Conduction and Polarization Mechanisms and Trends in Dielectrics
Conduction and Polarization Mechanisms and Trends in Dielectrics
Conduction and Polarization Mechanisms and Trends in Dielectrics
the resistance to molecular rotation presented by the material’s larly displaced or oriented charges internally in the material.
internal structure. These charges are associated with all the atoms and molecules
Interfacial polarization, involving a longer range ion move- and any grosser internal barrier features of some insulation. This
ment, is observed usually only at lower frequencies. section dea1s with the electrons within the atoms. When an atom
Ionic-interfacial and dipolar polarization are the most im- or molecule is placed in an electric field, the electrons in the
portant for most organic liquid and resin electrical insulation, atom are displaced very slightly toward the positive direction of
since they are associated with conduction and dielectric loss at the field. This occurs almost instantly within times less than a
commonly used frequencies. A form of polarization and associ- half cycle of optical frequency.
ated conduction like ionic-interfacial is also observed in inor- Electron polarization is responsible for the optical refractive
ganic glasses and ceramics at lower frequencies and increases index, η, and is part of the dielectric constant of all dielectric
with increased temperature. materials. This is illustrated in Figure 5. The magnitude of the
Each of these types of polarization will now be discussed in refractive index and its contribution to the dielectric constant,
more detail. The magnitude of each type of polarization de- ε′∞ = η2, is essentially constant from zero frequency up to the
pends primarily on the number density of the participating spe- optical frequency range where dispersion (a slight increase) and
cies and the resistance to motion presented by the medium in resonance absorption, attenuation, occurs at specific frequen-
the case of ionic-interfacial and dipolar types. cies. This type of polarization does not contribute to conduction
or dielectric loss in conventional electrical insulating materia1s
Electron Polarization at frequencies common1y used in insulation app1ications.
Polarization has the net effect of placing opposite charges in Table 3 gives values of ε′ at 60 Hz and ε′∞ = η2 (η values
a material at the face adjacent to the electrodes of a capacitor. reported for the Sodium d line optical frequency in handbooks)
These apparent charges are the cumulative effect of many simi- for various types of dielectric materials. The values of η for
Rm =
( )( )
η2 – 1
η2 + 2
No α e
. (12)
Ionic-Interfacial Polarization
This type of polarization occurs in dielectrics having in their
composition two, or more, different materials, which are not
intimately dissolved one in the other. Examples of this are mica
in resin, glass fibers in resin, or a solid insulation barrier, such
as paper in a liquid insulation. Materials having a matrix of
amorphous material with embedded crystalline material might
also be expected to fall into the category of heterogeneous sub-
stances, which could have ionic-interfacial polarization. Ceram-
ics fall into this category. Usually the different materials in the
composite will have different electrical (usually ionic) conduc-
tivities, and this characteristic leads to a buildup of charge at
the interface between them when voltage is applied to the mate-
rials in series. One element of such a material is represented by
the equivalent circuit of two series capacitors, each with a resis-
tor in parallel with it, as shown in Figure 6(c). Figure 6. Circuit analogies of electrical insulation.
duced Also, the upturn in conductivity toward lower frequency where P is the dipolar polarization, N0 is Avogadro’s number, M
due to the reduced resistance in parallel with the capacitors will, is the molecular weight, ρ is the density, and EL is the local
of course, be increased. electrical field, as influenced by the medium surrounding each
molecule. According to the Lorenz-Lorentz relation for the in-
Dipolar Polarization ternal electric field (which was also used in the case of electron
Dipolar polarization is primarily of importance in insulating polarization): EL = E(ε′ + 2)/3, where E is the applied external
organic liquids and resins where dipolar molecules are suffi- field and ε′ is the dielectric constant.
ciently mobile to be oriented by the electric field. Although di- Now, inserting the value for the local electric field into (15),
pole molecules occur in most inorganic glasses, ceramics, and an adjusted value for P is obtained:
crystals, the molecules are not sufficiently mobile or unique
entities at the temperatures at which these substances are used Noρ m2 ε′ + 2
to rotate as individual molecules in electrical insulation. Dipo-
lar molecules have already been discussed in connection with
conduction mechanisms, since their rotation in an electric field
Pd =
( ) ( )
M 3kT 3
E. (16)
( ) ( )( )
No ρ
αe +
. (17c) the entire range of dipole moments and liquid dielectric con-
stants. For compounds with zero or very low dipole moments, it
can be noted that the square of the refractive index (η2) is nearly
This relation is reasonably accurate for dipolar gasses and equal to the dielectric constant (ε′).
slightly less so for dilute solutions of dipolar molecules in non- The dipole moment of organic compounds is usually domi-
polar solvents (such as hydrocarbons). It has been used to mea- nated by particular polar groups, usually involving atoms other
sure and calculate the dipole moments of many molecules. But than C or H as is indicated by an inspection of Table 3. When
it is not accurate for dipolar liquids. these polar groups are attached to a rigid molecule like benzene
The reason for the incorrectness of (17) for the condensed the dipole moments will add vectorially. For example, the di-
phase of dipolar molecules lies primarily in the error of the as- pole moment of 1,4-dichlorobenzene, where the –C–C1 groups
sumed value of the internal electric field which is affected by are directly opposite each other, is zero.
the proximity of surrounding molecules and by specific electro- It can be noted in Table 3 that the dielectric constants of the
static attractions between some types of molecules such as those compounds with –OH groups (namely propyl alcohol, water,
with –OH groups, which occur in organic alcohols and acids and ethylene glycol) are higher than would be expected from
and water. In those compounds, a secondary intermolecular “hy- their molecule dipole moments. This is attributed to the spe-
drogen bond” occurs with a specific orientation between mol- cific attraction and orientation of two or several molecules to
ecules. A more correct equation relating the dielectric constant each other through hydrogen bonding. This may also be true to
of dipolar liquids to their dipole moments has been derived by a lesser extent with amino benzene (aniline). This intermolecu-
Prof. Onsager in [13], [14]. It was assumed that the local inter- lar orientation makes them behave as if their effective dipole
nal field was that for an empty spherical cavity in a continuous moment was higher. This has been theoretically analyzed by
fluid with a dielectric constant, ε′. This relation is given in (18): Kirkwood and colleagues [20].
Compounds with high dielectric constants (because the solu-
bility and dissociation constant of ionic materials is greater in
EL = E
( ) 3ε′
2ε′ + 1
. (18) them) are difficult to purify from ionic impurities. These ionic
impurities raise the conductivity so much as to make it difficult
to measure their capacitance and dielectric constant correctly at
The same equation is also used in calculating the electric low frequency. At higher frequencies, however, the loss tangent,
field in gas bubbles in insulation. Onsager’s relation, see (l9), which decreases inversely with frequency for constant conduc-
calculates only the difference between the overall dielectric tivity, is sufficiently low that dielectric constant measurements
constant, ε′, and η2, that is due to the refractive index plus atomic are easier. Note that the values for the highest ε′ liquids are
polarization, which is usually quite small in organic molecules reported at 100 kHz in Table 3.
in contrast to most inorganic solids: The group dipole moments of the groups attached to poly-
mer chains can usually be expected to be the same as in small
individual molecules; but they do not contribute significantly to
(ε′ – η2)(2ε′ + η2) 1 No ρ m 2 the resin dielectric constant, except when the polymer chain or
= . (19)
ε′(η2 + 2) 3εo M 3kT side groups can move easily. This typically occurs at elevated
temperatures as the resin approaches its physical softening point.
The major part of the variation in the left term is in the factor: Thus, viscous liquids and polymers with dipoles often show sig-
(ε′ – η2); this quantity is approximately proportional to m2/M nificant increase in dielectric constant with increasing tempera-
since the other quantities in the right term are nearly constant at ture in the range where the dipolar molecules become suffi-
constant temperature. ciently mobile. A good correlation between the dielectric fre-
Table 3 gives the dielectric constants of different types of quency/temperature characteristics and the mechanical flexibility
molecular liquids together with their molecular weights, den- has been shown for polar polymers.
I = Iot–n. (20b)
Figure 7. Typical DC current response of insulation to a step
voltage application.
ωV(1/RC) ωCV
I′(ω) = j = j . (22)
R((1/RC)2 + ω2) 1 + ω2(RC)2
Now replacing the time constant, RC, with τ and C/Co with
εo′, where Co is the capacitance at zero frequency, the following
relation results:
I′(ω)/V = j = jB. (23)
1 + ω2τ2
( )
tion of relaxation times, the maximum would be lower and
ωτεo′ εo′ broader, and the decline in real dielectric constant more gradual.
I(ω) = VωCo +j . (27)
1 + ω2τ2 1 + ω2τ2 This is often seen with polar polymers. Curves for ε′ and ε″ for
a single relaxation time and an often observed type of deviation
This has the same form as the Debye relation for the fre- having a maximum ε″ value 50% of that for a single relaxation
quency dependence of the “real” and “imaginary” dielectric time and indicating a symmetric distribution of relaxation times
constants with an assumed single relaxation time, τ. In the Debye are given in Figure 9(a). (The shape of the curve corresponds to
approach, the principle current is assumed to be capacitive, so the Cole-Cole arc relation between ε″ and ε′ for ∝ = 0.36 as in
the j factor (for out of phase current) appears in front of the (30b) and Figure 10(b) which will be discussed later.) The AC
expression, and the in-phase current component is assigned a conductivity, 2πfε″ curves corresponding to the same param-
negative j factor to make it “real” and to indicate that it lags the eters are plotted in Figure 9(b).
applied voltage. The AC conductivity always increases with frequency, and it
Since the above derivation applies only to the polarization should be clearly understood that the frequency variations due
over and above the electron polarization (or any other high fre- to the various conduction-polarization processes discussed here
quency polarization which is constant through the frequency are merely “waves” superimposed on the steady upward trend
range of the interfacial or dipolar polarization being consid- of the AC conductivity with increasing frequency. Although the
ered) the εo′ term of (27) is replaced by the difference between conductivity appears to be leveling off in Figure 9(b), these
the low-frequency and high-frequency dielectric constants, εo –
ε∞, to give equations (28a) and (28b):
I(ω) = jVCo
((εo – ε∞)
1 + ω2τ2
(εo – ε∞)ωτ
1 + ω2τ2
, (28a)
(εo – ε∞)
ε* = ε∞ + , (30b)
(1 + jωτ)1–α
(εo – ε∞)
ε* = ε∞ + . (30c)
(1 + jωτ)β
2 ∞ xε″(x) 2 ∞ ε″
Figure 10. Cole type plots of ε″ vs. ε′. ε′ = 兰ο dx or 兰ο dx, (31a)
π x2 – ω2 π x
at ω = 0
ε″ = . (33)
(ω/ωp)–m + (ω/ωp)1–n
This article shows how dielectric data can be helpful in in-
terpreting molecular behavior and structure, and conversely how
a knowledge of molecular structure can aid in predicting di-
electric properties where these are critical for an application.
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