Access Manual - How To Get Started 2022
Access Manual - How To Get Started 2022
Access Manual - How To Get Started 2022
Access Manual
Updated March 2022
The following guidelines are addressed to users of CNH Industrial’s registered Suppliers
(in possession of a CNH Industrial vendor code).
In order to access the Portal and be able to manage activities related to your Company, you
need to:
Choose a Functional Group according to what you need to do on the Portal – click on “+” signs
to add a group to your profile; the first user will automatically become an administrator for his
Depending on your choice of functional role, you need to enter a contact within CNH Industrial
Company to approve your access request. It is important to correctly fill in the email address as
the system will automatically send an email to this person to approve:
Please note: if you are requesting the Purchasing Documents functional group, the person to
approve MUST be your buyer. Otherwise, it can be any other professional who you maintain a
business relationship with in CNH Industrial.
Click on “Next”.
Fill in all mandatory fields on the Company Information tab:
If you are an active supplier and you provide your vendor code, all other fields will be
automatically filled with your Company data. Select the vendor code of your location or nearest
by location of your office.
If you don’t know your vendor code, please fill in manually your company information. Your
access request will be accepted only in case your company information matches with an existing
vendor code in our systems.
Click on “Next”.
Enter your own personal data on the “Supplier User Information” tab:
Click on “Next”.
Enter your chosen password twice on the last tab:
Click on “Finish”.
Your registration request is now complete and it will be sent to administrators for approval.
You will receive a notification about it to the e-mail address provided in course of your
Once your request is successfully processed, you will receive another e-mail with your Portal
First Logon of a Supplier User
Visit the Supplier Portal, click on “Login” and enter your new Portal
Fill in the requested information; the ”Significant date in your life” is a required field used for the
password reset processes:
Click on “Next” and fill in the questionnaire on the next tab (“EXTRA INFORMATION). Click on
Please read carefully the Portal usage agreement and click Accept to continue:
The portal will send you a request of acceptance renewal yearly.
Your e-mail addresses will have to be confirmed every 6 months to make sure e-mail
notifications from the Portal are addressed correctly:
Request for Contact Information
As soon as your user ID is mapped to your Company vendor code(s), a POPUP screen will
appear at your log in to request you to complete contact information on the Portal:
You can click NOT NOW to skip this step (except for certain functional groups where it is
mandatory to fill in before using the system), but the popup will keep on appearing for as long as
you have not filled in the requested contact information.
Mandatory contacts are always required only at the SML level to which a user is mapped to. A
user managing an SML is not required to fill in contacts at higher levels. Once they successfully
completed contacts at his SML level, they will be able to log in and use the portal.
However, the user can also add contacts at higher company structure levels (Headquarter or
Global Ultimate) – in this case it counts for all levels below.
When you then click on UPDATE CONTACTS, the system will show you the list of missing
mandatory contacts:
Under My Profile > Contacts tab, you will see the full structure of all the vendor codes you are
mapped to with their hierarchical structure (Duns & Bradstreet information) and contact
information currently available for them.
The contacts can be added by clicking the icon at the right of the proper line:
The contacts can be added by clicking the icon on the right of each line or deleted by
Click on the Add Contact icon . Choose the contact type (e.g. Key Account Manager) and,
under the Contact Person tab, you will see the dropdown list of registered users for this vendor
These registered users can be added as contacts or additional persons can be added by clicking
on the ADD NEW PERSON button. It can be also someone who is NOT registered on the Portal.
Fill in all fields (mandatory fields have a *) when adding a new person and click on Save:
Now click on the “Contact Person” field to open the drop down list again and click on the new
person that you added:
You will then see you contact inserted within the Company contacts:
If a contact needs editing, it needs to be deleted and filled again with the correct data.
Configuring a User ID (access to modules)
When registering to the Portal, Suppliers are requested to choose a functional group according
to what they need to do on the Portal (as explained above). After having registered, Suppliers
can also request access to additional modules by adding a new functional group to their profile.
If you see a module in the Portal Menu but you cannot access it (it is grey on the Menu), it
means that the relevant Functional Group is missing in your profile and you need to add it. To
add a Functional Group to your profile, log in to the Portal and follow the steps:
MENU > My Profile > My Functional Groups, click on “+” in front of the desired
Functional Group:
Click on “Save”.
If the chosen Functional Group grants access to restricted modules, in order to see their
contents an approval from the Supplier’s CNH Industrial contact person will be needed. The
system will request you to provide their contact details:
In case the request if for Purchasing Documents functional group, the contact person must be
the buyer of reference, who will evaluate the request
In case it’s approved, the you will receive a confirmation from and
can start using the modules.
If you have any questions or issues, please send an e-mail in English to
Please refer to Supplier Portal Guidelines for additional information: MENU > Documents >
Supplier Portal Guidelines