Ec+hpmc Film Coating
Ec+hpmc Film Coating
Ec+hpmc Film Coating
journal of
ELSEVIER International Journal of Pharmaceutics 125 (1995) 289-296
Near-equilibrium morphologies of thin films (< 0.2 ~m) of ethylcellulose-rich incompatible blends of ethylcellu-
lose (EC) with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) consist of HPMC-rich macroscopic polydisperse domains
(3-approx. 20/~m) dispersed in an EC-rich matrix implying complete leaching of the water soluble phase. However,
for thick films (> 100/~m) complete leaching was observed only for systems with above 60% w/w HPMC, whereas
all other systems showed some HPMC retention. The observed HPMC leaching behaviour is attributed to deviations
of the phase decomposition from equilibrium during film formation arising from the rate of viscosity increase and
changes in the solvent system composition.
Keywords: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose; Ethyl cellulose; Blend; Interaction; Leaching; Drug release; Morphology;
Tablet coating; Film formation
ylcellulose. A small amount of hydroxypropyl solution at 1 cm min-1 and kept suspended in the
methylcellulose is retained in blends with high solvent vapours to dry over 2-3 h, ensuring near
(80% w / w ) ethylcellulose content (Sakellariou et equilibrium solution casting of the blend. The
al., 1988). movements of the microscope slide were con-
This paper reports on the morphology of blends trolled by a gear box equipped with a motor and
of ethylcellulose with hydroxypropyl methylcellu- power supply. The thickness of the film was con-
lose with specific reference to the effect of film trolled by the concentration of the polymer solu-
preparation. tion and the speed of slide withdrawal from the
solution. Under the conditions of our experi-
ments, films of 1000-1500.4, thickness were ob-
tained eliminating the need for microsectioning.
2. Materials and methods The coated films were collected on a clean micro-
scope slide after floating in a water trough. Al-
The hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC, though swelling of the HPMC phases with water
Pharmacoat 606) was supplied by Shin-Etsu would enhance phase contrast (at room tempera-
Chemical Co., Tokyo, Japan, and ethylcellulose ture), they did not give rise to morphological
(EC, Grade N50) from Hercules Powder Co., artefacts. This was confirmed by the fact that
Wilmington, DE, USA. Molecular weights and morphology remained unaltered as the tempera-
degrees of substitution of the two polymers are ture increased above the boiling point of water,
listed in Table 1. Films were prepared by solution and even at temperatures above the glass transi-
casting from 50:50 v / v methanol/methylene tion temperature (Tg) of both polymers.
chloride. The dynamic mechanical spectra of the blends
To overcome difficulties encountered in study- were obtained with a torsional braid analyser
ing the morphology of thick films of ethylcellu- (TBA) described in detail elsewhere (Sakellariou
lose/hydroxypropyl methylcellulose blends ( > et al., 1985). Leached samples were prepared by
100 ~m), a thin film applicator was built. It immersing the TBA specimens in distilled water
consists of a thermostatted oil bath where the for a period of 16 h before being dried at 85°C to
dilute polymer solution (2% w / v ) is kept in a constant weight. The drying procedure was suffi-
Pyrex glass tube. A cleaned microscope slide was cient to remove all free moisture. The weight loss
suspended over the solution and in solvent vapour after leaching was determined by difference. Re-
for 20 min, and subsequently lowered slowly into peated measurements on selected samples con-
the solution where it remained for 20 min. The firmed the reproducibility of weight loss with a
immersed slide was withdrawn from the polymer low coefficient of variation ( < 2%).
Table 1
Degrees of substitution (% w/w), number average molecularweight (Mn), polydispersityindex (Mw/M,), solubilityparameter (3)
and Tg of EC and HPMC
Degrees of substitution (% w/w) M. ( × 10- 3) Mw/M" ~ (MPal/2) a Tg (o C) b
Ethoxy M e t h o x y Hydroxypropoxyl (g/mol)
EC c 48-49.5 - - 53 2.96 20.6 131.5
HPMC J - 28-30 7-12 58 3.02 24.4 153.5
HPMC from the film is related not only to the mechanical analysis and morphological studies.
water solubility of HPMC but also to the phase T B A samples were thick films (> 100 /zm) cast
morphology of the blend. under ambient conditions leading to faster sol-
The morphologies of thin E C / H P M C blend vent evaporation (non-equilibrium conditions). In
films would suggest complete leaching of the contrast, the films used in the morphological
HPMC-rich dispersed phase. On the other hand, studies were thin ( < 0.2/zm) and cast under near
the dynamic mechanical data and gravimetric equilibrium conditions in an atmosphere of the
analysis showed that, under the leaching condi- solvent system vapours. Fig. 6a illustrates the
tions of our experiments, only for the systems phase separation process during solvent evapora-
containing more than 60% w / w HPMC was com- tion. Once the system concentration has crossed
plete leaching achieved. HPMC retention was the binodal and exceeded a critical value, nucle-
indicated for all systems with EC as the major ation and growth leads to formation of two phases.
component. The apparent contradiction is be- On further solvent evaporation under equilibrium
lieved to stem from differences in the film prepa- conditions, phase ripening takes place across the
ration processes for the films used for dynamic binodal leading to phases richer in the corre-
e 8o 20 ~,, EC/HI~C
• ~:~0
x 20:~
O BO 20'dlw EC/HPMC
• 60 t.O 20
o ~.0 bO
x~O 80
t2. 2
I I I l I l I 1 I t I f
20 ~ 60 8g 100 120 1LO 160 t~ ?O0 ?n $0 "~OT/.C 120 1~.0 lt, O ~a}
Fig. 3. Logarithmic decrement (LOG DEC) (a) and relative rigidity (b) for EC/HPMC blends before leaching.
294 P, Sakellariou, R.C Rowe/International Journal of Pharmaceutics 125 (1995) 289-296
1/' 1-
12 - 1/p2
10 •05 -
8~ .04-
61 .03-
41 .02-
a 001 b
T I I l I 110 r I
~,0 60 80 100 120 IM) 160 180 200 20 ~0 60 B0 100 120 160 180
T/% T/%
Fig. 4. Logarithmic decrement (a) and relative rigidity (b) for E C / H P M C blends after leaching in distilled water.
90 .
o 60
"~ so
~ 4o
~ 3o
0 I I I I I
20 40 60 80 100
% w/w HPMC
Fig. 5. Experimental weight loss against original blend composition for E C / H P M C blends. The line represents the theoretical
weight loss if all HPMC were leached out.
P. Sakellariou, R.C Rowe / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 125 (1995) 289-296 295
sponding major component. This process is com- that as ~0HPMC and ~p2c increase in the corre-
plicated by the rate of solvent removal and sponding phases (increased mixing) the difference
changes in the composition of the solvent system in the surface energies of the two phases also
during film formation. increases leading to higher interfacial tension (cf.
The effect of the rate of solvent removal can Eq. 1). The final film morphology will, therefore,
now be considered. In the case of TBA films, a reflect a frozen-in morphology of phases with
point is reached when the time scale for molecu- higher interfacial tension and, consequently,
lar diffusion necessary for phase rearrangement larger dispersions of the minor phase. The
becomes comparable to or slower than that for HPMC-rich domains of the TBA films will, there-
thermodynamically driven concentration changes fore, exceed in size those prepared under equilib-
in the system. This will lead to deviations from rium conditions. Although direct evidence of the
equilibrium binodal phase decomposition (indi- pore size in fully formulated E C / H M P C blended
cated by the arrows in Fig. 6a) and give rise to film coated drug release systems is not available,
relatively increased mixing in the two phases. Lippold et al. (1980) revealed the presence of
The interfacial tension between the two phases large pores (10-100 p~m) in coated depots of
can be approximated by (Van Krevelen and Carbutamide with EC/PEG1500 blended film.
Hoftyzer, 1976): The effect of changes in the solvent system
composition can now be examined. Enrichment
3",2 = (1) of the solvent system in the less volatile methanol
where 3' denotes the surface energies of phases 1 will have important implications for polymer sol-
and 2 which are given by (Sakellariou, 1993): vency, system viscosity, chain conformation and
diffusion. The blend of equal volumes of methanol
3"1 = ~Ic3'EC -F (~HPMC3"HPMC (2) and methylene chloride is a non-solvent/solvent
system for EC and a cosolvent system for HPMC
3"2 = ~°2c3"Ec + ~ 2HPMC3"HPMC (3) (Sakellariou and Rowe, 1991). Solvent enrich-
where ~p is the volume fraction of EC and HPMC ment in methanol during film formation will con-
homopolymers; superscripts 1 and 2 denote the tribute to deviations from the original binodal by
corresponding phases. If it is assumed that altering the solvency of both polymers and phase
~0HPMC > ~0EC (justified in view of the higher po- rearrangement. HPMC will come out of solution
larity of the former polymer), Eq. 2 and 3 show first leading to purer HPMC-rich phases (Fig.
Solvent System
Solvent System
Fig. 6. (a) Schematic phase diagram of EC/HPMC/solvent system (50:50 v/v methanol/methylene chloride). (b) Schematic phase
diagram of EC/HPMC/solvent system (methanol/methylene chloride) enriched in methanol (see text for explanation).
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