Account Change of Mandate Form
Account Change of Mandate Form
Account Change of Mandate Form
The Bank may request additional documents.
IC/Passport is to be certified true* by practising Solicitor/Lawyer/Notary Public/Certified Public or Professional Accountant/Auditor/Chartered Secretary
in a FATF member country OR by Bank Staff. The party certifying the IC/Passport cannot certify his/her own IC/Passport. Please refer here for the list of FATF
member countries.
To be certified true* by practising Solicitor/Lawyer/Notary Public/Certified Public or Professional Accountant/Auditor/Chartered Secretary
in a FATF member country OR by Bank Staff. Please refer here for the list of FATF member countries.
* The following information is required:
a. Insert wording: “Certified True Copy”
b. Name and Signature of certifier
c. Occupation/Title of certifier
d. Name of certifier’s Firm/Company (eg. CPA Firm/Law Firm/corporate service provider/corporate secretarial services)
e. Country of practice of certifier
f. Professional Registration/ID number of certifier (where applicable)
g. Date
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Please use this form to:
• add/remove/update authorise signatories of your account(s) with us
• change the signing requirements of your account(s) with us
• add/remove users (who are also authorised signatories) of your DBS IDEALTM 3.01
• add/remove cardholders (who are also authorised signatories) of your DBS Corporate ATM Card or DBS Business Advance Card1
Customer Name (as per bank’s records)
Accounts To Be Updated
All DBS account
Only following DBS accounts
1. 2. 3.
If you wish to sign up for DBS IDEAL™ 3.0, DBS Corporate ATM Card or DBS Business Advance Card, please complete and submit the application form.
Required for DBS IDEALTM 3.0 Email services.
Administrator(s) will have authority and responsibility for the set-up, administration, maintenance and ongoing use of and access to IDEAL on behalf of the
company, including without limitation appointing or removing users, modifying any user access to accounts and services, managing company authorisation
policy and managing company profile in IDEAL. Your existing Authorisation policy for Customer Self Administration will continue to apply. If you wish to change
the Customer Self Administration policy, kindly fill up the IDEAL Maintenance Form instead.
Relevant charges may apply. Please refer to DBS IDEALTM – NOTES below to understand the different user roles, products and account access that will be granted
to the new users. If you wish to restrict the users’ access to individual product/service/account, kindly fill up the IDEAL Maintenance Form instead.
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2. Name: DBS IDEALTM 3.0
Enquiry Transaction Maker3 Transaction Authoriser3
NRIC/Passport No.: Nationality:
Customer Self Adminstrator3
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1. Name: NRIC/Passport No.: New Group:
Apply above signing requirements to DBS IDEALTM Authorisation Policy (If DBS IDEALTM Authorisation Policy is different from the
above, please use DBS IDEALTM Maintenance form)
The bank (DBS Bank Ltd.) will continue to honour any unexpired cheques signed under the previous mandate and dated before the
date upon which the bank updates the changes to your authorised signatories.
By ticking this box, you authorise the bank not to honour any cheques issued by you which are dated before the date on which we
update the changes to your authorised signatories.
For each Multi-Currency Account, only one mandate may be provided (which will apply to all wallets within that account). If authorisation limits are
prescribed below, please specify the currency of such limits. The authorisation limits in the specified currency will be applied to the Accounts, and in the
case of a Multi-Currency Account, to each wallet within the Multi-Currency Account. If the authorisation limit currency is not specified, the default currency
will be SGD. Any currency conversion for the purposes of ascertaining the authorisation limits will be made at our currency exchange rate in force at the
relevant time. If you wish to change the Specimen Signature for existing signatories, please fill up the Signature Update Form.
For Associations, Clubs & Society, please ensure that your signature requirements comply with your constitution.
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By submitting your requests or instructions in this Form to DBS Bank Ltd. (the “Bank”) via the Bank’s electronic banking platform, you confirm and agree:
1. You are duly authorized by the entity named in Section 1 (“Entity”) above and you have read, understood and agree to the matters in this Form.
2. The signatory/signatories set out in Section 2 above are present officers of the Entity, occupying the positions stated and that the specimen signatures
submitted are those of the respective signatories.
3. You may provide personal data to the Bank (including without limitation personal data of your office holder, employee, shareholder and beneficial owner) in
connection with you establishing and maintaining your relationship with the Bank. You confirm that all information provided and documents submitted
by you are true, complete and accurate. When providing any personal data to the Bank, you confirm that you are lawfully providing the data for the Bank to
use and disclose for the purposes of: a) providing products or services to you; b) meeting the operational, administrative and risk management
requirements of DBS Group; and c) complying with any requirement, as DBS Group reasonably deems necessary, under any law or of any court,
government authority or regulator. “DBS Group” means DBS Group Holdings Ltd and its affiliates. The aforesaid shall be in addition and without prejudice
to any right of disclosure that the Bank may have under any applicable law or pursuant to any agreement that you may enter into with the Bank from time
to time.
4. Where if you appoint any Customer Self Administrator (“Administrator”), you agree that should any Administrator cease to be employed by the Entity, you
undertake to inform DBS and you will submit the IDEAL Maintenance Form to delete this Administrator’s user profile in IDEAL. You agree that the Entity
shall not hold DBS liable for any act or omission by an Administrator who ceases to be employed by the Entity for which DBS is not informed.
You authorise DBS to honour all payment instructions signed in accordance with the stated signature requirements. You agree not to overdraw your account
without prior arrangement and approval. You represent and warrant that you have the power and authority to sign and deliver this application Form and that
the information given by you in this application Form and any other accompanying document(s) submitted to DBS are complete, true and accurate.
NOTE: For partnerships, authorisations from all partners are required. For a company which has furnished the Bank with a Board Resolution, the authorisers
must be current authorised persons as specified in that document. For Associations, Clubs & Societies, authorisers must be any two of the existing / outgoing
Chairman, Secretary, or Treasurer.
If you wish your card(s) settings to be different, please approach our branch staff for the necessary form.
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DBS IDEAL™ 3.0 is a corporate internet banking platform designed to make banking faster, simpler and smarter.
• Add or remove a Transaction maker and authoriser • Requesting for a new Security Device • Unlocking Security Device
• Modify any user access to accounts and services • Managing company prole in IDEAL
• Suspending and re-activate a User’s IDEAL access • Manage company authorisation policy
Given the wide powers conferred on the appointed Customer Self Administrator(s), Customer Self Administrator(s) should be persons within the
organisation with sufficient executive power and authority to take on the role and the organisation is responsible for ensuring that it has appropriate
and adequate internal controls procedures and security measures in place to prevent any fraud, abuse or unauthorised acts/omissions by Customer
Self Administrators.
For security reasons, we would recommend at least 2 Customer Self Administrators to be appointed and single control for Customer Self
Administration should not be selected, so that any action initiated by one Customer Self Administrator will be required to be approved by at least one
other Customer Self Administrator. This means,
a) Customer Self Administrator cannot act alone to add/modify any setup.
b) Dual control is always required for any actions performed.
It is mandatory to provide a valid mobile number and submit a Certified True Copy of identification document for all Customer Self Administrators
together with this application.
Users who wish to have the authority to create and approve his/her transactions are required to understand the risk associated with single access
and sign against the Risk Disclosure for Single Control. (Please refer above)
Transaction approval via DBS IDEAL™ 3.0 will be the same as your Cheque Signing mandate
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