English Grade 10 Q1 LP 1 1 1

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English- Grade 10 (LP1)

STUDENT’S NAME: ________________________GRADE/SECTION: _____________

TEACHER: _______________________________ DATE SUBMITTED: ____________


A. Most Essential Learning Competency
MELC 1. Use information from news reports, speeches, informative talks,
panel discussions, etc. in everyday life.
B. Objectives
1. Determine how the connected events contribute to the totality of the
material read; and
2. Get information that can be used in everyday life from news reports,
speeches, informative talks, panel discussions, etc.


With the present global circumstances, it is truly important to make use of all the
available sources of information for your everyday life. The vast array of information you
get from different forms of media (news reports, informative talks, speeches, etc.) can be
very useful to you especially now that we are in the new normal education.
You must learn to develop the skills of selecting necessary information which you
can apply in your daily activities. You must learn to determine the factual information that
can be beneficial to you especially now that we are very much dependent on the use of
information over the internet.
This Learning Activity Sheet aims to guide you in determining information you can
use for your everyday life. Here are some concepts you need to remember:

Kinds of Sources of Information

1) News Reports. They are found in newspapers, televisions, or radios which aim to
inform the readers of what is happening in the world around them.
2) Panel Discussions. It is a live or virtual discussion about a specific topic among a
selected group of panelists who share differing perspectives in front of a large audience
3) Speeches. It refers to the formal address or discourse delivered to an audience.
4) Informative Talks. It tends to educate the audience on a particular topic. It helps
the audience to understand a subject better and to remember what they learned later.

• What is a News Report? NewsReport (wettropics.gov.au)
• Panel Discussion. https://powerfulpanels.com/definition-panel-discussion/
• Speech. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/speech

RO_English_Grade 10_Q1_LP 1
• Introduction to Informative Speaking.https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-
communications/chapter/introduction- to-informative-speaking/
It is also important to recall the following reading techniques so you can better
develop and utilize your skills in getting important information which you can apply in
your everyday life.
Different Reading Techniques and When to Use Them
by Karl McDonald

1) Skimming. Skimming is sometimes referred to as gist reading. Skimming may help in

order to know what the text is about at its most basic level. Skimming is useful when your
goal is to preview the text to get a better idea of what it’s about. It will help prepare you
for deeper learning.
2) Scanning. Scanning involves getting your eyes to quickly scuttle across sentences
and is used to get just a simple piece of information.
3) Intensive Reading. You need to have your aims clear in mind when undertaking
intensive reading. Remember, this is going to be far more time consuming than scanning
or skimming. This type of reading is indeed beneficial to language learners as it helps
them understand vocabulary by deducing the meaning of words in context. It moreover
helps with retention of information for long periods of time, and knowledge resulting from
intensive reading persists in your long-term memory.
4) Extensive Reading. Extensive reading involves reading for pleasure. Because there
is an element of enjoyment in extensive reading, it is unlikely that students will undertake
extensive reading of a text they do not like. It also requires a fluid decoding and
assimilation of the text and content in front of you.
Source: McDoanld, Karl. (2012). Different Reading Techniques and When To Use Them. Accessed at
https://www.howtolearn.com/2012/08/different-reading-techniques-and-when-to-use-them/. Accessed on 25
May 2020.

Tips to Remember What You Read

1) Read with a purpose.

2) Skim first.
3) Get the reading mechanics right.
4) Be judicious in highlighting and note-taking. Jot down important information you’ve
read from a news report. It will help you remember these details.
5) Think in pictures.
6) Rehearse as you go along. Try to remember the important details.
7) Stay within your attention span and work to increase that span.
8) Rehearse again soon by making it your habit to read.
Source: Klemm, Bill. (2009). 8 Tips To Remember What You Read.

Steps on Effective Listening

In case you need to listen to a speech, informative talk, inspirational message, or panel
discussion, the following tips will help you remember the important information or details:
1) Face the speaker and maintain eye contact.
2) Be attentive but relaxed.
3) Keep an open mind.
4) Listen to the words and try to picture what the speaker is saying. Take down notes, if
5) Don’t interrupt, and don’t impose your solutions.
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6) Wait for the speaker to pause to ask clarifying questions.
7) Ask questions only to ensure understanding.
8) Try to feel what the speaker is feeling.
9) Give the speaker regular feedback.
10) Pay attention to what isn’t said- to nonverbal cues.

Source: Schilling, Dianne. (2012). 10 Steps to Effective Listening.



Directions. Read the news report published in the Business Mirror last November 1,
2020 and answer the task given. Take note of the important details to answer the
questions that follow.
A Look Into Education’s New Normal

Various industries in the Philippines are already on their slow but steady path to
recovery and that includes the education sector. Despite the compromises and major
changes made in the educational system to navigate through the new normal, the
Department of Education (DepEd) has successfully opened classes for SY 2020-2021.
For the first few weeks of classes, the Department has been focusing on the
proper implementation of the alternative learning delivery modalities and providing the
necessary psychosocial support for the academic community.
“DepEd recognizes the challenges of the school year ahead, but if we opted for
an academic freeze, we would have lost many months of the children’s learning,” said
Education Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones. “The opening of the school year has
generally been very successful, and we will continue to face any challenge that lies
ahead with great resolve to continue education in the country.”

Learning in the new normal

Following the DepEd’s successful implementation of the different learning
modalities across the country, Regional Offices (ROs) are working hard to continuously
provide students with learning materials.
With the vision of making education accessible to every student in the country,
DepEd reports that 690,578,576 Self Learning Modules (SLM) have already been
printed. Distribution of the said learning materials has also been successful, with
465,225,636 SLMs being distributed to students nationwide for the first quarter of the
school year.
Learning materials for Online Distance Learning students have already been
prepared in time for the first quarter of the academic year, with 3,841,474 digitized SLMs,
e-books, online video lessons, and the like ready for rollout.
Recently, DepEd also announced the DepEd Error Watch initiative. The goal of
this initiative is to receive and collate reports of errors found in different learning
materials so that the DepEd can forward these to the appropriate offices for validation
and correction. The initiative allows the department to be more open to public feedback
in order to further improve the learning experience of every student in the country.
Parents and students can use various platforms such as e-mail
(errorwatch@deped.gov.ph), Facebook messenger (@depederrorwatch), and text

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message (0961-680-5334) to report any discrepancies, and are also encouraged to use
the hashtag #depederrorwatch when submitting reports.
Source: https://businessmirror.com.ph/2020/11/01/a-look-into-educations-new-normal/

Practice Task 1: Determining Important Details

Directions: Answer the questions below to test how much you understood the
news report. You can go back to the important details or information you have highlighted
while reading the report.

1. Who is the Education Secretary mentioned in the news report?

2. What is the vision of the Department of Education?
3. What are the learning materials made available for students?
4. What various platforms can parents and students use in the new normal
5. Why is there a need for our educational system to make major changes?
6. Is the news report relevant to you now as a student? Explain your answer briefly.
Practice Task 2: The Most Important Talk.
Directions: Below is an excerpt from the talk given by the World Health
Organization Director- General at the media briefing on Covid- 19 on March 20, 2020.
Read and understand the message and do the task that follows.
World Health Organization (WHO) has published guidelines for health ministers,
health system administrators, and other decision-makers, to help them provide life-
saving treatment as health systems are challenged, without compromising the safety of
health workers.
During this difficult time, it’s important to continue looking after your physical and
mental health. This will not only help you in the long-term, it will also help you fight
COVID-19 if you get it. First, eat a healthy and nutritious diet, which helps your immune
system to function properly. Second, limit your alcohol consumption, and avoid sugary
drinks. Third, don’t smoke. Smoking can increase your risk of developing severe disease
if you become infected with COVID-19. Fourth, exercise. WHO recommends 30 minutes
of physical activity for adults, and one hour a day for children. If your local or national
guidelines allow it, go outside for a walk, a run or a ride, and keep a safe distance from
others. If you can’t leave the house, find an exercise video online, dance to music, do
some yoga, or walk up and down the stairs. If you’re working at home, make sure you
don’t sit in the same position for long periods. Get up and take a 3-minute break every 30
minutes. We will be providing more advice on how to stay healthy at home in the coming
days and weeks.
Fifth, look after your mental health. It’s normal to feel stressed, confused and
scared during a crisis. Talking to people you know and trust can help. Supporting other
people in your community can help you as much as it does them. Check in on neighbors,
family and friends. Compassion is a medicine. Listen to music, read a book or play a
game. And try not to read or watch too much news if it makes you anxious. Get your
information from reliable sources once or twice a day. COVID-19 is taking so much from
us. But it is also giving us something special – the opportunity to come together as one
humanity – to work together, to learn together, to grow together.

Task : Directions: Using the information you get from the excerpt, write a short dialogue
about how you can help prevent yourself and your family from getting infected by the
Covid-19 virus.
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Practice Task 3: Real Life Application
Directions: Give brief answers to the following related questions:
1. As a student, how do you look after your physical, mental, and emotional

2. Do you also follow the health safety protocols at home? What health safety
strategies do you practice to protect yourself and your family?


Directions: Read the excerpt from a news report below published in the Vatican
News. Take note of the important details and answer the questions that follow:
“Community pantries” for needy mushrooming in the Philippines
By Robin Gomes

Filipino bishops are encouraging free-food stations run by the people for the poor,
to help ease hunger during the pandemic, as these “community pantries” expand rapidly
across the country.
Makeshift “community pantries” are popping up across the Philippines after the
country’s Catholic bishops this week called on people to support the effort in the capital
Manila to help the needy during the coronavirus pandemic. The call came after one such
stall set up by a woman in Manila last week began replicating across the nation.
Caring for one another
“We are happy to know that in recent days … neighborhoods and communities [across
the country] have organized themselves to help needy families, especially with food and
other basic necessities,” Archbishop Romulo Valles of Davao, the president of the
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) said on April 21. He said it was
proof of the people’s care for each other.
The idea caught up after Ann Patricia Non set up a small “pantry” on April 14 in
Quezon City in the National Capital Region of Manila, and called on people to give
according to their ability and take what they need. The initiative of the 26-year-old
resident of Maginhawa Street went viral on social media and inspired communities to set
up their own pantries.
Catching on
At least 80 community pantries have already been set up in various places in
Metro Manila and more than 300 others across the country. A group of Muslim doctors in
the Mindanao region has opened halal community pantries for the poor in Zamboanga
province. One such centre has been started in Dili, the capital of Timor-Lest, or East

The motto of community pantries is: “Share what you can, take what you need.”

“It is not charity, but mutual help,” explained CBCP vice president, Bishop Pablo Virgilio
David of Kalookaan. “We are responsible for one another, following the example of the
first Christian communities. The initiative is educational in the sense of solidarity and
charity because it encourages the faithful to think not only of themselves but also of the
well-being of others,” he told the Vatican Fides news agency.

RO_English_Grade 10_Q1_LP 1
He estimates more than 5,000 people have been fed through the community
pantries. The fact that these pantries have mushroomed spontaneously across the
country, he said, is a miracle. It encourages kindness, concern, compassion, generosity,
a sense of solidarity and co-responsibility from people of all walks of life.
Source: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2021-04/philippines-community-pantries-bishops-

Questions Answers

1. What is the excerpt about?

2. Who was the founder of the said free-food


3. What message or lesson have you learned

from the excerpt?

4. As a student, how would you help your

community given the present situation we


Rubric for Dialogue

Criteria 4 3 2 1 0

Factual Four or more Three facts Two facts One fact are No facts are
Information facts are are included are included included in included in
included in in the in the the dialogue. the dialogue.
the dialogue. dialogue. dialogue.

Accuracy All facts are Three facts Two facts One fact is All facts are
accurate. are accurate. are accurate. accurate. inaccurate.

Organization All Information Information Information All

information is well is well is poorly information is
is well organized organized organized disorganized
organized in with one with two with more and difficult
a logical minor error. errors. than two to follow.
order. errors.

Message The The The The No message

message to message to message to message to is given to
the listener is the listener is the listener is the listener is the listener.
clear and clear. somehow unclear.
strong. clear.

Presentation The dialogue The dialogue The dialogue The dialogue The dialogue
is presented is presented is presented is not clearly is not clearly
in a clear in a clear in a clear presented. presented.
voice. The voice. The voice. The Little eye Eye contact
presenters presenters presenters contact was was not

RO_English_Grade 10_Q1_LP 1
made made some made little made with made with
consistent eye contact eye contact the the audience.
eye contact with the with the audience.
with the audience. audience.

Source: https://www.tpsnva.org/teach/l_p/047/dialog_rubric.pdf

What significant insights did you learn from the learning activities?

● Grade 10 English Self Learning Module No. 1 Quarter 1
● What is a News Report. NewsReport (wettropics.gov.au)
● Panel Discussion. Accessed at https://powerfulpanels.com/definition-panel-discussion/
● Speech. Accessed at https://www.dictionary.com/browse/speech
● Introduction toInformative Speaking. Accessed at https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-
● McDoanld, Karl. (2012). Different Reading Techniques and When To Use Them. Accessed at
● Schilling, Dianne. (2012). 10 Steps to Effective Listening. Accessed at
● A Look Into Education’s New Normal. Accessed at https://businessmirror.com.ph/2020/11/01/a-
● https://www.who.int/dg/speeches/detail/who-director-general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-media-
● “Community pantries” for needy mushrooming in the Philippines. Accessed at

Congratulations! You have completed your learning adventure!

Good luck on your next learning journey!

Prepared by:


Polangui General Comprehensive High School
Albay Division
Quality Assured by:

LOURDES B. COLASI, School Principal I, Joroan NHS

EDEN I. BOBIS, APII/OIC, San Juan High School
RO_English_Grade 10_Q1_LP 1
MAI ANNE D. RONDOLA- Education Program Supervisor, Albay Division
NIDA D. BERNALDEZ- English Coordinator, Legazpi City Division

VII. Key to Correction

RO_English_Grade 10_Q1_LP 1

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