Scorbot ER III Robot
Scorbot ER III Robot
Scorbot ER III Robot
Saeid Moslehpour, Ph.D., Candace Odom, Tyrell Barrett and Matt Brown
College of Engineering Technology, and Architecture
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Hartford
West Hartford, Connecticut, 06117
Abstract - The purpose of this project is to develop a new control system for the Scorbot
ER III robot. The previous method of programming this robot was to use the control
software called SCORBASE, an old DOS based program that was capable of controlling
the robot as well as writing programs for the robot to execute. For our project we will be
replacing the control software with a more efficient, stable, and simpler one. This control
system will work with the current hardware and be implemented using LabVIEW 8.0.
LabVIEW is the perfect program to implement such a control system because it provides
the ability to monitor the various control signals coming from the robot as well as create
user friendly interfaces. A series of lab experiments will be designed to drive the Scorbot
to its maximum potential.
The idea for this project began with a meeting among our advisor Professor Moslehpour,
Claudio Campana, and Professor Devdas Shetty. We met with them because we were
looking for ideas for a senior project. One of the ideas they suggested was a project
involving a robot called the Scorbot. The Scorbot was one of several robots that had been
sitting unused in the basement of Dana Hall. The robot was completely functional but had
not seen any real use since 1992. Professor Shetty suggested that we should take this
robot out of the basement and find some use for it. Upon his suggestions we decided that
creating software that interfaces the Scorbot to a computer would make a good project.
Also, this project could benefit future students who are interested in studying robotics and
LabVIEW, because of its ability to easily integrate hardware with software, was chosen
as the language to implement this new software. Another advantage of LabVIEW is its
ability to create very asthetically pleasing graphical interfaces. By having a simple user
interface, one can control the movements of the robot by the click of a button. LabVIEW
uses the VISA API for controlling communication with external serial devices. The
beauty of VISA is that it allows you to communicate with a variety of instruments
without having to learn a different language for each protocol. Users will be able to
control the speed, angle, and direction in which each armature moves.
The Scorbot contains five motors. Each motor controls different aspects of the robot’s
movement. The goal of this project is to gain an understanding of LabVIEW and to
develop a program that will allow future students to work with the Scorbot. Along with
learning LabVIEW, this will require us to learn about ASCII code, Serial RS-232
communication, and DC motor control.
Statement of Problem
The purpose of this study is to replace the old, buggy DOS based control software with a
new version implemented with LabVIEW 8.0. The new control software will be much
more reliable as well as easier to use than the original. This software will allow future
students to get a feel of how to control the robot. Also, this software provides a good
starting point to allow future students to further develop our program to increase the
functionality of the robot.
Statement of SubProblems
Definition of Terms
RS232 cable - a standard for serial binary data interconnection between a DTE (data
terminal equipment) and a DCE (data communication equipment). It is commonly used in
computer serial ports.
Free Serial Port Monitor 3.31 – This program monitors data coming from the serial
port. This was the program we used to reverse engineer the Scorbot command set. The
logs from this program can be found in the appendix.
Review of Literature
In 1999, Brendon Wilson, a student from Simon Fraser University, completed a project
APPLICATIONS.” The REMOTE (Really Exciting Manipulator Object Tele-learning
Experience) project is investigating new methods of providing hands-on experience to
students using tele-learning. Tele-learning is a method of providing distance education
using multimedia technologies via any combination of computer, telephone, video-
conferencing, or Internet connections. The purpose of this project is to create a Java
application that enables students to explore robotics programming via interactive
experimentation. The completed simulator environment features a graphical user
interface that displays visual simulation feedback and allows users to edit, program, and
debug simulation files. The application’s underlying simulation engine controls the
internal representation and simulation of the robot manipulator model. Future additions to
the simulator will allow students to upload completed simulation programs to a remote
robot, and view the results via the Internet.
The next project researched was called “LabVIEW-Controlled Robot Climbs and
Inspects Highway Lighting Towers” by Kurt Hudson. The challenge to be completed was
automating and improving the inspection of high-mast lighting towers to evaluate
structural integrity. The solution was creating a PC-based robotic crawler and controller
for remote inspection using motion and vision hardware controlled with LabVIEW. The
Virginia Transportation Research Council contracted research at the University of
Virginia and Virginia Technologies, Inc, to develop a mobile robot to perform the
inspection of each pole joint. The objective is providing a more complete inspection of
the pole joint for cracks and other signs of fatigue without requiring visual inspection by
an operator suspended near the pole. The system envisioned would include both remote
visual and ultrasonic inspection capabilities. A portable computer with a graphical user
interface would provide an operator with complete control of robot movement and the
capability to view and store images of the pole surface.
The last project researched was called “WEB INTERFACED ROBOT ARM.” This
project will interface a Scorbot-ER V plus robot arm to the World Wide Web. Instead of
using the robot controller that is supplied with the robot arm, a PC will be running and
controlling the operations of the robot using LabVIEW. Data will be sent out of the
parallel port of the computer and into the robot motors. A website will be created to talk
to the computer that is controlling the robot, and then that computer will tell the robot
what to do. Web cams will be positioned on the robot itself and used to guide the user
during operation of the robot. Having a robot arm interfaced with the World Wide Web
will allow any users to access and gain control of the Robot Arm from any place in the
world with internet connection.
Methodology, Hardware
The Scorbot ER-III is a JAR (Jointed Arm Revolute) robot, which means its movements
are somewhat similar to that of the human arm. This robot can be very useful for
industrial processes, especially where assembly lines and conveyors are involved. With
this type of system, duties can be performed with a little more detail than with some other
robots. The movements made possible by the ER-III Scorbot allow for more concise
orientations of products and enable it to work with a larger scope of products than a robot
with a lesser degree of freedom. “Degree of freedom” is a term that describes the kind of
movement a robot can make. Figure 1 illustrates schematic representation of the Scorbot
The ER III has three axes of rotation. This robot possesses five degrees of freedom.
These degrees are illustrated through the movement of different parts which are
Base- lower part of robot that rotates in the horizontal plane.
Shoulder- connects to the base by way of a joint that rotates in the vertical plane.
Elbow- connects to the shoulder by way of a joint and also rotates in the vertical
Wrist- this portion is connected to the elbow and gives the robot its final two
degrees of freedom. The wrists movements are spilt into two sections, wrist roll
and wrist pitch. The wrist roll is similar to rotating your palm so that it either
faces up or down. This action is called wrist roll. Also the wrist may flex up or
down as a human wrist would. This action is called wrist pitch.
Gripper- this end effector is attached to the wrist and is capable of opening and
closing. It emulates the action of a human using his/her index finger and thumb to
grasp an object. This robot is powered via electric motors.
The gripper is fitted with sensors to allow for measurement of objects as well as
speeds with a maximum speed of 330 mm or 13 inches per second.
The Scorbot can be directly controlled by a hand-held teach pendant plugged into
touch control.
the controller. Also the controller provides 8 inputs as well as 8 outputs which can
be programmed to provide easy integration within the system's environment.
The main controller circuit operates the robot’s motors, encoders, inputs, outputs, micro
switches, test routine, and communication. The controller circuit is a slave of the
computer, communicating by means of the RS232 serial port.
Central Processing Unit (CPU): INTEL 8031.
EPROM: A fixed memory of 16K bytes which contains the controller’s
operational software.
Logic Components and Buffers: Transmit information to the CPU and execute
instructions relating to the motors, encoders, inputs and outputs.
Multiplexers: Expand the CPU’s capability for receiving input/output
Drivers: Activate motors and outputs.Include switching components such as
power transistors. Drivers also interface between low-power and high-power
Serial Communication Components: Receive and transmit information in serial
format. This controller uses the RS232 standard (12V).
Display Circuitry
The display circuit is fitted to the cover of the controller housing. This circuit includes
push button switches, I/O terminals and LEDs.
Two INPUT switches connected to inputs 1 and 2; these can be used to simulate
The RESET switch resets the controller to its initial state.
The LAMP TEST switch causes all the LEDs on the panel to light up.
The MOTOR TEST switch initiates a diagnostic routine on the robot’s motors.
A green LED (POWER light) indicates 110 VAC (220 VAC) voltage.
SCOREBASE Level 5 is an advanced robotics control software package, for use with the
SCORBOT robotic system. SCORBASE's menu-driven structure and off-line capabilities
provide a user-friendly tool for robot programming. SCORBASE runs on any PC system
and communicates with ACL, the controller's internal language, by means of an RS232
Control and real-time status display of up to 11 axes: 5 robot axes, a gripper and
up to 5 peripheral axes.
Full support and real-time status display of 16 inputs and 16 outputs, including
user defined text for each I/O status.
Position definition and display, as well as manual robot movement, in either joints
coordinates (encoder units) or Cartesian coordinates (X, Y, Z, pitch and roll).
Position and movement definition for robot and peripheral equipment either
separately or together.
Robot movement definition as regular, linear or circular with a 90 active speed
User-defined number of program lines (400 default).
Interrupt programming for handling responses to changes in input status.
Extensive variable programming.
Saving and loading of programs and position tables either separately or together.
Simulation of program execution in an off-line mode.
Controlling Methods
Teach Pendant
The teach pendant, or control box, is a hand-held controller that allows you to operate
and program the robot. This pendant plugs into the controller via the serial port. The
teach pendant is best used for teaching the robot positions and writing short programs.
For writing longer and more complex programs, it is easier to use SCORBASE (Level 3
or 5) after you have recorded the required positions with the teach pendant and
work with real time signals as well as develop programs quickly and efficiently. This
language is called G.
Each program in LabVIEW is called a Virtual Instrument or VI. Each VI contains three
parts, a front panel, a block diagram, and a connector pane. Each VI can run separately or
it can be part of a larger program. One VI may contain several other VI’s. Controls and
indicators on the VI’s front panel allow information to be passed into or retrieved from
the program. The front panel is similar to the front form in Visual BASIC. The front
panel is the part of the program the user interacts with. The front panel may contain
buttons, indicators, controls, or graphs. LabVIEW has a number of different options for
creating ascetically pleasing user interfaces. Here is the front panel from our program.
Figure 7 shows the front panel.
The block diagram is where the actual “code” is written. For every control or indicator on
the front panel, there is an icon on the block diagram. Controls are for inputting data
while indicators are outputting data.
LabVIEW is a very deep and complex program for which there is considerable
information available. For more information on LabVIEW visit or see
VISA stands for Virtual Instrument Standard Architecture. VISA is an industry standard
in the area of instrument programming. VISA is a high level API that calls low level
drivers. VISA is capable of controlling VXI, GPIB, or Serial instruments. VISA calls the
appropriate drivers depending on what type of instrument is being used.
The beauty of VISA is that regardless of interface type, the VISA commands are the
same allowing instrument programmers to communicate with several devices without
having to learn several different languages. Thus, programs to be ported from one
interface to another without having to change the code. VISA does this by strictly
defining data types, so that programs remain unchanged despite being ported to
computers with different size data types.
Also VISA is an object oriented language. This makes it easier to use when developing
drivers for new instruments. VISA uses a very compact command set that provides all the
functionality needed for instrument programming. For more information see reference.
We knew the old software would work with Scorbot, we just had to figure out what data
it was sending out. We used two different methods to determine the command set. The
first method we tried was to get a look at the commands using a program called
We did our test by running HyperTerminal on one computer and connecting it to another
running the original SCORBASE software. We connected the computers using a (db-9 to
db-9) serial cable with the transmit and receive pins crossed. That way all the data being
written from the computer running SCORBASE could be displayed on the computer
running Hyperterminal. We then instructed the controller to move a motor, and the
command it sent out was displayed on the screen. This method worked but it was far
from ideal and it was not enough to accomplish our goal. One of the problems with this
method was that we had too much data and no way to save it. Hyperterminal did not
allow us to copy and paste the data to a file. Another problem with this method was that
there were many undisplayable characters because Hyperterminal converts everything to
a string. Another problem was that Hyperterminal only displayed one line of code at a
time. Any new data just over wrote the old data. So basically this method gave a quick
snapshot of the code but it did not work for discovering the command set. We needed a
new way to see the code.
We decided the only possible solution was to use a sniffer. A sniffer is a program that
records all data being passed between programs. After searching the internet we located a
suitable program called Free Serial Port Monitor 3.31. This program was chosen for
several reasons, first one being that it is free. The other reasons were that it was quite
powerful and easy to use even with the free version. This program allowed us to see all
data written and all data read from the controller. Also, it allowed us to what was being
sent on each pin. Finally, it allowed us to see the data being written to the Scorbot and the
Scorbot’s response. It displayed this data in both string and hex format.
We ran our tests using this program along with the SCORBASE software. We hooked up
the Scorbot to the controller and connected to the controller via the serial port. We then
instructed the robot to move a specific motor and then we would log the results. We
tested each motor three times and then reviewed the data. The logs from these tests can
be seen in the appendix.
After reviewing this data, we able to discover the commands that make the motor move.
Unfortunately, this command looked very different from what the manual said The
manual was close but there were extra characters on the beginning and end of the
command that we were not quite able to figure out. We decided to do some more research
and we eventually found a lab involving a similar version of the Scorbot. The lab was
posted by a teacher and was for a Visual Basic class. Included in the lab was a command
to make the motor move. We instantly recognized it from our previous logs. We then
tried outputting this command using LabVIEW, but we had no success. We were baffled.
Since one of our members was proficient in Visual Basic, he decided to write a VB
program that would test our command out. The command worked perfectly. Once we had
one command working, it was easy to figure out the rest.
Once we had the command set down, we were on to our next challenge, getting the
commands to work with LabVIEW. At this point we had a basic understanding, but we
just didn’t know enough. We then began researching LabVIEW and writing test
programs. This procedure greatly furthered our knowledge of LabVIEW, but we still
couldn’t get the program to work. Then, while searching through the National
Instruments website, we came across a program written in LabVIEW that worked with
the Scorbot ER IX. The writer was having a similar problem to ours and he posted the
solution along with his code. On a long shot, we decided to recreate his code to see if it
would work with our version of the Scorbot. The read portion did not work, but the write
portion did. We used this portion along with our command set and we were able to write
LabVIEW code that successfully controlled the Scorbot. From that point on, it was a
matter simply of designing a user interface to work with our code.
Figure 8 is our front panel. This is the part of the program the user interacts with. To use
this program is fairly simple. First, select how you want a particular motor to move by
setting the dial. Set the motor control toggle to up. Then press the button above the dial.
The motor will then move the distance determined by the state of the dial. The command
being written to the Scorbot is displayed in the Read String 2 indicator box.
Each dial is set up so that the motor entire range of motion can be reached from any
position. When the motor reaches its limit, a mechanical limit switch is pressed that
deactivates the motor. Occasionally, the motor may stall; if that happens, press the reset
button on the controller and then repeat the command.
To open or close the gripper, set the toggle switch up for open or down for close. Then
press the button. If you desire to see the output from the controller, set the read toggle to
on. The data read from the Scorbot will then be displayed on the read string indicator
box. In the following section we describe the underlying code that makes this form work.
Figure 9 illustrates LabViw bock diagram.
This code is broken up into two sections. One is the transmit and receive section. The
other is the user interface section.
The transmit and receive section is broken into three pieces that are wired together.
This part of the block opens and configures the serial port. Here we set the resource name
to COM1, the baud rate to 9600, the data bits to 8, the stop bits to 2, and the parity to
none. These settings properly configure the serial port to communicate with the Scorbot.
This section outputs the VISA resource name as well as the error out.
The next part of the program writes data to the Scorbot via the serial port. This section is
shown in the Figure 11.
This section is contained with a case statement. A case statement is essentially an if else
statement. When this case is true, the code shown below will execute. If the case is not
true, then none of this code will be active. The false case is not shown.
The state of this case is determined by a Boolean that is wired to the ? box on the frame.
The wires entering from the left are the VISA resource name and the error in. The
command to be written enters through the magenta wire from the bottom. The first thing
that happens to the command when it enters this block is that it is concatenated with the
carriage return command. The carriage return tells the Scorbot that the command is done
being sent.
The block that looks like pages of paper is a “FOR” loop. The N symbol at the top left
represents the number of times to go through the loop. The timer in the bottom right
causes the loop to wait 10ms between iterations. The “i” symbol in the bottom left of the
loop outputs the present index of the loop. This wire is wired to a substring command that
takes in a string, a position, and a string length. This command outputs the string at the
designated position. The string length is how many characters after the position to output.
Our loop is set to output one character from the string at a time with a delay of 10ms.
This command is then wired to the VISA write command, where it is outputted through
the serial port to the controller. We obtained the idea for this section from a previous
LabVIEW project involving a later version of the Scorbot robot. We located this previous
project through the forums on
The next part of the program reads data coming in from the Scorbot that is shown in
figure 12.
This block takes in the VISA resource name and error in as input. This block contains
another case statement. When this statement is true, the read section will be active.
Otherwise the VISA resource name and error in are propagated through the loop to the
VISA close session command. This section displays on the front panel, the number of
bytes of read, as well as the string read from the Scorbot.
The second block of the program takes in data from the user interface and outputs the
appropriate command. The following example shows the basic structure of how each
motor is controlled.
Figure 14 shows the example code. Each piece contains the same basic elements: move
button, a motor indicator, a dial, double to string function, two string constants, a
concatenate string command, and a multiplexor. When the button is pressed, the motor
indicator will light up, and the multiplexor will output the motor movement command.
When the switch is not depressed, an empty string is outputted. Each motor movement
command consists of two pieces of information. The first piece selects which motor to
activate, and the second tells the controller how far the motor should move and in what
direction. A positive number will rotate the motor one way, while a negative number will
rotate the motor the other way. The format for the command is SMV0+/-XXXX. Where S
represents the motor to be moved and XXXX represents the number which tells the
controller how far to move.
The only exception is the gripper. The code for the gripper is slightly different.
Figure 15 shows the gripper code. In this block, the motor commands are written in as
string constants and a mulitplexor is used to determine which one to output. Then another
multiplexor is used to output the command when the button is pressed.
We were able to successfully complete this project; however, some changes were made
along the way. In order to complete this project we had to use a program called
LabVIEW. This was a definitely a challenge because none of us had any previous
experience with LabVIEW. After hours of research and building test programs, we
became confident that we could build a project in LabVIEW to accomplish our goals.
The goal of this project was to develop a new, efficient, and easy -to- control program for
the Scorbot. A lot of time was spent visualizing what would be the most effective way to
layout the buttons and controls in LabVIEW. If the interface was not easy to understand,
then we would be defeating the purpose of this project. With that in mind, we positioned
everything in the best understandable way so that anyone could look at our interface and
have an idea on how to control the Scorbot.
The most difficult part of this project was determining the command set to make the
robot move. Since we did not create a new controller, we were forced to use the
commands that the original software used. To determine the command set. We came up
with a series of ideas on ways to determine the commands. In the end only two of the
ideas actually helped us. Both of these ideas involved examining the data coming out of
the Scorbase software. This procedure was how we were able to determine the commands
to make our program work.
This project in principle was a challenging one for us; we had to develop the knowledge
of serial communication with RS-232, LabView and Scorbot robot.
We were able to successfully complete this project despite the many obstacles we faced
along the way. When we started this project, we wanted to redesign the controlling unit
as well as build a program in LabVIEW. But shortly after we began, we realized that we
didn’t have enough time to do both. We then decided to redesign the controller on just the
software end. Some problems we faced were rewiring the serial cable to work with the
controller, getting LabVIEW to transmit and receive commands from the Scorbot, and
determining the simplest way to control the motors.
This project was a success. Throughout this semester, we learned a great deal about
motor control, robotics, serial communication, and LabVIEW. We began this project with
no experience in LabVIEW and now we are quite proficient at it. This project exposed us
to many areas of knowledge we had no experience in such as instrumentation, robotics,
and serial communication.
2. Sándor J. Tóth, “New PC And Labview Based Robot Control System” Periodica
Polytechnica Ser. Mech. Eng. Vol. 43, (1999) 179–188
3. Alexei Sokolov, Robot Motion Realisation Using Labview
4. Periodica Polytechnica Ser. Mech. Eng. Vol. 43,(1999) No. 2, Pp. 131–145
5. Rob Brenner, Web Interfaced Robot Arm,
proposal.htm (Accessed 4/2/07)
6. (Accessed 4/2/07)