Student RMMM
Student RMMM
Student RMMM
Vol. 4. No. 1. January 2015 pp. 62-68 ISSN: 2254-7399 DOI: 10.7821/naer.2015.1.107
collaborative practices in distance learning, Learning presence,” however, is how to build their knowledge through
Management System (LMS) offer different levels of interaction reflection and communication processes. The “presence of
and possibilities for developing active learning. Innovation is not education,” finally, is one that directly or indirectly facilitates
just the application of results of research and development to social interaction and simulation in the cognitive process.
high standards but also the result of entrepreneurial and strategic The presence enables the coordination of activities to generate
decision making, organizational and professional development, learning in LMS (Rourke et al., 2001). Social interaction in
and imaginative capabilities, and to this end, the forms of design virtual environments, with both other students and the teacher,
learning elements are important conditions (Georgina & Olson, has a marked influence on the behavior of students. Kreijns et al.
2010; Kopcha, 2012; Macdonald & Poniatowska, 2011; Rovai & (2002) and Hrastinski (2006) note that social interaction flows
Downey, 2010). when the LMS allows specific informal interaction, as occurs
Despite all, LMS are not alike, and they can be used in naturally in the real campus. One of the challenges of online
different ways. However, a common idea behind LMS is that e- education would allow natural interaction student-student in the
learning is organized and managed within an integrated system. virtual world. According to Dirkx and Smith (2004), in theory,
Different tools are integrated in a single system, which offers all online collaborative activities could be considered as the key to
necessary tools to run and manage virtual learning and teaching this new learning paradigm.
processes. LMS typically offer discussion forums, file sharing, In these collaborative digital contexts, students do report
management of assignments, lesson plans, syllabus, chat, and so experiencing a range of emotions, risks, and frustration (Do &
on—tools that are very productive in learning. However, at the Schallert, 2004; Pekrun, Goetz, Titz & Perry, 2002). Despite the
same time, it is also necessary to unravel the student's perception advantages reported in literature about digital collaborative
of risks of this type of virtual environments. learning methodologies in terms of social and psychological
Global studies regarding student's risk perception on LMS are benefits (Roberts, 2005), students engaged in collaborative
not very abundant and require field studies to unravel the risks digital learning activities can feel a high level of frustration
of these environments on users. Recent studies have described facing different risks.
emotional and motivational experiences students encountered
during computer-supported learning projects, which can also
1.2 Study context: The UNED LMS: “aLF”
cause negative effects (Artino, 2008; Artino & Stephens, 2007; The LMS called aLF (
Hickey, Moore, & Pellegrino, 2001; Järvenoja & Järvelä, 2005; is a platform based on open standards (OpenACS, the Open
Sierpinska, Bobos & Knipping, 2008). In particular, some Architecture Community System) and has been developed
computer-supported collaborative learning environments may entirely within free software principles. The appeal of in-house
interfere with students' willingness to engage in the project. and open source sometimes lies in perceived inadequate
They may also experience stress and frustration in collaborating functionality or pedagogic limitations of commercial offerings,
with people who they do not know well (Curtis & Lawson, despite platform functionality becoming increasingly
2001). customizable.
1.1 Learning Management Systems and social Its main contributions are security, scalability, extensibility,
and low learning curve. It has now migrated to .LRN, which is
the most widely used free software worldwide for distance
A LMS is a category of products designed to bring interactive learning. It is originally developed at MIT (Massachusetts
technology to teaching-learning process (Daniels, 2009; Institute of Technology), to provide a collaboration tool that is
Garrison & Vaughan, 2008; Weller, 2007). A full-fledged LMS flexible and innovative, along with scalable infrastructure
addresses three major requirements: first, it is a completely development, necessary for growth. The software is backed by
realized, networked digital environment that includes interactive “The .LRN Consortium”, a global organization formed by
interfaces for both teachers and students. Second, a LMS renowned institutions and companies around the world working
provides the content of the curriculum and assessments for together to coordinate the development of software, providing
teaching and learning in digital form. Third, a LMS includes quality and new guidelines in education. LRN is used by
special tools for managing classroom activity. A robust LMS organizations and universities, such as MIT Sloan
should be able to do the following: centralize and automate (Massachusetts, USA), Harvard University Kennedy School of
administration, use self-service and self-guided services, Government (Massachusetts, USA), University of Bergen
assemble and deliver learning content rapidly, consolidate (Norway), University of Heidelberg (Germany), University of
training initiatives on a Web-based platform, support portability Valencia (Spain), UCLA School of Medicine (California, USA),
and standards, personalize content, and enable knowledge reuse. University of Galileo (Guatemala) and the National University
Therefore, a LMS should integrate with other enterprise of Distance Education (UNED) in Spain.
application solutions, enabling management to measure the aLF facilitates the student to make good use of resources
impact, effectiveness, and cost of training initiatives (Ellis, available over the Internet to alleviate the difficulties offered by
2009). distance learning model. This provides the necessary tools for
The new LMS differ from the Course Delivery LMS in terms both faculty and students, finding ways to combine individual
of classroom operation and pedagogical support. Through the work and cooperative learning. aLF offers different types of
monitoring of assignments and assessment, new LMS offer tools virtual learning environments: virtual courses and virtual
for management of the classroom by the teacher and real-time communities. Each subject has an online space or online course.
evaluation of students. These new LMS should integrate three Both of them are didactic and evaluative environments in which
types of presence: social, cognitive, and teaching (Traphagan et contents, resources, and activities of the subject are organized.
al., 2010). “Social presence” is the way students cope socially Within each virtual course, students can find the following:
and emotionally to a virtual learning community. “Cognitive teacher(s) of the subject, tutor, network support tutor, and
Vázquez-Cano, E.; Sevillano García, L. / New Approaches in Educational Research 4(1) 2015. 62-68
Analysis of risks in a Learning Management System: A case study in the Spanish National University of Distance Education (UNED)
scale using the Varimax with Kaiser Normalization method for Table 4. Rotated factor matrix
the principal component analysis.
Rotated Factor Matrix
3 RESULTS Variables
1 2
We consider dimension 1, as “general or basic” risks and 1 ,609 ,588
dimension 2, as “own and beyond” students' circumstances 2 ,692 ,495
perceived as risks. Kaiser's rule of retaining factors with 3 ,740 ,252
eigenvalues larger than 1.00 was used in this analysis as the 4 ,814 -,311
default. As the eigenvalues for the two principal components 5 ,815 -,324
with eigenvalues of 4.059 and 1.005 were retained. 6 ,710 -,066
7 ,612 -,374
Table 2. Research Model Summary 8 ,681 -,139
Factor 1: General or Basic Risks (not controlled by the student)
Model Summary Factor 2: Risks controlled by the student.
Variance Accounted For Variables: 1. Fear of making mistakes. 2. Ignorance of the
Total % course content. 3. Open ends and lack of correct answers. 4.
Dimension Cronbach's Alpha (Eigenvalue) of Variance Criticism of the educational community. 5. Isolation from
1 ,861 4,059 50,737 teachers. 6. Warning from the authorities for not developing the
2 ,005 1,005 12,559 program. 7. Delegation of control. 8. Difficulty for students.
Total ,917a 5,064 63,296 Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring. Rotation Method:
a. Total Cronbach's Alpha is based on the total Eigenvalue. Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 3 iterations.
Table 3 contains the unrotated factor loadings, which are the
correlations between the variable and the factor. Because these The eight risk factors are reduced to 2 dimensions with
are correlations, possible values range from -1 to +1. On the abstract meaning: dimension 1 and dimension 2. Table 5
/format subcommand, we used the option blank (.30), which tells displays the frequency, the quantification value assigned, the
SPSS not to print any of the correlations that are .3 or less. This centroid coordinates, and the vector coordinates of each risk.
makes the output easier to read by removing the clutter of low We can observed that that most cases are located near the
correlations that are probably not meaningful anyway. centroid (0,0), with the majority of cases located between -3 and
5 on dimension 1 and between -4 and 6 on dimension 2.
Table 3. Correlations matrix
Table 5. Vector coordinates
Correlations Original Variables
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Centroid Total
1 1,000 ,517 ,455 ,374 ,373 ,329 ,188 ,316 Coordinates (Vector Coordinates)
2 ,517 1,000 ,543 ,398 ,381 ,410 ,300 ,389 Factor Factor
3 ,455 ,543 1,000 ,460 ,470 ,446 ,390 ,411 1 2 Mean 1 2 Total
4 ,374 ,398 ,460 1,000 ,919 ,462 ,391 ,430 1 ,368 ,382 ,375 ,361 ,375 ,736
5 ,373 ,381 ,470 ,919 1,000 ,476 ,403 ,430 2 ,487 ,239 ,363 ,485 ,234 ,719
6 ,329 ,410 ,446 ,462 ,476 1,000 ,417 ,434 3 ,558 ,088 ,323 ,555 ,057 ,611
7 ,188 ,300 ,390 ,391 ,403 ,417 1,000 ,464 4 ,658 ,080 ,369 ,658 ,078 ,736
8 ,316 ,389 ,411 ,430 ,430 ,434 ,464 1,000 5 ,666 ,090 ,378 ,666 ,085 ,751
Variables: 1. Fear of making mistakes. 2. Ignorance of the course con- 6 ,500 ,018 ,259 ,500 ,012 ,512
tent. 3. Open ends and lack of correct answers. 4. Criticism of the edu- 7 ,375 ,136 ,255 ,375 ,135 ,510
cational community. 5. Isolation from teachers. 6. Warning from the 8 ,461 ,037 ,249 ,460 ,029 ,489
authorities for not developing the program. 7. Delegation of control. 8. Active Total 4,07 1,07 2,57 4,05 1,00 5,06
Difficulty for students. % of Variance 50,92 13,38 32,15 50,73 12,55 63,29
Variables: 1. Fear of making mistakes. 2. Ignorance of the course
Table 4 shows the rotated component matrix and establishes content. 3. Open ends and lack of correct answers. 4. Criticism of
the correlation of each variable with each factor. Using that rule, the educational community. 5. Isolation from teachers. 6. Warning
based on our interpretation of the rotated factor loading table, we from the authorities for not developing the program. 7. Delegation
find that four variables seem to load strongly onto dimension 1: of control. 8. Difficulty for students.
“open ends and lack of correct answers” (.740); “criticism of the
educational community” (.814); “isolation from teachers” (.815) Figure 1 shows the coordinates for each item on each
and “warning from the authorities for not developing the dimension. We can see how the items related to one another and
program” (.710). Items that load strongly onto dimension 2 are: to the two dimensions. We can see that the first three items tend
“fear of making mistakes” (.588) and “ignorance of the course to coalesce together in the upper range of both dimensions 1 and
content” (.495). 2, whereas the other four items tend to coalesce at the lower
range of dimension 1, and they tend to vary substantially along
dimension 2.
Vázquez-Cano, E.; Sevillano García, L. / New Approaches in Educational Research 4(1) 2015. 62-68
According to Reigeluth (2000), in the new concept of
instructional design-oriented knowledge, construction should be
given an important role to players in the educational activity
about decision making and management of their own learning
Figure 3. Dimension 1. General or basic risks
and teaching process. Risk assessment by students who develop
their learning in the LMS is an important knowledge that
With respect to Dimension 2:
determines the design of the activities and internal organization
Have a positive charge: 1. Fear of making mistakes. 2. of available virtual tools.
Ignorance of the course content. 3. Open ends and lack of Thus, the users should assess the type of tools available to
correct answers. students for the development of university distance studies on
Have a negative charge: 4. Criticism of the educational LMS. Students can contribute to take decisions about the best
community. 5. Isolation from teachers. 6. Warning from the choices of methods, materials, teaching sequences, and so on.
authorities for not developing the program. 7. Delegation of Understanding the users' risks involved in virtual environments
control. 8. Difficulty for students. is crucial, and in this sense, students could identify areas of
interest, necessity, and the main incidents of the scenarios in
We make the following interpretation of the dimensions: which they study. People may feel frustrated when they are
deprived of their expectations or are not able to complete their
Dimension 1: Risk basic or general.
plans (Mandler, 1975; Handa, 2003).
Dimension 2: Influence on the risk of “own and beyond This study focus on the main risks when using the LMS-aLF
students' circumstances” that could be controlled by the to develop distance virtual studies on the Spanish National
students and/or Higher Education institutions. University of Distance Education. The emphasis is concentrated
In this sense, we can establish the following factors' in those ones related to “own and beyond students'
interpretation: circumstances” perceived as risks that could be controlled by the
students and/or Higher Education institutions. These beyond
Own factors: positive charged in dimension 2: 1. Fear of main factors are: 4. “criticism of the educational community”,
making mistakes. 2. Ignorance of the course content. “isolation from teachers”, “warning from the authorities for not
Beyond factors: negative charged in dimension 2: 4. Criticism developing the program”, “delegation of control” and “difficulty
of the educational community. 5. Isolation from teachers. 6. for students”.
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Funded by: Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain.
Funder Identifier:
Award: EDU2010-17420