Module 1: Lesson 1 The Study of Philosophy and Ethics Philosophy Epistemology
Module 1: Lesson 1 The Study of Philosophy and Ethics Philosophy Epistemology
Module 1: Lesson 1 The Study of Philosophy and Ethics Philosophy Epistemology
Philosophy Epistemology
The term philosophy is taken from two Greek It is the branch of philosophy that deals with
words, philos and sophia which literally mean the theory of knowledge – its sources, kinds,
love of wisdom. It seeks to find out the true and reliability. It is concerned with the
meaning of life and the importance of it, the definition, sources kinds, and criteria of
desire to understand the existence of knowledge possible, and the degree to which
everything. each is certain.
➢ Ethics and Law Laws imposed by the society must be fair, just,
and humane. It must be for the welfare of the
➢ Ethics and Art majority of the people and not offensive to
➢ Ethics and Political Science morality. There is a difference between what is
moral and what is legal.
Ethics and Logic
Thee legal covers only the external acts of man;
Logic is the science and art of correct reasoning. the moral governs even the internal acts of
Ethics is the science of good and proper living. man, such as the volitional and intentional
But good living presupposes correct thinking activities of the will and mind.
and reasoning. Doing follows thinking.
Ethics and Art
Ethics and Psychology
Man’s artistic creation must have a noble
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior purpose, which should not be offensive to
and cognitive mental process. Both involve the morality. A piece of art should reflect beauty
study of man, human nature, and human and must inspire every person who sees it.
Ethics and Political Science
Ethics and Sociology
Political Science is the study of state and
Sociology is the scientific study of society and government. Politics covers the administration
culture while Ethics is concerned with the moral and management of out government.
order, which also includes social order.
Politics is also concerned with the material
Society exists because of the observance of needs of man while ethics is primarily concern
moral laws that makes sociology dependent on with the spiritual needs of man, these two are
Ethics. Both are complimentary, norms and inseparable.
cultures of the people which are the basis of
ethical standards of a particular society.
Politics is not bad at all, if it used properly; the Character
politicians must set aside their personal interest
It is an evaluation of an individual's
and rather promote the general welfare of the
stable moral qualities. The concept
of character can imply a variety of attributes
Module 1: Lesson 2 including the existence or lack of virtues.
According to deontological theories, morality is Emotions can get out of control if not regulated
primarily a function of duties or obligations, by laws, customs, moral codes, professional
codes and even the rules of etiquette.
Rules are considered as an essential stabilizing ➢ Single Agent and Multi-person
force that enhance the survivability of
individuals, families and nations.
Epistemic Dilemma
It involves situations wherein two or more
It is a situation where a person is forced to
moral requirements conflicted with each other
choose between two or more conflicting
and that the moral agent hardly knows which of
options, neither of which is acceptable. As we
the conflicting moral requirements takes
can see, the key here is that the person has
precedence over the other.
choices to make that will all have results she
does not want. In other words, under the epistemic dilemma,
the moral agent in this situation does not know
Ethical Dilemma
which option is morally right or wrong.
It is a decision-making problem between two
Self-imposed Dilemma
possible moral imperatives, neither of which is
unambiguously acceptable or preferable. This is caused by the moral agent’s wrong
In ethical dilemma, the complexity arises out of
the situational conflict in which obeying would Obligation Dilemma
result in transgressing another.
This pertains to a particular situations in which
There are three identified conditions that must there are more than one feasible actions is
be present for situations to be considered moral obligatory,
Single Agent Dilemma
First, the person or the agent of a moral action
is obliged to make a decision about which The moral agent is compelled to act on two or
course of action is best. Here, the moral agent more equally the same moral options but
must choose the best option and act he/she cannot choose both.
accordingly. The Sources of Morality
Second, there must be different courses of ➢ The Object
action to choose from. Hence, as already
pointed out above, there must be two or more ➢ The Intention of the Agent
conflicting options to choose from for moral ➢ The Circumstances
dilemmas to occur.
The Object
Third, no matter what course of action is taken,
some moral principles are always compromised. It is the aim or goal of a certain action.acquired.
To make an act morally good, it’s object or aim
Types of Moral Dilemma must conform to the law of God or the
➢ Epistemic Dilemmas: Self-imposed conscience of the doer of the action must attest
and world-imposed dilemmas
Prohibition Dilemmas
The Intention of the Agent
The Circumstances