State Level Police Recruitment Board, Andhra Pradesh: Call Letter For Physical Measurment Test / Physical Efficiency Test
State Level Police Recruitment Board, Andhra Pradesh: Call Letter For Physical Measurment Test / Physical Efficiency Test
State Level Police Recruitment Board, Andhra Pradesh: Call Letter For Physical Measurment Test / Physical Efficiency Test
3) Gender Male
4) Date of Birth 09/05/2000
5) Community SC
6) PWT Marks Paper-I: 51, Paper-II: 37
7) Do you belong to ABO-ST in the
Scheduled Agency area?
8) Do you belong to
9) AADHAAR Card No. 255989888719
11-SCT SI (Civil) (Men & Women)
10) Post Applied for
13-SCT RSI (APSP) (Men)
11) Local to which District? East Godavari
14-08-2023 04:15:45 PM
List of documents to be submitted by the candidate
(For details, see instructions given in the notification)
1. Secondary School/Matriculation certificate or equivalent certificate in support of the Date of Birth.
2. Educational Qualification: The candidate must have passed, as on 1st July, 2022, Degree or its equivalent examination recognized
by the State Government.
In the case of a candidate belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, as on 1st July, 2022, he/she must have passed
Intermediate or its equivalent Examination recognized by the State Government and should have studied Degree and appeared for
the Degree Examinations and must submit the Memorandum of Marks of all the 1st , 2nd and 3rd year of Dregree Examinations.
3. A candidate belonging to the Open Category (OC), who wish to claim concession in age and reservation specified for the EWS
category, should submit the said Certificate issued by the competent authority as specified in Para No. 11 in the notification.
4. A candidate belonging to the Backward Class, who wish to claim concession in age and also reservation specified for the Backward
Classes, must submit the LATEST Community & Date of Birth Certificate and Certificate of Non Creamy Layer issued by the
competent revenue authority as specified.
5. A candidate belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, who wish to claim concession in age and also reservation specified
for the SCs/STs, must submit the LATEST Community & Date of Birth Certificate issued by the competent authority as specified.
6. Certificate from the competent authority in respect of State Government employees/those who worked in the Army, Navy or Air
Force of the Indian Union/NCC Instructors/ retrenched temporary employees in the State Census Department during 1991 for
claiming age relaxation.
7. Residence certificate in the agency area from the competent authority in respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribe and
Aboriginal Tribes in the agency area who have claimed relaxation in Physical Measurements.
8. Study certificate issued by the School authorities or Residence certificate (in case the candidate has not studied in any Educational
Institution preceding to SSC/Matriculation or equivalent (Private study)) issued by Tahasildar of the concerned Mandal, for
determining local status.
9. Police Executive service Certificate / Police MiniSterial service Certificate issued on or after the date of notification, wherever
10. Children of Police Personnel of A.P. Police Department who (a) Died or (b) Were incapacitated and were retired on medical
invalidation due to violent action of the Extremists/Criminals/Anti-Social Elements or due to violence while on duty certificate (CDI
11. Certificate of Children of Police Personnel issued on or after the date of notification, wherever applicable.
12. Ex-servicemen certificate issued by the competent authority.
13. No objection Certificate for civil employment for in service personnel of Army, Navy, Air force due to retire from service within one
year from the last date on which Stage -1 online application form submitted.
14. Meritorious Sports Persons Category (a), (b) or (c) Certificate.
15. National Cadet Corps of ‘A’, ‘B’ (or) ‘C’ Certificate wherever applicable.
16. The candidate who migrated to any part of the State of Andhra Pradesh from the State of Telangana within a period of ten (10) years
from the 2nd day of June, 2014 shall submit relevant certificate in order to claim local candidate status
17. Any other document.
18. Copy of Stage-II Online Application Form.
Note: 1. The candidate should bring his/her AADHAAR CARD at the time of attending the PMT/PET.
If the candidate does not possess AADHAAR CARD, he/she should bring any other Photo Identity Proof
2. The entire process on the day of PMT/PET will take 3-4 hours.
3. You may contact the following e mail address ( for clarification, if any.
Atul Singh, IPS.
State Level Police Recruitment Board,
Andhra Pradesh, Mangalagiri.
// t.c.f //
Administrative Officer
14-08-2023 04:15:45 PM