04 Timber
04 Timber
04 Timber
D e s i g n o f F l e x u r a l M e m b e r s
( B e a m s )
4.1 Introduction
Flexural members are those subjected to bending. There are several types
and forms of flexural timber members that are used in construction. Typical
examples are solid section rectangular beams, floor joists, rafters and
purlins. Other examples include glulam beams (vertical and horizontal glued
laminated beams), ply-webbed beams (I-beams and box-beams) and beams
of simple composites (Tee and I shaped beams).
Although the design principles are essentially the same for all bending
members of all materials, the material characteristics are different. Steel for
example is ductile, homogeneous, and isotropic. Concrete is brittle and can
be assumed homogeneous for most practical purposes. As for timber, the
material properties are different in the two main directions: parallel and
perpendicular to the grain. Even though the normal stresses due to bending
are parallel to grain direction, support conditions may impose stresses that
are perpendicular to grain direction. These stresses, in addition to the
primary stresses, should be checked in the design against the permissible
values, which include the effects of environmental conditions, material and
geometrical characteristics.
This chapter deals in detail with the general considerations necessary for
the design of flexural members and describes the design details of solid
section rectangular timber beams. Design methods for glued laminated
beams and ply-webbed beams are described in Chapters 6 and 7, respectively.
4.3 B e n d i n g stress a n d p r e v e n t i o n o f l a t e r a l b u c k l i n g
The design of timber beams in flexure requires the application of the elastic
theory of bending as expressed by:
. - * * (41)
Beam or joist
Clear span
Effective span
Span to centres
of actual bearings
Thus a suitable section size having a Zxx > Zxx^required can be selected. The
chosen section should then be checked for lateral stability, deflection, shear
and bearing.
The standard (customary) sizes of timber sections in the UK, normally
available from stock, are given in the National Annex to BS EN 336. A sum-
mary of details is given in Appendix A.
Table 4.1 Maximum depth to breadth ratio for solid and laminated members,
(Table 16, BS 5268: Part 2)
No lateral support 2
Ends held in position 3
Ends held in position and member held in line as by 4
purlins or tie rods at centres not more than 30 times
breadth of the member
Ends held in position and compression edge held in line, 5
as by direct connection of sheathing, deck or joists
Ends held in position and compression edge held in line, 6
as by direct connection of sheathing, deck or joists,
together with adequate bridging or blocking spaced at
intervals not exceeding 6 times the depth
Ends held in position and both edges held firmly in line 7
(a) Solid blocking
4.4 Deflection
Wtotai = total uniformly distributed load
P — concentrated load acting at mid-span
L — effective span
/ = second moment of area about axis of bending, usually beam's
major (x-x) axis
E = Emin for a beam acting on its own
= Emean for a beam in a load-sharing system.
Table 4.2 Modification factor K$ used to modify the minimum
modulus of elasticity for trimmer joists and lintels (Table 17,
BS 5268 :Part 2)
Softwoods Hardwoods
1 1.00 1.00
2 1.14 1.06
3 1.21 1.08
4 or more 1.24 1.10
4.5 B e a r i n g stress
Concentrated load
Timber beams
Bearing perpendicular to grain due to
wall plate
concentrated load & support reaction
Support wall
Fig. 4.5 Possible bearing failures.
F = bearing force (usually maximum reaction or concentrated load)
^bearing = bearing area (= bearing length x breadth of the section).
In general, the value of applied bearing stress, <7C)fl_L should not exceed the
permissible bearing stress, <Jc,adm,± determined from:
K2, K3 and A^8 are general modification factors, which were described in
detail in Chapter 2. K4 relates to the calculation of permissible bearing
stress, oCAdm,L, and is described below.
Fig. 4.6 Bearing length and position.
Table 4.3 Modification factor K4 for bearing
stress (Table 15, BS 5268: Part 2)
10 1.74
15 1.67
25 1.53
40 1.33
50 1.20
75 1.14
100 1.10
150 or more 1.00
4.6 S h e a r stress
For a rectangular timber beam, the maximum applied shear stress parallel to
grain, raj/ occurs at the neutral axis and is calculated from:
Fv = maximum vertical shear force (usually maximum reaction)
A = cross-sectional area
Q —firstmoment of area about neutral axis above the position where shear
stress is required
/ = second moment of area
b = breadth of the section at the position where shear stress is required.
In general, the value of applied shear stress, raj, should not exceed the
permissible shear stress parallel to grain, r a ^//, determined from:
K2, K3 and K% are general modification factors, which were described in
detail in Chapter 2. K5 relates to the calculation of the permissible shear
stress, T0JnJ9 for members with notched ends, and is described below.
joists C
Tongued &
boarding (b) Solid timber tongued &
grooved decking
Trimmer Load-bearing
joists B partition wall &
spreader beam
6 to 10 mm
thick steel plate,
10 mm less in
depth than
timber joists
wall plate
Joists Solid blocking
between joists Masonry wall
4.8 References
1. Baird and Ozelton (1984) Timber Designer's Manual, 2nd edn. BSP Professional
Books, Oxford.
2. The Swedish Finnish Timber Council (1988) Principles of Timber Framed
Construction, Retford.
3. TRADA (1994) Timber Frame Construction, 2nd edn. Timber Research and
Development Association (TRADA), High Wycombe.
in mm
Force, kN N:=newton
Length, m kN:= 1 0 3 N
Cross-sectional dimensions, mm Direction parallel to grain, //
Stress, Nmm~ 2 Direction perpendicular to grain, pp
1. Geometrical properties
Span (clear distance), L
Bearing width, bw
Effective span, Le
Beam dimensions:
Breadth of the section, b
Depth of the section, h
Cross-sectional area, A
2. Loading
Applied uniformly distributed load, w
Total load, W
3. K-factors
Service class 1 (AT2, Table 13)
Load duration (£3, Table 14) for long-term
Bearing: 50 mm, but located < 75 mm
from end of member (K4, Table 15)
Notched end effect (K5, Clause 2.10.4) for no notch
Form factor (K69 Clause 2.10.5)
4. Grade stresses
BS 5268: Part 2, Tables 2 and 7
Whitewood grade SS Strength class = C24
Bending parallel to grain
Compression perpendicular to grain no wane
Shear parallel to grain
Minimum modulus of elasticity
5. Bending stress
Section modulus
6. Lateral stability
BS5268.-Part 2, Clause 2.10.8 and Table 16
7. Shear stress
8. Bearing stress
Applied load
9. Deflection
No load sharing
Permissible deflection
Joist hanger
Main beam
Tongued & grooved boarding Joists
Force, kN N := newton
Length, m kN := 103 • N
Cross-sectional dimensions, mm Direction parallel to grain, //
Stress, Nmm"2 Direction perpendicular to grain, pp
1. Geometrical properties
Effective span, Le
Joist spacing, Js
Joist dimensions:
Breadth of section, b
Depth of section, h
Cross-sectional area, A
2. Loading
Dead load, DL
Imposed load, IL
Total load, W
3. K-factors
Service class 1 (X2, Table 13)
Load duration (AT3, Table 14) for long-term
Bearing: assume 50 mm, but located < 75 mm
from the end of the member (K4, Table 15)
Notched end effect (K5, Clause 2.10.4) for no notch
Form factor (K6, Clause 2.10.5)
4. Grade stresses
BS 5268: Part 2, Tables 2 and 7
British spruce grade SS Strength class = Cl8
Bending parallel to grain
Compression perpendicular to grain no wane
Shear parallel to grain
Mean modulus of elasticity, load sharing
5. Bending stress
Section modulus
Applied bending stress
6. Lateral stability
BS 5268: Part 2, Clause 2.10.8, and Table 16
Maximum depth to breadth ratio, hjb
Ends should be held in position and
compression edges held in line
7. Shear stress
8. Bearing stress
Applied load
Total deflection
Permissible deflection
Deflection satisfactory
If the joists are to be notched at bearings with a 72 mm deep notch, check that the
notched section is also adequate.
1. Geometrical properties
Effective span, Le
Joist spacing, Js
2. Loading
Dead load:
t & g boarding (kN/m 2 ), tg
Plasterboard ceiling (kN/m 2 ), Pb
Self-weight (kN/m 2 ), Swt assumed
Imposed load (kN/m 2 ), IL
Total load (kN), W
3. K-factors
Service class 1 (K2, Table 13)
Load duration (^ 3 , Table 14) for long-term
Bearing (K4, Table 15), assume
Notched end effect (K5, Clause 2.10.4)
for no notch
Form factor (K6, Clause 2.10.5)
Depth factor (K7, Clause 2.10.6) At this stage ignore K1
Load sharing applies (^ 8 , Clause 2.9)
4. Grade stresses
BS5268:Part2, Table 7
Strength class = Cl8
Bending parallel to grain
Compression perpendicular to grain no wane
Shear parallel to grain
Mean modulus of elasticity, load sharing
5. Bending stress
Selecting a trial section from Table A2, Appendix A. Try 47 mm x 200 mm deep section.
Beam dimensions
Depth , h
Breadth, *
Section modulus
Self-weight satisfactory
6. Shear stress
7. Bearing stress
Applied load
8. Deflection
Second moment of area, Ixx
Permissible deflection
Deflection satisfactory
Joist hanger
Tongued & grooved boarding
Force, kN N:= new ton
Length, m kN := 103 • N
Cross-sectional dimensions, mm Direction parallel to grain, //
Stress, Nmm~2 Direction perpendicular to grain, pp
2. Loading
t & g boarding, tg
Imposed load, IL
Total load, W
3. K-factors
Service class 2 (AT2, Table 13)
Load duration (K3, Table 14) for long-term
Bearing (K4, Clause 2.10.2) assumed
Notched end effect (K5, Clause 2.10.4) for no notch
Form factor (K6, Clause 2.10.5)
Depth factor (K1, Clause 2.10.6)
for h<12 mm
Load sharing applies (AT8, Clause 2.9)
4. Grade stresses
BS 5268: Part 2, Tables 2 and 7
Strength class = C18
Bending parallel to grain
Compression perpendicular to grain no wane
Shear parallel to grain
Mean modulus of elasticity, load sharing
5. Bending stress
obtained by rearranging Z :=
6. Deflection
Load sharing system
Permissible deflection
Therefore from
Therefore / > (the greater of 13.74 mm and 8.72 mm and allowing for wear), thus
8. Loading
Average density (Table 7)
t & g boarding, tg
9. K-factors
Service class 2 (K2, Table 13)
Load duration (X3, Table 14) for long-term
Bearing (A4, Table 15), assume
Notched end effect (K5, Clause 2.10.4) for no notch
Form factor (K6, Clause 2.10.5)
Depth factor (K1, Clause 2.10.6) At this stage ignore K1
Load sharing applies (Ks, Clause 2.9)
10. Grade stresses
BS5268:Part2, Table 7
Strength class = C22
Bending parallel to grain
Compression perpendicular to grain no wane
Shear parallel to grain
Mean modulus of elasticity, load sharing
Selecting a trial section from Table A2, Appendix A. Try 47 mm x 225 mm deep section.
Beam dimensions
Depth, h
Breadth, b
Section modulus
Self-weight satisfactory
Applied load
100 mm provided, OK
14. Deflection
Second moment of area, Ixx
Total deflection
Permissible deflection
Deflection satisfactory