Abm 12 Research
Abm 12 Research
Abm 12 Research
Philippines has currently implemented the K-12 program as a key to our
nation’s development. Though for some it is an advantage while for
others it is additional burden to our parent’s tight finances.
The study entitled “Factors that influence Grade 11 students in
choosing ABM strand of Ubao National High School.” Before, we have a
ten (10) years of academic learningdfel, consist of six (6) primary &
four (4) secondary education, to learn the basics of education. Now
that the K-12 program implemented additional two (2) years called
senior high, is to prepare us to our desired future careers. ABM
(Accountancy & Business Management) strand is one of the most
consistently marked as the top choices of the students for the
incoming senior high students.
The student’s application to ABM strand is growing rapidly in the
Philippines. This growing phenomenon arises due to the changing of
Filipino lifestyle where we become business oriented person & being
practical in making decision. Therefore, ABM is the perfect course for
students since it is instantly prepare & ready them to work in & out
the country. Due to our country’s fast growing economy, it gives
opportunity to the entrepreneurs to expand their business.
The ABM strand will allow you to get deeper enjoyment of the
fantastic world of accounting and business management without the
problem of the Algebra, Geometric, Trigonometry, and other
specialize mathematical subjects that you won’t need.
Subjects in the ABM will give you the tools you will need on your
journey to success in the corporate world. In taking this
strand, you will be able to analyze assets, interpret profitability,
understand financial positions, and prepare check accounts.
You should choose ABM strand under academic track because this
will help you to become career-ready. It means you’ll be knowledge in
different things. You’ll be more professionally prepared. You’ll able
to attract the attention of potential employers more quickly. Many
employers prefer accounting and business graduates to have a balance
of academic knowledge and with experience.
In this tract, you will be able to have the opportunity to run your
own business in the future. Who knows, you could actually be the next
Steve jobs. You will be able to learn many things and different skills
which is important most especially in Senior High School, like for
example you can developed your communication skills, finance skills,
collaboration skills, analytical skills and time management, this is
the greatest skill you can have in Senior High School life.
The research work was conducted in Ubao National High School
(Senior High) ABM 11. The research work was carried out to
evaluate the factors that influence grade 11 students in choosing
ABM strand. To start our design we selected a list of students
based on their strand. In this study we used random sampling as a
way to select our participants. There are 15 students were
selected (3 male and 12 female). The range age of the selected
participants were 16-19 years old.
Based on our findings in this study, we arrived at the following
conclusions that: The Grade 11 students of Ubao National High
School enrolled in ABM strand.
According to Digos(2016)
According to Hernandez(2016)
According to Soriano(2017)
Statement of the problem
This study aimed to find out why ABM 11 students chose ABM strand in
Ubao National High School. The researchers will be guided by the
following questions.
Research Questions:
1. What factor highly influenced the Grade 11 ABM students to choose
ABM Strand; Peer Pressure, Personal or No Choice?
2. Does choosing ABM Strand affected your performance?
3. Do you regret for choosing this ABM Strand?
In choosing ABM Strand is highly influenced as they chose it
personally and want to experience and learn more about accounting. The
ABM 11 students enjoys their chosen strand as they get interested
with it.
This research presents the methodology that was used in the study
and will include the information and ideas of the research
method, population and samples of study data gathering procedure,
data collection tools and statistical instrument of data use.
ABM strand is one of the most consistently marked as the top choices
of the students for the incoming senior high students (Malonda 2017).
The student’s application to ABM strand is growing rapidly in the
Philippines. Students choose ABM because they know that there are lot
of opportunities are waiting on them after they graduate in this
course, inside and outside in our country.
Nowadays, students choose a course that will assure them for their
future. Some students choose a course by their skill and capability on
a subject, but some were directed by their parents. But most of the
time, it is the student’s dream and aspiration in choosing the strand
incorporated to their future career. Maybe some students choose ABM
because they have strengths for being an accountant or manager
someday. Otherwise, students choose ABM because they want to imitate
the path of their family members business oriented profession or they
have family business they want to prolong or improve. Students thinks
that ABM strand will prepare them for a career in accountancy,
business or management.
Definition of terms
Conclusion- Is the ability to think as clearly or quickly as you
normally do.
Dictate- To say or state something with authority or power.
Consistently- Something that’s done the same way for a long
Aspiration- To draw in or out using a sucking motion.
Imitate- Ape, copy, mimic and mock.
Prolong- To make something last a longer time.
The thesis attached here to entitled factors that influence grade
11 students in choosing ABM strand of Ubao National High School,
prepared and submitted by Reah Faith Ewangan, Trishia Longatan,
Praysie Bilowan, Charlene Guillermo, Jezza Bangguid, Mary Jane
Valdez, Jeziel Hinnom, Josephine Lugona, Devie Changgalan, Vixen
Dulnuan, Carl Jhon Tobol, Jethro Nebre, and Nhato Buya-ao in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for triple I’s and
investigate inquiries immersion is here by accepted.
Panel member
Panel member
Panel member
Panel member
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for partial
research in triple I’s and investigate inquiries immersion.
Secondary Principal
-we would like to acknowledge the teachers especially to ma’am
Joan Raymundo for guiding and correcting us so that we can come up on
our research title.
To Authors
-we also like to acknowledge the authors of our research study for
helping us to get their research/ideas on the internet.
To Participants
-we would like to acknowledge the respondents of the study for
participating and cooperating on our research for we will be able to find
the results of our study.
To Researchers
-we also like to thank ourselves “we researchers” for doing our part
This research dedicated to all ABM 11 students of Ubao
National High School for them to be aware and knowledgeable
in choosing ABM strand.
We are dedicating this research, first and foremost to God
Almighty, to ABM students, teachers who helped us to come
up in this study, and especially to our Triple I Teacher