Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
MacArthur National High School
MacArthur, Leyte
Explain how the Greeks Models of the Universe Draw a model of the solar system based on April 02, 2024
knew that the Earth is the Kepler’s Law of Planetary Motions.
spherical (Greek Astronomy to Kepler)
S11/12PS-IVa-38 Write labels and fig
Subtasked: describe how
Eratosthenes came up
with the measurement of
Cite examples of Models of the Universe Using the formula given for the Law of April 03, 2024
astronomical phenomena Harmony, find the number of years a planet
known to astronomers (Greek Astronomy to Kepler)
takes to orbit the Sun and its distance from
before the advent
the Sun (semi-major axis).
of telescopes
Subtasked:cite examples
of known astronomical
phenomena before the
advent of
Explain how Brahe’s Models of the Universe Identify the astronomical events being April 04, 2024
innovations and extensive described in each item. Write your answer
collection of data in (Greek Astronomy to Kepler)
on a separate sheet of paper.
observational astronomy
paved the way for
Kepler’s discovery of his
laws of planetary motion
Subtasked: discuss how
Brahe’s works became
instrumental in the
formulation of
Kepler’s discovery laws
of planetary motion.
April 05, 2024
Describe how the Reflection of Light Mirror Maze April 16, 2024
propagation of light, Let’s see if you have mastered the
reflection, and refraction concept. Can you work out the
are explained by reflections to show the
the wave model and the path taken by the laser for it to be
particle model of detected?
light Note:
Week 3
Subtasked:Draw the path
of light rays as they are
Explain how the photon Reflection of Light Locating the Image in a Plane Mirror April 17, 2024
concept and the Here, you have a plane mirror and a point
fact that the energy of a image. Draw the ray diagram to show
photon is directly how
proportional to its our eyes see point objects.
frequency can be used
to explain why red light is
used in
photographic dark rooms,
why we get
easily sunburned in
ultraviolet light but
not in visible light, and
how we see colors
Week 3
Subtasked: Relate the
angle of incidence and the
angle of reflection;
Explain how the photon Reflection of Light Mirror, Mirror on the wall… April 18, 2024
concept and the Two plane mirrors are positioned
fact that the energy of a perpendicular to each other as shown
photon is directly below. A ray of
proportional to its light is incident to mirror 1 with an angle
frequency can be used of incidence of 56˚. This ray was then
to explain why red light is reflected and stroke mirror 2.
used in
photographic dark rooms,
why we get
easily sunburned in
ultraviolet light but
not in visible light, and
how we see colors
Week 3
Subtasked: Explain how
reflection can be used in
an everyday object.
CATCH UP FRIDAY April 19, 2024
Explain various light Wave Properties of Light THE WORLD OF COLORS May 02, 2024
phenomena such as: Materials: flashlight, red, green and blue
A. Your reflection on the lego blocks and cellophane
concave and
convex sides of a spoon
looks different
B. Mirages
C. Light from a red laser
passes more easily
though red cellophane
than green
D. Clothing of certain
colors appear
different in artificial light
and in sunlight
E. Haloes, sundogs,
primary rainbows,
secondary rainbows, and
F. Why clouds are usually
white and
rainclouds dark
G. Why the sky is blue
and sunsets are
Week 5
CONTENT STANDARD 1. Relativity and the Big Bang 2. Planets in and beyond the Solar System
PERFORMANCE STANDARD Create a video presentation that details the impact of the Theory of Relativity to human
CONTENT STANDARD 1. Relativity and the Big Bang 2. Planets in and beyond the Solar System
PERFORMANCE STANDARD Create a video presentation that details the impact of the Theory of Relativity to human