Wherever. Better.UPCAST®-SGTube technology bypasses in one big leap many costly steps
needed in conventional tube production methods.
UPCAST®-SGTube Is the latest tralblazing development in
continuous casting from UPCAST OY. It is an innovative ex-
‘tension of our baseline UPCAST® technology used for casting
copper rad. UPCAST®-SGTube shares all the inherent benefits
of the baseline system but differs in design of the casting ma-
chine, collers and tooling,
‘The UPCAST®-SGTube system produces thin-walled copper
‘ube in heavy coils ready for further processing in tube drawing
machines. As the tube is in cast condition itis recommended
to make the first drawing passes in straight drawing machi-
nes followed by inductive in-line annealing. To ensure perfect
softening during intermediate annealing the preceding area
reduction should be 80% or more,
Similar to the construction of baseline UPCAST® systems
also UPCAST®-SGTube lines are of modular design allowing
customized solutions, Its possible to choose between single-
and double-furnace configurations. The double-furnace confi-
guration -with separatemeltingandcastingfurnaces~canreach
fan annual output of 12,000 tons while the single-furnace con-
figuration — built around a combined melting/casting furnace ~
hhas a maximum capacity of 9,000 tons per year. If scrap ~
clean and dry — will form a significant part ofthe input material
then a double-furnace configuration is the preferred choice,
UPCAST®-SGTube is flexible as to the size of the cast tube
‘A common range for the outer diameter extends from 38mm3mm. Different tube sizes can be
servo-criven casting machine is equipped with t
withdrawal systems. The optimum dime
depend on the size of the finished tube.
produce very high coll weights limited not by the ul
city of the cast tube coiler but rat
downstream dra
Small grains,
Big gains |;
ng equipment.
2mm and
In pr
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to an end in efors to explo tefl potential of ts ground
king technology. On the convary UPCAST OY is investing Heavy
overall perfomance ofthe sytem and
{tube Al this being done n lose colaboreHaving the UPCAST®-SGTube process as the fist step
in your tube production line will translate into
ings in overall costs, As the cast tube is already rather
close to the finished tube sizes, UPCAST®.SGTube
bypasses in leap many costly steps needed
in conventional tube production methods. Further sav-
ings can be attained through the small f
UPCAST®-SGTube lines - being only a frac
floor area taken by conventional equipment.
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rod and tube would emerge. UPCAST®-Hybrid technology is
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figuration may include two furnaces from which casting takes
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