Islamic Civilization

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Afro Eurasian Studies Journal Volume 5, Issues 1&2 and Spring & Fall 2016, pp.

70-89 for the emergence of science and technology. They should also know that
the cultures and worldviews of nations play a primary role in this process.
Technology and its Place In Important conclusions can be acquired by looking at production of infor-
mation, science and technology by societies. Therefore, a nation cannot
Islamic Civilization put its sign to sustainable, fundamental scientific studies without strong
moral values, culture, religion and a belief system.2 People may believe in
Zekai ŞEN1 the illusion that may be generating original knowledge in a society which
  dresses, behaves and thinks like other societies. Even if someone performs
Knowledge production, science and art have only been offered scientific studies with culture and perspective of other societies, s/he can-
to the service of humanity by the nations that have magnificent civiliza- not truly implement these into her/his own culture. In fact, such a scientist
tion and culture in history. Nations with such a civilization and culture will be forced to use the language of other societies for writing new works,
could raise knowledgeable people who contribute to universal humanitar- which will cause the history to regard these works as success of other so-
ian work. These important people have been recognized and respected as cieties.
members of all nations, regarded as values for the entire humanity. For, Having said that, importance of language, culture, tradition, and
knowledge and systematic data produced by such great persons provide moral values can be understood, especially in terms of performing scien-
benefits not only to their own communities but also to many different na- tific studies in a society. Therefore, a country or a society shall look into
tions and cultures that accept them. Knowledge and scientific concepts its own cultural values for inspiration, rather than embracing the values
have always been present throughout history of man and gradually de- imposed by imperialism, to perform their scientific activities. On the other
veloped into what they are today. Not every culture and civilization have hand, if a culture has not experienced any production of knowledge, scien-
participated this progressive process. On the other hand, many different tific studies or technological progress, then it shall benefit from the sources
nations and cultures have carried these knowledge to their communities of knowledge in other civilizations in order to assimilate them creatively
and benefit from it greatly. In the course of history, scientific and techno- by developing important concepts and ideas to implement these works.
logical developments never stopped but slowed down and kept on mov- When history of science is carefully studied one can see that societies need
ing forward. The only thing that changed has been the civilizations and to implement beneficial concepts of science according to their cultural per-
cultures that performed these developments. For this reason we can trace spective, language, traditions and moral values rather than adjusting their
the movement of technology in different cultures, in Egypt, Mesopotamia culture and moral values to the societies where scientific enterprise is pro-
(Babel, Akkad, and Sumerians), and Ancient Greece, Islamic civilization gressed.3
(Arabs, Persians and Turks), Europe (different nations) and American so- The true aim of science is to discover quantity, features and charac-
cieties. All these cultures have acquired scientific heritage of others and teristics of events in nature on every aspect and level as well as to evaluate
developed further. The same civilization and culture is not always blessed the relationships between different beings and concepts. This way, science
with this precious gift. This is an interesting phenomenon which should be is able to acquire the required knowledge which may be used to predict
investigated in a detailed manner. Civilizations which have failed to con- 2 Zekai Şen. Philosophy, Logic, Science and Ethics in Engineering (Istanbul: Su Vakfı
tribute to development of knowledge, science and technology shall start to Yayınları, 2011). For the second edition see Philosophical, Logical and Scientific Perspec-
tives in Engineering (Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Interna-
evaluate their past and to reconsider the elements that prepare the ground tional Publishing, 2014).
3 For more information see George Sarton, Introduction to the History of Science, 3 vols.
1 Istanbul Technical University, Professor Emeritus, Istanbul, Turkey /  (Baltimore: The Williams and Wilkins Company, 1927).

70 71
what may happen in the future and how events in the future can be con- This adjective may be very accurate for that age, but not for all civilizations
trolled. On the other hand, scientific studies are also performed to satisfy that lived at those times. As it may be suitable for Europe, the term “Dark
man’s need to understand and know the unknown. Today, science has pro- Ages” was the exact opposite of what Islam was right at that time because,
vided advanced technological developments by providing the foundation especially when we consider the period between 7th century and 12th centu-
that is essential for the development of useful tools and devices for people. ry there has not been a single scientist in the West that could be recognized
In fact, the development of tools and equipment called technology began as peers to Turkish - Muslim thinker or scientists of that time.4 For Middle
before the phenomenon called science, and it has constantly progressed Ages has been the most beneficial, rich and bright era for Muslims up to
since the early times. Following the cutting tools of Stone Age; man has date. For this reason, the term of Dark Ages shall not be used especially in
continued to create new tools with copper, iron, etc. to satisfy his needs, education systems of Muslim countries. Unfortunately, Turkish students
without having any scientific basis. Invention of the plow to till the field, and general public are deprived of the fundamental knowledge concerning
the discovery of the wheels and the discovery of gunpowder are all techno- philosophy, science and technology of their ancestors. As a result they ap-
logical developments. All of these developments have been created to sat- ply the term “Dark Ages” referring to this bright age of Islamic civilization
isfy a certain need. Hence, today the organized body of knowledge obtained due to the modern, western mindset. In some way, education system of
through systematic thought with a specific methodology, called “science”. Turkey, has been left very weak in terms of its own science and religion.
Activities that we call science today had close relationship with Our younger generations do not know the history of science and technol-
philosophy during the centuries when Islamic civilization had its golden ogy in their own civilization. Therefore, roots of abundant trees have been
age in scientific advancement. Philosophy may simply be defined as the cut, only western philosophy and culture have been inoculated. On the oth-
love for wisdom or acquisition of knowledge with systematic and criti- er hand, one side of these vaccinated trees can give their own fruits. Our
cal thinking. Knowledge, technology, philosophy and religion have moved education system ignores Islamic sciences and technologies completely.
from one civilization or culture to another welcoming it; and served hu- Our youth has been raised with an inferiority complex, stating that we are
manity perfectly. Middle ages, is the term between the end of West Roman not capable of developing such high and mighty products of science. Con-
Empire in 476 and invasion of Istanbul by the Ottomans in 1453, marking sequently, we have found ourselves in an inert position, imitating scientific
the end of Byzantine Empire, which has been a successor of Eastern Ro- history, scientists, cultures and traditions of others. Especially, history of
Islamic science and technology should be known and taught. Mindset and
man Empire. This period witnessed an immense activity by Islamic civili-
philosophy of the Antique times, which are far darker and older from the
zation in terms of science, philosophy, technology, military, education and
aforesaid eras, have dominated the world. On the other hand, even in the
social solidarity. At that time, the West was struggling to take a breath of
West al-Farabi (d. 950) was regarded as the “Second Master” (al-Ustadh
relief from political instability of feudalism, coupled with darkness, filth
al-Thânî) after Aristotle. The year 1950 was confirmed and declared by
and absence of human rights. With the order of Pope, the West attacked
UNESCO as “The Year of Farabi” to commemorate his 1000th birthday as
Eastern Roman civilization to acquire their wealth and heritage, by show-
a reputable philosopher and scientist. Even many scientists in our country
ing Jerusalem as an excuse and calling these wave of attacks “Crusades”.
are still unaware of this fact.
Many of their fellow religious peers were killed; cities, even Istanbul,
Unfortunately, as a result of forgotten sources, the Islamic intel-
which was then Constantinople, the center of Orthodox world, were raided
lectuals today claim that they are only doing imitative investigations in
and pillaged. Later in 16th century this period in Western history is referred
4 See ibid, vol. 1. In fact Sarton thinks that in these centuries it is not worth studying any
to as the Dark Ages by their historians when ignorance dominated due to civilization other than the Muslim world where original scientific works were produced
the dark, self-centered, inhumane behaviors that the world had witnessed. primarily in this part of the world, 1: 543ff.

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the direction of the West. The small amount of scientific contribution from ties. We start our lives by accepting superiority of the West, even without
these countries as we see today, creates an important contradiction when needing them to state this expressly. In the Middle Ages, Islam has not
compared to their past. This should not lead us to say: “we should boast acquired anything from the West. Without the past products of Muslim
about our past”. But, we should not despise it either. Instead of mechani- contributions and movements, the West would have been in a far more
cally writing scientific articles in international magazines, we should em- backward condition today. We can eliminate this feeling of inferiority only
brace our past and diffuse the awareness in the minds of the public to if we start to imitate, so to speak, the Western ideas only in certain ar-
change this sad portrait that we face today. Otherwise, the act of looking eas. For example, they have created their own world views and moral val-
for solutions in a mechanized and artificial manner, will be permanent. ues without sacrificing much from their traditions, cultures and religious
Especially, the idea which claims that “the distance between the West and beliefs. The only opposition came from the authoritarian pressure of the
us in scientific progress is growing further, that is pointless to try catching Church. Similarly, we should base our scientific and technological future
up with them” confines our minds in narrow gaps. We shall be absolutely on our own traditions, beliefs, language and culture. None of the cultures,
positive about the fact that we are at an equal distance, and sometimes, which has strong influences in the history of science and technology, has
may even be superior to the West, especially when we consider the huge made a sacrifice from their culture, language or religion, but successfully
contributions which have been made by Islamic scientists and technology blended the new knowledge they developed or even borrowed from others
researchers, despite our present inability to contribute right now. Other- with their own culture. While it is an apparent fact that doing otherwise
wise, we will not accomplish anything by regarding pioneers of today’s will not be a wise choice in the future, changing our culture, traditions and
science, who are worshiped but not respected at all. Especially, the act of beliefs to imitate the West seems preposterous. Historical realities show
despising our own culture, society, history and resources while worship- us that we do not need to subject ourselves to Christianity, change of lan-
ing and aggrandizing West, which has dominated Anatolia for the past 200 guage or cultural erosion to become successful. Just like Muslims, who
years, has become the most influential element which holds us back in have acknowledged and blended the products of Greek, Indian and other
terms of scientific and technological developments. Especially, adoption scientific traditions without sacrificing their language, religion or culture,
of such an idea by the pioneering thinkers of our country, has reflected its European civilizations also preserved their values while they acquired the
negative influences onto the public and started deteriorating our wellbeing intellectual products of Islamic civilization. Nobody has changed his/her
and self-confidence, preventing us to be happy and continue creating, just clothing, language or belief. On the other hand, they have succeeded in
like a computer virus. Therefore, our pioneering thinkers shall definitely advancing to even higher level of development.
be aware of our major contributions in the arena of science and technol- Which scientists and engineers do you think created the first drafts
ogy; and convey this self-confidence to the public, as we are successors of for automation systems and robotics industry that are admired and thought
those great Islamic thinkers. The West, has become what it is today, thanks to be performing many hard tasks for mankind? Most of us would probably
to the heritage of Muslim world. On the other hand, the West has wrongly think that they were from the West or at least, we would not think that such
based these values to Ancient Greece, which had been regarded culturally a person was possibly a Muslim scientist. Similarly, most of the Muslims
similar to themselves, and created their own Christian foundation for sci- who live in the “modern” “information society” of our time most probably
ence and technology while ignoring major contributions of Islamic civili- thinks that these ideas have come to life in Ancient Greece, developed in
zation to science and technology. Western civilization, which had a feeling Middle Ages for a thousand years, and finalized to be what they are today
of inferiority especially in terms prior to 16th century, had inverted this following the Renaissance movement in Europe. On the other hand, we
status and started to feel like they are superior to other cultures and socie- must see that this is not the case when we refer to Western books which in-
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terestingly approach this issue objectively. But unfortunately, in the mod- al-Jazari’s technological automation researches. 800 years ago, and before
ern age of today when we cannot even trust our own resources; we insist capitalist and imperialist so-called technological and scientific products
on acquiring our scientific and cultural heritage from the west, and keep on were presented to humanity for the purpose of material gain, a Muslim
ignoring these fundamental facts of history with a skeptical mindset. Even scientist have produced the same kind of technical devices solely for serv-
people who refer to these resources, refuse to adopt, acknowledge and ing humanity, making us feel the need to start reconsidering our heritage.
embrace these information, therefore resulting in our inability to develop This scientist engineer is al-Jazari, whose complete name is Abū’l-ʿIzz ibn
our own resources. The first lesson that we learn from all these are the facts Ismāʿīl ibn al-Razzāz al-Jazarī, who has been the only and most influential
that the scientists of our own cultural heritage, have the right to be em- thinker throughout history. Abū’l-ʿIzz al-Jazarī developed highly admired
braced and taught at the same level with thinkers of Ancient Greece. This ideas of “cybernetics”, “automation” and “robotics” which are held highly
is not only their right but also has a rightful need of our young students, important today. His “engineering” and “innovation” capabilities have been
who will be thinkers, scientists and technologists of the future, as they may so unique that only a few scientists showed to have this kind of expertise
inspire greatly from their own culture, lose this pointless sense of inferior- throughout the following history of man. Also, he has based his technologi-
ity and even succeed in eliminating this feeling. For many people who do cal ideas on objective concepts rather than speculative, abstract ideas as it
not know their history, their past, their family learnt from the history with was in ancient Greece, nor did he expressed his ideas with symbols.
bitter experience that it is not possible to advance without the light illumi- In the rest of this article because of his importance in the field, I
nate their way from their past. While important works of Islamic thinkers would like to highlight the works of Abu’l-‘Iz al-Jazari and contribution in
have been translated into Latin, the mostly accepted language of science the field of technology and its significance for the technology-value rela-
in Europe, different nations have translated these resources again to their tionship. This way I hope to spread awareness about his rich capabilities as
respective languages, enabling them to benefit from these works, creating a Muslim Scholar. The main aim of this article is to provide a brief perspec-
their own resources by planting their own, adapted seeds. tive towards works of mechanical devices and automation concepts which
Especially the wave of terror which has been created in Islamic have been created by Muslim scientists between 9th and 13th centuries as
countries and societies, make everyone think that knowledge, science, tech- well as evaluate works of Abu’l-‘Iz al-Jazari. He is indeed one of the most
nology and even human rights are only products of ancient Greece and to- notable and progressive Muslim scientists working in this area. The work
day’s West. Civilizations that have lost their touch with their histories and of al-Jazari has inspired from the works of previous researchers before 12th
repelled their own historical values, have become blind followers of the century and thus created important exemplary works which have acted as
West. These societies have even ignored and despised all scientific and tech- a basis for conical threads, suction and force pumps and even steam ma-
nological ideas and developments in their own country and accepted ideas chines. Unfortunately, even imitations of these works, which have been
and movements from other cultures with blind imitation. This is such a piti- products of Muslim scholars that have been blended with their own culture
ful state and a miserable position to be in. History tells us the fact that socie- and resources, could not be made in the following centuries, resulting in
ties may only acquire the age of enlightenment by creating their own sources the lack of ability to acquire further developments in this area. Moreover,
of knowledge with their own cultural resources. Today, all societies and par- another objective of this article is to embrace this important examples of
ticularly Muslim nations, struggle to maintain their origin in an environment mechanics and automation by Muslim scholars due to their historical im-
which has been invaded harshly by foreign and western approaches. portance. Particularly, contributions of Muslims to automation, have been
One definite example which may even serve as an accurate illustra- the most ignored efforts of this unique society, which are unfortunately
tion of today’s world of science and technology is Bediuzzaman Abu’l-‘Iz overlooked and almost forgotten completely.
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I. A Brief History Based on this information we know that he served to the ruling family,
especially Nasreddin himself, his father and his brothers for a total term
During the time of Abbasid caliphates in Baghdad, many works of of 25 years during the time of Artuk Turks. This reign continued during
antique Greek have been translated into Arabic. The intention was to ena- the rule of Melik Shah, the sultan of Anatolian Seljuks in the 11th century.
ble scholars who are competent in Arabic to benefit from previous studies. Then they were divided into two branches as Ilghaz and Sukman Artuklus.
Among these translations, the most notable ones were works of Byzantine Especially in the 12th century, the Artuk Turks established a state in Diyar-
Philon’s works on pneumatic (air powered) devices in 2nd century B.C. as bakir during the time of the Seljuks who were stronger than themselves,
well as mechanical works of Egyptian scholar, Heron, which have been Byzantines and the Crusaders who also came occasionally to their regions.
performed in Alexandria in 60 A.C. Also, works of Archimedes on water
counters were also translated into Arabic.  Particularly, works of Archi- II. Islamic Technology and Al-Jazari
medes has been noted in studies of Abu’l-‘Iz al-Jazari’s whose works also
took into consideration previous studies of Archimedes, Philon as well The title of this section is taken from the first book of al-Jazari that
as Arabic scholars, more particularly Banu Musa brothers. Involvement have been translated into English by Hill.6 In some way, works of al-Jazari
of Muslims in the field of mechanics start with the works of Banu Musa are regarded as “Islam technology”. Especially, among works of all Mus-
brothers in 850, and reached the peak level thanks to the works of al-Jazari lim scholars in the Middle Age which have served as a basis for scientific
in 1206, who was an Artuk Turk and has lived in Diyarbakır. and technological developments in following centuries, works of al-Jazari
One branch of Turkish tribes has started to head west, as Sultan have been the only one which has included practical and objective exam-
Alparslan has stepped in Anatolia in 1071. Artuk Tribe, being one of these ples. Sarton has accepted the fact that, works of al-Jazari can very well be
Turkish tribes, has established a state near Diyarbakır. Abu’l-‘Iz al-Jazari, considered as the peak works which had been performed by Music schol-
who lived in the time of this state, has caught the attention of state au- ars up to that date.7 Unfortunately, number of books which include works
thorities thanks to his knowledge and capabilities; and has been able to of Muslims in fields of technology and science is rather low. Among these,
continue his studies in a confident and relaxed manner thanks to this direct information and technological developments that have been provided by
support from the ruling class. At this time he wrote a book on robotics and Nasr serve as an important resource.8 Especially, the works of Wiedemann
automation devices.5 By also applying his drafted works on real machines, and Hauser and engineer Fritz Hauser have been the most important ex-
he has received admiration of the public. The title of this scholar is Badīʿ amples of studies involving al-Jazari in Western world.9 Widemann was a
al-Zaman (we shall spell it as it is pronounced in Arabic as “Bediuzza-
physicist who knew Arabic. Therefore, study of his works by physicists
man”) which means “the prodigy of his time.” By only taking his pictures
and engineers, instead of a historians, social scientists and lectures shows
and drawings into consideration and comparing these to machines and ro-
us the fact that, works of al-Jazari have important economic, practical and
bots of our time; we can easily see that his works were spread to other cen-
up-to-date benefit which may be used in terms of engineering designs with
turies. Additionally, as we can clearly see that the idea of “cybernetics” has
correct physics principles.  It has been known that, drawings and explana-
been created by western scholars in 19th century by evaluating his books
6 See Sarton, op. cit.
and drawings; the influence of al-Jazari can be better understood. First
7 See Ibid.
information about our robotist can be found in the foreword of his book. 8 Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Three Muslim Sages (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
5 Abu’l-’Iz al-Jazarî. The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices (Kitāb fī 1964).
Ma’rifat al-Hiyal al-Handasiyya), translated and annotated by Donald R. Hill (Dordrecht, 9 E. Wiedemann and F. Hauser. “Über die Uhren in Bereich der Islamischen Kultur”, Nova
Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1974). Acto Academiae Caesarae Leopoldino, 100 (1915), 167-272.

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tions in al-Jazari’s book involves an important plausible information for our attention in Khwarizmi’s book is called “hiyal” (Inventions) involves
practical development in terms of their design and technical applicability. an in-depth knowledge of different mechanism. Fundamental definitions
Other thinkers and scientists which has contributed to Islamic which have been used by al-Jazari are also included clearly in this book.
technology before al-Jazari was Banu Musa (The Musa Family) heritage, Another important work, which influenced al-Jazari belongs to
Khwarizmi and Rıdvan. In the Musa Family, there has been three notable Fakhr al-Din Ridwan ibn Muhammad al-Sa’atî (d. between 1220-1229)
scientists including Abu Ja’far Muhammad, Abu Qasim and Hasan. These who was a scholar and mechanical engineer, author of the book ‘Ilm al-
thinkers have been raised under the rule of Caliph al-Ma’mun, following Sā’āt wa’l-‘Amal bihā12 in which he described the public clock set in Da-
the death of their father. Three brothers seem to have influenced al-Jazari mascus by his father. Being a doctor, Ridwan set forth important opinions
in his works. Works of these brothers include 100 different devices. These in different areas such as rhetoric, logic and philosophy. On the other hand,
involve seven different designs of fountains, four automatic shaving (chip- the insufficiencies in his drawings show his lack of competence in these
ping) machines, one automatic music instrument, one gas mask for work- areas. Nevertheless, even insufficient drawings of Ridwan have played an
ing on a dirty well, and one mechanical containment device for excavation important role in development of Islamic technology. Ridwan does not
in wells. The rest of their works mainly includes different mechanisms have a technical background, but his works include even the minute de-
with water depots. Designs of these scholars were influenced by some an- tails, unlike al-Jazari.13
cient Greek thinkers such as Philon and Heron, who had similar concepts Lack of importance given to automatic devices which were also
in their works.  Therefore, Muslims of those times have also used the prin- designed and explained widely by Banu Musa brothers and later by al-
ciple of referencing, which is still a respected rule of scientific practice. Jazari and other Muslims in the following centuries, have led to the loss
Works of Musa family are more systematic and automation works as tech- of the light of Middle Age Muslim Science. Unfortunately, this has been
nological devices.
also felt by al-Jazari as he pointed out these matters in the foreword of his
Al-Jazari has used the idea of water counter, which had been set
book; and stated: “I have put in so much effort to this work and I am deeply
forth by Archimedes. As also explained by Drachmann,10 insufficient fea-
worried that my works will be lost with the blowing wind, and erased like
tures of Archimedes’ design have been modified, adapted and corrected
the night does to the day.” As Muslims have not paid the required level of
by Muslims who have also invented first working water counter in the
attention to works of al-Jazari, especially to his book called Kitab al-Hiyal
world. Another example of mechanical device parts developed by Mus-
(The Book of Inventions), despite the fact that he provided important ex-
lim scientists for the first time in history and could not be found in prior
planations in this book. This fundamental issue may be set forth as an
ages is conical valves. This mechanical part is used in different parts of
important reason which neutered the development of automation science
al-Jazari’s book. According to Western sources, the idea for the conical
in Muslim societies, which held indeed a potential to make an important
valve, has started flourishing in 8th century, and developed fundamentally
revolution. Many scientists, who were influenced by this book have made
in 9th century.11
science and technology what they are today. Al-Jazari not only developed
Moreover, the book of Abû Abdillâh Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn
important device mechanisms that pioneered technology but also provided
Yûsuf al-Kâtib, known for short as “al-Khwârizmî” (d. 997), entitled The
Key of Sciences (Mafatih al-’Ulum), included important technological in- many influential concepts and ideas that have later been contributed to sci-
formation which is used by Muslim scholars. The section which catches 12 For the sake of practical reading for the layman we did not follow the Arabic transliteration
very meticulously. Only in certain cases we followed the general convention to make sure
10 A. G. Drachmann. “Ktesibios’s Waterclock and Heron’s Adjustable Siphon”, Centaurus, the correct reading of the words.
20, 1 (1976), 1-10. 13 For more information see also Donald R. Hill, Arabic Water Clocks (Aleppo: Institute for
11 See Hill, op. cit. the History of Arabic Science, University of Aleppo, 1981).

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ence, philosophy and engineering. This can also be understood from the being a simple transmitter. This way he was able to
foreword of al-Jazari’s book.  Because of its importance I would like to list keep himself from just repeating what others have
these as follow:14 done, and return to his problems to investigate with his
1. The inventor starts his book with the “basmala” own insight. Thus, to continue the work independently
(saying “in the Name of God, most merciful most to produce original works and do research freely.
beneficent”), and continues, stating that the real secret 6. He also stated that he had to pass through subtle and
and power of everything on the land and in the sky, difficult ways during his studies and felt himself in
belongs to the Allah, the most high. distress from time to time, but he continued to work
2. He asks more of these scientific discoveries from for years. Al-Jazari is so determined and stated: “I have
Allah, and respects his powerful ruling and decision. awakened my ideas of drowsiness by extraordinary
Such a request can be also found similar to the desire effort to stimulate my determination.” In this, he has
of Einstein; to know how God wanted to create the done all he can in order to make every effort to do
earth and what was the divine design behind the more research. At the end of this, he has become a
creation. scientist who excelled in the society he lived in.
3. It has been also noted that al-Jazari has researched all 7. Despite all his successes, competence and
the works in world literature before him. Therefore, achievements, he could not help to save himself from
al-Jazari provides us with an excellent example of skepticism, just like Rene Descartes, a thinker of 16th
Muslim’s indebtedness to other works which were century 400 years after his time, who states his famous
written prior to them by showing references, in the methodical skepticism.
history of science. Such a behavior is expected morally 8. Another sentence in the foreword of al-Jazari‘s book,
by the scientific community. which is so well-thought that can still enlighten the
4. Foreword of al-Jazari’s book also tell us that he has world of industry and science today, states that “a
researched works on how objects can be used to move technique (technology) will be left stranded between
other objects as well as other articles which prove
right and wrong if not realized and brought to
different laws involving the sky and earth; and decided
application. With these words, he has expressed his
to focus on his energy on the field of robotics. This
desire for all researches to be realized and transformed
means, works which had been made prior to him has
into machines and mechanism that may be used to
given him the will to perform his own studies. Here,
serve humanity.
we also understand that al-Jazari was also interested in
9. Another important fact which has been given in the
physics, the philosophy of nature.
foreword of his book is his success in creating basic
5. Reading the previous works without criticism is good
elements of science by gathering previously acquired
for only transmitting the knowledge acquired in this
dispersed sources of knowledge and then organizing
way and that is why he wanted to free himself from
them systematically. He highlights the fact that
14 See Zekai Şen, “Robot ve Otomasyon Biliminin Öncüsü Ebu-l ‘Iz al-Jazari” (Robotic and
Automation Science Pioneer Abu-l ‘Iz al-Jazari) presented (in Turkish) in the Osmanlı Su
difficulties will arise in all fields of work, while these
Medeniyeti Sempozyumu, Feshane, İstanbul, 2000. can be eliminated by means of systematic working and
82 83
organization of findings during the course of scientific he/she has.  He thus said: “I am sharing what was
studies. given to me. Nobody would keep useful information
10. Al-Jazari not only wanted to satisfy his curiosity but to himself and nobody would be obliged to perform
also wanted to teach his findings to others. He has something beyond his/her ability.” He points out here
stated this as follows: “I wanted to leave a decent work that information can spread towards society easily.
behind me which will convey what I wanted to teach 13. Another message of al-Jazari in his book is his
and enable others to write what I have accomplished in engineering concept. He explains, these concepts with
my works.” Therefore, he also took into consideration drawings and annotations he provides. As engineering
the connection with other generations after him. On has just started to be acknowledged as an “applied
the other hand, he decided not to follow this decision science”, al-Jazari’s flowmeter is an important
as he explains this in the following way: “But I gave example with fine details.
up on this idea because I was afraid that an influential Focus of al-Jazari’s works have been “brilliant” technological de-
critic would find my mistakes.” vices called “hiyals” (inventions). At his time, these devices were using
11. Later on, the adherents of the people of benevolence water and air pressure, as there were no valuable resources of energy to
appealed to al-Jazari to discover various aspects of his empower devices. His empirical knowledge is also based on the sources of
that date, as he produced such operating systems and devices. Especially,
beautiful wisdom. He has expressed his feelings by
copper depots, pipes, pontoons and wheels were his creations with these
stating “I have received such an interest and assistance
materials. He used syphons, nozzles, orifices, taps and valves to control the
of rulers and thinkers of my time that I was able to
movement of water. All kinds of wheels were manufactured from wood or
see the products of my work.” Ruler of Diyarbakır,
iron, and settled on shafts.
Abu’l-Fath Mahmun bin Muhammad ibn Qaraaslan,
While al-Jazari had a wide knowledge of numbers, Banu Musa
who was aware of his studies told him once: “You
brothers had used letters to represent figures. Even though mathematical
have created unique plans, realized these from as if
relations were not known very well, experiences up to that date were used
absence into existence. Do not waste all this effort
during studies. Even though Banu Musa brothers did not know the concept
and the foundation you have created. I want you to
of pressure difference, they have successfully designed devices based on
create a book for the projects you made and drawings hydraulics and air pressure.
you drew.” Therefore, the book of al-Jazari, Kitab-
ul Hiyal has been flourished with state support and III. Automation, Robots And Comparison With Today’s Technology
encouragement, and was thus transmitted up to date.
Unfortunately we do not see any such work after that Works of other scholars and scientists prior to al-Jazari were not re-
until today. corded in a written manner but successfully conveyed from one generation
12. Another message that we can receive from the foreword to another verbally. Usage of these transmitted technical knowhow by al-
in this book is the fact that, humans should be wise Jazari and Banu Musa brothers have resulted in creation of many brilliant
when deciding upon something; and everyone has technological devices. Al-Jazari’s efforts in accumulating these technical
been created with the competence required to perform knowhow and organizing them in a book subsequently enabled engineers
a task easily. Everyone is also required to share what after him to produce works of technical devices. Mathematics, space geom-
84 85
etry and other different measurement systems have been used in creating Another element that has been used by al-Razzaz al-Jazari is coni-
of these devices. Also, Abu Abdullah al-Khwarizmi’s book called Mafatih cal valves. Although there is a claim that these valves were used by Leon-
al-‘Ulum which was written in 991, managed to enlighten the path of future ardo Da Vinci for the first time in 16th century it has now been proved that
studies as a science and manual of technology. This book also included al-Jazari’s first book of drawings did actually include conic threads which
etymological data about meanings of different parts used in those brilliant means that this valve has been invented by al-Jazari in 12th century.
inventions. An important feature of this book is the fact that it involves the Drop-type buckets are also one of many robotic mechanic devices
common terminology, used by Muslim engineers up to end of that century. which have still been used today. Drop-type buckets are essential elements
200 years after this incident, in the year 1203, al-Sa’ati provided an impor- of rain meters we use today. This bucket drops with certain intervals and
tant source, indicated above, concerning mechanical operations and perfor- prepares itself for the next fill. Also, al-Jazari has successfully discovered
mances of technical devices, which was intended to be used as a guidebook the correct orifice diameter to use by expanding the diameter slowly until
for repairing clocks. Besides these works, different books of Muslim engi- he reached the correct level, despite his lack of knowledge about orifice
neers and scientists of nature also included certain sections on engineering, formulas. In other words, empirical manual works have been performed
technical devices and mechanics. An organized and careful research should rather than theoretical studies. This also shows the fact that al-Jazari has
be carried out to collect all these works and present them for scholarly use. been the first to perform empirical studies which have flourished in Islamic
Notable works among Muslim philosophers, scientists and thinkers belong cultures. He has also used rules of geometric similarities, by creating paper
to al-Biruni, al-Hazini, Ibn al-Haytham and Jabir ibn Hayyan. models of his invention designs before.  He is also the first engineer who
Of course the only book which has directly influenced modern en- invented usage of oil dipped wooden shafts to prevent from scraping. One
gineering is the book of al-Jazari because his book included drawings and of his water rising devices involved transfer of power by means of a crank
information about materials, methods, and simple explanations that any- shaft. This can be acknowledged as one of the first examples for today’s
one can easily understand. By considering his works with today’s technol- modern crank shafts used widely in different machines. Crank had been
ogy, the most notable invention is most probably the mechanical device known before him but had been used manually before him.
which involves moving pistons placed in cylinders. This machine involves
a wheel with scoops, which is used as a source of movement. This move- Conclusion
ment is controlled with a gearing system to harmonize the movement of
a slot shaft. The movement of the slot shaft is transferred to horizontal Technology, especially in early ages, have been developed in-
movement to move the cylinders on sides, for the purpose of pulling water dependently from philosophy and scientific theories. First humans were
continuously according to open/close status of valves. This device involves struggling to satisfy their most basic needs such as shelter, protection from
three important characteristics which is still used in the water pumps as we the outside world, and finding food. China, India, Mesopotamia, Egypt,
use today. The first is presence of bidirectional pistons; the second is con- ancient Greece, Islamic civilization and today’s Western culture have all
version of the rotation, the harmonic movement, to horizontal forward and contributed to the development of technology throughout the history. In-
backwards movement, and the third is its exemplary features for a water formation about technology in early ages could only be acquired from ex-
pump today. For all these reasons, al-Jazari’s double water pump system, cavations. Also, different cultures have written records involving devel-
has provided an important mechanism for drafting the vapor machines opment of technological literature. As these technological developments
in 19th century. In fact, many mechanical device models of al-Jazari has could easily be written with Arabic alphabet, rapidly, many scripts suc-
served as a basis for modern mechanical engineering. cessfully conveyed these information to us. Particularly, primitive technol-
86 87
ogies of ancient Greece and other civilizations have been carried to their References
prime condition by the help of Islamic civilization and other centers of
interest (namely Andalusia); before being successfully carried to Western A. G. Drachmann. “Ktesibios’s Waterclock and Heron’s Adjustable Siphon”, Centaurus,
societies devoid of this kind of knowledge then, Africa, Andalusia (Spain), 20, 1 (1976), 1-10.
Abu’l-’Iz al-Jazarî. The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices (Kitāb fī
and Islamic nations of Middle East. This influential development wave
Ma’rifat al-Hiyal al-Handasiyya), translated and annotated by Donald R. Hill
has sparked Europe, and enabled it to become what it is today. Although (Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1974).
Islamic civilization is the most influential spark of Western science and Donald R. Hill, Arabic Water Clocks (Aleppo: Institute for the History of Arabic Science,
technology, this truth is not known even by most Muslims today. Many University of Aleppo, 1981).
convoluted ideas flood these nations, asserting that technology has always E. Wiedemann and F. Hauser. “Über die Uhren in Bereich der Islamischen Kultur”, Nova
been created by Western civilization. Acto Academiae Caesarae Leopoldino, 100 (1915),
George Sarton, Introduction to the History of Science, 3 vols. (Baltimore: The Williams
This article has given a brief information about the history of tech-
and Wilkins Company, 1927).
nology in different civilizations and provided information about Islamic Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Three Muslim Sages (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
technology, especially before, during and after reputable al-Jazari. This 1964).
Muslim thinker, inventor and scientist, who created prime examples of Zekai Şen, “Robot ve Otomasyon Biliminin Öncüsü Ebu-l ‘Iz al-Jazari” (Robotic and
technology before Renaissance, has enlightened the path of future stud- Automation Science Pioneer Abu-l ‘Iz al-Jazari) presented (in Turkish) in the
Osmanlı Su Medeniyeti Sempozyumu, Feshane, İstanbul, 2000.
ies. The Article also tried to highlight these important contributions of al-
Zekai Şen. Philosophy, Logic, Science and Ethics in Engineering (Istanbul: Su Vakfı
Jazari with brief examples. Also, examples of first pistons, cylinders, crank
Yayınları, 2011). For the second edition see Philosophical, Logical and Scientific
shafts and water pumps in Islam society throughout 1200’s have been ex- Perspectives in Engineering (Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London:
plained to support the idea that; Islam societies have also been pioneers Springer International Publishing, 2014).
in benefiting from human, animal, water and wind power. Unfortunately,
today’s Muslims turn their backs to great contributions of Islamic civili-
zation to science and technology, and turn their face towards the Western
civilization as they regard it the only way of development. This mindset
is surely confined and sterile, as the history has not witnessed a single
civilization which managed to provide innovative and developed products
of high science and technology without preserving its own traditions and
cultural heritage. In the future, this issue shall be taken into consideration
and our nation shall first start to embrace its own values and features while
remembering contribution of our successors to the world of science and

88 89

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