English 5 - Q1 - W1 - 2023-2024
English 5 - Q1 - W1 - 2023-2024
English 5 - Q1 - W1 - 2023-2024
HOLIDAY Filling out Forms Accurately Filling out Forms Accurately Filling out Forms Filling out Forms
(school forms, deposit slips, (school forms, deposit slips, Accurately Accurately
and and (school forms, deposit (school forms,
withdrawal slips) withdrawal slips) slips, and deposit slips, and
withdrawal slips) withdrawal slips)
A. References
1. TG/CG pages
2. Learner’s PIVOT Module PIVOT Module PIVOT Module PIVOT Module
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Joy in Learning English 5 Joy in Learning English 5 Joy in Learning English 5 Joy in Learning
English 5
4. Materials
downloaded from
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing Have you ever filled out a What was our lesson Food For Thought Spelling Drill
previous lesson form? If yes, can you name yesterday?
and presenting what these forms are.
new lesson What is it all about?
B. Establishing a The pictures below are Follow the directions Fill out the Co-curricular SUMMATIVE TEST
purpose for the different types of forms. carefully. Club Application Form. Filling out different
lesson Perhaps you have types of forms.
encountered and filled out · You may use the next b. Students’
already. Identify the name page for this activity. enrolment
of these forms by selecting · Then get ready for a form
the correct answer inside meaningful learning c. Application
the box. experience. Form
· Tell yourself: “All is well”. a. d. Cash
Co-curricular form
· Write your name in the deposit slip
Survey form
upper left of your paper. Withdrawal slip
Student Information
· Below your name, write
Sheet/Enrollment form
your grade and section.
· On the upper right of your
paper, write the date today.
· Lastly, opposite of your
grade and section, write
your teacher’s name.
C. Presenting Closely examine this Copy the format of the 1. What details are asked
examples/instanc example of a form. What borrower’s card shown by a co-curricular
es of the lesson are the necessary bits of above. Then, fill it out using application form?
information to be supplied your personal information.
with? Use the box on the next 2. When do you fill out
page for this activity. this kind of school form?
D. Discussing new Through a Power Point Remember to: Fill out the Withdrawal
concepts and presentation or video · write the information Slip with appropriate
practicing new lesson, discuss to the class legibly using capital letters; information.
skills #1 what a form is and its · follow the correct
different types. sequence of the following:
a. name b. birthdate c.
· change Miss Maribel
Parnada with the name of
your class adviser;
· replace Miss April Rose S.
Sabalza with the name of
your school librarian; and
· change the name of the
school and its address with
the name and address of
your school.
E. Discussing new Discuss the steps in filling Choose the letter of the 1. What details are
concepts and out a specific example of correct answer. Write your presented in the
practicing new form which is the deposit answers in your notebook. form?
skills #2 /withdrawal slip.
1. What do you call to a set 2. When do you use this
of instructions for preparing kind of form?
a particular dish, including
a list of ingredients
a. recipe
b. menu
2. What is a scientific
procedure undertaken to
make a discovery, test a
hypothesis, or demonstrate
a known fact.
a. science
b. facts
3. One of the most
important life skills that
maybe written on paper or
spoken aloud. It is a list of
steps to guide someone
and can be useful
a. following
directions c.
reading comprehension
b. predicting
outcomes d.
numeracy skills
F. Developing Let the class fill out a Fill out the form with Direction: Examine
mastery (lead to deposit/withdrawal slip form appropriate information. closely the completed
formative (to be provided by the (filled out) forms and the
assessment 3) teacher). See to it the required information that
students follow the steps in was supplied in each
filling out a deposit slip form. Using a Venn
form. diagram, write down the
similarities and
differences of the forms
based on the required
information in filling it out.
Do this on your answer
G. Finding practical Let the students fill out Learner’s Information Examine the cash deposit
application of other forms such as Sheet. See on next page. slip.
concepts and enrollment form, withdrawal
skills in daily slip, or a survey form. 1. What details are asked in
living learner’s information
2. Why is it important to
write accurate information
in a blank or space
H. Making Make a general statement Complete the following 1. What details are asked
generalization on the lesson discussed statement. in a deposit slip?
and abstractions today by answering the
about the lesson following questions. Write I understand that… 2. What do you need to
your answers in your put in the denomination?
notebook. I realized that…
3. Why is it important to
1. What should you answer this form honestly,
remember when correctly and accurately?
filling out forms?
2. Is it important to
write correct or true
information when
filling out forms?
I. Evaluating Below is an example of a Choose the letters of the 1. It is a small paper form
learning Borrower’s Card. Study best answers. Encircle the that a bank customer
how the form is being letter of your answer. includes when depositing
filled out and get ready to funds into a bank account.
answer the following 1. The process by which an a. payment
questions. individual needs to fill out c.
and supply requested deposit slip
information correctly and b. credit card
accurately on the space d.
provided. withdrawal slip
a. predicting 2. This application is filled
outcomes c. noting out when a learner wants
details to join a specific club like
b. filling-out forms English club, Math club,
d. etc.
Questions: identification a. Pupil’s
1. What are the 2. It refers to the card Information Sheet
information asked? issued by a librarian to b. Co-curricular
2. How did the person individuals or organizations Application Form
who filled out the entitling them or their c. Curricular
form supply the representatives to borrow Application Form
information? materials.
a. library card d. Graduation
c. Form
identification card 3. It is the detailed
b. borrower’s card information about a
d. cash learner. This form is
card usually filled out during
3. It is the particulars of a enrolment period
place where someone lives a. Pupil’s
or an organization is Information Sheet
situated. b. Co-curricular
a. venue Application Form
c. c. Curricular
postal code Application Form
b. location d. Graduation
d. Form
address 4. It is the face value of a
banknote, coin, or
4. What is a printed piece of postage stamp
paper used in bank to a. denomination
withdraw money in cash c.
from one’s account? account balance
a. withdrawal card b. numeration
c. loyalty d.
card account Information
b. withdrawal slip 5. It refers to your
d. claim surname or family name.
slip a. first name
5. To fill out forms c.
accurately, the following last name
are things to remember b. given name
except one: d.
a. See whether to middle name
write using capital letters or
b. Look whether
you have to write first your
last name or your first
c. See whether you
need to write only your
middle initial or your middle
d. No need to write
N/A or “not applicable” if it
does not apply to you.
J. Additional Ask your parents or family Fill out the forms below Pretend that you are
activities for members about different using your personal about to deposit on
application or types of forms that they information. August 26, 2020 two (2)
remediation have filled out and their pieces of P500.00 in your
purposes. savings account with
account number SA 4527-
9863-05. Copy and fill out
the form accurately.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who acquired
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encountered
which my
principal can help
me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other