04 Timber

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Chapter 4

D e s i g n o f F l e x u r a l M e m b e r s

( B e a m s )

4.1 Introduction

Flexural members are those subjected to bending. There are several types
and forms of flexural timber members that are used in construction. Typical
examples are solid section rectangular beams, floor joists, rafters and
purlins. Other examples include glulam beams (vertical and horizontal glued
laminated beams), ply-webbed beams (I-beams and box-beams) and beams
of simple composites (Tee and I shaped beams).
Although the design principles are essentially the same for all bending
members of all materials, the material characteristics are different. Steel for
example is ductile, homogeneous, and isotropic. Concrete is brittle and can
be assumed homogeneous for most practical purposes. As for timber, the
material properties are different in the two main directions: parallel and
perpendicular to the grain. Even though the normal stresses due to bending
are parallel to grain direction, support conditions may impose stresses that
are perpendicular to grain direction. These stresses, in addition to the
primary stresses, should be checked in the design against the permissible
values, which include the effects of environmental conditions, material and
geometrical characteristics.
This chapter deals in detail with the general considerations necessary for
the design of flexural members and describes the design details of solid
section rectangular timber beams. Design methods for glued laminated
beams and ply-webbed beams are described in Chapters 6 and 7, respectively.

4.2 Design considerations

The main design considerations for flexural members are:

(1) bending stress and prevention of lateral buckling

(2) deflection
(3) shear stress
(4) bearing stress.
The cross-sectional properties of all flexural members have to satisfy elastic
strength and service load requirements. In general, bending is the most
critical criterion for medium-span beams, deflection for long-span beams
and shear for heavily loaded short-span beams. In practice, design checks
are carried out for all criteria listed above.
In Chapter 2 it was mentioned that the design of timber elements, connec-
tions and components is based on the recommendations of BS 5268 : Part 2:
1996 which is still based on 'permissible stress' design philosophy. The per-
missible stress value is calculated as the product of the grade stress and the
appropriate modification factors for particular service and loading condi-
tions, and is usually compared with the applied stress in a member or part of
a component in structural design calculations. In general:

permissible stress ( = grade stress x K-factors ) > applied stress

4.3 B e n d i n g stress a n d p r e v e n t i o n o f l a t e r a l b u c k l i n g

The design of timber beams in flexure requires the application of the elastic
theory of bending as expressed by:

. - * * (41)

The term I/y is referred to as section modulus and is denoted by Z. Using

the notations defined in Chapter 2, the applied bending stress about the
major (x-x) axis of the beam (say) (see Fig. 4.1), is calculated from:


Fig. 4.1 Cross-section of a rectangular beam.

Vm1Ci, H = applied bending stress (in N/mm2)
M= maximum bending moment (in Nmm)
Zxx= section modulus about its major (x-x) axis (in mm3). For rect-
angular sections


Ixx— second moment of area about x-x axis (in mm4)

y=distance from the neutral-axis of the section to the extreme fibres
(in mm)
h = depth of the section (in mm)
6 = width of the section (in mm).

The permissible bending stress (Jm,adm,n is calculated as the product of

grade bending stress parallel to grain om&,\\ a n d an Y relevant modification
factors (^-factors). These are K2 for wet exposure condition (if applicable),
K3 for load-duration, K6 for solid timber members other than rectangular
sections (if applicable), K1 for solid timber members other than 300 mm
deep, and A8 for load-sharing systems (if applicable). Hence:
(rmiadm,n=crm^ii xK2 x K3 x K6 x K1 x Ks (4.4)
K2, K3 and K8 are general modification factors, which were described in detail
in Chapter 2. K6 and K1 specifically relate to the calculation of permissible
bending stress, am^dm,fi and are described in the following sections.

4.3.1 Effective span, lB

Clause 2.10.3 of BS 5268: Part 2 recommends that the span of flexural
members should be taken as the distance between the centres of bearings.

Required bearing length

Beam or joist

Clear span
Effective span
Span to centres
of actual bearings

Fig. 4.2 Effective span (Baird and Ozelton1).

Where members extend over bearings, which are longer than is necessary, the
spans may be measured between the centres of bearings of a length which
should be adequate in accordance with Part 2 of the code (see Fig. 4.2).
In determining the effective span, Le, it is usually acceptable to assume an
addition of 50 mm to the clear span, between the supports, for solid timber
beams and joists and 100 mm for built-up beams on spans up to around
12 m, but longer spans should be checked.1

4.3.2 Form factor, K6

Grade bending stress values given in the code apply to solid timber members
of rectangular cross-section. For shapes other than rectangular (see Fig. 4.3),
the grade bending stress value should be multiplied by the modification
factor K6 where:

AT6 = 1.18 for solid circular sections, and

K6 = 1.41 for solid square sections loaded diagonally (see Fig. 4.3).

4.3.3 Depth factor, K1

The grade bending stresses given in Tables 7-12a of BS 5268: Part 2 apply
to beams having a depth, h, of 300 mm (Clause 2.10.6). For other depths
of beams, the grade bending stress should be multiplied by the depth
modification factor, K1, where:




Fig. 4.3 Form factor K6.

4.3.4 Selection of a suitable section size
There are two methods commonly used in selecting an appropriate trial

(1) Engineering judgement which is based on experience.

(2) By utilising the permissible bending stress criterion in equation (4.2).
Thus the expression for calculation of the required section modulus
Zxx for timber members, incorporating all the relevant AT-factors, is as


Thus a suitable section size having a Zxx > Zxx^required can be selected. The
chosen section should then be checked for lateral stability, deflection, shear
and bearing.
The standard (customary) sizes of timber sections in the UK, normally
available from stock, are given in the National Annex to BS EN 336. A sum-
mary of details is given in Appendix A.

4.3.5 Lateral stability

BS 5268: Part 2:1996 recommends that the depth to breadth ratio of solid
and laminated rectangular beams should not exceed the values given in

Table 4.1 Maximum depth to breadth ratio for solid and laminated members,
(Table 16, BS 5268: Part 2)

Degree of lateral support Maximum depth to

breadth ratio

No lateral support 2
Ends held in position 3
Ends held in position and member held in line as by 4
purlins or tie rods at centres not more than 30 times
breadth of the member
Ends held in position and compression edge held in line, 5
as by direct connection of sheathing, deck or joists
Ends held in position and compression edge held in line, 6
as by direct connection of sheathing, deck or joists,
together with adequate bridging or blocking spaced at
intervals not exceeding 6 times the depth
Ends held in position and both edges held firmly in line 7
(a) Solid blocking

(b) Skewed blocking

(c) Herring bone strutting (bridging)

Fig. 4.4 Examples of provisions for lateral support.

Table 16 (reproduced here as Table 4.1) of the code corresponding to the

appropriate degree of lateral support. Examples of provisions for lateral
support are shown in Fig. 4.4.

4.3.6 An illustrative example

Determine the value of permissible bending stress parallel to grain am^m^
and magnitude of maximum bending moment for a main beam of
50 mm x 200 mm deep Canadian Douglas fir-larch grade SS under service
class 2 and short-duration loading.
BS 5268: Part 2 Description Output

Table 2 strength classification strength class = C24

Table 7 grade stress // to grain
Clause 1.6.4 service class 2
Table 14 short-duration loading
Clause 2.10.5 rectangular section

Clause 2.10.6 depth factor

Clause 2.9 no load-sharing

Permissible bending stress

Allowable maximum bending moment is obtained by rearranging equation


4.4 Deflection

BS 5268: Part 2, Clause 2.10.7 recommends that 'The dimensions of flexural

members should be such as to restrict deflection within limits appropriate to
the type of structure, having regard to the possibility of damage to surfacing
materials, ceilings, partitions and to the functional needs as well as aesthetic

4.4.1 Deflection limits

In most cases, including domestic flooring, the combined deflection due to
bending, Am, and shear, A^, should not exceed 0.003 of the span to satisfy
this recommendation. In addition, for domestic floor joists, the deflection
under full load should not exceed the lesser of 0.003 times the span or
14 mm. This is to avoid undue vibration under moving or impact loading.
In general AJotai = (Am + A5) < (0.003 x span)
and for domestic joists Atotai < lesser of (0.003 x span or 14 mm)
4.4.2 Precamber
Subject to consideration being given to the effect of excessive deformation,
timber beams may be precambered to account for the deflection under full
dead or permanent load. In this instance, BS 5268: Part 2 recommends that
the deflection due to imposed load only should not exceed 0.003 of the span.

4.4.3 Bending deflection

The maximum bending deflection induced by the two most common load
cases is given below:

(1) For a simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed load of



(2) For a simply supported beam carrying a concentrated load at mid-span



Wtotai = total uniformly distributed load
P — concentrated load acting at mid-span
L — effective span
/ = second moment of area about axis of bending, usually beam's
major (x-x) axis
E = Emin for a beam acting on its own
= Emean for a beam in a load-sharing system.

For a single-span simply supported beam subjected to a maximum bending

moment of Mmax, irrespective of the loading type, the maximum deflection
of the beam may be estimated using:

Table 4.2 Modification factor K$ used to modify the minimum
modulus of elasticity for trimmer joists and lintels (Table 17,
BS 5268 :Part 2)

Number of pieces Value of K9

Softwoods Hardwoods

1 1.00 1.00
2 1.14 1.06
3 1.21 1.08
4 or more 1.24 1.10

Note: BS 5268: Part 2, Clause 2.10.11 recommends that for trimmer

joists and lintels which comprise two or more pieces connected together in
parallel and acting together to support the loads, the minimum modulus of
elasticity modified by the modification factor K9, given in Table 17 of the
code, should be used for calculation of deflections. Table 17 is reproduced
here as Table 4.2.

4.4.4 Shear deflection

Since in timber and wood based structural materials the shear modulus is
considerably lower as a proportion of the modulus of elasticity, compared
to other structural materials such as steel, the effect of shear deflection can
be significant and should be considered in the design calculations.
The maximum shear deflection, As, induced in a single-span simply
supported beam of either rectangular or square cross-section, may be
determined from the following equation:


where A is the cross-sectional area of the beam, Mmax is the maximum

bending moment in the beam and E is as defined above.

4.5 B e a r i n g stress

The bearing stresses in timber beams are developed due to compressive

forces applied in a direction perpendicular to the grain and occur in
positions such as points of support or applied concentrated loads. Possible
bearing failure positions are shown in Fig. 4.5.
The applied bearing stress, cr c a ± is calculated from the following

Concentrated load

Timber beams

Bearing perpendicular to grain due to
wall plate
concentrated load & support reaction

Support wall
Fig. 4.5 Possible bearing failures.

F = bearing force (usually maximum reaction or concentrated load)
^bearing = bearing area (= bearing length x breadth of the section).
In general, the value of applied bearing stress, <7C)fl_L should not exceed the
permissible bearing stress, <Jc,adm,± determined from:
K2, K3 and A^8 are general modification factors, which were described in
detail in Chapter 2. K4 relates to the calculation of permissible bearing
stress, oCAdm,L, and is described below.

4.5.1 Length and position of bearings

BS 5268: Part 2, Clause 2.10.2 recommends that the grade stresses for
compression perpendicular to the grain apply to bearings of any length at
the ends of a member, and bearings 150 mm or more in length at any
position. For bearing less than 150 mm long located 75 mm or more from
the end of a member, as shown in Fig. 4.6, the grade stress should be
multiplied by the modification factor K4 given in Table 15 of the code
(reproduced here as Table 4.3).



Fig. 4.6 Bearing length and position.
Table 4.3 Modification factor K4 for bearing
stress (Table 15, BS 5268: Part 2)

Length of bearing (mm) £4

10 1.74
15 1.67
25 1.53
40 1.33
50 1.20
75 1.14
100 1.10
150 or more 1.00

4.6 S h e a r stress

The critical position for shear is usually at supports where maximum

reaction occurs. The applied shear stress, r, is calculated as the maxi-
mum (not average) shear stress from the following equation:

For a rectangular timber beam, the maximum applied shear stress parallel to
grain, raj/ occurs at the neutral axis and is calculated from:

Fv = maximum vertical shear force (usually maximum reaction)
A = cross-sectional area
Q —firstmoment of area about neutral axis above the position where shear
stress is required
/ = second moment of area
b = breadth of the section at the position where shear stress is required.
In general, the value of applied shear stress, raj, should not exceed the
permissible shear stress parallel to grain, r a ^//, determined from:
K2, K3 and K% are general modification factors, which were described in
detail in Chapter 2. K5 relates to the calculation of the permissible shear
stress, T0JnJ9 for members with notched ends, and is described below.

4.6.1 Shear at notched ends

K5 is a modification factor which allows for stress concentration induced at
square-cornered notches at the ends of a flexural member (Clause 2.10.4,
BS 5268: Part 2) where:
(a) Beam with notch on the underside

(b) Beam with notch on the top edge

Fig. 4.7 Notched beams (adapted from BS 5268: Part 2).

(1) For a notch on the underside of a beam, see Fig. 4.7(a),

(2) For a notch on the top edge, see Fig. 4.7(b),


4.7 Suspended timber flooring

A suspended flooring system generally comprises a series of joists closely

spaced, being either simply supported at their ends or continuous over load-
bearing partition walls. The floor boarding or decking is applied on the top
of the joists and underneath ceiling linings are fixed. A typical suspended
floor arrangement is shown in Fig. 4.8(a)
The distance between the centres of the joists is normally governed by the
size of the decking and ceiling boards, which are normally available in
dimensions of 1200 mm wide x 2400 mm long. The size of the decking and
ceiling boards allows convenient joist spacings of 300 mm, 400 mm or
600 mm centre to centre. In addition, the choice of joist spacing may also be
affected by the spanning capacity of the flooring material, joist span and
other geometrical constraints such as an opening for a stairwell.
Joists Header joist

joists C

Tongued &
boarding (b) Solid timber tongued &
grooved decking
Trimmer Load-bearing
joists B partition wall &
spreader beam


Header joist Trimmer Stairwell Joists

joists A Joist

Trimmer joists Joist-hanger

(a) A typical suspended floor arrangement nailed together

(c) A typical joist to trimmer

joists connection
10 mm bolts staggered
at 600 mm centres Joists

6 to 10 mm
thick steel plate,
10 mm less in
depth than
timber joists
wall plate
Joists Solid blocking
between joists Masonry wall

(d) Flitched beam (e) A typical support arrangement

Fig. 4.8 Suspended timber flooring - typical components.

The most common floor decking in domestic dwellings and timber-framed
buildings uses some form of wood-based panel products, for example
chipboard or plywood. Solid timber decking such as softwood tongued and
grooved (t & g) decking is often used in roof constructions, in conjunction
with glued-laminated members, to produce a pleasant, natural timber ceiling
with clear spans between the main structural members. The solid timber
tongued and grooved boards are normally machined from 150 mm wide
sections with 38-75 mm basic thicknesses [Fig. 4.8(b)].
The supports for joists are provided in various forms depending on the
type of construction. Timber wall plates are normally used to support joists
on top of masonry walls and foundations, Fig. 4.8(e). In situations where
joists are to be supported on load-bearing timber-frame walls or internal
partitions, header beams or spreader members are provided to evenly
distribute the vertical loads. Joist-hangers are often used to attach and
support joists onto the main timber beams, trimmer members or masonry
walls [Fig. 4.8(c)].
Timber trimmer joists are frequently used within timber floors of all types
of domestic buildings, see Fig. 4.8(a). There are two main reasons for which
trimmer joists may be provided2. First is to trim around an opening such as
a stairwell or loft access (Trimmer joists A), and to support incoming joists
(Trimmer joists B), and second is to reduce the span of floor joists over long
open spans (Trimmer joists C), as shown in Fig. 4.8(a).
Trimming around openings can usually be achieved by using two or more
joists nailed together to form a trimmer beam, Fig. 4.8(c), or by using a single
but larger timber section if construction geometry permits. Alternatively,
trimmers can be of hardwood or glued laminated timber, boxed ply-webbed
beams, or composite timber and steel flitched beams2, Fig. 4.8(d).
All flooring systems are required to have fire resistance from the floor
below and this is achieved by the ceiling linings, the joists and the floor
boarding acting together as a composite construction3. For example, floors in
two storey domestic buildings require modified 30 minutes fire resistance
(30 minutes load-bearing, 15 minutes integrity and 15 minutes insulation).
In general a conventional suspended timber flooring system comprising
12.5 mm plasterboard taped and filled, tongued and grooved floor boarding
with at least 16 mm thickness directly nailed to floor joists, meets the
requirements for the modified 30 minutes fire resistance provided that where
joist-hangers are used they are formed from at least 1 mm thick steel of strap
or shoe type. Further details and specific requirements for fire resistance are
given in BS 5268: Part 4: 'Fire resistance of timber structures'.

4.8 References

1. Baird and Ozelton (1984) Timber Designer's Manual, 2nd edn. BSP Professional
Books, Oxford.
2. The Swedish Finnish Timber Council (1988) Principles of Timber Framed
Construction, Retford.
3. TRADA (1994) Timber Frame Construction, 2nd edn. Timber Research and
Development Association (TRADA), High Wycombe.

4.9 Design examples

Example 4.1 Design of a main beam

A main beam of 3 m length spans over an opening 2.8 m wide (Fig. 4.9) and supports a
flooring system which exerts a long-duration loading of 3.9kN/m, including its own
self-weight, over its span. The beam is supported by 50 mm wide walls on either side.
Carry out design checks to show that a 75 mm x 225 mm deep sawn section whitewood
grade SS under service class 1 is suitable.

in mm

Fig. 4.9 Beam details (Example 4.1).


Force, kN N:=newton
Length, m kN:= 1 0 3 N
Cross-sectional dimensions, mm Direction parallel to grain, //
Stress, Nmm~ 2 Direction perpendicular to grain, pp

1. Geometrical properties
Span (clear distance), L
Bearing width, bw
Effective span, Le

Beam dimensions:
Breadth of the section, b
Depth of the section, h
Cross-sectional area, A

Second moment of area, Ixx

2. Loading
Applied uniformly distributed load, w
Total load, W

3. K-factors
Service class 1 (AT2, Table 13)
Load duration (£3, Table 14) for long-term
Bearing: 50 mm, but located < 75 mm
from end of member (K4, Table 15)
Notched end effect (K5, Clause 2.10.4) for no notch
Form factor (K69 Clause 2.10.5)

Depth factor (K7, Clause 2.10.6)

No load sharing (Ks, Clause 2.9)

4. Grade stresses
BS 5268: Part 2, Tables 2 and 7
Whitewood grade SS Strength class = C24
Bending parallel to grain
Compression perpendicular to grain no wane
Shear parallel to grain
Minimum modulus of elasticity

5. Bending stress

Applied bending moment

Section modulus

Applied bending stress

Permissible bending stress

Bending stress satisfactory

6. Lateral stability
BS5268.-Part 2, Clause 2.10.8 and Table 16

Maximum depth to breadth ratio, h/b

Ends should be held in position

7. Shear stress

Applied shear force

Applied shear stress

Permissible shear stress, no notch

Shear stress satisfactory

8. Bearing stress

Applied load

Applied bearing stress

Permissible shearing stress

Bearing stress satisfactory

9. Deflection
No load sharing

Deflection due to bending

Deflection due to shear

Total deflection

Permissible deflection

Therefore a 75 mm x 225 mm sawn section whitewood C24 is satisfactory

Example 4.2 Design of floor joists

A timber floor spanning 3.8 m centre to centre is to be designed using timber joists at
400 mm centres. The floor is subjected to a domestic imposed load of 1.5kN/m2 and
carries a dead loading, including self-weight of 0.35 kN/m2. Carry out design checks to
show that a series of 44 mm x 200 mm deep sawn section British spruce grade SS under
service class 1 is suitable.

Joist hanger

Main beam
Tongued & grooved boarding Joists


Section A-A Cross-section

Fig. 4.10 Timber floor joists (Example 4.2).

Force, kN N := newton
Length, m kN := 103 • N
Cross-sectional dimensions, mm Direction parallel to grain, //
Stress, Nmm"2 Direction perpendicular to grain, pp

1. Geometrical properties
Effective span, Le
Joist spacing, Js
Joist dimensions:
Breadth of section, b
Depth of section, h
Cross-sectional area, A

Second moment of area, Ixx

2. Loading
Dead load, DL
Imposed load, IL
Total load, W

3. K-factors
Service class 1 (X2, Table 13)
Load duration (AT3, Table 14) for long-term
Bearing: assume 50 mm, but located < 75 mm
from the end of the member (K4, Table 15)
Notched end effect (K5, Clause 2.10.4) for no notch
Form factor (K6, Clause 2.10.5)

Depth factor (K7, Clause 2.10.6)

Load sharing applies (K%, Clause 2.9)

4. Grade stresses
BS 5268: Part 2, Tables 2 and 7
British spruce grade SS Strength class = Cl8
Bending parallel to grain
Compression perpendicular to grain no wane
Shear parallel to grain
Mean modulus of elasticity, load sharing

5. Bending stress

Applied bending moment

Section modulus
Applied bending stress

Permissible bending stress

Bending stress satisfactory

6. Lateral stability
BS 5268: Part 2, Clause 2.10.8, and Table 16
Maximum depth to breadth ratio, hjb
Ends should be held in position and
compression edges held in line

7. Shear stress

Applied shear force

Applied shear stress

Permissible shear stress, no notch

Shear stress satisfactory

8. Bearing stress

Applied load

Assume bearing widths, bw, of 50 mm

either side
Applied bearing stress

Permissible bearing stress

Bearing stress satisfactory

9. Deflection
Load sharing system

Deflection due to bending

Deflection due to shear

Total deflection

Permissible deflection

Deflection satisfactory

Therefore 44 mm x 200 mm sawn sections in C18 timber are satisfactory

Example 4.3 Design of floor joists - selection of a suitable section and

design for notched ends
The cross-section of a suspended timber flooring system is shown in Fig. 4.11. It con-
sists of tongued and grooved (t & g) boarding with a self-weight of 0.15kN/m 2 and
carries a plasterboard ceiling of 0.2 kN/m 2 . The floor has an effective span of 4.0 m
and is subjected to a domestic imposed load of 1.5 kN/m 2 . Design the timber floor joists
using timber in strength class Cl8 under service class 1.

If the joists are to be notched at bearings with a 72 mm deep notch, check that the
notched section is also adequate.

Tongued & grooved boarding


Notched joist Cross-section

Fig. 4.11 Timber floor joists (Example 4.3).
Force, kN N:— newton
Length, m kN:= 1 0 3 N
Cross-sectional dimensions, mm Direction parallel to grain, //
Stress, Nmm" 2 Direction perpendicular to grain, pp

1. Geometrical properties
Effective span, Le
Joist spacing, Js

2. Loading

Dead load:
t & g boarding (kN/m 2 ), tg
Plasterboard ceiling (kN/m 2 ), Pb
Self-weight (kN/m 2 ), Swt assumed
Imposed load (kN/m 2 ), IL
Total load (kN), W

3. K-factors
Service class 1 (K2, Table 13)
Load duration (^ 3 , Table 14) for long-term
Bearing (K4, Table 15), assume
Notched end effect (K5, Clause 2.10.4)
for no notch
Form factor (K6, Clause 2.10.5)
Depth factor (K7, Clause 2.10.6) At this stage ignore K1
Load sharing applies (^ 8 , Clause 2.9)

4. Grade stresses
BS5268:Part2, Table 7
Strength class = Cl8
Bending parallel to grain
Compression perpendicular to grain no wane
Shear parallel to grain
Mean modulus of elasticity, load sharing
5. Bending stress

Applied bending moment

Permissible bending stress

Required section modulus

BS5268: Part 2, Clause 2.10.8 and Table 16

In order to achieve lateral stability by direct fixing of decking to joists, the depth to
breadth ratio should be limited to 5, i.e. h < 5b. Substituting for h = 5b in Zxx — bh2/6
and equating it to Zrequired, gives:

Thus, minimum breadth of section

and depth of section

Selecting a trial section from Table A2, Appendix A. Try 47 mm x 200 mm deep section.
Beam dimensions
Depth , h
Breadth, *

Section modulus

Modification factor K1 for section depth

Actual permissible bending stress

Bending stress satisfactory

Check self-weight
BS 5268 .Part 2, Table 7
Average density
Total joist self-weight

Assumed total self-weight

Self-weight satisfactory
6. Shear stress

Applied shear force

Applied shear stress

Permissible shear stress

(1) No notch

(2) With notch 72 mm deep notch := 72 • mm

Effective section depth

BS 5268 .Part 2, Clause 2.10.4

Shear stress satisfactory

7. Bearing stress

Applied load

Permissible bearing stress

Minimum required bearing width

8. Deflection
Second moment of area, Ixx

Load sharing system

Deflection due to bending

Deflection due to shear

Total deflection

Permissible deflection

Deflection satisfactory

Therefore 47 mm x 200 mm sawn sections in C18 timber are satisfactory

Example 4 A Design of a flooring system - floor boards and joists

The ground floor of a shop is to comprise a series of timber joists at 600 mm centres
with tongued and grooved (t & g) boarding. The joists are simply supported on 100 mm
hangers attached to load-bearing walls 4.2 m apart as shown in Fig. 4.12. Determine a
suitable thickness for floor boarding using timber in strength class C18 and a suitable
size for joists using timber in strength class C22 under service class 2. Assume imposed
load is 2.0 kN/m2.

Joist hanger
Tongued & grooved boarding


Fig. 4.12 A flooring system for Example 4.4.

Force, kN N:= new ton
Length, m kN := 103 • N
Cross-sectional dimensions, mm Direction parallel to grain, //
Stress, Nmm~2 Direction perpendicular to grain, pp

A. Design of tongued and grooved boarding

To calculate flooring thickness boards may be designed as simply supported beams.
Calculations need only be made for bending strength and deflection as span to thickness
ratios and bearing widths are such that the shear and bearing stresses at supports are
unlikely to be critical.
Assuming tongued and grooved boarding comprises 100 mm wide timber beams of
thickness (depth) / simply supported on joists.
1. Geometrical properties
Joist spacing, Js
Assume t & g boarding width, b
Effective span, Le

2. Loading
t & g boarding, tg
Imposed load, IL
Total load, W

3. K-factors
Service class 2 (AT2, Table 13)
Load duration (K3, Table 14) for long-term
Bearing (K4, Clause 2.10.2) assumed
Notched end effect (K5, Clause 2.10.4) for no notch
Form factor (K6, Clause 2.10.5)
Depth factor (K1, Clause 2.10.6)
for h<12 mm
Load sharing applies (AT8, Clause 2.9)

4. Grade stresses
BS 5268: Part 2, Tables 2 and 7
Strength class = C18
Bending parallel to grain
Compression perpendicular to grain no wane
Shear parallel to grain
Mean modulus of elasticity, load sharing

5. Bending stress

Applied bending moment

Permissible bending stress

Required section modulus

Required thickness for t & g can be

obtained by rearranging Z :=
6. Deflection
Load sharing system
Permissible deflection


Therefore from

Therefore / > (the greater of 13.74 mm and 8.72 mm and allowing for wear), thus

Adopt 16 mm t & g boarding using strength class C18 timber

B Design of floor joists

7. Geometrical properties
Effective span, Le
Joist spacing, Js
Bearing width, bw

8. Loading
Average density (Table 7)
t & g boarding, tg

Self-weight of each joist (kN/m2), Swt assumed

Imposed load (kN/m2), IL
Total load (kN), W

9. K-factors
Service class 2 (K2, Table 13)
Load duration (X3, Table 14) for long-term
Bearing (A4, Table 15), assume
Notched end effect (K5, Clause 2.10.4) for no notch
Form factor (K6, Clause 2.10.5)
Depth factor (K1, Clause 2.10.6) At this stage ignore K1
Load sharing applies (Ks, Clause 2.9)
10. Grade stresses
BS5268:Part2, Table 7
Strength class = C22
Bending parallel to grain
Compression perpendicular to grain no wane
Shear parallel to grain
Mean modulus of elasticity, load sharing

11. Bending stress

Applied bending moment

Permissible bending stress

Required section modulus

BS 5268: Part 2, Clause 2.10.8 and Table 16

In order to achieve lateral stability by direct fixing of decking to joists, the depth to
breadth ratio should be limited to 5, i.e. h < 5b. Substituting for A = 56 in Zxx = bh2/6
and equating it to Zrequired, gives:

Thus, minimum breadth of section

and depth of section

Selecting a trial section from Table A2, Appendix A. Try 47 mm x 225 mm deep section.

Beam dimensions
Depth, h
Breadth, b

Section modulus

Modification factor K1 for section depth

Actual permissible bending stress

Bending stress satisfactory

Check self-weight
BS5268: Part 2, Table 7
Average density
Total joist self-weight

Assumed total self-weight

Self-weight satisfactory

12. Shear stress

Applied shear force

Applied shear stress

Permissible shear stress

Shear stress satisfactory

13. Bearing stress

Applied load

Permissible bearing stress

Minimum required bearing width

100 mm provided, OK

14. Deflection
Second moment of area, Ixx

Load sharing system

Deflection due to bending

Deflection due to shear

Total deflection

Permissible deflection

Deflection satisfactory

Therefore 47 mm x 225 mm sawn sections in C22 timber are satisfactory

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