Product Leaflet - ASSA ABLOY - Hermetic (Health Care) - en
Product Leaflet - ASSA ABLOY - Hermetic (Health Care) - en
Product Leaflet - ASSA ABLOY - Hermetic (Health Care) - en
Technical specifications
Power supply 120 V AC -10% to
240 V AC +10%; 50/60 Hz
Power consumption max. 250 W
max. door weight 200 kg
Clear opening 800 – 2500 mm
Opening and closing variable up to 0.7 m/s
Hold open time 0 – 60 s
Ambient temperature -20°C to +50°C
Relative humidity
(non-condensing) 5% to 85%
No compromise on safety
To permit safe passage between closing doors,
the doors immediately reverse if an obstruction is
detected, then resume their interrupted movement
at low speed to check whether the obstruction has
The ASSA ABLOY Hermetic sliding disappeared or not. If an obstruction is detected
door is especially designed for use in between opening doors and surrounding walls or
interior fittings, the door immediately stops and
clean room environments where clean,
then closes after a time delay.
hygienic, well-sealing doors are required The safety can be further improved by using a
ASSA ABLOY presence detection system. People or
Sealed – Silent – Reliable objects in the doorway are detected and the door is
ASSA ABLOY hermetically sealing sliding door then prevented from closing until it is safe to do so.
system ASSA ABLOY Hermetic is especially A convenience battery is available as an accessory.
designed for use in clean room environments, such This is a standby supply, which gives continued
as operating theatres, pharmaceutical production operation during a short power failure.
facilities, food preparation facilities, laboratories
and other areas where clean, hygienic, well-sealing Self-monitoring
doors are required. The microprocessor has an integral self-monitoring
The ASSA ABLOY Hermetic system consists of device which detects any interference or faulty
operator, door and door frames. It is easy to signals in door operation and takes necessary
install for both new construction and retrofit measures to ensure a safe operation. The electronics
applications. Although the operator is small and are grouped in plug-in units. Each unit is subjected
slim in appearance, it is entirely suitable for the to a programme of stringent quality tests before
heaviest duty applications. During the installation delivery.
the operator is programmed to comply with the
customer’s specific requirements.
140 ASSA ABLOY Hermetic-L
Left opening shown, right opening mirror image
55 55
115 COW
The operator cover is designed to prevent
Standard equipment
collection of dust and is easy to clean. The ASSA Electronic control unit with plug-in connections and
power supply
ABLOY Hermetic is tailored to different customer
requirements. The motor, control unit and trans Door leaf faced with plastic laminate to both sides,
including sliding track and handles for manual opening
mission are all assembled on the door sliding track.
The movement is transmitted to the door leaf by
means of a tooth belt. A linear actuator is used to
lift the door leaf from closed position onto the
Accessories and Options
© ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems AB - PD.Hermetic/ORG.en-8.0/1908 - 1003753 Technical data subject to change without notice.
sliding track. Cover:
- clear anodized aluminium (other anodizing optional)
The door leaf consists either of a core faced with
- paint finished in colour according to RAL chart
plastic laminate to both sides or stainless steel on
Programme selectors
both sides. The door is hung on two plastic wheels,
which together with the sliding track give excep Convenience battery
tionally smooth and silent operation. The sealing ASSA ABLOY approach and presence sensors
against the wall is made by a rubber seal. A flat Electromechanical locking device
rubber gasket is fitted to the underside of the door
Manual open/close impulse
to seal against the floor. This will give full ASSA
ABLOY Hermetic seal. The doors can be delivered Full (bed) and partial (nurse) opening
with lead for radiation protection. Window, Interlocking between operators
mechanical lock and earthing kit are other options. Key switch
The door can also be manually opened by means
Limit switch for indication of closed door
of handles on both sides of the door. To make the
manual opening easier, a push & go function will ASSA ABLOY Automatic Door systems:
automatically control the opening and closing of - Door leaf in optional laminates and in stainless steel
-R eveal plate system consisting of a lining, faced with
the door.
laminate in optional colours or stainless steel de-
signed to cloak the door opening on both sides
- Window in the door leaf
ASSA ABLOY Hermetic-R Single slide, right hand - Mechanical cylinder lock
ASSA ABLOY Hermetic-L Single slide, left hand - Earthing of door leaf and frame
- Handle on one side only - outside or inside
This equipment should be installed, regularly inspected, maintained and serviced by trained and authorized personnel.
Preventive maintenance plans are highly recommended for a proper and safe operation. Talk to your ASSA ABLOY Entrance
Systems representative to learn more about our service offering!