Biology Jamb Past Question

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Biology 1983
1. Root hairs are developed from the … A. a protein B. a carbohydrate, C. a fat
A. root apex B. epidermis of roots D. a fatty acid and glycerol E. an amino acid.
C. vascular bundles D. endodermis
E. pericycle 10. Which of the following elements are necessary for the
formation ofchlorophyll in a plant?
Use Fig. 1 to answer questions 2-4 A. Magnesium and iron B. Calcium and potassium
Fig 1 C. Calcium and sulphur D. Potassium and sulphur
E. Phosphorus and potassium.

11. Which of the following statements is NOT true of

mammalian erythrocytes?
A. They have haemoglobin B. Theyappear yellow
when looked at singly C. They are disc-shaped
D. The cells are more numerous than leucocytes
E. Theyhave nuclei at maturity.

12. In woody plants, gases and water vapour are

transported across the stems by the
Fig 1 represents a cross-section of a part of a A. xylem fibres B. medullaryfibres C. medullaryrays
dicot plant. D. phloemfibres E. phloem parenchyma.
2. Which of the following features can be used to
identify Fig 1? 13. Which of the following substances is NOT found in
A. Position of 7 B. Its circular nature C. Number of 5 urine?
D. Presence of 3 E. Width of 2. A. Water B. Sodium chloride C. Nitrogenous compounds
D. Calcium chloride E. Nitrogenous salts.
3. The main function of 6 is to
A. separate 5 from 7 B. produce more of 5 and 7. 14. The kidneys of all vertebrates act as osmo
C. produce cork D. translocatewater and mineral salt regulators. This means that they
E. conduct carbon dioxide to the other parts. A. keep the composition of the plasma constant
B. regulate osmotic processes C. Control the volume of
4. The main function of 4 is to blood entering the kidneys D. decrease the osmotic
A. surround the inner tissues B. produce cork pressure of blood E. increase the osmotic pressure of
C. produce root hairs D. produce lateral roots blood.
E. produce more of 3.
15. The movement of part of a plant in response to
5. In a dicot leaf, guard cells differ from other external stimulus of no particular direction is
epidermal cells because they A. taxism B. tropism C haptotropic movement
A. have no definite shape B. lack nuclei D nastic movement E. phototropism
C. are smaller D. contain chloroplasts E. lack vacuole.
16. The part of the mammalian brain responsible for
6. Which of the following structures is NOT found in the maintaining balance is the
femaleagama lizard? A. medulla oblongata B. olfactory lobe
A. Pre-anal pads B. Eardrum C. Gular fold C. cerebellum, D. cerebrum E. frontal lobe.
D. Nasal scale E. Nuchal crest. 17.

7. Herbs differ from shrubs because they

A. do not produce fruits B. are useful to herbalists
C. do not become woody D. are onlyannuals E. are
only perennials.

8. If an isolated living cell is left in distilled water for two

hours, it is likelyto Fig vertical section of onion bulb.
A. lose some of its water to the surrounding water
B. lose all of its water to the surrounding water Which of the labelled parts in Fig 2 will develop into a
C. reproduce by binary fission D. become more turgid. new bulb? A. 1 B. 4 C. 2 D. 3 E. 5.
E. die due to excess water.
18. In the onion bulb, food is stored in the
9. If an organic compound has its Hydrogen: Oxygen A. stem B. lateral buds C. cotyledons
ratio as 2:1, it is likely to be D. outer scale leaves E. leaf bases.
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19. Groundnut is not really a ‘nut’ in the biological sense 32. Starting from the skull end, the vertebrae are
because arranged in the following order:
A. it is harvested from inside the ground B. its pericarp A. axis, atlas, cervical, thoracic and limbar
is not hard and tough. C. the fruit is succulent B. atlas, cervical, axis, thoracic and lumbar
E. it is an achene. C. atlas, axis, thoracic, cervical and lumbar
D. atlas, axis, cervical, thoracic and lumbar
20. What type of fruit is formed from a single flower E. atlas, thoracic, cervical axis and lumbar.
having several free carpels?
A. multiplefruit B. Simplefruit C. Aggregatefruit 33. Which of the following diseases could be
D. Dehiscent fruit E. Indehiscent fruit. exclusively associated with a river basin?
A. Malaria B. Syphilis C. Onchocerciasis
D. Cholera E. Poliomyelitis.
21. A 28g soil sample was heated to a constant weight
of 24g. When further heated to red hot and cooled, 34. Which of the following represents the evolutionary
it weighed 18g. What is the percentage of hurmus sequence in these plants? 1. Flowering plants, 2.
in the soil? Ferns, 3. Mosses, 4. Algae, 5. Conifers.
A. 22.2 B. 55.6 C. 75.0 D. 25.9 E. 35.7. A. 21435 B. 5 43 2 1
22. Which of the following diseases is NOT caused C. 24513 D.
by a virus? 32451 E.
A. Rinderpest B. Maize rust C. Newcastle disease 43251
D. Swine fever E. Cassava mosaic disease.
35. Which of the following will NOT allow osmosis to
23. A centipede differs from a millipede by its take place?
A. colour B. numerous abdominal segments A. pig’s bladder B. Cellophane C. Parchment paper
C. paired legs on each abdominal segment D. Transparent polythene E. Cow’s bladder.
D. poison claws E. cylindrical body.
36. Which of the following statements on the
24. An organism having one pair of identical genes is mammalian circulatory system is Not true?
A. a heterozygote B. a hybrid C. an allelomorph A. Blood in the pulmonary artery is richer in
D. a homozygote E. a diploid oxygen content than blood in the pulmonary vein
25. Plants which can survive in places where the water B. The blood in the hepatic portal vein is the richest in
supply is limited are food substances. C. Blood flow is controlled by
A .bryophytes B.mesophytes C. xerophytes valves in the veins D. Arteries are generally
D.hydrophytes E. pteridophytes. thicker and larger than veins. E. Fibrin helpsin the
26. Banana, plantain and pineapple can be grouped formation of blood clot.
together because they 37. In a positive phototropic response of a coleoptile, the
A. produce small seeds B. are multiple fruits region of greatest curvature is brought about by the
C. produce suckers D. haverunners E. have bulbils. A. movement of auxins away from theregion of
curvature, B. even distribution ofauxins in all
27. One disease NOT caused directly by bacteria is parts of the coleoptile, C. inhibition ofgrowth
A.malaria B. tuberculosis C. pneumonia D. tetanus byauxins in the region of smaller curvature
E. cholera. D. concetrationn of auxins in the region of curvature E.
28. In what order do the following structures develop absence of auxins in the coleptile.
during the metamorphosis of thetoad? 1. External gills
2. Internal gills 3. Forelimbs 4. Hindlimbs 5. Mouth. 38. The tuber of cassava is NOT a stem tuber because it
A. 1 2 3 4 5 B.1 5 2 4 3 C. 1 3 4 5 D. 5 3 4 1 2 A. is distended with food reserve B. has an aerial
E. 54 32 1. shoot portion C. has other structures that
29. The dental formular i 3/3: c 1/1: pm4/4: m2/3 = 42 could be called roots D. lacks axillarybuds
represents that of a E. has a bark over its stored food.
A. rabbit B. full grown man C. young child
D. dog E. sheep. 39. The function of the ossicles (maleus, incus and
30. Which of the following statements is NOT true of stapes) in the mammalian ear is the
insectivorous plants? A. transmission of vibrations B. regulation of
A. They obtain part of their food by trapping and pressures C. support ofthe inner ear
feeding on insects B. Theyattract insects simply D. maintenance of balance during motion
because of pollination. C. They can grow in soils poor E. secretion ofoil.
in nitrogenous salts. D. They can supplement the
nitrogen supply by feeding on insects E. Examples 40. Which of the following instruments is used for
include butterworts, sundews and pitcher plants. determining turbidity of water?
A. Thermometer B. Secchi Disc C. Rain gauge
31. Which of these worms is beneficial to man? D. Hygrometer E. Wind vane.
A. Hookworm B. Tapeworm C. Roundworm
D. Earthworm E. Guniea worm. 41. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of
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monocot plants?
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A. occurrence of secondary thickening B. Parallel 47. When a Spirogyra cell is immersed in a salt solution
venation C. Scattered vascular bundles more concentrated than its cell sap, it
D. Floral parts arranged in threes, E. Periath is A. remains unchanged B. takes up water and burst
usually insignifdicant C. absorbs a little water D. loses water and shrivel
42. Which sequence represnts the correct order of E. becomes turgid.
organism in a food chain? 1. Toad, 2.Mucuna, 3.
Grasshopper, 4.Snake, 5.Hawk. 48. Urea is produced in the
A. 5 4 1 3 2 B. 1 2 3 4 5 A. liver, B. Ladder, C. spleen, D. kidneys. E. gall bladder
C. 2 1 3 4 5 D. 2 3 1 5 4
E. 2 3 1 4 5 49. What is the genetic ration of the F2 generation if members
43. In Rhizopus, carbonhydrate is stored in the form of of F generation are allowed to self-pollinate?
A. glucose B. paramylon C. glycogen D. starch E. oil A. 1tall: 3short B. 3 tall:1 short C. 1 tall: 1 short
44. Which of the following statements about the rate D. 4 shorts: 0 tall E. 4 tall:0 short
of transpiration is INCORRECT? It is 50. The path taken by glucose from the ileum to the heart is
A. dependent on temperature B. affected by changes in A. ileum hepatic portal vein hepatic artery vena
light intensity C. unaffected by humidity cava heart. B. ileum hepaticportal
D. dependent on air movement E. affected by artery hepatic artery venacave heart.
availability of water. C. ileum hepatic portalvein vena cava heart
45. ‘Jointed skeleton’ is absent in the D. ileum hepatic vein vena cava heart.
A. cockroach B. spider C. millipede D. snail E. ileum hepatic portal vein hepatic vein vena cava
E. dragon fly. heart.

46. Which of the following statements about the

definition of man is Incorrect? Man has
A. more molars than incisors B. no diastema
C. the same number of teeth on upper and lower jaws
D. a total of thirty-two teeth E. a total of six molars.

Biology 1984
1. The mouth part of the housefly are adapted for 6. Which of the following is INCORRECT? The
A. lapping and sponging. B. sucking and chewing. prothallus of a fern
C. piercing and sucking. D. chewing and lapping. A. is a flattened heart-shaped structure.
E. biting and chewing. B. is green because its cells contain chloroplasts
C. is the dominant plant D. bears the sexual organs
2. The male toad differs from the female by having E. is attached to the ground by numerous rhizoids.
A. vocal sacs. B. shorter hind limbs.
C. longer fore limbs. D. bulging eyes. 7. Which of the following cell constituents is NOT
E. nictating membrane. common in both plants and animals?
A. Mitochondria B. Chloroplasts
3. Mosses, liverworts and ferns can be grouped C. Ribosomes D. Golgi apparatus
together because they E. Vacoules.
A. areall equatic plants. B. all growin deserts.
C. are seedless plants. D. have undifferentiated plant 8. The character-producing factors in living organisms are
bodies. E. all produce colourless flowers. A. chromomeres B. alleles C. chromatids
D. chromosomes E. genes.
4. Spirogyra and Mucor can be grouped together as
Thallophyta because. 9. A mixture of mercurous and mercuric nitrates is added
A. theyare unicellular organism B. their spores to a food substance. A white precipitate is formed
could be dispersed by wind C. they are capable which on gentle heating turns red. The food
of living independent lives D. they reproduce sexually substance is
only E. their bodies are made up of thallus and A. protein B. oil C. Carbohydrate
filaments alternatively. D. Fat E.Fatty acid.

5. Which of the following invertebrates does NOT 10. Themammalian organ through which nourishment
possess antennae? and oxygen diffuse into a developing embryo is called
A. Centipede B. Crustacean C.Millipede A. amnion B. chorion C. umbilical cord
D. Insect E. Spider D. oviduct E. placenta
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11. Fig 1 represents a quill feather. The structure labelled 20. A man with a normal haemoglobin (AA) marries a
“M” is the woman who has sickle-cell haemoglobin (SS).
A. quill B. rachis C. superior umbilicus They have a child who has sickle-cell trait. Which
D. inferior umbilicus E. aftershaft of the following genotypes could be associated
with the child’s haemoglobin ?

21. In a Biuret test, some protein was mixed with sodium

hydroxide solution. Which of the following
chemicals should be added to the mixture for a
positive result?
A. Mercurous nitrate B. Copper sulphate
C. Mercuricnitrate D. Sodium carbonate
E. Ammoniumhydroxide

12. Osmosis can be defined as the movement of 22. The removal of a man’s pancreas by surgical
A. molecules from solution of high concentration operation can affect only the digestion of
to low concentration B. molecules from solution of A. starch B. starch, protein and fats
low concentration to ]high concentration C. oils and fats D. proteins
C. water from solution of high concentration to low E. carbohydrate and fats.
concentration D. Water across a semi-permeable
membrane from solution of lowconcentration to high 23. The parts used by tapeworm to fasten itself to the
concentration E. water across a semi-permeable host’s intestine are the
membrane from solution of high concentration A. neck and suckers B. hooks and suckers
to low concentration C. rostellum and suckers
D. young proglottis and neck E. rostellum,
13. Which of the following statements is NOT true of hooks and suckers.
enzymes? They
A. are proteins B.need cofactors to activate them Use Fig 2 to answer questions 24 - 25
C. are sensitive to hydrogen ion concentration
D. are specific in their action
E. can withstand high temperatures.

14. The dorsal and anal fins of fish are used for
A. upward movements B. controlling rolling
movements C. downward movements
D. steering E. buoyancy.
Fig 2. transverse section of a fowl’s egg
15. Exoskeleton is NOT found in the
A. maggot B. mosquito larva C. earthworm 24. The young chick is formed from
D. caterpillar F. termite A. 3 B. 3 and 4 C. 1,3 and 5 D. 2 E. 4

16. Blood clotting is initiated by 25. Which parts provide food for the developing chick?
A. leucocytes B. platelets C. haemolymph A. 2 and 3 B. 4 and C. 3 and 4
D. haemoglobin E. erythrocytes D. 2 and 5 E. 1 and 2

17. Pepsin is a digestive enzyme which breaks 26. Which of the following types of vertebrate occur
A. cellulose into glucose molecules in equal numbers in the rabbit, rat and man?
B. carbohydrates into simple sugars A. Caudal B. Thoracic C. Lumbar
C. protein into peptones D. fats into glycerol D. Cervical E. Sacral
and fatty acids E. sucrose into glucose and
fructose. 27. Which of the following statements is NOT true of
18. Anaerobic respiration in yeast produces the piliferous layer of a root? It
A. carbondioxide and ethanol B. carbondioxide and A. has a very thin cuticle B. is the outermost
water C. carbondioxide and oxygen layer of the cortex C. may bear root hairs
D. carbondioxide and glucose E. ethanol and water D. breaks down as the root ages
E. is replaced by cork in old roots.
19. Underground stems which grow horizontally 28. A flowering plant is monoecious if
through the soil are A. the androecium is found on one plant
A. blubs B. rhizomes C. runners B. the gynoecium is monocarpous
D. corms E. stolons C. it produces essential organs D. the gynoecium
and androecium are on the same plant
E. theflowers areunisexual
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29. How many nuclei are found in a pollen tube during 41. Green plants are important in the ecosystem
fertilization? because they are
A. 2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6 E. 7 A. primary consumers B. producers
C. decomposers D. secondary consumers
30. Which of the following is NOT a waste product of plants? E. scavengers.
A. Tannis B. Oxygen C. Carbondioxide
D. Sap E. Alkaloids 42. An anenometer is an instrument for measuring
A. relative humidity B. altitude C. wind speed
31. If an animal is very active and has good muscular D. turbidity E. salinity.
control, it is likely to have well-developed
A. olfactory lobes B. cerebral hemispheres 43. Which of the following is NOT regarded as a
C. optic lobes D. cerebellum E. spinal cord pollutant on land or in the air?
A. Noise B. Smoke C. Sulphur dioxide
32. Which of the following adaptations is NOT D. Carbon monoxide E. Nitrogen
concerned with the flight of birds?
A. Streamlined shape B. Presence of powerful muscles 44. Which of the following groups of factors is
C. Reduced body weight D. Broad sternum completely abiotic?
E. Webbed feet. A. salinity, tide, plankton, turbidity
B. Temperature, pH, soil insect
33. The transect method can be used in ecology to show the C. Wind, altitude, humidity, light
A. number of plants and animals in a habitant D. Conifers, winds, pH, rainfall
B. population of a plant species E. Soil, water, bacteria, salinity
C. distribution of organisms along a line
D. heights of trees in a section of a forest 45. Which of the following lists of diseases, their
E. number of young plants across a forest. causes and transmission is CORRECT?
A. Cholera, virus, severediarrhoea, infected water.
34. Asexual reproduction does NOT occur in B. Malaria, protozoan, high fever, contact with infected
A. Mucor, Spirogyra and Paramecium person C. Syphilis, virus, veneral disease, sexual
B. Penicillium, Paramecium and Amoeba intercourse D. Smallpox, virus, skin with blister,
C. Mucor, Rhizopus and penicillium close contact with infected person. E. Sleeping
D. Amoeba, spirogyra and Mucor sickness, bacteria, tiredness, headaches and dozing,
E. Rhizopus, Ascaris and Amoeba. tsetse fly bite

35. Fehling’s solution will readily change colour from 46. Erosion can be reduced along a slope by
blue to a reddish colour when it is A. ridging across slope B. ridging up slope
A. mixed with sugar solution in the cold C. ridging down slope D. crop rotation
B. warmed or heated byitself E. bush fallowing system.
C. mixed with reducing sugar in the cold
D. warmed or heated with a complex solution
E. warmed with a solution of reducing sugar. 47. If a handful of soil is shaken with water and left to
settle, the soil particles will settle from light to
37. Normally the flow of blood is NEVER from heavy particles as follows:
A. arteryto arterioles B. arterioles to capillaries A. humus, clay, silt, sand, stones B. humus,
C. capillaries to venules D. arterioles to the artery silt, clay, sand, stones C. humus, clay silt,
stones, sand D. humus, sand, silt, clay, stones
E. venules to the vein
E. clay, humus, silt, sand, stones.
38. Heat produced in tissue respiration in plants is 48. Denitrifying bacteria in nature liberate gaseous
A. a chemical from of energy B. the only form of energy nitrogen directly from
C. the main form ofenergy D. a useful form of energy A. ammonium salts B. soil nitrates
E. a waste from of energy. C. thunderstorms D. soil nitrites
E. plant and animal proteins.
39. The axial skeleton of a mammal does not include
the bones of the 49. Leaching is
A. skull B. tail C. limbs D. back E. neck. A. washing away of humus from the soil surface
B. reduction of soil aeration by pressure
40. Which of the following sequences represents the C. soil erosion bymeans other than rainfall
process of blood clotting? 1. Fibrin forms a network of D. loss of organic matter due to exposure to
direct sunlight E. washing out of chalk and limestone
threads 2 Red blood cells are caught and a clot is formed
from upper layers of soil by heavy rains
3. Fibrinogen in plasma changes into solube fibrin 4.
Blood is exposed to air. 50. The process of soil erosion is usually from
A. 4,3,2,1 B. 4,3,1,2 C. 3,1,4,2 D. 1,2,3,4 A. rill sheet gully B. gully rill sheet
E. 3,1,2,4. C. sheet gully rill D. sheet rill gully
E. rill gully sheet
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Biology 1985
1. In Spirogyra, the pryrenoid 12. A group of similar cells performing the same
A. excrete waste products B. is suspended by function is
cytoplasmic strands C. is mainly used for A. an organ B. a system C. a tissue
respiration D. usually containsstarch D. an organelle E. an enzyme.
E. makes the plant slimly to touch.
13. Which of the following is common to a dicotyledonous
2. In which of the following groups of animals are stem and a monocotyledonous root?
flagella and cilia found? A. Medullary rays B. Central pith
A. Flatworms B. Annelids C, Coelenterates C. Wide cortex D. Narrow cortex
D. Protozoa E. Nematodes E. Pericyclic fibres.

3. Which of the following is seed bearing? 14. Which of the following represents the sequence
A. Mosses B. Whistling pine of protein hydrolysis? 1.Polypeptides 2.Amino
C. Algal filamentsD. Livewort acids 3. Proteins 4. Peptones
E. Fern fronds. A. 3124 B. 3 2 4 C.
3421 D. 3412
4. Each of the following is an arthropod EXCEPT the E. 3142
A. crab B. spider C. snail D. millipede
E. cockroach 15. A food substance which produces red colouration
with Sudan III contains
5. In fish the sense organs which detect movements A. protein B. sugar C. starch
in the water are located within the D. cellulose E. fat.
A. gills B. operculum C. nostrils D. median fins
E. lateral line. 16. If calcium is deficient in food this may cause
A. anaemia B. retarded growth
6. Euglena is an autotrophic organism because it C. sterility D. goitre E. beri-beri
A. has flagella B. has plant and animal features
C. is found in water D. can manufacture its food 17. Partially digested food ready to leave the stomach
E. moves fast. is referred to as
A. chyme B. curd C. glycogen D. paste
7. Which of the following is NOT true of Mucor? It E. roughage
A. contains chlorophyll B. grows saprophytically
C. bears spores in sporangium 18. The function of lymph nodes is to
D. consists of hyphae A. supply oxygen B. filter out bacteria
E. reproduces by conjugation C. form red blood D. supply amino acids
E. supply simple sugars
8. Byrophytes are different from flower because they
A. live in moist habitats B. are small plants 19. The vein which returns blood from the head and
C. reproduce sexually and a sexually arms to the heart is called
D. have small leaves A. aorta B. inferior vena cava C. superior vena cava
E. have no vascular tissues. D. pulmonaryvein E. pulmonary artery.

9. At what stage in the life history of a toad is its 20. Blood platelets are important because they
mode of breathing similar to that of a fish? A. are amoeboid and nucleated B. produce
A. Tadpole stage B. External gill stage antitoxins C. produce antibodies
C. Adult stage D. Internal gill stage D. digest harmful bacteria E. release thrombin
E. Larval stage. for blood clotting.

10. In lower plants like mosses, the structure which performs 21. If a child can receive blood from all donors, he
the functions of roots of higher plants is called belongs to the blood group
A. root hairs B. rootlets C. hyphae A. O B. A C. B D. AB E. AS.
D. rhizoids E. thalli.
22. Which of the following events does NOT occur
11. In an angiosperm leaf, the xylem is during anaerobic respiration of glucose?
A. beside the phloem B. surrounded by the phloem A. Muscle cell produce lactic acid B. Carbon
C. above the phloem D. around the phloem dioxide is produced C. Milk bacteria produce
E. in separate bundles from the phloem. lactic acid D. Energy is not produced
E. Germinating seeds produce alcohol.
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23. Identifywhich of the following are characteristics of 34. The characters by which an organism is recognized are
the vertebrate respiratory surface 1. Moist 2. Vascularized termed its
3. Semipermeable 4. Freelypermeable 5. Dry A. phenotype B. genotype
A. 1,2,3 B. 1,2,5 C. 2,3,5 D. 2,4,5 E. 1,3,5. C. morphology D. anatomy E. physiology.

24. In mammals, the function of the sebaceous gland is to 35. The hereditary material in a cell is known as
A. produce sweat B. secrete sodium A. ADP B. CNS C. RNA D. ATP E. DNA.
C. secrete water D. produce an oily substance
E. manufacture vitamin D for the skin. 36. A young plant showing yellow leaves is likely to
be deficient in
25. Which of the following organs regulates the A. calcium B. magnesium C. potassium
amount of amino acids and glucose in the body? D. boron E. molybdenum.
A. Kidney B. Liver C. Pancreas D. Spleen
E. Stomach. 37. Germination which results in the cotyledons being
brought above ground is called
Use thediagrambelow to answer questions 26 and27 A. hypocotyls B. epicotyl C. epigeal
D. hypogeal E. plumule.

38. The mammalian endocrine system is responsible for

A. transmitting impulses B. regulating body
temperature C. regulating osmotic pressure ofblood
D. chemical co-ordination E. the manufacture of

39. An old man is likely to be long-sighted because

Fig. 1 age effects the
A. optic nerves B. retina C. ciliary muscles
26. Bowman’s capsules are located in the part labelled D. cornea E. aqueous humour.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 F. 6
40. In a mammal, stimulus is transferred from thereceptor
27. Re-absorption of useful materials takes place in muscle to the central nervous system through the
the parts labeled. A. motor neurons B. effector muscles
A. 1 and 3 B. 3 and 5 C. 5 and 6 C. dendrites D. sensory neurons E. synapses.
D. 6 and 7 E. 2 and 4
41. A relationship between living organisms which is
28. Movements and positions of the head in man are of mutual benefit is
detected by the A. parasitism B. saprophytism C. ecosystem
A. cochlea B. malleus C. utriculus D. symbiosis E. commensalisms.
D. semicircular canals E. outer
42. Which of the following food chains is in the correct
29. The appendicular skeleton is made up of the sequence?
A. limbs B. skull and limbs C. phalanges A. Weeds Tadpoles Beetles Fish Man
D. ulna and radius E. girdles and limbs. B. Weeds Tadpoles Fish Beetles Man.
C. Tadpoles Beetles Weeds Man Fish
30. The maize grain is a fruit and not a seed because it D. Man Fish Beetles Tadpoles Weeds
A. has a large endosperm B. is formed from an ovary E. Fish Beetles Tadpoles Weeds Tadpoles.
C. is a monocotyledon D. has no plumule and radicle
E. has a hypogeal germination. 43. The primary and secondary hosts respectively of
bilharzia are
31. If a flower is protandrous then it A. fish and man B. man and dog C. snail and man
A. must be unisexual B. has an undeveloped D. man and snail E. fish and snail
anroecium C. has no anroecium D. must
be insect pollinated E. can prevent self- 44. Which of the following is NOT caused by bacteria?
pollination. A. Cholera B. Gonorrhoea C. Tuberculosis
D. Onchocerciasis E. Typhoid.
32. For pollen to be released in Crotalaria the insect
must depress the 45. Tsetse fly is harmful to man because it is associated
A. wing B. keel C. standard D. antepetalous with the spread of
stamen E. antesepalous stamen. A. river blindness B. malaria C. sleeping sickness
D. leprosy E. dysentery.
33. Irish potato is a
A. bulb B. tap root C. rhizome D. root tuber
E. stem tuber.
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46. Soil erosion CANNOT be controlled by 49. Atmospheric nitrogen is directly replenished in
A. planting cover crops B. contouring of sloping nature through
ground C. terracing of slopes A. the activities of denitrifying bacteria
D. laying of mulch E. burning of bush B. the breakdown of ammonium salts in the soil
C. the activities of nitrifying bacteria
47. Water retention ishighest in soils which are rich in D. the activities ofnitrogen-fixing bacteria in root nodules
A. sand, poor in humus and devoid of clay E. egestion, death and decay
B. clay and sand, but poor in humus
C. clay and humus, but poor in sand 50. The initial volume of water poured into a bag of
D. clay, poor in humus and devoid of sand dry soil was 50ml and the amount that drained
E. Sand and humus, but poor in clay through was 35ml. The percentage water content
of the fully soaked soil is therefore
48. The origin of mineral particles in the soil is A. 46.7 B. 25.0 C. 20.0 D. 30.0 E. 58.3.
A. humus B. water C. micro-organisms
D. weathered rock E. organic matter

Biology 1986
1. Viruses are regarded as non-living because they 10. When the original king and queen of termites die,
A. can neither reproduce asexually nor sexually they are replaced by
B. cannot survive in their respective environments A. the king and queen of another colony
C. do not possess characteristics to the next B. some adult reproductives from the same colony
D. can neither respire nor excrete. C. some adult workers which are specially fed to breed.
D. Developing nymphs nurtured as secondary
2. Which of the following pairs are fully adapted to reproductives.
terrestrial life?
A. Ferns and algae B. Ferns and mosses 11. The male cockroach differs from the female by having
C. Bryophyte and flowering plants.
D. Flowering plants and conifers. A. mandibles B. a pair of styles C. spiracles
D. a pair of cerci.
3. Which of these animals is radically symmetrical?
A. Squid B. Hydra C. Snail D. Cockroach. 12. The fins making up the limbs of the bony fish are
A. caudal and ventral B. ventral and pelvic
4. Which of the following has cones? C. pelvic and pectoral D. pectoral and dorsal.
A. Angiosperm B. Gymnosperm C. Pteridophyte
D. Bryophyte . 13. The stem differs from the root in having the xylem
and phloem strands
5. For effective functioning of a bird’s quill feather, A. on the same radii B. scattered C. on alternate radii
hooks fit on the ridges of the D. towards the pith.
A. vane B. rachis C. barbules D. barbs. 14. Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis has been
demonstrated to come from
6. Which of the following is NOT true of Spirogyra? A. carbon dioxide B. air C. water D. chlorophyll.
A. Reproduces by conjugation B. Reproduces by
fragmentation C. Consists ofbranchedfilaments 15. Which of these is a trace element?
D. Consists of unbranched filaments A. Iron B. Copper C. Calcium D. Sulphur.

7. Which of the following lacks chaetae, tentacles 16. The main organic substances found in the human
and antennae? body are
A. Snail B. Crab C. Millipede D. Earthworm. A. carbohydrates, proteins and salts B. salts,
fats and proteins C. fats, carbohydrates and
8. Incomplete metamorphosis in the proteins D. salts, fats and carbohydrates.
A. butterfly B. grasshopper C. mosquito
D. housefly 17. Which of the following elements is essential for
the formation of haemoglobin?
9. Fishes are cold-blooded because their body A. Sodium B. Potassium C. Calcium D. Iron.
temperature is
A. constantly low B. constantly high 18. The severe deficiency of vitamin C leads to
C. dependent on that of their surroundings A. kwashiorkor B. beriberi C. pellagra D. scurvy
D. regulated at will
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19. In addition to the high calories derived from fats A. keep moving so that the venom will ooze out with
and oils, they are bleeding B. wash the wound with water containing
A. used in producing newcells B. necessary for enzyme antiseptic C. bandage the wound so that germs do
formation C. used as insulators from cold not get in through it D. keep still and apply a
D. required for growth tourniquet above the wound.

20. The extract from a food substance reacting with 30. Deamination occurs in the
sodium hydroxide and copper sulphate solutions A. kidney B. pancreas C. spleen D. liver.
will produce violet to purple coloration if
A. fats are present B. carbohydrate is present 31. In the mammalian skin, melanin and keratin are
C. protein is present D. reducing sugar is present. contained in the
A. sebaceous gland B. sweat gland
21. The three important organs that are situated close C. subcutaneous layer D. malpighian layer.
to the stomach are
A. kidney, liver and gall bladder B. pancreas, liver and 32. Two main distinguishing features of the cervical
kidney C. liver, kidneyand spleen D. gall bladder, vertebra are the presence of
pancreas and spleen. A. short neural spine and vertebraterial canal
B. prezygapophysis and cervical ribs
22. Evidence that a tooth is a living part of the C. large centrum and cervical ribs
mammalian body can be found within the D. vertebraterial canal and large centrum
A. gum B. pulp cavity C. cement D. enamel.
33. Nastic movement is
23. Blood circulation in a mammal is said to be double A. response to light stimulus B. non-directional
because C. directional D. response to internal stimulus
A. it passes twice through the heart in the complete
circuit B. it moves in both arteries and veins Use the figure below to answer questions 34 to 36
C. it circulates in both the heart and other organs
D. the heart contains auricles and ventricles

24. Which is the correct order of water loss from the

leaf? 1 Mesophyll 2 Veins 3 Substomatal cavity4 Stomata
A. 3 2 1 4 B. 2 3 1 4
C. 2 1 3 4 D. 1 2 3 4.

25. The aperture between the left auricle and the left
ventricle is guarded by the
A. auricular valve B. tricuspid valve
C. ventricular valve D. bicuspid valve. Vertical section of a maize grain

26. A major limitation in the use of the potometer for 34. Which of the labelled parts will develop into a
measuring the rate of transpiration is that new maize plant?
A. it ismade ofbreakable glass material A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5.
B. it measures therate of water intake measures the rate of water loss through the stem 35. The structure labelled 1 is the
only D. the movement of the air bubble in the A. plumule B. radicle C. cell membrane
potometer cannot be timed accurately. D. seed coat

27. Which of the following statements is not correct 36. The main function of the structure labelled 2 is to
with respect to inhalation in mammals? A. protect the inner parts of the seed
A. intercostal muscles contract B. diaphragm is raised B. nourish the embryo and the growing parts
C. ribs are raised D. pressure of the thoracic cavity C. keep the inner parts moist
decreases. D. maintain the shape of the seed.

28. The equation that can be used to summarize the 37. Gestation in mammals is the period
process of anaerobic breakdown of sugar is A. required for growth after birth
A. C6H12O6+2C2H5OH + 2CO2 B. between the formation of the foetus and birth
B. 6CO2 + 6H2O ’! C6H12O6 + 6O2 C. of development from zygote to birth
C. C6H12O6 + 6O2 ’! 6CO2 + 6H2O+ energy D. before the formation of the zygote.
D. C6H12O6 ’! 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + energy.
38. If a woman who is a carrier of sickle cell trait (AS)
29. If a person is bitten by a snake on the leg, it is married a man who is a sickler (SS) and they had
advisable for the person four children how many of them would be normal
A. Three B. Two C. One D. None
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39. Which of the following is an example of
discontinuous variation? 45. Which of the following ecological factors are
A. Skin coloration B. Left-handedness common to both terrestrial and aquatic habitats?
C. Body weight D. Height A. Rainfall, temperature, light and wind
B. Salinity, rainfall temperature and light
40. The hormone which regulates the amount of C. Tides, wind, rainfall and altitude
glucose in the blood is called D. Ph, salinity, rainfall and humidity
A. adrenalin B. auxin C. insulin
D. thyroxine. 46. In a community, bacteria and fungi are referred to as
A. producers B. decomposers C. scavengers
41. An instrument that can be used to demonstrate D. consumers
phototropism and geotropism in plants is the
A. auxanometer B. potometer C. klinostat 47. The swollen shoot disease of cocoa tree is caused by a
D. photometer. A. virus B. fungus C. bacterium D. protozoan

42. In an ecosystem, animals which feed directly on 48. A large percentage of tropical soils tend to be
plants are called acidic because they
A. secondary consumers B. primary consumers A. contain large quantities of potash B. contain large
C. producers D. predators quantities of lime C. lose a high proportion of their
organic matter torunning water D. lose lime and
43. In an agricultural ecosystem, the biotic component potash from the top soil through rain action
consists of
A. crops, pest and beneficial insects B. crops, 49. The following are methods of soil conservation EXCEPT
temperature and humidity C. pests, beneficial A. contour terracing B. strip cropping
insects and water D. crops, water and soil. C. contour ploughing D. mixed grazing

44. Which of these diseases CANNOT be prevented 50. Samples of different soil types are packed in glass
by immunization? tubes whose lower ends are plugged with cotton
A. Poliomyelitis. B. Tuberculosis wool. If these tubes are suspended in a trough of
C. Cholera D. Onchocerciasis water, water will rise highest after a few hours in
A. sand B. loam C. clay D. humus.

Biology 1987
1. The function of endoplasmic reticulum is 6. A good example of a diploblastic organism is
A. protein synthesis B. intracellular transport of materials A. Amoeba B. Hydra C. Earthworm D. Roundworm.
C. digestion and destruction of foreign bodies
D. production of energy from glucose. 7. Thefunction of the clitellum in theearthworm is to
A. aid digestion B. prevent desiccation C. assist
2. Which of the following features of Euglena is locomotion D. secrete cocoon.
found only in animals?
A. Paramylum granules. B. Flagellum C. Pellicle 8. The crayfish is an arthropod because
D. Pyrenoid. A. its body consists of a cephalothorax and an abdomen
B. it has a pair each of antennae and antennules
3. An organism found on a bare rock surface has C. every segment of its body carries a pair of appendages
features of algae and fungi. The organism is D. its body is covered with an exoskeleton made of
A. an empiphyte B. a lichen C. a bryophyte D. a fern. chitin.

4. In a plant exhibiting alternation of generations, 9. The hypha of Rhizopus is said to be coenocytic

the diploid multicelluar stage is known as because it
A. gametophyte B. spermatophyte C. holophyte A does not contain chlorophyll B. has no cross walls
D. sporophyte. C. is vacuolated D. stores oil globules.

5. A characteristic that distinguishes bryophytes 10. In most true ferns sporangia are grouped into
from flowering plants is the A. indusium B. fonds C. prothalli D. sari.
A. possession of true stems and leaves B. ability
to reproduce asexually C. absence of vascular
tissues D. ability to grow in moist habitats.
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11. In the reproduction of mosses, water is essential because 21. One cubic centimeter of lymph is richer than an
A. they live in moist habitats B. they cannot equal volume of blood
reproduce without water C. the male gametes A. erythrocytes B. leucocytes C. amino acid
must swim to fertilize the ovum D. they D. glucose.
produce spores.
22. The oxidative part of the respiration process takes
12. In tapeworm, the two structures that run through place in the
the length of the body are the A. mitochondria B. ribosomes C. endoplasmic
A. nerve cord and the excretory duct B. sperm duct reticulum D. golgilbodies.
and the nerve cord C. genital pore and the
excretory duct D. sperm duct and the genital pore. 23. Fatigue of leg muscles may occur after riding many
kilometers on a bicycle because of
13. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of snails? A. insufficient glucose B. excess carbon dioxide
A. Bilaleral symmetry B. Chitinousexoskeleton C. excess protein D. insufficient oxygen.
C. Muscular foot D. Soft unsegmented body in a mantle.
24. The function of the loop of Henle is to
14. In the life history of a butterfly, destruction of A. increase theflow of urine B. concentrate amino
crops is caused by the acids in the kidney tissue C. concentrates sodium
A. maggot B. nymph C. caterpillar D. pupa. chloridein the medulla of thekidney
D. increasethe volume of urine.
15. The correct sequence of tissues in the anatomy
of a young dicotlydonous stem from the inside to Usethe informationinthegraphbelowto
the outside is answerquestion25 and26
A. pith, phloem, cambium, xylem, parenchyma,
collencyma and epidermis B. xylem, phloem,
cambium, cortex, endodermis, collenchyma and
epidermis C. pith, xylem, cambium, phloem,
collenchyma, parenchyma and epidermis
D. phloem, xylem, cambium, cortex, endodermis,
collenchyma and epidermis.

16. Secondary thickening is initiated in a

dicotyledonous stem by the 25. Which of the plants is likely to have broad leaves
A. xylem parenchyma B. secondary phloem with thin cuticle?
C. endodermis D. cambium. A R. B. S C. T D. U

17. In demonstrating the importance of mineral elements in 26. Which of the plants is likely to be a desert species?
the plants, the culture bottle must be darkened to A. U B.T C.S D. R.
A. prevent algal growth in culture solution
B. allowroot growth C. prevent breakdown of mineral 27. Sclerenchyma cells are lignified to
elements D. prevent photosynthesis in the root. A. strengthen and support the plant B. transport
synthesized food C. conduct water and salt
18. The vitamin which is important in the formation of D. protect the plant from injury.
the retina pigments is
A. vitamin A B. vitamin B C. vitamin C 28. The pineapple fruit is best described as
D. vitamin D. A. aggregate, succulent and indehiscent
B. aggregate, succulent and indehiscent
19. Which of the following lists of organs is directly C. multiple, succulent and indehiscent
involved in nutrition? D. multiple, succulent and dehiscent.
A. Oesophagus, bronchus, stomach, pancreas and
anus B. Spleen, pharynx, duodenum, jejunum and
rectum, C. Teeth, oesophagus, ileum lungs and
large intestine, D. Salivarygland, liver, stomach,
villi and colon.

20. In the standard experiment to show that oxygen is

given off during photosynthesis, sodium
bicarbonate is used to
A. neutralize the acid in water B. supply mineral salts to 29. The flower shown above is
water plant, C. supply carbondioxide for A. complete, regular, hermaphroditic with inferior ovary
photosynthesis D. Kill micro-organism in water. B. incomplete, regular, staminate with inferior ovary
C. complete regular, hermaphroditic with inferior ovary
D. incomplete, irregular, pistillate with superior ovary.
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30. A flower showing radial symmetry is said to be 43. The ratio of carriers to sicklers in the F1 generation
A. pentamerous B. protandrous C. protogynous derived from a parental cross of two carriers of
D. actinomorphic. haemoglobin S gene is
A.3:1 B. 1:3 C. 2:1 D. 1:2
31. A samara differs from a cypsela by having
A. an exended pericarp B. a hard pericarp 44. In which of the following crosses will all the
C. a pericarp fused with the seed coat female offspring be colour blind?
D. some hairy outgrowths on the pericarp. A. colour blind mother x colour blind father.
B. colour blind mother x normal father
32. The plantain reproduces asexually by C. carrier mother x colour blind father.
A. suckers B. buds C. fragments D. spores. D carrier mother x normal father.

33. Growth can best be determined in a population of 45. Which of the following relates to edaphic factors?
Spirogyra by measuring the A. The structure of the earth’s surface B. The
A. total lengths of the filaments B. total widths of influence of living organisms on each other.
the filaments C. rate of photosynthesis in the C. Temperature, rainfall and humidity
population D. dry weight of the organism. D. The influence of soils on plants and animals.

34. Most cells in higher animals retain their power of 46. Epiphytes growing on the branches of trees
division EXCEPT provide an example of the relationship known as
A. lymphocytes B. nerve cells C. malpighian cells A. parasitism B. commensalisms C. aprophytism
D. germ cells. D. holophytism.

35. A severe deficiency of thyroxin results in 47. Poliomyelitis is an infectious disease caused by
A. diabetes mellitus B. sexual underdevelopment A. virus B. protozoan C. bacterium D. fungus.
C. cretinism D. gigantism.
48 One of the functions of UNICEF is to
36. The growth of a coleoptile towards unilateral A. prevent and control major diseases B. prevent
light source is due to disease outbreak by administering vaccines
A. rapid rate of photosynthesis B. unequal C. improve the health and nutrition of children
distribution of auxin C. the effect of geotropism and nursing mothers D. monitor environment
D. the effect of photolysis. pollution.
37. The sequence of ear ossicles from the fenestra ovalis is 49. Nitrifying bacteria are important because they
A. malleus, incus and stapes B. malleus, stapes and A. release nitrogen to the atmosphere B. convert
incus C. stapes, incus and mallcus D. stapes, malleus Atmosphere nitrogen to ammonia C. combine
and incus. ammonia with nitrogen D. oxidizeammonium salts to
38. The centre for controlling body temperature in
the brain is the 50. The process by which lime is added to clay soils is
A. cerebrum B. cerebellum C. medulla known as
D. hypothalamus. A. sedimentation B. flocculation C. leaching
D. manuring
39. Unlike auxins, gibberellins
A. induce the formation of adventitious roots
B. do not affect leaf and fruit abscission
C. cannot stimulate stem elongation
D. are quite effective as herbicides.

40. A gene which expresses itself only in the

homozygous condition is
A. a mutant B. dominant C. recessive D. lethal.

41. An example of monohybrid inheritance in man is

A. astigmatism B. cretinism C. hyperthyroidism
D. albinism.

42. If a plant, homozygous for round and yellow

(RR;YY), is crossed with a wrinkled green type
(rr;yy) all of the resulting seed will be
A. blue and wrinkled B. round and yellow
C. wrinkled and yellow D. round and greenish-yellow.
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Biology 1988
1. The function of ribosomes in cells is 11. Which stage is found in the muscle of an infected pig?
A. protein synthesis B. starch synthesis A. 3 B.4 C.5 D.6
C. transport of materials D. lipid storage.
12. The long and coiled intestine of a young tadpole is
2. Which of the following structures is common to an adaptation to its
Euglena, white blood cell and Amoeba? A. herbivorous diet B. carnivorous diet C. aquatic
A. Vacuole B. Cell wall C. Cilia D. Cell membrane. habitat D. insectivorous habit.

3. The term ‘Thallophyta’ refers to 13. Lung hooks are used for respiration in
A. ferns and mosses B. algae and fungi C. mosses and A. spiders B. insects C. millipedes D. snails.
liverworts D. fungi and ferns.
14. Insects and millipede have many features in common
4. The following organisms arehermaphrodites EXCEPT EXCEPT
A. snail B. taenia C. schistosoma D. earthworm. A. exoskeleton B. jointed, appendages
C. Compound eyes D. segmented body
5. Parasitic forms are NOT found among
A. platyhelminthes B. nematodes C. moluscs 15. The major function of the swim-bladder in fishes is
D. annelids. A. breathing B. buoyancy C. swimming D. diving

6. Which of the following sets of organism represents

the correct trend from simple to complex structural 16. Which of the following statement gives the BEST
organization? 1 Mollusca 2 Platyhelminthes 3 description of bark?
Nematoda 4 Protozoa A. Tissues outside the vascular cambium
A. 4 1 2 3 B. 4 3 2 1 B. Cork-like tissues found only in stems C. Brown
C. 4 2 1 3 D. 4 2 3 1. tissues never found in primary growth
D. Cork-like tissues of old trees.
7. Spirogyra, Euglena and Chlamydomonas share many
characteristics EXCEPT 17. In the transverse section of the leaf of maize vascular
A. nutrition B. reproduction C. mobility bundles are arranged in
D. irritability. A. a row B. one circle C. alternate positions D. two circles.

8. The prothallus of a fern is equivalent to the 18. If an animal has diastema, it would NOT possess
gemaetophyte generation of a moss because it A. incisors B. cannines C. premolars D. molars
A. is inconspicuous B. has rhizoids C. bears sexual
organs D. is multicellular. 19. If the gall bladder of a mammal is damaged, which of
the following will be most seriously affected?
9. What is the function of trichocyst in Paramecium? A. Glycolysis B. Digestion of starch C. Digestion of fats and
A. Movement B. Defence C. Excretion D. Reproduction. oils D. Digestion of proteins.

Use the diagram below to answer quetions 10 and 11 20. Which of the following will be first digested if
ingested at the same time?
A. Cooked beans B. Cooked rice C. Cod liver oil
D. Roasted beef.

21. If the phloem of a healthy plant is killed by heat

treatment the
A. upward movement of salts will cease B. food manufacture
in the leaves will accumulate C. whole plant will die
immediately D. leaves of the plant will become yellow.

22. In the mammalian respiratory system, exchange of

gases occurs in the
A. lungs B. bronchi C. bronchioles D. alveoli.

23. The main waste products formed in plant are

A. alkaloids, tannins and resins B. water, alkaloids and carbondioxide
10. At which stage in this cycle can man be infected? C. water, carbondioxide and oxygen.
A. 2 B.4 C. 5 D.6.
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24. In the kidney the malpighian corpuscle is located in 37. A red - coloured flower when crossed with a white-
the coloured one produced pink flowers. This is an
A medulla B. helium C. cortex D. pelvis. example of
A. complete dominance B. blending inheritance
25. The skin, through the sweat glads, functions as C. interaction of genes D. back crossing.
A an excretory organ B. a respiratory organ C. a sensory
organ D. a protective organ. 38. The turbidity of a pond can be measured using the
A. anaemometer B. secchi disc C. theodolite
26. Parenchyma cells serve as supporting tissue when D. hydrometer.
they A. contain chloroplasts B. have crystals C. become
flaccid D. become turgid. 39. The most important substances necessary for the
maintenance of life are carbon , oxygen
27. Taxism differs from tropism because A. hydrogen , soil and enzymes B. hydrogen, salt
A. the whole organism is affected B. it is a directional and water C. nitrogen, salt and soil
movement C. it is a response to multi-directional stimuli D. D. nitrogen, salt and water.
part of the organism is affected.

40. If an organism obtains its food by means of

28. A dry dehiscent fruit which breaks up into one haustoria, it is said to be
seeded parts is a A. holophytic B. heterophytic C. Saprophytic
A. schizocarp B. capsule C. follicle D. legume. D. Parasitic.

29. Airspaces are characteristic of seeds or fruits dispersed 41. Which of the following relationship involves only
A. birds B. water C. wind D. explosive mechanism. one organism?
A. Saprophytism B. Commensalism C. Parasitism
30. In vegetative propagation, which of the following D. Symbiosis.
requires part of another plant to develop?
A. Scion B. Bulb C. Rhizome D. Sucker 42. Which of the following has the greatest influence
on the distribution of animals in marine and fresh
31. Which of these plant groups are normally water habitats?
propagated by asexual means? A. pH. B. Salinity C. Water current D. Turbidity
A Banana, yam, pineapple and cassava B. Yam,
cassava , rubber and banana C. Yam, cassava, 43. Which of these groups of animals is likely to be
orange and banana, D. Banana, cassava, coffee found in fresh water?
and pineapple. A. Blood worm, pond skater and scorpion B. Blood
worm, pond skater and dragonfly larva C. Pond
32. In a mammal, the placenta performs functions similar skates scorpion and dragonfly larva. D. Pond skater,
to those of the blood worm and ant-lion.
A. lungs, kidneys and digestive system B. lungs,
heart and nervous system C. liver, intestines and
reproductive system D. intestines, heart and
digestive system. 44. One of the characteristics of plant in the savanna is the
A. possession of thin, smooth barks B. possession
33. The radicle of a bean seedling grows most rapidly in of large tap roots C. production of seedlings on
the region mother plant D. possession of thick, flaky barks.
A. of the root tip B. just above the root tip C. just
around the root tip D. just below the root tip. 45. Which of the following disease can be contracted
areas with fast flowing rivers?
34. The main function of the choroid is A. Schistosomiasis B. Elephantiasis C. Syphilis
A. protection of the eye ball B. transmission of light D. Onchocerciasis.
C. supply of nutrients to tissues of the eye
D. converging light. 46. Which of the following causes pollution?
A.Consumption of canned drinks. B. The addition of
35. What part of the central nervous system is fertilizer to farmland C. Respiration of living
concerned with answering an examination question? organisms D. Burning of refuse.
A. Cerebrum B. Cerebellum C. Medulla oblongata
D. Spinal cord. 47. The mineral nutrient that is most bound to the soil is
A. phosphorus B. calcium C. iron D. potassium.
36. If a dark-skinned woman (Bb) marries an albino man
(bb) and they have four children, how many of the 48. The mineral nutrient that easily gets leached out of
children will be dark-skinned? the soil is
A. 3 B. 2 C.1 D.0. A. phosphorus B. calcium C. magnesium D. nitrate.
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49. Most commercial fertilizers are rich in salts of 50. Dead plants and animals are decomposed by bacteria
A. Sodium, iron and calcium B. nitrogen, phosphorus and and fungi into
potassium C. iron, copper and nitrogen D. calcium, A. butterfly B. grasshopper C. mosquito D.housefly.
sodium and phosphorus.

Biology 1989
Use the figure below to answer questions 1 to 3 10. Which of the following is a common characteristic
of crustaceans?
A. Possession of a pair of antennae
B. Possession of two pairs of antennae.
C Each segment has a pair of walking legs
D. Four pairs ofwalking legs on the

11. The pedipalpi in spiders are used for

A. grasping B.Walking C. feeling D. Web spinning.

12. The body of a snail is divided into head

1. The structure labelled 5 is the A. thorax and abdomen B. visceral massand
A. neucleolus B. Golgi body C. mitochondrion vacuole abdomen C. thorax and foot D. visceral mass and foot.

2. Which of the labelled parts of the cell contains

ribonucleic acid? Use the diagram below to answer questions 13 to 14
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 5

3. Which structure is known as the power house of

the cell?
A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3

4. When a virus is placed in a non-living medium it

A. becomes dehydrated B. forms spores
C. forms flagella D. becomes crystallized.

5. A characteristic of the phylum coelenterate is that 13. Which of the labelled parts is used for feeling?
A. most of them are marine B. they possess a gut A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4
with a single opening C. they possess
numerous pores on their body D. they are 14. The structure labelled 2 is the
bilaterally symmetrical. A. compound eye B. ocellus C. antenna D. labial palp.

6. A multinucleate body without internal cell 15. In a dicotyledonous stem, each companiosn cells
boundaries is characteristic of is found beside the
A. bryophytes B. fungi C. algae D. gymnosperms. A. endodermal cell B. xylem vessel
C. sieve tube D. pericyclic fibre.
7. Double fertilization is a unique feature of
A. angiosperms B. bryophytes C. pteridophytes Use the diagram below to answer questions 16 to 17
D. algae.

8. Which of the following phyla have members with

both internal and external segmentation?
A. Platyhelminthes B. Nematoda C. Algae
D. Mollusca 16. Which of the structure’s is the molar?
A.1 B.2 C. 3 D.4
9. Mineral salts can be absorbed into the roots by
A. osmosis only B. osmosis and diffusion 17. What is the function of 3?
C. diffusion and active transport D. imbibition only. A. Cutting off large pieces of food.
B. Seizure and tearing of prey
C. Grinding of food D. Tearing of flesh only
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18. If a healthy potted plant is continuously kept in 29. The components of castor oil seed and the maize
dim of light grain are similar EXCEPT for the
A. the rate of respiration may equal that of A. number of cotyledons B. location of the embryo
photosynthesis B. more carbon dioxide and C. number of radicles D. number of plumules.
water are taken in C. respiration may be halted
D. the volume of oxygen released increases. 30. A corm differs from a bulb in that
A. its stem is the main food storage organ
19. The pancreatic juice contains the enzymes B. it has a flattened disc-shaped stem
amylopsin, C. buds are absent in the axils of the leaves
A. pepsin and trypsinogen B. rennin and D. adventitious roots are present
steapsin C. steapsin and trysinogen
D. steapsin and ptyalin. 31. Exponential increase in the population of an
organism is a characteristic feature of
20. Aged erythrocytes are destroyed in the A. binary fission B. sexual reproduction
A. pancreas B. liver C. lymph nodes D. kidney. C. budding D. vegetative propagation.

21. The seedlings in a rice field were found to have 32. The irreversible life process by which new
thin lanky growth with reddish leaves and poor protoplasm is added to increase the size and weight
root development. This is because the soil lacks of an organism can be termed
A. sulphur B. phosphorus C. potassium D. iron. A. anabolism B. catabolism C. growth
D. development.
22. There will be agglutination when the
A. GroupA serum mixes with Group Aerythrocytes 33. Fruit enlargement can be induced by spraying
B. Group A serum mixes with Group B erythrocytes young ovary with
C. Group AB serum mixes with Group Oerythrocytes A. cytokinin, abscisic acid and ethylene
D. Group B serum mixes with Group B erythrocytes. B. gibberellin, ethylene and abscisic acid
C. auxin, abscisic acid and ethylene
Use the figure below to answer questions 24 to 26 D. auxin, cytokinin and gibberellin.

34. A fundamental similarity between nervous and

hormonal system is that both
A. involve chemical transmission B. have
widespread effects C. shed chemicals into the
blood stream D. evoke rapid responses.

35. The region that controls most of the unconscious

processes of a mammalian body is the
23. Which of the following is the function of lymph? A. cerebellum B. cerebrum C. spinal cord
A. Carries hormones round the body B. Transport D. medulla oblongata.
nutrient and oxygen from blood, capillaries to
the cells. C. Distributes heat uniformly round 36. During cell division, the two strands of chromosomes
the body D. Conveys aminoacids and glucose are joined at a point called
from the small intestine to the liver. A. spindle B. chromatid C. centromere D. aster.

24. The type of joint at the point labelled 5 is the 37. When the two alleles present in an organism are
A. pivot joint B. gliding joint C. ball and socket of the same type, the genotype is described as
D. hinge joint. A. heterozygous B. heterogamous C. homozygous
D. homologous.
25. Which of the labelled bones is the ulna?
A. 1 B. 3 C.4 D.5 38. If parents with blood groups AB and OO produce
six children
26. What is the name of the structure labelled 2? A. three of them will have group B
A. Odontoid process B. Olecranon B. Process B. two of them will have group A
C. Patella D. Condyle. C. all the offspring will h ave group O
D. none of them will have group A.
27. The lumbar vertebra when compared with a
thoracic vertebra has a 39. Which of the following is a sex-linked character?
A. longer neural spine B. wider neural canal A. Sickle-cell anaemia B. Tonguerolling C. Skin colour
C. thicker centrum D. shorter transverse process. D. Colour blindness

28. Wind-pollinated flowers usually have

A. rough pollen grains B. sticky stigmas C. small
and short stigmas D. long styles.
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40. In an ecosystem, the LEAST efficient energy 47. Most irrigated lands often become unproductive
transfer link is from in later years because of
A. producers to primary consumers B. sun to A. loss of fertility B. increase in salinity C. soil
producers C. primary consumers to secondary erosion D. loss of water
consumers D secondary consumers to
decomposers. 48. Farmers practices crop rotation because it
A. helps to prevent soil erosion B. allows two
41. Lichen is an example of crops to be planted at the same time
A. a saprophytic organism B. a symbiotic C. helps to conserve soil fertility
association C. an epiphytic plant D. is an alternative to shifting cultivation
D. a carnivorous plants .

42. A physiological adaptation of plants to the

problem of excessive water loss is
A. reduction in the number of stomata
B. reversal of the normal stomatal rhythm
C. possession of shallow roots
D. possession of waxy cuticle.

43. Which of the ways of controlling bilharzia can

result in pollution?
A Clearing water weeds on which the snails feed.
B. Treating infected people with drugs
C. Preventing contamination of water by infected
urine and faeces D. Applying chemical to kill the

44. Which of the following diseases can be caused 49. In which of the habitant will the plants show
by a bacterium? xeromorphic features most prominently?
A. ringworm B. poliomyelitis C. malaria D. syphilis. A.X B.R C.P D.Q

45. Which of the following is a dangerous product of 50. Which ecological factor exerts the greatest
coal buming? influence on the structure of the profiles?
A. sulphur dioxide B. carbondioxide C. carbon A. topographic B. edaphic C. biotic D. climatic.
D. nitrogen.

46. 5g of oven dried soil was heated in a furnace for

24hours, after cooling, it weighed 4.8g what is the
amount of humus in the soil?
A. 40.0g per 100g dry soil B.4.4g per 100g dry soil
C. 4.0g per 100g dry soil D. 0.4g per 100g dry soil.

Biology 1990
1. Viruses are considered to be living organisms 4. Which of the following groups of invertebrates
because they reproduces by budding
A. possess transmittable characters B. movefrom A. Arthropoda B. Annelida C. Mollusca
one place to another C. respond to stimulation D. Coelenterata.
D. ingest food materials
5. The algae, bryophytes and pteriodophytes are
2. Which of the following characteristics is common to similar in that they
Amoeba and Paramecium? A. are sea weeds B. have no vascular tissues
A. Oral groove B. Trichoyst C. Contractile vacuole C. require moisture for fertilization
D. Cilia D. are microscopic plants.
3. Hydra removes undigested food by
A. passing it through the anus B. passing it through 6. The spores of ferns are dispersed by
the mouth C. means of a contractile vacuole A. wind B. water C. insects D. explosive
D. egesting it through the body surface. mechanism.
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7. In bryophytes, sex organs are produced in the 18. The first step in the process of photosynthesis is the
A. gametophyte B. rhizoid C. protonema A. activation of the chlorophyll B. photolysis ofwater
D. sporophyte C. reduction of carbondioxide D. formation ofsugar.

Use the figure below to answer questions 8 and 9 19. Which of the following food substances will produce
a brick-red colour when warmed with Benedicts’ssolution
A. Glucose B. Starch C. Egg white D. Maltose.

20. The organ which secretes digestive enzymes as well

as hormone is the
A. liver B. salivary gland C. pancreas D. spleen.

21. The villus in the small intestine is significant because it

A. increases the surface area for absorption
B. increases the surface area for digestion C. assists
in mixing digested food D. assists in filtering
undigested food.

22. If a ring of bark and phloem is removed from a stem, the

A. plant dies immediately B. plant dies after two days
C. movement of food is not affected D. movement of
8. The part labelled 3 is the mineral salts is hardly affected.
A. leafscar B. lenticel C. auxiliary bud D. girdlescar
23. Transpiration can be measured with a
9. Which part of the twig produces auxins? A. photometer B. hygrometer C. potometer
A.4 B.3 C.2 D.1 D. barometer.
10. Which of the following animals has homodont
dentition? 24. Excretory products responsible for the red, purple and
A. Rat B. Man C. Lizard D. Pigeon. blue colours of flowers are called
A. alkaloids B. tannims C. anthocyanins D. resins.
11. In which of the following does external fertilization
take place? 25. Etiolation is caused by the influence of
A. Toad B. Lizard C. Bird D. Cockroach. A. mineral salts B. water C. carbondioxide D. light.

12. In the tapeworm, the suckers on the scolex are 26. Muscles are indirectly attached to bones by means of
used for A. ligaments B. membranes C. tendons D. sultures.
A. sucking the blood of the host B. holding
fast to the host C. reproduction D. locomotion Use the figure below to answer questions 27 and 28.

13. A feature which adapts birds to flight is the

possession of
A. scally legs B. light bones C. two walking legs
D. a pointed beak.

14. The nephridia in the earthworm form part of the

A. reproductive system B. respiratory system.
C circulatory system D. excretory system.

15. Which of the following diseases is rarely spread

by a housefly? 27. Which structure is the glomerulus?
A. Yellow fever B. Dysentery C. Typhoid fever A. 5 B.3 C. 2 D.1.
D. Poliomyelitis
28. If the blood is tooconcentrated, more water is absorbed from
16. Which of the following cells is thin-walled and A. 5 B.4 C.3 D.1
living at maturity?
A. Collenchyma B. Sieve tube C. Xylem vessel 29. During mammalian embryo development, large amount
D. Sclerenchyma. of oestrogen and progesterone are produced in the
A. umbilical cord B. amnion C. placenta D. amniotic fluid.
17. The mode of nutrition in which digestion is
extracelluar is
A. holophytic B. parasitic C. holozoic
D. saprophytic.
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30. 38.

The type of placentation shown in the figure above is What stage during cell division is represented in the
A. parietal B. marginal C. axile D. free-central. figure above
A. prophase B. metaphase C. anaphase D. telophase
31. Fruitswhich develop without fertilization are described as
A. simple B. pathenocarpic C. aggregate D. compound 39. An individual in the AB blood group is a universal
recipient for blood conation because
32. The elephant grass is propagated vegetatively by A. all the red blood cells do not carry antigen
means of B. all the red blood cells carry antigen A
A. corms B. bulbs C. suckers D. solons. C. all the red blood cell carry antigen B
D. there are noanti-A and anti-B antibodies in the serum.
Use the figure below to answer questions 27 and 28.
40. Haemophilia results from the mutation of the genes
A. in the sex chromosomes B. which control skin colour
C. which control the mechanism for blood –clotting
D. which control the formation of haemoglobin.

41. In a savanna ecosystem, the abiotic factors include

A. legumes, temperature and sandy soil
B.water, temperature and soil C. minerals, oxygen
and reptile D. water, soil and grasses.

33. All the cell bodies in the spinal cord are found in Use the figure below to answer questions 42 and 43.
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4

34. In a reflex action, impulse flows from

A. 1 to 2 B. 2 to 1 C. 4 to 1 D. 4 to 2

35. The part of the ear that is concerned with balance is the
A. semi-cirular canals B. incus C. malleus D. Bastachian tube.

36. In an organism where the 2nd number of chromosomes

is 16, the number of chromosomes in each gamete will be
A. 32 B. 16 C.8 D. 4

37. What would be the result of the first filial generation

(F1) and the second filial generation (F2) of a mono- 42. Which organism is an omnivore?
hydrid cross between pure line normal-winged A. Praying mantis B. Hawk C. Mouse D. Grasshopper.
Disophila? flies and pure line short- winged flies of the
gene for the normal wing is dominant? 43. Which of the organims will have the lowest population
A. F1 flies all short –winged and F2 flies all normal –winged. in an ecosystem?
B. F1 flies all normal –winged and F2 flies all short-winged. A. Hawk. B. Cowpea C. Praying mantis D. Mouse.
C. F1 flies all short-winged and three-quarters of F2
flies are short- winged 44. The salinity of a brackish environment.
D. F1 flies all normal –winged and three –quarters of F2 A. increases immediately after rain B. increases at the
flies are normal –winged. end of the rainy season C. decreases with increase
in micro-organisms D. increases during the dryseason.

45. Physiological adaptation to very dry condition in

animals is called
A. hibernation B. aestivation C. rejuvenation
D. xeromophism
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46. Which set of diseases is spread mainlyby insect vectors? 49. What do bacteria in root nodules derive from the host plant?
A. cholera, tenia and gonorrhoea. B. poliomyelitis, A. Protection and minerals B. Water and minerals.
tuberculosis and sypillis. C. cholera, malaria and C. Carbohydrates and water D. Protection and
tuberculosis D. malaria, cholera and river blindness. carbohydrates.

47. Which of the following constitutes pollution? 50. Free nitrogen is released to the atmosphere by
A. Droppings from birds B. Loud disco music A. nitrogen fixing bacteria B. nitrifying bacteria
C. A pack of cigarettes D. Refuse in an incinerator. C. denitrifying bacteria D. saprophytic bacteria.

48. An acidic soil can be improved upon by

A. Sedimentation B. Leaching C. Flocculation
D. Watering.

Biology 1991
Use the figure below to answer questions 1 and 2. 8 The annulus of fern sporangium helps in
A. spore dispersal B. conduction of mineral salt
C. trapping of light energy D. water retention.

9 One of the features which adopts paramecium to its

environment is the possession of
A. a regular shape B. two nuclei C. cilia D. a pellicle.

10 In the earthworm, the cocoon is secreted by the

A. chaeta B. prostomium C.peristomium
D. clitellum.

11. The function of maxillipeds in crayfish is to aid

A. walking B. swimming C. feeding D. respiration.

1. Which of the following structures is associated with 12. The respiratory organ in the land snail is the
aerobic respiration? A. radula B,. mantle C. tentacle D. foot.
A.1 B.2 C. 3 D.4
Use the figure below to answer questions 13 and 14.
2. The structure labelled 5 is used for
A. protein synthesis B. energy production
C. secretion D. excretion.

3. Angiosperms and gymnosperms belong to the plant

group known as
A. schizophyta B. bryophyta C. pteridopyta
D. spermatophyta. 13. The structure labelled 4 is for
A. feeding B. attachment C. excretion D. respiration.
4 Which of the following are non-green plants?
A Euglena B. Fungi C. Spirogyra D. Angiosperms. 14. As the tadpoles develops, the structure labelled 5
A. grows longer B. becomes shorter C. becomes the
5 Sting cells are normally found in hind legs D. remains unchanged.
A. flatworms B. hydra C. snails D. paramecium.
15. The gill rakers of fishes take part in
6 Which of the following are differentiated into true A. feeding B. respiration C. swimming D. diffusion.
roots, stems and leaves?
A. Algae B. Schizophyta C. Pteridophyta 16. A wide pith with a ring of conducting tissue is
D. Bryophyta characteristic of the root of
A. sunflower B. maize C. bean D. okra.
7. To facilitate gaseous exchange, breathing roots have
A. tomata B. mitochondria C. cuticle D. lenticels. 17. Which of the following is formed immediately after the
first product of photosynthesis?
A. Lipid B. Starch C. Oxygen D. Sugar
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Use the figure below to answer questions 18 and 19. 27. Fibriongen and prothrombin play important roles in the
A. deamination of proteins B. clotting of blood
C. detoxication of substances D. storage of vitamins.

28. Deoxygenated blood flows into the right and left lungs
through the
A. pulmonary vein B. vena cava C. pulmonary artery
D. subclavian vein .

29. Which of the following is a plant excretory product?

A. Oil B. Cytokinin C. Resin D. Amino acids.

30. The movement of the whole organism to an external

stimulus is termed
Dissection showing the Abdominal Cavity of a rat A. tropism B. a taxis C. a nastic movement
D. a phototrophic movement.
18. In the digestive system, absorption of nutrients into
the blood takes places in the part labeled 31. Which of the following vertebrate lays a centrum?
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 A. Atlas B. Axis C. Thoracic D. Lumbar

19. The gland which produces trypsin, amylase and lipase 32. The function of the epididymis in mammals is the
is labelLed A. expulsion of urine B. storage of sperms
A. 6 B.4 C.2 D.1 C. circulation of blood D. activation of sperms.

20. One of the accessory organs of the digestive system is the 33. A collection of achenes formed from several carpels of
A. kidney B. spleen C. liver D. lung. a flower is
A. a multiple fruit B. an aggregate fruit
21. The element common to protein, carbohydrate and lipid is C. a schizocarp D. a simple fruit.
A. hydrogen B. sulphur C. nitrogen D phosphorus.
34. Vegetative propagation is described as asexual
22. The crown of the mammalian tooth is covered with reproduction because
A. cement B. dentine C. caries D. enamel. A.reproductive organs are not involved B. new
individuals are not formed C. many new plants are
23. In living cells, insufficient oxygen may cause a produced D. there is no exchange of genetic
breakdown of glucose into materials.
A. fatty acids B. lactic acids C. glycogen
. D. carbondioxide. 35. Epigeal germination can be found in
A. sorghum B. maize C. millet D. groundnut.
24. Which of the following can bring about the greatest
increase in the rate of transpiration? 36. A dwarf plant can be stimulated to grow to normal
A. Increased humidity B. Reduced temperature height by the application of
C. Reduced wind speed D. Reduced humidity. A. thyroxin B. gibberellin C. insulin D. kinin.

Use the figure below to answer questions 25 and 26. 37. The greatest contribution to genetic studies was made by
A. Thomas Morgan B. Gregor Mendel
C. Charles Darwin D. Robert Hooke.

38. The exchange of genes between homologous

chromosomes is called
A. test cross B. back cross C. crossing –over
D. mutation.

39. When two heterozygotes mate, the dominant trait will

appear in
25. After 30 minutes, the level of sugar solution the above A. the F1 generation only B. the F2 generation only
figure will C. both the F1 and F2 generations D. neither the F1 nor
A. rise in X only B. rise in Y only C. be the same in X F2 generation.
and Y D. fall in Y.
40. Which of the following characters is NOT sex-linked?
26. The process by which water moves from X to Y through A. River blindness B. Baldness.
the semi-permeable membrane is called C. Haemophilia D. Colour Blindness
A. diffusion B. osmosis C. active diffusion
D. osmoregulation.
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41. The most important factors which influence an
organism’s way of life in its habitat are 45. Which of the following is likely to occur in a deciduous
A. the physical and biotic environment B. food and forest during the dry season?
water availability C. temperature, water, light and A. New leaves are formed B . The trees die off.
predator- prey relationship D. competition for food C. The undergrowth increases D. The ground
and space. becomes bare.

42. Organisms in an ecosystem are usually grouped 46. Which of these is NOT an adaptive feature for arboreal life?
according to their tropic level as A. Possession of a long tail B. Possession of claws
A. carnivores and epiphytes B. consumers and parasites C. Possession of teeth D. Counter shading in coat
C. producers and consumers D. producers and saprophytes. colour.

43. 47. Which of the following diseases can be prevented by

A. Symphilis B. Malaria fever C. Tuberculosis
D. Acquired immuned Deficiency Syndrome.

48. Sources of air pollutants are

A. industrial chimneys, burning fossil oils and river
dams B. sulphur dioxide, acid rain and pesticides
C. sulphur mines, vehicle exhausts and aerosols
D. sewage, smoke and old vehicles.
The above diagram represents a competitive interaction
49. Fertilizers are lost from the soil through
between organisms in communities I and II. Which
A. sheet erosion and evaporation B. leaching,
of the following statement is CORRECT?
underground seepages and run-off
A. The population of I was higher than II at the C. sheet erosion, gully erosion and wind erosion
beginning of the experiment. B. II was wiped out from D. wind erosion and heavy rainfall.
the environment at the end of the experiment.
C. The population of II was always lower than that of I 50. Nitrogen –fixing micro-organisms in leguminous plants
D. The population of I was lower at the end of the live symbiotically in the
experiment than at the beginning. A. root nodules B. tap roots C. branch roots
D. root hairs.
44. A food web is more stable than a food chain because.
A. it contains more organisms B. it has greater energy
source C. it is not easy to destroy D. every organism
has an alternative food source.

Biology 1992
1. The organelle involved in tissue respiration is the 4. A major difference between platyhelminthes and
A. endoplasmic reticulum B. ribosome C. golgi body coelenterates is that platyhelminthes
D. mitochondrion. A. are multicellular B. have developed a mesoderm
C. reproduce sexually D. reproduce asexually.
2. A tissue can best be defined as.
A. an aggregate of similar cells B. an aggregate of cells 5. The essential structural difference between Hydra and
performing a similar function C. an aggregate of tapeworm is that while Hydra,
similar cells performing the same function A. has tentacles, tapeworm is parasitic
D. a mixtureofdifferentcell typesperforming thesamefunction. B. is diploblastic, tapeworm is triploblastic C. has a
mouth, tapeworm feeds by suckers
3. Which of the following correctly summarizes the life D. has mesoderm, tapeworm has mesogloea.
cycle of a fern plant?
A. Spore prothallus thalluss porangium. B. Male and 6. The flowering period of plants in a habitat is determined
female gamentangia zygospore sporangium by the
spores. C. Spore thallus spermatozoa + A. duration of sunlight B. intensity and duration of
ovumsporangium D. Prothallus spermatozoid + egg cell rainfall. C. relative humidity of the atmosphere
leafy plant sporangium spore. D. temperature of the habitat.
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Use the figure below to answer question 7 and 8. Use the figure below to answer questions19 and 20.

7. The structure labeled X is used by the organism in the

same way as man uses his
A. oesophagus B. trachea C. stomach D. intestine.
19. The structure labelled 5 is the
8. The structure labelled Y is the A. sweat gland B. sebaceous gland C. blood vessel
A. food vacuole B. nucleolus D. nerve fibre.
C. marcronucleus D. contractile vacuole.
20. Melanin and kerantin are produced in the part labelled
9. Which of the following insects undergoes incomplete A.2 B.3 C.4 D5.
A. mosquito B. Termite C. Housefly D. Moth. 21. Thebone of the neck on which theskull rests is known as the
A. odontoid process B. axis C. atlas D. occipital condyle.
10. An onion is a bulb because it
A. has a tuberous stem B. has a reduced stem and thick 22. Which enzymes are contained in the pancreatic juice?
fleshy leaves C. has adventitious roots D. bears A. Ptyalin, lipase and pepsin B. Maltase, erepsin and
many buds at the nodes. trypsin. C. Rennin, surcrase and lipase D. Amylase.,
lipase and trypsin.
11. The flow of air and water in or out of the mesophyll
layer of a leaf is controlled by the Use the figure below to answer questions 23 and 24.
A. stomata B. lenticels C. air spaces D. guard cells.

12. Fungi are heterotrophic because they

A. have no leaves B. lack roots C. are filamentous
D. lack of chlorophyll.

13. The major site of photosynthesis in the leaf is the

A. palisade parenchyma B. mesophyll parenchyma
C. upper epidermis D. lower epidermis.

14. 5cm3 dilute sodium hydroxide solution and 5cm3 one 23. The part labeled 3 is the
percent copper sulphate solution are added to a A. cartilage B. ligament C. synovial fluid D. bone.
solution of food specimen. The purple colour which is
observed shows the presence of 24. The function of the part labeled 1 is to
A. glucose B. starch C. fat D. protein. A. secrete a fluid which lubricates the joint B. attach
muscles to the bones at the joint C. bend the bones
15. The blood vessel which carries blood from the at the joint D. hold the joint in place.
alimentary canal to the liver is the
A. hepatic artery B. hepatic vein C. hepatic portal vein 25. Double fertilization in higher plant is significant
D. mesenteric artery. because it ensures the
A. formation of a fertile embryo B. formation of a fertile
16. Gaseous exchange in Aves occurs in the embryo and the endosperm C. development of the seed
A. tracheoles B. bronchi C. air sacs D. trachea. D. development ofthefruit.

17. In the absence of oxygen, the pyruvic acid produced 26. In mammalian development, thefunction of the yolk is to
during glycolysis is converted to Co2 and A. supply nutrients to the embryo B. acts as the shock-
A. water B glycerol C. ethanol D. citric acid. absorber to the foetus C. supply air to the embryo
D. facilitate the process of excretion in the foetus.
18. The excretory organ in insect is the
A. kidney B. malpighian tubule C. flame cell 27. Hydrogeal germination scharacterized by the
D. nephirdium. A. emergence of the plumule out of the ground
B. provision of nourishment by the endosperm
C. elongation of the hypocotyl
D. elongation of the epicotyl.
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28. Fruitswhich develop without fertilization of the ovuleare 37. Mangrove swamp can be found
A. false B. multiple C. aggregate D. parthenocarpic. A. on a sea shore with flat terrain B. where a river
meets the sea C. on a mud flat near the sea.
Use the figure below to answer question 29 and 30 D. where two rivers meet.

38. Soil with the finest particles is called

A. silt B. clay C. sand D. gravel.

39. Malaria symptoms are caused by

A. toxins released into the blood as a result of the
destruction of red blood cells B. the multiplication
ofthe malarial sporozoites in the liver. C. theinvasion of
the red blood cells by the trophozoiters
D. the development of merozoiters into gametocytes.

29. Which part ofthe curverepresents thefastest rate ofgrowth? 40. Which of the following is true of the children of a
A. K B. L C. M. D. N. haemophilic man who marries a woman that is not
haemophilic and does not carry the trait?
30. The grand period of growth is represented by A.All their sons will be haemophilic. B. All their
A. N B. M C. L. D. K. daughter will be haemophilic. C. All their daughters
will be carriers. D. All theirs sons will be carriers.
31. Neurons that receive stimuli from the body or internal
organs are called 41. A child with blood group genotype different from those
A. sensory neurons B. efferent neurons of both parents and with a mother of genotype OO,
C. motor neurons D. relay neurons. can only have a father of genotype
A. A B. B C. AB D. OO.
32. Which of the following is true of a climax community?
A. It persists until the environment or climate changes. 42. If R and r denote the genes for a character, the offspring
B. It changes drastically from one year to the next of the cross between RR and Rr are
C. It is the first stage in succession. D. It is made up of A. RR, 2Rr,rr B. 2RR,2rr C. 2RR, 2Rr D. 4Rr.
the tallest trees and the smallest animals.
43. A mammal with red fur and long ears was crossed with
33. A population is defined as a collection of similar another having white fur and short ears. If the offspring
organisms that had red fur and short ears, then the
A. behave in the same way B. interbreed freely A. characters are linked B. characters are not linked
C. are found in the same habitat D. eat the same food. C. parents are related D. parents are not related.

34. In typical predator food chain involving secondary and 44. Pawpaw seeds collected from a tree with many desirable
tertiary consumers, the organisms becomeprogressively agronomic qualities did not give rise to plants of
A. smaller and more numerous along the food chain desirable characters as the parent because
B. equal in number and size along the food chain A. seeds are not reliable for propagating plants
C. larger and fewer along the food chain D. parasitized B. uncontrolled out-crossing can introduce unwanted
along the food chain as consumers get bigger. variability C. vegetataive propagation is the best
form of reproducion for all crops D. seeds were not
Use the figure below to answer questions 35 and 36. physiologically mature at harvest.

45. Women do not suffer from colour blindness

A. because the trait is sex-linked B. only men are colour
blind C. the genes are recessive and sex-linked
D. the genes occur on both the X and Y chromosomes.

46. The hereditary material of the cell is

A. the R N A B. protein C. the DNA D. carbohydrate .

47. An example of plant adaptation to a xerophytic

35. Which level of thepyramid has theleast total stored energy? environment is represented by the development of
A. E B. F C. G D. H. A. fleshy tissues and reduced leaves B. broad canopy
and extensive surface root system C. thick barks
36. Which organism in the pyramid functions as a tertiary and broad leaves
consumer? D. rough leaves and shallow root system.
A. Algae. B. Shark. C. Tadpole. D. Tilapia.
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48. Which of the following factors is LEAST likely to 50. Fossil records found in sedimentary rocks offer some
affect the animals living in a fresh water habitat? explanation for the theory of evolution because
A. Turbidity B. Temperature C. pH. D. Salinity. A. the deposits have remains of organisms
characteristic of when they were formed
49. The theory of natural selection was developed by B. different strata have remains of organisms of the
A. Lamarck and Darwin B. Darwin and Wallace same kind C. only organisms with strong parts
C. Wallace and Mendel D. Mendel and Lamarck. are fossilized D. most animals and plant fossils bear
little resemblance to present day living specimens.

Biology 1993
1. On what structures are the units of inheritance situated? Use the figures below to answer questions 10 and 11
A. Golgi bodies B. Ribosomes C. Chromosomes
D. Endoplasmic reticulum.

2. Production of naked seeds is a distinctive feature of

the group of plant called?
A. grasses B. conifers C. legumes D. palms.

3. In which of these features do bryophytes differ from

A. Absence of flower B. Alternation of generation
C. Dependence on water for reproduction
D. Presence of a vascular system. 10. Which of the following is the correct order of the
development stages?
4. Which of the following organs or cell components are A. 1  2 3 4 5
common to both the sporophyte and the gametophyte B. 
5  1  3  2 4
of a fern?
C. 2 1 345 D.
A. Rhizoids B. Roots C. Chloroplasts D. Leaves.
5 3 21 4.
5. In which of the following organisms does a single cell
perform all the function of movement , nutrition, growth, 11. Stage 3 breathes
excretion and photosynthesis? A. with the lungs B. with the external gills C. with the
A. Paramecium B. Euglena C. Amoeba. D. Spirogyra. internal gills D. through the skin.

6. In which of the following organisms would glycogen 12. The butterfly is of great economic importance because
be stored? A. of its use in scientific studies B. it sucks nectar from
A. Spirogyra. B. Chlamydomonas. C. Rattus flowers C. it adds to the beauty of the environment
D. Magnifera. D. it pollinates flower of crops and other plants.

7. The most successful group of animals in terms of 13. Manufactured food in the plants is transported throughthe
diversity of species is A. xylem B. phoem C. cambium D. cortex.
A. mollusca B. arthropoda C. mammalia
D. playthehelminthes. 14. Interveinal chlorosis is normally associated with the
deficiency of
8. Flame cells are the A. magnesium B. potassium C. iron D. calcium.
A. excretory system of worms B. excretory and
respiratory system of flatworms C. excretory system 15. Osmic acid boiled with a solution of food substance
of flatworms D. excretory system of flatworms. gave a black precipitate . This indicated the presence of
A. fats and oils B. proteins C. amino acids D. starch.
9. The spores of mucus are dispersed by
A. water B. wind C. insects D. explosive mechanism.
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16. Which of the labeled parts is the

diastema? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D.
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17. The lower jaw is typical of a 27. The main function of the petal of a flower is to
A. sheep B. rabbit C. dog D. cat. A. attract pollination agents. B. protect the flower while
still in bud C. serve as landing stage for insects
18. The end products of the digestion of fats and oils in D. protect the inner parts from desiccation.
mammals are
A. maltose and fatty acids B. amino acids and glucose 28. In the mammal, the automonic nervous system consists of
C. fatty acids and fructose D. fatty acids and glycerin. A. sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.
B. brain and spinal nerves C. brain and cranial nerves
Use the diagram below to answer questions 19 and 20 D. spinal cord and spinal nerves.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 29 and 30

The mammalian heart 29. In H, the cotyledons are carried above the soil because
A. the epicotyl grows faster than the hypocotyl
19. Blood is pumped into the right ventricle by the B the hypocotyl grows faster than the epicotyl
contraction of the auricle wall through C. both grow at the same rate
A. 1 B. 3 C5 D. 6. D. the epicotyls out grows the radicle.

20. After circulation in the lungs, the blood returns to the 30. The function of the structure labelled G is to
left auricle through A. carry out initial photosynthesis for the seedling
A. 1 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 B. protect the young leaves from mechanical damage
C. protect the young leaves form sunlight.
21. The main function of blood in mammals is to transport D. protect the young leaves form insect.
A. excretory materials from tissues B. carbondioxide
from lungs to tissues C. digested food from all the 31. When it is cold, the blood vessels of the skin
body tissues. D. oxygen to the lungs. A. dilate to increase the amount of blood flowing to the
skin B. constrict to reduce the amount of blood
22. Members of the phylum Protozoa use the contractile flowing to the skin. C. dilate to reduce the amount
vacuole of blood flowing to the skin D. constrict to increase
A. to remove excess food B. for movement the amount of blood flowing to the skin.
C. for digestion D. to remove excess water.
32. Which path does sound entering the human ear follow?
23. The response shown by the tips of the root and shoot A. Oval window ossicles ear drum B. ear drum oval
of a plant to the stimulus of gravity is window ossicles. C. Ear drum ossicles oval
A. haptropism B. phototropism C. hydrotropism window. D. Ossicles ear drum oval window.
D. geotropism.
33. What would happen to a man whose pancreas has been
24. Which of the following is the correct order of the surgically removed?
vertebrae along the spinal column? 4 A. The level of blood sugar would increase.
A. Axis atlas thoracic lumbar cervical sacral B. The glycogen content of the liver would increase.
B. Atlas cervical axis thoracic lumbar sacral. C. His blood pressure would decrease. 4
C. Atlas axis cervical thoracic lumbar sacral D. His weight would increase appreciably.
D. Axis cervical thoracic sacral lumbar.
34. Carnivorous plants are usually found in area
25. Which of the following is TRUE of the process of A. which are deficient in nitrate B. which are deficient
conjugation in Paramecium? in oxygen C. with low pH
A. Micronucleus disintegrates. B. Each ex-conjugant D. where insects are abundant.
divides only once. C. Macronucleus undergoes
division D. Each micronucleus divides twice. 35. What is the term used to describe the sum total of
biotic and abiotic factors in the environment of the
26. The bright colours of the comb and feathers in the organism?
peacock are for A. Habitat. B. Biome. C. Ecosystem D. Ecological niche.
A. sex differentiation B. beauty C. courtship
D. defence.
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36. Important abiotic factors which affect all plants and 45. Carbon monoxide poison tissues by
animals in the habitat are A. constricting the blood vessels B. killing the cells
A. temperature and turbidity B.rainfall and relative C. combining with haemoglobin D. rupturing the blood
humidity C. salinity and wind direction vessels.
D. temperature and rainfall.
46. Which of the following is an example of discontinuous
37. The most important physical factor which affects an variation observed in man?
organism living in the intertidal zone of the seashore is A. Skin colours B. Tongue rolling C. Body weight
A. pH B. salinity C. wave action D. temperature. D. Height.

38. At which trophic level would the highest accumulation 47. During blood transfusion, agglutination may occur when
of a non-biodegrable substance occur? A. Contrasting antigens react with contrasting
A. Primary producers. B. Tertiary consumers. C. Primary antibodies B. Similar antigens react with
consumers. D. Secondary consumers. C. two different antigens react with each other
D. two different antibodies react with each other.
39. Two organisms of different species, living in close
association but not dependent on each other are 48.
referred to as
A. parasites B. commensals C. symbiots D. autorophs
40. Which of the following instruments is NOT used in
measuring abiotic factors in any habitat?
A. MicroscopeB. Thermometer C. Hygrometer D.Wind vane.

41. Plants adapted for life in salty marsh are called

A. hydrophytes B. xerophytes B. halophytes In the illustration above, the genotypes of the
D. epiphytes. offsprings are
A. 1 heterozygous smooth : 2 homozygous smooth:
42. Which group plants would be the first colonizers in an 1 wrinkled B. 1 homozygous smooth : 2
ecological succession changing rocks to soil? heterozygous smooth 1 wrinkled
A Mosses. B. Ferns C. Lichens D. Grasses. C. 2 homozygous smooth : 2 wrinkled
D. 3 heterozygous smoo th : 1 wrinkled
43. Soil fertility can be conserved and renewed by
A. yearly mono cropping B. crop rotation and cover 49. Cold blooded animals are referred to as
crops C. bush burning to remove unwanted debris A. poikilothermic B. homoiothermic
D. avoiding artificial manures. C. polythermic D. homeostatic

44. What ecological condition favors the breeding of black flies? 50. Which of the organism has lost the pentadactyl limb
A. Fresh water habitat B. Water in ponds and swamps structure?
C. Water in small containers D. Fast flowing stream. A. Bat B. Fish C. Frog D. Pigeon.

Biology 1994

4. The soil swallowed by the earthworm to form the worm

1. The membrane surrounding the vacuole in a plant cell cast is ground up in the
is called the A. clitellium B. prostosium C. mouth D. gizzard.
A. plasmalemma B. tonoplast C. nuclear membrane
D. endoplasmic reticulum. 5. Which is the correct order in an evolutionary sequence
for the following plant groups?
2. The smallest living organisms which share the A. Bacteria ferns algae mosses seed plant.
characteristics of both living and non-living matter are B. Bacteria ferns mosses algae seed plants
A. bacteria B. fungi C. viruses D. protozoa. C. Bacteria algae mosses ferns seed plants
D. Bacteria mosses algae ferns seed plants.
3. Green plants are distinguished from other living
organisms by their ability to 6. In Amoeba, osmoregulation is carried out by the
A. make use of water B. make use of oxygen A. pseudopodium B. food vacuole C. contractile
C. respond to sunlight D. manufacture their own food. vacuole D. nucleus.
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Use the diagram below to answer questions 7 and 8. 13. The failure of transport and respiratory systems in
plants as well as the presence of reddish colour in stems
and leaves result from the deficiency of
A. magnesium B. nitrogen C. potassium D. phosphorus.

14. The dental formula I 3 C1 pm4 m2 is that of a

A. goat B. rabbit C. man D. dog

15. The nitrifying bacteria, Nitrosomonas, convert ammonia to

A. nitrites B. nitric acid C. nitrates D. nitrous oxide.

16. The activity of ptyalin of ptyalin is likely to decrease

with an increase in the concentration of
A. oxygen B. starch C. protein D. acid.

17. The phloem parenchyma is sometimes used for

A. food storage B. supporting the stem C. production
Head of a cockroach of the sieve tube D. transporting water.
7. The part used for feeling is labelled
A. 1 B. J C. K D. L. 18. The process by which a red blood cell placed in distilled
water absorbs until it bursts and releases its contents
8. The mouth part of the insect is adapted for into the surrounding is known as
A. biting and chewing B. suckling and chewing A. osmosis B. plasmolysis C. turgidity D. haemolysis.
C. biting and sucking D. piercing and sucking.
Use the diagram below to answer questions 19 and 20.
9. Which of the following combinations differentiates a
bony fish from a cartilaginous fish? I Presence of gills.
II Absence of gill slits III Possession of bony skeleton
IV Possession of laterally compressed body V
Possession of dorso ventrally compressed body
A. I,II and II. B. I, III and IV. C. II, III and IV.
D. II, III and V.

10. Which is the most important adaptation of a bony fish

to life in water?
A. The possession of a streamlined shape
B. The presence of overlapping scales
C. The covering of the body by thin film of shine.
D. The possession of a caudalfin. 19. The most appropriate title for the set up is
A.quantitative measurement of respiration in plants
Use the diagram below to answer questions 11 and 12 and animals B. measurement of respiratory rates in
living organisms C. comparison between
photosynthesis and respiratory
D. comparison of respiratoryrates in plants and animals.

20. The part labeled J is called

A. porosimeter B. porometer C. manometer
D. auxanometer.

21. A circulatory system that does not allow mixing of

oxygenated and de-oxygenated blood in mammalian
heart is referred to as
A. open B. haemocoelic C. single D. closed.

11. Which of the labeled part allows for efficient absorption 22. Which of the following waste products in plant is
of water and mineral? excreted through the stomata and lenticels?
A. I. B. II C. III. D. IV. A. Carbondioxide B. Alkaloids. C. Tannins
D. Anthocyanins.
12. Starch is usually stored in the part labelled
A. I. B. II. C. III. D. IV.
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Use the diagram below to answer questions 23 and 24. Use the list of ecological constituents below to answer
questions 30 and 31

1. Mango 2. Speargrass 3. Goat 4. Sheep

5. Temperature 6. Beans 7. Rock 8. Water.

30. . Items 1-4 can be regarded as

A. a population B. a community C. an ecosystem
D. a niche.

31. The physical factors are represented by

A.1,5,6, B. 4,5,7, C. 5,7,8, D. 6,7,8.

32. Which of the following sets is made up of decomposers?

23. The vertebra illustrated is A. Rhizopus, earthworm and protozoa
A. lumbar B. thoracic C. caudal D. cervical. B. Mushroom, rhizopus and bacteria
C. Bacteria, earthworm and nematodes
24. The neural arch is labelled D. Earthworm, sedges and platyhelminthes.
A. I. B. II C. III D. IV.
33. The correct order in a food chain involving the
25. In animals, meiosis comes organisms (1) Grasses, (2) Hawks, (3) Snakes, (4)
A. after fertilization B. after every mitotic division Grasshopper, (5) Lizards is
C. before fertilization D. before every mitotic division. A. 1 2 3 4 5 B. 5 4 3 2 1 C. 1 4 5 3 2 D. 3 2 4 5 1.

26. The fleshy base of a flower to which the different floral 34. The organisms with the least number of individuals in
parts are attached is known as a pyramid of numbers are the
A. calyx B. sepals C. thalamus D. hypothalamus. A. secondary consumers B. tertiary consumers
C. primary producers D. primary consumers.
27. When a short-sighted person views a distant object
without spectacles, the image is formed Use the list of blomes below toanswer questions 35 and 36.
A. on the retina B. in front ofthe retina C. behind the retina
D. on the blind spot. 1. Desert 2. Rain forest 3. Southern Guinea
savannah 4. Northern Guinea savannah.
35.. A biome with a low annual rainfall, few scattered trees
within dense layer of grasses and found in Kano and
Katsina States is
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3. D. 4

36. A biom where small mammals undergo aestivation for

long periods is
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3. D. 4

37. Ecological sucession ends with the formation of a stable

A. nich B. population C. pioneer community
D. climax community

38. In a drought situation, plants suffer from water stress

The graph shows the relationship between the body which could result in
and atmospheric temperatures for dog and lizard. What A. reduced biochemical activities B. enhanced
is the most appropriate deduction that could be made chemical activities C. enhanced microbial activities
form the graph? D. reduced phototropic activities.
A. Lizards are more likely to survive hazards than dogs.
B. Both animals maintain a constant body temperature 39. The water-retention capacity of a soil indicates its
C. The dog’s body temperature is independent of the A. fertility B. capillarity C. aeration level D. pH level.
external temperature. D. The lizard’s body
temperature varies with that of the dog. 40. People who suck petrol with their mouths run the risk
of increasing in their blood the concentration of
29. The part of the brain that controls heart beat and A. iron B. lead C. calcium D. magnesium.
breathing is the
A. olfactory lobe B. cerebellum 41. The differences and similarities among living things
C. cerebral hemisphere D. medulla oblongata. account for
A. diversity B. stability C. competition D. evolution.
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42. People with sickle-cell anaemia have haemoglobin 46. A man who has the trait for colour blindness marries a
A. S and are homozygous recessive normal woman. What percentage of their children would
B. A and are heterozygous recessive be sufferers, carriers and normal respectively?
C. S and are heterozygous recessive A. 25% and 50% B. 25%, 50% and 25%
D. A and are homozygous recessive. C. 50%, 25% and 25% D. 25%, 37.5% and 37.5%.

43. In the gene locus for eye colour in humans, the allele 47. Breathing root is an adaptation for survival in the
for brown eyes is dominant over the allele for blue eyes. A. mangrove swamp B. desert C. arboreal habitat D. savanna.
If a homozygous brown-eyed girl has a brother with
blue eyes , what are the likely phenotypes of their 48. Red coloration on the head of a male lizard helps it to
parents’ eye colour? (Eye colour is not a sex-linked trait). A. mark its territory B. camouflage in the environment
C. secure its mate D. defend itself.
A. Both parents have blue eyes. B. Their father has
blue eyes and their mother has brown eyes. 49. A phenomenon by which an animal goes into a state of
C. Both parents have brown eyes. D. Their mother dormancy during the dry season is called
has blue eyes and their father has brown eyes. A. hibernation B. aestivation C. incubation
D. deactivation.
44. If a woman’s genotype is Tt Qq Rr, what would be the
gene content of her eggs? 50. The anatomical evidence usually used in support of
A. TQr tqr B. TQR, tqr C. TqR, tQr D. tQr, TQR. all evolutionary relationship among whales, humans,
birds and dogs is the possession of
45. The sex-linked defect in which very slight cut produces A. thick skin B. pentadactyl limb C. tail
severe bleeding is known as D. epidermal structures.
A. anaemia B. anorexia C. haemophilia D. haemolysis

Biology 1995
1. Which of the following does a virus have in common 4. Protein-like bodies are borne on the part labelled
with animal cells? A. II B. III C. IV D.V.
A. Nucleus B. DNA C. Glycogen D. Cytoplasm.
5. The sexual reproductive functions is performed by the
2. Which of the following organelles are likelyto be present part labelled
in cells that are actively respiring and photosynthesizing? A. I B. II C. IV D. V
A. Nucleolus and centrioles B. Mitochondria and
chloroplast. C. Lysosomes and ribosomes 6. Which of the following is transmitted through mosquito bite?
D. Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum. A. Filariasis. B. Typhus. C. Plague. D. Schistosomiasis.

3. One common characteristic of fungi, algae, mosses and 7. Which of the following insects lays its eggs in horny,
ferns is that they purse-like cases?
A. show alternation of generations B. reproduce A. Mosquito. B. Butterfly. C. Termite. D. Cockroach.
sexually by conjugation C. produce spores that are
dispersed D. possess chlorophyll II in their tissues. 8. In which of the following vertebrates does the skin
function as a respiratory surface?
Use the diagram below to answer question 4 and 5 A. Rat. B. Lizard. C. Fish D. Frog.

9. Birdsmaintain their bodytemperature with thehelp oftheir

A. blood which maintains constant temperature
B. feathers which cover the body C. skin which
conserves moisture D. veins which transport fluid
of constant temperature to all body tissues.

10. Secondary thickening in dicotyledonous stem is

controlled by the A. xylem B. phloem C. cambium
D. pericycle.
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11. 2H20 -2H2 + O2(g). The equation above represents a part 23. The term caryopsis is used to describe a fruit in which the
of the light stage of photosynthesis. Which of the A. testa and pericarp are separate B. seed and
following must be present for this reaction to occur? endocarp are fused C. testa and pericarp are
A. Enzyme and light energy. B. carbondioxide and light fused D. seed coat and fruit wall are impermeable.
energy. C. Light energy and chlorophyll II.
D. Chlorophyll and enzyme. 24. The sex of a foetus is determined during
A. meiosis B. copulation C. fertilization D. placentation.
12. In an experiment to investigate the effect of nitrogen
on the growth of plants, the substrate should be a 25. Biological growth refers strictly to an increase in the
medium of A. protoplasm of an organism B. number of organisms
A. washed and sand B. saw dust C. cowdung D. clay soil. C. size of an organism D. development of form.

13. Which vitamin plays an important role in blood clotting? 26. The process of walking is under the control of the part
A.Vitamin A B.Vitamin K C. Vitamin B12. D.Vitamin C. of the brain called
A. optic lobe B. olfactory lobe C. cerebellum
14. The mammalian organ which acts both as a digestive D. medulla oblongata.
and as an endocrine organ is the
A. oesophagus B. liver C. pancreas D. spleen. 27. The gland directly affecting metabolic rate, growth and
development is known as
15. Which of the following is NOT involved in the transport A. adrenal gland B. thyroid gland
of substances in the body? C. mammary gland D. parathyroid gland.
A. Lymph B. Plasma C. Leucocytes D. Erythrocytes.
Use the diagram below to answer questions 28 and 29
16. The end product of glycolysis in plants and animals is
A. pyruvic acid B. citric acid C. aspartic acid
D. malic acid.

17. During respiration, air circulates round plant tissues via the
A. lenticels B. stomata C. guard cells
D. intercellular spaces.

18. The excretory structure in the earthworm is the

A. malpighian tubule B. flame cell C. nephridium
D. kidney.
19. During the bending of the arm, the biceps muscle
A. contracts and the triceps muscle relaxes 28. The diagram represents
B. relaxes and the triceps muscle contracts A. sensory neurone B. relay neurone
C. and the triceps muscle contract D. and the triceps C. afferent neurone D. motor neurone.
muscle relax.
29. The part labelled X is the
20. When a healthy shoot of a flowering plant is illuminated A. axon B. cell body C. terminal dendrites D. synapse.
from one side, auxins accumulate on the
A. non-illuminated side of the shoot 30. Which of the following ions is involved in the
B. illuminated side of the shoot C. upper side of conduction of the nerve impulse?
the shoot D. lower side of the shoot. A. C a2+ B. K+ C. H+ D. Mg2+.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 21 and 22. 31. The depth of illumination in a water body can be
measured with a
A. photometer B. secchi disc C. hydrometer
D. anemometer.

32. In a food chain involving a primary producer, a primary

consumer as well as a secondary consumer, the sharing
of trophic energy is in the form that the
A. primary consumer has more energy than the primary
producer B. secondary consumer takes up all the
energy contents of the primary consumer
21. The type of placentation shown is C. energy is shared equally between the three groups
A. axial B. marginal C. parietal D. central of organism. D. secondary consumer gets only a
small portion of the energy contained in the primary
22. An example of a plant having the placentation shown is producer.
A allamander B. hibiscus C. water lily
D. pride of Barbados.
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33. In spite of the removal of carbondioxide from the 41. The DNA molecules is a chain of repeating
atmosphere, its amount remains more or less constant A. nucleosides B. nitrogenous bases
because C. sugar Sphosphates D. nucleotides.
A. it is produced by green plants during
photosynthesis. B. it is produced during respiration 42. The specific number of chromosomes in each somatic
by animals C. it is absorbed in ocean water cell is represented by
D. green plants release it during the day. A. 2N B. 23 C. 2N D N.

34. In a tropical rain forest, non-epiphytic ferns and fern 43. A man with blood group A is married to a woman with
allies occur as blood group A. Which of the following group
A. middle storey species B. upper storey species combinations is possible if the family has three children?
C. shade-loving species D. emergent species. A. B, A, AB. B. O.A,B. C. B, AB, AB.
D. A,O,A.
35. Colonization of a bare rock surface is termed
A. evolution B. speciation C. primary succession 44. The F, of a cross between a tall and a dwarf plant was
D. secondary succession. tall The F was advanced to F2. How many of 120F2 plant
will be dwarf?
36. Which of the following is a measure for the control of A. 30 B. 60 C. 90 D. 120.
A. Cutting low bushes around homes 45 The sons of a colour-bind woman will be colour blind
B. Application of molluscicides in water bodies regardless of the state of the father because
C. Screening windows and doors with mosquito nets. A. the egg determines the phenotype of the son
D. Application of herbicides in water bodies. B. sons inherit the sex chromosomes of their mothers
C. the father’s sex chromosome is weaker in sons
37. Some of the diseases caused by bacteria are D. sex-linked traits express dominance in females.
A. tuberculosis, gonorrhoea and syphills
B.tuberculosis, gonorrhoea and AIDS 46 The slender, long and slightly curved beak of the sun-
C. Poliomyelitis, syphilis and gonorrhoea bird is an adaptation for feeding on
D. AIDS, cholera and tuberculosis. A. nectar B. small seeds C. big seeds D. insects.

38. Environmental pollutants which can work through the 47. Scales on reptiles are a feature for
media of water, soil and air include A. conserving water B. conserving food C. protecting
A. carbon monoxide B. noise the skin D. locomotion.
C. sulphur (IV) oxide D. smoke.
48 The colour of the ventral surface of a fish is lighter
39. Human height is an example of a feature which depends than that of the dorsal. This is mainly
on both A. an adaptation for moment B. an adaptation for
A. genotype and phenotype B. genetic and camouflage C. for attracting mates
environmental factors C. mother’s genotype and D. for regulating body temperature.
environmental factors. D. phenotipic and environmental
factors. 49. The least evidence in support of the theory of
evolution is provided by the study of
40. A person with type O blood can donate to a patient A. anatomy B. ecology C. geology D. embryology.8
with type A because the donor’s blood
A. lacks antigens B. lacks anti-A antibodies 50. From which group of animals are the mammals generally
C. lacks anti-B antibodies D. has both anti-A and believed to have most recently evolved?
anti-B antibodi\s. A. Reptiles. B. Fishes. C. Amphibians. D. Birds.

Biology 1997
Use the diagram below to answer questions 1 and 2. 1. The structure labelled I is the
A. Golgi body B. mitochondrion
C. endoplasmic reticulum D. vacuole.

2. Protein is synthesized in the part labelled

A. I B. II C. III D. IV.

3. Which of the following is the youngest plants tissue?

A. Meristem. B. Phloem C. Epidermis. D. Xylem.
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4. Virus differ from all forms of life because they 16. A food substance was treated with a few drops of Sudan
A have a thick cell wall B. feed on waste products III solution and a red coloration was obtained. The
of other organisms C. cause infectious food contained
diseases D. require other living cells to multiply. A. protein B. starch C. fat D. mineral salt.

5. The endoblast cells found in Hydra are used for 17. Oozing out of water from the leaves of plants in a humid
A. reproduction B. offence and defence environment is known as
C. locomotion and nutrition D. food collection. A. transpiration B. osmosis C. pinocytosis D. guttation

6. Annelids differ from nematodes in that they 18. The element that is essential for the coagulation of
A. exhibit bilateral symmetry B. are triploblastic blood is
C. are metamerically segmented D. possess complete A. potassium B. calcium C. phosphorus D. iron.
digestive system.
19. Anaerobic respiration differs aerobic respiration by
7. Which of the following perform similar functions? the production of
A. Ascospores and ascocarp. B. antherozoids and A. less amount of energy and water B. greater amount
rhizoid. C. Sorus and indusium. D. Strobili and of energy and alcohol C. less amount of energy
inflorescence. and alchohol. D. Greater amount of energy water.

8. In ferns, the saprophyte 20 Stomata pores open when there is

A. develops from a haploid zygote B. reproduces A. an increase in the sugar content of guard cells
sexually to produce spores C. is haploid and B. a decrease in the osmotic concentration of guard
dependent on the gametophyte D. is diploid and cells C. a decrease in the sugar content of
independent of the gametophy. mesophyll cells d. an increase in the sugar content
of mesophyll cells.
9. The group of insects that undergoes complete
metamorphosis is 21. The process of deamination is essential for the
A. houseflies, beetles and cockroaches B. cockroaches, A. digestion of protein B. secretion of bile
grasshoppers and bees C. houseflies, beetles and C. formation of urea D. formation of antibody.
butterflies D. aphids, grasshoppers and butterflies
. 22. A band of connective tissue linking two bones in a
10. The nitrogenous substance that is excreted by birds in joint is known as
order to conserve water is A. tendon B. cartilage C. synovial membrane
A. ammonia B. urea C. uric acid D. nitric acid. D. ligament.

11. In mammals, the exchange of nutrients and metabolic 23. The appendicular skeleton is composed of the pectoral girdle
products occurs in the A. pelvic girdle, fore and hind limbs B pelvic girdle
A. lymph B. lungs C. heart D. liver. and fore limbs C. lumbar vertebrae and pelvic
girdle D. lumbar vertebrae, fore and hind limbs.
12. The part of the stomach nearer the gullet is called the
A. epiglottis B. cardiac sphincter C. duodenum 24. The companion cells are part of the
D. pyloric sphincter. A. pericycle B. phloem C. pith D. xylem

13. Trace elements are required by plants mainly for the 25. In which of the following groups of vertebrates would
A. formation of pigments and enzymes the largest amount of yolk be found in the egg?
B . production of energy and hormones A. Mammals B. Fishes. C. Amphibians. D. Reptiles.
C. manufacture of carbohydrates
D. manufacture of proteins. Use the diagram below to answer questions 26 and 27.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 14 and 15.

26. The function of the part labeled V is for the passage of

A. pollen tube and pollen nucleus B. air, water and
pollen nucleus C. air, antipodal cells and ovum
D. synergids and egg cell.
14. The part that is similar to bone is labelled
A. IV B. III C. II D. I. 27. The female gamete is represented by
15. The parts labelled I and II constitute the A. I B. II C. III D. IV.
A. crown B. neck C. root D. gum
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28. 38. After a heavy rainfall and the formation of a large pond,
the most likely sequence of changes in the vegetation
of the pond is
A. Euglena- water lily –Spirogyra-grass B. water lily
– Spirogyra grass – Euglena C. Spirogyra –
Euglena – grass – water lily D. Euglena –
Spirogyra – water lily – grass.

39. In a soil sample, the relative amounts of the different

The type of vegetable reproduction illustrated in the soil particles can best be determined by the process of
diagram above is A. filtration B. centrifugation C. precipitation
A. grafting B. adventitious bud C. sucker D. sedimentation.
D. aerial layering.
40. Which is the most important pollutant of the marine
29. Coconut and oil palm fruits can be grouped as environment in Nigeria?
A. berry B. legume C. Capsule D. drupe. A. Insecticides B. Sewage C. Oil D. Inorganic
30. The substance that is responsible for apical dominance
in plants is known as 41. One of the most effective ways of controlling guinea
A. gibberellin B. tannin C. auxin D. kinin. worm is by
A. treating the disease B. public enlighten men
31. The part of the brain that regulates most biological campaigns. C. accelerating rural development
cycles in humans is D. provision of portable drinking water.
A. olfactory lobe B. optic lobe C. medulla oblongata
D. pineal body. 42. During binary fission in lower organisms, the nucleus
is known to undergo
32. The ability of the eye to focus on both near and distant A. mitosis B. meiosis C. fragmentation D. mutation.
objects is termed
A. image formation B. refraction C. hypermetropia 43. One reason for the success of Mendel’s work is that he
D. accommodation. A. was the first to carry out research work on modern
genetics B. introduced quantitative and qualitative
33. Thespeed of wind can be measured with an instrument called elements into his work C. selected two characteristics
A. hydrometer B. secchi disc C. anemometer only at a time for study D. drew up his laws of
D. wind vane. inheritance based on his knowledge of chromosomes.
34. 44. The homozygo condition Hbs Hbs results in sickle cell
anaemia whereas HbA Hbs has the sickling trait. What is
the probability that a couple with the sickling trait will
give birth to one normal child?
A. ½ B. ¼ C. 1/8 D. 0.

45. Which of the following characters is NOT sex-linked?

Which organism in the food-web illustrated above is A. Albinism B. Baldness. C. Haemophilia
an omnivore? C. Colour blindness.
A. Weevils. B. Rat. C. Hawk. D. Praying mantis.
46. Water loss is regulated in plants and animals by both the
35. Toads and lizards in an ecosystem depend on a limited A. scales and the skin B. scales and the hair
quantity of food. This is an example of C. thick leaves and the feathers D. leathery curticle
A. parasitism B. intraspecific competition C. predation and the feathers.
D. interspecific competition.
47. What combination of characters should a prey develop
36. Adaptive features of plants to desert conditions include to survive in the environment of its predator?
A. thick barks, succulent stems and sunken stomata A. Camouflage, well developled limbs and effective
B. thin barks, succulent stems and sunken stomata vision. B. Showy colour, big body and well
C. thin barks, air floats on stems and sunken stomata developed limbs. C. Camouflage, big body and
D. air spaces in tissues, adventitious roots and thick barks. effective vision. D. Show colour, well developed
muscles and an acute sense of smell.
37. The Southern Guinea Savanna differs from the Northern
Guinea Savanna in that it has 48. The three classes in a termitarium are
A. lower rainfall and shorter grasses B. less grasses A. soldiers, queen and workers B. workers, soldiers
and scattered trees C. more rainfall and taller and reproductives C. soldiers, workers and
grasses D. less arboreal and burrowing animals. kings D. kings, queen and soldiers.
Uploaded on
explanation for the theory of evolution because A. use and disuse B. origin of species C. origin of life
A. the deposits have remains of organisms D. natural selection.
characteristic of when they were formed B. different
strata have remains of organisms of the same kind of
only organisms with strong parts are fossilized
D. most animal and plant fossils bear little resemblance
to present day living specimens.

Biology 1998
1. The nucleus is considered the control organelle of a 9. The structures that prevent food particles from
cell because it escaping through the fish gills are called gill
A. contains the genetic material B. contains the nuclear A. arches B. filaments C. rakers D. lamellae.
sap C. is bounded by the nuclear membrane
D. is located at the centre of the cell. 10. A distinguishing feature of mammals is the possession of
A. skin B. scale C. nail D. hair.
2. The procaryotic cell type is characterized by a
A. complex cytoplasm in which different regions are 11. Which of the following structures is capable of
poorly defined . B. localization of differ regions of producing more tissues in the stem of a herbaceous
the cell into tissues. C. collection of organelles and flowing plant?
macromolecular complexes D. simple cytoplasm A. Epidermis B. Pericycle C. Xylem D. Cambium.
with well-defined regions.
12. The manufacture of carbohydrates by plants takes
3. The natural tendency of organism as they evolve is to place only in
A. decrease in size B. increase in number C. develop A. the leaves B. the green stems C. chlorophylous
specialized structures D. feed indiscriminately. parts D. flowering plants.

4. In snails, the hard calcareous shells are secreted by the 13. In a water culture experiment, a plant showed poor
A. radula B. ctendium C. pneumostome D. mantle growth and yellowing of the leaves. These may be due
to deficiency of
Use the diagram below to answer questions 5 and 6. A. copper B. iron C. magnesium D. calcium.

14. In million’s test, when the reagent is added to a protein

food item, a white precipitate is produced which turns
A blue on heating B. yellow on heating
C. green on heating D. red on heating.

15. Regulation of blood sugar level takes place in the

A. pancreas B. ileum C. liver. D. kidney.
5. The structure labelled I is formed as a result of the
fusion of 16. Unicellular organisms transport essential nutrients
A. two pairs of nuclei B. several pairs of nucleis directly to all parts of their bodies by the process of
C. a pair of nuclei D. two pairs of nucleoli. diffusion because, they have
A. a large volume to surface area ratio B. a large s
6. The special name of the part labelled II is urface area to volume ratio C. their bodies immersed
A. gemetangium B. hypha C. suspensor in the nutrients D. their outer membrane made of
D. zygospore cellulose.

7. The ability of the cockroach to live in cracks and 17. The heat of the adult frog consists of
crevices is enhanced by the possession of A. two auricles and two ventricles B. one auricle and
A. wings and segmented body B. compound eyes one ventiricle B. one auricle and one ventricle
C. claws on the legs D. dorso-ventrally flattened body. C. two ventricles and one auricles D. one ventricle
and two auricles.
8. The case of termites that lacks pigmentation is the
A. king B. worker C. solder D. queen.
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18. In adult mammalian blood, thecells which lack nucleus arethe A. An increase in biomass B. A decrease in the
A The diaphragm and intercostals muscles relax efficiency of energy conversion C. An increase in
B. The thoracic cavity increases in volume the numbers of resulting individuals
C. The diaphragm and intercostals muscles contract D. A decrease in the resulting biomass.
D. The diaphragm contracts and the intercostals
muscles to relax. 30. The condition that encourages denitrification is
A. low soil oxygen B. high soil nitrogen C. absence of
19. Which of the following movement occur during soil bacteria D. lightning and thunderstorm.
A. thediaphragm contractsand theintercostalsmusclesrelax. 31. A freshwater plant such as water lily can solve the
20. In which of the following groups of animals is the problem of buoyancy by the possession of
Malpighian tubule found? A. aerenchymarous tissues B. dissected leaves
A. Lizards, snakes and frogs B. Crickets, houseflies C.. thin cell walls of the epidermis
and grasshoppers C. Millipedes, centipedes and D. water-repelling epidermis.
scorpions D. Earthworms, roundworms and
flatworms. 32. The sequence of the biomes in Nigeria from Port
Harcourt to Damaturu is
21. Which of the following is not a function of the A. estuarine ’! rain forest ’! Guinea savannah ’! Sahel
mammalian skeleton? savannah B. rain forest ’! Guinea savannah ’!
A. Protection B. Respiration C. Transportation estuarine ’! desert C. estuarine ’! Guinea savannah
D. Support. ’! rain forest ’! Sahel savannah D. rain forest ’!
estuarine ’! Guinea savannah ’! desert.
Use the diagram below to answer question 23 and 22.
33. Soil micro-organisms are beneficial because of their
involvement in
A. photosynthesis B. translocation C. cycling of
nutrients D. respiration using soil air.

34. Which of the following groups of diseases are

associated with water? I Onchocerciasis II
Schistosomiasis III. Dracunculiasis IV. Elephantiasis V.
A. I,II and III B. II, IV and V C. II, III and IV
22. The ovary represented is D. I, II and V.
A. half-superior B. inferior C. superior D. half-inferior. 35. One of the ways in which body cells differ from gamete
cells is in the
23. The corolla is partly represented by A. type of centromeres they contain B. number of
A. I B. II C. III D. IV. chromosome pairs they contain C. type of
chromatids they contain D. number of
24. The most reliable estimate of growth is by measuring chromosomes they contain.
changes in
A. length B. volume C. surface area D. dry weight. 36. In blood transfusion, agglutination occurs when
A. white blood cells from two individuals meet
25. A dry fruit formed from two or more carpels containing B. two different antibodies meet C. two different
several seeds is a antigens meet D. contrasting antigens and
A. follicle B. legume C. capsule D. schizocarp. antibodies meet.

26. Theoutermost embryonic membranein the mammal is the Use the diagram below to answer question 37 and 38.
A. amnion B. chorion C. allantois. D. yolk sac.

27. The small masses of nervous tissues in which many

neurons have their nuclei are called
A. dorsal roots B. ventral roots C. ganglia
D. synapses.

28. A group of organisms of different species living in a

particular area is described as a
A. colony B. community C. population D. niche.
The alternate depletion patterns of mineral resources over time.
29. Which of the following is the direct consequence of 37. The unrestricted pattern is presented by
transferring energy from one trophic level to another? A. I B. II C. III D. IV.
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38. The line that represents efficient recycling combined Use the diagram below to answer questions 45 and 46.
with stringent conservation is
A. IV B. III C. II D. I.

39. After one week of life, the weights of five chicks of the
same sex hatched simultaneously from the eggs the
same hen and fed on the same diet were 45g, 40g 35g,
33, and 30g. This is an example of
A. growth rate B. natural selection C. variation
D. mutation.
45. The bird’s bill adapted for fishing is labeled
40. The phenotype of an individual can be summed up as AI B. II C. III D. IV.
A. totality of the expressed traits B. individual’s 46. Toes of the feet ending in a sharp, curved hook suitable
physical appearance C. individual’s entire genetical for holding and tearing are most likely to belong to the
make-up D. physiological traits of the individual. bird with the bill in
A. I B. II C. III D. IV.
41. The correct increasing order of size for the cell
compoents responsible for heredity is 47. In the honey bee colony, the drones are
A. chromosome DNA nucleus gene A sterile males with reduced mouth parts B. sterile
B. DNA Gene chromosome nucleus ales with well-developed mouth parts C. fertile
D. Chromosome nucleus DNA gene males with reduced mouth parts D. fertile males
D. DNA gene nucleus chromosome. with well-developed mouth parts.

42. A sex-linked character cannot be passed on directly 48. In the whistling pine leaves are reduced to brown scale
from and young stems are green. This is an adaptation for
A. father to son B. mother to daughter C. mother to A. obtaining food B. conserving nutrients C. storing
son D. father to daughter. water D. reducing transpiration.

43. The biological association that contributes directly to 49. The best explanation for the theories of natural selection
succession in a community is is that
A. competition B. predation C. parasitism A all organisms have equal capacity for survival in
D. commensalism. their habitats B. organisms have varying capacities
for survival in their habitats C. organisms compete
44. The group of insects that have mouth parts adapted or resources and better competitors survive and
for both piercing and sucking is thrive D. habitats allow only organisms that will
A. cockroaches, aphids and mosquitoes B. aphids, not have to complete for survival.
houseflies and moths C. mosquitoes, tsetse flies and
aphids D. aphids, beetles and grasshoppers. 50. The basic point of impact by changes which produce
mutation is the
A. gametes B. chromosomes C. phenotype D. zygote.

Biology 1999
1. The habitat of the cysticercus of Taenia solium is 5. The structure that is most commonly identified in all
A. alimentary canal of cattle B. muscles of pig living cells under the light microscope is the
C. alimentary canal of pig D. muscles of cattle A. mitochondrion B. chloroplast
C. nucleus D. ribosome
2. The organism that has a hydrostatic skeleton is
A. Tilapia B. Hydra C. Mosquito larva 6. Which of the following is an organ?
D. Earthworm A. guard cell B. liver C. xylem bundle D. blood

3. These possession of scales, laying of eggs with shells Use the diagram below to answer questions 7 and 8
and bony structure of the head are characteristics s
hared by
A. birds and reptiles B. fishes and birds
C. reptiles and fishes D. birds and molluscs

4. The group of Arthropods that has no antennae is the

A. crustacca B. chilopoda C. arachnida
D. diplopoda
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7. The structure labelled II is used for 19. The richest sources of vitamin A are
A. tasting B. feeling C. biting D. sucking A. palm oil and groundnut oil B. palm oil and carrots
C. rice and groundnut oil D. oranges and carrots
8. The structure labelled III represents the
A. mandible B. palp C. proboscis D. labium 20. The force that holds water together in the form of a
stream within the xylem tube is the
9. The division of a body into two equal halves along a l A. cohesion of water molecules to one another by
ongitudinal plane is called hydrogen bonds B. force of gravity attracting
A. bilateral symmetry B. transverse section the water molecules through the hydrogen bonds
C. radial symmetry D. longitudinal section C. attraction between the water and xylem byosmoticforce
D. normal flow of water from the ground with the help
10. In which of the following organisms does each cell of gravitational force.
combinethe function of nutrition, reproduction and growth?
A. Rhizopus B. Dryopteris C. Brachymenium 21. Yellowing of leaves is a symptom associated with
D. Spirogyra deficiency of
A. iron, calcium and magnesium B. nitrogen, sulphur
11. The key event in the transition of the amphibians from and potassium C. sulphur, phosphorus and iron
water to land is the D. magnesium, nitrogen and iron
A. replacement of the gills with lungs B. possession
of webbed limbs C. development of long hind 22. The lymphatic system of mammals rejoins the blood
C. limbs. D. possession of tympanic circulatory system at the
membrane A. hepatic vein B. subclavian vein C. renal vein
D. common iliac vein
12. In plant cells, the chloroplasts are located
A. inside the cell wall B. outside the protoplasm 23. In dissection, the rib cage of a mammal has to be opened
C. within the vacuole D. within the cytoplasm in order to expose the
A. diaphragm B. liver C. heated D. sternum
13. In woody stems, gaseous exchange take place through the
A. micropyles B. stomata C. lenticels 24. Fertilization in humans usually takes place in the
D. vessels A. lower part of the uterus B. upper part of the uterus
C. lower part of the oviduct D. upper part of the
14. Substances manufactured by the leaves are transported oviduct
to other parts of the plant through the
A. xylem B. companion cells C. sieve tubes 25. Insects visit flowers in order to
D. cambium A. feed on the nectar B. deposit pollen on the stigma
C. pollinate the flowers D. transfer pollen from anthers
15. After a meal of yam has been digested the highest
concentration of glucose is to be found in the 26. In epigeal germination, the cotyledons are
A. hepatic artery B. pulmonary vein A. carried above the ground by the elongating hypocotyls
C. hepatic portal vein D. posterior vena cava B. pulled underground by the elongating hypocotyls
C. pulled underground by the elongating epicotyl
16. The dark reaction of photosynthesis involves D. carried above the ground by the elongating epicotyl
A. fixation of carbon (IV) oxidetogive a six-carbon sugar
B. fixation of carbon (IV) oxide with the help of oxygen 27. Bacteria multiply rapidly by means of
C . use of carbon (IV) oxide to produce glucose using ATP A. budding B. fragmentation C. binary fission
D. uhfixation ofcarbon (IV) oxideon chlorophyll using hydrogen D. spore formation

17. Mammals acclimatize to reduced oxygen content at 28. Thecorrect sequence for theoperation of smell in mammals is
high altitudes by A. chemicals olfactory nerve endings brain
B. dissolved chemicals  nasal sensorycell brain
A. the stimulation of marrow to reduce the amount of C. chemicals mucus membrane  sensorycells  brain
erythrocytes produced B. increasing the rate at D. dissolved chemicals  sensory cells olfactory nerve
which erythrocytes are destroyed  brain
C. the stimulation of marrow to produce more Use the diagram below to answer questions 29 and 30
erythrocytes D. increasing the breakdown of the
protein portion of the erythrocytes

18. The modes of nutrition in Nitrobacteri Ascaris and

Homo sapiens respectively are
A. photosynthetic B. chemosynthetic, parasitic and
holozoic C. photosynthetic, parasitic and
heterophytic D. chemosynthetic, holophytic
and holozoic
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29. The part labelled III is for Use the diagram below to answer questions 40 and 41
A. protection B. insulation C. lubrication
D. growth

30. The structure labelled II is known as

A. sweat gland B. lymph vessel C. blood vessel
D. nerve ending

31. In mammals, the organ which performs digestive and

endocrine functions is the
A. liver B. pancreas C. gastric gland D. salivarygland

32. The chitin in the exoskeleton of many arthropod is

strengthened by 40. Primary consumers are found in
A. calcium compounds B. organic salts A. 1,2,and 3 B. 1,3 and 7 C. 2,3 and 7 D. 2,4 and 5
C. lipids D. proteins
41. The biomass is likely to increase in the sequence
Use the diagram below to answer questions 33 and 34 A. 1 245 B. 1345
C. 3 5 6 7D. 5431

42. Which of the following characterized the white

A. prop roots B. buttress roots C. breathing roots
D. stilt roots

43. If the offspring of a cross between brown mouse (bb)

and a black mouse (BB) are allowed to interbreed, how
33. The structure labelled II articulates with III to form a many different genotypes would result?
A. sliding joint B. hinge joint C. pivot joint A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
D. ball-and-socket joint
44. The biological factor that is unique to each individual
34. Which of the bones is the radius? is the
A. I B. II C. III D. IV A. DNA B. eye colour C. blood group E. RNA

35. The construction of dams may lead to an increase in 45. From an evolutionary standpoint, the older a fossil-
the prevalence of bearing rock is the more likely it is to contain
A. typhoid fever, measles and yellow fever A. aves as opposed to amphibians
B. tuberculosis, leprosy and typanosomiasis B. invertebrates as opposed vertebrates
C. guinea worm, malaria and tuberculosis C. angiosperms as opposed to algae
D. malaria, bilharziasis and onchocerciasis D. vertebrates as opposed to invertebrates.

36. Floating microscopic heterotrophs are mostly grouped as 46. The very bright colours in some types of mushroom
A. phytoplankton B. zooplankton C. microbes A. are a warning that they may be poisonous
D. nekton B. indicate that they are very tasty
C. attract potential transporters of their spores
37. Vaccination is carried out in order to D. perform the same function asbright colours in flowers
A. check the production of poison
B. increase the activity of white blood cells 47. The least adaptive feature for arboreal life is that
C. increase the number of red blood cell A. possession of four limbs B. possession of claws
D. stimulate the production of antibodies C. development of a long tail D. counter shading of
coat colour
38. A soil consisting of alumina and iron (II) oxide is known as
A. loamy soil B. clayey soil C. laterite D. podzol. 48. Which of the following is one of Lamarck’s theories?
A. some variations are more favorable to existence in a
39. The sign + is used to indicate an association where an given environment than others
organism gains, while 0 is used where an organism is B. all living organismsareconstantlyinvolved in a struggle
unaffected. An association indicated as + 0 is known as for existence C.the size of a given population remains
A. predation B. commensalism C. parasitism fairly constant
D. competition D. new species originate through the inheritance of acquired

49. The loud cry made by a brooding hen when a predator

is around is meant to
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A. alert the poultry attendants 50. The most important environmental factor which
B. attract cocks to come and fight the predator epiphytes in the rain forest compete for is
C. advertise the boundaries of its territory to intruders A. water B. nutrient C. light D. space
D. warn its chicksand other chickens of impending danger

Biology 2000
Use the diagram below to answer questions 1 and 2 9. In which part of the human body does the secretion of
the growth hormone occur?
A. head region B. waist region C. neck region
D. gonads

Use the diagram below to answer questions 10 and 11

1. The part that will develop into an organ for feeling is labelled

2. The part labelled II is the

A. silk thread B. thorax C. fore wing D. anchor

3. Which of the following features are all associated with

A. Fibrous root system, branched network of veins and one
seed leaf B. Fibrous root system, two seed leaves and f 10. The parts labelled I and II make up the
loral parts in threes C. One seed leaf, petals in threes or A. glomerulus B. convoluted tubules
groups of threes and parallel venation of leaves C. malpighian body D. bowman’s capsule
D. One seed leaf, net-veined leaves and petals in three or
multiples ofthree 11. In mammals, re-absorption of salt takes place in
4. The set of fins that controls steering, balancing and
change of direction and pitch in fish is 12. The part of the brain that controls body posture in
A. dorsal and anal B. pectoral and pelvic mammals is the
C. caudal and dorsal D. anal and pelvic A. thalamus B. cerebrum C. spinal cord D. cerebrum

5. The most recently evolved structure in animals is the 13. Peripheral arrangement of vascular tissues in dicots is
A. hair B. cilium C. scale D. feather a characteristic of the internal structure of the
A. leaf B. petiole C. steam D. root
6. Coelom is absent in the class of animals termed
A. mollusca B. reptilia C. arthropoda D. coelenterata Use the diagram below to answer questions 14 and 15

7. A characteristic ofvertebrates that is unique to mammals is

A. the presence of pentadactyl limbs
B. parental care C. the possession of scrotum
D. pulmonary circulation

8. The order in which organic evolution has progressed in

plants is
A. thallophyta, schizophyta, bryophyta, pteridophyta
and spermatophyta B. schizophyta, thallophyta,
bryophyta, pteridophyta and spermatophyta
C. pteridophyata, spermatophyta, thallophyta, 14. The substance labelled II originates from
schizophyta and bryophyta D. bryophyta, A. III only B. IV only C. I and IV D. III and IV
pteridophyta, spermatophyta, thallophyta and
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15. The gas occupying the space labelled I is 25. The part labelled II is the
A. carbon (IV) oxide B. nitrogen A. mesocarp B. pericarp C. endocarp
C. hydrogen D.oxygen D. epicarp

16. The scapula and the ischium are part of the 26. The fruit represented is mainly dispersed by
A. pectoral girdle B. pelvic girdle A. animals B. water C. wind D. birds
C. appendicular skeleton D. hind limb
27. In an experiment to estimate the volume of air in a soil
17. Bacteria in the large intestine of man are important in the sample using a measuring cylinder, it was found that:
A. synthesis of vitamins K and B2 Initial volume of water = p cm3 Volume of soil before
B. digestion of vegetables. C. synthesis of vitamins mixing with water = q cm 3 Final volume of water after
A and D D. absorption of water. adding soil=r cm3. From the data above, which of the
following deductions is correct?
18. Short-sightedness can be corrected by lenses which are A. r=p+q B. r>p+q C. q=r-p D. r<p+q
A. convex B. biconvex C. plano-convex
D. conoave 28. An ecological succession often leads to
A. an increase in species diversity B. a decrease in
19. The inner ear contains two main organs, namely, the species diversity C. an unstable community
A. eardrum and eustachinan tube B. cochlea and D. the dispersal of species
semi-circular canals C. oval window and ossicles
D. pinna and cochlea 29. Atmospheric nitrogen is converted to soil nitrogen for
plant use by
20. For growth to occur in organisms, the rate of A. nitrification and combustion B. putrefaction andlighting
A. food storages must be low C. lighting and nitrification D. combustion and putrefaction
B. catabolism must exceed that of anabolism
C. anabolism must exceed that of catabolism 30. I High birth rate and high immigration rate II Low birth
D. food storage must be high rate and high immigration rate III Low mortality rate
and low emigration rate IV High mortality rate and high
21. The production of violet colouration, when dilute Na0H emigration rate.
solution is added to a solution of food substance, Which combination of the above can cause rapid
followed by drops of 1 % CUSO4 solution while making overcrowding in climaxbiotic communities and human
indicates the presence of settlements?
A. protein B. carbohydrates C. fats A. II and III B. I and III C. I and IV D. I and II
D. reducing sugar
Use the graph below to answer questions 31 and 32.
22. The greatest amount of energy will be obtained by the
oxidation of 100kg of
A. meat B. butter C. sugar D. biscuits

23. The chamber of the mammalian heart with the thickest

wall is the
A. right ventricle B. left auricle C. right auricle
D. left ventricle

Use the graph below to answer questions 25 and 26.

31. The soil becomes toxic to plants when the
24. Serum differs from blood plasma because it. concentration of its essential elements is in therangelabelled
A. contains blood cell and fibrinogen
B. contains soluble food and mineral salts A. IV B. III C. II D. I
C. lacks the blood protein fibrinogen
D. lacks blood cells and albumin 32. The range at which soil essential element concentration
is recorded for optimal plant growth is marked

33. Which of the following growth activities in plants is

brought about by gibberellins?
A. Rapid cell division B. Tropic response
C. Cell elongation D. Main stem elongation

34. Which of the following are adaptations of animals to

aquatic habitats?
A. Gills streamlined bodies and lateral line
B. Lateral line, streamlined bodies and lungs
Uploaded on
C. Gills, scaly skin and lungs 43. Blood grouping in human beings is derived from
D. Gills, streamlined bodies and spiracles combination of
A. two different alleles B. four different alleles
35. Which of the following is an adaptation of forest species? C. three different alleles D. two different genes.
A. Few stomata B. Thick bark C. Buttress roots
D. Reduced leaves 44. The older fossil-bearing rocks, in contras to the more
recent ones, are more likely to contain
36. In a food chain, each succeeding level in a forward A. animals rather than plant remains B. invertebrates
direction, represent? rather than birds C. flowering plants rather than
A. an increase in the number of individuals mosses D. reptiles rather that fishes
B. a decrease in the number of individuals
C. an increase in the biomass of individuals 45. In a group of male Agama lizards, the one brightest
D. a gain in the total energy being transferred. head colour is the
A. dominant B. youngest C. oldest D. largest
37. The disaster that would have the least destructive
impact on animal life and balance in nature is 46. Examples of water-borne and sex-linked disease are
A. chemical pollution B. forest fires A. taeniasis an malaria B. cholera and gonorrhoea
C. oil spillage D. grasshopper pests C. typhoid and syphilis D. dracunculiasisand haemophilia

38. The legs and beak of an egret resemble those of the 47. The mutation theory of organic evolution was
heron because they propounded by
A. both feed on fishes B. are both birds A. Gregor Mendel B. Hugo Vries
C. occupy similar niche D. occupythe same trophiclevel C. Jean Lamarck D. Charles Darwin

39. The factors that determine the distribution of vegetable 48. A certain savanna grasshopper changes colour from
zones are green during the rainy season to brown during the dry
A. temperature, light, rain and humidity season bush fires. The reason for these colour changes
B. light, humidity, air and mist C. temperature, light, is that the
air and humidity D. humidity, snow, frost and dew A. grasshopper is getting older
B. environment temperature is changing
40. A cross between an albino female and a genetically C. grasshopper is avoiding predation
normal male will result in offspring that are D. grasshopper is frequently moulting
A. all albino B. all phenotypically normal
C. all genetically normally D. halfalbinoand halfnormal 49. Complex social behaviou and organization are found
mostly in
41. The pollutants that contribute to the depletion of the A. insects B. birds C. reptiles D. mammals
ozone layer in the atmosphere are
A. radioactive materials B. oxides of sulphur 50. Which of the following structural features are adapted
C. oxides of carbon D. chlorofluorocarbons for uses other than water conservation?
A. Succulent stems B. Scales in a annals
42. The surest way to combine the best qualities of both C. Spines in plants D. Feathers in birds
parents and the offspring is by
A. cross-breeding B. inbreeding C. selective breeding
D. pure breeding

Biology 2001
1. An association between the root nodule of a 4. The jointed structure in insects that bears organs which
leguminous plants and rhizobium sp is known as are sensitive to touch, smell and vibration is the
A. commensalism B. mycorrhiza C. parasitism A. maxilla B. labium C. antenna D. abdomen
D. symbiosis
5. Which of the following groups is the most advanced?
2. Amphibians are normally found A. Pteridophytes B. Bryophytes
A. on dry land and in water B. in water and on moist land C. Thallophytes D. Gymnosperms
C. on moist land D. in water
6. Most monocots are easily recognized by their
3. Viviparity occurs mainly in the A. short leaves with petioles B. long and sword-like
A. mammals B. reptiles C. aves D. amphibians leaves C. long and palm-like leaves
D. short leaves with many veinlets
Uploaded on
7. Water fleas, wood lice and barnacles belong to the group 18. The enzyme invertase will hydrolyze sucrose to give
A. arachnida B. crustacea C. insecta D. chilopoda A. maltose and glucose B. glycerol and fatty acid
C. glucose and fructose D. mannose and galactose
8. The mode of feeding in Amoeba and Hydra is
A. heterotrophic B. holophytic C. autotrophic 19. When yeast respires anaerobically, it converts simple
D. symbiotic sugar to carbon (IV) oxide and
A. oxygen B. acid C. alcohol D. water
9. Which of the following organisms does not exist as a
single free living cell? 20. The transportation of oxygen and carbon (IV) oxide in
A. Paramecium B. Volvox C. Amoeba mammals is carried out by
D. Chlamydomonas A. leucocytes B. thrombocytes C. phagocytes
D. erythrocytes
Use the diagram below to answer questions 10 and 11
21. The veins of the leaf are formed by the
A. vascular bundles B. cambium cells
C. palisade tissue D. spongy mesophyll

Use the diagram below to answer questions 22 and 23

10. The structures labelled II and III respectively are

A. female organs and rhizoid B. male organs and
rhizoid C. sporophyte and sori D. annulus and
stalk of sporangium
22. The parts which function together to bring about
11. In ferns, the structure above is equivalent to the hearing are labelled.
A. zygote of a moss B. gametophyte generation of a moss A. IV, V and VI B. I, II, IV and VI C. I, II, III and IV
C. sporophyte generation of a moss D. I, II and IV
D. sporophyte of a moss
23. The part labelled II is the
12. The centre for learning and memoryin thehuman brain is the A. fenestra ovalis B. middle ear canal
A. medulla oblongata B. cerebellum C. internal auditory meatus D. ear ossicles
C. cerebrum D. olfactory lobe
24. When specimen X is mixed with few drops of iodine
13. Urea formation occurs in the solution, the appearance of a blue-black colour confirms
A. heart B. liver C. lung D. kidney that X is
A. Galactose B. Starch C. Sucrose D. Glucose
Use the diagram below to answer questions 14 and 15
Use the diagram below to answer question 25 and 26

14. The structure that holds the yolk in position is labelled


15. The part labelled IV is the

A. albumen B. germinal disc C. sturdy D. stunted 25. The structure above represents a
A. caudal vertebra B. lumbar vertebra
16. The gas produced during tissue respiration can be C. thoracic vertebra D. cervical vertebra
identified by using
A. calcium hydroxide B. copper sulphate 26. Blood vessels usually pass through the structure labelled
C. calcium carbonate D. sodium hydroxide A. III B. II C. V D. IV

17. A seedling grown in the dark is likely to be 27. Salts and water are absorbed in the roots and
A. etiolated B. dormant C. sturdy D. stunted transported to the leaves by
Uploaded on
A. diffusion through the xylem tissues B. osmosis 41. Which of the following is likely to encourage inbreeding
through the phloem tissues C. diffusion through in plants
the phloem tissues D. osmosis through the xylem A. Dioecious B. Protandrous C. Manoecious
tissues D. Hermaphrodite

28. The number of plant species obtained from a population 42. A tall plant crossed with a dwarf on produces offspring
study of a garden is as follows: Guinea grass (15), of which half are tall and half are dwarf
Ipomoeas SSP, (5), sida spp (7) and Imperata spp (23) what are the genotypes of the parents?
What is the percentage of occurrence of Imperat, q spp? A. TT, TT B. Tt, Tt C. TT, tt D. Tt, Tt

A. 35% B. 16% C. 46% D. 23% 43. In man, the ability to roll the tongue is a variation
classified as
29. Carbon (IV) oxide content of the atmosphere is least A. anatomical B. physiological C. structural
affected by D. morphological
A. cutting down and clearing of forest B. forest fires
C. burning of fossil fuels D. plant and animal respiration 44. Darwin is considered the first scientist who correctly
explained the theory of
30. The factor that least affects food shortages in sub- A. special creation B. spontaneous generation
Saharan Africa is C. use and disuse D. organic evolution
A. flooding B. pests C. mixed-cropping D. drought
45. The stem of a typical aquatic plant usually has many
31. The epiphytic habitat can best be described as A. air cavities B. intercellular spaces
A. arboreal B. estuarine C. aquatic D. terrestrial C. water cavities D. water-conducting cells.

32. The highest percentage of energy in an ecosystem 46. The role of the male adult honey bee is to
occurs at the level of the A. clean the hive B. ventilate the hive
A. secondary consumers B. decomposers C. mate with the queen D. care for the young
C. producers D. primary consumers
47. The ability of an organism to live successfully in an
33. The greatest influence on a stable ecosystem in nature environment is known as
is exerted by A. resistance B. competition C. succession
A. man B. pollution C. animals D. rainfall D. adaptation

34. A freshwater pond may contain 48. The most important adaptation of xerophytes is the
A. tadpole, water boatman, leeches and crab ability of the protoplasm to
B. water beetle, shrimps, water snail and water bug A. resist being damaged by loss of water
C. water lily, fish, water scorpion and dragontly larva B. store sugar and minerals in the vacuoles
D. pond skater, water lily, shark and mosquito larva C. absorb water and swell
D. shrink from the cell wall
36. The hygrometer is used for measuring
A. relative humidity B. specific gravity 49. A green snake in green grass is able to escape notice
C. rainfall D. salinity from predators because of its
A. disruptive colouration B. countershiping
37. The distribution of plants in a rain forest in governed C. warning colouration D. cryptic colouration
mainly by
A. vegetation B. soil types C. amount of sunlight 50. For heterotrophic organisms, competition is leas caused
D. rainfall pattern by the inadequacy of
A. mates B. space C. light D. nutrients
38. Both recessive and dominant characters are found
A. on different chromosomes in the cell
B. at the same locus of a homologous chromosome
C. mother’s sex cell D. mother’s X chromosome

39. The probability of a baby being a boy or a girl depends

on the condition of the
A. father’s sex cell B. father’s somatic chromosome
C. mother’s sex cell D. mother’s X chromosome

40. Which of the following statements is true of blood

groups and blood transfusion?
A. Group O is the universal recipient
B. Group A can donate to group A only
C. Group AB is the universal recipient
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Biology 2002
1. An Amoeba and an unlaid chicken eggs are 10. Example of competitors are
A. animal tissues B. organelles C. single cell A. lizard and mouse B. snake and lizard
D. organisms C. grasshopper and mouse D. rabbit and snake

2. In corns food is usually stored in the 11. One of the adaptations to life on trees by a monkey is
A. leaves B. stems C. roots D. buds its possession of digits which are
A. extensible B. big C. opposable D. long
3. The animals that move by means of flagella include
A. Chlamydomonas and Euglena B. Planaria and 12. The community of plants in which the same species
Amoeba C. Amoeba and Hydra D. Paramecium a occur from year to year is the
nd Planaria A. annual species B. pioneer vegetation
C. perennial species D. climax vegetation
4. The structures found only in plant cells are
A. cell membrane and cytoplasm B. chromatin and 13. The most common means of transmitting Acquired
nucleolus C. cell wall and chloroplast Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is
D. cell membrane and lysosome A. from mother to child B. through blood transfusion
C. through sexual intercourse D. through the sharing
5.. A flower that has both stamens and pistil is said to be of needles
A. staminate B. pistillate C. perfect D. imperfect
14. Plants tend to prevent overcrowding by means of efficient
6. When oil is poured into the breeding site of mosquitoes, it A. water uptake B. seed germination
A. deprives the larvae of water B. kills the adults C. pollination D. seed dispersal
C. suffocates the pupae D. slows down egg
development. 15. The physical and climatic factors of a region primarily
determine the
Use the diagram below to answer questions 7 and 8 A. kinds of animals inhabiting the area B. types of
plants found in the area C. nature of the soil in the
region D. community of organisms in the region

16. A step in the movement of energy through an

ecosystem is a description that best fits the term
A. food chain B. trophic level C. pyramid of numbers
D. food web

17. In a field experiment the frequency of waterleaf was

observed to be 48 after 20 tosses of a 2m2 quadrant.
What is the density of the plant in the field?
7. The correct evolutionary sequence of the organisms A. 1.2per m2 B. 2.4per m2 C. 4.8per m2
represented is D. 9.6per m2
IIIIIIVIV 18. The supporting tissue of xylem is most poorly
D. IVIIIIII developed in
A. mangrove swamp plants B. grassland plants
8. Ovoviparity is the type of fertilization exhibited by the C. submerged water plants D. desert plants
organism labelled
A. I B. II C. III D. IV 19. The addition of lime to clay soil serve to
A. aid water retention B. close up the texture
Use the diagram below to answer questions 9 and 10 C. prevent water-logging D. improve capillary action

20. The excessive use of agro-chemicals could lead to the

pollution of
A. the lithosphere B. the atmosphere
C. fresh water D. space

21. In a population study using the transect method, a

student is likely to record the highest number of species in
A. a tropical rain forest B. a guinea savanna
9. In the diagram, the hawk is C. a sahel savanna D. an estuarine swamp
A. an omnivore B. a primary consumer
C. a tertiary consumer D. a scavenger
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22. In his theory of evolution, Darwin implied that Use the diagram below to answer questions 32 and 33
A. the struggled for existence among living organisms
is sporadic
B. the most successful organisms are those that best
adapt to their environment
C. organs of the body which are not regularly, used by
an organism will disappear
D. ny traits acquired by an organism during its lifetime
can e passed on to its offspring

23. The carnassial teeth of a carnivorous animal consists of the

A. last upper premolar and the first lower molar
B. last upper molar and the last lower molar 32. Which of the following statements is correct about the
C. first upper premolar and the first lower molar experiment?
D. first upper molar and the first lower molar A. The flask must be of the conical type
B. Caustic soda can be replaced with distilled water
24. A feature of the caste systems of bees and termites is that C. The enclosed leaf will lose its green colour
A. the workers are sterile B. the kings are bigger than D. The leaves outside the flask serve as control
the queens C. only the worker perform duties
D. nuptial fight is performed by all members 33. The experimental set-up can be used to demonstrate that
A. light is necessary for photosynthesis
25. The structure that is common in the embryos of B. oxygen is necessary for photosynthesis
mammals, amphibians, birds, fishes and reptiles and C. photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of plants
which is an evidence of their common ancestry is the D. carbon (IV) oxide is necessary for photosynthesis
A. eye B. chorion C. allantois B. gillslits
34. When a marine fish was taken from the ocean and put
26. Animals are restive when the environment in which in a tank of fresh water, it died after a short period
they live becomes because
A. hot and dry B. cold and wet C. warm and humid A. the tank was too small compared to the large ocean
D. windy and snowy B. the body cells of the fish swelled and burst as a
result of the hypotonic fresh water
27. Birds which are large with long straight pointed beaks, C. the body cells of the fish shrank as their sap was
long necks and long legs are likely to be hypertonic to be fresh water
A. insect eaters B. fish catchers C nectar feeders D. there was no food in the tank, so the fish starved
D. fruit eaters
35. Which of the following pairs of organs is located in the
28. Examples of organisms in which extracellular digestion anterior half of the mammalian body cavity?
occurs are A. Kidneys and lungs B. Heart and ovary
A. Fungus, Loranthus and housefly C. Lungs and hearts D. Kidneys and heart
B. Rhizopus, sponges and earthworm C. Roundworm,
tapeworm and Hydra 36. The mode of nutrition exhibited by a tapeworm is
D. Rhizopus, housefly and Hydra A. symbiotic B. saprophytic C parasitic D. holozoic

29. The mammalian erythrocytes differ from erythrocytes are 37. The organ located within the duodental loop in the
A. discoid and nucleated B. discoid and enucleated mammal is the
C. amoeboid and nucleated D. amoeboid and A. spleen B. pancreas C. liver D. gall bladder
38. In which of the following groups of fruits is the pericarp
30. The presence of endoskeleton is characteristic of inseparable from the seed coat?
A. invertebrata B. vertebrata C. insecta A. Nut B. Follicle C. Cypsela D. Cryopsis
D. coelenterata
39. A person that is obese must avoid meals containing
31. The capture and digestion of insects by a pitcher plant A. carrots and oranges B. margarine and butter
is a special form of nutrition termed C. beef and beans D. rice and yam
A. autotraphic B. heterotrophic C chemosynthetic
D. saprophytic 40. Tissue respiration is important for the
A. absorption of oxygen into the alveoli
B. release of carbon (IV) oxide into the lungs
C. release of energy for body use
D. exhalation of carbon (IV) oxide from lungs.
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Use the diagram below to answer question 41 and 42 45. To select and retain the desirable trait of large body
size with farmer has observed in his herd, the farmer
needs to
A. feed the animals in the herd with more food
B. cross-breed his animals with a different herd
C. inbreed the animals in his herd
D. prevent diseases in his herd

46. In a population of living things, the parameters of size,

41. The function of absorption is performed by the height, weight and colour are example of
structure labelled A. discontinuous variations B. continuous variations
A.I B. II C. III D. IV C. physiological variations D. non-heritable variations

42. The structure labelled I represents the 47. If XN is the dominant allele for normal vision and Xn the
A. phloem B. xylem C. cortex D. pericycle recessive allele for colour-blindness, a boy with the
genotype YXnwill
Use the diagram below to answer questions 43 and 44 A. have normal vision B. be colour-blind
C. be totally blind D. be a carrier of colour-blindness

48. The first four children of a couple were all girls. The
probability that the fifth will also be a girl is
A. 1/5 B. ¼ C. 1/3 D. ½

49. Genetic counselling is important when a marriage is

planned between a
A. Rh woman and Rh man B. Rh woman and Rh man
C. Rh woman and Rh man D. Rh woman and Rh man
43. The gland usually found in the position labelled is the
A. adrenal B. thyroid C. pancreatic D. pituitary 50. What proportion of the offspring of a cross between
two heterozygous parents will exhibit the recessive
44. A hormone secreted at IV serves to condition phenotypically?
A. facilitate the development of facial hairs A. ¼ B. ½ C. ¾ D. 4/4
B. raise the level of calcium ions in the blood
C. lower blood glucose level
D. make the body react to emergencies

Biology 2003
1. The umbrella-shaped fruiting body of a fully developed 3. A noticeable adaptation of the animal to its aquatic
mushroom is the habitat is the possession of
A. mycelium B. basidium C. pileus D. stipe A. webbed digits B. four limbs C. a wide mouth
D. large eyes

4. The similarity among organisms belonging to the same

group will be least within each
A. order B. family C. species D. kingdom

5. Hermaphroditic reproduction can be found among the

A. annelids and molluscs B. pisces and amphibians
C. coelenterates and platyhelminthes D. arthropods
and nematodes
Use the diagram above to answer question 2 and 3.
6. One distinctive feature in the life history of liverworts
2. The processes of water loss and intake indicated by is that they exhibit
the arrows labelled I and II are respectively A. vegetative reproduction B. alternation of generation
A. evaporation and osmosis B. exhalation and osmosis C. sexual reproduction D. asexual reproduction
C. osmosis and diffusion D. urination and diffusion
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Use the diagram above to answer questions 7 and 8 16. Organisms I, II, III and IV have surface/volume ratios
of 1:2. 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5 respectively. The organism that is
likely to have the most complex transport system is

Use the diagram below to answer questions 17 and 18

7. Food is stored in the structure labelled


8. The structures that are common to both plant and animal

cell are labelled
A. II and III B. III and IV C. IV and I D. I and II

9. Thecell component that is present in a prokaryotic cell is the

A. ribosome B. mitochondrion C. chloroplast
D. nuclear envelope 17. The aim of the experiment is to demonstrate
A. the presence of carbon (IV) oxide in exhaled air
10. In the egg of a bird, the embryo is located in the B. that in mammals gaseous exchange take place in thelungs
A. yolk B. embryo disc C. chalaza D. albumen C. the part played by the pleural cavity and diaphragm
in respiration D. that a large amount of oxygen is
11. An insect whose economic importance is both harmful absorbed by the lungs.
and benefit is the
A. butterfly B. mosquito C. blackfly D. tsetsefly 18. In the experimental set-up, the rubber sheet represents
the organ called
Use the diagram below to answer question 12 and 13. A. diaphragm B. lungs C. intercostal D. pleural cavity

19. The part of the mammalian digestive system where

absorption of nutrients takes place is the
A. duodenum B. colon C. ileum D. oesophagus

20 The dark reaction of photosynthesis involves the

A. release of oxygen and the splitting of water
B. photolysis of water and the production of starch
C. reduction of carbon (IV) oxide to organic compounds
D. splitting of water into hydrogen ions

12. The experiment is used to demonstrate that 21. The most important hormone that induces the ripening
A. transpiration occurs through the leaves B. plants of fruit is
lose water through guttation C. leaves are A. Cytokinin B. Indole acetic acid C. Ethylene
important to photosynthesis D. water is necessary D. Gibberellin
for photosynthesis
22. Metabolic production of urea is carried out in the
13. In the experiment, the layer of oil serves to prevent A. urinary bladder and kidney B. pancreas
water loss by C. kidney and malphigian tubule D. liver
A. Osmosis B. Transpiration C. Evaporation
D. Guttation 23. In mammalian males, the excretory and reproductive
system share the
14. If water that has been coloured red is poured at the A. ureter B. testes C. vas deferens D. urethra
base of a wilting plant, it will appear as a red stain in the
cells of the 24. The best method of propagating sugarcane is by
A. phloem B. parenchyma C. xylem D. epidermis A. stem cuttings B. seed sowing C. layering
D. grafting
15. The stunted growth of a leguminous plant suffering
from nitrogen deficiency may be corrected by 25. The response of plants to external stimuli in a non-
inoculating the soil with directional manner is known as
A. saprophytic bacteria B. rhizobium A. nastic movement B. photropism C. tactic
C. denitrifying bacteria D. nitrosomonas D. geotropism
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Use the diagram below to answerquestions 26 and 27 37. One example of fossil fuels is
A. coral B. limestone C. firewood D. coal

38. If the pair of allelels for baldness is given as Bb, a

female carrier will be denoted by

39. An organism that has been extensively used to test the

chromosome theory of heredity is
A. Homo sapiens B. Drosophila melanogaster
26. The structure can be found in the C. Zea Mays D. Musea domestica
A. peripheral and central nervous systems
B. peripheral nervous system only 40. Afeature associated with theY-chromosome in humans is
C. sympathetic and parasymapathetic nervous systems A. facial hairs B. prominent fingernails
D. central nervous system only C. long eyelashes D. enlarged breast

27. The point marked I is referred to as 41. A man and his wife are both heterozygous for the sickle-
A. myelin sheath B. dendrites C. node of Ranvier cell trait. The likely percentage of their offspring that
D. axon will be either carriers or sicklers is
A. 50% B. 25% C. 75% D. 100%
28. Homologous pairs of chromosomes separate during
A. meiosis B. cytolysis C. mitosis D. cleavage 42. The type of reproduction that leeds to variation in
animal and plant populations is
29. An example of a caryopsis is A. budding B. vegetative C. asexual D. sexual
A. coconut B. tomato C. guava D. maize grain
43. If a DNA strand has a base sequence TCA, its
30. A limiting factor in a plant population near a chemical complementary strand must be
factory is likely to be A. ATG B. GAT C. AGT D. TAG
A. humidity B. pH C. wind D. light
44. Which of the following requires the use of carbon
31. The pioneer organisms in ecological succession are dating to prove that evolution has occurred?
usually the A. biochemical similarities B. molecular records
A. lichens B. algae C. ferns D. mosses C. fossil records D. comparative anatomy

32. Mycorrhiza is an association between fungi and 45. The presence of sunken stomata and the folding of
A. roots of higher plants B. ilamentous algae leaves are adaptations to
C. bacteria D. protozoans A. prevent entry of pathogens B. prevent guttation
C. remove excess water D. reduce water loss
33. A density-dependent factor that regulates the
population size of organisms is 46. Spines and shells on animals are adaptations for
A. sudden flood B. disease C. fire outbreak A. physical defence B. camouflage C. chemical
D. drought defence D. mimicry

34. The most effective method of dealing with non- 47. The inactive state exhibited by an animal during hot
biodegradable pollution is by dry seasons is termed
A. burying B. dumping C. incineration A. aestivation B. dormancy C. resting D. hibernation
D. recycling
48. An insect with a mandibulate mouth part will obtain its
35. Soil fertility can best be conserved and renewed by the food by
activities of A. chewing B. chewing and sucking C. sucking
A. microbes B. earthwormsv C. man D. rodents D. biting and chewing

36. The correct sequence of biomes from northern to 49. An example of cryptic colouration is the
southern Nigeria is A.bright marks on a poisonous tropical frog on
A. estuarine  tropical rain forest  guinea savanna variegated leaves B. bright colour of an insect-
sahel savanna B. sahel savanna  sudan pollinated flower C. mottled colours on moths that
savanna guinea savanna  tropical rest on lichens D. green colour of a plant
 estuarine 50. An argument against Lamarck’s heory of evolution is that
C. sahel savanna tropical rain forest estu arin A .acquired traits cannot be passed onto the offspring
guinea savanna D. guinea savanna  sudan B. disuse of body part cannot weaken the part
savanna  tropical rainforest  sahel C. disused part is dropped off in the offspring
savanna  estuarine D. traits cannot be acquired through constant use of body parts.
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Biology 2004
1. The gall bladder of a mammal has a duct connected to the 9. The bones labelled II are called
A. duodenum B. liver C. pancreas D. small intestine A. thoracic vertebrae B. lumbar vertebrae C. cervical
vertebrae D. sacral vertebrae.
2. The opening of the stoma is controlled by the
A. presence of guard cells B. decrease in solute 10. The breakdown of fats and oils into simpler absorbable
concentration in the guard cells C. increase in compounds is catalyzed by the group of enzymes called
solute concentration in the guard cells A. peptidases B. amylases C. lipases D. hydrolases
D. presence of a pore.
11. The two key cations involved in the action potential of
Use the diagram below to answer questions 3 and 4 nervous transmissions are
A. Mg2 and K+ B. Na+ and Fe2+ C. Fe2+ and Mg2+
D. Na+ and K +
Use the diagram below to answer questions 12 and 13

3. Yam is used in this set-up because it

A. act as a semi-permeable membrane B. act as a storage
organ C. is permeable to the salt solution
D. is a plant material

4. Which of the following results is to be expected If the

set-up is left for several hours?
A. Movement of water from the salt solution
B. Decrease in the size of the yam C. Movement of the 12. The part labelled II is the
salt solution into the water D. Decrease in A. anther B. style C. filament D. stigma
the volume of water inside the yam.
13. The process of pollination involves the transfer of
5. The eggs of birds contain relatively larger quantities of pollens from
yolk than those of amphibians and reptiles because A. III to IV B. IV to I C. II to III D. I to II
A. embryonic development is longer in birds
B. birds lay shelled eggs C. birds are generally bigger 14. The anaerobic fermentation of a glucose molecule
in size D. those of birds are fertilized internally. yields
A. pyruvic acid and alcohol B. 38 ATP molecules
6. In the internal structure of plants, a wide pith in the C. water and carbon (IV) oxide D. 2ATP molecules and
centre is common to alcohol
A. dicot root and monocot stems B. dicot stems and
monocot stems C. dicot stem and monocot roots Use the diagram below to answer questions 15 and 16
D. dicot roots and monocot roots.

7. If a nursing mother is not producing enough milk, her

hormonal system is probably deficient in
A. testosterone B. thyroxin C. insulin D. prolactin

Use the diagram below to answer questions 8 and 9

15. The function of the part labelled III is to

A. produce oil for the skin B. carry blood and
nitrogenous waste C. contract to pull the hair erect
D. conduct nervous impulses
8. The type of joint between adjacent bones in the part
labelled II is the
16. The sweat gland is the structure labelled
A. hinge joint B. suture joint C. sliding joint
D. ball-and-socket joint
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17. The type of reproduction that is common to both Hydra 29. The rods in the retina of the eye are examples of
and yeast is A. organs B. cells C. systems D. tissues
A. grafting B. budding C. conjugation D. binary fission
30. The larval stage of a mosquito is called
18. Epigeal germination of a seed is characterized by A. caterpillar B. maggot C.wriggler D. grub
A. lack of growth of the hypocotyls B. more rapid
elongation of the hypocotyls than the epicotyl 31. The most common characteristic of the fungal hyphae
C. more rapid elongation of the epicotyl than the is the possession of
hypocotyl D. equal growth rate of both the A. cell-like partitions formed by cross-walls
hypocotyl and epicotyl. B. cell-like compartments with one nucleus each
C. a multicellular mycelium in the substrate
19. All living cells require water because it D. cell walls that are both rigid and chitinous
A. is a medium that neutralizes acids in cells
B. is the main source of energy for the cells Use the diagram below to answer question 32 and 33.
C. prevents the development of diseases in cell
D. is a medium for all metabolic reactions.

20. The surface of an alveolus in a mammals is well supplied

with tiny blood vessels known as
A. capillaries B. arteries C. arterioles D. venules

21 Nervous control differs from hormonal control in that

the former
A. is a slower process B. involves only chemical
transmission C. has no specific pathway
D. produces short-term changes
32. The part labelled II is responsible for
22. Identical twins inherit their genes from A respiration B. protein synthesis C. excretion
A. one egg and two sperms B. two eggs and a sperm D. photosynthesis
C. the same egg and sperm D. different eggs and sperms
33. The endoplasmic reticulum is represented by the part
23. Paternity disputes can most accurately be resolved labelled
through the use of A. III B. VI C. I D. II
A. DNA analysis B. fingerprinting C. tongue-rolling
D. blood group typing 34. The function of the long-winged reproductives in a
termite colony is to
24. Sex-linked genes are located on A. protect the young B. participate in swarming
A. X-and Y-chromosomes B. homologous C. feed the young D. disperse the population
chromosomes C. X- chromosomes
D. Y- chromosome. 35. A plant-likefeatureinEuglena is the
A. large vacuole B. gullet C. pellicle D. pigment spot
25. In a Mendelian cross of red and white varieties of the
four o’clock plant, the F1 generation expresses 36. Which of the following is an example of intraspecific
incomplete dominance by having flowers which are competition?
A. multicoloured B. pink C. red D. white A. Yam and potato shoots growing out through the
same window B. A lizard and an ant-eater chasing an i
26. Insects are considered the most successful among the nsect C. Aworker termiteand a soldier in a limited space
invertebrates because they D. A hawk and an eagle targeting the same chicken
A. survive in various environmental conditions
B. possess the ability to change their forms C. possess 37. The spots and stripes of the leopard and tiger are
exoskeletons D. have wing for flight examples of
A. warning colouration B. countershading C. cryptic
27. The absence of special food and water-conducting colouration D. disruptive colouration
systems restricts the body size in
A the bryophytes and the pteridophyes 38. Rodents gnaw on food with their
B. the thallophytes and the pteridophytes C. liverworts, A. strong jaws B. flat-ridged teeth C. chisel-like front
mosses and ferns D. algae, liverworts and mosses. teeth D. molar teeth.

28. A peculiar characteristic of mammals is that they 39. An evidence of the relationship between living
A.have sebaceous glands B. have teeth C. are warm- organisms and their extinct relatives can best be
blooded D. have lungs. obtained from
A. palaeontology B. embryology C. comparative
anatomy D. comparative physiology.
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40. Plants survive hot dry conditions by
A. producing numerous leaves B. having numerous 44. Which of the zones is likely to be a desert?
stomata C. having evergreen leave D. storing A. III B. IV C. I D. II
water in large parenchyma cells.
45. High relative humidity will be expected in zones
41. A caterpillar and an aphid living in different parts of A. II and III B. II and IV C. I and IV D. I and III
the same plant can be said to
A. be in similar microhabitats B. occupy different 46. One adaptation of reptiles to water loss is the presence of
ecological niches C. occupy the same ecological A. long tails B. long sticky tongues C. keratinous scales
niche D. be in different habitats D. claws on limbs.

42. The progressive loss of energy at each level in a food 47. The scarcity of food causes a sudden decrease in
chain leads to population size by
A. a decrease in biomass at each successive level A. minimizing the rate of competition B. raising the
B. an increase in the number of organisms at each mortality rate C. bringing about immigration
successive level C. an increase in the total weight of D. decreasing the reproductive rate
living matter at each successive level D. an increase
in biomass at each successive level 48. The association between termites and the cellulose-
digesting protozoan in their guts is an example of
43. The soil type that will be most difficult to plough in a A. mutualism B. saprophytism C. commensalism
wet season is one that is D. parasitism
A. sandy B. loamy C. silty D. clayey
49. A state in Nigeria that is most susceptible to desert
Use the table below to answer questions 44 and 45 encroachment is
A. Kaduna B. Kastina C. Kwara D. Taraba

50. A farm practice that results in the loss of soil fertility is

A. continuous cropping B. mixed farming
C. bush fallowing D shifting cultivation.

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