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Accept any appropriate answer not mentioned in this hey.
Testes should not be penalised for spelling and yrammae ristakes in the comprehension section.
A. TRUE OR FALSE: (3 pts) (1 pt each: 0.5 pt for the right choice and 0.5 pt for the right justification.
Consider the justification only if the choice is correct. Quotes from the texts are acceptable.)
1. F. He was accompanied by three people.
2. T. .... are not totally safe/any accident can be deadly
4. T. It's possible that the prices will go down.
, NHQUESTIONS: (3 p:1 preach)
In (July) 2021.
2. He answered common questions about life in space/he did some fun activities to encourage interest in space.
3, because offthanks to improvement in technology and infrastructure,
C. SENTENCE COMPLETION: (3 pts; I pt each)
1... make successful commercial flights to space. /start space commercial trips,
2. 4 gO to the moon (on a trip with Space X company.)
3. 2 gotorbe spent on food, schools and hospitals
D. PICK OUT: (2 pts; I pt each)
1, made me excited (and gave me some comfort.)
2. just for the spectacular view or for fun,
WORD MEANING: (2 pts; 1 pteach) 1, passengers seared
. WORD REFERENCE: (2 pts; 1 pteach) |. International Space Station’ Station’space 2. (the) Earth
A. GAP FILLING: (2 pis; 0.5 pt cach) Ltake — 2,stealing 3. bring about 4, which
B, GAP FILLING: (1 pt; 0.5 pt each) ts 2.eare
C. WORD FORM: @ pts; 1 pt each) decision — 2. healthy/tealth ful
VERB TENSE: (2 ptsi 05 pt each) Havas = had already fed / already fed
2.will have flown 3-had
E, SENTENCE REWRITING: (4 pts; I pt each)
are not / aren't made...
he was going to visit Janetle in hospital
vathey had known about the party, they would have gone there.
continue his studies in the USA/study in the Lav
pteach) Lc (Ofcoursenot!) 2. a (E'm so sorry to hear that)
Ipteach) Accept any correct ard appropriate answer
M1, WRITING (10. POINTS: Task 1: 4 pts; Task 2: 6 pts)
‘The following criteria should be respected while scoring the writing tasks.
Scoring criteria Task 1 Task?
[Relevance of content to the task 2 pls —ipts
‘Approprinieness and variety of vocabulary 1 pt Pets
Grammar and mechanies Tpt Ipt
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