OBD System Declaration Materials For SGMW - CN200S - 1.5T - MT - CN5
OBD System Declaration Materials For SGMW - CN200S - 1.5T - MT - CN5
OBD System Declaration Materials For SGMW - CN200S - 1.5T - MT - CN5
1 Malfunction Indicator (MI) ..................................................................................... 4
1.1 Description of the malfunction indicator (MI) ............................................. 4
1.2 Icon of MI ..................................................................................................... 4
2 All parts monitored by OBD system ....................................................................... 4
3 The working principle of OBD system monitoring projects .................................. 6
3.1 Catalyst aging monitoring ............................................................................ 6
3.1.1 DKATSP system ................................................................................ 6
3.2 Misfire monitoring ..................................................................................... 10
3.2.1 Overview of misfire monitoring ...................................................... 10
3.2.2 Adaptive ........................................................................................... 11
3.2.3 Misfire monitoring ........................................................................... 11
3.2.4 Misfire monitoring: three models .................................................... 12
3.2.5 Emissions worsening misfire detection: the first 500 working cycles
after engine start ........................................................................................... 13
3.2.6 Emissions worsening misfire: after the first 500 working cycles after
engine start ................................................................................................. 14
3.2.7 Detection of damage and misfire of catalytic converter .................. 14
3.2.8 Flowcharts ........................................................................................ 15
3.3 Oxygen sensor monitoring ......................................................................... 18
3.3.1 Summary .......................................................................................... 18
3.3.2 Oxygen sensor signal monitoring .................................................... 19
3.3.3 Oxygen sensor heating monitoring .................................................. 20
3.3.4 ATP monitoring ............................................................................... 21
3.4 Other parts and components monitored by OBD system ........................... 23
3.4.1 Monitoring of evaporation desorption control system ..................... 23
3.5 Continuous monitoring of cooling water temperature sensor line ............. 23
3.6 Broken line monitoring .............................................................................. 23
4 Output and format of OBD Fault Code................................................................. 23
5 Vehicle OBD information ..................................................................................... 24
5.1 OBD preprocessing and demonstration cycle description ......................... 24
5.2 Scanning tool communication protocol ...................................................... 24
5.3 Misfire rate statement ................................................................................. 24
5.3.1 Rate of misfire of emission deterioration......................................... 24
5.3.2 Catalyst damage misfire rate ............................................................ 24
5.4 Schema 5 and mode 6 test value definitions .............................................. 25
6 Diagnostic rate (In-Use Performance Ratio)......................................................... 31
6.1 General requirements ................................................................................. 31
6.2 Ignition cycle counter ................................................................................. 33
6.3 Denominator counter .................................................................................. 34
6.3.1 Requirements for general denominator counters ............................. 34
6.3.2 Special requirements for increasing denominator counters ............. 34
6.4 List of OBD parts and system monitoring items ........................................ 35
6.5 Working interrupts of molecular counters, denominator counters and
general denominator counters .............................................................................. 36
6.6 Other description ........................................................................................ 36
7 Measures to prevent damage and change of discharge control computers ........... 37
8 OBD system defect description ............................................................................ 37
9 OBD function monitoring fault simulator............................................................. 38
9.1 Engine misfire generator ............................................................................ 38
9.2 Oxygen sensor fault simulator .................................................................... 39
9.3 Cracking catalyst samples .......................................................................... 39
10 Diagnostic interface communication mode .......................................................... 40
1 Malfunction Indicator (MI)
1.2 Icon of MI
Figure 1: Icon of MI
All parts and components monitored by the OBD system are shown in the table
Table 1: A list of parts monitored by the OBD system
In the first of a two-step process a reference state is to actively enrich the mixture
to completely empty the residual oxygen in the catalytic converter. When the
downstream oxygen sensor indicates a sudden change in the mixture from dilute to
concentrate (when the voltage of the downstream oxygen sensor is higher than the
matched threshold), the concentration of the mixture in the flushing catalytic
converter is calculated. The concentration of the mixture is twice as much as the
critical oxygen storage required to ensure that the oxygen in the catalytic converter is
completely emptied.
Next, the mixture is diluted actively, and the catalyst begins to store the residual
oxygen in the exhaust. When the downstream oxygen sensor indicates the dilute
mixture, the catalyst is filled with oxygen. As shown in the following formula.
OCS (t ) air mass flow ( 1) dt sec
F h
Yes Yes
Invalid (OSC (t) calculation
Clear KAT fault KAT fault
monitoring end
3.2.2 Adaptive
When a cylinder is unburned or not fully burned, it takes longer for the
corresponding sectional window to pass through the crankshaft position sensor, and
the acceleration of the corresponding sectional window will exceed the matching
threshold. The system is diagnosed as misfire.
The scope of the fire monitoring is shown in the following figure. The maximum
speed limit of the detection range is 5800 rpm. C, which is 13.33 KPa lower than the
zero torque point on the maximum speed line. No detection outside this range.
Misfire supervision area
All three methods of misfire detection can be used for misfire detection. The
three methods overlap to ensure accurate detection of all possible misfires. Three fire
monitoring methods are described below. t[x] represents the sectional window time
and N represents the number of cylinders. The following is an example of a 4-cylinder
engine with ignition sequence 1-3-4-2.
The first method (angular acceleration) is used as the calculated value from the
current combustion to the next combustion in the ignition sequence.
The misfire detection method is mainly used to detect single random misfire and
single cylinder continuous misfire.
Figure 6: The first method of misfire monitoring
The second method (angular acceleration to calculate the angular acceleration of
the current combustion process to the next combustion process)
The misfire detection method is mainly used to detect multi cylinder continuous
misfire and single cylinder continuous misfire.
Misfire detection cycle is the first 500 working cycles (crankshaft rotating 1000
revolutions) after engine starting. If the number of misfire detected in the first 500
working cycle exceeds the misfire threshold, the MDnpl error is diagnosed. If the
number of misfire in any one of the cylinders exceeds 10% of the total number of
misfire in all cylinders, the cylinder is diagnosed as misfire.
Misfire detection cycle is the second 500 working cycles (crankshaft rotating
1000 revolutions) after engine start-up. When the number of misses detected in each
500 working cycle exceeds the misfire threshold, the misfire failure count is added 1.
When the number of misses causing emission deterioration is increased four times,
the MDmin error is diagnosed. When the number of misfires in all cylinders exceeds
10% of the total number, the cylinder is caught in misfire.
Misfire detection cycle is engine 100 working cycles (crankshaft rotation 200
revolutions). According to engine speed and load, detect a misfire, the number of
misfire counter plus 1.
The malfunction indicator (MIL) will always flicker when the number of
misfires counted in the misfire detection cycle exceeds the calibration threshold,
indicating the detection of a malfunction of the damaged catalytic converter. MIL will
stop flickering when no malfunction of the damaged catalytic converter is detected
during the misfire detection cycle of the damaged catalytic converter (100 working
The MIL status then depends on the number of MDmax failures counted,
extinguishing the MIL only when a failure of the damaged catalytic converter is
detected in the current cycle or in the previous cycle, and lighting the MIL lamp when
a failure of the damaged catalytic converter is detected in both previous cycles.
3.2.8 Flowcharts
Misfire detected
Counts of catalyst damaging
misfire<=cal. Threshold (100
working cycle)
3.3.1 Summary
Oxygen sensors diagnose and monitor the working state of the upstream oxygen
sensor and the downstream oxygen sensor, including oxygen sensor circuit diagnosis,
heating diagnosis and aging diagnosis.
Oxygen sensor line monitoring (upstream and downstream oxygen sensors)
Oxygen sensor heating monitoring (upstream and downstream oxygen sensors)
Upstream oxygen sensor response hysteresis, unilateral aging monitoring
Upstream oxygen sensor response hysteresis and two-sided periodic aging
B1 S1 B1 S2
L4 Cyl. Engine
(Bank 1 - Sensor 1) (Bank 1 - Sensor 2)
(wide range) (heated)
Exhaust Bank 1
Catalyst Tail Pipe
The internal resistance of the cold oxygen sensor is very large, and the signal
voltage of the oxygen sensor is stable in a certain range (not affected by the oxygen
concentration of the mixture). With the temperature of the oxygen sensor rising, the
internal resistance of the oxygen sensor decreases. Oxygen sensor signal monitoring
High potential of upstream oxygen sensor signal: upstream oxygen sensor signal
voltage value exceeds the limit (short circuit for power supply);
Low potential of upstream oxygen sensor signal: the signal voltage of upstream
oxygen sensor is lower than the limit (short circuit to ground);
Upstream oxygen sensor signal open circuit: upstream oxygen sensor signal open
The upstream oxygen sensor signal is unreasonable: the upstream oxygen sensor
signal short circuit to the heating signal.
3.3.3 Oxygen sensor heating monitoring
Under high temperature exhaust and circuit heating, the internal resistance of
oxygen sensor decreases and the temperature rises. If the circuit of the oxygen sensor
fails, the internal resistance of the oxygen sensor is greater than the normal value. The
heating monitoring of the oxygen sensor includes heating circuit monitoring (only for
CJ circuit heating) and oxygen sensor internal resistance monitoring.
Oxygen sensor heating monitoring is suitable for upstream oxygen sensors and
downstream oxygen sensors.
When the heating circuit of the oxygen sensor fails, the Nernst internal resistance
of the oxygen sensor is much greater than that of the normal circuit heating. The
Nernst internal resistance of the oxygen sensor is determined by the exhaust
temperature and the circuit heating, in which the internal resistance characteristic is
recorded in a MAP. The exhaust temperature and circuit heating are filtered. When
the exhaust temperature and circuit heating fluctuate, the effect of delay on the
internal resistance of oxygen sensor is delayed.
When the Nernst internal resistance of oxygen sensor is greater than the normal
value, it is diagnosed as a reasonable failure.
3.3.4 ATP monitoring
Because the average voltage of oxygen sensor is constant when the dynamic
characteristic of concentration-dilution switching of oxygen sensor is deteriorated, it
is necessary to diagnose and monitor the concentration-dilution switching
characteristic by periodic aging of oxygen sensor.
The cycle time is controlled by the closed-loop control system %LR, and the
cycle time calculation is limited to a certain engine speed and load. Even when the
engine speed and load enter the cycle aging monitoring window, part of the effective
calculation period may be considered invalid. It eliminates interference from aging
Compared with the upper limit TSVKO and the lower limit TSVKU, the filter
period time t psvkmf_w is larger than the upper limit, the maximum error B_mxlatp
position. When below the lower limit, the minimum error B_mnlatp position, and the
error flag E_latp position. When B_mxlatp or B_mnlatp are reset, the error flag
E_latp is also reset. After the cycle aging diagnosis of ANZDPVK, the diagnostic
location is completed by Z_latp. Atp monitoring flowchart
Engine speed is within a specific range
Load is within a specified range
The controller is in a static state
Effective measurement cycle is
greater than a certain value
Cycle duration > threshold Cycle fault
Fault process
Figure 13: Monitoring process of periodic aging of oxygen sensor
The circuit continuity of the solenoid in the fuel evaporation system is monitored
continuously in this system to ensure the normal operation of the evaporation system.
If the error condition is monitored, the error code will be recorded and the error lamp
will be lit. As soon as the failure condition is satisfied, the system will turn on the
fault lamp and record the activation requirement of the fault code MIL.
OBD system continuously monitors the water temperature sensor circuit to
ensure that the cooling water temperature sensor works properly. If the system detects
a fault in the water temperature sensor, the system will work in place of the cooling
water temperature, which will have an impact on the emission. If the error is
monitored, the error information will be recorded, and the MIL light will be lit to
remind the driver.
For vehicles equipped with spark ignition engines, the misfire rate reaches 2.3%,
which will cause the emission value of type I test to exceed the OBD limit.
Exceeding a certain misfire rate may lead to too high catalytic converter
temperature, resulting in irreversible damage to the catalytic converter.
Table 2 : Catalyst damage misfire rate
Catalyst damage misfire rate
Engine speed
2000 2720 3400 4200 5000 5800
$50-$5F 0V 12.75 V
$61-$6F 0 Hz 25.5 Hz
0 255
counts counts
manufacturer specific values manufacturer Test ID description
/ units
$FF ISO/SAE reserved
The following table defines the test code definition, referring to ISO 15765-4.
Table 4: Test code definition
Test Min
Test ID Max value Description
value value
Rich to lean sensor threshold voltage
$1 0V 7.999 V
Lean to rich sensor threshold voltage
$2 0V 7.999 V
Denominator plus 1
Monitor is inhibited no Mode $9
due to stored fault
General Dcy
Physical condition
inhibition function
Ignition Cycle
The general denominator counter is used to measure the number of times a car
runs. In each cycle, the general denominator counter increases by an integer of 1 and
only once. According to the general denominator counter format definition, when the
general denominator counter increases to a maximum of 65535, the general
denominator counter counts from zero in the next cycle to avoid data overflow.
If and only if all of the following conditions are met, the general denominator
counter increases in 10 s:
When the altitude is below 2440 meters, and the ambient temperature is greater
than or equal to -7℃, the cumulative start-up time of the engine is greater than or
equal to 600 s.
When the altitude is below 2440 meters, and the ambient temperature is greater
than or equal to -7℃, the cumulative running time of the vehicle at the speed of 40
km/h or above is greater than or equal to 300 s.
When the altitude is below 2440 meters, and the ambient temperature is greater
than or equal to -7℃, the vehicle idling time (acceleration pedal is loosened, speed is
not more than 1.6 km/h) is not less than 30 s.
No job interruption conditions are generated for general denominator counters.
The denominator counter is used to measure and display the number of vehicle
driving events and to take into account the specific monitoring conditions. During the
running cycle, the specific monitoring conditions are met and the general denominator
counter is increased according to the regulations. In the absence of the working
interruption conditions of the denominator counter, the denominator counter is
increased once in the running cycle.
a) When the secondary air system order appears in the "on" state for more than
10 seconds, the secondary air system monitoring denominator counter increases.
When the OBD system intervenes in the secondary air system only for monitoring
purposes, the operation time is not counted in the "on" state of the order;
b) For a system activated only during cold start, the denominator counter
monitored by the system increases when the time of the component or policy
command in the "on" state is greater than or equal to 10s;
c) For variable valve timing (VVT) and control systems, the denominator counter
for monitoring increases when the command executor opens a certain degree twice
(more than 2s each time) or the execution time is greater than or equal to 10s
(whichever happens first);
d) When the additional requirements for other monitored denominator counters
are not breached, the denominator counters monitored by the following components
are increased only during the cold-start operating cycle:
- Engine coolant temperature sensor;
- Clean air (ambient air, intake, pressurized air, intake manifold) temperature
e) When the following conditions are met, the number of denominator counters
monitored by the booster control system increases:
-Meeting the conditions of general denominator counter;
-Turbocharging control system working time greater than or equal to 15s.
In order to prevent changes in software and data in ECU, the following measures
are taken for ECU in batch production.
The refresh of ECU requires password, and the password of each item is
different. Only if the password is correct, can ECU be refreshed.
The software has CheckSum detection function. When the software detects
incorrect CheckSum, the system program will stop running. CheckSum error
protection prevents the user's ECU from being refreshed by unauthorized data.
CheckSum errors do not occur on a software Department-approved batch and sample
status ECU. Occurs only when samples ECU is not recognized by the software
department or refreshed by unauthorized tampering with ECU.
Defects and
specific No Defect period No
9 OBD function monitoring fault simulator
Huijing Electronic
Technology (Shanghai) Co.,
Misfire Generator MiF-A8-002 Ltd.
Shining View
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