DLL - English 4 - Q1 - W2
DLL - English 4 - Q1 - W2
DLL - English 4 - Q1 - W2
E. Discussing new concepts Group Activities Read words with long-e sound. Engagement activity What are this words?
and practicing new skills Original File Submitted and -Draw about your own experience Do they refer to one
no.2( Guided Practice) Formatted by DepEd Club Member of helping other. noun?
- visit depedclub.com for more
F. Developing Mastery Match the picture with the Do and Learn
(Leads to Formative words on the board. Read the Story and answer
Assessment 3.) the question.
( Independent Practice )
G. Finding practical Why must we be kind to How many of you helped
application of concepts someone whom you don’t know?
and skills in daily living How does it feel?
H. Making Generalization Study the chart.
and abstraction about How is the plural of noun in
the column A formed? In Column
lesson( Generalization)
I. Evaluating learning Answer Write two sentences about a Do and Learn:
What’s the Word place you want to visit. Write the plural form of the
following nouns.