Ethics Reviewer
Ethics Reviewer
Ethics Reviewer
3) Cosmology - the scientific study of the universe DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ETHICS AND MORALITY
on the largest scales of space and time,
Etymologically, there is no difference between presupposes correct thinking and reasoning. Doing
ethics and morality, because both Ethics and Morality follows thinking.
comes from the Latin word mos or moris, which means
2) Ethics and Psychology
custom. However, there is a slight difference between
ethics and morality. Ethics provides man with - Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and
theoretical knowledge of the morality of human act cognitive mental process. Both involve the study of
while morality actualizes the theory. Morality is nothing man, human nature, and human behavior.
else but doing of ethics.
3) Ethics and Sociology
RELATIONSHIP OF ETHICS TO OTHER SCIENCES - Man’s artistic creation must have a noble purpose,
which should not be offensive to morality. A piece of art
1) Ethics and Logic should reflect beauty and must inspire every person
who sees it.
- Logic is the science and art of correct reasoning. Ethics
is the science of good and proper living. But good living
3) Moral Courage - a result of morally developed
will. It is the capacity to initiate and sustain
your resolve whenever you are certain of doing
the good.
4) Gawa and Gawi
8) Ethics and Political Science
Gawa - refers to the free action that is oriented towards
- Political Science is the study of state and government. a particular end. For example, a worker uses his/her
Politics covers the administration and management of free imagination and will to bring about services and
our government. products that contribute to the well-being of society.
- Politics is also concerned with the material needs of - As governed by free decisions making, the creative
man while ethics is primarily concern with the spiritual workers embrace all the information he/she can gather
needs of man, these two are inseparable. to effectively realize his/her purpose.
- Politics is not bad at all, if it used properly; the Gawi -refers to the free kind of work. However, instead
politicians must set aside their personal interest and of focusing on a particular end like a product or
rather promote the general welfare of the citizens. fulfillment.
Values - are beliefs or ideals shared by the member of a While it is true that Filipinos have their own sense
culture about what is good or desirable and what is not. of values and valuing system, it is also an accepted fact
It strongly influences the behavior of an individual and that these distinct values came from the universal
serve as board in all situation. human needs and wants. For instance, everyone in the
world has a want to own a car. However, how serious
Root of Filipino Values - there are three known origins
the Filipinos are on this want may be different from that
of the Filipino values: (1) lifestyles (2) human nature and
of the Americans.
(3) cultural inclination
Morality develops across a lifetime and is Stage 1: Good Boy / Good Girl Orientation
influenced by an individual's experiences and their
- In this stage, children want the approval of others and
behavior when faced with moral issues through
act in ways to avoid disapproval. Emphasis is placed on
different periods of physical and cognitive development.
good behavior and people being nice to others.
Morality in itself is often a synonym for rightness or
goodness. It refers to a certain code of conduct that is Stage 2: Law and Order Orientation
derived from one's culture, religion or personal
- In this stage, the child blindly accepts rules and
philosophy that guides one's actions, behaviors and
convention because of their importance in maintaining
thoughts. In the modern day, empirical research has
a functioning society. Rules are seen as being the same
explored morality through a moral psychology lens by
for everyone, and obeying rules by doing what one is
theorists like Sigmund Freud and its relation to cognitive
supposed to do is seen as valuable and important.
development by theorists like Jean Piaget, Lawrence
Kohlberg, and B. F. Skinner. 3) Post-conventional - where a person’s sense of
morality is defined in terms of more abstract
principles and values. People now believe that
LEVELS OF MORAL REASONING some laws are unjust and should be changed or
1) Pre-conventional - where a child’s sense of
morality is externally controlled. Children STAGES OF POST-CONVENTIONAL LEVEL OF MORAL
accept and believe the rules of authority REASONING
figures, such as parents and teachers.
1) Stage 1: Social Contract Orientation
- In this stage, the world is viewed as holding different
opinions, rights, and values. Such perspectives should
Stage 1: Obedience/Punishment Orientation be mutually respected as unique to each person or
community. Laws are regarded as social contracts
- focuses on the child’s desire to obey rules and avoid
rather than rigid edicts.
being punished. For example, an action is perceived as
morally wrong because the perpetrator is punished; the 2) Stage 2: Universal Ethical Orientation
worse the punishment for the act is, the more bad the
- In this stage, moral reasoning is based on abstract
act is perceived to be.
reasoning using universal ethical principles. Generally,
Stage 2: Instrumental Orientation the chosen principles are abstract rather than concrete
and focus on ideas such as equality, dignity, or respect.
Conscience - refers to the inner sense or consciousness
of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one’s own
conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling
of obligation to do right or to be good.
Human acts - are actions that proceed from the deliberate CLASSIFICATION OF HUMAN ACT
free will of man. In a broader perspective, it refers to any
activity performed by man freely and knowingly. Moral 1) Human Act in relation to the Will
philosophy, however, treats of the term human acts not in its
- actions which are started, performed, and completed by the
broader but in its stricter meaning. Moral philosophy,
will either by the will alone or through other faculties which
therefore, understands human act as actions that are proper
are under the control of the will.
only to man. These actions are those which man does not
share with the brutes, because human acts are rational and 2) Human Act in relation to Reason
willed acts.
- actions that are either in agreement or in disagreement with
Acts of man - are man’s actions which man shares with the reason.
brutes. These are actions that proceed without man’s
deliberate free will such as the beating of the heart,
palpitating, salivating, breathing, winkling of an eye, etc. All KINDS OF HUMAN ACTS IN RELATION TO THE WILL
these activities do not need man’s freedom and will.
1) Elicited Acts - actions which are started in the will,
performed by the will, and are completed by the will
ELEMENTS OF HUMAN ACTS as a sole agent without bodily involvement.
5) Consider Consequences Health - refers to the state of the body, which enables it to
perform every function, which can reasonably expected of it,
Filter your choices and separate the ethical from the to accommodate itself to each ordinary tasks.
unethical choices bearing in mind both your motives and the
potential consequences of your action. Think of long-term Personal Health Responsibility - Taking charge of one’s own
consequences and act in accordance with the principles of health is an essential step in disease prevention as well as
justice and fairness. protocols for healing and recovery from disease. It involves
active participation in one’s own health and healing plan
6) Choose through education and lifestyle changes. One needs to be
sensitive about the importance of good health. A simple
Make a decision. If the choice is hard to make, try
everyday exercise, avoiding alcohol and tobacco and illegal
consulting others who may have knowledge or experience of
drugs, proper hygiene, enough rest like 8-hour sleep, eating in
your situation. Find people with virtuous character and
proper time and a balance diet are few things that we can do
compare your reasoning with their moral analysis.
for our body. People should think more on prevention not on
7) Monitor and Modify cure. Diseases may be avoided if everyone is conscious about
what they do, since most diseases are acquired as a product
Monitor what happens after your decision and have
of unhealthy lifestyle. Part of personal responsibility to health
enough humility to modify your actions or behavior as
is to know their family history, this is one way to determine
necessary. Pride may get in the way of admitting that you
hereditary illnesses which can be avoided in the future. In our
might have not thought out a decision will be enough.
country, several measures have been enacted to instill health
awareness and impose personal responsibility towards
health. Like the anti-smoking campaign, discouragement to
Moral Character Traits - those dispositions of character for take medicines without medical prescription, and
which it is appropriate to hold agents morally responsible. A encouragement to seek medical assistance and services from
trait for which the agent is deserving of a positive reactive licensed physician. Abusing one’s body violates God’s
attitude, such as praise or gratitude, is a virtue. They are not commandments. It is a common belief that our body comes
just dispositions to engage in certain outward behaviors; they from God – we are tasked to take care of it and not to destroy
can also be dispositions to have certain emotions or it. It is owned by God and it is for our love one and
affections. In order for a moral character trait to be a virtue, it fellowmen.
must not only be in accord with the relevant moral norms,
use them to serve God. One’s body and life belong to God,
and we are only entrusted to use it in order to accomplished
His will like stewards. It is intrinsically evil to do things that
will harm our health.
1) Suicide - literally derived from Latin word suicide 5) Alcoholism - an act of drinking alcoholic drinks at a level
combining the pronoun for self and a verb for to kill. Thus, that interferes with physical health, mental health, and social,
suicide in essence, is an act of human being intentionally family, or job responsibilities. The Bible does not prohibit the
causing his or her own death. drinking of alcoholic beverages. What it does condemn is
drinking excessively which can be associated with gluttony.
OTHER METHODS OF SUICIDE Alcoholism will always be regarded as immoral if it is a habit.
Blunt Force Trauma 6) Abortion - refers to the termination of a pregnancy by the
Exsanguinations removal or expulsion from the uterus or embryo resulting in
Internal Drowning or causing its death.
Intentional Starvation 1. Spontaneous Abortion - often the body’s way of
preventing the birth of a defective child, although
sometimes they are due to maternal health
2) Sterilization - refers to the procedure performed to stop problems.
fertility permanently, in either male or female. It is 2. Induced Abortion - results from the planned
considered as the most reliable and most commonly used interruption of a pregnancy. It prevents a conception
type of contraception. Sterilization is done either to the male from becoming a live birth.
or female through operation. Operation on women is 3. Therapeutic Abortion - refers to abortions thought
commonly called tubal ligation as the procedure aims to necessary because of fetal anomalies or to protect
occlude or ligate the fallopian tubes. Male sterilization on the the health of the mother when a birth might be life
other hand, is achieved by the operation of vasectomy; threatening or physically damaging.
cutting or legating, on both sides the vas deferens, which 4. Elective or Voluntary Abortion - refers to the
transport sperm from the testicles to the penis. interruption of a pregnancy before viability at the
woman’s request for reasons other than fetal
3) Euthanasia - usually refers to the act of quickening death anomalies or maternal risks.
for a merciful motive. Euthanasia, however, is different from
5. Legal Abortion and Illegal Abortion
suicide because death is not a certain in suicide; while the
opposite is true for euthanasia. A legal abortion is a procedure performed by a licensed
physician intended to terminate a suspected or known
intrauterine pregnancy. An Illegal abortion is induced by
someone who is not a physician, or self-induced.
1. Passive Euthanasia - refers to the rights of the patients to 7) Selling Organs for Transplants - refers to exchanging
refuse life support, medicines, and medical procedures. It is organs for money or other valuable considerations which
said that it is more widely accepted because there is no law leads to commoditization of the human bodies and
that forces an individual to receive involuntary life support. exploitation of the poor for the benefit of the rich.
4) Drug Addiction - the state of periodic and chronic ARISTOTLE’S SHORT BIOGRAPHY
intoxication detrimental to the individual and to the society,
Aristotle was born in the Greek colony of Stagira in
produced by the repeated consumption of a drug. The Bible
Macedonia. Nicomachus, his father was a student of natural
teaches that Christians should take care of their bodies and
history and an eminent physician, who served under Amytas virtuous character is the result of the proper combination of
II, King of Macedonia, father to Philip the Great. practical wisdom and habituation in the pursuit of the mean.
Common Good - In philosophy economics, and political IN NON-WESTERN MORAL AND POLITICAL THOUGHTS
science, it refers to either what is shared and beneficial
for all members of a given entity. One understanding of The idea of a common good plays a role in
the common good rooted in Aristotle's philosophy Confucian political philosophy, which stresses the
remains in common usage today, referring to what one importance of the subordination of individual interests
contemporary scholar calls the good proper to, and to group or collective interests, or the mutual
attainable only by the community, yet individually dependence between the flourishing of the individual
shared by its members and the state. In contemporary and the flourishing of the group.
economic theory, a common good is any good which is
rivalrous yet non-excludable, while the common good
arises in the subfield of welfare economics refers to the
outcome of a social welfare function. John Rawl defines
the common good as certain general conditions that are
given equally to everyone's advantage. Respect for the person
The social well-being and development of the
Social Choice Theory - It aims to understand processes Peace and security
by which the common good may or may not be realized
in societies through the study of collective decision
rules. Egalitarian Concept - a trend of thought in political
philosophy. An egalitarian favors equality of some sort:
People should get the same, or be treated the same, or 3) Third Theme - The correctedness of personal
be treated as equals, in some respect. Egalitarian cultivation and social responsibility.
doctrines tend to rest on a background idea that all 4) Fourth Theme - Each of the great Asian traditions,
more or less, outlines a path to enlightenment.
human persons are equal in fundamental worth or
5) Fifth Theme - These traditions give human beings a
moral status. So far as the Western European and
path to awaraness of the true order of all things.
Anglo-American philosophical tradition is concerned, 6) Sixth Theme - These great teachings offer paths of
one significant source of this thought is the Christian harmony with oneself, with others, with nature, and
notion that God loves all human souls equally. In with the Transcendent.
modern democratic societies, the term egalitarian is
often used to refer to a position that favors, for any of a
wide array of reasons, a greater degree of equality of Buddhism - One of the well-known religion of eastern and
income and wealth across persons that currently exists. central Asia growing out of the teaching of Siddharta
Gautama. The basic doctrines of early Buddhism, which
remain common to all Buddhism, include the four noble
There are six identified common themes which can be drawn The central Buddhist teaching of non-self (anatman)
from the great Asian spiritual and intellectual traditions. asserts that in the five aggregates no independently
existent, immutable self, or soul, can be found.
1) First Theme - One can immediately notice that
religious thought is intertwined with philosophical Buddhism accepts the pan-Indian presupposition of
and ethical thinking. There is no real separation of samsara, or rebirth provided by one's previous physical
beliefs about the transcendent and the cosmos, and mental actions. The release from this cycle of
including the traditional mythical belief. rebirth and suffering is the total transcendence called
2) Second Theme - The essential elements that binds Nirvana.
the intellectual traditions is love and compassion.
Confucians, everyday life was the arena of religion. One
side of Confucianism was the affirmation of accepted
Hinduism - the world’s oldest existing religion. It
values and norms of behavior in primary social
embraces many religious ideas. For this reason, it’s
institutions and basic human relationships. All human
sometimes referred to as a way of life or a family of
relationships involved a set of defined roles and mutual
religions, as opposed to a single, organized religion.
obligations. Confucius not only stressed social rituals,
Most forms of Hinduism are henotheistic, which means
but also humaneness (ren). Ren, sometimes translated
they worship a single deity, known as Brahman, but still
love or kindness, is not any one virtue, but the source of
recognize other gods and goddesses. Followers believe
all virtues. Confucius taught that humanity exists in an
there are multiple paths to reaching their god. Hindus
inter-relationship between heaven and earth. Heaven is
believe in the doctrines of samsara- the continuous
seen as the guiding force, giving direction to change and
cycle of life, death, and reincarnation, and karma - the
progress, while earth provides the natural context and
universal law of cause and effect. One of the key
seasonal changes.
thoughts of Hinduism is atman, or the belief in soul. This
philosophy holds that living creatures have a soul, and
they’re all part of the supreme soul. The goal is to
Christianity - a religion that is primarily based on the
achieve moksha, or salvation, which ends the cycle of
birth, life, death, resurrection and teaching of Jesus
rebirths to become part of the absolute soul. One
Christ. The beginning of the Christian religion and the
fundamental principle of the religion is the idea that
Christian church began with Jesus Christ and His
people’s actions and thoughts directly determine their
apostles. Christianity began in the 1st century AD after
current life and future lives. Hindus strive to achieve
Jesus died, as a small group of Jewish people in Judea,
dharma, which is a code of living that emphasizes good
but quickly spread throughout the Roman empire.
conduct and morality. The primary sacred texts, known
Despite early persecution of Christians, it become the
as the Vedas, were composed around 1500 B.C. The
largest of the world’s religions and, geographically, the
Vedas are made up of:
most widely diffused of all faiths. It has a constituency
The Rig Veda of more than two billion believers. Its largest groups are
The Samaveda the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox
Yajurveda Church, and the Protestant Church. At its most basic,
Atharvaveda Christianity is the faith tradition that focuses on the
figure of Jesus Christ. In this context, faith refers both to
Hindus believe that the Vedas transcend all time and the believers’ act of trust and to the content of their
don’t have a beginning or an end. The Upanishads, the faith. As a tradition, Christianity is more than a system
Bhagavad Gita, Puranas, Ramayana and Mahabharata of religious belief. It also has generated a culture, a set
are also considered important texts in Hinduism. of ideas and ways of life, practices, and artifacts that
have been handed down from generation to generation.
4. Stage 4. The Emergent Ethical Organization Applied Theology - We are told; everything in the universe is
a creation of God. In the ladder of God’s creation man is on
- This type of organization actively seeks greater balance
top of it. Utilizing the environment for the needs of man
between profit and ethics. It recognizes the existence of a
makes man accountable to God for what they did to their
social contract between business and society.
5. Stage 5. The Ethical Organization
Anthropocentrism - Human is the center of the universe.
- This type of organization is characterized by an organization- Under the Anthropocentrism all the other entities in the
wide acceptance of a common set of ethical values that global community come to be for the existence of man
permeates the organization’s culture. These core values guide
the everyday behavior of an individual’s actions.