(440466) The Globe Theatre Topic Project
(440466) The Globe Theatre Topic Project
(440466) The Globe Theatre Topic Project
• Poster: Create a poster either advertising The Globe, with persuasive facts or a fact file poster.
• A Non-Chronological report: Write a Non-Chronological report all about the Globe, remember to have a title and subheadings.
• PowerPoint: You could make a presentation with all your facts and pictures.
• Model: Create a model of The Globe, this could be done using Papier Mache, Lego, paper or cardboard. You could even just do a detailed sketch.
• Leaflet: Put all of your research into a leaflet.
Ideas to help you with what to include in your research Some useful links to help you with your research
• https://kids.kiddle.co/Globe_Theatre
• You could look at when and where the Globe was
built. • https://wiki.kidzsearch.com/wiki/Globe_Theatre
• How old is The Globe?
• What is it built out of? • https://www.nosweatshakespeare.com/resources/
• What does it look like, what shape is it? shakespeares-theatres/globe-theatre-facts/
• Find images of what it looked like then and what it
looks like now, is it the same? • https://primaryfacts.com/2468/globe-theatre-
• How does The Globe link to Shakespeare? facts/
• What famous plays have been shown at The Globe?
Don’t forget that your teachers would love to see your projects, you can email
• Has anything ever happened to the building?
them over to the office at
• How many people can fit inside?