Physical-Science DLP Sem2 Finalterm W2
Physical-Science DLP Sem2 Finalterm W2
Physical-Science DLP Sem2 Finalterm W2
II. Performance Standard: The learner is expected to make a presentation to showcase how we
realized that the Earth is not the center of Universe.
Week 10
Day 1 (Monday)
Topic: Application of Kepler’s 3rd Law
Specific Learning Competency. The learners are expected to apply Kepler’s 3rd law of
planetary motion to objects in the solar system. (PK-MM)
Traditional paper, pen, calculators
Digital SMART Television, Laptop with PowerPoint Presentation
I. Before (10 minutes)
A. Daily Routine (3 minutes)
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance and uniform
3. Checking of cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom
B. Recapitulation of the previous lesson A1: Checking of Assignment (Big Group
Activity) - 7 minutes
Answers are found in Physical Science Module 5 – A3. Quiz pages 12 – 13.
C. Motivation N/A
II. During (20 minutes)
D. Activity A2: Table Completion (Small Group Activity) – 20 minutes
Differentiated Instruction for Learners
Independent Learners
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given time to independently
answer the activity on a one (1) whole sheet of paper.
Instructional Learners
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given time to answer the
activity on a one (1) whole sheet of paper with their pair.
Intervention Instruction
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given a detailed instruction
on how the activity will be answered and overview of its part. Students will be given time
to answer the activity on a one (1) whole sheet of paper with their pair.
Table and answers are found in Physical Science Module 5 – A4. Table Completion
page 14. After 10 minutes, checking will follow.
SMS Core Values: Responsibility and Excellence; Innovativeness and Confidence;
Temperance and Obedience
21st Century Skills: Communication; Collaboration; Critical-Thinking; Computing Skills
III. After (10 minutes)
E. Summary of the day’s activity A3: Summary (Small Group Activity) - 8 minutes
Students from the class will answer the following questions:
1. Why do the planets of the solar system have practically, the same Kepler’s
constant? What does this mean physically?
2. Will Kepler’s laws apply if we are dealing with another system of planets orbiting a
different star? Why/why not?
3. Using Kepler’s third law, determine the mean distance between the moon and the
earth given that the moon has an orbital period of 29.5 days.
F. Closing Routines (2 minutes)
Closing Prayer for the last subject in the morning and afternoon (Glory be….
Virgin of the Poor – pray for us…. Venerable Aloysius Schwartz – pray for us).
Day 2 (Tuesday)
Topic: Module 1 Summative Test
Specific Learning Competencies. The learners are expected to:
a. explain what the Greeks considered to be the three types of terrestrial motion; (CK-AK)
b. explain what is meant by diurnal motion, annual motion, precession of the equinoxes;
c. explain how the Greeks knew that the Earth is spherical; (CK-AK)
d. explain how Plato’s problem of “Saving the Appearances” constrained Greek models of
the Universe; (CK-AK) and
Day 3 (Wednesday)
Topic: Motion
Specific Learning Competencies. The learners are expected to:
a. compare and contrast the Aristotelian and Galilean conceptions of vertical motion,
horizontal motion, and projectile motion; (CK-AK) and
b. explain how Galileo inferred that objects in vacuum fall with uniform acceleration, and
that force is not necessary to sustain horizontal motion. (CK-AK)
Traditional paper, pen, handouts
Digital SMART Television, Laptop with PowerPoint Presentation
I. Before (10 minutes)
A. Daily Routine (3 minutes)
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance and uniform
3. Checking of cleanliness and orderliness of the
B. Recapitulation of the previous lesson N/A
C. Motivation A4: Who Am I? (Big Group Activity) - 7
Show the cartoon counterpart of the personalities below and
let the students name them.
II. During (20 minutes)
D. Activity A5: Aristotle VS. Galileo (Small Group Activity) – 30 minutes
Differentiated Instruction for Learners
Independent Learners
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given time to independently
answer the activity on a one (1) whole sheet of paper.
Instructional Learners
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given time to answer the
activity on a one (1) whole sheet of paper with their pair.
Intervention Instruction
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given a detailed instruction
on how the activity will be answered and overview of its part. Students will be given time
to answer the activity on a one (1) whole sheet of paper with their pair.
Table and answers are found in Physical Science Module 6 – A1. Discussion page 4
– 5 . After 10 minutes, checking will follow.
SMS Core Values: Responsibility and Excellence; Innovativeness and Confidence;
Temperance and Obedience
21st Century Skills: Communication; Collaboration; Critical-Thinking; Computing Skills
III. After (10 minutes)
E. Summary of the day’s activity A6: Summary (Big Group Activity) - 8 minutes
Students from the class will answer the following questions:
Differentiate the views of Aristotle and Galileo on:
1. Vertical motion
2. Horizontal motion
3. Projectile motion
F. Closing Routines (2 minutes)
Closing Prayer for the last subject in the morning and afternoon (Glory be….
Virgin of the Poor – pray for us…. Venerable Aloysius Schwartz – pray for us).
Day 4 (Thursday)
Topic: Plotting motion graphs
Specific Learning Competency. The learners are expected to graph data into position time
graph and velocity time graph. (PK-MM)
Traditional paper, pen, handouts, graphing papers
Digital SMART Television, Laptop with PowerPoint Presentation
I. Before (10 minutes)
A. Daily Routine (3 minutes)
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance and uniform
3. Checking of cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom
B. Recapitulation of the previous lesson N/A
C. Motivation A7: How to graph? (Big Group Activity) - 7 minutes
Demonstrate how to graph coordinates. Show the sample plotting of coordinates through
the PowerPoint presentation.
II. During (20 minutes)
D. Activity A8: Graphing Data (Small Group Activity) – 30 minutes
Differentiated Instruction for Learners
Independent Learners
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given time to independently
answer the activity on a one (1) whole sheet of paper.
Instructional Learners
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given time to answer the
activity on a one (1) whole sheet of paper with their quadrant.
Intervention Instruction
The teacher will provide the activity sheets. Students will be given a detailed instruction
on how the activity will be answered and overview of its part. Students will be given time
to answer the activity on a one (1) whole sheet of paper with their quadrant.
Data and answers are found in Physical Science Module 6 – A3. Collaborative
Learning page 10 – 16. After 20 minutes, progress check will follow.
SMS Core Values: Responsibility and Excellence; Innovativeness and Confidence;
Temperance and Obedience
21st Century Skills: Communication; Collaboration; Critical-Thinking; Computing Skills
III. After (10 minutes)
E. Summary of the day’s activity A9: Progress Check (Small Group Activity) - 8
Students from the class will provide an update on the group’s progress.
F. Closing Routines (2 minutes)
Closing Prayer for the last subject in the morning and afternoon (Glory be….
Virgin of the Poor – pray for us…. Venerable Aloysius Schwartz – pray for us).
Day 5 (Friday)
Topic: Interpreting Motion Graphs
Specific Learning Competencies. The learners are expected to explain how the position vs.
time, and velocity vs. time graphs of constant velocity motion are different from those of
constant acceleration motion. (CK-AK)
Traditional paper, pen, handouts, graphing papers
Digital SMART Television, Laptop with PowerPoint Presentation
I. Before (10 minutes)
A. Daily Routine (3 minutes)
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance and uniform
3. Checking of cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom
B. Recapitulation of the previous lesson/s A10: Recap? (Big Group Activity) - 7
A volunteer student will provide a recap of the activity done in the previous session.
C. Motivation N/A
II. During (30 minutes)
D. Discussion A11: Checking of Graphs and Answers (Big Group Activity) – 30
Data and answers are found in Physical Science Module 6 – A3. Collaborative
Learning page 10 – 16.
SMS Core Values: Responsibility and Excellence; Innovativeness and Confidence;
Temperance and Obedience
21st Century Skills: Communication; Critical-Thinking; Computing Skills
III. After (10 minutes)
E. Summary of today’s lesson A12: Summary (Big Group Activity) – 8 minutes
Students will summarize the lesson through interpreting the graphs.
Graphs are found in Physical Science Module 6 – A3. Collaborative Learning page
10 – 16.
F. Closing Routines (2 minutes)
Closing Prayer for the last subject in the morning and afternoon (Glory be…. Virgin of
the Poor – pray for us…. Venerable Aloysius Schwartz – pray for us).
A. Analytic Rubric
B. Table of Specifications