From Face To Face To Blended Learning Us
From Face To Face To Blended Learning Us
From Face To Face To Blended Learning Us
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From Face-to-Face to Blended Learning using ICT
Abstract—This study examines the development of the developing an education model, the technologies available
education model created in connection with the Master Studies in nevertheless define how far the development of the model can
Mathematical Information Technology. The model has developed be carried.
from the first stage, where there was only face-to-face teaching
supported with Learning Management System, to a stage where Development work on solutions related to learning
studying is possible also fully in online and students may choose technologies has been going on for a considerable time with
themselves how much to take advantage of technology in their Master Studies in Mathematical Information Technology at
studies. The examination of the development of the education Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius. The main aim is to
model is made from the viewpoints of accessibility, increased role develop an education model that will make education maximally
of technology and interaction. In earlier studies, the education accessible to all. At the same time, it is hoped that the developing
model has been evaluated for example from the viewpoints of educational model would give more choices for different kind of
changes in the participation rate and learning results, and the learners. To improve accessibility, technological solutions have
results have been positive. These viewpoints, in addition to been applied, more and more, in the implementation of
describing the development path, will be highlighted in this study. educational solutions. As technology has become more
widespread, also its role in the educational model has become
Keywords—blended learning; distance education; accessibility emphasized. With the development of technology, it has been
I. INTRODUCTION possible to carry the educational model forward in small steps
over several years.
Access to learning is one of the key factors in arranging
education for adult students for example. Adult students have more The current education model is based on strong utilization of
external responsibilities, and as a result diversity among study streaming videos, the central role of the learning management
participation modes is important. Blended learning environments system and reliable and cost-efficient practices formed around
are regarded as suitable solutions for this; at the same time, it is the technologies. The education model makes it possible to
thought that they will preserve many positive aspects of traditional provide students with education in a way that makes it possible
teaching [1]. With the help of the blended education model, it is for them, in all organized teaching, to participate either face-to-
possible to provide alternatives to participation modes such as face- face, from distance with the help of real-time video or by using
to-face sessions which are time- and location-bound. However, to on-demand recordings during times more suitable for the
move from face-to-face study to the blended model often requires a student. The students have the freedom to select, for each lecture,
long development trajectory where the development of technology the participation mode that is the most suitable for their life
plays a large role. situation at the time. Once the accessibility of education has
In blended learning, the learning environment integrates advanced this far, the student can define the degree of blended
learning elements and processes as well as environments and learning for him/herself.
interaction devices provided by information and communication The contribution of this study is to provide an overview and
technologies. Even though there are many definitions for examples of how the educational model can be developed within
blended learning, typically it is conceived as a combination of the limits of technological development. The paper presents the
face-to-face learning and distance learning [2], [3]. Blended development path of an education model created in connection
learning combines location- and time-bound activities with with the Master Studies in Mathematical Information
activities that are not dependent on location (e.g., real-time Technology at the Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius.
videos) and possibly not on time, either (e.g., on-demand During the development path, various technologies became
videos). In connection with blended learning, one needs to pay blended to the teaching. Investigation is carried out especially
attention also to the degree of integration, on the basis of which from the perspectives of accessibility improvements, increase in
it is possible to evaluate the role of blended learning, and through the role of technologies and changes in interaction. The research
that the role of technology, in learning. also presents selected results from the evaluations carried out.
Technology is at the centre of blended learning. Learning The paper is organized as follows: The following section
technologies enable arrangement of education in many different takes a closer look at blended learning. Section III introduces the
ways. However, typically these technologies themselves do not development path of the educational model formed in
play the main role in the educational setting; the primary interest connection with the master's degree education in information
is, above all, on the practices formed around them. When technology. Section IV discusses the impacts of the blended
educational model from the perspectives of blending, learning environment. The dimensions are space, time, fidelity
accessibility, interaction and learning outcomes. Section V and humanities. At the two extremes of the dimensions are face-
presents some conclusions. to-face learning and distance learning: the interactivity of the
traditional face-to-face learning is located on the left hand side
II. BLENDED LEARNING of the dimensions and the interactivity of the distance learning
Blended learning can take place in many different levels. on the right hand side. The development of information and
Graham [2] defines four of them: activity level, course level, communication technologies has increasingly moved the
program level and institutional level. Blending at the interactivity in distance learning closer to the interactivity
institutional and program levels is typically left to the discretion traditionally regarded as achievable only in face-to-face
of the learner. In the course and activity levels, designers and sessions. For example, on the time and fidelity dimensions,
instructors do have a greater role when prescribing the blend. communication technologies such as real-time lecture videos
Activity level refers to situations where an individual learning and video conferences today allow real-time communication
activity includes both face-to-face and computer-mediated close to the same levels of fidelity as in the face-to-face
elements. As an example of this, we can consider a solution environment [2]. Virtual solutions and, for example, tools made
where interaction in a face-to-face course has been turned over available in social media enable better team work among people,
to a computer to get help in its implementation, for example thus bringing the humanness dimension's extremes closer to
through LMS. In the course level blending, some of the course each other. Virtual reality environments are striving to do the
is arranged as face-to-face learning and some as distance same with the space dimension.
learning with the help of a computer. These parts of the course The blended education model can also be categorized
can overlap time-wise or they can take place in a chronological according to the way the blending takes place. Blended solutions
order. The course level is the most typical level of blending. In can be classified into three categories in accordance with the
higher educational institutions, blending often occurs at the level main purpose of the blending [2], i.e., enabling blends,
of a degree program [4]. This is referred to as program level enhancing blends and transforming blends. In enabling blends,
blending. Typically, in the program level blended model, some the primary focus is on addressing issues of access. This includes
of the courses are to be implemented as distance study and some blends that are intended to provide additional flexibility to the
as face-to-face study [2]. The choice between these may be based learners and blends that attempt to provide the same
either on the decision of the student or that of the education opportunities or learning experience but through a different
provider. At the institutional level, the organization has made the modality. In enhancing blends, some incremental but not radical
decision concerning blending [2]. In these kinds of cases, changes to the pedagogy take place. For example, in traditional
blended parts can be found in all the organization's courses or, face-to-face environment, some additional resources may be
for example at the level of educational institutions, the decision included online. Transforming blends allows a radical
might have been made to require that the graduating students transformation of the pedagogy. It should be kept in mind that a
must have experience about online courses [2]. When talking blended solution can belong to several categories at the same
about institutional level blending, there is the realization that the time. It is just as important to remember that none of these
organization must concentrate its attempts to reach a situation categories is necessarily bad; they just have a different focus [2].
where the student can utilize the two extremes in his/her study
Access to learning is one of the key factors influencing the (physical / Mixed Virtual
growth of distributed learning environments [5]. In spite of this, face-to-face) reality (distributed)
research related to accessibility has been very meager in Space
connection with blended learning [6]. From the viewpoint of
accessibility, blended education can be arranged for many
reasons. Picciano and Seaman [7] highlighted five of these Live synchronous Aynchronous
aspects in their research: offering courses not otherwise (very short lag time) (long lag time)
available at the school, meeting the needs of specific groups of Time
students, offering Advanced Placement or college-level courses,
reducing scheduling conflicts for students and permitting Medium
students who failed a course to take it again. When making High (for example, Low
educational arrangements for adult students who have many (rich all senses) Audio only) (text only)
responsibilities apart from family and work, there is an emphasis Fidelity
on reducing scheduling-related conflicts.
Whereas traditional instruction includes interaction between
the student and the instructor in the same physical location, High human No human
computer-mediated instruction employs solutions provided by Humanness
information and communication technology to implement No machine High machine
interactivity [8]. Interactivity thus is clearly different in these
solutions. Graham [2] introduces 4 critical learning-related
Fig. 1. Four dimensions of interaction in face-to-face and distributed learning
interaction dimensions (Fig. 1), which are present both in the
environments by Graham [2]
traditional face-to-face environment and in the distributed
In general, one can think of the motivation for blending as possible to develop the education model closer to the current
something that combines the positive aspects of both face-to- implementation, where also distance study is possible, in line
face learning and distance learning. Graham et al. [9], however, with the technology improvements.
clarify this somewhat by claiming that blended education is there
because it makes a better pedagogy possible, increases flexibility This section presents the development stages that have led to
and contributes to cost-efficiency. The greatest interest in the the current kind of education model. The development steps are
environment of this study is directed into how to increase also shown in Fig.2.
accessibility. A. Stage 1: Beginning of Video Production
III. DEVELOPMENT PATH In 1999, at the beginning of the master's degree course on
information technology, all teaching was organized as face-to-
The blended educational model formed in connection with face teaching. Face-to-face learning was arranged mainly for
the master's degree education in information technology has Fridays and Saturdays. The courses were scheduled to be run as
been under development, with a clearly defined purpose, since very compact entities in such a way that, typically, a single
the beginning of 1999. The need for the development work has course was run over a few weekends. In practice, this meant that
its origin in the fact that all the students in the education program the duration of a single lecture session equaled that of 3-4
are working adults with a family. The biggest challenges for traditional lectures. In addition, intensive courses in which
students of this kind are related to time use. The time must be teaching was implemented as face-to-face teaching were
allocated between work, family and study. Thus, there has been organized over a period of one week. Typically, this meant 6-8-
a clear need to add flexibility to study participation. The central hour lectures on each weekday. Students who were able to take
idea in the development work, from the very beginning, has been time off from their work for a period of one week became
how to make the available teaching accessible so that the participants of these kinds of courses.
learning results wouldn't be weakened and teaching or studying
wouldn't be made more difficult. The important part in the Learning Management System (LSM) was in use from the
education development has been the desire to sustain the beginning, and with its help targeted communication and
commitment to face-to-face learning. Some of the students still dissemination of information became possible. It also provided
want to study with the help of face-to-face learning, and even an easy access for the students to written study materials. In
students who in their studies utilize a variety of technologies addition to using LMS internally within the courses, it was used,
participate mainly with the help of face-to-face learning in some already at that stage, for student management and
courses. Moreover, face-to-face learning creates a natural communication between the students and the education
production venue for lecture videos. provider. This kind of communication was related to study,
exam enrolments, exam results and changes to course schedules,
Already at the beginning stage of the development, it became among other things. For the use of LNS, the students were
clear that, at its best, the education model would make well- required to have an internet connection, but the connection speed
functioning distance study possible. However, the technologies required was very low. This kind of modest connection was
and infrastructure in the beginning of the development work already available, either in the workplace or at home, for each
were not such that they would directly allow the start of the student in the education program.
implementation of the model enabling distance study. Also high
production costs posed challenges for wider deployment. Later, The challenges of adult students' time allocation forced the
improvements in the technologies and related practices made it education provider to look for an alternative solution for