Pa Painting Specs
Pa Painting Specs
Pa Painting Specs
1.1 Scope
1.2 Definition
1.3 Operating and Environmental Conditions
1.4 General Requirements
1.4.1 Standards and Codes of Practice
1.4.2 Conflict in Specification
1.4.3 Substitutions and alternative proposals
1.4.4 Supervision of staff
1.4.5 Provision of facilities
1.4.6 Protection of installed equipment
1.4.7 Correct materials
1.4.8 Different brands
1.4.9 Oil and moisture traps
1.4.10 Housekeeping
1.4.11 Liability for damages
1.5 Safety Requirements and Regulations on Site
1.5.1 Safety requirements
1.5.2 Delivery, unloading and storage
1.5.3 Fire precautions
1.5.4 Pressurised hoods
1.5.5 Air receivers
1.5.6 Compressor maximum air pressure
6.1 System S1
6.2 System S2
6.3 System S3
6.4 System S4
7.1 Tankage
7.1.1 Painting of new fixed roof tanks
7.2 Pipes, Steelwork, Equipment
7.2.1 Painting of new piping, plate material and structural steel
7.2.2 Painting of new uninsulated above ground piping
7.2.3 Painting of new insulated above ground piping
7.2.4 Protection of buried steel pipes, structures and equipment
7.2.5 Internal lining to buried mild steel or cast iron pipes and specials
7.2.6 Protection of threaded ends of galvanised piping
7.2.7 Protection of structured steel bolting and piping "U" bolts.
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1.1 Scope
This Specification covers the requirements for furnishing labour, tools, materials, equipment and services
necessary to provide the application of protective coatings, either at the Contractor's Works, or on Site.
1.2 Definitions
BLENDCOR - shall mean the Lube Oil and Blending Plant, Island View or their duly appointed
MANUFACTURER - shall mean the Company who manufactures the paint and paint materials
These are regarded as severe industrial and coastal conditions. Salt spray from the adjacent surf zone, industrial
air pollution, high temperatures and humidity create a highly corrosive environment.
It is the CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to ascertain such additional information, data, etc, as he may require
for whatever purpose from BLENDCOR.
All corrosion protection shall conform to this Specification and the following standards, codes of practice
and documents referred to therein:
Where conflict exists between various specifications, standards and codes of practice the most stringent
requirement shall apply, unless otherwise indicated in this Specification.
This general specification indicates by description the quality of surface preparation and the quality and
type of protective coatings desired. Any substitutions shall be subject to BLENDCOR's written approval.
The CONTRACTOR may offer alternative proposals, and such proposals shall clearly indicate technical
and financial advantages to BLENDCOR and shall be supported by full details of work procedures and
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The CONTRACTOR shall employ supervisors and applicators who are trained, competent and
experienced to carry out the work they are engaged in. All applicators shall at all times be under constant
The CONTRACTOR shall provide all the facilities necessary in order to ensure satisfactory preparation,
number and thickness of protective coats.
All equipment, motors, main plant, light fittings, etc, shall be suitably protected by means of wrapping or
covering before preparing or painting any steelwork.
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the correct materials are provided as designated in the
Different brands of manufactured materials shall not be mixed in any protective coating system.
Air lines used for spray painting and blasting shall be fitted with oil and moisture traps with continuous
blowdown of the carbon granule type or equivalent.
A reasonable standard of housekeeping shall be maintained. On completion of the contract the site shall
be returned to its original condition. This includes the removal of all empty paint containers and spent
1.4.11Liability of damages
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible and liable for any damages caused to equipment or other
parties while in the process of conducting his activities.
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the delivery, unloading and storage of the necessary
materials to permit progress of his work in accordance with the Construction Programme.
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The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that sufficient fire extinguishers are located in all areas of
storage, mixing and application of protective coating materials. Smoking shall not be permitted
by persons engaged in handling, mixing or applying protective coatings.
The blast operators hood or headgear shall be partially pressurised with oil free clean air, served
through a regulator and filter to prevent inhalation of blast cleaning residues.
All air receivers, moisture traps and pressurised equipment used for blasting or spray painting
shall comply with the statutory regulations.
The compressors shall be restricted to delivering air at a maximum pressure of 700ka and
temperature of ambient plus 10 deg C at the nozzle.
It is primarily the responsibility of BLENDCOR or the fabricator to deliver steel to the painting contractor in a
condition ready for surface preparation. Once the painting CONTRACTOR has applied paint to any particular
area of steel, he is deemed to have accepted that area of steel as being suitable for painting. This applies
particularly to shop applied primer coats, suitability of welds for painting, application of touch-up procedures to
site repairs etc.
2.2.1 Equipment
Abrasive blasting shall be carried out using equipment suitably designed for this purpose.
The various standards of blast cleaning required are detailed in individual corrosion protection
specifications relating to the particular sections of the plant.
Where blasting is carried out on site or in open conditions no blast cleaning shall be done during
rainy, misty or inclement weather, or when there is dew or condensation on the metal, or when the
atmosphere humidity is such that moisture condenses at the nozzle during the work. (The last
condition can be checked by discharging of the blast to air for at least two minutes before daily
operations commence.)
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Abrasive cleaned surfaces must not be touched by hand since the salt deposit left by hands may
give rise to premature breakdown of the cleaned surfaces. Gloves that are dry and free from oil
and grease should always be worn when cleaned steel is handled.
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Suitable abrasives are copper slag, steel shot or steel grit. The abrasive material used shall:
2.2.6 Profile
This will, unless otherwise specified, be in the range of 35-75 microns, when the mean of ten
measurements with a dial depth gauge are carried out to measure the profile by SABS Method
Should a coarser profile be measured due to particular blasting conditions, the CONTRACTOR
may elect to continue with that profile, provided that the total applied dry film thickness is twice
the measured profile. If this criterion is not met, then the CONTRACTOR will be required to
apply extra coats of paint to meet it.
Steel is to be abrasive blast cleaned to the specified Swedish Standard SIS055900. The
requirements of SABS 064-1977, "The Preparation of Steel Surfaces for Coating" are to be
adhered to. The relevant chapter is 4.3 "Abrasive blast cleaning and impact cleaning". However,
of particular note is 4.3.4 which is repeated as follows:-
(a) Remove sharp edges, roughness and weld seams, and weld spatter.
(b) Remove oil and grease contamination, using solvents and wetting agents.
(c) Remove heavy loose scale and rust by chipping and scraping.
(d) Blast by the appropriate method, using the correct size and type of abrasive.
(e) Inspect the surface carefully for laminations, misses and shadowing. Remove lamination
by grinding, then reblast the ground area and any missed or shadowed area. (Shadowed
areas are those areas that appear darker in colour than the rest of the surfaces because of
incomplete removal of mill scale but where the residual mill scale is not even perceptible
as pinpoints but only as dark patches.)
(f) Remove all blasting dust, debris and residues, preferably by vacuum cleaning, or otherwise
by dry brushing or blowing with clean, oil-free and dry air.
(g) Inspect for degree of cleanliness and profile.
(h) Apply the coating before contamination or oxidation on the surface can occur."
In the event that wet blast cleaning is carried out a suitable corrosion inhibitor is to be added to the
water. The surface must be rinsed down with clean water and dried off immediately thereafter.
Certain of the above requirements will no longer be applicable.
Prior to wire brushing, all welds shall be free of slag, slag inclusions and pinholes.
Adjacent areas shall be free of weld spatter and such spatter shall be removed by grinding by the
fabrication CONTRACTOR.
All oil and grease deposits shall be removed prior to wire brushing by the use of suitable solvents.
In this regard, special attention shall be paid to drillings, bolts, etc.
Following the degreasing as described above, all surfaces of steelwork and plant under this
category shall be scraped and wire brushed to remove all loose rust, scale and deleterious matters.
The CONTRACTOR may utilise hand wire brushing providing the required standards of finish is
achieved. Where necessary, mechanical brushing shall be used.
The surfaces shall finally be blown clean, using dry, oil-free compressed air to remove dust and
loose matter.
The finish shall be in accordance with the Swedish Code of Practice SIS 055900-1967 Grade St.
No protective coating shall be applied over any surface containing traces of grit, grease, oil, etc, loose rust or
mill scale or corrosion products of any kind.
All traces of oil, grease, soluble salts and contaminants, shall be thoroughly washed from the surface prior to
coating. The surface shall be dried and coated immediately thereafter. Suitable cleaning or degreasing fluids are
to be used for cleaning.
All surfaces that are cleaned with the exception of lap joints and areas left back for site welding, shall be coated
with the primer coat the same day as cleaning. Cleaned surfaces left uncoated overnight shall be recleaned prior
to coating.
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Coating operations must not be undertaken if it is too windy or if it is misty, raining or when the metal
temperature is such that condensation is likely to occur during coating.
No painting is to take place if the surface temperature of the object to be painted is less than 2 deg. C above dew
All protective coatings shall be brought to site in the MANUFACTURER's new unopened containers. In all
cases where the specification calls for SABS or CSS type materials, containers shall be clearly marked with the
relevant material specification number, code and production batch numbers. All other materials shall have batch
numbers clearly stamped on every container.
Only materials from approved MANUFACTURER's may be used, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the
If conflict between this specification and MANUFACTURER's instructions occurs, then this must be brought to
the notice of BLENDCOR to resolve such conflict. The protective coating manufacturer's recommendations
with respect to over-coating and curing cycles shall be strictly adhered to.
All ingredients in any container shall be thoroughly mixed before use, and shall be agitated often enough during
application to keep pigments in suspension. Two component material shall be mixed according to
MANUFACTURER's instructions.
The type of thinner and quantities used shall comply with the MANUFACTURER's recommendations.
Brushes and Rollers shall be of a quality and style that will enable proper application of the protective coatings.
Spray Equipment used shall be suitable for high quality work, shall be capable or properly atomising the
material, and shall be equipped with suitable pressure regulators and gauges. The air caps, needles and nozzles
shall be those recommended by the MANUFACTURER of the protective coating being sprayed. Protective
coatings shall be applied in uniform layers.
One stripe coat shall be applied to all welds, edges, corners, cut ends, holes and all touch up areas including
fasteners before the first intermediate coat of paint is applied. The stripe coat application must be a separate
operation from the first intermediate coat.
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Each coat of the corrosion protection system shall be of a distinctly different colour or shade to ensure correct
intercoat coverage. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the colour selection of the protective coating shall be
suitable for complete obliteration by the finishing protective coating.
All materials shall be evenly applied to form a smooth continuous, unbroken coating, free from sags, runs and
other coating film defects.
On concealed surfaces, Polyurethane sponges may be used for the protective coating application. These areas
are to be completely coated.
Special attention shall be given to cracks, crevices and edges to ensure complete coverage and protective coating
All steelwork being either primed at the shops and delivered to site for storage or being cleaned and primed on
site prior to erection or being stored on site prior to erection, shall be laid on suitable trestles, timber sleepers or
other suitable material to ensure that it is at least 100 mm above ground level. The method of storage should be
such that water traps do not occur.
Hoses and containers shall be thoroughly cleaned before the addition of new materials. The spray gun shall be
held no closer than 200 mm or more than 600 mm from the surface to be coated and shall always be held at right
angles to the surface. Each spray shall overlap the previous pass. Large surfaces shall always receive passes at
right angles to each other. The equipment and atomising pressure at the regulators shall be adjusted until the
desired pattern is found.
Where the MANUFACTURER considers the coating material suitable for brush application.
When the loss of paint due to high winds is considered to be excessive or when personnel or equipment
are affected by spray particles.
For applying the initial coat of paint to corners, edges, crevices, holes, welds or other irregular surfaces
prior to spray application.
The first coat of paint shall be done so that a smooth coat, as uniform in thickness as possible is obtained. Paint
shall be worked in all crevices and corners. Runs and sags shall be brushed out.
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Roller application shall only be used on relatively large surfaces. Welds, edges, bolts/nuts and areas that cannot
be reached with the roller are to be initially painted by brush.
Only rollers manufactured from good quality "carpet pile" or lamb's wool shall be used.
Touch-up and coating repair is to be carried out on all areas where the coating has been damaged. In particular,
site welds, mechanical damage during fitting, transport and handling damage and areas where the coating for
whatever reason, does not meet specification, must be touched-up and repaired.
In addition, all fasteners are to be corrosion proofed using the touch up specification applicable to the structure
on which they occur.
4.1 In all cases where hot dip galvanising is called for in this specification, both the fabrication of items for
galvanising as well as the galvanising procedures shall comply with the requirements of SABS 763 - Hot Dip
(Galvanised) Zinc Coatings and the relevant tables for article category contained therein.
4.2 All items to be hot galvanised, shall be subject to the inspection requirements as laid out in Section 5.0 Quality
Assurance and Quality Control of this Specification.
4.3 Where it is required that galvanised material be coated, the surfaces shall first be thoroughly cleaned with a
galvanised iron pre-cleaner, rinsed with clean water and allowed to dry. The pre-cleaner shall be suitable to
remove storage oil and protective resin from galvanised sheet, piping fabricated from sheeting, and/or galvanised
4.4 The criteria for the removal of this storage oil and grease shall be a "clean water break" at the final rinse.
On completion of the contract a report, containing the following data, must be submitted to BLENDCOR.
5.2 Inspection
5.2.1 The CONTRACTOR shall maintain checks to ensure that application of materials are according to
manufacturer's instructions and according to the protective coating specifications as specified.
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5.2.2 The CONTRACTOR shall inspect all surfaces to be coated before and after priming and subsequent
The CONTRACTOR shall check the dry film thickness of each coat and of the total coating system as
Thickness testing shall be carried out using a fully electronic type thickness testing instrument. In the
case of dispute the Permascope MK ES 8 fully electronic instrument shall be the unit of final
The instrument shall be calibrated using two shims, one of lesser value than the coating thickness and the
other of greater value. The shims shall be placed on a clean, smooth steel surface of equal thickness to
the metal being tested, unless such metal is thicker than 3 mm in which case the steel calibration plate
may be any thickness greater than 3 mm.
Random measurements are to be taken at one per m 2 of steel area, or one per lineal metre of steel,
whichever is the smaller surface area. Should a measurement below specification be achieved, three
more readings are to be taken within 20 mm of the low reading and, if any of these are also low, then the
lowest reading is recorded. If, on the other hand, they are above specification, then the original low
reading is ignored and the lowest new reading is to be recorded.
At least 90% of all thicknesses measured shall exceed the minimum thickness requirements of the
specification. No reading may be less than 70 % of the minimum required thickness.
High film thicknesses will be acceptable, provided the coating has not run or shows evidence of mud
cracking or loss of adhesion or any other defect associated with over-thickness.
5.2.8 Records
The CONTRACTOR shall maintain records of all inspections and test performed.
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6.1 System S1
Paint Application:
6.2 System S2
Paint Application:
6.3 System S3
Function : Protection of general steel surfaces (New work and total coating replacement)
Paint Application:
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6.4 System S4
Surface Preparation : Degrease galvanised surfaces with an approved galvanising cleaner to "clean water break"
Paint Application:
7.1 Tankage
Prior to erection:
After erection
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b) Apply, within 4 hours after blast cleaning the first coat of IVORY 310LV at a wet film
thickness of 150 micron.
c) Apply while the first coat is still wet a layer of glass fibre tissue. Sufficient tension should
be applied to cause the epoxy to ooze.
d) Before the first coat has gelled, apply a further coat of IVORY 310TV to obtain a
minimum total DFT of 400 micron. The interval between coats shall not exceed 24 hours
and each coat shall be thoroughly freed from contaminants before the next coat is applied.
e) Immediately after the initial cure has taken place, using sandpaper, remove all excess
epoxy and glass fibre strands protruding through the coating.
The completed coating shall be of uniform thickness and satisfactory smoothness and shall
be free from cracks, pinholes or other defects.
The coating must be subjected to a pinhole detection test before curing is complete.
b) Apply within 4 hours a two pack solvent free epoxy "hot-coat" in accordance with SABS
1217 Cl 3.1(a) Type 1C applied by means of a hot airless machine or Fusion Bonded
Epoxy to a dry film thickness of 450 m + 50 m.
a) Remove excess grease, PTFE tape and dirt by wiping the threaded section with a rag
soaked in a suitable solvent.
d) In severe locations the above can be protected by overcoating the Denso tape with 2 coats
of liquid plastic.
7.2.7 Protection of structural steel bolting and piping where "U" bolts or pipe clamps are used
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a) Remove all rust scale and make good any damages to the paint system on the piping.
b) Wrap the pipe with 1 layer of denso tape.
c) For pipe clamps the width of the denso tape is to be wider than the clamp width. Min. 25
mm on each side.
d) Overcoat the denso tape with 2 coats of liquid plastic.
All painting shall comply with NOSA colour code requirements. Where no standard may exist and for the convenience
of contractors, the following standards and equipment colours are provided :
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