Using equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations, we investigate the structure of chloroform-water and
dichloromethane-water interfaces. These systems are analyzed in terms of the orientation of water, chloroform,
and dichloromethane molecules as a function of distance from the Gibbs surface. We also calculate order
parameters for all molecules across the interface. The results show that the structures may be described in the
context of a few distinct regions of the interface, where organic and water molecules generally arrange
themselves either to maximize hydrogen-bonding interactions or to minimize the net dipole moment. In cases
where molecular arrangements promote hydrogen-bonding interactions, they often do not provide complete
dipole compensation. The orientation of organic and water molecules then creates a field across the interface.
For the CHCl3-water interface, the field has a uniform direction with the positive end of the dipole pointing
toward the bulk water phase. The interfacial field is more complicated in the case of CH2Cl2-water but is
oriented in the same direction close to the bulk water side.
Figure 4. Snapshots of water molecule orientation at the chloroform-water interface. Blue indicates the smallest population; red indicates the
largest population. Bold inset numbers indicate distance (in angstroms) from the Gibbs dividing surface. Negative values are on the bulk organic
side; positive values are on the bulk water side. Shaded gray background is used to distinguish regions A-C, classified according to the order
parameters in Figure 3.
twist angle distribution is centered at ψ ) 0, 180°, indicative preference for both orientations. The histogram at z ) +2 Å is
of straddling water molecules with one O-H bond directed representative of strongly oriented water molecules in region
toward the chloroform and the other toward the bulk water. This C. Here we can see that the orientation distribution is centered
geometry is illustrated in Figure 5a and results in a fairly narrow about θ ) 90°, ψ ) 90° describing in-plane water molecules
angular distribution for the OH oscillator directed toward the (Figure 5b). A fine feature in these histograms, not observed in
organic phase (the so-called “free OH”) centered at 18° from the order parameters, is the onset of a second straddling
the interface normal. The transition region between dominant distribution at z > 1 Å. However, unlike the one that comprises
straddling and in-plane orientations observed as S2 ) 0 at z ≈ the major water orientation on the organic side of the GS
-1.5 Å may be studied in the z ) -2 Å and z ) -1 Å slices (labeled “up”), this one has the water symmetry axis tipped
of Figure 4. Between these distances, we can see an equal downward to θ ) 120°. This species (illustrated in Figure 5c,
8836 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 25, 2007 Hore et al.
Figure 10. Snapshots of water molecule orientation at the dichloromethane-water interface. Blue indicates the smallest population; red indicates
the largest population. Bold inset numbers indicate distance (in angstroms) from the Gibbs dividing surface. Negative values are on the bulk
organic side; positive values are on the bulk water side. Shaded gray background is used to distinguish regions A-D, classified according to the
order parameters in Figure 9.
sion, the tilt angle of the water symmetry axis increases from population of organic molecules that have their hydrogen atoms
37° at z ) -5 Å (free OH centered at 15°; Figure 11b) to 58° in the plane of the interface and their chlorine atoms straddling
at z ) -3 Å (free OH centered at 6°; Figure 11c) to 63° at z ) this plane.
-2 Å (free OH centered at 11°; Figure 11d). As a result of the In region C, the small distance between z ) -2.5 Å and z )
azimuthal isotropy, these angles describe cones about the -1 Å, dichloromethane molecules are oriented as in the previous
interface normal. Looking at the organic orientation for the region, only to a lesser degree. The water molecules, however,
corresponding slices in Figure 12 shows that there are now two have begun to make their transition to an in-plane orientation.
populations of dichloromethane. The dominant one is oriented At this point, both straddling and in-plane orientations of water
as it was in region A, with chlorine atoms pointing up toward molecules have nearly equal populations, as can be seen between
the bulk water phase. There is now an additional small the -2 Å and -1 Å slices in Figure 10. In this region, an
Chloroform-Water and Dichloromethane-Water J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 25, 2007 8839
4. Discussion
There have been many detailed structural investigations from
simulations of the neat air-water interface50-52 and the interface
between water and other organic liquids such as carbon
tetrachloride,54,43 dichloromethane,31 dichloroethane,56 and ben-
zene.57 Of particular relevance to the current study is the detailed
water structure at a variety of interfaces investigated by joint
tilt-twist histograms by Jedlovszky et al.42,43 The authors have
used slices through the interfacial region to identify straddling
water molecules near the organic side of the Gibbs surface and
in-plane water molecules near the bulk water side. Because of
Figure 11. Orientation of water molecules on the organic side of the the small size of their system and short simulations, however,
GS for the dichloromethane-water interface. (a) Deepest into the this was the extent of the detail that could be extracted from
organic layer in region A, water molecules are aligned with their their orientation histograms, an important contribution at the
symmetry axes normal to the GS. By definition, this necessitates the time. In the current study, the statistics afforded by a large
twist angles being uniformly distributed (ψ and φ are degenerate here). number of molecules, large area of the interface, and length of
(b-d) Moving toward the GS in region B, the symmetry axes of the the simulations enabled high-resolution maps of the orientation
straddling “up” water molecules become closer to the plane of interface.
(In-plane and straddling “down” molecules in regions C and D are not of both water and organic molecules. For the water structure,
illustrated and have orientations similar to those shown in there are two primary additional features that can therefore be
Figure 5.) observed in our data. The first is the preference of the straddling
water population on the organic side of the GS to point its
interesting subpopulation of DCM molecules develops, with the symmetry axis toward the bulk water phase. The second is the
Cl-C-Cl plane tilted approximately 120° from the interface identification of a second straddling water population, on the
normal. Figure 13c shows that such an orientation of DCM water side of the GS, coexisting with the dominant in-plane
molecules may favorably H bond with the emerging in-plane orientation in that region, and with their symmetry axes pointing
orientation of water. Figure 13c also illustrates that the toward the bulk organic side of the interface. The important
diminishing straddling water molecules in this region (tilted at consequence of these water molecules, observed in both the
120°) are not able to make strong H-bonds to DCM in this chloroform-water and DCM-water systems, is that they result
orientation. However, these organic and straddling water in a net water dipole component normal to the interface, with
molecules have components of their permanent dipole moments negative charge pointing toward the GS on the organic side and
that cancel each other within this region of the interface. negative charge pointing away from the GS on the water side.
Finally in region D of Figure 9 (-1 Å < z < 12 Å), water Had this subset of straddling water molecules on the water side
molecules exhibit S1 and S2 < 0, while dichloromethane not been observed, it would have been difficult to account for
8840 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 25, 2007 Hore et al.
Figure 12. Snapshots of dichloromethane orientation at the dichloromethane-water interface. Blue indicates the smallest population; red indicates
the largest population. Bold inset numbers indicate distance (in angstroms) from the Gibbs dividing surface. Negative values are on the bulk
organic side; positive values are on the bulk water side. Shaded gray background is used to distinguish regions A-D, classified according to the
order parameters in Figure 9.
such a sizable out-of-plane dipole moment in this region from Considering all of these structural features for both the water
primarily in-plane water molecules. In the case of the chloro- and organic molecules allows us to evaluate the net out-of-plane
form-water interface, this subset of the water population dipole moment across the interface. Results of the chloroform-
actually dominates the out-of-plane response of all of the water water interface are summarized in Figure 15a, illustrating that
molecules (Figure 8). For the DCM-water interface, the same a net dipole moment perpendicular to the interface is observed
features are observed, but the out-of-plane dipole moment on from z ) -7 Å in the chloroform to z ) +7 Å in the bulk
the organic side of the interface (with opposite polarity, Figure water phase. The interfacial dipole is oriented such that it would
14) is larger. These important observations are possible as a attract negative ions, such as hydroxide, from the bulk water
result of our large and lengthy simulations and the clarity of phase to create a negatively charged interface, in agreement with
the histogram images imparted by the median filtering. what is generally observed for water-hydrophobic liquid or
Chloroform-Water and Dichloromethane-Water J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, No. 25, 2007 8841
Figure 14. The z component of the net dipole moment for 1 Å slabs
through the dichloromethane-water interface. Contributions from water
molecules are shown in red, dichloromethane in blue, total out-of-plane
dipole moment in black. The sign of the polarization indicates the
direction of the net dipole moment, depicted with arrows. The hatched
area under the total dipole moment curve corresponds to regions with
significant water density.
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of-plane dipole moment oriented such that hydroxide ions from the
bulk water phase would be attracted to the interface. (b) For the
dichloromethane-water interface, there is a net dipole moment over a
larger region, but it is not unidirectional. Negative ions would be
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