Districtwise Atlas - Sikar

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Sikar District

Hydrogeological Atlas of Rajasthan
Sikar District
List of Plates Title Page No.

Plate I Administrative Map 2

Plate II Topography 4

Plate III Rainfall Distribution 4

Plate IV Geological Map 6

Plate V Geomorphological Map 6

Plate VI Aquifer Map 8

Plate VII Stage of Ground Water Development (Block wise) 2011 8

Location of Exploratory and Ground Water Monitoring
Plate VIII 10
Depth to Water Level
Plate IX 10
(Pre-Monsoon 2010)
Water Table Elevation
Plate X 12
(Pre-Monsoon 2010)
Water Level Fluctuation
Plate XI 12
(Pre-Post Monsoon 2010)
Electrical Conductivity Distribution
Plate XII 14
(Average Pre-Monsoon 2005-09)
Chloride Distribution
Plate XIII 14
(Average Pre-Monsoon 2005-09)
Fluoride Distribution
Plate XIV 16
(Average Pre-Monsoon 2005-09)
Nitrate Distribution
Plate XV 16
(Average Pre-Monsoon 2005-09)
Plate XVI Depth to Bedrock 18

Plate XVII Map of Unconfined Aquifer 18

Glossary of terms 19

Sikar district is located in the northeastern part of Rajasthan. It is bounded in the north by Jhunjhunun district, in the east state of Haryana, southeast by
Jaipur district and southwest by Nagaur whereas the western boundary is shared with Churu district. It stretches between 27° 07' 01.57” to 28° 12' 12.56” north
latitude and 74° 40' 48.23’’ to 76° 05' 47.66’’ east longitude covering area of 7,726.9 sq kms. Systematic drainage system is lacking in western half of the district
which is part of an ‘Outside’ Basin whereas the remaining part of the district is drained by Shekhawati River along with a small part in the east by Sabi RIver.

Administrative Set-up:
Sikar district is administratively divided into eight blocks. The following table summarizes the basic statistics of the district at block level.
Population Area % of District Total Number of
S. No. Block Name
(Based on 2001 census) (sq km) Area Towns and Villages
1 DantaRamgarh 2,87,544 1,152.3 14.9 158
2 Dhond 2,09,919 914.5 11.8 109
3 Fatehpur 3,00,393 1,245.5 16.1 145
4 Khandela 2,41,036 797.2 10.3 132
5 Lachhmangarh 2,44,367 1,028.0 13.3 141
6 NeemKa Thana 3,46,597 1,186.9 15.5 152
7 Piprali 3,91,387 820.8 10.6 96
8 Srimadhopur 2,62,404 581.7 7.5 68
Total 22,83,647 7,726.9 100.0 1,001

Sikar district has 1,001 towns and villages, of which eight are block headquarters as well.

The district is largely part of semi-arid region and is typically characterized by hot summer, fairly good rainfall, a chilly winter season. Humidity levels are
quite low resulting into general dryness in the air, except in the brief monsoon season when the humidity reaches upto maximum of 60%. The months of March
to June are summers when the maximum temperature approaches 47°C to 48°Cwhereas the winter months witness extremely cold nights with temperature
dropping to about 1°C. The average temperature around the year is about 16 to 20 °C. The average rainfall in this district is just about 363.7mm, mostly received
from the south-west monsoon during the months of July to September.

The district can be divided into two distinct physiographic units, viz. sandy plains in west and the eastern half, NE-SW trending hill ranges. The major river of the district is Kantli
and Mendha. Significant part of the district falls within ‘Outside Basin’ which does not have a systematic drainage system. The general topographic elevation in the district ranges
between 375m to 500m above mean sea level in the district. Elevation ranges from a minimum of 294m amsl in Fatehpur block in the NW part of the district to a maximum of 1,032m
amsl in Piprali block in northern part of the district.

Table: Block wise minimum and maximum elevation

Minimum Elevation Maximum Elevation
S. No. Block Name
(m amsl) (m amsl)
1 Danta Ramgarh 375.1 641.7
2 Dhond 358.9 901.3
3 Fatehpur 294.0 374.3
4 Khandela 419.4 899.1
5 Lachhmangarh 332.7 408.2
6 NeemKa Thana 333.2 825.4
7 Piprali 392.9 1,032.0
8 Srimadhopur 450.0 716.1

Though the rainfall in the district is generally scanty but appears to have received very good rainfall in the year 2010. The general distribution of rainfall in the year 2010 can be
visualized from isohyets presented in the Plate – III where most of the district received rainfall in the range of 600-900mm. Rainfall is highest in the east and gradually reduces towards
west reaching lowest in the southernmost and northwestern parts of the district. The annual average rainfall was 797.8 mm based on the data of available blocks. Highest annual
rainfall was noticed in Neem ka Thana block (1,225.3mm) whereas lowest was in Danta Ramgarh block (552.7mm).

Table: Block wise annual rainfall statistics (derived from year 2010 meteorological station data)
Minimum Annual Maximum Annual Average Annual
Block Name
Rainfall(mm) Rainfall(mm) Rainfall (mm)
DantaRamgarh 552.7 789.8 659.2
Dhond 630.7 861.9 750
Fatehpur 654.6 743.2 689.7
Khandela 744.4 1,032.50 880.8
Lachhmangarh 650.9 786.7 715.2
NeemKa Thana 788.8 1,225.30 1,046.80
Piprali 684.4 892.3 805.6
Srimadhopur 698.6 965.3 835

The major part of the district is covered with alluvial and eolian sand layers. The eastern part of the district is occupied by hills of the Aravali range. The rock types exposed in the
area belong to Delhi Super Group of meta-sediments whose exposures are seen in Neem ka Thana block in eastern part of the district. The Delhi Super Group rocks are divided into
Alwar and Ajabgarh Groups and are seen in the eastern part of the district characterized by quartzite, slate; marble, schist and phyllite. Sandmata complex belongs to Bhilwara Super
Group which consist migmatitic, gneiss, schist and dolomitic marble. Bhilwara Super Group is exposed in eastern part of the district within the Sri Madhopur, Khandela and Neem ka
Thana blocks.

Super Group Group Formation

Recent to Sub-Recent Sand dunes-Aeolian sand, river flood deposit & valley fill deposit Kankar, clay, Gravel & Sand
Ajabgarh Schist, dolomite, phyllite, marble etc.
Alwar Quartzite, conglomerate, schist etc.
Bhilwara Sandmata Complex Migmatite, gneiss, schist, dolomitic marble etc.
Erinpura Granite & Gneiss

Table: Geomorphologic units, their description and distribution
Origin Landform Unit Description
Formed by aeolian activity, with sand dunes of varying height, size, slope. Long stretches of sand sheet. Gently sloping flat to
Eolian Plain
undulating plain, comprised of fine to medium grained sand and silt. Also scattered xerophytic vegetation.
Interdunal Depression Slightly depressed area in between the dunal complex showing moisture and fine sediments.
Aeolian Formed on windward/leeward sides of obstacle like isolated hills or continuous chain of hills, dune to obstruction in path of
Obstacle Dune
sand laden winds. Badly dissected well cemented and vegetated.
Formed of aeolian activity, wind-blown sand with gentle sloping to undulating plain, comprising of coarse sand, fine sand, silt
Sandy Plain
and clay.
Buried Pediment Pediment covers essentially with relatively thicker alluvial, colluvial or weathered materials.
Intermontane Valley Depression between mountains, generally broad & linear, filled with colluvial deposits.
Broad gently sloping rock flooring, erosional surface of low relief between hill and plain, comprised of varied lithology, criss-
crossed by fractures and faults.
Mainly undulating landscape formed due to fluvial activity, comprising of gravels, sand, silt and clay. Terrain mainly
Alluvial Plain
undulating, produced by extensive deposition of alluvium.
Flat to gentle undulating plain formed due to fluvial activity, mainly consists of gravels, sand, silt and clay with
Alluvial Plain (Sandy)
unconsolidated material of varying lithology, predominantly sand along river.
Fluvial Paleochannel Mainly buried on abandoned stream/river courses, comprising of coarse textured material of variable sizes.
Formed by fluvial activity, usually at lower topographic locations, comprising of boulders, cobbles, pebbles, gravels, sand, silt
Valley Fill
and clay. The unit has consolidated sediment deposits.
Ravine Small, narrow, deep, depression, smaller than gorges, larger than gulley, usually carved by running water.
Salt Encrustation/Playa Topographical depression comprising of clay, silt, sand and soluble salts, usually undrained and devoid of vegetation.
Denudational, Steep sided, relict hills undergone denudation, comprising of varying lithology with joints, fractures and lineaments.
Hills Structural Hill, Linear to arcuate hills showing definite trend-lines with varying lithology associated with folding, faulting etc.
Linear Ridge Long narrow low-lying ridge usually barren, having high run off may form over varying lithology with controlled strike.
The district is predominantly sandy in nature both in lateral and vertical extents. The thick alluvial cover rests over bedrock and aquifers are formed both in alluvium and in
hardrocks. Quartzites aquifers occupy about 17% of the district area and occur as patches in eastern and central parts of the district adjacent to hills. Joints and fractured openings
contribute to aquifer formation in quartzite formations. While Younger alluvium constitutes only 2% of aquifer area, the Older alluvium is the most widespread aquifer in the district
with about 76% of area distributed in the whole of western half of the district as also large parts in between quartzite aquifers in the eastern part.

Table: aquifer potential zones their area and their description

Aquifer in Potential Area % age of
Description of the unit/Occurrence
Zone (sq km) district
It is largely constituted of Aeolian and Fluvial sand, silt,
Younger Alluvium 165.6 2.1
clay, gravel and pebbles in varying proportions.
This litho unit comprises of mixture of heterogeneous
Older Alluvium 5,879.4 76.1
fine to medium grained sand, silt and kankar.
Medium to coarse grained and varies from feldspathic
Quartzite 1,328.6 17.2
grit to sericitic quartzite.
Hills 353.3 4.6
Total 7,726.9 100.0


Ground water resources are under stress in the district as indicated by resource assessment studies and further categorization of blocks on the basis of stage of development.
Except for Fatehpur block which is in Semi-Critical category (resource development between 70-90%), six other blocks constituting significant part of the district fall within ‘Over
Exploited’ category implying that more than 100% development has already taken place and the dynamic ground water resources in the aquifers of these blocks are exhausted. More
grim is the scenario in Srimadhopur and Dhond which have been notified against any further development.

Categorization on the basis of

Block Name
stage of development of ground water
Semi-Critical Fatehpur
Lachhmangarh, Piprali, Khandela,
Over Exploited
Neem Ka Thana, Danta Ramgarh
Notified Srimadhopur, Dhond

Basis for categorization: Ground water development <= 70 – 90% Semi critical and >100% - Over-Exploited. In Notified blocks development of GW is not permitted any more.

Sikar district has a large number of well distributed exploratory wells (438) network and ground water monitoring stations (241) in the district owned by RGWD (379 and 203
respectively) and CGWB (59 and 38 respectively). The exploratory wells have formed the basis for delineation of subsurface aquifer distribution scenario in three dimensions.
Benchmarking and optimization studies suggest that ground water level monitoring network is sufficiently distributed for appropriate monitoring but for water quality, 223 wells are
recommended to be added to existing network for optimum monitoring of the aquifers.

Table: Block wise count of wells (existing and recommended)

Ground Water Recommended additional wells for
Exploratory Wells
Block Name Monitoring Stations optimization of monitoring network
CGWB RGWD Total CGWB RGWD Total Water Level Water Quality
DantaRamgarh 9 52 61 7 37 44 0 38
Dhond 7 37 44 5 18 23 0 37
Fatehpur 10 42 52 7 11 18 0 32
Khandela 4 28 32 2 20 22 0 23
Lachhmangarh 13 53 66 5 17 22 0 37
NeemKa Thana - 15 15 5 38 43 0 14
Piprali 10 128 138 6 41 47 0 26
Srimadhopur 6 24 30 1 21 22 0 16
Total 59 379 438 38 203 241 0 223


Depth to ground water levels in Sikar district are shown in Plate – IX. Depth to water level varies from less than 10m below ground level to more than 70mbgl. In western part of
the district i.e., Dhond and Piprali region and in southern part of Danta Ramgarh deeper water levels in the range of 30m - 60m are generally encounteredthat occasionally reaches to
>70m bgl. Northwestwards, the water level is moderately deep around (30-50m bgl) as can be seen in Fatehpur block. In northeastern part i.e., in Neem Ka Thana–Khandela–Sri
Madhopur region, the water level is quite shallow occurring 10m-20m bgl occasionally even less than 10m bgl in Khandela block.
Depth to water level Block wise area coverage (sq km) * Total Area
(mbgl) DantaRamgarh Dhond Fatehpur Khandela Lachhmangarh NeemKa Thana Piprali Srimadhopur (sq km)
< 10 - - - 0.1 - - - - 0.1
10-20 96.0 - - 18.8 - 211.2 24.5 4.5 355.0
20-30 318.0 3.0 - 201.3 0.4 577.8 25.4 83.1 1,209.0
30-40 280.5 15.7 622.0 346.3 151.3 173.0 88.0 122.6 1,799.4
40-50 109.3 56.0 564.8 195.6 399.4 17.1 191.5 246.5 1,780.2
50-60 151.3 332.8 18.3 34.5 366.9 - 280.9 125.0 1,309.7
60-70 182.7 461.5 - - 109.9 - 121.5 - 875.6
> 70 3.1 36.3 - - - - 5.0 - 44.4
Total 1,140.9 905.3 1,205.1 796.6 1,027.9 979.1 736.8 581.7 7,373.4
* The area covered in the derived maps is less than the total district area since the hills have been excluded from interpolation/contouring.
The regional ground water flow direction as seen in Plate – X is from east to west and then northwestwards. The area within Outside basin shows southeast to northwestwards
flow of ground water whereas the area within the Shekhawati basin has ground water level high in the eastern part of the district and then the flow is diverted in both northeast and
southwestwards. The Sabi basin part shows an easterly ground water flow. Water table elevation is highest in Khandela, Neem ka thana and Sri Madhopur blocks of the district
(>480m amsl) whereas lowest elevation (<280m amsl) is seen in Fatehpur block.

Table: Block wise area covered in each water table elevation range
Block wise area coverage (sq km) within water table elevation range (m amsl) Total Area
Block Name
< 280 280 - 300 300 - 320 320 - 340 340 - 360 360 - 380 380 - 400 400 - 440 440 - 480 > 480 (sq km)
DantaRamgarh - - - - 38.0 260.6 256.4 585.3 0.6 - 1,140.9
Dhond - - - 148.5 262.2 265.6 96.7 132.3 - - 905.3
Fatehpur 539.0 562.0 104.1 - - - - - - - 1,205.1
Khandela - - - - - - - 292.4 504.2 - 796.6
Lachhmangarh - 53.0 597.7 298.4 78.8 - - - - - 1,027.9
NeemKa Thana - - - 16.6 65.4 75.5 189.8 340.7 289.6 1.5 979.1
Piprali - - - 20.2 36.7 50.4 139.1 485.7 4.7 - 736.8
Srimadhopur - - - - - - 0.9 257.6 323.2 - 581.7
Total 539.0 615.0 701.8 483.7 481.1 652.1 682.9 2,094.0 1,122.3 1.5 7,373.4


In this district, the ground water level fluctuation is very high as it is seen to vary between -6 m to +18m (Plate – XI). Apart from some localized high negative fluctuation areas,
nearly half of the district shows general decline of ground levels by about 2m in post monsoon season with respect to pre monsoon levels. Rest of the district, largely in the eastern
part has shown a general rise of upto 4m and occasionally by significantly high levels of 18m ass noticed in northeastern part of Neem Ka Thana block adjacent to hills.

Table: Block wise area covered in each water fluctuation zone

Block wise area coverage (sq km) within water level fluctuation range (m) Total Area
Block Name
< -6 -6 to -4 -4 to -2 -2 to 0 0 to 2 2 to 4 4 to 6 6 to 8 8 to 10 10 to 12 12 to 14 14 to 16 16 to 18 > 18 (sq km)
DantaRamgarh - - - 569.2 560.0 11.7 - - - - - - - - 1,140.9
Dhond - - 1.5 856.8 47.0 - - - - - - - - - 905.3
Fatehpur 3.9 11.2 22.4 454.4 713.2 - - - - - - - - - 1,205.1
Khandela - - - 144.3 219.8 105.0 97.4 78.8 56.0 45.3 45.7 4.3 - - 796.6
Lachhmangarh - 5.5 34.8 692.5 295.1 - - - - - - - - - 1,027.9
NeemKa Thana - - - - 266.7 167.6 95.2 127.1 111.4 105.5 72.5 21.1 10.3 1.7 979.1
Piprali - 0.5 27.7 416.0 265.1 23.9 3.6 - - - - - - - 736.8
Srimadhopur - - - 481.0 97.3 3.4 - - - - - - - - 581.7
Total 3.9 17.2 86.4 3,614.2 2,464.2 311.6 196.2 205.9 167.4 150.8 118.2 25.4 10.3 1.7 7,373.4

Plate – XII depicts the Electrical conductivity (at 25°C) distribution map. The ground water quality in the district is by and large good as the areas with low EC values in ground
water (<2000 µS/cm, yellow color) and occupies almost 71% of the district. The areas with moderately high EC values (2000 -4000 µS/cm) are shown in green color and occupy
approximately 26% of the district area, largely in the northwestern part of the district. Remaining small part of the district approximately 3% has high EC values in ground water
(>4000 µS/cm) which is shown in red color, largely western fringe of the district in Fatehpur and Lachhmangarh blocks where the ground water is unsuitable for domestic purpose.
Table: Block wise area of Electrical conductivity distribution
Electrical Conductivity Ranges Block wise area coverage (sq km)
Total Area
(µS/cm at 25⁰C) DantaRamgarh Dhond Fatehpur Khandela Lachhmangarh NeemKa Thana Piprali Srimadhopur
(sq km)
(Ave. of years 2005-09) Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age
< 2000 815.7 71.5 844.0 93.2 176.7 14.7 696.8 87.5 489.7 47.6 901.6 92.1 724.1 98.3 581.7 100.0 5,230.3
2000-4000 285.8 25.0 58.6 6.5 889.9 73.8 98.9 12.4 497.0 48.4 77.5 7.9 12.7 1.7 - - 1,920.4
>4000 39.4 3.5 2.7 0.3 138.5 11.5 0.9 0.1 41.2 4.0 - - - - - - 222.7
Total 1,140.9 100.0 905.3 100.0 1,205.1 100.0 796.6 100.0 1,027.9 100.0 979.1 100.0 736.8 100.0 581.7 100.0 7,373.4


The yellow colored regions in Plate – XIII are the areas where chloride concentration is low (<250 mg/l) which occupy approximately 62% of the district area. The ground water in
this region is suitable for domestic purposes. The areas with moderately high chloride concentration (250-1000mg/l) are shown in green color and occupy approximately 37% of the
district area, largely in the central part around Danta Ramgarh and in the northwestern part of the district in Fatehpur and Lachhmangarh blocks. The high chloride concentration
areas are very small in spatial extent and occupy just 1% of the district area in Fatehpur block in the northwestern part of the district.
Table: Block wise area of Chloride distribution
Chloride Concentration Block wise area coverage Total
Range (mg/l) DantaRamgarh Dhond Fatehpur Khandela Lachhmangarh NeemKa Thana Piprali Srimadhopur Area
(Ave. of years 2005-09) Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age (sqkm)
< 250 516.0 45.0 777.8 86.0 263.3 22.0 580.4 73.0 434.4 42.0 731.9 75.0 691.9 94.0 581.4 100.0 4,577.1
250-1000 619.0 54.0 127.5 14.0 885.6 73.0 215.8 27.0 593.5 58.0 247.2 25.0 44.9 6.0 0.3 - 2,733.8
> 1000 5.9 1.0 - - 56.2 5.0 0.4 - - - - - - - - - 62.5
Total 1,140.9 100.0 905.3 100.0 1,205.1 100.0 796.6 100.0 1,027.9 100.0 979.1 100.0 736.8 100.0 581.7 100.0 7,373.4

The Fluoride concentration map is presented in Plate – XIV.The areas with low concentration (i.e.,>1.5 mg/l) are shown in yellow color and occupies almost 63% of the district area
in central and eastern part of the district where the ground water is suitable for domestic purpose. The areas with moderately high concentration (1.5-3.0 mg/l) are shown in green
color and occupy approximately 31%of the district area. These are seen as NE-SW trending belts in the western and central parts of the district. Remaining part of the district
approximately 6% has high Fluoride concentration (>3.0 mg/l), which is shown in red color, largely northern part of Fatehpur, The ground water in this region is not suitable for
domestic purpose.
Table: Block wise area of Fluoride distribution
Fluoride concentration Block wise area coverage (sq km)
Total Area
range(mg/l) DantaRamgarh Dhond Fatehpur Khandela Lachhmangarh NeemKa Thana Piprali Srimadhopur
(sq km)
(Ave. of years 2005-09) Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age
< 1.5 892.7 78.2 714.5 78.9 237.8 19.7 394.2 49.5 476.0 46.3 847.4 86.6 733.6 99.5 348.7 59.9 4,644.9
1.5-3.0 163.0 14.3 183.6 20.3 699.5 58.1 378.2 47.5 499.5 48.6 128.5 13.1 2.6 0.4 233.0 40.1 2,287.9
> 3.0 85.2 7.5 7.2 0.8 267.8 22.2 24.2 3.0 52.4 5.1 3.2 0.3 0.6 0.1 - - 440.6
Total 1,140.9 100.0 905.3 100.0 1,205.1 100.0 796.6 100.0 1,027.9 100.0 979.1 100.0 736.8 100.0 581.7 100.0 7,373.4


High nitrate concentration in ground water renders it unsuitable for agriculture purposes. Plate – XV shows distribution of Nitrate in ground water of Sikar district. Low nitrate
concentration (<50 mg/l) is shown in yellow color occupies approximately 37% of the district area, which is suitable for agriculture purpose. The areas with moderately high nitrate
concentration (50-100 mg/l) are shown in green color and occupy approximately 39% of the district area. Remaining part of the district is covered with high nitrate concentration
(>100 mg/l) which is shown in red colored patches which are prominent in western part of the district and also seen in the central and eastern part. The ground water in this 24% part
of the district is unsuitable for agriculture purpose.
Table: Block wise area of Nitrate distribution
Nitrate concentration Block wise area coverage (sq km)
Total Area
Range(mg/l) DantaRamgarh Dhond Fatehpur Khandela Lachhmangarh NeemKa Thana Piprali Srimadhopur
(sq km)
(Ave. of years 2005-09) Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age
< 50 558.4 48.9 377.5 41.7 166.9 13.8 355.5 44.6 160.0 15.6 315.4 32.2 319.1 43.3 439.5 75.6 2,692.3
50-100 478.5 41.9 326.6 36.1 406.1 33.7 320.5 40.2 360.0 35.0 464.8 47.5 351.1 47.7 134.3 23.0 2,841.9
>100 104.0 9.2 201.2 22.2 632.1 52.5 120.6 15.2 507.9 49.4 198.9 20.3 66.6 9.0 7.9 1.4 1,839.2
Total 1,140.9 100 905.3 100 1,205.1 100 796.6 100 1,027.9 100 979.1 100 736.8 100 581.7 100 7,373.4

Depth to bedrock map of Sikar district (Plate – XVI) reveals wide variation of more than 100m in occurrence of bedrock in different areas of the district. Deeper bedrock of more
than 100m isseen in the western, southern and northern part of the district. Areas around Danta Ramgarh, Dhond, Fatehpur, Khandela, Lachhmangarh and Piprali indicate the
occurrence of bedrock at very deep levels i.e., in between 100 to 120m bgl and even in some patches seen with more than 120m depth bgl. In the central part of Fatehpur, Piprali and
Danta Ramgarh, southern fringe of Dhond and Khandela and a small patch in Srimadhopur, moderately deep bedrock depths are encountered in between 80m bgl to 100m bgl.
Shallow bedrock depths (less than 40m bgl) are mostly found in northeastern part of the district in Khandela and Neem Ka Thana blocks.
Block wise area coverage (sq km)
Depth to bedrock Total Area
DantaRamgarh Dhond Fatehpur Khandela Lachhmangarh NeemKa Thana Piprali Srimadhopur
(mbgl) (sq km)
Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age Area %age
< 40 - - - - - - 70.5 8.8 - - 549.7 56.0 - - - - 620.2
40-60 325.0 28.5 - - - - 273.6 34.4 0.1 - 378.0 39.0 73.3 10.0 173.9 30.0 1,223.9
60-80 504.4 44.2 23.1 3.0 - - 307.8 38.6 193.5 19.0 48.8 5.0 186.9 25.0 393.7 68.0 1,658.2
80-100 260.7 22.8 265.6 29.0 443.9 36.8 94.0 11.8 550.0 54.0 2.6 - 114.9 16.0 14.1 2.0 1,745.8
100-120 39.6 3.5 576.5 64.0 724.9 60.2 32.3 4.1 260.5 25.0 - - 251.8 34.0 - - 1,885.6
> 120 11.2 1.0 40.1 4.0 36.3 3.0 18.4 2.3 23.8 2.0 - - 109.9 15.0 - - 239.7
Total 1,140.9 100.0 905.3 100.0 1,205.1 100.0 796.6 100.0 1,027.9 100.0 979.1 100.0 736.8 100.0 581.7 100.0 7,373.4

Alluvial areas Hard rock areas
Most part of the district has thick cover of alluvium both Younger and Older. In Weathered, fractured and jointed rock formations occurring at shallower depths
unconfined conditions the alluvial aquifer attains a thickness of more than 70m. constitute good unconfined aquifers. Such zonesare seen to occur in patches around hills in
Perusal of Plate – XVII reveals an in general, moderate thickness of upto 40m bgl in northeastern and central parts of the district varying in thickness from less than 10 meter to
the area with pockets of more thick (>70m) unconfined alluvial aquifer material in the about 70m.In Neem Ka Thana block thickest zone of weathered/fractured hardrock is seen.
DantaRamgarh, Dhond and Piprali region. Rest of the blocks have moderate to low These aquifers are primarily formed in quartzite rocks.
thickness of aquifers in alluvial zone. The general thickness of alluvium in the district
ranges in between less than 10m to 40m.
Block wise area coverage (sq km) Block wisearea coverage(sq km)
Unconfined aquifer Total Area Unconfined aquifer Total Area
Danta Lachhman- Neem Sri- Danta Lachhman- Neem Sri-
Thickness (m) Dhond Fatehpur Khandela Piprali (sq km) Thickness (m) Dhond Fatehpur Khandela Piprali (sq km)
Ramgarh garh Ka Thana madhopur Ramgarh garh Ka Thana madhopur
< 10 205.7 227.3 102.0 205.9 251.9 181.2 114.2 227.9 1,516.1 <10 215.5 4.9 - 120.3 - 270.5 95.1 5.7 712.0
10-20 286.3 217.4 317.5 243.3 314.0 35.3 172.5 235.0 1,821.3 10-20 - - - 70.8 - 407.8 0.4 - 479.1
20-30 319.4 221.3 209.6 86.2 261.9 11.4 159.6 101.1 1,370.5 20-30 - - - 59.9 - 42.9 - - 102.8
30-40 72.2 152.9 202.8 3.5 157.8 1.9 112.7 12.0 715.8 30-40 - - - 6.7 - 20.0 - - 26.7
40-50 24.1 40.2 281.9 - 27.1 - 57.6 - 430.9 40-50 - - - - - 5.8 - - 5.8
50-60 7.6 36.3 89.6 - 12.0 - 16.4 - 161.9 50-60 - - - - - 2.2 - - 2.2
60-70 4.6 4.9 1.7 - 3.2 - 4.7 - 19.1
> 60 - - - - - 0.1 - - -
> 70 5.5 0.1 - - - - 3.6 - 9.2
Total 215.5 4.9 - 257.7 - 749.3 95.5 5.7 1,328.6
Total 925.4 900.4 1,205.1 538.9 1,027.9 229.8 641.3 576.0 6,044.8

Glossary of terms
S. No. Technical Terms Definition S. No. Technical Terms Definition
A saturated geological formation which has good permeability to It is defined as the rate of flow through an aquifer of unit width and
1 AQUIFER total saturation depth under unit hydraulic gradient. It is equal to
supply sufficient quantity of water to a Tube well, well or spring. 29 TRANSMISSIBILITY
2 ARID CLIMATE Climate characterized by high evaporation and low precipitation. product of full saturation depth of aquifer and its coefficient of
3 ARTIFICIAL RECHARGE Addition of water to a groundwater reservoir by man-made activity permeability.
The sum total of all atmospheric or meteorological influences A water bearing formation having permeable overburden. The
4 CLIMATE principally temperature, moisture, wind, pressure and evaporation water table forms the upper boundary of the aquifer.
of a region. The zone below the land surface in which pore space contains both
A water bearing strata having confined impermeable overburden. In water and air.
5 CONFINED AQUIFER 32 WATER CONSERVATION Optimal use and proper storage of water.
this aquifer, water level represents the piezometric head.
Introduction of undesirable substance, normally not found in water, 33 WATER RESOURCES Availability of surface and ground water.
6 CONTAMINATION WATER RESOURCES Planned development, distribution and use of water resources.
which renders the water unfit for its intended use. 34
7 DRAWDOWN The drawdown is the depth by which water level is lowered. MANAGEMENT
8 FRESH WATER Water suitable for drinking purpose. Water table is the upper surface of the zone of saturation at
9 GROUND WATER Water found below the land surface. atmospheric pressure.
A hydro-geologic unit containing one large aquifer or several 36 ZONE OF SATURATION The ground in which all pores are completely filled with water.
10 GROUND WATER BASIN ELECTRICAL Flow of free ions in the water at 25C mu/cm.
connected and interrelated aquifers. 37
GROUNDWATER The natural infiltration of surface water into the ground. CONDUCTIVITY
11 A Vertical Projection showing sub-surface formations encountered in
12 HARD WATER The water which does not produce sufficient foam with soap. a specific plane.
HYDRAULIC A constant that serves as a measure of permeability of porous A structure showing all three dimensions i.e. length, width and
13 39 3-D PICTURE
CONDUCTIVITY medium. depth.
14 HYDROGEOLOGY The science related with the ground water. 40 GWD Ground Water Department
15 HUMID CLIMATE The area having high moisture content. 41 CGWB Central Ground Water Board
16 ISOHYET A line of equal amount of rainfall. 42 CGWA Central Ground Water Authority
17 METEOROLOGY Science of the atmosphere. 43 SWRPD State Water Resources Planning Department
18 PERCOLATION It is flow through a porous substance. 44 EU-SPP European Union State Partnership Programme
19 PERMEABILITY The property or capacity of a soil or rock for transmitting water. Details of drainage lines and physical features of land surface on a
Value of hydrogen-ion concentration in water. Used as an indicator map.
20 pH 46 GEOLOGY The science related with the Earth.
of acidity (pH < 7) or alkalinity (pH > 7).
21 PIEZOMETRIC HEAD Elevation to which water will rise in a piezometers. 47 GEOMORPHOLOGY The description and interpretation of land forms.
It is a natural or artificial process by which water is added from Monitoring of Ground Water level from the selected
22 RECHARGE 48 PRE MONSOON SURVEY DKW/Piezometer before Monsoon (carried out between 15th May
outside to the aquifer.
to 15th June)
Amount of water which can be extracted from groundwater without
23 SAFE YIELD Monitoring of Ground Water level from the selected
producing undesirable effect. POST-MONSOON
49 DKW/Piezometer after Monsoon (carried out between 15th
24 SALINITY Concentration of dissolved salts. SURVEY
October to 15th November)
An area is considered semiarid having annual rainfall between 10-20
25 SEMI-ARID A non-pumping small diameter bore hole used for monitoring of
inches. 50 PIEZOMETER
static water level.
SEMI-CONFINED Aquifer overlain and/or underlain by a relatively thin semi-pervious
26 GROUND WATER Change in static water level below ground level.
AQUIFER layer. 51
Quantity of water which is released by a formation after its
27 SPECIFIC YIELD 52 WATER TABLE The static water level found in unconfined aquifer.
complete saturation.
TOTAL DISSOLVED Total weight of dissolved mineral constituents in water per unit 53 DEPTH OF BED ROCK Hard & compact rock encountered below land Surface.
28 G.W. MONITORING Dug wells selected on grid basis for monitoring of state water level.
SOLIDS volume (or weight) of water in the sample. 54
(Contd…) 55 EOLIAN DEPOSITS Wind-blown sand deposits


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