Cocktails, 1898

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"Inasmuch as you will do this thing, it is best that

you do it intelligently."


Index ..
Apple Brandy Cocktail IS
Armour Cocktail IS
Brandy Cocktail I6
Brandy Cocktail-Old-Fashioned :i:6
Brandy Cocktail-Fancy I7
Brant Cocktail I7
Brown Cocktail I8
Calasaya Cocktail I8
Country Cocktail I9
Champagne Cocktail I9
Champagne Cocktail-Fancy 20
Chocolate Cocktail 20
Cider Cocktail 2I

Clam Cocktail .
Coffee Cocktail . 22

Gin Cocktail-Holland
Gin Cocktail-Old-Fashioned Holland
Gin Cocktail-Plymouth .
Gin Cocktail-Tom .
Gin Cocktail-Old-Fashioned Tom
Harvard Cocktail
Irish Cocktail
Jamaica Rum Cocktail
Jersey Cocktail
Liberal Cocktail
Manhattan Cocktail
Manhattan Cocktail-Dry
Manhattan Cocktail-Extra Dry
Marguerite Cocktail .
Martini Cocktail-No. r
Martini Cocktail-No. 2
Medford Rum Cocktail
Metropole Cocktail . .
Metropolitan Cocktail 31
Oyster Cocktail 32
Princeton Cocktail 32
Ridm~ Club Cocktail 33
Rob Roy Cocktail 33
Soda Cocktail 34
"' Star Cocktail
Turf Cocktail
Vermouth Cocktail 35
Vermouth Cocktail-Dry 36
Vermouth Cocktail-Fancy 36
Vermouth Cocktail-French 37
Whiskey Cocktail 37
Whiskey Cocktail-Fancy 38
Whiskey Cocktail-Old-Fashioned 38
Whiskey Cocktail-New York 39
Yale Cocktail 39
COCKTAIL is an appetizer or stomach
stimulant and differs from other drinks
in that it is supposed to contain Bitters.
It is the purpose of this book to give
the rules for the mixing of simple and well-
known cocktails. As to rules for fancy
cocktails there is no end, and the addition
of the various ingredients for sweetening
and blending of fancy cocktails has been
left to the taste of the mixer.
A dry cocktail is one in which very little,
if any, sweetening is used, and is best for

people who are constrained as to the use of
Cocktails should always be made in a
glass with cracked ice, stirred with a spoon,
and sufficient ice should be used so that when
the drink is served the melting of the ice
will cause the drink to be at least one-third
water. The finer the ice the quicker it dis-
solves in the liquor, and hence the colder
the drink.
A cocktail should never be bottled and
should always be made at the time of drink-
ing. A bottled cocktail might be likened

unto a depot sandwich-neither are fit for
use except in case of necessity.
The original cocktails were all made
from Gin, Whiskey or Brandy, and these
are the spirits used in almost every well-
known cocktail made to-day. The addition
of Vermouth "\vas the first move toward the
blending of cocktails and was the initial
feature that led to their popularity.
The measures referred to, namely, a
mixing-glass, a jigger, and a pony, hold the
following quantities :

A mixing glass holds r 2 ounces, 6 jig-
gers, or 24 medium size tablespoonfuls.
A jigger referred to in these rules holds 2
ounces, or 4 medium size tablespoonfuls.
A pony holds r ounce, or half a jigger,
or 2 tablespoonfuls.
The formulas are simple, practical, easy
to follow, and the ingredients are embraced
within the contents of the sideboard of
the average well-regulated household.
The cherry preserved in Maraschino and
the small green olive are often dropped in
the bottom of the cocktail glass. As to

whether the cherry or olive be used, it is a
matter of taste, but on general principles
the cherry should go with the sweet drink
and the olive with the dry. Neither the
cherry nor the olive should ever be served
with the drink without first learning whether
it is desired or not.
An old-fashioned yet attractive way of
serving a cocktail to ladies is the wiping of
the rim of the cocktail glass with lemon
peel and then dipping the rim in powdered
sugar, which leaves a frosty decoration on
the rim of the glass.

Angostura Bitters may be used in place
of Baker's where mentioned in these rules,
if preferred, but never more than one-half
the quantity.
Orange Bitters may be used in con-
junction with the other bitters mentioned,
or alone, and the addition of a dash or two,
more or less, of these bitters is far from
being objectionable, as in the case of the
more pungent bitters.
The writer has no caution to give as to
any extras that may be added ; the
only special suggestion he has to off er

being-always make cocktails mild and avoid
too many bitters.
The tinkle of the ice-the delightful
odor of the lemon peel-the fragrance and
flayor of this ice-cold appetizer, what an
apology it has been for cold soup and over-
done entree !
Apple Brandy Cocktail.
MIXING-GLA S half-full fine ice, two dashes Bitter
Apple Br. nd)
Peyschaud or Boker's bitters, one jigger apple I em n peel
brandy. Mix and strain into a cocktail-glass. Add
a piece of twisted lemon peel.

Armour Cocktail.
~ I~ E ice in mixing-glass, three dashes orange Bitter
bitters, half a jigger sherry, half a jigger Italian h rry
Italian Vermouth
vermouth. Mix, strain into cocktail-glass. Add a Or, 'lge peel
piece of orange peel.
Brandy Cocktail.
yrup U MIXTNG-GLA. S half-full fine ice, two dashes
Hitt r
Br ndy
W gum-syrup, two dashes Peyschaud or Doker s
I emon peel bitters, one jigger brandy. ~Iix and train into
cocktail-glass. Add a piece twisted lemon peel.

Brandy Cocktail- Old-Fashioned.

'ugar lrf RUSH lump of sugar in a "hiskey-glass with
Bitters ~ sufficient hot water to cover the sugar, aclcl one
Lemon p el
Brandy lump ice, two clashes bitters, a mall piece lemon peel,
one jigger brandy. Stir with small bar-spoon. Serve
leaving spoon in the glass.

Brandy Cocktail- Fancy.
[fJ ILL a mixing-glas. half-full fine ice, add th ree \Jaraschino
dashes :\1araschino, two da.hes Pey chaud or Ritter
Baker's bitter , one jigger brandy, one da h orange Lemon
u ar
bitters. Mix. 'train into cocktail-glass, the rim of
which has been moi tened with a piece of lemon and
dipped in powclered sugar.

Brant Cocktail.
IXING-GLAS · half-full fine ice, two cla hes An- Ritt rs
Creme de menthe
gostura bitters, one-third of a jigger White Brandy
Creme de men the, two-thirds of a jigger brandy. Mix Lemon pe;el
well. . 'train into cocktail-gla s; twist a piece of
lemon peel over the top.

Brown Cocktail.
Ritt r ILL mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add three
Holland c~in
I r nch Vc rmouth dashes Boker's bitters, one-half jigger Holland
I n11n peel gin, one-half jigger French vermouth; shake until
cold. , 'train into cocktail-glas ; twi t a small piece
lemon peel on top.

Calasaya Cocktail.
(ala aya m ALF a jigger Calasaya, half a jigger whiskey,
Whi k y
Lemon petl one small piece lemon peel, half a mixing-glass
full fine ice. .:Vlix well and strain into a cocktail-
gla s.

• Country Cocktail.
MIXING-GLA S half-full fine ice, two dashes Bitter
Lemon pet"l
of orange hitters, two da hes Boker's bitter , Whiskey
one piece lemon peel, one jigger rye whiskey-no
sweetening. Mix and strain into a cocktail-glass.

Champagne Cocktail.
UT into a long thin glass one lump cut-loaf .'u •ar
sugar saturated with Boker's bitters, add one Lemon peel
lump of ice, a fair sized piece of lemon peel; fill the l hampa ne
glass three-fourths full cold champagne. Stir with
spoon and serve.


Champagne Cocktail- Fancy.
ugar NTO a long thin gla s, put two lumps of ugar;
Bitt r
Lemon wet one of the lumps with Peyschaud bitters.
Champagne Add th ree lumps of ice and the rincl of a lemon.
Catch one end of the lemon rind on the edge of the
gl a s. Fi ll the glas nearly full\\ ith colcl champagne.
tir with a bar-spoon and serve.

Chocolate Cocktail.
Egg Iii REAK a fre h egg into a mixing-glass, half
Port wme full fine ice, add one da h bitters, one jigger
L'ugar port wine, one tea poonful fine sugar. Shake well
and train into a cocktail-glass.


Cider Cocktail.
ATURATE a lump of cut-loaf sugar with Baker's , ugar
Bitt r
bitters. Place it, with one lump of ice and a Lemon p·cl
small piece of lemon peel, in a thin cider-glass, then Cider
fill up with cold cider. Stir with spoon and serve.

Clam Cocktail.
Iii UT into a large cocktail-gla s a half-dozen little- ( l,un.
lemon jui c
ll,,i neck clams with all their liquor, season with Toba., s.1u t

pepper an<l salt to ta te; adcl two clashe lemon-juice,

one da h Toha co sauce, and a very little cayenne
pepper. 'ervc with mall fork or spoon in glass.
Coffee Cocktail.
u •r ILL a mixing-glass half-full of fine ice; add
Port w111e one teaspoonful of powdered white sugar, one
Brandy fresh egg, one pony port wine, one pony of brandy.
hake thoroughly and strain into a large cocktail-
glass. Grate a little nutmeg on top before serving.

Gin Cocktail- Holland.

R1ttcrs IXING-GLA S half-full fine ice, two dashes
it~Nii1 c.rn Boker's or Peyschaud bitters, two dashes gum-
Lemon p e1 syrup, one jigger Holland gin. Mix; strain into a
cocktail-glass. Add a piece of twisted lemon peel.

Gin Cocktail- Old -Fashioned Holland.
UT a lump of sugar in a whiskey glass; add , ugar
enough hot water to cover the sugar. Cru h the Le•non pee!
sugar; add a lump of ice, two da hes Boker's bitters, Holland Um
small piece of lemon peel, one jigger of Holland gin.
Mix with small bar-spoon and serve with spoon in

Gin Cocktail- Plymouth.

[ff IXING-GLA S half-full fine ice, three dashes Bitter
Plymouth Uin
l[M orange or Peyschaud bitters, one jigger Ply- I cmon peel
mouth gin. Mix well, strain into cocktail-glass. Add
a small piece lemon peel.

Gin Cocktail- Tom.
Tom l;in
l mon pe l m A VE mixing-glass half-full fine ice; add twn
da ·hes Peyschaud or Baker's bitters, one jigger
Tom gin. Mix well, strain into cocktail-glass anc.l
add a mall piece of lemon peel.

Gin Cocktail- Old-Fashioned Tom.

u ar IX same as Old Fashioned I lollaml Gin Cocktail,
I emon peel using Old Tom gin in place of Holland.
Iom Cin
Harvard Cocktail.
IXIXG-GLASS half-full of fine ice; one cla h .'yrup
B1tt r
_ gum-syrup, three dashes Boker's bitter , half a It.1h.m r 1 u h
jigger Italian vermouth, half a jigger of brandy.
, Mix and strain into a cocktail-glass, then fill up "ith
'cltz r

seltzer and serve quickly.

l Irish Cocktail.
IXING-GLA S half-full fine ice, three dashes
orange bitters, two clashes Ilorsforcl's acid
phosphate, one-half jigger whiskey, one-half jigger
Italian vermouth. Mix well, strain into cocktail-glass.
Jamaica Rum Cocktail.
IXING-GLASS half-full fine ice, two da he
gum-syrup, two dashes orange bitters, two
dashes Baker's bitter , one jigger Jamaica rum. ~1ix
and strain into cocktail-gla Adel a small piece
twisted lemon peel.

Jersey Cocktail.
r UT one lump of ice in thin cider-glass. Add
1tt r
l n p one-half tablespoonful fine sugar, two dashes
1d r
Boker's bitters, one piece lemon peel. Fill up vvith
cold cider. tir well, and drink while effervescent.
Liberal Cocktail.
ILL a mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add one •rup
<la h syrup, half a jigger Picon bitters, half a \ l 1 key
jigger whi key. Mix, strain into cocktail-glass. A 'emon p el

small piece of lemon peel on top.

Manhattan Cocktail.
Ii! I LL mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add two yrup
lhtt r
lJ da hes gum-syrup, two da hes Boker's bitters, lt.tlian V rmouth
one-half jigger Italian vermouth, one-half jigger Whi'
I emun peel
whi key. l\lix, strain into cocktail-glass. Add a
piece of lemon peel.
Manhattan Cocktail- Dry.
1th ,
lU: REPARE ame as Manhattan Cocktail, leaving
out syrup.

Manhattan Cocktail- Extra Dry.

~ IX ame as l\lanhattan Cocktail. Leave out
syrup, and use French vermouth in place of
Marguerite Cocktail.
~ ALF a mixing-glass full of fine ice, three dashes Bitter
Plvm ut (.111
of orange bitters, one-half jigger of Plymouth I ren h\ rm Jth
gin, one-half jigger of French vermouth. Mix, strain
into cocktail-glass. Place an olive in the bottom of
glass and serve.

Martini Cocktail- No. I.

ALF a mixing-glass full fine ice, three dashes Bitttr
orange bitters, one-half jigger Tom gin, one- ltalwn \er u •11th
half jigger Italian vermouth, a piece lemon peel. I cmon pe
:\1ix, strain into cocktail-glass.
Martini Cocktail- No. 2.
ILL mixing-gla s half-full fine ice. Add two
clashes Boker's bitters, one-half jigger Tom
gin, one-half jigger Italian \ermouth, half a teaspoon-
ful sherry, piece of lemon peel. ~lix, and strain into
cocktail-gla s.

Medford Rum Cocktail. •

rup AVE mixing-gla. half-full fine ice. Add dash
But r
ledf r Run gum- yrup, two dashe Boker's bitters, one jig-
m n p I
ger Medford rum. Mix and strain into cocktail-glass.
Add a piece of twisted lemon peel.

Metropole Cocktail.
A VE a mixing-gla s half-full fine ice, add two yru1
dashes gum-syrup, two dashes Peyschaud bit- Brand,
ters, one dash orange bitters, half a jigger brandy, Ir m h \' m )Uth
J.cmon pc l
half a jigger French vermouth. Mix, strain into
cod.tail-glass, add small piece twisted lemon peel.

Metropolitan Cocktail.
• [
WO lumps of ice in a small wine-glass, add yr-1p
three dashes gum-syrup, two dashes Boker' Brandy
Fren1,;h \ ermouth
bitter , one pony brandy, one pony French vermouth. I c111011 p e!
ll1ix, take out the ice, add a small piece twisted lemon


Oyster Cocktail.
FEW dashes lemon juice in a tumbler, add a
cla h of Toba co auce, a tea poonful of vin-
egar, a few da hes tomato catsup, six Dlue Point
oysters, with all their liquor; season to taste with
pepper and salt. 11ix and serve \\ ith small fork or
spoon in the gla

Princeton Cocktail.
MIXI G-GLA half-full fine ice, three da hes
orange bitter , one and a half pony Torn gin.
Mix, strain into cocktail-gla s; add half a pony port
wine carefully and let it settle in bottom of cocktail
before serving.

Riding Club Cocktail.
~ IXI TG-GLAS half-full fine ice, one dash An- Bitters
1 p osphat
gostura bitters, a small bar-spoonful Horsford's < aln ,1 a "'
Acid Pho phate, one jigger Calasaya. Mix and strain
into cocktail-glass.

l{ob l{oy Cocktail.

ILL a mixing-glass half-full fine ice. Add two I •1ttt:r

t dashes Boker's bitters, one-half jigger Scotch

whiskey, one-half jigger Italian vermouth. Mix and
'11t h
lta .m 11 outh
I mon \WI
II ke

strain into cocktail-glass. Place a small piece lemon

peel on top.

Soda Cocktail.
E teaspoonful fine ugar in a large bar-gla s,
one lump of ice, three dashes Peyschaud bit-
ter-, one piece lemon peel; add one bottle of plain
or lemon soda. :\1ix and drink during effervescence.

Star Cocktail.
ILL a mixing-glass half-full fine ice, add two
da hes gum-syrup, three dashes Peyschaucl or
Baker's bitters, one-half jigger apple brandy, one-
half jigger Italian vermouth. Mix, strain into cocktail-
glass, twi t small piece lemon peel on top.

Turf Cocktail.
Irr NE dash Angostura bitters, three dashes orange 1t r
~l bitters, one jigger Tom gin in a mixing-glass n
half-full fine ice. Mix, strain into cocktail-gla ;
add a piece twisted lemon peel.

Vermouth Cocktail.
IXING-GLASS half-full fine ice, two da hes
Boker's or Peyschaud bitters, one jigger Italian
vermouth. ~Iix well, strain into cocktail-glass; add
a piece lemon peel.

Vermouth Cocktail- Dry.
I R EPARE same as Vermouth Cocktail, using
French vermouth in place of Italian; twist a
piece lemon peel over top.

Vermouth Cocktail- fancy.

A VE mixing-glass half-full fine ice. Add three
da hes Maraschino, two dashes Boker's bitters,
one jigger Italian vermouth and one dash orange
bitters. Mix and strain into cod.tail-glass, the rim
of which has been moistened with a piece of lemon
peel and clipped in powdered sugar.
Vermouth Cocktail- French.
[ili HREE dashes orange bitters in mixing-glas
U half-full fine ice; add one jigger French ver-
mouth. Mix well, strain into cocktail-gla s; add a
piece twisted lemon peel on top.

Whiskey Cocktail.
IXI TG-GLA half-full fine ice, two dashes ~ ru
gum-syrup, two dashes Peyschaud bitters, one \\'I
jigger whiskey. Mix, strain into cocktail-glass; add 1 em •1 pt

a small piece of twisted lemon peel.

Whiskey Cocktail- Fancy.
A VE mixing-gla s half-full fine ice. Add two
da hes Maraschino, bvo da hes Boker's bitter ,
one jigger "hiskey, one <la h orange hitters. Mix
until very cold. Strnin into cocktail-gla s, the rim
of which has been moistened with a piece of lemon
peel and dipped in powdered sugar.

Whiskey Cocktail- Old· Fashioned.

UT a lump of sugar in a whiskey glass; add
enough hot water to cover the sugar. Crush the
sugar; add a lump of ice, two da hes Boker's bitters,
mall piece of lemon peel, one jigger whiskey. ~1ix
with mall bar-spoon and serve with spoon in glass.
Whiskey Cocktail- New York.
ILL mixing-glass half-full fine ice. Add two
dashes Boker's bitters, one-half jigger whiskey,
one-half jigger Italian vermouth, half a teaspoonful
sherry, piece of lemon peel. ~1ix, and train into

Yale Cocktail.
ILL a mixing-glass half-full fine ice, three dashes l>ttter
I emon t>
orange bitters, one dash Peyschaucl bitters, a TomG
piece lemon peel, one jigger Tom gin. Mix, strain · ltz r
into cocktail-glass; add a squirt of siphon seltzer.

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