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Maklv Nigeria Limited Blasting and Painting Procedure


Maklv Nigeria Limited Blasting and Painting Procedure

1.0 Purpose


8 Reference

9 General
4.1 Coating Brands
4.2 Manufacturer's Data Sheets
4.3 Mixing of Coatings of Different Manufacturers
4.4 Color
4.5 Pre-construction Primers
4.6 Paint Free Surfaces
4.7 Galvanizing
4.8 Compressed Air Cleanliness
4.9 Flanges
4.11 Tank Interior


5.1 Solvent Cleaning

5.2 Hand or Power Tool Cleaning
5.3 Abrasive Blasting
5.4 Galvanized and Aluminum Surfaces


6.1 General Application Requirements

6.2 Spray Application
6.3 Brush or Roller Application
6.4 Application of Inorganic Zinc Primer


7.1 Compressed Air

7.2 Abrasive
7.3 Environmental Conditions
7.4 Surface Preparation
7.5 Coating Application
7.6 Inspection by Company
7.7 Coating Manufacturer Representatives


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Maklv Nigeria Limited Blasting and Painting Procedure

The purpose of this procedure is to determine the general requirements of

blasting and Painting especially the governing code and standards.


This Procedure covers the minimum requirements for the surface preparation, Abrasive
materials, Coating materials, application and testing of coatings for fabricated steel
structures, equipment, piping, electrical, instrumentation and appurtenances on
shore/offshore Facilities.


The following STANDARDS AND CODES: American Society for Testing and
Measurement (ASTM), National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) standards,
and Steel Structures Painting Council Surface Preparation (SSPC-SP) .

ASTM A123 Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron

and Steel Products
NACE No. 1 (SSPC-SP-5) "White Metal Blast Cleaning"
NACE No. 2 (SSPC-SP-10) "Near-White Blast Cleaning"
NACE No. 3 (SSPC-SP-6) "Commercial Blast Cleaning"
NACE No. 4 (SSPC-SP-7) "Brush-off Blast Cleaning"
SSPC-SP-1 "Solvent Cleaning"
SSPC-SP-2 "Hand Tool Cleaning"
SSPC-SP-3 "Power Tool Cleaning"

In addition, the visual surface preparation standards from NACE or those described in the
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) Bulletin No. 4-21, "Abrasive
Blasting Guide for Aged or Coated Steel Surfaces," or Company approved equal are also a
part of this specification. One standard shall be agreed to between Maklv and Company.
These visual standards shall be a supplement to, but not a substitute for, the written
specifications. Steel Structures Painting Council Vis-1 and Swedish visual standards shall
not be used for commercial or white-metal blast cleaned surfaces.


4.1 Coating Brands

Maklv shall only use coatings complying with federal, state and local air
pollution regulations. Only specified coating systems and accepted brands from client
shall be used, unless Company approves alternates in writing. In the case of
conflicts, Maklv shall advise Company in writing for resolution.

4.2 Manufacturer's Data Sheets

Manufacturer's recommendations and directions on data sheets and MSDS shall be followed.
Maklv shall ensure that copies of the recommendations and data sheets are available at the
site where the coating work is being performed.

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4.3 Mixing of Coatings of Different Manufacturers

Each multi coat system shall use materials from a single manufacturer unless approved by
Company in writing. In the Maklv’s fabrication yards and offshore, only one manufacturer
shall be used for each coating system.

4.4 Color

The finish coat color of external coating systems shall be per the Finish Coat Color
Schedule. Contrasting colors shall be used for each of the intermediate coats to allow
inspection for full coverage.

4.5 Pre-construction Primers

Inorganic zinc primers may be used as pre-construction primers but weld bevels must be free
of all primer before welding. This can be accomplished by masking prior to coating or by
grinding or sandblasting before welding. The coating-free area shall extend a minimum of 2
inches from the weld bevel.

4.6 Paint Free Surfaces

The following surfaces shall not be painted unless otherwise specified:

 Concrete
 Galvanized steel
 Stainless steel
 Monel
 Copper alloys
 Fiberglass reinforced plastic
 Aluminum weather jacketing of insulation.

Instruments, gauge glasses, and machined surfaces shall be protected from coatings.

4.7 Galvanizing

4.7.1 All gratings, ladders, cages, stairways, handrails and miscellaneous hardware shall be hot-
dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123. All handrails shall be painted after
galvanizing with coating system 3.5. Grating in the splash zone shall be coated with splash
zone coating after galvanizing.

4.7.2 Fabrication of items to be galvanized shall be completed (including all cutting, welding and
clean-up) prior to solvent cleaning and acid pretreatment.

4.7.3 Whenever possible, each item shall be galvanized in a single hot dip. The final surface shall
be free of overlaps, spikes, teardrops, cracks or flakes.

4.7.4 If weep holes are provided to prevent over pressuring, they shall be sealed after galvanizing
by a method approved by Company.

4.7.5 The weight of the zinc coating shall average 2.5 ounces per square foot and shall not be less
than 2.2 ounces per square foot in any area.

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4.8 Compressed Air Cleanliness

Compressed air shall be free of water and oil. Adequate separators or traps shall be
provided and properly maintained and shall be regularly emptied of water and oil.

4.9 Flanges

Flange faces (excluding gasket surfaces) and boltholes shall be coated before assembly.

4.11 Tank Interiors

Inside surfaces of man ways, nozzles, bosses and other connections shall be blasted and
coated with the same system as the internal surfaces of the tank or vessel.


5.1 Solvent Cleaning

All surfaces to be coated shall be cleaned of all contaminants that may affect the integrity of
the coating system. Prior to surface preparation, the surfaces shall be cleaned, as necessary,
to remove all oil, grease, dirt, salts or other foreign material. This cleaning shall be by
appropriate detergent and/or solvent cleaning. Detergent or solvent cleaning shall be
performed as outlined in SSPC-SP-1 or NACE equivalent.

5.2 Hand or Power Tool Cleaning

5.2.1 Hand tool cleaning or power tool cleaning shall be per SSPC-SP-2 and SSPC-SP-3, or
NACE equivalent.

5.2.2 Company approval is required before power tool cleaning can be substituted for abrasive

5.3 Abrasive Blasting

5.3.1 All abrasive blasted surfaces shall be blasted in accordance with the SSPC or NACE blast
specified on the Coating System Data Sheets.

5.3.2 The anchor pattern shall be as specified on the Coating System Data Sheets.

5.3.3 Only dry grit-type abrasives shall be utilized. The abrasive shall comply with government
regulations. The abrasive shall be used in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and
shall contain no harmful impurities, such as salt. If approved by Company, hard, virgin
silica sand with a breakdown rate of less than 10 percent may be used. Sand shall be used
only once and not recycled.

5.3.4 Prior to the start of blasting, maklv shall select an appropriate abrasive and mesh size to
attain the specified anchor pattern. Maklv shall demonstrate to Company that the selected
abrasive shall provide the specified anchor pattern by blasting a representative piece of steel
and measuring the anchor pattern using Press-O-Film tape or Company-approved equal.
Any change in abrasive or mesh size shall be qualified in the same way prior to the change.

5.3.5 Weld areas shall be ground, chipped or wire brushed as necessary prior to blasting to remove
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rust, residual flux and weld spatter.

5.3.6 Steel surface slivers, laminations, laps, scabs or seams exposed by blasting shall be reported
to Company, investigated, and repaired by using rules from the applicable code for repairs.

5.3.7 Prior to abrasive blasting, valves, sight glasses, nametags, machinery, electrical fixtures,
etc., subject to damage from either the blast or from the abrasive material shall be protected.

5.3.8 Cadmium-plated, electroplated, metallized or other specially coated items shall not be
blasted unless otherwise directed by Company.

5.3.9 Blasting shall be accomplished so that previously painted surfaces are not contaminated by
abrasive or blast wastes.

5.3.10 Inhibitive washes intended to prevent rusting shall not be used after blasting.

5.3.11 A minimum of 4 inches around the edge of blasted areas shall be left unprimed unless
adjoining a coated surface. Subsequent blasting shall continue a minimum of 1 inch into the
primed surfaces. These requirements are to ensure that coating is not applied over unblasted
steel. The rough edge of the blasted coating shall be feather edged as described in Section
4.3.12 below.

5.3.12 When the coating is damaged down to the steel, and spot cleaning is necessary, blasting or
power tool cleaning shall clean these areas. After the metal surface has been cleaned, the
edge of the surrounding coating shall be feather-edged to remove all cracked, loose or
damaged coating. Feather-edging shall be accomplished by power or hand sanding with a
grit wheel or sandpaper. The prepared surface shall be free of all loose, burnt, or blistered

5.4 Galvanized and Aluminum Surfaces

5.4.1 All galvanized and aluminum surfaces specified to be painted shall be pretreated with a
vinyl butyral wash primer.

5.4.2 Galvanized pieces, such as gratings, which will be installed over steel surfaces to be painted,
that will interfere with painting shall not be installed prior to painting the underlying steel.
If the galvanized pieces must be installed before final painting, they shall first be wash-
primed per Section 4.4.1 above, and coated with the same intermediate coating as the
underlying steel. In all cases, the underlying steel shall be abrasive blasted and primed prior
to installing galvanized pieces over the steel.


6.1 General Application Requirements

6.1.1 Surfaces to be coated shall be clean, dust free, and dry before application of any coat of paint
and shall meet applicable hand, power tool or abrasive blasting surface preparation
requirements before priming.

6.1.2 The primer shall be applied on the same day that surfaces are cleaned and before rusting,
discoloration, or surface contamination occurs.

6.1.3 Painting done outdoors shall be done in daylight hours and completed at least one hour prior
to sundown. Indoor painting shall be allowed 24 hours a day if the specified metal and air
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temperatures and relative humidity requirements are met inside the building or vessel at all
times during preparation, painting and curing.

6.1.4 Coatings shall be applied under the environmental conditions stipulated by coating
manufacturer's data sheets, and as specified herein.

Coatings shall not be applied:

 on wet surfaces,
 when the relative humidity exceeds the manufacturer's written recommendations,
 when the surface temperature is less than 5oF above the dew point,
 when the ambient or surface temperatures are below the manufacturer's recommended
temperature for application and curing,
 when the wind speed exceeds 15 miles per hour

6.1.5 Coating materials shall be furnished in the manufacturer's unopened containers, clearly
identifiable, and shall be kept covered, clean and protected. Materials older than
manufacturer's recommended shelf life shall not be utilized.

6.1.6 All components shall be thoroughly mixed for the time recommended by the manufacturer.
Inorganic zinc coatings shall be continuously stirred during application by mechanical spray
pot agitators or other approved means. All mixing shall be done in clean containers, free
from traces of grease, other paints, or contaminants. Containers shall be kept covered to
prevent contamination by dust, dirt or stain.

6.1.7 Multi-component coatings, such as inorganic zincs, epoxies and urethanes, shall have the
components accurately measured according to the manufacturer's directions.

6.1.8 The coating manufacturer's recommended pot life shall not be exceeded. When this limit is
reached, the spray pot shall be emptied and cleaned, and new material mixed.

6.1.9 Care shall be exercised to prevent over spray, spillage or application of coatings to surfaces
for which they are not intended. Skips, sags, and drips shall be repaired.

6.1.10 Coatings shall be applied in the number of coats specified, with individual and total dry film
thickness within the specified ranges. Film thickness shall be verified at the start of work
(until the painter is familiar with the paint and work) with a wet film thickness gauge.
Thickness requirements shall be met with each coat and total thickness shall not be
"made-up" in any one coat.

All coating film thickness shall be free of defects such as pinholes, voids and bubbles.

6.1.11 All coatings shall be allowed to dry for the minimum time recommended by the paint
manufacturer, considering temperature and humidity, before applying succeeding coats.
When the paint manufacturer recommends a maximum overcoat time, it shall not be
exceeded before applying the succeeding coat.

6.1.12 Each coat (primer, intermediate and topcoat) shall be inspected by Maklv QA/QC and
may be inspected by Company before applying further coats.

6.2 Spray Application

6.2.1 Maklv’s applicators shall be skilled in the proper application technique for each coating.
Proper equipment, per the coating manufacturer's data sheets and recommendations, shall be
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utilized. Applicators or equipment failing to meet this requirement, to Company or the
coating manufacturer's satisfaction, shall be removed from coating application.

6.3 Brush or Roller Application

6.3.1 Coatings shall be brushed or rolled on areas, which cannot be properly sprayed. Written
Company approval shall be required before brush or roller application can be substituted
for spray application.

6.4 Application of Inorganic Zinc Primer

6.4.1 Inorganic zinc shall be applied by spraying except for small touch-up areas.

6.4.2 Inorganic zinc primers shall be applied in a full, wet coat, which allows flow out, to prevent
dry spray.

6.4.3 The maximum dry film thickness of inorganic zinc primer shall be 5 mils in order to prevent
mud cracking. Thicker coats shall be removed to bare metal by blasting and the area
recoated with the specified thickness.


Maklv shall perform all inspection necessary to ensure that surface preparation and coating
application complies with the requirements of the Client specification. The indicated
records shall be kept daily and shall be submitted to Company at least weekly, or an
approved equivalent Coating Inspection Record, shall be used to record this information.

7.1 Compressed Air

The cleanliness of compressed air shall be checked, as necessary, by blasting without sand
or paint onto a white cloth for 20 seconds. If oil or water appears on the cloth, all traps and
separators shall be blown down until subsequent 20-second cloth tests show no further oil or
water. Company may request this test at any time.

7.2 Abrasive

Abrasive material shall be tested as necessary to ensure it is free of contamination and will
not promote corrosion of the metal surface. The inspection procedure and acceptance
criteria shall be as follows:

 Some abrasive (a teaspoon full) shall be dropped into a small vial of distilled water,
shaken vigorously and allowed to settle for a minute.
 The top of the water shall not contain a layer of grease/oil or fine particulates.
 The water shall not be discolored.
 The pH of the water shall not be less than 5 as measured with pH indicating paper.
 The water shall be free of a white precipitate (an indication of chloride salts) when a
drop of 5% silver nitrate is added to the water.

7.3 Environmental Conditions

At the beginning of each day's operation the following items shall be checked and recorded:

 ambient temperature

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 relative humidity
 dew point
 temperature of the surface to be coated
 confirmation that the surfaces are moisture free

7.4 Surface Preparation

Immediately prior to priming, blasted surfaces shall be inspected by the following methods
to verify that the specified surface preparation has been achieved.

7.4.1 The anchor pattern shall be verified using Testex Inc. "Press-O-Film" tape or Company
approved equal. The measurements shall be recorded on the Coating Inspection Record.

7.4.2 The degree of cleanliness shall be verified by comparison to the appropriate visual standard
as specified in Section 2.0 above. The cleanliness shall be recorded on the Coating
Inspection Record.

7.5 Coating Application

7.5.1 Dry film thickness shall be measured using a "Microtest" magnetic film thickness gauge or
Company approved equal. The dry film thickness gauge shall be calibrated to Company
satisfaction at the beginning of coating work and thereafter, regularly and whenever
Company requests recalibration. Calibration shall be made by comparison with the dry film
thickness measured on known standards such as a micrometer-measured paint film or
National Bureau of Standards Calibration Coating Inspection Record. Dry film thickness
shall be recorded for each coat as work proceeds, as well as for the total thickness of each
finished coating system.

7.5.2 The entire surface of internal linings shall be inspected for holidays using a Company
approved 67 1/2-volt holiday detectors calibrated for detection of a resistance of less than
80,000 ohms. Suitable wetting agents, such as Kodak Photo Flow, and shall be added to the
water to increase sensitivity. When testing hard-to-get-at locations around appurtenances
and nozzles, a small sponge attachment shall be used.

Areas containing holidays shall be locally sandblasted to bare metal, recoated with the same
system and retested for holidays. Detected holidays, correction and final holiday-free
inspection shall be recorded on the Coating Inspection Record. Maps shall be provided to
document the areas recoated.

7.5.3 The entire surface of splash zone coatings shall be inspected for holidays using a Company
approved high voltage spark type detector set at 15 to 30 kV. The voltage setting shall be
determined based on the detection of an artificially created holiday in the coating. Areas
containing holidays shall be locally sandblasted to bare metal, recoated and reinspected.

7.6 Inspection by Company

7.6.1 All work shall be subject to Company inspection. Company shall be given at least 2 days'
notice prior to the start of surface preparation or coating application so that they can witness
the work.

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7.6.2 Work shall not proceed past each of the inspection hold points defined below without the
approval of Company. Company shall insure that all necessary inspections are carried out at
each hold point. The inspection hold points shall be:

 Completion of surface preparation, prior to primer application

 Completion of application of each coat (primer, intermediate and topcoat)
 Holiday detection and repair (internal linings and splash zone coatings only)
 Final acceptance of completed coating work

7.6.3 Company shall have the right to condemn any materials, equipment or work not in
compliance with this specification. Maklv shall perform all necessary corrective actions at
no extra cost to company.

7.7 Coating Manufacturer Representatives

The coating manufacturer's representatives shall have access to the work site during the
progress of the work to perform any inspection and testing deemed necessary to ensure that
the coatings are properly applied.


1.3 Self-Cured Inorganic Zinc (primer only)

1.4 Polyamide Epoxy (primer only)
1.6 Organic Zinc-rich Primer for Galvanizing Repair
2.4 Self-Cured Inorganic Zinc/Pure Silicone
3.1 Self-Cured Inorganic Zinc/Polyamide Epoxy (High Build)/Aliphotic Polyurethane
3.2 Zinc-Rich Epoxy/Polyamide Epoxy (High Build)/Aliphatic Polyurethane
3.5 Epoxy Mastic/Polyamide Epoxy (High Build)/Aliphatic Polyurethane
3.8 Manufacturer's Standard/Universal Primer/Aliphatic Polyurethane
4.1 Splash Zone Coatings
4.3 Vulcanized Neoprene for Splash Zones
4.4 Polyamide Epoxy/Fireproofing/Polyamide Epoxy (High Build)/Aliphatic Polyurethane
4.6 Epoxy Non-Skid
5.1 FDA Approved Epoxy
5.3 Amine Adduct Epoxy
5.6 Epoxy Phenolic


In scaffolding practices, fully qualified personnel with many years of scaffolding experience shall be
engaged to provide and erect material to have access of the work areas.

The scaffolding material shall include 13/4” galvanized/steel pipe, scaffolding clamps, scaffolding base
plates and scaffolding boards with the thickness of 30mm and shall be butt end throughout and must of
uniform thickness.

The minimum width of the working platforms shall be 670mm with at least two guard rails from toe
board to avoid slipping off. All scaffolding shall be secured to prevent accidental displacement.

A safety harness (full body) shall be worn whilst erecting or dismantling scaffolding especially two
meters above base level.
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Before scaffold is allowed to be used, the safety personnel and client representative shall check/inspect
the erection, tying, bracing, guardrails and arrangement of the boards.

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