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2020 Programme evaluation

frequently asked questions (FAQs)

2020 Programme evaluation
frequently asked questions (FAQs)
2020 Programme evaluation frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Published April 2020

Updated November 2020

Published on behalf of the International Baccalaureate Organization, a not-for-profit

educational foundation of 15 Route des Morillons, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex,
Geneva, Switzerland by the

International Baccalaureate Organization (UK) Ltd

Peterson House, Malthouse Avenue, Cardiff Gate
Cardiff, Wales CF23 8GL
United Kingdom

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2020

The International Baccalaureate Organization (known as the IB) offers four high-quality
and challenging educational programmes for a worldwide community of schools, aiming
to create a better, more peaceful world. This publication is one of a range of materials
produced to support these programmes.

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Wikipedia. The IB respects the principles of intellectual property and makes strenuous
efforts to identify and obtain permission before publication from rights holders of all
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International Baccalaureate, Baccalauréat International, Bachillerato Internacional

and IB logos are registered trademarks of the International Baccalaureate Organization.
IB mission statement
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who
help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop
challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.

These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong
learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
IB learner profile
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IB learner profile H E IB L E AR

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IB learner profile
The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common
humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.
As IB learners we strive to be:

We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories,
research. We know how to learn independently and with others. as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate
We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the
throughout life. experience.

We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a
knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference
and ideas that have local and global significance. in the lives of others and in the world around us.

We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination;
responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas
making reasoned, ethical decisions. and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the
face of challenges and change.
We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one
language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of
carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups. our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve
well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interde-
pendence with other people and with the world in which we live.
We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of
fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and expe-
of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions rience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in
and their consequences. order to support our learning and personal development.

The IB learner profile represents 10 attributes valued by IB World Schools. We believe these attributes, and others
like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities.

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2017

International Baccalaureate® | Baccalauréat International® | Bachillerato Internacional®
2020 Programme evaluation frequently asked questions

Preliminary review
What is the preliminary review?
The preliminary review is one step in the redeveloped programme evaluation process. It is an opportunity
for the school and the IB to ensure that all required school and programme documentation is in place prior
to the evaluation visit or reading. The preliminary review submission date is at least four months prior to the
evaluation visit or reading.

What documentation is required for the preliminary review?

The required documentation is listed in the Guide to programme evaluation (for use from September 2020)
in “Appendix 1: Documentation for preliminary review”. The preliminary review documentation list includes
information that schools are required to submit from the Programme standards and practices, the Rules for
IB world schools and relevant programme resources and guides.

What is the timeline for the preliminary review?

The school submits their preliminary review documentation at least four months before the evaluation visit.
A member of the IBEN assigned to the evaluation team reviews the documentation within two weeks of the
submission. The school then receives a report which indicates whether documentation is complete and
meets expectation. The school may receive preliminary matters to be addressed (PMTBA) and will have
two weeks to resubmit documentation to satisfy the matter or plans to address it. All documentation must
be complete and preliminary matters must be addressed at least six weeks before the evaluation visit. In
the cases where the school has not satisfactorily addressed the PMTBA, the evaluation visit will be

The school may wish to begin their self-study while completing the preliminary review. The school’s IBWS
manager is available to answer questions and offer support for completing the preliminary review and self-

How often are schools required to update documentation?

Schools are advised and expected to review and update their required programme documentation annually
or as needed. This will ensure that updates to the programme are being implemented in the school and
reduce the effort needed to update documentation prior to the preliminary review.

Does the preliminary review have to be completed before schools begin the
No, schools do not have to complete the preliminary review before starting the self-study and completing
the self-study questionnaire.

2020 Programme evaluation frequently asked questions (FAQs)

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What is required for the school and programme profile?
A school and programme profile template will be provided on the programme resource centre later in 2020.
In the interim, schools may refer to the school information pages found in the current versions of the self-
study questionnaires.

What is the statement of acceptance?

Schools sign the statement of acceptance during the authorization process and will now sign at evaluation
to affirm their on-going commitment to the implementation of the programme(s). The statement will be
published on the programme resource centre later in 2020.

What are the parent/guardian and student complaints procedures?

The requirement for schools to have a parent/guardian and student complaints procedures was introduced
in 2018 in the Rules for IB World Schools.

The school must have in place written procedures for how it will deal with complaints and student requests
for appeals against IB programme-related decisions taken by the school, ensure that details of these
procedures are made widely available and accessible to all students, and operate in accordance with such
procedures. The school must inform parents or legal guardians about the school’s procedures for
addressing complaints and students’ requests for appeals of IB programme decisions taken by the school.

There is no expectation that the procedure is specific for the IB programme(s). Most schools will already
have developed and communicated expectations and identified steps for students and parents who have a
complaint or want to appeal a school decision. The procedure is part of the documentation required for the
preliminary review.

Is there a required format for DP unit plans and the TOK course outlines
Schools may use the DP unit planner templates available on the Approaches to teaching and learning
website in the DP section of the programme resource centre. Schools may also develop their own
templates following the guidance in Diploma Programme: From principles into practice, specifically in the
section called “Developing a quality Diploma Programme curriculum”. As a further resource, please refer to
“Appendix 1: Documentation for preliminary review” in the Guide to programme evaluation (for use from
September 2020) which indicates which requirements the unit planners must evidence.

What is required for the school’s strategy or strategic plan?

The school’s strategy or strategic plan is how the school captures its planning over time. While it must show
that planning at the school aligns with the IB mission and philosophy, it is not an IB specific process or

What needs to be included in the staff list and professional development

Schools are required to provide evidence that the professional development (PD) requirements have been
met. PD requirements are found in Appendix 1 of the Guide to programme evaluation (for use from
September 2020) and on the IB website under Professional development>Meeting PD requirements
( The 2020 templates
will be available on the programme resource centre later in 2020. In the interim, schools may refer to the
professional development charts found in the current versions of the self-study questionnaires.

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Self-study questionnaire
When will the 2020 self-study questionnaire be available to schools?
The self-study questionnaire will be available on the programme resource centre in April 2020.

How will schools complete the self-study questionnaire?

Schools will complete the self-study questionnaire as a Word document as they do now.

When should schools start using the new self-study questionnaire?

• Schools submitting their self-study questionnaire on or prior to 1 April 2021 will use the current
process. Schools with self-study questionnaire submission dates on or after 1 September 2021 will
use the new self-study questionnaire. These schools will receive direct communication regarding
their evaluation dates and which process to use.
• Schools that have submission dates during the April‒August 2021 transition period may choose to
use either the current or the 2020 process and will receive a direct communication with details
about the timelines, expectations and communicating their choice to the IB.

Schools will have access to the Guide to programme evaluation (for use from September 2020) and the
new self-study questionnaire in April 2020. The internal processes and timelines for organizing the self-
study, preparing for the preliminary review and completing the questionnaire are left to the school.

What is the timeline for the self-study and the evaluation visit?
With the 2020 programme standards and practices, the IB is moving to a school readiness approach.
Schools may take up to twelve months to complete the self-study and submit the self-study questionnaire.
Schools choose the date during the year of evaluation when they will submit the self-study questionnaire.
The evaluation visit is six weeks after the date of the self-study questionnaire submission.

How does the 2020 self-study questionnaire differ from the current version?
The new self-study questionnaire consists of two parts: a school’s self-assessment and documentation of
programme development. The new self-assessment is similar to the process in the current questionnaire.
Schools self-assess the fidelity of the implementation of their IB programme(s) as expressed in the IB
Programme standards and practices. The second part of the self-study questionnaire is new. Schools are
asked to share an example of programme development showing how they have developed, analysed and
reflected on an aspect of the programme(s). This reflects a new emphasis on supporting programme
development in schools. Schools with multiple programmes may submit plans for one or more programmes
as appropriate for their context but are encouraged to create plans that support continuity and coherence
across the programmes.

How do schools complete the self-study questionnaire when they have

multiple programmes?
Schools with multiple IB programmes are encouraged, but not required, to complete one self-study
questionnaire that reflects the development of all the IB programmes in the school. Schools may complete
the self-study questionnaire for each programme.

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Action plan
How is the action plan used in the 2020 programme evaluation?
The action plan addresses requirements from the Programme standards and practices (for use from
September 2020) that are not in place. These may be identified by the school, by the team member during
the preliminary review or during the evaluation visit or DP reading.

As schools prepare documents for the preliminary review, they may add an action to indicate documents
that need to be updated. During the self-assessment, schools may add actions to indicate requirements
that are not in place and need to be addressed before the evaluation visit. If there are requirements that
are not in place and will not be in place during the visit (due to budgetary or scheduling constraints, for
example), the school can use the action plan to document plans to address those requirements.

During the preliminary review, the IB may add matters to the action plan that the school must address. The
school is given the opportunity to address these prior to the visit. Matters identified during the preliminary
review will be communicated in the preliminary review report and must be resolved or there must be a plan
in place to address them, no later than six weeks prior to the visit.

During the evaluation visit or DP reading, the IB may identify requirements that are not in place. These will
be communicated in the evaluation report and matters to be addressed, evidence required, and deadlines
will be added to the action plan.

Are schools required to add recommendations from the last evaluation to the
action plan?
No. While the programmes have not changed, the organization of the programme standards and practices
has and there is not a straightforward correspondence between the 2014 and 2020 Programme standards
and practices. Schools and evaluation teams are encouraged to use the previous recommendations to
inform their work.

Are schools required to address the recommendations from their past

programme evaluation report or can they choose those which align with their
strategic priorities?
Schools must ensure all requirements from the Programme standards and practices (2020) are in place.
Recommendations from the previous report are likely to indicate areas that the school needs to develop to
meet all requirements in the 2020 Programme standards and practices. If the requirements are in place,
the school does not need to address any other recommendations.

How should schools answer the “describe any major achievements” and the
“major challenges” prompts? Where do they put evidence to support the
Schools are asked to share achievements or challenges that have for them been big, impactful, or
significant in their work for the standard. The intent is to give context for the evaluation team to understand

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the school’s view of its accomplishments and obstacles. There is no requirement to provide evidence to
support their achievements or challenges.

Programme development plan

What is the programme development plan?
The programme development plan is focused, time-bound and grounded in the programme standards and
practices. Schools develop an aspect of the programme that will have a positive impact on the student
experience. Schools are encouraged but not required to use the template provided in the Guide to
programme evaluation (for use from September 2020). The guide includes both the IB programme
development plan template and guidance for schools that create their own template.

How many programme development plans are required?

Schools may engage in several programme development efforts at any given time. A new programme
development plan is created when the school determines that priorities or strategic goals shift. Programme
development may take different forms and will reflect the school’s context and strategic goals.

How many programme development plans will schools share with the IB?
During programme evaluation, generally schools will share and the IB will give feedback on one programme
development plan. Schools will likely complete several programme development plans during the five-year
review period but will generally select one plan to share with the IB.

Schools with multiple IB programmes may submit plans for one or more programmes as appropriate for
their context but are encouraged to use the opportunity to develop continuity and connections across
programmes. If a programme-specific plan is submitted, the reflection part of the narrative could discuss
how the strategy can be transferred and applied to other programmes.

Should schools with multiple programmes submit whole-school programme

development plans?
This is encouraged, but not required. Schools are encouraged to develop continuity and connections across

Can schools use their own programme development plan template?

Schools may develop their own templates. Use of the IB template is not required but is encouraged. The
Guide to programme evaluation (for use from September 2020) includes both the IB programme
development plan template and guidance for schools that create their own template. The self-study also
includes the programme development plan template.

Do schools have to choose from programme development areas provided by

the IB or can they identify another area not on that list?
Schools select what area of the programme(s) to focus their development efforts. The Guide to programme
evaluation (for use from September 2020) provides some examples.

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Does the programme development plan have to be based on the results of the
Schools may choose to use the self-assessment to inform their programme development, but it is not
required. For the purposes of programme evaluation, the school selects and shares at least one area of
programme development that has been undertaken.

Should the programme development plan selected for submission during

programme evaluation be completed or one the school is currently working
To receive meaningful feedback, the programme development plan should be in an area where the school
has completed a substantial amount of work or completed the work entirely. The learning and reflection
embedded in the development plan is more effective when schools have completed a cycle of learning.

What feedback will the IB provide on the programme development plan?

Feedback is provided on strengths evidenced in planning, implementation, analysis, reflection and learning
as well as areas for the school to consider for future or further consideration. Feedback is intended to
support the school’s development as a learning community.

What is a motif?
The term motif is no longer in use. The term was introduced as a way of referring to a group of practices
from across different categories of the framework that supported focused programme development. The IB
has decided there is not a need to introduce new terminology.

Does the IBWS manager need to approve the area(s) of programme

development that the school selects for their focus or the group of practices
identified to support the focus?
The area(s) of programme development are selected by the school. IBWS managers are available to
support the school, but do not approve either the areas selected or the group of practices.

How many areas for programme development should a school focus on and
for how long?
This is left to the school to decide and depends on school context. The experience of the school and school
staff, resources, and demands of other initiatives should be considered. In some cases, just one focus at a
time will be appropriate. Other schools may have the staff and resources to sustain work in three to five
areas of focus at a time. Timelines for the plans are left to the school. New programme development plans
are created when the school determines that priorities or strategic goals shift.

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Evaluation visits
How are evaluation visits for the 2020 programme evaluation different from
the current process?
Many of the aspects of the visit will be familiar to schools. The evaluation team will meet with school leaders,
teachers, students and parents. The team will tour the school and visit classrooms. As is currently the case,
the process does not appraise or assess individual teachers or school leaders. The emphasis of the
evaluation visit will shift to a greater focus on the development of the programme(s) in the school. The
outcome of the evaluation visit will be an evaluation report that provides feedback on programme
development, as well as to noting programme requirements are not in place, strengths of the programme(s)
and areas for where further work is needed.

How long are evaluation visits?

The visiting team will normally be in the school for two days, but the IB may decide on a longer visit
depending on the size of the school or the programme structure. Synchronized visits with an IB accreditation
partner follow the guidance in the Synchronized visit manual.

Will Diploma Programme schools have evaluation visits?

All DP schools will be visited for their first evaluation under the new programme evaluation process.
Subsequent visits will be determined by the IB, as they are now.

Can schools with three or four programmes choose to have a multi-

programme evaluation rather than a continuum evaluation?
Yes, schools should choose whichever programme evaluation option best suits their needs as a school.
Continuum schools are encouraged, but not required to engage in the programme evaluation as a
continuum rather than individual programmes.

Will the continuum standards be updated to reflect the 2020 programme

standards and practices?
No. The 2020 Programme standards and practices are written from a continuum perspective―expectations
for all programmes are included. The continuum standard will be phased out with the conclusion of
programme evaluation under the 2014 Programme standards and practices.

What happens during the exit meeting?

At the end of the visit, the visiting team will conduct an exit meeting with members of the school leadership
team. The participants invited to the exit meeting are determined by the school. Usually present at the
meeting are the head of school, head(s) of section, governing board members, the programme
coordinator(s) and the visiting team. The conclusions of programme evaluation are shared with school
leaders. The exit meeting will follow the format of the report, sharing programme strengths, identifying any
missing requirements, and providing feedback on both the area of programme development as well as the
process followed by the schools. The evaluation team and school leadership agree on what will be shared
during the community meeting.

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The visit manuals for schools and educators will provide additional details when they are published later in

For the exit meeting, does the school decide who is present or is it the
visiting team?
The school decides who is present at all meetings during the visit.

What is the school community meeting?

The conclusions of programme evaluation will be shared first with school leaders in an exit meeting and
then, immediately after, in a school community meeting and, later, through the evaluation report.

In the school community meeting, held at the end of the evaluation visit, the school leadership team (or
others designated by the leadership) and the IB evaluation team will report to the school community. This
includes the conclusions that the school has reached from the self-study as well as the preliminary findings
of the team. The school will determine who reports for the school and who is present for the report (for
example, the school teams involved in each aspect of the self-study might report to the larger school
community, including teachers, students, parents and governing board).

What system or platform will support programme evaluation?
IB Concierge will launch in March 2020 as the system to support programme evaluation. It replaces IB Docs
as a platform for PYP, MYP and DP evaluations. CP, multi-programme and continuum evaluations will
continue to be delivered via SharePoint using Word templates. The Operations department plans to seek
approval for a new system, but there is no timeline for that development.

School Experience Test

When will the school experience test conclude?
The last of the SET evaluation visits is scheduled to take place in February 2021.

Other questions
What support is available to schools during the programme evaluation
Support is available from IB Answers for any aspects of the evaluation process. They are the first point of
contact and can direct the school to team members for assistance with specific queries.

The IBWS manager assigned to each school is the point of contact for programme implementation
questions and general support for the self-study process. After the evaluation process is complete, the
IBWS manager can support the school in revising or updating their programme development plan, or
creating a new plan informed by the outcome of the evaluation.

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New nano PD will be available on the public website in June 2020 to support schools in understanding the
2020 programme standards and practices and in programme development planning.

Several new workshops are launching.

• July 2020. A category 2 workshop Leading the learning will support implementation of the 2020
programme standards and practices.

• July 2021. A category 3 workshop Preparing for programme evaluation will support schools in the
programme evaluation process.

• July 2022. A category 3 workshop Action Research will support programme development planning.

Will PYP evaluations be aligned with the five-year cycle of the other
programmes (instead of four years for first evaluation, then five years for
subsequent evaluations)?
PYP evaluations will now occur every five years in alignment with the other programmes.

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