON
OFF=Off delay OFF
ONOFF= Delay both on and off ONOFF
PULSE=Output changes during delay PULSE
time NO NO
NO=No delay
DOD05 Connected for lamp test yes/no no S

Digital Outputs -Digital out 5

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DOE01 Digital output function, *a OFF S

terminal DO1:11-12
DOE02 Inverted function yes/no no S
DOE03 Delay time for digital output 0,1sec 5,0 0,0 60,0 S
DOE04 Delay function for output S
ON=On delay ON
OFF=Off delay OFF
ONOFF= Delay both on and off ONOFF
PULSE=Output changes during delay PULSE
time NO NO
NO=No delay
DOE05 Connected for lamp test yes/no no S

Digital Outputs -Digital out 6

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DOF01 Digital output function, *a OFF S

terminal DO1:13-14
DOF02 Inverted function yes/no no S
DOF03 Delay time for digital output 0,1sec 5,0 0,0 60,0 S
DOF04 Delay function for output S
ON=On delay ON
OFF=Off delay OFF
ONOFF= Delay both on and off ONOFF
PULSE=Output changes during delay PULSE
time NO NO
NO=No delay
DOF05 Connected for lamp test yes/no no S

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 10(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Digital Outputs -Digital out 7

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DOG01 Digital output function, *a OFF S

terminal DO2:3-4
DOG02 Inverted function yes/no no S
DOG03 Delay time for digital output 0,1sec 5,0 0,0 60,0 S
DOG04 Delay function for output S
ON=On delay ON
OFF=Off delay OFF
ONOFF= Delay both on and off ONOFF
PULSE=Output changes during delay PULSE
time NO NO
NO=No delay
DOG05 Connected for lamp test yes/no no S

Digital Outputs -Digital out 8

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DOH01 Digital output function, *a OFF S

terminal DO2:5-6
DOH02 Inverted function yes/no no S
DOH03 Delay time for digital output 0,1sec 5,0 0,0 60,0 S
DOH04 Delay function for output S
ON=On delay ON
OFF=Off delay OFF
ONOFF= Delay both on and off ONOFF
PULSE=Output changes during delay PULSE
time NO NO
NO=No delay
DOH05 Connected for lamp test yes/no no S

Digital Outputs -Digital out 9

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DOI01 Digital output function, *a OFF S

terminal DO2:7-8
DOI02 Inverted function yes/no no S
DOI03 Delay time for digital output 0,1sec 5,0 0,0 60,0 S
DOI04 Delay function for output S
ON=On delay ON
OFF=Off delay OFF
ONOFF= Delay both on and off ONOFF
PULSE=Output changes during delay PULSE
time NO NO
NO=No delay
DOI05 Connected for lamp test yes/no no S

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AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Digital Outputs -Digital out 10

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DOJ01 Digital output function, *a OFF S

terminal DO2:9-10
DOJ02 Inverted function yes/no no S
DOJ03 Delay time for digital output 0,1sec 5,0 0,0 60,0 S
DOJ04 Delay function for output S
ON=On delay ON
OFF=Off delay OFF
ONOFF= Delay both on and off ONOFF
PULSE=Output changes during delay PULSE
time NO NO
NO=No delay
DOJ05 Connected for lamp test yes/no no S

Digital Outputs -Digital out 11

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DOK01 Digital output function, *a OFF S

terminal DO2:11-12
DOK02 Inverted function yes/no no S
DOK03 Delay time for digital output 0,1sec 5,0 0,0 60,0 S
DOK04 Delay function for output S
ON=On delay ON
OFF=Off delay OFF
ONOFF= Delay both on and off ONOFF
PULSE=Output changes during delay PULSE
time NO NO
NO=No delay
DOK05 Connected for lamp test yes/no no S

Digital Outputs -Digital out 12

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DOL01 Digital output function, *a OFF S

terminal DO2:11-13
DOL02 Inverted function yes/no no S
DOL03 Delay time for digital output 0,1sec 5,0 0,0 60,0 S
DOL04 Delay function for output S
ON=On delay ON
OFF=Off delay OFF
ONOFF= Delay both on and off ONOFF
PULSE=Output changes during delay PULSE
time NO NO
NO=No delay
DOL05 Connected for lamp test yes/no no S

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 12(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Digital Outputs -Digital out 13

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DOM01 Digital output function, *a OFF S

terminal DO2:11-14
DOM02 Inverted function yes/no no S
DOM03 Delay time for digital output 0,1sec 5,0 0,0 60,0 S
DOM04 Delay function for output S
ON=On delay ON
OFF=Off delay OFF
ONOFF= Delay both on and off ONOFF
PULSE=Output changes during delay PULSE
time NO NO
NO=No delay
DOM05 Connected for lamp test yes/no no S

*a Possible function settings:

01 A1 Alarm, Drive 1
01 A2 Alarm, Drive 2
01 A1+A2 Alarm, Drive 1 or Drive2
01 W 1 Warning, Drive 1
01 W 2 Warning, Drive 2
01 W1+W2 Warning, Drive 1 or Drive 2
01 INT 1 Interlock, Drive 1
01 INT 2 Interlock, Drive 2
01 INT 1+2 Interlock, Drive 1 or Drive 2
01 D1 Disable, Drive 1
01 D2 Disable, Drive 2
01 D1+D2 Disable, Drive 1 or Drive 2

02 START 1 Drive 1 started

02 START 2 Drive 2 started
02 START1+2 Drive 1 or Drive 2 started
02 START1*2 Drive 1 and Drive 2 started

03 READY 1 Ready to use, Drive1 (also to be used for Fail safe valve, Drive 1)
03 READY 2 Ready to use, Drive2 (also to be used for Fail safe valve, Drive 2)
03 READY1+2 Drive 1 or Drive 2 ready
03 READY1*2 Drive 1 and Drive 2 ready

04 REMOTE 1 Drive 1 in remote mode

04 REMOTE 2 Drive 2 in remote mode
04 BUS 1 Drive 1 in bus mode
04 BUS 2 Drive 2 in bus mode
04 BUS M External synchro master in bus mode

05 AUTO 1 Drive 1 in automatic mode (Shredder)

05 AUTO 2 Drive 2 in automatic mode (Shredder)
05 REG 1 Drive 1 in regulated mode (Basic and Synchro)
05 REG 2 Drive 2 in regulated mode (Basic and Synchro)

06 PLIM 1 Power limit active, Drive 1

06 PLIM 2 Power limit active, Drive 2
06 PLIM 1+2 Power limit active, Drive 1 or Drive 2
06 PLIM Power limit active
06 P10FF Pump 1 down ramped
06 P20FF Pump 2 down ramped
06 P30FF Pump 3 down ramped
06 P40FF Pump 4 down ramped

07 FORW 1 Drive 1 running forward (positive command signal)

07 REV 1 Drive 1 running reverse (negative command signal)
07 FORW 2 Drive 2 running forward (positive command signal)
07 REV 2 Drive 2 running reverse (negative command signal)

08 C ZERO Indication for found zero position in Synchro counter function (synchro activated)
08 SYNCHRO Synchro within limits set in parameter L22

09 AOUT 1- Selected register reading for analogue output 1 has negative sign
09 AOUT 2- Selected register reading for analogue output 2 has negative sign
09 AOUT 3- Selected register reading for analogue output 3 has negative sign
09 AOUT 4- Selected register reading for analogue output 4 has negative sign

10 EMOT D1 Electric motor(s) for drive 1 started

10 EMOT D2 Electric motor(s) for drive 2 started
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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 13(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

10 EMOTD1+2 Electric motor(s) for drive 1 or 2 started

10 EMOTD1*2 Electric motor(s) for drive 1 and 2 started
10 EMOTOR 1 Electric motor 1 started
10 EMOTOR 2 Electric motor 2 started
10 EMOTOR 3 Electric motor 3 started
10 EM INT1 Electric motor 1 interlock (not monitored contact)
10 EM INT2 Electric motor 2 interlock (not monitored contact)
10 EM INT3 Electric motor 3 interlock (not monitored contact)
10 CP INT1 Charge pump motor interlock, drive 1 (not monitored contact)
10 CP INT2 Charge pump motor interlock, drive 2 (not monitored contact)

11 MIN TEMP Min temp active indicator

11 HI TEMP High temp active indicator
11 MAX TEMP Max temp active indicator
11 COOL CONI Cooler control interlocked by electric motor start when using analog temp sensor
11 COOL COND Cooler control without interlock when using analog temp sensor
11 COOL FWD Cooler control timed forward when using analog temp sensor
11 COOL REV Cooler control timed reverse when using analog temp sensor
11 HEAT CON Heater control when using analog temp sensor
11 FLUSHCON Flushing valve control when using analog temp sensor
11 ST AUXP Start auxiliary pump electric motor
11 FL TEMP Standby flush temp active
11 MN DRTMP Min drain temp disable
11 MX LEVEL Max oil level (overfill) in tank when using analog level sensor
11 FULL Max fill-up level in tank when using analog level sensor
11 LO LEVEL Low oil level in tank when using analog level sensor
11 MN LEVEL Minimum oil level in tank when using analog level sensor

12 P1 C ACT Pressure control active, drive 1

12 P1 HI CA Pressure control high active, drive 1
12 P1 LO CA Pressure control low active, drive 1
12 P1 MAX Pressure control saturated, drive 1
12 P2 C ACT Pressure control active, drive 2
12 P2 HI CA Pressure control high active, drive 2
12 P2 LO CA Pressure control low active, drive 2
12 P2 MAX Pressure control saturated, drive 2

13 SH BLCK1 Shredder blocked, drive 1

13 SH BLCK2 Shredder blocked, drive 2
13 RESET1 Front panel Alarm reset active, Drive 1
13 RESET2 Front panel Alarm reset active, Drive 2
13 RESET1+2 Front panel Alarm reset active, Drive 1 or Drive 2
13 OPEN BR1 Open brake, Drive 1
13 OPEN BR2 Open brake, Drive 2

14 AUX1 Auxiliary function 1 active

14 AUX2 Auxiliary function 2 active
14 AUX3 Auxiliary function 3 active
14 AUX4 Auxiliary function 4 active
14 AUX5 Auxiliary function 5 active
14 AUX6 Auxiliary function 6 active
14 AUX7 Auxiliary function 7 active
14 AUX8 Auxiliary function 8 active
14 AUX9 Auxiliary function 9 active
14 AUX10 Auxiliary function 10 active
14 AUX11 Auxiliary function 11 active
14 AUX12 Auxiliary function 12 active
14 AUX13 Auxiliary function 13 active
14 AUX14 Auxiliary function 14 active
14 AUX15 Auxiliary function 15 active
14 AUX16 Auxiliary function 16 active
14 AUX17 Auxiliary function 17 active
14 AUX18 Auxiliary function 18 active
14 AUX19 Auxiliary function 19 active
14 AUX20 Auxiliary function 20 active

15 DIN1 Digital input 1 status

15 DIN2 Digital input 2 status
15 DIN3 Digital input 3 status
15 DIN4 Digital input 4 status
15 DIN5 Digital input 5 status
15 DIN6 Digital input 6 status
15 DIN7 Digital input 7 status
15 DIN8 Digital input 8 status
15 DIN9 Digital input 9 status
15 DIN10 Digital input 10 status
15 DIN11 Digital input 11 status
15 DIN12 Digital input 12 status
15 DIN13 Digital input 13 status
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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 14(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

15 DIN14 Digital input 14 status

15 DIN15 Digital input 15 status
15 DIN16 Digital input 16 status
15 DIN17 Digital input 17 status
15 DIN18 Digital input 18 status
15 DIN19 Digital input 19 status
15 DIN20 Digital input 20 status
15 DIN21 Digital input 21 status
15 DIN22 Digital input 22 status
15 DIN23 Digital input 23 status
15 DIN24 Digital input 24 status
15 DIN25 Digital input 25 status
15 DIN26 Digital input 26 status
15 DIN27 Digital input 27 status
15 DIN28 Digital input 28 status
15 DIN29 Digital input 29 status
15 DIN30 Digital input 30 status
15 DIN31 Digital input 31 status
15 DIN32 Digital input 32 status
15 DIN33 Digital input 33 status
15 DIN34 Digital input 34 status
15 DIN35 Digital input 35 status
15 DIN36 Digital input 36 status
15 DIN37 Digital input 37 status
15 DIN38 Digital input 38 status
15 DIN39 Digital input 39 status
15 DIN40 Digital input 40 status
15 DIN41 Digital input 41 status
15 DIN42 Digital input 42 status
15 DIN43 Digital input 43 status

16 BDIN1 Bus Digital input 1 status

16 BDIN2 Bus Digital input 2 status
16 BDIN3 Bus Digital input 3 status
16 BDIN4 Bus Digital input 4 status
16 BDIN5 Bus Digital input 5 status
16 BDIN6 Bus Digital input 6 status
16 BDIN7 Bus Digital input 7 status
16 BDIN8 Bus Digital input 8 status
16 BDIN9 Bus Digital input 9 status
16 BDIN10 Bus Digital input 10 status
16 BDIN11 Bus Digital input 11 status
16 BDIN12 Bus Digital input 12 status
16 BDIN13 Bus Digital input 13 status
16 BDIN14 Bus Digital input 14 status
16 BDIN15 Bus Digital input 15 status
16 BDIN16 Bus Digital input 16 status
16 BDIN17 Bus Digital input 17 status
16 BDIN18 Bus Digital input 18 status
16 BDIN19 Bus Digital input 19 status
16 BDIN20 Bus Digital input 20 status
16 BDIN21 Bus Digital input 21 status
16 BDIN22 Bus Digital input 22 status
16 BDIN23 Bus Digital input 23 status
16 BDIN24 Bus Digital input 24 status

17C PRA P1 Low charge pressure A-side for pump 1

17C PRB P1 Low charge pressure B-side for pump 1
17C PRA P2 Low charge pressure A-side for pump 2
17C PRB P2 Low charge pressure B-side for pump 2
17C PRA P3 Low charge pressure A-side for pump 3
17C PRB P3 Low charge pressure B-side for pump 3
17C PRA P4 Low charge pressure A-side for pump 4
17C PRB P4 Low charge pressure B-side for pump 4

OFF Not used

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 15(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.5 Pulse inputs

Pulse inputs-Selection
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

P0I01 Pulse input selection for Drive 1 DE1 DE1 S

P0I02 Pulse input selection for Drive 2 DE1 S

Pulse inputs-Drive 1
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

P1I01 Pulses/rev 1 1000 1 10000 S

P1I02 Units for REG109 *a rpm S
P1I03 Number of decimals for REG109 1 0 0 2 S
P1I04 Scaling for REG109 0.01 1.00 0.01 20.00 S
P1I05 Filter time for speed reading 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 S
P1I06 Polarity for digital speed signal S
1=Normal 1 1
2=Inverted 2
P1I07 Encoder type S
1=Quad 1 1
2=Single pulse with direction 2
3=Single pulse without direction 3
P1I08 High indication level (rpm) 0.1 0.0 -2000.0 2000.0 S
P1I09 Low indication level (rpm) 0.1 0.0 -2000.0 2000.0 S
P1I10 Function for high indication *b OFF S
P1I11 Function for low indication *b OFF S

Pulse inputs-Drive 2
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

P2I01 Pulses/rev 1 1000 1 10000 S

P2I02 Units for REG209 *a rpm S
P2I03 Number of decimals for REG209 1 0 0 2 S
P2I04 Scaling for REG209 0.01 1.00 0.01 20.00 S
P2I05 Filter time for speed reading 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 S
P2I06 Polarity for digital speed signal S
1=Normal 1 1
2=Inverted 2
P2I07 Encoder type S
1=Quad 1 1
2=Single pulse with direction 2
3=Single pulse without direction 3
P2I08 High indication level (rpm) 0.1 0.0 -2000.0 2000.0 S
P2I09 Low indication level (rpm) 0.1 0.0 -2000.0 2000.0 S
P2I10 Function for high indication *b OFF S
P2I11 Function for low indication *b OFF S
*a Possible units of measure settings: rpm, m/m, m/s, f/m, f/s

*b Possible function settings:

13 AUX1-AUX20 Auxiliary monitor function

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 16(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.6 Analog inputs

Analog inputs-Set point 1 (isolated)

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AIA01 Input type, speed Set point Drive 1 *a 4-20mA S

AIA02 Zero point adjustment Set point Drive1 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIA03 Max point adjustment Set point Drive1 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIA04 Reading for REG101 % % S
%=% value Actual
Actual = Actual external input value
AIA05 Set point scaling 0,01 1.00 1.00 10.00 S

Analog inputs-Set point 2 (isolated)

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AIB01 Input type, speed Set point Drive 2 *a 4-20mA S

AIB02 Zero point adjustment Set point Drive2 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIB03 Max point adjustment Set point Drive2 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIB04 Reading for REG201 % % S
%=% value Actual
Actual = Actual external input value
AIB05 Set point scaling 0,01 1.00 1.00 10.00 S

Analog inputs-Analog in 1 (isolated)

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AIF01 Input type *a 4-20mA S

AIF02 Zero point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIF03 Max point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIF04 Min input, REG401 1 0 -1000 4000 A
AIF05 Max input, REG401 1 200 (AIF04) 9999 A
AIF06 Units for REG401 *c bar S
AIF07 Number of decimals for REG401 1 0 0 2 A
AIF08 Scaling for REG401 0.01 1.00 0.01 20.00 A
AIF09 Function for input *e OFF A
AIF10 High indication level AIF07 AIF05 AIF04 AIF05 S
AIF11 Low indication level AIF07 AIF04 AIF04 AIF05 S
AIF12 Function for min indication at 4-20mA *f OFF S
input type
AIF13 Function for high indication *b OFF S
AIF14 Function for low indication *b OFF S
AIF15 Filter time for analog input reading 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A
AIF16 Filter time for analog input signal 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 17(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Analog inputs- Analog in 2 (isolated)

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AIG01 Input type *a 4-20mA S

AIG02 Zero point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIG03 Max point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIG04 Min input, REG402 1 0 -1000 4000 A
AIG05 Max input, REG402 1 200 (AIG04) 9999 A
AIG06 Units for REG402 *c bar S
AIG07 Number of decimals for REG402 1 0 0 2 A
AIG08 Scaling for REG402 0.01 1.00 0.01 20.00 A
AIG09 Function for input *e OFF A
AIG10 High indication level AIG07 AIG05 AIG04 AIG05 S
AIG11 Low indication level AIG07 AIG04 AIG04 AIG05 S
AIG12 Function for min indication at 4-20mA *f OFF S
input type
AIG13 Function for high indication *b OFF S
AIG14 Function for low indication *b OFF S
AIG15 Filter time for analog input reading 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A
AIG16 Filter time for analog input signal 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A

Analog inputs- Analog in 3

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AIH01 Input type *a 4-20mA S

AIH02 Zero point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIH03 Max point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIH04 Min input, REG403 1 0 -1000 4000 A
AIH05 Max input, REG403 1 200 (AIH04) 9999 A
AIH06 Units for REG403 *c bar S
AIH07 Number of decimals for REG403 1 0 0 2 A
AIH08 Scaling for REG403 0.01 1.00 0.01 20.00 A
AIH09 Function for input *e OFF A
AIH10 High indication level AIH07 AIH05 AIH04 AIH05 S
AIH11 Low indication level AIH07 AIH04 AIH04 AIH05 S
AIH12 Function for min indication at 4-20mA *f OFF S
input type
AIH13 Function for high indication *b OFF S
AIH14 Function for low indication *b OFF S
AIH15 Filter time for analog input reading 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A
AIH16 Filter time for analog input signal 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 18(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Analog inputs- Analog in 4

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AII01 Input type *a 4-20mA S

AII02 Zero point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AII03 Max point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AII04 Min input, REG404 1 0 -1000 4000 A
AII05 Max input, REG404 1 200 (AII04) 9999 A
AII06 Units for REG404 *c bar S
AII07 Number of decimals for REG404 1 0 0 2 A
AII08 Scaling for REG404 0.01 1.00 0.01 20.00 A
AII09 Function for input *e OFF A
AII10 High indication level AII07 AII05 AII04 AII05 S
AII11 Low indication level AII07 AII04 AII04 AII05 S
AII12 Function for min indication at 4-20mA *f OFF S
input type
AII13 Function for high indication *b OFF S
AII14 Function for low indication *b OFF S
AII15 Filter time for analog input reading 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A
AII16 Filter time for analog input signal 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A

Analog inputs- Analog in 5

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AIJ01 Input type *a 4-20mA S

AIJ02 Zero point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIJ03 Max point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIJ04 Min input, REG405 1 0 -1000 4000 A
AIJ05 Max input, REG405 1 200 (AIJ04) 9999 A
AIJ06 Units for REG405 *c bar S
AIJ07 Number of decimals for REG405 1 0 0 2 A
AIJ08 Scaling for REG405 0.01 1.00 0.01 20.00 A
AIJ09 Function for input *e OFF A
AIJ10 High indication level AIJ07 AIJ05 AIJ04 AIJ05 S
AIJ11 Low indication level AIJ07 AIJ04 AIJ04 AIJ05 S
AIJ12 Function for min indication at 4-20mA *f OFF S
input type
AIJ13 Function for high indication *b OFF S
AIJ14 Function for low indication *b OFF S
AIJ15 Filter time for analog input reading 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A
AIJ16 Filter time for analog input signal 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 19(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Analog inputs- Analog in 6

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AIK01 Input type *a 4-20mA S

AIK02 Zero point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIK03 Max point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIK04 Min input, REG406 1 0 -1000 4000 A
AIK05 Max input, REG406 1 200 (AIK04) 9999 A
AIK06 Units for REG406 *c bar S
AIK07 Number of decimals for REG406 1 0 0 2 A
AIK08 Scaling for REG406 0.01 1.00 0.01 20.00 A
AIK09 Function for input *e OFF A
AIK10 High indication level AIK07 AIK05 AIK04 AIK05 S
AIK11 Low indication level AIK07 AIK04 AIK04 AIK05 S
AIK12 Function for min indication at 4-20mA *f OFF S
input type
AIK13 Function for high indication *b OFF S
AIK14 Function for low indication *b OFF S
AIK15 Filter time for analog input reading 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A
AIK16 Filter time for analog input signal 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A

Analog inputs- Analog in 7

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AIL01 Input type *a 4-20mA S

AIL02 Zero point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIL03 Max point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIL04 Min input, REG407 1 0 -1000 4000 A
AIL05 Max input, REG407 1 200 (AIL04) 9999 A
AIL06 Units for REG407 *c bar S
AIL07 Number of decimals for REG407 1 0 0 2 A
AIL08 Scaling for REG407 0.01 1.00 0.01 20.00 A
AIL09 Function for input *e OFF A
AIL10 High indication level AIL07 AIL05 AIL04 AIL05 S
AIL11 Low indication level AIL07 AIL04 AIL04 AIL05 S
AIL12 Function for min indication at 4-20mA *f OFF S
input type
AIL13 Function for high indication *b OFF S
AIL14 Function for low indication *b OFF S
AIL15 Filter time for analog input reading 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A
AIL16 Filter time for analog input signal 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 20(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Analog inputs- Analog in 8

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AIM01 Input type *a 4-20mA S

AIM02 Zero point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIM03 Max point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIM04 Min input, REG408 1 0 -1000 4000 A
AIM05 Max input, REG408 1 200 (AIM04) 9999 A
AIM06 Units for REG408 *c bar S
AIM07 Number of decimals for REG408 1 0 0 2 A
AIM08 Scaling for REG408 0.01 1.00 0.01 20.00 A
AIM09 Function for input *e OFF A
AIM10 High indication level AIM07 AIM05 AIM04 AIM0 S
AIM11 Low indication level AIM07 AIM04 AIM04 AIM0 S
AIM12 Function for min indication at 4-20mA *f OFF S
input type
AIM13 Function for high indication *b OFF S
AIM14 Function for low indication *b OFF S
AIM15 Filter time for analog input reading 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A
AIM16 Filter time for analog input signal 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A

Analog inputs- Analog in 9

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AIN01 Input type *a 4-20mA S

AIN02 Zero point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIN03 Max point adjustment 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit A
AIN04 Min input, REG409 1 0 -1000 4000 A
AIN05 Max input, REG409 1 200 (AIN04) 9999 A
AIN06 Units for REG409 *c bar S
AIN07 Number of decimals for REG409 1 0 0 2 A
AIN08 Scaling for REG409 0.01 1.00 0.01 20.00 A
AIN09 Function for input *e OFF A
AIN10 High indication level AIN07 AIN05 AIN04 AIN05 S
AIN11 Low indication level AIN07 AIN04 AIN04 AIN05 S
AIN12 Function for min indication at 4-20mA *f OFF S
input type
AIN13 Function for high indication *b OFF S
AIN14 Function for low indication *b OFF S
AIN15 Filter time for analog input reading 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A
AIN16 Filter time for analog input signal 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 21(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Analog inputs-Tank temp

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AIP01 Zero point adjustment Tank temp 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit S
AIP02 Max point adjustment Tank temp 1bit 0bit -102bit 102bit S
AIP03 Units for REG410 *d C A

Analog inputs-Power limit

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AIR01 Fixed level for power limitation, E-motor 1 1 400 0 3000 S

AIR02 Fixed level for power limitation, E-motor 2 1 400 0 3000 S
AIR03 Fixed level for power limitation, E-motor 3 1 400 0 3000 S

*a Possible input type settings:


*b Possible function settings:

13 AUX1-AUX20 Auxiliary monitor function
01 H APR P1 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 1
01 H BPR P1 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 1
01 H APR P2 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 2
01 H BPR P2 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 2
01 H APR P3 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 3
01 H BPR P3 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 3
01 H APR P4 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 4
01 H BPR P4 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 4

02 H APR D1 High pressure A-side monitor function for drive 1

02 H BPR D1 High pressure B-side monitor function for drive 1
02 H APR D2 High pressure A-side monitor function for drive 2
02 H BPR D2 High pressure B-side monitor function for drive 2
02 H APR 12 High pressure A-side monitor function for drive 1 and 2
02 H BPR 12 High pressure B-side monitor function for drive 1 and 2

03 C PRA P1 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 1

03 C PRB P1 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 1
03 C PRA P2 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 2
03 C PRB P2 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 2
03 C PRA P3 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 3
03 C PRB P3 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 3
03 C PRA P4 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 4
03 C PRB P4 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 4

04 C PRA D1 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for drive 1

04 C PRB D1 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for drive 1
04 C PRA D2 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for drive 2
04 C PRB D2 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for drive 2

05 SHPRA D1 Shredder pressure A-side function for drive 1

05 SHPRB D1 Shredder pressure B-side function for drive 1
05 SHPRA D2 Shredder pressure A-side function for drive 2
05 SHPRB D2 Shredder pressure B-side function for drive 2

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AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

06 HITMPM1 High temperature in Hydraulic motor 1

06 MAXTMPM1 Max temperature in Hydraulic motor 1
06 HITMPM2 High temperature in Hydraulic motor 2
06 MAXTMPM2 Max temperature in Hydraulic motor 2
06 HITMPM3 High temperature in Hydraulic motor 3
06 MAXTMPM3 Max temperature in Hydraulic motor 3
06 HITMPM4 High temperature in Hydraulic motor 4
06 MAXTMPM4 Max temperature in Hydraulic motor 4

OFF Not used

*c Possible units of measure settings: rpm, m/m, m/s, f/m, f/s, bar, psi, MPa, °C, °F, kNm, A, kW, hp, °, %
rps, lpm, gpm, mm, “, l, gal

*d Possible units of measure settings: °C, °F

*e Possible function settings:

EC1 = Electric motor 1 current (A)
EC2 = Electric motor 2 current (A)
EC3 = Electric motor 3 current (A)
EL1 = E-motor 1 max current level (Power limitation)
EL2 = E-motor 2 max current level (Power limitation)
EL3 = E-motor 3 max current level (Power limitation)
AS1 = Analogue speed, Drive 1 (rpm)
AS2 = Analogue speed, Drive 2 (rpm)
AS1+2 = Analogue speed, Drive 1 and Drive 2 (rpm)
SP1 = Shredder pressure, Drive 1 (bar)
SP2 = Shredder pressure, Drive 2 (bar)
SM = Synchro master speed set point (%)
SO = Synchro offset, Drive 2(°)
SP1+2 = Shredder pressure, Drive 1 and Drive 2 (bar)
PR1 = Actual pressure for pressure control, Drive 1 (bar)
PR2 = Actual pressure for pressure control, Drive 2 (bar)
PR1+2 = Actual pressure for pressure control, Drive 1 and Drive 2 (bar)
PR1 SET = Set pressure for pressure control, Drive 1 (bar)
PR2 SET = Set pressure for pressure control, Drive 1 (bar)
TANK A = Tank temp analog monitor function (°C)
P FRICT = Friction control of pump (%)
DR TEMP = Drain line temperature (°C)
HMTEMP1 = Temperature in hydraulic motor 1(°C)
HMTEMP2 = Temperature in hydraulic motor 2(°C)
HMTEMP3 = Temperature in hydraulic motor 3(°C)
HMTEMP4 = Temperature in hydraulic motor 4(°C)
LEVEL A = Tank level analog function (l)
OFF = Not used

*f Possible function settings:

AUX1-AUX20 Auxiliary monitor function

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AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.7 Analog outputs

Analog outputs-Analog out 1

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AOA01 Analog output, terminal AO1:3(V), *a OFF S

AOA02 4-20mA or 2-10V output ON/OFF *b ON A
AOA03 Zero point adjustment 1bit 0bit -65bit 65bit A
AOA04 Max point adjustment 1bit 0bit -65bit 65bit A

Analog outputs- Analog out 2

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AOB01 Analog output, terminal AO1:5(V), *a OFF S

AOB02 4-20mA or 2-10V output ON/OFF *b ON A
AOB03 Zero point adjustment 1bit 0bit -65bit 65bit A
AOB04 Max point adjustment 1bit 0bit -65bit 65bit A

Analog outputs- Analog out 3

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AOC01 Analog output, terminal AO2:3(V), *a OFF S

AOC02 4-20mA or 2-10V output ON/OFF *b ON A
AOC03 Zero point adjustment 1bit 0bit -65bit 65bit A
AOC04 Max point adjustment 1bit 0bit -65bit 65bit A

Analog outputs- Analog out 4

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AOD01 Analog output, terminal AO2:5(V), *a OFF S

AOD02 4-20mA or 2-10V output ON/OFF *b ON A
AOD03 Zero point adjustment 1bit 0bit -65bit 65bit A
AOD04 Max point adjustment 1bit 0bit -65bit 65bit A

*a Possible register readings for output:

Drive 1 Drive 2
REG101 = Remote input command REG201 = Remote input command
REG102 = Speed set point REG202 = Speed set point
REG103 = Input command REG203 = Input command
REG104 = Feed forward command REG204 = Feed forward command
REG105 = Error signal REG205 = Error signal
REG106 = Amplifier command REG206 = Amplifier command
REG109 = Digital speed REG209 = Digital speed
REG110 = Speed feedback REG210 = Speed feedback
REG111 = Pressure command REG211 = Pressure command
REG112 = Regulated pressure command REG212 = Regulated pressure command
REG113 = Pressure compensation REG213 = Pressure compensation
REG114 = Master command REG214 = Offset (Synchro)
REG116 = Regulated error signal REG216 = Regulated error signal

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AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Pump signals Compare

REG350 = Pump friction REG701 = Compared signal 1
REG702 = Compared signal 2
Analog in REG703 = Compared signal 3
REG401 = Analog in 1 REG704 = Compared signal 4
REG402 = Analog in 2 REG705 = Compared signal 5
REG403 = Analog in 3 REG706 = Compared signal 6
REG404 = Analog in 4
REG405 = Analog in 5 OFF =Output off
REG406 = Analog in 6
REG407 = Analog in 7 *b Possible output settings
REG408 = Analog in 8 OFF = 0-20mA or 0-10V output
REG409 = Analog in 9 ON = 4-20mA or 2-10V output
REG410 = Tank temp

Bus command in
REG501 = Bus in 1
REG502 = Bus in 2
REG503 = Bus in 3
REG504 = Bus in 4
REG505 = Bus in 5
REG506 = Bus in 6
REG507 = Bus in 7
REG508 = Bus in 8
REG509 = Bus in 9
REG510 = Bus in 10

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 25(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.8 Bus

Bus – Type & Function

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

BTF01 Type of bus communication OFF OFF S

Modbus RTU
Ethernet IP
CAN open
Modbus TCP
BTF02 Max communication drop time 1sec 1 0 10 S
BTF03 Function at communication drop Alarm S
Interlock Interlock
BTF04 Bus data area Ver.1 S
Ver.3 Ver.3
BTF05 Analog byte switch on/off off S
BTF06 Max bus setup time 1sec 6 1 60 S

Bus - Digital Inputs

Switch Description Type Default Change

BDI01 Digital input 1 *a 09 BUS 1 S

BDI02 Digital input 2 *a 16 REM 1 S
BDI03 Digital input 3 *a 14 START 1 S
BDI04 Digital input 4 *a 15 FIXED 1A S
BDI05 Digital input 5 *a 15 FIXED 1B S
BDI06 Digital input 6 *a OFF S
BDI07 Digital input 7 *a OFF S
BDI08 Digital input 8 *a OFF S
BDI09 Digital input 9 *a 09 BUS 2 S
BDI10 Digital input 10 *a 16 REM 2 S
BDI11 Digital input 11 *a 14 START 2 S
BDI12 Digital input 12 *a 15 FIXED 2A S
BDI13 Digital input 13 *a 15 FIXED 2B S
BDI14 Digital input 14 *a OFF S
BDI15 Digital input 15 *a OFF S
BDI16 Digital input 16 *a OFF S
BDI17 Digital input 17 *a 09 BUS RESET S
BDI18 Digital input 18 *a 09 ALARM RESET S
BDI19 Digital input 19 *a OFF S
BDI20 Digital input 20 *a OFF S
BDI21 Digital input 21 *a OFF S
BDI22 Digital input 22 *a OFF S
BDI23 Digital input 23 *a OFF S
BDI24 Digital input 24 *a OFF S

*a Possible digital input function settings: Same as for Digital inputs (DIN)

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 26(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Bus – Analog in 1
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

BAA01 Min input, REG501 1 0 0 100 S

BAA02 Max input, REG501 1 200 (BAA01) 9999 S
BAA03 Units for REG501 *b % A
BAA04 Number of decimals for REG501 1 0 0 2 A
BAA05 Function for input *c OFF S
BAA06 High indication level BAA04 BAA02 BAA01 BAA02 S
BAA07 Low indication level BAA04 BAA01 BAA01 BAA02 S
BAA08 Function for high indication *d OFF S
BAA09 Function for low indication *d OFF S

Bus – Analog in 2
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

BAB01 Min input, REG502 1 0 0 100 S

BAB02 Max input, REG502 1 200 (BAB01) 9999 S
BAB03 Units for REG502 *b % A
BAB04 Number of decimals for REG502 1 0 0 2 A
BAB05 Function for input *c OFF S
BAB06 High indication level BAB04 BAB02 BAB01 BAB02 S
BAB07 Low indication level BAB04 BAB01 BAB01 BAB02 S
BAB08 Function for high indication *d OFF S
BAB09 Function for low indication *d OFF S

Bus – Analog in 3
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

BAC01 Min input, REG503 1 0 0 100 S

BAC02 Max input, REG503 1 200 (BAC01) 9999 S
BAC03 Units for REG503 *b  A
BAC04 Number of decimals for REG503 1 0 0 2 A
BAC05 Function for input *c OFF S
BAC06 High indication level BAC04 BAC02 BAC01 BAC02 S
BAC07 Low indication level BAC04 BAC01 BAC01 BAC02 S
BAC08 Function for high indication *d OFF S
BAC09 Function for low indication *d OFF S

Bus – Analog in 4
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

BAD01 Min input, REG504 1 0 0 100 S

BAD02 Max input, REG504 1 200 (BAD01) 9999 S
BAD03 Units for REG504 *b bar A
BAD04 Number of decimals for REG504 1 0 0 2 A
BAD05 Function for input *c OFF S
BAD06 High indication level BAD04 BAD02 BAD01 BAD02 S
BAD07 Low indication level BAD04 BAD01 BAD01 BAD02 S
BAD08 Function for high indication *d OFF S
BAD09 Function for low indication *d OFF S

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 27(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Bus – Analog in 5
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

BAE01 Min input, REG505 1 0 0 100 S

BAE02 Max input, REG505 1 200 (BAE01) 9999 S
BAE03 Units for REG505 *b bar A
BAE04 Number of decimals for REG505 1 0 0 2 A
BAE05 Function for input *c OFF S
BAE06 High indication level BAE04 BAE02 BAE01 BAE02 S
BAE07 Low indication level BAE04 BAE01 BAE01 BAE02 S
BAE08 Function for high indication *d OFF S
BAE09 Function for low indication *d OFF S

Bus – Analog in 6
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

BAF01 Min input, REG506 1 0 0 100 S

BAF02 Max input, REG506 1 200 (BAF01) 9999 S
BAF03 Units for REG506 *b bar A
BAF04 Number of decimals for REG506 1 0 0 2 A
BAF05 Function for input *c OFF S
BAF06 High indication level BAF04 BAF02 BAF01 BAF02 S
BAF07 Low indication level BAF04 BAF01 BAF01 BAF02 S
BAF08 Function for high indication *d OFF S
BAF09 Function for low indication *d OFF S

Bus – Analog in 7
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

BAG01 Min input, REG507 1 0 0 100 S

BAG02 Max input, REG507 1 200 (BAG01) 9999 S
BAG03 Units for REG504 *b bar A
BAG04 Number of decimals for REG507 1 0 0 2 A
BAG05 Function for input *c OFF S
BAG06 High indication level BAG04 BAG02 BAG01 BAG02 S
BAG07 Low indication level BAG04 BAG01 BAG01 BAG02 S
BAG08 Function for high indication *d OFF S
BAG09 Function for low indication *d OFF S

Bus – Analog in 8
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

BAH01 Min input, REG508 1 0 0 100 S

BAH02 Max input, REG508 1 200 (BAH01) 9999 S
BAH03 Units for REG504 *b bar A
BAH04 Number of decimals for REG508 1 0 0 2 A
BAH05 Function for input *c OFF S
BAH06 High indication level BAH04 BAH02 BAH01 BAH02 S
BAH07 Low indication level BAH04 BAH01 BAH01 BAH02 S
BAH08 Function for high indication *d OFF S
BAH09 Function for low indication *d OFF S

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 28(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Bus – Analog in 9
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

BAI01 Min input, REG509 1 0 0 100 S

BAI02 Max input, REG509 1 200 (BAI01) 9999 S
BAI03 Units for REG509 *b bar A
BAI04 Number of decimals for REG509 1 0 0 2 A
BAI05 Function for input *c OFF S
BAI06 High indication level BAI04 BAI02 BAI01 BAI02 S
BAI07 Low indication level BAI04 BAI01 BAI01 BAI02 S
BAI08 Function for high indication *d OFF S
BAI09 Function for low indication *d OFF S

Bus – Analog in 10
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

BAJ01 Min input, REG510 1 0 0 100 S

BAJ02 Max input, REG510 1 200 (BAJ01) 9999 S
BAJ03 Units for REG510 *b bar A
BAJ04 Number of decimals for REG510 1 0 0 2 A
BAJ05 Function for input *c OFF S
BAJ06 High indication level BAJ04 BAJ02 BAJ01 BAJ02 S
BAJ07 Low indication level BAJ04 BAJ01 BAJ01 BAJ02 S
BAJ08 Function for high indication *d OFF S
BAJ09 Function for low indication *d OFF S

*b Possible units of measure settings: %, rpm, m/m, m/s, f/m, f/s, bar, psi, MPa, °C, °F, kNm,
A, kW, hp, , rps, lpm, gpm
*c Possible function settings:
BSO = Synchro offset (Synchro function)
BP1 = Pressure set point, Drive 1 (Pressure function)
BP2 = Pressure set point, Drive 2 (Pressure function)
BSM = Synchro master speed set point
PF = Pump friction
EC1 = Electric motor 1 current
EC2 = Electric motor 2 current
EC3 = Electric motor 3 current
EL1 = E-motor 1 max current level (Power limitation)
EL2 = E-motor 2 max current level (Power limitation)
EL3 = E-motor 3 max current level (Power limitation)
AS1 = Analogue speed, Drive 1 (rpm)
AS2 = Analogue speed, Drive 2 (rpm)
SP1 = Shredder pressure, Drive 1 (bar)
SP2 = Shredder pressure, Drive 2 (bar)
PR1 = Actual pressure for pressure control, Drive 1 (bar)
PR2 = Actual pressure for pressure control, Drive 2 (bar)
OFF = Not used

*d Possible function settings:

13 AUX1-AUX20 Auxiliary monitor function

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 29(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Bus – Analog out

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

BAK01 Analog output register *e OFF A

BAK02 Analog output register *e OFF A
BAK03 Analog output register *e OFF A
BAK04 Analog output register *e OFF A
BAK05 Analog output register *e OFF A
BAK06 Analog output register *e OFF A
BAK07 Analog output register *e OFF A
BAK08 Analog output register *e OFF A
BAK09 Analog output register *e OFF A
BAK10 Analog output register *e OFF A
BAK11 Analog output register *e OFF A
BAK12 Analog output register *e OFF A

*e Possible register readings for output:

Drive 1 Pump signals
REG101 = Remote input command REG350 = Pump friction
REG102 = Speed set point
REG103 = Input command Analog in
REG104 = Feed forward command REG401 = Analog in 1
REG105 = Error signal REG402 = Analog in 2
REG106 = Amplifier command REG403 = Analog in 3
REG109 = Digital speed REG404 = Analog in 4
REG110 = Speed feedback REG405 = Analog in 5
REG111 = Pressure command REG406 = Analog in 6
REG112 = Regulated pressure command REG407 = Analog in 7
REG113 = Pressure compensation REG408 = Analog in 8
REG114 = Master command REG409 = Analog in 9
REG115 = Emergency stop angle (°) REG410 = Tank temp
REG116 = Regulated error signal
Drive 2 REG701 = Compared signal 1
REG201 = Remote input command REG702 = Compared signal 2
REG202 = Speed set point REG703 = Compared signal 3
REG203 = Input command REG704 = Compared signal 4
REG204 = Feed forward command REG705 = Compared signal 5
REG205 = Error signal REG706 = Compared signal 6
REG206 = Amplifier command
REG209 = Digital speed OFF =Output off
REG210 = Speed feedback
REG211 = Pressure command
REG212 = Regulated pressure command
REG213 = Pressure compensation
REG214 = Offset (Synchro)
REG215 = Emergency stop angle (°)
REG216 = Regulated error signal

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 30(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.9 Pump monitor

Pump monitor-Pump 1
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

PMA01 Charge pressure interlock delay 1 5, 10, 15, 5sec S

20, 25sec
PMA02 Delay time, Charge pressure A-side *a 0.5sec S
PMA03 Delay time, Charge pressure B-side *a 0.5sec S
PMA04 Delay time, Suction line *a 0sec S
PMA05 Delay time, Return filter 75% warning *b 7sec S
PMA06 Delay time, Return filter 100% warning *b 7sec S
PMA07 Return filter alarm *d Off S
PMA08 Delay time, High A-side work pressure *c 7sec S
PMA09 Memory bypass, A-side work pressure On/Off Off S
PMA10 Delay time, High B-side work pressure *c 7sec S
PMA11 Memory bypass, B-side work pressure On/Off Off S
PMA12 Signal plausibility check On/Off On S
PMA13 Error limits between input and output 1% 50% 5% 120% S
PMA14 Analog pressure sensor On/Off Off S

Pump monitor-Pump 2
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

PMB01 Charge pressure interlock delay 1 5, 10, 15, 5sec S

20, 25sec
PMB02 Delay time, Charge pressure A-side *a 0.5sec S
PMB03 Delay time, Charge pressure B-side *a 0.5sec S
PMB04 Delay time, Suction line *a 0sec S
PMB05 Delay time, Return filter 75% warning *b 7sec S
PMB06 Delay time, Return filter 100% warning *b 7sec S
PMB07 Return filter alarm *d Off S
PMB08 Delay time, High A-side work pressure *c 7sec S
PMB09 Memory bypass, A-side work pressure On/Off Off S
PMB10 Delay time, High B-side work pressure *c 7sec S
PMB11 Memory bypass, B-side work pressure On/Off Off S
PMB12 Signal plausibility check On/Off On S
PMB13 Error limits between input and output 1% 50% 5% 120% S
PMB14 Analog pressure sensor On/Off Off S

Pump monitor-Pump 3
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

PMC01 Charge pressure interlock delay 1 5, 10, 15, 5sec S

20, 25sec
PMC02 Delay time, Charge pressure A-side *a 0.5sec S
PMC03 Delay time, Charge pressure B-side *a 0.5sec S
PMC04 Delay time, Suction line *a 0sec S
PMC05 Delay time, Return filter 75% warning *b 7sec S
PMC06 Delay time, Return filter 100% warning *b 7sec S
PMC07 Return filter alarm *d Off S
PMC08 Delay time, High A-side work pressure *c 7sec S
PMC09 Memory bypass, A-side work pressure On/Off Off S
PMC10 Delay time, High B-side work pressure *c 7sec S
PMC11 Memory bypass, B-side work pressure On/Off Off S
PMC12 Signal plausibility check On/Off On S
PMC13 Error limits between input and output 1% 50% 5% 120% S
PMC14 Analog pressure sensor On/Off Off S
The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 31(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Pump monitor-Pump 4
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

PMD01 Charge pressure interlock delay 1 5, 10, 15, 5sec S

20, 25sec
PMD02 Delay time, Charge pressure A-side *a 0.5sec S
PMD03 Delay time, Charge pressure B-side *a 0.5sec S
PMD04 Delay time, Suction line *a 0sec S
PMD05 Delay time, Return filter 75% warning *b 7sec S
PMD06 Delay time, Return filter 100% warning *b 7sec S
PMD07 Return filter alarm *d Off S
PMD08 Delay time, High A-side work pressure *c 7sec S
PMD09 Memory bypass, A-side work pressure On/Off Off S
PMD10 Delay time, High B-side work pressure *c 7sec S
PMD11 Memory bypass, B-side work pressure On/Off Off S
PMD12 Signal plausibility check On/Off On S
PMD13 Error limits between input and output 1% 50% 5% 120% S
PMD14 Analog pressure sensor On/Off Off S

*a Possible delay time settings: 0 / 0.1 / 0.5 /1.0 seconds

*b Possible delay time settings: 7.0 /10.0 / 30.0 / 60.0 seconds, 3.0 / 5.0 / 8.0 / 10.0 / 12.0 / 15.0 minutes
*c Possible delay time settings: 0 / 1.0 / 5.0 / 7.0 / 10.0 / 20.0 / 30.0 / 60.0 seconds
*d Possible delay time settings: 2, 4, ..., 22, 24h, Off

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 32(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.10 Tank monitor

Tank monitor-Digital
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

TMA01 Delay time, Low oil level warning *a 0sec S

TMA02 Delay time, Min oil level alarm *a 0sec S
TMA03 Delay time, Min temp alarm *a 0sec S
TMA04 Delay time, High temp warning *a 0sec S
TMA05 Delay time, Max temp alarm *a 0.5sec S
TMA06 Delay time, Drain filter 75% warning *b 7sec S
TMA07 Delay time, Drain filter 100% warning *b 7sec S
TMA08 Drain filter alarm *c off S
TMA09 Min oil temp function A, W, Off A S
TMA10 Delay time, Aux filter 75% warning *b 7sec S
TMA11 Delay time, Aux filter 100% warning *b 7sec S
TMA12 Aux filter alarm *c off S

Tank monitor-Analog temp

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

TMB01 Analog temp sensor on/off on S

TMB02 Not used S
TMB03 Max oil temp alarm level 1 63°C 40°C 75°C S
TMB04 High oil temp warning level 1 55°C 40°C 70°C S
TMB05 Cooling temp on level (rising) 1 40°C 30°C 40°C S
TMB06 Cooling hysteresis 1 3°C 0°C 5°C S
TMB07 Filter interlock temp level 1 0°C 0°C 50°C S
TMB08 Heating temp on level (falling) 1 15°C 5°C 20°C S
TMB09 Heating hysteresis 1 3°C 0°C 5°C S
TMB10 Min oil temp alarm level 1 10°C 0°C 25°C S
TMB11 Warm flush on level (falling) 1 30°C 5°C 30°C S
TMB12 Flushing hysteresis 1 3°C 0°C 5°C S
TMB13 Min temp for start of aux pump 1 0°C -25°C 25°C S
TMB14 Warm flush on level (rising) 1 10°C -25°C 20°C S
TMB15 Flushing hysteresis 1 3°C 0°C 5°C S
TMB16 Warm flush on delay 0.1sec 2.0sec 0sec 10sec S
TMB17 Cooler forward time between reversals 1h 12h 1h 24h S
TMB18 Cooler reverse time 1min 10min 0min 60min S
TMB19 Cooler motor on delay 0.1sec 10sec 0sec 30sec S
TMB20 Cooler reverse at e-motor start on/off on S
TMB21 Oil temp interlock level 1 60°C 40°C 75°C S

Tank monitor-Analog level

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

TMC01 Analog level sensor on/off off S

TMC02 Not used S
TMC03 Min oil alarm level 1 2150 0 5000 S
TMC04 Low oil warning level 1 2250 0 5000 S
TMC05 Overfill warning level 1 2400 0 5000 S
TMC06 Max oil indication level 1 2450 0 5000 S
TMC07 Delay time, Max oil level *a 0sec S
*a Possible delay time settings: 0 / 0.1 / 0.5 /1.0 seconds
*b Possible delay time settings: 7.0 /10.0 / 30.0 / 60.0 seconds, 3.0 / 5.0 / 8.0 / 10.0 / 12.0 / 15.0 minutes
*c Possible delay time settings: 2, 4, ..., 22, 24h, Off

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 33(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.11 Aux monitor

Aux monitor-Aux1
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMA01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMA02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMA03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMA04 Aux configurable text *b AUX1 A
AMA05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
Aux monitor-Aux2
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMB01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMB02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMB03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMB04 Aux configurable text *b AUX2 A
AMB05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
Aux monitor-Aux3
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMC01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMC02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMC03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMC04 Aux configurable text *b AUX3 A
AMC05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
Aux monitor-Aux4
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMD01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMD02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMD03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMD04 Aux configurable text *b AUX4 A
AMD05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
Aux monitor-Aux5
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AME01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AME02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AME03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AME04 Aux configurable text *b AUX5 A
AME05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
Aux monitor-Aux6
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMF01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMF02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMF03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMF04 Aux configurable text *b AUX6 A
AMF05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
Aux monitor-Aux7
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMG01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMG02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMG03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMG04 Aux configurable text *b AUX7 A
AMG05 Aux inverted input on/off off S

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AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Aux monitor-Aux8
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMH01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMH02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMH03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMH04 Aux configurable text *b AUX8 A
AMH05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
Aux monitor-Aux9
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMI01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMI02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMI03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMI04 Aux configurable text *b AUX9 A
AMI05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
Aux monitor-Aux10
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMJ01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMJ02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMJ03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMJ04 Aux configurable text *b AUX10 A
AMJ05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
Aux monitor-Aux11
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMK01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMK02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMK03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMK04 Aux configurable text *b AUX11 A
AMK05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
Aux monitor-Aux12
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AML01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AML02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AML03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AML04 Aux configurable text *b AUX12 A
AML05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
Aux monitor-Aux13
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMM01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMM02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMM03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMM04 Aux configurable text *b AUX13 A
AMM05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
Aux monitor-Aux14
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMN01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMN02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMN03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMN04 Aux configurable text *b AUX14 A
AMN05 Aux inverted input on/off off S

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AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Aux monitor-Aux15
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMO01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMO02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMO03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMO04 Aux configurable text *b AUX15 A
AMO05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
Aux monitor-Aux16
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMP01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMP02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMP03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMP04 Aux configurable text *b AUX16 A
AMP05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
Aux monitor-Aux17
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMQ01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMQ02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMQ03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMQ04 Aux configurable text *b AUX17 A
AMQ05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
AMQ06 Aux function 2 *a OFF S
AMQ07 Aux delay time 2 *c Off S
AMQ08 Aux configurable text 2 *b AUX17A A
Aux monitor-Aux18
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMR01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMR02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMR03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMR04 Aux configurable text *b AUX18 A
AMR05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
AMR06 Aux function 2 *a OFF S
AMR07 Aux delay time 2 *c Off S
AMR08 Aux configurable text 2 *b AUX18A A
Aux monitor-Aux19
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMS01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMS02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMS03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMS04 Aux configurable text *b AUX19 A
AMS05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
AMS06 Aux function 2 *a OFF S
AMS07 Aux delay time 2 *c Off S
AMS08 Aux configurable text 2 *b AUX19A A

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 36(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Aux monitor-Aux20
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

AMT01 Aux function *a W D1 S

AMT02 Aux delay time, 0,1sec 1,0 0,1 900,0 S
AMT03 Aux memory bypass on/off off S
AMT04 Aux configurable text *b AUX20 A
AMT05 Aux inverted input on/off off S
AMT06 Aux function 2 *a OFF S
AMT07 Aux delay time 2 *c Off S
AMT08 Aux configurable text 2 *b AUX20A A

*a Possible function settings: A D1 Alarm Drive 1

A D2 Alarm Drive 2
W D1 Warning Drive 1
W D2 Warning Drive 2
A D1 D2 Alarm Drive 1 and Drive 2
W D1 D2 Warning Drive 1 and Drive 2
D D1 Disable Drive 1
D D1 Disable Drive 2
D D1 D2 Disable Drive 1 and Drive 2
INT D1 Interlock Drive 1
INT D2 Interlock Drive 2
INT D1 D2 Interlock Drive 1 and Drive 2 )
OFF Not connected to monitoring function
*b Characters changed with  and  buttons and selected with button.
*c Possible delay time settings: 2, 4, ..., 22, 24h, Off

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 37(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.12 Drive monitor

Drive monitor-Start interlock

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DMA01 Start alternative, drive 1 *a AND AND S

DMA02 Start delay time, drive 1 5, 10, 15, 5sec S
20, 25sec
DMA03 Start alternative, drive 2 *a AND AND S
DMA04 Start delay time, drive 2 5, 10, 15, 5sec S
20, 25sec

Drive monitor-Drive 1
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DMB01 Delay time, Charge pressure A-side *b 0.5sec S

DMB02 Delay time, Charge pressure B-side *b 0.5sec S
DMB03 Delay time, High E-motor temp alarm *b 0sec S
DMB04 Delay time, High A-side work pressure *c 7sec S
DMB05 Memory bypass, A-side work pressure on/off off S
DMB06 Delay time, High B-side work pressure *c 7sec S
DMB07 Memory bypass, B-side work pressure on/off off S
DMB08 Analog pressure sensor on/off Off S

Drive monitor-Drive 2
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DMC01 Delay time, Charge pressure A-side *b 0.5sec S

DMC02 Delay time, Charge pressure B-side *b 0.5sec S
DMC03 Delay time, High E-motor temp alarm *b 0sec S
DMC04 Delay time, High A-side work pressure *c 7sec S
DMC05 Memory bypass, A-side work pressure on/off off S
DMC06 Delay time, High B-side work pressure *c 7sec S
DMC07 Memory bypass, B-side work pressure on/off off S
DMC08 Analog pressure sensor on/off Off S

Drive monitor-E-motor interlock

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DMD01 Delay time, Interlock E-motor 1 0.1sec 1.5 0.1 30.0 S

DMD02 Delay time, Interlock E-motor 2 0.1sec 1.5 0.1 30.0 S
DMD03 Delay time, Interlock E-motor 3 0.1sec 1.5 0.1 30.0 S
DMD04 Delay time, Charge pump Drive 1 0.1sec 2.0 0.1 32.0 S
DMD05 Delay time, Charge pump Drive 2 0.1sec 2.0 0.1 32.0 S

Drive monitor-Drain temp

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DME01 Drain temp function active on/off off S

DME02 Shutdown temp level (falling) 1°C 2°C 0 25 S
DME03 Stand-by flush on level (falling) 1°C 5°C 0 20 S
DME04 Stand-by flush hysteresis 1°C 3°C 0 5 S
DME05 Start delay time cold oil 1sec 300sec 0 600 S
DME06 Start delay time warm oil 1sec 10sec 0 600 S
DME07 Start delay time switching level (falling) 1°C 20°C 15 30 S

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 38(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Drive monitor-Compare signals, calculations

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DMF01 Register A for REG701 *d OFF S

DMF02 Register B for REG701 *d OFF S
DMF03 Register C for REG701 *d OFF S
DMF04 Constant K for REG701 1 10000 -32768 32767 S
DMF05 Operation for REG701 *e OFF S
DMF06 Function for REG701 *g OFF S
DMF07 Register A for REG702 *d OFF S
DMF08 Register B for REG702 *d OFF S
DMF09 Register C for REG702 *d OFF S
DMF10 Constant K for REG702 1 10000 -32768 32767 S
DMF11 Operation for REG702 *e OFF S
DMF12 Function for REG702 *g OFF S
DMF13 Register A for REG703 *d OFF S
DMF14 Register B for REG703 *d OFF S
DMF15 Register C for REG703 *d OFF S
DMF16 Constant K for REG703 1 10000 -32768 32767 S
DMF17 Operation for REG703 *e OFF S
DMF18 Function for REG703 *g OFF S
DMF19 Register A for REG704 *d OFF S
DMF20 Register B for REG704 *d OFF S
DMF21 Register C for REG704 *d OFF S
DMF22 Constant K for REG704 1 10000 -32768 32767 S
DMF23 Operation for REG704 *e OFF S
DMF24 Function for REG704 *g OFF S
DMF25 Register A for REG705 *d OFF S
DMF26 Register B for REG705 *d OFF S
DMF27 Register C for REG705 *d OFF S
DMF28 Constant K for REG705 1 10000 -32768 32767 S
DMF29 Operation for REG705 *e OFF S
DMF30 Function for REG705 *g OFF S
DMF31 Register A for REG706 *d OFF S
DMF32 Register B for REG706 *d OFF S
DMF33 Register C for REG706 *d OFF S
DMF34 Constant K for REG706 1 10000 -32768 32767 S
DMF35 Operation for REG706 *e OFF S
DMF36 Function for REG706 *g OFF S

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 39(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Drive monitor-Compare signals, display

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

DMG01 Min display value REG701 1 0 -1000 4000 S

DMG02 Max display value REG701 1 200 -1000 9999 S
DMG03 Units for REG701 *f bar A
DMG04 Number of decimals for REG701 1 0 0 2 A
DMG05 Min display value REG702 1 0 -1000 4000 S
DMG06 Max display value REG702 1 200 -1000 9999 S
DMG07 Units for REG702 *f bar A
DMG08 Number of decimals for REG702 1 0 0 2 A
DMG09 Min display value REG703 1 0 -1000 4000 S
DMG10 Max display value REG703 1 200 -1000 9999 S
DMG11 Units for REG703 *f bar A
DMG12 Number of decimals for REG703 1 0 0 2 A
DMG13 Min display value REG704 1 0 -1000 4000 S
DMG14 Max display value REG704 1 200 -1000 9999 S
DMG15 Units for REG704 *f bar A
DMG16 Number of decimals for REG704 1 0 0 2 A
DMG17 Min display value REG705 1 0 -1000 4000 S
DMG18 Max display value REG705 1 200 -1000 9999 S
DMG19 Units for REG705 *f bar A
DMG20 Number of decimals for REG705 1 0 0 2 A
DMG21 Min display value REG706 1 0 -1000 4000 S
DMG22 Max display value REG706 1 200 -1000 9999 S
DMG23 Units for REG706 *f bar A
DMG24 Number of decimals for REG706 1 0 0 2 A

*a AND = All selected E-motors for the drive must be started to allow drive start.
OR = Drive start allowed if any E-motor for the drive is started

*b Possible delay time settings: 0 / 0.1 / 0.5 /1.0 seconds

*c Possible delay time settings: 0 / 1.0 / 5.0 / 7.0 / 10.0 / 20.0 / 30.0 / 60.0 seconds

*d Possible register setting: Same as for log readings, see AS5.2.23

*e Operation settings:
OFF, No operation
A*B/K, Multiply and divide with constant (REG OFF = 1).
K*A/B, Divide and multiply with constant (REG OFF = 1).
A+B+C*K/10000, Add with possibility to scale REG C (REG OFF = 0).
A-B-C*K/10000, Subtract with possibility to scale REG C (REG OFF = 0).
Max (A,B,C), Select highest value (REG OFF = -32768).
Min (A,B,C), Select lowest value (REG OFF = 32767).
Abs (A), Absolute value (REG OFF = 0).
Window (A), Limit REG A between 0 and 10000. (REG OFF = 0)

*f Possible units of reading settings: rpm, m/m, m/s, f/m, f/s, bar, psi, MPa, °C, °F, kNm, A, kW, hp, °, %
rps, lpm, gpm, mm, “, l, gal

*g Possible function settings: same as for analog inputs, see AS5.2.6

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 40(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.13 Hydraulic motor monitor

Hydraulic motor monitor -Temp limit

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

HMA01 Level for limitation, Hydraulic motor 1 1 60 0 100 S

HMA02 Level for limitation, Hydraulic motor 2 1 60 0 100 S
HMA03 Level for limitation, Hydraulic motor 3 1 60 0 100 S
HMA04 Level for limitation, Hydraulic motor 4 1 60 0 100 S

Hydraulic motor monitor-Drive connection

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

HMB01 Drive connection for Hydraulic motor 1 Drive 1 Drive 1 S

Drive 2
HMB02 Drive connection for Hydraulic motor 2 Drive 1 S
Drive 2
HMB03 Drive connection for Hydraulic motor 3 Drive 1 S
Drive 2
HMB04 Drive connection for Hydraulic motor 4 Drive 1 S
Drive 2

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 41(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.14 Drive 1 basic

Drive 1 basic-Set point

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

D1A01 Speed set point S

1=Local 1 1
2=Remote 2
3=Local/remote 3
D1A02 Type of command signal S
1=Unidirectional command 1
2=Bidirectional command 2 2
D1A03 Reset of local set point in remote yes/no yes S
D1A04 Reverse input on/off off S
D1A05 Reverse command set point 0.1% -20.0 -100.0 -0.1 S
D1A06 Digital command set point 0.1% 10.0 -100.0 100.0 S
(Active with Digital input =
D1A07 Digital command set point 0.1% -10.0 -100.0 100.0 S
(Active with Digital input =
D1A08 Front panel button function on/off on S
D1A09 Digital command set point 0.1% 20.0 -100.0 100.0 S
(Active with Digital input =
D1A10 Digital command set point 0.1% -20.0 -100.0 100.0 S
(Active with Digital input =
D1A11 Multipump set point limitation on/off on S

Drive 1 basic-Ramp
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

D1C01 Up ramp time forward 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 600.0 S

D1C02 Down ramp time forward 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 600.0 S
D1C03 Up ramp time reverse 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 600.0 S
D1C04 Down ramp time reverse 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 600.0 S

Drive 1 basic-Regulator
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

D1D02 Feed forward function on/off on S
D1D03 Proportional regulator on/off off S
D1D04 Integrating regulator on/off off S
D1D05 Derivation regulator on/off off S
D1D06 Proportional gain 0.1 0.1 0.0 10.0 A
D1D07 Integration time 0.1sec 10.0 0.5 60.0 A
D1D08 Derivation time 0.01sec 0.10 0.01 60.00 A
D1D09 Derivation decline time 0.1sec 0.1 0.1 10.0 A
D1D10 Max feedback deviation 1% 50% 0% 100% S
D1D11 Selection of regulated or non- S
regulated drive
1=Non-regulated drive ( ) 1 1
2=Regulated drive (REG) 2
3=Switching between regulated and 3
non-regulated drive

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 42(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Drive 1 basic-Feedback
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

D1E01 Max hydraulic motor shaft speed 0.1rpm 10.0 0.1 2000 S
D1E02 Feedback selection S
1=Digital feedback 1 1
2=Analogue feedback 2
3=No feedback 3
D1E03 Filter time for speed feedback 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A

Drive 1 basic-Power limitation

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

D1F01 Delay time, power limitation 0.1sec 0.5 0.0 25.0 A

D1F02 Ramp time, power limitation 0.1sec 20.0 0.0 600.0 A
D1F03 Min power limit level 1% 0% 0% 50% S

Drive 1 basic-Brake
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

D1G01 Brake function on/off off S

D1G02 Brake close delay (off) 0.1sec 1.0 0.0 10.0 S
D1G03 Brake open indication delay (on) 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 10.0 S
D1G04 Brake monitor delay (on) 0.1sec 5.0 0.0 10.0 S

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 43(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.15 Drive 2 basic

Drive 2 basic-Set point

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

D2A01 Speed set point S

1=Local 1 1
2=Remote 2
3=Local/remote 3
D2A02 Type of command signal S
1=Unidirectional command 1
2=Bidirectional command 2 2
D2A03 Reset of local set point in remote yes/no yes S
D2A04 Reverse input on/off off S
D2A05 Reverse command set point 0.1% -20.0 -100.0 -0.1 S
D2A06 Digital command set point 0.1% 10.0 -100.0 100.0 S
(Active with Digital input =
D2A07 Digital command set point 0.1% -10.0 -100.0 100.0 S
(Active with Digital input =
D2A08 Front panel button function on/off on S
D2A09 Digital command set point 0.1% 20.0 -100.0 100.0 S
(Active with Digital input =
D2A10 Digital command set point 0.1% -20.0 -100.0 100.0 S
(Active with Digital input =
D2A11 Multipump set point limitation on/off on S

Drive 2 basic-Ramp
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

D2C01 Up ramp time forward 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 600.0 S

D2C02 Down ramp time forward 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 600.0 S
D2C03 Up ramp time reverse 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 600.0 S
D2C04 Down ramp time reverse 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 600.0 S

Drive 2 basic-Regulator
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

D2D02 Feed forward function on/off on S
D2D03 Proportional regulator on/off off S
D2D04 Integrating regulator on/off off S
D2D05 Derivation regulator on/off off S
D2D06 Proportional gain 0.1 0.1 0.0 10.0 A
D2D07 Integration time 0.1sec 10.0 0.5 60.0 A
D2D08 Derivation time 0.01sec 0.10 0.01 60.00 A
D2D09 Derivation decline time 0.1sec 0.1 0.1 10.0 A
D2D10 Max feedback deviation 1% 50% 0% 100% S
D2D11 Selection of regulated or non- S
regulated drive
1=Non-regulated drive ( ) 1 1
2=Regulated drive (REG) 2
3=Switching between regulated and 3
non-regulated drive

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 44(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Drive 2 basic-Feedback
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

D2E01 Max hydraulic motor shaft speed 0.1rpm 10.0 0.1 2000 S
D2E02 Feedback selection S
1=Digital feedback 1 1
2=Analogue feedback 2
3=No feedback 3
D2E03 Filter time for speed feedback 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 5.0 A

Drive 2 basic-Power limitation

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

D2F01 Delay time, power limitation 0.1sec 0.5 0.0 25.0 A

D2F02 Ramp time, power limitation 0.1sec 20.0 0.0 600.0 A
D2F03 Min power limit level 1% 0% 0% 50% S

Drive 2 basic-Brake
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

D2G01 Brake function on/off off S

D2G02 Brake close delay (off) 0.1sec 1.0 0.0 10.0 S
D2G03 Brake open indication delay (on) 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 10.0 S
D2G04 Brake monitor delay (on) 0.1sec 5.0 0.0 10.0 S

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 45(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.16 Shredder 1

Shredder 1-Function
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

SHA01 Reverse control S

1=Pressure, separate sensors 1 1
2=Speed 2
3= Pressure, common sensor 3
SHA02 Reverse stop function S
1=Reverse stop 1
2=Going to forward 2 2
SHA03 Forward delay time before reversal 0.1sec 3.0 0.1 60.0 S
SHA04 Reversal time 0.1sec 10.0 0.1 60.0 S
SHA05 Reverse delay time before stop or 0.1sec 3.0 0.1 60.0 S
going to forward (SHA02)
SHA06 Forward time 0.1sec 10.0 0.1 60.0 S
SHA07 Automatic interval direction function on/off off S
SHA08 Forward time interval for direction 1sec 60 1 600 S
SHA09 Reverse time interval for direction 1sec 60 1 600 S
SHA10 Selection of regulated drive S
1=Unregulated drive (no feedback) 1 1
2=Regulated drive (feedback) 2
SHA11 Stop trig signal to Drive 2 on/off off S

Shredder 1-Set point

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

SHB01 Reverse command set point S

1= Forward command, local or 1 1
remote 2
2=Reverse command set point
SHB02 Scale factor for reverse command if 1% 100 1 100 S
SHB01 = 1
SHB03 Analog pressure sensor on/off off S
SHB04 High pressure level, forward direction 1 200 1 500 S
SHB05 High pressure level, reverse direction 1 200 1 500 S
SHB06 Shredder interval command A 0.1% 75.0 0.1 100.0 S
SHB07 Shredder interval command B 0.1% 50.0 0.1 100.0 S
SHB08 Activation of interval command on/off off S

Shredder 1-Counter
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

SHC01 Window time for reverse counter 1sec 60 1 600 S

SHC02 Reversal counter 1 5 1 20 S

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 46(56)
AS5, Parameters V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

5.2.17 Shredder 2

Shredder 2-Function
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

SHG01 Reverse control S

1=Pressure, separate sensors 1 1
2=Speed 2
3= Pressure, common sensor 3
SHG02 Reverse stop function S
1=Reverse stop 1
2=Going to forward 2 2
SHG03 Forward delay time before reversal 0.1sec 3.0 0.1 60.0 S
SHG04 Reversal time 0.1sec 10.0 0.1 60.0 S
SHG05 Reverse delay time before stop or 0.1sec 3.0 0.1 60.0 S
going to forward (SHG02)
SHG06 Forward time 0.1sec 10.0 0.1 60.0 S
SHG07 Automatic interval direction function on/off off S
SHG08 Forward time interval for direction 1sec 60 1 600 S
SHG09 Reverse time interval for direction 1sec 60 1 600 S
SHG10 Selection of regulated drive S
1=Unregulated drive (no feedback) 1 1
2=Regulated drive (feedback) 2
SHG11 Stop trig signal to Drive 1 on/off off S

Shredder 2-Set point

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

SHH01 Reverse command set point S

1= Forward command, local or 1 1
remote 2
2=Reverse command set point
SHH02 Scale factor for reverse command if 1% 100 1 100 S
SHB01 = 1
SHH03 Analog pressure sensor on/off off S
SHH04 High pressure level, forward direction 1 200 1 500 S
SHH05 High pressure level, reverse direction 1 200 1 500 S
SHH06 Shredder interval command A 0.1% 75.0 0.1 100.0 S
SHH07 Shredder interval command B 0.1% 50.0 0.1 100.0 S
SHH08 Activation of interval command on/off off S
SHH09 Interval command activation from on/off off S

Shredder 2-Counter
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

SHI01 Window time for reverse counter 1sec 60 1 600 S

SHI02 Reversal counter 1 5 1 20 S

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5.2.18 Synchro

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

SYA01 Type of synchronisation: S

RATIO = By ratio input (friction) RATIO RATIO
COUNTER = By digital counter COUNTER
SYA02 Master command S
1=Drive 1 Master – Drive 2 Slave 1 1
2=External master - Both drives 2

Synchro- Drive 1 reset

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

SYB01 Counter reset command, Drive 1 S

1=Reset by start 1 1
2=External reset 2
SYB02 Input for enable of counter reset, S
1=Electric motors drive 1 start 1 1
2=Drive 1 start 2
3=Digital input, RES EN 1 3

Synchro-Drive 2 set point

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

SYC01 Drive 2 low friction limit 1% 70 -300 300 S

SYC02 Drive 2 high friction limit 1% 130 -300 300 S
SYC03 Offset reset by motor start on/off off S
SYC04 Offset for Drive 2 0.1% 0 -49.9 50.0 S

Synchro- Drive 2 indication

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

SYD01 Synchro indication limit 1% 5 1 50 S

SYD02 Sync time 0.1sec 1.0 0.0 600.0 S

Synchro- Drive 2 reset

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

SYE01 Counter reset command, Drive 2: S

1=Reset by start 1 1
2=External reset 2
SYE02 Input for enable of counter reset, S
1=Electric motors drive 2 start 1 1
2=Drive 2 start 2
3=Digital input, RES EN 2 3

Synchro- External Master

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

SYF01 Up ramp time forward 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 60.0 S

SYF02 Down ramp time forward 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 60.0 S
SYF03 Up ramp time reverse 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 60.0 S
SYF04 Down ramp time reverse 0.1sec 2.0 0.0 60.0 S
SYF05 Master max speed 0.1rpm 10.0 0.1 2000 S
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Synchro-Drive 1 set point

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

SYG01 Drive 1 low friction limit 1% 70 -300 300 S

SYG02 Drive 1 high friction limit 1% 130 -300 300 S

5.2.19 Pressure 1

Pressure 1-Function
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

PRA01 Pressure control On/Off Off S1

PRA02 Reverse direction of control action On/Off Off S1
PRA03 Low pressure control On/Off Off S1
PRA04 High pressure control On/Off Off S1
PRA05 Filter time, low pressure control 0,1sec 5 0 30 A
PRA06 Filter time, high pressure control 0,1sec 5 0 30 A

Pressure 1-Pr.set point

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

PRB01 Pressure set-point 1 S1

1=Local 1
2=Remote 2
3=Local/Remote 3
PRB02 Local pressure set-point 1bar 200 50 250 A
PRB03 Low limit, pressure set-point 1bar 25 1 50 A
PRB04 High limit, pressure set-point 1bar 25 1 50 A
PRB05 Low limit, PID output 1% 10% 1% 100% A
PRB06 High limit, PID output 1% 10% 1% 100% A
PRB07 Max pressure 1bar 250 0 600 S1
PRB08 PID output breakpoint 1% 20% 0% 100% A

Pressure 1-Regulator
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

PRC01 Proportional regulator on/off Off S1

PRC02 Integrating regulator on/off Off S1
PRC03 Derivation regulator on/off Off S1
PRC04 Proportional gain 0.1 0.1 0.0 10.0 A
PRC05 Integration time 0.1sec 10.0 0.5 60.0 A
PRC06 Derivation time 0.01sec 0.10 0.01 60.00 A
PRC07 Derivation decline time 0.1sec 0.1 0.1 10.0 A
PRC08 Filter time for pressure feedback 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 2.0 A

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5.2.20 Pressure 2

Pressure 2-Function
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

PRG01 Pressure control On/Off Off S2

PRG02 Reverse direction of control action On/Off Off S2
PRG03 Low pressure control On/Off Off S2
PRG04 High pressure control On/Off Off S2
PRG05 Filter time, low pressure control 0,1sec 5 0 30 A
PRG06 Filter time, high pressure control 0,1sec 5 0 30 A

Pressure 2-Pr.set point

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

PRH01 Pressure set-point 1 S2

1=Local 1
2=Remote 2
3=Local/Remote 3
PRH02 Local pressure set-point 1bar 200 50 250 A
PRH03 Low limit, pressure set-point 1bar 25 1 50 A
PRH04 High limit, pressure set-point 1bar 25 1 50 A
PRH05 Low limit, PID output 1% 10% 1% 50% A
PRH06 High limit, PID output 1% 10% 1% 50% A
PRH07 Max pressure 1bar 250 0 600 S2
PRH08 PID output breakpoint 1% 20% 0% 100% A

Pressure 2-Regulator
Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

PRI01 Proportional regulator on/off Off S2

PRI02 Integrating regulator on/off Off S2
PRI03 Derivation regulator on/off Off S2
PRI04 Proportional gain 0.1 0.1 0.0 10.0 A
PRI05 Integration time 0.1sec 10.0 0.5 60.0 A
PRI06 Derivation time 0.01sec 0.10 0.01 60.00 A
PRI07 Derivation decline time 0.1sec 0.1 0.1 10.0 A
PRI08 Filter time for pressure feedback 0.1sec 0.0 0.0 2.0 A

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5.2.21 Reading 1

Reading 1-Scroll menu

Switch Description Type Default Change

R1A01 Text for reading 1 Text Tank temp A

R1A02 Reading 1 *a REG410 A
R1A03 Text for reading 2 Text Reading 2 A
R1A04 Reading 2 *a OFF A
R1A05 Text for reading 3 Text Reading 3 A
R1A06 Reading 3 *a OFF A
R1A07 Text for reading 4 Text Reading 4 A
R1A08 Reading 4 *a OFF A
R1A09 Text for reading 5 Text (R1A10) A
R1A10 Reading 5 *a OFF A
R1A11 Text for reading 6 Text (R1A12) A
R1A12 Reading 6 *a OFF A
R1A13 Text for reading 7 Text (R1A14) A
R1A14 Reading 7 *a OFF A
R1A15 Text for reading 8 Text (R1A16) A
R1A16 Reading 8 *a OFF A
R1A17 Text for reading 9 Text (R1A18) A
R1A18 Reading 9 *a OFF A

Reading 1-Left upper

Switch Description Type Default Change

R1B01 Reading *a REG102 A

Reading 1-Right upper

Switch Description Type Default Change

R1C01 Reading *a REG106 A

Reading 1-Left lower

Switch Description Type Default Change

R1D01 Reading *a REG109 A

Reading 1-Right lower

Switch Description Type Default Change

R1E01 Reading *a REG311 A

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5.2.22 Reading 2

Reading 2-Scroll menu

Switch Description Type Default Change

R2A01 Text for reading 1 Text (R2A02) A

R2A02 Reading 1 *a, *b OFF A
R2A03 Text for reading 2 Text (R2A04) A
R2A04 Reading 2 *a, *b OFF A
R2A05 Text for reading 3 Text (R2A06) A
R2A06 Reading 3 *a, *b OFF A
R2A07 Text for reading 4 Text (R2A08) A
R2A08 Reading 4 *a, *b OFF A
R2A09 Text for reading 5 Text (R2A10) A
R2A10 Reading 5 *a, *b OFF A
R2A11 Text for reading 6 Text (R2A12) A
R2A12 Reading 6 *a, *b OFF A
R2A13 Text for reading 7 Text (R2A14) A
R2A14 Reading 7 *a, *b OFF A
R2A15 Text for reading 8 Text (R2A16) A
R2A16 Reading 8 *a, *b OFF A
R2A17 Text for reading 9 Text (R2A18) A
R2A18 Reading 9 *a, *b OFF A

Reading 2-Left upper

Switch Description Type Default Change

R2B01 Reading *a REG202 A

Reading 2-Right upper

Switch Description Type Default Change

R2C01 Reading *a REG206 A

Reading 2-Left lower

Switch Description Type Default Change

R2D01 Reading *a REG209 A

Reading 2-Right lower

Switch Description Type Default Change

R2E01 Reading *a REG321 A

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*a Possible register readings for display:

Drive 1 Bus
REG101 = Remote input command (%,Actual) REG501 = Bus in 1
REG102 = Speed set point (%) REG502 = Bus in 2
REG103 = Input command (%) REG503 = Bus in 3
REG104 = Feed forward command (%) REG504 = Bus in 4
REG105 = Error signal (%) REG505 = Bus in 5
REG106 = Amplifier command (%) REG506 = Bus in 6
REG107 = Speed set point (rpm) REG507 = Bus in 7
REG108 = Feed forward command (rpm) REG508 = Bus in 8
REG109 = Digital speed REG509 = Bus in 9
REG110 = Speed feedback (%) REG510 = Bus in 10
REG111 = Pressure command REG511 = Bus digital in 1-8
REG112 = Regulated pressure command REG512 = Bus digital in 9-16
REG113 = Pressure compensation REG513 = Bus digital in 17-24
REG114 = Master command
REG115 = Emergency stop angle (°) Digital
REG116 = Regulated error signal REG601 = Digital in 1-8
REG602 = Digital in 9-16
Drive 2 REG603 = Digital in 17-24
REG201 = Remote input command (%,Actual) REG604 = Digital in 25-32
REG202 = Speed set point (%) REG605 = Digital in 33-40
REG203 = Input command (%) REG606 = Digital in 41-43
REG204 = Feed forward command (%) REG607 = Digital out 1-8
REG205 = Error signal (%) REG608 = Digital out 9-13
REG206 = Amplifier command (%)
REG207 = Speed set point (rpm) Compare
REG208 = Feed forward command (rpm) REG701 = Compared signal 1
REG209 = Digital speed REG702 = Compared signal 2
REG210 = Speed feedback (%) REG703 = Compared signal 3
REG211 = Pressure command REG704 = Compared signal 4
REG212 = Regulated pressure command REG705 = Compared signal 5
REG213 = Pressure compensation REG706 = Compared signal 6
REG214 = Offset (Synchro)
REG215 = Emergency stop angle (°) Diagnostic readings
REG216 = Regulated error signal REG901 = Control task (ms)
REG221 = Actual ratio (%) REG902 = Control task max (ms)
REG903 = UI task (ms)
Pump signals REG904 = UI task max (ms)
REG310 = Amplifier 1 command (%) REG905 = CPU load (%)
REG311 = Pump 1 current (mA) REG906 = CPU load max (%)
REG320 = Amplifier 2 command (%) REG907 = Stack usage, control task (%)
REG321 = Pump 2 current (mA) REG908 = Stack usage, UI task (%)
REG330 = Amplifier 3 command (%) REG909 = Stack usage, serial port (%)
REG331 = Pump 3 current (mA) REG911 = Calc. resistance pump 1 (ohm)
REG340 = Amplifier 4 command (%) REG912 = Calc. resistance pump 2 (ohm)
REG341 = Pump 4 current (mA) REG913 = Calc. resistance pump 3 (ohm)
REG350 = Pump friction (%) REG914 = Calc. resistance pump 4 (ohm)

Analog in OFF =Output off

REG401 = Analog in 1
REG402 = Analog in 2 *b
REG403 = Analog in 3 DOUT1-13 as on or off (flashing if within timer
REG404 = Analog in 4 time).
REG405 = Analog in 5
REG406 = Analog in 6
REG407 = Analog in 7
REG408 = Analog in 8
REG409 = Analog in 9
REG410 = Tank temp

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5.2.23 Drive log

Log function – Time/Date
Setting of time and date for the log function

Log function – Serial number

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

NUM System unit serial number ABCDE12-34567 E01P A

Log function – Log 1

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

STA1 Status for log register OFF / ON / ON A

MT1 Measuring time 1h 500 10 5000 A
LHI1 Setting of upper limit 56,0 -10000 10000 A
LLO1 Setting of lower limit 40,0 -10000 10000 A
REG1 Choice of register for logging *a REG410 A

Log function – Log 2

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

STA2 Status for log register OFF / ON / ON A

MT2 Measuring time 1h 500 10 5000 A
LHI2 Setting of upper limit 20,0 -10000 10000 A
LLO2 Setting of lower limit 4,0 -10000 10000 A
REG2 Choice of register for logging *a REG109 A

Log function – Log 3

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

STA3 Status for log register OFF / ON / ON A

MT3 Measuring time 1h 500 10 5000 A
LHI3 Setting of upper limit 20,0 -10000 10000 A
LLO3 Setting of lower limit 4,0 -10000 10000 A
REG3 Choice of register for logging *a REG405 A

Log function – Log 4

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

STA4 Status for log register OFF / ON / ON A

MT4 Measuring time 1h 500 10 5000 A
LHI4 Setting of upper limit 20,0 -10000 10000 A
LLO4 Setting of lower limit 4,0 -10000 10000 A
REG4 Choice of register for logging *a REG209 A

Log function – Log 5

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

STA5 Status for log register OFF / ON / ON A

MT5 Measuring time 1h 500 10 5000 A
LHI5 Setting of upper limit 20 -10000 10000 A
LLO5 Setting of lower limit 4 -10000 10000 A
REG5 Choice of register for logging *a REG406 A

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Log function – Log 6

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

STA6 Status for log register OFF / ON / ON A

MT6 Measuring time 1h 500 10 5000 A
LHI6 Setting of upper limit 70,0 -10000 10000 A
LLO6 Setting of lower limit 50,0 -10000 10000 A
REG6 Choice of register for logging *a REG407 A

Log function – Log 7

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

STA7 Status for log register OFF / ON / ON A

MT7 Measuring time 1h 500 10 5000 A
LHIX7 Setting of upper limit, X axis 20,0 -10000 10000 A
LLOX7 Setting of lower limit, X axis 4,0 -10000 10000 A
REGX7 Choice of register for X axis logging *a REG109 A
LHIY7 Setting of upper limit, Y axis 250 -10000 10000 A
LLOY7 Setting of lower limit, Y axis 130 -10000 10000 A
REGX7 Choice of register for Y axis logging *a REG403 A
LHIZ7 Setting of upper limit, Z axis 56,0 -10000 10000 A
LLOZ7 Setting of lower limit, Z axis 40,0 -10000 10000 A
REGZ7 Choice of register for Z axis logging *a REG410 A

Log function – Log 8

Switch Description Type Default Min Max Change

STA8 Status for log register OFF / ON / ON A

MT8 Measuring time 500 1h 10 5000 A
LHIX8 Setting of upper limit, X axis 20,0 -10000 10000 A
LLOX8 Setting of lower limit, X axis 4,0 -10000 10000 A
REGX8 Choice of register for X axis logging *a REG209 A
LHIY8 Setting of upper limit, Y axis 250 -10000 10000 A
LLOY8 Setting of lower limit, Y axis 130 -10000 10000 A
REGX8 Choice of register for Y axis logging *a REG404 A
LHIZ8 Setting of upper limit, Z axis 56,0 -10000 10000 A
LLOZ8 Setting of lower limit, Z axis 40,0 -10000 10000 A
REGZ8 Choice of register for Z axis logging *a REG410 A
*a Possible register setting
Drive 1
REG101 = Remote input command Analog in
REG102 = Speed set point REG401 = Analog in 1
REG103 = Input command REG402 = Analog in 2
REG104 = Feed forward command REG403 = Analog in 3
REG105 = Error signal REG404 = Analog in 4
REG106 = Amplifier command REG405 = Analog in 5
REG107 = Speed set point (rpm) REG406 = Analog in 6
REG108 = Feed forward command (rpm) REG407 = Analog in 7
REG109 = Digital speed REG408 = Analog in 8
REG110 = Speed feedback REG409 = Analog in 9
REG111 = Pressure command REG410 = Tank temp
REG112 = Regulated pressure command
REG113 = Pressure compensation Bus command in
REG114 = Master command REG501 = Bus in 1
REG116 = Regulated error signal REG502 = Bus in 2
REG503 = Bus in 3
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Drive 2 REG504 = Bus in 4

REG201 = Remote input command REG505 = Bus in 5
REG202 = Speed set point REG506 = Bus in 6
REG203 = Input command REG507 = Bus in 7
REG204 = Feed forward command REG508 = Bus in 8
REG205 = Error signal REG509 = Bus in 9
REG206 = Amplifier command REG510 = Bus in 10
REG207 = Speed set point (rpm)
REG208 = Feed forward command (rpm) Compare
REG209 = Digital speed REG701 = Compared signal 1
REG210 = Speed feedback REG702 = Compared signal 2
REG211 = Pressure command REG703 = Compared signal 3
REG212 = Regulated pressure command REG704 = Compared signal 4
REG213 = Pressure compensation REG705 = Compared signal 5
REG214 = Offset (Synchro) REG706 = Compared signal 6
REG216 = Regulated error signal
REG221 = Actual ratio OFF =Output off

Pump signals
REG310 = Amplifier 1 command (%)
REG311 = Pump 1 current (mA)
REG320 = Amplifier 2 command (%)
REG321 = Pump 2 current (mA)
REG330 = Amplifier 3 command (%)
REG331 = Pump 3 current (mA)
REG340 = Amplifier 4 command (%)
REG341 = Pump 4 current (mA)
REG350 = Pump friction

Log function – Reset Time

Reset of time counters for time in use

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Spider Settings and function V4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-04-15

Introduction ............................................................................................................ 2
6.1 General system setup ...................................................................................... 3
6.2 Speed command.............................................................................................. 4
6.3 Ramp ............................................................................................................... 4
6.4 Output .............................................................................................................. 5
6.5 Speed feedback ............................................................................................... 7
6.6 Power limitation ............................................................................................. 10
6.7 Monitoring ...................................................................................................... 11
6.8 Analog inputs ................................................................................................. 13
6.9 Digital inputs .................................................................................................. 14
6.10 Digital outputs .............................................................................................. 22
6.11 Signal monitor .............................................................................................. 26
6.12 Shredder ...................................................................................................... 29
6.13 Synchro ....................................................................................................... 30
6.14 Pressure control ........................................................................................... 31
6.15 Bus Communication ..................................................................................... 34
6.16 Drive monitoring log ..................................................................................... 60
6.17 Analog outputs ............................................................................................. 62
6.18 Language selection ...................................................................................... 62
6.19 Brake control................................................................................................ 63
6.20 Emergency stop ........................................................................................... 63
6.21 Program update ........................................................................................... 64
6.22 Hardware calibration .................................................................................... 64
6.23 Flushing ....................................................................................................... 65
6.24 Hydraulic motor temperature monitoring ...................................................... 65
6.25 Pulse inputs ................................................................................................. 66
6.26 Compare registers. ...................................................................................... 66
6.27 Cooler control .............................................................................................. 70

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Spider Settings and function V4.3.x
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Settings of the basic blocks in the software. All settings are for drive 1. The same procedure is done for
drive 2 but with the parameter letter in ().
This also describes the logical order for the system set up.
The list of parameters is found in AS5 and block diagrams with parameters are found in AS7.
The choice of parameters are made by using the directional buttons (◄, ►, ▲ & ▼) (see AS5.1). After a
change, the choice must be updated with the enter button (◄┘). The parameters are updated in the
memory when going back to the Main status reading in the display.
The settings can be protected by a password (MAIN SETTINGS  PROTECTION: MAD01-02).
The drive monitoring function is protected by a separate password under SETUP-LOG FUNCTION.
General system layout
El.m. current signal(s)
El.m. started
Starter(s) El.m. interlock


Drive control
El.m. 1 El.m. 2 El.m. 3 Spider 2 Digital/analog
Stroker current(s)

Analog indicators

Speed encoder signal(s)

Monitor switches

Pump1 Pump2 Pump3


Drive 1 Basic
Drive 2 Shredder

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AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

6.1 General system setup

6.1.1 System function
In MAIN SETTINGS  FUNCTION: MAA01 the basic function for the drive is selected. The selectable
functions for the system are (see also block diagrams in AS1 and AS7):

BASIC – The basic and most common function. The function includes monitoring, speed feedback
and power limitation. This is the function that also is selected for monitoring type unit.
SHREDDER – Same as for BASIC with added functions for reversing by an overload stopped
SYNCHRO – Same as for BASIC with two drives driven together with FRICTION ratio or position
control between the motors.

The PRESSURE function can be used with BASIC, SHREDDER and FRICTION basic function.

6.1.2 System layout configuration

The configuration is needed for the system to

know how the electric motors are connected to the El.m. 1 El.m. 2 El.m. 3
pumps and how the pumps are connected to the

Setup procedure in MAIN SETTINGS 

CONFIGURATION: Pump1 Pump2 Pump3
To setup the electric motor to pump
connection, set MAB01-04 (pump1-4) to
electric motor 1, 2 or 3. Pump4
To setup the pump to drive connection, set
MAB05-MAB08 (pump1-4) to drive 1 or 2.
Finally set the parameter MAB09 to Drive 1
common or separate when using two
drives depending if the drive have common
function or separate. Drive 2
If the system has external charge pumps
MAB13-14 has to be set to external.

6.1.3 Front control button bypass

The functions for the drive buttons at the front can be bypassed by setting parameter D1A08 (D2A08)

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6.2 Speed command

In ANALOG INPUTS-SETPOINT1 (2): AIA(B)01 - 05 the speed
setpoint command source is selected.
Remote setpoint command is a voltage or current signal connected Local/remote

to the terminals. The type must be set with parameter AIA(B)01 and
with jumper SP D1(2), see AS4.5. The remote input must be no
calibrated as described for the analog inputs (see example in
AS6.8). Remote set point can also be set via fieldbus (for settings yes
see AS6.15). The inputs are possible to scale with parameter Local command

AIA(B)05. This parameter can be set within a value from 1 to 10 in

steps of 0,01. As an example, a parameter value of 2 gives 100%
speed command at 50% (12mA) physical input level. D1(2)A01=1 D1(2)A01=2
The local command is set with the increase and decrease buttons
on the front. If external increase/decrease is needed, the local
setpoint function can be paralleled by using configurable digital Set type of
inputs (See AS5.2.3). command signal
The speed command can be locked to local or remote control or be
switchable with the local/remote button (set with DxA01).
At local/remote switching the local set point command can automatically be set to zero if DxA03 is set to
yes. Otherwise the setting will be held when switching to remote mode. The reset can also be done by
using a configurable digital input.
Local increase/decrease will not affect the local setpoint when running in remote mode.
4 independent fixed speed set points for each drive can be set with parameter DxA06-07 and DxA09-10.
The activation is by configurable digital inputs set as 15 FIXED xA, 15 FIXED xB, 15 FIXED xC
or 15 FIXED xD.
6.3 Ramp
The start ramp time is the time it takes for the signal to control the hydraulic pump, to go from zero to
100% if the speed setpoint is 100% and drive start is activated. The stop ramp is the time it takes to go
from 100% to zero when drive stop is activated.
Drive start and stop are ramped commands (as well as fixed forward, fixed reverse and inch reverse).
The start ramp is controlled by the parameters DxC01 in forward direction and DxC03in reverse direction.
The stop ramp is controlled by the parameters DxC02 in forward direction and DxC04in reverse direction.
The ramp can be set off by using a digital input set to 15 RAMPxOFF.

Example: If the ”up ramp” D1C01 is set to 10 sec. and the down ramp D1C02 is set to
5 sec. we will get the following output.
The example is based on 50 and 100% setpoint.

Drive start Drive stop

100 %

Stop ramp


Start ramp

0 10 20 25 Time in seconds.

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6.4 Output
6.4.1 PWM frequency
The individual settings for each pump are made in PUMP OUTPUTS (See AS5.2.2)
The outputs are Pulse Width Modulated and the PWM frequency can be set with parameter POx06. The default
setting is 200Hz but the PWM frequency can be set from 100Hz to 2000Hz in steps of 100Hz. See AS6.4.5 for
recommended settings.

Lower frequency then 2000Hz may damage the Parker Denison 5A2 pump stroker.

6.4.2 Coil resistance

The nominal resistance for the stroker must be set with parameter POx05. The system will measure
the current in the stroker coil and compensate for the resistance change due to increased
temperature. See AS6.4.5 for recommended settings.

6.4.3 Current setting

For output current setting it is easy to use speed indication if a speed encoder is connected (See
AS6.11 for setup).

Make sure the PWM frequency parameter is correct, see AS6.4.1.

Make sure the coil resistance parameter is correct, see AS6.4.2.
Make sure the Min current parameters POx01 and POx03 are set according to AS6.4.5.
Make sure the Max current parameters POx02 and POx04 are set according to AS6.4.5.

Min current forward, parameter POx01. Start the drive. Increase the current until the drive starts
moving forward, decrease until it stops again. Stop the drive.
Max current forward, parameter POx02.Start the drive. Increase the current until full forward
speed is reached. Stop the drive.

Min current reverse, parameter POx03. Start the drive. Increase the current until the drive starts
moving in reverse, decrease until it stops again. Stop the drive.
Max current reverse, parameter POx04. Start the drive. Increase the current until full reverse
speed is reached. Stop the drive.

High current may damage the pump stroker solenoid.

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6.4.4 Pump ramp

Each pump can be separately switched off via digital inputs. The ramp settings are common for all
pumps with parameter POF01-02. The ramp is activated with a digital input for each pump. A digital
output can indicate that the pump command is zero.

6.4.5 Nominal data for common pump strokers.

Type: Coil Min current Max current PWM frequency
5A2 (Parker Denison) 25 Ω 30 mA 175 mA 2000 Hz
9A2 (Parker Denison) 41 Ω 160 mA 330 mA 200 Hz
SP40&71 (Bosch Rexroth) 23 Ω 200 mA 600 mA 100 Hz
SP125-750 (Bosch Rexroth) 19 Ω 270 mA 740 mA 100 Hz
KA (Sauer Danfoss) 20 Ω 10 mA 85 mA 200 Hz

Other types Use information in datasheet.

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6.5 Speed feedback

6.5.1 General
Speed feedback makes it possible to maintain a constant speed at the hydraulic motor shaft. The
Spider compensates for speed deviations due to load changes. To achieve this, a PID regulator is
implemented in the software. This PID regulator compares the actual speed value with the speed set-
point. Any deviation between the two signals is detected as an Error signal and transferred to the PID
regulator. The PID regulator has three different stages.
The proportional part amplifies the Error signal. The Output is proportional to the Error signal.
The Integral stage integrates the Error signal. A small Error signal will over time create a big Integral
stage output.
Derivative stage derives the Error signal. A rapid change will create a big output from the derivative
The results from the three different stages are added to the stroker output.

The following Example set-up is based on the following facts:

Analog speed encoder with output signal 4-20mA for 0-25Rpm
connected to Analog input 3.
Drive maximum speed is 22Rpm.
The setup regarding speed feedback is made in the following
parameter menus:
"Drive 1 basic - feedback" (D1E01 - D1E03)
"Analog inputs - Analog in 3" (AIH01 - AIH14)
"Pulse inputs - Drive 1" (P1I01 - PII07)
"Drive 1 basic - regulator" (D1D01 - D1D11)
The setup for Drive 2 is identical but the parameters start with "D2xx"

6.5.2 Speed encoder input signal set-up

The type of speed encoder is determined with parameter D1E02.
The possible settings are:
1. Digital feedback.
2. Analog feedback.
3. No feedback.
In this case this parameter is set to 2 -> Analog feedback.
The maximum hydraulic motor shaft speed is set in parameter
D1E01. In this case the parameter is set to 22rpm.
The speed encoder is hooked up to analog input 3, parameters
AIH01 to AIH14 is valid for the set-up. Parameters not mentioned
below are left with the factory setting.
AIH02 and AIH03 are used when calibrating the input. Zero and
span adjustment are possible to make.
AIH05 is set to 25 rpm as that is the range of the speed encoder.
AIH06 is set to rpm.
AIH07 is set to 1 as we want the signal to be presented with one
AIH09 is set to AS1 meaning Analog Speed drive 1.
AIH12 is set to AUX 1 which is set as a warning, activated when 4 mA is missing. The warning will
indicate a broken speed encoder.

6.5.3 Regulator set-up

The Regulator parameters are all gathered under “Drive 1 basic - Regulator”, parameters D1D01 –
D1D11. Below is a description of each parameter.
Parameter D1D11 has the following choices:
1. Non-regulated drive (Blank indication in 4’th position on display line 1)
2. Regulated drive (REG indication in 4’th position on display line 1)
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3. Switching between regulated and non-regulated drive.

Parameter must be set to 2 or 3 to achieve speed feedback. In this case parameter D1D11 is set to 3.
The PID regulator is then possible to activate/deactivate from the Spider front with the predefined
pushbutton REG/UNREG.

D1D01 Sets the regulator function ON or OFF. In this case ON, the regulator is enabled.
D1D02 Feed forward function is set ON or OFF. In this case ON, the speed set-point is put to the
stroker output as an initial value and the regulator compensates for deviations in speed.
If the parameter is set OFF the regulator output will be the only signal to the
stroker output.

D1D03 Sets the Proportional regulator stage function ON or OFF. In this case select ON. The
proportional stage reacts proportional to the Error input signal. Action of this stage is
determined by parameter D1D06.

D1D04 Sets the Integrator function ON or OFF. In this case select ON. This function gives the
drive a possibility to reach set-point speed over time. Action of this stage is determined
by parameter D1D07.

D1D05 Sets the Derivative function ON or OFF. In this case select OFF. The derivative stage is
used when very quick speed changes are to be expected at the drive. It reacts on the
rate of change at the Error input signal. The D stage is seldom used due to a difficult
tuning procedure. Action of this stage is set by parameters D1D08 and D1D09.

D1D06 Proportional gain parameter sets the gain of the P-stage. In this case set to 0.5 as a start
value. P gain 0.5 means that half the Error signal input value will be transferred to the
stage output. Proportional stage however, will not make the drive reach set-point speed.
There will always be a remaining Error. The remaining Error value is though depending
on the Proportional gain setting. If the Error signal is small, close to zero, P gain will not
produce any output at this stage output. The P stage always needs an Error signal to

D1D07 Integrator time parameter sets the integration time of the I-stage. In this case set to 10
seconds as a start value. Integrator time 10 seconds means that the output value of this
stage will reach 63% of the Error signal input value in 10 seconds. Introduction of
Integration will eliminate the remaining Error signal. The actual speed will over time
correspond to speed set-point. It can be compared with a Capacitor that is charged with
the Error signal.

D1D08 Derivative time parameter sets the Derivative time of the D stage. In this case it is left at
the default value, 0,1 second. Derivative time 0,10 seconds means that the derivative
“gain” is a factor 0,1. The output from this stage is the “gain” factor multiplied with the rate
of change of the Error signal.

D1D09 Derivative decline time parameter sets the Derivative decline time of the D stage. In this
case it is left at default value, 0,1 second. Derivative decline time 0,1 seconds means that
the output value from this stage will decline 63 % in 0,1 second.

D1D10 Max feedback deviation is the allowed difference between command and actual speed. If
this exceeds for 10sec., the drive will switch over to unregulated drive and give the

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6.5.4 Regulator tuning

The above settings give in most cases a good performance of the drive. However to optimise the
parameters the following method can be used.
In short words the method is as follows:
Increase the proportional gain until the drive starts to oscillate. Note the oscillation time. Reduce the
Proportional gain with 50 %. Set the Integrator time minimum to the double oscillation time value.

This is a recommended step by step list of how to tune the PI regulator:

1 Select UNREG mode.
2 Make sure that stroker currents are correctly adjusted.
3 Deselect the Integrator stage, by setting the parameter D1D04 to Off.
4 Reduce the ramp time setting to zero or as much as the drive can tolerate.
5 Start the drive.
6 Give about 50 % speed command.
7 Select REG mode. This enables the regulator. Check performance of the drive. If the drive starts
to oscillate, stop the drive and reduce the Proportional parameter value.
8 Increase the Proportional gain in small steps. Start and stop the drive. Check the drive stability.
When the drive starts to oscillate try to determine cycle time of the oscillation (the time from one
pulse top to the next).
9 Decrease the proportional gain value to half of what set in 8.
10 Activate the Integral part by setting the parameter D1D04 to On.
11 Set the Integrator parameter to minimum the double oscillation time.

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6.6 Power limitation

Power limitation function is not possible in the monitor type spider.
Basic function or higher is needed to get the power limitation function. Power limitation
Power limitation is acquired by utilizing an analog input for sensing
the electric motor current or other limiting signal. See AS 5.2.6 for
setup of the analog input.
First set the function for the analogue input in
AS5.2.6: Analog inputs -Analog in x: AIF09-AIN09 toEC1, EC2 or EC3. Set analog input
Limitation level is set with parameters Analog inputs -Power limit: for limitation
Limitation function is set with parameters Drive 1(2) basic - power
limitation: D1(2)F01-D1(2)F02, See AS3.3 for connection and type of
analog input.
A min level for the pump control signal by power limitation function can Set input type
for limitation
be set with parameter DxF03.

Example for power limitation setting Drive 1, Electric motor 1:

Electric motor = 163 A (from data sheet or motor rating plate)
Current transformer 200 A = 20 mA Set max
We are using analog input 3 for this example. input current
We want to limit electric motor 1 in drive 1. AIF-AIN05

AIH05, Max input = 200

AIH06, Units for indication = A
AIH09, Function => Power limitation = EC1 Set sort of
AIR01, Level for power limitation (e-motor 1) = 163
D1F01, Delay time = the time the power is allowed to be higher
then the level (AIR01) before the limit function starts
DIF02, Ramp time = how fast the reaction will be for stroking
down the pump to limitation level
Set function
for input
Example for power limitation setting Drive 2, Electric motor 3: AIF-AIN09
Electric motor = 240 A (from data sheet or motor rating plate)
Current transformer 400 A = 20 mA
We are using analog input 5 for this example.
We want to limit electric motor 3 in drive 2. Set level
for limitation
AIJ05, Max input = 400
AIJ06, Units for indication = A
AIJ09, function => Power limitation = EC3
AIR03, Level for power limitation (e-motor 3) = 240
Set filter time
D2F01, Delay time = the time the power is allowed to be higher
then the level (AIR03) before the limit function starts
D2F02, Ramp time = how fast the reaction will be for stroking
down the pump to limitation level
Set downramp
(By test)
The ramp time setting must be set by test with the drive. A too short
time can cause oscillation in the system and a too long time will not
regulate the current to the max setting (same function as P regulation, see AS6.5).

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6.7 Monitoring
The monitoring function is available in all setups. The pre-defined digital inputs (for monitoring) must
be set to off if monitoring is not wanted. See setup of digital inputs under AS 5.2.3.

6.7.1 Functions for monitoring

The pre-programmed functions can be used on any of the 43 digital inputs that are available. The pre-
programmed functions have 4 different types of indication:
Warning = indication on the display and by a digital output if this function is set (see AS6.10)
Alarm = indication on the display and by a digital output if this function is set (see AS6.10)
This function will stop the drive without ramp and after a short delay open the electric motor
interlock output to stop the motor.
Interlock = same as alarm but without stopping the electric motor.
Disable = same as alarm but without indication in the drive log.
The Warning, Alarm and Interlock indications must be reset in the Alarm/Warning list after the reason
for the indication is fixed (see AS 4.3). Disable don’t need to be reset.
The pre-programmed functions are described in AS 6.9.2.

6.7.2 Extra monitoring input

There are 20 pre-programmed auxiliary channels that can be used for different functions. One is the
monitoring function. If any of the digital inputs is configured as AUX x (see AS5.2.3, Digital inputs: 13
AUX x) the function for the input will be monitoring The function Alarm, Warning, Disable or Interlock
for the input, time delay, memory for the input and the text to be in the alarm/warning list can be set,
see AS5.2.11, Setup – Aux monitor.
For channel 17-20 a second function with a separate time delay can be set (normally used when a
filter alarm is used).

Example: Digital input 25 as warning input for LUBRICATION Drive 1.

See AS 3.3 for electrical connection of digital inputs.

Set parameter Setup - Digital inputs- DIN25: AUX1.
Set parameter Setup - Aux monitor - Aux 1: AMA01 to W1 (warning drive 1).
Set AMA03 (memory bypass) to preferred function:

(If memory bypass = off: Warning indication will be activated if input is opened
Warning indication will remain if input is closed
and must be reset in Alarm / warning menu).
(If memory bypass = on: Warning indication will be activated if input is opened
Warning indication will disappear if input is closed).

Set AMA02 to needed delay time between opened input and warning indication.
Set the text in AMA04 to LUBRICATION by using , and buttons.

NOTE: The line has to be filled with blank characters by pushing until the line is filled.
Available characters are all possible characters for the display. For Chinese characters a VFD display
must be mounted and switch SW3-1 must be set to off.

Setup of this function can either be done on the Spider front or via SpiderCom program.

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6.7.3 Electric motor interlock outputs

There are 3 normally high digital outputs for interlock of the electric motors (shall be connected via a
relay in the electric motor stop circuit). The interlock output will open time-delayed after an Alarm.
The delay time is set in Setup-Drive monitor-Emotor interlock: DMD01-DMD03.
See AS 3.4.2 for electrical connection. The interlock is dependent on how the configuration is done in
Setup-Main settings-Configuration, see AS6.1 for description.

The normal stop sequence at alarm:

1. The output to the pump is set to zero without ramp.
2. After a time delay (settable) the electric motor interlock is opened.

If separate charge pumps are used, digital outputs can be used for interlock of the charge pump
electric motors. The off delay time can be set with parameters DMD04-05.

6.7.4 Monitoring outputs

There are 13 digital outputs that can be configured in Setup – Digital outputs.
They can be used for monitoring of sum Alarm, sum Warning, sum Interlock or monitoring of a digital
It is possible to use an auxiliary function only for controlling a digital output. AMx01 is then set to OFF
and a digital output must be addressed to the aux function.
See AS6.10 for possible settings and functions for the digital outputs.

6.7.5 Tank temp monitoring

The tank temperature can be monitored with digital or analog signal selected by parameter TMB01.
For digital type input functions must be selected, see AS6.9.
The choice of analog sensor can be of Pt100 type (standard) connected to prepared inputs or
standard analog signal type connected to a configurable analog input. If a configurable analog input is
used the function is set to TANK A. Configurable input selection will disconnect the Pt100 type input.
By using an analog sensor the switch levels for Alarm, Warning, Filter interlock, Min temp, Cooling
control, Heating control and Flushing control can be set within preset limits. All switches except filter
interlock can be monitored on digital outputs if needed.

Function Default Setting [°] Hysteresis [°] On [°] Off [°]

Alarm 60 (TMB03) -- 60 60 (must be reset)

Warning 55 (TMB04) -- 55 55 (must be reset)

Cooling 40 (TMB05) 3 (TMB06) 40 (rising temp) 37

See AS6.27
Filter interlock 0 (TMB07) -- 0 0

Heating 15 (TMB08) 3 (TMB09) 15 (falling temp) 18

Min 10 (TMB10) -- 10 10

Flush heating 30 (TMB11) 3 (TMB12) 30 (falling temp) 33

See AS6.23 10 (TMB14) 3 (TMB15) 10 (rising temp) 7
Flushing min 0 (TMB13) 3 3 (rising temp) 0

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6.7.6 Alarm stop

As default, the command output to the pumps will be set to zero without ramp to stop the system as
fast as possible. In some applications it can cause mechanical damage to set the outputs quickly to
zero. An alarm ramp time can be set with parameter MAB10 to allow the system to do a controlled

6.7.7 Tank level sensor

The sensor is to be used instead of tank level switch. The analog function must be activated by setting
analog level sensor parameter TMC01 = yes.

The value for maximum and minimum tank level has to be set in analog input.
Tank volume 2000 litres.
Sensor level for min is1400 litres (gives 4 mA) and for max 1950 litres (gives 20 mA).

Select function “TANK A” for the used analog input with parameter Aix09,.
Parameter AIx04 has to be set to 1400 and parameter AIx05 has to be set to 1950. The sensor will
give an active output signal between 1400 and 1950 litres.

TMC03 sets the trigger level for alarm.

TMC04 sets the trigger level for warning.
TMC05 sets the level for indication to stop the fill pump.
TMC06 sets the trigger level for overflow of tank. Will create a warning indication.
All levels must be set within the span set for the sensor, in this case 1400 to 1950.
All levels will be indicated on fieldbus and can be indicated with digital outputs.

6.8 Analog inputs

All analog inputs can be used for current or voltage signals.
Spider has 12 analog inputs. 2 are dedicated for speed setpoint drive 1 and drive 2.
The 9 remaining inputs are general and can be used for different purposes (see below).
Analog input setpoint1, setpoint2 and analog in1-2 is isolated with its own reference ground.
Analog input 3-9 is isolated but with common reference ground with the power supply.

All analog inputs can be connected to current or voltage signals. The function and the zero - and
maxpoint of the input must be set (see AS5.2.6).
The function settings are described for each function in AS6.5 for Analog speed feedback, AS6.6 for
power limitation AS6.12 for Shredder pressure, AS6.13 for Synchro offset, AS6.14 for
Pressure control and AS6.24 for hydraulic motor temp monitoring.

AIx15 and AIx16 can be used for filtering if the signal is unstable. The setting gives the measuring and
average time of the input value before presented on the display (AIx15) or used for control (AIx16).

Example of zero and maxpoint setting:

Speed setpoint with a 0-10V signal for drive 1. 10 V corresponds to 100% speed, parameter AIA01=0-

Monitor the signal in REG101 (see AS5.2.20).

Connect a 0 V signal to the terminals for analog 1 (+ to terminal AI1:5 and – to terminal AI1:6).
Adjust parameter AIA02 until the reading switches over from 1% to 0%.
Connect a 10V signal to the terminals.
Adjust parameter AIA03 until the reading switches over from 99% to 100%.
Repeat adjustments for 0 and 10 V until the right reading is achieved. As a test, check that the reading
at 5.0 V (50%) is 50%.
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Analog in 4 with a 4-20 mA signal for power limitation drive 1. 20 mA corresponds to 200 A, parameter
AII01=4-20 mA and AII06=A

For settings of power limitation, see AS6.6.

Monitor the signal in REG403 (see AS5.2.20).
Connect a 4 mA signal to the terminals for analog 3 (+ to terminal AI2:7 and – to terminal AI2:8).
Adjust parameter AII02 until the reading switches over from 1 A to 0 A.
Connect a 20 mA signal to the terminals.
Adjust parameter AII03 until the reading switches over from 199 A to 200 A.
Repeat adjustments for 4 and 20 mA until the right reading is achieved. As a test, check that the
reading at 12 mA (50%) is 100 A.

6.9 Digital inputs

The digital inputs on terminal EI1, DI1, DI2, DI3, DI4, DI5 are all 24 VDC functions and are
preconfigured as shown in AS3.7 terminal list:
-Electric motor started inputs
-Input signals from power unit
-Configurable inputs
-Supply for the inputs

6.9.1 Electric motor started inputs

The electric motor started inputs are to bypass the Charge pressure alarm at electric motor stop and to
prevent against control current to the pump coils at stop. It also controls the cooling control when an
analog temperature transducer is used.

6.9.2 Configurable inputs

The configurable digital inputs can be used for control and monitoring.
Function: A=Alarm, W=Warning, C=Control

Abbreviation Description Normal status for Function

01 H APR P1 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 1 High, low at high W
For monitoring of pump high pressure in forward pressure

01 H BPR P1 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 1 High, low at high W
For monitoring of pump high pressure in reverse pressure

01 H APR P2 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 2 High, low at high W
see 01 H APR P1 pressure

01 H BPR P2 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 2 High, low at high W
see 01 H BPR P1 pressure

01 H APR P3 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 3 High, low at high W
see 01 H APR P1 pressure

01 H BPR P3 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 3 High, low at high W
see 01 H BPR P1 pressure

01 H APR P4 High pressure A-side monitor function for pump 4 High, low at high W
see 01 H APR P1 pressure

01 H BPR P4 High pressure B-side monitor function for pump 4 High, low at high W
see 01 H BPR P1 pressure
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02 H APR D1 High pressure A-side monitor function for drive 1 High, low at high W
For monitoring of drive high pressure in forward direction. pressure

02 H BPR D1 High pressure B-side monitor function for drive 1 High, low at high W
For monitoring of drive high pressure in reverse direction. pressure

02 H APR D2 High pressure A-side monitor function for drive 2 High, low at high W
see 02 H APR D1 pressure

02 H BPR D2 High pressure B-side monitor function for drive 2 High, low at high W
see 02 H BPR D1 pressure

02 H APR 12 High pressure A-side monitor function for drive 1 and 2 High, low at high W
see 02 H APR D1 pressure

02 H BPR 12 High pressure B-side monitor function for drive 1 and 2 High, low at high W
see 02 H BPR D1 pressure

03 C PRA P1 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 1 High, low at low A
For monitoring of pump low charge pressure in forward pressure

03 C PRB P1 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 1 High, low at low A
For monitoring of pump low charge pressure in reverse pressure

03 C PRA P2 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 2 High, low at low A
see 03 C PRA P1 pressure

03 C PRB P2 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 2 High, low at low A
see 03 C PRA P2 pressure

03 C PRA P3 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 3 High, low at low A
see 03 C PRA P1 pressure

03 C PRB P3 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 3 High, low at low A
see 03 C PRA P2 pressure

03 C PRA P4 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for pump 4 High, low at low A
see 03 C PRA P1 pressure

03 C PRB P4 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for pump 4 High, low at low A
see 03 C PRA P2 pressure

04 C PRA D1 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for drive 1 High, low at low A
For monitoring of drive low charge pressure in reverse pressure

04 C PRB D1 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for drive 1 High, low at low A
For monitoring of drive low charge pressure in reverse pressure

04 C PRA D2 Low charge pressure A-side monitor function for drive 2 High, low at low A
see 04 C PRA D1 pressure

04 C PRB D2 Low charge pressure B-side monitor function for drive 2 High, low at low A
see 04 C PRB D2 pressure

05 SUCTION1 Suction line monitor for pump 1 High, low on closed A

For monitoring of suction line indicator closed oil line

05 SUCTION2 Suction line monitor for pump 2 High, low on closed A

see 05 SUCTION1 oil line

05 SUCTION3 Suction line monitor for pump 3 High, low on closed A

see 05 SUCTION1 oil line

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05 SUCTION4 Suction line monitor for pump 4 High, low on closed A

see 05 SUCTION1 oil line
05 ACC A P1 A-side accumulator monitor for pump 1 High, low at low A
For monitoring of precharged pressure in accumulator pressure
05 ACC B P1 B-side accumulator monitor for pump 1 High, low at low A
see 05 ACC A P1 pressure
05 ACC A P2 A-side accumulator monitor for pump 2 High, low at low A
see 05 ACC A P1 pressure
05 ACC B P2 B-side accumulator monitor for pump 2 High, low at low A
see 05 ACC A P1 pressure
05 ACC A P3 A-side accumulator monitor for pump 3 High, low at low A
see 05 ACC A P1 pressure
05 ACC B P3 B-side accumulator monitor for pump 3 High, low at low A
see 05 ACC A P1 pressure
05 ACC A P4 A-side accumulator monitor for pump 4 High, low at low A
see 05 ACC A P1 pressure
05 ACC B P4 B-side accumulator monitor for pump 4 High, low at low A
see 05 ACC A P1 pressure
05 ACC A D1 A-side accumulator monitor for Drive 1 High, low at low A
see 05 ACC A P1 pressure
05 ACC B D1 B-side accumulator monitor for Drive 1 High, low at low A
see 05 ACC A P1 pressure
05 ACC A D2 A-side accumulator monitor for Drive 2 High, low at low A
see 05 ACC A P1 pressure
05 ACC B D2 B-side accumulator monitor for Drive 2 High, low at low A
see 05 ACC A P1 pressure

06 RF 75P1 Monitor of return filter for pump 1 clogged to 3/4 High, low on filter W
For monitoring of 3/4 clogged filter. clogged
Only applicable when using two level filter indicators.

06 RF 100P1 Monitor of return filter for pump 1 fully clogged High, low on filter W/(A)
For monitoring of fully clogged filter (must be exchanged) clogged

06 RF 75P2 Monitor of return filter for pump 2 clogged to 3/4 High, low on filter W
see 06 RF 75P1 clogged

06 RF 100P2 Monitor of return filter for pump 2 fully clogged High, low on filter W/(A)
see 06 RF 100P1 clogged

06 RF 75P3 Monitor of return filter for pump 3 clogged to 3/4 High, low on filter W
see 06 RF 75P1 clogged

06 RF 100P3 Monitor of return filter for pump 3 fully clogged High, low on filter W/(A)
see 06 RF 100P1 clogged

06 RF 75P4 Monitor of return filter for pump 4 clogged to 3/4 High, low on filter W
see 06 RF 75P1 clogged

06 RF 100P4 Monitor of return filter for pump 4 fully clogged High, low on filter W/(A)
see 06 RF 100P1 clogged

06 DRF 75 Monitor of drain filter clogged to 3/4 High, low on filter W

see 06 RF 75P1 clogged

06 DRF 100 Monitor of drain filter fully clogged High, low on filter W/(A)
see 06 RF 100P1 clogged

06 AUXF 75 Monitor of aux filter clogged to 3/4 High, low on filter W

see 06 RF 75P1 clogged

06 AUXF 100 Monitor of aux filter fully clogged High, low on filter W/(A)
see 06 RF 100P1 clogged

06 F TEMP Interlock of filter warning inputs High, low on temp W

Used when external temp interlock wanted for filter above set value

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07 LO LEVEL Low oil level monitor for tank High, low when W
Monitors Low oil level in PU tank below set level

07 MN LEVEL Min oil level monitor for tank High, low when A
Monitors Min oil level in PU tank below set level

08 MAX TEMP Max oil temp monitor for tank High, low when A
Monitors max set temp. in PU tank above set temp

08 HI TEMP High oil temp monitor for tank High, low when W
Monitors high set temp. in PU tank above set temp l

08 MIN TEMP Low oil temp monitor for tank High, low when A
Monitors low set temp. in PU tank below set temp

09 ALARM R Remote reset of alarms and warnings Low, High=Reset C

09 BUS R Reset of alarms and warnings via bus High=Reset via bus C

09 BUS 1 Switching to Bus command signals, Drive 1 High=Bus drive 1 C

09 BUS 2 Switching to Bus command signals, Drive 2 High =Bus drive 2 C

09 BUS M Switching to Bus command signal, External master High=Bus ext. C

09 LAMPTEST Closing of selected digital outputs. Normally used for Low, High=Closing C
lamp test of external panel. of outputs
09 EMSTOP Emergency stop input not using the hardware shutdown High, Low = C
function Emergency stop

10 SHR A D1 Shredder forward stop, Drive 1 High, low at stop C

10 SHR B D1 Shredder reverse stop, Drive 1 High, low at stop C

10 SHR A D2 Shredder forward stop, Drive 2 High, low at stop C

10 SHR B D2 Shredder reverse stop, Drive 2 High, low at stop C

10 SHR 1+2A Shredder forward stop, Drive 1 and 2 High, low at stop C

10 SHR 1+2B Shredder forward stop, Drive 1 and 2 High, low at stop C

10 INTERV1 Interval control of shredder, Drive 1 High=Interval C

10 INTERV2 Interval control of shredder, Drive 2 High=Interval C

10 SH RES 1 External reset of Shredder blocked function, Drive 1 High=Reset C

10 SH RES 2 External reset of Shredder blocked function, Drive 2 High=Reset C

10 SH RES12 External reset of Shredder blocked function, Drive 1 and High=Reset C


11 PL1 Activate power limitation for Drive 1 High= Power limit C

11 PL2 Activate power limitation for Drive 2 High= Power limit C

11 P1OFF Ramp down pump 1 in multiple pump systems Low, High = Ramp C
11 P2OFF Ramp down pump 2 in multiple pump systems Low, High = Ramp C
11 P3OFF Ramp down pump 3 in multiple pump systems Low, High = Ramp C
11 P4OFF Ramp down pump 4 in multiple pump systems Low, High = Ramp C

12 RES EN 1 External enable of counter reset in Synchro mode, Drive1 High=Enable of C

reset input
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12 RES EN2 External enable of counter reset in Synchro mode, Drive High=Enable of C
2 reset input

12 FRICTION Friction drive in Synchro counter mode High=Friction drive C

12 INV M Inverting of master speed command in Synchro mode, High=Inverting of C

Drive 1 speed command

13 AUX 1 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 1 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 2 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 2 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 3 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 3 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 4 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 4 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 5 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 5 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 6 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 6 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 7 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 7 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 8 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 8 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 9 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 9 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 10 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 10 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 11 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 11 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 12 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 12 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 13 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 13 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 14 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 14 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 15 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 15 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 16 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 16 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 17 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 17 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 18 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 18 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 19 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 19 High, low for A/W/I


13 AUX 20 Connected to Monitor Auxiliary input 20 High, low for A/W/I

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14 START 1 Drive start in Remote mode, Drive 1 High=Start C

14 START 2 Drive start in Remote mode, Drive 2 High=Start C

14 START 12 Drive start in Remote mode, Drive 1 and 2 High=Start C

14 L START1 Drive start in Local mode, Drive 1 High pulse=Start C

14 L STOP1 Drive stop in Local mode, Drive 1 High, Low C


14 L START2 Drive start in Local mode, Drive 2 High pulse=Start C

14 L STOP2 Drive stop in Local mode, Drive 2 High, Low C


15 FIXED 1A Fixed speed A , Drive 1 Low, High for Fixed C

Level set in menu speed
15 FIXED 1B Fixed speed B , Drive 1 Low, High for Fixed C
Level set in menu speed
15 FIXED 1C Fixed speed C , Drive 1 Low, High for Fixed C
Level set in menu speed
15 FIXED 1D Fixed speed D , Drive 1 Low, High for Fixed C
Level set in menu speed
15 FIXED 2A Fixed speed A , Drive 2 Low, High for Fixed C
Level set in menu speed
15 FIXED 2B Fixed speed B , Drive 2 Low, High for Fixed C
Level set in menu speed
15 FIXED 2C Fixed speed C , Drive 2 Low, High for Fixed C
Level set in menu speed
15 FIXED 2D Fixed speed D , Drive 2 Low, High for Fixed C
Level set in menu speed
15 FIX 1+2A Fixed speed A , Drive 1 and 2 Low, High for Fixed C
Level set in menu speed
15 FIX 1+2B Fixed speed B , Drive 1 and 2 Low, High for Fixed C
Level set in menu speed
15 L REV 1 Local Reverse drive with fixed speed, Drive 1 Low, High for C

15 L FORW 1 Local Forward drive in manual mode, Shredder Drive 1 Low, High for C
15 L REV 2 Local Reverse drive with fixed speed, Drive 2 Low, High for C

15 L FORW 2 Local Forward drive in manual mode, Shredder Drive 2 Low, High for C
15 INV 1 Inverting of speed command at unidirectional drive, Low, High for C
Drive1 Inverting of speed
15 INV 2 Inverting of speed command at unidirectional drive, Low, High for C
Drive2 Inverting of speed
15 RAMP1OFF Bypass of ramp Drive 1 Low, High for zero C
15 RAMP2OFF Bypass of ramp Drive 2 Low, High for zero C

16 SP UP1 Increase set point in Local mode, Drive 1 High pulse = C

increase 1%

16 SP DN1 Decrease set point in Local mode, Drive 1 High pulse = C

decrease 1%

16 SP UP2 Increase set point in Local mode, Drive 2 High pulse = C

increase 1%

16 SP DN2 Decrease set point in Local mode, Drive 2 High pulse = C

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decrease 1%

16 SP RES1 Reset of set point in Local mode, Drive 1 High pulse = reset C

16 SP RES2 Reset of set point in Local mode, Drive 2 High pulse = reset C

16 REM 1 Remote mode, Drive 1 High=Remote C


16 REM 2 Remote mode, Drive 2 High=Remote C


16 REM 1+2 Remote mode, Drive 1 and 2 High=Remote C


17 AUTO 1 Shredder Auto mode, Drive 1 High=Auto C


17 AUTO 2 Shredder Auto mode, Drive 2 High=Auto C


17 AUTO 1+2 Shredder Auto mode, Drive 1 and 2 High=Auto C


18 REG 1 Closed loop speed feedback active, Drive 1 High=Active C

Low=Open loop

18 REG 2 Closed loop speed feedback active, Drive 2 High=Active C

Low=Open loop

18 REG 1+2 Closed loop speed feedback active, Drive 1 and 2 High=Active C
Low=Open loop

18ERR1 RES Reset of error too large function, Drive 1 High pulse = reset C

18ERR2 RES Reset of error too large function, Drive 2 High pulse = reset C

18ERR1+2R Reset of error too large function, Drive 1 and 2 High pulse = reset C

19 EMOTOR 1 High temp electric motor 1 monitor function High=Temp OK A

19 EMOTOR 2 High temp electric motor 2 monitor function High=Temp OK A

19 EMOTOR 3 High temp electric motor 3 monitor function High=Temp OK A

19 AUX ST Start of electric motor for aux pump High = start C

Low = Temp control

19 FLUSH ON Indication of started flush motor High=Motor started C

Low=Motor stopped

19 CPUMPD1 Indication of started Charge pump motor Drive 1 High=Motor stopped C

Low=Motor started

19 CPUMPD2 Indication of started Charge pump motor Drive 2 High=Motor stopped C

Low=Motor started

19 SUCT AUX Suction line monitor for Aux pump High, low with A
For monitoring of suction line indicator closed closed suction line

19 AUX EMOT High temp electric motor 1 monitor function High=Temp OK A

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19 BRAKE1OP Indication of brake open for drive 1 High=Brake open C

Low=Brake closed

19 BRAKE2OP Indication of brake open for drive 2 High=Brake open C

Low=Brake closed

20 PR REM 1 Pressure control remote setpoint, drive 1 High=Remote C


20 PR REM 2 Pressure control remote setpoint, drive 2 High=Remote C


20 PR HI 1 Set pressure control output to max speed-up level, Drive High=Max output C
1 Low=Normal control

20 PR LO 1 Set pressure control output to max slow-down level, Drive High=Min output C
1 Low=Normal control

20 PR ON 1 Activate pressure control function, Drive 1 High=Active C

Low=Not used

20 PR HI 2 Set pressure control output to max speed-up level, Drive High=Max output C
2 Low=Normal control

20 PR LO 2 Set pressure control output to max slow-down level, Drive High=Min output C
2 Low=Normal control

20 PR ON 2 Activate pressure control function, Drive 2 High=Active C

Low=Not used

21 OFF Not used

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6.10 Digital outputs

6.10.1 Electric motor interlock outputs
The electric motor interlock outputs must be connected via a 24VDC relay to the starter electric stop
circuit. The output is high when it is allowed to run the electric motor and will open by an alarm, if the
Emergency stop input is open or by the microprocessor watchdog (controls the program function).
The output relays are monitored to detect faulty relay contacts. At system power-up and when all e-
motors are stopped, the relays will be tested if the emergency stop input not is open. To avoid faulty
alarms from the relays, they will be switched on and off 5 times to remove oxidation from the contacts
before the test.

6.10.2 Configurable outputs

The configurable digital outputs can be used for control and monitoring, set with parameterDOx01.
The following functions are common for all outputs
1 Indication only from drive 1
2 Indication only from drive 2
1+2 Indication from drive 1 or drive 2
1*2 Indication that both drive 1 and drive 2 are affected
1...x Same function for all outputs with number 1 to x

Output function
Abbreviation Function Normal status for
01 A(1,2, 1+2) Monitoring of common alarm Open, closed at

01 W(1,2, 1+2) Monitoring of common warning Open, closed at


01 INT(1, 2, 1+2) Monitoring of common interlock Open, closed at


01 D(1,2,1+2) Monitoring of common disable Open, closed at


02 START(1, 2, 1+2, 1*2) Drive started Open, closed at


03 READY(1, 2, 1+2, 1*2) Drive ready to use after start delay Open, closed when
04 REMOTE(1, 2) Drive in remote mode Open, closed in
remote mode

04 1, 2, M(1, 2) Drive or external master in bus mode Open, closed in

bus mode

05 AUTO(1, 2) Shredder in Auto drive mode. Open, closed in

auto mode

05 REG(1, 2) Drive with regulated speed feedback. Open, closed in

regulated mode

06 PLIM(1, 2, 1+2) Power limit active Open, closed at

active limitation

06 P(1..4)OFF Swash angle command for pump set to zero Open, closed at
command zero

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07 FORW(1, 2) Drive running with forward command Open, closed at

forward run

07REV(1, 2) Drive running with reverse command Open, closed at

reverse run

08 C ZERO Counters in Synchro counter function reset and synchro function Open, closed at
activated activated

08 SYNCHRO Synchronisation within the set limits. Open, closed when

within limits

09 AOUT(1...4) Register for analog output has negative sign Open, closed when

10 EMOTD(1, 2, 1+2, 1*2) Electric motor(s) for drive started Open, closed when

10 EMOT(1..3) Electric motor started Open, closed when


10 EM INT(1..3) Electric motor interlocked, not monitored contacts Open, closed when
OK to start

10 CP INT(1..2) Charge pump motor interlock, not monitored contacts Open, closed when
OK to start

11 LOW TEMP Indication for min oil temp active Open, closed when

11 HI TEMP Indication for high oil temp active Open, closed when

11 MAX TEMP Indication for max oil temp active Open, closed when

11 COOL CONI Start cooling interlocked with electric motor started Open, closed for
(with analog temp sensor) cooling

11 COOL COND Start cooling controlled directly from temp sensor Open, closed for
(with analog temp sensor) cooling

11 COOLFWD Start cooling forward interlocked with electric motor started Open, closed for
(with analog temp sensor used in conjunction with COOLREV) cooler forward

11 COOLREV Start cooling reverse interlocked with electric motor started Open, closed for
(with analog temp sensor used in conjunction with COOLFWD) cooler reverse

11 HEAT CON Start heating (with analog temp sensor) Open, closed for

11 FLUSHCON Control of flushing circuit (with analog temp sensor) Open for cooling,
closed for heating

11 ST AUXP Start aux pump electric motor Open, closed for


11 FL TEMP Indication of flush motor stand-by temp active. Default below 8°C Open, closed for
rising and above 5°C falling temp. indication

11 MN DRTMP Indication of min drain temp interlock of flush pump Open, closed at
min temp

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11 MX LEVEL Indication of tank overfill level Open, closed

above max level

11 FULL Indication of tank filling stop level Open, closed

above normal level

11 LO LEVEL Indication of tank low level Open, closed

below low level

11 MN LEVEL Indication of tank min level Open, closed

below min level

12 P(1, 2) C ACT Pressure control of output active Open, closed at

pressure control

12 P(1, 2) HI CA High Pressure control of output active Open, closed at

pressure control

12 P(1, 2) LO CA Low Pressure control of output active Open, closed at

pressure control

12 P(1, 2) MAX Pressure control regulator saturated Open, closed at


13 SH BLCK(1, 2) Shredder blocked in auto mode Open, closed when


13 RESET(1, 2, 1+2) Front panel reset button activated. Will give a 1 sec pulse Open, closed pulse
at activation

12 OPEN BR(1, 2) Control of brake valve Open, closed for

brake opening

14 AUX(1...20) Auxiliary function active Open, closed when


15 DIN(1..43) Output activated by digital input Open, closed by

digital input

16 BDIN(1..24) Output activated by bus digital input Open, closed by

bus digital input

17 C PRA P(1..4) Low charge pressure on A-side. Interlocked by stopped Open, closed at
electric motor. low pressure

17 C PRB P(1..4) Low charge pressure on B-side. Interlocked by stopped Open, closed at
electric motor. low pressure

OFF Output not used

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6.10.3 Inverted function

An output can get inverted function to normal status by setting parameter DOx02 to yes.

6.10.4 Delayed function

An output can get a time delay by parameter DOx04. The time for the delay is set with parameter
The function can be set to:

ON On delay From the moment when the function for the output is activated , the output will
not be active until the delay time is passed.

OFF Off delay From the moment when the function for the output is deactivated , the output
will not be inactive until the delay time is passed.

ONOFF On off delay Combination of on and off delay.

PULSE Output pulse From the moment when the function for the output is activated , the output will
be active only during the delay time.

OFF No delay

6.10.5 Lamp test

Selected digital outputs can be activated by a digital input set as 09 LAMPTEST if parameter DOx05 is
set to yes.

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6.11 Signal monitor

The signal monitor is the reading of the process values (REGxx) indicated with a frame in the block
diagrams, see AS7. It is possible to select and monitor 4 fixed values and a scroll list of up to 9 values
on each display. The possible settings are found in AS5.2.20 and is set in Reading 1(2).
The readings can be used to show process values during drive but can also be used for
troubleshooting. The internal values are normally indicated as a % value

6.11.1 Setpoint indication

The setpoint for the speed can be indicated as a % value with REG102(202). If the setpoint should be
indicated as a rpm value this can be monitored with REG107(207). For this indication parameter
D1(2)E01 must be set to the speed corresponding to 100% command.

6.11.2 Analog input indication

The analog inputs can be indicated with REG 40x where x stands for the input number between 1 to 9,
e.g. REG 405 for analog input 5. For each input the units can be set with parameter AIx06 and the
number of decimals with parameter AIx07. The reading can also be scaled to fit e.g. a conveyor speed
with parameter AIx08.

6.11.3 Analog bus input indication

The analog inputs from the fieldbus can be indicated with REG 50x where x stands for the input
number between 1 to 10, e.g. REG 502 for analog input 2. For each input the units can be set with
parameter BAx03 and the number of decimals with parameter BAx04.

6.11.4 Temperature indication

A PT100 Analog temperature sensor can be indicated with REG 410. Temperature is normally
indicated as C. If the unit is changed to F the reading is automatically calculated.

6.11.5 Pump output indication

For the pump controls the current to the coil can be indicated in mA with REG3x1 where x stands for
the pump number e.g. REG 321 for pump 2.

6.11.6 Internal indications

The internal indications can be used for troubleshooting or as indications during setup.
Register Function Reading
REG 101(201) Input command % or actual signal
REG102(202) Speed setpoint %
REG107(207) Speed setpoint rpm
REG103(203) Input command %
REG104(204) Ramped command %
REG108(208) Ramped command rpm
REG105(205) Speed error signal %
REG106(206) Input to output amplifier %
REG110(210) Speed signal %
REG111(211) Pressure command %
REG112(212) Regulated pressure command %
REG113(213) Pressure compensation %
REG114 Master command %
REG115(215) Stop angle °
REG116(216) Regulated error signal %
REG221 Actual ratio REG206/REG106*100 %
REG 310 Pump 1 command %
REG 320 Pump 2 command %
REG 330 Pump 3 command %
REG 340 Pump 4 command %

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6.11.7 Diagnostic readings

The diagnostic readings can be used for checking the load of the microcontroller.
REG 901 Time for the internal PC task (msec)
REG 902 Max time for the internal PC task (msec)
REG 903 Time for the internal UI task (msec)
REG 904 Max time for the internal UI task (msec)
REG 905 CPU load (%)
REG 906 Max CPU load (%)
REG 907 Stack usage, PC task (%)
REG 908 Stack usage, UI task (%)
REG 909 Stack usage, serial port (%)
REG 911 Calculated resistance, pump 1 (Ω)
REG 912 Calculated resistance, pump 2 (Ω)
REG 913 Calculated resistance, pump 3 (Ω)
REG 914 Calculated resistance, pump 4 (Ω)

6.11.8 Digital readings

The digital readings are used to indicate digital inputs and outputs.
The signals are indicated in binary form with LSB (Least Significant Bit) to the right.
REG 601 Digital in 8...1
REG 602 Digital in 16…9
REG 603 Digital in 24…17
REG 604 Digital in 32…25
REG 605 Digital in 40…33
REG 606 Digital in 43…41
REG 607 Digital out 8...1
REG 608 Digital out 13...9

6.11.9 Bus analog readings

The bus analog readings are used to indicate analog inputs from fieldbus.
REG 501 Analog input 1
REG 502 Analog input 2
REG 503 Analog input 3
REG 504 Analog input 4
REG 505 Analog input 5
REG 506 Analog input 6
REG 507 Analog input 7
REG 508 Analog input 8
REG 509 Analog input 9
REG 510 Analog input 10

6.11.10 Bus digital readings

The bus readings are used to indicate digital inputs from fieldbus.
The signals are indicated in binary form with LSB (Least Significant Bit) to the right.
REG 511 Digital in 8…1
REG 512 Digital in 16…9
REG 513 Digital in 24…17
REG 514 Digital in 25...32

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6.11.11 Compare signals

Six compare registers can be used for monitoring or indication of combined signals.
REG 701 Result, compare register 1.
REG 702 Result, compare register 2.
REG 703 Result, compare register 3.
REG 704 Result, compare register 4.
REG 705 Result, compare register 5
REG 706 Result, compare register 6

The result is calculated by using up to three registers (A,B,C) and one constant (K) as inputs to a
formula (Operation).It is possible to perform basic arithmetic and use common math functions.
The result can be connected to any analog input function, or indicated on the spider display.

For detailed information of how to use the compare registers, see AS6.26

6.11.12 Scroll menu

For each reading in the scroll list it is possible to set a text and a REG. The text and the REG will be
shown on the same line.
The scroll list is activated by ◄ for left display and by ►for right display and active list is indicated with
two arrows on the scroll list. The scrolling is done with ▲ or ▼ and only the activated indications will
be shown.
The scrolling will be active 10 s after ▲ or ▼ is used and have to be activated again for scrolling
Tank temp and a pressure transducer on analog in 3 indicated on display 2:
R2A02 – REG401
R2A04 – REG403

Will give:
→ TANK TEMP 37.8 ºC ←
PRESSURE 143 bar
▲ or ▼ will alter between these two readings.

It is possible to indicate digital outputs as on/off.

R1A02 – DOUT 1
R1A04 – DOUT 2

Digital out 1 set to indicate common Alarm and Digital out 2 to indicate common warning.

Will give:
→ ALARM off ←

Status of digital out will be indicated with on or off. If the output is set with time delay a flashing "on"
will be shown during on delay time and a flashing "off" during off delay time.

6.11.13 Emergency stop angle indication

The movement angle of the roll between activated emergency stop and actual stop can be indicated in
° with REG115(215). This function requires digital speed encoder.

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6.12 Shredder
The selection of shredder function is made by setting parameter MAA01 to SHREDDER (see AS6.1).
The specific parameters are found in SETUP – SHREDDER 1(2).
In shredder all features described in 6.1.- 6.11 are available except for the possibility to switch
between speed regulated and non-regulated drive. The selection of speed regulation has to be set
with parameter SHA(G)10.
The added functions are for the reversals by an overloaded drive.
The shredder has two drive modes, manual and auto.
In manual drive mode the forward button (or by configurable input set as L FORW1(2) is used for
running forward and the reverse button (or by configurable input set as L REV1(2) is used for running
reverse. The drive will run as long as the input is activated and stop when input is opened. The
reversing function is bypassed in manual drive.
In auto drive mode the start button (or by configurable input set as L START1(2) starts the drive with
the automatic reversing function and is stopped with the stop button(or by configurable input set as L
STOP1(2). A configurable digital input can be used for start in remote mode.
The switching between manual and auto is made with the MAN/AUT button or with a configurable
digital input (will bypass the button).
A digital output can be used for indication of auto mode.

6.12.1 Speed setpoint

The forward speed setpoint is handled as described in AS6.2 but must be a positive signal. The
reverse speed setpoint can be the inverted forward setpoint scaled with parameter SHB(H)02 (e.g.
reverse always 50% of forward speed) or a fixed command set with parameter SHB(H)01 and SETUP
– DRIVE 1(2) BASIC: D1(2)A05.
Setpoint is also possible to get from 2 fixed registers SHB(H)06-07 if interval function command
SHB(H)08 is set on. The speed command will be switched between the 2 set points with the interval
time. Note that this command will be added to the normal local/reverse command.

6.12.2 Overload detection

The detection of overloaded drive is made with parameter SHA(G)01. The selection can be between:
-Pressure switches that opens at high pressure
-Speed encoder to detect stopped drive
-One pressure transducer in a common pressure port for both directions

6.12.3 Reverse counter

The number of reversals within a limited time window can be set with parameter SHC(I)01 and 02 for
stopping the drive. If the function is not wanted the time window can be set to 1. If the counter setting
is reached the drive will go to manual and the warning text SHREDDER BLOCKED will appear in the
alarm/warning list. The warning must be reset before auto start is possible. The warning can also be
reset by a configurable digital input.

6.12.4 Reverse blocking

The function if the drive blocks during reverse drive can be set with parameter SHA(G)02.
If 1(Stop) is selected the same result will appear as if the counter setting is reached.
If 2(Forward) is set the drive will switch back to forward drive without stopping.

6.12.5 Interval timer

A function for a preset forward/reverse interval can be switched on by parameter SHA(G)07 or by a
configurable digital input set to INTERV 1(2).
The forward drive time is set by parameter SHA(G)08 and the reverse drive time is set by parameter

6.12.6 Reversal synchronisation

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Drive 1 and drive 2 shredders can be set to do a common reversal if one of the shafts are stopped.
Drive 1 reversal is connected to Drive 2 with parameter SHA11. Drive 2 reversal is connected to Drive
1 with parameter SHG11.
6.13 Synchro
The Synchro function set-up is to be found in the following parameter menus
"Synchro - Function"
"Synchro - Drive 1 reset"
"Synchro - Drive 2 setpoint"
"Synchro - Drive 2 indication"
"Synhcro - Drive 2 reset"
"Synchro - External Master"
"Synchro - Drive 1 setpoint"

See also block diagram AS7-7.

The Synchro function is divided in two parts, RATIO and COUNTER. The selection is made with
parameter SYA01.

6.13.1 Ratio drive

The ratio drive function is selected with parameter SYA01 = RATIO. With the parameter SYA02 =1,
the synchro ratio function controls two drives with a friction ratio between the drives. Drive 1 is the
master and Drive 2 is the slave. Drive 1 speed set-point is multiplied with Drive 2 ratio set-point
creating the Drive 2 speed command. The ratio set-point can be a value between -300% and 300%.
SYC01 and SYC02 can be used to limit the span. Set points can be hardware signals or signals via
the bus connection. In local mode set points are given via the keyboard and display units.

6.13.2 Ratio drive - External master

The ratio drive function is selected with parameter SYA01 = RATIO. With the parameter SYA02 =2,
the synchro ratio function controls two drives with a friction ratio separate for each drive. Drive 1 and
Drive 2 are slaves. An external master speed set-point is multiplied with Drive 1 ratio set-point creating
the Drive 1 speed command. The same is valid for drive 2. The ratio set-point can be a value between
-300% and 300%. SYC01 and SYC02 can be used to limit the span for Drive 2. SYG01 and SYG02
can be used to limit the range for Drive 1. A separate ramp-time, only valid for the External master set-
point, can be adjusted by setting SYF01 - SYF05. This input is possible to scale with parameter
SYF05. A maximum speed value is stated and matched to the range setting of the analog input
defined as “external master”.
Set points can be hardware signals or signals via the bus connection. In local mode set points are
given via the keyboard and display units.

6.13.3 Counter drive

The synchro counter function can control the relative position in-between two drives. The counter drive
function is selected with parameter SYA01 = COUNTER. The function requires digital type Speed
encoders. They must have identical number of pulses per turn. Drive 1 is the master and Drive 2 is the
slave. Drive 1 speed set-point is transferred to both drives as a basic speed set-point. Drive 1 is run in
closed loop speed control. Drive 2 is run in closed loop position control. The pulses from each encoder
are counted in two counters and compared. If there is a difference between the two counters, there is
a difference in position of the two drives. The difference signal is processed by Drive 2 regulator and
added to the speed set-point for control of Drive 2 position.
The two counters must initially be reset when the position difference is zero in-between the two rolls.
Parameter SYB02 and SYE02 determines when the counters are enabled to be reset.
1= Enable reset every time electric motor is started
2= Enable reset every time drive start is activated
3= Enable reset by a configurable digital input, set to 12 RES EN 1(2)
Parameter SYB01 and SYE01 determines when/how the counters are to be reset.
1= Reset every time drive start is activated.
2= Reset by activation of the external zero pulse input
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The position control of drive 2 is activated when both counters are reset. A ramp time can be adjusted
to achieve a smooth synchronisation; this is done with parameter SYD02. The activation of the
regulator can be indicated by a digital output, set to 08 C ZERO. While operating in counter mode, the
ratio drive can be activated by a configurable digital input, set to 12 FRICTION. The input can be
either a hardware signal, or in bus mode a bus signal.

Offset between the two drives can be set in two ways:

-As a constant value by parameter SYC04.
-With an analog input, the range is maximum 0 to 180 .
-Via the bus connection.

6.14 Pressure control

The Pressure control function set-up is to be found in the following parameter menus
"Pressure 1 - Function"
"Pressure 1 - Pr.function"
"Pressure 1 - Regulator"
"Pressure 2 - Function"
"Pressure 2 - Pr.function"
"Pressure 2 - Regulator"

See block diagram AS7-8.

Pressure 1 control function is described in this section, Pressure 1 and Pressure 2 control functions
are identical. The Pressure control function is providing a possibility to compensate speed set point
depending on the pressure level in the hydraulic system. It can be used as an overload protection or
as a production improvement function, stable torque can be achieved. Digital outputs can be set -up to
indicate if pressure control is active. There are three choices available, P1 C ACT, P1 HI CA and P1
LO CA. For explanation of the outputs, see chapter Digital outputs. The below diagram describes the
pressure control function, forward action. If pressure is increasing the speed set point is increasing.

By altering a parameter, PRA02 = On, reverse action is selected. The below diagram describes the
pressure control function, reverse action. If pressure is increasing the speed set point is decreasing.

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6.14.1 Pressure 1 - function

The pressure control function is selected to be active with parameter PRA01 = On. In addition high
and low control is possible to enable separately. This is done with parameters PRA03 and PRA04.
PRA05 and 06 determines the time delay for pressure control to start. It sets the delay in-between a
pressure change above or below set point and regulation start.

6.14.2 Pressure 1 - Set point

Pressure set point can be local or remote. PRB01 selects if the set point is to be Local, remote or
possible to change via a digital input. The digital input is named PR REM 1. The remote set point can
be via hardware inputs or via bus inputs. The local set point must be entered in parameter PRB02.
PRB03 and 04 defines the dead band of the pressure control. When actual pressure is within Pressure
set point - PRB03 and Pressure set point + PRB04 the speed command is not altered. PRAB05 and
06 defines the maximum influence the pressure control is allowed to have on the speed command.
The unit is % and relates to the full speed range of the drive. The pressure control output is also
limited depending on speed set point. When speed set point is below PRB08, the pressure control
output is limited by a factor (set point /PRB08). If for example set point is 10% and PRB08 is 20%, the
output is limited to 0.5*PRA05(6).

6.14.3 Pressure 1 - Regulator

The PID regulator has a similar parameter set as the standard speed feedback PID control. See
chapter AS6.5 for tuning recommendations.

PRC01 Sets the Proportional regulator stage function ON or OFF. The proportional stage reacts
proportional to the Error input signal. Action of this stage is determined by parameter

PRC02 Sets the Integrator function ON or OFF. This function gives the drive a possibility to reach
set-point pressure over time. Action of this stage is determined by parameter PRC05.

PRC03 Sets the Derivative function ON or OFF. The derivative stage is used when very quick
pressure changes are to be expected at the drive. It reacts on the rate of change at the

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Error input signal. The D stage is seldom used due to a difficult tuning procedure. Action
of this stage is set by parameters PRC06 and PRC07.

PRC04 Proportional gain parameter sets the gain of the P-stage. P gain 0.5 means that half the
Error signal input value will be transferred to the stage output. Proportional stage
however, will not make the drive reach set-point pressure. There will always be a
remaining Error. The remaining Error value is though depending on the Proportional gain
setting. If the Error signal is small, close to zero, P gain will not produce any output at this
stage output. The P stage always needs an Error signal to modify.

PRC05 Integrator time parameter sets the integration time of the I-stage. An integrator time 10
seconds means that the output value of this stage will reach 63% of the Error signal input
value in 10 seconds. Introduction of Integration will eliminate the remaining Error signal.
The actual pressure will over time correspond to pressure set-point. It can be compared
with a Capacitor that is charged with the Error signal.

PRC06 Derivative time parameter sets the Derivative time of the D stage. A derivative time 10
seconds means that the derivative “gain” is a factor 10. The output from this stage is the
“gain” factor multiplied with the rate of change of the Error signal.

PRC07 Derivative decline time parameter sets the Derivative decline time of the D stage. A
derivative decline time 10 seconds means that the output value from this stage will
decline 63 % in 10 seconds.
PRC08 Filter time for pressure feedback parameter sets the filter time for the pressure. Useful
when the pressure signal contains a lot of noise, the filter will take away pressure peaks.

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6.15 Bus Communication

The bus communication is set up in the following menus
"Bus - Type & Function"
"Bus - Digital Inputs"
"Bus - Analog in 1 - 10"
"Bus - Analog out"

See block diagram AS7.1, AS7.2 and parameter list AS5.2.8 for further details.

6.15.1 General
The Bus function requires that a bus card is installed. The card must be connected to a fieldbus
master. The card will only respond to incoming commands, working as a slave.

There are 3 versions of data bus area selectable with parameter BTF04.
Version 1 has inputs and outputs corresponding to 4.0.x and 4.1.x spider software. versions.
Version 2 has support for new functions available in software version 4.2.x.
Version 2 is an extension of version 1.
Version 3 has support for new functions added in software version 4.3.x. The data has been reordered
to make the bus interface more structured and easier to parse in the fieldbus master.

To activate the bus function set BUS1 for drive 1 or BUS2 for drive 2 via a digital input or a bus digital
input while in Remote mode. The sketch below explains the possible mode transitions.


BUS FAIL = 0 & BUS FAIL = 0 &
REM 1 = 1 BUS 1 = 1 REM 2 = 1 BUS 2 = 1
REM 1 = 0 BUS 1 = 0 REM 2 = 0 BUS 2 = 0



If the bus communication is lost, an alarm, warning or interlock is trigged and the drive is forced to
leave bus mode. To be able to start the drive in local or remote mode the BUS FAIL and the BUS HW
FAIL indication must be reset if the communication drop fault is alarm or interlock. As soon as the
connection to the master is restored and the BUS FAIL indication is cleared it will be possible to enter
bus mode again. To start bus communication after a BUS HW FAIL the spider must be restarted by
reset or power on.

6.15.2 Bus - Type & Function

The bus communication is activated by setting the parameter BTF01 to used bus type. BTF02 sets the
Communication drop out time. The timer range is 0 - 10 seconds. BTF03 Function at communication
drop determines if an alarm, warning or an interlock is activated at bus fault. If warning is selected and
any of the three digital input functions BUS 1, BUS 2 or BUS M are defined, an interlock will be
triggered at bus fault instead of a warning. BTF04 selects bus area 1,2 or 3. BTF05 is used to reverse
the byte order of the analog values. BFT06 defines the maximum time the spider will wait for the bus
to go online during spider software start up.

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6.15.3 Bus - Digital inputs

A total of 32 digital input signals can be set-up in the parameters BDI01 to BDI32. In bus version 1&2
24 digital inputs are available, BDI01 to BDI24. The functions available is the same as for digital
inputs, see list in chapter AS5.2.3.

The following functions are not valid as bus digital inputs:

- START 12
- FORW 1+2
- REV 1+2
- REM 1+2

It is possible to monitor each individual bus digital input on the spider display. Register REG 511 to
REG 514 are representing the status of the inputs. Each register contains 8 digital signals. The value
of each signal can be binary 0 or 1.

REG/BIT 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
REG511 Din 8 Din 7 Din 6 Din 5 Din 4 Din 3 Din 2 Din 1
REG512 Din 16 Din 15 Din 14 Din 13 Din 12 Din 11 Din 10 Din 9
REG513 Din 24 Din 23 Din 22 Din 21 Din 20 Din 19 Din 18 Din 17
REG514 Din 32 Din 31 Din 30 Din 29 Din 28 Din 27 Din 26 Din 25

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6.15.4 Bus - Analog inputs

Analog value data is to be in the data form "signed word" which should be limited to a value range in-
between -10 000 to +10 000.
Negative numbers are the 2's complement of the positive ones. Below is a table with some examples

Signed word value, binary format Decimal value % signal value

Most significant byte Least significant byte
0010 0111 0001 0000 10000 100
1101 1000 1111 0000 -10000 -100
0001 0011 1000 1000 5000 50
1110 1100 0111 1000 -5000 -50
0000 1001 1100 0100 2500 25
1111 0110 0011 1100 -2500 -25

Analog signals are in big endian representation (most significant byte first). It is possible to set the
representation to little endian (least significant byte first) by parameter BTF05.

A total of 4 analog input signals in version 1 and 10 analog input signals in version 2 and 3 can be
configured by the parameters BAAxx to BADxx. Min and Max values are defined in BAx01 and BAx02,
giving the range of the signal. BAx03 is defining the type of unit and BAx04 defines the number of
decimals for the signal. The signal is then ready to be displayed. The bus analog input signals are
named REG501 to REG 510. The function is defined with parameter BAx05, see AS5.2.8 for possible

Threshold values can be set for the bus analog inputs. BAx06 sets the high level and BAx07 the low
level. The function is set via AUX function for BAx08 (high) and BAx09 (low).

SetpointD1 and SetpointD2 require no configuration. Data is transferred in the same format as bus
analog input 1-10.

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6.15.5 Bus - Analog out

A total of 8 analog output signals in version 1 and 12 analog output signals in version 2 & 3 can be set
up by the parameters BAK01 to BAK12. See the parameter list, chapter AS5.2.8 for a list of selectable
registers. Analog out bus data has the same format as analog in bus data, se 6.15.4.

Spider bus protocol version format:

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0
R R R R R R R R M M M M m m m m
R: Reserved, not used.
M: Major version (spider bus version).
m: Minor version.

Spider software version format:

0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0
M M M M m m m m S S S S S S S S
M: Major version (Spider2 = 4).
m: Minor version (parameter version).
S: Stepping, updates to software which are not affecting the parameter set.

6.15.6 Bus - Digital out

A total of 144 digital output signals in version 1, 208 signals in version 2 and 352 signals in version 3
are available for the fieldbus master to read. The signals are predefined and addresses on the bus are
described in chapter AS6.15.9.

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6.15.7 Address table - Incoming data

Total 16 bytes in version 1 and 28 bytes in version 2 and version 3 are received from the bus.

Bus version 1 incoming data.

Function Bit-> 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Setpoint 0 15 8
drive 1 1 7 0
Setpoint 2
drive 2 3
Analog in 1
Analog in 2
Analog in 3
Analog in 4
12 7 0
Digital in 13 15 8
14 23 16
Reserved 15

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Bus version 2 incoming data.

Function Bit-> 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Setpoint 0 15 8
drive 1 1 7 0
Setpoint 2
drive 2 3
Analog in 1
Analog in 2
Analog in 3
Analog in 4
12 7 0
Digital in 13 15 8
14 23 16
Reserved 15
16 15 8
Analog in 5
17 7 0
Analog in 6
Analog in 7
Analog in 8
Analog in 9
Analog in 10

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Bus version 3 incoming data.

Function Bit-> 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Setpoint 0 15 8
drive 1 1 7 0
Setpoint 2
drive 2 3
Analog in 1
Analog in 2
Analog in 3
Analog in 4
Analog in 5
Analog in 6
Analog in 7
Analog in 8
Analog in 9
Analog in 10
24 7 0
25 15 8
Digital in
26 23 16
27 31 24

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6.15.8 Address table - Outgoing data

In total 38 bytes in version 1, 54 bytes in version 2 and 72 bytes in version 3 are transferred to the
bus. The first 2 words are reserved for the protocol version and software version.
If a ControlNet bus card is used the two first words are ControlNet-specific status words, which will
offset the actual spider data by 4 bytes.
Digital outputs addresses are separately described in chapter 6.15.9.

Bus version 1 outgoing data.

Function Bit-> 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Byte* Byte**
ControlNet - 0
Status 1 - 1
ControlNet - 2
Status 2 - 3
Protocol- 0 4
version 1 5 3 0 3 0
Software- 2 6 3 0 3 0
version 3 7 7 0
4 8 15 8
Analog OUT 1
5 9 7 0
6 10
Analog OUT 2
7 11
8 12
Analog OUT 3
9 13
10 14
Analog OUT 4
11 15
12 16
Analog OUT 5
13 17
14 18
Analog OUT 6
15 19
16 20
Analog OUT 7
17 21
18 22
Analog OUT 8
19 23
20 24 7 0
Digital OUT
21 25 15 8
… …
… …
… …
37 41 143 136

The byte numbering is different depending of fieldbus type.

Byte*= All bus types except ControlNet
Byte** = ControlNet

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Bus version 2 outgoing data.

Function Bit-> 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Byte* Byte**
ControlNet - 0
Status 1 - 1
ControlNet - 2
Status 2 - 3
Protocol- 0 4
version 1 5 3 0 3 0
Software- 2 6 3 0 3 0
version 3 7 7 0
4 8 15 8
Analog OUT 1
5 9 7 0
6 10
Analog OUT 2
7 11
8 12
Analog OUT 3
9 13
10 14
Analog OUT 4
11 15
12 16
Analog OUT 5
13 17
14 18
Analog OUT 6
15 19
16 20
Analog OUT 7
17 21
18 22
Analog OUT 8
19 23
20 24 7 0
Digital OUT
21 25 15 8
… …
… …
45 49 207 200
46 50 15 8
Analog OUT 9
47 51 7 0
48 52
Analog OUT 10
49 53
50 54
Analog OUT 11
51 55
52 56
Analog OUT 12
53 57

The byte numbering is different depending of fieldbus type.

Byte*= All bus types except ControlNet
Byte** = ControlNet

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Bus version 3 outgoing data.

Function Bit-> 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Byte* Byte**
ControlNet - 0
Status 1 - 1
ControlNet - 2
Status 2 - 3
Protocol- 0 4
version 1 5 3 0 3 0
Software- 2 6 3 0 3 0
version 3 7 7 0
4 8 15 8
Analog OUT 1
5 9 7 0
6 10
Analog OUT 2
7 11
8 12
Analog OUT 3
9 13
10 14
Analog OUT 4
11 15
12 16
Analog OUT 5
13 17
14 18
Analog OUT 6
15 19
16 20
Analog OUT 7
17 21
18 22
Analog OUT 8
19 23
20 24
Analog OUT 9
21 25
22 26
Analog OUT 10
23 27
24 28
Analog OUT 11
25 29
26 30
Analog OUT 12
27 31
Digital OUT 28 32 7 0
29 33 15 8
... ...
... ...
71 75 351 344

The byte numbering is different depending of fieldbus type.

Byte*= All bus types except ControlNet
Byte** = ControlNet

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6.15.9 Digital output address table

Bus version 1 use addresses 20.0 to 36.7.
Bus version 2 is extension to bus version 1 and use addresses 20.0 to 45.7.
Bus version 3 has a new structure and is not similar to previous bus versions,
it use addresses 28.0 to 71.7.

Digital output table columns.

Data area address in the format Byte.bit.

Signal category.

Short description:
Description of digital signal.

Minimum spider software version for this signal.

Tag types:
Din: Configurable digital input, see AS6.9.
Fixed din: Fixed digital input, see AS6.9.1 (contact response)
and AS6.20 (emergency stop).
Actual din: State of actual digital input, see AS3.3.6.

Dout: Configurable digital output, see AS 6.10.2.

Act. dout: State of actual digital output, see AS3.4.3.

Function: Signal controlled by spider function logic, not available as digital output.
Ain: Digital signal depending on the level of an analog signal.

Tag name:
Digital input or digital output function name.

Logic 1:
Description of set bit or fault type.
A = Alarm, W = Warning, D = Disable, I =Interlock, 1 = Drive 1, 2 = Drive 2
Pump faults will affect drive 1, drive 2 or drive1&2 depending on parameter settings.
Auxiliary functions will affect drive 1, drive 2 or drive1&2 depending on parameter settings.

Logic 0:
Description of cleared bit.
--- = no fault.

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Description of digital outputs in bus version 1 & 2.

Address Category Short description Software Tag type Tag name Logic 1 Logic 0
20.0 Drive started, drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 02 START 1 Started Stopped
20.1 Remote mode, drive 1 * 4.0.0 Dout 04 REMOTE1 BUS/REM LOC
20.2 Shredder mode, drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 04 AUTO1 Auto Manual
20.3 Bus version Power limitation, drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 06 PLIM 1 Active Not active
20.4 1&2 Forward direction, drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 07 FORW 1 Forward Stop/Rev
20.5 Reverse direction, drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 07 REV 1 Reverse Stop/Fwd
20.6 Regulated mode, drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 04 REG 1 Enabled Disabled
20.7 Low pressure control, drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 12 P1 LO CA Active Not active

21.0 High pressure control, drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 12 P1 HI CA Active Not active
21.1 Low or high pressure control, drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 12 P1 C ACT Active Not active
21.2 Power limit function 4.0.0 Dout 06 PLIM Over limit Under limit
21.3 Bus version Shredder blocked, drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 13 SH BLCK1 I1 ---
21.4 1&2 Drive started, drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 02 START 2 Started Stopped
21.5 Remote mode, drive 2 * 4.0.0 Dout 04 REMOTE2 BUS/REM LOC
21.6 Shredder mode, drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 04 AUTO2 Auto Manual
21.7 Power limitation, drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 06 PLIM 2 Active Not active

22.0 Forward direction, drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 07 FORW 2 Forward Stop/Rev

22.1 Reverse direction, drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 07 REV 2 Reverse Stop/Fwd
22.2 Regulated mode, drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 04 REG 2 Enabled Disabled
22.3 Bus version Synchro function, zero found. 4.0.0 Dout 08 C ZERO Active Not active
22.4 1&2 Synchro function within limits. 4.0.0 Dout 08 SYNCHRO In sync Out of sync
22.5 Low pressure control, drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 12 P2 LO CA Active Not active
22.6 High pressure control, drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 12 P2 HI CA Active Not active
22.7 Low or high pressure control, drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 12 P2 C ACT Active Not active

23.0 Shredder blocked, drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 13 SH BLCK2 I2 ---

23.1 Alarm, drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 01 A1 A1 ---
23.2 Alarm, drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 01 A2 A2 ---
23.3 Bus version Warning, drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 01 W1 W1 ---
23.4 1&2 Warning, drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 01 W2 W2 ---
23.5 Interlock, drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 01 INT1 I1 ---
23.6 Interlock, drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 01 INT2 I2 ---
23.7 Drive ready to use, drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 03 READY 1 Ready Not Ready

24.0 Drive ready to use, drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 03 READY 2 Ready Not Ready
24.1 Electric motor(s), drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 10 EMOT D1 Started Stopped
24.2 Electric motor(s), drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 10 EMOT D2 Started Stopped
24.3 Bus version Cooler, interlocked by el.motor ctrl. 4.0.0 Dout 11 COOLCONI Cooling Off
24.4 1&2 Heater in oil tank control 4.0.0 Dout 11 HEATCON Heating Off
24.5 Cooler, direct control 4.0.0 Dout 11 COOLCOND Cooling Off
24.6 Flushing pump heating valve control 4.0.0 Dout 11 FLUSHCON Heating No Heating
24.7 High temperature auxiliary motor 4.3.0 Din 19 AUX EMOT A 1&2 ---

* See AS6.15.1

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 45(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Description of digital outputs in bus version 1 & 2.

Address Category Short description Software Tag type Tag name Logic 1 Logic 0
25.0 Electric motor 1 contact response 4.2.0 Fixed din Started Stopped
25.1 Electric motor 2 contact response 4.2.0 Fixed din Started Stopped
25.2 Electric motor 3 contact response 4.2.0 Fixed din Started Stopped
25.3 Bus version Electric motor 1 interlock 4.2.0 Dout 10 EM INT 1 Available Interlocked
25.4 1&2 Electric motor 2 interlock 4.2.0 Dout 10 EM INT 2 Available Interlocked
25.5 Electric motor 3 interlock 4.2.0 Dout 10 EM INT 3 Available Interlocked
25.6 Disable, drive 1 4.2.0 Dout 01 D1 D1 ---
25.7 Disable, drive 2 4.2.0 Dout 01 D2 D2 ---

26.0 Auxiliary function 1 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 1 A/W/D/I ---

26.1 Auxiliary function 2 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 2 A/W/D/I ---
26.2 Auxiliary function 3 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 3 A/W/D/I ---
26.3 Bus version Auxiliary function 4 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 4 A/W/D/I ---
26.4 1&2 Auxiliary function 5 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 5 A/W/D/I ---
26.5 Auxiliary function 6 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 6 A/W/D/I ---
26.6 Auxiliary function 7 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 7 A/W/D/I ---
26.7 Auxiliary function 8 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 8 A/W/D/I ---

27.0 Auxiliary function 9 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 9 A/W/D/I ---

27.1 Auxiliary function 10 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 10 A/W/D/I ---
27.2 Auxiliary function 11 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 11 A/W/D/I ---
27.3 Bus version Auxiliary function 12 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 12 A/W/D/I ---
27.4 1&2 Auxiliary function 13 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 13 A/W/D/I ---
27.5 Auxiliary function 14 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 14 A/W/D/I ---
27.6 Auxiliary function 15 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 15 A/W/D/I ---
27.7 Auxiliary function 16 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 16 A/W/D/I ---

28.0 Auxiliary function 17 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 17 A/W/D/I ---

28.1 Auxiliary function 18 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 18 A/W/D/I ---
28.2 Auxiliary function 19 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 19 A/W/D/I ---
28.3 Bus version Auxiliary function 20 4.0.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 20 A/W/D/I ---
28.4 1&2 Min oil level in tank 4.0.0 Dout 11 MN LEVEL A 1&2 ---
28.5 Low oil level in tank 4.0.0 Dout 11 LO LEVEL W 1&2 ---
28.6 Max oil temperature in tank 4.0.0 Dout 11 MAX TEMP A 1&2 ---
28.7 Min oil temperature in tank 4.0.0 Dout 11 MIN TEMP A 1&2 ---
29.0 High oil temperature in tank 4.0.0 Dout 11 HI TEMP W 1&2
29.1 Drain filter 75% full 4.0.0 Din 06 DRF 75 W 1&2 ---
29.2 Drain filter 100% full 4.0.0 Din 06 DRF 100 W 1&2 ---
29.3 Bus version Drain filter 100% full 4.0.0 Function A 1&2 ---
29.4 1&2 Low charge pressure A, pump 1 4.0.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRA P1 A ---
29.5 Low charge pressure A, pump 2 4.0.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRA P2 A ---
29.6 Low charge pressure A, pump 3 4.0.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRA P3 A ---
29.7 Low charge pressure A, pump 4 4.0.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRA P4 A ---

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 46(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Description of digital outputs in bus version 1 & 2.

Address Category Short description Software Tag type Tag name Logic 1 Logic 0
30.0 Low charge pressure B, pump 1 4.0.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRB P1 A ---
30.1 Low charge pressure B, pump 2 4.0.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRB P2 A ---
30.2 Low charge pressure B, pump 3 4.0.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRB P3 A ---
30.3 Bus version Low charge pressure B, pump 4 4.0.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRB P4 A ---
30.4 1&2 High work pressure A, pump 1 4.0.0 Din / Ain 01 H APR P1 W ---
30.5 High work pressure A, pump 2 4.0.0 Din / Ain 01 H APR P2 W ---
30.6 High work pressure A, pump 3 4.0.0 Din / Ain 01 H APR P3 W ---
30.7 High work pressure A, pump 4 4.0.0 Din / Ain 01 H APR P4 W ---

31.0 High work pressure B, pump 1 4.0.0 Din / Ain 01 H BPR P1 W ---
31.1 High work pressure B, pump 2 4.0.0 Din / Ain 01 H BPR P2 W ---
31.2 High work pressure B, pump 3 4.0.0 Din / Ain 01 H BPR P3 W ---
31.3 Bus version High work pressure B, pump 4 4.0.0 Din / Ain 01 H BPR P4 W ---
31.4 1&2 Suction line closed, pump 1 4.0.0 Din 05 SUCTION1 A ---
31.5 Suction line closed, pump 2 4.0.0 Din 05 SUCTION2 A ---
31.6 Suction line closed, pump 3 4.0.0 Din 05 SUCTION3 A ---
31.7 Suction line closed, pump 4 4.0.0 Din 05 SUCTION4 A ---

32.0 Filter 75% full, pump 1 4.0.0 Din 06 RF75 P1 W ---

32.1 Filter 75% full, pump 2 4.0.0 Din 06 RF75 P2 W ---
32.2 Filter 75% full, pump 3 4.0.0 Din 06 RF75 P3 W ---
32.3 Bus version Filter 75% full, pump 4 4.0.0 Din 06 RF75 P4 W ---
32.4 1&2 Filter 100% full, pump 1 4.0.0 Din 06 RF100 P1 W ---
32.5 Filter 100% full, pump 2 4.0.0 Din 06 RF100 P2 W ---
32.6 Filter 100% full, pump 3 4.0.0 Din 06 RF100 P3 W ---
32.7 Filter 100% full, pump 4 4.0.0 Din 06 RF100 P4 W ---

33.0 Filter 100% full, pump 1 4.0.0 Function A ---

33.1 Filter 100% full, pump 2 4.0.0 Function A ---
33.2 Filter 100% full, pump 3 4.0.0 Function A ---
33.3 Bus version Filter 100% full, pump 4 4.0.0 Function A ---
33.4 1&2 Stroker current output error, pump 1 4.0.0 Function A ---
33.5 Stroker current output error, pump 2 4.0.0 Function A ---
33.6 Stroker current output error, pump 3 4.0.0 Function A ---
33.7 Stroker current output error, pump 4 4.0.0 Function A ---

34.0 Low charge pressure A, drive 1 4.0.0 Din / Ain 04 C PRA D1 A1 ---
34.1 Low charge pressure B, drive 1 4.0.0 Din / Ain 04 C PRB D1 A1 ---
34.2 Low charge pressure A, drive 2 4.0.0 Din / Ain 04 C PRA D2 A2 ---
34.3 Bus version Low charge pressure B, drive 2 4.0.0 Din / Ain 04 C PRB D2 A2 ---
34.4 1&2 High work pressure A, drive 1 4.0.0 Din / Ain 02 H APR D1 W1 ---
34.5 High work pressure B, drive 1 4.0.0 Din / Ain 02 H BPR D1 W1 ---
34.6 High work pressure A, drive 2 4.0.0 Din / Ain 02 H APR D2 W2 ---
34.7 High work pressure B, drive 2 4.0.0 Din / Ain 02 H BPR D2 W2 ---

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 47(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Description of digital outputs in bus version 1 & 2.

Address Category Short description Software Tag type Tag name Logic 1 Logic 0
35.0 High temperature electric motor 1, drive 1 4.0.0 Din 19 EMOTOR1 A1 ---
35.1 High temperature electric motor 2, drive 1 4.0.0 Din 19 EMOTOR2 A1 ---
35.2 High temperature electric motor 3, drive 1 4.0.0 Din 19 EMOTOR3 A1 ---
35.3 Bus version High temperature electric motor 1, drive 2 4.0.0 Din 19 EMOTOR1 A2 ---
35.4 1&2 High temperature electric motor 2, drive 2 4.0.0 Din 19 EMOTOR2 A2 ---
35.5 High temperature electric motor 3, drive 2 4.0.0 Din 19 EMOTOR3 A2 ---
35.6 Speed feedback, error to large, drive 1 4.0.0 Function W1 ---
35.7 Speed feedback, error to large, drive 2 4.0.0 Function W2 ---

36.0 Shredder blocked, drive 1 4.0.0 Dout 13 SH BLCK1 I1 ---

36.1 Shredder blocked, drive 2 4.0.0 Dout 13 SH BLCK2 I2 ---
36.2 Emergency stop (Hardware*) 4.0.0 Fixed din A 1&2 ---
36.3 Bus version Bus failure 4.0.0 Function A/W/I 1&2 ---
36.4 1&2 Spider hardware failure 4.3.0 Function A 1&2 ---
36.5 Emergency stop (Software**) 4.2.0 Din 09 EMSTOP A 1&2 ---
36.6 Bus mode, drive 1 4.3.0 Dout 04 BUS 1 BUS REM/LOC
36.7 Bus mode, drive 2 4.3.0 Dout 04 BUS 2 BUS REM/LOC

37.0 Auxiliary function 17:2 4.2.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 17 A/W/D/I ---
37.1 Auxiliary function 18:2 4.2.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 18 A/W/D/I ---
37.2 Auxiliary function 19:2 4.2.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 19 A/W/D/I ---
37.3 Bus version Auxiliary function 20:2 4.2.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 20 A/W/D/I ---
37.4 2 Pump 1 ramped down to 0% by P1OFF 4.2.0 Dout 06 P1OFF Active Not active
37.5 Pump 2 ramped down to 0% by P2OFF 4.2.0 Dout 06 P2OFF Active Not active
37.6 Pump 3 ramped down to 0% by P3OFF 4.2.0 Dout 06 P3OFF Active Not active
37.7 Pump 4 ramped down to 0% by P4OFF 4.2.0 Dout 06 P4OFF Active Not active

38.0 Drive, fixed command A, drive 1 4.2.0 Din 15 FIXED1A Active Not active
38.1 Drive, fixed command B, drive 1 4.2.0 Din 15 FIXED1B Active Not active
38.2 Drive, fixed command C, drive 1 4.2.0 Din 15 FIXED1C Active Not active
38.3 Bus version Drive, fixed command D, drive 1 4.2.0 Din 15 FIXED1D Active Not active
38.4 2 Drive, fixed command A, drive 2 4.2.0 Din 15 FIXED2A Active Not active
38.5 Drive, fixed command B, drive 2 4.2.0 Din 15 FIXED2B Active Not active
38.6 Drive, fixed command C, drive 2 4.2.0 Din 15 FIXED2C Active Not active
38.7 Drive, fixed command D, drive 2 4.2.0 Din 15 FIXED2D Active Not active

39.0 Auxiliary/flushing electric motor contact 4.2.0 Din 19 FLUSH ON Started Stopped
39.1 Enable or start auxiliary/flushing pump 4.2.0 Din 19 AUX ST Enabled Disabled
39.2 Ramp function disabled, drive 1 4.2.0 Din 15 RAMP1OFF Ramp off Ramp on
39.3 Bus version Ramp function disabled, drive 2 4.2.0 Din 15 RAMP2OFF Ramp off Ramp on
39.4 2 Auxiliary/flushing pump suct. line closed 4.2.0 Din 19 SUCT AUX A 1&2 ---
39.5 Min auxiliary/flushing temperature in tank 4.2.0 Function D 1&2 ---
39.6 Drive ready for electric motor start, drive 1 4.3.0 Function Ready Not ready
39.7 Drive ready for electric motor start, drive 2 4.3.0 Function Ready Not ready

* A relay will open and stop the stroker current immediately, a hardware timer will open the electric motor
interlock contact. See AS6.20 for a detailed description.

** Emergency stop handled in software only. See AS6.20 for a detailed description.

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 48(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Description of digital outputs in bus version 2.

Address Category Short description Software Tag type Tag name Logic 1 Logic 0
40.0 Low accumulator pressure A, pump 1 4.2.0 Din 05 ACC A P1 A ---
40.1 Low accumulator pressure B, pump 1 4.2.0 Din 05 ACC B P1 A ---
40.2 Low accumulator pressure A, pump 2 4.2.0 Din 05 ACC A P2 A ---
40.3 Bus version Low accumulator pressure B, pump 2 4.2.0 Din 05 ACC B P2 A ---
40.4 2 Low accumulator pressure A, pump 3 4.2.0 Din 05 ACC A P3 A ---
40.5 Low accumulator pressure B, pump 3 4.2.0 Din 05 ACC B P3 A ---
40.6 Low accumulator pressure A, pump 4 4.2.0 Din 05 ACC A P4 A ---
40.7 Low accumulator pressure B, pump 4 4.2.0 Din 05 ACC B P4 A ---

41.0 Digital input 28 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC

41.1 Digital input 29 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
41.2 Digital input 30 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
41.3 Bus version Digital input 31 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
41.4 2 Digital input 32 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
41.5 Digital input 33 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
41.6 Digital input 34 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
41.7 Digital input 35 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC

42.0 Digital input 36 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC

42.1 Digital input 37 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
42.2 Digital input 38 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
42.3 Bus version Digital input 39 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
42.4 2 Digital input 40 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
42.5 Digital input 41 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
42.6 Digital input 42 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
42.7 Digital input 43 4.2.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC

43.0 High temperature hydraulic motor 1 4.2.1 Ain 05 HITMPM1 W ---

43.1 Max temperature hydraulic motor 1 4.2.1 Ain 05 MAXTMPM1 A ---
43.2 High temperature hydraulic motor 2 4.2.1 Ain 05 HITMPM2 W ---
43.3 Bus version Max temperature hydraulic motor 2 4.2.1 Ain 05 MAXTMPM2 A ---
43.4 2 High temperature hydraulic motor 3 4.2.1 Ain 05 HITMPM3 W ---
43.5 Max temperature hydraulic motor 3 4.2.1 Ain 05 MAXTMPM3 A ---
43.6 High temperature hydraulic motor 4 4.2.1 Ain 05 HITMPM4 W ---
43.7 Max temperature hydraulic motor 4 4.2.1 Ain 05 MAXTMPM4 A ---

44.0 Min temperature in drain line 4.2.0 Dout 11 MN DRTMP D 1&2 ---
44.1 Flushing stand-by temperature 4.2.0 Dout 11 FL TEMP Temp low Temp ok
44.2 Auxiliary/flushing pump control 4.2.0 Dout 11 ST AUX Running Stopped
44.3 Bus version Charge pump el.motor interlock, drive 1 4.2.0 Dout 10 CP INT1 Available Interlocked
44.4 2 Charge pump el.motor interlock, drive 2 4.2.0 Dout 10 CP INT2 Available Interlocked
44.5 Auxiliary filter 75% full 4.3.0 Din 06 AUXF 75 W 1&2 ---
44.6 Auxiliary filter 100% full 4.3.0 Din 06 AUXF 100 W 1&2 ---
44.7 Auxiliary filter 100% full 4.3.0 Function A 1&2 ---

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 49(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Description of digital outputs in bus version 2.

Address Category Short description Software Tag type Tag name Logic 1 Logic 0
45.0 Brake feedback, drive 1 4.3.0 Din 19 BRAKE1OP Open Closed
45.1 Brake command, drive 1 4.3.0 Dout 13 OPEN BR1 Open Close
45.2 Brake feedback, drive 2 4.3.0 Din 19 BRAKE2OP Open Closed
45.3 Bus version Brake command, drive 2 4.3.0 Dout 13 OPEN BR2 Open Close
45.4 2 Oil tank full (fill limit reached) 4.3.0 Dout 11 FULL Full Not full
45.5 Max oil level in tank 4.3.0 Dout 11 MX LEVEL W 1&2 ---
45.6 Warm flushing function off 4.3.0 Function D 1&2 ---
45.7 Warm flushing start delay 4.3.0 Function D 1&2 ---

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 50(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Description of digital outputs in bus version 3.

Address Category Short description Software Tag type Tag name Logic 1 Logic 0
28.0 Drive ready for electric motor start 4.3.0 Function Ready Not ready
28.1 Electric motor(s) 4.3.0 Dout 10 EMOT D1 Started Stopped
28.2 Drive ready to use 4.3.0 Dout 03 READY 1 Ready Not ready
28.3 Status Drive started 4.3.0 Dout 02 START 1 Started Stopped
28.4 Drive 1 Alarm 4.3.0 Dout 01 A1 A1 ---
28.5 Warning 4.3.0 Dout 01 W1 W1 ---
28.6 Disable 4.3.0 Dout 01 D1 D1 ---
28.7 Interlock 4.3.0 Dout 01 INT1 I1 ---

29.0 Remote mode * 4.3.0 Dout 04 REMOTE1 BUS/REM LOC

29.1 Bus mode * 4.3.0 Dout 04 BUS 1 BUS REM/LOC
29.2 Regulated mode 4.3.0 Dout 04 REG 1 Enabled Disabled
29.3 Mode Shredder mode 4.3.0 Dout 04 AUTO1 Auto Manual
29.4 Drive 1 Pressure control 4.3.0 Function Enabled Disabled
29.5 Ramp function disabled 4.3.0 Din 15 RAMP1OFF Ramp off Ramp on
29.6 Reserved
29.7 Reserved

30.0 Drive, forward direction 4.3.0 Dout 07 FORW 1 Forward Stop/reverse

30.1 Drive, reverse direction 4.3.0 Dout 07 REV 1 Reverse Stop/forward
30.2 Drive, fixed command A 4.3.0 Din 15 FIXED1A Active Not active
30.3 Indication Drive, fixed command B 4.3.0 Din 15 FIXED1B Active Not active
30.4 Drive 1 Drive, fixed command C 4.3.0 Din 15 FIXED1C Active Not active
30.5 Drive, fixed command D 4.3.0 Din 15 FIXED1D Active Not active
30.6 Brake feedback 4.3.0 Din 19 BRAKE1OP Open Closed
30.7 Fault reset on spider front panel 4.3.0 Dout 13 RESET1 Reset pulse No reset

31.0 Power limitation 4.3.0 Dout 06 PLIM 1 Active Not active

31.1 Low or high pressure control 4.3.0 Dout 12 P1 C ACT Active Not active
31.2 Low pressure control 4.3.0 Dout 12 P1 LO CA Active Not active
31.3 Function High pressure control 4.3.0 Dout 12 P1 HI CA Active Not active
31.4 Drive 1 High or low pressure control saturated 4.3.0 Dout 12 P1 MAX Saturated Not saturat.
31.5 Synchro function, zero found. 4.3.0 Dout 08 C ZERO Active Not active
31.6 Synchro function within limits. 4.3.0 Dout 08 SYNCHRO In sync Out of sync
31.7 Brake command 4.3.0 Dout 13 OPEN BR1 Open Close

32.0 Reserved
32.1 Reserved
32.2 Reserved
32.3 Reserved Reserved
32.4 Drive 1 Reserved
32.5 Reserved
32.6 Reserved
32.7 Reserved

* See AS6.15.1

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 51(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Description of digital outputs in bus version 3.

Address Category Short description Software Tag type Tag name Logic 1 Logic 0
33.0 Drive ready for electric motor start 4.3.0 Function Ready Not ready
33.1 Electric motor(s) started 4.3.0 Dout 10 EMOT D2 Started Stopped
33.2 Drive ready to use 4.3.0 Dout 03 READY 2 Ready Not ready
33.3 Status Drive started 4.3.0 Dout 02 START 2 Started Stopped
33.4 Drive 2 Alarm active 4.3.0 Dout 01 A2 A2 ---
33.5 Warning active 4.3.0 Dout 01 W2 W2 ---
33.6 Disable active 4.3.0 Dout 01 D2 D2 ---
33.7 Interlock active 4.3.0 Dout 01 INT2 I2 ---

34.0 Remote mode * 4.3.0 Dout 04 REMOTE2 BUS/REM LOC

34.1 Bus mode * 4.3.0 Dout 04 BUS 2 BUS REM/LOC
34.2 Regulated mode 4.3.0 Dout 04 REG 2 Enabled Disabled
34.3 Mode Shredder mode 4.3.0 Dout 04 AUTO 2 Auto Manual
34.4 Drive 2 Pressure control 4.3.0 Function Enabled Disabled
34.5 Ramp function disabled 4.3.0 Din 15 RAMP2OFF Ramp off Ramp on
34.6 Reserved
34.7 Reserved

35.0 Drive, forward direction 4.3.0 Dout 07 FORW 2 Forward Stop/reverse

35.1 Drive, reverse direction 4.3.0 Dout 07 REV 2 Reverse Stop/forward
35.2 Drive, fixed command A 4.3.0 Din 15 FIXED2A Active Not active
35.3 Indication Drive, fixed command B 4.3.0 Din 15 FIXED2B Active Not active
35.4 Drive 2 Drive, fixed command C 4.3.0 Din 15 FIXED2C Active Not active
35.5 Drive, fixed command D 4.3.0 Din 15 FIXED2D Actove Not active
35.6 Brake feedback 4.3.0 Din 19 BRAKE2OP Open Closed
35.7 Fault reset on spider front panel 4.3.0 Dout 13 RESET2 Reset pulse No reset

36.0 Power limitation 4.3.0 Dout 06 PLIM 2 Active Not active

36.1 Low or high pressure control 4.3.0 Dout 12 P2 C ACT Active Not active
36.2 Low pressure control 4.3.0 Dout 12 P2 LO CA Active Not active
36.3 Function High pressure control 4.3.0 Dout 12 P2 HI CA Active Not active
36.4 Drive 2 High or low pressure control saturated 4.3.0 Dout 12 P2 MAX Saturated Not saturat.
36.5 Synchro function, zero found. 4.3.0 Dout 08 C ZERO Active Not active
36.6 Synchro function within limits. 4.3.0 Dout 08 SYNCHRO In sync Out of sync
36.7 Brake command 4.3.0 Dout 13 OPEN BR2 Open Close

37.0 Reserved
37.1 Reserved
37.2 Reserved
37.3 Reserved Reserved
37.4 Drive 2 Reserved
37.5 Reserved
37.6 Reserved
37.7 Reserved

* See AS6.15.1

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 52(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Description of digital outputs in bus version 3.

Address Category Short description Software Tag type Tag name Logic 1 Logic 0
38.0 Electric motor 1 contact response 4.3.0 Fixed din Started Stopped
38.1 Electric motor 2 contact response 4.3.0 Fixed din Started Stopped
38.2 Electric Electric motor 3 contact response 4.3.0 Fixed din Started Stopped
38.3 Motor Charge pump el.motor contact, drive 1 4.3.0 Din 19 C PUMPD1 Started Stopped
38.4 contact Charge pump el.motor contact. drive 2 4.3.0 Din 19 C PUMPD2 Started Stopped
38.5 response Auxiliary/flushing pump el.motor contact 4.3.0 Din 19 FLUSH ON Started Stopped
38.6 Reserved
38.7 Reserved

39.0 Electric motor 1 interlock 4.3.0 Dout 10 EM INT 1 Available Interlocked

39.1 Electric motor 2 interlock 4.3.0 Dout 10 EM INT 2 Available Interlocked
39.2 Electric motor 3 interlock 4.3.0 Dout 10 EM INT 3 Available Interlocked
39.3 Motor Charge pump el.motor interlock, drive 1 4.3.0 Dout 10 CP INT1 Available Interlocked
39.4 Charge pump el.motor interlock, drive 2 4.3.0 Dout 10 CP INT2 Available Interlocked
39.5 Auxiliary/flushing pump interlock 4.3.0 Dout 11 ST AUX Available Interlocked
39.6 Reserved
39.7 Reserved

40.0 Cooler, interlocked by el.motor control 4.3.0 Dout 11 COOLCONI Cooling Off
40.1 Cooler, direct control 4.3.0 Dout 11 COOLCOND Cooling Off
40.2 Heater in oil tank control 4.3.0 Dout 11 HEATCON Heating Off
40.3 Control Flushing pump heating valve control 4.3.0 Dout 11 FLUSHCON Heating No Heating
40.4 signals Auxiliary/flushing pump control 4.3.0 Dout 11 ST AUX Running Stopped
40.5 Oil/air cooler in forward direction control 4.3.0 Dout 11 COOL FWD Cooling Off
40.6 Oil/air cooler in reverse direction control 4.3.0 Dout 11 COOL REV Cooling Off
40.7 Reserved

41.0 Power limit function 4.3.0 Dout 06 PLIM Over limit Under limit
41.1 Pump 1 ramped down to 0% by P1OFF 4.3.0 Dout 06 P1OFF Active Not active
41.2 Indication Pump 2 ramped down to 0% by P2OFF 4.3.0 Dout 06 P2OFF Active Not active
41.3 Pump 3 ramped down to 0% by P3OFF 4.3.0 Dout 06 P3OFF Active Not active
Drive 1
41.4 and/or Pump 4 ramped down to 0% by P4OFF 4.3.0 Dout 06 P4OFF Active Not active
41.5 Drive 2 Oil tank full (fill limit reached) 4.3.0 Dout 11 FULL Full Not full
41.6 Synchro remote master setpoint via bus 4.3.0 Dout 04 BUS M Enabled Disabled
41.7 Reserved

42.0 Enable or start auxiliary/flushing pump 4.3.0 Din 19 AUX ST Enabled Disabled
42.1 Flushing stand-by temperature 4.3.0 Dout 11 FL TEMP Temp low Temp ok
42.2 Indication Reserved
42.3 Reserved
Drive 1
42.4 and/or Reserved
42.5 Drive 2 Reserved
42.6 Reserved
42.7 Reserved

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 53(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Description of digital outputs in bus version 3.

Address Category Short description Software Tag type Tag name Logic 1 Logic 0
43.0 Digital input 1 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
43.1 Digital input 2 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
43.2 Digital input 3 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
43.3 Digital input 4 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
Digital in
43.4 Digital input 5 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
43.5 Digital input 6 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
43.6 Digital input 7 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
43.7 Digital input 8 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC

44.0 Digital input 9 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC

44.1 Digital input 10 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
44.2 Digital input 11 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
44.3 Digital input 12 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
Digital in
44.4 Digital input 13 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
44.5 Digital input 14 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
44.6 Digital input 15 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
44.7 Digital input 16 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC

45.0 Digital input 17 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC

45.1 Digital input 18 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
45.2 Digital input 19 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
45.3 Digital input 20 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
Digital in
45.4 Digital input 21 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
45.5 Digital input 22 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
45.6 Digital input 23 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
45.7 Digital input 24 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC

46.0 Digital input 25 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC

46.1 Digital input 26 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
46.2 Digital input 27 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
46.3 Digital input 28 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
Digital in
46.4 Digital input 29 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
46.5 Digital input 30 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
46.6 Digital input 31 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
46.7 Digital input 32 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC

47.0 Digital input 33 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC

47.1 Digital input 34 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
47.2 Digital input 35 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
47.3 Digital input 36 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
Digital in
47.4 Digital input 37 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
47.5 Digital input 38 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
47.6 Digital input 39 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
47.7 Digital input 40 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC

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AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Description of digital outputs in bus version 3.

Address Category Short description Software Tag type Tag name Logic 1 Logic 0
48.0 Digital input 41 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
48.1 Digital input 42 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
48.2 Digital input 43 4.3.0 Actual din +24 VDC 0 VDC
48.3 Reserved
Digital in
48.4 Reserved
48.5 Reserved
48.6 Reserved
48.7 Reserved

49.0 Digital output 1 4.3.0 Act. dout Closed Open

49.1 Digital output 2 4.3.0 Act. dout Closed Open
49.2 Digital output 3 4.3.0 Act. dout Closed Open
49.3 Digital output 4 4.3.0 Act. dout Closed Open
Digital out
49.4 Digital output 5 4.3.0 Act. dout Closed Open
49.5 Digital output 6 4.3.0 Act. dout Closed Open
49.6 Digital output 7 4.3.0 Act. dout Closed Open
49.7 Digital output 8 4.3.0 Act. dout Closed Open

50.0 Digital output 9 4.3.0 Act. dout Closed Open

50.1 Digital output 10 4.3.0 Act. dout Closed Open
50.2 Digital output 11 4.3.0 Act. dout Closed Open
50.3 Digital output 12 4.3.0 Act. dout Closed Open
Digital out
50.4 Digital output 13 4.3.0 Act. dout Closed Open
50.5 Reserved
50.6 Reserved
50.7 Reserved

51.0 Min oil level in tank 4.3.0 Dout 11 MN LEVEL A 1&2 ---
51.1 Alarm Low oil level in tank 4.3.0 Dout 11 LO LEVEL W 1&2 ---
51.2 Max oil temperature in tank 4.3.0 Dout 11 MAX TEMP A 1&2 ---
51.3 Disable Min oil temperature in tank 4.3.0 Dout 11 MIN TEMP A 1&2 ---
51.4 High oil temperature in tank 4.3.0 Dout 11 HI TEMP W 1&2 ---
Drive 1
51.5 Min auxiliary/flushing temperature in tank 4.3.0 Function D 1&2 ---
51.6 Drive 2 Min temperature in drain line 4.3.0 Dout 11 MN DRTMP D 1&2 ---
51.7 Max oil level in tank 4.3.0 Dout 11 MX LEVEL W 1&2 ---

52.0 Drain filter 75% full 4.3.0 Din 06 DRF 75 W 1&2 ---
52.1 Alarm Drain filter 100% full 4.3.0 Din 06 DRF 100 W 1&2 ---
52.2 Drain filter 100% full 4.3.0 Function A 1&2 ---
52.3 Disable Emergency stop (Hardware*) 4.3.0 Fixed din A 1&2 ---
52.4 Emergency stop (Software**) 4.3.0 Din 09 EMSTOP A 1&2 ---
Drive 1
52.5 Bus failure 4.3.0 Function A/W/I 1&2 ---
52.6 Drive 2 Spider hardware failure 4.3.0 Function A 1&2 ---
52.7 Auxiliary pump suction line closed 4.3.0 Din 19 SUCT AUX A 1&2 ---

* A relay will open and stop the stroker current immediately, a hardware timer will open the electric motor
interlock contact. See AS6.20 for a detailed description.

** Emergency stop handled in software only. See AS6.20 for a detailed description.

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 55(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Description of digital outputs in bus version 3.

Address Category Short description Software Tag type Tag name Logic 1 Logic 0
53.0 High temperature auxiliary motor 4.3.0 Din 19 AUX EMOT A 1&2 ---
53.1 Alarm Auxiliary filter 75% full 4.3.0 Din 06 AUXF 75 W 1&2 ---
53.2 Warning Auxiliary filter 100% full 4.3.0 Din 06 AUXF 100 W 1&2 ---
53.3 Disable Auxiliary filter 100% full 4.3.0 Function A 1&2 ---
53.4 Warm flushing function off 4.3.0 Function D 1&2 ---
Drive 1
53.5 and Warm flushing start delay 4.3.0 Function D 1&2 ---
53.6 Drive 2 Reserved
53.7 Reserved

54.0 Reserved
54.1 Reserved
54.2 Reserved
54.3 Reserved
54.4 Reserved
54.5 Reserved
54.6 Reserved
54.7 Reserved

55.0 Low charge pressure A 4.3.0 Din / Ain 04 C PRA D1 A1 ---

55.1 Low charge pressure B 4.3.0 Din / Ain 04 C PRB D1 A1 ---
55.2 High work pressure A 4.3.0 Din / Ain 02 H APR D1 W1 ---
55.3 Interlock High work pressure B 4.3.0 Din / Ain 02 H BPR D1 W1 ---
55.4 Disable High temperature electric motor 1 4.3.0 Din 19 EMOTOR1 A1 ---
55.5 High temperature electric motor 2 4.3.0 Din 19 EMOTOR2 A1 ---
Drive 1
55.6 High temperature electric motor 3 4.3.0 Din 19 EMOTOR3 A1 ---
55.7 Speed feedback, error to large 4.3.0 Function W1 ---

56.0 Shredder blocked 4.3.0 Dout 13 SH BLCK1 I1 ---

56.1 Low accumulator pressure A 4.3.0 Din 05 ACCA D1 A1 ---
56.2 Low accumulator pressure B 4.3.0 Din 05 ACCB D1 A1 ---
56.3 Interlock Reserved
56.4 Disable Reserved
56.5 Reserved
Drive 1
56.6 Reserved
56.7 Reserved

57.0 Low charge pressure A 4.3.0 Din / Ain 04 C PRA D2 A2 ---

57.1 Low charge pressure B 4.3.0 Din / Ain 04 C PRB D2 A2 ---
57.2 High work pressure A 4.3.0 Din / Ain 02 H APR D2 W2 ---
57.3 Interlock High work pressure B 4.3.0 Din / Ain 02 H BPR D2 W2 ---
57.4 Disable High temperature electric motor 1 4.3.0 Din 19 EMOTOR1 A2 ---
57.5 High temperature electric motor 2 4.3.0 Din 19 EMOTOR2 A2 ---
Drive 2
57.6 High temperature electric motor 3 4.3.0 Din 19 EMOTOR3 A2 ---
57.7 Speed feedback, error to large 4.3.0 Function W2 ---

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 56(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Description of digital outputs in bus version 3.

Address Category Short description Software Tag type Tag name Logic 1 Logic 0
58.0 Shredder blocked 4.3.0 Dout 13 SH BLCK2 I2 ---
58.1 Low accumulator pressure A 4.3.0 Din 05 ACCA D2 A2 ---
58.2 Alarm Low accumulator pressure B 4.3.0 Din 05 ACCB D2 A2 ---
58.3 Interlock Reserved
58.4 Disable Reserved
58.5 Drive 2 Reserved
58.6 Reserved
58.7 Reserved

59.0 Low charge pressure A 4.3.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRA P1 A ---

59.1 Low charge pressure B 4.3.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRB P1 A ---
59.2 High work pressure A 4.3.0 Din / Ain 01 H APR P1 W ---
59.3 Interlock High work pressure B 4.3.0 Din / Ain 01 H BPR P1 W ---
59.4 Disable Suction line closed 4.3.0 Din 05 SUCTION1 A ---
59.5 Filter 75% full 4.3.0 Din 06 RF75 P1 W ---
Pump 1
59.6 Filter 100% full 4.3.0 Din 06 RF100 P1 W ---
59.7 Filter 100% full 4.3.0 Function A ---

60.0 Stroker current output error 4.3.0 Function A ---

60.1 Low accumulator pressure A 4.3.0 Din 05 ACC A P1 A ---
60.2 Low accumulator pressure B 4.3.0 Din 05 ACC B P1 A ---
60.3 Interlock Reserved
60.4 Disable Reserved
60.5 Reserved
Pump 1
60.6 Reserved
60.7 Reserved

61.0 Low charge pressure A 4.3.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRA P2 A ---

61.1 Low charge pressure B 4.3.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRB P2 A ---
61.2 High work pressure A 4.3.0 Din / Ain 01 H APR P2 W ---
61.3 Interlock High work pressure B 4.3.0 Din / Ain 01 H BPR P2 W ---
61.4 Disable Suction line closed 4.3.0 Din 05 SUCTION2 A ---
61.5 Filter 75% full 4.3.0 Din 06 RF75 P2 W ---
Pump 2
61.6 Filter 100% full 4.3.0 Din 06 RF100 P2 W ---
61.7 Filter 100% full 4.3.0 Function A ---

62.0 Stroker current output error 4.3.0 Function A ---

62.1 Low accumulator pressure A 4.3.0 Din 05 ACC A P2 A ---
62.2 Low accumulator pressure B 4.3.0 Din 05 ACC B P2 A ---
62.3 Interlock Reserved
62.4 Disable Reserved
62.5 Reserved
Pump 2
62.6 Reserved
62.7 Reserved

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 57(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Description of digital outputs in bus version 3.

Address Category Short description Software Tag type Tag name Logic 1 Logic 0
63.0 Low charge pressure A 4.3.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRA P3 A ---
63.1 Low charge pressure B 4.3.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRB P3 A ---
63.2 High work pressure A 4.3.0 Din / Ain 01 H APR P3 W ---
63.3 Interlock High work pressure B 4.3.0 Din / Ain 01 H BPR P3 W ---
63.4 Disable Suction line closed 4.3.0 Din 05 SUCTION3 A ---
63.5 Filter 75% full 4.3.0 Din 06 RF75 P3 W ---
Pump 3
63.6 Filter 100% full 4.3.0 Din 06 RF100 P3 W ---
63.7 Filter 100% full 4.3.0 Function A ---

64.0 Stroker current output error 4.3.0 Function A ---

64.1 Low accumulator pressure A 4.3.0 Din 05 ACC A P3 A ---
64.2 Low accumulator pressure B 4.3.0 Din 05 ACC B P3 A ---
64.3 Interlock Reserved
64.4 Disable Reserved
64.5 Reserved
Pump 3
64.6 Reserved
64.7 Reserved

65.0 Low charge pressure A 4.3.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRA P4 A ---

65.1 Low charge pressure B 4.3.0 Din / Ain 03 C PRB P4 A ---
65.2 High work pressure A 4.3.0 Din / Ain 01 H APR P4 W ---
65.3 Interlock High work pressure B 4.3.0 Din / Ain 01 H BPR P4 W ---
65.4 Disable Suction line closed 4.3.0 Din 05 SUCTION4 A ---
65.5 Filter 75% full 4.3.0 Din 06 RF75 P4 W ---
Pump 4
65.6 Filter 100% full 4.3.0 Din 06 RF100 P4 W ---
65.7 Filter 100% full 4.3.0 Function A ---

66.0 Stroker current output error 4.3.0 Function A ---

66.1 Low accumulator pressure A 4.3.0 Din 05 ACC A P4 A ---
66.2 Alarm Low accumulator pressure B 4.3.0 Din 05 ACC B P4 A ---
66.3 Warning Reserved
66.4 Disable Reserved
66.5 Reserved
66.6 Pump 4 Reserved
66.7 Reserved

67.0 High temperature hydraulic motor 1 4.3.0 Ain 05 HITMPM1 W ---

67.1 Max temperature hydraulic motor 1 4.3.0 Ain 05 MAXTMPM1 A ---
67.2 High temperature hydraulic motor 2 4.3.0 Ain 05 HITMPM2 W ---
67.3 Hydraulic Max temperature hydraulic motor 2 4.3.0 Ain 05 MAXTMPM2 A ---
67.4 Motor High temperature hydraulic motor 3 4.3.0 Ain 05 HITMPM3 W ---
67.5 Max temperature hydraulic motor 3 4.3.0 Ain 05 MAXTMPM3 A ---
67.6 High temperature hydraulic motor 4 4.3.0 Ain 05 HITMPM4 W ---
67.7 Max temperature hydraulic motor 4 4.3.0 Ain 05 MAXTMPM4 A ---

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 58(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Description of digital outputs in bus version 3.

Address Category Short description Software Tag type Tag name Logic 1 Logic 0
68.0 Auxiliary function 1 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 1 A/W/D/I ---
68.1 Auxiliary function 2 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 2 A/W/D/I ---
68.2 Auxiliary function 3 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 3 A/W/D/I ---
68.3 Auxiliary Auxiliary function 4 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 4 A/W/D/I ---
68.4 Function Auxiliary function 5 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 5 A/W/D/I ---
68.5 Auxiliary function 6 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 6 A/W/D/I ---
68.6 Auxiliary function 7 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 7 A/W/D/I ---
68.7 Auxiliary function 8 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 8 A/W/D/I ---

69.0 Auxiliary function 9 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 9 A/W/D/I ---

69.1 Auxiliary function 10 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 10 A/W/D/I ---
69.2 Auxiliary function 11 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 11 A/W/D/I ---
69.3 Auxiliary Auxiliary function 12 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 12 A/W/D/I ---
69.4 Function Auxiliary function 13 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 13 A/W/D/I ---
69.5 Auxiliary function 14 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 14 A/W/D/I ---
69.6 Auxiliary function 15 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 15 A/W/D/I ---
69.7 Auxiliary function 16 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 16 A/W/D/I ---

70.0 Auxiliary function 17 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 17 A/W/D/I ---

70.1 Auxiliary function 17:2 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 17 A/W/D/I ---
70.2 Auxiliary function 18 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 18 A/W/D/I ---
70.3 Auxiliary Auxiliary function 18:2 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 18 A/W/D/I ---
70.4 Function Auxiliary function 19 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 19 A/W/D/I ---
70.5 Auxiliary function 19:2 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 19 A/W/D/I ---
70.6 Auxiliary function 20 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 20 A/W/D/I ---
70.7 Auxiliary function 20:2 4.3.0 Din / Ain 13 AUX 20 A/W/D/I ---

71.0 Reserved
71.1 Reserved
71.2 Reserved
71.3 Reserved
71.4 Reserved
71.5 Reserved
71.6 Reserved
71.7 Reserved

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 59(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

6.16 Drive monitoring log

The system saves the log on a separate memory card (shared with parameter memory).

The drive monitoring log consists of unit serial number, alarm/warning lists, drive time counters,
six scalable log channels and two scalable 3D-log channels. The alarm/warning lists and drive
time counters can be indicated on drive 1 display. All settings in the drive monitoring log must be
adjusted from the unit front panel. The total drive log information must be downloaded to a PC for
examination. This requires null-modem cable 576 3521-003, a PC with windows XP and
SpiderCom2 software installed.

The alarm lists are found in the menu under LOG READINGS – DRIVE 1 – ALARM and LOG
The warning lists are found in the menu under LOG READINGS – DRIVE 1 – WARNING and
All four lists are 99 alarms or warnings long. The latest will be at the top and when a new warning
or alarm comes to an already filled list, the oldest will be removed. If an emergency stop indication
is followed by a second emergency stop indication, only the latest will be stored. The alarms and
warnings are marked with date and time for the incident. For setting of actual time see
TIME/DATE below.

The drive time counters are found in the menu under LOG READINGS – DRIVE 1 – TIME IN USE
and LOG READINGS – DRIVE 2 – TIME IN USE. The counters are DRIVE (the time with drive
started) and PUMPS (the time with started electric motor for each pump). The counters can be
reset, see RESET TIME below.

The settings for the drive monitoring log and clock and the reset of the time counters are made in
SETUP – LOG FUNCTION and are protected by a password. The settings can only be done from
the front keypad.

TIME/DATE is the setting of actual date and time. The format is YYMMDD HH:MM and is selected
with > button and changed with and buttons. The date/time is used for alarm and warning list
time stamps and the clock is battery backed.

LOG1 to LOG 6 are for setting of the six 2-dimensional scalable drive monitoring log channels.
LOG7 and LOG 8 are for setting of the 4-dimensional scalable drive monitoring log channels. The
used analog inputs must be set before the log channels are configured, see AS6.8.
Each channel consists of one or three measuring area divided in 6 levels. The time the measured
reading has been within each of these levels is stored. The measuring is only active with drive
started. Total measuring time is 100 000 hours.
Parallel to the total time log, 4 shorter log registers with the same setting as the total is stored in
chronological order. The log time is adjustable.

The unit serial number, parameter NUM will be indicated in printouts of the parameter list and in
parameter file name.

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 60(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Example: 90-100

- Log channel 2

- Pressure transducer, 0-400 bar on Ain 4.


Log Total time

- 200 hours period measuring time data
Period 5

1.Analog input setting:


Time MT 10-30

AII01=4-20mA for the input signal type.


AII02,03 for zero and max adjustment of the input Period 1

When full
(see example in AS6.8) 90-100

AII04=0 to set the pressure at 4mA. Time MT 70-90


AII05=400 to set the pressure at 20mA. Period 2


AII06=bar for the reading units. 90-100

Time MT 70-90

2. Log setting:

Period 3


STA=ON will activate the log function Time MT

MT=200 to set the short time measuring cells


Period 4

(period 1-4) to 200 hours. Period 1 cell will show

the latest up to 200 hours measurement. When this Erased
cell is full the contents will be moved to period 2 cell
and period 1 cell will start from zero again. Next time period 1 cell is full the contents of period
2 cell will be moved to period 3 cell, the contents of period 1 cell will be moved to period 2 cell
and period 1 cell will start from zero again, and so on. When all cells are full the oldest cell
contents will be erased before the next data movement.
LHI=300 to set where level 6 starts
LLO=100 to set where level 1 stops. The area between LLO and LHI will be divided into 4
equal parts. In this case the levels will be:
300-400 bar drive time
250-300 bar drive time
200-250 bar drive time
150-200 bar drive time
100-150 bar drive time
0-100 bar drive time
REG=REG404 to select log reading of analog in 4.
When finished setting the question RESET LOG? comes. Select with > button and push to
get a Y (yes) and then > button to reset. The question comes if a change is done in any of the
parameters in the specific log channel setup and does not affect the other three channels.
The log can be set on or off with STA=OFF or ON without the need to reset the log channel.

RESET TIME for reset of the drive time counters. When the function is selected with > button
push to get a Y (yes) and then > button to reset.

If a system with a 4.2.x or older version of software is updated to version 4.3.x the drive logs will
not be possible to read.
The drive logs must be downloaded from the unit before the new program version is uploaded.

The contents of this information are subject to change without notice or obligation. Information herein should be confirmed before placing orders.
Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 61(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

6.17 Analog outputs

The spider card has four output channels. Each channel can be selected as 0-10 V or 2-10 V
voltage output or as 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA current output. The selection between current and
voltage is made by jumpers on the card and by using different terminals.
The selection between 0-10 V and 2-10 V or between 0-20 mA and 4-20 mA is made with
parameters in the setup menu.

The outputs can be zero and maxpoint adjusted.

Example for channel 1, 4-20 mA for 0-20 rpm speed from digital speed encoder.
1. Set parameter D1E01 to 20.0 rpm (the speed that corresponds to 100%).
2. Connect a current meter in series with the output signal.
3. Parameter AOA02 must be ON for 4mA output.
4. Select parameter AOA03. The system gives 0% to the card. Adjust the parameter until
closest to 4 mA output.
5. Select parameter AOA04. The system gives 100% to the card. Adjust the parameter
until closest to 20 mA output.
6. Repeat 4 and 5 until the best result is achieved.
6.18 Language selection
A language selection for the alarm/warning list texts and in some cases indication texts on the
main display can be done in the menu (SETUP – MAIN SETTINGS - LANGUAGE: MAC01).
The selectable languages are: English (Default language)
Japanese (Requires the standard LCD display type)
Short form (abbreviations)
Chinese (Requires a VFD display type)

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 62(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

6.19 Brake control

Example for drive 1:
A control circuit for a parking brake can be activated with parameter D1G01.
When Drive start command is given, a digital output with function 13 OPEN BR1 will close to
activate the brake valve. When the brake is open an indicating signal must activate digital input
19 BRAKE1OP to start the drive. The start of the drive can be delayed with parameter D1G03.
The time between start command and received indicating signal (19 BRAKE1OP) is monitored
and if the time is longer than setting in parameter D1G04 an alarm will stop the system.
When Drive stop command is given the brake valve output (13 OPEN BR1) will be held closed
during down-ramp before opening. The valve output off can be delayed with parameter D1G02.
If the brake open signal (19 BRAKE1OP) is lost more than 0.5sec during run an alarm will stop the
system. (Parameters for drive 2 = replace “1” with “2”.)

6.20 Emergency stop

The Emergency stop has a fixed input between terminal EM1 and 2 and the circuit consist of two
parallel systems. The main system is a monitoring channel configured as Alarm. The time delay
between opening of the emergency stop input and the shutdown of the electric motors is set with
parameter DMD01-03.
The backup system is a hardware timer on the board with possibility to set the delay between 2 and 32
sec with SW1 (see AS4.5).
The timer must be set 0 - max 4 seconds longer then the main system. A time set more then 4 sec
longer will give a warning. If setting is shorter or 5 s longer the system will shutdown at hardware test.

Setting Time delay

0 2s
1 4s
2 6s
3 8s
4 10 s
5 12 s
6 14 s
7 16 s
8 18 s
9 20 s
A 22 s
B 24 s
C 26 s
D 28 s
E 30 s
F 32 s

At each power up and each time all electric motors are stopped, the system will check that the relays
for the electric motor interlock outputs not are stucked in closed position. The check will toggle the
output relays 5 times to remove oxidation from the monitoring contacts to avoid faulty errors.

The emergency stop alarm is as default with memory and must be reset but can be set to automatic
reset with MAB11: ON.

A configurable digital input set to 09 EMSTOP can be used as emergency stop input. This only uses
the main emergency stop function (software). This must be used if a ramp-down function at alarm
MAB10 is configured.

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 63(70)
AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

6.21 Program update

The program version can be updated by using the cable used for SpiderCom (576 3521-003) and the
software program Loader.exe (Spider flash loader).

Run Loader.exe. Select the file for download Start the procedure

Reset the Spider board by pushing the reset button or by switching on and off the power to the card to
start the download procedure.
When the download is ready, reset the Spider system and set new parameters.

6.22 Hardware calibration

When the software is updated a hardware calibration is needed. This calibration is needed to
compensate for the offset in the measuring channels for the stroker current feedback. This calibration
must be done without stroker coils connected.

Disconnect contact PO1, PO2, PO3 and PO4.

In the main menu there is a choice for this calibration
will start the calibration. Calibration OK and the calibration settings will be indicated when the
procedure is ready. This adjustment will be stored in an EEProm on the main board.

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AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

6.23 Flushing
A motor flush function can be used in cold environment to keep the Hydraulic motor warm, see block
diagram AS7.10.
Digital out 11ST AUX shall be connected to control the contactor for the aux (flush) pump. In stand-by
mode the aux pump will be temperature controlled.
The following criteria’s must be fulfilled:
- oil level above min
- oil temperature above min setting
- aux pump suction valve is open (if selected)
- all used main pump suction valves are open
The temperature is measured in the drain return line by a temperature sensor connected to an analog
input set as DR TEMP. The switch-on temperature is set with parameter DME03 (default 5 °C) and the
working span by the hysteresis set with parameter DME04 (default 3 °C). This means that the aux
pump will switch on when the temperature falls to 5 °C and switch off when the temperature reaches 8
°C. When the input 19 AUX ST is activated, the aux pump will run independent of temperature. When
we receive the "Flush motor running" signal on 19 FLUSH ON, the timer DME05 starts to count. After
a time delay to allow the pistons to softly get in touch with the cam ring (default set to 300 s), the
"FLUSH PUMP" signal gets high and the main pumps can be started. If the drain temperature is above
the temperature level set with parameter DME07 (default set to 20 °C) a shorter start delay time set by
parameter DME06 is used (default 10 s).
The main e-motor is not possible to start below shutdown temperature, set with parameter DME02
(default 2 °C). Once the main motor is started the shutdown temperature interlock is bypassed to
avoid stop when the oil temperature gets low by the rotating hydraulic motor.

The flush heating valve is controlled via digital output 11 FLUSHCON. The output is activated if the
signal from started aux pump is activating digital input with function 19 FLUSH ON and the tank temp
is between the settings in parameters TMB14 and TMB11. Timer TMB16 is to delay valve activation
after aux motor start.
6.24 Hydraulic motor temperature monitoring
Analog temp sensors can be used for monitoring and limitation of hydraulic motor temperature. It is
possible to monitor 4 motors.
The function has 3 limits:
1. warning
2. stroke down pump
3. shutdown
The temperature sensor is connected to an analog input set as HMTEMP1-4.

Pt100/4-20 mA sensor for 0-100 °C on hydraulic motor 2 on Drive 1 connected to analog input 5.
Warning at 50 °C, stroke down at 55 °C and alarm at 60 °C.
Connection: current input to AI2:9-10.

AIJ01 set to 4-20 mA.

Set REG 405 for indication on the display.
AIJ02 and 03 shall be used to calibrate with a loop generator to show 0 °C at 4mA and 100 °C at 20
mA on the display.
AIJ06 set to °C.
AIJ07 sets the number of decimals.
AIJ09 set to HMTEMP2 to get the limitation function.
HMA02 set to 55 for pump stroke-down temperature.
HMB02 set to Drive 1 to connect motor to right drive.
AIJ10 set 60 for alarm level
AIJ11 set 50 for warning level
AIJ12 set eg.AUX10 to give warning via Aux10 if signal is lost (see AS6.7.2 for setting example).
AIJ13 set 06 MAXTMPM2 to indicate max temperature for motor 2.
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AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

AIJ14 set 06 HITMPM2 to indicate high temperature for motor 2.

If a min speed at limitation is required this can be set with parameter D1F03.

6.25 Pulse inputs

The drive can be selected for a pulse encoder input with parameter P0I0x. Drive1 is default for DE1
and Drive 2 for DE2.
PxI01 parameter value must be the number of digital pulses that the speed encoder produces during
one rotation.
PxI06 can be changed if the rotation of the hydraulic motor/encoder is giving a wrong polarity of the
PxI07 determines the type of digital speed encoder used.
1= Quad. This is the standard type with two pulse trains
2= Single pulse with direction. This speed encoder gives a pulse train and in addition a directional
signal ON/OFF.
3= Single pulse without direction. This speed encoder gives one pulse train as an output.
PxI05 can be used for filtering if the reading is unstable. The setting is how long measuring and
average time to have before the value of a reading is presented on the display.
The reading can be scaled with PxIO4 and given an alternative reading with PxIO2.
Threshold values can be set for the speed input. PxI08 sets the high level and PxI09 the low level. The
function is set via AUX function for PxI10 (high) and PxI11 (low).

6.26 Compare registers.

Six compare registers can be used for monitoring of combined signals.

All registers in spider has a data value and a display value.
This manual will describe how to use compare register 1, to configure compare register 2-6 see AS5
for parameters.

Data value
The data value is used for internal storage, but is used for example when calculating compare
registers or for fieldbus communication.
The data value is a 16bit signed integer with no decimal or unit.
The full range is -32768 to 32767 but most common is to use a range of 0 to 10000 or
-10000 to 10000.

Display value
The display value is the “real” value, including decimal and unit.
The display value of REG701 is calculated from the data value by scaling data value 0 to DMG01 (min
display value) and data value 10000 to DMG02 (max display value).
DMG03 (Unit) and DMG04 (decimal point) is also used to create the final display value.

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AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Performing calculations on data values

The data value of REG701 is calculated by the operands;
A: DMF01, B: DMF02, C: DMF03, K: DMF04 and the operator: DMF05.
It is very important to understand that it is the data values, not the display values which are used as
input during the calculations. If for example one 0-60bar and one 0-400bar pressure transmitter are to
be compared they both have a data value range of 0-10000. The data value of the 60bar transmitter
must be multiplied with 60/400 before the data values can be compared. See example 1.
The calculation is done as a 32bit signed integer.

The parameter K should only be used to keep the result in the desired data value range or to scale
data values, it should not be used to scale the display value.
If for example two registers (with data value range 0-10000) is multiplied by the operation A*B/K, K is
most often set to 10000 to keep the result in the same range as the inputs.

The compare registers are calculated in order from 1 to 6. This makes it possible to split a calculation
in several steps. It is possible to first calculate REG701 and then using REG701 when calculating
REG702 during the same process cycle.

Connecting compare register to functions

The display value can be connected to a spider function by parameter DMF06.
The input will be available to the function the next process cycle.

Overview of compare register function

Data value (most common is a range from 0 to 10000) Display value (actual value)

Input register A Data value

(DMF01) (REG701) Input to
Input register B Min value
(DMF02) (DMG01)
(DMF05) Display
Input register C Max value value
(DMF03) (DMG02) (REG 701)

Input constant K Unit on spider
(DMF04) (DMG03) display
Decimals (R1B01)

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AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Example 1

Display the torque/delta pressure of a CA100.

A-port pressure transmitter:

Analog input 1, REG401
Data value: 0-10000.
Display value: 0-400 bar.

B-port pressure transmitter:

Analog input 2, REG402.
Data value: 0-10000.
Display value: 0-60 bar

Compare register 1, REG701
Data value: 0-10000.
Display value: 0-40.0 kNm (100 Nm/bar * 400 bar / 1000)
Alternative display value: 0-400 bar

Since REG401 and REG402 have different display value ranges we need to scale the data value of
REG402 with 60/400 = 1500/10000 before subtracting.

Data value calculation parameters:

DMF01 = REG401 Operand A, A-port pressure
DMF02 = OFF Operand B, Not used
DMF03 = REG402 Operand C, B-port pressure
DMF04 = 1500 Operand K
DMF05 = A-B-C*K/10000 Operation, Scale C, then subtract from A.
DMF06 = OFF Connected function, not used

Display value parameters:

DMG01 = 0 Min display value
DMG02 = 40 Max display value
DMG03 = kNm Unit
DMG04 = 1 One decimal

To show the delta pressure the same data value calculation can be used.
Adjust the display value parameters to:
DMG01 = 0 Min display value
DMG02 = 400 Max display value
DMG03 = bar Unit
DMG04 = 0 No decimals

The delta pressure will be negative if the load inertia is driving the hydraulic system in forward
direction or if the hydraulic system is driving the load in reverse direction.

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AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Example 2

Display the power on the drive shaft, CA100

The delta pressure from example 1 is used.

P = T*n/9549 where, P = power in kW
T = torque in Nm
n = speed in rpm

Delta pressure:
Compare register 1, REG701
Data value: 0-10000
Display value: 0-400 bar

Digital speed 1, REG109
Data value: 0-10000
Display value: 0-60 rpm

Compare register 2, REG702
Data value: 0-10000
Display value: 0-251 kW (100 Nm/bar*400 bar*60 rpm/9549)

We choose K (DMF10) to 10000 keep the result data value within 0-10000 range.

Data value calculation parameters:

DMF07 = REG701 Operand A, torque/delta pressure
DMF08 = REG109 Operand B, speed
DMF09 = OFF Operand C, OFF
DMF10 = 10000 Operand K
DMF11 = A*B/K Operation
DMF12 = OFF, Connected function, not used

Display value parameters:

DMG05 = 0 Min display value
DMG06 = 251 Max display value
DMG07 = kW Unit
DMG08 = 0 No decimals

Both delta pressure and speed can have negative values.
If the load inertia is driving the hydraulic system the power display value will be negative.

If the function EC (1-3) is set by parameter DMF12, the long term shaft power can be limited
to either a fixed or a variable level.

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AS6, Settings and functions. V4.3.x, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

6.27 Cooler control

The cooling switch-on temperature is set with parameter TMB05. This is the temp when the cooler
output will go high at increasing tank temperature. At decreasing temperature the switch-off is when
the on temperature and the hysteresis TMB06 are passed. Default is 40°C for on and 37°C for off.
Digital output function 11 COOLCOND is directly controlled by the temperature.
Digital output function 11COOLCONI is interlocked so one electric motor must be started to activate
the digital output.
To keep the cooling element in the air/oil cooler clean, a controlled reversal can be done via two
separate digital outputs, see block diagram AS7.4.
Digital out functions 11 COOLFWD and 11 COOLREV can be used to control two separate contactors
for a cooler motor.
The forward time between reversals can be set with parameter TMB17. The counter will count forward
time and remember the total drive time. The counter will be reset if the system is powered off.
TMB18 sets the reversal time for the output.
Timer TMB19 sets the stop time between forward and reverse.
If parameter TMB20 is on the reversal will start by system start (main motor is started).

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 70(70)
Spider Digital in/outputs V4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Digital in/outputs

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AS7.1, Digital in/outputs, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

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AS7.1, Digital in/outputs, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

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Spider Flush control V4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Flush control

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Spider Compare registers V4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Compare registers

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Hägglunds Drives AB. S-890 42 Mellansel, SWEDEN 1(1)
Spider Analog in- and outputs V4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Analog in- and outputs

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AS7.2, Analog in- and outputs, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

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AS7.2, Analog in- and outputs, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

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Spider Pump outputs V4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Pump outputs

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Spider Monitor V4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18


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AS7.4, Monitor, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

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AS7.4, Monitor, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

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Spider Basic function V4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Basic function

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AS7.5, Basic function, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

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Spider Shredder function AS4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Shredder function

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AS7.6, Shredder function, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

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Spider Synchro function V4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Synchro function

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AS7.7, Synchro function, Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

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Spider Pressure function V4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Pressure function

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Spider Emergency stop V4.3.x
Engineering manual EN777-4h 09-03-18

Emergency stop

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Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 24 Jan 2012
PO No. 61257-04B Title: Siemens Gear Unit-Feeders Rev 1

Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination

Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

Siemens/Flender Bevel-Helical Gear Unit B4DH09

(102.869:1 ratio) Shaft Mounted Right Angle Reducer
complete with oil sight glass, breather kit with max 20
3300-FE-001 micron filter, taconite seals, oil filler plug, a magnetic oil
1 3300-FE-002 3 N/A drain plug. 0 ea. May 24, 2012 Site
3300-FE-003 Gearmotor mount for 364TC NEMA Motor Frame.
Prime mover: 40 Hp, 1500rpm, 50Hz, 364TC Frame.
Mounting Position: B
Siemens Drawing #: 6329767
Siemens/Flender Rupex RWS 178 High Speed Flexible
Motor Bore: 2.375 in w/ 0.625 in x 0.3125 in ANSI Keyway
and 0.625 in x 0.625 in x 4.25 in ANSI Key (Key supplied
1A See Item 1 3 N/A by Siemens/Flender) 1 ea. May 24, 2012 Site
Reducer Bore: 35mm w/ 10mm x 3.3mm Keyway and
10mm x 8mm Key (Length by Siemens/Flender, key
supplied by Siemens/Flender)

Hollow Shaft Shrink Disk Mount:140mm Shaft Diameter @

1B See Item 1 3 N/A 0 ea. May 24, 2012 Site
Shrink Disk Engagement
1C See Item 1 3 N/A Torque Arm assembly 0 ea. May 24, 2012 Site
1D See Item 1 3 N/A C-Face Motor Adapter 0 ea. May 24, 2012 Site
Variant 4 Vibration Sensor with 120VAC/50Hz input and 4-
1E See Item 1 3 N/A 1 ea. May 24, 2012 Site
20 mA output and 10m cable
RTD 100 ohm, platinum, NEMA 4X, 3-wire with Siemens
1F See Item 1 3 N/A Sitran TH400 with Foundation Fieldbus Output and 120 1 ea. May 24, 2012 Site
VAC/50Hz input

Page 1 of 3
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 24 Jan 2012
PO No. 61257-04B Title: Siemens Gear Unit-Feeders Rev 1

Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination

Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

Siemens/Flender Bevel-Helical Gear Unit B4DM13

(317.612:1 ratio) Shaft Mounted Right Angle
Reducercomplete with oil sight glass, breather kit with max
20 micron filter, taconite seals, oil filler plug, a magnetic oil
drain plug.
2 2 N/A Hollow Shaft Shrink Disk Mount:190mm Shaft Diameter @ 0 ea. May 24, 2012 Site
Shrink Disk Engagement
Gearmotor mount for 364TC NEMA Motor Frame.
Prime mover: 20 Hp, 750rpm, 50Hz, 364TC Frame.
Mounting Position: B
Siemens Drawing #: 632768
Siemens/Flender Rupex RWS 178 High Speed Flexible
Motor Bore: 2.375 in w/ 0.625 in x 0.3125 in ANSI Keyway
and 0.625 in x 0.625 in x 4.25 in ANSI Key (Key supplied
2A See Item 2 2 N/A by Siemens/Flender) 1 ea. May 24, 2012 Site
Reducer Bore: 40mm w/ 12mm x 3.3mm Keyway and
12mm x 8mm Key (Length by Siemens/Flender
Siemens/Flender, key
supplied by Siemens/Flender)

Hollow Shaft Shrink Disk Mount:190mm Shaft Diameter @

2B See Item 2 2 N/A 0 ea. May 24, 2012 Site
Shrink Disk Engagement
2C See Item 2 2 N/A C-Face Motor Adapter 0 ea. May 24, 2012 Site
2D See Item 2 2 N/A Torque Arm assembly 0 ea. May 24, 2012 Site
Variant 4 Vibration Sensor with 120VAC/50Hz input and 4-
2E See Item 2 2 N/A 1 ea. May 24, 2012 Site
20 mA output and 10m cable
RTD 100 ohm, platinum, NEMA 4X, 3-wire with Siemens
2F See Item 2 2 N/A Sitran TH400 with Foundation Fieldbus Output and 120 1 ea. May 24, 2012 Site
VAC/50Hz input

Page 2 of 3
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 24 Jan 2012
PO No. 61257-04B Title: Siemens Gear Unit-Feeders Rev 1

Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination

Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

3 Export Packaging Included--Crating 0 Lot


Page 3 of 3
Drives Documentation – End
Cleaners Documentation – Start
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Purchase Order Scope of Supply
10 Oct 2012
PO No. 9787000184 Title: Martin Cleaners Feeders Rev 1
Current Previous Item Unit of Delivery Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Date Point

Martin QC#1 Primary Cleaner, Extra Heavy Duty Belt

Cleaner Assembly 35899D12010114T, for 120 in (3048
1 2100-FE-001 1 N/A mm) wide belt, 114 in (2896 mm) Blade Coverage, 0 Ea Site
Segmented dual orange urethane blades with XHD spring
Martin DT Split Track secondary cleaner assembly
DT25120A114ORPS for 120 inch (3048 mm) belt, 114 inch
2 2100-FE-001 1 N/A 0 Ea Site
(2896 mm) Blade coverage, with orange inline TC Blade,
inline spiring tensioner, and standardduty mainframe

Standard V-Plow Assembly 31106-120R for 120 in. (3048

3 2100-FE-001 1 N/A 0 Ea Site
mm) wide belt with 3.63 in (92 mm) Arms and Rubber Blade
Martin Access Door Assembly CYAR-0912 with Standard
4 2100-FE-001 1 N/A 0 Ea Site
Rubber Door 9 x12 in (229 x 305 mm)
Martin CYA 1218 Low Profile Steel Access Door Assembly
5 2100-FE-001 2 N/A 0 Ea Site
12 x 18 in (305 x 457 mm)
6 2100 FE 001
2100-FE-001 1 N/A D l ((pair)
Dual i)R Reversing
i "Z" B
k t 31158
01 ffor It
Item 2 0 E
Ea Sit

2200-FE-002 Martin QC#1 Primary Cleaner, Extra Heavy Duty Belt
2200-FE-003 Cleaner Assembly 35899-721166T for 72" (1829 mm) Wide
7 6 N/A 0 Ea Site
2200-FE-004 Belt, 66" (1676 mm) Blade Coverage, Solid Orange
2200-FE-005 Urethane Blade with XHD Spring Tensioner Assembly

2200-FE-002 Martin SQC2 Secondary Cleaner SQC2S-72R65MRPTD for
2200-FE-003 72 in. (1829mm) wide belt w/ sqaure mainframe, general
8 6 N/A 0 Ea Site
2200-FE-004 conditions reversing orange tungsten carbide blades,
2200-FE-005 tensioner and dusttight steel cover door

Page 1 of 3
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Purchase Order Scope of Supply
10 Oct 2012
PO No. 9787000184 Title: Martin Cleaners Feeders Rev 1
Current Previous Item Unit of Delivery Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Date Point

2200-FE-003 Standard V-Plow Assembly 31106-72R for 72 in (1829 mm)
9 6 N/A 0 Ea Site
2200-FE-004 wide belt with 3.63 in (92 mm) arms and rubber blade

2200-FE-003 Martin Low Profile Steel Door Assembly CYA-1218; 12 x 18 in.
10 12 N/A 0 Ea Site
2200-FE-004 (305 x 457 mm)

Martin QC#1 Primary Cleaner, Heavy Duty 36898-601154T,

w/ Martin Twist Tensioner Assembly for 60 in. (1524mm)
11 3300-FE-002 3 N/A 1 Ea Site
wide belt; 54 in. (1371mm) blade coverage, Solid orange
urethane blade.

Martin SQC2 Secondary Cleaner SQC2S-60R53MRPTD for

60 in. (1524 mm) wide belt w/ sqaure mainframe, general
12 3300-FE-002 3 N/A 1 Ea Site
conditions reversing orange tungsten carbide blades,
tensioner and dusttight steel cover door

Standard V-Plow Assembly 31106-60R for 60 in (1524 mm)
13 3300-FE-002 3 N/A 1 Ea Site
wide belt with 2.12 in (54 mm) Arms and rubber blade

Martin Low Profile Steel Access Door Assembly CYA-1214
14 3300-FE-002 6 N/A 1 Ea Site
12 x 14 in ( 305 x 356 mm)

Page 2 of 3
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Purchase Order Scope of Supply
10 Oct 2012
PO No. 9787000184 Title: Martin Cleaners Feeders Rev 1
Current Previous Item Unit of Delivery Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Date Point

Martin QC#1 Primary Cleaner, Heavy Duty 36898-721166T,

7200-FE-001 w/ Dual Martin Twist Tensioner Assembly for 72 in.
15 2 N/A 0 Ea Site
7200-FE-002 (1829mm) wide belt; 66 in. (1676mm) blade coverage, Solid
orange urethane blade.

Martin SQC2 Secondary Cleaner SQC2S-72R65MRPTD for

7200-FE-001 72 in. (1829 mm) wide belt w/ sqaure mainframe general
16 2 N/A 0 Ea Site
7200-FE-002 conditions reversing orange tungsten carbide blades,
tensioner and dusttight steel cover door

7200-FE-001 Standard V-Plow Assembly 31106-72R for 72 in (1829 mm)

17 2 N/A 0 Ea Site
7200-FE-002 wide belt with 3.63 in (92 mm) Arms and rubber blade

7200-FE-001 Martin Low Profile Steel Access Door Assemblyy CYA-1214

18 4 N/A 0 Ea Site
7200-FE-002 12 x 14 in ( 305 x 356 mm)

19 Export Packaging Required-Crating 0 Lot


Page 3 of 3
Martin® DT2
Heavy Duty Cleaner
Go to Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner web page

Operator’s Manual
Observe all safety rules given herein along with owner and Government standards and regulations. Know
and understand lockout/tagout procedures as defined by American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
z244.1-1982, American National Standard for Personnel Protection - Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources -
Minimum Safety Requirements and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Federal
Register, Part IV, 29 CFR Part 1910, Control of Hazardous Energy Source (Lockout/Tagout); Final Rule.

The following symbols may be used in this manual:

Danger: Immediate hazards that will result in severe personal injury or death.

Warning: Hazards or unsafe practices that could result in personal injury.

Caution: Hazards or unsafe practices that could result in product or property damages.

Important: Instructions that must be followed to ensure proper installation/operation of equipment.

Note: General statements to assist the reader.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Section Page
List of Figures/Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Installations Without Chutework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Belt Cleaner Inspection Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Materials Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Urethane Shelf Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Before Installing Belt Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Installing Belt Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Locating Cleaner Centerline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Converting Bottom Mount Spring Tensioners to Top Mount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Marking Chute Cutouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Adjusting the Spring Tensioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Adjusting the Air Tensioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
After Installing Belt Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Routine Inspection/Tension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Blade Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Troubleshooting/Installation Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Installation Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Part Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 i Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

List of Figures
List of Figures/Tables

Figure Title Page

1a Belt Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1b Belt Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Spring Tensioner Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3 Chute Cutout Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4 Spring Tensioner Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5 Air Tensioner Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6a Cleaner Changing Belt Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6b Cleaner with Belt Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
7a Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner with In-line Blades and Air Tensioner,
P/N DT2S-XXXXXXXXA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
7b Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner with Air Tensioner,
P/N DT2S-XXXXXXXXA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
8a Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner with In-line Blades and Spring Tensioner,
P/N DT2S-XXXXXXXXS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
8b Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner with Spring Tensioner,
P/N DT2S-XXXXXXXXS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26,27
9a Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner Cartridge, P/N DT2SC-XXXXXXXXX . . . . . . 30
9b Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner Cartridge, P/N DT2SC-XXXXXXXXX . . . . . . 31
10 Conveyor Products Warning Label, P/N 23395 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
11 Pinch Point Warning Label, P/N 30528 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

List of Tables
Table Title Page
I Urethane Shelf Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
II Recommended Spring Tension and Air Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
III Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner with Air Tensioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
IV Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner with Spring Tensioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
V Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner Cartridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 ii Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner


General The Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner is used in conjunction with a head
pulley primary cleaner such as a Martin® Primary Cleaner.

The Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner contacts the belt as it leaves the head
pulley or another accessible position on the return belt with proper support.
The blades of the Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner, when tensioned, lay in
the direction of belt travel giving a negative angle and presenting no snag or
danger to the belt or splices.

The cleaner can be supplied or retrofitted with a variety of cleaning blades.

These include:
• Tungsten Carbide Blades—For very abrasive materials.
• Reversing Blades—All above options in reversing form for belts that drive
in both directions.

Note: When mounted slightly away from the head pulley or pressure roller,
the standard Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner Blade will handle small
amounts of belt reversal or rollback with no adverse effects. When fitted with
Reversing Blades, the Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner becomes a fully-
operational reversing belt cleaner.

If the material-handling process or product could be affected by

contamination from the use of these belt cleaners, the user is responsible for
taking the necessary steps to prevent contamination. Consult Martin
Engineering or a representative for alternate belt cleaners or belt cleaner
locations to use where contamination may be an issue.

The Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner is protected by U.S. patent number
6,581,754 and international patents pending and issued.

Installations These procedures were written for equipment that is being installed on
Without enclosed pulley chutework. If the pulley is not enclosed, the equipment should
Chutework be installed using the best available field resources and methods to ensure that
the critical dimensions are followed for proper installation.

The Martin® Reversing Hanger Mount Weldment, P/N 33282, can be used for
installations without chutework.

Belt Cleaner If the belt cleaner is installed on enclosed pulley chutework, a Martin®
Inspection Access Inspection Door should be installed. Martin® Inspection Doors are available
from Martin Engineering or your representative.

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 1 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

The following documents are referenced in this manual:
• American National Standards Institute (ANSI) z244.1-1982, American
National Standard for Personnel Protection - Lockout/Tagout of Energy
Sources - Minimum Safety Requirements, American National Standards
Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.
• Federal Register, Volume 54, Number 169, Part IV, 29 CFR Part 1910,
Control of Hazardous Energy Source (Lockout/Tagout); Final Rule,
Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), 32nd Floor, Room 3244, 230 South Dearborn Street,
Chicago, IL 60604.
• Martin® Inspection Door Operator’s Manual, P/N M3891.

Safety All safety rules defined in the above documents and all owner/employer safety
rules must be strictly followed when working on the belt cleaner.

Materials Only standard hand tools are required to install and service this equipment.

Urethane Shelf Urethane put in service after exceeding it’s shelf life may wear
Life differently and deteriorate quicker than normal urethane.

Code Date is written near bottom of blade as mm/dd/yy-x. In
addition to or in place of this date, you may see an imprinted

date medallion similar to the example shown. In this example,
“10” stands for the year 2010. The small circles represent the
months of the year and are “punched” to indicate what month
the blade was produced. If code date on your blade(s) is not
legible or is missing, contact Martin Engineering or a

Table I. Urethane Shelf Life

Blade Color Shelf Life

Blue 1 Year from Code Date

Brown 2 Years from Code Date

Clear 1 Year from Code Date

Green 2 Years from Code Date

Maximizer (orange) 1 Year from Code Date

Orange (A-9) 1 Year from Code Date

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 2 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Before Installing Belt Cleaner

Before Installation
1. Remove belt cleaner from shipping container. Equipment in container
should include the following:
• Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner (mainframe, tensioner, and blades).
• Two Conveyor Products Warning Labels, P/N 23395.
• Two Pinch Point Warning Labels, P/N 30528.
2. If anything is missing or damaged, contact Martin Engineering or a
representative. Keep any damaged goods subject to examination.

Before installing equipment, turn off and lock out/tag out
energy source to conveyor and conveyor accessories.
3. Turn off and lock out/tag out energy source according to ANSI standards
(see “References”).

If equipment will be installed in an enclosed area, gas level or
dust content must be tested before using a cutting torch or
welding. Using a cutting torch or welding in an area with gas
or dust may cause an explosion.
4. If using a cutting torch or welding, test atmosphere for gas level or dust
content. Cover conveyor belt with fire retardant cover.

The chute wall that is easiest to access is referred to as the
“operator side.” The other side of the chute is referred to as
the “far side.”
5. Determine which side of chute is easiest to access. Locate the operator
side tensioner on the most accessible chute wall and the far side tensioner
on the other side of the chute.

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 3 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Installing Belt Cleaner

Read entire section before beginning work.

To install the belt cleaner, follow the procedures corresponding to the

following steps:

If installation is to be done in an enclosed area, test
atmosphere for gas level or dust content. Follow all welding
and safety guidelines. Protect belt surface from weld splatter
with appropriate shield.

For original equipment installation, where cleaner cutouts
and brackets have been fabricated into the chute during
construction, ignore steps 1, 2, and 3.

Solid backing of the blade is essential to ensure proper
operation and efficient cleaning. Install the cleaner adjacent to
the head pulley or a flat pressure roller to obtain best cleaning
results. See Figures 1a and 1b.

For installation on enclosed head pulley chutework, draw all
dimension lines on chute wall. In applications where head
pulley is not enclosed, use the best available field resources
and/or methods to ensure that these critical dimensions are
followed for a proper installation.

Locating Cleaner 1. On the return side of the belt, locate the tangent point at which the belt
Centerline leaves the head pulley. Measure a distance 2.0 in. (51 mm) and draw a line
perpendicular to the belt at this point. See Figures 1a and 1b.

For installation below pressure rollers, mark the vertical line
2 in. (51 mm) from the centerline of the roller. See Figure 1a.
2. This line represents the centerline of the Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty
Cleaner and the cleaner mount brackets.

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 4 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

2.0 in.
(51 mm)

2.0 in.
(51 mm)


Figure 1a. Belt Direction

2.0 mm)


Figure 1b. Belt Direction

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 5 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner


Top Mount Style



Far Side Assembly Operator Side Assembly

Bottom Mount Style



Far Side Assembly Operator Side Assembly

Figure 2. Spring Tensioner Conversion

Converting 1. If using spring tensioner, determine how much space is available for
Bottom Mount spring tensioner installation. If necessary, convert bottom mount spring
Spring Tensioners tensioner to top mount before installing. See Figure 2.
to Top Mount 2. Convert operator side assembly as follows:
a. Loosen jam nut (C).
b. Remove cotter pins (F).
c. Remove threaded rod (G) and spring assembly (D) from slide
bracket (B).
d. Install jam nut (C) on opposite end of threaded rod.

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 6 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

e. Remove pins (E) and guide rods (A) from mount bracket.
f. Rotate slide bracket 180 degrees and reinstall guide rods and pins.
g. Rotate threaded rod and spring assembly 180 degrees and install on top
of mount plate. Install threaded rod into slide bracket.
h. Install cotter pins.
3. Convert far side assembly as follows:
a. Loosen jam nut (C).
b. Remove cotter pins (F).
c. Remove threaded rod (G) and spring assembly (D) from slide
bracket (B).
d. Install jam nut (C) on opposite end of threaded rod.
e. Rotate threaded rod and spring assembly 180 degrees and install on top
of mount plate. Install threaded rod into slide bracket.
f. Install cotter pins.

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 7 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner


Tensioner Bracket Mounting Holes = 9/16 in. (14 mm) dia.

2.56 2.47
(65) (63)

10.00 4.50 10.00
(254) (114) (254)


5.00 (127)
7.00 7.00
(178) (178)
Bottom Mount Spring Tensioner Top Mount Spring Tensioner






Air Tensioner

Figure 3. Chute Cutout Detail

Marking Chute 1. Using the previously marked line as the centerline, mark the chute cutout
Cutouts and mount hole locations as shown in Figure 3. Repeat on both sides of
chute, ensuring the cutouts are accurately aligned with each other.

The mount hole dimension below the belt differs for air- or
spring-tensioned models. Make sure that you are using correct
dimensions and verify cleaner position before proceeding.

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 8 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

2. At the selected mounting positions, cut the cleaner access slots and drill
the mount holes in each side of the chute. Dress and de-burr the holes and
3. If belt width is 54” or larger, replace 1-3/4” long spring, upper flat washer
and UHMW spring retainer with 2” long spring and 3/4” washer included.
4. Fit operator side mount bracket to the chute wall. Bolt mount to the chute
5. Repeat for far side mount bracket.
6. Fit the cleaner mainframe to the mounts. Slide the mainframe into one of
the mount brackets, through the cutout in the chute wall, then through the
cutout and mount on the opposite side.

The mainframe has holes at one end. This is the end that fits
to the operator side mount.
7. Align the end of the mainframe with the outer edge of the operator side
mount bracket and refit the locking screw, taking care to fit the air line
bracket under the screw (air tensioner models only). At the far side mount,
tighten the lock screw onto the mainframe.

The mainframe in most cases will have excess length. If
required, this excess can be trimmed from the far side end.
8. Slide the blade cartridge onto the mainframe from the operator side. If the
cartridge is too long, excess can be trimmed from the non-operator end.
If not already done, fit the cleaning blades to the cartridge. Center the
blades to the belt by loosening and re-positioning the blade end stops.
Insert the blade cartridge retaining pin.
9. With the cleaner tensioner in a fully retracted position, the cleaning blades
should be approximately .5 in.–.75 in. (13 mm–19 mm) clear of the
underside of the belt and this distance should be equal across the width of
the belt.
10. If necessary, loosen and adjust the mounts up or down to achieve this
11. Once all clearances are correct, thoroughly check all mounting and
locking screws to ensure they are tight and the cleaner is secured.
12. For the air-tensioned model only, connect the air tube to the fittings in the
far side airbag on the underside of the mount bracket. See Figure 5.
13. Pass the tube through the mainframe. (Make sure tube is located
underneath handle.) Connect the tube to the tee air fitting in the operator
side airbag adjusting the tube length to suit by cutting.
14. Connect the other side of the tee fitting to the incoming regulated
compressed air supply or to the outlet of air regulator kit, if used. Connect
the plant air supply or air supply kit to the inlet side of the regulator kit.

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 9 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Adjusting the
1. Loosen the lock nut above the spring. Repeat for both sides.
Spring Tensioner 2. Turn adjusting nut (equally on both sides) until cleaner blades are lightly
touching the belt.
3. Ensure the blade position is equal across belt and blades are lightly
touching across belt width.
4. Continue turning the adjusting nut equally on both sides until the spring-
compressed length is the same as indicated in Table II.
5. Tighten the lock nuts against the adjusting nuts.

Belt Travel


Lock Nut
4.50 11.26
(114) (286)

Adjusting Nut

Threaded Rod


Figure 4. Spring Tensioner Operation

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 10 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Table II. Recommended Spring Tension and Air Pressure
Spring Tensioner
Belt Width Air Tensioner
Compressed Spring Length
in. (mm) psi (bar)
in. (mm)
18 (457) 2 (0.14) 1.625 (41)
24 (610) 2 (0.14) 1.625 (41)
30 (762) 3 (0.21) 1.500 (38)
36 (914) 3 (0.21) 1.500 (38)
42 (1067) 4 (0.28) 1.500 (38)
48 (1219) 4 (0.28) 1.500 (38)
54* (1372) 5 (0.34) 1.750 (44)
60* (1524) 6 (0.41) 1.750 (44)
66* (1676) 6 (0.41) 1.750 (44)
72* (1829) 7 (0.49) 1.625 (41)
84* (2134) 7 (0.49) 1.625 (41)
96* (2438) 8 (0.55) 1.625 (41)
120* (3048) 10 (0.69) 1.500 (38)
*For belt widths 54 in. and above, replace 1-3/4” long spring, upper flat washer and UHMW spring retainer
with 2” long spring and 3/4” washer included.

Adjusting the Air The air tensioner utilizes an inflatable air bag on each cleaner mount to
Tensioner provide the force to adjust the blades against the belt. Cleaner adjustments and
correct force are automatically applied by simple air pressure control. See
Figure 5.
1. Adjusting the air-tensioned Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner requires
supplying air at the appropriate pressure to the tensioner air bags. Refer
to Table II for recommended air pressure.
2. If using the Air Tensioner Air Regulator Kit, connect the plant air line to
the lockable ball valve on the outside of the enclosure. Turn on the air
supply and the ball valve to pressurize the tensioner. The cleaner will
automatically rise and the blades will contact the belt.
3. Adjust the pressure to the required level by unlocking and adjusting the
regulator inside the regulator kit. The regulator is self-relieving so the
pressure will stabilize. (It is advisable to wait a short while after each
adjustment to allow excess pressure to bleed.)
4. Once the correct pressure has been achieved, relock the regulator and
close the lid on the enclosure.

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 11 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner


Regulator Gauge
Lockable Self-Relieving
Ball Valve

Plant Air Inlet



Operator Side Far Side

Figure 5. Air Tensioner Operation

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 12 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

After Installing Belt Cleaner

After Installation
Read entire section before beginning work.
1. After belt cleaner and tensioner are installed, measure from pulley shaft
to mainframe on both operator side and far side to make sure mainframe
is parallel to pulley.
2. Measure from center point of pulley to outside edge of first and last blade
to make sure blades are centered on belt.
3. Make sure cleaner is not changing belt line (Figure 6a). If it is, install
belt support ahead of blade-to-belt contact point (Figure 6b).

Belt Line

Belt Line

Figure 6a. Cleaner Changing Belt Line Figure 6b. Cleaner with Belt Support
4. Thoroughly wipe outside chute walls clean above tensioners on both sides
of chute. Place Conveyor Products Warning Labels (P/N 23395) on chute
walls or where they will be visible to belt cleaner operator.

Failure to remove tools from installation area and conveyor
belt before turning on energy source can cause serious injury
to personnel and damage to belt.
5. Remove all tools and fire retardant cover from installation area and
conveyor belt.

Do not touch or go near conveyor belt or conveyor accessories
when conveyor belt is running. Body or clothing can get
caught and pull body into conveyor belt, causing severe injury
or death.
6. Turn on conveyor belt for 1 hour.

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 13 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

After Installation

Before adjusting belt cleaner, turn off and lock out/tag out
energy source to conveyor belt and conveyor accessories.
7. After 1 hour of operation, turn off and lock out/tag out energy source
according to ANSI standards (see “References”).
8. Make sure all fasteners are tight. Tighten if necessary.
9. Inspect belt cleaner for the following:
• Wear. (A small amount of “break-in” wear may be found.)
• Material buildup. (No material between blades and return side of
conveyor belt should be found.)
10. If wear, material buildup, or some other problem exists, see
“Troubleshooting/Installation Checklist.”

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 14 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner


Maintenance inspection should be performed no less than
weekly. Your application may require more frequent
maintenance inspections.

Read entire section before beginning work.

Before servicing belt cleaner, turn off and lock out/tag out
energy source to conveyor belt and conveyor accessories. Turn
off and lock out/tag out energy source according to ANSI
standards (see “References”).

Routine 1. Inspect the condition of the cleaner. Open the inspection door (if fitted)
Inspection/ and observe the condition and action of the blades and cleaner.
Tension 2. If necessary, remove any material buildup from the blades or mainframe.

Do not reach into the chute while the conveyor is running.
3. If necessary, adjust the cleaner tension. Refer to appropriate section for
tensioner used.
4. Make sure all fasteners are tight. Tighten if necessary.
5. Check blades for wear and replace if necessary.
6. Wipe warning labels clean. If labels are not readable, contact Martin
Engineering or a representative for replacements.

Before servicing belt cleaner, turn off and lock out/tag out
energy source to conveyor belt and conveyor accessories. Turn
off and lock out/tag out energy source according to ANSI
standards (see “References”).

Blade Servicing 1. Undo tensioner and visually inspect blades.

a. If blades are clean and not excessively worn, re-tension cleaner.
b. If material buildup is still present or blades are worn excessively,
2. When fully retracted, simply remove the retaining pin securing the blade
cartridge to the operator end of the mainframe. Grasp the handle and pull
the blade cartridge off the mainframe and away from the mount bracket.
Completely remove the blade cartridge from the mainframe and place it
in a suitable position for maintenance work to be carried out.

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 15 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

3. Clean and inspect the blades. If blades are excessively worn, replace with
new blades. Remove the blades from the cartridge by removing one of the
end stops. Slide the blades out of the cartridge and replace by sliding in
new blades. Ensure the blades face in the correct direction. Re-fit the end
stop. These prevent belt damage by supporting the belt at the edge of the
cleaning blades. If removing both end stops, first mark their position in
the cartridge to ensure correct positioning of blades on re-assembly.
4. Re-install blade cartridge onto the cleaner mainframe and re-fit the
securing pin at the operator side. Re-tension the cleaner.
5. Remove equipment from service if there is any indication it is not
functioning properly. Call Martin Engineering or representative for
assistance. Do NOT return equipment to operation until the cause of the
problem has been identified and corrected.
6. Wipe all labels clean. If labels are not readable, contact Martin
Engineering or representative for replacements.

Failure to remove tools from maintenance area and conveyor
belt before turning on energy source can cause serious injury
to personnel and damage to belt.

7. Remove all tools from maintenance area.

Do not touch or go near conveyor belt or conveyor accessories
when conveyor belt is running. Body or clothing can get
caught and pulled into conveyor belt, causing severe injury or

8. Start conveyor belt.

9. Observe cleaner action and blade effectiveness.

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 16 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Troubleshooting/Installation Checklist

Troubleshooting/Installation Checklist
Troubleshooting If you are experiencing problems with belt cleaner, see below:

Symptom Corrective Action

Blades pop out of track. Tension is set too high. Reduce pressure or tension.

High blade wear rate. Tension is set too high. Reduce pressure or tension.

• Tension is set too low or too high. Increase or decrease

Insufficient cleaning and carryback. pressure or tension.
• Check blades for excessive wear and replace if necessary.
• Incorrect installation angle. Check installation, ensuring
cleaner mount is perpendicular to belt.
• Belt deflected upward on tensioning of cleaner. Install an
Blades vibrate.
idler roller over the belt near the belt contact point.
• Belt vibration being transferred to cleaner. Install an idler
roller over the belt near the blade contact point.
• Mainframe undersized. Stiffened mainframe required.
Contact Martin Engineering for assistance.
• Excessive tension. Relax blade tension to maximum
Mainframe bent. tension recommended in installation instructions.
• Increase frequency of inspection and service once a week.
• A small amount of deflection is considered normal. Contact
Martin Engineering if excessive deflection occurs.

Conveyor equipment such as conveyor belt cleaners are
subject to a wide variety of bulk materials characteristics and
often have to perform under extreme operating or
environmental conditions. It is not possible to predict all
circumstances that may require troubleshooting. Contact
Martin Engineering or a representative if you are
experiencing problems other than those listed in the
“Troubleshooting” chart above. Do not return the equipment
to operation until the problem has been identified and

Installation If after taking corrective actions suggested under “Troubleshooting” you are
checklist still experiencing problems, check for the following:

Installation Checklist
- Mainframe is parallel to pulley.
- Blades are perpendicular to belt.
- Blades are centered on belt.

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 17 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers
Part Numbers
This section provides product names and corresponding part numbers for
Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner and related equipment. Please reference
part numbers when ordering parts:

Martin® DT2 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner with Air Tensioner:
Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner with Spring Tensioner:

Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner Cartridge:


P/N 4-Digit Prefix
Belt Width (inches)
Blade Type
Blade Width Coverage
Urethane Color
Mainframe Option

Blade Type Urethane Color

T: Tungsten Carbide Reversing Blade BR: Brown
S: Stainless Steel Reversing Blade GR: Green
A: INLINE Tungsten Carbide Blade OR: Orange
U: Urethane Reversing Blade Tensioner Type
Mainframe A: Air Tensioner
P: Standard Duty S: Spring Tensioner
S: 316 Stainless Steel

Miscellaneous Reversing Hanger Mount Weldment (Pair): P/N 33288.

Reversing Hanger Mount Weldment: P/N 33282.

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 19 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers

Dim. “A”
Mainframe Length
Dim. “B”
Cartridge Length

Dim. “C” 3
Split-Track Length
Dim. “D” 5.50
7.00 Blade Coverage 12
(178) Dim. “E” Blade Width 13
Dim. “F” 11

2 4 5


(178) 31
Bolt Spacing 29

16 15

21 4.50
(114) 30

32 (286)


Air Tensioner Air Tensioner

Operator Side Far Side

Figure 7a. Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner with In-line Blades and Air Tensioner,

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 20 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Item Description Part No. Qty

Part Numbers
1 In-line Frame Mandrel Table III 1
2 In-line Split-Track Mainframe Weldment Table III 1
3 Split Frame Table III 1
4 Washer, Flat 1/2 Wide Table III Table III
5 Nut, Hex Elastic Lock 1/2-13NC Table III Table III
6 End Cap 37705 1
7 Handle Weldment Table III 1
8 Washer, Flat 3/8 Wide Table III 2
9 Screw, HHC 3/8-16NC X 4-1/2 Table III 1
10 Nut, Hex Elastic Lock 3/8-16NC Table III 1
11 End Stop Table III 2
12 Blade Table III Table III
13 Screw, HHC 3/8-16NC X 2 Table III 2
14 In-line/Reversing Air Tensioner 37707-A 1
15 Tensioner Mount Plate Weldment 37701 2
16 Tensioner Guide Rod Weldment 37702 4
17 Tensioner Air Bag 30587 2
18 Tensioner Slide Bracket 37703-OSA 1
19 (NS) Tensioner UHMW Sleeve 37704 4
20 Tensioner Pin, Quick Release 3/8 x 2.00 ZP 38139 4
21 Tensioner Pin, Hitch 3/4 x 6-1/4 38073 1
22 (NS) Tensioner Washer, Flat 1/2 Thick SS 19126 8
23 (NS) Tensioner Screw, HHC 1/2-13NC X 1-1/2 SS 22766 8
24 (NS) Tensioner Washer, Compression 1/2 SS 24310 8
25 (NS) Tensioner Nut, Hex 1/2-13NC SS 17151 8
26 Tensioner Screw, SHC 3/8-16NC X 3/4 ZP 36510 4
27 Tensioner Washer, Compression 3/8 11747 4
28 Tensioner Screw, HHC 3/8-16NC X 1 ZP 11746-02 4
29 Tensioner Far Side Strap 37715 1
30 Tensioner Screw, SHS 1/2-13NC X 2 SS 22763-06 2
31 Tensioner Screw, SHS 1/2-13NC X 1-1/2 SS 33190 1
32 Tensioner Slide Bracket 37703-A 1
33 (NS) Tensioner Label, Pinch Point Warning 30528 2
34 (NS) Tensioner Label, for Reversing Tensioner 35949 2
35 (NS) Label, Conveyor Products Warning (2 ea. Tens. & Assy.) 23395 4
36 (NS) Label, Martin® Products (Tens.) 32238 2
37 (NS) Label, Martin® Products ( Assy.) 38048 2
38 (NS) Manual, Operators M3687 1
39 (NS) Tensioner External Retaining Ring 38301 4

Figure 7b. Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner with Air Tensioner, P/N DT2S-XXXXXXXXA
NS = Not Shown

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 21 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers

Table III. Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner with Air Tensioner
Part No. Std-Duty Dim. “F” Blade Type
Dim “A” Dim “B” Dim “C” Dim “D”
Mainframe T, S, U A

DT2S-18X12XXXX 49.50 (1257) 36.16 (918) 27.00 (686) 12.00 (305) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-18X18XXXX 49.50 (1257) 36.16 (918) 27.00 (686) 18.00 (457) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-24X18XXXX 55.50 (1410) 42.16 (1071) 33.00 (838) 18.00 (457) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-24X24XXXX 55.50 (1410) 42.16 (1071) 33.00 (838) 24.00 (610) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-30X24XXXX 61.50 (1562) 48.16 (1223) 39.00 (991) 24.00 (610) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-30X30XXXX 61.50 (1562) 48.16 (1223) 39.00 (991) 30.00 (762) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-36X30XXXX 67.50 (1715) 54.16 (1376) 45.00 (1143) 30.00 (762) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-36X36XXXX 67.50 (1715) 54.16 (1376) 45.00 (1143) 36.00 (914) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-42X36XXXX 73.50 (1867) 60.16 (1528) 51.00 (1295) 36.00 (914) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-42X42XXXX 73.50 (1867) 60.16 (1528) 51.00 (1295) 42.00 (967) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-48X42XXXX 79.50 (2019) 66.16 (1680) 57.00 (1448) 42.00 (967) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-48X48XXXX 79.50 (2019) 66.16 (1680) 57.00 (1448) 48.00 (1219) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-54X48XXXX 85.50 (2172) 72.16 (1833) 63.00 (1600) 48.00 (1219) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-54X54XXXX 85.50 (2172) 72.16 (1833) 63.00 (1600) 54.00 (1372) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-60X54XXXX 91.50 (2324) 78.16 (1985) 69.00 (1753) 54.00 (1372) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-60X60XXXX 91.50 (2324) 78.16 (1985) 69.00 (1753) 60.00 (1524) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-66X60XXXX 97.50 (2477) 84.16 (2138) 75.00 (1905) 60.00 (1524) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-66X66XXXX 97.50 (2477) 84.16 (2138) 75.00 (1905) 66.00 (1676) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-72X66XXXX 103.50 (2629) 90.16 (2290) 81.00 (2057) 66.00 (1676) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-84X78XXXX 115.50 (2934) 102.16 (2595) 93.00 (2362) 78.00 (1981) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-96X90XXXX 127.50 (3239) 114.16 (2900) 105.00 (2667) 90.00 (2286) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-120X114XXXX 151.50 (3848) 138.16 (3509) 123.00 (3124) 114.00 (2896) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 22 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers
Qty Item 12
Part No. Std-Duty Qty Items
Item 1 P/N Item 2 P/N Item 3 P/N
Mainframe 4, 5
T, S, U A

DT2S-18X12XXXX 37714-18 37717-18 34423-30 2 2 4

DT2S-18X18XXXX 37714-18 37717-18 34423-30 2 3 6
DT2S-24X18XXXX 37714-24 37717-24 34423-36 3 3 6
DT2S-24X24XXXX 37714-24 37717-24 34423-36 3 4 8
DT2S-30X24XXXX 37714-30 37717-30 34423-42 3 4 8
DT2S-30X30XXXX 37714-30 37717-30 34423-42 3 5 10
DT2S-36X30XXXX 37714-36 37717-36 34423-48 4 5 10
DT2S-36X36XXXX 37714-36 37717-36 34423-48 4 6 12
DT2S-42X36XXXX 37714-42 37717-42 34423-54 4 6 12
DT2S-42X42XXXX 37714-42 37717-42 34423-54 4 7 14
DT2S-48X42XXXX 37714-48 37717-48 34423-60 5 7 14
DT2S-48X48XXXX 37714-48 37717-48 34423-60 5 8 16
DT2S-54X48XXXX 37714-54 37717-54 34423-66 5 8 16
DT2S-54X54XXXX 37714-54 37717-54 34423-66 5 9 18
DT2S-60X54XXXX 37714-60 37717-60 34423-72 5 9 18
DT2S-60X60XXXX 37714-60 37717-60 34423-72 5 10 20
DT2S-66X60XXXX 37714-66 37717-66 34423-78 6 10 20
DT2S-66X66XXXX 37714-66 37717-66 34423-78 6 11 22
DT2S-72X66XXXX 37714-72 37717-72 34423-84 6 11 22
DT2S-84X78XXXX 37714-84 37717-84 34423-96 7 13 26
DT2S-96X90XXXX 37714-96 37717-96 34423-108 8 15 30
DT2S-120X114XXXX 37714-120 37717-120 34423-126 10 19 38

Part No. 316 SS

Item 1 P/N Item 2 P/N Item 3 P/N

DT2S-18X12XXSX 37714-18-316SS 37717-18-316SS 34423-030N

DT2S-18X18XXSX 37714-18-316SS 37717-18-316SS 34423-030N
DT2S-24X18XXSX 37714-24-316SS 37717-24-316SS 34423-036N
DT2S-24X24XXSX 37714-24-316SS 37717-24-316SS 34423-036N
DT2S-30X24XXSX 37714-30-316SS 37717-30-316SS 34423-042N
DT2S-30X30XXSX 37714-30-316SS 37717-30-316SS 34423-042N
DT2S-36X30XXSX 37714-36-316SS 37717-36-316SS 34423-048N
DT2S-36X36XXSX 37714-36-316SS 37717-36-316SS 34423-048N
DT2S-42X36XXSX 37714-42-316SS 37717-42-316SS 34423-054N
DT2S-42X42XXSX 37714-42-316SS 37717-42-316SS 34423-054N
DT2S-48X42XXSX 37714-48-316SS 37717-48-316SS 34423-060N
DT2S-48X48XXSX 37714-48-316SS 37717-48-316SS 34423-060N
DT2S-54X48XXSX 37714-54-316SS 37717-54-316SS 34423-066N

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 23 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers

Part No. 316 SS

Item 1 P/N Item 2 P/N Item 3 P/N

DT2S-54X54XXSX 37714-54-316SS 37717-54-316SS 34423-066N

DT2S-60X54XXSX 37714-60-316SS 37717-60-316SS 34423-072N
DT2S-60X60XXSX 37714-60-316SS 37717-60-316SS 34423-072N
DT2S-66X60XXSX 37714-66-316SS 37717-66-316SS 34423-078N
DT2S-66X66XXSX 37714-66-316SS 37717-66-316SS 34423-078N
DT2S-72X66XXSX 37714-72-316SS 37717-72-316SS 34423-084N
DT2S-84X78XXSX 37714-84-316SS 37717-84-316SS 34423-096N
DT2S-96X90XXSX 37714-96-316SS 37717-96-316SS 34423-108N

Mainframe Item 4 Item 5 Item 7 Item 8

Part No.
Type P/N P/N P/N P/N
DT2S-XXXXXXXPX Std Duty 17328 18577 36313 18007
DT2S-XXXXXXXSX 316 SS 35913 SP03938-02 36313-316SS 37471

Mainframe Item 9 Item 10 Item 13

Part No.
Type P/N P/N P/N

DT2S-XXXXXXXPX Std Duty 34082 14201 37036

DT2S-XXXXXXXSX 316 SS 37764 SP03938-12 37763

Blade Part No. Blade Type Item 11 P/N Item 12 P/N Dim “E”

DT2S-XXAXXXXXX IN-LINE TC 37015 36316-TXX 3.00 (76)

DT2S-XXAXXXXSX IN-LINE TC 37015-N 36316-TXX 3.00 (76)
DT2S-XXTXXXXXX REVERSING TC 37015 31104-TXX 6.00 (152)
DT2S-XXTXXXXSX REVERSING TC 37015-N 31104-TXX 6.00 (152)
DT2S-XXSXXXXXX REVERSING SS 37015 31104-SXX 6.00 (152)
DT2S-XXSXXXXSX REVERSING SS 37015-N 31104-SXX 6.00 (152)

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 24 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers
Dim. “A”
Mainframe Length

Dim. “B” 3
Cartridge Length

Dim. “C”
Split-Track Length

Dim. “D” 12 6.00

7.00 Blade Coverage (153)
(178) Dim. “E” Blade Width 13
Dim. “F” 11

4 5
2 1

(264) 34
28 31
7.00 29
Bolt Spacing
35 36

23 (114)
22 Bolt 16
21 (286)


18 17 27
Spring Tensioner Spring Tensioner
Operator Side Far Side

Figure 8a. Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner with In-line Blades and Spring Tensioner,

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 25 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers

Item Description Part No. Qty

1 In-line Frame Mandrel Table IV 1
2 In-line Split-Track Mainframe Weldment Table IV 1
3 Split Frame Table IV 1
4 Washer, Flat 1/2 Wide Table IV Table IV
5 Nut, Hex Elastic Lock 1/2-13NC Table IV Table IV
6 End Cap 37705 1
7 Handle Weldment Table IV 1
8 Washer, Flat 3/8 Wide Table IV 2
9 Screw, HHC 3/8-16NC X 4-1/2 Table IV 1
10 Nut, Hex Elastic Lock 3/8-16NC Table IV 1
11 End Stop Table IV 2
12 Blade Table IV Table IV
13 Screw, HHC 3/8-16NC X 2 Table IV 2
14 In-line/Reversing Spring Tensioner 37707 1
15 Tensioner Mount Plate Weldment 37701 2
16 Tensioner Guide Rod Weldment 37702 4
17 Tensioner Spring, Retainer 33594 2
18 Tensioner Washer, Flat 1-1/4 Wide ZP 33951 4
19 Tensioner Pin, Clevis 3/8 X 7/8 ZP 33949 4
20 Tensioner Pin, Cotter 1/8 X 1 Ext. Prong ZP 16578 4
21 Tensioner Spring, ø2 X 1-3/4 Long 33602 2
22 Tensioner Spring, Retainer 33594-01 2
23 Tensioner Nut, Hex Jam 3/4-6 ACME ZP 38219 6
24 Tensioner Threaded Rod 7.50 Long 37706 2
25 Tensioner Slide Bracket 37703-05 2
26 (NS) Tensioner UHMW Sleeve 37704 4
27 Tensioner Pin, Quick Release 3/8 x 2.00 ZP 38139 4
28 Tensioner, Slide Bracket Saddle 37713-FSTOP 1
29 Tensioner Pin, Hitch 3/4 x 6-1/4 38073 1
30 (NS) Tensioner Washer, Flat 1/2 Thick SS 19126 8
31 Tensioner Screw, HHC 1/2-13NC X 1-1/2 SS 22766 9
32 (NS) Tensioner Washer, Compression 1/2 SS 24310 8
33 (NS) Tensioner Nut, Hex 1/2-13NC SS 17151 8
34 Tensioner Far Side Strap 37715 1
35 Tensioner Operator Side Top Mount 37703-OSTOP 2
36 Tensioner Screw, SHS 1/2-13NC X 2-1/2 SS 26139 2
37 Tensioner Label, Pinch Point Warning 30528 2
38 (NS) Tensioner Label, for Reversing Tensioner 35949 2
39 (NS) Label, Conveyor Products Warning (2 ea. Tens. & Assy.) 23395 4

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 26 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers
Item Description Part No. Qty
40 (NS) Label, Martin® Products (Tens.) 32238 2
41 (NS) Label, Martin® Products (Assy.) 38048 2
42 (NS) Manual, Operators M3687 1
43* Tensioner Spring, Die 2.00 Long 38026 2
44* Tensioner Washer, Flat 3/4 ZP 20164 2
45 (NS) Tensioner External Retaining Ring 38301 4
Figure 8b. Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner with Spring Tensioner,
NS = Not Shown
*Shipped loose. Use on belt widths 54.00 (1400) and larger.

Table IV. Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner with Spring Tensioner
Dim. “F” Blade Type
Part No. Std-Duty
Dim “A” Dim “B” Dim “C” Dim “D”
Mainframe T, S, U A

DT2S-18X12XXXX 49.50 (1257) 36.16 (918) 27.00 (686) 12.00 (305) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-18X18XXXX 49.50 (1257) 36.16 (918) 27.00 (686) 18.00 (457) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-24X18XXXX 55.50 (1410) 42.16 (1071) 33.00 (838) 18.00 (457) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-24X24XXXX 55.50 (1410) 42.16 (1071) 33.00 (838) 24.00 (610) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-30X24XXXX 61.50 (1562) 48.16 (1223) 39.00 (991) 24.00 (610) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-30X30XXXX 61.50 (1562) 48.16 (1223) 39.00 (991) 30.00 (762) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-36X30XXXX 67.50 (1715) 54.16 (1376) 45.00 (1143) 30.00 (762) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-36X36XXXX 67.50 (1715) 54.16 (1376) 45.00 (1143) 36.00 (914) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-42X36XXXX 73.50 (1867) 60.16 (1528) 51.00 (1295) 36.00 (914) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-42X42XXXX 73.50 (1867) 60.16 (1528) 51.00 (1295) 42.00 (967) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-48X42XXXX 79.50 (2019) 66.16 (1680) 57.00 (1448) 42.00 (967) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-48X48XXXX 79.50 (2019) 66.16 (1680) 57.00 (1448) 48.00 (1219) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-54X48XXXX 85.50 (2172) 72.16 (1833) 63.00 (1600) 48.00 (1219) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-54X54XXXX 85.50 (2172) 72.16 (1833) 63.00 (1600) 54.00 (1372) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-60X54XXXX 91.50 (2324) 78.16 (1985) 69.00 (1753) 54.00 (1372) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-60X60XXXX 91.50 (2324) 78.16 (1985) 69.00 (1753) 60.00 (1524) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-66X60XXXX 97.50 (2477) 84.16 (2138) 75.00 (1905) 60.00 (1524) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-66X66XXXX 97.50 (2477) 84.16 (2138) 75.00 (1905) 66.00 (1676) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2S-72X66XXXX 103.50 (2629) 90.16 (2290) 81.00 (2057) 66.00 (1676) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-84X78XXXX 115.50 (2934) 102.16 (2595) 93.00 (2362) 78.00 (1981) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-96X90XXXX 127.50 (3239) 114.16 (2900) 105.00 (2667) 90.00 (2286) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2S-120X114XXXX 151.50 (3848) 138.16 (3509) 123.00 (3124) 114.00 (2896) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 27 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers

Qty Item 12
Part No. Std-Duty Qty Items
Item 1 P/N Item 2 P/N Item 3 P/N
Mainframe 4, 5 T, S, U A

DT2S-18X12XXXX 37714-18 37717-18 34423-30 2 2 4

DT2S-18X18XXXX 37714-18 37717-18 34423-30 2 3 6
DT2S-24X18XXXX 37714-24 37717-24 34423-36 3 3 6
DT2S-24X24XXXX 37714-24 37717-24 34423-36 3 4 8
DT2S-30X24XXXX 37714-30 37717-30 34423-42 3 4 8
DT2S-30X30XXXX 37714-30 37717-30 34423-42 3 5 10
DT2S-36X30XXXX 37714-36 37717-36 34423-48 4 5 10
DT2S-36X36XXXX 37714-36 37717-36 34423-48 4 6 12
DT2S-42X36XXXX 37714-42 37717-42 34423-54 4 6 12
DT2S-42X42XXXX 37714-42 37717-42 34423-54 4 7 14
DT2S-48X42XXXX 37714-48 37717-48 34423-60 5 7 14
DT2S-48X48XXXX 37714-48 37717-48 34423-60 5 8 16
DT2S-54X48XXXX 37714-54 37717-54 34423-66 5 8 16
DT2S-54X54XXXX 37714-54 37717-54 34423-66 5 9 18
DT2S-60X54XXXX 37714-60 37717-60 34423-72 5 9 18
DT2S-60X60XXXX 37714-60 37717-60 34423-72 5 10 20
DT2S-66X60XXXX 37714-66 37717-66 34423-78 6 10 20
DT2S-66X66XXXX 37714-66 37717-66 34423-78 6 11 22
DT2S-72X66XXXX 37714-72 37717-72 34423-84 6 11 22
DT2S-84X78XXXX 37714-84 37717-84 34423-96 7 13 26
DT2S-96X90XXXX 37714-96 37717-96 34423-108 8 15 30
DT2S-120X114XXXX 37714-120 37717-120 34423-126 10 19 38

Part No. 316 SS

Item 1 P/N Item 2 P/N Item 3 P/N

DT2S-18X12XXSX 37714-18-316SS 37717-18-316SS 34423-030N

DT2S-18X18XXSX 37714-18-316SS 37717-18-316SS 34423-030N
DT2S-24X18XXSX 37714-24-316SS 37717-24-316SS 34423-036N
DT2S-24X24XXSX 37714-24-316SS 37717-24-316SS 34423-036N
DT2S-30X24XXSX 37714-30-316SS 37717-30-316SS 34423-042N
DT2S-30X30XXSX 37714-30-316SS 37717-30-316SS 34423-042N
DT2S-36X30XXSX 37714-36-316SS 37717-36-316SS 34423-048N
DT2S-36X36XXSX 37714-36-316SS 37717-36-316SS 34423-048N
DT2S-42X36XXSX 37714-42-316SS 37717-42-316SS 34423-054N
DT2S-42X42XXSX 37714-42-316SS 37717-42-316SS 34423-054N
DT2S-48X42XXSX 37714-48-316SS 37717-48-316SS 34423-060N
DT2S-48X48XXSX 37714-48-316SS 37717-48-316SS 34423-060N
DT2S-54X48XXSX 37714-54-316SS 37717-54-316SS 34423-066N

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 28 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part No. 316 SS
Item 1 P/N Item 2 P/N Item 3 P/N

Part Numbers
DT2S-54X54XXSX 37714-54-316SS 37717-54-316SS 34423-066N
DT2S-60X54XXSX 37714-60-316SS 37717-60-316SS 34423-072N
DT2S-60X60XXSX 37714-60-316SS 37717-60-316SS 34423-072N
DT2S-66X60XXSX 37714-66-316SS 37717-66-316SS 34423-078N
DT2S-66X66XXSX 37714-66-316SS 37717-66-316SS 34423-078N
DT2S-72X66XXSX 37714-72-316SS 37717-72-316SS 34423-084N
DT2S-84X78XXSX 37714-84-316SS 37717-84-316SS 34423-096N
DT2S-96X90XXSX 37714-96-316SS 37717-96-316SS 34423-108N

Mainframe Item 4 Item 5 Item 7 Item 8

Part No.
Type P/N P/N P/N P/N

DT2S-XXXXXXXPX Std Duty 17328 18577 36313 18007

DT2S-XXXXXXXSX 316 SS 35913 SP03938-02 36313-316SS 37471

Mainframe Item 9 Item 10 Item 13

Part No.
Type P/N P/N P/N

DT2S-XXXXXXXPX Std Duty 34082 14201 37036

DT2S-XXXXXXXSX 316 SS 37764 SP03938-12 37763

Blade Part No. Blade Type Item 11 P/N Item 12 P/N Dim “E”

DT2S-XXAXXXXXX IN-LINE TC 37015 36316-TXX 3.00 (76)

DT2S-XXAXXXXSX IN-LINE TC 37015-N 36316-TXX 3.00 (76)
DT2S-XXTXXXXXX REVERSING TC 37015 31104-TXX 6.00 (152)
DT2S-XXTXXXXSX REVERSING TC 37015-N 31104-TXX 6.00 (152)
DT2S-XXSXXXXXX REVERSING SS 37015 31104-SXX 6.00 (152)
DT2S-XXSXXXXSX REVERSING SS 37015-N 31104-SXX 6.00 (152)

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 29 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers

Dim. “A”
Cartridge Length

Dim. “B”
Split Track Length

Dim. “C”
Blade Coverage
“D” 11
Width 12
Dim. “E” 10
1 5

3 4


Reversing Blade In-line Blade

Figure 9a. Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner Cartridge, P/N DT2SC-XXXXXXXXX

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 30 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Item Description Part No. Qty

Part Numbers
1 In-line Split-Track Mainframe Weldment Table V 1

2 Split Frame Table V 1

3 Washer, Flat 1/2 Wide Table V Table V

4 Nut, Hex Elastic Lock 1/2-13NC Table V Table V

5 End Cap 37705 1

6 Handle Weldment Table V 1

7 Washer, Flat 3/8 Wide Table V 2

8 Screw, HHC 3/8-16NC X 4-1/2 Table V 1

9 Nut, Hex Elastic Lock 3/8-16NC Table V 1

10 End Stop Table V 2

11 Blade Table V Table V

12 Screw, HHC 3/8-16NC X 2 Table V 2

13 Label, Conveyor Products Warning 23395 2

14 Label, Martin® Products 38048 2

Figure 9b. Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner Cartridge, P/N DT2SC-XXXXXXXXX

Table V. Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner Cartridge

Part No. Std-Duty Dim. “E” Blade Type
Dim “A” Dim “B” Dim “C”
T, S, U A

DT2SC-18X12XXXX 36.16 (918) 27.00 (686) 12.00 (305) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2SC-18X18XXXX 36.16 (918) 27.00 (686) 18.00 (457) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2SC-24X18XXXX 42.16 (1071) 33.00 (838) 18.00 (457) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2SC-24X24XXXX 42.16 (1071) 33.00 (838) 24.00 (610) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2SC-30X24XXXX 48.16 (1223) 39.00 (991) 24.00 (610) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2SC-30X30XXXX 48.16 (1223) 39.00 (991) 30.00 (762) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2SC-36X30XXXX 54.16 (1376) 45.00 (1143) 30.00 (762) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2SC-36X36XXXX 54.16 (1376) 45.00 (1143) 36.00 (914) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2SC-42X36XXXX 60.16 (1528) 51.00 (1295) 36.00 (914) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2SC-42X42XXXX 60.16 (1528) 51.00 (1295) 42.00 (1067) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2SC-48X42XXXX 66.16 (1680) 57.00 (1448) 42.00 (1067) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2SC-48X48XXXX 66.16 (1680) 57.00 (1448) 48.00 (1219) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2SC-54X48XXXX 72.16 (1833) 63.00 (1600) 48.00 (1219) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2SC-54X54XXXX 72.16 (1833) 63.00 (1600) 54.00 (1372) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2SC-60X54XXXX 78.16 (1985) 69.00 (1753) 54.00 (1372) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2SC-60X60XXXX 78.16 (1985) 69.00 (1753) 60.00 (1524) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2SC-66X60XXXX 84.16 (2138) 75.00 (1905) 60.00 (1524) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2SC-66X66XXXX 84.16 (2138) 75.00 (1905) 66.00 (1676) 3.38 (86) 3.50 (89)
DT2SC-72X66XXXX 90.16 (2290) 81.00 (2057) 66.00 (1676) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2SC-84X78XXXX 102.16 (2595) 93.00 (2362) 78.00 (1981) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)
DT2SC-96X90XXXX 114.16 (2900) 105.00 (2667) 90.00 (2286) 6.38 (162) 6.50 (165)

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 31 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers
Qty Item 11
Part No. Std-Duty Qty Items
Item 1 P/N Item 2 P/N
Mainframe 3, 4
T, S, U A

DT2SC-18X12XXXX 37717-18 34423-30 2 2 4

DT2SC-18X18XXXX 37717-18 34423-30 2 3 6
DT2SC-24X18XXXX 37717-24 34423-36 3 3 6
DT2SC-24X24XXXX 37717-24 34423-36 3 4 8
DT2SC-30X24XXXX 37717-30 34423-42 3 4 8
DT2SC-30X30XXXX 37717-30 34423-42 3 5 10
DT2SC-36X30XXXX 37717-36 34423-48 4 5 10
DT2SC-36X36XXXX 37717-36 34423-48 4 6 12
DT2SC-42X36XXXX 37717-42 34423-54 4 6 12
DT2SC-42X42XXXX 37717-42 34423-54 4 7 14
DT2SC-48X42XXXX 37717-48 34423-60 5 7 14
DT2SC-48X48XXXX 37717-48 34423-60 5 8 16
DT2SC-54X48XXXX 37717-54 34423-66 5 8 16
DT2SC-54X54XXXX 37717-54 34423-66 5 9 18
DT2SC-60X54XXXX 37717-60 34423-72 5 9 18
DT2SC-60X60XXXX 37717-60 34423-72 5 10 20
DT2SC-66X60XXXX 37717-66 34423-78 6 10 20
DT2SC-66X66XXXX 37717-66 34423-78 6 11 22
DT2SC-72X66XXXX 37717-72 34423-84 6 11 22
DT2SC-84X78XXXX 37717-84 34423-96 7 13 26
DT2SC-96X90XXXX 37717-96 34423-108 8 15 30

Part No. 316 SS

Item 1 P/N Item 2 P/N

DT2SC-18X12XXSX 37717-18-316SS 34423-030N

DT2SC-18X18XXSX 37717-18-316SS 34423-030N
DT2SC-24X18XXSX 37717-24-316SS 34423-036N
DT2SC-24X24XXSX 37717-24-316SS 34423-036N
DT2SC-30X24XXSX 37717-30-316SS 34423-042N
DT2SC-30X30XXSX 37717-30-316SS 34423-042N
DT2SC-36X30XXSX 37717-36-316SS 34423-048N
DT2SC-36X36XXSX 37717-36-316SS 34423-048N
DT2SC-42X36XXSX 37717-42-316SS 34423-054N
DT2SC-42X42XXSX 37717-42-316SS 34423-054N
DT2SC-48X42XXSX 37717-48-316SS 34423-060N
DT2SC-48X48XXSX 37717-48-316SS 34423-060N
DT2SC-54X48XXSX 37717-54-316SS 34423-066N
DT2SC-54X54XXSX 37717-54-316SS 34423-066N

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 32 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers
Part No. 316 SS
Item 1 P/N Item 2 P/N
DT2SC-60X54XXSX 37717-60-316SS 34423-072N
DT2SC-60X60XXSX 37717-60-316SS 34423-072N
DT2SC-66X60XXSX 37717-66-316SS 34423-078N
DT2SC-66X66XXSX 37717-66-316SS 34423-078N
DT2SC-72X66XXSX 37717-72-316SS 34423-084N
DT2SC-84X78XXSX 37717-84-316SS 34423-096N
DT2SC-96X90XXSX 37717-96-316SS 34423-108N

Mainframe Item 4 Item 5 Item 7 Item 8

Part No.
Type P/N P/N P/N P/N

DT2S-XXXXXXXPX Std Duty 17328 18577 36313 18007

DT2S-XXXXXXXSX 316 SS 35913 SP03938-02 36313-316SS 37471

Mainframe Item 9 Item 10 Item 13

Part No.
Type P/N P/N P/N

DT2S-XXXXXXXPX Std Duty 34082 14201 37036

DT2S-XXXXXXXSX 316 SS 37764 SP03938-12 37763

Blade Part No. Blade Type Item 10 P/N Item 11 P/N Dim “D”

DT2SC-XXAXXXXXX IN-LINE TC 37015 36316-TXX 3.00 (76)

DT2SC-XXAXXXXSX IN-LINE TC 37015-N 36316-TXX 3.00 (76)
DT2SC-XXTXXXXXX REVERSING TC 37015 31104-TXX 6.00 (152)
DT2SC-XXTXXXXSX REVERSING TC 37015-N 31104-TXX 6.00 (152)
DT2SC-XXSXXXXXX REVERSING SS 37015 31104-SXX 6.00 (152)
DT2SC-XXSXXXXSX REVERSING SS 37015-N 31104-SXX 6.00 (152)

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 33 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers


Lock out and/or tag out all energy sources to

conveyor system and loading system before
performing any work on conveyor or conveyor
accessories. Failure to do so could result in
severe injury or death.

Cierre y/o rotule todas las fuentes de energía al

sistema transportador y al sistema de carga antes
de realizar cualquier trabajo en el transportador
o sus accesorios. El no hacerlo puede resultar
en heridas serias o muerte.
Label P/N 23395

Figure 10. Martin® Conveyor Products Warning Label, P/N 23395


Pinch point!
¡Usted se puede
Label P/N 30528

Figure 11. Martin® Pinch Point Warning Label, P/N 30528

Martin Engineering M3687-05/12 34 Martin® DT2 Heavy Duty Cleaner

Any product, process, or technology described here may be the subject of intellectual property rights reserved by
Martin Engineering Company. Trademarks or service marks designated with the ® symbol are registered with the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office and may be proprietary in one or more countries or regions. Other trademarks and
service marks belonging to Martin Engineering Company in the United States and/or other countries or regions may
be designated with the “TM” and “SM” symbols. Brands, trademarks, and names of other parties, who may or may
not be affiliated with, connected to, or endorsed by Martin Engineering Company, are identified wherever possible.
Additional information regarding Martin Engineering Company’s intellectual property can be obtained at
Martin Engineering USA Subject to change without prior notice.

One Martin Place Quality Management System Certified by DNV - ISO 9001

Neponset, IL 61345-9766 USA

800 544 2947 or 309 852 2384
Fax 800 814 1553

Form No. M3687-05/12 © Martin Engineering Company 2004, 2012

Martin® QC™
Extra Heavy Duty
Cleaner & Tensioner
Go to Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner & Tensioner web page

Operator’s Manual
Observe all safety rules given herein along with owner and Government standards and regulations. Know
and understand lockout/tagout procedures as defined by American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
z244.1-1982, American National Standard for Personnel Protection - Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources -
Minimum Safety Requirements and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Federal
Register, Part IV, 29 CFR Part 1910, Control of Hazardous Energy Source (Lockout/Tagout); Final Rule.

The following symbols may be used in this manual:

Danger: Immediate hazards that will result in severe personal injury or death.

Warning: Hazards or unsafe practices that could result in personal injury.

Caution: Hazards or unsafe practices that could result in product or property damages.

Important: Instructions that must be followed to ensure proper installation/operation of equipment.

Note: General statements to assist the reader.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Section Page
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Installations without chutework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Belt cleaner inspection access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Before Installing Belt Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Installing Belt Cleaner and Tensioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Locating and cutting mounting holes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Installing mounting plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Installing mainframe and blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Installing tensioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Tensioning belt cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
After Installing Belt Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Weekly Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Part Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 i Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
List of Figures
List of Figures/Tables

Figure Title Page

1 Martin QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly,
P/N 35899-XXXXXX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner Dual Blade Assembly,
P/N 35899DXXXXXXXX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3 Martin® Extra Heavy Duty Spring Tensioner Assembly, P/N 38003 . . . . . . . 30
4 Martin® Extra Heavy Duty Dual Spring Tensioner Assembly,
P/N 38003-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5 Conveyor Products Warning Label, P/N 23395 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6 Pinch Point Warning Label, P/N 30528 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
7 Martin® Extra Heavy Duty Spring Tensioner Label (Pre-Cleaner),
P/N 36055-P1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8 Martin® Extra Heavy Duty Spring Tensioner Label (Dual Pre-Cleaner),
P/N 36055-P2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

List of Tables
Table Title Page
I Martin QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly Part Numbers . . . . . . . 27
II Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner Blade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
III Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner Dual Blade Assembly
Part Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
IV Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner Dual Blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 ii Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner

General To introduce product back into the product flow, a Pre-Cleaner is installed on
the face of the head pulley. On a dual cleaner system, the Secondary Cleaner
is installed immediately following the Pre-Cleaner to remove stubborn
material left on the conveyor belt. If a Pre-Cleaner cannot be used because of
space limitations, the Secondary Cleaner is installed alone. If the material-
handling process or product could be affected by contamination from the use
of these belt cleaners, the user is responsible for taking the necessary steps to
prevent contamination. Consult Martin Engineering or a representative for
alternate belt cleaners or belt cleaner locations to use where contamination
may be an issue.

Installations These procedures were written for equipment that is being installed on
without chutework enclosed pulley chutework. If the pulley is not enclosed, the equipment should
be installed using the best available field resources and methods to ensure that
the critical dimensions are followed for proper installation.

Belt cleaner If the belt cleaner is installed on enclosed pulley chutework, a Martin®
inspection access Inspection Door should be installed. Martin® Inspection Doors are available
from Martin Engineering or a representative.

References The following documents are referenced in this manual:

• American National Standards Institute (ANSI) z244.1-1982, American
National Standard for Personnel Protection - Lockout/Tagout of Energy
Sources - Minimum Safety Requirements, American National Standards
Institute Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.
• Federal Register, Volume 54, Number 169, Part IV, 29 CFR Part 1910,
Control of Hazardous Energy Source (Lockout/Tagout); Final Rule,
Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), 32nd Floor, Room 3244, 230 South Dearborn Street,
Chicago, IL 60604.

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 1 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner

Safety All safety rules defined in the above documents and all owner/employer safety
rules must be strictly followed when working on the belt cleaner.

Do not touch or go near the conveyor belt or conveyor
accessories when the belt is running. Your body or clothing
can get caught and you can be pulled into the conveyor,
resulting in severe injury or death.

Before installing, servicing, or adjusting the belt cleaner, turn
off and lock out/tag out all energy sources to the conveyor and
conveyor accessories according to ANSI standards. Failure to
do so could result in serious injury or death.

If this equipment will be installed in an enclosed area, test the
gas level or dust content before using a cutting torch or
welding. Using a torch or welding in an area with gas or dust
may cause an explosion resulting in serious injury or death.

Before using a cutting torch or welding the chute wall, cover
the conveyor belt with a fire retardant cover. Failure to do so
can allow the belt to catch fire.

Remove all tools from the installation area and conveyor belt
before turning on the conveyor. Failure to do so can cause
serious injury to personnel or damage to the belt and

Mainframe with blade can be heavy and may require two
people to lift. Attempting to lift the belt cleaner without
assistance could result in injury.

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 2 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Before Installing Belt Cleaner

Before Installation
The delivery service is responsible for damage occurring in
transit. Martin Engineering CANNOT enter claims for
damages. Contact your transportation agent for more
1. Inspect shipping container for damage. Report damage to delivery service
immediately and fill out delivery service’s claim form. Keep any damaged
goods subject to examination.
2. Remove belt cleaner assembly from shipping container.
3. If anything is missing contact Martin Engineering or a representative.

Before installing equipment, turn off and lock out/ tag out all
energy sources to the conveyor and conveyor accessories
according to ANSI standards. Failure to do so could result in
serious injury or death.
4. Turn off and lock out/tag out energy source according to ANSI standards
(see “References”).

If this equipment will be installed in an enclosed area, test the
gas level or dust content before using a cutting torch or
welding. Using a torch or welding in an area with gas or dust
may cause an explosion resulting in serious injury or death.
5. If using a cutting torch or welding, test atmosphere for gas level or dust
content. Cover conveyor belt with fire retardant cover.

Center the belt cleaner blades to clean an area narrower than
the conveyor belt width. This allows for side-to-side
movement of the belt and prevents damage to the belt edge.

The chute wall that the tensioner will be located on is referred
to as the “operator side.” The other side of the chute is
referred to as the “far side.” (If installing dual tensioners, side
that is most accessible is “operator side.”)
6. Determine which side of chute is easiest to access. Locate the tensioner
on the most accessible chute wall.

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 3 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Installing Belt Cleaner and Tensioner

Locating and 1
cutting mounting

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 4 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
2 (cont)


Pulley Diameter* Dimension X

in. (mm) in. (mm)
16 (400) 5.75 (146)
20 (500) 5.50 (140)
24 (600) 5.25 (133) C
28 (700) 5.00 (127)
14 (355)
30 - 120 (750 - 3000) 4.75 (120) min.
*Includes lagging & belt.

Operator side

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 5 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
3 (cont)

Pulley radius* + X


*Includes lagging & belt


Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 6 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner


Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 7 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner

6 Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 on far side of chute.

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 8 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Installing 1

mounting plates
Operator side

Inside chute

3 For dual tensioners, repeat steps 1 and 2 on far side as shown. For single
tensioner, install far side mount plate.
Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 9 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Installing 1

mainframe and

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 10 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner

Far side and
operator side

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 11 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner


Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 12 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner



Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 13 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Installing 1
Determine the direction to install the lever arm on the tensioner depending
tensioner on the belt direction, as shown below. Then install the lever arm
assembly as required for your application.

Left side operation Right side operation

This procedure shows
installation for left side

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 14 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner


Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 15 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
4 (cont)

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 16 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner



Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 17 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
6 For dual tensioners, repeat steps 1 through 4 on far side. For single


Far side

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 18 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Tensioning belt 1


Do at the same time.

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 19 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
3 To tension the belt cleaner, turn the hex nut and compress spring until
bottom of washer is aligned with correct belt width (inches) on label.

Set screw, then nut

Lock together.

6 For dual tensioners, repeat steps 1 through 5 on far side.

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 20 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner


Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 21 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
After Installing Belt Cleaner
After Installation

1. Thoroughly wipe chute wall clean above tensioner.

2. Place Conveyor Products Warning Label (P/N 23395) on outside chute
wall visible to belt cleaner operator.

Failure to remove tools from installation area and conveyor
belt before turning on energy source can cause serious injury
to personnel and damage to belt.

Do not touch or go near conveyor belt or conveyor accessories
when conveyor belt is running. Body or clothing can get
caught and pull body into conveyor belt, causing severe injury
or death.
3. Turn on conveyor belt for 1 hour, then turn off.

Before installing, servicing, or adjusting the belt cleaner/
tensioner, turn off and lock out/tag out all energy sources to
the conveyor and conveyor accessories according to ANSI
standards. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or
4. Make sure all fasteners are tight. Tighten if necessary.
5. Inspect belt cleaner for the following:
• Wear. (A small amount of “break-in” wear may be found. This will
stop once blades wear to conveyor belt contour.)
• Material buildup. (No material between blades and return side of
conveyor belt should be found.)
6. If wear, material buildup, or some other problem exists, see

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 22 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Weekly Maintenance

Weekly Maintenance
Read entire section before beginning work.

Maintenance inspection should be performed no less than
weekly. Some applications may require more frequent
maintenance inspections.

Before installing, servicing, or adjusting the belt cleaner/
tensioner, turn off and lock out/tag out all energy sources to
the conveyor and conveyor accessories according to ANSI
standards. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or
1. Remove any material from belt cleaner.
2. Make sure all fasteners are tight. Tighten if necessary.
3. Check tension on cleaner. Re-tension if necessary.
4. Wipe all labels clean. If labels are not readable, contact Martin
Engineering or a representative for replacements.
5. Check blades for excessive wear. Replace if necessary.
6. Remove equipment from service if there is any indication it is not
functioning properly. Call Martin Engineering or a representative for
assistance. Do NOT return equipment to operation until the cause of the
problem has been identified and corrected.

Failure to remove tools from installation area and conveyor
belt before turning on energy source can cause serious injury
to personnel and damage to belt.
7. Remove all tools from maintenance area.

Do not touch or go near conveyor belt or conveyor accessories
when conveyor belt is running. Body or clothing can get
caught and pull body into conveyor belt, causing severe injury
or death.
8. Start conveyor belt.

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 23 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner

Symptom Corrective Action

• Tension of cleaner on belt is set too low or too high. Increase or

Insufficient cleaning and
decrease tensioner setting.
• Blades are worn. Check blades and replace if necessary.

Tension is not sufficient or is set too high. Correct tension as

Noise or vibration. necessary. If this does not correct problem, blade urethane may not
match application. Contact Martin Engineering or representative.

High blade wear rate. Tension of cleaner on belt is set too high. Reduce tensioner setting.

Unusual wear or damage to

Check belt splice(s) and repair as necessary.

Bent or broken mainframe

If blades are worn to or past the wear line, replace blades. If blades
or support frame due to
are not worn, check mainframe location.
blade slipping through.

Corrosion or chemical Blade urethane may not match application. Contact Martin
degradation. Engineering or representative.

Conveyor equipment such as conveyor belt cleaners are subject to a wide variety of bulk materials
characteristics and often have to perform under extreme operating or environmental conditions. It is
not possible to predict all circumstances that may require troubleshooting. Contact Martin
Engineering or a representative if you are experiencing problems other than those listed in the
“Troubleshooting” chart above. Do not return the equipment to operation until the problem has been
identified and corrected.

Installation If after taking the corrective actions suggested under “Troubleshooting” you
checklist are still experiencing problems, check for the following:

Installation Checklist

✓ Pre-Cleaner mainframe is proper distance from belt surface on both ends of mainframe.

✓ Pre-Cleaner blade tip is at or below horizontal center line of pulley and does not lie in path
of material flow.

✓ Blades are centered on belt.

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 24 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Part Numbers

Part Numbers
This section provides product names and corresponding part numbers for
Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and related equipment. Please
reference part numbers when ordering parts:

Martin® QC™ Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly:

Extra Heavy Duty P/N 35899-XXXXXXX. See Figure 1.
Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly:
P/N 35899D-XXXXXXX. See Figure 2.

Recommended Martin® Extra Heavy Duty Spring Tensioner Assembly: P/N 38003.
Tensioners See Figure 3.

Martin® Extra Heavy Duty Dual Spring Tensioner Assembly:

P/N 38003-2. See Figure 4.

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 25 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Dim A
Part Numbers

5 3
10 1
Dim B

Item Description Part no. Qty

1 Mainframe Weldment Table I 1
2 Blade Table I 1
3 End Weldment Table I 2
4 Nut Hex 1/2-13NC ZP 11771 4
5 Screw SHS 1/2-13NC x 1-1/2 SS 33190 4
6 Knurled Pin 3/4 Dia. ZP 36046 1
7 Pin Snap Lock 5/8 x 4.00 ZP 36976 1
8 Cable Aircraft 1/8 Dia. 100107 2.5
9 Cable Clip for 1/8 Dia. Cable 23481 2
10 Label Martin® Product 38048 2
NS Spring Tensioner Table I 1
NS Operator’s Manual M3504 1
NS Label Conveyor Products Warning 23395 2

Figure 1. Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly, P/N 35899-XXXXXXX*
*First XX indicates belt width in inches. Third X indicates solid (1) or slit (0) blade. Fourth
X indicates solid (1), segmented full length (0), or segmented at ends only (2). The next two
XX’s indicate blade color/material. Last X indicates if a tensioner (T) is included.

NS = Not Shown

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 26 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Part Numbers
Table I. Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly Part Numbers
Dim A Dim B Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
Part No.
Blade Length Frame Length Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 11
35899-18XXXXX 12.00 (305) 66.00 (1676) 36231-18 35897-18XXXX 32332-03 38003
35899-24XXXXX 18.00 (457) 72.00 (1829) 36231-24 35897-24XXXX 32332-03 38003
35899-30XXXXX 24.00 (610) 78.00 (1981) 36231-30 35897-30XXXX 32332-03 38003
35899-36XXXXX 30.00 (762) 84.00 (2134) 36231-36 35897-36XXXX 32332-04 38003
35899-42XXXXX 36.00 (914) 90.00 (2286) 36231-42 35897-42XXXX 32332-04 38003
35899-48XXXXX 42.00 (1067) 96.00 (2438) 36231-48 35897-48XXXX 32332-04 38003-2
35899-54XXXXX 48.00 (1219) 102.00 (2591) 36231-54 35897-54XXXX 32332-04 38003-2
35899-60XXXXX 54.00 (1372) 108.00 (2743) 36231-60 35897-60XXXX 32332-04 38003-2
35899-66XXXXX 60.00 (1524) 114.00 (2896) 36231-66 35897-66XXXX 32332-04 38003-2
35899-72XXXXX 66.00 (1676) 120.00 (3048) 36231-72 35897-72XXXX 32332-04 38003-2

Table II. Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner Blade

Assembly Part No. Color
35899-XXXXX Orange
35899-XXXXBRX Brown
35899-XXXXB1X Black
35899-XXXXCLX Clear
35899-XXXXGRX Green
35899-XXXXNBX Navy Blue
35899-XXXXCYX Yellow with Beads
35899-XXXXYLX Yellow

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 27 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Part Numbers
Dim A

11 4
1 6
Dim B

Item Description Part no. Qty

1 Mainframe Weldment Table III 1
2 Blade Right -12 Table III 1
3 Blade Left - 12 Table III 1
4 End Weldment Table III 2
5 Nut Hex 1/2-13NC ZP 11771 4
6 Screw SHS 1/2-13NC x 1-1/2 SS 33190 4
7 Knurled Pin 3/4 Dia. ZP 36046 2
8 Pin Snap Lock 5/8 x 4.00 ZP 36976 2
9 Cable Aircraft 1/8 Dia. 100107 5
10 Cable Clip for 1/8 Dia. Cable 23481 4
11 Label Martin® Product 38048 2
NS Dual Spring Arm Tensioner 38003-2 1
NS Operator’s Manual M3504 1
NS Label Conveyor Products Warning 23395 2

Figure 2. Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner Dual Blade Assembly,
*First XX indicates belt width in inches. Third X indicates solid (1) or slit (0) blade. Fourth
X indicates solid (1), or segmented (0). The next two XXs indicate blade width. The next
two XXs indicate blade color/material. Last X indicates if a tensioner (T) is included.

NS = Not Shown

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 28 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Part Numbers
Table III. Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner Dual Blade Assembly Part Numbers
Part No. Dim A Dim B Part No. Item 1 Part No. Item 2 Part No. Item 3
35899D72XXXXX 66.00 (1676) 120.00 (3048) 36231D-72 35897D72XXXXR 35897D72XXXXL
35899D84XXXXX 78.00 (1981) 132.00 (3353) 36231D-84 35897D84XXXXR 35897D84XXXXL
35899D96XXXXX 90.00 (2286) 144.00 (3658) 36231D-96 35897D96XXXXR 35897D96XXXXL
35899D102XXXXX 96.00 (2438) 150.00 (3810) 36231D-102 35897D102XXXXR 35897D102XXXXL
35899D120XXXXX 114.00 (2896) 168.00 (4267) 36231D-120 35897D120XXXXR 35897D120XXXXL

Table IV. Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner Dual Blade
Assembly Part No. Blade Color
35899DXXXXXXX Orange
35899-XXXXCLX Tan
35899-XXXXGRX Green
35899-XXXXNBX Navy Blue
35899-XXXXYLX Yellow

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 29 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Part Numbers

16 3



Chute Wall 1



11 8
5 7

Figure 3. Martin® Extra Heavy Duty Spring Tensioner Assembly, P/N 38003

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 30 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Part Numbers
Item Description Part No. Qty
1 Mount Plate Weldment 38001 1
2 Shock Ring 32322 2
3 Nylon Bushing 34306 2
4 Lever Arm Weldment 37855 1
5 Rod Weldment with SS Rod 38002 1
6 Tensioning Gauge 36051 2
7 Bushing Spring Cover Mount 36119 1
8 Spring Die 2.00 x 5.00 35127 1
9 Washer Flat 1 Regular ZP 32315 1
10 Nut Hex 1-5 Acme ZP 32311 2
11 Washer Flat 1-1/4 Narrow ZP 34672 1
12 Hairpin Cotter 0.18 x 3.56 ZP 35171 1
13 Mounting Hardware Kit 34498 1
14 Farside Mount Weldment 32342 1
15 Locking Collar 32341 1
16 Screw SHS 1/2 - 13 NC x 1.55 22763-03 5
17 Label Conveyor Products Warning 23395 2
NS Tube Clear 34063-08 1
NS Clamp Hose 2.06 Min. x 3.00 Max. 20339-11 1
NS Cap Tube 2.75 34054 1
NS Spring Cover 32245-04 1
NS Label Spring Tension Pre-Cleaner 36055-P1 1
NS Label Martin Products 32238 2
Fig. 5 Label Conveyor Products Warning 23395 2
Fig. 6 Label Pinch Point Warning 30528 1
NS Operator’s Manual M3512 1

NS = Not Shown

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 31 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Part Numbers

13 2
3 9 10


Chute Wall 11 5

Figure 4. Dual Martin® Extra Heavy Duty Spring Tensioner Assembly, P/N 38003-2
Item Description Part No. Qty
1 Mount Plate Weldment 38001 2
2 Shock Ring 32322 2
3 Nylon Bushing 34306 2
4 Lever Arm Weldment 37855 2
5 Rod Weldment with SS Rod 38002 2
6 Tensioning Gauge 36015 4
7 Bushing Spring Cover Mount 36119 2
8 Spring Die 2.00 x 5.00 35127 2
9 Washer Flat 1 Regular ZP 32315 2
10 Nut Hex 1-5 Acme ZP 32315 4
11 Washer Flat 1-1/4 Narrow ZP 34672 2
12 Hairpin Cotter 0.18 x 3.56 ZP 35171 2
13 Mounting Hardware Kit 34498 1
14 Screw SHS 1/2 - 13 NC x 1.55 22763-03 6
15 Label Martin Products 32238 2
NS Tube Clear 34063-08 2
NS Clamp Hose 2.06 Min. x 3.00 Max. 20339-11 2
NS Cap Tube 2.75 34054 2
NS Spring Cover 32245-04 2
NS Label Spring Tension Pre-Cleaner 36055-P2 2
Fig. 5 Label Conveyor Products Warning 23395 2
Fig. 6 Label Pinch Point Warning 30528 2
NS Operator’s Manual M3512 1

NS = Not Shown

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 32 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Part Numbers

Lock out and/or tag out all energy sources to

conveyor system and loading system before
performing any work on conveyor or conveyor
accessories. Failure to do so could result in
severe injury or death.

Cierre y/o rotule todas las fuentes de energía al

sistema transportador y al sistema de carga antes
de realizar cualquier trabajo en el transportador
o sus accesorios. El no hacerlo puede resultar
en heridas serias o muerte.
Label P/N 23395

Figure 5. Conveyor Products Warning Label, P/N 23395


Pinch point!
¡Usted se puede
Label P/N 30528

Figure 6. Pinch Point Warning Label, P/N 30528

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 33 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Part Numbers

Tensioning Gauge
For Pre-Cleaner
Start with blades touching belt,
then turn nuts and compress spring
on rod until bottom of washer is
aligned with your belt width (inches).
18 18
24-30 24-30
36 36
42 42

800-544-2947 or 309-852-2384
Label P/N 36055-P1

Figure 7. Martin® Extra Heavy Duty Spring Tensioner Label (Pre-Cleaner),

P/N 36055-P1

Tensioning Gauge
For Dual Pre-Cleaner
Start with blades touching belt,
then turn nuts and compress spring
on rod until bottom of washer is
aligned with your belt width (inches).
Label P/N 36055-P2

48-54 48-54
60-72 60-72
84-96 84-96
102-120 102-120

800-544-2947 or 309-852-2384

Figure 8. Martin® Extra Heavy Duty Spring Tensioner Label (Dual Pre-Cleaner),
P/N 36055-P2

Martin Engineering M3504-05/12 34 Martin® QC™ Extra Heavy Duty Cleaner and Tensioner
Any product, process, or technology described here may be the subject of intellectual property rights reserved by
Martin Engineering Company. Trademarks or service marks designated with the ® symbol are registered with the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office and may be proprietary in one or more countries or regions. Other trademarks and
service marks belonging to Martin Engineering Company in the United States and/or other countries or regions may
be designated with the “TM” and “SM” symbols. Brands, trademarks, and names of other parties, who may or may
not be affiliated with, connected to, or endorsed by Martin Engineering Company, are identified wherever possible.
Additional information regarding Martin Engineering Company’s intellectual property can be obtained at
Martin Engineering USA Subject to change without prior notice.

One Martin Place Quality Management System Certified by DNV - ISO 9001

Neponset, IL 61345-9766 USA

800 544 2947 or 309 852 2384
Fax 800 814 1553

Form No. M3504-05/12 © Martin Engineering Company 2000, 2012

Martin® QC™
Heavy Duty Cleaner
Go to Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner web page

Operator’s Manual
Observe all safety rules given herein along with owner and Government standards and regulations. Know
and understand lockout/tagout procedures as defined by American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
z244.1-1982, American National Standard for Personnel Protection - Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources -
Minimum Safety Requirements and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Federal
Register, Part IV, 29 CFR Part 1910, Control of Hazardous Energy Source (Lockout/Tagout); Final Rule.

The following symbols may be used in this manual:

Danger: Immediate hazards that will result in severe personal injury or death.

Warning: Hazards or unsafe practices that could result in personal injury.

Caution: Hazards or unsafe practices that could result in product or property damages.

Important: Instructions that must be followed to ensure proper installation/operation of equipment.

Note: General statements to assist the reader.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Section Page
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Installations without chutework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Belt cleaner inspection access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Belt cleaner blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Materials required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Urethane shelf life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Before Installing Belt Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Installing Belt Cleaner and Tensioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Finding center point of belt cleaner mainframe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Removing blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Installing tensioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Installing blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
After Installing Belt Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Weekly Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Part Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Appendix A. Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly with
Martin® Twist Dual Tensioner Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 i Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner

List of Figures/Tables
List of Figures
Figure Title Page
1 Belt Cleaner Mainframe Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Removing and Installing Blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly, P/N 36898-XXXXXXXXX . . . . 11
4 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly Less Pipe End Weldments,
P/N 36899-XXXXXXXX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5 Martin® Conveyor Products Warning Label, P/N 23395 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

List of Tables

Table Title Page

I Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Blade Colors, Materials and Specifications . . 2
II Urethane Shelf Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
III Part Numbers and Dimensions for Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly 12
IV Part Numbers and Dimensions for Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner
less Pipe End Weldments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 ii Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner


General The Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner combines effective removal of
carryback with “quick-change” one-pin replacement of a long-lasting, one-
piece blade. To introduce product back into the product flow, the Martin®
QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner is installed on the face of the head pulley. On a
dual-cleaner system, the Secondary Cleaner is installed immediately
following the Pre-Cleaner to remove stubborn material left on the conveyor
belt. If a Pre-Cleaner cannot be used because of space limitations, the
Secondary Cleaner is installed alone. If the material-handling process or
product could be affected by contamination from the use of these belt
cleaners, the user is responsible for taking the necessary steps to prevent
contamination. Consult Martin Engineering or a representative for alternate
belt cleaners or belt cleaner locations to use where contamination may be an

Installations These procedures were written for equipment that is being installed on
without chutework enclosed pulley chutework. If the pulley is not enclosed, the equipment should
be installed using the best available field resources and methods to ensure that
the critical dimensions are followed for proper installation.

Belt cleaner If the belt cleaner is installed on enclosed pulley chutework, a Martin®
inspection access Inspection Door should be installed. Martin® Inspection Doors are available
from Martin Engineering or a representative.

Belt cleaner blades Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Blades are available in five different
materials (see Table I for specifications). Only standard (orange) Martin®
QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Blades are made of materials that meet Mine
Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) requirements under “Interim Fire
and Toxicity Criteria for Products Taken Into Underground Mines,” March 22,
1977 (MSHA acceptance number MSHA-IC-95/1, MSHA-IC-95/7).

References The following documents are referenced in this manual:

• American National Standards Institute (ANSI) z244.1-1982, American
National Standard for Personnel Protection - Lockout/Tagout of Energy
Sources - Minimum Safety Requirements, American National Standards
Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.
• Federal Register, Volume 54, Number 169, Part IV, 29 CFR Part 1910,
Control of Hazardous Energy Source (Lockout/Tagout); Final Rule,
Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), 32nd Floor, Room 3244, 230 South Dearborn Street, Chicago,
IL 60604.
• Martin® Inspection Door Operator’s Manual, P/N M3891
• Martin® Twist Tensioner Operator Manual, P/N M3837
• Martin® Spring and Air Tensioners Operator Manual, P/N M3263

Materials required Only standard hand tools are required to install and service this equipment.

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 1 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner


Table I. Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Blade Colors, Materials and Specifications
Orange Standard Martin® Urethane Bauxite, Coke, -20° to 160°F
Suitable for 80% or more of all belt cleaner Coal, Overbur- (-29° to 71°C)
applications, including abrasive conditions. den Refuse

Brown Chemical-Resistant Urethane Limestone -40° to 160°F

(BR) Improves resistance to chemicals; reduced (-40° to 71°C)
absorption of water in high-moisture environments.
Green High-Temperature Urethane Clinker -40° to 300°F
(GR) For exposure to intermittent temperatures up (-40° to 149°C)
to 350°F (177°C).
Clear Low-Rigidity Urethane Gravel, -20° to 160°F
(CL) For dry products such as sand and gravel. Dry Sand (-29° to 71°C)
Navy Blue Low-Adhesion Urethane Cement, Glass, -20° to 160°F
(NB) For sticky or tacky materials. Wood Chips (-29° to 71°C)

Urethane shelf life Urethane put in service after exceeding it’s shelf life may wear
differently and deteriorate quicker than normal urethane.

Code Date is written near bottom of blade as mm/dd/yy-x. In
addition to or in place of this date, you may see an imprinted

date medallion similar to the example shown. In this example,
“10” stands for the year 2010. The small circles represent the
months of the year and are “punched” to indicate what month
the blade was produced. If code date on your blade(s) is not
legible or is missing, contact Martin Engineering or a

Table II. Urethane Shelf Life

Blade Color Shelf Life

Blue 1 Year from Code Date

Brown 2 Years from Code Date

Clear 1 Year from Code Date

Green 2 Years from Code Date

Maximizer (orange) 1 Year from Code Date

Orange (A-9) 1 Year from Code Date

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 2 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner

All safety rules defined in the above documents and all owner/employer safety
rules must be strictly followed when working on the belt cleaner.

Do not touch or go near the conveyor belt or conveyor
accessories when the belt is running. Your body or clothing
can get caught and you can be pulled into the conveyor,
resulting in severe injury or death.

Before installing, servicing, or adjusting the belt cleaner, turn
off and lock out/tag out all energy sources to the conveyor and
conveyor accessories according to ANSI standards. Failure to
do so could result in serious injury or death.

If this equipment will be installed in an enclosed area, test the
gas level or dust content before using a cutting torch or
welding. Using a torch or welding in an area with gas or dust
may cause an explosion resulting in serious injury or death.

Before using a cutting torch or welding the chute wall, cover
the conveyor belt with a fire retardant cover. Failure to do so
can allow the belt to catch fire.

Remove all tools from the installation area and conveyor belt
before turning on the conveyor. Failure to do so can cause
serious injury to personnel or damage to the belt and

Mainframe with blade can be heavy and may require two
people to lift. Attempting to lift the belt cleaner without
assistance could result in injury.

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 3 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner

Before Installing Belt Cleaner
Before Installation

The delivery service is responsible for damage occurring in
transit. Martin Engineering CANNOT enter claims for
damages. Contact your transportation agent for more
1. Inspect shipping container for damage. Report damage to delivery service
immediately and fill out delivery service’s claim form. Keep any damaged
goods subject to examination.
2. Remove belt cleaner assembly from shipping container.
3. If anything is missing contact Martin Engineering or a representative.

Before installing equipment, turn off and lock out/ tag out all
energy sources to the conveyor and conveyor accessories
according to ANSI standards. Failure to do so could result in
serious injury or death.
4. Turn off and lock out/tag out energy source according to ANSI standards
(see “References”).

If this equipment will be installed in an enclosed area, test the
gas level or dust content before using a cutting torch or
welding. Using a torch or welding in an area with gas or dust
may cause an explosion resulting in serious injury or death.
5. If using a cutting torch or welding, test atmosphere for gas level or dust
content. Cover conveyor belt with fire retardant cover.

Center the belt cleaner blades to clean an area narrower than
the conveyor belt width. This allows for side-to-side
movement of the belt and prevents damage to the belt edge.

The chute wall that the tensioner will be located on is referred
to as the “operator side.” The other side of the chute is
referred to as the “far side.” (If installing dual tensioners, side
that is most accessible is “operator side.”)
6. If using a cutting torch or welding, test atmosphere for gas level or
dust content.

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 4 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner

Installing Belt Cleaner and Tensioner




A. Center point of pulley B. Radius of head pulley C. Center point of belt

including lagging and belt cleaner mainframe

Figure 1. Belt Cleaner Mainframe Location

Finding center 1. On operator side of chute, find pulley center point (A).
point of belt 2. Measure radius of head pulley including lagging and belt thickness (B).
cleaner To this dimension, add 3.50 in. (89 mm).
mainframe 3. Starting from center point (A), measure the total distance calculated in
step 2 (B + 3.50) and draw an arc on chute wall.
4. Measure down from pulley's horizontal centerline the distance shown in
Figure 1 and draw a horizontal line parallel to it. Locate center point of
belt cleaner mainframe (C) where this line intersects the arc on the chute
5. Make sure mainframe and blade do not lie in path of material unloading
from conveyor belt. Make sure blade tip of Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty
Cleaner is at or below pulley's horizontal centerline.
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for far side chute wall.

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 5 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner


Lock pin Far side



Operator side
Stationary pin

Figure 2. Removing and Installing Blade

Removing blade 1. Remove lock pin from operator side of mainframe and blade.
2. Pull blade away from stationary pin on far side of mainframe, and remove
from mainframe. Make sure lock pin remains attached to mainframe.

Installing 1. Install tensioner according to applicable tensioner’s manual.

tensioner 2. If using Martin® Inspection Door, install according to Martin® Inspection
Door Operator's Manual, P/N M3891.

Installing blade 1. Position blade on mainframe with blade curve facing conveyor belt. Push
far side end of blade against stationary pin until it locks.
2. Insert lock pin in mainframe and blade.
3. Make sure blades are centered on belt and mainframe is parallel to belt.
4. Tension belt cleaner according to applicable tensioner’s manual.

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 6 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner

After Installing Belt Cleaner

After Installation
1. Thoroughly wipe chute wall clean above tensioner.
2. Place Conveyor Products Warning Label (P/N 23395) on outside chute
wall visible to belt cleaner operator.

Failure to remove tools from installation area and conveyor
belt before turning on energy source can cause serious injury
to personnel and damage to belt.

Do not touch or go near conveyor belt or conveyor accessories
when conveyor belt is running. Body or clothing can get
caught and pull body into conveyor belt, causing severe injury
or death.
3. Turn on conveyor belt for 1 hour, then turn off.

Before installing, servicing, or adjusting the belt cleaner/
tensioner, turn off and lock out/tag out all energy sources to
the conveyor and conveyor accessories according to ANSI
standards. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or
4. Make sure all fasteners are tight. Tighten if necessary.
5. Inspect belt cleaner for the following:
• Wear. (A small amount of “break-in” wear may be found. This will
stop once blades wear to conveyor belt contour.)
• Material buildup. (No material between blades and return side of
conveyor belt should be found.)
6. If wear, material buildup, or some other problem exists, see

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 7 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner

Weekly Maintenance
Weekly Maintenance

Read entire section before beginning work.

Maintenance inspection should be performed no less than
weekly. Some applications may require more frequent
maintenance inspections.

Before installing, servicing, or adjusting the belt cleaner/
tensioner, turn off and lock out/tag out all energy sources to
the conveyor and conveyor accessories according to ANSI
standards. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or
1. Remove any material from belt cleaner.
2. Make sure all fasteners are tight. Tighten if necessary.
3. Check tension on cleaner. Re-tension if necessary.
4. Wipe all labels clean. If labels are not readable, contact Martin
Engineering or a representative for replacements.
5. Check blades for excessive wear. Replace if necessary.
6. Remove equipment from service if there is any indication it is not
functioning properly. Call Martin Engineering or a representative for
assistance. Do NOT return equipment to operation until the cause of the
problem has been identified and corrected.

Failure to remove tools from maintenance area and conveyor
belt before turning on energy source can cause serious injury
to personnel and damage to belt.
7. Remove all tools from maintenance area.

Do not touch or go near conveyor belt or conveyor accessories
when conveyor belt is running. Body or clothing can get
caught and pull body into conveyor belt, causing severe injury
or death.
8. Start conveyor belt.

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 8 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner


Symptom Corrective Action

• Tension of cleaner on belt is set too low or too high. Increase or

Insufficient cleaning and
decrease tensioner setting.
• Blades are worn. Check blades and replace if necessary.

Tension is not sufficient or is set too high. Correct tension as

Noise or vibration. necessary. If this does not correct problem, blade urethane may not
match application. Contact Martin Engineering or representative.

High blade wear rate. Tension of cleaner on belt is set too high. Reduce tensioner setting.

Unusual wear or damage to

Check belt splice(s) and repair as necessary.

Bent or broken mainframe

or support frame due to If blades are worn to or past the wear line, replace blades. If blades
are not worn, check mainframe location.
blade slipping through.

Corrosion or chemical Blade urethane may not match application. Contact Martin
degradation. Engineering or a representative.

Conveyor equipment such as conveyor belt cleaners are subject to a wide variety of bulk materials
characteristics and often have to perform under extreme operating or environmental conditions. It is
not possible to predict all circumstances that may require troubleshooting. Contact Martin
Engineering or a representative if you are experiencing problems other than those listed in the
“Troubleshooting” chart above. Do not return the equipment to operation until the problem has been
identified and corrected.

Installation If after taking the corrective actions suggested under “Troubleshooting” you
checklist are still experiencing problems, check for the following:

Installation Checklist

✓ Pre-Cleaner mainframe is proper distance from belt surface on both ends of mainframe.

✓ Pre-Cleaner blade tip is at or below horizontal center line of pulley and does not lie in path
of material flow.

✓ Blades are centered on belt.

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 9 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers
Part Numbers

This section provides product names and corresponding part numbers for
Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner and related equipment. Please reference
part numbers when ordering parts:

Martin® QC™ Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Mainframe Assembly:

Heavy Duty P/N 36898-XXXXXXXXX. See Figure 3.
Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly less Pipe End Weldments:
P/N 36899-XXXXXXXX. See Figure 4.

Recommended Belts 18 to 48 in. wide:

Tensioners Martin® Twist Tensioner: P/N 38850.
Martin® Twist Tensioner with “L” Bracket: P/N 38850-L.
Martin® Spring Tensioner: P/N 38180

Belts 18 to 54 in. wide:

Martin® Shock (Ring) Mount Air Tensioner: P/N 32745.

Belts 54 to 96 in. wide:

Martin® Twist Dual Tensioners: P/N 38850-2.
Martin® Twist Dual Tensioners with “L” Bracket: P/N 38850-2L.
Martin® Dual Spring Tensioners: P/N 38180-2

Belts 60 to 96 in. wide:

Martin® Dual Shock Mount Air Tensioners: P/N 32745-2R.

Operator’s Martin® Spring and Air Tensioners Operator’s Manual: P/N M3263.
manuals Martin® Twist Tensioner Operator’s Manual: P/N M3837.
Martin® Inspection Door Operator’s Manual: P/N M3891.

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 10 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner


Part Numbers
4 Dim. A
3 1 3

Dim. B

10.16 (214)
(258) 11.36

2.5 (64)

Figure 3. Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly, P/N 36898-XXXXXXXXX

Item Description Part No. Qty.

1 Mainframe Weldment Table III 1
2 Heavy-Duty Blade Table III 1
3 Pipe End Weldment Table III 1
4 Lock Pin Lanyard Assembly 38168 1
5 Pin Slotted Spring 5/16 x 2 ZP 32774 1
6 Nut Hex Jam 1/2 - 13 NC ZP 11771 4
7 Screw SHS 1/2 - 13NC x 1-1/2 SS 33190 4
8 (NS) Label Martin® Products 38048 2
9 (NS) Label Conveyor Products Warning 23395 2
10 (NS) Manual Operator’s M3618 1
11 (NS) Martin® Twist Tensioner Assembly 38850/38850-2 1
12 (NS) Martin® Spring Tensioner Assembly 38180/38180-2 1

NS = Not Shown

Notes: All dimensions are given in inches (mm). All dimensions are for reference only. The first XX indicates belt width.
The third X indicates a blade with (0) or without (1) slits. The next X indicates a blade with (0) or without (1) segments.
The next XX indicates blade coverage. The next XX indicates blade color. The last X indicates Martin® Twist
Tensioner (T), Martin® Spring Tensioner (S), or leave blank for no tensioner.

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 11 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner

Table III. Part Numbers and Dimensions for Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly
Part Numbers

Standard Blade Dim. A Dim. B Item No. 3
Item No. 1 Item No. 2 (lbs.) w/o
Assy. Part No. in. (mm) in. (mm) One Each

36898-18XX12XXT 12 (305) 44 (1118) 36897-18 35381-18 XX 12 30354-01 30354-02 33.1

36898-18XX16XXT 16 (406) 44 (1118) 36897-18 35381-18 XX 16 30354-01 30354-02 35.2

36898-24XX18XXT 18 (457) 50 (1270) 36897-24 35381-24 XX 18 30354-02 30354-02 42.3

36898-24XX22XXT 22 (559) 50 (1270) 36897-24 35381-24 XX 22 30354-02 30354-02 44.4

36898-30XX24XXT 24 (610) 62 (1575) 36897-30 35381-30 XX 24 30354-02 30354-03 53.1

36898-30XX28XXT 28 (711) 62 (1575) 36897-30 35381-30 XX 28 30354-02 30354-03 55.2

36898-36XX30XXT 30 (762) 68 (1727) 36897-36 35381-36 XX 30 30354-02 30354-03 60.5

36898-36XX34XXT 34 (864) 68 (1727) 36897-36 35381-36 XX 34 30354-02 30354-03 62.6

36898-42XX36XXT 36 (914) 74 (1880) 36897-42 35381-42 XX 36 30354-02 30354-03 67.8

36898-42XX40XXT 40 (1016) 74 (1880) 36897-42 35381-42 XX 40 30354-02 30354-03 70.0

36898-48XX36XXT 36 (914) 80 (2032) 36897-42 35381-42 XX 36 30354-03 30354-03 71.3

36898-48XX42XXT 42 (1067) 80 (2032) 36897-48 35381-48 XX 42 30354-02 30354-03 75.2

36898-48XX46XXT 46 (1168) 80 (2032) 36897-48 35381-48 XX 46 30354-02 30354-03 77.3

36898-54XX48XXT 48 (1219) 86 (2184) 36897-54 35381-54 XX 48 30354-02 30354-03 82.5

36898-54XX52XXT 52 (1321) 86 (2184) 36897-54 35381-54 XX 52 30354-02 30354-03 84.6

36898-60XX54XXT 54 (1372) 98 (2489) 36897-60 35381-60 XX 54 30354-03 30354-03 93.3

36898-60XX58XXT 58 (1473) 98 (2489) 36897-60 35381-60 XX 58 30354-03 30354-03 95.5

36898-66XX60XXT 60 (1524) 104 (2642) 36897-66 35381-66 XX 60 30354-03 30354-03 100.7

36898-66XX64XXT 64 (1626) 104 (2642) 36897-66 35381-66 XX 64 30354-03 30354-03 102.8

36898-72XX66XXT 66 (1676) 110 (2794) 36897-72 35381-72 XX 66 30354-03 30354-03 108.1

36898-72XX70XXT 70 (1778) 110 (2794) 36897-72 35381-72 XX 70 30354-03 30354-03 110.1

36898-78XX72XXT 72 (1829) 117 (2972) 36897-78 35381-78 XX 72 30354-06 - 135.1

36898-78XX76XXT 76 (1930) 117 (2972) 36897-78 35381-78 XX 76 30354-06 - 137.2

36898-81XX81XXT 81 (2057) 123 (3124) 36897-81 35381-81 XX 81 30354-04 - 145.0

36898-84XX78XXT 78 (1981) 123 (3124) 36897-84 35381-84 XX 78 30354-04 - 144.2

36898-84XX82XXT 82 (2083) 123 (3124) 36897-84 35381-84 XX 82 30354-04 - 146.3

36898-90XX84XXT 84 (2134) 129 (3277) 36897-90 35381-90 XX 84 30354-15 166.5

36898-96XX90XXT 90 (2286) 135 (3429) 36897-96 35381-96 XX 90 30354-05 - 176.3

36898-96XX94XXT 94 (2388) 135 (3429) 36897-96 35381-96 XX 94 30354-05 - 178.5

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 12 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers
Dim. A

Dim. B

10.16 (214)
(258) 11.36

2.5 (64)

Figure 4. Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly

Less Pipe End Weldments, P/N 36899-XXXXXXXX
Item Description Part No. Qty
1 Mainframe Weldment Table IV 1
2 Heavy-Duty Blade Table IV 1
3 Lock Pin Lanyard Assembly 38168 1
4 Pin Slotted Spring 5/16 x 2 ZP 32774 1
5 Nut Hex Jam 1/2 - 13 NC ZP 11771 4
6 Screw SHS 1/2 - 13NC x 1-1/2 SS 33190 4
7 (NS) Label Martin® Products 38048 2
8 (NS) Label Conveyor Products Warning 23395 2
9 (NS) Manual Operator’s M3618 1

NS = Not Shown

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 13 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner

Table IV. Part Numbers and Dimensions for Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly
Part Numbers

Less Pipe End Weldments

Dim. A Dim. B
Part No. Item No.1 Item No.2 Weight (lbs.)
in. (mm) in. (mm)

36899-18XX12 XX 12 (305) 16 (406) 36897-18 35381-18 XX 12 18.2

36899-18XX16 XX 16 (406) 16 (406) 36897-18 35381-18 XX 16 20.3
36899-24XX18 XX 18 (457) 22 (559) 36897-24 35381-24 XX 18 25.6
36899-24XX22 XX 22 (559) 22 (559) 36897-24 35381-24 XX 22 27.7
36899-30XX24 XX 24 (610) 28 (711) 36897-30 35381-30 XX 24 32.9
36899-30XX28 XX 28 (711) 28 (711) 36897-30 35381-30 XX 28 35.0
36899-36XX30 XX 30 (762) 34 (864) 36897-36 35381-36 XX 30 40.3
36899-36XX34 XX 34 (864) 34 (864) 36897-36 35381-36 XX 34 42.4
36899-42XX36 XX 36 (914) 40 (1016) 36897-42 35381-42 XX 36 47.6
36899-42XX40 XX 40 (1016) 40 (1016) 36897-42 35381-42 XX 40 49.7
36899-48XX42 XX 42 (1067) 46 (1168) 36897-48 35381-48 XX 42 55.0
36899-48XX46 XX 46 (1168) 46 (1168) 36897-48 35381-48 XX 46 59.8
36899-54XX48 XX 48 (1219) 52 (1321) 36897-54 35381-54 XX 48 62.3
36899-54XX52 XX 52 (1321) 52 (1321) 36897-54 35381-54 XX 52 64.4
36899-60XX54 XX 54 (1372) 58 (1473) 36897-60 35381-60 XX 54 69.6
36899-60XX58 XX 58 (1473) 58 (1473) 36897-60 35381-60 XX 58 71.8
36899-66XX60 XX 60 (1524) 64 (1626) 36897-66 35381-66 XX 60 77.1
36899-66XX64 XX 64 (1626) 64 (1626) 36897-66 35381-66 XX 64 79.1
36899-72XX66 XX 66 (1677) 70 (1880) 36897-72 35381-72 XX 66 84.4
36899-72XX70 XX 70 (1880) 70 (1880) 36897-72 35381-72 XX 70 86.5
36899-78XX72 XX 72 (1829) 76 (1930) 36897-78 35381-78 XX 72 91.7
36899-78XX76 XX 76 (1930) 76 (1930) 36897-78 35381-78 XX 76 93.8
36899-84XX78 XX 78 (1981) 82 (2083) 36897-84 35381-84 XX 78 99.1
36899-84XX82 XX 82 (2083) 82 (2083) 36897-84 35381-84 XX 82 101.2
36899-96XX90 XX 90 (2286) 94 (2388) 36897-96 35381-96 XX 90 113.8
36899-96XX94 XX 94 (2388) 94 (2388) 36897-96 35381-96 XX 94 115.9

Notes: All dimensions are given in inches (mm). All dimensions are for reference only. The first XX indicates belt width.
The third X indicates a blade with (0) or without (1) slits. The next X indicates a blade with (0) or without (1) segments.
The next XX indicates blade coverage and the last XX indicates blade color.

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 14 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner

Part Numbers

Lock out and/or tag out all energy sources to

conveyor system and loading system before
performing any work on conveyor or conveyor
accessories. Failure to do so could result in
severe injury or death.

Cierre y/o rotule todas las fuentes de energía al

sistema transportador y al sistema de carga antes
de realizar cualquier trabajo en el transportador
o sus accesorios. El no hacerlo puede resultar
en heridas serias o muerte.
Label P/N 23395

Figure 5. Martin® Conveyor Products Warning Label, P/N 23395

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 15 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner

Appendix A
Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly with
Appendix A

Martin® Twist Dual Tensioner Assembly



Ø 4.00 2.25
(102) (57)

4 x Ø 0.625

Tensioner Chute Wall

Cutout Detail


A. Martin® Twist Dual Tensioner Assembly, P/N 38850-2

B. Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly, P/N 36898-XXXXXXXXX

Martin Engineering M3618-05/12 A-1 Martin® QC™ Heavy Duty Cleaner

Any product, process, or technology described here may be the subject of intellectual property rights reserved by
Martin Engineering Company. Trademarks or service marks designated with the ® symbol are registered with the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office and may be proprietary in one or more countries or regions. Other trademarks and
service marks belonging to Martin Engineering Company in the United States and/or other countries or regions may
be designated with the “TM” and “SM” symbols. Brands, trademarks, and names of other parties, who may or may
not be affiliated with, connected to, or endorsed by Martin Engineering Company, are identified wherever possible.
Additional information regarding Martin Engineering Company’s intellectual property can be obtained at
Martin Engineering USA Subject to change without prior notice.

One Martin Place Quality Management System Certified by DNV - ISO 9001

Neponset, IL 61345-9766 USA

800 544 2947 or 309 852 2384
Fax 800 814 1553

Form No. M3618-05/12 © Martin Engineering Company 1998, 2012

Martin® SQC2S™
Square Mainframe

Operator’s Manual
Observe all safety rules given herein along with owner and Government standards and regulations. Know
and understand lockout/tagout procedures as defined by American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
z244.1-1982, American National Standard for Personnel Protection - Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources -
Minimum Safety Requirements and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Federal
Register, Part IV, 29 CFR Part 1910, Control of Hazardous Energy Source (Lockout/Tagout); Final Rule.

The following symbols may be used in this manual:

Danger: Immediate hazards that will result in severe personal injury or death.

Warning: Hazards or unsafe practices that could result in personal injury.

Caution: Hazards or unsafe practices that could result in product or property damages.

Important: Instructions that must be followed to ensure proper installation/operation of equipment.

Note: General statements to assist the reader.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Section Page
List of Figures and Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Installations without chutework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Belt cleaner inspection access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Before Installing Belt Cleaner and Tensioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Installing Belt Cleaner and Tensioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Tensioner Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Belt Cleaner Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Tensioning Belt Cleaner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
After Installing Belt Cleaner and Tensioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Weekly Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Part Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 i Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners

List of Figures
List of Figures

Figure Title Page

1 Martin SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioner Assembly, P/N 38664 . . . . . 12
2 Conveyor Products Warning Label, P/N 23395 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3 Martin® SQC2S™ Tensioning Label, P/N SQC2-10002. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 ii Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners


General To introduce product back into the product flow, a Pre-Cleaner is installed on
the face of the head pulley. On a dual cleaner system, the Secondary Cleaner
is installed immediately following the Pre-Cleaner to remove stubborn
material left on the conveyor belt. If a Pre-Cleaner cannot be used because of
space limitations, the Secondary Cleaner is installed alone. If the material-
handling process or product could be affected by contamination from the use
of these belt cleaners, the user is responsible for taking the necessary steps to
prevent contamination. Consult Martin Engineering or a representative for
alternate belt cleaners or belt cleaner locations to use where contamination
may be an issue.

Installations These procedures were written for equipment that is being installed on
without chutework enclosed pulley chutework. If the pulley is not enclosed, the equipment should
be installed using the best available field resources and methods to ensure that
the critical dimensions are followed for proper installation.

Belt cleaner If the belt cleaner is installed on enclosed pulley chutework, a Martin®
inspection access Inspection Door should be installed. Martin® Inspection Doors are available
from Martin Engineering or a representative.

References The following documents are referenced in this manual:

• American National Standards Institute (ANSI) z244.1-1982, American
National Standard for Personnel Protection - Lockout/Tagout of Energy
Sources - Minimum Safety Requirements, American National Standards
Institute Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.
• Federal Register, Volume 54, Number 169, Part IV, 29 CFR Part 1910,
Control of Hazardous Energy Source (Lockout/Tagout); Final Rule,
Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), 32nd Floor, Room 3244, 230 South Dearborn Street,
Chicago, IL 60604.
• Martin® SAF2™ Heavy Duty & Martin® SQC2S™ Heavy Duty Max
Cleaners Operator’s Manual, P/N M3820
• Martin® H2O Cleaner Operator’s Manual, P/N M3825

Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 1 Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners

Safety All safety rules defined in the above documents and all owner/employer safety
rules must be strictly followed when working on the belt cleaner.

Do not touch or go near the conveyor belt or conveyor
accessories when the belt is running. Your body or clothing
can get caught and you can be pulled into the conveyor,
resulting in severe injury or death.

Before installing, servicing, or adjusting the belt cleaner, turn
off and lock out/tag out all energy sources to the conveyor and
conveyor accessories according to ANSI standards. Failure to
do so could result in serious injury or death.

If this equipment will be installed in an enclosed area, test the
gas level or dust content before using a cutting torch or
welding. Using a torch or welding in an area with gas or dust
may cause an explosion resulting in serious injury or death.

Before using a cutting torch or welding the chute wall, cover
the conveyor belt with a fire retardant cover. Failure to do so
can allow the belt to catch fire.

Remove all tools from the installation area and conveyor belt
before turning on the conveyor. Failure to do so can cause
serious injury to personnel or damage to the belt and

Mainframe with blade can be heavy and may require two
people to lift. Attempting to lift the belt cleaner without
assistance could result in injury.

Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 2 Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners

Before Installing Belt Cleaner and Tensioner

Before Installation
The delivery service is responsible for damage occurring in
transit. Martin Engineering CANNOT enter claims for
damages. Contact your transportation agent for more
1. Inspect shipping container for damage. Report damage to delivery service
immediately and fill out delivery service’s claim form. Keep any damaged
goods subject to examination.
2. Remove tensioner assembly from shipping container.
3. If anything is missing contact Martin Engineering or a representative.

Before installing equipment, turn off and lock out/ tag out all
energy sources to the conveyor and conveyor accessories
according to ANSI standards. Failure to do so could result in
serious injury or death.
4. Turn off and lock out/tag out energy source according to ANSI standards
(see “References”).

If this equipment will be installed in an enclosed area, test the
gas level or dust content before using a cutting torch or
welding. Using a torch or welding in an area with gas or dust
may cause an explosion resulting in serious injury or death.
5. If using a cutting torch or welding, test atmosphere for gas level or dust
content. Cover conveyor belt with fire retardant cover.

Center the belt cleaner blades to clean an area narrower than
the conveyor belt width. This allows for side-to-side
movement of the belt and prevents damage to the belt edge.

The chute wall that the tensioner will be located on is referred
to as the “operator side.” The other side of the chute is
referred to as the “far side.” (If installing dual tensioners, side
that is most accessible is “operator side.”)
6. Determine which side of chute is easiest to access. Locate the tensioner
on the most accessible chute wall.

Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 3 Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners

Installing Belt Cleaner and Tensioner



1. Locate, mark, and cut cleaner access slots and mount holes according to
appropriate belt cleaner operator’s manual (See “References”).
2. Mount bracket (A) to the chute wall using cap screws, washers, and
nuts (B).
3. For belt cleaners using Martin® SAF2™ style blades, rotate tensioner
bracket up to 10° as shown in operator’s manual, P/N M3820.
4. Remove cap screw (C) and nut (D) from tensioner.
5. Repeat steps 2–4 for tensioner bracket on opposite chute wall.

Belt Cleaner

1. Remove blade cartridge according to appropriate belt cleaner operator’s

2. Slide mainframe (F) through chute wall cutouts and into position on
tensioners. Make sure roll pin (G) is located on farside of mainframe and
lanyard for pin (E) is on operator side of mainframe.

Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 4 Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners


3. Rotate hinge clamp (H) into position and install cap screw (C) and
nut (D). Hand tighten nut.
4. Repeat step 3 on farside tensioner.


5. Install blade cartridge according to appropriate belt cleaner operator’s

6. Center blade on belt.

7. Tighten nut (D) and set screw (K).

Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 5 Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners

Tensioning Belt
1. Tension belt cleaner according to blade type used.
Cleaner a. For cleaners with rubber buffer:
(1) Turn hex nut on threaded rod until blade cartridge makes contact
evenly across the belt.
(2) Once all blades contact, turn 1/2 to 1 full turn.
b. For cleaners with urethane buffers:
(1) Turn hex nut on threaded rod until blade cartridge makes contact
evenly across the belt.
(2) Once all blades contact, turn 2 full turns.

2. Align holes on threaded rod (N) with holes in top bushing (L) and insert
pin (M).

Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 6 Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners

After Installation
After Installing Belt Cleaner and Tensioner

1. Thoroughly wipe chute wall clean above tensioner.

2. Place Conveyor Products Warning Label (P/N 23395) on outside chute
wall visible to belt cleaner operator.

Failure to remove tools from installation area and conveyor
belt before turning on energy source can cause serious injury
to personnel and damage to belt.

Do not touch or go near conveyor belt or conveyor accessories
when conveyor belt is running. Body or clothing can get
caught and pull body into conveyor belt, causing severe injury
or death.
3. Turn on conveyor belt for 1 hour, then turn off.

Before installing, servicing, or adjusting the belt cleaner/
tensioner, turn off and lock out/tag out all energy sources to
the conveyor and conveyor accessories according to ANSI
standards. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or
4. Make sure all fasteners are tight. Tighten if necessary.
5. Make sure cleaner is not changing belt line. If it is, install belt support
ahead of blade-to-belt contact point (Secondary Cleaner).
6. Inspect belt cleaner for the following:
• Wear. (A small amount of “break-in” wear may be found. This will
stop once blades wear to conveyor belt contour.)
• Material buildup. (No material between blades and return side of
conveyor belt should be found.)
7. If wear, material buildup, or some other problem exists, see

Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 7 Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners

Weekly Maintenance
Weekly Maintenance

Read entire section before beginning work.

Maintenance inspection should be performed no less than
weekly. Some applications may require more frequent
maintenance inspections.

Before installing, servicing, or adjusting the belt cleaner/
tensioner, turn off and lock out/tag out all energy sources to
the conveyor and conveyor accessories according to ANSI
standards. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or
1. Remove any material from belt cleaner.
2. Make sure all fasteners are tight. Tighten if necessary.
3. Check tension on cleaner. Re-tension if necessary.
4. Wipe all labels clean. If labels are not readable, contact Martin
Engineering or a representative for replacements.
5. Check blades for excessive wear. Replace if necessary.
6. Remove equipment from service if there is any indication it is not
functioning properly. Call Martin Engineering or a representative for
assistance. Do NOT return equipment to operation until the cause of the
problem has been identified and corrected.

Failure to remove tools from installation area and conveyor
belt before turning on energy source can cause serious injury
to personnel and damage to belt.
7. Remove all tools from maintenance area.

Do not touch or go near conveyor belt or conveyor accessories
when conveyor belt is running. Body or clothing can get
caught and pull body into conveyor belt, causing severe injury
or death.
8. Start conveyor belt.

Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 8 Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners


Symptom Corrective Action

• Tension of cleaner on belt is set too low or too high. Increase or

Insufficient cleaning and
decrease tensioner setting.
• Blades are worn. Check blades and replace if necessary.

Tension is not sufficient or is set too high. Correct tension as

Noise or vibration. necessary. If this does not correct problem, blade urethane may not
match application. Contact Martin Engineering or representative.

High blade wear rate. Tension of cleaner on belt is set too high. Reduce tensioner setting.

Unusual wear or damage to

Check belt splice(s) and repair as necessary.

Bent or broken mainframe

or support frame due to If blades are worn to or past the wear line, replace blades. If blades
are not worn, check mainframe location.
blade slipping through.

Corrosion or chemical Blade urethane may not match application. Contact Martin
degradation. Engineering or representative.

Conveyor equipment such as conveyor belt cleaners are subject to a wide variety of bulk materials
characteristics and often have to perform under extreme operating or environmental conditions. It is
not possible to predict all circumstances that may require troubleshooting. Contact Martin
Engineering or a representative if you are experiencing problems other than those listed in the
“Troubleshooting” chart above. Do not return the equipment to operation until the problem has been
identified and corrected.

Installation If after taking the corrective actions suggested under “Troubleshooting” you
checklist are still experiencing problems, check for the following:

Installation Checklist

✓ Pre-Cleaner mainframe is proper distance from belt surface on both ends of mainframe.

✓ Pre-Cleaner blade tip is at or below horizontal center line of pulley and does not lie in path
of material flow.

✓ Secondary Cleaner blade tip is 2 in. (51 mm) past vertical center line of pulley.

✓ Secondary Cleaner is not changing belt line.

✓ Blades are centered on belt.

Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 9 Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners

Part Numbers

Part Numbers
Martin® SQC2S™ Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners: P/N 38664.
Square See Figure 1.

Martin® Belt Martin® SQC2S™ Heavy Duty Max Cleaner Assembly:


Martin® SAF2™ Heavy Duty Cleaner Assembly:


Martin® SQC2S™ Heavy Duty Max Cleaner Assembly with

Mini Martin® SQC2S™ Syle Blades: P/N SQC2MS-XXXXXXXXXX.

Martin® H2O Cleaner Assembly: P/N H2O4000S-XXXX.

Miscellaneous Martin® Heavy-Duty Hanger Mount Assembly: P/N 34233-HD. Used to

mount Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners onto stringer instead
of onto chute wall.

Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 11 Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners

Part Numbers



4 1
11 10



3 2

Figure 1. Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioner Assembly, P/N 38664

Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 12 Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners

Part Numbers
Item Description Part Number Qty

1 Mount Bracket Weldment 35672 2

2 Bottom Bushing 35674 2

3 Tensioning Rod 35682 2

4 Top Bushing 35683-C 2

5 Tensioner Arm Assembly 38663 2

6 Pin Wire Lock 1/4 x 2.25 ZP 35685 2

7 Hinge Clamp Weldment 38661 2

8 Pin Clevis 3/8 x 2-1/2 ZP 35687 2

9 Pin Cotter 1/8 x 3/4 SS 31297 2

10 Screw HHC 1/2-13NC x 1-1/2 ZP 11763 2

11 Nut Hex Elastic Lock 1/2-13NC ZP 18577 2

12 Screw SHS 1/2-13NC x 1 SS 22763-03 2

13 Fitting Grease 1/8-27 NPT 38584 2

14 Pivot Block Insert 35684 2

15 (NS) Mounting Hardware 35283 1

16 (NS) Label Conveyor Products Warning 23395 2

17 Label Martin Products 32238 2

18 Label Tensioning SQC2-10002 4

19 (NS) Operator’s Manual M3815 1

Figure 1. Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioner Assembly, P/N 38664

Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 13 Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners

Part Numbers


Lock out and/or tag out all energy sources to

conveyor system and loading system before
performing any work on conveyor or conveyor
accessories. Failure to do so could result in
severe injury or death.

Cierre y/o rotule todas las fuentes de energía al

sistema transportador y al sistema de carga antes
de realizar cualquier trabajo en el transportador
o sus accesorios. El no hacerlo puede resultar
en heridas serias o muerte.
Label P/N 23395

Figure 2. Conveyor Products Warning Label, P/N 23395

Recommended Tension for

Martin® SQC2S™ Belt Cleaner

Figure 3. Martin® SQC2S™ Tensioning Label, P/N SQC2-10002

Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 14 Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners


Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioner Assembly Dimensions



4.50 10.28
(114) (261)


Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 A-1 Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners


Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioner Arm Height Adjustment



Martin Engineering M3815-05/12 A-2 Martin® SQC2S™ Square Mainframe Tensioners

Any product, process, or technology described here may be the subject of intellectual property rights reserved by
Martin Engineering Company. Trademarks or service marks designated with the ® symbol are registered with the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office and may be proprietary in one or more countries or regions. Other trademarks and
service marks belonging to Martin Engineering Company in the United States and/or other countries or regions may
be designated with the “TM” and “SM” symbols. Brands, trademarks, and names of other parties, who may or may
not be affiliated with, connected to, or endorsed by Martin Engineering Company, are identified wherever possible.
Additional information regarding Martin Engineering Company’s intellectual property can be obtained at
Martin Engineering USA Subject to change without prior notice.

One Martin Place Quality Management System Certified by DNV - ISO 9001

Neponset, IL 61345-9766 USA

800 544 2947 or 309 852 2384
Fax 800 814 1553

Form No. M3815-05/12 © Martin Engineering Company 2010, 2012

Martin® V-Plow
Heavy Duty
Go to Martin® V-Plow - Heavy-Duty web page

Operator’s Manual
Observe all safety rules given herein along with owner and Government standards and regulations. Know
and understand lockout/tagout procedures as defined by American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
z244.1-1982, American National Standard for Personnel Protection - Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources -
Minimum Safety Requirements and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Federal
Register, Part IV, 29 CFR Part 1910, Control of Hazardous Energy Source (Lockout/Tagout); Final Rule.

The following symbols may be used in this manual:

Danger: Immediate hazards that will result in severe personal injury or death.

Warning: Hazards or unsafe practices that could result in personal injury.

Caution: Hazards or unsafe practices that could result in product or property damages.

Important: Instructions that must be followed to ensure proper installation/operation of equipment.

Note: General statements to assist the reader.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents

Section Page
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Materials required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Before Installing V-Plow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Installing V-Plow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
After Installing V-Plow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Monthly Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Part Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 i Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

List of Figures/Tables

List of Figures
Figure Title Page
1 Locating Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty on Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Hanger Bar Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Distance Between Hanger Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Installing Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Assembly, P/N 31106-XXXX
(18 - 48-in. [400 - 1400-mm] belts) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
6 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Assembly, P/N 31106-XXXX
(54 - 96-in. [1400 - 2400-mm] belts) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
7 Conveyor Products Warning Label, P/N 23395 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
8 Flying Objects Warning Label, P/N 38227. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

List of Tables
Table Title Page
I Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
II Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Hanger Bar Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
III Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Item Quantities and Part Numbers . . . . . . . . 11
IV Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Blade Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
V Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Item Quantities and Part Numbers . . . . . . . . 13
VI Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Blade Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
VII Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Urethane Blade Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
VIII Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Hanger Pivot Arm Part Numbers. . . . . . . . . . 14

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 ii Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty


General The Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty floats on the inside surface of a conveyor
belt to effectively remove stray material in light- to moderate-duty
applications. The self-adjusting design provides effective cleaning in all states
of blade wear.
The Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty fits belts from 18 to 96 in. (400 to
2400 mm) wide. Specifications are shown in Table I.
Table I. Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Specifications
Cleaning Edge Material 80-Durometer Rubber
90-Durometer Urethane
Blade Dimensions 1 x 4 in.
(25 x 102 mm)
Operating Temperature -20 to 160°F
(-29 to 71°C)

References The following documents are referenced in this manual:

• American National Standards Institute (ANSI) z244.1-1982, American
National Standard for Personnel Protection - Lockout/Tagout of Energy
Sources - Minimum Safety Requirements, American National Standards
Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.
• Federal Register, Volume 54, Number 169, Part IV, 29 CFR Part 1910,
Control of Hazardous Energy Source (Lockout/Tagout); Final Rule,
Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), 32nd Floor, Room 3244, 230 South Dearborn Street,
Chicago, IL 60604.

Safety All safety rules defined in the above documents and all owner/employer safety
rules must be strictly followed when working on the Martin® V-Plow.

Materials required Only standard hand tools are needed to install this equipment.

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 1 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

Before Installing V-Plow
Before Installation

Read entire section before beginning work.
1. Inspect the shipping container for damage. Report damage to the delivery
service. Fill out the damage report and return it to Martin Engineering.
2. Remove the Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty from the shipping container.
Equipment in the container should include the following:
• Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Assembly.
• Conveyor Products Warning Label, P/N 23395.
• Flying Objects Warning Label, P/N 38227.
• Warranty card.
• Damage report.
3. If anything is missing or damaged, contact Martin Engineering or
representative. Fill out the warranty card and return it to Martin

Before installing equipment, turn off and lock out/tag out
energy source to conveyor and conveyor accessories.
4. Turn off and lock out/tag out energy source according to ANSI standards
(see “References”).

If equipment will be installed in an enclosed area, test gas level
or dust content before using a cutting torch or welding. Using
a cutting torch or welding in an area with gas or dust may
cause an explosion.
5. If using a cutting torch or welding, test the atmosphere for gas level or
dust content. Cover the conveyor belt with a fire-retardant cover.

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 2 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

Installing V-Plow

Read entire section before beginning work.

Position v-plow blade according to chart in Figure 1.
Minimum distance is to ensure safety cables will keep
v-plow from damaging tail pulley or conveyor belt if mount
brackets fail.
1. Place the Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty blade (A, Figure 1) on the return
side of the belt before the tail pulley (B), with the “V” pointing away from
the tail pulley. Position according to chart in Figure 1.

Minimum Distance for V-Plow Location

Belt Width Dim. X Belt Width Dim. X Belt Width Dim. X
in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
18 (400-500) 24 (610) 48 (1200-1400) 60 (1524) 78 (1800-2000) 84 (2134)
24 (500-650) 24 (610) 54 (1400-1600) 60 (1524) 84 (2000-2200) 96 (2438)
30 (650-800) 36 (914) 60 (1600-1800) 72 (1829) 96 (2200-2400) 108 (2743)
36 (800-1000) 36 (914) 66 (1600-1800) 72 (1829)
42 (1000-1200) 48 (1219) 72 (1800-2000) 84 (2134)

Dim. X B
A. V-Plow blade
B. Tail pulley C
C. Hanger bars A
D. Stringer
E. Steel plate
F. Mounting flange (4)
G. Hanger pivot arm
H. Mounting hub (4) E
J. Square head set screw (4) F



Figure 1. Locating Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty on Belt

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 3 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

2. Locate the hanger bars according to Table II and Figure 2. Mark the
location of the hanger bars on the stringers.
3. Determine how to mount the hanger bars:
a. If the stringers are too low to accommodate the hanger bars in the
proper position, bolt or weld four 1/2-in. (13-mm) thick steel
plates to the top of the stringers.
b. If the stringers are high enough to accommodate the hanger bars in the
proper position, mount the mounting flanges for hanger bars directly
onto the stringers.
Table II. Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Hanger Bar Locations—in. (mm)
(Refer to Figure 2.)
Hanger If arm length is A, locate hanger bar
Pivot Arm between B and C
Part No. A B (min.) C (max.)
31131* 2.12 (54) 6.50 (165) 7.25 (184)
31131-01* 5.37 (136) 9.75 (248) 10.50 (267)
31131-02 8.37 (213) 12.75 (324) 13.50 (343)
31131-03 12.50 (318) 16.88 (429) 17.63 (448)
31131-04 7.38 (187) 11.75 (298) 12.50 (318)
31131-05 5.75 (146) 10.13 (257) 10.88 (276)
31131-06 6.88 (175) 11.25 (286) 12.00 (305)
31131-07 9.88 (251) 14.25 (362) 15.00 (381)
*For full wear with clearance between metal frame and belt,
locate at B (min.).

Locate hanger bars

in this area

Figure 2. Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Hanger Bar Locations

(Refer to Table II.)

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 4 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

Dim. A
Part Number
31106-18XX 3.13 (79)
31106-24XX 6.50 (165) Dim. A
31106-30XX 8.00 (203)
31106-36XX 11.00 (279)
31106-42XX 14.00 (356)
31106-48XX 17.00 (432)
31106-54XX 20.00 (508)
31106-60XX 23.00 (584)
31106-72XX 29.00 (737)
31106-84XX 35.00 (889)
31106-96XX 41.00 (1041)

Figure 3. Distance Between Hanger Bars

4. Use a mounting flange as a template to mark the location of mounting

holes on the stringers or steel plates on both sides of the belt for each
hanger bar.

For easier maintenance, Martin Engineering recommends
bolting rather than welding mounting flanges to stringers or
steel plates.
5. Bolt or weld the mounting flanges to the stringers or steel plates
as follows:
a. If bolting the mounting plates to stringers or steel plates, do the
(1) Drill or cut four 2-1/2-in. (63-mm) holes for the two hanger bars.
(2) Drill or cut four 9/16-in. (14-mm) holes for the mounting screws
for each mounting flange.
(3) Remove burrs and sharp edges.
(4) Install each mounting flange onto the stringer or steel plate with
four hex head cap screws, flat washers, compression washers, and
hex nuts.
b. If welding the mounting plates to stringers or steel plates, do the
(1) Drill or cut four 2-1/2-in. (63-mm) holes for the two hanger bars.
(2) Position each mounting flange onto the stringer or steel plate.
(3) Weld each mounting flange onto the stringer or steel plate. Make
a continuous weld around the entire mounting flange.

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 5 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty


A. Clevis pin (6)

B. Cotter pin (6)
C. Restraining cable D
D. Frame weldment
E. Square head set screw
F. C-clamp


Figure 4. Installing Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

6. Insert the hanger bars (C, Figure 1) through the mounting holes. Attach
each hanger pivot arm (G) to the hanger bar with a clevis pin
(A, Figure 4) and cotter pin (B).
7. Center the blade on the belt. Slide a mounting hub (H, Figure 1) onto both
ends of each hanger bar, and up against the mounting flanges. Tighten the
two set screws (J) in each mounting hub.

Restraining cables must be installed to prevent the plow from
being carried into the pulley if the mount brackets should fail.
Failure to install restraining cables could severely damage the
plow, pulley, and belt. Do not install restraining cables on
stringers that are between the plow and tail pulley.
8. Attach a restraining cable (C, Figure 4) to the conveyor stringers far
enough from the tail pulley. Make sure v-plow is located according to
chart in Figure 1. Leave no more than 2 in. (51 mm) of slack in cable.

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 6 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

After Installation
After Installing V-Plow

Read entire section before beginning work.
1. Thoroughly wipe the outside chute wall clean above the v-plow on the
operator side of the chute. Place a Conveyor Products Warning Label
(P/N 23395) and a Flying Objects Warning Label (P/N 38227) on the
chute wall visible to the belt operator.

Failure to remove tools from installation area and conveyor
belt before turning on energy source can cause serious injury
to personnel and damage to belt.
2. Remove all tools and the fire-retardant cover from the installation area
and conveyor belt.

Do not touch or go near conveyor belt or conveyor accessories
when conveyor belt is running. Body or clothing can get
caught and pull body into conveyor belt, causing severe injury
or death.
3. Turn on the conveyor belt for 1 hour.

Before adjusting belt cleaner, turn off and lock out/tag out
energy source to conveyor belt and conveyor accessories.
4. After 1 hour of operation, turn off and lock out/tag out energy source
according to ANSI standards (see “References”).
5. Make sure all fasteners are tight. Tighten if necessary.
6. Inspect the V-Plow for wear. (A small amount of “break-in” wear may be
found. This will stop once the blade wears to the conveyor belt contour.)
7. Make sure the plow is pushing material off the edge of the belt efficiently,
leaving minimal material on the belt.
8. Repeat step 2.

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 7 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

Monthly Maintenance

Read entire section before beginning work.

Before servicing v-plow, turn off and lock out/tag out energy
source to conveyor belt and conveyor accessories.
1. Turn off and lock out/tag out energy source according to ANSI standards
(see “References”).
2. Make sure all fasteners are tight. Tighten if necessary.
3. Check the cleaning edge for wear. If it is worn almost to the frame
weldment (D, Figure 4), replace as follows:
a. Remove the square head set screws (E) and C-clamps (F) holding the
cleaning edge against the frame weldment.
b. Remove the old cleaning edge.
c. Install a new cleaning edge and secure with C-clamps and square head
set screws.
4. Check the restraining cable for wear. Make sure the cable is securely
attached to the stringers.
5. Wipe all labels clean. If the labels are not readable, contact Martin
Engineering or your representative for replacements.

Failure to remove tools from installation area and conveyor
belt before turning on energy source can cause serious injury
to personnel and damage to belt.
6. Remove all tools from the maintenance area.

Do not touch or go near conveyor belt or conveyor accessories
when conveyor belt is running. Body or clothing can get
caught and pull body into conveyor belt, causing severe injury
or death.
7. Start the conveyor belt.

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 8 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

Part Numbers

Part Numbers
This section provides product names and corresponding part numbers for the
Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty and related equipment. Please reference the part
numbers when ordering parts.

Martin® V-Plow - For belts 18 to 48 in. wide: P/N 31106-XXXX. See Figure 5.
Heavy Duty For belts 54 to 96 in. wide: P/N 31106-XXXX. See Figure 6.

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 9 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

Part Numbers

4 9

1 16


Item Description Part No. Qty

1 Frame Weldment 31135-XX 1
2 Blade Urethane Table VII Table IV
3 Blade 800 Nitrile Rubber 100066 Table IV
4 C-Clamp 31132 Table III
5 Screw SHS 1/2-13NC x 1 22763-03 Table III
6 Pin Cotter 16578 6
7 Pin Clevis 29066 6
8 Bar Front Hanger 31136-XX 1
9 Bar Back Hanger 31133-XX 1
10 Hub Mounting 16845 4
11 Clip Cable 23481 4
12 Arm Hanger Pivot Table VIII 6
13 Lanyard 100107 Table III
14 (NS) Conveyor Products Warning Label 23395 2
15 (NS) Operator’s Manual M3201 1
16 (NS) Flange Mounting Table III 4
17 (NS) Mounting Hardware Kit Table III 1
18 (NS) Martin Products Label 32238 2
19 (NS) Flying Objects Warning Label 38227 2

Figure 5. Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Assembly, P/N 31106-XXXX*

(18 - 48-in. [400 - 1400-mm] belts)
*First XX indicates belt width (18 through 48 in.); third X indicates urethane or rubber blade; fourth X indicates special pivot arm
heights (blank indicates standard height); last XX indicates material for urethane blades. **XX indicates belt width in inches.

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 10 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

Table III. Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Item Quantities and Part Numbers

Part Numbers
Assembly Items 4 & 5 Item 13 Item 8 Item 16 Item 17
Part No. Qty Qty Part No. Part No. Part No.
31106-18XXXX 4 5’ 0” 31136-24 30208 38735-1
31106-24XXXX 4 5’ 0” 31136-24 16628 38735
31106-30XXXX 6 5’ 8” 31136-36 16628 38735
31106-36XXXX 6 5’ 8” 31136-36 16628 38735
31106-42XXXX 8 6’ 10” 31136-48 16628 38735
31106-48XXXX 8 6’ 10” 31136-48 16628 38735

Table IV. Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Blade Quantities

Assembly Item 2 Item 3
Part No. Qty Qty
31106-18RX 0 2.25
31106-18UXXX 1 0
31106-24RX 0 2.96
31106-24UXXX 1 0
31106-30RX 0 3.67
31106-30UXXX 1 0
31106-36RX 0 4.37
31106-36UXXX 1 0
31106-42RX 0 5.08
31106-42UXXX 1 0
31106-48RX 0 5.79
31106-48UXXX 1 0

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 11 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

5 6 7
Part Numbers

4 11
13 16
17 9
8 18



Item Description Part No. Qty

1 Frame Weldment 31135-XX 1
2 Blade Urethane Table VII Table VI
3 Blade 800 Nitrile Rubber 100066 Table VI
4 C-Clamp 31132 Table V
5 Screw SHS 1/2-13NC x 1 22763-03 Table V
6 Pin Cotter 16578 6
7 Pin Clevis 29066 6
8 Bar Front Hanger 31136-XX 1
9 Bar Back Hanger 31133-XX 1
10 Hub Mounting 16845 4
11 Clip Cable 23481 4
12 Arm Hanger Pivot Table VIII 6
13 Lanyard 100107 Table V
14 Weight 5 lbs Stackable 28817 Table V
15 Screw HHC 1/2-13NC Table V 2
16 Nut Hex 1/2-13NC 11771 2
17 Washer Compression 1/2 11750 2
18 Washer Flat 1/2 31010 2
19 (NS) Conveyor Products Warning Label 23395 2
20 (NS) Operator’s Manual M3201 1
21 (NS) Flange Mounting 16628 4
22 (NS) Mounting Hardware Kit 38735 1
23 (NS) Martin Products Label 32238 2
24 (NS) Flying Objects Warning Label 38227 2

Figure 6. Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Assembly, P/N 31106-XXXXXX*

(54 - 96-in. [1400 - 2400-mm] belts)
*First XX indicates belt width (54 through 96 in.); third X indicates urethane or rubber blade; fourth X indicates special pivot arm
heights (blank indicates standard height); last XX indicates material for urethane blades. **XX indicates belt width in inches.

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 12 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

Table V. Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Item Quantities and Part Numbers

Part Numbers
Assembly Items 4 & 5 Item 13 Item 8 Item 17
Part No. Qty Qty Part No. Part No.
31106-54XXXX 10 8’ 0” 31136-60 30224
31106-60XXXX 10 8’ 0” 31136-60 30224
31106-66XXXX 12 9’ 2” 31136-72 30224
31106-72XXXX 12 9’ 2” 31136-72 30224
31106-78XXXX 14 9’ 7” 31136-84 M921
31106-84XXXX 14 9’ 7” 31136-84 M921
31106-96XXXX 16 10’ 10” 31136-96 M921

Table VI. Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Blade Quantities

Assembly Item 2 Item 3
Part No. Qty Qty
31106-54RX 0 6.50
31106-54UXXX 1 0
31106-60RX 0 7.21
31106-60UXXX 1 0
31106-66RX 0 7.92
31106-66UXXX 1 0
31106-72RX 0 8.62
31106-72UXXX 1 0
31106-78RX 0 9.33
31106-78UXXX 1 0
31106-84RX 0 10.04
31106-84UXXX 1 0
31106-96RX 0 11.46
31106-96UXXX 1 0

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 13 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

Part Numbers
Table VII. Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Urethane Blade Chart
Assembly Item 2 Blade Blade
Part No. Part No. Material Color
31106-XXXX 31134-XXU 90 Durometer Orange
31106-XXUXGR 31134-XXUGR 95 Durometer Green
31106-XXUXBL 31134-XXUBL 85 Durometer Blue
31106-XXUXBR 31134-XXUBR 85 Durometer Brown

Table VIII. Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty Hanger Pivot Arm Part Numbers
Assembly Pivot Arm Pivot Arm Length
Part No. Part No. in (mm)
31106-XXX 31131 3.63 (92)
31106-XXX1 31131-01 6.88 (175)
31106-XXX2 31131-02 9.88 (251)
31106-XXX3 31131-03 14.00 (356)
31106-XXX4 31131-04 8.88 (225)
31106-XXX5 31131-05 7.00 (179)
31106-XXX6 31131-06 8.13 (201)
31106-XXX7 31131-07 11.13 (283)

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 14 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

Part Numbers

Lock out and/or tag out all energy sources to

conveyor system and loading system before
performing any work on conveyor or conveyor
accessories. Failure to do so could result in
severe injury or death.
Cierre y/o rotule todas las fuentes de energía al
sistema transportador y al sistema de carga antes
de realizar cualquier trabajo sobre el transportador
o sobre los accesorios del transportador. Si no
se procede asi, puede resultar en heridas serias
o muerte.
Label P/N 23395

Figure 7. Conveyor Products Warning Label, P/N 23395

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 15 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

Part Numbers

Figure 8. Flying Objects Warning Label, P/N 38227

Martin Engineering M3201-05/12 16 Martin® V-Plow - Heavy Duty

Any product, process, or technology described here may be the subject of intellectual property rights reserved by
Martin Engineering Company. Trademarks or service marks designated with the ® symbol are registered with the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office and may be proprietary in one or more countries or regions. Other trademarks and
service marks belonging to Martin Engineering Company in the United States and/or other countries or regions may
be designated with the “TM” and “SM” symbols. Brands, trademarks, and names of other parties, who may or may
not be affiliated with, connected to, or endorsed by Martin Engineering Company, are identified wherever possible.
Additional information regarding Martin Engineering Company’s intellectual property can be obtained at
Martin Engineering USA Subject to change without prior notice.

One Martin Place Quality Management System Certified by DNV - ISO 9001

Neponset, IL 61345-9766 USA

800 544 2947 or 309 852 2384
Fax 800 814 1553

Form No. M3201-05/12 © Martin Engineering Company 1998, 2012

Cleaners Documentation – End
Motors Documentation – Start
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Belt Feeder Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center ##########
PO No. 61257-06A Title: Siemens Motors for Feeders Rev 0

Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination

Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

Siemens 40 HP, 364TC Frame, Low Voltage Nema Motor

TEFC VFD Inverter Duty (Constant Torque Ratio 4:1),
Premium Efficient, Severe Duty, Continuous Duty,
Corrosion Resistant, Dual Rotation, INPRO Seals, Squirrel
3300-FE-001 Cage induction motor, 1.0 Service factor with VFD, Class F
1 3300-FE-002 3 N/A Insulation w/ Class B-rise at 1.15 Service Factor. 0 ea March 7, 2012 Site
3300-FE-003 Motor: 1500 RPM, 380 V, 50Hz, 3 ph
Bearing L10 life: 50,000 hours
F2 Terminal Box Location
NEMA 4 Terminal Box
Space Heater: 115V/50 Hz/1 Ph, auxiliary terminal box

Siemens 20 HP, 364TC Frame, Low Voltage Nema Motor

TEFC VFD Inverter Duty (Constant Torque Ratio 4:1),
Premium Efficient, Severe Duty, Continuous Duty,
Corrosion Resistant, Dual Rotation, INPRO Seals, Squirrel
Cage induction motor, 1.0 Service factor with VFD, Class F
2 2 N/A I
l ti w// Cl
Class B
i att 11.15
15 S
i F Factor.
t 0 ea M h7
March 7, 2012 Sit
Motor: 1500 RPM, 380 V, 50Hz, 3 ph
Bearing L10 life: 50,000 hours
F2 Terminal Box Location
NEMA 4 Terminal Box
Space Heater: 115V/50 Hz/1 Ph, auxiliary terminal box

3 Export Packaging Required-Crating 0 Lot


Page 1 of 1
Rodamientos inferiores – Los rodamientos inferiores son
lubricados con grasa en fábrica para cumplir por lo menos con tres
meses de operación. El procedimiento de lubricación es el mismo
mencionado arriba como “Lubricación de rodamientos”, es
importante mantener la cavidad inferior llena de grasa todo el tiempo.
Installation - Operation – Maintenance
El código AFBMA (Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association), Instalación – Operación - Mantenimiento
necesario para un correcto reemplazo de los rodamientos, esta dado
en la placa del motor.

PINTURA ADICIONAL Instructions / Instrucciones

Para mayor información para la aplicación de pintura adicional, Horizontal and vertical induction motors
favor de contactar a la fábrica.
Motores de inducción verticales y horizontales
Para la acción inmediata sobre los problemas de su motor llame al
centro de reparaciones certificado o póngase en contacto con la
oficina de Siemens más cercana.

 All types / Todos los tipos

 All enclosures / Todos los armazones
 Polyphase / Polifásico

Induction Motors
24 143-449 Frame 1 NMIM-00300-0406 c)
Voltajes peligrosos y piezas móviles a
alta velocidad pueden causar muerte,
serias lesiones o daños materiales.
No intente limpiar el motor mientras este
DANGER funcionando.
Detenga el motor y bloqueé el interruptor
Hazardous voltages and high-speed
antes de limpiarlo.
moving parts.
Will cause death, serious injury or
property damage.
Always de-energize and ground the
equipment before maintenance. Read and El exterior del motor debe mantenerse libre de aceite, polvo,
understand this instruction manual before suciedad, agua y agentes químicos. Para motores autoventilados es
using equipment. muy importante mantener la entrada de aire libre de cuerpos
Maintenance should be performed only by extraños. No bloqueé la entrada o salida de aire.
qualified personnel. Use only Siemens
parts in the repair of the equipment. Do not Humedad – En motores TCVE (excluyendo los motores a prueba de
allow tampering with the equipment. Follow explosión) un tapón removible en la parte baja de la carcasa permite
all safety instructions contained herein. el drene de humedad acumulada. Drenar regularmente.


The information contained herein is general in nature and not
Rodamientos superiores – Las altas cargas axiales que se generan
intended for specific application purposes. It does not relieve the user
en los motores verticales, son soportadas principalmente por los
of responsibility to use sound practices in application, installation,
rodamientos superiores. Si el remplazo de estos es necesario, los
operation, and maintenance of the equipment purchased. Siemens
nuevos rodamientos deben ser del mismo tamaño y tipo que los
reserves the right to make changes in the specifications shown
originales. Los rodamientos dobles emparejados, también deben ser
herein or to make improvements at any time without notice or
del mismo tipo y se deben montar de manera idéntica. Cuando los
obligations. Should a conflict arise between the general information
rodamientos de contacto angular son reemplazados, los rodamientos
contained in this publication and the contents of drawings or
nuevos deben tener la misma capacidad de carga.
supplementary material or both, the latter shall take precedence.

Induction Motors
2 143-449 Frame 23 NMIM-00300-0406 c)
2. Limpie completamente los niples y coples y quítelos de los QUALIFIED PERSON
3. Remueva la grasa endurecida de los drenes con un For the purpose of this manual a qualified person is one who is
alambre ó varilla rígidos. familiar with the installation, construction and operation of the
4. Vuelva a colocar las graseras, niples y coples equipment and the hazards involved. In addition, this person has the
5. Agregue grasa por la entrada de la grasera con una pistola following qualifications:
de mano hasta que una pequeña cantidad de grasa salga (a) Is trained and authorized to de-energize, energize, clear,
por el dren. ground, and tag circuits and equipment in accordance with
established safety practices.
6. Quite el exceso de grasa de la entrada y salida, y ponga a (b) Is trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment
funcionar el motor ½” hora antes de colocar el tapón drene. such as rubber gloves, hard hat, safety glasses or face shields,
7. Poner nuevamente el motor en operación. flash clothing, etc., in accordance with established safety
(c) Is trained in rendering first aid.

Relubricar con el tipo de grasa especificada arriba o algún tipo de
grasa compatible. Mezclar grasas de diferentes bases daría lugar a These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in
daño en los rodamientos y no se debe hacer. En caso de cambiar la equipment, nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in
base de la grasa, remueva toda la grasa vieja de los rodamientos y los connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Should
escudos. further information be desired or should particular problems arise
which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the
RESISTENCIA DEL AISLAMIENTO matter should be referred to the local sales office. The contents of
this instruction manual shall not become part of or modify any prior or
Verifique la resistencia del aislamiento periódicamente (Aprox. Cada existing agreement, commitment or relationship. The sales contract
5000 horas de operación). Cualquier método aprobado para medir la contains the entire obligation of Siemens. The warranty contained in
resistencia del aislamiento puede ser utilizado, siempre y cuando the contract between the parties is the sole warranty of Siemens. Any
asegure un valor confiable para el tipo y condición del aislante. Un statements contained herein do not create new warranties or modify
medidor de aislamiento (Megger) portátil no mayor a 500 volts es el the existing warranty.
método más conveniente y seguro. Las normas del “Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.” (IEEE) recomiendan que
la resistencia del aislamiento del bobinado del estator a 75°C,
medida a 500 volts C.C. después de un minuto no debe ser menor
Voltaje nominal de la máquina + 1000 =Resistencia de Aislamiento en Megaohms
Esta formula es satisfactoria para la mayoría de verificaciones. Para
mas información, vea la norma IEEE No. 43, “Práctica Recomendada
para Pruebas de Resistencia de Aislamiento para maquinaria rotativa
de C.A.
Induction Motors
22 143-449 Frame 3 NMIM-00300-0406 c)
suficientemente para los propósitos del comprador, el asunto deberá
referirse a la oficina de ventas local de Siemens.
DANGER Voltajes peligrosos están presentes en el equipo y pueden causar
daño personal severo. Siempre desconecte y aterrice el equipo antes
Hazardous voltages and high-speed del mantenimiento. El mantenimiento se debe realizar solamente por
moving parts. personal calificado.
Will cause death, serious injury or
El uso de partes no autorizadas en la reparación del equipo,
property damage.
manejado por personal no calificado, el retiro ó alteración de
Always de-energize and ground the
protecciones o cubiertas de conexiones dará lugar a condiciones
equipment before maintenance. This
peligrosas que pueden causar severos daños personales ó del
equipment must be installed, operated and
equipo. Siga todas las instrucciones de seguridad contenidas aquí.
maintained only by qualified persons
thoroughly familiar with the equipment, LUBRICACIÓN DE RODAMIENTOS
instruction manuals and drawings. Read and
understand this instruction manual before
using equipment. PRECAUCIÓN
No lubrique el motor mientras este funcionando, ya que el exceso de
Signal Words grasa será forzado a través de los rodamientos y dentro del motor
The signal words “Danger”, “Warning” and “Caution” used in this antes de que se fuerce su salida por el tapón de desengrase. El
manual indicate the degree of hazard that may be encountered by exceso de acumulación de grasa en el bobinado reduce la vida del
the user. These words are defined as: aislamiento.
Danger – Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Rodamientos – Se asegura una larga vida de rodamientos
manteniendo una alineación apropiada, tensión adecuada de banda
Warning – Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
ó cadena, y una buena lubricación en todo momento.
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Lubricación – Antes del embarque, los rodamientos del motor se
Caution – Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not lubrican con la cantidad y el grado de grasa apropiados para
avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. proporcionar seis meses de servicio satisfactorio bajo operación y
condiciones normales.
Caution (Without safety alert symbol) – indicates a potentially
Grasa – Para mejores resultados, la grasa debe de componerse de
hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in property
una base de polyurea y un buen grado de aceite derivado del
petróleo. Debe tener una consistencia del No. 2 y estabilizada contra
oxidación. El rango de temperatura de operación de -15°F a +250°F
para aislamiento clase “B”, y de +300°F para clase “F” y “H”. La
mayoría de las principales compañías petroleras tienen grasas
especiales para rodamientos que son satisfactorias.
Reengrase los rodamientos cada seis meses (más frecuentemente si
las condiciones lo requieren), como sigue:
1. Pare el motor. Bloqueé el interruptor.
Induction Motors
4 143-449 Frame 21 NMIM-00300-0406 c)
Temperatura – Los motores eléctricos que funcionan bajo INSPECTION
condiciones normales llegan a calentarse bastante. Aunque algunos
lugares pueden sentirse calientes al tacto, la unidad puede estar Care is taken at the factory to assure that the motor arrives at its
funcionando dentro de los límites. Utilice un termopar para medir la destination in first class condition. If there is evidence of rough
temperatura de la bobina cuando exista cualquier preocupación. handling or damage in shipping, file a claim at once with the carrier
La temperatura total, no el incremento de temperatura, es la and notify your local Siemens sales office.
medida de operación segura. Investigue las condiciones de Examine the outside of the motor carefully for damage, with
operación del bobinado. La temperatura total medida por un particular attention to conduit box, fans, and covers. Inspect and
termopar colocado en la bobina no debe exceder: tighten all hardware and accessories which may have become
loosened during shipping and handling. Turn the shaft by hand to be
sure that it rotates freely (be careful of shaft keyway sharp edges). If
230°F (110°C) para aislamiento clase “B” the motor has been mishandled sufficiently to break external parts,
275°F (135°C) para aislamiento clase “F” the end shield should also be removed to check for internal damage
unless the motor is explosion-proof.
302°F (150°C) para aislamiento clase “H” See warning below on explosion proof motors.
REGULACIÓN DEL VOLTAJE – Los motores funcionaran
satisfactoriamente bajo las siguientes condiciones de voltaje y
variación de frecuencia, pero no necesariamente conforme a los
estándares establecidos para operación bajo condiciones DANGER
a. Cuando la variación en el voltaje no exceda el 10 % arriba o Explosion-proof motors—these motors are constructed to comply
debajo de lo normal, con todas las fases balanceadas. with the U.L. Label Service Procedure Manual. When repairing and
b. Cuando la variación en la frecuencia no excede el 5 % arriba reassembling a motor that has an Underwriter’s label, it is imperative
o debajo de lo normal. that the unit be re-inspected and:
c. Cuando la suma del voltaje y la frecuencia no exceda el 10%
arriba o debajo de lo normal (a condición de que la variación 1. All original fits and tolerance be maintained.
de la frecuencia no exceda el 5%).
2. All plugs and hardware be securely fastened.
MANTENIMIENTO – La falta de un correcto mantenimiento del
equipo puede causar daños personales y falla del producto. Las 3. Any parts replacements, including hardware, be accurate duplicates
instrucciones contenidas aquí deben ser cuidadosamente revisadas, of the originals.
comprendidas y seguidas. Los siguientes procedimientos de
mantenimiento se deben realizar con regularidad: Repair work on explosion-proof motors can only be done by the
1. Lubricación de baleros original manufacturing or U.L. certified shops. Violations of any of the
2. Comprobación de resistencia de aislamiento above items will invalidate the significance of the U.L. label.
3. Limpieza
Esta lista de comprobación no representa una revisión exhaustiva de
los pasos del mantenimiento necesarios para asegurar una
operación segura del equipo. Aplicaciones particulares pueden
requerir más procedimientos. Si se desea información adicional ó se
presentan problemas particulares que no sean cubiertos
Induction Motors
20 143-449 Frame 5 NMIM-00300-0406 c)
1. Compruebe las conexiones de arranque del motor y del
dispositivo de control contra los diagramas eléctricos.
CAUTION 2. Compruebe el voltaje, la fase y la frecuencia de la línea del
circuito (Fuente de poder) contra la placa de datos del motor.
3. Si es posible, quite la carga externa (desconecte el
HANDLING – Although motors are ruggedly constructed they should
acoplamiento) y de vuelta al eje con la mano para asegurar la
be handled with care. Dropping or jarring a motor can seriously
rotación libre. Esto se pudo haber hecho durante el
damage its bearings. When lifting, use a device with capacity to handle
procedimiento de instalación; si es así y las condiciones no
the motor. If eyebolts are provided, use them to lift the motor only and
han cambiado, esta comprobación puede no ser necesaria.
be sure they are fully threaded into the stator housing. Do not lift motor
a. Si se trata de un motor con balero de bolas en el lado
with a bent eyebolt or cause the lifting device to pull at an angle on the
acoplamiento y el acoplamiento está desconectado
deje el motor funcionando sin ninguna carga bastante
tiempo (no aplica para balero de rodillos ya que se
puede dañar) para estar seguros que ninguna
STORAGE - Motors must be stored in a clean, dry, well ventilated condición inusual se desarrolle. Escuche y compruebe
location free from vibration and rapid or wide temperature variations. si hay ruido excesivo, vibración, chasquido ó golpeteo.
If the unit is to be stored longer than three months, consult factory. Si se presenta, detenga el motor inmediatamente.
Ball bearing motors are shipped from the factory properly lubricated Investigue la causa y corríjala antes de poner el motor
and ready to operate. When in storage, the motor shaft must be en servicio.
turned several rotations every month and the bearing relubricated b. Si el acoplamiento no está desconectado interrumpa
every year. On non-explosion-proof TEFC motors, a removable plug el ciclo de arranque después de que el motor ha
in the bottom of the frame or housing permits removal of acelerado a baja velocidad. Observe cuidadosamente
accumulated moisture. Drain regularly if storage atmosphere results condiciones inusuales, como des-aceleraciones
in formation of condensation. bruscas al detenerse.
4. Cuando las comprobaciones sean satisfactorias, opere a la
INSTALLATION – Installation must be handled by qualified service carga mínima y busque condiciones inusuales. Aumente la
or maintenance personnel. The motor foundation must rigidly support carga lentamente al máximo. Compruebe la unidad para
all four feet in the same plane. Place shims under the motor feet, as saber si el funcionamiento es satisfactorio.
required, so they will not be pulled out of plane when mounting bolts
are tightened. All wiring to the motor and control must be in
accordance with the National Electrical Code and all local
regulations. Before drive is connected, momentarily energize motor
to check that direction of rotation is proper. For direct drive, accurate PRECAUCIÓN
alignment is 0.004 inch/ft. (radius to dial indicator = one foot)
Any change in shims requires rechecking alignment. When alignment CARGA – Protección contra sobrecarga. La sobrecarga causa
is within limits, dowel two feet of each unit. When installing flat belt sobrecalentamiento y acorta la vida del aislamiento. Un motor sujeto a
pulley, V-belt sheave, spur or helical pinion or chain drives, be certain un incremento de temperatura de 10°C sobre el límite máximo, puede
that they are within NEMA limitations. Refer to NEMA motor and reducir en un 50% la vida del aislamiento. Para evitar sobrecarga del
generator standards, MG-1 14.7 and 14.42. motor, asegúrese de que éste no exceda la corriente marcada en la
placa de características cuando se aplica el voltaje marcado en la

Induction Motors
6 143-449 Frame 19 NMIM-00300-0406 c)
The motor must be connected as is
indicated in nameplate.
La conexión del motor deberá ser
como se indica en la placa de In case motor has 6 leads in three
características. pairs, it must be connected according
the attached Drawing
En caso que el motor físicamente
tenga 6 terminales marcadas en 3  Each pair of leads should be always
pares, deberá ser conectado de connected 1-1,2-2,3-3
acuerdo al siguiente diagrama.  For power connection as well that for
resistance measurement.
 Cada par de cables terminales siembre  Failure to follow this will cause
deberán ser conectadas 1-1,2-2,3-3 wrong motor winding diagnosis
 Esta conexión aplica tanto para poder
como para medición de resistencia. “This motor is not a Star-Delta
 El no seguir esta indicación provocará connection”
un diagnostico equivocado en el
bobinado del motor

“Este motor no es conexión Estrella-

Delta” Terminal Box – In the case of SD and GP motors, the terminal box
can be turned through 4 x 90 degrees.
Caja de conexiones – En el caso de los motores SD y GP, la caja For GPA motors, the terminal can be turned 4 x 90 degrees, but care
de conexiones se puede girar en incrementos de ángulo de 90º. should be taken, when the outlet is toward the drive end.
Para motores GPA la caja de conexiones se puede girar en
incrementos de ángulo de 90º, pero debe tenerse cuidado cuando la OPERATION – Repeated trial starts can overheat the motor and may
salida este hacia el lado de la espiga, verificando que la aplicación result in motor burnout (particularly for across the line starting). If
no interfiera con la salida de la caja de conexión. repeated trial starts are made, allow sufficient time between trials to
permit heat to dissipate from windings and rotor to prevent
OPERACION – Repetidas pruebas de arranque, pueden overheating. Starting currents are several times running currents, and
sobrecalentar el motor y dar lugar a que este se queme (en particular heating varies as the square of the current.
en motores con alimentación directa “sin arrancador”). Si se hacen Initial Start – After installation is completed, but before motor is put in
pruebas de arranque repetidamente, dé un plazo de tiempo regular service, make an initial start as follows:
suficiente entre pruebas para permitir que el calor de las bobinas y el 1. Check motor starting and control device connections against
rotor se disipe, y evitar el sobrecalentamiento. La corriente de wiring diagrams.
arranque supera varias veces a la corriente de operación, y el 2. Check voltage, phase, and frequency of line circuit (power
calentamiento varia al cuadrado de la corriente. supply) against motor nameplate.
Arranque inicial – Después de que se termine la instalación, pero
antes de poner el motor en servicio regular, haga un arranque inicial
como sigue:
Induction Motors
18 143-449 Frame 7 NMIM-00300-0406 c)
3. If possible, remove external load (disconnect drive) and turn
shaft by hand to ensure free rotation. This may have been
done during installation procedure; if so, and conditions have PRECAUCIÓN
not changed since, this check may not be necessary.
a. If drive is disconnected, run motor at no load long MANEJO – Aunque los motores sean de construcción robusta, estos
enough to be certain that no unusual conditions deberán ser manejados con cuidado. Dejar caer o sacudir un motor
develop. Listen and check for excessive noise, puede dañar seriamente sus baleros. Al levantar, utilice un dispositivo
vibration, clicking, or pounding. If present, stop motor con capacidad para manejar el motor. Si se proporcionan cáncamos
immediately. Investigate the cause and correct before utilícelos solamente para levantar el motor, debe asegurarse de que
putting motor in service. estén roscados completamente en la carcasa. No levante el motor con
b. If drive is not disconnected, interrupt the starting cycle un cáncamo doblado o causará que el dispositivo de elevación tire en
after motor has accelerated to low speed. Carefully ángulo en el cáncamo.
observe for unusual conditions as motor coasts to a
stop. ALMACENAJE – Los motores deben ser almacenados en un lugar
4. When checks are satisfactory, operate at minimum load and limpio, seco, bien ventilado, libre de vibraciones y variaciones
look for unusual condition. Increase load slowly to maximum. bruscas ó grandes de temperatura. Si la unidad va a ser almacenada
Check unit for satisfactory operation. más de tres meses, consulte al fabricante. Los motores de
rodamientos de bolas son embarcados desde la fábrica; propiamente
lubricados y listos para funcionar. Cuando este almacenado el motor,
la flecha de éste deberá girarse varias veces cada mes, y los
CAUTION rodamientos deben ser relubricados cada año. Los motores que no
son a prueba de explosión TCVE, tienen un tapón removible en la
parte inferior de la carcasa ó del escudo que permite quitar la
LOADING – Guard against overloading. Overloading causes humedad acumulada. Drene regularmente si la atmósfera da lugar a
overheating and overheating means shortened insulation life. A motor la formación de la condensación.
subjected to a 10°C temperature rise above the maximum limit for the INSTALACION –La instalación, servicio o mantenimiento debe
insulation may cause the insulation life to be reduced by 50%. To avoid manejarse por personal calificado. La base del motor deberá
overloading, be sure motor current does not exceed nameplate current soportar rígidamente, las cuatro patas en el mismo plano. Coloque
when nameplate voltage is applied. calzas bajo las patas del motor según se requiera, de modo que no
salgan del plano cuando se aprieten los tornillos de montaje. Todo el
cableado del motor y los controles deben estar de acuerdo con el
Temperature - Electric motors operating under normal conditions Código Eléctrico Nacional y todas las regulaciones locales. Antes de
become quite warm. Although some places may feel hot to the touch, acoplar el motor, energizar momentáneamente para comprobar que
the unit may be operational within limits. Use a thermocouple to la dirección de rotación sea la apropiada. Para acoplamiento directo,
measure winding temperature when there is any concern. la precisión de la alineación deberá ser de 0.004 pulgadas/pie (radio
The total temperature, not the temperature rise, is the measure of para indicador de carátula = un pie) Cualquier cambio en las calzas
safe operation. Investigate the winding operating conditions. The requiere la reinspección de la alineación. Cuando la alineación este
total temperature should not exceed: dentro de los limites, ancle dos patas de cada unidad. Cuando se
230°F (110°C) for class “B” insulation instalen poleas de banda plana, en “V”, piñón helicoidal, rueda
dentada ó cadena de transmisión, asegurarse de que sean
275°F (135°C) for class “F” insulation seleccionados de acuerdo a los límites de la norma NEMA.
302°F (150°C) for class “H” insulation Referencia: MG 1.
Induction Motors
8 143-449 Frame 17 NMIM-00300-0406 c)
VOLTAGE REGULATION – Motors will operate successfully under
En Fábrica se toma el cuidado para asegurar que el motor llegue a the following conditions of voltage and frequency variation, but not
su destino en óptimas condiciones. Si hay evidencia de falta de necessarily in accordance with the standards established for
cuidado o daño en el embarque, presente inmediatamente una operation under rated conditions:
reclamación con el transportista y notifique a su oficina de ventas a. When the variation in voltage does not exceed 10% above
local de Siemens. or below normal, with all phases balanced.
Examine cuidadosamente el exterior del motor para buscar daños, b. When the variation in frequency does not exceed 5% above
con particular atención a la caja de conexiones, ventiladores, y or below normal.
cubiertas. Examine y apriete todos los tornillos y accesorios que c. When the sum of the voltage and frequency does not
pudieran haberse aflojado durante el envío y manejo. Gire el eje con exceed 10% above or below normal (provided the frequency
la mano para estar seguro que éste gira libremente (tenga cuidado variation does not exceed 5%).
con los bordes agudos del cuñero). Si el motor a sido manejado
suficientemente mal, como para romper piezas externas, los MAINTENANCE – Failure to properly maintain the equipment can
escudos o tapas del motor deberán ser removidas para comprobar result in severe personal injury and product failure. The instructions
daño interno a menos que el motor sea a prueba de explosión. contained herein should be carefully reviewed, understood and
Vea la advertencia abajo sobre motores a prueba de explosión. followed. The following maintenance procedures should be
performed regularly:
1. Bearing lubrication
2. Insulation resistance check
PELIGRO 3. Cleaning
This checklist does not represent an exhaustive survey of
Motores a Prueba de Explosión—Estos motores son construidos
maintenance steps necessary to ensure safe operation of the
para cumplir con el Manual de procedimiento de servicio de la
equipment. Particular applications may require further procedures.
designación U.L. Cuando reparen y reensamblen un motor que tenga
Should further information be desired or should particular problems
una etiqueta de U.L. es imprescindible que la unidad sea
arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes,
reinspeccionada y:
the matter should be referred to the local Siemens sales office.
1. Se mantengan todos los ajustes y tolerancias originales. Dangerous voltages are present in the equipment which can cause
severe personal injury. Always de-energize and ground the
2. Asegurarse que todos los tapones y accesorios estén fijos o equipment before maintenance. Maintenance should be performed
apretados. only by qualified personnel.
The use of unauthorized parts in the repair of the equipment,
3. Cualquier reemplazo de piezas, incluyendo los accesorios, deben tampering by unqualified personnel, or removal or alteration of
ser duplicados exactos de los originales. guards or conduit covers will result in dangerous conditions which
can cause severe personal injury or equipment damage. Follow all
El trabajo de reparación en motores a Prueba de Explosión solo puede safety instructions contained herein.
ser realizado por el fabricante original, o por centros de servicio
certificados por U.L. Las violaciones de cualquiera de los puntos antes
mencionados invalidará el significado de la etiqueta U.L.

Induction Motors
16 143-449 Frame 9 NMIM-00300-0406 c)
Voltajes peligrosos y piezas móviles a alta
CAUTION velocidad pueden causar muerte, serias
lesiones o daños materiales.
Siempre desconecte y aterrice el equipo
Do not lubricate motor while in operation, since excess of grease will antes de darle mantenimiento. La instalación,
be forced through the bearings and into the motor before it will force its operación y mantenimiento deberá ser
way out of the drain plug. Excess grease accumulation on windings realizada solamente por personal calificado y
reduces insulation life. familiarizado completamente con el equipo,
los manuales de instrucción y los dibujos. Lea
Bearings – Long life of bearing is assured by maintaining proper y entienda este manual de instrucciones
alignment, proper belt or chain tension, and good lubrication at all antes de usar el equipo.
Lubrication – Prior to shipment, motor bearings are lubricated with
the proper amount and grade of grease to provide six months of
satisfactory service under normal operation and conditions. Señales
Grease – For Best results, grease should be compounded from a Las palabras de señal “Peligro”, “Advertencia” y “Precaución”
polyurea base and a good grade of petroleum oil. It should be of No. utilizadas en este manual indican el grado del peligro que puede ser
2 consistency and stabilized against oxidation. Operating encontrado por el usuario. Estas palabras se definen como:
temperature range should be from -15°F to +250°F for class “B” Peligro – Indica una inminente situación peligrosa que, si no es
insulation, and to +300°F for class “F” and “H”. Most leading oil evitada, resultara en muerte o serios daños.
companies have special bearing greases that are satisfactory.
Advertencia – Indica una situación potencialmente peligrosa, que si
Relubricate bearings every six months (more often if conditions
no es evitada, podría dar lugar a muerte o a lesiones serias.
require), as follows:
1. Stop the motor. Lock out the switch. Precaución – Indica una situación potencialmente peligrosa, que si
no es evitada, puede dar lugar a lesiones de menor importancia o
2. Thoroughly clean off pipe plugs and remove from housings.
3. Remove hardened grease from drains with stiff wire or rod.
4. Replace inlet plugs Precaución (sin símbolo de alarma de seguridad) – Indica una
5. Add grease to inlet with hand gun until small amount of new situación potencialmente peligrosa, que si no es evitada, puede dar
grease is forced out of drain. lugar a daños materiales.
6. Remove excess grease from ports, and run motor ½ hour
before replacing drain plug.
7. Put motor back in operation.

Induction Motors
10 143-449 Frame 15 NMIM-00300-0406 c)

Para el propósito de este manual, una persona calificada es alguien CAUTION

que esta familiarizado con la instalación, construcción y la operación
del equipo y de los peligros implicados. Además esta persona tiene Relubricate with the type of grease specified above or one that is
las capacitaciones siguientes: compatible. Mixing greases of different bases (lithium, clay, polyurea,
(d) Esta capacitado y autorizado para desconectar, conectar, etc.) will cause bearing failure or malfunction and should not be done.
limpiar, aterrizar y etiquetar circuitos y equipo de acuerdo a las All grease must be removed from the bearings and housings when
prácticas de seguridad establecidas. making a non-compatible grease change.
(e) Esta capacitado en el cuidado y uso apropiado del equipo
protector, tal como guantes de goma, casco, gafas de seguridad
caretas, ropa, etc. De acuerdo con los establecido en prácticas INSULATION RESISTANCE
de seguridad. Check insulation resistance periodically, (approx. every 5,000 hours
(f) Esta capacitado en primeros auxilios. of operation). Any approved method of measuring insulation
resistance may be used, provided the voltage across the insulation is
at a safe value for the type and condition of the insulation. A hand
cranked megger of not over 500 volts is the most convenient and
NOTA safest method. Standards of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Estas instrucciones no pretenden cubrir todos los detalles o Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) recommended that the insulation resistance
variaciones en el equipo, ni prever cada posible contingencia que se of stator windings at 75°C, measured at 500 volts DC, after one
presentara en la conexión, con la instalación, operación o el minute should not be less than:
mantenimiento. Si adicionalmente desea información o si se
Rated voltage of machine + 1000 =Insulation resistance in Mega ohms
presentan problemas en particular los cuales no cubren
suficientemente los propósitos del comprador, referir el tema a la 1000
oficina de ventas local. El contenido de este manual de instrucciones This formula is satisfactory for most checks. For more information,
no se convertirá en parte de, ni modificará cualquier acuerdo, see IEEE Standard No. 43, “Recommended Practice for Insulation
comisión o relación anterior o existente. El contrato de venta Resistance Testing of AC Rotating Machinery”.
comprende la entera obligación de Siemens. La garantía contenida
en el contrato entre las partes es la única de Siemens. Cualquier CLEANING
declaración contenida dentro no crea nuevas garantías ni modifican
la existente.
Hazardous voltages and high-speed
moving parts.
Will cause death, serious injury or
property damage.
Do not attempt to clean motor while it is
Stop the motor and lock out switch before
Induction Motors
14 143-449 Frame 11 NMIM-00300-0406 c)
The motor exterior must be kept free of oil, dust, dirt, water, and
chemicals. For fan cooled motors, it is particularly important to keep
the air intake openings free of foreign material. Do not block air outlet ESPAÑOL
or inlet.
Moisture – On non-explosion-proof TEFC motors, a removable plug
in the bottom center of the motor frame or housing permits removal of
accumulated moisture. Drain regularly.


Voltajes peligrosos y piezas móviles a
Top bearings – High external thrust from the driven unit is usually alta velocidad pueden causar muerte,
carried by the top bearing or bearings. If replacement is necessary, serias lesiones o daños materiales.
the new bearing must be the same size and type as the original. Siempre desconecte y aterrice el equipo
Duplex bearings must also be the same type and mounted in an antes de darle mantenimiento. Lea y
identical manner. When angular contact type bearings are replaced, entienda éste manual de instrucciones
the new bearing must have the same thrust capacity. antes de usar el equipo.
El mantenimiento se debe realizar
Bottom bearings – Grease lubricated lower bearings are adequately solamente por personal calificado. Utilice
lubricated at the factory for at least three months operation. The solamente refacciones Siemens en la
relubrication procedure is the same as outlined above, under reparación del equipo. No permita que el
“Bearing Lubrication.” It is important to maintain the lower cavity full equipo sea modificado con partes que no
of grease at all times. sean originales. Siga todas las
The correct replacement bearings are given on the nameplate by instrucciones de seguridad contenidas en
este instructivo.
AFBMA (Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association) number.

When over painting, contact the factory for more information.


For immediate action on your motor problems call your certified La información contenida en este instructivo es general y no prevé
service center or contact your nearest Siemens district office. aplicaciones con propósitos específicos. Esta no releva al usuario de
tener un buen manejo en la instalación, operación y mantenimiento
del equipo comprado. Siemens se reserva el derecho de realizar
cambios en las especificaciones mostradas aquí o de llevar a cabo
mejoras sin aviso u obligación. Si se presentara un conflicto entre la
información de carácter general contenida en esta publicación y el
contenido de dibujos o material suplementario o ambos, el mas
reciente tendrá precedencia.

Induction Motors
12 143-449 Frame 13 NMIM-00300-0406 c)
Motors Documentation – End
Rail Wheels Documentation – Start
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A.---Fluor
Project 61588
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 19 Nov 2012
PO No. 9787000303 Title: Feeder Pull Cord Cable Rev 1
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Delivery
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Date Destination Point
Pull Cord Cable; 3/16 in. 7 x 7 Preformed, Galvanized Aircraft Cable,
1 Encased with Safety-Yellow Color-Coded Nylon Coating. Ship in
minimum amount of rolls possible.
1.1 2100-FE-001 36 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 m December 1, 2012 Site
1.2 2200-FE-001 29 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 m December 1, 2012 Site
1.3 2200-FE-002 29 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 m December 1, 2012 Site
1.4 2200-FE-003 29 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 m December 1, 2012 Site
1.5 2200-FE-004 31 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 m December 1, 2012 Site
1.6 2200-FE-005 31 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 m December 1, 2012 Site
1.7 2200-FE-006 31 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 m December 1, 2012 Site
1.8 3300-FE-001 27 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 m December 1, 2012 Site
1.9 3300-FE-002 27 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 m December 1, 2012 Site
1.10 3300-FE-003 27 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 m December 1, 2012 Site
1.11 7200-FE-001 24 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 m December 1, 2012 Site
1.12 7200-FE-002 24 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 m December 1, 2012 Site
1.13 Spare 50 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 m December 1, 2012 Site

395 Total quantity for Item 1

Galvanized Steel Cable Clamps for Item 1.

2 Crosby Item # G-450
Stock No.
No 1010033
2.1 2100-FE-001 8 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 each December 1, 2012 Site
2.2 2200-FE-001 8 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 each December 1, 2012 Site
2.3 2200-FE-002 8 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 each December 1, 2012 Site
2.4 2200-FE-003 8 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 each December 1, 2012 Site
2.5 2200-FE-004 8 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 each December 1, 2012 Site
2.6 2200-FE-005 8 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 each December 1, 2012 Site
2.7 2200-FE-006 8 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 each December 1, 2012 Site
2.8 3300-FE-001 8 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 each December 1, 2012 Site
2.9 3300-FE-002 8 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 each December 1, 2012 Site
2.10 3300-FE-003 8 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 each December 1, 2012 Site
2.11 7200-FE-001 8 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 each December 1, 2012 Site
2.12 7200-FE-002 8 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 each December 1, 2012 Site
2.13 Spare 10 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 each December 1, 2012 Site

106 Total quantity for Item 2

3 Export Packing - Crating Required 0 Lot

Page 1 of 2
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A.---Fluor
Project 61588
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 19 Nov 2012
PO No. 9787000303 Title: Feeder Pull Cord Cable Rev 1
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Delivery
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Date Destination Point

Page 2 of 2
Rail Wheels Documentation – End
Rail Wheels Documentation – Start
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Scope of Supply
Technology Center 5 Nov 2012
PO 9787000296 Title: Rail Wheels Rev 0
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Delivery Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Date Point

Rail Wheel Assembly, Downs Crane & Hoist Co. Item no. 4358-
MOD, short hub type, pin and keeper, steel, 10 inch tread
diameter, double flange, for 60lb ASCE rail, nominal capacity:
26,000lbs, non-geared version
Complete with all bearings, axle, 1/4in keeper plate, and 1/2-13
cap screws w/ lock washers. Hardened tread and flanges to RC45
nominal. This is a modification of the standard wheel assembly for
increased capacity. Reference Attached Dwg. 404358-MOD
3300-FE-001, 3300-
1.01 FE-002, 3300-FE- 39 n/a See Item Description 1 above 0 each December 21, 2012 Site

39 Total quantity for Item 1 description

2 Standard Export Packaging Required 0 Lot


Page 1 of 1
Rail Wheels Documentation – End
WIT Hydraulic Cylinder and Power Unit
Documentation – Start
FLSmidth – Boise
2471 S. Titanium Place
Meridian, Idaho 83642 USA

WIT JOB# - 1027640

FLS JOB# - 61588
WIT Hydraulic schematic - # B10269

1 Hydraulic Power Unit & 3 Hydraulic Cylinder

Manufactured at
Western Integrated Technologies
8900 North Ramsey Boulevard
Portland, OR 97203
Richard Holbert 208-890-6218
Catalog HY13-1552-002/US Vertical Power Units
Volume Control
Conversion Equations

Application Formulas
• 1 GPM at 1500 PSI = 1 HP (General Rule) • 1 HP = 42.4 BTU/Min.
• 1 Gallon = 231 Cubic Inches (3.7854 Liters) • 1 Gallon = 3.7854 Liters
• 1 Gallon Oil = 7.08 Lbs.
• 1 bar = 14.5 PSI
• 25.4mm = 1 Inch

HP =
1714 x Pump Efficiency

1714 x Pump Efficiency x HP


1714 x Pump Efficiency x HP


Torque (in.-lbs.) x RPM

HP =

HP x 63025
Torque =

HP x 63025

Motor Information
At 440V — 3-Phase Motor Draws 1.25 AMP/HP
At 220V — 3-Phase Motor Draws 2.5 AMP/HP
At 110V — Single Phase Motor Draws 10 AMP/HP

B48 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division
Greeneville, Tennessee USA
Wagons & Box Trailers
Wood Deck Wagons
Look no further if you need a smooth and gentle ride for transporting
fragile loads. Wood decks are quieter and more impact absorbing than
steel decks. All wagons have a steel frame and a T-style pull handle.
They roll on pneumatic wheels that cushion the load over rough sur-
faces and obstructions.
(A) A two-piece handle with a cushion grip steers each wheel in-
dependently for better stability. The T-end is removable for towing
applications. Maximum tow speed is 25 mph. Frame and handle have
a black painted finish. Shipped unassembled.
(B) Pivoting front wheels and axle provide “fifth-wheel” steering for
tighter turns and easier maneuverability. The welded frame and handle
have a blue enamel finish. Shipped assembled.
Cap., Deck Size, Deck Handle Wheel Cap., Deck Size, Deck Handle Wheel
lbs. Lg.  Wd.  Ht. Thick. Lg. Dia. Each lbs. Lg.  Wd.  Ht. Thick. Lg. Dia. Each
(A) With Yellow Pine Deck (B) With Oak Deck
2,000 . . . 32⬙  28⬙  14⬙ . . . . 11/2⬙ . . . . . . . 32⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 101/2⬙ . . . 8354T39 . . $353.34 2,500 . . . 48⬙  30⬙  201/8⬙ . . . . 1⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 36⬙ . . . . . . . . . 16⬙ . . . . . 2313T42 . . $770.65
2,000 . . . 47⬙  28⬙  14⬙ . . . . 11/2⬙ . . . . . . . 32⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 101/2⬙ . . . 8354T41 . . 376.24 2,500 . . . 60⬙  36⬙  201/8⬙ . . . . 1⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 36⬙ . . . . . . . . . 16⬙ . . . . . 2313T44 . . 828.05
2,000 . . . 72⬙  28⬙  14⬙ . . . . 11/2⬙ . . . . . . . 32⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 101/2⬙ . . . 8354T42 . . 397.36 2,500 . . . 72⬙  36⬙  201/8⬙ . . . . 1⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 36⬙ . . . . . . . . . 16⬙ . . . . . 2313T45 . . 857.34
2,000 . . . 96⬙  28⬙  14⬙ . . . . 11/2⬙ . . . . . . . 32⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 101/2⬙ . . . 8354T43 . . 418.87 4,500 . . . 72⬙  36⬙  201/8⬙ . . . . 1⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 36⬙ . . . . . . . . . 16⬙ . . . . . 2313T65 . . 931.85

Steel Deck Wagons

Dependable and durable, these wagons have a
lipped deck to keep items from sliding off. Pivoting
front wheels and axle provide ⬙fifth-wheel⬙ steering
for tighter turns and easier maneuverability. All have
a vinyl-gripped handle that stays upright when not
being pulled. Color is red. Shipped unassembled.
Never-go-flat rubber wheels are puncture proof.
Pneumatic wheels offer a cushioned ride.
(C) Perforated decks allow drainage and keep de-
bris from accumulating.
(D&E) Solid decks offer maximum durability.
Never-Go-Flat Rubber Wheels Pneumatic Wheels
Cap., Deck Size, Deck Lip Handle Deck Wheel Deck Wheel
lbs. Lg.  Wd. Gauge Ht. Lg. Ht. Dia. Each Ht. Dia. Each
With Perforated Deck
C . . . . 1,000 . . . . . . . 36⬙  24⬙ . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/2⬙ . . . . . . . . . 32⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 111/4⬙ . . . . . . . 10⬙ . . . . . . . 23135T51 . . . . $177.33 111/4⬙ . . . . . . 10⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . . 23135T52 . . . . . $209.00
With Solid Deck
D . . . . 1,000 . . . . . . . 36⬙  24⬙ . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/2⬙ . . . . . . . . . 32⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 101/4⬙ . . . . . . . 8⬙ . . . . . . . 23135T12 . . . . 177.91 ...... ............ .....
D . . . . 1,000 . . . . . . . 36⬙  24⬙ . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/2⬙ . . . . . . . . . 32⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 111/4⬙ . . . . . . . 10⬙ . . . . . . . 23135T15 . . . . 193.45 111/4⬙ . . . . . . 10⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . . 23135T16 . . . . . 228.00
E . . . . 1,000 . . . . . . . 36⬙  24⬙ . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 111/4⬙ . . . . . . . 10⬙ . . . . . . . 23135T44 . . . . 228.00 111/4⬙ . . . . . . 10⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . . 23135T45 . . . . . 262.55

Heavy Duty Steel Deck Wagons

Bring out the big guns—these rugged wagons handle your heaviest loads. Deck is reinforced for
strength. Pivoting front wheels and axle provide ⬙fifth wheel⬙ steering for easier maneuverability
and tighter turns. All have a vinyl-gripped T-handle that stays upright when not being pulled. Color
is gray. Shipped assembled.
Lipped-deck wagons have a 11/2⬙ high lip to prevent loads from slipping off.
Pneumatic wheels offer a cushioned ride over rough surfaces. Rubber-tread wheels accom-
modate heavier loads on smooth surfaces.
Also Available : Wagons with a 21/2⬙ ID tow eye at the end of the handle for intermittent towing
up to 5 mph. These wagons have 16⬙ dia. pneumatic wheels. Please ask for 2538T888 and specify
flush or lipped deck and deck size. Note: Capacity is reduced 25% in towing applications.
Cap., Deck Size, Deck Handle Wheel Flush Deck Lipped Deck
Flush Deck with lbs. Lg.  Wd.  Ht. Gauge Lg. Dia. Each Each
16⬙ Dia. Pneumatic Wheels With Pneumatic Wheels
2,000 . . . . 40⬙  20⬙  16 /2⬙ . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . 35⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 12⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 2538T11 . . . $367.91 2538T26 . . . $367.91
2,000 . . . . 48⬙  24⬙  161/2⬙ . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . 35⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 12⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 2538T12 . . . 367.91 2538T27 . . . 367.91
2,000 . . . . 48⬙  30⬙  161/2⬙ . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . 35⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 12⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 2538T13 . . . 386.91 2538T28 . . . 386.91
2,000 . . . . 60⬙  30⬙  161/2⬙ . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . 35⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 12⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 2538T14 . . . 405.91 2538T29 . . . 405.91
3,000 . . . . 48⬙  30⬙  181/2⬙ . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . 35⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 16⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 2538T75 . . . 419.73 2538T85 . . . 419.73
3,000 . . . . 60⬙  30⬙  181/2⬙ . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . 35⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 16⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 2538T76 . . . 438.73 2538T86 . . . 438.73
3,000 . . . . 72⬙  36⬙  181/2⬙ . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . 35⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 16⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 2538T77 . . . 485.36 2538T87 . . . 485.36
With Rubber-Tread Wheels
3,500 . . . . 40⬙  20⬙  161/2⬙ . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . 35⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 12⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 2538T88 . . . 370.35 2538T94 . . . 370.35
3,500 . . . . 48⬙  24⬙  161/2⬙ . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . 35⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 12⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 2538T89 . . . 398.74 2538T95 . . . 398.74
3,500 . . . . 48⬙  30⬙  161/2⬙ . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . 35⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 12⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 2538T91 . . . 419.73 2538T96 . . . 419.73
Lipped Deck with 3,500 . . . . 60⬙  30⬙  161/2⬙ . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . 35⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 12⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 2538T92 . . . 438.73 2538T97 . . . 438.73
Rubber-Tread Wheels 3,500 . . . . 72⬙  36⬙  161/2⬙ . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . 35⬙ . . . . . . . . . . . 12⬙ . . . . . . . . . . 2538T93 . . . 485.36 2538T98 . . . 485.36

Box Trailer
Move large quantities of loose material around your facility. Made of structural foam, the trailer
interior is seamless and smooth. The rear panel slides up for easy dumping and cleaning. Trailer
rolls on pneumatic wheels for a cushioned ride over rough surfaces. Max. tow speed is 3 mph.
Color is black. Shipped unassembled.

Cap., Cap., Interior Size, Exterior Size, Bar Wheel
lbs. cu. ft. Lg.  Wd.  Ht. Lg.  Wd.  Ht. Proj. Dia. Each
1,500 . . . 15 . . . . . . . . 49⬙  313/4⬙  16⬙ . . . . . . . 541/8⬙  391/2⬙  331/4⬙ . . . . . 2113/16⬙ . . . 16⬙ . . . . . 2896T74 . . $494.38
Warning! Never exceed capacities.
Motor Switches & Starters
For information about electrical controls, see page 839.

About Motor Switches and Starters

Motor Switches—Manual on/off control of a motor circuit Overload Protection—Monitors the current flowing to a motor
(can also be used in other circuits, including lighting and electric and opens the circuit if the current exceeds the full-load current
heat circuits). There is no overload protection. rating. The full-load current rating is the current the motor is ex-
Motor Starter—Provides on/off control of a motor circuit with pected to continuously draw under normal (full-load) conditions.
the additional benefit of overload protection. This rating is often found on the motor’s faceplate.
On/Off Control—A manual motor starter has a built-in switch Overload heater elements are an older technology and are not
that opens and closes the electrical circuit directly. The contacts adjustable. You must choose a heater element that most closely
in this switch must be rated to carry the full-load current of the matches your motor’s full-load current rating.
motor. An electrically activated motor starter operates via a re-
mote electrical signal. The electrical signal supplied to the starter Overload relays use solid-state technology and are adjustable.
energizes an electrical coil and activates a set of contacts, allow- Your motor’s full-load current rating should fall within the range
ing current to go to the motor. of the motor starter’s overload current range.
If the full-load amp rating is not shown on your motor’s faceplate, you can estimate the amp rating (given the motor’s hp and voltage) using
a chart. Go to mcmaster.com and search for 7603KAC.

Manual Motor Switches

Amps Max. Motor
Switch @ 600 hp @ 240
Enclosure VAC VAC Ht.  Wd.  Dp.
DPST-NO for 1-Phase Motors—Toggle Operator
Open Frame ... 30 ............ 3 .................... 3.7⬙1.8⬙1.7⬙ ... 7657K33 ... $26.21
Indoor .............. 30 ............ 3 .................... 3.9⬙2.8⬙2.8⬙ ... 7657K31 ... 30.12
Rain Tight ....... 30 ............ 3 .................... 5.8⬙4.5⬙3.3⬙ ... 7657K34 ... 49.35
Haz. Loc. ........ 30 ............ 3 .................... 5.8⬙2.2⬙4.5⬙ ... 7657K32 ... 183.37
DPST-NO for 1-Phase Motors—Key Operator (Include One Key)
Open Frame ... 20 ............ 2 .................... 4.1⬙1.7⬙2.3⬙ ... 7657K41 ... 45.79
Indoor .............. 20 ............ 2 .................... 4.3⬙2.4⬙2.9⬙ ... 7657K42 55.40
Toggle Key Toggle Toggle Toggle Rain Tight ....... 20 ............ 2 .................... 3.7⬙3.7⬙3.2⬙ ... 7657K43• 181.66
Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator, Operator, 3PST-NO for 3-Phase Motors—Toggle Operator
Open Open Indoor Rain Haz. Loc. Open Frame ... 30 ............ 7.5 ................. 3.7⬙1.8⬙1.7⬙ ... 7657K23 ... 55.55
Frame Frame Tight Indoor .............. 30 ............ 7.5 ................. 3.9⬙2.8⬙2.8⬙ ... 7657K21 ... 58.63
These switches have extra-large, maintained silver contacts (for long Rain Tight ....... 30 ............ 7.5 ................. 5.8⬙4.5⬙3.3⬙ ... 7657K24 ... 87.66
life and good heat dissipation) and screw-terminal connections. They Haz. Loc. ........ 30 ............ 7.5 ................. 5.8⬙2.2⬙4.5⬙ ... 7657K22 ... 239.32
do not have overload protection. 3PST-NO for 3-Phase Motors—Key Operator (Include One Key)
Choose from open-frame enclosures as well as indoor use (NEMA 1), Open Frame ... 20 ............ 7.5 ................. 4.1⬙1.7⬙2.3⬙ ... 7657K51 ... 116.81
rain tight (NEMA 3R), and hazardous-location (NEMA 7 & 9) enclosures. Indoor .............. 20 ............ 7.5 ................. 4.3⬙2.4⬙2.9⬙ ... 7657K52 103.94
Indoor use enclosures are nylon; rain tight and hazardous-location Rain Tight ....... 20 ............ 7.5 ................. 3.7⬙3.7⬙3.2⬙ ... 7657K53• 230.26
enclosures are aluminum (unless noted). All are UL listed.  Enclosures are made of steel. • Enclosures are made of die cast zinc.
Manual Reversing Motor Switches Manual Motor Starter Components
Create your own starter switch to meet
your needs. Open-frame and indoor use
(NEMA 1) enclosures are steel; water/
oil tight for outdoor use (NEMA 4 & 12)
enclosures are metal. All have screw-
terminal connections and are for use
with single-phase motors rated at 1 hp @
115/230 VAC (2-pole enclosures can
Toggle Key also be used on DC motors up to 3/4 hp).
Operator, Operator Enclosures with red pilot light indicate
Indoor Use Indoor Use Water Tight Open Frame with Red whether the starter is on. A complete
with Steel Enclosure with Steel Enclosure for Pilot Light, starter requires one heater element (sold
and Screw Terminals and Stud Terminals Outdoor Use Open Frame separately) for overload protection. Key
operator enclosures come with a key.
Also known as drum switches, these motor switches have three Enclosure Dimensions
positions—forward, off, and reverse. They do not have overload protec-
tion. UL listed and CSA certified. Ht. Wd. Dp.
Indoor use switches have screw terminal connections, unless noted. Operator, Open Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5⬙ . . . . . . . 2.8⬙ . . . . . . . 1.4⬙
Water tight for outdoor use switches have stud terminal connections. Indoor Indoor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3⬙ . . . . . . . 2.4⬙ . . . . . . . 2.8⬙
They’re made entirely of steel to withstand abuse. Water/Oil Tight . . . . . . . . 5.8⬙ . . . . . . . 3.2⬙ . . . . . . . 3.7⬙
Max. Motor hp Ratings Starter Red Pilot
115 VAC, 230 VAC, 440 VAC, O’all Size, Enclosure Light Toggle Operator Key Operator
1 ph. 3 ph. 3 ph. Ht.  Wd.  Dp. 1 Pole
Indoor Use (NEMA 1) Open Frame ........... No ............... 7254K21..... $42.53 7254K41..... $57.51
Steel Enclosure with Plastic Handle—Maintained Contacts Open Frame ........... Yes .............. 7254K25..... 64.47 7254K45..... 79.83
11/2 .......... .................. ................. 4.5⬙2.4⬙4.5⬙ ... 7065K21 ....... $35.17 Indoor ...................... No ............... 7254K23..... 45.53 7254K43..... 60.93
11/2 .......... 2 .................. 1 ................. 4.5⬙2.4⬙4.5⬙ ... 7065K23 ....... 39.66 Indoor ...................... Yes .............. 7254K27..... 68.71 7254K47..... 85.00
11/2 .......... 3 .................. 3 ................. 4.8⬙3.2⬙3.6⬙ ... 7826K24 210.27 Water/Oil Tight....... No ............... 7254K24..... 161.45 7254K44..... 176.05
2 .............. 5 .................. 71/2 ............. 4.8⬙3.2⬙3.6⬙ ... 7826K25 245.76 Water/Oil Tight....... Yes .............. 7254K28..... 168.36 7254K48..... 183.79
2 .............. 5 .................. 71/2 ............. 5.4⬙3.5⬙5.8⬙ ... 7065K25 ....... 85.65 2 Pole
Steel Enclosure with Plastic Handle—Momentary Contacts Open Frame ........... No ............... 7254K31..... 49.82 7254K51..... 64.47
11/2 .......... 2 .................. 1 ................. 4.5⬙2.4⬙4.5⬙ ... 7065K22 ....... 41.51 Open Frame ........... Yes .............. 7254K35..... 73.00 7254K55..... 88.41
Indoor ...................... No ............... 7254K33..... 54.10 7254K53..... 68.71
Plastic Enclosure with Steel Handle—Maintained Contacts Indoor ...................... Yes .............. 7254K37..... 76.45 7254K57..... 91.97
11/2 .......... 2 .................. 2 ................. 5.3⬙2.5⬙2.8⬙ ... 7826K22 ....... 133.57 Water/Oil Tight....... No ............... 7254K34..... 221.59 7254K54..... 236.23
Plastic Enclosure with Steel Handle—Momentary Contacts Water/Oil Tight....... Yes .............. 7254K38..... 229.31 7254K58..... 244.72
11/2 .......... 2 .................. 2 ................. 5.3⬙2.5⬙2.8⬙ ... 7826K26 ....... 117.52
Overload Heater Elements
Water Tight for Outdoor Use (NEMA 4)
To Order : Determine your motor’s full-load amp rating and find it
Steel Enclosure with Steel Handle—Maintained Contacts
11/2 .......... 2 .................. 2 ................. 5.2⬙4.6⬙3.8⬙ ... 7826K42 ....... 254.13 within the amp ranges listed below. Please specify the part number of
11/2 .......... 3 .................. 3 ................. 7.6⬙5.1⬙4.3⬙ ... 7826K44 ... 313.88 that amp range and your motor’s full-load amp rating.
2 .............. 5 .................. 71/2 ............. 7.6⬙5.1⬙4.3⬙ ... 7826K45 ... 301.75 Amp Range Amp Range
Steel Enclosure with Steel Handle—Momentary Contacts 0.157-0.321 ..... 7254K61..... $13.10 2.16-4.32 ......... 7254K65..... $13.10
11/2 .......... 2 .................. 2 ................. 5.2⬙4.6⬙3.8⬙ ... 7826K46 ....... 251.28 0.322-0.65 ....... 7254K62..... 13.10 4.33-8.98 ......... 7254K66..... 13.10
 Contacts can be converted to momentary. 0.66-1.25 ......... 7254K63..... 13.10 8.99-16.0 ......... 7254K67..... 13.10
 Has stud terminal connections. 1.30-2.15 ......... 7254K64..... 13.10

Dial Indicating Pressure Gauges

Stainless Steel

• The ultimate corrosion resistant heavy-duty vacuum and pressure gauges
• Extreme high pressure ranges available from vacuum through 100,000 psi
• 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2, 4 and 6 inch sizes – bottom or back connected
• Cases and polished bezels are constructed of solid 304 Stainless steel, with
316 Stainless steel internals
• Vacuum, compound and zero based ranges
• Bourdon tubes are matched to Stainless steel precision movements and balanced
pointers for smooth, accurate indication
• Glycerine filling (in the 500 Series) further enhances gauge life by constantly lubricating
the movement and dampening the effects of vibration, pulsation and shock.
• NOSHOK's Agriculture Ammonia Gauges (25-406 and 25-506) feature a nickel-plated
brass connection with a 316 Stainless steel Bourdon Tube
• Stock availability

OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS Case 15-400, 15-410, 40-400, 40-410, 60-400, 304 Stainless steel
60-410, 60-500, 60-510
1. Working Pressure Limitations 25-400, 25-410, 25-500, 25-510, 40-500, Polished 304 Stainless steel
a. Dynamic Pressure 40-510
The working pressure should be limited to Cover Ring 15-400, 15-410, 25-400, 25-410, 25-500, Polished 304 Stainless steel
60% of the dial range for long service life. 25-510, 40-400, 40-410, 40-500, 40-510
b. Static Pressure 60-400, 60-410, 60-500, 60-510 Polished 304 Stainless steel bayonet ring
The working pressure, when no sharp Lens 15-400, 15-410, 40-400, 40-410, 40-500, Instrument glass
fluctuations occur, should be limited to 40-510
90% of the dial range. 25-400, 25-410, 25-500, 25-510 Trogamide
2. Ambient Temperature 60-400, 60-410, 60-500, 60-510 Laminated safety glass
a. 400 Series Bourdon Tube 15-400, 15-410, 25-400, 25-410, 25-500, 316 Stainless steel “C” tube
-40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C) 25-510, 40-400, 40-410, 40-500, 40-510,
60-400, 60-410, 60-500, 60-510
b. 500 Series (up to 600 psi)
-4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C) 25-400, 25-410, 25-500, 25-510, 40-400, Coiled safety tube
Glycerine Fill 40-410, 40-500, 40-510, 60-400, 60-410,
-40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C) 60-500, 60-510 (greater than 600 psi)
Special Fill Connection 15-400, 15-410 1/8″ NPT, 316 Stainless steel
3. Media Temperature 25-400, 25-410, 25-500, 25-510 1/4″ NPT, 316 Stainless steel
a. 400 Series 40-400, 40-410, 40-500, 40-510, 60-400, 1/2″ NPT, 316 Stainless steel. 9/16″ – 18 high pressure
-40°F to 212°F (-40°C to 100°C) 60-410, 60-500, 60-510 connections are standard on 0 – 30,000 PSI and higher
1-1/2″ and 2-1/2″ sizes Movement 15-400, 15-410, 25-400, 25-410, 25-500, Stainless steel and nylon with highly polished bearing
-40°F to 392°F (-40°C to 200°C) 25-510 surfaces
4″ and 6″ sizes 40-400, 40-410, 40-500, 40-510 All Stainless steel with internal zero stop and highly
polished bearing surfaces
b. 500 Series
60-400, 60-410, 60-500, 60-510 Stainless steel with highly polished bearing surfaces.
-4°F to 212°F (-20°C to 100°C) An internal zero stop is standard.
Glycerine Fill Safety Protection 25-400, 25-410, 25-500, 25-510 Safety relief disc on the top of the case
-40°F to 212°F (-40°C to 100°C) 40-400, 40-410, 40-500, 40-510, 60-400, Safety relief disc on the back and top of the case
Special Fill 60-410, 60-500, 60-510
Accuracy 15-400, 15-410 ± 2.5% Full Scale ASME grade B
APPLICATIONS 25-400, 25-410, 25-500, 25-510 ± 1.5% Full Scale ASME grade A
■ Chemical plants ■ Offshore oil platforms 40-400, 40-410, 40-500, 40-510, 60-400, ± 1% Full Scale ASME grade 1A
■ Petrochemical refineries ■ Paper mills 60-410, 60-500, 60-510
■ Pharmaceutical ■ Salt mines Pointer 15-400, 15-410 Black finished aluminum
■ Food and beverage ■ Fertilizer plants 25-400, 25-410, 25-500, 25-510, 40-400, Balanced aluminum, black finish
40-410, 40-500, 40-510
processing ■ Shipboard
60-400, 60-410, 60-500, 60.510 Balanced micro-adjustable aluminum, black finish
Dial 15-400, 15-410 Aluminum, white background with black markings.
ACCURACY Single scale psi. UV resistant
■ 1-1/2 inch 400 Series Gauges: ±2.5% 25-400, 25-410, 25-500, 25-510, 40-400, Aluminum, white background with black markings.
■ 2-1/2 inch 400 Series Gauges: ±1.5% 40-410, 40-500, 40-510, 60-400, 60-410, Single scale psi is standard. psi/bar, psi/kPa,
60-500, 60-510 or psi/Kg/cm² dual scale are available as stock
■ 4 and 6 inch 400 Series Gauges: ±1.0% options. On dual scale dials, the outer scale is psi in black
■ 2-1/2 inch 500 Series Gauges: ±1.5% and the inner metric scale is red. UV resistant.
■ 4 and 6 inch 500 Series Gauges: ±1.0% Fill Liquid 25-500, 25-510, 40-500, 40-510, 60-500, Glycerine and water

18 For details on accuracy/standard dial configuration and dial layouts, see pages 74-78

SERIES 400/500
SIZE 15 1-1/2 Inch 25 2-1/2 Inch 40 4 Inch 60 6 Inch
CASE TYPE 400 All SS, Dry/Fillable, Bottom Connection 410 All SS, Dry/Fillable, Back Connection 506 Ammonia, Liquid Filled, Bottom Connection
401 All SS, Dry, Bottom Connection 411 All SS, Dry, Back Connection 510 SS Case, Liquid Filled, Back Connection
406 Ammonia, Dry/Fillable, Bottom Connection 500 SS Case, Liquid Filled, Bottom Connection
PRESSURE 30 ″ Vac -30 inHg to 0 15 0 psi to 15 psi 600 0 psi to 600 psi 10000 0 psi to 10000 psi
RANGES 30/15 -30 inHg to 0 to 15 psi 30 0 psi to 30 psi 800 0 psi to 800 psi 15000 0 psi to 15000 psi
30/30 -30 inHg to 0 to 30 psi 60 0 psi to 60 psi 1000 0 psi to 1000 psi 20000 0 psi to 20000 psi
30/60 -30 inHg to 0 to 60 psi 100 0 psi to 100 psi 1500 0 psi to 1500 psi 30000 0 psi to 30000 psi
30/100 -30 inHg to 0 to 100 psi 160 0 psi to 160 psi 2000 0 psi to 2000 psi 40000 0 psi to 40000 psi
30/160 -30 inHg to 0 to 160 psi 200 0 psi to 200 psi 3000 0 psi to 3000 psi 60000 0 psi to 60000 psi
30/200 -30 inHg to 0 to 200 psi 300 0 psi to 300 psi 5000 0 psi to 5000 psi 80000 0 psi to 80000 psi
30/300 -30 inHg to 0 to 300 psi 400 0 psi to 400 psi 6000 0 psi to 6000 psi 100000 0 psi to 100000 psi
SCALE OPTION psi psi single scale psi/kPa psi/kPa dual scale psi/kg/cm2 psi/kg/cm2 dual scale psi/bar psi/bar dual scale
CONNECTION SIZE 1/4 1/4″ NPT 1/2 1/2″ NPT 9/16-18 9/16-18 UNF 3B*
OPTIONS SSFF 304SS front flange SSFR 304SS flange ring SP Red set pointer
SSRF 304SS rear flange FR Flange ring LM Laser marking
SSB-U Stainless steel bezel & U-clamp AP Adjustable pointer ST Stainless steel tagging
SPMC 304SS panel mount clamp SGL Safety glass lens ST5 Stainless steel threaded orifice 0.5 mm
PMC Steel panel mount clamp MIP Maximum indicating pointer ST8 Stainless steel threaded orifice 0.8 mm

Please consult your local NOSHOK Distributor or NOSHOK, Inc. for availability and delivery information.
NOTE: Refer to 400/500 Series Options & Accessories chart on page 66 for availability by model number.
•Connection size for pressures 30,000 psi and above.

EXAMPLE 40-500 - 600 psi - 1/2″ - MIP

1. Select model number (size & case type)

2. Select pressure range & scale option
3. Select connection size (if more than one is offered)
4. Select any required accessory or option

15-401 25-400/500 40-400/500

1.26″ 0.20″ (51mm)
(32mm) (5mm)

2.44″ 2.72″ (101mm)
1.58″ (62mm) (69mm)

1.50″ 2.25″ (84mm)
(38mm) (57mm)

0.47″ 0.55″ 0.79″

(12mm) (14mm) (20mm)
0.55″ 0.55″ 0.87″
(14mm) (14mm) (22mm)

Dial Indicating Pressure Gauges

60-400/500 15-411 25-410/510 40-410/510
1.95″ 1.26″ 0.20″ 3.35″
(49.5mm) (32mm) (5mm) (85mm)
(41mm) 0.55″
0.55″ (14mm)
2.44″ 2.72″ (22mm) 3.98″
6.33″ 1.58″ (62mm) (69mm) (101mm)
(161mm) (40mm)

4.65″ (10mm)
(118mm) 0.79″
2.24″ (20mm) 2.01″
1.02″ (57mm)
(26mm) (51mm)
0.79″ (20mm)
0.87″ (22mm)

60-410/510 40-400/500 Front Flange 60-400/500 Front Flange

(83mm) 5.20″ (132mm) 7.72″ (196mm)
4.57″ (116mm) 2.01″ 7.01″ (178mm) (49.5mm)

0.87″ 6.33″
(22mm) (161mm)
3.98″ 6.33″
(101mm) (161mm)

(20mm) 0.19″
1.95″ (4.8mm) 0.23″
(49.5mm) 120° 120° (5.8mm)

25-410/510 Front Flange 40-410/510 Front Flange

3.35″ (85mm) 5.20″ (132mm)
1.26″ 2.01″
2.95″ (75mm) (32mm) 4.57″ (116mm) (51mm)


120° 120° (4.8mm)

60-410/510 Front Flange 40-400/500 Rear Flange

7.72″ (196mm) 5.20″ (132mm) 2.01″
4.57″ (116mm) (51mm)
7.01″ (178mm) (49.5mm)

6.33″ 3.98″
(161mm) (101mm)

120° 5.8mm) 0.19″ (4.8mm)
20 120° 0.79″ (20mm)

60-400/500 Rear Flange 40-410/510 Rear Flange

7.72″ (196mm) 5.20″ (132mm)

7.01″ (178mm) 1.95″ 4.57″ (116mm) (51mm)

6.33″ 3.98″
(161mm) (101mm)


120° (20mm)
120° 0.14″ (3.6mm)
0.14″ (3.6mm)

60-410/510 Rear Flange 25-410/510 Flange Ring

7.72″ (196mm)
1.95″ 1.26″
7.01″ (178mm) 3.35″ (85mm)
(49.5mm) (32mm)
2.95″ (75mm)

(161mm) 2.72″


0.14″ (3.6mm) 0.14″ (3.6mm) 120°

25-410/510 Panel Mount Clamp 40-410/510 SS Narrow Bezel w/U-Clamp 60-410/510 SS Narrow Bezel w/U-Clamp

2.05″ 3.21″ 3.45″

(52mm) (81.5mm) (87.5mm)

2.96″ 2.44″ 2.72″ 3.98″ 4.14″ 6.33″ 6.85″

(75mm) (62mm) (69mm) (101mm) (105mm) (161mm) (174mm)

1.07″ 1.85″ 2.19″

(27mm) (47mm) (55.5mm)

Gauge snubber, male 1/4 NPTF to female 1/4 NPTF

SUN adjustable gage snubbers are throttling and shut-off devices used to isolate and protect hydraulic gages from line
pressure transients and the resulting gage pointer pulsations.

Technical Features
Zero leakage at shutoff. Gage snubber backup seals are "PTFE" (Teflon®,
product of E. I. DuPont Co.).
Material: 303 and 416 stainless. Knobs are glass-filled

Technical Data
U.S. Units Metric Units
Adjustment - Number of Counterclockwise Turns - Fully Closed to Fully
Effective Orifice Size .035 in. 0,9 mm
Material Stainless Steel
Maximum Operating Pressure 6000 psi 420 bar
Port Configuration .250 NPTF (Male), .250 NPTF (Female)
Seal Material Viton
Model Weight 0.19 lb. 0.09 kg.
NSAB-KXV-BA U.S. Dollar 6
Recommended List Price

Shipping and Discount Terms

Display Components (Click Here )

Description Quantity
B325-042 Sub-assembly 1
125-001 Hex Body 1

No Special Notes Available for selected model.

Copyright © 2002-2011 Sun Hydraulics Corporation. All rights reserved.

Terms and Conditions - ISO Certification - Statement of Privacy
1. Max design and test pressure 2750 PSI
2. Max tank port pressure-150 PSI
3. Flow rating-25 GPM max.
4. Relief valve setting-2250 PSI
5. This valve has one position pressure release
(handle in) with spring center to neutral
6. Weight: 10 lbs.
7. Recommended filtration-ISO 4406 17/14
8. Max operation temp-180°F
9. In exposed environments do not mount with
spool vertical and handle end down.

• Hydraulically balanced, hard chrome plated spool • Relief valve adjustable up to 2750 PSI
• Handle can be installed in “up” or “down” position • Tandem center spool (in neutral position, both work
• Detent release pressure adjustable from 1000 to ports blocked, pump unloaded to tank)
2000 PSI • Ideal for logsplitter applications. Available with 3/4"
• For use with system flows up to 25 GPM NPTF work ports for higher flow applications


1. Max design and test pressure 3000 PSI
2. Max tank port pressure-150 PSI
3. Flow rating-20 GPM max.
4. Relief valve setting-1500 PSI
5. Weight: 9.5 lbs.
6. Recommended filtration-ISO 4406 17/14
7. Max operation temp-180°F
8. In exposed environments, do not mount with
spool vertical and handle end down.

• Economical monoblock construction of high tensile • Open center to closed center conversion available on
strength gray cast iron some models
• Load check • For use with system flows to 20 GPM
• Hard chrome plated spool • For use with system pressures to 3000 PSI
• Adjustable ball spring relief

78 URL: www.princehyd.com • E-MAIL: prince@princehyd.com • PHONE (605) 235-1220 • FAX (605) 235-1082
O.E.M. CUSTOMER SERVICE: (605) 235-1220 • FAX (605) 235-1082 DISTRIBUTOR CUSTOMER SERVICE: PHONE (402) 494-6165 • FAX (402) 494-6941

110 SUS OIL AT 115°F P-PSI
RD-2500 LS-3000

5 5 20 8 3 5 4

10 9 39 15 5 11 13

15 19 60 32 7 23 24

20 31 90 54 11 40 42


All standard valves have a load check (except LS3000 models), a complete lever handle assembly, and an
adjustable ball-spring relief, see below for settings. For other relief settings, please specify.
1500 PSI @
RD-2555-T4-ESA1 X X 1/2 NPTF 1/2 NPTF

1500 PSI @
RD-2575-T4-ESA1 X X 3/4 NPTF 1/2 NPTF

1500 PSI @
RD-2575-T4-EDA1 X X 3/4 NPTF 1/2 NPTF

3/4 NPTF 1/2 NPTF 1500 PSI @

RD-2575-T3-ESA1 X X 12 GPM YES

3/4 NPTF 1/2 NPTF 1500 PSI @

RD-2575-M4-ESA1 X X 12 GPM YES

1500 PSI @
RD-2508-T4-ESA1 X X #10 SAE #8 SAE

1500 PSI @
RD-2575-M4-EDA1 X X 3/4 NPTF 1/2 NPTF

2250 PSI @
LS-3000-1 X X 3/4 NPTF 1/2 NPTF

2250 PSI @
LS-3000-2 X X 3/4 NPTF 3/4 NPTF

1500 PSI @
LS-3030-1 X X 3/4 NPTF 1/2 NPTF

1500 PSI @
LS-3030-2 X X 3/4 NPTF 3/4 NPTF

1500 PSI @
LS-3040-1 X X 3/4 NPTF 1/2 NPTF


This spool option is used to control a This spool option is used to control a This spool option is used to control a The load check feature is standard on
double acting cylinder. In neutral both single acting cylinder or a reversing motor or a double acting all RD-2500 valve models. The load
of the work ports are blocked and oil uni-directional motor. In neutral the cylinder. In neutral the work ports check will prevent the fall of a
goes through the open center passage work port is blocked and oil goes are connected to tank and oil goes cylinder as the spool is shifted. It
to the outlet. This is the most popular through the open center passage to through the open center passage to does this by preventing the backflow
spool option. the outlet. The “B” work port is the outlet. This allows a motor to of oil from work port to inlet. The
plugged for this option. free-wheel or a cylinder to float in pump must build up enough pressure
the neutral position. to overcome the pressure on the work
port and lift the load check poppet.
The load check has nothing to do with
holding a cylinder when the spool is in

URL: www.princehyd.com • E-MAIL: prince@princehyd.com • PHONE (605) 235-1220 • FAX (605) 235-1082 79
O.E.M. CUSTOMER SERVICE: (605) 235-1220 • FAX (605) 235-1082 DISTRIBUTOR CUSTOMER SERVICE: PHONE (402) 494-6165 • FAX (402) 494-6941
• Universal two- Product Bulletin 4480-B114-US
wire hose design
manufactured to Parker 302
Worldwide Hose
(ISO 1436-1 Type 2SN)

• Increased working
pressures for
improved reliability
and expanded

• Nitrile inner tube

for greater fluid
compatibility and
bio-oil resistance
The 302 advantage: seamless application coverage and leak-free Compatible with 43 Series
performance, anywhere and everywhere. and 30 Series Fittings
The world standard in hose is now worldwide. Introducing Parker’s 302 hose – a new
Parker’s 302 hose is designed to work with
universal two-wire construction hose designed to accommodate global customer
requirements. Manufactured to strict international quality specifications, Parker 302 offers both our 43 Series Parkrimp fittings and
customers consistency of performance combined with improved availability anywhere our 30 Series field-attachable fittings.
in the world.
Designed to replace the existing 301 hose series, as well as its European counterpart, 301SN,
Available in
Parker 302 offers higher working pressure, longer service life and better fluid compatibility.
more than 75 end
Features and benefits configurations, our
• Higher working pressures than the Parker 301 series for improved reliability 43 Series fittings
and expanded applications
• Nitrile inner tube for better fluid compatibility with a larger array can be crimped
of hydraulic fluids, including biodegradable ones with all of our
• Meets ISO 1436-1 Type 2SN, SAE 100R2 Type AT, and EN 853 Type 2SN
• Rated at a 4:1 burst pressure Parkrimp crimpers,
making leak-free assemblies a
Construction fast and easy process.
Inner tube: Nitrile rubber
Reinforcement: Two braids steel wire
Cover: Synthetic rubber

• Petroleum-based hydraulic fluids of -40°F to +212°F (-40°C to +100°C)
• Water, water/oil emulsion and water/glycol up to +185°F (+85°C)
• Air up to +158°F (+70°C)

• Automotive plant applications • Forestry equipment
• Agricultural equipment • Construction equipment

Part Working Minimum Field

Number Hose ID Hose O.D. Pressure Bend Radius Weight Parkrimp Attachable
inch mm inch mm psi Mpa inch mm lbs/ft kg/g 43 Series 30 Series
302-4 1/4 6,3 0.59 15,0 5800 40 4 100 0.26 0,39 • •
302-5 5/16 8 0.65 16,6 5000 35 4-1/2 115 0.28 0,42 •
302-6 3/8 10 0.75 19,0 4750 33 5 130 0.37 0,55 • •
302-8 1/2 12,5 0.88 22,3 4000 28 7 180 0.45 0,67 • •
302-10 5/8 16 1.00 25,5 3600 25 8 200 0.52 0,77 • •
302-12 3/4 19 1.16 29,4 3100 21,5 9-1/2 240 0.67 1,00 • •
302-16 1 25 1.50 38,1 2400 16,5 12 300 1.00 1,49 • • See Catalog 4400 or www.parkerhose.com
302-20 1-1/4 31,5 1.86 47,1 1800 12,5 16-1/2 420 1.16 1,73 • • for 43 and 30 Series fitting selection.
Visit www.parkerhose.com to view CrimpSource®,
302-24 1-1/2 38 2.14 54,5 1300 9 20 500 1.44 2,14 • • the online resource for hose crimp specifications
302-32 2 51 2.64 67,2 1150 8 25 630 1.99 2,96 • • for the complete line of Parker crimping machines.

! WARNING Distributed by:

Failure or improper selection or improper use of hose, tubing, fittings, assemblies or related accessories (“Products”) can cause death, personal injury and property damage.
Possible consequences of failure or improper selection or improper use of these Products include but are not limited to:
• Fittings thrown off at high speed • Injections by high-pressure fluid discharge • Sparking or explosion while spraying paint or
• High velocity fluid discharge • Dangerously whipping Hose flammable liquids
• Explosion or burning of the conveyed fluid • Contact with conveyed fluids that may be hot, cold, • Injuries resulting from inhalation, ingestion or
• Electrocution from high voltage electric power lines toxic or otherwise injurious exposure to fluids
• Contact with suddenly moving or falling objects that • Sparking or explosion caused by static electricity
are controlled by the conveyed fluid buildup or other sources of electricity
Before selecting or using any of these Products, it is important that you read and follow Parker Safety Guide for Selecting and Using Hose, Tubing, Fittings and Related Accessories
(Parker Publication No. 4400-B.1- Revised May, 2002). Only Hose from Parker’s Stratoflex Products Division is approved for in flight aerospace applications, and no other Hose can be
used for such in flight applications.

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hose Products Division – U.S. Hose Products Division – Europe
30240 Lakeland Blvd. Via GB Pirelli, 6
Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 22070 Veniano (CO), Italy
Phone: (440) 943-5700 Phone: (39) 031-936111
Fax: (440) 943-3129 Fax: (39) 031-936664
www.parkerhose.com www.parker.com/euro_hpd
Bulletin 4480-B114-US 5/07 ©2007 Parker Hannifin Corporation
Catalog 4400 US 43 Series Fittings
JIC Use with 301LT, 302, 304, 341,351ST, 351TC, 422, 421WC, 424, 426, 431,
436, 451TC, 451ST, 471TC, 471ST, 472TC, 482TC,482ST, 601, 881 hoses.


Male JIC 37° - Bulkhead without Locknut

Part Thread Hose I.D. A H B
Number inch inch inch mm inch inch mm
1LB43-4-4 1/4 7/16x20 1/4 2.64 67 9/16 1.89 48
1LB43-6-6 3/8 9/16x18 3/8 3.08 78 3/4 2.05 52
1LB43-8-8 1/2 3/4x16 1/2 3.46 88 7/8 2.20 56
1LB43-10-10 5/8 7/8x14 5/8 3.85 98 15/16 2.41 61
1LB43-12-12 3/4 1-1/16x12 3/4 4.08 104 1-1/8 2.64 67
Fittings are stocked less locknut (part no. WLN). Locknuts are manufactured by the Parker Tube

43 Series
Fittings Division and must be ordered separately.

10643 B
Female JIC 37° - Swivel
Part Thread Hose I.D. A H W B Stainless
Number inch inch inch mm inch inch inch mm Steel (C)
10643-4-4 1/4 7/16x20 1/4 1.94 49 9/16 9/16 1.19 30 •
10643-4-6 1/4 7/16x20 3/8 2.20 56 11/16 9/16 1.17 30

10643-5-4 5/16 1/2x20 1/4 2.03 52 9/16 5/8 1.28 33
10643-5-5 5/16 1/2x20 5/16 2.08 53 11/16 5/8 1.33 34
10643-5-6 5/16 1/2x20 3/8 2.26 57 11/16 5/8 1.23 31
9/16 11/16 1.30
11/16 11/16 1.35
10643-6-6 3/8 9/16x18 3/8 2.29 58 11/16 11/16 1.26 32 •
10643-6-8 3/8 9/16x18 1/2 2.51 64 13/16 11/16 1.25 32
10643-8-6 1/2 3/4x16 3/8 2.49 63 11/16 7/8 1.46 37 •
10643-8-8 1/2 3/4x16 1/2 2.63 67 13/16 7/8 1.37 35 •
10643-8-10 1/2 3/4x16 5/8 2.82 72 15/16 7/8 1.38 35

10643-8-12 1/2 3/4x16 3/4 2.83 72 1-1/16 7/8 1.39 35
10643-10-6 5/8 7/8x14 3/8 2.51 64 7/8 1 1.48 38
10643-10-8 5/8 7/8x14 1/2 2.85 72 7/8 1 1.59 40
10643-10-10 5/8 7/8x14 5/8 2.93 74 15/16 1 1.49 38 •
10643-10-12 5/8 7/8x14 3/4 2.93 74 1-1/16 1 1.49 38 D
10643-12-8 3/4 1-1/16x12 1/2 2.78 71 1-1/16 1-1/4 1.52 39
10643-12-10 3/4 1-1/16x12 5/8 3.10 79 1-1/16 1-1/4 1.66 42
10643-12-12 3/4 1-1/16x12 3/4 3.17 81 1-1/16 1-1/4 1.73 44 •
10643-12-16 3/4 1-1/16x12 1 3.29 84 1-3/8 1-1/4 1.67 42
10643-14-12 7/8 1-3/16x12 3/4 3.18 81 1-1/4 1-3/8 1.74 44
10643-16-12 1 1-5/16x12 3/4 3.31 84 1-1/4 1-1/2 1.87 47
10643-16-16 1 1-5/16x12 1 3.62 92 1-3/8 1-1/2 2.00 51 •

10643-20-16 1-1/4 1-5/8x12 1 3.81 97 1-5/8 2 2.19 56

10643-20-20 1-1/4 1-5/8x12 1-1/4 3.94 100 1-7/8 2 2.25 57 •
10643-24-24 1-1/2 1-7/8x12 1-1/2 3.84 98 2-1/8 2-1/4 2.47 63
10643-32-32 2 2-1/2x12 2 4.73 120 2-1/2 2-7/8 2.95 75 E
Stainless steel fittings must be assembled with Karrykrimp 2, PHastkrimp, Superkrimp or Parkrimp 2.
See CrimpSource for more information.

B-33 Hose Products Division

Parker Hannifin Corporation
Wickliffe, Ohio
Catalog 4400 US 43 Series Fittings
Pipe Use with 301LT, 302, 304, 341,351ST, 351TC, 422, 421WC, 424, 426, 431,
436, 451TC, 451ST, 471TC, 471ST, 472TC, 482TC,482ST, 601, 881 hoses.


Male NPTF Pipe - Rigid

Part Thread Hose I.D. A H B Stainless
Number inch inch inch mm inch inch mm Steel (C)
10143-2-4 1/8x27 1/4 1.80 46 9/16 1.05 27
10143-4-4 1/4x18 1/4 2.01 51 9/16 1.26 32 •
10143-4-5 1/4x18 5/16 1.94 49 11/16 1.19 30
10143-4-6 1/4x18 3/8 2.28 58 3/4 1.25 32
10143-6-4 3/8x18 1/4 1.86 47 11/16 1.11 28
10143-6-5 3/8x18 5/16 1.94 49 11/16 1.19 30

43 Series
10143-6-6 3/8x18 3/8 2.37 60 3/4 1.34 34 •
10143-6-8 3/8x18 1/2 2.59 66 7/8 1.33 34
10143-6-10 3/8x18 5/8 2.61 66 15/16 1.17 30
1.38 35
1.36 35
10143-8-8 1/2x14 1/2 2.84 72 7/8 1.58 40 •
10143-8-10 1/2x14 5/8 3.04 77 15/16 1.59 40
10143-8-12 1/2x14 3/4 3.04 77 1-1/16 1.60 41
10143-12-8 3/4x14 1/2 2.68 68 1-1/16 1.42 36
10143-12-10 3/4x14 5/8 2.87 73 1-1/16 1.43 36
10143-12-12 3/4x14 3/4 3.09 78 1-1/16 1.65 42 •
10143-12-16 3/4x14 1 3.40 86 1-3/8 1.78 45

10143-16-12 1x11-1/2 3/4 3.09 78 1-3/8 1.65 42
10143-16-16 1x11-1/2 1 2.59 66 1-3/8 1.97 50 •
10143-20-20 1-1/4x11-1/2 1-1/4 4.08 104 1-3/4 2.39 61 •
10143-24-24 1-1/2x11-1/2
10143-32-32 2x11-1/2
Stainless steel fittings must be assembled with Karrykrimp 2, PHastkrimp, Superkrimp or Parkrimp 2.
See CrimpSource for more information.

Male NPTF Pipe - Swivel

Part Thread Hose I.D. A W B

Number inch inch inch mm inch inch mm
11343-2-4 1/8x27 1/4 2.94 75 5/8 2.19 56
11343-4-4 1/4x18 1/4 2.68 68 5/8 1.93 49
11343-4-6 1/4x18 3/8 3.01 76 5/8 1.98 50
11343-6-4 3/8x18 1/4 2.81 71 3/4 2.06 52
11343-6-6 3/8x18 3/8 3.08 78 3/4 2.05 52
11343-6-8 3/8x18 1/2 3.30 84 3/4 2.04 52
11343-8-6 1/2x14 3/8 3.30 84 7/8 2.27 58
11343-8-8 1/2x14 1/2 3.52 89 7/8 2.26 57
11343-12-12 3/4x14 3/4 3.93 100 1-1/4 2.49 63

11343-16-16 1x11-1/2 1 4.52 115 1-1/2 2.90 74

O-Ring not compatible with Phosphate Ester fluids.
Fitting allows minor movement under pressure to relieve stress on hose but is not to be used on
continuous or extensive swiveling.

B-29 Hose Products Division

Parker Hannifin Corporation
Wickliffe, Ohio
Dust Plugs and Dust Caps
Hydraulic Quick Couplings

HP Series
Body Dust Plug Dust Cap
Size Part Number Part No.
(in.) Rubber Rubber
1 HPP-100 HPC-100

B Hydraulics
1 1/2 HPP-150 HPC-150

4000 Series & 5000 Series Body Dust Plug Dust Plug Dust Cap Dust Cap
Size Part No. Part No. Part No. Part No.
(in.) Steel Rubber Steel Rubber
1/4 – 5205-2M* – 5209-2M*
3/8 – 5205-3 – 5209-3
1/2 5005-4 5205-4M* 5009-4 5209-4M*
3/4 – 5205-5 – 5209-5
1 – 5205-6 – 5209-6
* Designates all rubber material. (Not shown at left)

NS Series Body Size Part Number

(in.) Rubber
3/8 NR-37
1/2 NR-50
3/4 NR-75
1 NR-100
Protective cover fits either half.

FF Series, FC Series, FH Series & FS Series Body Dust Plug Dust Cap
Size Part Number Part No.
(in.) Rubber Rubber
1/4* FR-25 FR-25
3/8 NR-50 NR-37
1/2 FR-501 FR-502
3/4 FR-751 FR-752
1 FR-1001 FR-1002
* FR-25 fits both halves

FE Series, FEC Series, FEM Series Body Dust Plug Dust Cap
Size Part Number Part No.
(in.) Rubber Rubber
1/4 FR-25 FR-25
3/8 NR-50 NR-37
1/2 FR-501 FER-502
3/4 FR-751 FER-752
1 FR-1001

6100 Series Body Dust Plug Dust Cap

Size Part No. Part No.
(in.) Brass Brass
3/4 6109-08 6108-08
1 6109-16 6108-16
1 1/4 6109-20 6108-20
1 1/2 6109-24 6108-24

Quick Coupling Division

8145 Lewis Road • Minneapolis, MN 55427
B-61 www.parker.com/quickcouplings
Catalog HY08-1114-1/NA Heavy Duty Hydraulic Cylinders
How To Order Series 2H

2H Model Code

5.00 C K F P TB 2H C T

Bore Dia. Cushion Double Mounting Mounting Combination Series Piston Seal Ports
Head Rod End Style Modification Mounts 4 Designator

Specify Use “C” Use “K” only P = Use only if Any practical 2H
bore dia. only if head if a double Thrust Key mounting 2HD
in inches end cushion rod end required. style listed.
1.50 is required. cylinder is (Style C or F.)
required.1 C = Ring Packed Piston
2.00 M = Use only for (std.)
2.50 Manifold Port
O-Ring Seal. L = Lip Seal Piston
3.25 K = Hi Load Piston
Applies to C
4.00 Mount only. F = Low Friction
5.00 S = Spring Loaded
6.00 T = Basic, No Mount PTFE piston seals
TB = Tie Rods Ext. Head 3 = Magnetic Piston,
TC = Tie Rods Ext. Cap stainless steel
TD = Tie Rods Ext. Both Ends cylinder body, single
J = Head Rectangular Flange bi-directional piston
JB = Head Square Flange
7 = Magnetic Piston,
JJ = Head Rectangular
carbon steel body,
H = Cap Rectangular Flange single bi-directional
HB = Cap Square Flange piston seal
HH = Cap Rectangular
C = Side Lug 2 T = SAE Straight Thread O-Ring (Std.)
F = Side Tapped 2 U = NPTF Ports (Dry Seal Pipe Thread)
BB = Cap Fixed Clevis R = BSP Ports (Parallel Thread ISO 228)
D = Head Trunnion P = SAE Flange Ports (3,000 psi)
DB = Cap Trunnion B = BSPT Ports (Taper Thread)
DD = Int. Fixed Trunnion 3 G = Metric Thread Ports
DE = Heavy Duty Intermediate Y = Metric Thread Ports per ISO 6149
Fixed Trunnion3 M = Used only for Manifold Port O-ring
SB = Spherical Bearing Seal. M option must be specified
(Mounting Modification), applies to
Shaded boxes identify required model number fields. Mounting Style C only.
Available mounting styles for K Type cylinders are located at the end of Section A.
When ordering a double rod end cylinder, the piston rod number and piston rod end
threads are to be specified for both rod ends.
The model number should be created as viewing the primary rod end on the left
hand side.
Example: K Type Cylinder:
Mounting Styles C and F should have a minimum stroke length equal to or greater than
their bore size.
Specify XI dimension.
In general, the model numbers as read left to right corresponding to the cylinder as
viewed from left to right with the primary end at the left. The second or subsequent
mountings are mountings called out as they appear in the assembly moving away from
the rod end. Except when tie rod extension mountings are part of a combination, all
combinations should have a “S” (Special) in the model code and a note in the body of the
order clarifying the mounting arrangement. The “P”, as used to define a thrust key is not
considered to be a mounting. However it is located at the primary end.

 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Cylinder Division
www.parker.com/cylinder Des Plaines, Illinois USA
Catalog HY08-1114-1/NA Heavy Duty Hydraulic Cylinders
How To Order Series 2H

2H Model Code

J S 1 4 A C 16.000

Common Special Piston Rod Piston Rod Piston Rod Cushion Cap Stroke7
Modification 5 Modification Number 8 End Threads

Use only if special 1 Used only Specify
modifications are 2 if cushion in inches
required: 3 required
Oversize Ports 4
Port Position Change
Special Seals
Stop Tube 7
Stroke Adjusters
Tie Rod Supports

J = High Water Content Fluid Style 4 Small Male A = UNF Standard

V = Fluorocarbon Seals Style 7 Female Thread for M = Metric11
W = Water Service Spherical Rod Eye for
X = EPR Seals Piston Rod Codes Larger
than Code #1
2 = Class 2 Seals
4 = Class 4 Seals Style 8 Intermediate Male
E = Fluorocarbon Seals – Style 9 Short Female 9
Piston Rod only Style 55 Rod End for Flange
H = Class 8 Seals Coupling
N = High Temperature Style 3 Special (Specify) 10
Rod Gland 6

Style 9 Minimum Stroke Table

Shaded boxes identify required model number fields.
Bore Rod Minimum
Ø Ø Stroke
See common modifications Section D for additional options.
Energized PTFE rod seals & wiperseal. All other cylinder seals are 1.50 - 4.00 All None
fluorocarbon. 5.00 2.000 None
S = Stop Tube. Specify: stop tube length, net stroke and gross stroke.
2.500 1.000
Gross stroke = stop tube length + net stroke. Gross stroke to be placed in the
model number field. 3.000 1.375
Example: 3.500 1.625
2.000 inches long stop tube 6.00 2.500 None
+14.000 inches net stroke 3.000 1.375
16.000 inches gross stroke 3.500 1.375
Refer to Rod buckling chart in Section E to assure rod number selected
4.000 2.000
will not buckle under load.
Style 9 stroke restrictions may apply. See Style 9 Minimum Stroke
Table for details.
Provide dimensions for KK, A, W or WF. If otherwise special,
furnish dimensioned sketch.
See Section D for detailed information regarding standard metric rod end
thread sizes.

 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Cylinder Division
www.parker.com/cylinder Des Plaines, Illinois USA
Catalog HY08-1114-1/NA Heavy Duty Hydraulic Cylinders
Mounting Information – 1.50" to 6.00" Bore Series 2H

Spherical Bearing Mounting

Bore Maximum 1
Ø Operating
1.50 1500
2.00 2200 2 4
2.50 1450
3.25 1500
4.00 1850 KK MS
5.00 2000 CD
W NR 3
6.00 1800 A EX
Table 1 — Dimensional and Mounting Data
Bore Rod No. MM Thread A CD 2 EX MA MS NR W Add Stroke
Ø Rod Style Style Ø XC ZC
Ø 9 7
1 (Std.) 0.625 7/16-20 — 0.75 -.0005 0.63 6.38 7.13
1.50 0.44 0.75 0.94 0.63
2 1.000 — 7/16-20 0.75 .5000 1.00 6.75 7.50
1 (Std.) 1.000 3/4-16 — 1.13 -.0005 0.75 7.25 8.25
2.00 0.66 1.00 1.38 1.00
2 1.375 — 3/4-16 1.13 .7500 1.00 7.50 8.50
1 (Std.) 1.000 3/4-16 — 1.13 0.75 7.38 8.38
2.50 2 1.750 — 3/4-16 1.13 0.66 1.00 1.38 1.00 1.25 7.88 8.88
3 1.375 — 3/4-16 1.13 1.00 7.63 8.63
1 (Std.) 1.375 1-14 — 1.63 0.88 8.63 9.88
3.25 2 2.000 — 1-14 1.63 0.88 1.25 1.69 1.25 1.25 9.00 10.25
3 1.750 — 1-14 1.63 1.13 8.88 10.13
1 (Std.) 1.750 1 1/4-12 — 2.00 1.00 9.75 11.63
4.00 2 2.500 — 1 1/4-12 2.00 1.19 1.88 2.44 1.63 1.38 10.13 12.00
3 2.000 — 1 1/4-12 2.00 1.13 9.88 11.75
1 (Std.) 2.000 1 1/2-12 — 2.25 1.13 10.50 13.00
2 3.500 — 1 1/2-12 2.25 -.0005 1.38 10.75 13.25
5.00 1.53 2.50 2.88 2.06
3 2.500 — 1 1/2-12 2.25 1.7500 1.38 10.75 13.25
4 3.000 — 1 1/2-12 2.25 1.38 10.75 13.25
1 (Std.) 2.500 1 7/8-12 — 3.00 1.25 12.13 14.63
2 4.000 — 1 7/8-12 3.00 -.0005 1.25 12.13 14.63
6.00 1.75 2.50 3.31 2.38
3 3.000 — 1 7/8-12 3.00 2.0000 1.25 12.13 14.63
4 3.500 — 1 7/8-12 3.00 1.25 12.13 14.63
Note: for additional dimensions see Series 2H Style BB mount. 3
Threads listed are also for a spherical rod eye which match style 9
Maximum operating pressure at 4:1 design factor is based on tensile or style 7. The spherical rod eye pin diameter matches the cap
strength of material. Pressure ratings are based on standard pin and (if required) needs to be purchased separately; see 2H/3H
commercial bearing ratings. mounting accessories for detailed information.
Dimension “CD” is hole diameter.
Mounting Information
Table 2 – Recommended maximum swivel angle Head End Mounting
on each side of the cylinder centerline.
Bore Head End Mounted Cap End Mounted
Ø Angle a Tan. of a Angle a Tan. of a
2.00° .035 .035 X A
1.50 2.00°
2.00 2.50° .044 4.50° .079
2.50 2.50° .044 4.50° .079 XL + STROKE
3.25 3.00° .052 3.00° .052 Cap End Mounting
4.00 2.50° .044 3.00° .052
5.00 3.00° .052 3.00° .052
6.00 3.00° .052 3.00° .052 A X
Note: Dimension X is the maximum off center mounting of the A X
cylinder. To determine dimension X for various stroke lengths
multiply the distance between pivot pin holes by tangent of angle a.
For extended position use X = XL + 2X stroke. XL + STROKE

26 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Cylinder Division
www.parker.com/cylinder Des Plaines, Illinois USA
Series 2H Cylinder Accessories
Spherical Bearing Mounting
Heavy Duty Hydraulic Cylinders Style SB

Parker offers a complete range of Cylinder Accessories respective cylinder include the Rod Eye, Pivot Pin and
to assure you of the greatest versatility in present or Clevis Bracket. To select the proper part number for any
future cylinder applications. Accessories offered for the desired accessory refer to the charts below.

Spherical Rod Eye Bore Sizes Series 2H 11/2 2 & 21/2 31/ 4 4 5 6
Rod Eye Part No. 132290 132291 132292 132293 132294 132295
CD .5000-0005 .7500-0005 1.0000-0005 1.3750-0005 1.7500-0005 2.0000-0005
CD EX A 11/ 16 1 1 1/ 2 2 2 1/ 8 2 7/ 8
CE 7/ 8 1 1/ 4 1 /8
7 2 /8
1 2 /2
1 2 3/ 4
EX 7/16 21/ 32 7/ 8 13/16 117/32 1 3/ 4
LUBE ER 13/ 16 1 1/ 8 1 1/ 4 111/16 2 1/16 2 1/ 2
LE CE LE 3/ 4 11/16 17/16 1 7/ 8 2 1/ 8 2 1/ 2
JK 7/16-20 3/4-16 1-14 11/4-12 11/2-12 17/8-12
JL 7/ 8 15/16 1 1/ 2 2 2 1/ 4 2 3/ 4
CAPACITY 2644 9441 16860 28562 43005 70193

Order to fit Piston Rod Thread Size.

Pivot Pin Bore Sizes Series 2H 11/ 2 2 & 21/2 31/4 4 5 6
Pivot Pin Part No. 83962 83963 83964 83965 83966 83967
CD .4997-0004 .7497-0005 .9997-0005 1.3746-0006 1.7496-0006 1.9996-0007
CL 19/16 21/32 21/2 35/16 47/32 415/16
CAPACITY 8600 19300 34300 65000 105200 137400

Pivot Pins are furnished with

(2) Retainer Rings.

Clevis Bracket BoreSizes Series 2H 11/ 2 2 & 21/2 31/4 4 5 6

Clevis Bracket Part No. 83947 83948 83949 83950 83951 83952
CD 1/ 2 3/ 4 1 1 3/ 8 1 3/ 4 2
CF 7/16 21/32 7/ 8 13/16 117/32 1 3/ 4
CW 1/ 2 5/ 8 3/ 4 1 1 1/ 4 1 1/ 2
CW CF CW 13/32 17/32 17/32 21/32 29/32 29/32
M E 3 3 3/ 4 5 1/ 2 6 1/ 2 8 1/ 2 105/8
DD DIA CD + .004
4 HOLES + .002 F 1/ 2 5/ 8 3/ 4 7/ 8 1 1/ 4 1 1/ 2
FL 1 1/ 2 2 2 1/ 2 3 1/ 2 4 1/ 2 5
LR 15/16 1 3/ 8 111/16 27/16 2 7/ 8 35/16
M 1/ 2 7/ 8 1 1 3/ 8 1 3/ 4 2
MR 5/ 8 1 13/16 1 5/ 8 21/16 2 3/ 8
Order to fit Mounting Plate or 2.05 2.76 4.10 4.95 6.58 7.92
Rod Eye.
CAPACITY 5770 9450 14300 20322 37800 50375

For Cylinder Division Plant Locations – See Page II.

Series 2H Cylinder Accessories
Spherical Bearing Mounting
Heavy Duty Hydraulic Cylinders Style SB

Parker offers a complete range of Cylinder Accessories respective cylinder include the Rod Eye, Pivot Pin and
to assure you of the greatest versatility in present or Clevis Bracket. To select the proper part number for any
future cylinder applications. Accessories offered for the desired accessory refer to the charts below.

Spherical Rod Eye Bore Sizes Series 2H 11/2 2 & 21/2 31/ 4 4 5 6
Rod Eye Part No. 132290 132291 132292 132293 132294 132295
CD .5000-0005 .7500-0005 1.0000-0005 1.3750-0005 1.7500-0005 2.0000-0005
CD EX A 11/ 16 1 1 1/ 2 2 2 1/ 8 2 7/ 8
CE 7/ 8 1 1/ 4 1 /8
7 2 /8
1 2 /2
1 2 3/ 4
EX 7/16 21/ 32 7/ 8 13/16 117/32 1 3/ 4
LUBE ER 13/ 16 1 1/ 8 1 1/ 4 111/16 2 1/16 2 1/ 2
LE CE LE 3/ 4 11/16 17/16 1 7/ 8 2 1/ 8 2 1/ 2
JK 7/16-20 3/4-16 1-14 11/4-12 11/2-12 17/8-12
JL 7/ 8 15/16 1 1/ 2 2 2 1/ 4 2 3/ 4
CAPACITY 2644 9441 16860 28562 43005 70193

Order to fit Piston Rod Thread Size.

Pivot Pin Bore Sizes Series 2H 11/ 2 2 & 21/2 31/4 4 5 6
Pivot Pin Part No. 83962 83963 83964 83965 83966 83967
CD .4997-0004 .7497-0005 .9997-0005 1.3746-0006 1.7496-0006 1.9996-0007
CL 19/16 21/32 21/2 35/16 47/32 415/16
CAPACITY 8600 19300 34300 65000 105200 137400

Pivot Pins are furnished with

(2) Retainer Rings.

Clevis Bracket BoreSizes Series 2H 11/ 2 2 & 21/2 31/4 4 5 6

Clevis Bracket Part No. 83947 83948 83949 83950 83951 83952
CD 1/ 2 3/ 4 1 1 3/ 8 1 3/ 4 2
CF 7/16 21/32 7/ 8 13/16 117/32 1 3/ 4
CW 1/ 2 5/ 8 3/ 4 1 1 1/ 4 1 1/ 2
CW CF CW 13/32 17/32 17/32 21/32 29/32 29/32
M E 3 3 3/ 4 5 1/ 2 6 1/ 2 8 1/ 2 105/8
DD DIA CD + .004
4 HOLES + .002 F 1/ 2 5/ 8 3/ 4 7/ 8 1 1/ 4 1 1/ 2
FL 1 1/ 2 2 2 1/ 2 3 1/ 2 4 1/ 2 5
LR 15/16 1 3/ 8 111/16 27/16 2 7/ 8 35/16
M 1/ 2 7/ 8 1 1 3/ 8 1 3/ 4 2
MR 5/ 8 1 13/16 1 5/ 8 21/16 2 3/ 8
Order to fit Mounting Plate or 2.05 2.76 4.10 4.95 6.58 7.92
Rod Eye.
CAPACITY 5770 9450 14300 20322 37800 50375

For Cylinder Division Plant Locations – See Page II.

Steel SAE O-Ring Adapters
Dash Stock Materials
6410-L Size
T1 (UNF)
T2 (UNF)
O-Ring Extender 6-6
10-10 S 7/8-14 7/8-14 2.00”
12-12 S 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12 2.38”
1 2

*Length = Overall Length of Fitting

Dash Stock Materials

6425 Size
T1 (UNF)
T2 (UNF)
O-Ring Coupling 6-6
10-10 S 7/8-14 7/8-14
12-12 S 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12

1 2

Dash Stock Materials

6807 Size
4-4 S
T1 (UNF)
T2 (UNF)
O-Ring 6-4
Adjustable 8-6 S FG 3/4-16 9/16-18
8-8 S FG 3/4-16 3/4-16
Union Elbow 90o 10-8 S FG 7/8-14 3/4-16
10-10 S FG 7/8-14 7/8-14
1 12-12 S FG 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12
16-16 S FG 1 5/16-12 1 5/16-12
20-20 S FG 1 5/8-12 1 5/8-12
24-24 S 1 7/8-12 1 7/8-12

Dash Stock Materials

6815 Size
4-4 S
T1 (UNF)
T2 (UNF)
O-Ring 4-6
6-4 S
FG 7/16-20
Adjustable Street 6-6 S FG 9/16-18 9/16-18
6-8 S FG 9/16-18 3/4-16
Elbow 90o 8-8 S FG 3/4-16 3/4-16
10-10 S FG 7/8-14 7/8-14
2 12-10 S FG 1 1/16-12 7/8-14
12-12 S FG 1 1/16-12 1 1/16-12
16-16 S FG 1 5/16-12 1 5/16-12

Toll Free 800.255.1008 - Toll Free Fax 800.959.3333
Bill of Materials

Customer: FLSmidth Boise

Customer Part Number: 3300-FE-001, 3300-FE-002,


Description: Pull Cart HPU

8900 N. Ramsey Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97203 Drawing Number: B10269
Phone (503)228-6666
Fax (503) 228-7318 Quantity: 1

Item Qty Description Manufacturer Part Number



1.3 1 TAGS WIT B10697

2 1 ELECTRIC MOTOR LEESON 1.5 HP, 1450 RPM, 380/3/50, TEFC, 145TC,







7 2 HOSE ASSEMBLY PARKER F-302-01-06-04-04-04-180




9.2 6 ADAPTER BRENNAN 6807-8-8


9.3 Parts list 61588.xls 3/1/2013 Page 1 of 1

"C" .06

"AD" 2.12
7.39 .12 2.00
.63 4.13
.19 SQ. x 1.38


.8750 H
3.45 .002 G
.004 H

(2) Ø1.13 KNOCKOUT

(3) Ø.88 KNOCKOUT .004 H 6.55

CONNECTION (4) 3/8-16 UNC-2B x .56 DP.
"C" "AD"
550 11.42 5.56
600 11.92 6.06
650 12.42 6.56
675 12.67 6.81
700 12.92 7.06
750 13.42 7.56 NOTE:
800 13.92 8.06 1) GASKETS THROUGHOUT

04 ADDED DASH NO. 675 PG 5/21/2010 .X ±.1 APPR
02 ADD "C" DIM. PER ISAAC 09-4157 LST 10/1/2009 .XXX ±.005 TEFC - "C" FACE REF 028504.00
NETWORK FILE NAME 028777 B 028777 05

2/10/2011 9:59:25 AM

55 1/2

51 5/8

3 48 7/8

4 1/2 1 1/2 ACROSS FLATS 3/8 #12 SAE PORT



+ .0000
P/N 0961000100 .0005
4 1/2

+ .0000 R1 11/16
1.0000 -
1-14 UNS
1.625 R1 1/4 3/4
3/4 2
1 3/4 1 1/2 1 1/4 7/8

1 1/8 54 1/4

56 1/8


Certified For
____________________________ B
- -
Cust. Purch. Order 9787000353
Cust. Dwg. No.
Serial No.
STROKE: 45.370 GROSS, 39.370 NET Certified By: VDL


Autodesk Inventor
3.25 SB-2H LT S37 A X 45.370

3/8 01/18/13 VDL HH438461A0 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Unidades de Fuerza – Parker

Manual de Instalación y mantenimiento de su Unidad de Fuerza

hidráulica estándar.

D, H, V Pak y Unidades de Fuerza Construido por Encargo


Ubicación de la Unidad de Fuerza

La unidad se debe instalar adentro y preferiblemente en un ambiente seco y limpio con

una temperatura de 60 a 100°F. La unidad se puede instalar al aire libre si el depósito fue
proporcionado con construcción a prueba del mal tiempo y se hicieron provisiones para
las condiciones de temperatura extrema. El depósito se puede asegurar al piso o la base
usando los cuatro agujeros de montaje localizados en los soportes/piernas del depósito.

Conexiones de Servicio

Agua (si el intercambio de calor refrescado por el agua ha sido proporcionado) conecta
el abastecimiento de agua con la entrada del cambiador de calor, con una válvula de
cierre y un tamiz (si/no provisto por Parker.) Si una válvula de control de temperatura se
ha proporcionado (modelo WTC,) también se debe instalar en el lado de la entrada. El
enchufe del cambiador de calor se debe conectar directamente con el sistema del dren. En
cambiadores de calor singulares de las conexiones de agua se deben instalar como se
muestra debajo. En cambiadores de calor múltiples la dirección del agua no importa.
(Vease fig. 1)
Conexiones de Servicio (Cont.)

Eléctrico Conectar el motor de la bomba con la fuente de energía siguiendo las buenas
prácticas conforme al código eléctrico nacional y a cualquier código local que puedan
aplicarse. Verifique que el voltaje disponible sea igual que el voltaje identificado en la
placa de identificación del motor. La mayoría de los motores tienen grados duales de
voltaje, así que verifique que los alambres en la caja del conducto hayan estado
conectados juntos como definido en la placa de identificación del motor para emparejar
las válvulas de solenoide de la fuente de energía de la unidad disponible.

Si, las válvulas del solenoide, interruptores de presión/temperatura, o los calentadores de

inmersión del aceite se hayan proporcionado en la unidad de energía, refiéranse a la
etiqueta del nombre del componente o a la otra información de servicio en este manual
para el voltaje y los grados de funcionamiento.

Conexiones de Abastecedores y de Retorno

Instalar tubos de interconexión necesarios entre la unidad de energía y los actuadores

hidráulicos. Los tamaños de la línea se deben determinar basados en el flujo del aceite,
presión de funcionamiento y la presión que baja hasta puntos permisibles entre la unidad
de fuerza y el actuador.


Cerciorarse que la manguera o la pipa clasificada apropiada están utilizadas en las líneas
de presión.

Uno de los ingredientes dominantes para el servicio bueno y la vida larga de un sistema
hidráulico es limpieza, y puesto que la mayoría de la suciedad infiltra un sistema
hidráulico durante la instalación, recomendamos lo siguiente

a) todos los puertos abiertos en la unidad de energía, los cilindros, etc. deben seguir
tapados con cinta o los enchufes de plástico hasta momentos antes de que las conexiones
hidráulicas se hagan.

b) toda la tubería de interconexión, pipa, o manguera debe estar limpia, y libre de moho,
de escama y suciedad. Los extremos de todos los conectadores deben ser tapados hasta
momentos antes de ser instalados en el sistema.

c) Todas las aberturas en el depósito tal como los agujeros de las cubiertas del respiradero
del llenador o tapaderas de acceso en los extremos deben seguir cerradas durante

d) Si se utiliza cinta de Teflón, o la pipa se usa, estén seguros que no extiende más allá
del primer hilo de rosca de la guarnición.
Llenar el depósito

El depósito se debe llenar de líquido limpio por el tapón de relleno en el depósito. El tipo
de líquido debe ser compatible con los sellos usados en la unidad de energía, y debe
conformarse con las recomendaciones de los fabricantes de las piezas de los

Referirse al catálogo del fabricante del componente para los requisitos fluidos. La
limpieza del líquido que entra al depósito es muy importante, y en algunos casos, aun el
aceite nuevo fuera del tambor no es adecuado. Recomendamos que cualquier líquido que
es transferido en el depósito esté hecho con la bomba de transferencia con un filtro de 10
micrones instalado. Un carro del filtro Parker está disponible para este propósito.

Procedimiento de Arranque

1) Abre cualquier válvula de puerta (si es aplicable) situada en la parte de la línea de

succión de la bomba.

2) Mueva la válvula y/o la bomba de descarga del sistema que ejerce presión sobre la
perilla del ajuste del compensador hacia fuera, de modo que la presión esté cerca de cero
durante el empiezo.

Nota: Si se le ha proporcionado a la unidad de energía con una bomba de dislocación

variable o cualquier bomba de pistón (v-Pak), la caja de bomba se deba llenar de aceite
limpio antes del cebado. En la mayoría de los casos esto puede lograrse desconectando la
línea de dren de caja de la bomba y vertiendo el aceite en el boquete de la caja de bomba.
El Procedimiento del Arranque (Cont.)

3) Si al sistema se le ha proporcionado una válvula direccional de centro abierta, el aceite

durante el arranque fluirá directamente de nuevo al tanque. Si el sistema tiene una válvula
de centro cerrada, puede ser necesario aflojar una guarnición momentáneamente en la
descarga de la bomba, sacar cualquier aire en la bomba durante la cebada.

4) Estimular el motor de la bomba una vez, y verifique que la bomba está rotando en la
misma dirección que la etiqueta de la flecha en la caja de la bomba. Si la dirección es
incorrecta, invierta dos (2) de los tres (3) avances del motor, y vuelva a inspeccionar la

5 Estimular la bomba/motor (3) a (6) veces para cebar la bomba y permiten que la bomba
funcione por varios minutos en cero presión. Revise la tubería para cualquier escape y
corregir inmediatamente. (los escapes en guarniciones y tubería pueden ser el resultado
de la vibración durante el envió.)

6) Comience a ajustar la válvula de descarga y/o el compensador de la bomba para

aumentar la presión gradualmente. Nota: en sistemas con las válvulas direccionales de
centro abierto, será necesario actuar la válvula para aumentar la presión.

7) Continúa aumentando la presión hasta que se obtiene la presión de funcionamiento

normal, y volver a inspeccionar el sistema por escapes. Ajustar los tornillos de ajuste de
cerradura en su lugar.


Si al sistema se ha proporcionado una bomba de compensador de la presión y una válvula

de descarga, ajusta la válvula de descarga aproximadamente 200 PSI mas alto que el
compensador de modo que el calor excesivo no sea generado por la válvula de descarga.

8) Durante la secuencia del arranque, todos los filtros se deben supervisar de cerca.
Substituya cualquier elemento filtrante inmediatamente, tan pronto como comiencen a
circunvalar como indicado en el indicador visual.

9) Después de que el sistema entero se haya mojado con el líquido, rellene el depósito al
nivel de funcionamiento normal.

10) Verifique que está fluyendo el agua que se refresca al cambiador de calor (si es
aplicable.) Si a la unidad de energía se le ha proporcionado una válvula de control del
agua (modelo WTC**), y la temperatura de aceite está excediendo 135°F, ajusta la
válvula para aumentar el flujo del agua.

Mantenimiento General
Motores Eléctricos- lubrique según lo recomendado por el fabricante del motor.

Filtros - Cambie o limpie según lo requerido o según lo indicado en los filtros provistos
con indicadores visuales. Cerciórese de comprobar indicadores poco después del

Coladores de Succión - debe ser limpiado después de 10 horas de operación inicialmente

y cada 100 horas después de eso. Vea los apéndices para las instrucciones de limpieza.

Depósitos – Siempre mantener el nivel de aceite apropiado. El aceite debe ser revisado
después de las primeras 100 horas y verificar que la clase del aceite este de acuerdo con
los requisitos de la bomba que sea utilizada. Cambie el aceite cada 1000 a 2000 horas
dependiendo del uso y el ambiente de operación.

Piezas Recomendadas de repuesto – Elementos de filtración de reserva se deben

comprar con la unidad de energía, y deben estar disponibles durante el procedimiento del
arranque. Otras piezas de repuesto se pueden requerir, y son una función del ciclo de
deber del sistema hidráulico, ambiente de operación, y el tiempo aceptable de falta de uso
del equipo.

Mantenimiento de Prevención

Servicio del Filtro

Filtros deben ser mantenidos. Lo ideal para la buena filtración es mantenimiento del
filtro. Una máquina se puede equipar de los mejores filtros disponibles y pueden ser
colocados en el sistema donde funcionan mejor; pero, si no se limpian y mantienen los
filtros cuando estén sucios, el dinero que se gasto por los filtros y su instalación será una
perdida. Un filtro que se ensucia después de un día de servicio y se limpia 29 días más
adelante da 29 días de líquido no-filtrado. Un filtro no puede ser mejor que el
mantenimiento que se proporciona.
Sugerencias Para Mantenimiento

1) Instale un horario de mantenimiento del filtro y sígalo diligentemente.

2) Examinen los elementos filtrantes que se hayan removido del sistema para señas de
fracaso que puedan indicar que el intervalo del servicio debe ser acortado y de inminentes
problemas del sistema.

3) Nunca devuelvan al sistema cualquier líquido que se haya escapado fuera.

4) Guarde siempre la fuente de fluido fresco cubierto muy ajustadamente.

5. Use envases limpios, mangueras, y embudos cuando llene el depósito. Utilizar un

carro de filtro al agregar el aceite es muy recomendable.

6 Use precauciones de sentido común para prevenir la entrada de la suciedad en los

componentes que se han quitado temporalmente del circuito.

7) Se cercioran de que todos los agujeros donde se limpia, tapas de filtro, y filtros con
tapas de respiro en el depósito estén bien ajustados.

8) No deben correr el sistema a menos que los dispositivos de filtración normalmente

proporcionada estén en su lugar.

9) Se aseguran que el líquido usado en el sistema esté de un tipo recomendado por los
fabricantes del sistema o de los componentes.

10) Antes de cambiar de un tipo de líquido a otro (ex. de aceite de base de petróleo a un
líquido resistente al fuego), consulten fabricantes del componente y del filtro en la
selección del líquido y de los filtros que deben ser utilizados. También consulte la
publicación "Practicas recomendadas para el uso de fluidos resistentes al fuego para
sistemas de energía de fluido.” Publicado por National Fluid Power Association.

11.) Parker ofrece un equipo ejemplar de aceite que se puede usar para averiguar la
condición del fluido del sistema.

Manteniendo la Temperatura Apropiada Del Aceite

Aceite caliente en el equipo de su sistema hidráulico es una de las causas primarias de

funcionamiento pésimo, fracaso de los componentes y tiempo perdido. Aquí están
algunos indicadores para mantener la temperatura apropiada del aceite. El aceite en su
sistema hidráulico fue diseñado para la operación dentro de una gama de temperaturas
especificadas. Usted puede quizás correrla en temperaturas más calientes por breves
períodos de tiempo, intermitentemente, sin efectos adversos. Si usted lo corre
continuamente con el aceite demasiado caliente, su equipo funcionará mal causando
fracaso de componentes esenciales, y tiempo perdido del uso de la máquina. El "aceite
caliente" es un término relativo. En la mayoría de los casos, 120°F en el depósito se
considera una temperatura de funcionamiento ideal. ¡Haga siempre un estudio de la
temperatura del aceite en el depósito, no en un componente o en cualquiera parte de la

Algunos sistemas hidráulicos se diseñan para funcionar a 130°F o más. Si usted no sabe
la temperatura de funcionamiento máximo para su equipo, revise su manual del
componente para saber si hay limitaciones de la temperatura y la viscosidad.

¿Cómo puede usted mantener el sistema hidráulico de su equipo sin que funcione
demasiado caliente?

1) Instalar un horario regular para revisar la temperatura del aceite, el aspecto, el olor y la
sensación del tacto. Cambie el aceite como sea recomendado por el fabricante de su

2) Sea expedito en quitar, revisar y reparar o sustituir las válvulas, las bombas u otros
componentes que están funcionando muy caliente.

3) Si las válvulas de relevo o válvulas reguladoras de flujo están calentándose, revisar y

arreglar sus ajustes. Siga el manual de funcionamiento de su equipo.

4) Poner en uso los componentes nuevos gradualmente. Nuevas piezas que quedan muy
cerca se amplían en diferentes grados, y son especialmente propensas a atrancarse cuando
se calientan demás.

5) Empiece un motor frío de la bomba con aceite caliente activando apenas suficiente
para atraer el aceite caliente dentro del componente. Entonces espere algunos minutos
para permitir que la temperatura iguale en todas las piezas de la bomba. Repita hasta que
la temperatura en el exterior de la bomba sea igual que en la tubería.

6) Mantenga su equipo limpio. Una capa gruesa de suciedad actúa como insolación.
Evitará que el sistema hidráulico descargue el calor.

7) En días calientes, y en climas calientes, Revise y cambie el aceite más frecuentemente.

Cerciorarse utilizar un aceite recomendado para la operación en tiempo caliente por el
fabricante del equipo o del suministrador de aceite.

Midiendo la Temperatura del Aceite

Hay varias maneras de revisar la temperatura del aceite. La manera mejor y mas precisa,
es por medio de un termómetro. En algunas máquinas, esto se monta en el depósito.
Haga un hábito para chequear el termómetro periódicamente, después de que el equipo
haya estado funcionando por más de una hora. Si su máquina no tiene un termómetro en
el depósito, utilicen periódicamente la "prueba de la palma". Primero cheque el tanque
con la punta del dedo; si no esta demasiado caliente al tocar, coloque su palma sobre el
tanque. Usted podrá sostenerla allí sin incomodidad si la temperatura del aceite está
alrededor de 130°F o menos.
Sugerencias Para Mantenimiento (Cont.)

Aislando los Problemas

Para determinar cuales componentes están "funcionando muy caliente" y sobrecalentando

el aceite, sienta las guarniciones del enchufe y las líneas en las válvulas, las bombas y los
motores. Si la temperatura de aceite es normal al entrar al componente pero caliente al
salir, ése podría ser una de las áreas de problemas potenciales. Una válvula que se pega
puede causar calor excesivo. Si un carrete no vuelve puntualmente a la posición neutral,
el flujo de la bomba descargará continuamente. Esto acumula el calor rapidamente.

Si una válvula de descarga se fija demasiado baja, parte del aceite será descargado a
través de la válvula con cada ciclo. Esto también, genera calor excesivo. Incluso cuando
todas las válvulas se fijan correctamente, pueda que no funcione bien debido a los
orificios o sellos gastados. Siempre quiten y revisen los componentes calientes primero.

Revisar Muestras de Aceite Periódicamente

Revisar temperatura del aceite periódicamente es una buena práctica para mantenimiento
preventivo. También la práctica de sacar con sifón una muestra de aceite del depósito del
depósito, y compararla con una muestra de aceite limpio y nuevo.

El aceite que esta funcionando demasiado caliente parecerá más oscuro y menos espeso
que el aceite nuevo. También olerá quemado. Contendrá, normalmente, más
contaminantes, porque el aceite caliente lleva al desgaste acelerado de las piezas.

Solución de los Problemas

Aceite Sucio

1) Componentes que no se limpian correctamente después de hacerle arreglos

2) Funcionamiento inadecuado de la pipa llenadora.
3) El Respirador de aire no esta puesto. (no se proporcionó el respirador de aire o
protección insuficiente del respirador de aire.)
4) El tanque no esta bien sellado
5) Líneas de la tubería no están adecuadamente cubiertas mientras que se le hace
6) Pieza que regula los vapores y gases esta funcionando inadecuadamente en el
tanque y no esta proporcionando un lugar para colocación de los materiales
7) El filtro esta sucio o roto.
Fluidos Resistente al Fuego

1) Sellos incorrectos causando que los carretes se estén atando.

2) Pintura, barniz o esmalte que esta en contacto con los líquidos puede causar
depósitos de lodo en los filtros y alrededor de las áreas de los sellos.
3) La acción electrolítica es posible con algunos metales. Generalmente el Zinc o
4) Mezclas para mejoramiento pueden causar formaciones pesadas de lodo.
5) Temperaturas altas afectan adversamente algunos de los fluidos, particularmente
los fluidos basados en agua.
6) Identificación adecuada de los tanques conteniendo estos fluidos se deben
proporcionar para que se rellenen con medios apropiados.
7) Con aceites bajo en minerales, los escapes fastidiosos se deben remediar
8) Cerciorarse que ciertas piezas de reemplazo sean compatibles con los medios

Aceite Que Hace Espuma

1. La línea del tanque no esta devolviendo bajo del nivel del fluido
2. Tubería rota
3. Línea que se quedo fuera entre un acoplador del tabique hermético y el fondo del
tanque después de limpiarlo.
4. Pieza que regula los vapores y gases inadecuados en el depósito.
5. Fluido contaminado con materia extranjera incompatible.
6. Escape de succión hacia la bomba aireando el aceite.
7. Falta de agregantes anti-espumantes.

Humedad en el Aceite

1) Líneas indicadas para enfriar no están bajo los niveles fluidos.

2) Líneas de agua fría sujetadas directamente contra el tanque caliente causando la
condensación dentro del tanque.
3) Solución soluble de aceite que salpicaba en tanques mal sellados o en los tubos que
se llenan que se quedaron abiertos.
4) Humedad en latas que se utilizan para sustituir líquido en los tanques.
5) Diferencial de temperatura extrema en ciertas ubicaciones geográficas.
6) Dren no esta proporcionado en el punto más bajo en el tanque para quitar el agua
excedente durante periodos largos de uso.

Sobrecalentamiento del Sistema

1) Válvula de descarga fijado muy cerca del ajuste del compensador de presión.
2) El interruptor de agua o el cambiador de calor esta tapado.
Solución de Problemas (Cont.)

3) Operación continúa en el ajuste de descarga

a. Ahogarse bajo la carga, etc.,
b. Viscosidad fluida muy alto o muy bajo
4) Resbalamiento excesivo o escapes internos.
a. Revisar escapes por el ahogo en las piezas de la bomba, motores y cilindros.
b. Viscosidad Fluida demasiado bajo
5) Deposito esta muy pequeño
6) Línea de caja del dren de la bomba compensada con presión devolviendo aceite muy
cerca de la línea de succión.
a. Fabricar de nuevo la cañería de la línea de caja de dren al lado opuesto del
deposito donde esta la pieza que regula los vapores y gases
7) La identificación de la pipa, tubo o manguera esta muy pequeña causando alta
8) Valvulacion muy pequeño, causando alta velocidad
9) Circulación de aire incorrecta alrededor del depósito.
10) Válvula de descarga del sistema fijado demasiado alto
11) Unidad de fuerza funcionando en la luz del sol directa o temperatura del ambiente es
demasiado alta.

Fuentes de Materiales Extranjeros en el Circuito

1) Depósitos de la tubería no se removieron apropiadamente

2) Mixtura para sellar (pipa, cinta de Teflón) permitió entrar en los amoldamientos.
3) La tubería para llenar y los respiradores de aire incorrectamente usadas
4) Rebabas dentro de la tubería.
5) Los extremos de las guarnición de junta soltándose
6) Protuberancias del sello por la presión mas alto que lo compatible con el sello o
7) Elemento humano. . . no proteger los componentes mientras se esta reparando y
líneas abiertas sin protección.
8) limpiadores o botas no proporcionados en los cilindros o los émbolos donde es
9) Piezas para reparación y componentes de reemplazo no correctamente protegidos
mientras estaban almacenadas. (Moho y otros contaminantes.)

Solución de Problemas para las Bombas

La bomba hace ruido excesivo

1) Buscar escapes en la aspiradora o el vació de la línea de succión. (Por ejemplo un

escape en la guarnición o línea de succión dañada.

2) Buscar escapes en el vacío del sello del eje de la bomba si la bomba internamente se
drena. Las conexiones de inundación con líquido que es bombeado pueden hacer que el
ruido pare o disminuye momentáneamente. Esto establecerá el punto de entrada del aire.
3) Revise el alineamiento del mecanismo de impulsión. El desalineamiento causará
desgaste prematuro y un alto nivel de ruidos subsecuentemente en su funcionamiento.
4) Revise las especificaciones del fabricante relativo a las posibilidades del desgaste y la
identificación de indicaciones de desgaste como un alto nivel de ruidos en
funcionamiento, etc.
5) Revisar la compatibilidad del líquido que se esta bombeando con las recomendaciones
del fabricante.
6) Válvula de descarga o relevo fijó demasiado alto. Utilice un indicador confiable para
revisar la presión de su funcionamiento. La válvula de descarga se pudo haber fijado
demasiado alta con un indicador de presión dañada. Revise las maneras de descarga para
ver que están controlando correctamente la entrega o funcionamiento de la bomba.
7) Aireación del liquido en el deposito (líneas de retorno sobre el nivel fluido.
8) Valetas pegados o desgastados (bomba con valetas)
9) Anillo de levas desgastado (bomba con valetas)
10) Engranajes gastados o dañados y la caja de la bomba (bomba de engranajes)
11) Cojinetes/soportes gastados o defectuoso.
12) Rotación reversa
13) Cartucho instalado al revés o inadecuadamente.
14) Línea de succión tapada o restringida o colador de succión.
15) Respirador del llenador del depósito tapado.
16) Viscosidad de aceite demasiado alto o temperatura operante muy bajo
17) Un escape de aire en la línea de succión o guarniciones pueden causar movimiento
irregular del sistema hidráulico.
18) Piezas de la bomba sueltas o desgastados.
19) La bomba se esta usando en exceso de velocidad.
20) Un escape de aire en el sello del eje en la bomba.
21) Nivel de aceite muy bajo y atrayendo aire por la toma.
22) Burbujas de aire en la toma de aceite.
23) Filtro de succión muy pequeño o muy sucio.
24) Línea de succión muy pequeña o muy larga.
25) Las tuercas de la caja de la bomba están sueltas o con torsión inapropiada.
Solución De Problemas Para La Bomba

La bomba no entrega el fluido

1) Bajo Nivel de fluido en el depósito.

2) El colador de succión de la toma de aceite esta tapado.
3) Escape de aire en la línea de succión y prevención de cebado.
4) El eje de la bomba esta dando vuelta muy despacio
5) Viscosidad de aceite esta demasiado alto.
6) Sube el aceite muy alto.
7) Rotación incorrecta del eje.
8) Eje o piezas rotas de la bomba.
9) Suciedad en la bomba.
10) Entrega variable de la bomba (salida incorrecta)

Escapes de aceite alrededor de la bomba

1) Sello del eje desgastado.

2) Cabeza de aceite en la conexión de la tubería de succión.
3) Tornillos de la caja de la bomba sueltos o con torsión inapropiado
4) Línea de drenaje en la caja muy pequeña o restringida (escape en el sello del eje).

Desgaste excesivo de la bomba

1) Tierra abrasiva en el aceite hidráulico que es circulado por el sistema.

2) Viscosidad de aceite muy bajo
3) La presión del sistema excede el límite de resistencia.
4) Desalineamiento de la bomba o la banda del mecanismo de impulsión.
5) El Aire esta atraído por la conexión de entrada de la bomba.

Piezas de la bomba dentro de la caja están rotas

1) Paro por carencia de aceite.

2) Presión excesiva en el sistema arriba del límite máximo de resistencia de la bomba.
3) Torsión excesiva de los tornillos de la caja.
4) Materia sólida esta entrando por el deposito y atrapándose en la bomba.

Solución de problemas con las válvulas del solenoide

Fracaso del solenoide
1) Voltaje demasiado bajo. Si el voltaje no es suficiente para completar la salida del
solenoide, quemara la bobina.
2) Voltaje demasiado alto. Voltaje excesivo también puede quemar las bobinas.
3) Señal hacia ambos solenoides de una válvula con solenoides duales simultáneamente.
Uno o ambos solenoides no podrán terminar el movimiento y se quemaran. (asegúrese
que la señal eléctrica se enclavija de modo que no pueda existir esta condición).
4) Daño mecánico a los avances. (Corto circuito, conexiones abiertas, etc.)
5) Carrete apretado u otras piezas mecánicas de la válvula que están actuados pueden
prevenir que el solenoide complete su movimiento y subsecuentemente, se queme.
6) Resortes de reemplazo están muy pesados para la válvula. Sobrecarga el solenoide y
acorta su vida.
7) Contactos sucios quizás no pueden proveer suficiente corriente al solenoide para
satisfacer la demanda.
8) Solenoides directos con Voltaje bajo se puede afectar por capacidad baja de la batería
en las mañanas frías directamente después de encender un motor frió. (DC)
9) Líneas largas de alimentación hacia los solenoides con bajo voltaje pueden causar
suficiente caída de voltaje para causar operación errática.

Válvula del Solenoide no funciona

1) ¿Hay una señal eléctrica que va al solenoide o aparato de operación? ¿El voltaje
esta demasiado bajo? (Revise el voltímetro…examine la luz en una emergencia.)
2) ¿Si el abastecimiento al cuerpo del piloto tiene orificio, el orificio esta
restringido? (Quitar el orificio y buscar materiales extranjeras. Limpiar con un
chorro de agua es necesario a veces por impedimenta flotando.)
3) ¿Materia extranjera se ha atorado en el carrete principal? (Remover las tapas en
el extremo y vea que el carrete principal este libre en su movimiento…. Recuerde
que habrá una cantidad de fluido escapándose cuando se quite la tapa y
proporcione un envase para retenerlo.
4) ¿Esta disponible la presión del piloto? ¿Es adecuado la presión del piloto? (Vea
el indicador del porte principal de la toma de presión para ver los tipos
internamente pilotados y en la línea de abastecimiento al tipo externamente
5) ¿El drenaje del piloto esta restringido? (Quite el dren experimental y deje que el
liquido se vierta en un envase abierto mientras que la maquina se pruebe otra vez
para ver si funciona normal. Líneas pequeñas a menudo se aplastan por las piezas
de la maquina que golpean contra ellas causando subsecuente restricción al flujo.)
Solución de Problemas de las Válvulas del Solenoide (Cont.)

6) ¿El porte del tanque del piloto esta conectado al porte del tanque principal donde
la presión esta suficiente alto para neutralizar la presión de la fuerza consumida?
(Combinar el dren del piloto y el porte del tanque del piloto y revisar el
funcionamiento con flujo combinando con drenaje a un recipiente
abierto….bloquear la línea al tanque principal de la válvula del piloto…si esto
corrige la situación, reencamine el dren del piloto y la línea del tanque.)
7) ¿Los solenoides están incorrectamente enclavijados para proporcionar una señal a
ambas unidades simultáneamente? (Coloque la luz de prueba en cada avance del
solenoide en paralelo y vea si ilumina simultáneamente…revise sincronización
eléctrica. Esta condición probablemente quema mas solenoides que cualquier
otro factor.
8) ¿El cojin del montaje se ha remolcado por calor externo? (Afloje los tornillos de
montaje un poco y vea si funciona la válvula. Tapas extremas también se pueden
remover y revisar para ver si tiene un carrete apretado.)
9) ¿El fluido esta excesivamente caliente? (Revise si hay calor localizado que puede
indicar un escape interno…Revise la temperatura del deposito para ver si esta
dentro de las especificaciones de la maquina.)
10) ¿Hay materiales extranjeros en los medios fluidos causando depósitos gomosos?
(Revise si hay contaminación…cerciorarse que los sellos y la plomería sea
combatible con el tipo de fluido que se esta usando.)
11) ¿Hay una fuente adecuada de fluido entrando para actuar la carga? (muchas veces
hay suficiente presión para mover la válvula pero no suficiente para actuar la
carga? Revise la presión de la bomba y el volumen si es necesario . . . medir
físicamente el flujo por la válvula de descara con unidades bloqueadas pueda ser
12) Revise el circuito para sincronización en las fuentes de presión hacia la válvula o
hacia el piloto.

Hydraulics Parker Power Units

Revised: October, 2000

Standard Hydraulic
Power Units
Installation and
Maintenance Manual

D, H, V-Pak and
Custom Power Units
2600-550-001-M1/USA Standard Hydraulic Power Units Installation Guide
D, H, V-Pak and Custom Power Units
Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1

Description ............................................................................................................................. 1

Preparation for Use ................................................................................................................ 1

Installation .......................................................................................................................... 1, 2

Start-Up Procedures........................................................................................................... 2, 3

Special Tools .......................................................................................................................... 3

General Maintenance ............................................................................................................. 3

Recommended Spare Parts ................................................................................................... 3

Preventive Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 3

Maintenance Suggestions .............................................................................................. 3, 4, 5

Troubleshooting / General Information ............................................................................... 5, 6

Troubleshooting Pumps ..................................................................................................... 6, 7

Troubleshooting Solenoid Valves ....................................................................................... 7, 8

This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors
provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that
you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in the current
product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user,
through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and
assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.

The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and
pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.

© 1996, 2000, Parker Hannifin Corporation

Parker Hannifin Corporation
Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division
Greeneville, TN 37745 USA
2600-550-001-M1/USA Standard Hydraulic Power Units Installation Guide
D, H, V-Pak and Custom Power Units
Introduction Storage

This manual provides descriptive operation and If the Power Unit is not going to be installed immediately,
maintenance instructions for standard Hydraulic Power it should be stored indoors, covered with waterproof
Units manufactured by the Parker Hannifin Corporation. sheet, and all open ports plugged. If long term storage
Any additional information may be obtained from Parker is expected (6 months or more) we recommend filling
by referencing the Unit’s Model Number and Serial the reservoir completely with clean hydraulic fluid to
Number stamped on the Reservoir Nameplate, or by prevent the entry of moisture.
contacting your local authorized Parker Distributor.
Removing from Shipping Skids
Some of the Information in this manual may not apply to
your power unit. Information on custom units may require Vertical Power Units should be removed from the skid
service and application information from other sources. by wrapping a heavy duty nylon strap around the base
of the motor mounting feet. This strap should be firmly
Warning secured to the lift truck forks when unit is lifted.

It is imperative that personnel involved in the installation, Small horizontal style Power Units should be moved
service, and operation of the power unit be familiar with with a fork0-lift truck, with 2 x 4 boards under the
how the equipment is to be used. They should be aware reservoir belly, to distribute and steady the load. Larger
of the limitations of the system and its component parts; horizontal style Power Units have lifting holes in the
and have knowledge of good hydraulic practices in terms reservoir end plates. Extra heavy 1 ½” pipes can be
of safety, installation, and maintenance. inserted into the lifting holes for allowing movement with
a fork-lift truck. L-shaped reservoirs are provided with
clearance and cross braces under the base plate for
movement with a fork-lift truck.
The standard Hydraulic Power Unit usually consists of a
JIC, “L” shaped, or vertical reservoir all of which Installation
incorporate sump drain, oil level gage, filler/breather
assembly and spare return connections. Locating Power Unit

The pump will be coupled to the motor using either an The unit should be installed indoors, and preferably in a
integral close coupled configuration or flexible shaft clean, dry environment with an ambient temperature of
coupling. 60 to 100°F. The unit can be installed outdoors if the
reservoir was provided with optional weatherproof
Customer type power units may have heat exchangers construction, and provisions were made for extreme
for oil cooling; pressure or return filters, oil immersion temperature conditions. The reservoir can be secured
heaters, directional valves, and other pressure and flow to the floor or base using the four mounting holes located
control valves, or monitoring instrumentation. on the reservoir legs.

Preparation For Use Service Connections

Water (If water cooled heat exchange has been

Unpacking and Checking
provided) Connect the water supply to the inlet of the
heat exchanger, with a shut-off valve and strainer (if
The Power unit is mounted on skids and carefully packed
not supplied by Parker). If a temperature Control Valve
for shipment. Do not remove it from the skid until it has
(Model WTC**) has been provided, it also should be
been carefully checked for damage that may have
installed on the inlet side. The outlet of the heat
occurred in transit. Report all damage immediately to
exchanger should be connected directly to the facility
the carrier and send a copy to the vendor. All open ports
drain system. On single pass heat exchangers the water
on the Power Unit were plugged at the factory to prevent
connections should be installed as shown below. On
the entry of contamination. These plugs must not be
multi-pass heat exchanger the water flow direction is
removed until just before piping connections are made
not important. (See fig. 1)
to the unit.

1 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division
Greeneville, TN 37745 USA
2600-550-001-M1/USA Standard Hydraulic Power Units Installation Guide
D, H, V-Pak and Custom Power Units

Service Connections (Cont.) c) All openings in the reservoir such as the filler
breather or access end covers holes must remain
Electrical Connect the pump motor to the power source closed during installation.
following the good practices as outlined in the National
Electric Code and any local codes which may apply. Verify d) If Teflon tape, or pipe dope is used, be sure it
that the available voltage is the same as the voltage doesn’t extend beyond the first thread of the pipe
identified on the motor nameplate. Most motors have dual fitting.
voltage ratings, so verify that the leads in the conduit box
have been connected together as defined on the motor Reservoir Filling
nameplate to match the facility power source available.
The reservoir must be filled with clean fluid thru the
If Solenoid valves, pressure/temperature switches, or oil filler cap on the reservoir. The type of fluid must be
immersion heaters have been provided on the power unit, compatible with the seals used on the power unit, and
refer to the component name tag or other service must comply with the recommendations of the
information in this manual for operating voltage and ratings. manufacturers of the component parts.

Supply and Return Connections Refer to the component manufacturer’s catalog for
fluid requirements. The cleanliness of the fluid going
Complete all necessary interconnecting piping between into the reservoir is very important, and in some cases,
the power unit and hydraulic actuators. The line sizes even new oil out of the drum is not adequate. We
should be determined based on oil flow, operating pressure recommend that any fluid being transferred into the
and allowable pressure dorp between the power unit and reservoir be done with the transfer pump with a 10
actuator. micron filter installed. A Parker filter cart is available
for this purpose.
Start-Up Procedure
Check to insure that the proper rated hose or pipe is used
on pressure lines. 1) Open any ball or gate valve (if applicable) located
in the pump suction line.
One of the key ingredients for good service and long life
from a hydraulic system is cleanliness, and since most 2) Back the system relief valve and/or pump
dirt infiltrates a hydraulic system during installation, we pressure compensator adjustment knob out, so that
recommend the following: the pressure will be near zero during the initial start.

a) All open ports on the power unit, cylinders, etc. must Note:
remain plugged with tape or plastic plugs until just before
the hydraulic connections are made. If the Power unit has been provided with a variable
displacement pump or any piston pump (v-Pak), the
b) All interconnecting tubing, pipe, or hose should be pump case should be filled with clean oil prior to
clean, and free of rust, scale and dirt. The ends of all priming. In most cases this can be accomplished by
connectors should be plugged until just before they are to disconnecting the pump case drain line and pouring
be installed in the system. the oil into the pump case drain port.

2 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division
Greeneville, TN 37745 USA
2600-550-001-M1/USA Standard Hydraulic Power Units Installation Guide
D, H, V-Pak and Custom Power Units

Start-up Procedure (Cont.) General Maintenance

3) If the system has been provided with an open center Electric Motors – Lubricate as recommended by the
directional valve, the oil during start-up will flow directly motor manufacturer.
back to tank. If the system has a closed center valve, it
may be necessary to loosen a fitting momentarily at the Filters – Change or clean as required or as indicated on
pump discharge, to bleed any air in the pump during the filters supplied with visual indicators. Make sure to check
priming operation. indicators shortly after start-up.

4) Jog the pump motor once, and verify that the pump is Suction Strainers – Should be cleaned after 10 hours of
rotating in the same direction as the arrow tag on the pump operation initially and every 100 hours thereafter. See
case. If the direction is incorrect, reverse two (2) of the appendices for cleaning instructions.
three (3) motor leads, and recheck the rotation.
Reservoirs - Maintain oil level at all times. The oil should
5) Jog the pump/motor (3) to (6) times to prime the pump be checked after the first 100 hours and verify that the
and allow the pump to run for several minutes at zero class of oil meets the requirements of the pump being
pressure. Check the piping for any leaks and correct used. Change the oil every 1000 to 2000 hours depending
immediately. (Leaks in fittings and tubing can be the result on the application and operation environment.
of vibration during shipping.)
Comments – See component literature in appendices.
6) Begin adjusting the relief valve and /or pump
compensator to increase the pressure gradually. Note: Recommended Spare Parts
on systems with open center directional valves, it will be
necessary to actuate the valve to build pressure. Spare filter elements should be purchased with the power
unit, and be available during the start-up operation. Other
7) Continue increasing pressure until normal operating spare parts may be required, and are a function of the
pressure is obtained, and recheck system for leaks. Lock duty cycle of the hydraulic system, operation environment,
adjustment screws in place. and the acceptable down time of the equipment.

Preventive Maintenance
If the system has been provided with a pressure
compensator pump and a relief valve, adjust the relief
Filter Service
valve approximately 200 PSI higher than the compensator
so that excessive heat is not generated by the relief valve.
Filters must be maintained. The key to good filtration
is filter maintenance. A machine may be equipped with
8) During the start-up sequence, all filters should be
the best filters available and they may be positioned in
monitored closely. Replace any filters element
the system where they do the most good; but, it the filters
immediately, as soon as they begin to go into by-pass as
are serviced and cleaned when dirty, the money spent for
indicated on the visual indicator.
the filters and their installation has been wasted. A filter
which gets dirty after one day of service and is cleaned
9) After the entire system has been wetted with fluid,
29 days later gives 29 days of non-filtered fluid. A filter
refill the reservoir to the normal operating level.
can be no better than the maintenance provided.
10) Verify that the cooling water to the heat exchanger
(if applicable) is flowing. If the power unit has been
provided with a water control valve (Model WTC**), and
the oil temperature is exceeding 135°F, adjust the valve
to increase the water flow.

Special Tools

All normal service and maintenance on standard power

units can be accomplished with standard hand tools. No
special tools are required.

3 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division
Greeneville, TN 37745 USA
2600-550-001-M1/USA Standard Hydraulic Power Units Installation Guide
D, H, V-Pak and Custom Power Units
Maintenance Suggestions “Hot oil” is a relative term. In most cases, 120°F at
the reservoir is considered an ideal operating
1) Set up a filter maintenance schedule and follow temperature. Always take an oil temperature reading
it diligently. at the reservoir, not at a component or any of the
2) Inspect filter elements that have been removed piping.
from the system for signs of failure which may indicate
that the service interval should be shortened and of Some hydraulic systems are designed to operate at
impending system problems. 130°F or higher. If you don’t know the maximum
3) Never return to the system any fluid which has operating temperature for your equipment, check your
leaked out. component manual for temperature and viscosity
4) Always keep the supply of fresh fluid covered limitations.
5) Use clean containers, hoses, and funnels when How can you keep your equipment’s hydraulic system
filling the reservoir. Use a filter cart when adding oil from running too hot?
is highly recommended.
6) Use common sense precautions to prevent entry 1) Set up a regular schedule for checking the oil
of dirt into components that have been temporarily temperature, appearance, smell and feel. Change
removed from the circuit. oil as recommended by the equipment manufacturer.
7) Make sure that all clean-out holes, filter caps, 2) Be prompt about removing, checking and
and breather cap filters on the reservoir are properly repairing or replacing valves, pumps or other
fastened. components that are running hot.
8) Do not run the system unless all normally provided 3) If relief or flow-control valves are running hot,
filtration devices are in place. check and adjust their settings. Follow your
9) Make certain that the fluid used in the system is equipment owner’s manual.
of a type recommended by the manufacturers of the 4) Break in new components gradually. New, close
system or components. fitting parts expand at different rates, and are
10) Before changing from one type of fluid to another especially prone to seize when they get too hot.
(e.g., from petroleum base oil to a fire resistant fluid), 5) Start a cold pump motor on hot oil by jogging just
consult component and filter manufacturers in enough to draw the hot oil into the component. Then
selection of the fluid and the filters that should be used. wait a few minutes to allow the temperature to
Also consult the publication “Recommended Practice equalize in all the pump’s parts. Repeat until the
for the use of Fire Resistant Fluids for Fluid Power temperature on the outside of the pump is the same
Systems” published by the National Fluid Power as that on the piping.
Association. 6) Keep your equipment clean. A thick layer of dirt
11) Parker offers an oil sampling kit which can be acts as insulation. It will prevent the hydraulic system
used to ascertain the condition of the system fluid. from getting rid of heat.
7) On hot days, and in hot climates, check and
Maintaining Proper Oil Temperature change the oil more frequently. Be sure to use an
oil recommended for hot weather operation by the
Hot oil in your equipment’s hydraulic system is one of equipment manufacturer or oil supplier.
the primary causes of poor operation, component
failure and downtime. Here are some pointers on Measuring Oil Temperature
maintaining proper oil temperature.
There are several ways to check the temperature of
The oil in your hydraulic system was designed for the oil. The best, most accurate method is by means
operation within a specified temperature range. You of a thermometer. On some machines, this is
may be able to run it at hotter temperatures for short mounted on the reservoir. Make it a habit to check
periods of time, intermittently, without adverse effects. the thermometer periodically, after the equipment has
If you run continuously with oil that’s too hot, your been running for more than an hour.
equipment will operate poorly causing key component
failure and machine downtime. If your machine doesn’t have a reservoir
thermometer, use the “palm test”. First check the
tank with your fingertip; if it’s not too hot to touch,
place your palm on the tank. You’ll be able to hold it
there without discomfort if the oil temperature is about
130°F or below.

4 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division
Greeneville, TN 37745 USA
2600-550-001-M1/USA Standard Hydraulic Power Units Installation Guide
D, H, V-Pak and Custom Power Units
Maintenance Suggestions (Cont.) 2) Paint, varnish or enamel in contact with fluids can
cause sludge deposits on filters and around seal areas.
Isolating Trouble-Spots
3) Electrolytic action is possible with some metals.
To determine which components are “running hot” and Usually zinc or cadmium.
overheating the oil, feel the outlet fittings and lines at
the valves, pumps and motors. If the oil temperature 4) Improve mixtures can cause heavy sludge
is normal going into a component but hot coming out, formations.
that could be one of the potential problem areas.
5) High temperatures adversely affect some of the
A sticking valve can cause excessive heat. If a spool fluids, particularly the water base fluids.
does not return promptly to the neutral position, the
pump flow will be dumping continuously. This builds 6) Adequate identification of tanks containing these
up heat rapidly. fluids should be provided so that they will be refilled
with the proper media.
If a relief valve is set too low, part of the oil will be
dumped across the valve with every cycle. This too, 7) As with mineral base oils, nuisance leaks should
generates excessive heat. Even when all valves are be remedied at once.
set properly, they may not be operating well because
of worn orifices or seals. 8) Make certain replacement parts are compatible with
fluid media.
Always remove and check the hot components first.
Foaming Oil
1) Tank line not returned below fluid level.
Check Oil Samples Periodically
2) Broken pipe.
Checking oil temperature periodically is good
preventive maintenance. So too is the practice of
3) Line left out between a bulkhead coupling and the
periodically siphoning an oil sample from the reservoir,
bottom of the tank after cleaning.
and comparing it with a sample of clean, new oil.
4) Inadequate baffles in reservoir.
Oil that has been running too hot will look darker and
feel thinner than new oil. It will also smell burned.
5) Fluid contaminated with incompatible foreign
Normally it will contain more contaminants, because
hot oil leads to accelerated wear of component parts.
6) Suction leak to pump aerating oil.
7) Lack of anti-foaming additives.
Troubleshooting Areas
Moisture in Oils
Dirty Oil 1) Cooling coils not below fluid levels.
1) Components not properly cleaned after servicing. 2) Cold water lines fastened directly against hot tank
2) Inadequate screening in fill pipe. causing condensation within the tank.
3) Air breather left off. (No air breather provided or 3) Soluble oil solution splashing into poorly sealed
insufficient protection of air breather). tanks or fill pipes left open.
4) Tank not properly sealed. 4) Moisture in cans used to replace fluid in tanks.
5) Pipe lines not properly covered while servicing 5) Extreme temperature differential in certain
machine. geographical locations.
6) Improper tank baffles not providing settling basin 6) Drain not provided at lowest point in tank to remove
for heavy materials. water collected over possibly long operating periods.
7) Filter dirty or ruptured.
Overheating of System
Fire resistant fluids 1)Relief valve set too close to compensator pressure
1) Incorrect seals cause binding spools. setting.
2)Water shut off or heat exchanger clogged.

5 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division
Greeneville, TN 37745 USA
2600-550-001-M1/USA Standard Hydraulic Power Units Installation Guide
D, H, V-Pak and Custom Power Units
Troubleshooting (Cont.) stop or abate momentarily. This will locate the point
of air entry.
3) Continuous operation at relief setting. 3) Check alignment with drive mechanism.
a. Stalling under load, etc. Misalignment will cause premature wear and
b. Fluid viscosity too high or too low. subsequent high noise level in the operation.

4) Excessive slippage or internal leakage. 4) Check manufacturer’s specifications relative to

a. Check stall leakage part pump, motors and wear possibilities and identification of indications of
cylinders. wear as high operating noise level, etc.
b. Fluid viscosity too low. 5) Check compatibility of fluid being pumped against
manufacturer’s recommendations.
5) Reservoir sized too small.
6) Relief or unloading valve set too high. Use reliable
6) Case drain line from pressure compensated pump gauge to check operating pressure. Relief valve may
returning oil too close to suction line. have been set too high with a damaged pressure
a. Re-pipe case drain line to opposite side of gauge. Check various unloading devised to see that
they are properly controlling the pump delivery.
reservoir baffling.
7) Aeration of fluid in reservoir (return lines above
7) Pipe, tube or hose I.D. too small causing high fluid level).
8) Worn or sticking vanes (vane type pump).
8) Valving too small, causing high velocity.
9) Worn cam ring (van type pump).
9) Improper air circulation around reservoir. 10) Worn or damaged gears and housing (gear
10) System relief valve set too high.
11) Worn or faulty bearing.
11) Power unit operating in direct sunlight or ambient
temperature is too high. 12) Reversed rotation

13) Cartridge installed backwards or improperly.

Foreign matter sources in circuit
1) Pipe scale not properly removed. 14) Plugged or restricted suction line or suction
2) Sealing compound (pipe dope, Teflon tape) allowed strainer.
to get inside fittings.
3) Improperly screened fill pipes and air breathers. 15) Plugged reservoir filler breather.
4) Burrs inside piping.
5) Tag ends of packing coming loose. 16) Oil viscosity too high or operating temperature
too low.
6) Seal extrusions from pressure higher than
compatible with the seal or gasket. 17) Air leak in suction line or fittings may cause
7) Human element… not protecting components while irregular movement of hydraulic system.
being repaired and open lines left unprotected.
8) Wipers or boots not provided on cylinders or rams 18) Loose or worn pump parts.
where necessary.
9) Repair parts and replacement components not 19) Pump being driven in excess of rated speed.
properly protected while stored in repair depot. 20) Air leak at pump shaft seal.
(Rust and other contaminants).
21) Oil level to low and drawing air in through inlet.
Troubleshooting Pumps
22) Air bubbles in intake oil.
Pump makes excessive noise
23) Suction filter too small or too dirty.
1) Check for vacuum leaks in the suction line. (Such
as leak in fitting or damaged suction line.) 24) Suction line too small or too long.
2) Check for vacuum leaks in the pump shaft seal if 25) Pump housing bolts loose or not properly
the pump is internally drained. Flooding connections torqued.
with the fluid being pumped may cause the noise to

6 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division
Greeneville, TN 37745 USA
2600-550-001-M1/USA Standard Hydraulic Power Units Installation Guide
D, H, V-Pak and Custom Power Units

2) Voltage too high. Excessive voltage can also burn

Troubleshooting Pumps (Cont.)
out coils.
Pump failure to delivery fluid
3) Signal to both solenoids of a double solenoid valve
1) Low fluid level in reservoir.
simultaneously. One or both of the solenoids will be
2) Oil intake pipe suction strainer plugged.
unable to complete their stroke and will burn out. (Make
3) Air leak in suction line and preventing priming.
certain the electrical signal is interlocked so that this
4) Pump shaft turning too slowly.
condition cannot exist).
5) Oil viscosity too high.
6) Oil lift too high.
4) Mechanical damage to leads. (Short circuit, open
7) Wrong shaft rotation.
connections, etc.)
8) Pump shaft or parts broken.
9) Dirt in pump.
5) Tight spool or other mechanical parts of the valve
10) Variable delivery pumps (improper stroke).
being actuated can prevent the solenoid from completing
its stroke and subsequently burning out.
Oil leakage around pump
1) Shaft seal worn.
6) Replacement springs too heavy in valve. Overloads
solenoid and shortens life.
2) Head of oil on suction pipe connection – connection
7) Dirty contacts may not supply sufficient current to
solenoid to satisfy inrush demands.
3) Pump housing bolts loose or improperly torqued.
8) Low voltage direct current solenoids may be
4) Case drain line too small or restricted (shaft seal
affected by low battery capacity on cold mornings
directly after starting cold engine. (DC)
Excessive pump wear
9) Long feed lines to low voltage solenoids may cause
1) Abrasive dirt in the hydraulic oil being circulated
sufficient voltage drop to cause erratic operation.
through the system.

2) Oil viscosity too low. Solenoid valve fails to operate

1) Is there an electrical signal to the solenoid or
3) System pressure exceeds pump rating. operating device? Is the voltage too low? (Check with
voltmeter…test light in emergency.)
4) Pump misalignment or belt drive too tight.
2) If the supply to the pilot body is orificed, is the orifice
5) Air being drawn in through inlet of pump. restricted? (Remove orifice and check for foreign matter.
Flushing is sometimes necessary because of floating
Pump parts inside housing broken impediment.)
1) Seizure due to lack of oil.
3) Has foreign matter jammed the main spool?
2) Excessive system pressure above maximum pump (Remove end caps and see that main spool is free in its
rating. movement…remember that there will be a quantity of
fluid escaping when the cap is removed and provide a
3) Excessive torquing of housing bolts. container to catch it.)

4) Solid matter being drawn in from reservoir and 4) Is pilot pressure available? Is the pilot pressure
wedged in pump. adequate? (Check with gauge on main pressure input
port for internally piloted types and in the supply line to
the externally piloted type.)
Troubleshooting Solenoid Valves
5) Is pilot drain restricted? (Remove pilot drain and
Solenoid failures
let the fluid pour into an open container while the
1) Voltage too low. If voltage is not sufficient to
machine is again tried for normal operation. Small lines
complete the stroke of the solenoid, it will burn out the
are often crushed by machine parts banging against
them causing a subsequent restriction to fluid flow.)

7 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division
Greeneville, TN 37745 USA
2600-550-001-M1/USA Standard Hydraulic Power Units Installation Guide
D, H, V-Pak and Custom Power Units
Troubleshooting Solenoid Valves

6) Is pilot tank port connected to main tank port where

pressures are high enough to neutralize pilot input
pressure? (Combine pilot drain and pilot tank port and
check for operation with the combined flow draining into
an open container…block line to main tank from pilot
valve…if this corrects the situation, reroute pilot drain
and tank line.)

7) Are solenoids improperly interlocked so that a signal

is provided to both units simultaneously? (Put test light
on each solenoid lead in parallel and watch for
simultaneous lighting…check electrical interlock. This
condition probably burns out more solenoids than any
other factor.)

8) Has mounting pad been warped from external

heating? (Loosen mounting bolts slightly and see if valve
functions. End caps can also be removed and check
for tight spool.)

9) Is fluid excessively hot? (Check for localized

heating which may indicate an internal leak…check
reservoir temperature and see if it is within machine

10) Is there foreign matter in the fluid media causing

gummy deposits? (Check for contamination…make
certain seals and plumbing are compatible with the type
of fluid being used.)

11) Is an adequate supply of fluid being delivered to

actuate the load? (Many times there is sufficient
pressure to shift the valve but not enough to actuate
the work load. Check pump supply pressure and volume
if necessary…physical measurement of flow through
relief valve with units blocked may be necessary.)

12) Check circuit for possible interlocks on pressure

sources to valve or to pilot.

Parker Hannifin Corporation

8 Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division
Greeneville, TN 37745 USA
2600-550-001-M1/USA Standard Hydraulic Power Units Installation Guide
D, H, V-Pak and Custom Power Units

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division
Greeneville, TN 37745 USA
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Hydraulic Pump/Motor Division
2745 Snapps Ferry Road
Greeneville, TN 37745 USA
Tel (423) 639-8151
Hydraulics Fax (423) 787-2418
Web Site: www.parker.com/pumpmotor

Pinnacle Printing, 10/2000, 5M

4309 NW Saint Helens Road
Portland, Oregon 97210 Phone


Warranties are not valid unless proper starting and maintenance procedures are followed.


1. Make sure reservoir is filled with a suitable, premium quality, anti-wear hydraulic oil with a viscosity range of
110-250 SUS (24-50Cst) at 100°F (38°C), unless otherwise noted.
2. Check coupling alignment. (Refer to coupling literature in service manual for specifications)
3. Check fittings for tightness.
4. Be sure system piping is properly sized and is clean.
5. On pumps with case drains, remove drain line from pump and fill pump case with clean hydraulic oil. On other
pumps, disconnect one of the pump ports and fill pump with as much clean hydraulic oil as possible, then
reconnect. This may not be required if the pump is below the fluid level of the reservoir.
6. Make sure suction line shutoff valves (where applicable) are open.
7. Jog motor briefly to check direction of rotation.
8. To be sure pump primes; jog motor 3 or 4 times for 2-4 seconds.
9. Whenever possible, do not start a pump against a blocked system.
10. If the pump does not pull a prime, temporarily loosen a fitting in the pressure line to remove any trapped air.
11. Check gauge pressure to be sure it is as specified.
12. Turn unit off if overheating is evident.
13. On systems with pressure compensated pumps, insure pressure relief is a minimum of 200 PSI above
compensator setting.
14. Check oil level again after filling piping, actuators, etc.

1. Maintain as low a system pressure as possible to give adequate performance.
2. Prohibit unauthorized personnel from making adjustments on the hydraulic system.
3. Maintain adequate oil level. When adding oil, be sure it is new and clean and if possible, pump into the unit
through a 10-micron filter cart.
4. Keep fittings tightened.
5. Maintain clean fluid in system by:
a) Changing filter elements when indicated
b) Cleaning strainer elements
c) Replace oil if it becomes contaminated or overheated.
d) Clean or replace reservoir air breathers regularly
6. Lubricate motor coupling periodically if required.
7. Check system regularly for overheating. Seal damage may occur at temperatures over 170° F.
8. Keep power unit clean.
9. The three most important indicators of trouble are:
a.) Heat
b.) Noise
c.) Leakage

Need help? Have questions? Give us a call!

4309 NW Saint Helens Road
Portland, Oregon 97210 Phone

Procedure for Flushing Hydraulic System

Warranties are not valid unless proper starting and maintenance procedures are followed.

Most hydraulic systems can be properly flushed by using the hydraulic pump(s) to circulate fluid through the
fluid lines and returned through the filter(s) into the reservoir.

Connect all actuator and valving manifold hoses together, using flushing nipples. Your objective is to
bypass the actuators and valving for proper flushing of the fluid lines. Start the pump and circulate fluid
through the fluid lines. It is common to get surges of air from the fluid lines returning to the reservoir which
may cause the pump(s) to be noisy as air bubbles are drawn into the pump. If the noise persists for a long
period of time and the fluid is aerated or foamy, allow the fluid to settle out over night. If the noise continues
beyond a reasonable period of time, consult the manufacturer.

IMPORTANT - Monitor the indicators on the system filter(s) during start up to assure that fluid does
not bypass the filter elements.

Required flushing time will vary with the size and complexity of the entire hydraulic system and the degree
of contamination resulting from installation. Simple systems can usually be flushed within one to two hours.
Large systems may require ten to twelve hours. Careful monitoring of the filter condition indicators will
dictate the necessary flushing time required.

It is necessary to flush all fabricated piping tubing and hoses without introducing contamination into the
valving manifold or actuators (cylinder and motors). When this has been completed, reconnect the hoses to
the proper ports and operate the system manually during the initial phase. Carefully check for any
mechanical interference, binds, non-lubricated machinery and fluid leaks.

Need help? Have Questions? Give us a call!

4309 NW Saint Helens Road
Portland, Oregon 97210 Phone

Scheduled Maintenance Procedures

See instruction material for individual units.

________________________EACH SHIFT________________________

Reservoir level Excessive heat, air in system. Fill as required Fluid leaks
Fluid loss, Pressure loss, Repair as required
Air in system, excessive heat
Dirty equipment, safety hazards.

Fluid temperature Deterioration of fluid, excessive Trouble-shootcause and Pump

wear correct.

Erratic operations Erratic operation is often a Report in detail

Warning of impending component
failure. Corrective measures can
be taken to prevent shutdown.
This also provides some time to
secure replacement parts before a
complete failure occurs.



Fluid filters Filter indicators Change element Contaminated oil, component wear,
pump cavitation (when using
inlet filters)

Heat exchanger Leaks, corrosion Repair/replace Excessive heat, fluid loss,

Water in fluid

Heat exchanger Check fluid temperature Re-adjust as Excessive heat, excessive water

Water valve when valve opens necessary consumption.

Hoses Visually inspect for cracking, Replace hose Personal injury, machine down time
abrasions, kinks and leaks fluid loss, dirty equipment.
4309 NW Saint Helens Road
Portland, Oregon 97210 Phone


Check Possible troubles Corrective Action

Air Breathers Dirt in hydraulic system, cavitation. Clean or replace.
Hydraulic tube connections Loss of fluid, loss of pilot pressure, air entering Tighten or repair as required.
system, dirty equipment, safety hazard.

Solenoids Valve failure, loss of production and fire Replace broken wires or covers. Tighten
hazard connections and covers.
Dirty Equipment Dirt entering system, failure to notice leaks, Clean as required, remove rags etc.
safety and fire hazard.

__________________________3 MONTHS__________________________

Check Possible troubles Corrective Action

Filters Contaminated oil, eventual component failure. Replace all elements in use for over 3
Fluid Condition Component failure due to excessive wear,
erratic operation due to sticking valves caused Send oil sample to fluid supplier to be
by varnish buildup, gumming, etc. analyzed for contamination and viscosity
breakdown. Unacceptable results will
require oil to be drained from the entire
system and replaced with new, appropriate
hydraulic oil. New oil most always contains
unacceptable amounts of particulates and
must be filtered prior to placing into the
system. 10-micron filtration is usually

Hydraulic connections and Leaks, broken pipes, noise, dirty equipment. Tighten connections and clamps.
pipe braces

Relief valves, Pressure Erratic operations, heat buildup, slow moving Check settings and adjust as required.
switches, timers equipment, machine crashes due to timing

Heat Exchanger Heat buildup, water in system. Refer to heat exchanger service literature in
service section of manual.
4309 NW Saint Helens Road
Portland, Oregon 97210 Phone

__________________________6 MONTHS__________________________
Check Possible troubles Corrective Action

Pump/motor coupling Shaft and bearing failure, coupling failure, Remove coupling guards and check
alignment excessive noise and vibration. alignment. Refer to Coupling literature in
service section of manual for specifications.

Pump, motor and valve Vibration, noise, leaks, Coupling wear, Tighten to proper torque. Tighten Directional
mounting bolts extruded o-rings, and machine failure. valve mounting bolts evenly to prevent
binding spool in valve body.

Cartridge Valves Leaks, erratic operation, drifting equipment, Tighten to specified torque. Refer torque
personal injury specifications located in the general
information section of the manual.
4309 NW Saint Helens Road
Portland, Oregon 97210 Phone

Troubleshooting Hydraulic System

Individual Component Service Bulletins May Contain Additional Information


Noisy pump a) Low fluid level in reservoir, air entering system; Fill reservoir to proper level.
b) Leaking fittings, hose and tube connections on inlet side of pump, allowing air to enter system. Use
system compatible grease or oil to coat the fitting/connection suspected of leaking (while system is
running). Pump should quiet momentarily after application if connection is leaking.
c) Inspect suction strainers for cleanliness. Clogged strainers or obstruction in suction line will likely
cause pump cavitation and severe pump damage.

Low system pressure a) Relief valve setting too low. Relief valve may have been re-adjusted. If setting is too low, fluid will be
diverted back to reservoir, resulting in heat build-up and low system pressure, Re-adjust relief valve
to proper setting.
b) Worn or damaged pump or actuators. Plug work ports at power unit and check pressure. If relief
valve is set properly and pressure is still low, the pump most likely needs repair. If pressure is
normal, isolate each actuator in the system one at a time to identify the failing component. Repair as
c) Unloading circuit malfunctioning. If using a fixed displacement pump in conjunction with an unloading
circuit, make sure circuit is functioning as intended. Contamination, wear or damage could cause
unloading valve to remain partially or completely open. Inspect valve, repair/replace as necessary.
d) Pump compensator set too low. Variable displacement pumps with pressure compensation controls
may have been re-adjusted. Re-adjust compensator to proper setting; use care when adjusting
compensator, the system relief valve may need re-adjusted to maintain a higher setting than the
compensator (usually around 200 PSI higher than the compensator setting).

Erratic operation Valves, pistons, etc. sticking or binding. Inspect suspected part for mechanical
deficiencies such as misalignment of shaft, worn bearings, etc. Also look for signs of dirt, sludge,
varnishes caused by fluid deterioration.

Relief valve stuck open Depressurize hydraulic system and remove valve. Inspect for contamination
and clean as needed. Physically operate moving parts in valve to test for sticking or broken bias springs.
Replace if needed.

Leakage in the system Check the whole system for escaping fluid. Serious leaks in the open are
easy to find, however, leaks often occur in concealed piping. Install pressure gauge in discharge line near
pump and then progressively block circuit downstream until leak is located. A high leakage path through a
valve or a component generates heat. A hot spot in the circuit often indicates the point of leakage.

Aerated hydraulic fluid Low fluid level prevents entrained air from having sufficient time to settle out of the oil. Check oil level in
reservoir daily.

Cavitation Cavitation is the formation of a vacuum inside the pump. This is usually caused by a restriction
on the inlet, too high a viscosity (cold fluid), or insufficient head pressure (atmospheric pressure is required
to push the oil into the pump, at high elevations, there is less pressure available to do the work).
Pseudo cavitation is similar to cavitation, but is caused by air entering the pump inlet, which will
have similar effects as cavitation. Look for loose/leaking components on all suction lines. Un-corrected
cavitation conditions will cause severe damage to pump components.

Loose/worn pump parts Look for worn gaskets and packing. Replace if necessary. Usually there is no way to compensate for wear
in a component; it is always best to replace it.

Stuck valves Parts may be stuck by metallic chips, bits of lint, carbonized fluid etc. If so, disassemble and
clean thoroughly. Avoid the use of files, emery cloth, steel hammers etc. on machined surfaces. Products
of fluid deterioration such as gums, sludge, varnish, may also cause sticking. Use solvent to clean parts
and wipe dry before reassembly. If parts are stuck by corrosion or rust, they will probably have to be
4309 NW Saint Helens Road
Portland, Oregon 97210 Phone

Overheating 1. Water shut off or heat exchanger clogged.

2. Continuous operation at relief setting.
a. Stalling under load, etc.
b. Fluid viscosity too high.
3. Excessive slippage or internal leakage.
a. Check stall leakage past pump, motors and cylinders.
b. Fluid viscosity too low.
4. Reservoir sized too small.
5. Reservoir assembled without baffling or sufficient baffling.
6. Case drain line from pressure compensated pump returning oil too close to suction line.
7. Pipe, tube or hose I.D. too small causing high fluid velocities.
8. Valving too small, causing high fluid velocity.
9. Improper air circulation around reservoir.
10. System relief valve set too high.
11. Power unit operating in direct sunlight, or ambient temperature is too high.

Pressure compensated pumps require the system relief be set 150-200 PSI higher than compensator setting
4309 NW Saint Helens Road
Portland, Oregon 97210 Phone

Troubleshooting Hydraulic Pumps

Possible Cause
Pump not delivering fluid 1. Insufficient fluid in reservoir.
2. Suction line or strainer clogged.
3. Air leaking into suction line preventing pump from priming.
4. Pump rotating too slowly.
5. Oil viscosity too high.
6. Oil lift too high, preventing pump from priming.
7. Improper pump rotation.
8. Sheared pump shaft or other broken internal pump parts.
9. Excessive contamination in pump.
10. Improper stroke adjustment on variable delivery pumps.

Oil accumulating around 1. Worn shaft seal.

2. Head pressure on suction line causing oil to escape through loose or damaged
pump connections.
3. Pump housing bolts improperly torqued or loose.
4. Case drain line restricted or too small causing shaft seal to leak (excessive case
5. Pump housing cracked from being struck or over-pressurized.
6. Leaking pressure line or connection.

Excessive pump wear 1. Oil not properly filtered, causing it to get contaminated with dirt and other abrasive
materials. These circulate through pump and other components causing rapid wear.
2. Viscosity of oil too low.
3. Pump not rated for pressures at which system is operating.
4. Pump/prime mover misalignment or drive belt too tight.
5. Air being drawn into pump from a leaking suction line or fitting, or low reservoir fluid

Excessive pump noise 1. Check for air leaks in the suction line. Flood inlet connections with oil from reservoir;
when oil is poured over a leak point, pump noise should be reduced momentarily.
2. Poor alignment of pump/prime mover.
3. Verify compatibility of oil to components in the system.
4. Unloading valve or relief set too high. Use a reliable, calibrated pressure gauge to
check operating pressure. Relief valves may have been adjusted with a damaged
gauge and be out of acceptable operating range. Check any unloading devices for
proper operation.
5. Reservoir oil aerated, caused by low fluid level in reservoir or return lines terminating
above fluid level inside reservoir.
6. Sticking or worn vanes, damaged cam ring (vane pumps).
7. Damaged or worn gears or housing (gear pumps)
8. Other damaged pump components.
9. Failing bearings.
10. Improper Pump rotation.
11. Components installed improperly.
12. Suction line restriction, causing cavitation.
13. Oil too thick because it is cold or improperly selected.
14. Pump turning at excessive speeds.
15. Air entering pump through shaft seal.
16. Inlet line too small. Inlet lines should be sized too keep fluid velocity under 5 feet per
17. Shutoff valve on flooded suction systems not fully opened.
18. Bolts on pump housing loose or torqued improperly during assembly.
19. Case drain port improperly positioned during pump installation, allowing air to be
trapped inside pump housing. Case drain should be oriented so it is at the highest
possible point on the pump.
Individual pump instruction bulletins may contain additional information
CEI JOB NO. 61014



61588 Chevron AW32 10 Gallons Change oil every 2 years if

or equivalent properly filtered

150 viscosity at 100F

BOISE, INC. 61588 - Feeder Project
Conveyor Engineering Technology Center

Commodity: Hydraulic Power unit and cylinder

Short / Long Term Storage Instructions:

(Please define in the space below or attach documentation.)

Short term -2-3 months - Power unit can be outside but must be under a cover

Long term - Power unit should be kept in a building where it will be kept dry and moisture free - no heating is required.

Company Name: Western Integrated Technologies

Address: 4242 S. Eagleson Rd

Suite # 108

Boise, Idaho 83705

Contact Name: Richard Holbert

Title: Outside Sales

Phone: 208-890-6218
FM 100-001 WIT Quality Effective Date Revision This Sheet Total Sheets
Manual September 14, 2010 1.9 1 25

Quality Manual Revision Log

Section Description Date Revision
Log Create Revision Log 7/23/09 1.3
Log Revision 7/15/10 1.4
8.3.3 Material Tracking section added 8/2/10 1.5
8.4.3 Non Conformance Process (Production) section added 8/2/10 1.5
8.4.4 WIT Non Conformance Process (Purchased) 8/2/10 1.5
7.2 WIT Internal Quality Audit Report 1 8/6/10 1.6
7.3 WIT Internal Quality Audit Report 2 8/6/10 1.6
8.1 WIT Internal Quality Audit Report 3 8/11/10 1.7
8.2 WIT Internal Quality Audit Report 4 8/11/10 1.7
8.3 WIT Internal Quality Audit Report 5 9/27/10 1.8

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Quality Control Manual

Engineering and Production Section

Western Integrated Technologies

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Table of Contents
Quality Control Manual .............................................................................................................2

Engineering and Production Section.......................................................................................2

Western Integrated Technologies ............................................................................................2

Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................3

7 Product Realization:...........................................................................................................5
7.1 Scope......................................................................................................................................................... 5
7.2 Internal Understanding of Product Realization: ................................................................................... 6
7.3 Customer Communication: ..................................................................................................................... 7

8 Design and Development...................................................................................................8

8.1 Design and Development Scope ............................................................................................................ 8
8.1.1 Engineering Design ............................................................................................................................. 8
8.2 Engineering Design Processes: ............................................................................................................. 9
8.2.1 Assigning Project Number / Serial Number ...................................................................................... 9
8.2.2 Engineering Design Implementation: ................................................................................................ 9
8.2.3 Engineering Verification and Inspection:........................................................................................ 10
8.3 Procurement (Purchasing process) ..................................................................................................... 11
8.3.1 Purchasing Responsibilities............................................................................................................. 11
8.3.2 Project Engineer Responsibilities.................................................................................................... 11
8.4 Production and Service Provision........................................................................................................ 12
8.4.1 Control of Production:....................................................................................................................... 12
8.4.2 Production Final Planning: ............................................................................................................... 12
8.5 Production Process Standards and Inspection:................................................................................. 15
8.5.1 Welding ............................................................................................................................................... 15
8.5.2 Machine Tolerances: ......................................................................................................................... 15
8.5.3 Hydraulic Plumbing: .......................................................................................................................... 15
8.5.4 Painting & Coatings:.......................................................................................................................... 16
8.5.5 General Hydraulic Equipment Standards: ...................................................................................... 16
8.5.6 Ongoing Production Review: ........................................................................................................... 17
8.6 Inspection and Calibration of Precision Instrument and Tooling:.................................................... 18
8.7 Final Product Inspection, Verification and Customer Validation:..................................................... 19
8.8 Product Shipping and Handling: .......................................................................................................... 20
8.9 Control of Engineering and Production Changes: ............................................................................. 22

9 Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement of Quality Control.....................................23

9.1 Purpose:.................................................................................................................................................. 23
9.2 Monitoring and Measurement ............................................................................................................... 23
9.3 Improvement........................................................................................................................................... 23

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10 Appendix A ....................................................................................................................25
10.1 Master Control Documents and Forms......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
10.2 Measuring Equipment Calibration List ................................................................................................ 25

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7 Product Realization:

7.1 Scope

Western Integrated Technologies develops and follows processes consistent with the
quality management system. The engineering and production processes that directly affect
quality are identified as such and plans for production shall be carried out, resulting in a
quality product or design.

7.1.1 Product Realization and Quality: Identify established processes, documents and specific resources
for the final product. Identify unique attributes, documents and specific resources for the
final product that demand special needs. Verify, validate, monitor, inspect, test and final acceptance for the

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7.2 Internal Understanding of Product Realization:

7.2.1 All Products / Projects shall be clearly defined: WIT Sales Representative will use an Equipment Data Form (EDF FM 100-
004) in quote phase for, projects involving new customers and for non
repetitive projects for existing customers.

The EDF is delivered in conjunction with the Customer’s specific

requirements and any additional Project Specifications.

WIT Sales Representative is responsible for delivering the EDF Customer

specific requirements and any additional Project Specifications to the
engineering department. The WIT Sr. Engineer shall assign a Project Engineer. This engineer
remains the Project Engineer should the project become a firm order. The Project Engineer Reviews all documentation regarding the specific
project. All questions, concerns and possible process issues are addressed
with the Sales Representative, Customer, Production Manager (as
appropriate) prior to project commencement. If clarification of project, specifications or project documentation is needed

the Project Engineer may hold a project review meeting with the sales
representative, Production Manager, Operating Manager, and/or the
Customer. The EDF shall be revised per clarifications and project related
specifications. The project job file shall contain all documented
specifications. The aforementioned work results in a project quote. The aforementioned

work results in a project quote. Once reviewed by the engineer and sales
representative, the quote is delivered to the customer.

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7.3 Customer Communication:

7.3.1 All Products / Projects shall be Customer Confirmed in writing. The Customer accepts or rejects the product based on the specific
requirements contained within the quote. If the product is accepted and Purchase
Order received, design work will start on the project. In certain circumstances a letter of
commitment is an acceptable document from the Customer (long lead times to obtain a
PO). Customer communication shall be sent via the Sales Representative. This
will ensure that Sales Representative and his/her client is informed of all aspects of the
product / project development. The Sales Representative may decide to have the
Project Engineer communicate with the customer. The Sales Representative will be
copied on all communication. Once a hydraulic schematic is designed and confirmed in engineering the

Sales Representative shall be sent the hydraulic schematic and will then submit it to the
Customer. The hydraulic schematic shall be approved by the Customer in writing before
production may begin. The approval on hydraulic schematic shall come in the form of a

Customers approval signature. This will be submitted in either electronic
or hard copy format. Approval will not be accepted in the following forms:
Telephone conversation, fax or personal conversation.

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8 Design and Development

8.1 Design and Development Scope
Western Integrated Technologies has documented procedures to plan, control and
verify that the design of the product meets the expectations of the customer. The
engineering and production departments are responsible for the documentation and
implementation of all processes at the minimum following requirements.

8.1.1 Engineering Design Records shall be maintained, in the form of electronic files. Records are
defined as key control design documentation including but not limited to project
specifications, drawings, purchase order, changes orders, and email. All design outputs (worksheets within the WIT job file) shall provide
verification to Customer specifications. All design outputs shall provide information on the special needs of a
product. For example: special hydraulic fluid, dimensional limitations for shipping,
special prime and paint procedures, and special fabrication needs. This
information is used to verify product design prior to release for production. All design outputs shall provide appropriate information for purchasing and
production in the form of complete Bill of Materials (“BOM”), hydraulic schematic
and general arrangement drawings when specified or needed. All project documentation shall be generated by the Project Engineer. In

cases where verification of design is needed, documents will be submitted to the
Customer for review and approval. This documentation will include hydraulic
schematic, BOM, and general arrangement drawing if necessary. The Project Engineer shall provide every project with a BOM. The BOM
shall contain production information and special feature notes for a quality
product. The Project Engineer will complete the manifold section of the EDF for
every project that includes a manifold , unless otherwise specified or provided by
the Customer. Engineering shall provide documentation for project testing in the form of
the WIT hydraulic power unit Test Data Form (“TDF”) (FM 100-026). If Customer
specifications require a change in test procedures or a unique test form, the
Project Engineer shall be responsible for documentation of both the WIT TDF and
that of the Customer. Customer provided test forms are reviewed and approved

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by project engineer and provided to the Technician at the time of project


8.2 Engineering Design Processes:

Western Integrated Technologies has processes and procedures for the design and
development of Customer specified equipment and products.

8.2.1 Assigning Project Number / Serial Number Once WIT receives a customer order the project is entered in to the project
control database and given a unique identifying project number. Project Number – shall be used as a Serial Number for the product. The
Serial Number will be stamped on a WIT name plate and can be used for
service traceability.

8.2.2 Engineering Design Implementation: The Sr. Engineer will assign a Project Engineer to the project. The Project Engineer will immediately notify the Sales Representative of
project assignment. Customer communication will be the sole responsibility
of the Sales Representative unless otherwise directed by the Sales
Representative (see section The Project Engineer will determine whether the product is a hydraulic
system, hydraulic manifold or hydraulic component and create the
necessary designs, drawings and documentation. A hydraulic system shall be defined by any product that requires integration
of hydraulic components into a single functioning unit. All hydraulic systems
and/or hydraulic manifolds will have a hydraulic schematic designed by the
Project Engineer. A hydraulic manifold shall be defined by any product that requires

hydraulic components assembled into a common working element via a
machined valve body. A hydraulic component shall be defined as a single product that is a

functioning part of a hydraulic system.

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Manual September 14, 2010 1.9 10 25 The Project Engineer and Engineering Manager will review all design
documents and once approved the documents will be sent to the Customer for approval
(see sections and The Project Engineer will revise any and all changes to the design
documents at the request of the customer, if required. All change requests must be
confirmed by customer in writing. Once the Project Engineer has the approved documents, the Project
Engineer will determine long lead items and release these items to Purchasing via the
BOM. The parts on the BOM will be noted for release, purchase or hold for further
disposition. The Project Engineer will finish designing any equipment and/or manifolds
for release to Production. All design notes will be filed in the WIT job file specific for the
project. The Project Engineer will release the TDF with all required testing
procedures (see After completion of all design documents, BOM and test procedure forms, a
project packet is reviewed and signed off by a Sr. Engineer then released to the
Production Manager. The project packet is created using a distribution list located in the
WIT costing form (FM 100-003)

8.2.3 Engineering Verification and Inspection: The Project Engineer will be responsible for daily inspection on the progress
of production. Any issues opened by the Technician will be addressed
immediately through the Production Manager If changes are required a
Change Order (See section 8.9.1) will be used to change the design or any
documentation that affects the final project. The Technician and Production Manager will inspect all projects after
production is complete for fabrication quality. The Project Engineer and
Technician will sign off on the TDF for functional requirements. The Project
Engineer will record and document any discrepancies in the original design.
All discrepancies will be recorded, addressed, rectified, and validated.
Once product passes test, the Project Engineer will approve and submit the
product to the Production Manager for shipment.

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8.3 Procurement (Purchasing process)

• Western Integrated Technologies has purchasing processes in place to ensure that
purchased products meet the project requirements of the Customer.
• Once the BOM is confirmed and the Customer purchase order (or letter of intent to
purchase) is received, project procurement begins.

8.3.1 Purchasing Responsibilities The Operations Manager and Purchasing Manager have overall

responsibility to ensure that purchasing processes are implemented and
maintained to ensure the quality of all products. The purchasing shall verify lead times, cost and determine sourcing of
purchased products. WIT defines manufacturing standards and control processes to verify

outsourced products for design and fabrication. Only vendors who have
agreed to the standards and processes are approved as Key Suppliers for
WIT (primarily three categories; Fabrication, Electronic Controls, Machining)
Refer to the Manufacturing Standards document for vendor standards and
to the Vendor Outsource process document (Forms FM 100-016 and FM

8.3.2 Project Engineer Responsibilities The Project Engineer is responsible for specifying components to be

purchased and to maintain documentation on all product changes. The
documentation will include a complete material list and all necessary design
drawings (see section 8.1). The Project Engineer releases the BOM to purchasing once final design is
complete (see section Purchasing works with the Project Engineer should production schedule
issues require a different source or component. All changes are approved
through the change order process (see section 8.9).

8.3.3 Material Tracking

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Manual September 14, 2010 1.9 12 25 material (such as steel or pipe) purchased and received on the WIT premises, requires
documentation showing manufacture and material heat numbers. is requested at the time of purchase and is called out on supplies PO. arrival, WIT receiving department must confirm documentation for raw material before
accepting or receiving material. material is received into WIT inventory; the material is assigned a WIT lot number
and tagged for identification. is scanned and saved electronically, recorded in a data base and hard
copies are filed numeral by WIT lot #. traceability is required, a job traveler is assigned to the job and lot numbers are
recorded as used. tag process is to tag one end and cut from the other.

8.4 Production and Service Provision

8.4.1 Control of Production: The Production Manager has overall responsibility to ensure that the
production processes that affect quality are identified and implemented:

8.4.2 Production Final Planning:

• The project is given firm production and delivery dates.

• Purchased parts are given a scheduled due date.

• Equipment is scheduled and Technicians assigned for fabrication and/or machining. The Production Manager reviews the production schedule daily and
modifications are made and documented via the WIT database. If changes
in the schedule are needed the Project Engineer and Sales Representative
are notified through an email confirmation. Production is commenced on scheduled date and assigned Technician is

familiarized with the project and given all documentation related to the
quality fabrication of the project.
• The Technician reviews all documentation and begins production.

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• During fabrication all questions and concerns are submitted to the Production
Manager and Project Engineer. The Project Engineer documents questions and
concerns via the electronic job folder.
• All changes are processed by the Project Engineer through the change orders
process (See Section 8.9).
• Project Engineer will make daily inspections on progress and quality of all projects
and if necessary documentation generated (see section Once fabrication is complete the Project Engineer will inspect and release
the project, if accepted, for final testing. Acceptance or rejection will be
documented in the TDF. The product will be thoroughly tested by the Technician and Project
Engineer and test result documented on the TDF. Both parties will accept
the test data and release the product for final clean-up, prep and paint (refer
to section 8.5.4 Painting and Coating). Once the product has been painted the Production Manager, Project
Engineer and Technician shall approve the product for shipment. The
approval shall be documented on the TDF. All steps in production: welding, machining, plumbing, piping, painting and
clean up shall follow WIT processes and inspection guidelines as
documented in Section 8.5.

8.4.3 WIT Non Conformance Process (Production)

• WIT Mechanic records discrepancy on WIT Non Conformance Report Form FM 100-025.

• WIT Mechanic gives WIT Non Conformance Report to WIT Production Manager.

• WIT Production Manager, WIT Quality Auditor, and Project Engineer Analyze the
Discrepancy. A decision is made if the part is re-workable or scrapped. If part is deemed re-workable, WIT Production Manager, WIT Quality

Auditor, and WIT Project Engineer will establish corrective action, and
complete WIT Non Conformance Report Form.

• WIT Production Facility implements the corrective action. If Part is deemed scrap, the WIT Production manager will complete a WIT
Non Conformance Report Form. Completed WIT Non Conformance Report
Form will be given to WIT Operations Manager.

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• WIT Operations Manager tracks Non Conformance Report Forms. WIT Operation
manager posts WIT Non Conformance Reports on KPI board weekly.

• WIT Operation Manager stores the WIT Non Conformance Report Form in the job file.

8.4.4 WIT Non Conformance Process (Purchased)

• WIT Warehouse Manager records part(s) discrepancy on WIT Non Conformance Report Form
FM 100 – 025.

• WIT Warehouse moves part(s) with discrepancy to Quality Hold Area.

• WIT Production Manager, WIT Quality Auditor, and WIT Project Engineer analyze discrepancy.
A decision is made if the part(s) is re-workable or scrapped.

• WIT Production manager coordinates with Supplier about part(s) discrepancy. If part(s) is deemed re-workable, WIT Production Manager, WIT Quality Auditor,
and WIT Project Engineer will establish corrective action and complete WIT Non
Conformance Report Form.

• WIT Warehouse returns parts to production.

• WIT Production Implements Corrective Action

• WIT bills vendor for rework cost.

• WIT Non Conformance Report is stored in job file. If part is deemed scrap, WIT Warehouse returns part to vendor to repair or replace.

• WIT Non Conformance Report is stored in Job file.

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8.5 Production Process Standards and Inspection:

• This section is an overview of the Western Integrated Technologies production
processes. Please refer to the WIT Manufacturing Standards for more information
about WIT production processes and capabilities. WIT follows the NFPA
(National Fluid Power Association)/T2.24.1-1990 Standards.

8.5.1 Welding Welding Standards & Practices:

• All welding shall conform to AWS Structural Welding Code D1.1 version 2004
o Refer to the WIT Manufacturing Standards for more information about WIT
welding procedures.

8.5.2 Machine Tolerances: Machining Tolerance Standards & Practices:

• WIT Machines all non specified precision components to +/- .003” tolerance.
• WIT Machines all customer specified precision components to customer specified
requirements (as noted in the WIT drawing notes section) Machining Tolerance Inspection:

• All precision components shall be inspected for meeting tolerance levels by the
use of micrometers, calipers, thread gauges and visual inspection surface gauge.
• Products will be checked for squareness or overall dimensional sizing
• All ports shall be inspected for depth using a depth gauge
• All threads shall be inspected using a thread gauge
• All surfaces shall be visually inspected using a visual inspection gauge that meets
surface standard AA value standardized in ANSI B46.1 and Military Standard
• All diameters shall be inspected using calibrated precision calipers.

8.5.3 Hydraulic Plumbing: Hydraulic Plumbing Standards and Practices:
• All hydraulic plumbing is designed to the standards of the NFPA (National Fluid
Power Association)/T2.24.2-2004 Standards. Hydraulic Plumbing Inspection:

• All hydraulic plumbing shall be inspected during final testing for leakage, proper
plumbing practices and conformance to the NFPA Standards.
• The project Technician and Project Engineer shall sign the TDF accepting that the
product conforms to WIT plumbing standards.

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8.5.4 Painting & Coatings: Painting and Coatings Standards and Practices:
• Western Integrated Technologies has processes in place for the quality paint of all
• All hydraulic power units are de-burred and cleaned of all foreign materials.
• All hydraulic power units are cleaned thoroughly to ensure all oil and grease
residue is removed and enable proper adhesion of paint.
• All hydraulic power units are masked and taped to ensure proper coverage.
Typical masking items are all of the following: hydraulic hoses, product labels and
tags, and electrical components.
• WIT employs Dupont Imron 3.5 PolyUrethane as our standard paint. Marine
applications employ a 3 part Dupont Epoxy. WIT employs the paint
manufacturer’s painting processes & procedures.
• Customers may request the use of other paint products; however this must be
clarified during the quote stage of the project. Painting and Coatings Inspection:

• Once the paint has cured the painter and Production Manager inspect the product
for paint quality and sign off on the paint section of the TDF.
• Products are then labeled and tagged with all pertinent information which includes
but not limited to: pressure setting, rotation of motors and pumps, oil level and
inlet/return ports.
• Products are then ready for final inspection. Projects shall be visually inspected
for unpainted surfaces, runs, drips and splatters and remedied appropriately.

8.5.5 General Hydraulic Equipment Standards: Layout:
• All Products shall be designed with ergonomics as a priority. Products shall be
designed and fabricated for ease of use by the Customer.
• Products shall be designed and fabricated for easy access to components and for
serviceability. Component Protection during Fabrication:

• All hydraulic components shall be protected from environmental and
manufacturing elements by the use of covers or protective devices.
• All hydraulic hoses, fittings, and tubing shall be kept in a parts staging area clear
from fabrication areas to prevent contamination.
• Hydraulic components shall be kept clear of all welding, grinding, and cutting
operations as to protect them from damage and contamination. Component Handling

• All components shall be clearly labeled with part number and project number.

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Manual September 14, 2010 1.9 17 25

• Components will be stored in clean, dry environment to prevent dust and

corrosion residue.
• Components will be pulled from storage area and assembled into totes for the
specified project. Once the pulling of parts for a project is complete, all totes,
carts and crates will be sent to the pre-fabrication storage area.

8.5.6 Ongoing Production Review:

• All projects have a mid project review with the Production Manager, Project
Engineer and Technician to review project status and to work together to resolve
issues related to functional design and project schedule.

Functional Manager: MFG Operations Manager Approved:

If printed, this is a non-controlled document) Cindi Puckett
FM 100-001 WIT Quality Effective Date Revision This Sheet Total Sheets
Manual September 14, 2010 1.9 18 25

8.6 Inspection and Calibration of Precision Instrument and Tooling:

8.6.1 Calibration and Adjustment: All calibrations are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and
Technology. Western Integrated Technologies uses an outside accredited testing and

calibration laboratory for calibration requirements. Equipment shall be adjusted or readjusted as necessary. This calibration

shall take place on an annual or bi-annual rotating schedule. All measuring and test equipment is identified and has a record associated
with it to show calibration status. All equipment, test hardware and software are protected from unauthorized
adjustments which would invalidate the calibration setting and measurement
results. After calibration the individual calibrating is to fill out a new calibration label
with the measuring and testing equipment identification number, initialed, date
calibrated, next calibration due date and any limitations. The identification label is
then placed on or with the equipment. The Quality Manager then completes the Inspection of Measuring and Test
Equipment List (form FM 100-010). Western Integrated Technologies maintains calibration records on the

following equipment (See FM-100-010):
• Flow Meters
• Sensor – Meters
• Micrometers & Depth Gauges
• Precision Instrument Tooling
• Pressure Gauges
• Thread Gauges
• Torque Wrenches
• Hose Crimping Machinery

Functional Manager: MFG Operations Manager Approved:

If printed, this is a non-controlled document) Cindi Puckett
FM 100-001 WIT Quality Effective Date Revision This Sheet Total Sheets
Manual September 14, 2010 1.9 19 25

8.7 Final Product Inspection, Verification and Customer Validation:

8.7.1 Product Test Procedures: WIT shall test all products / projects and document all information on the
TDF (form FM 100-005). Unique test requirements shall be documented in
the job file prior to manufacturing commencement. The Project Engineer shall make daily inspections of production and
address any issues at that time. Documentation shall be kept on issues in
the form of revised drawings, revised BOM, or Change Orders if necessary.

8.7.2 Customer Specified Inspection and Verification: When Customer Specified Inspection and Verification is required, the
Project Engineer will be responsible for preparing appropriate
documentation. The documentation at a minimum shall include the above
mentioned testing and documentation.

8.7.3 Customer Test Procedure: When required by the Customer, WIT will hold a Customer Test and
Performance Verification at the WIT Portland Manufacturing Facility. This
test will be coordinated with the Customer and/or his representatives. The Project Engineer will be responsible for scheduling and documentation
for testing the product to the Customer’s specifications. If changes are made per the customers request that were not documented
in the Customer’s specification or EDF, the Customer will be responsible for
all such design changes. The Project Engineer shall implement a Change
Order (see Section 8.9) WIT welcomes the Customer to witness product testing. WIT must be made
aware of this at the time of project commencement.

Functional Manager: MFG Operations Manager Approved:

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FM 100-001 WIT Quality Effective Date Revision This Sheet Total Sheets
Manual September 14, 2010 1.9 20 25

8.7.4 Final Approval Procedure: Final approval for shipment shall be the responsibility of the Project
Engineer. The Project Engineer shall verify that all testing documentation is
complete, that all drawings are revised per the final product and that the
BOM is current and records maintained. Prior to shipment, the Production Manager performs final inspection and
authorizes the product for shipment, this is verified by his signature on the

8.8 Product Shipping and Handling:

8.8.1 Handling Western Integrated Technologies handles all products with standard

handling practices for heavy equipment. Adequate preparation is given to all products for protection against damage.
All flatbed truck deliveries are provided with a frame and are shrink-wrapped. All
manifolds are crated and strapped onto pallets. Special care is taken in handling all products to ensure safety and product
integrity. Oil, for example, is removed and prevented from leaking during

8.8.2 Packaging Western Integrated Technologies shall provide packaging to products to
ensure safe transit to the Customer. Western Integrated Technologies shall conform to Customer specifications

for packaging.

Functional Manager: MFG Operations Manager Approved:

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Manual September 14, 2010 1.9 21 25

8.8.3 Shipping Western Integrated Technologies uses standard freight carriers to ship
products to the customer Western Integrated Technologies shall keep documents on shipping details

and maintain the records electronically. WIT provides all hydraulic power units with warning labels to ensure that
Customer technicians inspect the unit and tighten hose fittings which may
have loosened over long haul truck shipments.

Functional Manager: MFG Operations Manager Approved:

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Manual September 14, 2010 1.9 22 25

8.9 Control of Engineering and Production Changes:

8.9.1 Change Orders: During the Design and Development Stage possible changes to the
original design may need to be implemented. Should this need to occur, the
WIT Sales Representative, Project Engineer, Production Manager and
Purchasing must follow the WIT Change Order process. If a change is required per the Customers request to any design of a

product during the design phase a WIT Change Order Form shall be
completed by the Sales Representative. Should the change be one derived
from engineering or purchasing, then the Change Order will be released by
the Project Engineer. This form must be reviewed by engineering and the
Production Manager. If Customer derived, it must approved via a Customer
signature prior to any production schedule or procurement activities. If the Project Engineer can not design a product to the Customer’s
specifications due to parts delivery, availability or design requirements a
WIT Change Order Form will be released. This form must be approved via a
Customer signature and will contain schedule impact, reason for change,
parts change description. If a change is required at the time of the Customer’s product test a

WIT Change Order Form will be released. This form must be approved via a
Customer signature and will contain schedule impact, reason for change,
and parts change description.

Functional Manager: MFG Operations Manager Approved:

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Manual September 14, 2010 1.9 23 25

9 Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement of Quality Control

9.1 Purpose:
To ensure conformity of the product and quality management system, and to continually
improve the effectiveness of the quality management system, Western Integrated
Technologies management shall plan and implement the monitoring, measurement,
analysis and improvement processes needed.

9.2 Monitoring and Measurement

9.2.1 Internal Audits Internal audits are conducted annually to determine compliance and

effectiveness of the quality management system. Documented procedures for planning and conducting internal audits shall be
established and maintained. Audits are scheduled at planned intervals on the basis of the status and
importance of the activity being audited, taking into account previous audit
results. The audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods shall be defined. The auditors and audits shall be objective and impartial and auditors shall
not audit their own work. Audit records shall be maintained.

9.3 Improvement
9.3.1 Continual Improvement
Techniques for Continuous Improvement The activities and processes that are considered to be most important to our
customers are those which involve the design, manufacture, inspection and
test, and delivery of completed products. Specific action plans are
implemented to help the company meet its goal of continuous improvement.
These are developed during the end of the year strategic planning process
and are titled “Manufacturing & Engineer Plans 201x”

Functional Manager: MFG Operations Manager Approved:

If printed, this is a non-controlled document) Cindi Puckett
FM 100-001 WIT Quality Effective Date Revision This Sheet Total Sheets
Manual September 14, 2010 1.9 24 25 Each customer service issue is documented and targeted for improvement
and monitored. The goal is to continuously improve our processes in order
to reduce the variation around each target value. Corrective actions are
taken for quality system and process deficiencies when required. Preventive
actions for any process may be initiated. Preventative maintenance is
performed to improve the usage of equipment. Improvement is sought to
consistently meet all customer requirements during all production and
verification processes. Measures of the progress of continuous improvement efforts shall be

maintained. Western Integrated Technologies company goals for the
continuous improvement process are improvement in conformance to
specifications and customer satisfaction. During Management Review,
Western Integrated Technologies management will evaluate overall quality
results and Customer comments in order to determine the measurable
success of the continuous improvement process. Continuous improvement shall be sought in our quality and on time delivery
results. Western Integrated Technologies is continually striving to meet all of
our Customers’ needs and expectations at all times. Our results in terms of
quality and on time performance are monitored for all Customers.
Communications with the customer and our subcontractors are used to
improve our understating of our capabilities to meet all Customer
requirements. Continuous improvement shall be sought in our quality management

program by customer evaluation of delivered products. The Sales
Representative shall contact the Customer to discuss customer satisfaction.
All Customer input will be maintained and analyzed for constant
improvement in the quality program.

Functional Manager: MFG Operations Manager Approved:

If printed, this is a non-controlled document) Cindi Puckett
FM 100-001 WIT Quality Effective Date Revision This Sheet Total Sheets
Manual September 14, 2010 1.9 25 25

10 Appendix A
10.1 Master List of Documents (FM 100-002)

10.2 Measuring Equipment Calibration List

Functional Manager: MFG Operations Manager Approved:

If printed, this is a non-controlled document) Cindi Puckett
4242 S. Eagleson Rd # 108
Boise, Idaho
Ph. (208) 362-2032
2-4-13 Fax (208) 362-2096

FLSmidth Boise, Inc.

Conveyor Engineering Technology Center
2471 Titanium Place
Meridian, ID 83642

61588 – Caserones Feeder

To whom it may Concern:

Per this letter, Western Integrated Technologies authorizes FLSmidth Boise, Inc. to reproduce Technical
Manuals, Operational and Maintenance Manuals, Drawings and Data Sheets as required for their clients’ projects.
WIT will provide an electronic version from which the copies can be reproduced per the components supplied on
each purchase order.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Signature: Richard Holbert

Title: ___Sales________________________
4309 NW Saint Helens Road
Portland, Oregon 97210 Phone


All products sold by Western Integrated Technologies Inc. are

subject to the warranty of the manufacturer of that product.
Where the fabricator/manufacturer is Western Integrated
Technologies Inc, all work performed by WIT is warranted to
be free from defective materials and workmanship for a period
of ninety days after shipment or the date of installation for

No other warranties, expressed or implied, are made. Defects

in work by WIT will be repaired or replaced, at WIT discretion,
FOB Portland, OR.

Components and products subject to the warranty of the

manufacturer will be processed and responded to by each
respective manufacturer involved.
WIT Hydraulic Cylinder and Power Unit
Documentation – End
Simplex Hydraulic Cylinder and Hand
Pump Documentation – Start
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61588
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 10 Oct 2012
PO No. 9787000202 Title: Simplex Hydraulic Cylinders, Hand Pump, Hose, Gauge, and Fittings for Take-Up - Feeders Rev 1
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

Simplex R256 Cylinder: 25 ton capacity Single-Acting Spring

Return Cylinder with 6.25 inch stroke,
1 2200-FE-001_006 2 n/a Heavy Duty heat treated grooved load cap (Part No. 85525) 0 Ea October 11, 2012 Site
and 3/8 inch NPTF Ram Half Coupler (Part No. C211) with
Dust Cap
Simplex P-42 Steel Two-Speed Hand Pump: 45 cu inch
Capacity, 200 psi First Stage, 10000 psi Second Stage, 0.82
2 2200-FE-001_006 2 n/a 0 Ea October 11, 2012 Site
cu inch Displacement First Stage, 0.16 cu inch Displacement
Second Stage
10 ft Hydraulic Hose with Coupler and Dust Cover (Simplex
Part No. HCA10), w/ 3/8 inch NPTF Male one end and 3/8 inch
3 2200-FE-001_006 2 n/a NPTF Hose Half Coupler (Part No. C213) with dust cover on 0 Ea October 11, 2012 Site
other end.
Assemble 1 each hose with item 2.
PSI/Ton Gauge (GT25) for 25 Ton Cylinder.
4 2200-FE-001_006 2 n/a 0 Ea October 11, 2012 Site
Assemble 1 each gauge with item 2.

Gauge Adaptor (GA1) for Item 4.

5 2200-FE-001_006 2 n/a 0 Ea October 11, 2012 Site
Assemble 1 each gauge adaptor with item 2.

Simplex R556 Cylinder: 55 ton capacity Single-Acting Spring

Return Cylinder with 6.25 inch stroke,
6 2100-FE-001 2 n/a Heavy Duty heat treated grooved load cap (Part No. 85546) 0 Ea October 11, 2012 Site
and 3/8 inch NPTF Ram Half Coupler (Part No. C211) with
Dust Cap

Simplex P-140 Steel Two-Speed Hand Pump: 180 cu inch

Capacity, 400 psi First Stage, 10000 psi Second Stage, 2.8 cu
7 2100-FE-001 2 n/a 0 Ea October 11, 2012 Site
inch Displacement First Stage, 0.24 cu inch Displacement
Second Stage

10 ft Hydraulic Hose with Coupler and Dust Cover (Simplex

Part No. HCA10), w/ 3/8 inch NPTF Male one end and 3/8
8 2100-FE-001 2 n/a inch NPTF Hose Half Coupler (Part No. C213) with dust cover 0 Ea October 11, 2012 Site
on other end.
Assemble 1 each hose with item 7.

PSI/Ton Gauge (GT25) for 55 Ton Cylinder

9 2100-FE-001 2 n/a 0 Ea October 11, 2012 Site
Assemble 1 each gauge with item 7.

Gauge Adaptor (GA1) for Item 9.

10 2100-FE-001 2 n/a 0 Ea October 11, 2012 Site
Assemble 1 each gauge adaptor with item 7.

Simplex R55 Cylinder: 5 ton capacity Single-Acting Spring

Return Cylinder with 5.00 inch stroke,
11 3300-FE-001_003 2 n/a Heavy Duty heat treated grooved load cap (Part No. 18347) 0 Ea Site
and 3/8 inch NPTF Ram Half Coupler (Part No. C211) with
Dust Cap

Page 1 of 2
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61588
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 10 Oct 2012
PO No. 9787000202 Title: Simplex Hydraulic Cylinders, Hand Pump, Hose, Gauge, and Fittings for Take-Up - Feeders Rev 1
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

Simplex P-42 Steel Two-Speed Hand Pump: 45 cu inch

Capacity, 200 psi First Stage, 10000 psi Second Stage, 0.82
12 3300-FE-001_003 2 n/a 0 Ea Site
cu inch Displacement First Stage, 0.16 cu inch Displacement
Second Stage
10 ft Hydraulic Hose with Coupler and Dust Cover (Simplex
Part No. HCA10), w/ 3/8 inch NPTF Male one end and 3/8 inch
13 3300-FE-001_003 2 n/a NPTF Hose Half Coupler (Part No. C213) with dust cover on 0 Ea Site
other end.
Assemble 1 each hose with item 12.
PSI/Ton Gauge (GT5) for 5 Ton Cylinder.
14 3300-FE-001_003 2 n/a 0 Ea Site
Assemble 1 each gauge with item 12.

Gauge Adaptor (GA1) for Item 14.

15 3300-FE-001_003 2 n/a 0 Ea Site
Assemble 1 each gauge adaptor with item 12.

17 Export Packing/Crating LOT October 11, 2012


Page 2 of 2
Basic System Set-ups

1 Cylinder Single-acting push application, such as in a press.

Applies hydraulic force. The hand pump offers controlled cylinder advance, but may
Page 5 require many hand pump strokes in longer stroke
applications when the cylinder capacity is 25 ton or above.
2 Cylinder Base Plate
For applications such as lifting
where additional cylinder Examples of pump, hose and cylinder sets can be found on
stability is required. page 59.
Page 10
3 Pump
Provides hydraulic flow.
Page 61
4 Hose
Transports hydraulic fluid.
Page 118-119
5 Male Coupler
For quick connection of the
hose to system components.
Page 120-121

6 Female Coupler
For quick connection of
the hose end to the
system components. Single-acting cylinder with longer stroke
Page 120-121 used for lifting applications.

7 Gauge
To monitor pressure of
the hydraulic circuit.
Page 124-127
8 Gauge Adaptor
For quick and easy
gauge installation.
Page 130

9 Swivel Connector
Allows proper allignment of
valves and/or gauges. Used
when units being connected
cannot be rotated.
Page 130

10 Auto-damper Valve V-10

Used to protect gauge from
damage due to sudden pulses Double-acting cylinder set-up used for lifting
in the system. Needs no applications where a slow controlled descent
adjustment and allows of the load must be maintained.
correct positioning of
gauge, prior to tightening.
Page 133

246 www.enerpac.com
Basic System Set-ups

Double-acting cylinder set-up used in a push/pull application. 11 4-Way Directional

Control Valve
Controls the direction of
hydraulic fluid in a
double-acting system.
Page 110

12 3-Way Directional
Control Valve
Controls the direction of
hydraulic fluid in a
single-acting system.
Page 110

13 Safety Holding Valve

Controls load descent in
lifting applications.
Page 133

14 Manifold
Allows distribution of
hydraulic fluid from one power
source to several cylinders
Two point lifting set-up using single-acting cylinders.
Page 122
15 Needle Valve
Regulates the flow of
hydraulic fluid to or from
the cylinders.
Page 133

 isit our web site to
learn more about
hydraulics and system
Four point lifting set-up, using single-acting cylinders,
flow control valves and safety valves.

® 247
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- Note -

SIMPLEX has taken every care in preparing this Operational Manual that is intended
as a technical guideline only. SIMPLEX accepts no liability in relation to any use or
reliance made of any information in this Operational Manual.
All information, illustrations and specifications in this Operational Manual are based
on the latest information available at the time of publication. The right is reserved to
make changes at any time without notice.
Equipment operators and installers shall be responsible for ensuring that a safe
working environment and safe systems of work are in place before operating the

••• 1 •••


Visually inspect all components for shipping

damage. If any shipping damage is found,
notify carrier at once.



A cylinder should never be used as a load holding device. After raising

the load, it should be supported by blocks or by cribbing.


Never attempt to lift a load weighing more than the capacity of the
cyllinder. Overloading causes equipment failure and possible personal

These cylinders are designed for a maximum pressure of 10,000 psi

(700 bar). Do not use these cylinders in a system with a higher
pressure rating.
••• 2 •••

The cylinder should be placed on a flat surface

that can support the load. Loads must be
centered on the cylinder plunger. Off-center
loads will damage cylinders and plungers.
In addition, the load may slip or fall, causing
potentially dangerous results.

Distribute the load evenly across the entire

saddle surface. Tilt saddles are available to
reduce offset loading.


Avoid sharp bends and kinks when routing
hydraulic hoses. Sharp bends and kinks will
internally damage the hose leading to
premature failure.

Do not drop sharp or heavy objects on hose.

This will cause internal damage to hose wire
strands. Applying pressure to a damaged hose
may cause it to rupture.

Do not use the hydraulic hose to carry a
hydraulic component (i.e. pumps, cylinders
and valves).

Excessive heat will damage hydraulic
equipment. Heat also weakens hose
materials and packings. DO NOT expose
equipment to temperatures of 150ºF (65ºC) or
higher. Protect hoses and cylinders from weld


Make hydraulic connections. Use a pump with

a release valve or a 3-way valve and one hose
for single-acting cylinders. Use a pump with a
4-way valve and two hoses for double-acting
••• 3 •••
*",/ /
Double-acting cylinders must have both couplers connected.

Fully hand-tighten all couplers. Loose coupler connections can block the flow of oil.

2. Bleed air from the cylinder as shown below.

Single-acting cylinders: Position the cylinder so that the plunger is pointed down and the
cylinder is lower than the pump. Fully extend and retract the cylinder 2 or 3 times.

Double-acting cylinders: Lay the cylinder on its side with the couplers facing up. Fully
extend and retract the cylinder 2 or 3 times.

"/ \

Collar threads are rated for the full capacity of the cylinder when fully engaged.


Ê 7,  
Escaping oil under pressure can penetrate the skin, causing
serious injury or death. If oil is injected under the skin, see a
doctor immediately.

Operate the hydraulic pump to advance and retract the cylinder.

Some single-acting cylinders are spring-return, others are load return.
The speed of retraction is affected by the length of the hose and other
restrictions in the line. Double-acting cylinders are powered in both
directions by the pump.

The cylinder stop ring is designed to take the full load. However, to
reduce cylinder wear, use less than full stroke when possible.


1. Use only Simplex oil with these cylinders.

2. Use dust caps when cylinders are disconnected from the hose.
Keep entire cylinder clean to prolong cylinder life.

3. Store cylinders up-right and fully retracted to prevent seal

••• 4 •••


Cylinder will not advance. Pump release valve open.
Coupler not fully tightened.
Oil level in pump is low.
Cylinder advances part way. Oil level in pump is low.
Cylinder advances in spurts. Air in hydraulic system.
Cylinder advances slower
a normal.
o a Leaking
ea g connection.
co ect o
Pump malfunctioning.
Cylinder advances but will
not hold. Cylinder seals leaking.
u p malfunctioning.
a u ct o g
ea g connection.
co ect o
Cy de leaks
ea s oil.
o Worn
o oor da
aged sea
te a cylinder
cy de damage.
da age
Cylinder will not retract or
retracts slower than normal. Narrow hose restricting flow.
Broken or weak retraction spring.
Cy de damaged
da aged internally.
te a y
Oil leaking from external
relief valve. Coupler not fully tightened.
••• 5 •••

Unterziehen Sie alle Teile einer Sichtkon-

trolle auf eventuelle Transportschäden.
Wird ein solcher Transportschaden fest-
gestellt, benachrichtigen Sie unverzüglich
den Spediteur.


Ein Hydraulikzylinder darf auf keinen Fall als Vorrichtung zur Abstüt-
zung einer Last verwendet werden. Nach Anheben der Last muß diese
durch Blöcke oder einen Unterbau abgestützt werden.
Niemals versuchen, eine Last anzugeben, deren Gewicht die Nennleistung
des Hydraulikzylinders übersteigt. Durch Überlastung können Schäden an
der Anlage und Körperverletzungen hervorgerufen werden.
Diese Zylinder sind für einen Höchstdruck von 700 bar (10.000 psi)
ausgelegt. Diese Zylinder dürfen nicht in einem System mit einer
höheren Drucknennleistung verwendet werden.
Der Zylinder muß auf einer ebenen Fläche aufsitzen, die fest genug ist,
um die Last abzustützen.
Lasten müssen auf dem Zylinderkolben
zentriert sein. Seitlich versetzte Lasten führen
zu Beschädigung der Zylinder und Kolben.
Darüber hinaus könnte die Last ins Rutschen
geraten oder fallen, was zu gefährlichen Situ-
ationen führen kann.
Die Last gleichmäßig über die gesamte Fläche
des Druckstücks verteilen. Um seitliches Verset-
zen von Lasten zu reduzieren, sind Kippdruck-
stücke erhältlich.
••• 6 •••


Beim Verlegen von Hydraulikschläuchen

scharfe Biegungen und Knicke vermeiden, da
diese zu Schäden im Inneren des Schlauchs
führen können, was vorzeitigen Ausfall zur
Folge hat.

Keine scharfkantigen oder schweren Gegen-

stände auf den Schlauch fallen lassen, da
dies die Drahtlitzen im Inneren des Schlauchs
beschädigen kann. Wenn ein beschädigter
Schlauch unter Druck gesetzt wird, kann die-
ser bersten.

Den Hydraulikschlauch nicht zum Tragen von

Hydraulikteilen (z.B. Pumpen, Zylindern und
Ventilen) verwenden.


Übermäßige Hitze beschädigt Hydraulikan-

lagen. Darüber hinaus schwächt Hitze das
Schlauchmaterial und die Dichtungen. Die
Anlage keinen Temperaturen über 65 °C (150
°F) aussetzen. Schläuche und Zylinder beim
Schweißen vor Spritzern schützen.


Hydraulikverbindungen herstellen. Eine Pumpe

mit Löseventil oder Dreiwegeventil und einem
Schlauch für einfachwirkende Zylinder verwen-
den. Eine Pumpe mit einem Vierwegeventil und
zwei Schläuchen für doppeltwirkende Zylinder

Bei doppeltwirkenden Zylindern müssen
beide Kupplungen angeschlossen sein.

Alle Kupplungen von Hand vollkommen

festziehen. Lose Kupplüngstucke können zu
Einschränkung des Ölflusses führen.
••• 7 •••
2. Die Luft gemäß der untenstehenden Abbildung aus dem Zylinder ablassen

Einfachwirkende Zylinder: Den Zylinder so ausrichten, daß der Kolben nach unten zeigt
und der Zylinder niedriger liegt als die Pumpe. Den Zylinder zwei - oder dreimal voll aus
- und einfahren.

Doppeltwirkende Zylinder: Den Zylinder auf die Seite legen, so daß die Kupplungen nach
oben zeigen. Den Zylinder zwei - oder dreimal voll aus - und einfahren.

 7 -
Bei vollständiger Einschraubung sind die Bundgewinde auf die volle Nennleistung
des Zylinders ausgelegt.


Öl, das unter Druck entweicht, kann die Haut durchdringen und
schwere Verletzungen oder Tod verursachen. Falls Öl unter die
Haut gelangt, sofort einen Arzt aufsuchen.

Die Hydraulikpumpe zum Aus - und Einfahren des Zylinders betätigen.

Einige einfachwirkende Zylinder werden mittels Federung zurück-
gezogen, andere unter Belastung. Die Geschwindigkeit des Rückzugs
hängt von der Länge des Schlauches und anderen Verengungen in der
Leitung ab. Doppeltwirkende Zylinder werden in beiden Richtungen
durch die Pumpe bewegt.

Der Zylinder-Sperring ist so ausgelegt, daß er die volle Belastung trägt.

Jedoch sollte der Zylinder nach Möglichkeit nicht voll ausgefahren
werden, um die Abnutzung gering zu halten.


1. Mit diesen Zylindern nur Simplex-Öl verwenden.

2. Wenn die Zylinder vom Schlauch getrennt werden, Staubschutzkap-

pen anbringen. Um die Lebensdauer des Zylinders zu verlängern,
den gesamten Zylinder sauber halten.

3. Die Zylinder aufrecht und in voll eingefahrenem Zustand lagern, um

eine Verwindung der Dichtungen zu vermeiden.
••• 8 •••



Zylinder fährt nicht aus. Pumpen-Druckentlastungsventil
Pumpen Druckentlastungsventil offen.
upp u g nicht
c t ga
ganz festgezogen.
estge oge
ed ge Ö Ölstand
sta d in de
der Pumpe.
u pe
y de fährt
ä t nuru teilweise
te e se aus.
aus Niedriger
ed ge Ö Ölstand
sta d in de
der Pumpe.
u pe
y de fährt
ä t stoßweise
stoß e se aus
aus. Luft
u t im Hydrauliksystem.
yd au syste
Zylinder fährt langsamer
als normal aus. Undichte Verbindung.
Funktionsstörung der Pumpe.
Zylinder fährt aus, hält
aber nicht.
abe c t Zylinderdichtungen
y de d c tu ge undicht.
u dc t
Funktionsstörung der Pumpe.
Undichte Verbindung.
Zylinder leckt Öl. Dichtungen abgenutzt
oder sc
ode schadhaft.
ad a t
Sc ade im Zylinderinneren.
y de ee
Zylinder fährt nicht zurück
oder fährt langsamer als Engstelle im Schlauch schränkt
normal zurück. Ölfluß ein.
Rückzugfeder schadhaft
oder sc
ode schwach.
Schäden im Zylinderinneren.
Ölleckage am äußeren
Entlastungsventil. Kupplung nicht ganz festgezogen.
••• 9 •••

Examiner visuellement toutes les pièces

pour voir si elles ont été endommagées
en cours de transport. Signaler immédi-
atement au transporteur les dégâts ainsi

CU - Francais
a ca s

6 ,/--  /

Un vérin ne doit jamais être utilisé pour maintenir une charge. Une
fois la charge soulevée, elle doit être soutenue par des cales ou un
cadre porteur.
6 ,/--  /

Ne jamais essayer de soulever une charge plus lourde que celle

autorisée par la capacité nominale du vérin. Le levage dʼune charge
trop lourde peut endommager le matériel et entraîner des blessures.
Ces vérins sont conçus pour une pression maximale de 700 bars
(10,000 psi). Ne pas les utiliser dans un système dont la pression
nominale est plus élevée.

6 ,/--  /

Le vérin doit être placé sur une surface plane

capable de supporter la charge.
Les charges doivent être centrées sur le piston
du vérin. Les charges décentrées endomma-
gent les vérins et leurs plongeurs. En outre, la
charge risque de glisser ou de tomber, avec
des conséquences potentiellement dangere-
Répartir la charge uniformément sur toute la
surface dʼappui. Des coussinets dʼappui basculants sont disponibles
pour limiter le décentrement de la charge.
••• 10 •••
// /"

Éviter de plier et de vriller les flexibles hy-

drauliques lors de leur acheminement. Les
pliages et vrillages endommagent lʼintérieur
des flexibles, ce qui conduit à une défaillance
prématurée de ceux-ci.

Ne pas laisser tomber dʼobjets lourds sur un

flexible. Cela endommage ses torons métal-
liques et risque de causer sa rupture lorsquʼil
est mis sous pression.

Ne pas se servir du flexible hydraulique pour

transporter un organe hydraulique (tel que
pompe, vérin ou vanne).

// /"

Une chaleur excessive endommage le ma-

tériel hydraulique. Elle affaiblit également les
matériaux dont sont fabriqués les flexibles et
les garnitures. NE PAS exposer le matériel à
des températures de 65 °C (150 °F) et plus.
Protéger les flexibles et les vérins des écla-
boussures de soudure.


Effectuer les branchements hydrauliques.

Utiliser une pompe à soupape de sûreté ou
soupape à 3 voies et un seul flexible pour les
vérins à simple effet. En utiliser une à soupape
à 4 voies et deux flexibles pour les vérins à
double effet.

*",/ /Ê
les deux raccords des vérins à double effet
doivent être branchés.

Bien serrer tous les raccords à la main. Des

raccords mal serrés peuvent gêner la circula-
tion de lʼhuile.
••• 11 •••
2. Purger le vérin de lʼair quʼil contient comme indiqué ci-dessous.

Vérin à simple effet : positionner le vérin de façon à ce quʼils soit plus bas que la pompe
et que son piston soit dirigé vers le bas. Lʼétirer et le rétracter à fond 2 ou 3 fois.

Vérin à double effet : coucher le vérin sur le côté en plaçant les raccords sur le dessus.
Lʼétirer et le rétracter à fond 2 ou 3 fois.

, ,+1
lorsque les raccords sont serrés à fond, leur filetage a une résistance nominale
correspondant à la capacité du vérin.


6 ,/--  /
En cas de fuite, lʼhuile sous pression peut traverser la peau
et occasionner des blessures graves, voire mortelles. En cas
dʼinjection dʼhuile sous la peau, consulter un médecin immédiate-

Actionner la pompe hydraulique pour étirer et rétracter le vérin. Sur

certains vérins à simple effet, la rétraction se fait pas ressort ; sur
dʼautres, elle se fait sous lʼaction de la charge. La vitesse de rétraction
est fonction de la longueur du flexible et dʼautres facteurs affectant la
pression dans la conduite. Les vérins à double effet sont actionnés par
la pompe dans les deux sens.

La bague dʼarrêt du vérin est conçue pour supporter la charge com-

plète. Toutefois, dans la mesure du possible, ne pas utiliser le vérin à
fond de course pour réduire son usure.


1. Nʼutiliser que de lʼhuile Simplex avec ces vérins.

2. Poser des capuchons anti-poussière lorsque les flexibles sont dé-

branchés des vérins. Veiller à ce que tout le vérin reste propre pour
prolonger sa durée de service.

3. Entreposer les vérins debouts et entièrement rétractés pour empêch-

er une déformation de leurs joints.
••• 12 •••


Le vérin ne sʼétire pas. Soupape de sûreté de la
pompe ouverte.
Raccord mal serré.
as niveau
eau d
u e da
s la
a po
e vérin
é sʼétire
s ét e partiellement.
pa t e e e t Bas
as niveau
eau dʼhuile
d u e dans
da s la
a pompe.
po pe
Le vérin sʼétire par saccades. Présence dʼair dans le
circuit hydraulique.
Le vérin sʼétire plus lentement
quʼil ne
qu e le
e de
a t normalement.
o a e e t Fuite
u te da
danssuun raccord
acco d
Mauvais fonctionnement
de la pompe.
Le vérin sʼétire, mais ne
maintient pas la charge. Fuites des joints du vérin.
au a s fonctionnement
o ct o e e t de la a po
u te da
danssuun raccord.
acco d
Dee lʼhuile
u e fuit
u t du vérin.
é Joints
Jo ts usés ou endommagés.
e do agés
é e endommagé
do agé intérieurement.
té eu e e t
Le vérin ne se rétracte pas ou
le fait plus lentement quʼil ne Circulation gênée par un
e devrait
de a t normalement.
o ae e t flexible
e b e de trop
t op petit
pet t diamètre
d a èt e
esso t de rétraction
ét act o cassé ou faible.
é e endommagé
do agé intérieurement.
té eu e e t
De lʼhuile fuit de la soupape
de sûreté extérieure. Raccord mal serré.
••• 13 •••

Inspeccione visualmente todos los com-

ponentes para ver si han sufrido daños
durante el transporte. Si existe algún
deterioro comuníquelo inmediatamente al


 6 ,/


Nunca debe usarse un cilindro hidráulico como dispositivo para sujetar

cargas. Después de levantar la carga, ésta debe ser sustentada por
bloques o por un armazón de sustentación.

 6 ,/


Nunca intente levantar una carga que exceda la capacidad del cilindro.
La sobrecarga puede causar fallos del equipo y lesiones personales.

Estos cilindros están diseñados para una presión máxima de 10.000

psi (700 bar). No use estos cilindros en un sistema cuya presión nomi-
nal sea mayor.

 6 ,/


El cilindro debe estar colocado sobre una

superficie plana capaz de soportar la carga.

Las cargas deben estar centradas sobre el

émbolo del cilindro. Las cargas descentradas
dañarán los cilindros y los émbolos. Además, la
carga podría resbalar y caerse, con resultados
potencialmente peligrosos.

Distribuya la carga uniformemente sobre toda la superficie del asiento

del cilindro. Se puede disponer de asientos inclinables que ayudan a
reducir el descentrado de las cargas.
••• 14 •••

Evite las curvas pronunciadas y no retuerza

las mangueras hidráulicas al colocarlas. Este
tipo de deformaciones causará daños internos
a la manguera, provocando fallos prematuros
de la misma.

No deje caer objetos pesados ni afilados

sobre una manguera. Esto causará daños
internos en los alambres de la manguera. Si
se aplica presión a una manguera dañada, se
podría causar su rotura.

No utilice una manguera hidráulica para

acarrear un componente hidráulico (es decir,
bombas, cilindros y válvulas).


El calor excesivo dañará el equipo hidráulico.

También debilitará el material y las empaqu-
etaduras de las mangueras. NO exponga el
equipo a temperaturas de 150°F (65°C) o su-
periores. Proteja las mangueras y los cilindros
de las salpicaduras de soldadura.


Conecte los componentes hidráulicos. Use

una bomba con una válvula de alivio o una
válvula de 3 vías y una manguera para los
cilindros de acción única. Use una bomba con
una válvula de 4 vías y dos mangueras para
los cilindros de doble acción.

*",/ /
Los cilindros de doble acción deben tener
ambos acopladores conectados.

Apriete todos los acopladores manualmente.

Las conexiones flojas pueden bloquear el flujo
del aceite.
••• 15 •••
2. Purgue el aire del cilindro como se muestra a continuación.

Cilindros de acción única: Coloque el cilindro de modo que el émbolo apunte hacia abajo
y el cilindro esté más bajo que la bomba. Extienda y retraiga el cilindro del todo 2 ó 3

Cilindros de acción doble: Coloque el cilindro sobre el costado con los acopladores hacia
arriba. Extienda y retraiga el cilindro del todo 2 ó 3 veces.

Las roscas del collarín están graduadas para la capacidad total del cilindro cuando
estén totalmente engranadas.


 6 ,/

Un escape de fluido hidráulico a presión puede penetrar la piel,
causando lesiones graves o la muerte. Si se inyectase fluido bajo
la piel, consulte a un médico de inmediato.

Accione la bomba hidráulica para extender y retraer el cilindro.

Algunos cilindros de acción única tienen retorno por resorte; otros
tienen retorno por acción de la carga. La velocidad de retracción se
ve afectada por la longitud de la manguera y otras restricciones en la
línea. Los cilindros de doble acción son impulsados en ambos sentidos
por la bomba.

El casquillo de tope del cilindro está diseñado para aceptar la carga

total. Sin embargo, para reducir el desgaste del cilindro, use menos
del total de la carrera siempre que sea posible.


1. Utilice solamente aceite Simplex con estos cilindros.

2. Use tapas guardapolvo cuando los cilindros estén desconectados

de la manguera. Mantenga limpio el cilindro en su totalidad para
prolongar la vida útil del mismo.

3. Guarde los cilindros en posición vertical y totalmente retraídos para

evitar que lo sellos se deformen.
••• 16 •••


El cilindro no avanza. La válvula de alivio de la
bomba está abierta.
El acoplador no está
tota e te apretado.
ap etado
e bajo de ace
te e
en la a bo
El cilindro avanza parcialmente. Nivel bajo de aceite en la bomba.
El cilindro avanza de forma
irregular. Aire en el sistema hidráulico.
El cilindro avanza más
e ta e te que lo o normal.
o a Fugas
ugas en
e la a conexión.
co e ó
Mal funcionamiento de la bomba.
El cilindro avanza pero no
retiene su posición. Fugas en los sellos del cilindro.
a funcionamiento
u c o a e to de la a bo
ugas en
e laa conexión.
co e ó
ugas de aceite
ace te en
e el
e cilindro.
c d o Sellos
Se os desgastados o dañados.
da ados
a os internos
te os e en e
el ccilindro.
El cilindro no se retrae, o se
retrae más lentamente Una manguera demasiado
que lo o normal.
o a delgada
de gada limitata e
el flujo .
Resorte de retracción roto
o debilitado.
Daños internos en el cilindro.
Fugas de aceite por la válvula El acoplador no está
de alivio externa. apretado del todo.
••• 17 •••

Controllare tutti i componenti per accertare

eventuali danni derivanti dal trasporto. Se si
rilevano danni, avvisare subito il vettore.

S CU - Italiano
ta a o


Non utilizzare mai un cilindro come dispositivo di sostegno di un

carico. Dopo aver sollevato il carico, sostenerlo mediante blocchi o
unʼarmatura di legno.


Non tentare mai di sollevare un carico di peso superiore alla portata

del cilindro. Un sovraccarico provoca guasti dellʼapparecchio e può
causare infortuni.

Questi cilindri sono realizzati per una pressione massima di 700 bar
(10.000 psi). Non utilizzarli in un sistema con una pressione nominale


Il cilindro va collocato su una superficie piana

in grado di sostenere il carico.

I carichi devono essere centrati sul pistone

del cilindro. I carichi disassati causano danni
ai cilindri e ai pistoni. Inoltre il carico potrebbe
scivolare o cadere e ne possono derivare
condizioni pericolose.

Distribuire il carico in modo uniforme sullʼintera

superficie della sella. Sono disponibili selle in-
clinabili, per ridurre il disassamento dei carichi.
••• 18 •••
// <"

Quando si dispongono i tubi flessibili, evitare

che siano soggetti a carichi torsionali e curva-
ture eccessive, perché si possono danneggi-
are e possono perdere prematuramente la loro

Non lasciar cadere oggetti pesanti sui tubi

flessibili, perché se ne danneggerebbero gli
strati di fibre intrecciate. Un tubo flessibile dan-
neggiato può spezzarsi quando è percorso da
fluido in pressione.

Non utilizzare un tubo flessibile per trasportare

un componente oleodinamico (per esempio
pompe, cilindri e valvole).

// <"

Le temperature eccessive danneggiano gli

apparecchi oleodinamici e indeboliscono i ma-
teriali e le guarnizioni dei tubi flessibili. NON
esporre gli apparecchi a temperature uguali o
maggiori di 65 °C. Proteggere i tubi flessibili e i
cilindri dagli spruzzi di saldatura.


Eseguire i collegamenti oleodinamici. Con i

cilindri a semplice effetto, usare una pompa
con una valvola di scarico o una valvola a 3
vie e un tubo flessibile. Con i cilindri a doppio
effetto, usare una pompa con una valvola a 4
vie e due tubi flessibili.

*",/ /
Nei cilindri a doppio effetto devono essere
collegati entrambi gli attacchi.

Serrare bene, a mano, tutti gli attacchi. Se gli

attacchi non sono saldi, il flusso dellʼolio si può
••• 19 •••
2. Disaerare il cilindro come illustrato qui di seguito.

Cilindri a semplice effetto: collocare il cilindro a unʼaltezza inferiore rispetto alla pompa
e con il pistone rivolto verso il basso. Fare eseguire al cilindro 2 o 3 corse complete di
estensione e ritrazione.

Cilindri a doppio effetto: collocare il cilindro su un fianco, con gli attacchi rivolti verso
lʼalto. Fare eseguire al cilindro 2 o 3 corse complete di estensione e ritrazione.

Si garantisce lʼadeguatezza dei filetti delle bussole alla portata del cilindro se sono
completamente impegnati.


Se lʼolio in pressione fuoriesce, può penetrare nella pelle e cau-
sare lesioni gravi, anche mortali. Se si subisce un tale infortunio,
richiedere immediatamente assistenza medica.

Azionare la pompa oleodinamica per comandare il movimento di este-

nsione e ritrazione del cilindro. Nei cilindri a semplice effetto il movi-
mento di ritorno è assicurato da una molla o da un contrappeso. La
velocità di ritrazione dipende dalla lunghezza del tubo flessibile e dagli
strozzamenti nelle tubazioni. Nei cilindri a doppio effetto il movimento
in entrambi i sensi è prodotto dalla pompa.

Lʼanello di battuta del cilindro è realizzato in modo da assorbire il carico

massimo. Tuttavia, per ridurre lʼusura del cilindro è bene non fare
eseguire a esso corse complete ogniqualvolta possibile.


1. Con questi cilindri si deve usare solo olio SIMPLEX.

2. Quando i cilindri non sono collegati ai tubi flessibili, proteggerne le

bocche con tappi parapolvere. Mantenere lʼintero cilindro pulito af-
finché la sua durata sia massima.

3. Per evitare deformazioni delle guarnizioni, i cilindri non usati vanno

disposti verticalmente e con lo stelo completamente retratto.
••• 20 •••


Non viene eseguito il
movimento di estensione. Valvola di scarico della pompa aperta.
Attacco non serrato bene.
Quantità insufficiente di
o o nella
e a pompa.
po pa
Il movimento di estensione
viene eseguito in modo Quantità insufficiente
pa ae d o
di olio
o nella
e a pompa.
po pa
Il movimento di estensione
viene eseguito a scatti. Aria nellʼimpianto
nell impianto oleodinamico.
Il movimento di estensione è
p ù lento
e to de
del normale.
o ae Co
ega e t non
o a te
o pa difettosa.
d ettosa
Il movimento di estensione
viene eseguito, ma non
viene mantenuto. Guarnizioni del cilindro non a tenuta.
o pa difettosa.
d ettosa
Co ega e t non o a tenuta.
te uta
ug e di
d olio
o o dal
da cilindro.
c do Guarnizioni
Gua o usurate
usu ate o danneggiate.
da egg ate
a interni
te a al ccilindro.
Il movimento di ritrazione non Portata bassa dellʼolio a
viene eseguito oppure è più causa della sezione insufficiente del
e to de
lento del normale.
o ae tubo fless
b e
o addi ritorno
to o spe
spezzataata o debo
a interni
te a al ccilindro.
Fughe di olio dalla valvola
di sicurezza esterna. Attacco non serrato bene.
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Rev. - A
Date - 1108


English ...................... Instruction Sheet ............................. Page ...................... 2-5

Hollands .................... Handleiding ..................................... Bladzidje ....... ........ 6-9
Français .................... Notice d’Emploi ............................... Page ......... ........ 10-13
Deutsch ..................... Anleitungsblatt ................................ Seite ........ ......... 14-17
Italiano ...................... Istruzioni .......................................... Pagina ...... ......... 18-21
Español ..................... Hoja de instrucciones ..................... Página ..... ......... . 22-25


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to ensure that tape does not shed into hydraulic system, causing damage.
Trim loose ends.
2. Install a pressure gauge in-line from the pump for added safety and better
3. Connect the hose(s) to your cylinder or tool.

Before Using the Pump
1. Check all system fittings and connections to be sure they are tight and leak free.
NEVER add extensions to pump handle. Extensions
cause unstable pump operation.

Using Two-Speed Pumps

These pumps provide 2-stage flow. Under no-load, the pump operates in the high
flow first stage for rapid advance. When the load is contacted, the pump
automatically shifts to the second stage for building pressure. For P140 or
P140D models, when pump reaches approximately 600 PSI, you must
momentarily stop pumping and raise the handle to shift to the high pressure
stage. After the pump shifts, pumping takes less effort
Single-Acting Applications with Release Valve

1. Close release valve by turning clockwise, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

2. Operate pump handle to deliver hydraulic power to system. Pressure will be

maintained until release valve is opened.
3. Open release valve (turn counter-clockwise) to release pressure, allowing oil
to flow back to the reservoir.


2 Figure 2 1 2

Double-Acting Applications
1 with 4-Way, 3 Position Manual Valve
Pumps with 4-way control valves are designed to operate double-acting cylinders.
1. Position lever on 4-way valve to select function as follows:
(2) Flow to port “A”; port “B” returns flow to the reservoir
(3) Neutral; ports “A” and “B” are blocked
(4) Flow to port “B”; port “A” returns flow to the reservoir
2. Operate pump to perform work.
3. Change valve positions as needed.

Operate double-acting cylinder only when both hoses are
connected to the pump. If one coupler is left unconnected,
high pressure will build behind the coupler which could
cause personal injury and/or equipment damage.

Air Removal
Removing air from the hydraulic system will help the cylinder to advance and
retract smoothly.

Pump With Single-Acting Cylinder (A):

1. Vent pump reservoir (for vented pumps only) and close release valve.
2. Position pump at higher elevation than cylinder.
3. Position cylinder with the plunger end down.
4. Operate pump to fully extend the cylinder.
5. Open release valve to retract cylinder. This will force the trapped air to move
up to the pump reservoir.
6. Repeat the above steps as necessary.

Pump With Double-Acting Cylinder (B):

1. Vent pump reservoir (for vented pumps only).
2. Position pump at higher elevation than cylinder.
3. Put cylinder in horizontal position with ports up.
4. Fully advance and retract the cylinder 2 to 3 times.
5. Repeat above steps as necessary.

Adding Oil to the Pump
Check oil level regularly.

Always add oil with cylinders fully retracted (extended if pull
cylinders) or the system will contain more oil than the reservoir
can hold.

1. Remove vent/fill cap from reservoir.

2. Fill reservoir only to level mark shown on pump.
3. Remove air from system if necessary. Recheck oil level after removing air.
4. Return vent/fill cap to proper position.
NOTE: Non-vented hand pumps require air in the reservoir to function
properly. If the reservoir is completely filled, a vacuum will form
preventing oil from flowing out of the pump.

Keep Oil Lines Clean

When coupler halves are disconnected, always screw on dust caps. Use every
precaution to guard unit against entrance of dirt because foreign matter may
cause pump, cylinder, or valve failure.


Problem Possible Cause Solution

Cylinder does Oil level in pump Add oil according to the Maintenance instructions.
not advance. reservoir is low.
Release valve Close the release valve.
is open.
Loose hydraulic coupler. Check that all couplers are fully tightened.
Load is too heavy. Do not attempt to lift more than rated tonnage.
Air trapped in system. Remove air according to instructions.
Cylinder plunger binding. Check for damage to cylinder.
Have cylinder serviced by a qualified
hydraulic technician.
Cylinder advances, Leaking connection. Check that all connections are tight and leak free.
but does not hold
Leaking seals. Locate leak(s) and have equipment serviced
by a qualified hydraulic technician.
Internal leakage in pump. Have pump serviced by a qualified hydraulic technician.

Het aansluiten van de pomp
1. Pas de slang in de pompopening. Gebruik anderhalve wikkeling teflontape
(of gepast afsluitproduct) op de slangfitting. Breng geen tape aan op het
eerste stuk draad om te verzekeren dat de tape niets lost in het hydraulisch
systeem en daar schade veroorzaakt. Verwijder losse uiteinden.
2. Installeer een drukniveaumeter gealigneerd met de pomp voor bijkomende
veiligheid en betere controle.
3. Verbind de slang(en) met uw cylinder of instrument.

Vóór het gebruik van de pomp
1. Kijk of al de fittings en verbindingsstukken vast en lekvrij zijn.
2. Kijk olieniveau in reservoir na voordat u de pomp gebruikt. Raadpleeg “Olie
toevoegen aan de pomp”, op p. 20.

Voeg NOOIT verlengstukken toe aan het pomphandvat.
Verlengstukken veroorzaken onstabiele pompbediening.

Het gebruik van pompen met twee snelheden

Deze pompen bieden doorstroming in twee fasen. Zonder belasting werkt de
pomp in de hoge doorstromingsfase om snel vooruit te gaan. Wanneer zij belast
wordt, schakelt de pomp automatisch naar de tweede fase om druk te
ontwikkelen. Bij de 140 of 140D-modellen, wanneer de pomp ongeveer 600
PSI bereikt, moet u even stoppen met pompen en het handvat opheffen om naar
de hoge-drukfase te schakelen. Nadat de pomp omschakelt, vereist het pompen
minder inspanning.

Enkelwerkende toepassingen met ontlastklep

1. Sluit de ontlastklep door ze in wijzerszin rond te draaien, zoals getoond
wordt in Figuur 1.

Figuur 1

Sluit de ontlastklep enkel met de hand. Het gebruik van
gereedschap op de ontlastklep kan de klep beschadigen en
kan de slechte werking van de pomp veroorzaken.

2. Bedien het pomphandvat om hydraulisch vermogen aan het toestel te

leveren. De druk blijft behouden totdat de ontlastklep geopend wordt.
3. Open de ontlastklep (draai in tegenwijzerszin) om de druk te verminderen.
Dit doet de olie terugvloeien naar het reservoir.


1 2

Figuur 2
Dubbelwerkende toepassingen manuele met vierweg/driestand klep
Pompen met vierwegcontrolekleppen werden ontworpen om dubbelwerkende
cylinders te bewerken.

1. Stel hendel op vierwegklep af om een functie te kiezen als volgt:

(2) Vloeit naar opening “A”; opening “B” stuwt door naar het reservoir
(3) Neutraal; openingen “A” en “B” zijn geblokkeerd
(4) Vloeit naar opening “B”; opening “A” stuwt door naar het reservoir
2. Bedien pomp om werk te verrichten.
3. Verander klepstand wanneer nodig.

Gebruik de dubbelwerkende cylinder enkel wanneer beide
slangen zijn verbonden met de pomp. Als een
verbindingsstuk niet verbonden is dan wordt hoge druk
opgewekt achter het verbindingsstuk. Dit kan tot letsel of
schade aan het toestel leiden.

Verwijdering van lucht

Het verwijderen van lucht uit het hydraulisch systeem zal bijdragen tot het vlot
uit- en intrekken van de cylinder.

Pomp met enkelwerkende cylinder (A):

1. Laat lucht uit pompreservoir lopen (enkel voor pompen met luchtgat)
2. Plaats pomp hoger dan cylinder.
3. Plaats cylinder met het dompelaaruiteinde naar beneden (naar boven als u
een trekcylinder gebruikt).
4. Bedien de pomp om de cylinder volledig uit te trekken (intrekken als u een
trekcylinder gebruikt).
5. Open de aflaatklep om de cylinder in te trekken (uittrekken als u een
trekcylinder gebruikt). Dit zal de ingesloten lucht naar boven stuwen naar
het pompreservoir.
6. Herhaal deze stappen indien nodig.

Pomp met dubbelwerkende cylinder (B):

1. Laat lucht uit het pompreservoir lopen (enkel voor pompen met luchtgat)
2. Plaats pomp hoger dan cylinder.
3. Plaats cylinder horizontaal met de openingen naar boven.
4. Trek de cylinder 2 of 3 keer volledig uit en in.
5. Herhaal deze stappen indien nodig.

Voeg olie toe aan pomp.
Kijk het olieniveau regelmatig na.

Voeg olie enkel toe wanneer de cylinders ingetrokken
(uitgetrokken bij trekcylinders) zijn. Anders zal het toestel meer
olie bevatten dan het reservoir kan bevatten.

1. Verwijder de uitlaat/vuldop van het reservoir.

2. Vul het reservoir enkel totaan het merkteken.
3. Verwijder lucht uit het toestel indien nodig. Kijk het olieniveau opnieuw na
na het verwijderen van lucht.
4. Zet de uitlaat/vuldop terug in de gepaste stand.

NOTA: Handpompen zonder luchtgat vereisen lucht in het reservoir om correct

te functioneren. Als het reservoir volledig gevuld is, zal zich een
vacuum vormen om te beletten dat olie uit de pomp vloeit.

Houd de olieleidingen schoon

Wanneer verbindingsstukken worden losgekoppeld, breng altijd de stofdoppen
aan. Neem alle voorzorgen om het toestel tegen vuil te beschermen omdat
vreemd materiaal de pomp, cylinder of klep kan doen begeven.


Problem Mogelijke oorzaak Oplossing

Cylinder trekt Olieniveau is laag. Voeg olie toe volgens de onderhoudsinstructies.
niet it
Aflaatklep staat open. Sluit de aflaatklep
Hydraulisch Kijk na of alle verbindingsstukken goed vastzitten.
verbindingsstuk zit los.
Belasting is te zwaar. Probeer niet meer verzetten dan het
vastgestelde gewicht.
Lucht ingesloten in Verwijder de lucht volgens de instructies.
het toestel.
Cylinderdompelaar zit vast. Kijk na of er schade aan de cylinder is. Laat de cylinder
nakijken door een vakman bevoegd in hydraulica.
Cylinder trekt uit, Er is een lek. Kijk na of al de verbindingen vast en lekvrij zijn.
maar behoudt
geen druk.
Zegels lekken. Zoek lek(ken) en laat het toestel nakijken door een
vakman bevoegd in hydraulica.
Interne lek in de pomp. Laat het toestel nakijken door een vakman bevoegd
in hydraulica.

Branchement de la pompe
1. Visser le flexible sur la sortie de la pompe. Appliquer 1 1/2 tour de ruban
téflon (ou matériau d’étanchéité adéquat) sur le raccord du flexible en
veillant à ne pas couvrir le premier filet afin que des fragments de ruban ne
risquent pas de pénétrer dans le circuit, causant des dommages. Couper les
morceaux qui dépassent.
2. Pour plus de sécurité et un meilleur contrôle, installer un manomètre sur le
flexible sortant de la pompe.
3. Brancher le(s) flexible(s) sur le vérin ou l’outil.

Avant d’utiliser la pompe
1. Vérifier que tous les raccords et branchements du circuit sont bien serrés et
exempts de fuites.
2. Vérifier le niveau dans le réservoir avant d’utiliser la pompe. Voir “appoint
d’huile de la pompe”.

NE JAMAIS utiliser de rallonges sur le levier de la pompe, ce
qui pourrait la rendre instable.

Utilisation des pompes à deux vitesses

Ces pompes fournissent deux phases de débit. À vide, la pompe fonctionne au
premier stage à débit élevé, pour une avance rapide. Une fois la charge
contactée, la pompe passe automatiquement en seconde phase pour établir la
pression. Avec les modèles P140 et P140D, lorsque la pompe atteint environ
600 PSI, cesser de pomper et relever le levier pour passer à la phase de haute
pression. Une fois ce passage effectué, le pompage demande moins d’effort.
Applications à simple effet avec robinet de décharge
1. Fermer le robinet de décharge en le tournant vers la droite comme illustré à la figure 1.

Figure 1

Serrer le robinet de décharge à la main SEULEMENT. L’usage
d’un outil peut endommager le robinet et causer un mauvais
fonctionnement de la pompe.

2. Actionner le levier de la pompe pour fournir la pression hydraulique au circuit.

La pression sera maintenue jusqu’à ce que le robinet de décharge soit ouvert.
3. Ouvrir le robinet de décharge (tourner vers la gauche) pour relâcher la
pression et permettre à l’huile de retourner au réservoir.


1 2

1 Figure 2

Applications à double effet avec distributeur manuel à 4 voies, 3 positions

Les pompes à distributeur à 4 voies sont conçues pour actionner les vérins à
double effet. Voir les positions du distributeur.

1. La manette du distributeur à 4 voies permet de sélectionner les fonctions

comme suit :
(1) Écoulement vers l’orifice “A”; l’huile est retournée au réservoir par l’orifice “B”.
(2) Neutre, orifices “A” et “B” fermés.
(3) Écoulement vers l’orifice “B”; l’huile est retournée au réservoir par l’orifice “A”.
2. Actionner la pompe pour effecteur l’opération désirée.
3. Positionner la manette suivant le besoin.

N’actionner les vérins à double effet que si les deux flexibles
sont branchés sur la pompe. Si l’un des flexibles est laissé
débranché, la pression montera derrière le raccord, risquant de
causer des blessures et/ou des dommages matériels.

Purge de l’air
La purge d’air du circuit hydraulique aide à la régularité de l’extension et de la
rétraction du vérin.

Pompe et vérin à simple effet (A) :

1. Aérer le réservoir de la pompe (pompes aérées seulement) et refermer le
robinet de décharge.
2. Placer la pompe plus haut que le vérin.
3. Positionner le vérin avec le piston vers le bas .
4. Actionner la pompe pour étendre complètement le vérin.
5. Ouvrir le robinet de décharge pour rétracter le vérin). Ceci force l’air
emprisonner à monter dans le réservoir de la pompe.
6. Répéter les étapes ci-dessus suivant le besoin.

Pompe et vérin à double effet (B) :

1. Aérer le réservoir de la pompe (pompes aérées seulement).
2. Placer la pompe plus haut que le vérin.
3. Mettre le vérin en position horizontale, orifices dirigés vers le haut.
4. Étendre et rétracter complètement le vérin 2 ou 3 fois.
5. Répéter les étapes ci-dessus suivant le besoin.

Appoint d’huile de la pompe
Vérifier le niveau d’huile régulièrement.

Toujours faire l’appoint d’huile avec les vérins
complètement rétractés (étendus dans le cas de vérins de
traction), sans quoi le circuit contiendra une quantité
d’huile supérieure à la capacité du réservoir.

1. Retirer le bouchon de remplissage/reniflard du réservoir.

2. Remplir le réservoir jusqu’au repère de niveau de la pompe seulement.
3. Au besoin, purger l’air du circuit. Vérifier à nouveau le niveau après avoir
purgé l’air.
4. Remettre le bouchon de remplissage/reniflard sur la position appropriée.

REMARQUE : le réservoir des pompes à main non aérées doit contenir de l’air
pour que celles-ci fonctionnent correctement. Si le réservoir est
plein, un vide se formera, empêchant l’huile de sortir de la

Propreté des conduites d’huile

Lors du débranchement, toujours couvrir les moitiés de raccord avec un
capuchon antipoussière fileté. Prendre toutes les précautions nécessaires
pour empêcher la pénétration de poussière dans l’appareil, les matériaux
étrangers risquant de causer la défaillance de la pompe, du vérin ou du


Problème Cause possible Solution

Le vérin ne Niveau d’huile du réservoir Faire l’appoint d’huile selon les instructions
s’étend pas. de la pompe insuffisant. d’entretien.
Robinet de décharge ouvert. Fermer le robinet de décharge.
Raccord hydraulique Vérifier que tous les raccords sont bien serrés.
Charge excessive. Ne pas essayer de soulever un poids dépassant
la valeur nominale.
Air dans le circuit. Purger selon les instructions.
Blocage du piston du vérin. Examiner le vérin en vue de dommages.
Faire réparer le vérin par un technicien
hydraulique qualifié.
Le vérin s’étend, Fuite de branchement. Vérifier que tous les branchements sont bien serrés et
mais ne maintient exempts de fuites.
pas la pression.
Fuites aux joints. Localiser la ou les fuites et faire réparer le matériel
par un technicien hydraulique qualifié.
Fuite interne de la pompe. Faire réparer la pompe par un technicien
hydraulique qualifié.

freilassen, um sicherzustellen, daß keine Bandfetzen in das Hydrauliksystem
gelangen und Schaden verursachen. Die losen Enden abschneiden.
2. Zur erhöhten Sicherheit und besseren Kontrolle einen Druckmesser in der
von der Pumpe kommenden Leitung installieren.
3. Den Schlauch bzw. die Schläuche an den Zylinder oder das Werkzeug

Vor Gebrauch der Pumpe
1. Alle Systemanschlußstücke und -anschlüsse auf festen und dichten Sitz prüfen.
2. Vor Betrieb der Pumpe den Ölstand im Behälter prüfen. Siehe “Öl in der Pumpe
nachfüllen” auf Seite 10.

Den Pumpengriff NIEMALS verlängern, da dies zu instabilem
Pumpenbetrieb führt.

Gebrauch von Zweistufenpumpen

Bei diesen Pumpen erfolgt der Fluß in zwei Stufen. Ohne Belastung arbeitet die Pumpe in der
ersten Stufe mit hoher Strömungsgeschwindigkeit für schnellen Vorlauf. Bei Kontakt mit der
Last schaltet die Pumpe automatisch auf die zweite Stufe zum Druckaufbau um. Wenn die
Pumpe der Modelle P140 oder P140D ca. 600 psi erreicht, muß der Pumpvorgang kurz
unterbrochen und der Griff angehoben werden, um auf die Hochdruckstufe umzuschalten.
Nach dem Umschalten kann mit einem geringeren Kraftaufwand gepumpt werden.

HINWEIS Um optimale Ergebnisse zu erzielen, während der ersten Stufe mit hoher
Strömungsgeschwindigkeit bei mäßiger Geschwindigkeit pumpen. Bei schnellem
Pumpen in der ersten Stufe kann die Pumpe nicht die vollständige Ölmenge liefern.

Einfachwirkende Anwendungen mit Entlastungsventil

1. Das Sicherheitsventil zum Schließen nach rechts drehen (siehe Abbildung 1).

Abbildung 1

Das Entlastungsventil NUR von Hand schließen. Die Verwendung von
Werkzeugen am Entlastungsventil kann zur Beschädigung des Ventils
und zu Funktionsstörungen der Pumpe führen.

2. Dem System mittels des Pumpengriffs hydraulische Kraft zuführen. Der Druck bleibt
so lange erhalten, bis das Entlastungsventil geöffnet wird.
3. Das Entlastungsventil zur Druckentlastung öffnen (nach links drehen), so daß Öl in
den Behälter zurückfließen kann.


1 2

Abbildung 2

Doppeltwirkende Anwendungen mit manuellem Vierwegeventil, 3 Positionen

Pumpen mit Vierwege-Steuerventilen sind für den Betrieb von doppeltwirkenden
Zylindern vorgesehen. Die Ventilpositionen sind in Abbildung.

1. Den Hebel am Vierwegeventil zur Funktionsauswahl wie folgt einstellen:

(1) Fluß zu Anschluß “A”; Flußrücklauf zum Behälter über Anschluß “B”
(2) Neutral; Anschlüsse “A” und “B” sind blockiert
(3) Fluß zu Anschluß “B”; Flußrücklauf zum Behälter über Anschluß “A”
2. Die Pumpe den Arbeitsanforderungen entsprechend betreiben.
3. Die Ventilstellungen nach Bedarf ändern.

Doppeltwirkende Zylinder dürfen nur betrieben werden,
wenn beide Schläuche an die Pumpe angeschlossen sind.
Wird ein Verbindungsstück nicht angeschlossen, so baut
sich hinter dem Verbindungsstück Hochdruck auf, der zu
Verletzungen und/oder Geräteschaden führen kann.

Entlüften des Hydrauliksystems erleichtert das reibungslose Aus- und Einfahren
des Zylinders.

Pumpe mit einfachwirkendem Zylinder (A):

1. Pumpenbehälter entlüften (nur bei Pumpen mit Entlüftung) und
Entlastungsventil schließen.
2. Pumpe so aufstellen, daß sie höher liegt als der Zylinder.
3. Zylinder mit dem Kolbenende nach unten positionieren (nach oben bei
Verwendung eines Zugzylinders).
4. Pumpe betreiben, um den Zylinder vollständig auszufahren (bzw.
einzufahren, wenn ein Zugzylinder verwendet wird).
5. Entlastungsventil öffnen, um Zylinder einzufahren (bzw. auszufahren, wenn
ein Zugzylinder verwendet wird). Dadurch wird die eingeschlossene Luft
nach oben zum Pumpenbehälter gepreßt.
6. Die obigen Schritte nach Bedarf wiederholen.

Pumpe mit doppeltwirkendem Zylinder (B):

1. Pumpenbehälter entlüften (nur bei Pumpen mit Entlüftung).
2. Pumpe so aufstellen, daß sie höher liegt als der Zylinder.
3. Zylinder mit den Anschlüssen nach oben in horizontaler Position aufstellen.
4. Zylinder 2- bis 3-mal vollständig aus- und einfahren.

5. Die obigen Schritte nach Bedarf wiederholen.
Nachfüllen von Öl in der Pumpe
Ölstand regelmäßig prüfen.

Öl nur nachfüllen, wenn die Zylinder vollständig
eingefahren sind (bzw. ausgefahren, wenn Zugzylinder
verwendet werden), da das System andernfalls mehr Öl
enthält als der Behälter aufnehmen kann.

1. Entlüftungs-/Füllkappe vom Behälter entfernen.

2. Behälter nur bis zu der auf der Pumpe angezeigten Füllstandsmarkierung
3. Ggf. System entlüften. Nach dem Entlüften Ölstand erneut prüfen.
4. Entlüftungs-/Füllkappe wieder aufsetzen.

HINWEIS Handpumpen ohne Entlüftung funktionieren nur ordnungsgemäß,

wenn der Behälter Luft enthält. Ist der Behälter vollständig gefüllt,
bildet sich ein Vakuum, und das Öl kann nicht aus der Pumpe fließen.

Sauberhalten der Ölleitungen

Wenn die beiden Verbinderhälften getrennt sind, immer Staubkappen
aufschrauben. Alle verfügbaren Schutzmaßnahmen ergreifen, um das Eindringen
von Schmutz in das Aggregat zu verhindern, da Fremdkörper zu Versagen von
Pumpe, Zylinder oder Ventil führen können.


Problem Mögliche Ursache Lösung
Zylinder fährt Niedriger Ölstand Öl gemäß den Wartungsanleitungen auf.
nicht aus. im Pumpenbehälter.
Entlastungsventil ist offen. Entlastungsventil schließen.
Hydraulikverbinder ist lose. Sicherstellen, daß alle Verbinder fest angezogen sind.
Last ist zu schwer. Nicht mehr als die zugelassene Nennhöchstlast heben.

Luft im System System gemäß Anleitungen entlüften.

Zylinderkolben blockiert. Zylinder auf Beschädigungen prüfen.
Zylinder von einem qualifizierten Hydrauliktechniker
warten lassen.
Zylinder fährt aus, Undichte Verbindung. Alle Verbindungen auf festen und dichten Sitz prüfen.
kann jedoch keinen
Druck halten.
Dichtungen sind undicht. Undichte Stelle(n) ausfindig machen und Gerät von
einem qualifizierten Hydrauliktechniker warten lassen.
Interne Leckage in Pumpe. Pumpe von einem qualifizierten Hydrauliktechniker
warten lassen.

(o usando un sigillante per filetti adatto) per un giro e mezzo sul raccordo del
tubo, lasciando l’intero primo filetto senza nastro, affinché da quest’ultimo
non si stacchino pezzi che penetrando nel sistema oleodinamico potrebbero
causare danni. Tagliare le estremità volanti del nastro.
2. Installare un manometro in linea a valle della pompa, per ulteriore sicurezza
e una regolazione migliore.
3. Collegare gli appositi tubi flessibili al cilindro o all’utensile.

Prima di usare la pompa
1. Verificare che tutti i raccordi e i collegamenti del sistema siano saldi e a
2. Controllare il livello dell’olio nel serbatoio. Vedere “Rabbocco dell’olio della
pompa”, a pagina 47.

NON aggiungere MAI una prolunga alla leva della pompa,
perché si può causare un funzionamento instabile della
pompa stessa.

Uso di pompe a doppio regime

Queste pompe trasferiscono il fluido in due fasi. La prima fase (ad alta portata)
della pompa si svolge quando non è applicato il carico. All’applicazione del carico
la pompa passa automaticamente alla seconda fase (di sviluppo della pressione).
Per i modelli P140 o P140D, quando la pressione della pompa raggiunge
approssimativamente i 600 psi (14 bar) occorre interrompere momentaneamente
il pompaggio e sollevare la leva per passare alla fase di alta pressione. Dopo che
la pompa passa alla seconda fase occorre una forza minore per azionarla.
Sistemi a effetto semplice con valvola di rilascio
1. Chiudere la valvola di rilascio girandola in senso orario, come illustrato nella figura 1.

Figura 1

Chiudere la valvola di rilascio SOLTANTO con le dita. Se ci si
serve di utensili, la si può danneggiare e causare
malfunzionamenti della pompa.

2. Azionare la leva della pompa per applicare la potenza oleodinamica al

sistema. La pressione rimane costante fintantoché si apre la valvola di rilascio.
3. Aprire la valvola di rilascio (girandola in senso antiorario) per scaricare la
pressione, in modo che l’olio rifluisca nel serbatoio.


1 2

Figura 2

Sistemi a doppio effetto con valvola manuale a 4 vie e 3 posizioni

Le pompe munite di regolatori di portata a 4 vie servono ad azionare cilindri a
doppio effetto.

1. Portare la leva di una valvola a 4 vie nella posizione adatta come segue:
(1) Flusso verso la bocca “A”; il fluido ritorna al serbatoio attraverso la
bocca “B”
(2) Disinserimento; le bocche “A” e “B” sono bloccate
(3) Flusso verso la bocca “B”; il fluido ritorna al serbatoio attraverso la
bocca “A”
2. Azionare la pompa per alimentare l’utenza.
3. Cambiare le posizioni della valvola secondo necessità.

Azionare un cilindro a doppio effetto solo se entrambi i
tubi flessibili sono collegati alla pompa. Se si lascia un attacco
scollegato, a monte di esso si sviluppa una pressione elevata, e
ne possono derivare infortuni e danni all’attrezzatura.

Disaerando il sistema oleodinamico si ottengono un avanzamento e una
ritrazione del cilindro più dolci.

Pompa con cilindro a effetto semplice (A)

1. Far sfiatare l’aria dal serbatoio (solo per pompe munite di sfiato) e chiudere
la valvola di rilascio.
2. Collocare la pompa in un punto più in alto del cilindro.
3. Disporre il cilindro con l’estremità dello stantuffo verso il basso.
4. Azionare la pompa per far estendere completamente il cilindro .
5. Aprire la valvola di rilascio per far ritrarre il cilindro ). Si esercita così sull’aria
racchiusa nel serbatoio una pressione che la fluire verso l’alto.
6. Ripetere le operazioni precedenti secondo necessità.
Pompa con cilindro a doppio effetto (B)
1. Far sfiatare l’aria dal serbatoio (solo per pompe munite di sfiato).

2. Collocare la pompa in un punto più in alto del cilindro.

3. Disporre il cilindro in posizione orizzontale, con gli attacchi verso l’alto.
4. Fare avanzare e ritrarre completamente il cilindro due o tre volte.
5. Ripetere le operazioni precedenti secondo necessità.

Rabbocco dell’olio della pompa
Controllare regolarmente il livello dell’olio.

Rabboccare sempre l’olio con i cilindri completamente
retratti (estesi se sono da tiro), altrimenti il sistema si
riempie di più olio di quanto non ne possa essere
contenuto nel serbatoio.

1. Togliere dal serbatoio il tappo di rabbocco/sfiato.

2. Riempire il serbatoio fino all’apposito segno praticato sulla pompa.
3. Disaerare il sistema se necessario. Dopo aver disaerato il sistema,
controllare di nuovo il livello dell’olio.
4. Riposizionare il tappo di rabbocco/sfiato.

NOTA Le pompe manuali senza sfiato richiedono un’adeguata circolazione

di aria nel serbatoio. Se si riempie per intero il serbatoio, si crea un

vuoto che impedisce all’olio di fuoriuscire dalla pompa.

Mantenere puliti i condotti dell’olio

Quando si scollegano i raccordi, coprire sempre le aperture con tappi
parapolvere. Fare la massima attenzione a evitare che penetri la polvere,
perché le impurità possono causare un guasto della pompa, del cilindro o
della valvola.

Problema Causa possibile Soluzione

Il cilindro non Basso livello dell’olio nel Rabboccare l’olio seguendo
avanza. serbatoio della pompa. le istruzioni di manutenzione.
Valvola di rilascio aperta. Chiudere la valvola di rilascio.
Raccordo del fluido . Verificare che tutti i raccordi siano saldi.
oleodinamico allentato
Carico eccessivo. Non tentare di sollevare un carico superiore
alla portata nominale.
Aria nel sistema. Disaerare il sistema seguendo le apposite istruzioni.
Inceppamento dello Controllare se il cilindro è danneggiato.
stantuffo del cilindro. Fare intervenire un tecnico qualificato.
Il cilindro avanza Collegamento non a tenuta. Verificare che tutti i collegamenti siano saldi e a tenuta.
ma non mantiene
la pressione.
Guarnizioni non più Individuare i punti di perdita e fare intervenire
funzionali. un tecnico qualificato.
Pompa interna alla pompa. Fare intervenire un tecnico qualificato.

sellante para roscas adecuado), dejando el primer hilo de rosca completo
sin cinta para asegurar que ésta no se deshilacha al interior del sistema y lo
dañe. Recortar los extremos sueltos.
2. Para mayor seguridad y mejor control, instalar una manómetro en línea
desde la bomba.
3. Conectar la manguera (mangueras) al cilindro o herramienta.

Antes de usar la bomba
1. Comprobar que todos los acoples y conexiones del sistema estén apretados y sin fugas.
2. Revisar el nivel de aceite antes de hacer funcionar la bomba. Ver “Llenado de la
bomba con aceite”.

NUNCA añadir extensiones a la palanca de la bomba. Las extensiones
podrían causar el funcionamiento inestable de la bomba.

Utilización de bombas de dos velocidades

Estas bombas producen un caudal de 2 etapas. Cuando está sin carga, la bomba funciona
en la primera etapa de caudal alto para avance rápido. Al hacer contacto con la carga, la
bomba automáticamente cambia a la segunda etapa para aumentar la presión. En el caso
de los modelos P140 ó P140D, cuando la bomba llega a 600 psi aproximadamente, es
necesario pararla momentáneamente y levantar la palanca para cambiar a la etapa de alta
presión. Una vez que la bomba cambia, el bombeo es más fácil con menos esfuerzo.

Aplicaciones de simple efecto con válvula de alivio

1. Cerrar la válvula de alivio girándola en sentido de las manecillas del reloj, como se
muestra en la figura 1.


Cerrar la válvula apretándola SOLAMENTE a mano. El uso de herramientas
podría dañar la válvula y causar el malfuncionamiento de la bomba.

2. Accionar la palanca de la bomba para suministrar potencia hidráulica al sistema. La

presión será mantenida hasta que se abra la válvula de alivio.
3. Abrir la válvula de alivio (en sentido contrario a las manecillas del reloj) para quitar
presión, permitiendo así que el aceite fluya de vuelta al depósito.

Figura 2 1 2

Aplicaciones de doble efecto con válvula manual de 3 posiciones y 4 vías

Las bombas con válvulas de control de 4 vías están diseñadas para accionar
cilindros de doble efecto. Para las posiciones de la válvula.

1. Colocar la palanca en la válvula de 4 vías para escoger la función de la

manera siguiente:
(1) Flujo a la lumbrera “A”; la lumbrera “B” regresa el flujo al depósito
(2) Neutro; las lumbreras “A” y “B” están bloqueadas
(3) Flujo a la lumbrera “B”; la lumbrera “A” regresa el flujo al depósito
2. Hacer funcionar la bomba para ejecutar el trabajo.
3. Cambiar la válvula de posición según sea necesario.

Hacer funcionar el cilindro de doble efecto solamente
cuando las dos mangueras están conectadas a la bomba.
Si se deja un acople desconectado, la presión alta
aumentará detrás del acople lo cual podría causar lesiones
personales, daños al equipo o ambos.

Purga del aire

La extracción o purga del aire del sistema hidráulico ayudará a que el cilindro
avance y se retraiga suavemente.

Bomba con cilindro de simple efecto (A):

1. Expulsar el aire del depósito de la bomba (solamente bombas con
ventilación) y cerrar la válvula de alivio.
2. Colocar la bomba en un lugar más elevado que el cilindro.
3. Colocar el cilindro con el extremo del pistón abajo.
4. Accionar la bomba para extender totalmente el cilindro .
5. Abrir la válvula de alivio para retraer el cilindro. Esto forzará el aire retenido
hacia el depósito de la bomba.
6. Repetir los pasos anteriores según sea necesario.
Bomba con cilindro de doble efecto (B):
1. Expulsar el aire del depósito de la bomba (solamente bombas con
ventilación) y cerrar la válvula de alivio.
2. Colocar la bomba en un lugar más elevado que el cilindro.
3. Poner el cilindro en posición horizontal con las lumbreras arriba.
4. Avanzar y retraer totalmente el cilindro 2 ó 3 veces.
5. Repetir los pasos anteriores según sea necesario.

Adición de aceite a la bomba

Revisar el nivel de aceite regularmente.

Siempre añadir aceite con los cilindros totalmente retraídos
(extendidos si son cilindros de tracción), de lo contrario el
sistema contendrá más aceite que la capacidad del depósito.

1. Quitar la tapa de ventilación/llenado del depósito.
2. Llenar el depósito solamente hasta la marca de nivel que se muestra en la
3. Si es necesario, purgar el aire del sistema. Volver a revisar el nivel de
aceite después de purgar el aire.
4. Volver a colocar la tapa de ventilación/llenado en su lugar.

NOTA Las bombas manuales sin ventilación necesitan aire en el depósito

para funcionar correctamente. Si el depósito está totalmente lleno, se
producirá un vacío impidiendo que el aceite fluya de la bomba.

Limpieza de las mangueras de aceite

Cuando se desacoplan las mitades de acoples, siempre colocar las tapas contra
polvo. Tomar todas las precauciones necesarias para proteger el equipo contra
la entrada de suciedad porque la materia extraña podría causar la falla de la
bomba, cilindro o válvula.


Problema Causa Posible Solución

El cilindro Nivel bajo de aceite en Añadir aceite de acuerdo a las instrucciones de
no avanza. el depósito de la bomba. Mantenimiento.
Cerrar la válvula de alivio.
La válvula de alivio Comprobar que todos los acoples estén bien apretados.
está abierta.
Acople hidráulico No intentar levantar más que el tonelaje nominal.
está suelto.
Carga demasiado Mantenimiento en la página 55.
Aire retenido en Purgar el aire de acuerdo a las instrucciones.
el sistema.
El pistón del cilindro Ver si el cilindro está dañado. Hacer reparar el
está atascado. cilindro por un técnico experto en sistemas hidráulicos.
El cilindro avanza, Fugas en una conexión. Comprobar que todas las conexiones estén apretadas
pero no retiene la y sin fugas.
Fugas en los sellos. Localizar la fuga (fugas) y hacer reparar el equipo por
un técnico experto en sistemas hidráulicos.
Fuga interna en la Hacer reparar la bomba por un técnico experto en
bomba. sistemas hidráulicos.



2525 Gardner Road - Broadview, IL 60155-3719
Phone: (708) 865-1500 - Fax: (708) 865-0894 - Toll Free: (800) 323-9114
Email: sales@tksimplex.com












Printed in the U.S.A.

P42 Part Sheet # 54233
HAND PUMP Revision - B


22 18 40
23 43 40 39
39 38
34 16
15 38 37
33 41
32 36
36 35
24 13 35
46 12 10 11
09 48
04 25
01 27
02 45
10 10
03 11 47


08 07

Simplex products are warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for as long as they are owned by the original purchaser,
subject to the exclusions and limitations listed. This warranty does not cover ordinary normal wear & tear, abuse, overloading, alterations, (including repairs or
attempted repairs by parties other than SIMPLEX or its Authorized Service Centers), improper fluid, or use in a manner for which they are not intended or use
which is contrary to instructions for the products. If the customer believes a product is defective, the product must be delivered, or shipped freight prepaid, to
the nearest SIMPLEX Authorized Service Center.

01 Pump Housing 6067000 1
02 Oil Filter 6067001 1
03 O-Ring * 2
04 Screw 6067002 1
05 Reservoir 6067004 1
06 Tail Base 6067005 1
07 O-Ring * 1
08 Nut 6067007 1
09 Screw 6067050 1
10 Check Ball S92549 4
11 Set Screw 6067011 3
12 O-Ring * 1
13 Back-Up Ring * 1
14 Pump Piston 6067018 1
15 Snap Ring 6067019 1
16 O-Ring * 1
17 Back-Up Ring * 1
18 Pump Piston 6067022 1
19 Piston Pin 6067028 1
20 Yoke Pin 6067027 1
21 Retaining Ring 6067026 1
22 Yoke 6067115 1
23 Handle 6067024 1
24 Handle Grip 6067025 1
25 Oil Seal 6067037 1
26 Nut Release 6067038 1
27 Release Valve Screw 6067116 1
28 Air Release Screw 6067009 1
30 Check Ball 6045053 2
31 Check Ball 6067013 2
32 Spring 6067049 2
33 Washer * 2
34 Valve Cover Screw 6067015 2
35 Check Ball 6067034 2
36 Spring End Cap 6067033 2
37 Long Separator Spring 6067032 1
38 O-Ring * 3
39 Overload Cover Screw 6067029 2
40 Cap 6067084 2
41 Short Separator Spring 6067031 1
42 Plug 6045171 1
43 Yoke Cover 6067053 1
44 Washer 6067085 1
45 Screw 6045078 1
46 Inlet Ball Spring 6067117 1
47 Release Knob 6045077 1
48 O-Ring 6045170 1
SEAL KIT 54148

Simplex products are warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for as long as they are owned by the original purchaser,
subject to the exclusions and limitations listed. This warranty does not cover ordinary normal wear & tear, abuse, overloading, alterations, (including repairs or
attempted repairs by parties other than SIMPLEX or its Authorized Service Centers), improper fluid, or use in a manner for which they are not intended or use
which is contrary to instructions for the products. If the customer believes a product is defective, the product must be delivered, or shipped freight prepaid, to
the nearest SIMPLEX Authorized Service Center.
A Division Of Templeton, Kenly & Co., Inc.

PART SHEET #': 54225



19 20


11 10








A Division Of Templeton, Kenly & Co., Inc.

PART SHEET #': 54225 REV. B



*Packing Kit #54385

A Division Of Templeton, Kenly & Co., Inc.

PART SHEET #': 54225 REV. B












19 24
30 17 23
31 16
28 21
28 07 14
26 25
07 20
12 42 08 09 10 11 12


41 01 02 03
04 05
A Division Of Templeton, Kenly & Co., Inc.

PART SHEET #': 54225 REV. B






* *

*Packing Kit #54385

US T R Y W SIMPLEX products are warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for as long as the original purchaser owns them,
IN D IT subject to the guidelines and limitations listed. This warranty does not cover: normal wear & tear, cosmetic items, abuse, overloading, alterations,
improper fluid, or use in a manner for which they are not intended. If the customer believes a product is defective, the product must be delivered, or


shipped freight prepaid, to the nearest SIMPLEX Authorized Service Center for evaluation and repair.
SINCE - 1899

Tem c.
pleton ., I n
Kenly & Co
Q U A L IT Y 2525 GARDNER ROAD * BROADVIEW * ILLINOIS * 60155 * PHONE (708) 865-1500 * FAX (708) 865-0894
Simplex Division of Templeton, Kenly & Co., Inc.
2525 Gardner Road • Broadview, Illinois 60155 • 708-865-1500


CYLINDER 256,258,2510,2512,2514


Templeton, Kenly & Co., Inc. warrants to the purchaser of its products that if the product or any part thereof in the judgement of
Templeton, Kenly & Co., Inc. is proven to be defedtive in material or workmanship withinkone year from the date of original purchase
(two years on Heavy Duty Hydraulics and five years on Super Jacks), such defects will be repaired or replaced (at the company's
option) free of charge for parts and labor.

This warranty does not apply to any product whch as beenkdamaged by accident or whch has been misused, abused, altered, or
repaired by anyone other then recognized Templeton, Kenly authorized Service Centers.

This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied, and no other person is authorized to assume for Templeton, Kenly
& Co., Inc. any other liability in connection with the sale of this product.

Simplex Division of Templeton, Kenly & Co., Inc.

2525 Gardner Road • Broadview, Illinois 60153 • 708-865-1500



NUMBER R256 R258 R2510 R2512 R2514
1 Housing 1 85747 85748 85749 85750 85751
2 Piston 1 89216 89217 89218 89219 89220
3 Retaining Nut 1 89223 89223 89223 89223 89223
4 Wiper Ring 1 * * * * *
5 Retaining Ring 1 85718 85718 85718 85718 85718
6 Bearing Ring 1 88980 88980 88980 88980 88980
7 U-Seal 1 * * * * *
8 Screw 1 85885 85885 85885 85885 85885
9 Ram Half Coupling 1 18211 18211 18211 18211 18211
10 Load Cap Assembly 1 85525 85525 85525 85525 85525
11 Spring 1 86287 86158 86159 86160 86161
12 Cap Nut 1 85712 85712 85712 85712 85712
13 Gasket 1 85724 85724 85724 85724 85724
14 Screw 1 85728 85728 85728 85728 85728
15 Bushing 1 85894 85894 85894 85894 85894
16 Plug 2 93639 93639 93639 93639 93639
17 Thread Protector 1 85664 85664 85664 85664 85664
18 Piston Retaing Ring 1 88970 88970 88970 88970 88970

Packing Kit 54337 54337 54337 54337 54337

* Items included in
packing kit

R256 . . . . Capacity 25 Tons @ 9,700 PSI On 5.15 Sq. In. Ram Area. Stroke 6 1/4"
R258 . . . . Capacity 25 Tons @ 9,700 PSI On 5.15 Sq. In. Ram Area. Stroke 8 1/4"
R2510 . . . Capacity 25 Tons @ 9,700 PSI On 5.15 Sq. In. Ram Area. Stroke 10 1/4"
R2512 . . . Capacity 25 Tons @ 9,700 PSI On 5.15 Sq. In. Ram Area. Stroke 12 1/4"
R2514 . . . Capacity 25 Tons @ 9,700 PSI On 5.15 Sq. In. Ram Area. Stroke 14 1/4"
A Division Of Templeton, Kenly & Co., Inc. REPAIR PART SHEET

PART SHEET # 54011
















1 85686U HOUSING 1
2 85681 PISTON 1
4 * WIPER 1
6 ----- ----- -----
7 * U-SEAL 1
8 85656 ROLL PIN 1
10 85546 LOAD CAP 1
11 85547 SCREW 2
12 85713 ACORN NUT 1
13 * GASKET 1
14 85689 SCREW 1
15 85691 BUSHING 1
16 85677 SPRING 1

US T R Y W SIMPLEX products are warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for as long as the original purchaser owns them,
IN D IT subject to the guidelines and limitations listed. This warranty does not cover: normal wear & tear, cosmetic items, abuse, overloading, alterations,

improper fluid, or use in a manner for which they are not intended. If the customer believes a product is defective, the product must be delivered, or

shipped freight prepaid, to the nearest SIMPLEX Authorized Service Center for evaluation and repair.
SINCE - 1899

Tem c.
pl eton ., I n
Kenly & Co
Q U A L IT Y 2525 GARDNER ROAD * BROADVIEW * ILLINOIS * 60155 * PHONE (708) 865-1500 * FAX (708) 865-0894
Material Safety Data Sheet

NFPA HMIS (U.S.A.) Rating Protective Clothing DOT (pictograms)

Health Hazard 1 0 Insignificant
Fire Hazard
Fire Hazard 1 1 Slight
Health 1 0 Reactivity 2 Moderate
Specific hazard Reactivity 0 3 High

Personal Protection B 4 Extreme

Section I. Chemical Product and Company Identification

490-139, HDXAW32;

DSL See Section 15

Synonym Not available
TSCA See Section 15

Supplier SIMPLEX DIVISION OF TEMPLETON, KENLY & COMPANY In case of Simplex: 708-865-1500
2525 GARDNER ROAD Emergency or
BROADVIEW, ILLINOIS 60155 Poison Control Centre: Consult
local telephone directory for
emergency number(s).
Material Uses These products are designed for use as heavy duty hydraulic power
transmission fluids and for lubrication where good anti-wear and anti-oxidation
properties are required. They would typically be used in high-pressure
hydraulic systems, machine tools, presses, compressors, pumps, gear sets,
and centralized bearing lubrication systems.

Section II. Composition and Information on Ingredients

Exposure Limits (ACGIH)


1) Mixture of severely hydrotreated and hydrocracked base oil Mixture 100 5 mg/m³ (oil mist) 10 mg/m³ (oil Not established
(petroleum) and other proprietary, non-hazardous additives. mist)

Manufacturer Not applicable

Other Exposure Consult local, state, provincial or territory authorities for acceptable exposure limits.

Section III. Hazards Identification.

Potential Health Prolonged or repeated contact may cause skin irritation, defatting, drying and dermatitis. Not expected to cause more than
Effects slight skin or eye irritation. With its relatively low vapour pressure, this product is not expected to be inhaled in any
appreciable quantity at ambient conditions. If heated to high temperatures or subjected to mechanical actions which
produce vapours or mists, inhalation may cause respiratory tract irritation. Ingestion may produce a laxative effect. For
more information refer to Section 11 of this MSDS.

Section IV. First Aid Measures

Eye Contact IMMEDIATELY flush eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes, keeping eyelids open. Seek medical attention.
Skin Contact Remove contaminated clothing - launder before reuse. Wash gently and thoroughly the contaminated skin with running
water and non-abrasive soap.
Inhalation Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. If the victim is not breathing, perform artificial respiration. Allow
the victim to rest in a well ventilated area. Seek medical attention.
Ingestion DO NOT induce vomiting because of danger of aspirating liquid into lungs. Seek medical attention.
Note to Physician Not available

Section V. Fire-fighting Measures

Flammability May be combustible at high temperature. Flammable Limits Not available
Flash Points OPEN CUP: >207°C (404.6°F) (Cleveland) Auto-Ignition Not available
Fire Hazards in Low fire hazard. This material must be heated Explosion Hazards Do not cut, weld, heat, drill or pressurize empty
Presence of before ignition will occur. in Presence of container. Containers may explode in heat of
Various Substances Various Substances fire.

Continued on Next Page Internet: www.tksimplex.com

Page Number: 2

Products of Carbon oxides (CO, CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), smoke and irritating vapours as products of
Combustion incomplete combustion.
Fire Fighting NAERG96, GUIDE 171, Substances (low to moderate hazard). If tank, rail car or tank truck is involved in a fire, ISOLATE
Media and for 800 meters (0.5 mile) in all directions; also, consider initial evacuation for 800 meters (0.5 mile) in all directions. Shut
Instructions off fuel to fire if it is possible to do so without hazard. If this is impossible, withdraw from area and let fire burn out under
controlled conditions. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety device or any discolouration of
tank due to fire. Cool containing vessels with water spray in order to prevent pressure build-up, autoignition or explosion.
SMALL FIRE: use DRY chemicals, foam, water spray or CO2. LARGE FIRE: use water spray, fog or foam. For small
outdoor fires, portable fire extinguishers may be used, and self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) may not be
required. For all indoor fires and any significant outdoor fires, SCBA is required. Respiratory and eye protection are
required for fire fighting personnel.

Section VI. Accidental Release Measures

Material Release Consult current National Emergency Response Guide Book (NAERG) for appropriate spill measures if necessary.
or Spill Extinguish all ignition sources. Stop leak if safe to do so. Dike spilled material. Use appropriate inert absorbent material
to absorb spilled product. Collect used absorbent for later disposal. Avoid contact with spilled material. Avoid
contaminating sewers, streams, rivers and other water courses with spilled material. Notify appropriate authorities

Section VII. Handling and Storage

Handling Avoid contact with any sources of ignition, flames, heat, and sparks. Avoid eye contact. Avoid skin contact. Avoid
inhalation of product vapours or mists. Empty containers may contain product residue. Do not pressurize, cut, heat, or
weld empty containers. Do not reuse containers without commercial cleaning and/or reconditioning. Personnel who
handle this material should practice good personal hygiene during and after handling to help prevent accidental ingestion
of this product. Properly dispose of contaminated leather articles including shoes that cannot be decontaminated.
Storage Store away from incompatible and reactive materials (See section 5 and 10). Keep container tightly closed. Store in dry,
cool, well-ventilated area.

Section VIII. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls For normal application, special ventilation is not necessary. If user's operations generate vapours or mist, use ventilation to
keep exposure to airborne contaminants below the exposure limit. Make-up air should always be supplied to balance air
removed by exhaust ventilation. Ensure that eyewash station and safety shower are close to work-station.
Personal Protection - The selection of personal protective equipment varies, depending upon conditions of use.
Eyes Eye protection (i.e., safety glasses, safety goggles and/or face shield) should be determined based on conditions of use. If
product is used in an application where splashing may occur, the use of safety goggles and/or a face shield should be
Body Wear appropriate clothing to prevent skin contact. As a minimum long sleeves and trousers should be worn.
Respiratory Where concentrations in air may exceed the occupational exposure limits given in Section 2 (and those applicable to your
area) and where engineering, work practices or other means of exposure reduction are not adequate, NIOSH approved
respirators may be necessary to prevent overexposure by inhalation.
Hands Wear appropriate chemically protective gloves. When handling hot product ensure gloves are heat resistant and
Feet Wear appropriate footwear to prevent product from coming in contact with feet and skin.

Section IX. Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical State and Viscous liquid. Viscosity
32: 34.5 cSt @ 40ºC, 5.68 cSt @ 100ºC,

Colour Pale, straw-yellow. Pour Point

32: -39ºC (-38ºF)

Odour Mild petroleum oil like. Softening Point Not applicable.

Odour Threshold Not available Dropping Point Not applicable.

Boiling Point Not available Penetration Not applicable.

Density 0.8587 - 0.8728 kg/L @ 15ºC (59ºF). Oil / Water Dist. Coeff. Not available
Vapour Density Not available Ionicity (in water) Not available

Continued on Next Page Internet: www.tksimplex.com

Page Number: 3

Vapour Pressure Negligible at ambient temperature and Dispersion Properties Not available
Volatility Non-volatile. Solubility Insoluble in water.

Section X. Stability and Reactivity

Corrosivity Copper corrosion, 3h, 100°C (ASTM D0130): 1a
Stability The product is stable under normal handling Hazardous Will not occur under normal working conditions.
and storage conditions. Polymerization
Incompatible Reactive with oxidizing agents and acids. Decomposition May release COx, SOx, H2S, POx, CaOx, ZnOx,
Substances / Products methacrylate monomers, aldehydes, alkyl
Conditions to Avoid mercaptans, smoke and irritating vapours when
heated to decomposition.

Section XI. Toxicological Information

Routes of Entry Skin contact, eye contact, inhalation and ingestion.
Acute Lethality Acute toxicity information is not available for the product as a whole, therefore, data for some of the ingredients
is provided below:
Acute Oral toxicity (LD50): >5000 mg/kg (rat)
Acute Dermal toxicity (LD50): >2000 mg/kg (rabbit)
Acute Inhalation toxicity (LC50): >2500 mg/m³/4h (rat)
Chronic or Other Toxic Effects
Dermal Route: Prolonged or repeated contact may defat and dry skin, and cause dermatitis. Short-term exposure is expected
to cause only slight irritation, if any.
Inhalation Route: With its relatively low vapour pressure, this product is not expected be inhaled in any appreciable quantity at
ambient conditions. If heated to high temperatures or subjected to mechanical actions which produce vapours
or mists, inhalation may cause respiratory tract irritation.
Oral Route: Ingestion of this product may lead to aspiration of the liquid, especially if vomiting occurs. This may result in
chemical pneumonitis (inflammation of the lungs) and/or pulmonary edema (an accumulation of fluid in the
lungs). May produce a laxative effect.
Eye Irritation/Inflammation: Short-term exposure is expected to cause only slight irritation, if any.
Immunotoxicity: Not available
Skin Sensitization: Contact with this product is not expected to cause skin sensitization, based upon the available data and the
known hazards of the components.
Respiratory Tract Sensitization: Contact with this product is not expected to cause respiratory tract sensitization, based upon the available data
and the known hazards of the components.
Mutagenic: This product is not known to contain any components at >= 0.1% that have been shown to cause
mutagenicity. Therefore, based upon the available data and the known hazards of the components, this
product is not expected to be a mutagen.
Reproductive Toxicity: This product is not known to contain any components at >= 0.1% that have been shown to cause reproductive
toxicity. Therefore, based upon the available data and the known hazards of the components, this product is
not expected to be a reproductive toxin.
Teratogenicity/Embryotoxicity: This product is not known to contain any components at >= 0.1% that have been shown to cause
teratogenicity and/or embryotoxicity. Therefore, based upon the available data and the known hazards of the
components, this product is not expected to be a teratogen/embryotoxin.
Carcinogenicity (ACGIH): This product is not known to contain any chemicals at reportable quantities that are listed as Group A1 or A2
carcinogens by ACGIH.
Carcinogenicity (IARC): This product is not known to contain any chemicals at reportable quantities that are listed as Group 1, 2A, or
2B carcinogens by IARC.
Carcinogenicity (NTP): This product is not known to contain any chemicals at reportable quantities that are listed as carcinogens by
Carcinogenicity (IRIS): This product is not known to contain any chemicals at reportable quantities that are listed as carcinogens by
Carcinogenicity (OSHA): This product is not known to contain any chemicals at reportable quantities that are listed as carcinogens by
Other Considerations No additional remark.

Section XII. Ecological Information

Environmental Fate Not available Persistance/ Not available
BOD5 and COD Not available Products of Not available
Additional Remarks No additional remark.

Continued on Next Page Internet: www.tksimplex.com

Page Number: 4

Section XIII. Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal Spent/ used/ waste product may meet the requirements of a hazardous waste. Consult your local or regional authorities.
Ensure that waste management processes are in compliance with government requirements and local disposal

Section XIV. Transport Information

DOT Classification Not a hazardous material for transport Special Provisions Not applicable.
according to the requirements of the DOT. for Transport
(United States)

Section XV. Regulatory Information

Other This product is acceptable for use under the provisions of WHMIS-CPR. All components of this formulation are listed on
Regulations the CEPA-DSL (Domestic Substances List).

All components of this formulation are listed on the US EPA-TSCA Inventory.

All components of this formulation are listed on EINECS or are exempt.

32, 46, 68: German Water Hazard Classification (Verwaltungsvorschrift wassergefährdende Stoffe - VwVwS) WGK=1

This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and
the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR.

Please contact Product Safety for more information.

DSD/DPD (EEC) Not classified under the Dangerous WHMIS (Canada) Not controlled
Substances or Dangerous Preparations
ADR (Europe) TDG (Canada)
(Pictograms) (Pictograms)

Section XVI. Other Information

References Available upon request.
* Marque de commerce de Petro-Canada - Trademark
ACGIH - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists IRIS - Integrated Risk Information System
ADR - Agreement on Dangerous goods by Road (Europe) LD50/LC50 - Lethal Dose/Concentration kill 50%
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials ( LDLo/LCLo - Lowest Published Lethal Dose/Concentration
BOD5 - Biological Oxygen Demand in 5 days NAERG'96 - North American Emergency Response Guide Book (1996)
CAN/CGA B149.2 Propane Installation Code NFPA - National Fire Prevention Association
CAS - Chemical Abstract Services NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health
CEPA - Canadian Environmental Protection Act NPRI - National Pollutant Release Inventory
CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and NSNR - New Substances Notification Regulations (Canada)
Liability Act NTP - National Toxicology Program
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations OSHA - Occupational Safety & Health Administration
CHIP - Chemicals Hazard Information and Packaging Approved Supply List PEL - Permissible Exposure Limit
COD5 - Chemical Oxygen Demand in 5 days RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
CPR - Controlled Products Regulations SARA - Superfund Amendments and Reorganization Act
DOT - Department of Transport SD - Single Dose
DSCL - Dangerous Substances Classification and Labeling (Europe) STEL - Short Term Exposure Limit (15 minutes)
DSD/DPD - Dangerous Substances or Dangerous Preparations Directives TDG - Transportation Dangerous Goods (Canada)
(Europe) TDLo/TCLo - Lowest Published Toxic Dose/Concentration
DSL - Domestic Substance List TLm - Median Tolerance Limit
EEC/EU - European Economic Community/European Union TLV-TWA - Threshold Limit Value-Time Weighted Average
EINECS - European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances TSCA - Toxic Substances Control Act
EPCRA - Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act USEPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency
FDA - Food and Drug Administration USP - United States Pharmacopoeia
FIFRA - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act WHMIS - Workplace Hazardous Material Information System
HCS - Hazardous Communication System
HMIS - Hazardous Material Information System
IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer
For Copy of MSDS Prepared by Product Safety - TAR on 12/27/2006.
The Canadian Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) (Under the Hazardous Products
Act, part of the WHMIS legislation) only apply to WHMIS Controlled (i.e., hazardous) Data entry by Product Safety - JDW.
products. Therefore, the CPR and the 3-year update rule specified therein do not apply to
WHMIS Non-Controlled products. Although this is true, customarily Petro-Canada
reviews and updates Non-Controlled product MSDS if a customer requests such an
update. These Non-Controlled product updates are given a lower priority than Controlled
products but are handled as soon as practicable. If you would like to verify if the MSDS
you have is the most current, or you require any further information, please contact:

Internet: www.tksimplex to request a copy

Continued on Next Page Internet: www.tksimplex.com
Page Number: 5

For Product Safety Information: (708)-865-1500

To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate. However, neither the above named supplier nor any of
its subsidiaries assumes any liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Final
determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and
should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards
that exist.
Simplex Hydraulic Cylinder and Hand
Pump Documentation – End
Metal Detector Documentation – Start
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61588
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 7 Dec 2012
PO 9787000354 Title: Eriez Feeder Metal Detector Rev 0
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

Eriez Model 1250-E1 Metal Detector

for 60" Belt Width.
Fixed Frame Design.
Voltage: 115VAC/50Hz/Single Phase
NEMA 4 Enclosure Rating,
Ambient Temperature Design C (-10 to 30 degrees Celsius)
15 ft. Cable Assembly

Remote Electronics:
Solid State Electronics are remotely housed in a NEMA 4
enclosure and incorporate two sets of live solid state relay
outputs. The direct and times relays are rated 115V, 5
amps for energizing a control relay and/or alarm. The
control housing is supplied complete with an L.E.D. status
and diagnostic monitors, green “ready” and red “alarm”
indicator lamps.


• All solid state integrated circuits with self analysis

monitoring logic.
• Sensitivity threshold to detect tramp metal even on
3300-FE-001 metallic splices.
1.1 3300-FE-002 3 N/A • Built-in coast alarm and fail safe circuitry. 0 Ea. March 22, 2013 Site
3300-FE-003 • Field replaceable circuit modules.
• Solid state relays for arc-free switching.
• Fail safe control circuits.
• L.E.D. diagnostic monitoring to indicate operational status.
• Accessible programming for alarm delay, alarm duration,
sensitivity, scale factor, and splice detector threshold.

Page 1 of 3
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61588
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 7 Dec 2012
PO 9787000354 Title: Eriez Feeder Metal Detector Rev 0
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

Feeder 3300-FE-001,002,003 Data

Material being conveyed: Copper Ore Pebbles
Feed rate: 638 mtph
Bulk density: 100 pounds per cubic foot
Material Max. Moisture Content: 5%
Maximum particle size: 78 mm
Conveyor belt width: 60 inches
Troughing idlers: 20 degree Impact
Belt incline: 0 degrees
Belt speed: 0.52 meters per second
Maximum burden depth: 368 mm
Minimum metal size: 18mm (ferrous), 27mm (non ferrous)
Site Elevation: 4000 masl

Spray Marking System for Item 1, with 3.5 gallon ASME

coded pressure container with regulator, electric control
2.1 See item 1 3 N/A 0 Ea. March 22, 2013 Site
valve, nozzle assemply, interconnecting hose and
adjustable frame with bracketry

Combination Flashing Beacon And Horn Unit for item 1

3.1 See item 1 3 N/A (115 VAC), approved for outdoor installation with 25 watt 0 Ea. March 22, 2013 Site
light and amber lens

Strip Heater for item 1.

Mounted in enclosure when Detector environment is
4.1 See item 1 3 N/A 0 Ea. March 22, 2013 Site
consistently 40° F (4.4° C) or below to prevent

Clip Detector for Item 1.

5.1 See item 1 3 N/A To stop false trips if metal splices or metal repair clips are 0 Ea. March 22, 2013 Site
used in the conveyor belt.

Page 2 of 3
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61588
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 7 Dec 2012
PO 9787000354 Title: Eriez Feeder Metal Detector Rev 0
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

Master Clock to synchronize metal detector electronics

when combination of 3 or more units are located within 100
6.1 See item 1 1 N/A 0 Ea. March 22, 2013 Site
feet of each other. NEMA 4 enclosure with 100 feet of cable

7.1 1 N/A Export Packaging/Crating Required 0 LOT


NOTE: Send Approval Drawings

Page 3 of 3
Metal Detector Documentation – End
Skirtboard Rubber Documentation –
Client: SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile/Fluor
Project 61588
BOISE, INC. Caserones Feeder Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 26 Oct 2012
PO No. 9787000287 Title: Skirtboard Rubber Rev 0
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Delivery Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Date Point

3/4 inch x 6 inch Skirtboard Rubber 45 durometer.

Ship in 50 foot rolls.

1.1 2100-FE-001 3 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 ea November 13, 2012 Site
1.2 12 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 ea November 13, 2012 Site
2200-FE-005 2200-

1.3 3300-FE-002 3 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 ea November 13, 2012 Site

7200 FE 001
1.4 4 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 ea November 13, 2012 Site

22 Total quantity for Item 1

2 2 Export Packaging Required - Plastic Pallets 0 ea November 13, 2012


Page 1 of 1
IMTECH Rubber Products
1225 W. Main St. Elko, NV 89801 800/738-0308 Fax 877/638-0308


 Ensure that rubber is stored away from direct sunlight.

 Ensure rubber does not get exposed to weather such as rain or snow.

 Keep rubber at a stable temperature

 Low humidity is best for storage.

IMTECH Rubber Products is a Division of RAM Enterprise, Inc.

TechSeal 45®
Skirtboard Rubber
IMTECH Skirtboard Rubber is the ideal containment
solution for a wide variety of applications.

TechSeal 45® keeps your product contained and protects your equipment.
Are you looking for an effective containment product that will reduce material spills
at transfer points or while conveying product on trough systems? One that is durable,
but will not damage your conveyor belt?
TechSeal 45 from IMTECH is a high-quality, cost effective containment solution that
will do the job while protecting your conveyor belt investment. At 45 durometer,
TechSeal 45 is softer than your conveyor belt, so you can be assured of an effective
seal without the risk of damaging the covers on your belts. You can set TechSeal 45
right down on top of your belt, and it will wear to the design of your belt, thus
providing a seal and containment properties second to none in the industry.
The rubber properties of TechSeal 45 allow it to provide outstanding wear resistance
and service life.
u Optimum performance and reliability on costly process equipment in demanding
u Excellent resistance to abrasion, cutting and overall wear
u Conforms to the belt, helping keep dust down and product confined to the belt
u Easily installed in a wide variety of applications

Because every
conveyor system
is different,
IMTECH offers custom containment solutions
built to meet your needs. Transfer points,
canoe walls, skirtboard systems and much
more can be custom fitted to your new or
existing conveyor systems.
TechSeal 45®
Product Specifications
Chemical Resistance
Description WearShield 45
TechSeal 45® is a premium natural rubber compound especially Resistance
designed to provide maximum abrasion resistance. It is the Diluted acids and bases Very good
perfect solution to all your skirting and containment applica- Concentrated acids and bases Good
tions, designed to keep your equipment safe and product Hydrocarbons Poor
Solvents Poor
Ozone Fair
Typical Applications
TechSeal 45® works best for skirting areas where material and
dust containment is critical at loading and transfer points. Product Availability
IMTECH® TechSeal 45® Skirtboard Rubber is available
Benefits in rolls in the following dimensions.

u Superior sealing properties.

Product No. Thickness Roll Size
u Won’t damage the conveyor belt top cover.
TS45-1/4-FR 1/4” 60” x 33’
u Premium rubber compound extends wear life.
TS45-1/4-4 1/4” 4” x 33’
u Better performance long-term over black skirt rubber.
TS45-1/4-6 1/4” 6” x 33’
u Improved cost of ownership through better overall TS45-1/4-8 1/4” 8” x 33’
system performance.
TS45-1/4-10 1/4” 10” x 33’
TS45-1/4-12 1/4” 12” x 33’
Mean Physical Properties
TS45-1/2-FR 1/2” 60” x 33’

Characteristic TechSeal 45 TS45-1/2-4 1/2” 4” x 33’

TS45-1/2-6 1/2” 6” x 33’
Color Orange
TS45-1/2-8 1/2” 8” x 33’
Elastomer NR/IR
TS45-1/2-10 1/2” 10” x 33’
Density (Specific Weight) ASTM-D1817 1.05 g/cm3
Hardness ASTM-D2240 45 Shore A +/- 5 TS45-1/4-12 1/2” 12” x 33’

Resilience 65% TS45-3/4-FR 3/4” 60” x 33’

Tensile Strength ASTM-D412 Die C 2,900 psi TS45-3/4-4 3/4” 4” x 33’

Elongation at Break ASTM-D412 Die C 550% TS45-3/4-6 3/4” 6” x 33’

Tear Resistance ASTM-D624 Die C 631 psi TS45-3/4-8 3/4” 8” x 33’
Abrasion Resistance DIN 53516 83 mm3 @ 10n TS45-3/4-10 3/4” 10” x 33’
-40˚C to +80˚C TS45-3/4-12 3/4” 12” x 33’
Temperature Range
-40˚F to +178˚F
TS45-1-FR 1” 60” x 33’
TS45-1-4 1” 4” x 33’
TS45-1-6 1” 6” x 33’
TS45-1-8 1” 8” x 33’
TS45-1-10 1” 10” x 33’
TS45-1-12 1” 12” x 33’

IMTECH Sales Office

1355 West Main Street Elko, NV 89801
Phone 800-738-0308 Fax 877-638-0308
www.imtechrubber.com TS45-1-1210
Skirtboard Rubber Documentation – End
CCC Switches Documentation – Start
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 30 Aug 2012
PO No. 9787000208 Title: Conveyor Components (Pull Cord Switches, Belt Alignment, Belt Rip, Zero Speed, Plugged Chute) - Feeders Rev 0

Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination

Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

RS-2 Safety Pull Cord Switch

NEMA 4X enclosure
2 SP/DT microswitches
Contacts rated for 20 Amps at 120 VAC/1 Ph /50 Hz

1.01 2100-FE-001 4 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 Ea Site

1.02 24 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 Ea Site
1.03 3300-FE-002 12 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 Ea Site
1.04 8 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 Ea Site

48 Total quantity for Item 1

TA-2 Belt Alignment Control

NEMA 4X enclosure
2 SP/DT microswitches (1 warning and 1 shutdown)
Contacts rated for 20 Amps at 120 VAC/1 Ph /50 Hz

2.01 2100-FE-001 4 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 Ea Site

2.02 24 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 Ea Site
2.03 3300-FE-002 12 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 Ea Site
2.04 8 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 Ea Site

Page 1 of 7
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 30 Aug 2012
PO No. 9787000208 Title: Conveyor Components (Pull Cord Switches, Belt Alignment, Belt Rip, Zero Speed, Plugged Chute) - Feeders Rev 0

Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination

Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

48 Total quantity for Item 2

DB-100 Belt Rip Detection

NEMA 4X enclosure
2 SP/DT microswitches, includes 10 ft of cable assembly
Contacts rated for 20 Amps at 120 VAC/1 Ph /50 Hz

3.01 2100-FE-001 2 n/a See Item 3 description above. 0 Ea Site

3.02 12 n/a See Item 3 description above. 0 Ea Site
3.03 3300-FE-002 6 n/a See Item 3 description above. 0 Ea Site
3.04 4 n/a See Item 3 description above. 0 Ea Site

24 Total quantity for Item 3

Page 2 of 7
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 30 Aug 2012
PO No. 9787000208 Title: Conveyor Components (Pull Cord Switches, Belt Alignment, Belt Rip, Zero Speed, Plugged Chute) - Feeders Rev 0

Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination

Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

RMS-1G Zero Speed Control (Non-Contact Proximity)

NEMA 4X enclosure
1 DP/DT microswitches
Rated for 120 VAC/1 Ph /50 Hz control power
4.01 2100-FE-001 1 n/a See Item 4 description above. 0 Ea Site
4.02 6 n/a See Item 4 description above. 0 Ea Site
4.03 3300-FE-002 3 n/a See Item 4 description above. 0 Ea Site
4.04 2 n/a See Item 4 description above. 0 Ea Site

12 Total quantity for Item 4

RMS-18S, 18mm sensor with 6 ft rated for 100mA at

30VDC cable for item 4
5.01 2100-FE-001 1 n/a See Item 5 description above. 0 Ea Site
5.02 6 n/a See Item 5 description above. 0 Ea Site
5.03 3300-FE-002 3 n/a See Item 5 description above. 0 Ea Site
5.04 2 n/a See Item 5 description above. 0 Ea Site

12 Total quantity for Item 5

Page 3 of 7
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 30 Aug 2012
PO No. 9787000208 Title: Conveyor Components (Pull Cord Switches, Belt Alignment, Belt Rip, Zero Speed, Plugged Chute) - Feeders Rev 0

Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination

Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

6 RMS-18M, 18mm Mounting Bracket for item 4

6.01 2100-FE-001 1 n/a See Item 6 description above. 0 Ea Site

6.02 6 n/a See Item 6 description above. 0 Ea Site
6.03 3300-FE-002 3 n/a See Item 6 description above. 0 Ea Site
6.04 2 n/a See Item 6 description above. 0 Ea Site

12 Total quantity for Item 6

7 RMS-18T, 18mm Target Disk for item 4

7.01 2100-FE-001 1 n/a See Item 7 description above. 0 Ea Site

7.02 6 n/a See Item 7 description above. 0 Ea Site
7.03 3300-FE-002 3 n/a See Item 7 description above. 0 Ea Site
7.04 2 n/a See Item 7 description above. 0 Ea Site

12 Total quantity for Item 7

Page 4 of 7
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 30 Aug 2012
PO No. 9787000208 Title: Conveyor Components (Pull Cord Switches, Belt Alignment, Belt Rip, Zero Speed, Plugged Chute) - Feeders Rev 0

Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination

Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

CT-101 Plugged Chute Detection (Tilt Style), Tilt level

control unit with 1 DP/DT relay output, NEMA 4 Metal
Enclosure, 18 VDC indicator lights, Rated for 120
VAC/1Ph/50Hz Control Power
8.01 2100-FE-001 1 n/a See Item 8 description above. 0 Ea Site
8.02 6 n/a See Item 8 description above. 0 Ea Site
8.03 3300-FE-002 3 n/a See Item 8 description above. 0 Ea Site
8.04 2 n/a See Item 8 description above. 0 Ea Site

12 Total quantity for Item 8

CT-201 Standard 9 inch Probe with 3 ft of cable for tilt level

9 control, 2 conductor cable (16-2 SO). Rated for 1.7A at
120VAC/1Ph/50Hz. For Item 8
9.01 2100-FE-001 1 n/a See Item 9 description above. 0 Ea Site
9.02 6 n/a See Item 9 description above. 0 Ea Site
9.03 3300-FE-002 3 n/a See Item 9 description above. 0 Ea Site
9.04 2 n/a See Item 9 description above. 0 Ea Site

12 Total quantity for Item 9

Page 5 of 7
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 30 Aug 2012
PO No. 9787000208 Title: Conveyor Components (Pull Cord Switches, Belt Alignment, Belt Rip, Zero Speed, Plugged Chute) - Feeders Rev 0

Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination

Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

CT-400 Tilt Probe Mounting Bracket 1-1/4 inch NPT for item
10.01 2100-FE-001 1 n/a See Item 10 description above. 0 Ea Site
10.02 6 n/a See Item 10 description above. 0 Ea Site
10.03 3300-FE-002 3 n/a See Item 10 description above. 0 Ea Site
10.04 2 n/a See Item 10 description above. 0 Ea Site

12 Total quantity for Item 10

CT-500 Heavy Duty 2 inch S-hook to connect tilt probe and

mounting bracket for items 9 and 10

11.01 2100-FE-001 1 n/a See Item 11 description above. 0 Ea Site

11.02 6 n/a See Item 11 description above. 0 Ea Site
11.03 3300-FE-002 3 n/a See Item 11 description above. 0 Ea Site
11.04 2 n/a See Item 11 description above. 0 Ea Site

12 Total quantity for Item 11

Page 6 of 7
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61257
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 30 Aug 2012
PO No. 9787000208 Title: Conveyor Components (Pull Cord Switches, Belt Alignment, Belt Rip, Zero Speed, Plugged Chute) - Feeders Rev 0

Current Previous Item Unit of Required Destination

Item No. Tag Number Quantity Quantity Description Rev Measure Delivery Date Point

CT-300, Extra Tilt Probe Cable for CT-201 (item 9). 2

conductor cable (16-2 SO)

12.01 2100-FE-001 15 n/a See Item 12 description above. 0 ft Site

12.02 90 n/a See Item 12 description above. 0 ft Site
12.03 3300-FE-002 45 n/a See Item 12 description above. 0 ft Site
12.04 30 n/a See Item 12 description above. 0 ft Site

180 Total quantity for Item 12

13 144 n/a Instrument Tags 316 stainless steel equipment tags 0 Ea Site

14 Export Crating lot


Page 7 of 7
130 Seltzer Road, PO Box 167 • Croswell, MI 48422 USA
PHONE: (810) 679-4211 • TOLL FREE (800) 233-3233 • FAX: (810) 679-4510
® Email: info@conveyorcomponents.com • http://www.conveyorcomponents.com

MODELS: CT-100, CT-101, CT-101F, CT-102, CT-200(N)(S) and CT-201(N)(S)


CT-100/101 CT-200 CT-201 CT-200P



Input Supply Voltage: 115 VAC @ 50/60 Hz

Power Consumption: 10 Watts
Probe Voltage Output: 15 VDC
Output Relay: DP/DT
10 Amp, 120 VAC Resistive; Optional 240 VAC available
5 Amp, 240 VAC Resistive
1 Amp, 28 VDC Resistive
1/4 hp, 120 VAC Motor
1/3 hp, 240 VAC Motor
Time Delay: 0.1 to 10 Seconds. This adjustment will delay output relay action.
Enclosure: CT-100: NEMA 12
CT-101: NEMA 4
CT-101F: NEMA 4, 4X; Fiberglass enclosure
CT-102: Panel mounting with no enclosure
Indicator Lights: 18 V Bayonet base
Normal (green /blue): Light on when relay is energized; probe is vertical.
Alarm (red): Light on when relay is de-energized; probe is tilted.
Logic Selector: This jumper determines when the output relay actuates and de-actuates. The following
summarizes the operation with the jumper at each position.
Position 1: Relay energizes when the probe is in the vertical position.
Relay de-energizes when probe is in the tilted position.
Position 2: Relay energizes when probe is in the tilted position.
Relay de-energizes when probe is in vertical position.

I0020002revC.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2009 1 OF 2


Each probe contains one SP/ST, normally closed, mercury switch. Probes are available in optional stainless steel
construction and with a paddle for use in applications where the materials are moving.

CT-201: Standard heavy-duty probe model; 9” long

CT-200: Compact probe model; 6” long.
Probe signal voltage: 15 VDC
Probe ratings: 1.7 A @ 120VAC, 0.75 A @ 220VAC, 1.7 A @ 0-50VDC
Probe actuation angle: 15° from vertical

CT-201N: Non-Mercury heavy-duty probe model; 9” long

CT-200N: Non-Mercury compact probe model; 6" long
Probe signal voltage: 15 VDC
Probe ratings: 0.25 A max., 60 V max., 3 VA max.
Probe actuation angle: Break 25° +/- 10° from vertical; Remake 8° min.


The control unit should be mounted in an area
free from vibration and the temperature should TIME DELAY ADJUSTMENT
not exceed 125° F. Consideration should be given CCW = DECREASE

to mounting the unit where indicator lights will

be visible to the necessary personnel, and wiring
may be easily installed to the probe and other SWITCH

All wiring should be in compliance with
applicable Local, Federal, and State codes. Probe
connection cable is 16-2 type SO and is attached
to the probe. Length is supplied as specified per
order (probe cable may be spliced). If not
specified, the probe is supplied with 3 feet of
cable only.

The probe should be suspended using a fixed
support, such as the CT-400 mounting bracket
and CT-500 S-hook, at a position where it will easily intercept the bulk material at the desired indication point.
There must be a free flow of material both to and away from the probe. In some installations, it is necessary to
install a baffle or shield above the probe assembly to protect it from product surges.


I0020002revC.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2009 2 OF 2

130 Seltzer Road, PO Box 167 • Croswell, MI 48422 USA
TELÉFONO: (810) 679-4211 • LÍNEA GRATUITA (800) 233-3233 • FAX: (810) 679-4510
® Correo electrónico: info@conveyorcomponents.com • http://www.conveyorcomponents.com

MODELOS: CT-100, CT-101, CT-101F, CT-102, CT-200(N) (S) y CT-201(N) (S)

6 15/16" [176 mm] 4 13/16"
4" [102 mm] Ø5/16" [122 mm]
[8 mm] 3 5/8" 1 1/2"
[92 mm] [38 mm]

Ø1 7/8"
[48 mm]

1 1/2"
[38 mm]
9 1/2"
[241 mm] Ø1 7/16" 9"
[37 mm] [229 mm]
8 3/4"
VERTICAL [222 mm]
[152 mm] 4"
[102 mm]

1/14" [76 mm]
[6 mm]

CT-100/101 CT-200
CT-200 CT-201 CT-200P


Voltaje de alimentación de entrada: 115 VCA a 50/60 Hz

Consumo de energía: 10 vatios
Salida de voltaje de la sonda: 15 VCC
Relé de salida: DP/DT
10 A, resistente a 120 VCA; opcional de 240 VCA disponible
5 A, resistente a 240 VCA
5 A, resistente a 28 VCC
1/4 hp, motor de 120 VCA
1/3 hp, motor de 240 VCA
Tiempo de retardo: 0,1 a 10 segundos. Este ajuste demorará la acción del relé de salida.
Gabinete: CT-100: NEMA 12
CT-101: NEMA 4
CT-101F: NEMA 4, 4X; gabinete de fibra de vidrio
CT-102: Montaje de panel sin gabinete
Luces del indicador: Base de bayoneta de 18 V
Normal (verde/azul): Se encienden cuando el relé está activo; la sonda está en posición
Alarma (roja): Se encienden cuando el relé está inactivo; la sonda está en posición
Interruptor de selección lógica: Este interruptor determina cuándo el relé de salida está en estado activo o inactivo. A
continuación se resume el funcionamiento del interruptor en cada posición.
Posición 1: El relé se encuentra en estado activo cuando la sonda está en posición
El relé se encuentra en estado inactivo cuando la sonda está en
posición inclinada.
Posición 2: El relé se encuentra en estado activo cuando la sonda está en posición
El relé se encuentra en estado inactivo cuando la sonda está en posición

I0020004.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2009 1 DE 2


Cada sonda contiene un interruptor SP/ST de mercurio, que generalmente está cerrado. Las sondas están disponibles en
acero inoxidable con una paleta para utilizar en aplicaciones cuando los materiales están en movimiento.

CT-201: Modelo de sonda estándar de alta resistencia con una longitud de 9" [229 mm]
CT-200: Modelo de sonda compacta con una longitud de 6" [152 mm]
Voltaje de señal de la sonda: 15 VCC
Potencia nominal de la sonda: 1,7 A a 120 VCA, 0,75 A a 220 VCA, 1,7 A a 0-50VCC
Ángulo de acción de la sonda: 15° desde la posición vertical

CT-201N: Modelo de sonda de alta resistencia sin interruptor de mercurio con una
longitud de 9" [229 mm]
CT-200: Modelo de sonda compacta sin interruptor de mercurio con una longitud de 6"
[152 mm]
Voltaje de señal de la sonda: 15 VCC
Potencia nominal de la sonda: A máx. 0.25, V máx. 60, VA máx. 3
Ángulo de acción de la sonda: Interrupción 25° +/- 10° desde la posición vertical; restablecimiento 8° mín.


La unidad de control debe montarse en un área sin
vibraciones y donde la temperatura no exceda los AJUSTE DEL TIEMPO DE
125 °F [51 °C]. La unidad debe montarse en un CW= =AUMENTO
logar donde las luces del indicador sean visibles
para el personal correspondiente y el cableado INTERRUPTOR DE
debe instalarse fácilmente en la sonda y otras SELECCIÓN LÓGICA

Todo el cableado debe realizarse según los
códigos locales, federales y estatales aplicables.
El cable de conexión a la sonda es SO tipo 16-2 y
está conectado a la sonda. La longitud del cable se
suministra según las especificaciones del pedido
(el cable de la sonda puede empalmarse). Si no
hay especificaciones, la sonda se suministrará con
un cable de solo 3 pies
[914 mm].

La sonda debe estar suspendida con un soporte (SONDA)

fijo, como el soporte de montaje del modelo CT-400 y el gancho en forma de S del modelo CT-500, en una posición en la
que pueda interceptar fácilmente el material en grandes volúmenes en el punto de indicación deseado. Debe existir un flujo
ininterrumpido de material en ambas direcciones, desde la sonda y hacia ella. En algunas instalaciones, es necesario instalar
un deflector o cubierta sobre el ensamblaje de la sonda para protegerla contra las presiones del producto.


I0020004.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2009 2 DE 2

130 Seltzer Road, PO Box 167  Croswell, MI 48422 USA
PHONE: (810) 679-4211  TOLL FREE (800) 233-3233  FAX: (810) 679-4510
® Email: info@conveyorcomponents.com  http:\\www.conveyorcomponents.com


Before installing or adjusting, shut down and physically lock-out the
conveyor system.

The model TA Conveyor Belt Alignment Control protects conveyor belts from damage due to
belt misalignment or runoff. These controls are used in pairs with one control placed on each
side of the conveyor belt. Each control unit can be equipped with two micro-switches to
produce signals indicating belt misalignment at two deviation points. The first signal point
could be used to indicate small belt deviation by sounding an alarm. The second signal point
could be used to guard against extreme belt runoff by shutting down the conveyor.

Each control consists of aluminum housing with a red epoxy coated roller. The roller is
adjustable up to 90 in both directions and is positioned approximately 1” from the conveyor
belt. The micro-switch actuation points are adjustable from 0 to 45 by a simple change of
the actuating cam(s). The model TA can be furnished with general purpose or explosion proof
construction. Epoxy coated housings are also available.


A minimum of four alignment controls is required for each conveyor belt, with one on each
side of the belt near the head and tail pulleys. For conveyors greater that 1,500 feet (457
meters) long, an additional four alignment controls may be required, evenly spaced, one on
each side of the carrying and return belt.

Model TA control units are always used in pairs with one placed on each side of the conveyor
belt, usually a pair at each of the head and tail ends of the conveyor. Additional pairs of TA
units may be placed at other points along the conveyor.

The micro-switch(es) can be wired to trigger a warning signal or be connected directly to the
motor starter circuit to stop a conveyor.

The control unit should be mounted on supports so that the roller is positioned perpendicular
to the conveyor belt, and positioned to intercept the conveyor belt at its midpoint. The roller
clamp may be loosened to pivot the roller into the proper position. The roller is 9-3/4” high,
and the point of interception should be at the 4-7/8” point. Control units should not be
mounted too close to the belt because false signals could result. In most applications, the
controls could be mounted approximately 1” from the belt, eliminating false signals while still
protecting the belt against wide deviations.

Field wiring must meet or exceed the requirements of the National Electrical Code and any
other agency or authority having jurisdiction over the installation. Conduit fittings must meet
applicable CSA and UL standards.

I1030002revH.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2011 1 OF 4

Figure 1: Control Actuation Example
The Model TA is shipped with the switch cam(s)
centered with the roller arm. During the
installation, the switch cam and the roller arm
should be re-positioned to ensure switch
actuation at the desired roller positions.

1. Roller Position
Loosen the roller clamp and pivot the roller so
that it is perpendicular to the belt at the
midpoint of the roller. Then tighten the roller

2. Position the housing so the roller is 1” from

the edge of the conveyor belt. Then fasten
the mounting feet.

3. Switch Cam Adjustment

Lock out all power to the switch unit and
remove the cover. Use the 3/32 hex wrench
provided to loosen the #10-32 set screw on the
switch cam.

4. Pivot roller in the desired amount away from the

belt for alarm or shutdown.

5. Adjust cam in same direction as the roller will move

until the micro-switch just trips. Then lock the

6. Pivot the roller in the desired amount for second

trip point if needed.

7. Adjust the second cam as in step 5.

Figure 2: Roller and Belt Position

1. Individual Switch Contact Ratings:

SPDT switches: DPDT switches:
20 Amps, 125/250/480 VAC 15 Amps, 125/250 VAC
10 Amps, 125 VAC Inductive N/A
1 hp, 125 VAC 3/4 hp, 125 VAC
2 hp, 250 VAC 1 1/2 hp, 250 VAC
½ Amp, 24 VDC N/A
½ Amp, 125 VDC N/A
¼ Amp, 250 VDC N/A
Note: Special units with gold plated micro-switch contacts rated 0.1 Amps at 125 VAC.

2. Conduit opening: One ¾” NPT standard opening is built-in.

3. Actuating Arm:
Roller is red epoxy coated steel with stainless steel shaft.
Roller arm travel is 90 in both directions from vertical.

I1030002revH.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2011 2 OF 4

4. External Hardware: stainless steel

5. Operating Temperature Range (ordinary locations units): -50C to 65C; -58F to 150F

6. Ambient Temperature Range (hazardous locations units): -50C to 40C; -58F to 104F

7. Enclosure Ratings:
TA-1, TA-2, TA-4, TA-5:
UL Types 3S, 4, 4X, 5 & 12; CSA Types 3S, 4, 4X & 12

TA-1X, TA-2X, TA-4X, TA-5X:

UL / CSA for Class I, Groups C & D; Class II, Groups E, F & G; Class III Hazardous

TA-1D, TA-2D, TA-4D, TA-5D:

UL Types 3S, 4, 4X, 5 & 12; Class II, Groups E, F & G; Class III Hazardous Locations
CSA Types 3S, 4, 4X & 12; Class II, Groups E, F & G; Class III Hazardous Locations




Figure 3: SPDT 2-Switch Schematic Figure 4: DPDT 2-Switch Schematic

To properly wire to the micro-switches on the model TA, route

incoming wires over the shaft and micro-switches. Avoid
contact with the micro-switch levers and other moving parts
inside enclosure.

Figure 5: Wire Routing

I1030002revH.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2011 3 OF 4

Figure 6: Terminal Identification (SPDT) Figure 7: Terminal Identification (DPDT)


Figure 8: Dimensions and Mounting, Model TA-2 Shown

Figure 9: Dimensions and Roller Travel

I1030002revH.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2011 4 OF 4

130 Seltzer Road, PO Box 167 Croswell, MI 48422 Estados Unidos
TELÉFONO: (810) 679-4211  LÍNEA GRATUITA (800) 233-3233  FAX: (810) 679-4510
® Correo electrónico: info@conveyorcomponents.com  http:\\www.conveyorcomponents.com


Antes de instalar o ajustar, cierre y bloquee físicamente el sistema del

El control de alineación de la correa del transportador modelo TA protege las correas del transportador de los
daños ocasionados por la mala alineación o desenganche de la correa. Estos controles se utilizan en pares
con un control que está colocado a cada lado de la correa del transportador. Cada unidad de control puede
equiparse con dos microinterruptores que producen señales indicando la mala alineación de la correa en dos
puntos de desviación. El primer punto de señal puede utilizarse para indicar una pequeña desviación de la
correa mediante la activación de una alarma. El segundo punto de señal puede utilizarse para brindar
protección contra desenganches severos de la correa apagando el transportador.

Cada control comprende una carcasa de aluminio con un rodillo revestido con epoxi rojo. El rodillo puede
ajustarse hasta 90 en ambas direcciones y se coloca a aproximadamente 1" [26mm] de la correa del
transportador. Los puntos de activación del microinterruptor pueden ajustarse de 0 a 45 mediante un simple
cambio de la leva de activación. El modelo TA puede ofrecerse con construcción para uso general o a prueba
de explosiones. También están disponibles las carcasas revestidas con epoxi.


Se requiere un mínimo de cuatro controles de alineación para cada correa del transportador, una a cada lado
de la correa cerca de las poleas del cabezal y la cola. Para los transportadores más grandes de 1500 pies
(457 metros) de largo, es posible que se requieran otros cuatro controles de alineación distribuidos de forma
uniforme, uno a cada lado de la correa de transporte y retorno.

Las unidades del modelo TA siempre se utilizan en pares, una colocada a cada lado de la correa del
transportador, generalmente cerca de los extremos del cabezal y la cola del transportador. Se pueden
colocar pares adicionales de unidades TA en otros puntos a lo largo del transportador.

El microinterruptor puede cablearse para proporcionar una señal de advertencia o se puede conectar
directamente en el circuito de arranque del motor para detener un transportador.

La unidad de control debe montarse en los soportes de modo que el rodillo esté colocado de forma
perpendicular a la correa del transportador, y en posición para interceptar la correa del transportador en su
punto medio. La abrazadera del rodillo puede aflojarse para pivotar el rodillo en la posición correcta. El rodillo
es 9 3/4" [254mm] alto, y el punto de intercepción debe ser en el punto 4 7/8" [127mm]. Las unidades no
deben montarse demasiado cerca de la correa dado que podrían provocar falsas señales. En la mayoría de
las aplicaciones, los controles deben montarse a aproximadamente 1" [26mm] de la correa eliminando así las
falsas señales al mismo tiempo que se protege la correa contra las desviaciones amplias.

El cableado en el campo debe cumplir o exceder los requisitos del Código Eléctrico Nacional (National
Electrical Code) y de cualquier otra agencia o autoridad que tenga jurisdicción sobre la instalación. Los
accesorios de los conductos deben cumplir los estándares de CSA y UL aplicables.

I1030002revH(SP).DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2011 1 DE 4

Figura 1: Ejemplo de activación del control
El Modelo TA se envía con la leva del interruptor POSICIONES APROXIMADAS DE ACTIVACIÓN DE LA
centrada con el brazo del rodillo. Durante la LEVA DEL INTERRUPTOR
instalación, la leva del interruptor y el brazo del
rodillo deben volver a posicionarse para
garantizar la activación del interruptor en las
posiciones deseadas del rodillo.
1. Posición del rodillo CABEZAL DE ENCHUFE
Afloje la abrazadera del rodillo y pivotee el AFLOJE PARA AJUSTAR LA
rodillo de modo que esté en perpendicular a POSICIÓN DE LA LEVA,
la correa en el punto medio de la correa. A
continuación, ajuste la abrazadera del rodillo.

2. Posicione la carcasa de modo que el rodillo

esté a 1" del borde de la correa del
transportador. A continuación, ajuste el pie
3. Ajuste de la leva del interruptor
Bloquee toda la energía a la unidad del interruptor
y quite la cubierta. Utilice la llave hexagonal de
3/32 provista para aflojar el tornillo de ajuste n.º 10-
32 en la leva del interruptor.

4. Pivotee el rodillo en la medida deseada lejos de la 1”

correa para la alarma o apagado.
5. Ajuste la leva en la misma dirección que se moverá MEDIO
el rodillo hasta que se active el microinterruptor. A CORRE
continuación, bloquee el tornillo de ajuste. A

6. Pivotee el rodillo en la medida deseada para el

segundo punto de activación, si es necesario.

7. Ajuste la segunda leva según el paso 5.

Figura 2: Posición del rodillo y la correa

1. Calificaciones de contactos del interruptor individual:

Interruptores SPDT: Interruptores DPDT:
20 amperios, 125/250/480 VAC 15 amperios, 125/250 VAC
10 amperios, 125 VAC inductiva N/A
1 hp, 125 VAC 3/4 hp, 125 VAC
2 hp, 250 VAC 1 1/2 hp, 250 VAC
½ amperios, 24 VDC N/A
½ amperios, 125 VDC N/A
¼ amperios, 250 VDC N/A
Nota: Las unidades especiales con contactos de microinterruptores revestidos en color oro con
calificación de 0,1 amperios a 125 VAC.

2. Apertura del conducto: Una apertura estándar de ¾” [20mm] NPT está incorporada.

I1030002revH(SP).DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2011 2 DE 4

3. Brazo de activación:
El rodillo es de acero revestido en epoxi rojo con eje de acero inoxidable.
El recorrido del brazo del rodillo es 90 en ambas direcciones desde vertical.
4. Accesorios externos: acero inoxidable

5. Rango de temperatura de funcionamiento (unidades de ubicaciones comunes): -50C a 65C; -58F a


6. Rango de temperatura ambiente (unidades de ubicaciones peligrosas): -50C a 40C; -58F a 104F

7. Calificaciones de gabinetes:
TA-1, TA-2, TA-4, TA-5:
UL Tipos 3S, 4, 4X, 5 y 12; CSA Tipos 3S, 4, 4X y 12

TA-1X, TA-2X, TA-4X, TA-5X:

UL/CSA para ubicaciones peligrosas Clase I, Grupos C y D; Clase II, Grupos E, F y G; Clase III

TA-1D, TA-2D, TA-4D, TA-5D:

UL Tipos 3S, 4, 4X, 5 y 12; Ubicaciones peligrosas Clase II, Grupos E, F y G; Clase III
CSA Tipos 3S, 4, 4X y 12; Ubicaciones peligrosas Clase II, Grupos E, F y G; Clase III






Figura 3: Esquema de 2 interruptores SPDT Figura 4: Esquema de 2 interruptores DPDT

Para cablear correctamente los microinterruptores en el modelo TA,

direccione los cables entrantes por la extensión del eje y los
microinterruptores. Evite el contacto con las palancas de los
microinterruptores y otras partes en movimiento dentro del gabinete.

Figura 5: Enrutamiento de cables

I1030002revH(SP).DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2011 3 DE 4

Figura 6: Identificación de terminales (SPDT) Figura 7: Identificación de terminales (DPDT)





Figura 8: Dimensiones y montaje, Modelo TA-2


1,25 [0,32]





Figura 9: Dimensiones y recorrido del rodillo [] ESTÁN EN mm.

I1030002revH(SP).DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2011 4 DE 4

130 Seltzer Road, PO Box 167  Croswell, MI 48422 USA
PHONE: (810) 679-4211  TOLL FREE (800) 233-3233  FAX: (810) 679-4510
® Email: info@conveyorcomponents.com  http:\\www.conveyorcomponents.com


Before installing or adjusting, shut down and physically lock-out the
conveyor system.

The model TA-TPS is a heavy duty limit switch commonly used to aid the positioning of the “tripper”
on a conveyor with multiple discharge points or discharge chutes.

Each control consists of aluminum housing with a heavy duty acetal roller. The roller is adjustable up
to 90 in both directions. The microswitch actuation points are adjustable from 0 to 45 by a simple
change of the actuating cam(s). The model TA-TPS can be furnished with general purpose, dust-
ignition proof or explosion proof construction. Epoxy coated housings are also available.

The quantity of model TA-TPS tripper position controls required will vary for each conveyor system.
Either a single unit or a pair of units can be used depending on the arrangement of the shuttle

The microswitch(es) can be wired to trigger a warning signal or be connected directly to the motor
starter circuit to stop a conveyor.

The control unit should be mounted on supports so that the roller is positioned perpendicular to the
tripper mechanism, and positioned to intercept the roller at its midpoint. The roller clamp may be
loosened to pivot the roller into the proper position. The roller center is 5.94” (151 mm) high, and the
point of interception should be at or above this point.

Field wiring must meet or exceed the requirements of the National Electrical Code and any other
agency or authority having jurisdiction over the installation. Conduit fittings must meet applicable CSA
and UL standards.


The Model TA-TPS is shipped with the switch cam(s) centered with the roller arm. During the
installation, the switch cam and the roller arm should be re-positioned to ensure switch actuation at
the desired roller position.

1. Roller Position
Loosen the roller clamp and pivot the roller so that it is in the preferred standby position. Tighten
the roller clamp.

2. Switch Cam Adjustment

Lock out all power to the switch unit and remove the cover. Use the 3/32” hex wrench provided to
loosen the #10-32 set screw on the switch cam.

3. The cams may be set for non-directional indication, where both microswitches actuate in either
roller direction. The two switch cams can be positioned independently as desired (See Fig. 1).

I1030006revA.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2012 1 OF 4

Optionally, the cams may be set for bi-directional indication, where one microswitch actuates with
roller movement in one direction and the second microswitch actuates in the opposite direction
(See Fig. 2).

Fig.1: Cams set for non-directional indication. Fig. 2: Cams set for bi-directional indication.

4. Pivot roller to the desired position for microswitch actuation.

5. Adjust cam in same direction as the roller will move until the microswitch trips, then tighten the

6. Pivot the roller to the desired position for second trip point if needed. Adjust the second cam as in
step 5.


1. Individual Switch Contact Ratings:

SP/DT switches: DP/DT switches:
20 Amps, 125/250/480 VAC 15 Amps, 125/250 VAC
10 Amps, 125 VAC Inductive N/A
1 hp, 125 VAC 3/4 hp, 125 VAC
2 hp, 250 VAC 1 1/2 hp, 250 VAC
½ Amp, 24 VDC N/A
½ Amp, 125 VDC N/A
¼ Amp, 250 VDC N/A
Note: Special units with gold plated microswitch contacts rated 0.1 Amps at 125 VAC are
available upon request.

2. Conduit opening: ¾” NPT, quantity: 1.

3. Actuating Arm:
Roller is acetal with stainless steel roller shaft on a zinc-plated steel arm.
Roller arm travel is 90 in both directions from vertical.

4. External Hardware: stainless steel (shaft holder arm zinc-plated steel).

5. Operating Temperature Range (ordinary location models): -50C to 65C; -58F to 150F

6. Ambient Temperature Range (hazardous location models): -50C to 40C; -58F to 104F

I1030006revA.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2012 2 OF 4

7. Enclosure Types:
MODELS TA-1-TPS, TA-2-TPS, TA-4-TPS, TA-5-TPS: Types 3S, 4, 4X, 5 & 12


Class I, Groups C & D; Class II, Groups E, F & G; Class III Hazardous Locations


3S, 4, 4X, 5 & 12; Class II, Groups E, F & G; Class III Hazardous Locations
3S, 4, 4X & 12; Class II, Groups E, F & G; Class III Hazardous Locations


To properly wire to the microswitches on the model TA-TPS, avoid contact with the microswitch levers
and other moving parts inside enclosure.


Figure 2: SP/DT 2-Switch Schematic Figure 3: DP/DT 2-Switch Schematic

Figure 4: Terminal Identification (SP/DT) Figure 5: Terminal Identification (DP/DT)

I1030006revA.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2012 3 OF 4


Figure 6: Dimensions and Mounting, Model TA-2-TPS Shown

6.00 [152 mm]

1.38 [35 mm]

1.38 [35 mm]

0.41 [10 mm]


3.88 [98 mm]

Figure 7: Dimensions and Roller Travel

6.0 [152 mm]


7/16" [11 mm] WRENCH SIZE

(9.1 [230 mm])

2.75 [70 mm]

1.63 [41 mm] (0.9 [22 mm])

6.75 [171 mm]

ROLLER ARM TRAVEL 3.0 [76 mm] (1.5 [38 mm]) 0.750 [19 mm]



(3.0 [76 mm])

3.50 [89 mm] 7.44 [189 mm]

(5.94 [151 mm]) TRIPPER ROLLER


0.75 [19 mm] 5.4 [138 mm]

2.44 [62 mm]

2.5 [64 mm]

6.75 [171 mm]

I1030006revA.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2012 4 OF 4

130 Seltzer Road, PO Box 167 Croswell, MI 48422 EE.UU.
TELÉFONO: (810) 679-4211 GRATUITO (800) 233-3233 FAX: (810) 679-4510
® Correo electrónico: info@conveyorcomponents.com 


Antes de instalar o ajustar, cierre y bloquee físicamente la salida del
sistema transportador.

El modelo TA-TPS es un interruptor de límite resistente que normalmente se utiliza para ayudar a la
colocación del "activador" en un transportador con múltiples puntos de descarga o conductos de descarga.

Cada control consta de una carcasa de aluminio de alta resistencia con un rodillo acetal. El rodillo es
ajustable hasta a 90en ambas direcciones. Los puntos de accionamiento del microinterruptor se
ajustan desde 0 hasta 45 con un simple cambio de la(s) leva(s) de actuación. El modelo TA-TPS se
puede suministrar con una construcción para propósito general, a prueba de combustión del polvo y
a prueba de explosión. También hay disponibles carcasas recubiertas de epoxi.

La cantidad de controles de posición del activador modelo TA-TPS que se necesita variará según el
sistema transportador. Se puede utilizar una sola unidad o un par de unidades dependiendo de la
disposición del carro lanzadera.

El microinterruptor o los microinterruptores pueden cablearse para activar una señal de advertencia o
pueden estar conectados directamente al circuito del motor de arranque para detener un transportador.

La unidad de control debe montarse sobre un soporte para que el rodillo esté ubicado perpendicular
al mecanismo disparador y debe estar posicionado para interceptar el rodillo en su punto medio. La
pinza de rodillo puede aflojarse para girar el rodillo hacia la posición adecuada. El centro del rodillo
mide 5,94" (151 mm) de alto y el punto de intercepción tiene que estar en este punto o por encima.

El cableado debe cumplir o superar los requisitos del Código Eléctrico Nacional, así como de
cualquier otro organismo o autoridad que tenga jurisdicción sobre la instalación. Los accesorios para
conductos deben cumplir con las normas CSA y UL aplicables.


El modelo TA-TPS se envía con la(s) leva(s) del interruptor centrada(s) con el brazo del rodillo.
Durante la instalación, la leva del interruptor y el brazo del rodillo deben reposicionarse para
asegurar la actuación del interruptor en la posición deseada del rodillo.

1. Posición del Rodillo

Aflojar la pinza de rodillo y hacer girar el rodillo de modo que esté en la posición de reposo
preferida. Ajuste la pinza de rodillo.

2. Ajuste de la leva del interruptor

Desconecte la energía a la unidad del interruptor y retire la cubierta. Utilice la llave hexagonal de
3/32" suministrada para aflojar los tornillos #10-32 de la leva del interruptor.

I1030006(S) rev A © Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2012 1 DE 4

3. Las levas se pueden configurar para indicación no direccional, en la cual ambos
microinterruptores actúan en cualquier dirección del rodillo. Las dos levas del interruptor se
pueden posicionar de forma independiente como se desee (ver Fig. 1).
Opcionalmente, las levas se pueden fijar para indicación bi-direccional , donde un
microinterruptor se acciona con el movimiento del rodillo en una dirección y el segundo
microinterruptor actúa en la dirección opuesta (ver Fig. 2).

Fig.1: Levas configuradas para indicación no direccional. Figura 2: Levas configuradas para
indicación bi-direccional.

4. Gire el rodillo a la posición deseada para accionar el microinterruptor.

5. Ajuste las levas en la misma dirección que el rodillo para que se mueva hasta que se active el
microinterruptor. A continuación, ajuste el tornillo de fijación.

6. Gire el rodillo a la posición deseada para el segundo punto de activación, si es necesario. Ajuste
la segunda leva como en el paso 5.


1. Valores del interruptor individual de contacto:

Interruptores SP/DT: Interruptores DP/DT:
20 Amperios, 125/250/480 VCA 15 Amperios, 125/250 VCA
10 Amperios, 125 VCA inductivos N/A
1 hp, 125 VCA 3/4 hp, 125 VCA
2 hp, 250 VCA 1 1/2 hp, 250 VCA
½ Amp, 24 VCC N/A
½ Amp, 125 VCC N/A
¼ Amp, 250 VCC N/A
Nota: Hay disponibles a petición unidades especiales con contactos de microinterruptores
chapados en oro de 0,1 amperios a 125 VCA.

2. Apertura del conducto: ¾" NPT, cantidad: 1.

3. Brazo de accionamiento:
El rodillo es acetal con un eje de rodillo de acero inoxidable en un brazo de acero laminado en zinc.
El recorrido del brazo del rodillo es de 90 en ambas direcciones desde la vertical.

4. Hardware externo: acero inoxidable (eje del brazo de acero laminado en zinc).

5. Rango de temperatura de funcionamiento (modelos de ubicación común): -50C a 65C, -58F a 150F.

I1030006(S) rev A © Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2012 2 DE 4

6. Rango de temperatura ambiente (en los modelos de zonas peligrosas): 50C a 40C, -58F a 104F

7. Tipos de carcasas:
MODELOS TA-1-TPS, TA-2-TPS, TA-4-TPS, TA-5-TPS: Tipos 3S, 4, 4X, 5 y 12


Clase I, Grupos C y D; Clase II, Grupos E, F y G; Clase III Zonas peligrosas


3S, 4, 4X, 5 y 12; Clase II, Grupos E, F y G; Clase III Zonas peligrosas
3S, 4, 4X y 12, Clase II, Grupos E, F y G; Clase III Zonas peligrosas


Para conectar correctamente los microinterruptores del modelo TA-TPS, evite el contacto con las
palancas del microinterruptor y otras partes móviles en el interior de la carcasa.



Figura 2: 2 SP/DT - Esquema Interruptor Figura 3: 2 DP/DT - Esquema Interruptor




Figura 4: Identificación del terminal (SP/DT) Figura 5: Identificación del terminal (DP/DT)




I1030006(S) rev A © Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2012 3 DE 4


Figura 6: Dimensiones y montaje, se muestra el modelo TA-2-TPS

6.00 [152 mm]

1.38 [35 mm]

1.38 [35 mm]

Ø0.41 [Ø10 mm]


3.88 [98 mm]

Figura 7: Dimensiones y desplazamiento del rodillo

6.0 [152 mm]


7/16" [11 mm] TAMAÑO DE LLAVE

(9.1 [232 mm])

2.75 [70 mm]

1.63 [41 mm] (0.9 [22 mm])

6.75 [171 mm]

TRAYECTO DEL BRAZO DEL RODILLO Ø3.0 [Ø76 mm] (1.5 [38 mm]) 0.750 [19 mm]



(3.0 [76 mm])

3.50 [89 mm] 7.44 [189 mm]

(5.94 [151 mm]) MONTAJE DEL

0.75 [19 mm] 5.4 [138 mm]
2.44 [62 mm]

2.5 [64 mm]

6.75 [171 mm]

I1030006(S) rev A © Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2012 4 DE 4

130 Seltzer Road, PO Box 167  Croswell, MI 48422 USA
PHONE: (810) 679-4211  TOLL FREE (800) 233-3233  FAX: (810) 679-4510
Email: info@conveyorcomponents.com  http://www.conveyorcomponents.com

Before installing or adjusting, shut down and
physically lock-out the conveyor system.

When installing a Damaged Belt Detection system on your conveyor, the following should be considered:
 After wiring, replace cover and torque cover screws to 12 ft-lbs. min in order to maintain
environmental integrity of enclosure, openings are to be closed with UL Listed devices that possess same
environmental ratings.
 The force required to extract the ball end of the pull cable from a detector unit increases proportionally
with the distance from the detector. Therefore, the cable extending beyond the midpoint of the installed
cable span, and the anchoring point of the cable on the opposite side, is considered inactive for damage
detection purposes. Thus, a second unit is mounted opposite the first to effectively cover this inactive
section. (See Figure 1).
 A damaged portion of a belt may in certain instances be confined to the top surfaces of the belt. This
renders it undetectable by a system between belt surfaces. However, this damaged section will fall below
the surface on the belt’s return run. In order to detect this type of damage to a belt, a second detection
system can be installed below the return belt’s surface. This will provide even more reliable protection for
your belt systems.

 Detection units must be mounted high enough for the cables

to cover the entire active area under the belt. In other words, the
cables must follow the contour of the belt closely enough to detect
damaged sections of the belt both at the center and near the
edge. The cables should not exceed a maximum of 2” below the
belt (See Figure 1).

The Damaged Belt Detector operates using a spring-loaded ball

and socket connected to two plunger type micro switches. As an
object hanging below the belt sweeps away the cable, it pulls the
ball connector from its socket (only 4 lbs. of force required; 8 and
16 lb models available; See figure 2). When this happens, a
spring-loaded shaft is released causing the plungers of the two
micro switches to ride down cam surfaces machined on the shaft. FIGURE 1: Close-up of boot, ball
This de-actuates the switches causing them to sound an alarm, and socket connector system.
turn on a warning light, or shut down the system. To reactivate the
detectors, all that’s required is to snap the ball connector and
cable back into its socket and slide boot back over the retainer

I0340001revF.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2011 1 of 4

FIGURE 2: Cross-section of conveyor belt showing installation of
units and cable.

Standard Construction: Suitable for inside & outside applications as covered by Type 4 dust and rain
tight and Type 4X corrosion resistance construction.

Model DB-100: C-UL-US Listed; Two (2) SP/DT microswitches (See Figure 3)
Model DB-500: C-UL-US Listed; Two (2) DP/DT microswitches (See Figure 4)

Dust-Ignition Proof Construction: For inside and outside applications requiring Types 4 and 4X, along
with Type 9: Class II, Groups E, F and G; Class III Hazardous Locations.

Model DBD-100: C-UL-US Listed; Two (2) SP/DT microswitches (See Figure 3)
Model DBD-500: C-UL-US Listed; Two (2) DP/DT microswitches (See Figure 4)

Explosion Proof Construction: For inside applications requiring Types 7 and 9: Class I, Groups C and
D; Class II, Groups E, F and G; Class III Hazardous Locations.

Model DBX-100: C-UL-US Listed; Two (2) SP/DT microswitches (See Figure 3)
Model DBX-500: C-UL-US Listed; Two (2) DP/DT microswitches (See Figure 4)

Housing: Aluminum (Standard).

Conduit Opening: Two (2) 1” NPT conduit openings: must be sealed to meet enclosure types.
External Hardware: Stainless steel.
Contacts: Microswitches may be wired for single throw operation, either normally open or normally closed
as required.
SP/DT microswitch Rated 20 Amp at 125, 250 or 480 VAC; 1 HP, 125 VAC; 2 HP, 250 VAC.
DP/DT microswitch rated 15 Amp at 125 or 250 VAC; 3/4 HP, 125 VAC; 1 1/2 HP, 250 VAC.

Figure 3: SP/DT Terminals Figure 4: DP/DT Terminals

Figure 5: Mounting Dimensions

I0340001revF.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2011 2 of 4

Figure 6: Electrical Contacts

Wiring for DP/DT Models DB-500, DBD-500 and DBX-500:

1. BEFORE beginning, lock out all power to the conveyor system to prevent accidental start-up.
2. Remove covert by removing hex-head cap-screws and lockwashers.
3. While holding spring retainer assembly, remove 2 switch bracket screws (see Figure 7).
4. Hold spring retainer in place. Remove switch bracket assembly.
5. Replace 1 screw to hold spring retainer in place (see Figures 8 & 9). Spring retainer may be
temporarily removed to access 2 ground screws below.
6. Remove flag connectors and crimp onto wires (see figure 10).
7. Replace wired flag connectors to appropriate terminals on switches.
8. Replace switch assembly onto spring retainer bracket with 2 machine screws and washers (see
Figure 7).
9. Replace cover and hex-head cap-screws and lockwashers, and torque screws to 12 ft-lbs.

Figure 7: Use hand to hold spring retainer

while removing screws. Do not remove shaft
spring and washers.


I0340001revF.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2011 3 of 4

Figure 8: While holding spring retainer,
replace screw to hold retainer in place. The
spring retainer may be removed for access
to the ground screws.

Figure 9: Note the location of shaft spring,

washers (do not remove) and 2 ground
screws (spring retainer removed for clarity).

Figure 10: Switch assembly, spring retainer,

spring with washers and machine screws
with washers.

I0340001revF.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2011 4 of 4

130 Seltzer Road, PO Box 167  Croswell, MI 48422 Estados Unidos
TELÉFONO: (810) 679-4211  LÍNEA GRATUITA (800) 233-3233  FAX: (810) 679-4510
® Correo electrónico: info@conveyorcomponents.com  http://www.conveyorcomponents.com

Antes de instalar o ajustar, cierre y bloquee
físicamente el sistema del transportador.

Al instalar un sistema de detección de daños de la cinta en el transportador,
debe tenerse en consideración lo siguiente:
 Después de realizar el cableado, coloque de nuevo la cubierta y aplíquele un par de apriete a sus
tornillos de hasta 12 libras-pie (166 kg-cm) como mínimo para mantener la integridad de la carcasa ante
las condiciones ambientales, las aberturas hay que cerrarlas con dispositivos clasificados por UL que
tengan las mismas clasificaciones ambientales.
 La fuerza requerida para extraer de una unidad detectora el extremo con la esfera del cable de tiro se
incrementa proporcionalmente con la distancia desde el detector. Por lo tanto, el cable que se extiende
más allá del punto medio del tramo de cable instalado y el punto de anclaje del cable en el lado opuesto,
se consideran inactivos para los propósitos de detección de daños. Así, se monta una segunda unidad en
oposición a la primera para cubrir con efectividad esta sección inactiva. (Consulte la Figura 1).
 Una porción dañada de una cinta puede, bajo ciertas circunstancias, quedar confinada a las
superficies superiores de la misma. Esto la hace indetectable por un sistema entre las superficies de la
cinta. Sin embargo, esta sección dañada caerá debajo de la superficie en el recorrido de retorno de la
cinta. Para detectar este tipo de daños de una cinta, se puede instalar un segundo sistema de detección
debajo de la superficie de retorno de la cinta. Esto proporcionará una protección aún más confiable para
sus sistemas de cintas.

 Las unidades detectoras deben montarse a una altura

suficiente para que los cables cubran toda el área activa bajo la
cinta. En otras palabras, los cables deben seguir el contorno de la
cinta con la suficiente fidelidad como para detectar las secciones
dañadas de la cinta, tanto en el centro como cerca del borde. Los
cables no deben exceder un máximo de 2" [51 mm] por debajo de
la cinta (consulte la Figura 1).

El detector de daños en la cinta funciona utilizando un

receptáculo y esfera cargados por resorte conectados a dos
microinterruptores del tipo de émbolo. Como un objeto que cuelga
debajo, la cinta arrastra el cable, tira del conector de la esfera
alejándolo de su receptáculo (sólo se requieren 4 libras [2 kg] de
fuerza; hay disponibles modelos de 8 libras [4 kg] y de FIGURA 2: Acercamiento a un
16 libras [7 kg]; consulte la figura 2). Cuando esto ocurre, se sistema de recubrimiento, esfera y
libera un eje cargado con un resorte lo que provoca que los conector de receptáculo.
émbolos de los dos microinterruptores sigan las superficies de
leva maquinadas sobre el eje. Esto hace actuar los
microinterruptores para que hagan sonar una alarma, enciendan una luz de advertencia o apaguen el

I0340001revF(SP).DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2011 1 de 5

sistema. Para reactivar los detectores, todo lo que se requiere es introducir de nuevo a presión el
conector de esfera y el cable en su receptáculo y deslizar de nuevo el recubrimiento sobre el alojamiento
del retenedor.

FIGURA 1: Sección transversal de la cinta del transportador que

muestra la instalación de las unidades y del cable.

Construcción estándar: Adecuado para aplicaciones en interiores y exteriores según lo cubierto por la
construcción del Tipo 4 impermeables al polvo y a la lluvia y del NEMA Tipo 4X de construcción resistente
a la corrosión.

Modelo DB-100: Certificado por C-UL-US; dos (2) microinterruptores SP/DT, construcción tipos 4 y 4X
(consulte la Figura 3).
Modelo DB-500: Certificado por C-UL-US; dos (2) microinterruptores SP/DT, construcción tipos 4 y 4X.

Construcción a prueba de polvo e ignición: Para aplicaciones interiores y exteriores que requieran
Tipos 4 y 4X, junto con Clase II, Grupos E, F y G, Clase III Ubicaciones peligrosas

Modelo DBD-100: Certificado por C-UL-US; dos (2) microinterruptores SP/DT, construcción tipos 4 y 4X
(consulte la Figura 3).
Modelo DBD-500: Certificado por C-UL-US; dos (2) microinterruptores DP/DT, construcción tipos 4 y 4X.

Construcción a prueba de explosiones: Para aplicaciones en interiores que requieran la construcción a

prueba de explosiones Tipos 7/9.

Modelo DBX-100: Certificado por C-UL-US; dos (2) microinterruptores SP/DT, construcción tipos 7/9.
Modelo DBX-500: Certificado por C-UL-US; dos (2) microinterruptores DP/DT, construcción tipos 7/9.

Carcasa: Aluminio (estándar).

Apertura del conducto: Dos (2) aperturas para conductos de 1" [25 mm] NPT: deben estar sellados
para cumplir con los tipos de carcasas.
Accesorios externos: Acero inoxidable.
Microinterruptores: Los interruptores pueden cablearse para la operación desde un único lugar,
normalmente abiertos o normalmente cerrados según sea necesario.
Microinterruptor SP/DT con características nominales de 20 amperios a 125, 250 ó 480 VCA; 1 HP, 125
VCA; 2 HP, 250 VCA.
Interruptor DP/DT con características nominales de 15 amperios a 125 ó 250 VCA; 3/4 HP, 125 VCA; 1
1/2 HP, 250 VCA.

I0340001revF(SP).DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2011 2 de 5

Figura 3: Terminales del interruptor SP/DT Figura 4: Terminales DP/DT


Figura 6: Dimensiones de montaje AGUJERO DE

13/32 [10 mm]

Figura 7: Contactos eléctricos








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Cableado para DP/DT Modelos DB-500, DBD-500 y DBX-500:
1. ANTES de comenzar, bloquee toda alimentación al sistema transportador para evitar arranques
2. Retire la cubierta quitando los tornillos de cabeza hexagonal y las arandelas de presión.
3. Mientras sostiene el conjunto del resorte de retención, retire los 2 tornillos del soporte del interruptor
(consulte la Figura 8).
4. Mantenga en su lugar el retenedor de resorte. Retire el conjunto del soporte del interruptor.
5. Coloque de nuevo 1 tornillo para mantener en su lugar el retenedor de resorte (consulte la Figura 9).
El retenedor de resorte puede retirarse temporalmente para tener acceso a los 2 tornillos de fijación
que están debajo.
6. Retire los conectores tipo bandera y prénselos en los conductores.
7. Coloque de nuevo los conectores tipo bandera en los terminales apropiados de los interruptores
(consulte la Figura 11).
8. Coloque de nuevo el conjunto del interruptor en el soporte del retenedor de resorte con dos tornillos
de máquina y arandelas (consulte la Figura 8).
9. Coloque de nuevo la cubierta y los tornillos de cabeza hexagonal con sus arandelas de presión,
aplique un par de apriete a los tornillos de 12 libras-pie.

Figura 8: Use la mano para sostener el

retenedor de resorte mientras quita los
tornillos. No retire el resorte del eje ni las


Figura 9: Mientras sostiene el retenedor de

resorte, coloque de nuevo el tornillo para
mantener el retenedor en su lugar. El
retenedor de resorte puede quitarse para
tener acceso a los tornillos de fijación.

I0340001revF(SP).DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2011 4 de 5

Figura 10: Fíjese en la ubicación del resorte
del eje, de las arandelas (no las quite) y de
los 2 tornillos de fijación (se retiró el
retenedor de resorte para mayor claridad).

Figura 11: Conjunto del interruptor,

retenedor de resorte, resorte con arandelas
y tornillos de máquina con arandelas.

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130 Seltzer Road, PO Box 167  Croswell, MI 48422 USA
PHONE: (810) 679-4211  TOLL FREE (800) 233-3233  FAX: (810) 679-4510
® Email: info@conveyorcomponents.com  http://www.conveyorcomponents.com


RMS-1G; RMS-2G; RMS-3G RMS-1; RMS-2; RMS-3

1/10 HP, 120 VAC; 1/10 HP, 240 VAC

L1 L2 C1 NC1 NO1 NO2 NC2 C2 N P

Figure 1: Introduction

A. Introduction
1. Usage 2
2. How it operates 2

B. Specifications
1. Sensor 2
2. Control 3

C. Installation
1. Location and mounting 3
2. Wiring 4
3. Signal set point 4
4. Time delay setting 5

D. Trouble shooting
1. Problems and solutions 6
2. Factory assistance 7

E. Warranty and parts

1. Warranty 7
2. Electronics replacement 7

I0050001revG.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2012 Page 1 of 6


1. Usage
The model RMS-G is a compact motion sensing control with a NEMA Type 4X enclosure. It will
produce an output relay closure at a predetermined speed which may be either over speed, under
speed, or zero speed. A compact enclosure combined with solid state electronics, makes this one of
the most advanced motion detectors available. The model RMS-G protects all valuable rotating
equipment including belt conveyors, bucket elevators, rotary feeders, or screw conveyors. It uses a
remote mounted inductive sensor to monitor rotation speed in harsh environments.

2. How it operates
The model RMS-G senses motion by means of pulses received from a remote inductive sensor. The
sensor generates measurable pulses by a metal target, which rotates past it. These pulses are
converted to a digital electronic signal. Solid state circuitry then analyzes the digital signal and
activates or de-activates the output relay at the pre-set speed.

Field adjustment of the signal set point is easily accomplished by means of an adjustment screw on
the electronics. For under speed sensing, the signal point is set below the normal operating speed of
the unit. The output relay will then de-energize if the speed drops below the signal point. For over
speed sensing, the pick-up point is set above the normal operating speed. The output relay will
energize if the speed exceeds the pick up point. Zero speed sensing can be accomplished by turning
the adjustment screw to its minimum setting. The output relay will then de-energize when the shaft
speed of the unit approaches zero.


Table 1: Motion Sensor Specifications

Part number RMS-8S RMS-12S RMS-18S RMS-30S
Sensor type 2 wire DC 2 wire DC 2 wire DC 2 wire DC
Body diameter 8mm (0.31 in) 12mm (0.47 in) 18mm (0.71 in) 30mm (1.18 in)
Body length 50mm (1.96 in) 71mm (2.80 in) 80mm (3.15 in) 81mm (3.19 in)
Thread size M8 M12 M18 M30
Cable length 2m (6.6 ft) 2m (6.6 ft) 2m (6.6 ft) 2m (6.6 ft)
Sensing range 1.0mm (0.04) 2.0mm (0.08) 5.0mm (0.20) 10mm (0.30)
Maximum pulse rate 2 KHz 1.5 KHz 1.0 KHz 0.6 KHz
Maximum voltage 30 VDC 30 VDC 30 VDC 30 VDC
Maximum current 100 MA 100 MA 100 MA 100 MA

I0050001revG.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2012 Page 2 of 6

Table 2: RMS-G Control Unit Specifications
Model Input Features
RMS-1G 105-135 VAC, 50/60 Hz Electronics and NEMA Type 4X Enclosure
RMS-2G 210-250 VAC, 50/60 Hz Electronics and NEMA Type 4X Enclosure
RMS-3G 24 AC/DC Electronics and NEMA Type 4X Enclosure
Output DPDT relay to 5 Amp. Resistive at 120 volts A.C.
DPDT relay to 5 Amp. Resistive at 240 volts A.C.
DPDT relay to 5 Amp. Resistive at 30 volts D.C.
1/10 Horse Power at 120 volts A.C.
1/10 Horse Power at 240 volts A.C.
Operating Temperature Range -50 deg. F to +150 deg. F
Repeatability +2% maximum at constant voltage and temperature
Power consumption 3 Watts
Pick up point 3 Input Ranges at which relay will energize
LOW 2 to 120 PPM
MEDIUM 20 to 1200 PPM
HIGH 200 to 12000 PPM
Signal point Speed at which relay will de-energize. Recommended to be 15-
20% lower than pick up point. This will eliminate nuisance
Start up delay Adjustable up to 45 seconds
Enclosure Plastic (Halogen-free Polycarbonate)
Weight 1 lb.
Size: RMS-1G, RMS-2G, RMS-3G 2.95” high x 4.92” wide x 4.92” long [75 x 125 x 125 mm]


1. Location and mounting (See Figure 3 for examples.)

The model RMS-G is equipped with a NEMA Type 4X enclosure, and can be mounted using screws
through the corner holes of the enclosure.
For normal sensor installations, use 1/4" diameter machine bolts with lock washers through the two
mounting holes in the base of the mounting bracket. (Mounting bolts and lock washers are not
furnished with the switch.) The sensor should be mounted at a right angle to the object to be sensed
at a distance as indicated in Table 1.

2. Wiring
Wire input power from source to terminals L1 and L2. The output of the model RMS-G is a DP/DT
relay. There are two sets of output contacts. Each set includes normally open, normally closed, and
common. As a result, the unit can be used to control two separate circuits such as a motor starter and
a signal light.

I0050001revG.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2012 Page 3 of 6

Figure 2: Wiring Layout Models RMS-1G, RMS-2G, RMS-3G. These models are supplied with a time
delay / set point adjusting tool.





C1 NC1 NO1 NO2 NC2 C2





3. Signal set point

1. Select the speed range required by changing the switch to LOW for 2 to 120 PPM (pulses per
minute), MEDIUM for 20 to 1200 PPM, and HIGH for 200 to 12000 PPM.

2. Turn the set point potentiometer to the counterclockwise stop. With signal present from the
sensor and at normal operating speed, the yellow pulse indicator L.E.D. should blink. The green
relay indicator L.E.D. should turn on indicating that the output relay is energized.

3. Slowly turn the set point adjustment screw clockwise until the output relay de-energizes (a "click"
will occur at this point). The green L.E.D. will turn off.

4. Back up until the output relay energizes. Thus, when speed drops below the set point, the green
L.E.D. should turn off indicating that the output relay is de-energized.

5. If the normal operating speed exceeds 120 PPM for the LOW or 1200 PPM for the MEDIUM or
12000 PPM for the HIGH, the unit should be adjusted as follows. Turn the set point adjustment
screw clockwise until it reaches the stop. When the speed drops below 120 PPM for the LOW or
1200 PPM for the MEDIUM or 12000 PPM for the HIGH, the relay will energize.

I0050001revG.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2012 Page 4 of 6

6. Note: Typically, the motor contactor is wired in series with one of the N.O. output contacts; and an
alarm is wired with one of the N.C. output contacts.


1. Select the speed range required by changing the switch to LOW for 2 to 120 PPM, MEDIUM for
20 to 1200 PPM, and HIGH for 200 to 12000 PPM.

2. Turn the set point potentiometer to the counterclockwise stop. With motion present on the input
shaft and at normal operating rpm, the yellow pulse indicator L.E.D. should blink. The green relay
indicator L.E.D. should turn on indicating that the output relay is energized.

3. Slowly turn the set point adjustment screw clockwise until the output relay de-energizes and the
green L.E.D. turns off. (A "click" will occur at this point). With the potentiometer on that setting, if
the speed increases the output relay will energize.

4. Note: Typically, the motor contactor is wired in series with one of the N.O. output contacts; and an
alarm is wired with one of the N.C. output contacts.


1. Select the HIGHEST speed range by changing the switch to HIGH for 20 to 12000 PPM.

2. Turn the set point potentiometer slightly under the current running speed, as indicated by the
green LED turning on, and then adjust the potentiometer slightly under this setting. If the speed
drops below this set point, the output relay will de-energize.

3. Typically, the motor contact is wired in series with one of the N.O. output contacts, and an alarm is
wired with one of the N.C. output contacts. NOTE: very slow speeds will cause a mechanical
delay in the sensor operation, resulting in a longer time lapse before response.

4. Time delay setting

The model RMS-G motion sensing control has a start up delay that is adjustable up to 45 seconds.
This setting should be set, depending on the application and the length of time it takes for the
conveyor to reach its normal operating speed. This time delay takes effect upon power-up of the
model RMS-G after shutdown. AC power to the model RMS-G must be interrupted for timer to be
reset. This delay only affects start up, avoiding nuisance start up alarms.

Figure 3: Sensor Mounting Examples.

I0050001revG.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2012 Page 5 of 6


1. Problems and Solutions

Table 3
Problem: Solution:
No pulses from yellow pulse indicator Check power supply and voltage.
LED. Make sure there is a signal from the sensor.
Check to see if the LED in the sensor is blinking.
Relay is not energized or de-energized Check power supply and voltage.
when expected. (i.e. green relay Make sure there is a signal from the sensor.
indicator LED not on or off when Check for proper set point.
expected) Check for proper speed setting. (Low, Medium, or High)
Alarm sounds when equipment is Start-up delay setting may be too short: increase if needed.
started. Check for proper connections between alarm and relay.
AC power to the RMS-G must be interrupted for alarm to reset.
Alarm does not sound when expected. Check power supply.
Check for proper connections between alarm and relay.
Equipment is not shut off when Check power supply.
expected. Check for proper connections between control circuit and relay.
Green LED changes state yet relay contacts Relay contacts damaged or closed: replace electronics board.
do not transfer.
Relay takes a long time to change state at NOTE: Very slow speed mechanically delays sensor operation,
very low speeds, especially when used as a resulting in a longer response to changes.
zero speed switch.
Use a higher speed range if possible.

Increase target disc rotational speed with belt or chain drive.

Use a multiplier sprocket to increase target disc RPM.

Use highest range that includes alarm speed needed.

Adjust time delay potentiometer slightly clockwise. Do not set the

time delay pot completely CCW.

Consult factory.

2. Factory assistance
If assistance is needed to locate difficulties with a unit, or you would like information about alternate
control devices, please call the factory at 1-800-233-3233.

To help solve a problem quickly, please have as much of the following information as possible when
you make your call:
*Model number *Date purchased
*Brief application information *Brief description of the problem




1. Warranty
Refer to Manufacture's General Terms and Conditions of Sale for warranty information.

2. Electronics Replacement
Please contact our sales department for replacement parts and availability.
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130 Seltzer Road, PO Box 167 Croswell, MI 48422 EE.UU.
TELÉFONO: (810) 679-4211 GRATUITO (800) 233-3233 FAX: (810) 679-4510
® Correo electrónico: info@conveyorcomponents.com 


Punto de ajuste: aumenta Retraso del Indicador del pulso
en sentido horario tiempo:
Rango de velocidad: aumenta en Indicador del
bajo - alto - medio sentido horario relé
RMS-1G; RMS-2G; RMS-3G RMS-1; RMS-2; RMS-3

1/10 HP, 120 VAC; 1/10 HP, 240 VAC

L1 L2 C1 NC1 NO1 NO2 NC2 C2 N P

Figura 1: Introducción

A. Introducción
1. Uso 2
2. Cómo funciona 2

B. Especificaciones
1. Sensor 2
2. Control 3

C. Instalación
1. Ubicación y montaje 3
2. Cableado 4
3. Señal de punto de ajuste 4
4. Ajuste de tiempo de retardo 5

D. Resolución de problemas
1. Problemas y soluciones 6
2. Asistencia en fábrica 7

E. Garantía y piezas
1. Garantía 7
2. Recambios electrónicos 7

I0050001revG.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2012 Página 1 de 7


1. Uso
El modelo RMS-G es un control compacto de sensor de movimiento con una carcasa NEMA de tipo
4X. Producirá un cierre de relé de salida a una velocidad predeterminada, que puede ser de más
velocidad, menos velocidad o de velocidad cero. Su carcasa compacta combinada con un sistema
electrónico de estado sólido lo convierten en uno de los detectores de movimiento más avanzados
disponibles. El modelo RMS-G protege todo el valioso equipo rotativo, incluyendo cintas
transportadoras, elevadores de materiales, alimentadores rotativos o transportadores sin fin. Utiliza
un sensor inductivo montado a distancia para controlar la velocidad de rotación en ambientes

2. Cómo funciona
El modelo RMS-G detecta movimiento por medio de impulsos que recibe de un sensor remoto
inductivo. El sensor genera impulsos mensurables por un blanco de metal, que gira más allá. Estos
impulsos se convierten en una señal electrónica digital. Luego, los circuitos de estado sólido analizan
la señal digital y activan o desactivan el relé de salida a la velocidad preestablecida.

El ajuste de la señal de puntos se logra fácilmente por medio de un tornillo de ajuste en el sistema
electrónico. Para la detección de velocidad baja, el punto de la señal se fija por debajo de la
velocidad normal de funcionamiento de la unidad. El relé de salida se desactivará si la velocidad cae
por debajo del punto de señal. Para la detección de velocidad alta, el punto de la señal se fija por
encima de la velocidad normal de funcionamiento de la unidad. El relé de salida se activará si la
velocidad excede el punto de recogida. Girando el tornillo de ajuste a su ajuste mínimo se logrará la
detección de velocidad cero. Entonces, el relé de salida se desactivará cuando la velocidad del eje
de la unidad sea cero.


Tabla 1: Especificaciones del sensor de movimiento

Pieza número RMS-8S RMS-12S RMS-18S RMS-30S
Tipo de Sensor CC 2 cables CC 2 cables CC 2 cables CC 2 cables
Diámetro del cuerpo 8 mm (0,31 12 mm (0,47 18 mm (0,71 30 mm (1,18
pulgadas) pulgadas) pulgadas) pulgadas)
Longitud del cuerpo 50 mm (1,96 71 mm (2,80 80 mm (3,15 81 mm (3,19
pulgadas) pulgadas) pulgadas) pulgadas)
Tamaño de la rosca M8 M12 M18 M30
Longitud del cable 2 m (6,6 pies) 2 m (6,6 pies) 2 m (6,6 pies) 2 m (6,6 pies)
Alcance del sensor 1,0 mm (0,04) 2,0 mm (0,08) 5,0 mm (0,20) 10 mm (0,30)
Frecuencia máxima 2 KHz 1,5 KHz 1,0 KHz 0,6 KHz
de pulso
Voltaje máximo 30 VDC 30 VDC 30 VDC 30 VDC
Corriente máxima 100 MA 100 MA 100 MA 100 MA

I0050001revG.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2012 Página 2 de 7

Tabla 2: Especificaciones de la unidad de control RMS-G
Modelo Entrada Características
RMS-1G 105-135 VCA, 50/60 Hz Sistema electrónico y carcasa NEMA de tipo 4X
RMS-2G 210-250 VCA, 50/60 Hz Sistema electrónico y carcasa NEMA de tipo 4X
RMS-3G 24 CA/CC Sistema electrónico y carcasa NEMA de tipo 4X
Salida Relé DPDT a 5 amp. Resistiva a 120 voltios CA
Relé DPDT a 5 amp. Resistiva a 240 voltios CA
Relé DPDT a 5 amp. Resistiva a 30 voltios CC
1/10 caballos de fuerza a 120 voltios CA
1/10 caballos de fuerza a 240 voltios CA
Rango de la temperatura de -50 grados F a +150 grados F
Repetibilidad Máximo +2% a voltaje y temperatura constantes
Consumo de energía 3 vatios
Punto de recogida 3 rangos de entrada en el relé que se activa
BAJO 2 a 120 PPM
MEDIO 20 a 1200 PPM
ALTO 200 a 12000 PPM
Punto de señal Velocidad a la cual se desactiva el relé. Recomendamos que
sea 15-20% menor que el punto de recogida. Esto eliminará
problemas de apagado.
Retardo de la puesta en marcha Ajustable hasta 45 segundos
Carcasa Plástico (policarbonato libre de halógenos)
Peso 1 libra (0,45 Kg)
Tamaño: RMS-1G, RMS-2G, RMS-3G 2,95" de alto x 4,92" de ancho x 4,92" de largo [75 x 125 x 125 mm]


1. Ubicación y montaje (ver Figura 3 para ejemplos).

El modelo RMS-G está equipado con una carcasa NEMA de tipo 4X y se puede montar con tornillos
a través de los agujeros en las esquinas de la carcasa.
Para instalaciones de sensores normales, use tornillos de 1/4" de diámetro con arandelas de fijación
a través de los dos agujeros de montaje en la base del soporte de montaje. (Los tornillos de montaje
y arandelas de fijación no se proporcionan con el interruptor.) El sensor debe montarse en ángulo
recto con el objeto a detectar a la distancia como se indica en la Tabla 1.

2. Cableado
Cablear la alimentación de entrada desde la fuente a los terminales L1 y L2. La salida del modelo
RMS-G es un relé DP/DT. Hay dos conjuntos de contactos de salida. Cada juego incluye
normalmente abierto, normalmente cerrado y común. Como resultado, la unidad puede utilizarse
para controlar dos circuitos separados, tales como un motor de arranque y una señal de luz.

I0050001revG.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2012 Página 3 de 7

Figura 2: Modelos de diseño de cableado RMS-1G, RMS-2G, RMS-3G. Estos modelos se
suministran con una herramienta para ajustar tiempo de retardo/punto de ajuste.

del relé

del pulso
sensor: blanco

retraso del
sensor: negroBLACK

tiempo: aumenta

C1 NC1 NO1 NO2 NC2 C2

2 común
en sentido
horario NORMALLY
2 normalmente CLOSED
cerrado 2
2 normalmente abierto
punto de ajuste:
1 normalmente abierto
aumenta en
sentido horario NORMALLY
1 normalmente CLOSED
cerrado 1
1 común 1
medio- POWER

rango de HIGH

velocidad LOW


3. Señal de punto de ajuste

1. Seleccione el rango de velocidad requerido cambiando el interruptor a BAJO para 2 a 120 PPM
(pulsos por minuto), MEDIO para 20 a 1200 ppm y ALTO para 200 a 12000 ppm.

2. Gire el potenciómetro del punto de ajuste hasta el tope en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj.
Con señal del sensor presente y a la velocidad normal de funcionamiento, el indicador de pulso
LED amarillo debe parpadear. El relé indicador de LED verde debe encenderse indicando que el
relé de salida tiene energía.

3. Gire lentamente el tornillo de ajuste del punto de ajuste en sentido horario hasta desactivar el
relé de salida (en este momento oirá un "clic"). El LED verde se apagará.

4. Retroceda hasta que el relé de salida se active. Por lo tanto, cuando la velocidad caiga por debajo del
punto de ajuste, el LED verde se deberá apagar, indicando que el relé de salida está desactivado.

5. Si la velocidad de funcionamiento normal supera los 120 PPM para BAJO, los 1200 PPM para
MEDIO o los 12000 PPM para ALTO, la unidad debe ajustarse de la siguiente manera. Gire el
tornillo de ajuste del punto de ajuste en sentido horario hasta que alcance el tope. Cuando la
velocidad caiga por debajo de los 120 PPM para BAJO, los 1200 PPM para MEDIO o los 12000
PPM para ALTO, se activará el relé.

I0050001revG.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2012 Página 4 de 7

6. Nota: Normalmente, el contacto del motor está conectado en serie con uno de los contactos de
salida N.O. y hay una alarma conectada con uno de los contactos de salida N.C.


1. Seleccione el rango de velocidad requerido cambiando el interruptor a BAJO para 2 a 120 PPM,
MEDIO para 20 a 1200 ppm y ALTO para 200 a 12000 ppm.

2. Gire el potenciómetro del punto de ajuste hasta el tope en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj.
Con movimiento presente en el eje de entrada y un número de revoluciones de funcionamiento
normal, el indicador de pulso LED amarillo debe parpadear. El relé indicador de LED verde debe
encenderse indicando que el relé de salida tiene energía.

3. Gire lentamente el tornillo de ajuste del punto de ajuste en sentido horario hasta desactivar el
relé de salida y apagar el LED verde. (En este momento oirá un "clic"). Con el potenciómetro
configurado de este modo, si la velocidad aumenta el relé de salida se activará.

4. Nota: Normalmente, el contacto del motor está conectado en serie con uno de los contactos de
salida N.O. y hay una alarma conectada con uno de los contactos de salida N.C.


1. Seleccione el MAYOR rango de velocidad cambiando el interruptor a ALTO para 20 a 12000 PPM.

2. Gire el potenciómetro de punto de ajuste ligeramente por debajo de la velocidad actual, como
indica el LED verde encendido, y luego ajuste el potenciómetro ligeramente por debajo de este
valor. Si la velocidad cae por debajo de este punto de ajuste, el relé de salida se desactivará.

3. Normalmente, el contacto del motor está conectado en serie con uno de los contactos de salida
N.O. y hay una alarma conectada con uno de los contactos de salida N.C. NOTA: si la velocidad
es muy lenta, causará un retraso mecánico en el funcionamiento del sensor, lo cual provocará un
mayor lapso de tiempo antes de la respuesta.

4. Ajuste de tiempo de retardo

El control de sensor de movimiento modelo RMS-G tiene un retraso de encendido que se puede ajustar
hasta 45 segundos. Este ajuste se debe configurar dependiendo de la aplicación y de la cantidad de
tiempo que tarda la cinta transportadora para alcanzar su velocidad normal de funcionamiento. Este
retraso de tiempo sucede cuando se enciende el modelo RMS-G después de estar apagado. La
alimentación de CA al modelo RMS-G debe interrumpirse para restablecer el temporizador. Este retraso
afecta solo el encendido, evitando la molestia de que se activen las alarmas.

Figura 3: Ejemplos de montaje del sensor.

I0050001revG.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2012 Página 5 de 7


1. Problemas y soluciones
Tabla 3
Problema: Solución:
No hay impulsos del indicador LED Verifique el suministro de energía y el voltaje.
amarillo. Asegúrese de que haya una señal del sensor.
Compruebe si el LED del sensor parpadea.
El relé no está activado o desactivado Verifique el suministro de energía y el voltaje.
cuando debería estarlo. (por ejemplo, el Asegúrese de que haya una señal del sensor.
indicador de relé LED verde no se Compruebe si el punto de ajuste es el adecuado.
activa o desactiva cuando debería Compruebe si el ajuste de la velocidad es el adecuado.
hacerlo) (Bajo, Medio o Alto)
La alarma suena cuando se enciende el El tiempo de retardo puede que sea demasiado breve: auméntelo si
equipo. es necesario.
Compruebe si las conexiones entre la alarma y el relé son las
La alimentación de CA en el modelo RMS-G debe
interrumpirse para reiniciar la alarma.
La alarma no suena cuando debería Verifique el suministro de energía.
hacerlo. Compruebe si las conexiones entre la alarma y el relé son las
El equipo no se apaga cuando se Verifique el suministro de energía.
debería hacerlo. Compruebe si las conexiones entre el circuito y el relé son las
La luz LED verde cambia de estado aún Los contactos de relé están dañados o cerrados: reemplace la placa
cuando los contactos de relé no transfieren. del sistema electrónico.
El relé tarda mucho tiempo en cambiar de NOTA: Una velocidad muy lenta retrasa mecánicamente el
estado a velocidades muy bajas, funcionamiento del sensor, lo que resulta en una respuesta más
especialmente cuando se utiliza como larga a los cambios.
interruptor de velocidad cero.
Utilice un rango más alto de velocidad si es posible.

Aumente la velocidad de rotación del disco blanco con la correa o

cadena de transmisión.

Utilice un piñón multiplicador para aumentar las RPM de los discos


Utilice un rango más alto que incluya la velocidad necesaria para la


Ajuste el potenciómetro de tiempo de retardo ligeramente en sentido

horario. No gire el tiempo de retardo completamente en sentido
contrario a las agujas del reloj.

Consulte a la fábrica.

2. Asistencia en fábrica
Si necesita ayuda para localizar problemas en una unidad o si desea información acerca de los
dispositivos alternativos de control, llame a la fábrica al 1-800-233-3233.

Para poder resolver el problema rápidamente, tenga mano esta información en el momento de
realizar la llamada:
* Número del modelo * Fecha de compra
* Breve información de la aplicación * Breve descripción del problema

I0050001revG.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2012 Página 6 de 7



1. Garantía
Consulte los Términos y Condiciones Generales de Venta del fabricante para obtener información
sobre la garantía.

2. Recambios del sistema electrónico

Póngase en contacto con nuestro departamento de ventas para obtener repuestos y conocer la

I0050001revG.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components, Co. 2012 Página 7 de 7

130 Seltzer Road, PO Box 167 • Croswell, MI 48422 USA
PHONE: (810) 679-4211 • TOLL FREE (800) 233-3233 • FAX: (810) 679-4510
Email: info@conveyorcomponents.com • http://www.conveyorcomponents.com


Before installing or adjusting, shut down and physically lock-out the
conveyor system.


Raintight units (standard):

Enclosure type 1, 3, 3R, 4 and 4X dust-tight and rain-tight construction with corrosion resistance.
Gasket sealed for indoor/outdoor applications.
Aluminum housing with 3 conduit openings in base casting.

Dual Rated Units:

Enclosure type 1, 3, 3R, 4 and 4X dust-tight and rain-tight construction, also for use in Class II, Groups
E, F & G and Class III Hazardous Locations.
Aluminum housing with 1 conduit opening in base casting.

Explosion Proof units:

Enclosure for use in Class I, Groups C & D; and Class II, Groups E, F & G, and Class III Hazardous
Aluminum housing with 1 conduit opening in base casting.
Ambient Temperature Range (hazardous locations units): -50°C to 40°; -58°F to 104°

Electrical Ratings:
Figure 1: Contacts
SPDT switches: DPDT switches:
20 Amps, 125/250/480 VAC 15 Amps, 125/250 VAC
10 Amps, 125 VAC Inductive N/A
1 hp, 125 VAC 3/4 hp, 125 VAC
2 hp, 250 VAC 1 1/2 hp, 250 VAC
½ Amp, 24 VDC N/A
½ Amp, 125 VDC N/A
¼ Amp, 250 VDC N/A
Note: Special units with gold plated micro-switch
contacts rated 0.1 Amps at 125 VAC.
Micro-switch(es) may be wired for single
throw operation, either normally open or normally
closed as required. See figure 1.

Figure 2: Electrical Terminals

I0170004revE.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2009 1 OF 2


1. The base should be mounted on a flat surface using the three (3) mounting holes in the base casting
(see figure 3). The holes in the base are manufactured for 3/8" bolts.

2. Each unit can cover a maximum of 200 feet of conveyor – 100 feet in each direction. Safety
considerations dictate that not more than 100 feet of cable should be attached to each side.

3. The eyebolts supporting the cable should be placed at intervals from 8’ – 10’. Care must be taken
that the cable does not become too slack. However, if the cable is too tight, false actuation of the unit
may occur.

4. Field wiring must meet or exceed the requirements of the National Electrical Code and any other
agency or authority having jurisdiction over the installation. Conduit fittings must meet applicable
CSA and UL standards.

5. This unit is designed for pilot duty. The control circuit should be wired through the motor starter circuit
of the conveyor or other equipment to be controlled. Do not wire the unit directly into a heavy duty
motor circuit. See “Switch” information on front page. Note: TWIST WIRES TOGETHER BEFORE

6. The control should be tested after installation by actuation of the cable. The protected equipment
should stop and alarms should sound as required with a minimum effort on the cable. Cable tension
can be adjusted as necessary by changing the location of the cable on the handle (see figure 4).

Figure 4: Cable Positions Figure 3: Control Dimensions

I0170004revE.DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2009 2 OF 2

130 Seltzer Road, PO Box 167 Croswell, MI 48422 Estados Unidos
TELÉFONO: (810) 679-4211  LÍNEA GRATUITA (800) 233-3233  FAX: (810) 679-4510
Correo electrónico: info@conveyorcomponents.com  http://www.conveyorcomponents.com



Antes de instalar o ajustar, cierre y bloquee físicamente el sistema del


Unidades impermeables (estándar):

Gabinete tipo 1, 3, 3R, 4 y 4X de estructura impermeable y contra polvo con resistencia a la corrosión.
Sellado por juntas para aplicaciones en el interior/exterior.
Carcasa de aluminio con 3 aperturas de conductos en la fundición base.

Unidades de calificación doble:

Gabinete tipo 1, 3, 3R, 4 y 4X de estructura impermeable y contra polvo, además de para uso en
ubicaciones peligrosas Clase II, Grupos E, F y G y Clase III.
Carcasa de aluminio con 1 apertura de conductos en la fundición base.

Unidades a prueba de explosiones:

Gabinete para uso en ubicaciones peligrosas Clase I, Grupos C y D; y Clase II, Grupos E, F y G; y
Clase III.
Carcasa de aluminio con 1 apertura de conductos en la fundición base.
Rango de temperatura ambiente (unidades de ubicaciones peligrosas): -50C a 40; -58F a 104

Calificaciones eléctricas:
Figura 1: Contactos
Interruptores SPDT: Interruptores DPDT: 1 INTERRUPTOR
20 amperios, 125/250/480 15 amperios, 125/250 SP/DT:
1 hp, 125 VAC 3/4 hp, 125 VAC 2 INTERRUPTORES ABIERTO
2 hp, 250 VAC 1 1/2 hp, 250 VAC CERRADO
½ amperios, 24 VDC N/A CERRADO
¼ amperios, 250 VDC N/A ABIERTO
Nota: Las unidades especiales con contactos de NORMALMENTE
microinterruptores revestidos en color oro con calificación de 0,1 COMÚN CERRADO
amperios a 125 VAC. NORMALMENTE
Los microinterruptores pueden cablearse para la operación desde ABIERTO NORMALMENTE
un único lugar, normalmente abierto o cerrado según sea 1 INTERRUPTOR
necesario. Consulte la Figura 1: DP/DT: NORMALMENTE
Figura 2: Terminales eléctricas COMÚN CERRADO ABIERTO

I0170004revE(SP).DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2009 1 DE 2

1. La base debe montarse en una superficie plana utilizando tres (3) orificios de montaje en la
fundición base (consulte la figura 3). Los orificios en la base están hechos para pernos de 3/8".

2. Cada unidad puede cubrir un máximo de 200 pies del transportador - 100 pies en cada dirección. Las
consideraciones de seguridad indican que no se puede conectar más de 100 pies de cable a cada

3. Los pernos de anillos que brindan soporte al cable deben colocarse a intervalos de 8’ a 10’. Se
debe tener precaución de que los cables no se aflojen demasiado. No obstante, si el cable está
demasido tenso, es probable que se produzca una falsa activación.

4. El cableado en el campo debe cumplir o exceder los requisitos del Código Eléctrico Nacional
(National Electrical Code) y de cualquier otra agencia o autoridad que tenga jurisdicción sobre la
instalación. Los accesorios de los conductos deben cumplir los estándares de CSA y UL

5. Esta unidad está diseñada para trabajos piloto. El circuito de control debe cablearse a través del
circuito de arranque del motor del transportador u otro equipo que deba controlarse. No cablee la
unidad directamente en un circuito del motor para trabajos pesados. Consulte la información del
"Interruptor" en la página frontal. Nota: ENROSQUE LOS CABLES JUNTOS ANTES DE

6. El control debe probarse después de la instalación mediante la activación del cable. El equipo
protegido debe detenerse y las alarmas sonar según sea necesario con un mínimo esfuerzo en el
cable. La tensión del cable puede ajustarse según sea necesario cambiando la ubicación del
cable en la manija (vea la figura 4).

Figura 4: Posiciones del cable Figura 3: Dimensiones del control

1 40 [18kg]

2 28 [13kg] ER

[152 mm]
3 20 [9kg] [7 mm]

1 3/8 1 3/8
[35 mm] [35 mm]
8 7/16
[214 mm]

6 3/4
[171 mm]

[16 mm] ROSCAS DE 3/4" NPT

I0170004revE(SP).DOC ©Copyright Conveyor Components Co. 2009 2 DE 2

CCC Switches Documentation – End
Warning Horns and Lights
Documentation – Start
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61588
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 30 Oct 2012
PO No. 9787000291 Title: Federal Signal Warning Horns and Beacons - Feeders Rev 0
Current Previous Item Unit of Required Delivery Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev Measure Date Point

Federal Signal Vibratone 350WB-120 Horn

1 NEMA 4X Enclosure, 100dBA @ 10ft, UL listed,

1.01 2100-FE-001 1 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 Ea November 14, 2012 Site
1.02 2200-FE-001_006 6 n/a 0 Ea November 14, 2012 Site
See Item 1 description above.
1.03 3300-FE-001_003 3 n/a 0 Ea November 14, 2012 Site
See Item 1 description above.
1.04 7200-FE-001_002 2 n/a 0 Ea November 14, 2012 Site
See Item 1 description above.

12 Total quantity for Item 1

Federal Signal Fireball FB2PST-120R Strobe Signal Light

NEMA 4X Enclosure, UL listed, 120VAC/1Ph/50Hz, Red dome
2.01 2100-FE-001 1 n/a See Item 2 description above. 0 Ea November 14, 2012 Site
2.02 2200-FE-001_006 6 n/a 0 Ea November 14, 2012 Site
See Item 2 description above.
2.03 3300-FE-001_003 3 n/a 0 Ea November 14, 2012 Site
See Item 2 description above.
2.04 7200-FE-001_002 2 n/a 0 Ea November 14, 2012 Site
See Item 2 description above.

12 Total quantity for Item 2

3 Export Packaging Required Lot


Page 1 of 1
MODELS 350 and 450

MODELOS 350 y 450


MODELES 350 and 450


Address all communications and shipments to:

Dirija todas la correspondencia y enviós a:
Adressez toutes les communiations et expéditions à:


Electrical Products Division
2645 Federal Signal Drive
University Park, IL 60466-3195


People’s lives depend on your safe installation of our products. It is important to follow all instructions
shipped with the products. This device is to be installed by a trained electrician who is thoroughly familiar
with the National Electrical Code and will follow the NEC Guidelines as well as local codes.
The selection of the mounting location for the device, its controls and the routing of the wiring is to be
accomplished under the direction of the Facilities Engineer and the Safety Engineer. In addition, listed
below are some other important safety instructions and precautions you should follow:
• Read and understand all instructions before installing or operating this equipment.
• Do not connect this unit to the system when power is on.
• Optimum sound distribution will be severely reduced if any objects are in front of the horn. You should
ensure that the front of the horn is clear of any obstructions.
• All effective warning horns produce loud sounds which may cause, in certain situations, permanent
hearing loss. The device should be installed far enough away from potential listeners to limit their
exposure while still maintaining its effectiveness. The OSHA Code of Federal Regulations 1910.95
Noise Standard provides guidelines which may be used regarding permissible noise exposure levels.
• After installation, ensure that all mounting screws are tightened.
• Establish a procedure to routinely check the signal system for proper activation and operation.
• Provide a copy of these instructions to the Safety Engineer, operator(s) and maintenance personnel.
• File these instructions in a safe place and refer to them when maintaining and/or reinstalling the device.
Failure to follow all safety precautions and instructions may result in property damage, serious injury, or
death to you or others.


• Read and understand all instructions before performing any maintenance to this unit.
• To reduce the risk of electrical shock or ignition of hazardous atmospheres, do not perform maintenance/
service on this device when circuits are energized.
• Optimum sound distribution will be reduced if the front of the horn becomes clogged with a foreign
substance. Periodic checks should be performed to ensure foreign substances are not packed into the
front of the horn.
• Any maintenance to the unit MUST be performed by a trained electrician in accordance with NEC
Guidelines and local codes.
• Never alter the unit in any manner.
• The nameplate, which may contain cautionary or other information of importance to maintenance
personnel, should not be obscured if exterior of housing is painted.
Failure to follow all safety precautions and instructions may result in property damage, serious injury, or
death to you or others.
A. Introduction.
Both the AC and the DC Models are installed in identical housings. As a result, all of the installation
instructions in this sheet apply equally to both models.
In all installations, it is recommended that the electrical wiring to the installation site be completed
before the horn is mounted. Installations are subject to local electrical and fire codes.
B. Audibility and Electrical Ratings.
Voltage Current (Amps) Hz dB* dB**
120 0.18/0.22 50/60 100 94
230-240 0.09 50/60 100 94
* Measured on-axis at ten feet/3Meters in an anechoic chamber.
** Underwriters Laboratories ominidirectional sound pressure level rating at ten feet.
C. Basic Installation.
The basic horn installation consists of mounting the horn on an existing 4" x 4" outlet box.

Do not connect wires when power is on.

Connect the horn electrical leads to the power source with user-supplied wire nuts.
To minimize entry of foreign materials and moisture into the housing, ALWAYS install the two
10-32 x 1/2" Phillips head Taptite screws in the holes opposite the mounting screws.
The Model 450 contains two red and two black wires. One set of wires (one black and one red) is used for
the incoming power. The other set should be used for the outgoing power. If the outgoing wiring is not
required, the remaining set of wires should be properly terminated. (Diagram A).

Mount the horn on the outlet box using the 8-32 x 1-5/8" screws provided, as indicated in the figure.
(Diagram B).

1. Surface Mounting.

Refer to the introduction, warning message to installers, and basic installation instructions
above before installing horn.

To mount the horn on a wall or other flat vertical surface, mount a Model NB Knockout Box with
four #10 x 1" wood screws (not supplied). Connect the horn’s electrical leads to the power source
with user-supplied wire nuts. Mount the horn on the NB Knockout Box with the two 8-32 x 1-5/8"
screws provided. (Diagram C).

2. Semi-flush Mounting.

Refer to the introduction, warning message to installers, and basic installation instructions
above before installing horn.

A vibratory horn can be semi-flush mounted to a wall with a 4" x 4" electrical junction box when a
Model SF Wall Plate is used. If semi-flush mounting is used, a plaster ring (raised cover) may be
required. A plaster ring is not provided because the depth requirements usually vary from
installation to installation.
Connect the horn’s electrical leads to the power source with user-supplied wire nuts.
Use the four 6-32 x 1/4" slotted head screws to attach the SF Wall Plate to the plaster ring. Use the
8-32 x 1-5/8" screws included with the horn to mount the horn on the plate. (Diagram D).

3. Weatherproof Mounting.

Refer to the introduction, warning message to installers, and basic installation instructions above before
installing horn.

Weatherproof mounting of a vibratory horn requires the use of a Model WB Weatherproof Box,
when a NEMA Type 4X rating is required. The WB is gasketed and has two (2) 3/4" and one (1) 1/
2" tapped openings to accomodate 3/4" and 1/2" conduit. When mounting the horn on the WB, use
the 8-32 x 1-5/8" screws included with the horn. (Diagram E).
4. Flush Mounting.

Refer to the introduction, warning message to installers, and basic installation instructions above before
installing horn.

In order to flush mount the horn, a Model FB Wall Box must be installed in the wall. Use four #10
x 1" screws for mounting the box. Before installing the horn in the box, use the two 10-32 x 1/2"
Phillips head screws to attach the Model FG Grille to the horn. Connect the electrical wiring to the
horn with user-supplied wire nuts and install the horn and grille assembly in the wall box using the
two 8-32 x 2" slotted head screws provided. When installing the horn in the Model FBL Wall Box,
use the 8-32 x 3" oval head screws included with the FG Grille. (Diagram F).
5. Concealed Conduit Mounting.

Refer to the introduction, warning message to installers, and basic installation instructions
above before installing horn.

The concealed conduit mounting method may be useful when an existing junction box will not
accommodate the basic installation. This installation configuration requires the use of a Model NB
Knockout Box and a Model CC Adapter Plate. Use the pair of 6-32 or 8-32 flat head screws to
mount the plate on the existing box. Install the insulated bushing in the rear of the knockout box
before attaching the box to the adapter plate with two 10-32 x 1/4" round head screws. The
insulated bushing protects the power leads that pass through the center hole in the CC Adapter
Plate and the center knockout of the WB box to the horn. (Diagram G).
6. PR Projector Installation.

Refer to the introduction, warning message to installers, and basic installation instructions above before
installing horn.

The Model PR Projector can be added to any of the installations described on this sheet. Secure
the projector to the horn with the two 10-32 x 1/2" Phillips head Taptite screws provided in the
accessory kit. Use two additional 8-32 slotted head screws (provided) in the remaining mounting
holes of the projector. If it is desired to use either of the projectors when the horn is flush
mounted, it is necessary to install the Model SF Plate instead of the FG Grille. (Diagram H).
7. PR2 Projector Installation.

Refer to the introduction, warning message to installers, and basic installation instructions above before
installing horn.

The Model PR2 Projector can be added to any of the installations described on this sheet. Secure
the projector to the horn with the two 10-32 x 1/2" Phillips head Taptite screws provided in the
accessory kit. Use two additional 8-32 slotted head screws (provided) in the remaining mounting
holes of the projector. If it is desired to use either of the projectors when the horn is flush
mounted, it is necessary to install the Model SF Plate instead of the FG Grille. (Diagram I).
8. Weatherproof Panel Mounting.

Refer to the introduction, warning message to installers, and basic installation instructions above before
installing horn.
The Model TR trim ring can be installed with the horn for panel mounting applications requiring
Type 4X Rating. Center the trim ring between the panel and the horn. Secure the assembly to the
panel using the (4) 8-32 x 1-5/8" screws, screw collars, and keps nuts (Diagram J).
Only the hardware supplied with the Model TR should be used to ensure the Type 4X Rating.
9. Optional Weatherproof Panel Mounting Kit.
When mounting the horn in a panel application requiring a NEMA 4X Rating, purchase Kit No.
8435666. This weatherproof mounting kit includes a gasket and hardware for flush mounting
(Diagram K) the horn.



La vida de personas depende de la instalación segura de nuestros productos. Es importante seguir las
instrucciones enviadas con los productos. Este dispositivo debe ser instalado por un electricista calificado
que esté bien familiarizado con el NEC y siga sus guías así como los códigos locales.
La selección del sitio de montaje del dispositivo, sus controles y la ruta de alambrado, se hará bajo la
dirección del Ingeniero de las facilidades y el Ingeniero de Seguridad. Además, a continuación se listan
otras instrucciones y precauciones de seguridad importantes que se deben seguir:
• Lea y entienda todas las instrucciones antes de instalar o de hacer funcionar este equipo.
• No conecte esta unidad al sistema con la corriente de energía encendida.
• La distribución óptima del sonido se verá muy disminuida si se encuentra algún objeto delante de la
sirena. Debe asegurarse de que el frente de la sirena esté libre de cualquier obstrucción.
• Todas las sirenas de advertencia eficaces producen sonidos fuertes que pueden causar, en ciertas
situaciones, pérdida permanente de la audición. Este dispositivo se debe instalar suficientemente alejado
de cualquier escucha potencial para limitar su exposición mientras continúa manteniendo su eficacia. El
Código OSHA de regulaciones federales, Norma sobre ruidos 1910.95 ofrece una guía que se puede
utilizar para informarse sobre los niveles de exposición al ruido que son permisibles.
• Después de la instalación, asegúrese de que todos los tornillos de montaje estén ajustados.
• Establezca un procedimiento de rutina para revisar el sistema de señal y verificar una activación y
funcionamiento adecuados.
• Proporcione una copia de estas instrucciones al Ingeniero de seguridad, a los operadores y al personal de
• Archive estas instrucciones en un lugar seguro y consúltelas cuando efectúe el mantenimiento y/o la
reinstalación del dispositivo.
El no seguir todas la instrucciones y precauciones de seguridad, puede provocar daños a la propiedad,
lesiones severas y aún su muerte o la de otros.


• Lea y entienda todas las instrucciones antes de efectuar ningún tipo de mantenimiento a esta unidad.
• Para reducir el riesgo de choque eléctrico o ignición de atmósferas peligrosas, no efectúe el
mantenimiento/servicio de este dispositivo cuando los circuitos tienen corriente.
• La distribución óptima del sonido se verá reducida si el frente de la sirena está obstruido con una
sustancia extraña. Se deben realizar verificaciones periódicamente para asegurarse de que no hay
ninguna sustancia extraña acumulada en el frente de la sirena.
• Cualquier tipo de mantenimiento a la unidad DEBE ser realizado por un electricista capacitado y de
acuerdo con las Pautas NEC y los códigos locales.
• Nunca altere la unidad en forma alguna.
• La placa de identificación, que puede contener información de precaución u otra información importante
para el personal de mantenimiento, no debe quedar cubierta si se pinta el exterior del dispositivo.
El no seguir todas la instrucciones y precauciones de seguridad, puede provocar daños a la propiedad,
lesiones severas y aún su muerte o la de otros.

A. Introduccion.
Ambos modelos el de CA y el de CC, se instalan en cajas idénticas. Como consecuencia, todas las
instrucciones de instalación en esta hoja, aplican igualmente a ambos modelos.
En todas las instalaciones, se recomienda que el cableado eléctrico al sitio de instalación, se complete
antes de montar la corneta. La instalación está sujeta a los códigos eléctricos locales y los de

B. Clasificaciones eléctricas y de audibilidad.


120 0.18/0.22 50/60 100 94
230-240 0.09 50/60 100 94
C. Instalacion Basica.
La instalación básica de la corneta consiste en montarla en una caja 4" X 4" existente.

No conecte cables con corriente.

Conecte los conductores de electricidad de la sirena a la fuente de energía con tuercas para hilos
proporcionadas por el usuario.

Para minimizar la entrada de materiales extraños y humedad dentro de la caja, SIEMPRE instale los dos
tornillos Taptite cabeza Philips en los huecos opuestos a los tornillos de montaje.

El Modelo 450 contiene dos cables rojos y dos cables negros. Un juego de cables (uno negro y uno rojo)
se usan para la corriente entrante. El otro juego se debe usar para la corriente saliente. Si no se requiere
un cableado de salida, se debe terminar adecuadamente el otro juego de cables (diagrama A).

Monte la corneta sobre la caja de salida usando los tornillos de máquina 8-32 x 1-5/8" sumistrados,
de cabezaranurada, como se indica en la figura. (Diagrama B).

1. El Montar en Superficie.

Lea la introducción, el mensaje de advertencia a los instaladores y las instrucciones básicas de instalación
antes de instalar la corneta.
Para montar la corneta en una pared u otra superficie plana vertical, monte una caja de discos
removibles modelo NB con cuatro tornillos de madera #10 x 1" (no suministrados). Conecte las
terminales eléctricas de la corneta a la fuente de potencia con los capuchones para cable
suministrados por el usuario. Monte la corneta en la caja NB con los dos tornillos maquinados 8-
32 x 1-5/8" de cabeza ranurada provistos. (Diagrama C).

2. Montaje Semi-empotrado.

Lea la introducción, el mensaje de advertencia a los instaladores y las instrucciones básicas de instalación
antes de instalar la corneta.
Una corneta vibratoria puede ser montada semi-empotrada a una pared con una caja eléctrica de
unión de 4" x 4" cuando se usa un plato de pared modelo SF. Si se usa un montaje semi-
empotrado, se puede requerir un anillo de relleno (tapa levantada). No se provee dicho anillo,
porque la profundidad requerida usualmente varia de instalación a instalación.
Conecte las terminales eléctricas de la corneta a la fuente de alimentación con los capuchones para
cable suministrados por el usuario.
Use los cuatro tornillos de cabeza ranurada de 6-32 x 1/4" para unir el Plato de pared modelo SF al
anillo de relleno. Use los tornilllos de 8-32 x 1-5/8" incluídos con la corneta para montarla en el
plato. (Diagrama D).

3. Montaje a Prueba de Intemperie.

Lea la introducción, el mensaje de advertencia a los instaladores y las instrucciones básicas de instalación
antes de instalar la corneta.

El montaje a prueba de intemperie de una corneta vibratoria requiere el uso de una caja a prueba de
la intemperie modelo WB. La WB está empaquetada y roscada para recibir conducto de 3/4" o 1/
2". Cuando monte la corneta en la WB, use los tornillos maquinados de cabeza ranurada de 8-32 x
1-5/8" incluídos con la corneta. (Diagrama E).

4. Montaje Empotrado.

Lea la introducción, el mensaje de advertencia a los instaladores y las instrucciones básicas de instalación
antes de instalar la corneta.

Con el fin de montar la corneta a nivel, se debe instalar en la pared una caja de pared Modelo FB.
Use cuatro tornillos #10 x 1" para montar la caja. Antes de intalar la corneta en la caja, use los dos
tornillos de cabeza Phillips de 10-32 x 1/2" para unir la reja Modelo FG a la corneta. Conecte el
cableado eléctrico a la corneta con los capuchones para cable suministradas por el usuario e instale
el conjunto de corneta y reja en la caja de pared usando los dos tornillos de cabeza ranurada 8-32 x
2" sumistrados. Cuando instale la corneta en la caja de pared Modelo FBL, use los tornillos de
cabeza ovalada 8-32 x 3" incluidos con la reja FG. (Diagrama F).

5. Montaje de Conduit Embebido.

Lea la introducción, el mensaje de advertencia a los instaladores y las instrucciones básicas de instalación
antes de instalar la corneta.

El método de montaje de conduit embebido puede ser útil cuando una caja de conexión existente
no se acomoda a la instalación básica. Esta configuración de instalación requiere el uso de una caja
de discos removibles Modelo NB y un plato adaptador Modelo CC. Use el par de tornillos de
cabeza plana de 6-32 u 8-32 para montar el plato a la caja existente. Instale el buje aislado en la
parte trasera de la caja antes de unir la caja al plato adaptador con dos tornillos de cabeza redonda
de 10-32 x 1/4". El buje aislado proteje las terminales de potencia que pasan a través del hueco
central en el plato adaptador CC y en el hueco central de la caja WB a la corneta. (Diagrama G).

6. Instalacion del Proyector PR.

Lea la introducción, el mensaje de advertencia a los instaladores y las instrucciones básicas de instalación
antes de instalar la corneta.

El proyector modelo PR se puede adicionar a cualquiera de las instalaciones descritas en esta hoja.
Asegure el proyector a la corneta con los dos tornillos Taptite de cabeza en cruz 10-32 x 1/2"
sumistrados en el juego de accesorios. Use los dos tornillos adicionales de cabeza ranurada de 8-32
(sumistrados) en los huecos de montaje remanentes del proyector. Si se desea usar alguno de los
proyectores cuando la corneta se monta a ras, hay que instalar el plato modelo SF en lugar de la
reja FG. (Diagrama H).

7. Instalacion del Proyector PR2.

Lea la introducción, el mensaje de advertencia a los instaladores y las instrucciones básicas de instalación
antes de instalar la corneta.

El proyector modelo PR2 se puede agregar a cualquiera de las instalaciones descritas en esta hoja.
Asegure el proyector a la corneta con los dos tornillos Taptite de cabeza en cruz de 10-32 X 1/2"
provistos en el juego de accesorios. Use los dos tornillos de cabeza ranurada de 8-32 adicionales
(sunistrados) en los huecos de montaje remanentes del proyector. Si se desea usar cualquiera de los
proyectores cuando la corneta se monta a ras, es necesario instalar el plato modelo SF en lugar de
la reja FG. (Diagrama I).
8. Montaje de panel a prueba de intemperie.

Consulte la introducción, el mensaje de advertencia a los instaladores y las instrucciones de instalación

básica precedentes antes de instalar la bocina.
El anillo de acabado del modelo TR puede instalarse con la bocina para aplicaciones de montaje
de panel que requieran clasificación NEMA 4X. Centre el anillo de acabado entre el panel y la
bocina. Asegure el conjunto al panel usando los 4 tornillos 8-32 x 1-5/8", las abrazaderas y las
tuercas Keps (Diagrama J).
Sólo deben usarse los accesorios suministrados con el modelo TR para garantizar la clasificación
9. Juego opcional para montaje de panel a prueba de intemperie.
Al montar la bocina en una aplicación de panel que requiera clasificación NEMA 4X, compre el
juego No. 8435666. Este juego de montaje a prueba de intemperie incluye una junta de
empaquetadura y accesorios para el montaje empotrado (Diagrama K) de la bocina.



Des vies humaines dépendent de votre installation de nos produits en sécurité. Il est important de lire,
comprendre et suivre toutes les instructions expédiées avec ce produit. Ce dispositif doit être installé par
des électriciens professionnels qui sont complètement au courant du Code Electrique National et
respecteront les recommandations NEC ainsi que les codes locaux.
Le choix de l’endroit de montage du dispositif, de ses commandes et du passage des câbles doit être
effectué sous la direction de l’ingénieur des services électriques et de l’ingénieur de sécurité. De plus, sont
énumérées ci-dessous quelques autres instructions et précautions de sécurité importantes que vous devez
• Lisez et comprenez bien toutes les instructions avant d’installer ou de faire fonctionner cet équipement.
• Ne branchez pas cet appareil au système lorsqu’il est sous tension.
• La répartition sonore optimale sera grandement réduite s’il y a des objets devant l’avertisseur. Vous
devez vous assurer qu’il n’y a aucune obstruction devant l’avertisseur.
• Tous les avertisseurs efficaces produisent des sons forts qui pourraient causer, dans certaines situations,
des pertes auditives permanentes. Le dispositif doit être installé assez loin des auditeurs possibles pour
limiter leur exposition tout en conservant l’efficacité du dispositif. Les normes de bruit nationales, telles
que le OSHA Code of Federal Regulations 1910.95 aux États-Unis, offrent des directives que vous
pouvez utiliser en matière de niveaux d’exposition au bruit acceptables.
• Après l’installation, assurez-vous que toutes les vis de montage ont été bien resserrées.
• Établissez une procédure de vérification de routine de l’installation de signalisation pour s’assurer de son
activation et de son bon fonctionnement.
• Fournissez une copie de ces instructions à l’ingénieur responsable de la sécurité, aux opérateurs et au
personnel responsable de l’entretien.
• Rangez ces instructions dans un endroit sûr et reportez-vous-y au moment de l’entretien et/ou de la
réinstallation de l’appareil.
Si on ne respecte pas ces précautions de sécurité, il peut en résulter des dommages aux biens, des blessures
graves ou mortelles pour vous ou d’autres.


• Lisez et comprenez bien toutes les instructions avant d’effectuer tout travail d’entretien ou réparation sur
cet appareil.
• Pour réduire les risques de chocs électriques ou d’inflammation d’atmosphères dangereuses, n’effectuez
pas d’entretien ni de réparation à l’appareil lorsque les circuits sont sous tension.
• La répartition sonore optimale sera réduite s’il y a des substances étrangères bloquant l’avertisseur. Il
faut prévoir des vérifications périodiques pour s’assurer qu’il n’y a pas de substances étrangères à
l’avant de l’avertisseur.
• L’entretien et la réparation de l’appareil DOIVENT être effectués par un électricien formé
conformément aux codes locaux et aux directives du NEC.
• Ne modifiez jamais l’appareil de quelque façon que ce soit.
• La plaque signalétique pouvant contenir des informations de mise en garde et autres informations
importantes pour le personnel responsable de l’entretien ne doit pas être obscurcie si l’on peint
l’extérieur de la demeure.
Si on ne respecte pas ces précautions de sécurité, il peut en résulter des dommages aux biens, des blessures
graves ou mortelles pour vous ou d’autres.
A. Introduction.
Les modèles en courant alternatif et courant continu sont tous deux installés dans des carters
identiques. Il en résulte que toutes les instructions d’installation de cette fiche s’appliquent également
aux deux modèles.
Dans toutes les installations, il est recommandé que le câblage électrique jusqu’au site d’installation
soit exécuté avant le montage du klaxon. Les installations sont soumises aux codes électriques locaux
et d’incendie.

B. Audibilité et régime nominal électrique.
120 0.18/0.22 50/60 100 94
230-240 0.09 50/60 100 94
C. Installation de Base.
L’installation de base du klaxon consiste en montage du klaxon sur un boîtier de sortie existant 4" x

Ne connectez pas les fils si la tension n’est pas coupée.

Raccordez les fils électriques de l’avertisseur à la source de courant avec des écrous de fils fournis par

Pour minimiser l’entrée de matières étrangères et d’humidité dans le carter, installez TOUJOURS les deux
vis Taptite à tête cruciforme 10-32 x 1/2" dans les trous en face des vis de montage.
Le modèle 450 contient deux fils rouges et deux fils noirs. Un jeu de fils (un noir et un rouge) sert pour
l’entrée du courant. L’autre jeu sert pour la sortie du courant Si les fils de sortie ne sont pas requis, il faut
fermer correctement le jeu de fils (Diagramme A).
Montez le klaxon sur le boàtier de sortie à l’aide des vis usinées à tête fendue 8-32 x 1-5/8"
fournies, comme indiqué sur la figure ci-dessous. (Diagramme B).
1. Montage en Surface.

Référez-vous à l’introduction, message d’avertissement aux installateurs et aux instructions

d’installation de base ci-dessus avant d’installer le klaxon.
Pour monter le klaxon sur un mur ou autre surface verticale plane, montez un boïtier Knockout
Modèle NB avec quatre vis à bois 10 x 1" (non fournies). Connectez les câbles électriques du
klaxon à la source d’alimentation avec des écrous de fils (fourniture utilisateur). Montez le klaxon
sur le boïtier Knockout NB avec les deux vis usinées à tête fendue 8-32 x 1-5/8" fournies.
(Diagramme C).
2. Montage Semi-encastre.

Référez-vous à l’introduction, au message d’avertissement aux installateurs, et aux instructions

d’installation de base avant d’installer le klaxon.
Un klaxon vibratoire peut être monté semi-encastré sur un mur avec un boîtier de jonction
électrique 4" x 4" lorsqu’une plaque murale Modèle SF est utilisée. Si un montage semi-encastré
est utilisé, un anneau-plâtre (couvercle en saillie) peut être nécessaire.
Un anneau-plâtre n’est pas prévu parce que les exigences en profondeur varient généralement
d’installation à installation.
Connectez les câbles électriques du klaxon à la source d’alimentation avec les écrous de fils
fournis par l’utilisateur.
Utilisez les quatre vis à tête fendue 6-32 x 1/4" pour fixer la plaque murale SF à l’anneau-plâtre.
Utilisez les vis 8-32 x 1-5/8" incluses avec le klaxon pour monter le klaxon sur la plaque.
(Diagramme D).

3. Montage Anti-intemperies.

Référez-vous à l’introduction, au message d’avertissement aux installateurs, et aux instructions

d’installation de base avant d’installer le klaxon.
Le montage anti-intempéries d’un klaxon vibratoire nécessite l’utilisation d’un boîtier anti-
intempéries Modèle WB. Le WB a un joint et il est taraudé pour recevoir un conduit de 1/2.” Lors du
montage du klaxon sur le WB, utilisez les vis usinées à tête fendue 8-32 x 1-5/8" incluses avec le
klaxon. (Diagramme E).
4. Montage Encastre.

Référez-vous à l’introduction, au message d’avertissement aux installateurs, et aux instructions

d’installation de base avant d’installer le klaxon.
Pour monter le klaxon encastré, un boîtier mural Modèle FB doit être installé dans le mur. Utilisez
quatre vis 10 x 1" pour monter le boîtier. Avant d’installer le klaxon dans le boîtier, utilisez les
deux vis à tête cruciforme 10-32 x 1/2" pour fixer la grille du Modèle FG au klaxon. Connectez le
câblage électrique au klaxon avec les écrous de fils fournis par l’utilisateur et installez le klaxon et
la grille ensemble dans le boîtier mural à l’aide des vis à tête fendue 8-32 x 2" fournies. Lors de
l’installation du klaxon dans le boîtier mural Modèle FBL, utilisez les vis à tête ovale 8-32 x 3"
incluses avec la grille FG. (Diagramme F).
5. Montage sur Conduit Cache.

Référez-vous à l’introduction, message d’avertissement aux installateurs, et aux instructions

d’installation de base ci-dessus avant d’installer le klaxon.
La méthode de montage sur conduit caché peut être utile lorsqu’un boîtier de jonction existant ne
peut recevoir l’installation de base. Cette configuration nécessite l’utilisation d’un boîtier
Knockout Modèle NB et une plaque adaptateur Modèle CC. Utilisez la paire de vis à tête plate 6-
32 ou 8-32 pour monter la plaque sur le boîtier existant. Installez la bague isolée dans l’arrière du
boîtier Knockout avant d’attacher le boîtier à la plaque adaptateur avec deux vis à tête ronde 10-32
x 1/4". La bague isolée protège les câbles d’alimentation qui passent à travers le trou central dans
la plaque adaptateur CC et le centre jetable du boîtier WB vers le klaxon. (Diagramme G).
6. Installation de Cornet PR.

Référez-vous à l’introduction, message d’avertissement au x installateurs, et aux instructions

d’installation de base ci-dessus avant d’installer le klaxon.
Le cornet Modèle PR peut être ajouté à toute installation décrite sur cette fiche. Fixez le cornet au
klaxon avec les deux vis Taptite à tête cruciforme 10-32 x 1/2" fournies dans le kit d’accessoires.
Utilisez deux vis à tête fendue supplémentaires 8-32 (fournies) dans les trous de montage restant
du cornet. S’il est désiré d’utiliser un des cornets lorsque le klaxon est monté encastré, il est
nécessaire d’installer la plaque Modèle SF au lieu de la grille FG. (Diagramme H).
7. Installation du Cornet PR2.

Référez-vous à l’introduction, message d’avertissement aux installateurs, et aux instructions

d’installation de base ci-dessus avant d’installer le klaxon.
Le cornet Modèle PR2 peut être ajouté à toute installation décrite sur cette fiche. Fixez le cornet
au klaxon avec les deux vis Taptite à tête cruciforme 10-32 x 1/2" fournies dans le kit
d’accessoires. Utilisez deux vis à tête fendue supplémentaires 8-32 (fournies) dans les trous de
montage restants du cornet. S’il est désiré d’utiliser un des cornets lorsque le klaxon est monté
encastré, il est nécessaire d’installer la plaque Modèle SF au lieu de la grille FG. (Diagramme I).

8. Montage de panneau résistant aux intempéries.

Se référer à l’introduction, au message d’avertissement aux installateurs, et aux instructions d’installation

basiques avant d’installer l’avertisseur.
L’anneau enjoliveur Modèle TR peut être installé avec l’avertisseur pour les applications de
montage de panneau nécessitant la valeur nominale Type 4X. Centrer l’anneau enjoliveur entre le
panneau et l’avertisseur. Fixer l’assemblage au panneau en utilisant les (4) vis 8-32 x 1-5/8", les
colliers filetés, et les écrous d’arrêt (Diagramme J).
Seul le matériel fourni avec le Modèle TR doit être utilisé pour assurer la valeur nominale Type
9. Kit de montage de panneau résistant aux intempéries en option.
Lors du montage de l’avertisseur dans une application de panneau nécessitant une valeur nominale
NEMA 4X, achetez le Kit No. 8435666. Ce kit de montage résistant aux intempéries inclut un
joint et du matériel pour l’encastrement (Diagramme K) de l’avertisseur.

12 0.9 94 91
24 0.9 100 94
120 0.18 100 94
240 0.09 100 94
12 0.50 99 94
24 0.25 99 94
125 0.05 99 94
250 0.025 99 94







+ + +
_ _ _
290A2109-03B 290A2109-04B

A. Standard AC horn wiring D. Standard DC horn wiring
B. AC input power E. To exit device, or insulate and terminate
C. DC input power

A. Cableado esrándar CA de la bocina D. Cableado esrándar DC de la bocina
B. Potencia de entrada CA E. Al siguiente dispositivo, o aislar
C. Potencia de entrada DC

A. Cablage standard du klaxon D. Cablage standard du klaxon
en courant alternatif en courant alternatif
B. Alimentation en courant alternatif E. Au prochain dispositif,
C. Alimentation en courant alternatif ou isoler et terminer


A. 8-32 x 1 5/8" screw (2)
B. 10-32 x 1/2" phillips head taptite screw (2)

A. 8-32 x 1 5/8" tornillo (2)
B. 10-32 x 1/2" tornillo taptite de cabeza de doble ranura ortogonal (2)

A. 8-32 x 1 5/8" vis (2)
B. 10-32 x 1/2" vis auto-taraudeuse à téte cruciforme (2)














D 290A4699 290A2602-03B

English English
A. 8-32 keps nut (4) A. 8-32 keps nut (4)
B. Panel B. Panel
C. Trim Ring C. Gasket
D. Screws (4) D. #8-32 x 1 5/8" screw (4)
E. Collars (4) E. Flush mount

Español Español
A. Tuercas Keps 8-32 (4) A. 8-32 tuercas keps (4)
B. Panel B. Panel
C. Anillo de acabado C. Junta
D. Tornillos (4) D. #8-32 x 1 5/8" tornillos (4)
E. Abrazaderas (4) E. Montaje a ras de

Français Français
A. Ecrou d’arrêt 8-32 (4) A. 8-32 ecrous keps (4)
B. Panneau B. Panneau
C. Anneau enjoliveur C. Joint
D. Vis (4) D. #8-32 x 1 5/8" vis (4)
E. Colliers (4) E. Montage à ras



Vibratone ® Horns
Models 350 and 450

The Models 350 and 450 Vibratone Horns produce a very loud horn
tone by the electro-mechanical vibration of a diaphragm. Capable of
reproducing coded blasts or sustained tones through the use of a num-
ber of control devices from a push button to a PLC. Federal Signal’s
Vibratone horn is excellent for general alarm, start and dismissal,
coded paging, and process control signaling in areas of high ambient
noise levels.
The Vibratone Model 350 is available in AC voltages; 12VAC, 24VAC,
120VAC and 240VAC. The Model 350 produces 100dBa @ 10', except
the 12VAC model, which produces 94dBa @ 10'.
DESIGNED FOR ROUTINE The Model 450 is available in DC voltages; 12VDC, 24VDC, 125VDC
SIGNALING and 250VDC. The Model 450 produces 99dBa @ 10'.
Vibratone mounting options provide for surface, flush or semi-flush
mounting on walls, panels, in cabinets, on 4-inch square outlet boxes,
• Range of up to 200 feet or in concrete and deep wall constructions.
• Coded or sustained tones Installed on the front of a Vibratone Horn, the optional Model PR
Projector or Model PR2 Double Projector direct sound output straight
• Model 350 – 12, 24, 120 and ahead or to the sides, optimizing sound output for long, narrow rooms
240VAC; Model 450 – 12, 24, or corridors.
125 and 250VDC Vibratone horns are UL and cUL Listed, CSA Certified and FM
Approved. They are designed and approved for use in Type 4X applica-
• Model 350 produces 100dBa at 10' tions when installed with the Panel Mount Gasket Kit or Weatherproof
Backbox (Model WB). They are approved for Type 4X and Type 12
• Model 450 produces 99dBa at 10' applications when installed with the Surface Mount Trim Ring (Model
• Type 4X when installed with TR, illustrated on page 124).
Panel Mount Gasket Kit or Each Vibratone horn is enclosed in a zinc die-cast housing and sealed
Weatherproof Backbox (Model WB); with grey powder-coat paint. The Model 350 features a stainless steel
diaphragm. The Model 450 utilizes an aluminum diaphragm and heavy
Type 4X and Type 12 when installed duty contacts. The rugged construction of the Vibratone horns resists
with Surface Mount vandalism and the effects of harsh industrial environments.
Trim Ring (Model TR) Compact size, loud output and heavy-duty construction make the
VibraTone horns ideal for industrial and institutional signaling
• UL and cUL Listed, CSA Certified
and FM Approved
Operating Decibels @
Model Voltage Current 10' 1m
350-012-30 12VAC 50/60Hz 0.90 amps 94 104
350-024-30 24VAC 50/60Hz 0.90 amps 100 110
350-120-30 120VAC 50/60Hz 0.18 amps 100 110
350-240-30 240VAC 50/60Hz 0.09 amps 100 110
450-012-30 12VDC 0.13 amps 93 103
450-012-31 12VDC 0.50 amps 99 109

5 yyr
0.25 amps
0.05 amps
0.03 amps

350 HORN 450 HORN

Mounting Holes (2) 2.19" / Mounting Holes (2) 2.57" /
55.6 mm
4.06" / 103.1 mm 4.06" / 103.1 mm 65.3 mm

4.06" / 4.06" /
103.1 mm 103.1 mm

1.19" / 3.38"/ 85.8 mm 1.19" /

3.38"/ 85.8 mm 30.2 mm 30.2 mm

3.5" / 88.9 mm
3.38" / Dia. Hole Cutout 3.38" /
1.69" / 85.8 mm Required For 85.8 mm
1.69" /
42.9 mm Panel Mounting 42.9 mm

2x 0.18" / 2x 0.18" /
1.69" / 42.9 mm 4.5 mm 1.69" / 42.9 mm
4.5 mm


Operating Temperature: -65°F to 150°F -54°C to 66°C • Specify model and voltage
Net Weight: 1.4 lbs. 0.6 kg • Specify accessories from list
Shipping Weight: 1.5 lbs. 0.7 kg • Please refer to Model Number Index
Height: 4.0" 102.0 mm 350/450 beginning on page 374
Width: 4.0" 102.0 mm
Depth: 2.5" 64.0 mm REPLACEMENT PARTS
Description Part Number
ACCESSORIES Panel Mount Gasket Kit K8435666A
FB Wall box for flush mounting the Vibratone® horn in stud, 4" block, or other shallow Coil (120VAC only) KFC1516C
wall construction; 43/8" square box; 27/8" deep; shipping weight 2 lbs. (0.91 kg)
Volume Control Kit
FBL Same as FB, but 313/16" deep for 6" x 8" concrete block, cinder block or other deep
(350 Horn only) K8435663B
wall construction; shipping wt. 3 lbs. (1.36 kg)
FG Flush grille which attaches to the basic unit and serves as the cover of the plastered- Gasket for WB K8435696A
in FB flush box; 6" H x 6" W x 1/8" D; shipping wt. 1 lb. (0.45 kg)
K8435666A Optional Panel Mounting Gasket Kit includes a gasket and hardware for surface or
flush mounting the horn for NEMA Type 4X applications.
PR Projector which concentrates sound into a basic area when attached to the basic
model 350/450 units; 4" H x 4" W x 6" D; shipping weight 1 lb. (0.45 kg)
PR2 Double projector directs sounds to both sides when attached to the basic model
350/450 units; ideal for use in hallways; 4" H x 111/2" W x 4" D; shipping weight 2
lbs. (0,91 kg)
SF Stamped surface plate used for installations on plastered-in 4" outlet switch boxes
for semi-flush mountings; 6"H x 6" W x 1/2" D; shipping
weight 1 lb. (0.45 kg)
TR Gasketed trim ring allowing surface mount installations of 350/450 units while main-
taining Type12 and Type 4X rating of enclosure.
WB Cast aluminum neoprene-gasketed weatherproof housing for outside use, complete
with mounting lugs; tapped for 1/2", 3/4" conduit; 43/8" square box; 2" deep mounting
lugs on 41/2" centers; shipping weight 1 lb. (0.45 kg)

2645 Federal Signal Dr., University Park, IL 60484 Tel: 708.534.4756 Fax: 708.534.4852 www.federalsignal-indust.com



(12-24VCC, 120VCA Y 230-240VCA), FB2PST-I (24VCC)



MODÈLES FB2PST (12-24 V.C.C., 120 V.C.A., ET 230-240 V.C.A.),
FB2PST-I (24 V.C.C.)

Address all communications and shipments to:

Dirija toda la correspondencia y envíos a:
Adressez toutes les communications et expéditions à:


Electrical Products Division
2645 Federal Signal Drive
University Park, IL 60466-3195
24VDC, 120VAC AND 230-240VAC)



Installation, maintenance and disposal of this product must be carried out in accordance with
national codes and standards.

It is important to follow all instructions shipped with this product. This device is to be installed by a
trained electrician who is thoroughly familiar with and will follow all applicable national and local
codes in the country of use.

This device should be considered a part of the warning system and not the entire warning system.

The selection of the mounting location for the device, its controls and the routing of the wiring is to
be accomplished under the direction of the facilities engineer and the safety engineer. In addition,
listed below are some other important safety instructions and precautions you should follow:

• Read and understand all instructions before installing or operating this equipment.

• Do not connect this light to the system when power is on.

• After installation, ensure that all set screws are properly tightened.

• After installation, test the light system to ensure that it is operating properly.

• After testing is complete, provide a copy of this instruction sheet to all operating personnel.

• Establish a procedure to routinely check the light installation for integrity and proper operation.

Failure to follow all safety precautions and instructions may result in property damage, serious
injury, or death to you or others.

A. General.
The Model FB2PST is available for 12-24Vdc, 120Vac, 50/60 Hz and 230-240Vac, 50/60 Hz.
Model FB2PST-I is only available for 24Vdc.

B. Unpacking.

After unpacking the unit, examine it for damage that may have occurred in transit. If the
equipment has been damaged, do not attempt to install or operate it, file a claim immediately
with the carrier stating the extent of the damage. Carefully check all envelopes, shipping
labels and tags before removing or destroying them.

C. Model FB2PST and FB2PST-I.

The Model FB2PST strobe lights are designed for mounting on a flat horizontal or vertical
surface or on a 1/2" NPT threaded pipe. Mounting on a vertical surface with the lens
positioned upward can be accomplished using a separately purchased Federal Signal wall
(Model LWMB2) or corner (Model LCMB2) mounting bracket.

1. Pipe Mounting

The Model FB2PST can be mounted on 1/2 inch pipe. Mounting hardware and installation
details are left to the installer.


To prevent the connection from loosening, tighten the fixture to a MINIMUM torque of 5 ft.-lbs.
(6.8N m) after threading it onto the pipe.
2. Surface Mounting
a. Using the gasket as a template, scribe the three mounting holes and the center hole for
surface mounting. Drill a 3/16" (4.8 mm) diameter hole at each of the three scribed
mounting marks. Drill or punch a 1" (25.4 mm) diameter hole at the center for the wires.

b. Set the light on gasket and attach to the mounting surface using the provided #8-32

c. Refer to paragraph E. for electrical connections.

D. Electrical Connections.

1. Models FB2PST 120 and 230-240 VAC.

Do not connect if supply wires are energized.

The FB2PST alternating current units are supplied with three leads (one black, one white,
and one green/yellow) for the AC units. Some models will have the following alternative
colors: brown instead of black, and blue instead of white. Connect the black (or brown) lead
to the phase side of the power source, the white (or blue) lead to the common (neutral) side
of the power source, and the green/yellow lead to earth ground.

The 120 and 230-240 VAC Strobe units are designed to operate on both 50 and 60Hz electrical
power. Special modifications are NOT required for the two different AC line frequencies.

2. Model FB2PST (12-24VDC) and Model FB2PST-I (24VDC).

The Model FB2PST direct current unit is supplied with two leads (one red and one black).
Connect the red (+) lead to the positive power source terminal and the black (-) to the
negative power source terminal.

Polarity MUST be observed for operation.



Listed below are some important safety instructions and precautions you should follow:
• Read and understand all instructions before operating this system.
• Any maintenance to the light system must be done with the power turned off.
• Any maintenance to the light system must be performed by a trained electrician in accordance
with all applicable national and local codes and standards in the country of use.
• Never alter the unit in any manner.
• The nameplate, which may contain cautionary or other information of importance to mainte-
nance personnel, should NOT be obscured in any way. Ensure that the name plate remains
readable when the housing’s exterior is painted.
Failure to follow all safety precautions and instructions may result in property damage, serious
injury, or death to you or others.

A. Flash Tube Replacement.

As strobe lights are used, the flash tubes begin to darken, causing the light output to decrease.
This darkening is characteristic of flash tubes. Darkening will begin near the base of the tube
and progress upward. Also, as flash tubes age, they may have a tendency to misfire (not fire

After extended operation, occasionally check for flash tube degradation. Should the flash tube
misfire, have a noticeable decrease in light output, glow continuously or darken to a point
beyond that shown in figure 1—it should be replaced.

High voltages are present inside the light assembly. Wait at least 5 minutes after shutting off the
power before servicing this unit.

To replace the flash tube, proceed as follows:

1. Disconnect power.

2. Remove the screw located at the bottom of the dome

3. Grasp the top of the dome and push down while turning the dome counter-clockwise
approximately 3/4-inch.

4. Gently lift the dome away. Ensure the gasket between the dome and base is not lost.

5. Grasp the flash tube by its base and pull it out of the socket, using a gentle “rocking”
motion. Insert the new flash tube.

6. Before replacing dome, ensure that the gasket is properly seated on the housing base.
Place the dome over the base, aligning the recesses inside the dome lip with the four pins
on the base. Push down on the dome and turn clockwise until it locks in place (approxi-
mately 3/4-inch)

7. Replace the screw in the bottom of the dome.

8. Test the light for proper operation.

B. PC Board Replacement.

High voltages are present inside the light assembly. Wait at least 5 minutes after shutting off the
power before servicing this unit.

1. Disconnect the power.

2. Remove the remove the screw located at the bottom of the dome

3. Grasp the top of the dome and push down while turning the dome counter-clockwise
approximately 3/4-inch.

4. Gently lift the dome away. Ensure that the gasket between the dome and base is not lost.

5. Remove the flash tube as described in paragraph II.A.5. Flash Tube Replacement.

6. Remove the power connector(s) from the P.C. board. When replacing older board assemblies,
the power connectors need to be adjusted to match the new assemblies. Included with the
replacement board is a power lead adaptor. Since some strobes are polarity sensitive,
connect matching colored wires together.

7. Remove the 6-32 screws, which secure the circuit board to housing base. On older DC units,
the #4 phillips head screw securing the power transistor must also be removed. Remove the
old circuit board. Place the new circuit board in position. Secure the circuit board in
position by installing two 6-32 screws at opposite corners of the circuit board.

8. Install the flash tube as described in paragraph II.A.5. Flash Tube Replacement.

9. Before replacing dome, ensure that the gasket is properly seated on the die-cast base. Place
the dome over the base, aligning the recesses inside the dome lip with the four pins on the
base. Push down on the dome and turn clockwise until it locks in place (approximately 3/4-

10. Replace the screw in the bottom of the dome.

11. Reassemble the light and test for proper operation.

C. Service.
The Federal factory will service your equipment or provide technical assistance with any
problems that cannot be handled locally.

Any units returned to Federal Signal for service, inspection, or repair must be accompanied by
a Return Material Authorization. This R.M.A. can be obtained from the local Distributor or
Manufacturer’s Representative.

At this time a brief explanation of the service requested, or the nature of the malfunction,
should be provided.

Address all communications and shipments to:


Electrical Products Division
Service Department
2645 Federal Signal Drive
University Park, IL 60466-3195

D. Replacement Parts.
Description Part Number
Dome, Amber, Kit K8550320A
Dome, Blue, Kit K8550320A-01
Dome, Clear, Kit K8550320A-02
Dome, Green, Kit K8550320A-03
Dome, Red, Kit K8550320A-04
Dome, Magenta, Kit K8550320A-05
Flash Tube/Trigger Coil Assy. K8107177A
Fuse, 120 and 230-240 VAC units, K148A155A-01
1A, 250V
Circuit Board, 12-24VDC K2001202C
Circuit Board, 120VAC K200D866G
Circuit Board, 230-240VAC K200D866G-01
Circuit Board, Inrush Current, 24VDC K2001918A


“Warning-Not to be used as a visual public mode alarm notification appliance”


Underwriters Laboratories uses two different standards to investigate and List visual signal
appliances. The first UL Standard for Safety is UL1971 - Signaling Devices for the Hearing
Impaired. This standard covers visual signaling devices intended for fire alarm systems to alert the
hearing impaired. The second UL Standard for Safety is UL1638 - Visual Signaling
Appliances-Private Mode Emergency and General Utility Signaling. While this standard may also
cover visual signal appliances, it does not include the determination of adequacy relative to alerting
hearing-impaired individuals in a fire alarm system.

To prevent misapplication of a visual signal appliance Listed to UL1638, UL determined it is the

manufacturer’s responsibility to warn the installer in the field and Authority Having Jurisdiction
(AHJ) of what would be an inappropriate use of the product. Therefore, manufactures whose
products Listed to UL1638 are required by Underwriters Laboratories to bear the warning,
“Warning - Not to be used as a visual public mode alarm notification appliance”.

“Public Operating Mode” and “Notification Appliance” as defined in the National Fire Alarm Code,
NFPA 72 is as follows:

Public Operating Mode - Audible or visible signaling to occupants or inhabitants of the area
protected by the fire alarm system.

Notification Appliance - A fire alarm system component such as a bell, horn, speaker, light, or
text display that provides audible, tactile, or visible outputs, or any combination thereof.

In other words, this device should not be used as a component of a commercial fire alarm system.

24VCC, 24VCC, 120VCA Y 230-240VCA)



La instalación, el mantenimiento y el desecho de este producto se deben llevar a cabo de acuerdo con
los códigos y normas nacionales.
Es importante seguir todas las instrucciones enviadas con este producto. Este dispositivo debe ser
instalado por un electricista capacitado que esté totalmente familiarizado y que cumpla con todos
los códigos nacionales y locales del país de uso.
Este dispositivo se debe considerar como una parte del sistema de advertencia y no como el sistema
de advertencia total.
La elección del sitio para el montaje del dispositivo, sus controles y la ruta del cableado debe
realizarse bajo la dirección del ingeniero de instalaciones y el Ingeniero de seguridad. Además, a
continuación se detallan otras importantes instrucciones y precauciones sobre la seguridad, que
usted debe cumplir:
• Lea y entienda todas las instrucciones antes de instalar o de operar este equipo.
• No conecte esta luz al sistema mientras el mismo esté encendido.
• Después de la instalación, asegúrese de que todos tornillos estén apretados de forma adecuada.
• Después de la instalación, pruebe el sistema de luces para asegurarse que está funcionando
• Luego de finalizar la prueba, proporciónele una copia de esta de hoja instrucciones a todo el
personal que lo manejará.
• Establezca un procedimiento para revisar rutinariamente la instalación de las luces para
verificar su integridad y un funcionamiento adecuado.
El no cumplimiento con todas las precauciones e instrucciones de seguridad puede resultar en daño
a la propiedad, lesiones graves, o muerte para usted u otros.
A. General.
El Modelo FB2PST está disponible para 12-24Vcc, 120Vca, 50/60 Hz y 230-240Vac, 50/60 Hz.
El modelo FB2PST-I sólo está disponible en 24 VCC.
B. Desempaque.
Después de desempacar la unidad, examínela para verificar que no tenga daños que puedan
haber ocurrido en tránsito. Si el equipo ha sido dañado, no intente instalarlo o hacerlo
funcionar, preséntele un reclamo inmediatamente al transportista describiendo el alcance del
daño. Revise cuidadosamente todos los sobres, etiquetas de envío, etiquetas y talones de envío
antes de quitarlos o destruirlos.
C. Modelo FB2PST y FB2PST-I.
Las luces estroboscópicas Modelo FB2PST están diseñadas para ser montadas sobre una
superficie plana horizontal o vertical o en un tubo roscado NPT de 1/2 pulgada. Se puede
lograr un montaje sobre una superficie vertical con los lentes ubicados hacia arriba, utilizando
una ménsula de montaje de pared (Modelo LWMB2) o de esquina (Modelo LCMB2) de Federal
Signal, que se compra por separado.
1. Montaje sobre un tubo
El Modelo FB2PST se puede montar sobre un tubo de 1/2 pulgada. Los accesorios de
montaje y los detalles de instalación se le dejan al instalador.
Para evitar que la conexión se afloje, apriete el montaje a una fuerza de torsión MÍNIMA de 5
pies-libra (6,8N m) después de enroscarlo en el tubo.
2. Montaje sobre una superficie
a. Utilizando la junta como plantilla, trace los tres orificios de montaje y el orificio central
para montarlo sobre una superficie. Taladre un orificio de 3/16” (4,8 mm) de diámetro en
cada una de las tres marcas de montaje que trazó. Taladre o corte un orificio de 1” (25,4
mm) de diámetro en el centro para pasar los cables.
b. Coloque la luz sobre la junta y adósela sobre la superficie de montaje utilizando los
tornillos #8-32 proporcionados.
c. Remítase el párrafo E. para obtener información para realizar las conexiones eléctricas.
D. Conexiones eléctricas.
1. Modelos FB2PST 120 y 230-240 VCA.

No lo conecte al circuito de alimentación cuando este tiene corriente.

Las unidades de corriente alterna FB2PST se proporcionan con tres conductores (uno
negro, uno blanco, y uno verde/amarillo). Algunos modelos pueden tener los siguientes
colores alternativos: marrón en lugar de negro, y azul en lugar de blanco. Conecte el
conductor negro (o marrón) en el lado de la fase de la fuente de energía, el conductor blanco
(o azul) al lado común (neutro) de la fuente de energía, y el conductor verde/amarillo a la
descarga a tierra.
Las unidades estroboscópicas de 120 y 230–240 VCA están diseñadas para funcionar tanto con
corrientes eléctricas de 50 como de 60 Hz. NO se requieren modificaciones especiales para los dos
tipos de frecuencias de línea de CA diferentes.
2. Modelo FB2PST 12-24VCC y FB2PST-I 24VCC.
La unidad de corriente continua, Modelo FB2PST se proporciona con dos conductores (uno
rojo y uno negro). Conecte el conductor rojo (+) a la terminal de la fuente de energía positiva
y el negro (-) a la terminal de la fuente de energía negativa.
La polaridad DEBE ser tenida en cuenta para el funcionamiento.



Debajo están listadas algunas instrucciones y precauciones importantes sobre la seguridad, que
usted debe cumplir:
• Lea y entienda todas las instrucciones antes de operar este sistema
• Cualquier mantenimiento que se le realice al sistema de luz debe llevarse a cabo con la energía
• Cualquier mantenimiento que se le realice al sistema de luz debe ser llevado a cabo por un
electricista capacitado y de acuerdo con todos los códigos y estándares nacionales y locales del
país de uso.
• Nunca altere la unidad en forma alguna.
• La placa con el nombre del producto, que puede contener información de advertencia u otra
información importante para el personal de mantenimiento, NO DEBE ser ocultada en forma
alguna. Asegúrese de que la placa con el nombre del producto permanezca legible cuando se
pinten las piezas exteriores.
El no cumplimiento con todas las precauciones e instrucciones de seguridad puede resultar en daño
a la propiedad, lesiones graves, o muerte para usted u otros.

A. Reemplazo del tubo de intermitencia.
A medida que las luces estroboscópicas se utilizan, los tubos de intermitencia comienzan a
oscurecerse, provocando una disminución en la entrega de luz. Este oscurecimiento es
característico de los tubos de intermitencia. El oscurecimiento comenzará cerca de la base del
tubo y avanzará hacia arriba. Además los tubos de intermitencia después de cierta duración
comienzan a dispararse erróneamente (no se disparan en forma periódica).

Luego de un funcionamiento prolongado, verifique ocasionalmente la degradación del tubo de

intermitencia. Si el tubo de intermitencia se dispara erróneamente, tiene una disminución
notable en la entrega de luz, brilla continuamente o se oscurece hasta un punto mayor del que
se muestra en la figura 1, es necesario reemplazarlo.

Existen voltajes altos dentro del ensamblaje de la luz. Espere al menos 5 minutos después de
cortar la fuente de energía para realizarle el mantenimiento a esta unidad.
Para reemplazar el tubo de intermitencia, proceda de la siguiente manera:
1. Desconecte la fuente de energía.
2. Quite el tornillo ubicado en la parte inferior del domo
3. Tome la parte superior del domo y empuje hacia abajo mientras lo gira en sentido
antihorario aproximadamente 3/4 de pulgada.
4. Levante el domo con mucho cuidado. Asegúrese de que la junta ubicada entre el domo y la
base no se pierda.
5. Tome el tubo de intermitencia por su base y tire del mismo, con un suave movimiento
“oscilante”, para quitarlo del portalámparas. Inserte el nuevo tubo de intermitencia.
6. Antes de volver a colocar el domo, asegúrese de que la junta esté adecuadamente ubicada
sobre la base de la caja. Coloque el domo nuevamente sobre la base, alineando los encastres
dentro del reborde del domo con las cuatro clavijas de la base. Empuje el domo hacia abajo y
gire en sentido horario hasta que se trabe en su lugar (aproximadamente 3/4 de pulgada)
7. Vuelva a colocar los tornillos en la parte inferior del domo.
8. Pruebe la luz para verificar que está funcionando correctamente.
B. Reemplazo de la placa de PC.

Existen voltajes altos dentro del ensamblaje de la luz. Espere al menos 5 minutos después de
cortar la fuente de energía para realizarle el mantenimiento a esta unidad.

1. Desconecte la fuente de energía.

2. Quite el tornillo ubicado en la parte inferior del domo
3. Tome la parte superior del domo y empuje hacia abajo mientras lo gira en sentido
antihorario aproximadamente 3/4 de pulgada.
4. Levante el domo con mucho cuidado. Asegúrese de que la junta ubicada entre el domo y la
base no se pierda.
5. Quite el tubo de intermitencia como se describe en el párrafo II.A.5. Reemplazo del tubo de
6. Quite el/los conector(es) de energía de la placa de P.C. Cuando reemplace ensamblajes de
placas anteriores, los conectores de energía se deben ajustar para que se correspondan con
los ensamblajes nuevos. Con la placa de remplazo se encuentra un adaptador de conductor
de energía. Como algunas luces estroboscópicas son sensibles a la polaridad, conecte los
colores iguales juntos.
7. Quite los tornillos 6-32, que aseguran la placa del circuito a la base de la carcasa. En
unidades de CC anteriores, los tornillos phillips #4 que aseguran el transistor de energía
también se deben quitar. Quite la placa del circuito anterior. Coloque la nueva placa del
circuito en posición. Asegure la placa del circuito en posición instalando dos tornillos 6-32
en esquinas opuestas en la placa del circuito.
8. Instale el tubo de intermitencia como se describe en el párrafo II.A.5. Remplazo del tubo de
9. Antes de reemplazar el domo, asegúrese de que la junta esté adecuadamente colocada sobre
la base de la caja. Coloque el domo nuevamente sobre la base, alineando los encastres
dentro del reborde del domo con las cuatro clavijas de la base. Empuje el domo hacia abajo y
gire en sentido horario hasta que se trabe en su lugar (aproximadamente 3/4 de pulgada)
10. Vuelva a colocar los tornillos en la parte inferior del domo.
11. Vuelva a armar la luz y pruébela para verificar que está funcionando correctamente.
C. Servicio de mantenimiento.
La fábrica Federal le realizará el mantenimiento de su equipo o le proporcionará asistencia
técnica con cualquier problema que no pueda ser manejado en forma local.
Cualquier unidad que sea devuelta a Federal Signal para mantenimiento, inspección, o
reparación debe estar acompañada de una Autorización de devolución de material (R.M.A.).
Esta R.M.A. se puede obtener del distribuidor local o del representante del fabricante.
En ese momento, se deberá proporcionar una breve explicación del mantenimiento solicitado, o
de la naturaleza del mal funcionamiento.
Dirija todas las comunicaciones y envíos a:
Electrical Products Division
Service Department
2645 Federal Signal Drive
University Park, IL 60466-3195
D. Piezas de reemplazo.
Descripción Parte No.
Domo, Ambar, juego K8550320A
Domo, Azul, juego K8550320A-01
Domo, Incoloro, juego K8550320A-02
Domo, Verde, juego K8550320A-03
Domo, Rojo, juego K8550320A-04
Domo, Magenta, juego K8550320A-05
Tubo de intermitencia/Montaje de bobina disparadora K8107177A
Fusible, unidades de 120 y 230-240 VCA, 1A, 250V K148A155A-01
Placa de circuito, 12-24 VCC K2001202C
Placa de circuito, 120 VCA K200D866G
Placa de circuito, 230-240 VCA K200D866G-01
Tablero de circuito, corriente inicial, 24 VCC K2001918A


“Advertencia-No debe usarse como un aparato de notificación de alarma visual en modo



Underwriters Laboratories usa dos normas diferentes para investigar y listar aparatos de
señalización visual. La primera norma UL para seguridad es la UL1971 - Dispositivos de
señalización para personas con discapacidad auditiva. Esta norma cubre dispositivos de
señalización visual diseñados para sistemas de alarma de incendio para alertar a personas con
discapacidad auditiva. La segunda norma UL para seguridad es la UL1638 - Aparatos de
señalización visual-Emergencia en modo privado y Señalización de utilidad general. Aunque esta
norma también puede cubrir aparatos de señalización visual, no incluye la determinación de la
idoneidad en relación con la puesta en alerta a personas con discapacidad auditiva en un sistema de
alarma de incendio.

Para evitar la mala aplicación de un aparato de señalización visual listado en UL1638, UL decidió
que es responsabilidad del fabricante advertir al instalador en el campo y a la autoridad competente
lo que sería un uso inapropiado del producto. En consecuencia, Underwriters Laboratories requiere
que los fabricantes cuyos productos estén listados en UL1638, incluyan el aviso, “Advertencia - No
debe usarse como un aparato de notificación de alarma visual en modo público”.

Las definiciones de “Modo de operación pública” y “Aparato de notificación” de acuerdo con el Código
Nacional de alarmas de incendio, NFPA 72, son las siguientes:

Modo de operación pública - Señalización audible o visual para los ocupantes o habitantes del
área protegida por el sistema de alarma de incendio.

Aparato de notificación - Componente de un sistema de alarma de incendio como una campana,

una bocina, un altavoz, una luz, o una pantalla de texto, que proporciona una salida auditiva, táctil,
o visible, o cualquier combinación de los mismos.

En otras palabras, este dispositivo no debería usarse como componente de un sistema comercial de
alarma de incendio.

FB2PST ET FB2PST-I (12-24 V.C.C., 24 V.C.C., 120 V.C.A., ET 230-240 V.C.A.)



L’installation, l’entretien et l’élimination de ce produit doivent se faire conformément aux normes et
aux codes nationaux.
Il est important de suivre toutes les instructions expédiées avec ce produit. Ce dispositif doit être
installé par un électricien bien formé qui connaît tous les codes nationaux et locaux dans le pays
d’usage et qui les respecte.
Ce dispositif doit être considéré comme faisant partie d’un système d’avertissement et non pas
comme l’ensemble du système.
Le choix de l’emplacement de montage de ce dispositif, ses contrôles et l’acheminement du câblage
doivent se faire sous la direction de l’ingénieur de l’installation et de l’ingénieur de sécurité. En
outre, vous trouverez ci-après une liste de certaines instructions et précautions de sécurité
importantes à suivre :
• Lisez attentivement et comprenez bien toutes les instructions avant d’installer ou de faire
fonctionner cet équipement.
• Ne branchez pas cette lampe au système lorsque le courant n’est pas coupé.
• Après l’installation, assurez-vous que toutes les vis de fixation sont bien resserrées.
• Après l’installation, assurez-vous de tester le système d’éclairage pour vérifier qu’il fonctionne
• Après la fin du test, fournissez une copie de ce feuillet d’instructions à tout le personnel des
• Établissez une procédure de vérification de routine de l’installation d’éclairage pour vous
assurer de son intégrité et de son bon fonctionnement.
Le fait de ne pas suivre toutes les précautions et instructions de sécurité peut provoquer des
dommages à la propriété, des blessures graves voire la mort pour vous et pour d’autres personnes.
A. Généralités.
Le modèle FB2PST est disponible pour 12-24 v.c.c., 120 v.c.a., 50/60 Hz et 230-240 v.c.a.,
50/60 Hz. Le modèle FB2PST-I est uniquement disponible en 24Vdc.
B. Déballage.
Après avoir déballé l’unité, examinez-la pour voir s’il y a eu des dommages pendant le
transport. Si l’équipement est endommagé, n’essayez pas de l’installer ou de le faire fonction-
ner. Déposez immédiatement une réclamation auprès du transporteur en indiquant la portée
des dommages. Vérifiez avec soin toutes les enveloppes, les étiquettes d’expédition et les
étiquettes avant de les retirer ou de les détruire.
C. Modèle FB2PST et FB2PST-I.
Les lampes stroboscopiques de modèle FB2PST sont conçues pour être installées sur une
surface à plat, horizontale ou verticale ou sur un tuyau fileté NPT de 1/2 po (1,27 cm). Vous
pouvez l’installer sur une surface verticale, lentille vers le haut en utilisant une fixation de
montage de Federal Signal pour le mur (Modèle LWMB2) ou pour le coin (Modèle LCMB2).
1. Montage sur tuyau
Le modèle FB2PST peut s’installer sur un tuyau de 1/2 po (1,27 cm). La quincaillerie et les
détails d’installation sont laissés à la discrétion de l’installateur.
Pour éviter que les connexions se desserrent, resserrez l’appareil à un couple MINIMUM de
5 pi-lb (6,8 N m) après l’avoir enfilé sur le tuyau.
2. Montage en surface
a. Utilisez le joint d’étanchéité statique comme gabarit, marquez trois trous de montage et
un trou central pour la surface d’installation. Percez un trou de 3/16 po (4,8 mm) de
diamètre à chacune des marques de montage indiquées. Percez ou perforez un trou de 1
po (25,4 mm) de diamètre au centre pour les fils.
b. Placez la lampe sur le joint d’étanchéité statique et fixez à la surface de montage avec les
vis 8-32 fournies.
c. Reportez-vous au paragraphe E pour les connexions électriques.
D. Connexions électriques.
1. Modèles FB2PST 120 et 230-240 v.c.a.

Ne connectez pas les fils si le courant n’est pas coupé.

Les unités à courant alternatif FB2PST sont fournies avec trois fils (un noir, un blanc et un
vert/jaune) pour les appareils à c.a. Certains modèles ont les couleurs alternatives
suivantes : brun au lieu de noir et bleu au lieu de blanc. Connectez le fil noir (ou brun) au
côté phase de la source de courant, le fil blanc (ou bleu) au côté commun (neutre) de la
source de courant et le fil vert/jaune à la masse.
Les appareils stroboscopiques de 120 et de 230-240 v.c.a. sont conçus pour fonctionner sur un
courant de 50 et de 60 Hz. Il ne faut PAS de modifications spéciales pour les deux fréquences
différentes de lignes à c.a.
2. Modèle FB2PST 12-24 v.c.c. et FB2PST-I 24 v.c.c.
Le modèle FB2PST à courant direct est doté de deux fils (un rouge et un noir). Connectez le
fil rouge (+) à la borne de source de courant positif et noir (-) à la borne de source de courant
La polarité DOIT être observée pour l’opération.


Vous trouverez ci-après une liste de certaines instructions et précautions de sécurité importantes à
suivre :
• Lisez attentivement et comprenez bien toutes les instructions avant de faire fonctionner ce
• Ne faites pas l’entretien de ce système d’éclairage si le circuit est sous tension.
• Tout entretien de ce système d’éclairage doit être effectué par un électricien bien formé qui
connaît tous les codes nationaux et locaux dans le pays d’usage et qui les respecte
• Ne modifiez jamais cet appareil de quelque façon que ce soit.
• Les plaques signalétiques contenant des informations de mise en garde et autres informations
importantes pour le personnel d’entretien ne doivent PAS être obscurcies de quelque façon que ce
soit. Assurez-vous que la plaque reste lisible lorsque l’extérieur de l’enceinte est peint.
Le fait de ne pas suivre toutes les précautions et instructions de sécurité peut provoquer des
dommages à la propriété, des blessures graves voire la mort pour vous et pour d’autres personnes.
A. Remplacement du tube à éclats.
Au fur et à mesure où les lampes stroboscopiques sont utilisées, les tubes à éclats commencent
à foncer provoquant une réduction d’éclairage. Cet assombrissement est caractéristique des
tubes à éclats et commence près de la base du tube pour ensuite monter. De même, les tubes à
éclats plus vieux ont parfois tendance à avoir des ratés (ne pas s’allumer parfois).

Après une utilisation prolongée de l’appareil, vérifiez à l’occasion la dégradation du tube à
éclats. Si le tube connaît des ratés, une réduction appréciable de la sortie d’éclairage, un éclat
continuel ou un obscurcissement dépassant ce qui est indiqué sous la figure 1 - il faut le

Il y a de hautes tensions à l’intérieur du montage de la lampe, attendez au moins 5 minutes

après avoir coupé le courant avant d’en faire l’entretien ou les réparations.
Pour remplacer le tube à éclats, procédez comme suit :
1. Coupez le courant.
2. Retirez la vis qui se trouve au bas du globe.
3. Agrippez le dessus du globe et poussez vers le bas tout en tournant le globe dans le sens
contraire des aiguilles d’une montre d’environ 3/4 pouce (19,05 mm).
4. Soulevez délicatement le globe. Assurez-vous que le joint d’étanchéité statique entre le
globe et la base n’est pas perdu.
5. Agrippez le tube à éclats par sa base et tirez pour le sortir de sa douille en utilisant un
léger mouvement de « bascule ». Insérez le nouveau tube.
6. Avant de remplacer le globe, assurez-vous que le joint d’étanchéité est bien placé sur la
base de l’enceinte. Placez le globe sur la base en alignant les rainures à l’intérieur de la
lèvre du globe avec les quatre goupilles sur la base. Poussez vers le bas sur le globe et
tournez dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre jusqu’à ce que le tout se verrouille en place
(environ 3/4 de pouce (1,905 cm).
7. Replacez la vis au bas du globe.
8. Testez l’éclairage pour vous assurer que tout fonctionne correctement.
B. Remplacement de la plaquette PC.

Il y a de hautes tensions à l’intérieur du montage de la lampe, attendez au moins 5 minutes

après avoir coupé le courant avant d’en faire l’entretien ou les réparations.
1. Coupez le courant.

2. Retirez la vis qui se trouve au bas du globe.

3. Agrippez le dessus du globe et poussez vers le bas tout en tournant le globe dans le sens
contraire des aiguilles d’une montre d’environ 3/4 pouce (19,05 mm).
4. Soulevez délicatement le globe. Assurez-vous que le joint d’étanchéité statique entre le
globe et la base n’est pas perdu.
5. Retirez le tube à éclats tel que décrit sous la paragraphe II.A.5. Remplacement du tube à
6. Retirez le(s) connecteur(s) d’alimentation de la plaquette à circuits imprimés. En rempla-
çant la vieille plaquette, il faut ajuster les connecteurs d’alimentation selon le nouvel
assemblage. Vous trouverez avec la plaquette de rechange un adaptateur de fil d’alimenta-
tion. Puisque certaines lampes stroboscopiques sont sensibles à la polarité, connectez les
fils de couleur complémentaire ensemble.
7. Retirez les vis 6-32 qui retiennent la plaquette à la base de l’enceinte. Pour les unités à c.c.
plus vieilles, la vis à tête phillips #4 retenant le transistor de puissance doit aussi être
enlevé. Retirez l’ancienne plaquette et placez la nouvelle en position. Fixez la plaquette en
installant deux vis 6-32 dans les coins opposés de la plaquette.
8. Installez le tube à éclats tel que décrit sous le paragraphe II.A.5 Remplacement du tube à

9. Avant de replacer le globe, assurez-vous que le joint d’étanchéité statique est bien installé
sur la base de l’enceinte. Placez le globe sur la base en alignant les rainures à l’intérieur de
la lèvre du globe avec les quatre ergots de la base. Poussez le globe vers le bas et tournez
dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre jusqu’à ce qu’il se verrouille en place (environ 3/4 po
(19,05 mm).
10. Replacez la vis au bas du globe.
11. Remontez la lampe et testez pour vous assurer qu’elle fonctionne correctement
C. Service.
L’usine Federal Signal fera l’entretien et la réparation de votre équipement ou fournira l’aide
technique voulue avec tout problème qui ne peut être résolu localement.
Toutes les unités retournées à Federal Signal pour entretien, inspection ou réparations
doivent être accompagnées d’une autorisation de retour du matériel. Cette autorisation
s’obtient du distributeur local ou d’un représentant du fabricant.
Il faudrait aussi ajouter une brève explication des services requis ou de la nature de la
Adressez toutes communications et expéditions à :
Electrical Products Division
Service Department
2645 Federal Signal Drive
University Park, IL 60466-3195
D. Pièces de rechange.
Description Numéro de pièces
Globe, ambré, kit K8550320A
Globe, bleu, kit K8550320A-01
Globe, transparent, kit K8550320A-02
Globe, vert, kit K8550320A-03
Globe, rouge, kit K8550320A-04
Globe, magenta, kit K8550320A-05
Tube à éclats/serpentin de déclenchement K8107177A
Fusible, unités de 120 et 230-240 v.c.a., 1A, 250V K148A155A-01
Plaquette de circuits, 12-24 v.c.c K2001202C
Plaquette de circuits, 120 v.c.a. K200D866G
Plaquette de circuits, 230-240 v.c.a. K200D866G-01
Carte de circuits imprimés, courant d’appel, 24VDC K2001918A


“Avertissement-Ne pas utiliser comme appareil de signal d’alarme mode public visuel”


Underwriters Laboratories utilise deux normes différentes pour examiner et lister les appareils de
signaux visuels. La première Norme UL pour la Sécurité est l’UL1971 – Dispositifs de Signaux pour
les Malentendants. Cette norme couvre les dispositifs de signaux visuels que comportent les systè-
mes d’alarme d’incendie pour alerter les malentendants. La deuxième Norme UL pour la Sécurité
est l’UL1638 – Appareils de Signaux Visuels-Signaux d’Urgence Mode Privé et d’Usage Général.
Bien que cette norme puisse aussi couvrir les appareils de signaux visuels, elle n’inclut pas l’établis-
sement d’une conception adéquate pour alerter les personnes malentendantes avec un système
d’alarme d’incendie.

Pour éviter l’utilisation erronée d’un appareil de signaux visuels listé sous UL1638, l’UL stipule
qu’il incombe au fabricant d’avertir l’installateur sur le site et l’Instance de Juridiction Compétente
(Authority Having Jurisdiction) (AHJ) sur ce que serait une utilisation non appropriée du produit.
En conséquence, les fabrications dont les produits sont listés sous UL1638 sont tenue par
Underwriters Laboratories de porter l’avertissement, “Avertissement –Ne pas utiliser comme appa-
reil de signal d’alarme mode public visuel”.

“Mode Opératoire Public” et “Appareil de Signal” sont définis dans le Code National d’Alarme d’In-
cendie, NFPA 72, comme suit :

Mode Opératoire Public – Signal audible ou visible pour les occupants ou habitants de la zone
protégée par le système d’alarme d’incendie.

Appareil de Signal – Un composant de système d’alarme d’incendie tel qu’une sonnerie, une
sirène, un haut-parleur, un voyant ou un affichage de texte émettant des signaux audibles, tactiles
ou visibles, ou leur combinaison.

En d’autres termes, ce dispositif ne doit pas être utilisé comme composant d’un système d’alarme
d’incendie commercial.

1 A


English Español Français

A. New flash tube A. Tubo de destellos luminosos nuevo A. tube à éclats neuf
B. Used flash tube tends to discolor B. El tubo de destellos luminosos B. Un tube à éclats usé a tendance à se
in areas shown and should be usado tiende a descolorarse en las décolorer à certains endroits et doit
replaced. áreas indicadas y debe être remplacé.

REV. P Printed 9/04
Printed in U.S.A.

Fireball ®
Strobe Warning Light
Model FB2PST and FB2PST-I

Federal Signal’s brightest and most compact strobe light,

the Fireball® emits a powerful “lightning bolt” flash of light.
Approximately five inches tall and four inches in diameter and rated
at 300 effective candela, the Fireball is an economical solution to a
wide variety of stationary and vehicular warning requirements. The
Fireball is available in 12-24VDC, 24VDC, 120VAC and 240VAC. All
LIGHT DUTY STROBE LIGHT models are UL Listed and CSA Certified. The FB2PST is available in
six colors – Amber, Blue, Clear, Green, Magenta, and Red.
The 24VDC Model FB2PST-I features a voltage in-rush limiting PCB
• Available in 12-24VDC, 120VAC design that provides greater compatibility with factory automation
and 240VAC control systems and less electrical interference with in-rush sensitive
• Six dome colors
The Fireball features a unique dome that twists off easily for quick
• 10,000 hour strobe tube dome and lamp replacements. The newly redesigned base features
an integrated 1/2-inch NPT pipe mount base as well as the three
• Integrated 1/2-inch NPT pipe and holes required for surface mount configurations. Black epoxy paint
surface mount is electrostatically applied to the base for superior corrosion resistance.
The Fireball dome and base design provides a watertight, dust-tight
• Indoor/outdoor use
and corrosion resistant Type 4X rating.
• Type 4X, IP66 enclosure The FB2PST is designed for stationary pipe and surface mount
• UL and cUL Listed and
CSA Certified The Fireball can be used in any application where a superior visual
signal is needed. It is especially effective in the warning of industrial
hazards, process control, status indication and in areas with high
ambient noise levels.
Federal Signal’s Fireball Strobe is a very low-maintenance warning
light for industrial applications where a vibration-resistant light is
required to signal an emergency or process status.

Operating Flash Rate/ Candela

Model Voltage Current Minute Peak1 ECP2 Mount
FB2PST-012-024 * 12-24VDC 1.70-0.70 amps 80 1,000,000 1 2"
300 / NPT Pipe/Surface
FB2PST-I-024 * 24VDC 0.70 amps 80 1,000,000 300 1/2" NPT Pipe/Surface
(2.0 amp In-rush)

FB2PST-120 * 120VAC 50/60Hz 0.25 amps 90 1,000,000 300 1/2" NPT Pipe/Surface
FB2PST- 240 * 240VAC 50/60Hz 0.20 amps 90 1,000,000 300 1/2" NPT Pipe/Surface

* Indicates color: (A) Amber, (B) Blue, (C) Clear, (G) Green (M) Magenta or (R) Red

Peak candela is the maximum light intensity generated by a flashing light during its light pulse
ECP (Effective Candela) is the intensity that would appear to an observer if the light were burning steadily

4.1"/100.1 mm
Fresnel Dome

Strobe Tube

5.25"/133.4 mm

Twist-off Dome

Built-In Strobe
Power Supply

1/2" NPT Pipe Mount and

3-hole Surface Mount


Lamp Life: 10,000 Hours 10,000 Hours • Specify model, voltage and color
Light Source: Strobe tube Strobe tube • Optional Accessories:
Operating Temperature: -31°F to 150°F -35˚C to 66˚C Corner Bracket (LCMB2)*
Net Weight: 2.0 lbs. 0.9 kg Wall Bracket (LWMB2)*
Shipping Weight: 2.12 lbs. 0.96 kg • Please refer to Model Number Index
Height: 5.25" 133.4 mm FB2PST beginning on page 372
Diameter: 4.10" 100.1 mm * Not Type 4X rated.

Description Part Number Description Part Number
Dome, Amber K8550320A PC Assembly, 12-24VDC K2001202C
Dome, Blue K8550320A-01 PC Assembly, 120VAC K200D866G
Dome, Clear K8550320A-02 PC Assembly, 240VAC K200D866G-01
Dome, Green K8550320A-03 Strobe Tube, Series A4, A5, B K8107177A
Dome, Red K8550320A-04 120VAC Fuse K148A155A-01
Dome, Magenta K8550320A-05

2645 Federal Signal Dr., University Park, IL 60484 Tel: 708.534.4756 Fax: 708.534.4852 www.federalsignal-indust.com
Warning Horns and Lights
Documentation – End
Dynapar Encoder Documentation – Start
Client: Lumina Copper Chile S.A., Flour
Project 61588
BOISE, INC. Caserones Project
Conveyor Engineering Purchase Order Scope of Supply
Technology Center 23 Oct 2012
PO No. 9787000271 Title: Dynapar Encoders - Feeders Rev 0

Unit of
Current Previous Item Meas Required Delivery Destination
Item No. Tag Number Quanity Quanity Description Rev ure Date Point

Dynapar HS35R-1024-8-3-2-E Encoder,

Zero Speed / Overspeed Switch
Bore Size: 5/8 inch
1 1024 PPR November 13, 2012
Input Voltage: 24VDC
Output Voltage: 5-26VDC with 2.2kOhm Pull Up Resistor Internal
Includes Stainless Steel Equipment Tags
1.01 2100-FE-001 1 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 Ea November 13, 2012 Site
1.02 2200-FE-001_006 6 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 Ea November 13, 2012 Site
1.03 3300-FE-001_003 6 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 Ea November 13, 2012 Site
1.04 7200-FE-001_002 4 n/a See Item 1 description above. 0 Ea November 13, 2012 Site

17 Total quantity for Item 1


Page 1 of 1
Page 1

Encoder Installation Manual

Dynapar™ brand
Sealed Hollowshaft Encoder
Document No.: 702761-0001
Revision Level: N
July 6, 2012


The Series HS35R Sealed Hollowshaft encoder is equipped with an Mounting the Encoder: Before Installation, ensure power is discon-
unbreakable disk that handles the most severe shock and vibration. Its nected from encoder and motor or machine.
hollow shaft mount and anti-rotation tether reduce bearing wear and
maintenance. Series HS35R has electrical protection from overvolt- CAUTION: The loads applied to the encoder shaft must be in
age, reverse voltage, and output short circuits when ordered with accordance with the specificatios of this device.
standard operating temperature configuration. Important Wiring Instructions: Use of shielded cable is recom-
Series HS35R is not only electrically & thermally isolated (for shaft mended for all encoder installations. The shield should be connected
sizes 1.125” and under) but also environmentally sealed with shaft to signal-ground at the receiving device only.
seals at both ends.
Grounding: For applications with high ground potential differ-
APPLICATION ENVIRONMENT ences, DO NOT ground the encoder through both machine and
The encoders can be provided with optional hazardous location controls end. Connect the shield at the controls end only. NOTE:
certification that allows use in environments stated in: If the shield is connected at both ends, grounding problems that
• Phased Array Sensor for Reliable
Class I, Division 2, Group A: atmospheres such as degrade system performance can result.
Signal Output
CE Grounding Measures – For best EMC immunity the cable
Class I, Division 2, Group B: atmospheres such as screen must be grounded on both encoder and controls end. For
cable lengths longer than 30m or outdoor applications, additional
• Rugged
Class Design
I, Division 2, GroupWithstands
C: atmospheres up
as 400g
measures must be implemented to comply with CE require-
ethyl ether and ethylene;
Class I , Division 2, Group D: atmospheres such as
ments. Connection of the encoder to DC power supply network is
acetone, ammonia, benzene, butane, cyclopropane, prohibited if CE compliance is required. CE-compliant products
ethanol, gasoline, hexane, methanol, methane, natural are tested to EN61326-1 EMC.
• Unbreakable
gas, Code Disc up to 5000PPR
naphtha, and propane.
In all cases, system CE compliance is ultimately the responsibil-
Class II, Division 2, Group F & G. ity of the manufacturer integrating the encoder.
Classifications of hazardous locations are subject to the approval of
• Improved
the authority Seal Design
having jurisdiction. for Increased
Refer to Article 500 of the National Connecting the shield at both ends can cause grounding
Electrical Code (NEC) or Section 18 of the Canadian Electrical Code problems that degrade system performance.
(CEC). Moisture Resistance
If possible, run the encoder cable through a dedicated conduit (not
Note: For CSA Division 2, Group F & G certification, Dynapar
Adapter Kit P/N 114064-0001 must be used. shared with other wiring). Use of conduit will protect the cable from
physical damage and provide a degree of electrical isolation. Do not
run the cable in close proximity to other conductors that carry current
to heavy loads such as motors, motor starters, contactors, solenoids,
etc. This practice can induce electrical transients in the encoder
cable, potentially interfering with reliable data transmission.
Refer to Electrical Connections table for wiring information.
To avoid possible damage, do not connect or disconnect the encoder
connector or wiring while power is applied to the system.
CAUTION: Unused encoder signal wires must be individually
insulated and under no circumstances be in contact with
ground, voltage sources, or other signal lines.

Application Assistance 1.800.234.8731 (847.662.6633)

Page 2
The following instructions are meant to assist in proper installation of
Dynapar brand, Series HS35R hollowshaft encoders. The encoder is a
speed and position transducer that when mounted to a rotating shaft,
produces output pulses that are directly proportional to the shaft speed
and direction. The hollowshaft encoder is attached to the motor shaft
by using a clamp down collar. The HS35R can accommodate several
machine shaft diameters by selecting the appropriate bore size. During
installation, certain physical properties associated with the mechanical
coupling must be observed to ensure a long operation life of the
Solid shaft preferred, keyway allowed; flatted shaft must not be used.
The minimum shaft engagement length that will allow support to The encoder ships with an endcap to cover the back end of the
encoder housing is 1.25", Shaft engagement length of 1.60" (40.6mm) encoder body, and although optional, is reccommended for additional
or longer is recommended for reduced wobble. The longest shaft environmental protection. To install, remove the factory installed three
length as measured from the mounting face that will allow installation screws at the back of the encoder, properly discard the removed back
of the shaft cover is 2.60" (66 mm) maximum. Installations that employ plate and the three screws. Unpack the endcap, gasket and the three
a press-fit or screwed-on stub shaft adapter should align the stub shaft screws from the factory supplied kit. Align the three holes and fasten
to 0.002" TIR or less with a dial indicator the gasket and end cap to the encoder body as shown.
For general industrial machinery and C-face motor installations, locate
the tether hole at the nominal bolt circle location. The tether holes are TETHER
slightly elongated, to allow for hole location tolerance and arcing of the BUTTON HEAD HEX
tether, if the hole location is not flush with the tether surface. TETHER SCREWS
(10-32 x .375")
2.94"(75 mm) 3/8"(9.5 mm) TORQUE
1/4"(6mm) 50-60 in-lbs
3.63" (92 mm) 1/2" (12 mm)
5/16"(8mm 70-80in-lbs
2.5"-3.25" (63-82mm) 1/4" (6 mm)
3/8"(9.5mm) 100-125 in-lbs
1/2"(12mm) 125-150 in-lbs
Disconnect power from equipment and encoder cable. Ensure that you
Rotate the tether to the required orientation and tighten the tether arm
have the proper tools. Typical tools that may be needed depending on
to the encoder body using the three screws provided .The hollowshaft
the options chosen are:
series encoder tethers can be rotated in 15 degree increments so that
#2 Phillips Screwdriver; 5/32" Hex Wrench(US); Caliper Gauge; Dial connector or cable exit can be conveniently located.
Indicator Gauge; 3/8", 1/2" or 1/4" T- handle Wrenches (tether STEP 5: INSTALL WASHERS ON TETHER
options); Dynapar M100 encoder tester.
Ensure that the mating shaft is within proper tolerances.
Recommended mating shaft diameter tolerances should be nominal
+0.0000"/-0.0005" [0.00 to -0.013mm] and shaft runout TIR should be
under 0.002".
Clean the mating shaft of any burrs and check that mating shaft
engagement is at least 1.25" inside the encoder shaft. Using a dial
indicator gauge verify that the motor shaft Total Indicated Reading
(TIR) is less than 0.002" [ 0.05 mm]. INSULATING

Slide the flat nylon washer on the side away from the bend and the
flanged nylon washer on the side of the bend and press them together
until they are fully seated in the tether hole. One steel washer is to be
used on each side of the nylon washer.

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Page 3
Carefully slide the encoder all the way down until the tether rests on
the motor face without any stress on the tether. Do not tighten the shaft
clamp on the encoder yet MAXIMUM 2.60 SHAFT PROTRUSION
[ 44,5 ]







[16.9 ]


Follow the 3 step installation check to ensure a good installation thus
far. Refer to figure above for key reference dimensions
A. Check clearances from mounting face. Ensure you have a
Rotate the tether arm until it is at the correct orientation and is aligned
minimum clearance of 1/16" between the encoder shaft and any non-
with the mounting holes on the the motor or equipment. Install one
rotating surface closest to the encoder shaft
steel washer on both sides of the nylon washer. Refer figure above.
Fasten the tether arm to the motor or machine housing using the B. Check tether installation. Make sure that the tether is unstressed.
supplied 3/8” bolt (4.5” C-face applications) or 1/2” bolt (8.5” C-face There should be no visible bending or deflection on any surface of the
applications). Ensure that there is no stress or flexing of the tether arm tether. Visible tether deflections should be corrected immediately. If the
when secured. tether is bent or distorted, DO NOT USE, and call the factory for a
replacement tether. Tether installation is critical to the long life of the
STEP 7B: SECURE TETHER TO MOUNTING FACE (FAN COVER bearings and improper tether installation will lead to excessive bearing
MOUNT) loads and encoder failure.
C. Check wobble of encoder housing. Turn the shaft by hand and
make sure that the shaft turns freely and does not produce excessive
runout/wobble of the encoder. Most encoder installations will have
STEEL WASHERS INSERTED T-BOLT POSITION wobble arising from shaft tolerances. Measure the wobble on the
JAM NUT visible back face of the encoder. A wobble of less than 0.007" TIR will
not have any adverse effect on encoder performance. In general, the
lower the TIR of runout, the better.

Slide and insert the T-bolt as shown in the figure into the fan cover. Use
the supplied insulating hardware and washers as shown. Tighten the
jamnut to firmly secure the tether.


Check to make sure that the tether is still in its "unstressed" condition.
Adjust position of encoder on shaft if necessary and then tighten the
shaft clamp on the encoder. Tighten clamp to stated torque value ENSURE
provided on encoder datasheet (50-55 in-lbs.). HERE
TIGHTEN DOWN. PLEASE ENSURE THAT BOTH SCREWS ON THE CLAMP After installation of the encoder place the accessory cover over the
ARE TIGHTENED DOWN SECURELY. YOU MAY HAVE TO ROTATE THE encoder with the large opening over the connector or cable and shorter
SHAFT TO TIGHTEN BOTH SCREWS DOWN. opening positioned over the tether. Ensure the cover is fully seated on
the motor face and secure with bolts and washers provided. When
mounting to a fan cover instead of a 56C face cover, center cover and
drill 3 mounting holes(0.17") in diameter. Then use the 3 #10-24 self
tapping screws and washers provided. Install the warning label in the
most conspicious position. Snap guard is to be used as shown (use if

Application Assistance 1.800.234.8731 (847.662.6633)

Page 4
SPECIFICATIONS Shaft Material: 6061-T6 Aluminum
STANDARD OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Bore Diameter: 6mm to 28mm, 1/4" to 1.25", electrically
Code: Incremental isolated
Resolution: to 5000 PPR (pulses/revolution) See Ordering Mating Shaft Length: 1.25", Minimum,
Information 1.60", Recommended
Shaft Speed: 6000 RPM, Maximum (Enclosure Rating is IP64
at speed over 5000 RPM)
Not all complements shown Starting torque: 8.0 in-oz. maximum (at 25°C)
A shown for reference Running torque: 5.0 in-oz. maximum (at ambient)
Bearings: ABEC 1
(180° ELEC
(90° ELEC) Housing and cover: Hard Anodized and Powder Coated
Data A
Disc material: Plastic or metal (unbreakable)
Data A
Weight: 1.76lb (28 Oz) Typical
Index Standard Operating Temperature: -40 to +85°C (0 to +70°C
with 4469 line driver, see “Ordering Information”). At shaft speed
A leads B, CW (from clamp end)
(Reverse Phasing, A leads B for CCW also above 3000 RPM, derate 10°C per 1000 RPM
available: See Code 7 in Ordering Information) Extended Temperature Range: -40 to +100°C (See ordering
Format: Two channel quadrature (AB) with optional Index (Z), Storage temperature: -40 to +100°C
and complementary outputs Shock: 400g, 6mSec
Phase Sense: A leads B for CW shaft rotation viewing the shaft Vibration: 5 to 3000 Hz, 20g
clamp end of the encoder Humidity: 100%
Quadrature Phasing: Enclosure Rating: IP67 (IP64 at shaft speed above 5000
For resolutions 200 to 300PPR and 1200PPR and above: 90° RPM)
±30° electrical; all other resolutions: 90° ±15°
For resolutions 200-300PPR and above1024PPR:180° ±25°
electrical; all other resolutions: 180° ±18°
Waveforms: Squarewave with rise and fall times less than 1
microsecond into a load capacitance of 1000 pf
Input Power: 5-26VDC, 5-15VDC. 50 mA max., not including 5 & 8 Pin M12 Accessory Cables when Code 6 = H or J
output loads. Connector pin numbers and cable assembly wire color information
Outputs: ET7272, ET7273, 4469 is provided here for reference.

Frequency Response: 125 kHz (data & index) Encoder Cable # 112859- Cable # 112860- Cable # 112860-
Function 5 Pin Single Ended 8 Pin Single Ended 8Pin Differential
Termination: MS Connector; M12 Connector; cable exit w/
seal. See Ordering Information Pin Wire Color Pin Wire Color Pin Wire Color
Sig. A 4 BLK 1 BRN 1 BRN
Noise Immunity: Tested to EN61326-1 EMC
Sig. B 2 WHT 4 ORG 4 ORG
Mating Connector:
†Sig.Z 5 GRY 6 YEL 6 YEL
6 pin MS, style MS3106A-14S-6S (MCN-N4)
7 pin MS, style MS3106A-16S-1S (MCN-N5) Power +V 1 BRN 2 RED 2 RED
10 pin MS, style MS3106A-18-1S (MCN-N6) Com 3 BLU 7 BLK 7 BLK

10 pin Bayonet, MS3116-F12-10S (607545-0001) Sig. A – – – – 3 BRN/WHT

Sig. B
Cable w/ 5 pin M12 connector, p/n 112859-xxx Cable w/ 8 pin –
– – – – 5 ORG/WHT
M12 connector, p/n 112860-xxx †Sig. Z – – – – 8 YEL/WHT

ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS † Index not provided on all models. See ordering information
Cable Configuration: PVC jacket, 105 °C rated, overall foil
6, 7 & 10 Pin MS Connectors and Cables - Code 6 = 0 to 9, A to G shield; 24 AWG conductors, minimum
Connector & mate/accessory cable assembly pin numbers and wire color information is provided here for
reference. Models with direct cable exit carry the same color coding as shown for each output configuration.

Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable # 1400635- Cable Cable # 114448-*

#108594-* #112123-* #108596-* #108595-* or 109209- #108615-* 10 Pin Bayonet
7 Pin (NEMA4)10 Pin Dif 12 Pin CCW
6 Pin 6 Pin Dif Line 7 Pin Dif Line Drv Line Drv w/Idx
Single Ended Drv w/o Id x w/o Id x (If Used) (If Used) (If Used)
Function Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire Wire
Pin Color Pin Color Pin Color Pin Color Pin Color Pin Color Pin Color
Sig. Z C YEL — — — — C YEL C YEL 3 YEL C YEL
N/ C F — — — — — E — E — 7 — E —
Case_ — ‡GRN — ‡GRN G GRN G GRN G GRN 9 — G GRN
Sig. A
Sig. _
Sig. Z — — — — — — — — J YEL/WHT 4 YEL/WHT K YEL/WHT
0V Sense — — — — — — — — — — 2 GRN — —
5V Sense — — — — — — — — — — 11 BLK/WHT — —
* 1) Note: Standard cable length is 10 feet but may be ordered in any length in 5 foot increment. For example, -0020 is a 20 foot cable.
2) “MS” type mating connectors and prebuilt cables are rated NEMA 12. “M12” Cable assemblies are rated IP67
3) For watertight applications,use NEMA4 10 pin cable &connector 109209-XXXX.
‡ Only with cable option A thru G.

Application Assistance 1.800.234.8731 (847.662.6633)

Page 5
WITH LOCTITE ON THREADS FOR DIA. 1.250 +.000, -.003" SHAFT [ 76.80]
[ 21.84 ]

3X 10-32 UNC-2B (X) .19 DEEP

3.36 3X ø [3.000
[ 85.34] [ 63.50]
[ 63.50] 2.02
ø[ 76.20]
3.000 [ 51.35]
10-32 UNC-2B (X) .19 DEEP 3X
[ 57.15 ] 15˚

ø 3.00
1.25 [ 76.20]
1.95 [ 1.52 .57 ø [31.75] 120˚
[49.53] [ 14.48 ] 3X
ø 2.50
[ 96.52]

[ 22.61]
.85 .75
.67 .75 [ 21.59] [ 19.05]
[17.07] [19.05]

6 & 7 PIN MS 10 PIN MS 12 PIN 5 & 8 PIN M12 CABLES

Typical Motor Installation







Application Assistance 1.800.234.8731 (847.662.6633)

Page 6
DIMENSIONS [mm] 15˚(24X)
24XØ.200 [5.08] 4.50
ON A Ø3.000 [76.2] B.C.D [114.3]
Ø2.506 2.50
[63.65] [63.5]
Ø3.50 [89]
Ø.20 15˚ (24X) .500 [12.7]
[.51] (24X)
ON 3.000 [76.2] B.C.D
1.25 [31.75]
.63 [16]

(2X) 45˚ X .125

1.25 [31.75]
Ø2.506 [58.42] .53 [13.46]
[63.65] Ø.82 [20.83] 90.0˚
Ø.53 [13.46]
Ø3.500 2.94
[88.9] [74.68] 114574-0001 Slotted Tether Kit
.530 [13.46]
15° (24X)
(24X) Ø.20
ON 3.000 B.C
2.350 90.0˚ [76.2]
[59.7] .625
114573-0001 Tether Kit [15.88]

1.25 [31.75]


Ø3.500 .75
[88.9] [19.05]
[89.54] .25 [6.35]
0.48 THRU
0.300" TYP

5.875 B.C. [54.36]
90.0° .530

6.38 114575-0001 Tether Kit



Application Assistance 1.800.234.8731 (847.662.6633)

Page 7

Dynapar Exclusive: The LED Output Indicator Option makes Dynapar Note: The following LED option specifications may supercede
brand the only encoders that show they are installed and operating standard encoder specifications
correctly. LED Characteristics: On when output signal is < 2 VDC Input
Green light emitting diodes (LEDs) are connected to the signal outputs Power: 5 to 26 VDC at 0.5mA per channel; 0.5mA max for unidirec-
of the encoder. Set to turn on when the output voltage falls below 2 tional, 1.0mA max for bidirectional, 1.5mA max for bidirectional with
volts, the LEDs will alternate as the encoder shaft is rotated. For Index
models with differential, or complimentary outputs, a green LED is
connected to the non-inverting output and a red LED is connected to Electrical Protection: Over-voltage, reverse voltage and short-circuit
the inverting output. In this case, the LED will alternate green-red as protected
the non-inverting output, then the inverting output alternately pulse. Noise Immunity: Tested to IEC801 level 3 for Electro Static Discharge,
A visual indication of the status of the Index output - also called the Radio Frequency Interference and Electrical Fast Transients
Reference, Zero or Marker pulse - makes alignment of the electrical Standard Operating Temperature: -40 to +85°C (0 to +70°C with
output to a physical point on the machine or process much easier. The 4469 line driver, see “Ordering Information”). At shaft speed above
encoder shaft is simply rotated until the Index LED turns on, then the 3000 RPM, derate 10°C per 1000 RPM
shaft coupling is tightened to keep the encoder aligned with the
mechanics. Extended Temperature Range: -40 to +100°C (See ordering
Constant green or red LEDs indicate the corresponding output is
permanently grounded, whereas no (green or red) indicating shows Storage temperature: -40 to +100°C
that an output is tied to the power supply. Yellow indications occur Shock: 50 G’s for 11 milliseconds duration
when both the green and red LEDs turn on at the same time, pointing
Vibration: 5 to 2000 Hz @ 20 G’s
to a grounded signal at the output that fails to turn off.
Humidity: to 98% without condensation
The LED Output Indicator Option is packaged in a sealed extruded
aluminum housing, providing a rugged, washdown rated and high Enclosure Rating: NEMA12 / IP54 standard; NEMA4 / IP66 when
noise immunity feature that does not derate the encoder performance. ordered with shaft seal
Current draw is only 0.5 mA per channel, and the circuitry works with
all electrical output configurations.


Single-Ended Differential

Unidirectional A G o G o A

Output Voltage Output Indicator A

Bidirectional A G o G o A/A G R G R

B G o G B/B G R G

Bidirectional A G o G o A/A G R G R
With Index
B G o G B/B G R G

Z o G Z/Z R G

Note: G= Green; R= Red; O= Off


NORMAL Alternate Green/Off Alternate Green/Red
1. No LEDs come on 1. No power, or reversed power
2. LED stays Green 2. Signal tied to Common
3. LED stays Red 3. Compliment tied to Common
4. Green LED stays Off 4. Signal tied to Power
5. Red LED stays Off 5. Compliment tied to Power
6. LED alternates Green/Yellow 6. Signal tied to Common, Compliment OK
7. LED alternates Red/Yellow 7. Compliment tied to Common, Signal OK

Application Assistance 1.800.234.8731 (847.662.6633)

Page 8
Code 1: Model Code 2: PPR Code 3: Bore Size Code 4: Fixing Code 5: Output Format Code 6: Termination Code 7: Options

Ordering Information
HS35R Industrial- 0001 0500 0 6mm 0 None 0 ABZ, 5-26VDC push-pull

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