1.1 agency’s operations or practices, as charged by the Governing Body, but having
no proprietary interest in the program or service or actual managerial or
administrative authority.
1.3 Appeal Advisory Board: A group that makes recommendations regarding any aspect
of the individual appointed by the Governing Authority to act in its behalf in the overall
management of the substance abuse program. The Chief Administrative Officer shall
serve as the administrator of the agency. See Section 3.3
1.10 Client: Any individual who has applied for, or has received services such as an
assessment, diagnosis or treatment in a substance abuse program.
1.12 Clinician: A person who is qualified through education, training, experience, and
licensure to provide treatment services.
1.16 Contracted staff: Contracted staff persons are independent contractors, including
but not limited to, consultants, affiliate counselors who provide clinical services for
a licensed agency, and per diem staff who work on an infrequent and irregular
1.17 Co-occurring Disorder (COD): Clients with co-occurring disorders have any
combination of any mental health problem with any substance abuse problem or
gambling disorder.
1.20 Counseling: The interaction between a clinician and a client for the purpose of
facilitating and sustaining behavior change. Counseling results in the
establishment and clarification of goals for future behavior, and is based upon an
objective, individualized treatment plan derived from an assessment of the
treatment needs of the client.
1.21 Critical Incident: Critical incidents shall include, but not necessarily be limited to,
adverse or potentially adverse occurrences that imperil life, limb or well-being, that
seriously breach agency policy, or that breach client rights.
1.22 Deemed Status: The Division of Licensing and Regulatory Services determines
whether an accreditation body’s standards are the same or similar to these
licensing regulations, and whether to deem a provider to be in compliance with
some or all of these licensing regulations based upon a review of the findings of an
accreditation body approved by the Licensing Authority.