The document summarizes two newspaper articles about urban development projects in Pune, India. The first article discusses how the Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA) has increased transparency in real estate transactions. The second article describes Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) projects that redevelop slums in Pune by demolishing existing slums and replacing them with new housing, freeing up land for infrastructure and opening more green spaces. Both initiatives aim to promote fair transactions and improve living conditions in Pune's urban areas.
The document summarizes two newspaper articles about urban development projects in Pune, India. The first article discusses how the Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA) has increased transparency in real estate transactions. The second article describes Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) projects that redevelop slums in Pune by demolishing existing slums and replacing them with new housing, freeing up land for infrastructure and opening more green spaces. Both initiatives aim to promote fair transactions and improve living conditions in Pune's urban areas.
The document summarizes two newspaper articles about urban development projects in Pune, India. The first article discusses how the Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA) has increased transparency in real estate transactions. The second article describes Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) projects that redevelop slums in Pune by demolishing existing slums and replacing them with new housing, freeing up land for infrastructure and opening more green spaces. Both initiatives aim to promote fair transactions and improve living conditions in Pune's urban areas.
The document summarizes two newspaper articles about urban development projects in Pune, India. The first article discusses how the Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA) has increased transparency in real estate transactions. The second article describes Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) projects that redevelop slums in Pune by demolishing existing slums and replacing them with new housing, freeing up land for infrastructure and opening more green spaces. Both initiatives aim to promote fair transactions and improve living conditions in Pune's urban areas.
FOY B.ARCH 2023-24 AAYOJAN SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN,PUNE 1ST NEWS PAPER ARTICLE TELLS ABOUT TRANPARENCY IN REAL ESTATE AFTER MAHARERA COME INTO PICTURE. About MahaRERA The Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (referred to as RERA Maharashtra or MahaRERA) is a governing and regulatory authority overseeing real estate buying and selling in the state of Maharashtra. In other words, MahaRERA makes sure that real estate transac ons are transparent and fair for buyers as well as real estate developers. When did RERA Maharashtra (MahaRERA) come about? The real estate industry has been booming in every corner of the country. The Real Estate (Regula on and Development) Act, 2016, was brought into force to provide a level playing field for real estate developers across the na on. It also has several features that provide a sense of fairness and security to buyers of both residen al and commercial proper es.Most Indian states have their own RERA board to oversee the development of their real estate sector. MahaRERA is one such board that operates in the state of Maharashtra. RERA Maharashtra came about to take steps in promo ng and regula ng the development of realty in the state. Maharashtra is among the first Indian states to implement RERA, and its main objec ve is to bring about transparency in the buying and selling of plots and buildings, both residen al and commercial. Vision and func ons of RERA Maharashtra (MahaRERA) RERA Maharashtra aims to: Bring transparency in the sale of apartments, buildings, and plots in the state, Protect the interest of real estate buyers and promote fair transac ons, Ini ate faster se lement of disputes rela ng to real estate proper es, and Offer recommenda ons to the concerned government authori es in ma ers relevant to the promo on and development of real estate. Addi onally, MahaRERA also fulfils these func ons: Supervise if real estate developers or promoters are following the correct regula ons Ensuring that promoters register their projects under the Act Publishing and maintaining the records of all real estate projects in a city Enhancing the growth of the real estate sector Fostering a healthy, transparent, and efficient real estate sector in Maharashtra. 2ND NEWSPAPER ARTICLE TELLS ABOUT SLUM REHABILITATION IN PUNE CITY, SRA PROJECTS DELYS CONSTRUCTION IN PUNE CITY. WHAT IS SRA? According to the 2011 census report, 13.8 million households and about 64 million people, are located in city slums in India. This number is growing every year. As this number increases, so does the amount of unhealthy and unsafe homes. These factors hinder the overall development of a city. With this in mind, the Government of Maharashtra brought an amendment to the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act 56 and introduced a nodal agency, Slum Rehabilita on Authority (SRA). SRA brought forth a Slum Rehabilita on Programme that analyses exis ng posi ons of slum areas in a city. A er examining, the commi ee devises plans for the rehabilita on of these iden fied slum areas and ensures that the slum rehabilita on scheme planned is executed the best of SRA's abili es. The SRA commi ee in India enables property developers to rehabilitate slum-dwellers in-situ and compensates the landowner and developer by awarding them with Transferable Development Rights (TDR). NEED OF SLUM REHABILITATION Studies have shown that slum redevelopment projects have improved access to services, educa on, and healthcare in ci es experiencing high levels of poverty. These projects have also been linked to decreased levels of crime, as well as improved health, educa on, and employment outcomes. Slum redevelopment opens up land in PUNE by demolishing exis ng slums and replacing them with new housing units. This helps to free up open spaces that can then be used to build infrastructure such as roads, schools, hospitals, and other public facili es. Addi onally, this process can also increase the availability of green spaces, allowing for greater access to parks and other recrea onal areas.