Carboxymethyl Cellulose Film From Durian Rind
Carboxymethyl Cellulose Film From Durian Rind
Carboxymethyl Cellulose Film From Durian Rind
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Cellulose from durian rind was converted to carboxymethyl cellulose (CMCd) by carboxymethylation using
Received 11 July 2011 sodium monochloroacetate (SMCA) and various sodium hydroxide (NaOH) concentrations (20e60 g/
Received in revised form 100 mL). The chemical structure of the cellulose and resulting polymers was then characterized using
29 February 2012
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Then, the properties of the CMCd materials were investi-
Accepted 29 February 2012
gated. The optimum condition for carboxymethylation was found to be 30 g/100 mL NaOH, which provided
the highest viscosity and degree of substitution (DS ¼ 0.87). Crystallinity of CMCd was found to decline
after synthesis. The L* value of the CMCd decreased with increasing NaOH concentrations (20e40 g/
Carboxymethyl cellulose
100 mL). The trend of the a* and b* values varied inverses to the L* values. The CMCd films were
Durian rind prepared and tested, and the highest tensile strength (140.77 MPa) and WVTR (220.85 g/day$m2) were
Edible film found using the 30 g/100 mL NaOH-synthesized CMCd film. The percent elongation at break of the different
Sodium hydroxide CMCd films was not to significantly differ.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0023-6438/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Rachtanapun et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 48 (2012) 52e58 53
an alkalization where the hydroxyl groups of the cellulose chains are 2.3. Synthesis of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMCd) from cellulose of
stimulated and altered into more reactive alkaline form (CLLeOe). durian rind
CLLeOH þ NaOH/CLLeONa þ H2 O (1) CMCd was synthesized according to the procedure described by
Rachtanapun, Kumthai et al. (2007). Cellulose powder (15 g), 50 mL
This is followed by an etherification as in Equation (2) to obtain of NaOH (20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 g/100 mL) and isopropanol (450 mL)
CMC and a side reaction as in Equation (3), which results in sodium were mixed in the beaker and let stand for 30 min at ambient
glycolate (Heinze & Pfeiffer, 1999). temperature prior to adding 18 g of monochloroacetic acid. The
mixture was then stirred for 1.5 h and left standing in a beaker
CLLeONa þ CleCH2 eCOeONa/CLLeOeCH2 eCOONa þ NaCl covered with aluminum foil at 55 C for 3 h. During this time the
mixture separated into two phases. The liquid phase was discarded
and the solid phase was suspended in 70 mL/100 mL methanol
(100 mL) and neutralized using glacial acetic acid. The solid phase
NaOH þ CleCH2 eCOeONa/HOeCH2 eCOeONa þ NaCl (3) suspended in methanol was filtered and washed 5 times with
70 mL/100 mL ethanol (300 mL). It was then washed with absolute
methanol and filtered again. The residue from the filtration was
Many research projects have studied the production of CMC
dried at 55 C in a hot air oven overnight the resulting CMCd was
from agricultural waste cellulose sources such as cotton linters
obtained. The CMCd product was in powder form after synthesis.
(Xiquan, Tingzhu, & Shaoqui, 1990), sugar beet pulp (Togrul &
The yield, expressed as a percentage, was calculated based on the
Arslan, 2003), cashew tree gum (Silva et al., 2004), cavendish
amount of cellulose using Equation (4):
banana pseudo stem (Adinugraha, Marseno, & Hayadi, 2005), sago
waste (Pushpamalar, Langford, Ahmad, & Lim, 2006), papaya peel Weight of CMCðgÞ
(Rachtanapun, Kumthai, Yagi, & Uthaiyod, 2007), waste of mulberry Yield of CMCð%Þ ¼ 100 (4)
Weight of celluloseðgÞ
paper (Rachtanapun, Mulkarat, & Pintajam, 2007) and Mimosa pigra
peel (Rachatanapun & Rattanapanone, 2011). All measurements were performed in triplicate.
However, to date, no research has presented the CMC film
preparation from durian rind. In this study, the effect of NaOH 2.4. Degree of substitution (DS)
concentrations of CMC synthesized from durian rind on the degree
of substitution (DS), chemical structure, viscosity, crystallinity, and The DS was measured using the USP XXXII method described for
color changes was evaluated. In addition to the effects of NaOH Croscarmellose sodium. This method included titration and
concentrations on CMC films produced from durian rind, several collection of the residue open ignition step as previously described
other properties were investigated including mechanical properties by Rachatanapun and Rattanapanone (2011).
(tensile strength and percent elongation at break), water vapor
transmission rate (WVTR), and sorption isotherms. 2.5. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
The durian rind was first sun-dried and then ground into powder The X-ray diffraction patterns of the crystallinity of the cellulose
using a hammer mill (Armfield, England). The powder was then and CMCd were recorded on a JEOL JDX-80-30 X-ray diffractometer.
cooked in 10 g/100 mL NaOH (w/w of dried durian rind) at 100 C The powder samples were dried in a hot air oven at 105 C for 3 h
under a pressure of 413 MPa. The obtained black slurry was filtered before testing. The scattering angle (2q) ranged from 10 to 60 at
and washed with water. The resulting residue was then dried in an a scan rate of 5 /min.
oven at 55 C for 24 h to obtain the cellulose fibers. The fibers were
separated using a food processor (Mulinex, England) and bleached 2.8. Color
with hydrogen peroxide according to Rachtanapun, Mulkarat et al.
(2007). The bleached fibers were then ground again using the The color characteristic was assessed using a Color Quest XE
hammer mill to obtain a powder with a size below 70 mesh. The Spectrocolorimeter (Hunter Lab, USA) to determine the L* value
cellulose powders were then stored until used in a polyethylene (lightness), a* value (redness) and b* value (yellowness) of the
bag. powder samples. A white standard (tile: L* ¼ 93.24, a* ¼ 0.72, and
54 P. Rachtanapun et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 48 (2012) 52e58
b* ¼ 1.53) was used to calibrate the spectrocolorimeter before the consecutive weighings. The equilibrium moisture content (EMC) (g
measurement was taken. The sample was measured in triplicate water/100 g dry solid) of the films at each relative humidity was
and the average values of L*, a* and b* were averaged. Whiteness calculated using Equation (6):
(WI) and total color difference (DE) were also calculated using an
equation previously described (Devani et al., 2009). The total color We
EMC ¼ ðMi þ 1Þ 100 (6)
differences (DE) were calculated in comparison to the L*, a* and b* Wi
value of the cellulose powders.
where We is the equilibrium weight of the film specimen (g), Wi is
the initial weight of the film specimen (g) and Mi is the initial
2.9. CMCd film preparation moisture content of the film specimen (g/g) (Rachtanapun, 2007;
Rachtanapun & Suriyatem, 2012). All measurements were per-
The CMCd (3.0 g) was dissolved in 100 mL of distilled water at formed in triplicate.
80 C for 10 min to prepare the film-forming solution. The solution
was cooled down to 25 C and cast onto a cellulose acetate sheet
2.13. Statistical analysis
(300 mm 150 mm). The thickness of the film was controlled by
the amount of solution (70 mL) being poured onto each sheet. The
Data were analyzed using a one-way analysis of variance
film was left to dry at room temperature for 36 h. The dried film was
(ANOVA) and Duncan’s multiple range test (p 0.05) using Sta-
then peeled and kept in a sealed polyethylene bag until being used.
tistica software version 11. All of the figures show the amount of
Thickness of films was measured using a micrometer model GT-
variation as the standard deviation for the appropriate values. The
313-A (Gotech testing machine Inc., Japan).
error bars for some data points overlap the mean values.
WVTR ¼ (5)
film area
All measurements were performed in triplicate.
result was also observed in CMC from sugar beet pulp (Togrul & 2500
Arslan, 2003), banana pseudo stem (Adinugraha et al., 2005),
sago waste (Pushpamalar et al., 2006) and M. pigra peel
(Rachatanapun & Rattanapanone, 2011).
The percent yield of CMCd as a function of NaOH concentration
trend result was similar to the results for the DS (Fig. 1). This 1500
observation was in agreement with previous results (Adinugraha
et al., 2005). This research found that the percentage of CMC
from cavendish banana pseudo stem increased with increasing DS.
3.5. Color
Fig. 4. X-ray diffractograms of cellulose from durian rind and CMCd synthesized with various NaOH amounts.
those for concentrations below 40 g/100 mL. With an increasing which is directly related to the DS, the more the inter-molecular
NaOH concentration L* value decreased while a* and b* values forces between the polymer chains increased resulted in a greater
increased. The results for DE follow the same trend as the results of TS. The reduction of TS at higher NaOH concentrations has been
the a* and b* values while the result of whiteness (WI) value fol- found to be caused by the formation of sodium glycolate leading to
lowed the L* trend. These results are in agreement with the results polymer degradation (Adinugraha et al., 2005). The increased
from one of our previous studies (Rachtanapun, Simasatitkul, formation of sodium glycolate provided a reduction in the CMC
Chaiwan & Wathanaworasakun, in press). We found that carbox- content thereby lowering the inter-molecular forces (Barai, Singhal,
ymethyl rice starch film yellowness increased with alkaline pH. The & Kulkarni, 1997).
increase in yellowness of the CMCd alkalization with 20e40 g/
100 mL NaOH is most likely due to the characteristic color of the 3.7. Water vapor transmission rate (WVTR)
NaOH solution (Rachtanapun et al., in press). The decrease in yel-
lowness of the CMCd alkalization for NaOH values over 40 g/100 mL The relationship between changes in NaOH concentration and
are most probably due to the competitive reaction between NaOH alkalization on the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of CMCd
and monochloroacetic acid (Equation (3)). was investigated (Table 2). The WVTR of the CMCd films were
slightly different for each condition. The films created using 30 g/
3.6. Mechanical properties 100 mL NaOH showed the highest WVTR values. This is interesting
in that it correlates to the trend with our DS value result. WVTR is
It was found that the NaOH concentration had an affect on the another property that is directly related to the hydrophilic nature of
tensile strength (TS) but not on the elongation at break (EB) of the the film, i.e. more hydrophilic films will have greater WVTR (lower
CMCd films. TS increased with NaOH concentrations of 20 and 30 g/ water vapor barrier) (Bourtoom & Chinnana, 2008; Ferreira, Nunes,
100 mL were used. Beyond the 30 g/100 mL concentration, the TS of Delgadillo, & Lopes-da-Silva, 2009; Tongdeesoontorn, Mauer,
the films decreased. This followed the same trend as yield, DS and Wongruong, & Rachtanapun, 2009). This result can also be related
viscosity previously mentioned in this paper. It was also similar to to our result that the hydrophilic nature of the CMCd films increases
the tensile properties found for M. pigra peel (Rachatanapun & with increasing carboxymethyl groups. The greater DS, as obtained
Rattanapanone, 2011). The more carboxymethyl groups there are, from NaOH concentrations between 20 and 30 g/100 mL, indicates
Table 1
Color values of cellulose and CMC synthesized with various NaOH concentrations.
Type of samples L* a* b* DE WI
Cellulose 84.60 0.02 0.00 0.02 16.81 0.05 0.00 0.00 77.20 0.06
20 g/100 mL NaOHeCMCd 83.41 0.01 0.32 0.01 19.08 0.03 2.58 0.02 74.71 0.03
30 g/100 mL NaOHeCMCd 80.59 0.02 2.00 0.00 22.90 0.04 7.56 0.05 69.91 0.05
40 g/100 mL NaOHeCMCd 77.61 0.01 3.49 0.02 24.61 0.04 11.04 0.04 66.55 0.04
50 g/100 mL NaOHeCMCd 79.87 0.02 2.82 0.02 22.21 0.04 7.72 0.03 69.89 0.04
60 g/100 mL NaOHeCMCd 82.36 0.02 1.55 0.01 18.11 0.02 3.02 0.01 74.67 0.01
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